amtrak12 · 2 years
No one.
Absolutely no one.
My spouse: You know Maze and Eve are the only age-appropriate ship in this entire show.
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dyketubbo · 5 months
i remember seeing someone call tubbo a fully grown adult at 19 (obvs before he turned 20) and i gotta say. i think maybe some people have a really skewed idea of what constitutes as "fully grown". and also what constitutes as properly mature. thinking that at 18/19 (or hell even at 20/21) people are now fully grown and mature is insane to me like yall thats how you get people thinking their life is over at like 23 and that 30 year olds are senior citizens 😭😭 be fr
#this is a problem no matter where you look but i think a lot of ppl in the mcyt fandom esp seem to think once youre-#-considered an adult at all that it automatically means youre fully grown and mature and thats just nooottt really true for most ppl#which i think can lead people down to sort of dangerous paths especially because 'adult' is often defined by age of consent#and theres also some slight cultural differences like even just between the us and the uk where due to 18yr olds being able to drink in-#-the uk (and other places) i think it genuinely causes some dissonance#where i see often in the us that when youre 18/19 youre still treated (id say rightfully) as being rather young and not Truly a grown adult#hence. yk. the term Young Adult#but i think in places where the drinking age is younger it starts causing people to see younger people as more mature#which is also why a lot of predators like to push for the age of consent to be at a younger age like 15 or 16#and why many lolicons try to point at japans age of consent (which for the record is complicated and not as simple as just 'age of consent-#-is 13') as a defense for how they act#because these sorts of milestones (having sex and drinking) are seen as marks of a true adult. which gets into a whole lot of other#complicated things#and often dangerous things and ways of thinking#ANYWAYS . basically 18/19 isnt fully grown 20 is also hardly fully grown itself#and theres ways to combat people infantilizing tubbo and other creators his age without acting like hes actually#fully grown and mature lol. i promise you humans are not fully grown at 20 years old are you kidding me 😭😭😭😭#if youre in your 20s you still have a lot of time and space to grow i promise. do not fall for the idea that your life is done by like 23#idk. im only 18 myself but it just feels insane to me that if i were a creator people would be calling me a fully grown adult#not that im not an adult but i dont think im mature enough to be seen as fully grown and i guess itssss. sad?#to see other people my age think that turning 18 means youre fully grown. just really not true#theres a lot of 30 year olds who still see early 20yr olds as being practically babies we have Not made it to full maturity yet i prommy#mask mews
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deus-and-the-machina · 10 months
I think an underlooked part of what shaped jin’s mindset was how even back in Torna, he was considered “property”. He and Lora spent their whole lives avoiding the authorities of Torna because they believed would straight up execute Lora to get Jin back, and no one ever denies it. and this has seemingly been a fear since Lora was a child. Jin had to hide his face everywhere he went. Maybe Torna wouldn’t have been cruel enough to execute a child, especially since the king seemed decent(?) enough, if not a bit distant. But the fact it was even a fear at all for Lora since she was so young is just awful to think about. 
According to his past self’s journals, Jin and his old driver fought in a war of independence for Torna, perhaps what made him a hero to begin with. and because he’s a war hero for deeds he doesn’t even remember, the kingdom considers him owned by them. Which is on the nose in two different ways ngl. Both in how the Blades are seen and a wider metaphor of soldiers/state. idk it’s just very sad to think about
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penofwildfire · 2 months
I'mma be honest if you make a "Ninja Ages Timeline/Theory" and you even bother taking into account the tomorrow's tea I've already checked out. I'm sorry I just don't care.
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dykedivorce · 8 months
if any other bitch in konoha had been gay apart from sasuke none of this would have happened to my son naruto.
#pussy from the turbotron edgelord 3000 and his whole life went up in flame. NOT worth it#no but fr it's insane how he bamboozled every fan into thinking he was so interesting and cool and badass when .#at the point im at in shippuden hes by far the least interesting of the main characters. one track mind (vengeance) and no depth beyond that#like the other characters rn : sakura coming in to her own ; finding her path and her strength + sharing a connection so deep with naruto#over their common loss that they both just Know although they absolutely cant talk about it#yamato: the only survivor of orochimaru's monstrous experiments on children; kakashi's stand in thats so different from kakashi#it makes you wonder what it would have been like with him as their teacher from the start;#a mystery thats clearly trying his best but whose mission truly is A Lot#SAI: A BRAINWASHED SPY A PAWN FOR A SECRET ORGANISATION WHO CLINGS TO HIS HUMANITY NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES HES BEEN PUNISHED FOR IT#WHO FELL IN LOVE WITH NARUTO FOR MAKING HIM REALIZE HOW DEEP THINGS COULD BE FELT AND HOW DEEP RELATIONSHIPS COULD RUN#WHO HAS BEEN DRAWING A BOOK FOR HIS DEAD BROTHER FOR YEARS EVEN IF HE'S FORGOTTEN WHAT HIS BROTHER LOOKS LIKE#WHO DECIDED TO SPARE SASUKE BECAUSE HE'S LOVED. WHO JUST WANTS TO LEARN HOW TO LIVE A HUMAN LIFE.#MOST AUTISTIC CODED CHARACTER OF ALL TIMES HAS NEVER SUCCESSFULLY MASKED A DAY IN HIS LIFE.#sasuke: sasuke#anyway. im not touching on naruto because i could be here for days#BUT while sasuke on his own so far is very whatever. the narusasu dynamic is truly one for the ages#bc i just saw the ep where sasuke manages to see kyuubi inside naruto and wooshes him away and it's very like.#oh so hes literally seeing naruto's demons and banishing them even as hes telling naruto they dont matter to each other anymore.#oh ok cool cool cool cool this feels normal and not something to obsess over#jesus christ why am i typing all this. who here cares#naruto thoughts
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marshmellowtea · 1 year
it’s actually insane to think about how fast getting the fuck away from anti ideology helped alleviate my pocd specifically. like, obviously it didn’t cure it, i still have intrusive thoughts of that nature from time to time, but constantly being vigilant that i was consuming fiction in the “wrong” way was so detrimental to me and unlearning the idea that reading or writing a damn fic was the same as actually abusing a child helped me out SO much when it comes to csa related intrusive thoughts. like, i’m no longer a panicking suicidal mess when i have them because i think i’m doomed to hurt a child, and that’s a good thing.
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bluerosesburnblue · 1 year
I think at least part of the reason the fandom focuses on Riku so much is that the fandom is like 20 years old and the early '00s were rife with "must hate female character for getting in the way of the gay ship" attitudes (most fans grew past that). But I see a lot of echoes of that early attitude still in the fandom today, which I think contributes to both the Riku obsession and the Kairi hate.
"most fans grew past that"
I don't know if they necessarily grew past it so much as migrated to other fandoms with more active and/or "adult" content, though. Because I do still see it around elsewhere, such as the Fandom That I Refuse to Admit To that I mentioned in the tags on my last post (which, funny enough, caught my attention precisely because I noticed an overlap in KH fans with that particular fandom). And it happens with just as much vitriol as early 2000s KH fandom. Though I suppose it's also possible that it's all kids just repeating the same attitudes of fandoms past now that they're the same age those KH fans were, or most likely, a combination of the two
I'm unwilling to commit to a specific explanation precisely because this isn't an issue exclusive to the KH fandom or the early 2000s, it's a widespread thing that still affects fandoms. It's just weirdly prevalent with the KH fandom, and particularly in regards to Riku. But even if we go with your explanation... I mean, like I said, Axel/Lea gets mostly ignored now despite being the "Riku" of the KH2 era, and any Namine and Xion hate has mostly petered off, but for some reason the Riku > Sora + Kairi thing still remains. That's why I suspect there's probably more personal reasons involved (the "Riku is their childhood crush that they never got over" thing from my original tags) than anything else
And again, let's not forget my original example. I still get hit with the Riku favoritism when looking at content for Twisted Wonderland, a game set in an all-boys magic school that doesn't have any female characters in the main cast. It can't possibly have the attitudes you're talking about, yet I still see the occasional post erasing aspects of one of my favorite characters' personality to make him "just like Riku" because of a superficial physical resemblance. The Riku obsession sometimes bleeds over into other fandoms, that's how ubiquitous it is. So there must be something else there other than "must hate female character for getting in the way of the gay ship" because Riku fans will diminish characters in other fandoms in similar ways just for the crime of looking like Riku
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So, I actually really liked episode 5 despite finding it quite triggering. It was effective. After sitting with it for a while the thing I find the most viscerally upsetting about all of this is the number of people insistent on eschewing Louis and Claudia’s emotional interiority and agency in order to bend themselves into knots to justify the things Lestat has done to them.
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crewofthegoldrush · 1 year
but could we meet by the first of july
Rating: T / PG-13
Campaign Setting: Eberron / Around Khovaire in Fifty Days
'It's not as bad as it looks.'
'Really, cause it looks pretty bad.' Monty was a bit surprised she had even answered. Her soulmate had been quiet for quite some time now. 'My MOM even stopped me to ask if you were okay.'
A few beats go by. 'And did she also notice the hickeys all over your neck the other day?'
[lord I've been prayin', for somebody I've never seen]
[content warning for various injury related scars]
i told myself I would never write a soulmate au, like i just never wanted to go there y’know, but the tried and true "you share the same markings on your skin as your soulmate" works perfectly with aberrant marks and I couldn't put it down. We've never exactly dwelled on how our aberrant character feels about being so, so I wanted to take a shot at it going in the angsty route. Eberron created a really complex yet so very marginalized group of people, and I wanted to dig a bit into how unfair the world is for them.
not as many pc & npc cameos in this one, I tried a different style that's more serious & vague than usual - but apparently I've decided demetrius is my comic relief
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ambreiiigns · 2 years
finally coming out as someone who got way too passionate about jackass (the mtv show and movies)
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rubys-domain · 1 year
i kinda don't want to play genshin tbh. i just want to play minecraft
#⇢₊˚⊹ 🩷∥ruby∥yo,ide yo !!#i swore i wouldn't sleep later than 11 pm. but man#for some reason doing weekly bosses doesn't make me feel like i actually/did/ something in the game#at this point i don't think it's feasible to do every single weekly boss every week anymore#cuz there's already 8 and we only get the 30 resin discount three times#in total we'd need 390 resin to do all of them#which is literally two days' worth of capped resin and an extra 70#one weekly transient resin from the teapot barely matters#i'd honestly rather grind normal bosses. even though i don't really need to anymore on main#unless i really want to max ascend all 7* members of my teams (*xingqiu's in both of them which i will rectify as soon as i get yelan. or#kick him out of chong's team in favor of melt. whichever comes first. would be sad but the abyss is cruel like that)#man i'm NOT looking forward to breaking up chongqiunett for the spiral abyss#they've been stuck together like glue literally since i started playing the game#i've alread max ascended chongyun cyno baizhu and bennett#not xingqiu because. oceanid man. it's painful#i really should though. as a sort of thank you for carrying me through the entire game alongside chongnett#maybe this'll be my excuse to build yanfei now lol#a little nervous about fighting the primo geovishap cuz i haven't fought it since that one world quest. which was AGES ago#but if i can beat raiden shogun without dying then i should be fine. hopefully#why couldn't it have been pyro regisvine ;-; srsly the most fun boss to beat up#atp i really should be focusing on like talents and artifacts but like...#i don't have any motivation to level anyone's talents up tbh. much less crown them#i'll probably double crown cyno at the very least. but everyone else...#i'm still a little exhausted from triple crowning chong tbh. literally the most massive resource sink in the entire game#(ik artifacts are worse resource sinks but shh im complaining here)#the minute after i gave him his last crown i was more broke than zhongli#leveling characters is way more fun than leveling talents ;-;#i don't mind going back to the taishan mansion forever and ever until the release of snezhnaya#it's just... the amount of mora i need for this shit...#aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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ironmanstan · 1 year
I cannot read people actually talking ab american psycho bc anyone actually invested into it has a 75% chance of subscribing to like 2 of the three readings of it that are wrong
#i deleted one of them out of my head but the whole ooiuhhohi he doesnt actually kill people paul allen is alive hes hallucinatinggg#the whole thing is a commentary on how the peak of the 'american dream' requires you to fill a mold society expects#kill all individuality. deny age for the sake of youth. ignore horrific actions to maintain the status quo.#batemans whole character IN THE MOVIE is him like very much living in a hell of doing these things not bc its innate#but because he sees these things as what society expects and thus he should aspire and want for them#he doesnt kill paul bc he wants or needs more money or even that he feels threatened. hes comfortable#its entirely hes so so caught up in society and the ideals pushed by that society that he overly acts to achieve them as much as possible#so he kills him bc he recognizes hes doing better than him#the paul allen is alive thing is to hit home a point on this#bc the whole movie everyone treats bateman like hes crazy and cares way too much#and then paul being 'alive' hits that home extra bc he IS caring too much. bc everyone is so numb to whats going on around them#they dont even realize they havent seen paul. they mix up people throughout the movie constantly even tho supposedly theyre close?#its bc everyone looks the same to them . nobody stands out and they all fit this same mold. theyre all the same person#bateman realizes everything hes done 1. doesnt matter bc nobody cares and 2. it never will matter and he could snap and it wouldnt matter#bc nobody would notice or care in their society blind to each other#even then the only person who genuinely ever sees him for the monster he is is the hooker he chases in those few scenes wjth her#anyway#idk why it makes me mad it just does#the gamer speaks uwu#also the directors or somethjng said hes actually for real killing people so.
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the-busy-ghost · 2 years
Accents are always a difficult thing to manage in audiobook production but I seriously have to question the sense of the person who got a ‘full cast’ of American actors to narrate a novel set in England, especially since the main narrator has a perfectly English accent so it doesn’t match up. 
Most of the cast aren’t too bad- the girls in particular are believable- but some of the younger voices sound like they’re dubbing a Japanese anime and one man in particular, supposed to be an Englishman (I think), unfortunately just reminds me of Kermit the Frog
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surrender-souls · 2 years
maybe i shouldve told someone other than the gossip besties that the art teacher when talking about her friends autistic kid and then promptly finding out im autistic and took offense with how she talked about them basically said ”not like that though”
#theres a difference between recognizing a persons need to be taken care of and completely disrespecting them.#she crossed that line. like i mentioned me being autistic and saying how low functioning isnt really used by us#and then she proceeded to explain how much this person cant do. i dont even know their name why would you tell#your whole art class that? its a total breach of privacy#i have never met them they had never given me permission to know that! i doubt they want you going around telling us that!#and she said it in a way that was definitely demeaning. i doubt she has this person as an actual person in her mind#and i dont think this was even a kid! like iirc theyre around our age! like fucking hell#this is one of many stupid bullshit things she has done that make me despise her. sad because art is my biggest passion#and to have a teacher who is a total… i dont know? would bigot fit? also her husband is a cop.#and she has a blue lives matter patch on her apron. i want to mention that half or more of our class were poc#shes also a huge harry potter fan. instant red flag she doesnt shut UP! about it.#she also said that in older art women were naked a lot because “their bodies were worshipped”#which is blatantly untrue and also confirms that she just. does not think of trans people.#which if she werent an hp fan i would take as just another stupid cis person moment but the deeper vibes are there#oh she also constantly points out how one of us always draws darker things while completely disregarding the reason she draws what she does#not all dark things are edgy im sure you know and talk to her enough to know the trauma she puts in this#i definitely have stuff on her that at the very least would get her in trouble. but i dont wanna go talking to departments#its hard for me i dont like talking to teachers and people i dont know… but maybe i could say something anonymously#my parents are fed up with her too for different reasons#i speak
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petoskeystones · 18 days
hang on guys look away i don’t have a journal
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