#Vitamin label design
customlabeldesign · 3 months
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c-rowlesdraws · 9 months
while waiting for my iPad to charge so I can draw on it, I had a small adventure on twitter (oh, I’m sorry, I mean 𝕏) reading about this man with far too much money, “Zero” (a name many people call him, according to himself), who has taken it as his life’s mission to defeat mortality through obsessive exercise, diet, vitamin supplements, and penis injections:
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He is, of course, separating gullible nerds from their money by selling his own branded meal and exercise plans, diet foods (including something called “nutty pudding” that looks like a little cardboard cup of grainy, dark brown mud)… and extra virgin olive oil, the most specialist olive oil to ever be pressed, the KEY to immortality, with the blandest and most underwhelming label design imaginable:
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That looks like the branding on a ream of printer paper. It’s $37.50-per-bottle olive oil. Incredible. BUT—it’s sold as a TWO-bottle deal! $75 for two of them! The website has no option to just order one. But why wouldn’t you want two of them?? Don’t you want to #dontdie???
And of course. The punchline to all of this that isn’t the penis injections or the reveal that he’s recording his “max urination speed” and taking over one hundred pills per day. The kinds of people snapping up his rejuvenating, immortality-bestowing olive oil…
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of course it’s NFT bros.
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eyesteeth · 6 months
Details from The Mermaid's Tongue (Demo)
Spoilers for the entirety of the demo/the Mermaid's Tongue Prologue and Tangle Tower + theorizing on future plot points for the final game.
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So, right off the bat: 
Stonetop Inn: as in Selena Stonetop, mother of Felicia Fellow and grandmother of Freya Fellow, as indicated by the Tangle Tower family tree. The boat being named The Dearest Selena cinches it.
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The dragon-looking thing on the board is the Silversnake noted in the Children's Book (and Secret Research) in Tangle Tower. It is also present at the bottom of the family tree image.
The crab design on the table could be the Soulcrab... Or just a regular crab, lol
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Felicia... Stonetop? Not Fellow? Perhaps she took her father’s last name after some incident? Or perhaps her heritage as a Stonetop was ignored by the family in favor of her status as a Fellow? Or perhaps it’s a retcon? Who can say...
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Kristen Kale publishing… wonder if that’ll be relevant down the line.
This book also gives us some potential foreshadowing and a route for misdirection... but it being entered into evidence suggests that at least the author or publisher will be of some relevance.
I didn't take screenshots of it, but there's also an alliterative name outside the theatre on land, a W name. It's not any of the extended Fellow-Remington-Pointer family, but alliterative names have a tendency to come back... so maybe they'll be relevant to the full game, or perhaps a future one?
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Tangle Tower took some beats from The Goldbug by Poe, so is this perhaps a Great Gatsby-esque green light? More literary connections? Post-war cynicism and the death of the American dream? Opulence as a disguise for deeper issues? Could be fun.
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The likelihood of this being a cheeky All The Wrong Questions reference is a Big Zero, but "Silkwirm-on-Sea" is giving me "Stain’d-by-the-Sea" vibes by both the name and it being utterly dead.
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I’m going to assume this is a statue depicting one of the Ambassadors (my guess would be Lord Fellow) attempting to capture the Silversnake - or the Silkwirm Serpent, as it’s called here.
I'm convinced these creatures are one and the same despite the name difference. Boggy's real name is The Amphobi, after all. It could happen again.
Also look at the hanging sign in the top right. Hold that image in your mind for a second.
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Hm. Now doesn't that furnace and that glass of wine feel a little familiar... not to mention the shade of red...
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...who wants to bet an Ambassador had a hand in making this submarine?
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I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that’s the Seafoam crest hanging over the Stonetop crest. (That is the Stonetop crest at the bottom, by the way. If you click on the hanging sign over the inn before you get onto the submarine, it reveals this information.) Perhaps the complex web of interpersonal relationships didn’t end with the Pointer-Fellow-Remington family.
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And so the guessing game begins… Is The Captain’s Corpse Slumped Over The Panel In That Room
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Oh, hey! I recognize that lamp. Has Felix Fellow been down here on one of his many supposed adventures?
The Silversnake returns as a metal structure inside the ship! This is starting to remind me of the constant egg motifs around Tangle Tower... and strengthening my theory that one of the Ambassadors made this ship. This is quite a prominent bit of Mystid decor, and Sally even suggests that it might be load-bearing.
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The bottle of tablets having a sun on them leads me to think they’re Vitamin D tablets or the like. Not getting enough sun can really mess the body up, and being deep underwater would leave someone with no access to it. Therefore, these are likely vitamin supplements. The other side of the label having an onion, however… no clue. A mystery for the full game!
Likewise, the moon vial could be a sleeping drought. It’s hard to keep up with your sleep cycle if it’s always dark, after all.
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POSTER PLAGIARISM!! Though, it's not like you're going to get called out for it twenty leagues under the sea... My guess is whoever refurbished this room into a theatre really likes the shows topside. But a witch girl seeing the ferryman while in the cauldron herself carries a different tone than a mysterious doppelgänger.
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Both the “The Stargazing Girl” text and the footprints have bled through slightly to the other side of the cloth, so they must have been applied similarly (to some degree) - but the circle seems like it was always there. This is definitely part of a larger puzzle, so there's not much to say now.
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Claw marks inside the cauldron… like the claw marks in the Tangle Tower aquarium, perhaps? And the gear marking on top… perhaps that’s how it was unlocked?
I also must say - I disagree with Grimoire's belief that the cauldron entity did the murder. The scratches inside the cauldron, with a single exception, are in groups of three. Magnus was specifically killed with a single slash across the throat. The creature in question would have left at least two slashes.
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And so, the final analysis of this post. Grimoire suggests a supernatural entity responsible for the murder. Magnus' feet were right up by the cauldron. He fell onto his back. He left a puddle of blood on the ground. There's even a suspiciously placed hole in the wall! This is so, so similar to Freya's death. And, were it done like hers, I'd say that a long blade, like a spear, was thrust through the hole and slashed Magnus in the throat, at which point he fell backwards.
Except, I don't think that's what happened. Look at the bloodstain. Look at how it's pooling towards the cauldron. I don't think the submarine was horizontal when this murder happened. I think there was an initial impact, the main circular stain, and then the ship moved 90 degrees, resulting in the "second circle" of the stain dripping the way it does.
But, this is just theorizing from the little bits we have so far. What's done here so far is phenomenal and I can't wait to see how it goes. Will we meet the mysterious bug-post-sender? Will Penelope return? Will there be two murders on this submarine?? We'll see in 2024!!
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todaysdocument · 1 year
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Label for Chocolate Flavored Ovaltine, certificate of registration dated 12/28/1937. 
“Untouched by hand”!
Record Group 241: Records of the Patent and Trademark Office
Series: Case Files for Registered Product Labels
[Left section of label] UNTOUCHED BY HAND 
OVALTINE for many years has been highly recommended by physicians throughout the world as a building, and restorative food; as a means of inducing calm, natural sleep without the use of drugs; for growing children particularly those under par, underweight and nervous; for expectant and nursing mothers to maintain their strength and promote the flow of milk; as a sustaining food for elderly people and convalescents. Used widely in place of coffee and tea as a daily beverage. 
CHOCOLATE FLAVORED OVALTINE appeals especially to children and all who like a sweeter chocolate flavor. Those who rebel against drinking plain milk find a new delight in delicious Chocolate Flavored Ovaltine 
[Center panel of label] CHOCOLATE FLAVORED 
CHOCOLATE FLAVORED OVALTINE contains the highly nutritious ingredients of OVALTINE blended with sucrose and high quality cocoa. Its rich chocolate flavor is especially designed for those who prefer OVALTINE with a sweeter chocolate taste. 
READY TO SERVE CHOCOLATE FLAVORED OVALTINE comes to you sweetened and ready to serve when added to milk. 
A PROTECTIVE FOOD CHOCOLATE FLAVORED OVALTINE supplies valuable protective food elements. In addition to quickly available carbohydrates, proteins and fats, it contains the accessory food factors, vitamins A, B. D and G, as well as calcium, iron, phosphorus and other essential minerals. NET WEIGHT SMALL SIZE 9 OZS. 
[right side of label] REPLACE LID AFTER USING --- KEEP DRY 
TO SERVE COLD Use three of more heaping teaspoons of CHOCOLATE FLAVORED OVALTINE to one glass of ice cold milk (a few chips of ice may be added if desired). Shake up in a shaker. 
TO SERVE HOT Stir three heaping teaspoons of CHOCOLATE FLAVORED OVALTINE into a cup or glass of hot (not boiled) milk. 
NOTE: If Evaporated Milk is used, take one part of it to two parts of water for HOT CHOCOLATE FLAVORED OVALTINE For COLD CHOCOLATE FLAVORED OVALTINE take one part of it to one part of water and shake vigorously with cracked ice. 
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the--helen · 10 months
âťťSome days I want my demons to win.âťž
Where: Antique shop With: @antiquecritique
Helen had been feeling strange in the past few weeks. She caught her mind often wandering to monster and magic and fairies... something it had not done since before high school, playing in the backyard and building castles out of branches, running the chickens in to be her playmates. She gave this to the books she had read at the library, speaking of monsters and witches and others. She gave it to the fact that now the usually foggy mind had been clear for two weeks while Alexander had been out of town, looking for a friend of his to help him out in their predicament. It allowed her to think more and to wander more and to speak to people and somehow she almost felt like she could fly.
But then he'd come back and been angry at her for not calling often enough to check on him, it meant perhaps she did not love him like he did her. But she had been so excited to wander outside of four walls, to breath in fresh air daily and feel sun on her skin, that she had forgotten all else. She had almost also forgotten the explanation of him. The revelation of him and his nature. She had been nervous when he had come home, expecting to be put back in stupor. But just a bruise on her cheek and new marks on her neck, she now was in possession of a beautiful bracelet. Or so she had thought for the first three days before she had found herself in strange moods and needing to be hugged and kissed far more often that she usually enjoyed. Her first thought had been that there was success and she had managed to get pregnant and her dark-haired beloved would be content with her at last and they would have an idyllic nine months where he would only caress her and sooth her hair, no bites on her neck or shoulders, no bruises on her tights.
But the doctor at the hospital had said no. No she wasn't pregnant and her hormones were good. But she still like a cat in the need of sunlight, where the sunlight was a touch and the lips of her husband. Maybe she had finally felt relaxed enough to show her love, which she always told herself was there, just panicked and timid. But as she lay next to him, their skin equal shades of silver under the moon light coming from the window, her mind had wandered whether this place had something to do with it. He had been looking at her, fingers and lips trailing on her and she had been extatic again, but also tired and in need of an explanation.
And then she had went to the library again and buried her head in the magical shelves, wondering if perhaps if he were what he was despite not being able to speak or even think of the word yet there may be other explanation for things around her as well. And she had read a few strange pages, more browsing and words not sinking or her brain refusing to accept them. She had walked out with a frown, sun creeping down and heading to the coffee shop to get two black coffees so that Alexander may sit down with her while she ate cereal and drank vitamins she had bought. Her gaze was travelling through the street and the signs on the shops over her head, her stomach twisting in on itself from hunger for food and...
She caressed the glass of a window as she read the label on it and then looked down at the bracelet on her too thin wrist. She walked in, her mind not registering the closed sign and looked around with wide eyes. "Hello?" she called out, reaching out to caress the porcelain of a beautiful... vase perhaps. With intricate designs drawn on it, it made her thing of crochets and homemade meals put in china with scattered flowers on it.
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setagaya-division · 10 months
Elliot’s birthday is upon us! And unsurprisingly, the young man had many gifts from different people arriving at his door in various packages and letters. Of which, a small package with a returning address from Toyama.
Inside the box was packed with many flower pots in the shape of different animals - A frog, cat, dog, and panda respectively. Each one had a cloth tongue that would unravel to create a cute, if not goofy mechanism to soak up water on its own without the need of watering the plants. None of the pots contained any plants, but a bag of soil and two bags of seeds labeled “wheatgrass” and “cat grass” were included in the gift box.
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Together with this gift, a letter neatly written was found inside:
Hope you’re having a good birthday, kiddo! Remember our last discussion on houseplants? I figured that as a gift, I could give a few tools for you to get started. The pots were actually my niece’s favorites. The problem is, I couldn’t pick one animal to get you so I just got a couple for you to pick out.
The seeds I picked out are simple grasses, safe for most animals. I do have to warn against letting your little cat friend from eating the straight wheatgrass since large amounts can lead to gastric disorders, so maybe keep that away. But generally, grasses are a great help in giving animals some necessary vitamins and aid in digestion. It can help you look for any stomach issues too, since animals tend to eat a lot of grass when something is wrong.
If you’re curious about what else you can fill the other pots with, I can definitely help with that! I would have gone down to the Tokyo area myself to give this gift, but I’m stuck in Okinawa still for business. I hope that this package got to you safely! Enjoy your day!
- Kensaku Morimoto
Looking at the little potted figures, Elliot smiled at them; particularly, the green frog one since it reminded him of Kensaku-sensei. He made a note to make sure to check on these every day, along with the flowers that his acquaintance, Max, had given him. He was truly grateful to Kensaku-sensei. Knowing the medicinal effects for plants and their effects on animals was really note-worthy. It was partially for that reason that he began studying up under the Toyama researcher. He made a note to ask Kensaku-sensei what other herbs he could use for the pots. Placing them somewhere close next to Max's flowers, the bespectacled-nerd again smiled at the designs on them.
"I'm gonna have to come up names for all for of you," he said to himself, giving them one last smile before leaving the room.
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heatherhpogson · 5 months
Week 2: Good Omens "The Nanny and the Gardener"
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One of my favorite things about the Good Omens TV series is the costume designs. There's so many different looks just for Crowley, and after watching the entire series, Crowley as a nanny is iconic in my eyes. Not only that, but Aziraphale's gardener look was so shocking I had to do multiple looks to understand that it was indeed Micheal Sheen playing as Brother Francis. I love the talent of this show.
As I was making this piece, I tried to capture the look of each character as best I could. I don't think it looks like them, but that's my opinion as the artist. I'm naturally blinded to my own accomplishments, and all I see are mistakes. I don't think that's a bad thing. It helps me improve, I think!
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To prep for this piece, I re-watched the scenes I wanted to emulate. Now, I haven't read the books....sorry~! I know! There's no excuse, but I'm a mama of two little cubs who barely give me the time to do art! In any case, I tried to "study" the costumes and get ideas as to how I was going to approach this piece. Using my iPad, I took visual notes and tried to figure out how to get a certain effect.
With Crowley's nanny look, I noticed that you could still see the eyes through the sunglasses. It is an effect that I appreciate more than once throughout the show.
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When I was drawing Aziraphale, my cubs kept making fun of me... saying he looked a little creepy or not like him at all. I hope the finished look more resembles him. Haha.
The time I took to finish this piece was significantly shorter. I had become more aware of the art program, but I still had a few hiccups. The sun, for example, kept hindering my process, but because it had been days since my last dose of vitamin D, I kept my blinds open.
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Then, there were accidental shortcut keys pressed. I had nearly had a panic attack when I turned on a thing called "wrap around mode" when trying to label a layer. Luckily, someone else had the same problem on the interwebs. I was able to figure out how to fix it.
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Overall, it was a learning process. The background is subtle, but it's supposed to be the tree from the garden of Eden. It was going to be colorful, but I later changed it because I felt it was distracting. Maybe I should've kept it like it was, but I'm still happy with my end result.
I'm still feeling optimistic about this silly 52-week challenge. I don't know what to expect except that I hope my art improves. I'm curious about what I'll finish the year with! I hope you enjoyed this week's progress report! I'll see you next week! Bonne journée!
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cnsmedspa · 9 months
Age-Defying Beauty: Skin Tightening Solutions for Every Skin Type
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Skin tightening is a universal desire that transcends age, gender, and skin type. As we age, our skin inevitably loses some of its youthful elasticity, leading to sagging, wrinkles, and fine lines. However, the good news is that there are skin tightening solutions available to address the unique needs of every skin type. Whether you have dry, oily, sensitive, or combination skin, understanding the right approach is key to achieving the firmer and more youthful appearance you desire.
Dry Skin: Hydration and Nourishment
Individuals with dry skin often experience more pronounced signs of aging due to the skin's reduced ability to retain moisture. To tighten and rejuvenate dry skin:
Rich Moisturizers: Choose moisturizers with hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and ceramides. These ingredients help lock in moisture and improve skin texture.
Nourishing Oils: Incorporate facial oils, such as argan oil or jojoba oil, into your skincare routine to replenish lost moisture and promote skin elasticity.
Collagen-Boosting Serums: Look for serums containing collagen-boosting ingredients like vitamin C, peptides, and retinol to enhance skin firmness.
Oily Skin: Balancing and Tightening
Oily skin can still experience sagging and loss of firmness. The key is to balance excess oil production while tightening the skin:
Oil-Free Moisturizers: Opt for lightweight, oil-free moisturizers to provide hydration without exacerbating oiliness.
Salicylic Acid: Incorporate products with salicylic acid to help control excess oil and improve skin texture.
Non-Comedogenic Products: Choose skincare products labeled as non-comedogenic to prevent clogged pores while addressing skin tightening concerns.
Sensitive Skin: Gentle Approaches
Sensitive skin requires extra care and gentle solutions to avoid irritation while achieving skin tightening:
Fragrance-Free Products: Use fragrance-free, hypoallergenic skincare products to reduce the risk of irritation.
Mild Exfoliation: Opt for gentle exfoliation methods, like enzyme masks or lactic acid, to promote skin renewal without causing redness.
Patch Testing: Before incorporating new products, patch test them to ensure they don't trigger adverse reactions.
Combination Skin: Targeted Care
Combination skin requires a balanced approach, addressing both oily and dry areas, to achieve skin tightening:
Zone-Specific Products: Use different products for the oily and dry areas of your face. For example, apply a lighter moisturizer on the oily zones and a richer one on the dry zones.
Spot Treatments: Target specific areas with skin tightening serums or treatments, focusing on the regions that need the most attention.
Balancing Masks: Consider using masks designed to balance combination skin, which often combines clay and hydrating ingredients.
Normal Skin: Maintenance and Prevention
While normal skin types may not have extreme concerns, maintaining skin elasticity is essential for long-term skin health:
Preventive Care: Implement a preventative approach by using sunscreen daily to protect against UV damage, which accelerates skin aging.
Collagen-Boosting Ingredients: Use products containing collagen-boosting ingredients like vitamin A, vitamin C, and peptides to maintain skin firmness.
Regular Skincare Routine: Stick to a consistent skincare routine that includes cleansing, moisturizing, and using targeted treatments for your specific skin tightening needs.
Mature Skin: Advanced Treatments
Mature skin often requires more advanced skin tightening solutions to address deeper wrinkles and sagging:
Retinoids: Incorporate prescription-strength retinoids or retinol products to stimulate collagen production and improve skin texture.
Professional Treatments: Consider non-invasive treatments like radiofrequency therapy or ultrasound therapy, which can provide noticeable skin tightening results.
Consult with Professionals: Schedule consultations with dermatologists or skincare experts to explore customized solutions, such as chemical peels or microdermabrasion.
Achieving skin tightening for every skin type is not only possible but essential for maintaining a youthful appearance and promoting skin health. By tailoring your skincare routine to your specific skin type and concerns, you can effectively address sagging, wrinkles, and loss of firmness. Remember that consistency and patience are key to achieving and maintaining skin tightening results. Consulting with skincare professionals can also provide valuable insights and guidance on the most suitable treatments for your unique skin type. Whether your skin is dry, oily, sensitive, combination, normal, or mature, there are solutions available to help you achieve the firm and radiant skin you desire.
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customlabeldesign · 2 months
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Order Now and get Highly Professional Packaging/Label Design for your own Product! If you have any questions, Please feel free to inbox me at any time! Thank you
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Regards #Designn_prof
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farhankhan12 · 11 months
Unlock Your Fitness Goals: Exploring the Power of Slimming Capsules for Women
In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be challenging, especially for women juggling multiple responsibilities. The desire to achieve and maintain a fit and toned physique is a common goal for many women. While regular exercise and a balanced diet are essential, there are additional tools available to support women in their fitness journeys. Fitness slimming capsules for women have gained popularity as a potential aid in weight management and achieving fitness goals. In this article, we will delve into the power of slimming capsules for women and explore their benefits and considerations. 
At Couplehealthcare, we understand the importance of women's health and well-being, offering a range of slimming capsules designed specifically to assist women in their pursuit of a healthier lifestyle.
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Understanding Slimming Capsules 
1.1 What are Slimming Capsules?
Slimming capsules, also known as weight loss supplements, are dietary supplements formulated to assist in weight management and promote fat loss. These capsules typically contain a combination of natural ingredients that work synergistically to support various aspects of weight management.
1.2 How Do Slimming Capsules Work?
Slimming capsules work through different mechanisms. Some capsules help boost metabolism, allowing the body to burn more calories efficiently. Others may suppress appetite, reducing cravings and overeating. Some slimming capsules may also inhibit the absorption of dietary fats, thereby reducing calorie intake.
1.3 Ingredients in Slimming Capsules
The ingredients in slimming capsules can vary depending on the product. Common ingredients include green tea extract, caffeine, garcinia cambogia, forskolin, and various vitamins and minerals. These ingredients are carefully selected for their potential benefits in weight management.
1.4 Safety and Regulations
It's essential to choose slimming capsules from reputable manufacturers who adhere to strict quality and safety standards. Look for products that have been tested and approved by regulatory authorities. It's also crucial to follow the recommended dosage and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary supplement.
The Benefits of Slimming Capsules for Women 
2.1 Weight Management and Fat Loss
Slimming capsules can support weight management efforts by boosting metabolism and promoting fat burning. When combined with exercise and a balanced diet, these capsules can help women achieve their weight loss goals more effectively. You can buy slimming capsules from the Couplehealthcare website.
2.2 Increased Energy and Metabolism
Many slimming capsules contain ingredients like caffeine and green tea extract, which can increase energy levels and enhance metabolism. This can provide women with the energy they need to stay active and engage in regular exercise routines.
2.3 Appetite Suppression
One of the challenges in weight management is controlling appetite and cravings. Slimming capsules often include appetite-suppressing ingredients that can help reduce the desire to overeat, making it easier to stick to a calorie-controlled diet.
2.4 Mood and Mental Well-being
Weight loss journeys can be emotionally challenging. Some slimming capsules contain ingredients that support mood and mental well-being, helping women stay motivated and focused on their goals.
2.5 Hormonal Balance
Hormonal imbalances can affect weight management in women. Certain slimming capsules are formulated to help regulate hormones, such as cortisol and insulin, which can influence fat storage and metabolism.
Choosing the Right Slimming Capsules 
3.1 Assessing Individual Needs and Goals
Before selecting a slimming capsule, it's crucial to assess individual needs and weight loss goals. Consider factors such as current weight, body composition, overall health, and any pre-existing conditions.
3.2 Reading Labels and Understanding Product Claims
Carefully read the labels of slimming capsules and understand the product claims. Look for scientific evidence or clinical studies supporting the effectiveness of the ingredients. Avoid products that make exaggerated claims without substantial evidence.
3.3 Researching Product Reputation and Customer Reviews
Do thorough research on the reputation of the brand and the specific slimming capsule you're considering. Read customer reviews and testimonials to get insights into other users' experiences with the product.
3.4 Consulting with Healthcare Professionals
Consult with a healthcare professional, such as a registered dietitian or a physician, before incorporating slimming capsules into your routine. They can provide personalized advice and ensure the product is safe and suitable for you.
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Incorporating Slimming Capsules into Your Fitness Routine 
4.1 Pairing Slimming Capsules with Exercise
Slimming capsules can complement an exercise routine by providing energy and enhancing fat burning. Combine the capsules with a well-rounded exercise program that includes cardiovascular exercises and strength training for optimal results.
4.2 Combining Slimming Capsules with a Balanced Diet
Remember that slimming capsules are not a substitute for a healthy diet. Pair the capsules with a balanced, nutrient-dense eating plan that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats.
4.3 Establishing Realistic Expectations
While slimming capsules can support weight loss efforts, it's important to set realistic expectations. Healthy and sustainable weight loss is typically around 1-2 pounds per week. Avoid falling into the trap of quick-fix solutions or unrealistic promises.
4.4 Monitoring Progress and Adjusting Dosage
Regularly monitor your progress and adjust the dosage of slimming capsules as necessary. Pay attention to any changes in weight, body measurements, energy levels, and overall well-being. If needed, consult with a healthcare professional for guidance.
Precautions and Considerations 
5.1 Potential Side Effects
Although slimming capsules are generally safe, some individuals may experience side effects. These can include gastrointestinal discomfort, increased heart rate, jitteriness, or allergic reactions. If any adverse effects occur, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.
5.2 Allergies and Sensitivities
Check the ingredient list of slimming capsules for any known allergies or sensitivities. If you have a history of allergies, carefully review the composition to ensure there are no potential triggers.
5.3 Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid slimming capsules, as their safety during these periods is not well-established. Focus on maintaining a healthy diet and engaging in appropriate exercises under the guidance of a healthcare professional.
5.4 Interactions with Medications
If you are taking any medications, including prescription drugs or over-the-counter supplements, consult with a healthcare professional before starting slimming capsules. Some ingredients may interact with certain medications, affecting their efficacy or causing adverse effects.
5.5 Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle
Remember that slimming capsules are just one part of a comprehensive approach to weight management. It's important to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity, a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and stress management.
In conclusion, fitness slimming capsules for women can be a valuable tool for looking to unlock their goals and achieve a healthier lifestyle. When used in conjunction with regular exercise and a balanced diet, these capsules can enhance weight management efforts, boost energy levels, suppress appetite, improve mood, and support hormonal balance. However, it is crucial to choose high-quality products, conduct thorough research, and consult with healthcare professionals before incorporating slimming capsules into your fitness routine. At Couplehealthcare, we are committed to providing safe and effective slimming capsules tailored to women's specific needs. Remember, achieving your fitness goals is a journey, and taking small, sustainable steps is key to long-term success.
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drlorigore-green · 1 year
A Guide to Prenatal Vitamins
A Guide to Prenatal Vitamins https://ift.tt/c653Sun It takes extra care to protect the health and well-being of both mother and baby throughout pregnancy, which is a fascinating adventure. Prenatal care plays a crucial role during this period, and a critical aspect of prenatal care is the use of prenatal vitamins.   What Are Prenatal Vitamins? Prenatal vitamins are specially formulated supplements that provide essential nutrients to support the nutritional needs of pregnant women. These supplements are designed to compensate for the increased demand for specific vitamins and minerals during pregnancy, which may be difficult to meet through diet alone. Prenatal vitamins are typically recommended to women before conception and throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding. Essential Nutrients in Prenatal Vitamins Folic Acid (Folate): Folic acid is a B vitamin critical for developing the baby’s neural tube, which forms the brain and spinal cord. Adequate folic acid intake in the early stages of pregnancy helps prevent neural tube defects. The recommended daily folic acid for pregnant women is 600-800 micrograms. Iron: Iron produces red blood cells and delivers oxygen to the developing baby. Pregnant women often require additional iron to meet the increased blood volume and to prevent iron deficiency anemia. Prenatal vitamins typically contain around 27 milligrams of iron. Calcium: Calcium is vital for developing the baby’s bones, teeth, muscles, and nerves. It also supports the mother’s bone health during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Prenatal vitamins usually contain 200-300 milligrams of calcium. Vitamin D: Vitamin D aids calcium absorption, promoting bone health for both the mother and baby. It also aids in immune function. Prenatal vitamins generally contain 400-1000 International Units (IU) of vitamin D. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are crucial for developing the baby’s brain and eyes. They also support the mother’s brain function. Prenatal vitamins may include around 200-300 milligrams of DHA. Choosing the Right Prenatal Vitamin It is essential to select a prenatal vitamin that meets your specific needs. Here are a few factors to consider: Consult your healthcare provider: Your healthcare provider is a source of information regarding choosing prenatal vitamins. Recommendations are made based on medical history and pre-existing conditions. Read labels carefully: Check the label for the amounts of critical nutrients, such as folic acid, iron, calcium, and vitamin D. Ensure that the vitamin meets the recommended daily requirements for pregnant women. Consider additional supplements: In some cases, your healthcare provider may recommend additional supplements, such as omega-3 fatty acids or vitamin B12, depending on your dietary intake and specific needs. Quality and safety: Look for prenatal vitamins from reputable brands that adhere to strict quality standards. Ensure that the product is approved and tested for safety. Remember that prenatal vitamins are intended to supplement a healthy and balanced diet, not replace it. A well-rounded diet of nutrient-dense foods is still essential for a healthy pregnancy. Potential Side Effects and Precautions While prenatal vitamins are generally safe for most women, they may cause mild side effects such as nausea, constipation, or an upset stomach. If you experience severe discomfort or have concerns, consult your healthcare provider.   via Dr. Lori Gore-Green | Women's Health Professional https://ift.tt/RDyU8qC June 09, 2023 at 01:41PM
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styleofdiamandis · 1 year
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                   PHOTOSHOOT: LOVE + FEAR ALBUM
Marina teamed up with world-renowned photographer Zoey Grossman for the visuals of her fourth studio album titled "Love + Fear" back in October 2018. Serving a clean aesthetic, this album is all about Marina's mentality and feelings. The good and the bad sides. The light and the dark. And this shoot represents it well.
Styling by Mercedes Natalia. Hair by Marissa Marino, glam by Katelin Gan.
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For her hauntingly beautiful album cover, Marina wears nothing but a pair of the  statement-making Gemma crystal cascade earrings by accessoriy designer Rebecca Minkoff.
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For the second look of the photoshoot's black & white section, Marina sported the Amelie polka-dot ruffle trim bardot top by California-based swimwear label Vitamin A! She wore it with a pair of skinny jeans with raw hem by Levi’s.
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Many of these photos made it into various magazines. This one made it into Vogue Greece! She’s looking fine in a Ganni ivory knitted sweater featuring 3/4 sleeves and a ribbed mock neck. Her Dusk belted bikini bottoms are by Australian label Peony, which you’ll see more of later.
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She decorated her sweater with a Chanel pearl-embellished double C logo brooch!
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In this shot Marina is serving us face while wearing yet another piece from Peony. This is their frill-trimmed crop top made from recycled and sustainable Italian fabric. It features thick shoulder straps and a shirred back.
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Her “You Are Beautiful” pink felt beret is fruit of the collaboration between UK designer Mary Benson and television and radio presenter Gemma Cairney.
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The amount of swimwear we’ll see in this shoot is amazing. For these visuals, which were used for the “Superstar” single cover, M sits in the pool rocking a black swimsuit with asymmetrically draped shoulder from “loose luxury” label Baja East’s Spring/Summer 2017 collection.
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We’re getting into some color now. Here, the Welsh beauty poses in a white cropped tie-waist shirt which she wore on top of a Solid & Striped neon-green one-piece swimsuit with open back.
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Her Cupido vintage-inspired gold-tone brass heart earrings are signed by Reliquia. Make sure to shop their stunning jewelry right here.
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My favorite look from the entire shoot has to be this one! The lavender ribbed one-piece scoop neck swimsuit, our girl looks so good in, is by Topshop! But it’s the accessories that made it for me.
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Firstly, Marina rocked a DiorClub1 visor from Dior’s Spring/Summer 2018 collection. The white & black structure is embellished by the "J'Adior" signature, while the transparent yellow visor recalls the colorful universe of the collection. The "Christian Dior" woven elastic is adjustable to offer maximum comfort.
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Her shoulder-gracing teardrop earrings in gold & silver are by emerging jewelry brand TUZA.
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The last accessory is this vintage Celine gold chain-link belt with Triomphe logo charm.
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In this close-up shot, M wears a pair of vintage-inspired twisted gold hoops from Free People.
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For the penultimate look (an outtake, actually!) Marina can be seen repping this Tory Burch Gemini black one-piece swimsuit with gold link shoulder detail.
So luxe lookin’!
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Our very last maillot comes from Marysia! This is their Santa Barbara one-piece swimsuit in black ($325.00). It features a one-shoulder silhouette and a super fun scalloping detail all over. Grab it below while you can!
Marysia “Santa Barbara” Maillot ($325.00)
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Finally, her hammered gold-tone drop earrings are from New Look. Unfortunately, they’re not available anymore.
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auspices-sprites · 2 years
dirk hc anon here: show the cursed dirk hcs
alright okay.
idk why but for some reason i see the striders as scots-irish and dirk especially? something something disaspora something something fisherfolk something something my headcanons.
dog tags. i think that he's got a set of dog tags with his name on them and he treasures them dearly
man's littered with scars. largely from being clumsy as he was growing into himself. also points @ him. I'm Like That.
his whole appearance is a mess and he likes it that way. like. i do think that living entirely off four hundred years old vitamin c tablets and fish changes a man.
this isn't cursed but i do think dirk is transmasc bigender and the two genders are highblood woman and human man, which makes labeling himself uh. difficult. as far as anyone cares he's just some guy.
feel free to ask me about my headcanons for literally any character ever btw. i can't create a design without really thinking about the details. these aren't that cursed.
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looksforleaders · 5 hours
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 🇬🇪🔹️NWT Miamica Cherry Raffia Pill Organizer Travel Case.
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herbalimmuntybooster · 12 hours
Cipzer Kids Capsules: Boost Immunity & Brain Growth
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A Comprehensive Nutritional Solution
Cipzer Kids Advanced Food Capsule is a nutritional supplement designed to support children's health and well-being. It provides essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients important for healthy growth and development. The capsule form makes it easy for children to take, ensuring they get their daily dose of essential nutrients without any fuss. This innovative supplement boosts immunity and enhances cognitive function, giving children the best start in life.
Key Ingredients and Their Benefits
Manjeeth (Rubia cordifolia):
Benefits: Known for its blood-purifying properties, Manjeeth helps detoxify the body, improving overall immunity and promoting healthy skin.
Lal Chandan (Pterocarpus santalinus):
Benefits: Lal Chandan, or Red Sandalwood, is celebrated for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It reduces inflammation and protects the body from oxidative stress, enhancing immunity.
Haldi (Curcuma longa):
Benefits: Commonly known as turmeric, Haldi is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. It supports brain health, improves digestion, and boosts the immune system.
Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum):
Benefits: Tulsi, or Holy Basil, is revered in Ayurveda for its medicinal properties. It strengthens the immune system, reduces stress, and improves respiratory health.
Neem (Azadirachta indica):
Benefits: Neem is known for its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. It helps maintain healthy skin, improve digestion, and boost overall immunity.
Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia):
Benefits: Giloy is an excellent immunity booster. It enhances the body’s defense mechanism, helps fight infections, and supports overall health.
Boosting Immunity: Cipzer Kids Advanced Food Capsule boosts the immune system, helping children fight off infections and stay healthy.
Enhancing Cognitive Function
"In addition to boosting immunity, Cipzer Kids Advanced Food Capsule also supports cognitive function and brain development. The essential vitamins and minerals in the capsules enhance memory, concentration, and overall brain function. Ingredients like Haldi and Tulsi protect brain cells from damage and improve cognitive performance."
Supporting Healthy Growth
Proper nutrition is important for the healthy growth and development of children. Cipzer Kids Advanced Food Capsule provides a balanced blend of nutrients that support physical growth and development. Regular intake ensures that children grow up healthy and strong, meeting their developmental milestones.
Promoting Healthy Digestion
Cipzer Kids Advanced Food Capsule contains Neem and Giloy, promoting healthy digestion in children.
Providing Sustained Energy
Cipzer Kids Advanced Food Capsule contains Neem and Giloy, promoting healthy digestion in children and providing sustained energy throughout the day. The rich blend of nutrients helps maintain optimal energy levels, keeping children active, alert, and energetic.
Cipzer Kids Advanced Food Capsule is a complete nutritional solution for growing children. It contains essential vitamins, minerals, and natural ingredients to boost immunity, enhance cognitive function, support healthy growth, improve digestion, and provide sustained energy. Currently priced at a discounted rate of â‚ą2,691.00, with an extra 7% off on prepaid orders. Add it to your cart today to invest in your child's health.
Directions For Use: Take 1 – 2 capsules twice daily after meals or as directed by the physician.
Safety Information:
Read the label carefully before use.
Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.
Keep out of reach of the children.
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webotixae · 1 day
Techniques for Youthful Glow And Combat Wrinkles (2024)
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1. Drink Your Wrinkles Away!
Forget young forever; think hydrated forever! You know how a raisin is just a grape that forgot to drink its water? Well, let’s grape-ify our lives, folks. Hydration is skin gold. Drinking at least eight glasses a day is like feeding your skin a delicious, age-defying potion that not even fairy tales can concoct. Consider infusing your water with lemons, cucumbers, or trendy herbs like mint to make it more exciting. Cheers to gulping wrinkles down the drain!
2. Laughter as Therapy
Believe it or not, laughter is the best (non-invasive) facelift you can give yourself. When you laugh, you release endorphins, which combat stress — a major wrinkle perpetrator. So, binge-watch comedies, subscribe to dad joke Twitter accounts, or attend that stand-up show. Besides, laugh lines are totally charming; they’re like little parenthesis framing your face, saying, “This person has an excellent sense of humor!” Let’s face it, wrinkle-free doesn’t mean laugh-less!!
3. Vitamin C to the Rescue!
Vitamin C serum is like the robin hood of skincare; it steals the damage caused by free radicals and gives it back to your skin in the form of beautiful radiance. Slather on some vitamin C serum every morning, and watch as your skin begins to glow with the fervor of a thousand fireflies. Pro-tip: Get yourself a topical vitamin C product labeled “ascorbic acid” for maximum efficacy. Citrus is your way to complexion perfection!
4. Chemical Peels
Chemical peels involve the application of a chemical solution to the skin, which exfoliates the outer layers and stimulates the production of new skin cells. This process helps improve skin texture, reduce fine lines, and even out skin tone. There are different types of chemical peels, ranging from superficial to deep peels, and the choice of peel depends on the specific concerns and skin type of the individual.
5. Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers are injectable products designed to restore volume, smooth lines, and enhance contours in the face. These fillers are commonly made of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the skin that helps maintain hydration and suppleness. When injected into areas with wrinkles or volume loss, dermal fillers can add structure and fullness to the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and folds.
6. Sleep Like a Pro
Consider this a direct directive from Beauty on High: get your sleep! Your skin repairs itself during sleep, so skimping on those vital Z’s is basically inviting Mr. Wrinkle for a sleepover. Aim for 7–9 hours nightly and make it quality sleep. Invest in silk pillowcases (they minimize friction, aka wrinkle-causing pressure), and keep your bedroom a serene, restful haven. If sheep-counting fails, try hypnotizing yourself by imagining the crow’s feet dissolving from your face.
7. Don’t Forget the SPF!
You wouldn’t play a video game without saving your progress; don’t live life without saving your skin! SPF is your save button. Ultraviolet rays are the insidious little scoundrels that speed up the aging process by breaking down collagen. Layer on broad-spectrum SPF 30 (at the very least) each day, rain or shine. And don’t think of it as a chore — imagine you’re an adorable vampire avoiding sunburns and turning into glitter like in a bad YA novel.
8. The Power of Green Tea
If you’re not a fan of green tea yet, become one. Green tea is rich in antioxidants, particularly one called EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate, if you love tongue twisters). This wonder-molecule helps renew skin and cells, fighting damage and prolonging that youthful glow. Sip on a daily green tea, or for a combo attack, apply chilled green tea bags to your eyes to depuff and refresh. Think of it as a spa day but cheaper and with better snacks.
7. The Fountain of Youth in Sweat Form
You thought the fountain of youth was some magical water source deep in a forest? Nay! It’s your local gym or even your own living room. Regular exercise boosts circulation and immunity, bringing more oxygen and nutrients to your skin. Plus, it’s a natural stress-buster. Whether it’s yoga, jogging, or aggressively swiping your credit card (retail therapy counts, right? ), get moving. The youthful glow will follow.
8. Essential Oils to the Rescue
Essential oils are like the Swiss Army knives of the skincare world. There’s one for almost everything! For wrinkles, look no further than rosehip seed oil, jojoba oil, and even a light touch of frankincense oil. These oils are packed with vitamins and fatty acids that hydrate and rejuvenate skin. Just remember, a little goes a long way — no one wants to look like they’ve had a stressful life.
Tired of those wrinkles giving away too many of your secrets? Maybe it’s time to try some non-cosmetic procedures, like chemical peels and dermal fillers. Just promise me you'll go to the best aesthetic gurus in Dubai at Kotobuki Clinic. We're not bragging... okay, we are—Number 1 Aesthetic Clinic! Let us handle your beauty concerns so you can focus on staying fabulous.
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