#sometimes man... sometimes my spouse is just ridiculous
amtrak12 · 2 years
No one.
Absolutely no one.
My spouse: You know Maze and Eve are the only age-appropriate ship in this entire show.
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merotwst · 1 year
‹ . housewardens ›
· scenario drabbles
⇝moments that happened in your married life.
[ n: a little something to get myself out of a writers block. not proofread and not very confident of my writing bcs ahaha i havent written in a hot minute + no motivation. this took me almost a week to finish but i still hope u guys enjoy ! ilyyyy ]
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- - - → tw. children (does that count as a tw?????? idk man kids jumpscare in kalim's part)
riddle rosehearts ‹ heartslabyul ›
it wasn't rare for riddle to be working so late. he was a busy man and lived up to his parents' legacy of being the best of the best. you were aware of this when you said yes to his proposal to spend a life with him forever but as his spouse, it pains you to see him overwork himself sometimes. it wasn't the first time you woke from your quiet slumber at 2 in the morning to an empty space beside you. your feet padded across the cold marble floor through the hallway adorned with photographs gilded in gold of you and him that have been taken over the years. a soft knock at the mahogany doors to his study and a quiet response from the other side permitting you to come in. the tea on the tray you carried made riddle sigh with relief, the tension in his body seemingly fading away. he had a soft smile on his face as he brought the teacup to his lips.
“come to bed, riddle. it's so late.” you urge him gently as you made yourself comfortable on one of the chair on the other side of his desk.
he gave you weary look, “i'm not sure i can yet, my love. there's still so much work to do.”
you let out a soft sigh, “i figured as much.” you whispered, standing up and walking around the desk to give him a soft kiss on the lips, “i'll be heading back to sleep then.” you inform him and quietly made your way back to the room.
it wasn't rare for riddle to be working so late. he was a busy man who lived up to his parents' legacy of being the best of the best. it was rare, however, for him to softly close the bedroom door behind him leaving his study and his paperwork unfinished to slip under the covers and wrap his arms around your form.
“what made you change your mind?” you asked, a loving hand on his cheek.
“you did,” he said with a sheepish smile on his face, “you always do.”
leona kingscholar ‹ savanaclaw ›
when you choose to accept a prince's request for your hand hand marriage, you're not only accepting him as a person, you're also accepting the responsibility that comes with becoming royalty. since the day you and leona exchanged your vows, for better or for worse and till death do you part, the title of royal has been embedded onto your name and cemented into sunset savannah's history for all eternity. what you do and say will be seen, heard and talked about by the public. it's your duty to be present, not just for your husband the royal family, but for yourself as well.
so you do your part. you attend the balls, you speak out on important issues that need attention. you smile, you wave, conversing with other country's political leaders and powerful people. you learn to adapt and navigate through the life of a royalty one step at a time. you were doing your best but sometimes it felt like it wasn't enough. and that's when he comes in to yank an ipad out of your hands and snap you out of your trance. he says dwelling on ridiculous articles and getting yourself all affected negatively by it doesn't do anyone any good. that's when he wipes the frustrated hot tears from your cheeks as he sits beside you on the bed, a softer tone now etched in his tone when he spoke, “i know it isn't easy.”
you sniffle in response, your voice shaky as you spoke in uneven breaths, “i'm trying so hard,” a sob, “why does it always feel like i'm always running short? why am i sometimes being treated like i don't know what's happening?”
leona's tail flicks, “did the articles tell you that? or was it the servants whispering in the halls? the people in the ballrooms?” he places a hand on your chin and gently makes you look at him, “listen, i don't know what you overheard or read—but the fact that you undermine your own achievements for the validation of other people is annoying the shit out of me.”
his eyes bore into you as his hands squeezed yours, “you're not royalty from birth, but the amount of things you were willing to change—willing to do just so you can be with me still constantly leaves me in awe. the politics, the royal etiquette and other pointless bullshit takes years to master. you're almost halfway through the progress bar despite being so new to it all.” leona places his forehead against yours, “even if the whole world is against you, i'll be by your side. i've never been more proud to have you as my partner. fuck everyone else.”
when you choose to accept a prince's request for your hand hand marriage, you're not only accepting him as a person, you're also accepting the responsibility that comes with becoming royalty. since the day you and leona exchanged your vows, for better or for worse. you've done all of this just for him. you would keep doing it just for him because know he'd kidnap every star in he sky if you asked him to. you can cry, you can scream, you can be angry—but he's always there and always will be and till death do you part.
you let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding in the entire time. and with a raspy voice and a genuine smile, you whisper back.
“fuck everyone else.”
azul ashengrotto ‹ octavinelle ›
homesickness is something you've dealt with the first time you were practically punted over to this twisted world you now reside in. but over time, you realize that this world was always more comfortable for you. it became home whenever you were in the arms of your lover. you found comfort in azul's arms so gentle and tender around you—as if you were the rarest and most fragile seashell he picked up from the depths of his home in the sea. eventually, you stopped thinking of the life you've left behind. you were happy here and that's what mattered.
likewise, he found his home in your arms around his neck in a warm embrace like the first rays of the sun just as the winter season was coming to an end. but unlike you, azul had access to his home. he just never had much opportunity to come back to visit. his life with you on land was what you both collectively decided on. a house near the beach, but nowhere near where his home is at. just enough to breathe in the salt air and the cool embrace of the ocean breeze on his skin. and on more than one occasion, you've seen him let the waves wash over his feet after he'd come back from work. his shoes in his hands as he mindlessly watched the sun set over the horizon.
“a penny for your thoughts?” your hand subconsciously finding its way to his, fingers interlocking together and fitting together perfectly.
“just thinking of the coral sea.”
“i've told you last time we should go to visit again.”
azul let out a sigh and you knew why he didn't like going back to the coral sea—to several memories of his past littered across every corner of the place. he looked at you wearily, the dimming orange beams of the sun coated his face with a lovely hue that made him look almost ethereal and melancholic.
“it's hard going back there sometimes,” he admitted, his head hung, “it took a lot for me to take you back there... to show you everything i've been running away from.”
“and i love every part of it. every part of you, azul.”
you squeeze his hand gently, “it's never always sunshine and calm seas. and i'm always here to embrace you when storms come.”
homesickness is something azul's never really dealt with in the years he's been away from sea. he was happy to be out of there and start anew—but he didn't have a home. no, he was always relying on himself. but over time, he realized that this world was always more comfortable with you. it became home whenever he was your arms, his lover. you were his new home. and no matter where he would end up, he always finds himself running home to you.
kalim al-asim ‹ scarabia ›
“baba's here!” was exclaimed by an energetic boy popping out from the blanket fort you all built together. giggles bounced around the walls as little pairs of feet padded along the floor. the children both ran to their father, the younger one trying her best not to trip and fall on her way there. kalim, who was still in conversation with jamil as he entered the room, had been cut off by the squeals and giggles of the children running to his embrace.
“ya malayiki! 'abi saeid jidana liruyatik maratan 'ukhraa!” (oh, my angels! dad's so happy to see you again!) your husband exclaimed excitedly, wasting no time kneeling to catch their warm embraces in full, “have you two been good?” he asked, lifting your daughter up in his arms earning an excited giggle from her and taking your son's hand in his free one before standing back up, “naeam ya 'baba!” (yes daddy!), your little girl giggled excitedly, “we built a house!” she squealed, pointing at the blanket fort. it was quite a big fort filled with small fairy lights and plenty of pillows and maybe a few snacks littered here and there from their 'construction break'. you three had spent hours making ‘the biggest house for baba’ for when he would get back and the kids are evidently very proud of the outcome of their hard work.
“(maman/baba etc.) said we could sleep here tonight!” the little boy chimed in, shaking his dad's hand to catch his attention. kalim could only grin widely at this, “well,” he started, “since you both worked so hard building the house, i say we all sleep here tonight!” the gasps from the kids and the happy cheers that followed indicated the joy they felt. he's always been a natural with them and you always adored him with children. it's just that he can get quite busy sometimes, which even he has told you about how saddened he is whenever he's apart from his family. and so whenever he has time, you can be sure every second is devoted to you and the kids. his whole heart is with you, after all. always has been since the moment he laid eyes on you all those years ago.
“alright kids,” he said, placing a kiss on your daughter's cheek and squeezing your son's hand gently, “jamil will take you to get you cleaned and ready for bed, okay?” they both grinned in response, “okay!” the kids said simultaneously.
“kalim.” jamil gave a disapproving look, “how many times must i tell you that this is the nanny's job and not mine.” he said in an annoyed tone while simultaneously taking the little girl in his arms and holding onto the boy's hand. this is when you come in from behind, wrapping your arms around your husband's waist, “aw, but they like you, jamil. don't you, kids?”
“i love uncle jamil!” the younger one giggled, “he's one of the funny grown ups.”
jamil let out a defeated sigh, “come on, children. let's get you both cleaned up.” he said, softly shaking his head and if you looked close enough you could see the soft smile on his lips as they walked away.
as soon as the silly questions of, ‘when will you get married’ and ‘can i pet your parrot, uncle?’ faded off into the distance, kalim wasted no time peppering every inch of your face in kisses and tackling you to the blanket fort as both of you giggled and laughed like middle schoolers rolling over the soft silky fabric under your skin. safe to say no matter how old you get, the love you and your husband share will forever remain the same as when it first blossomed from years ago.
vil schoenheit ‹ pomefiore ›
vil liked to keep things organized. he liked to keep a schedule he strictly follows like the skincare routine every night or the color patterns of what fashions he'd decide to wear that day. it's the same as when you were both courting. he had a routine to follow whenever you would see each other on a date. flowers, then he'd check if you dressed right, take you out and give you the best night of your life.
and you know how people say ‘change is good’? well, there are also some things that stay the same over the years. and that was good for you, too. like how he'd book the best restaurant in the city or take you out for a romantic cruise on your wedding anniversary. those nights were always perfect. and at the end of those nights is the same as well. paparazzi flashing their cameras at your face asking the most ridiculous questions. people getting in your business. that was the down side of your relationship with vil, but it wasn't anything you couldn't handle. you knew what you were getting into the day you married him.
but oh sevens. when will they give you a break? it's your wedding anniversary with vil again tonight and he had a whole evening planned out for you. but there was a swarm of paparazzi outside the penthouse you were staying in. your husband had an upcoming movie and that had everyone abuzz and trying to get some statements out of him. there were so many to the point where you both had to go back inside because you could see the camera flashes with your eyes closed. well, you could. vil was used to it. but he wasn't about to force you to run out there with him again. your perfect night hasn't started yet and you already looked exhausted from that temporary encounter. vil silently cursed them for that.
after maybe 30 minutes of waiting for them to leave and with no luck of it ever happening, the blonde stood up from his spot on the couch, “that's it,” he spoke with a tone of finality in his voice, “get changed, darling. we're leaving.”
the confusion was evident in your face and it only made sense when vil came out wearing a hoodie, jeans and mask over his face. he hated wearing such common looking clothes, but sometimes situations call for it. and for you, frankly, he would do almost anything.
vil liked to keep things organized. he liked to keep a schedule he strictly follows like the skincare routine every night or the color patterns of what fashions he'd decide to wear that day. he absolutely hated when his plans wouldn't pull through but sometimes he finds serendipity in even the most dreary situations with you. you could spend your anniversary on a special yacht with the best waiters serving you first class meals and a candlelit dinner or just in a parking lot inside your car with cheap wine that you both agreed tasted awful but kept drinking anyway and at the end of the day, everything still works out. as long as you're by his side, he can learn to be contented even with all the disorganization of ruined plans as long as he's laughing to trashy radio podcasts and temporarily (today's a special exception, he says) ruining his diet for you.
idia shroud ‹ ignihyde ›
your husband, your favorite person, best friend, the only one you love enough to spend the rest of your life with... can sometimes be a little irritating. you know idia better than most people around you. he wasn't exactly the easiest person to get to know because of his very reserved personality but he is one of the smartest and funniest people you know. and you'd hoped that since he is one of the smartest people you know and you're actually married to him, he'd lend a hand when you're trying to do a little bit of spring cleaning to at least make the house look like it's a habitable place and not just a reserve for an endless supply of red bull and monster energy drinks. though the house wasn't necessarily ‘messy’, but it always seemed pretty empty and lacking a bit of life to it. so you thought of doing a bit of rearranging, putting up new decorations and replacing a couple furnitures which you both had bought and majority picked out by him.
this has been the third time you'd checked in his office and your patience was growing thin. you watched him from the doorway as he typed away some sort of code in his computer which was the only light source in the room. you crossed your arms as you called out his name, “idia shroud.” before flicking the light switch on making him hiss at the sudden brightness. he flinched upon seeing you. uh-oh. you used his full name, this can't be good.
“i've been calling you down to help me assemble the table. i'm not good at building things!”
“and i told you i'd be there in a bit. i'm just finishing things up around here.”
“okay! fine. jeez you don't have to threaten me.” he threw his hands up in the air in defeat as he stood up from his chair, “you're lucky i love you.”
you cocked a brow at this comment, arms still crossed across your chest and he rolled his eyes, “fine. other way around, i know. i'm lucky you love me.” he sighed but this time with a smile on his face as he leaned in to plant a kiss on your forehead, “now where is that table you need me to build?”
your husband, your favorite person, best friend, the only one you love enough to spend the rest of your life with... can sometimes be a little irritating. but you know idia better than most people around you. and he sometimes would seem detached and spends most of his time in his own company in front of his computer, he truly cares about you and your happiness. the amount of love he shows through the things he does, even the most menial of tasks like bearing the new, less darker curtain colors that you wanted to put up on the windows or stopping whatever new project he was trying to develop to help you move the new couches around the house. he would never do this for anyone else. and as you both sit under the kitchen counter, a bag of open chips on the floor and soda in your hands looking over at the new house makeover you both spent all day working on, you smiled.
“i'm lucky you love me.” you said, taking a sip of your soda and putting your head on his shoulder. he let out a short, breathy laugh before placing a soft kiss on your temple, “wanna go play mario kart and ruin our newly bought couch with chip crumbs?”
“sure.” you said, slowly standing up. you took a few seconds to stare at each other before you started sprinting to the couch, “last one to get there is in charge of cleaning it up!”
“hey, no fair!”
“nothing's fair in mario kart, babe!”
malleus draconia ‹ diasomnia ›
you once told your husband that one of your most favorite things about him is his smile and the way it so gently breaks out around you. his booming laughter that follows as you eat dinner at the big, lonely castle that was once the place he walked around alone that now feels more alive after he'd married you. you make the most emptiest of places feel alive with love and laughter. you painted his life with colors that he could never see with anyone else.
and speaking of painting, he'd snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of the metal part of he paintbrush clinked on the glass of the jar as the painter dipped the brush into the water. he gave you a glance where you were sat, looking straight at the back of the canvas as if trying to bore a hole onto the painting focusing on keeping your face straight and expressionless as instructed. it was traditional for briar valley's royalty to have their portraits painted whenever there was an addition to the family. and this case, the new addition was you when you both married. and now as he sat beside you, stealing glances he was sure you noticed by the way your lips twitched, he couldnt help but think of how the morning sun's rays seeping into the room that bathed your skin with the soft golden glow of the 10:00 am sun. it made you look absolutely beautiful. well, you always looked beautiful in his eyes. it's why—
someone cleared their throat.
“your highness,” the painter called out to him, “eyes front, if you please.”
he quickly straightened himself, “my apologies.” he hastily responded. he could hear you suck in a breath beside him, probably trying to contain the giggle that was trying to escape your throat.
another 20 minutes of silence passes. just the soft brushing of the paintbrush against the canvas and the occasional clink of the glass could be heard. he couldn't help but steal a glance at you again but to his surprise, you had your eyes on him as well. upon seeing his gaze shift to your figure, you immediately played it cool pretending you weren't looking but the way the smile threatened to break your facade betrayed you. malleus couldn't help the corner of mouth from twitching.
you did your little inhale again to try to compose yourself but uncharacteristically for him, he found that quite humorous abd had to clear his throat to keep him from letting out a laugh.
now that made you break out a smile and clear your own throat to try and stop yourself from bursting into full blown laughter.
you heard the irritation of the painter in the way he placed his paintbrush down. he stood up and gave you and malleus a sharp look before speaking in a very annoyed voice, “i shall go and have a drink delivered to both highnesses as to aid you both in the supposed strains on your throats.”
he made his way to the door, grumbling to himself about how ‘undignified’ or how ‘not taken seriously’ the situation was.
there was a moment of silence before you and malleus burst into a fit of bubbly laughter. his laughs were in his chest escaping in low vibrations while yours were loud and sharp simply to show how hilarious you found the situation to be. with how glorious both your attires were for the portraits looking like the epitome of royalty, the way you were both giggling like teenagers simply threw all the gloriousness out the window.
you once told your husband that one of your most favorite things about him is his smile and the way it so gently breaks out around you. his booming laughter that follows as you eat dinner at the big, lonely castle that was once the place he walked around alone that now feels more alive after he'd married you. even the most boring events in his life that once he would have been forced to accept in all its blandness would be splashed with the most vibrant colors whenever you were in the picture. his life, his love, his pride and joy—you. now that he's seen colors he never would've imagined to be possible to exist in all its dazzling beauty, he can never go back to the dreary shade of gray that hazed over his life. you were his freedom, and he would be ready fight the world to hear your laughter by his side till death do you part.
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© merotwst 2023 · do not copy, translate or reproduce.
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gffa · 15 days
I'm still making my way through the weewoo show (stopping occasionally to watch the newest episodes) and I have realized that I think I'm the most emotionally invested in the Bobby/Athena ship, sorry but no one else on that show can compete with Angela Bassett for my love. That it's Mr. Casey Sports Night she married only makes it better. Though, Chimney/Maddie are a reasonably close second, oh my god, they're so cute. I'm not really sure where I land re: Buck's love life, I'm kind of just going where the show takes me. Like, sometimes the show was incredibly blatant about feeling like they were setting the stage, you have someone commenting that Buck's ready to move on to something more grown up in his life, something more real, something meaningful, then immediately cut to him waiting outside Eddie and Christopher's house??? Like, what??? But then I watch the newest episodes and oh Buck and Tommy really do have fun chemistry, that kiss drunk look on Buck's face after their first kiss was so good, they're funny together, I'm enjoying it?? And I'm enjoying Eddie being one hell of a hot mess, like I've always liked him, but I have never liked him more than when he went out on a date with his dead ex-wife's doppleganger, which is going to throw a massive grenade into his current relationship, which is already weird because he found out she used to be a nun and it's bringing up all this weirdness that was probably already there and just looking for an excuse, never mind what it's going to do to his kid if he ever meets his dead mom's doppleganger, like this is a mess and I am living for it. But more than that, I'm here for Athena, because I also love that she can be such a hot mess at times, that someone kills her fiance and she spends 20 years or whatever looking for him, finds him, and has him arrested despite that he's spent that entire time in service to others because he felt guilty, but doesn't even REGISTER that she is married to a man she loves who killed a lot of people's spouses/fiances, got away with it, and felt so guilty that he spent all that time in service to others as a way to make amends. And none of this even seems to be deliberate! It's GREAT, because it makes her such a hypocrite in a lot of ways, but so thoroughly relatable because it is so very easy to forgive the ones you love and not forgive the ones who wronged you, even if they're largely the same. Anyway, I love this ridiculous show, I'm going to be sad when I have no more to catch up on. I like The Weewoo Show: Yeehaw! Version, but it doesn't scratch quite the same itch since I spoiled myself about where the Owen/Gwyn storyline is going.
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cevansbrat0007 · 1 year
*clears throat* Ahem, if I may ask Mr. Andy Barber what are his favorite parts of his Baby Girl's body and personality? How does Mr. Sexy Daddy like to best worship his woman? If that's not too forward to ask of course, Sir.
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Summary: Andrew Barber answers your burning questions about his feelings for his wife. Written from Andy's POV.
Warning: the following response contains mature themes, including references to sex, D/s lifestyles, pregnancy, ex-spouses, pregnancy, cursing, and more. Minors DNI.
A/N: For more insight into Andrew Barber and his Baby Girl, please check out my ongoing Growing Pains Series. All mistakes are my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated. ___
I ran this by Baby Girl last night and received approval to answer these questions however I see fit. The only caveats to this being that I have to answer honestly, and then allow her to read them once I’ve finished. Both of which are fine with me. 
My sweet brat knows how much I love and adore her. And if she claims she doesn’t, she’s either lying or I simply haven’t been doing my job. Either way, please rest assured that I will seek to rectify that particular issue as soon as possible. And I will leave it to her to share the details of our reckoning with the rest of you. 
Now, back to your first question regarding my favorite physical features of hers. Of course, the short answer is everything. I love all of her. But I also know that that’s not the answer you’re looking for, is it? 
I suspected as much. As my woman can attest, I can be pretty quick on the draw when I put my mind to it. And that’s not some kind of backhanded euphemism about my sexual prowess. I’m a man who is incredibly confident in his abilities. I know how to satisfy my woman. Because I’m a good listener – and I know how to take direction. 
But I digress. If I had to pick a favorite body part or feature, I think it would have to be her nose. My Baby Girl has the most adorable nose. I love the way it crinkles up when I say something ridiculous or when our girls make her laugh. And her laugh is…it’s just the best. She has so many. You don’t always know which one you’re going to get. 
Is it going to be a sweet, demure giggle or a loud, slightly irreverent cackle? Both are fantastic, highly satisfying sounds in my opinion. Because regardless of whatever one I receive, I know without a doubt that she’s being her most authentic self with me. And, quite honestly, what more could I ask for? 
I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention my wife’s stomach. I absolutely adore her belly, especially now that it’s swelling again with my babies. She’s worried about stretch marks, which isn’t a particularly unique concern or anything, but all I see is the beauty. Don’t get me wrong – my woman is a knockout. And I have no doubt that my two little girls, Bianca and Katrina, will follow in her footsteps. 
Granted, I’d much rather have them look like her than me. But as a father, it also doesn’t mean I have to be particularly happy about it. 
But during her pregnancies, Baby Girl is just damn near impossible for me to resist. Watching her body change and swell so that it can protect and accommodate the tiny lives we’ve created together…it just does things to me. She likes to claim that I tend to act a little feral when she’s expecting. She’s certainly not wrong.       
And last, but certainly not least, I’d have to say that I’m a big fan of her derriere. It’s just so goddamned spankable. And biteable. And squeezable. That ass is doing the Lord’s work and for that, I couldn’t be more grateful. 
As for my ladies personality, there are so many qualities she possesses that I find attractive. I honestly can’t get enough of her. But the most important quality, the one aspect that I hold the highest above everything else, is that she is an amazing mother.
She is the living embodiment of patience. And not just with our little ones, but with me as well. Baby Girl may doubt herself sometimes, but she is so sweet and caring. And best of all, it’s genuine. You can see it all, right there in her eyes.
My wife’s eyes are the window to her soul. That’s not just some throw away line, either. It’s part of the reason she can’t ever really keep shit from me regarding how she’s feeling. Those big, beautiful eyes somehow manage to betray her every time.
Quite honestly, I could go on and on about that woman. Spend hours praising her charm and her wit, her talent and creativity. Because she is my everything. The source of my strength. The mother of my children. My partner in crime. 
But at the end of it all, my absolute most favorite thing about this woman is that she’s mine. And what’s more, I plan on fucking keeping her. 
On to your next question. My favorite way to worship my woman, long before she ever became my wife, is to anticipate her needs. I wasn’t very good at this with my ex, but now I’m much better at it. Over the years, she’s shown me how to listen – not just to her words, but to her body as well. 
Our relationship, at least in part, revolves around a particular dynamic. We don’t often talk about it with other people because, frankly, it’s nobody’s goddamn business but our own. But it works for us. And if it ain’t broke…
Well, I’m sure you take my meaning. 
With my wife, my favorite way to worship her is by doing the little things – which also promotes intimacy. This involves making time for each other, which can sometimes be challenging with two kids in the mix. But as her Daddy, I make it a priority.
Whether it’s rubbing her feet while she catches me up on her day, or helping her apply her lotion after our shower (I’m big on conserving water), I try to make myself available. Grand gestures are wonderful, and they certainly have their place, but watching my woman melt over small acts that demonstrate the ways I’m constantly thinking of her…
Those moments right there are priceless. 
But my favorite thing to do with her, which is actually something I’ve slowly begun to pride myself in, is helping with her hair. My wife has been blessed with a head full of thick, glossy curls. And little by little, she’s taught me how to care for it. I’m not a professional by any means, but there’s also nothing like hearing her sigh in bliss as I take my time oiling and massaging her scalp. Plus the products she uses smell amazing. 
I’m even getting pretty good at doing my two daughters’ hair as well. In fact, it just so happens that pigtails are my speciality. 
Well, that’s all I have for now. Hopefully what I’ve shared above will appease your curiosity. At least temporarily. Thank you for being so polite and respectful with your question. And if you find yourself with more, please feel free to pass them along. 
Sincerely, Andrew S. Barber  P.S. You didn’t ask this, but since the thought occurred to me, I figured I’d share. My favorite thing to see my wife wearing is absolutely nothing – save for her wedding ring. Although, there’s also this thing we do that involves a pair of heels that is probably a close second.
Not that I ever need an excuse to get on my knees for her. Guess you could say I was born with a bit of a sweet tooth. 
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localplaguenurse · 11 months
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Tell us.
*cracks knuckles*
Reasons Pantalone is husband material: a thread
So in the context of prev ask, literally anyone would make for a better spouse in an arranged marriage, it’s just that I think Pantalone would be the best because I love him
Because I love him also I’m going off my interpretations of him because where are my fucking crumbs Hoyo it has been a year since his appearance-
First and foremost, he’s a rich bitch. He cannot only provide for you, but he could also spoil you absolutely rotten.
Second, we know he’s very passionate about his work and ideas, going on and on about them. A passion for your craft is a very attractive trait but then you factor in that voice and yeah, even if you don’t know wtf he’s talking about you’re absolutely getting drawn into that discussion just to hear him talk.
He has many stories to share, some he’s more willing to discuss than others, but regardless the stories he has are rarely ever dull. The only dull ones would be business meetings but the voice does the heavy lifting.
From intellectual discussions to hearing him ramble about his day at the bank, no matter how active you are in that conversation, it’s rarely ever a dull one.
He’s the friendliest of the Harbingers save for Childe. His status and his jobs as Harbinger and founder of the Northland Bank means he’s had to learn and master etiquette and manners and how to sweet talk people. Even if it is just a front to get others to trust him, a polite tone and charming smile will get you anywhere if you know when and where to use them.
Getting him to actually open up to you would be a tricky job because childhood trauma is a bitch, but once you actually get him vulnerable you will have that man in the palm of your hand.
His empathy can be a little hit or miss sometimes because again, trauma is a bitch. It’s a side effect of the cynicism he’s developed as a result of growing up in poverty and having to get his hands dirty in one way or another to survive, let alone succeed in life. Still, when it comes to his partner, he takes their troubles and traumas very seriously because he knows what it’s like to be helpless and doesn’t want them of all people to feel that way.
You cannot tell me he isn’t touch starved. In private that man can and will find any way he can to get close to you. He will obvs respect boundaries, but he just finds comfort in your touch. This one is more up to you if it’s a good or bad thing but I like physical touch so it’s good to me.
The man is meticulous. He would want everything to be perfect. He’ll pull whatever strings he can to impress you, and would pay attention to all the things you like. Is there a particular gemstone you like? He’ll make sure all the jewellery he puts on you has them and that they match your attire. You mentioned offhand that there’s a specific dish from Sumeru you haven’t had in a while? Dinner the next day is that exact dish with the most authentic recipe he can have his cooks work from.
Could literally give you any wedding you want, at least as far as cost goes. If it’s some super ridiculous and tacky themed wedding he will more than likely shoot it down, but if we’re talking venues, decor, attire, food, etc, literally do not worry about it. Just tell him what you want and he’ll have it done and paid for yesterday. Small wedding, big wedding, does not matter, he can afford it.
What I’m trying to say is that even if you were to be in an arranged and probably loveless marriage with him, you’d still get a pretty good deal because you still get an interesting and polite man who will take care of your needs. It just happens that if you do marry him for love or eventually fall in love, he will just go all in on you because now he wants to keep you, impress you, and show his appreciation to you.
Anyways seriously hoyo where the fuck is he-
This would’ve been longer but I already shared a lot of my ideas in my domestic pants headcanons, and uh... the rest of my ideas are not pg-13 and I’m not in the smut writing mood (plus I think I’d rather have that in a separate post but I’m not doing it rn)
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lady-bess · 4 months
Just A Date - Jack Daniels/Agent Whiskey
Part of the LadyBess Valentine's special! 8 Characters; 8 Dates 💜
Jack Daniels/Agent Whiskey x GN!Reader Mature/18+ (Minors DNI Please✨) WC: 1.7k Notable Tags: Fluff, Jack being the biggest sap you've ever seen, References to Spouse/Partner Death, References to Sex, References to Trauma/Implied PTSD, Admission of Love, Kissing, Shameful Flirting.
Paying a homage to my dear friend @avastrasposts for Jack's Valentine's Day fic, using a subtle nod to their bakery created in 'A Baker's Dozen' as where these two lovebirds met ❤ Please check out their work if you haven't already!
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Anyone who knows me knows that of course I had to kick off these character Valentine's head-canons with the one and only Jack Daniels. And, oh boy, have I overthought about how that man would treat you on Valentine’s day…
Now, let’s get something cleared up first. Jack, as we see him in Kingsman: The Golden Circle is, deep down, a broken shell of a man. It’s been twenty years since he lost his first sweetheart, “the love of my life”, and it’s still got him so messed up that I cannot imagine him even wanting to date.
But after his… injury (yeah, that’s what we’re calling it. I’m in charge of the script now, Vaughn), let’s say Jack goes through some much needed therapy. After such time, he’s finally open to letting someone into his life.
This is the Jack I’ll be describing.
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It had been years since he had actually wanted to celebrate this holiday. For so long he’d not had any reason to, and for years after losing his sweetheart Valentines day became nothing other than a harsh reminder that he had lost the one he loved with all his being.
But, years after the events of The Golden Circle incident (as Champ so aptly named it…), life was different for Jack. He’d left Statesman, the therapist he worked with helping him to see that for as long as he remained in that line of work he was never going to improve. Every bump to the head that saw him needing Ginger to prompt his memories with a picture of his sweetheart sent him back months with any progress he made.
Now, gone from the organisation, Jack was truly living for the first time. Settled in nicely on a small patch of land in the Kentucky countryside, he kept himself to himself predominantly. He’d met you by complete chance on one of his trips into town, nestled in the corner of a bakery where you both waited for your collection orders to be finished up.
He’d struck up a conversation with you there, it being easy to make small talk when a subject was handed to you on a plate – quite literally. It turns out you’d both ordered the same item from the bakery in question to take away, but there had only been enough for one of you to take it.
Jack, being the perfect southern gentleman, let you be the one to take it.
“Please, sugar, you have it. I’ll go ahead and order something else,” he’d said, tipping his hat towards you as you gingerly took the box from the worker’s arms.
“Are you sure?” you’d asked him. Jack grinned as he sensed the golden opportunity.
“I tell you what, sugar, give me your number and let me take you out sometime, and all will be forgiven,” he chuckled.
To his surprise, you’d agreed, blushing at the cowboy’s request and letting him type out the digits of your number into his phone. He watched you walk away, a slight skip in your step, and he began that moment planning your date.
That was seven months ago now, and now you were fast approaching your first valentine’s day together as a couple. Jack couldn’t be more nervous if he tried. He suddenly had the same level of anxiety as he did the day he asked his first love to marry him, which was ridiculous, because he had nothing quite to that extent planned.
Not yet, anyway.
But it had been so long since he wanted to make an effort on Valentine’s day that suddenly today was filled with all these great expectations. He’d actually managed to terrify himself into wanting to call off the whole day’s plans off. But he persisted, and from the moment the sun rose on the 14th day of February, Jack had been working tirelessly on his plans.
His day had started early, heading to the same bakery where you’d both first met to pick up a selection of savoury and sweet treats. Jack had considered going all out and cooking you a steak dinner under candlelight, but the more he reminisced on your time together, the better this idea suited the two of you.
Once he had everything he wanted, he headed to a nearby florist, and picked out some flowers for you. Twenty-eight flowers, each one signifying a week that the two of you had been dating. He’d smiled to himself bashfully as he waited for the florist to string the bouquet together, allowing himself to briefly think back on his marriage to his first love. This was the sort of gesture she would have adored, and he hoped deep down that she would be able to find comfort in knowing her cowboy was happy once again.
Jack took the flowers carefully and headed back to his truck; next stop, you.
Jack had mentioned something about valentine’s day to you a couple of weeks back, but nothing more had ever been said. Truth be told, you weren’t all that bothered, as you viewed the day as nothing more than an excuse for big corporations to push cheap tat on people in a bid to create an illusion of happiness. But Jack had said to keep your day free, so you let your cowboy run with whatever idea he had brewing.
Just before lunch, there was a knock at your apartment door. You turned down the volume on the TV as you headed over to go answer it, expecting it would be Jack, but not knowing for sure. Sure enough, it was.
Stood in a freshly steamed suit, a basket in one hand, and a bouquet of flowers in another, the cowboy before you looked absolutely ravishing (well, he always did, but today it was certainly more so). You smiled at him, giggling at the toothy grin that he shot back at you, a smile that was somehow brighter than you’d ever seen it before.
“Well, look at you, all scrubbed up nice,” you teased, stepping back to let Jack in. He set foot in your apartment, chuckling under his breath and rolling his eyes.
“Alright, alright, less of the teasing,” he joked, leaning forward and kissing your cheek before allowing you to close the door behind him.
“Okay, sorry!” you giggled, “You look good, Jack. Is this my valentine’s gift?” you asked, motioning to his slim yet muscular body, perfectly contoured under the fabric of the denim suit. Jack smirked, then shook his head.
“Maybe later, sugar. But for now, I got you these,” he said, handing you the flowers. Your face softened as you lovingly took the bouquet, handling them delicately. You made note to count the amount of flowers, and realised the significance behind them.
“Jack,” you began, looking up at your cowboy, “These are lovely. Thank you,” you said. “Let me put them in water!”.
Jack chuckled as he watched you head to the kitchen sink, filling up a vase that was already in the windowsill, and then carefully setting the flowers in the glass. You arranged them so that they would catch the sun while in the kitchen window, and gently placed the vase to one side once you had done.
“There! Oh, they look so lovely,” you said, “Seriously, thank you.”
“I’m glad you like ‘em. Now, I hope you also like these,” Jack said, now handing you the basket in his other hand. You took it from him, furrowing your brow slightly.
“What have you got buried in here then?” you chuckled, setting the basket down on the table. Jack stood next to you, his hand settled on the small of your back as you peeled away a small cotton cloth which covered the top of the basket.
The smell of freshly baked pastry hit you the second the cover had been removed. A mix of aromas, sweet and savoury, flooded your senses and almost threatened to make your mouth water. But the scent was familiar, like it was something you’d smelt a thousand times before…
“Are these from-,” you began, turning to look back at Jack, but stopping speaking at the look he gave you. It told you everything you needed to know.
“The bakery where we first met, yes,” he said, confirming your suspicions. “Felt apt that I should go there, back to where this all began,” he said, chuckling slightly. You turned properly where you were stood, allowing Jack to snake his arm around your waist properly and to hold you in his arms. You rested your hands on the lapels of his jacket and looked deep into his eyes.
“Look at you, getting all nostalgic with me,” you giggled, “What gives, cowboy?”.
Jack sucked his bottom lip in and averted his gaze momentarily. The one thing he wanted to say was something he had been toying with admitting for a while, but he had been so scared to do so. Eventually he took a deep breath in and looked back at you. Cupping your cheek with one hand, he kissed you softly. You kissed him back, smiling against his lips, and in a small whisper he spoke.
“I love you, sugar. With all my heart. Happy Valentine’s day,” he said.
You smiled at Jack, your heart pounding in your chest at the confession. You knew the trauma that he’d been through in his life, Jack had always been very open about that. It was something his therapist had recommended he be, to involve you in these discussions, and you’d even attended a couple of therapy sessions with him to show your support for him. Long before he had the courage to say he loved you, you knew.
“I love you too, Jack,” you said, softly kissing him anew. He sighed in contentment into the kiss, relief passing over him as he heard those sweet words leave your lips – words he had hoped you would speak, but not ones he ever wanted to guarantee.
In each other’s arms, together on this day, Jack felt like for the first time he was truly starting his life over again. And to do it with the one he loved?
Well, what could be better?
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For more from this series, check out the Just A Date Masterlist! For more works from me, here's my main Masterlist! ❤
LadyBess xox
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yaboy-miz · 2 months
I have some COTL followers that I want to draw so bad but I have no idea how to draw furries so while I figure out how tf a snout works in a front or 3/4 view I’ll just describe them for now.
Haar was my first follower. They were a grey rabbit with white tufts of fur on their cheeks. I don’t remember their personality. Their name was actually lost for a while because of a weird glitch where all of my followers from before a certain point didn’t show up when doing a resurrection, but I never forgot their face. They started showing up again sometime after the update so now I have that record again. In my little bit of lore I have for them, they never got a grave because there were very few resources and their body was damaged in a way that would make burying them difficult (in the actual game I butchered them by accident while getting used to the controls), so the lamb gave them an unmarked stone with some loose things around it. Over time their name was lost to history and even the Lamb forgot, so when resources were plentiful enough that they could afford to give a centuries-old grave some attention they drew a picture of them from memory rather than writing their name.
Thebre is my oldest living follower and also my favorite. He’s also bugged in some weird way where he somehow lost all of his naturally occurring traits, which resulted in me getting soft locked whenever I selected him first in the mating tent. I don’t know if it’s been fixed but I’m sure as hell not gonna test that. He’s my spouse and im pretty sure he was one of if not the first that I married. This guy has died five separate times and it’s actually ridiculous. His first was via sacrifice because I had the Good Die Young trait and I didn’t want him to die in shame. The second was before the update that let them take off their necklaces because he had a skull necklace and I wanted to give him a gold skull necklace. The last three are because this dumbass managed to have his soul damned three separate times before the game was patched so that they’d return alive after you defeat them thrice. Two of those were because this fucker won’t stop drinking. I have a lot of lore for him that I’ll go into later but the one bit I will drop because it’s funny as fuck is that he somehow became lovers with every single god in the cult grounds except for Narinder, and that’s only because I’m married to both of them. This man fell for five different gods and I think that’s hilarious, so in his lore I decided that he has a one sided crush on all of them but doesn’t make a move because he’s old enough to remember who they are.
I have more but they don’t have much lore so I’ll cover them later.
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hostica-a · 9 months
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𝕾𝖆𝖘𝖔𝖗𝖎 ; Symbolism.
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 ANON :   “ Why  does  Sasori  use  Hiruko  all  the  time  when  hes  so  ugly ”
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That's  actually  a  pretty  good  question  anon !  So my thoughts are like  yeah,  Sasori  is  outwardly  beautiful  and  eternally  so  which  I  do  think  there  is  some  kind  of  element  of  vanity  in   but  I  guess  maybe  the  best  way  to  explain  it  is  overall,  Sasori  is  really  the  trope  of  distorted  innocence  which  is  a  heavy  theme  surrounding  objects  like  dolls  in  horror  genres  bc  we  relate  dolls  so  heavily  to  children.  Children  love  dolls  and  they're  often  human  or  animal  shaped  objects  that  a  child  can  control  /  relate  to  since  they're  usually  made  to  be  representative  of  or  desirable  or  just  comforting  to  the  child  in  some  way:  think  baby  dolls,  barbie  dolls,  rag  dolls  etc. 
Sasori  is  quite  literally  the  Naruto  worlds  ultimate  answer  to  the  Doll  Episode  trope  which  is  very  common  and  effective  in  the  horror  and  fantasy  genre. 
The  dolls  are  being  made  to  replicate/replace  a  lost  loved  one,  such  as  a  child,  a  spouse  or  a  sibling. The  dolls  are  made  from  human  components,  dead  or  otherwise.  The  dollmaker  is  obsessed  with  dolls  for  some  reason,  and  has  taken  to  preferring  them  over  humans.  Maybe  even  wishing  humans were  more  like  dolls. The  dolls  are  possessed  by  an  evil  spirit, are  Ridiculously  Human  Robots,  or  have  otherwise  become  animated/alive  and  actively malevolent.
The  dollmaker  or  collector  will  usually  be  a  madman  or  woman  who  has  taken  a  shine  to  the  protagonists  either  as  "something"  to  add  to  their   collection,  potential  parts  for  their  latest  creation,  or  threats  to  themselves  and  their  beloved  collection,  making  them  try  to  capture  or  kill  them.
Sasori  is  literally  every  one  of  these  elements  combined  and  further  he  comes  from  the  perspective  of  not  just  a  disturbed  adult  but  most  strongly  from  the  psyche  of  an  extremely  damaged  child  which  is  emphasized  by  the  fact  we  do  not  see  Sasori’s  “ true  self ”  as  a  grown  man.  Hes  forever  in  the  body  of  a  young  boy.  Trauma  in  children  manifests  itself  in  various  different  ways  just  like  trauma  in  adults  but  sometimes  traumatized  children  become  very  reliant  on  objects  or  tv  shows,  characters,  etc  for  comfort  and  emotional  support. 
Things  that  aren't  people,  usually  bc  they've  found  people  to  be  unreliable  or  a  source  of  abuse/pain  and  thus  they  escape  into  or  hide  behind  these  ‘comfort  objects’.  Though  the  behavior  is  normal  for  very  young  children,  children  who  never  stop  this  kind  of  behavior  and  keep  it  going  well  beyond  the  age  deemed  appropriate  to  like  certain  things /  carry  around  stuffed  toys  ETC  are  doing  it  usually  because  of  trauma.   Sometimes  this  is  fine  and  not  a  problem  for  the  person  at  all  but  sometimes  is  deeply  unhealthy  and  does  pose  a  problem  for  the  effected  person. 
PS  don’t  take  anything  I  say  as  gospel  either !  Im  not  a  professional  or  anything. 
However,  in  my  eyes  Sasori  is  a  deeply  traumatised  child.  Puppets  were  an  escape  and  a  happy  place  for  him.  Somewhere  he  felt  comfort.  He  tried  to  replace  his  parents  with  puppets  to  fill  the  void  they  left  him  with,  he  tried  to  make  them  love  him  like  the  real  ones  did.  He  took  them  to  bed  with  him,  gave  them  his  pillows  to  sleep  on.  He  spent  a  lot  of  time  learning  to  make  their  movements  lifelike  so  they  could  hug  and  comfort  him  the  way  his  real  parents  did,  it  wasn't  exactly  the  same  but  it  was  something  he  held  on  to  to  cope  with  their  sudden  departure. 
This  is  all  canon.  In  at  least  in  my  headcanon  Sasori  believed  his  mother  and  father  puppets  did  ‘care  for  him’.  He  had  this  idea  that  there  was  a  part  of  them  in  the  puppets  he  made  and   whether  that  was  true  or  not  this  idea  was  heavily  reinforced  when  Sasori  was  pushed  to  become  a  shinobi,  which  he  didn’t  exactly  have  any  objections  to  given  he  was  only  6  and  his  mother,  father  and  grandmother  were  all  shinobi  so  it  felt  normal  and  good  to  be  one  himself. However,  this  is  a  massive  fault  of  the  Naruto  world,  child  soldiers  are  not  healthy  or  normal  or  good.  Sasoris  puppet  parents,  again  in  my  HC,  became  his  weapons.  It  gave  them  the  illusion  of  protecting  him  because they  literally  were  even  if  Sasori  was  the  one  controlling  them. 
Sasori  may  of  “outgrown”  these  puppets  but  he  never  outgrew  the  attachment  he  had  to  puppets,  rather  this  attachment  gradually  evolved  when  puppets  became  extremely  idealised  n  intertwined  with  human  life.  The  foundation  for  it  was  always  there  with  how  Sasori  treated  his  parent  puppets  as  “alive”  in  ways  but  the  real  problem  came  when  Sasori  started  to  relate  living  people  /  shinobi  to  puppets.  He  began  trying  to  essentially  make  them  one  because  he  believed  this  was  ideal  not  just  because  of  his  own  personal  trauma  but  because  being  a  shinobi  essentially  meant  being  a  weapon  /  object   which  human  beings  were  ill  suited  while  puppets  were  perfect. 
Sasori  was  replacing  the  weak  /  unreliable  /  temporary  /  breakable  with  something  strong  /  reliable  /  permanent  /  indestructible.  Sasori  was  deeply  effected  by  how  much  death  and  dismemberment  he  witnessed  in  the  people  around  him,  he  sought  to  eliminate  this  issue.  Puppets  were  his  answer  to  everything.  As  this  progressed  he  started  disliking  humanity  entirely  and  clinging  to  his  puppets  as  a  source  of  shelter  /  refuge  from  humanity  who  swiftly  began  to  judge  him  despite  being  the  ones  who  set  him  on  his  path.  In  fact,  in  ways  Sasori  was  basically  ASKED  to  do  what  he  did  and  when  he  did  it  suddenly  everyone  was  against  it.  Its  something  Sasori  couldn’t  understand  or  handle. so  Sasori  went  from  wanting  to  breath  life  into  puppets  to  simply  wanting  to  make  humans  into  puppets  out  a  the  deep  dislike/distrust/betrayal  he  felt.  
Komushi  was  Sasori’s  first  ‘ human  puppet ’   but  Sasori  didn’t  view  Komushi  as  his  own.  He  technically  made  Kumoshi  for  his  mother.  Needless  to  say  despite  the  request  its  not  what  Kumoshi’s  mother  wanted.
There  was  a  lot  of  pressure  on  Sasori  to  “preform”  to  help  his  village.  To  protect  its  people.  Sasori  outlived  pretty  much  all  shinobi  tasked  with  the  same  job  to  the  point  where  he  started  to  believe  in  some  way  in  the  back  of  his  mind  that  he  alone  was  capable.  He  began  to  think  if  he  just  turned  people  into  human  puppets  they  couldn’t  be  beaten  or  destroyed  because  he  wouldn’t  allow  such  a  thing. 
Hiruko  was  Sasori’s  first  real  creation  for  himself.  No  one  asked  him  to  build  Hiruko,  he  didn’t  build  him  to  comfort  anyone  else. Hes  kind  of  the  first  human  puppet  Sasori  made  when  he  began  to  do  things  for  himself  and  not  to  help  his  village. In  a  way,  Hiruko  is  linked  to  Sasori’s  freedom,  to  Sasori  choosing  his  art  and  “happiness”  over  his  village’s  desire  for  him  to  be  a  slave  that  follows  orders  and  destroys  himself  for  their  betterment.  He  was  done  with  that. 
Essentially,   despite  Hiruko’s  “ugliness”  hes  Sasori’s  favourite  toy  and Sasori  very  much  treats  him  the  way  a  child  treats  a  favourite  toy.  He  goes  everywhere  with  Sasori,  Sasori  relies  on  him  out  of  comfort.  Theres  also  the  secondary  element  of  convenience  since  he  does  mask  Sasori’s  true  appearance  giving  him  a  disguise  and  hes  literally  a  suit  of  armour  as  well.  Sasori’s  aware  Hiruko  is  ugly  but  hes  fond  of  him  the  way  a  child  might  love  a  teddy  bear  even  if  it  the  bear  appears  to  others  as  gross  and  ratty  and  old  and  they  could  probably  have  a  newer,  prettier  bear  its  not  the  looks  that  are  important.  Its  The  sentimental  value  and  thus  the  comfort  it  provides. 
I  also  personally  view  Hiruko  as  another  symbol  of  that  distorted  innocence  Sasori  represents  as  I  mentioned  earlier.  Sasori’s  appearance  is  that  of  a  young,  beautiful,  innocent  serene  looking  youth  which  we  know  as  his  true  form  but  rather,  I  see  Hiruko  as  just  as  just  as  representative  of  the  true  Sasori,  something  more  symbolic  of  Sasori’s  soul.  Something  frightening,  old,  ugly  and  twisted  and violent.  They're  both  sides  of  the  same  coin.  I  think  In  some  way,  perhaps  subconsciously  Sasori  relates  to  Hiruko  this  way  as  well.  
LASTLY,  before  I  ramble  more bc omg I've never shut up a day in my life,  Sasori  and  Hiruko  are  both  representative  literally   of  the  scorpion.  Sasori  more  spiritually  and  Hiruko  more  psychically.  Scorpions  are  an  armored,  intimating  animal  with  a  venomous  sting  from  their  defensive  and offensive  tails.  Scorpions  are  symbolic  with  healing,  death,  rebirth,  passion,  revenge,  mystery. 
Scorpions  were  thought  to  have  the  ability  to  heal  just  as  easily  as  kill.  Scorpions  are  both  seen  as  evil  and  demonic  as  well  as  pure  and  angelic. They’re  typically  feared  and  also  highly  sacred.  Theyre  a  symbol  of  deep  emotion  yet  being  an  arachnid  they’re  also  thought  of  as  insectiod  which  simultaneously  gives  them  the  impression  of  being  simply  unfeeling  and  machine-like.
The  scorpion  represents  a  shy,  gentle  creature  that  prefers  to  keep  to  itself  yet  when  needed  its  perfectly  bold,  magnetic  and  vicious.  I  think  its  really  interesting  to  note  how  closely  fitting  Sasori  is  to  the  symbolism  of  scorpions  if  you  look  at  them  in  various  cultures  and  mythology  and  I've  tied  him  very  heavily  to  these  concepts  because  I'm  insane  like  that. 
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thedianadiary · 1 year
When someone sneezes, do you say “Bless you,” or “God Bless you?” God bless you Do you ever look at someone cute, and automatically make a move? automatically? no lol. but i might make a move or two.  How many times have you been to Wal-Mart/K-Mart in the past week? uhhhh neither. i dont even know where the nearest kmart is anymore.  What are two things you are excited to do in the near future? travel!!!!! Have you ever seen the movie A Walk to Remember? Cliche’ or worth watching? so good. man i used to love that movie.
Do you ever put condoms in old people’s buggies at the store? that is so ridiculous. no, ive never lol
Name one reason you go to a pharmacy regularly for? i dont regularly.  What radio station could you not resist turning it to in the vehicle? 99.5 Do you live in a house, apartment, or another type of arrangement? house Do you wear sweaters in the Winter or hoodies, more often? ooooo usually sweatshirts. this last year was definitely sweaters tho Are you kind of a loner? Do you like being alone? i love being alone! i think my own personal company is top drawer lol. but im not a loner incapable of seeing other people or enjoying their company. Are you one of those people who like to spell out numbers? ummm it could happen. Is there an animal in the room with you right now? What kind? yes. benny, a cat. Did you or do you still have a Furby? Was/is it annoying? i did have one. it was extremely annoying lol Whats one event your town has that you don’t like to participate in? there are none that i dont like to participate in lol Are any of your siblings married? What are their spouse’s names? my older two siblings are both married, their spouses are Karla & Dustin. my other brother gets married in just over a month and his fiances name is Jessica. Do you hate nosy people who ask too many personal questions? only if theyre trying to get information that im not looking to share. but no, overall. Name one lyric from the song you’re listening to/the last one you listened? i actually dont know what song was the last one i heard most recently.  Do you have a fax machine? Do you ever use it anyways? not anymore its been many years since we have had one lol. but back in the day i used it often Does your kitchen table have placemats? If so, what colors are on them? no not currently. we own some for occasions but no we dont leave them up  Do you know how to sew? Whats your favorite thing to sew? yes! artsy fun things Have you ever owned a turtle? Did it ever bite you when you owned it? yes! ummm not much i mean turtles can bite hard for sure but when i had been bit it was a small size so it wasnt a problem Does your father have any creepy or scary friends you dont like? i dont know my dads friends anymore Who was the last person (if anyone) you said Happy Birthday to? david Do you have Photoshop? If so, how often a day do you use it? i dont What color are the walls in the room you’re in right now? like a gray mauve-y brown ish combo. one is much darker  Has your school ever had a lockdown? If so, for what reason exactly? lol i was homeschooled so no. in college not really. we had someone who made a threat so school was closed for a day. Do you enjoy it when your school has drills? (ex/fire or tornado drill?) never did one.  Do you watch any shows that you know your parents wouldn’t approve of? uhhh i mean it doesnt really matter either way. im sure they wouldnt love some of my shows because it isnt their preference of media but not because theyre bad  Do you have any siblings who still believe in Santa, and are over age ten? nope What color were the last pair of headphones/earphones you bought? i havent got a clue. K usually buys that sort of stuff for me so its been a hot minute since i have lol Do people call you a big mouth sometimes? Or more than sometimes? no lol
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passingdaysthings · 2 years
11.21.2022 - The Feelings Are Somewhat Resolved
Today is Monday. 
School has become much more manageable now that I have had time to get familiar with the online learning environment and my professors teaching styles. I didn’t miss my period last month, and I didn’t miss it this month either so I am happy with that. I am currently working on my calculus final, and I am expecting to finish this semester with 2 Bs which I am very happy about judging by what a hard time I had this semester. I am going to look for a job over winter break because I want to save money so I can travel with my friends and try to pay student loans. I also opted to take just one class next quarter because I don’t want to overwhelm myself like this semester. I don’t think I am ready to have another semester similar to this one, and the next class I am taking is suppose to be the hard one of the program. I think I really need to grow up and do more adult-like things rather than laze around all day and study. Cheers to a semester full of learning and growth though. 
Moving onto the topic that has plagued my mind for the last few posts; my online best friend. He is such a special cookie, and I don’t think I will ever understand that man. We spent time together on Halloween, and I decided that it was time that I told him how I felt so I did. It was funny because his initial response was, “why”?, and then he went to bed. The man didn’t respond until 2 days later when I asked him about it. It turns out that he was sick, but he was also thinking of a way to reject me kindly since he usually just does it in a mean way. He said that he really valued me as a friend, and he didn’t want to lose me which was why it took him some time to answer. I assured him that it was fine, and that my feelings were not something extremely strong. They were also feelings that I had kind of just realized and felt a need to tell him because I felt guilty not being able to whole-hardheartedly support some of his decisions. I also asked him the biggest question on my mind, and it was the whole thing about sleeping together and calling me babe WHICH this man responded with, I don’t know, honestly. I asked this man why he did that, and he just said I don’t know. What in the world? I would have been more satisfied if he was just like, I just really wanted to sleep with you or I like calling people babe randomly. He literally could have said anything outside of “I don’t know”. I ended up telling him that I don’t want to sleep with someone I consider my best friend because it would be morally wrong to our future significant others. He responded with our future spouses didn’t need to know. This man truly baffles me. He is so fickle. Sometime he cares about loyalty and honestly, and other times, he just throws it out the window. I never know what to believe. I can’t fault him to much though because 2 days later, I just reverted back to how we were. I just went back to the occasional discussion of sleeping together. I honestly don’t know why because it’s not in my character to do that. I don’t like him in that way anymore or at least not to the point that it would affect our friendship, but I think a part of me will always like him because we share a ridiculously deep connection. As for sleeping together, I think it may be because he knows me super well, and I would prefer to have a connection with the person I am sleeping with rather than sleeping with a complete stranger. Who knows though because he won’t be coming in December anymore, and all our discussions now are “one day” blah blah. I don’t really have that much of a desire to meet him in person anymore either. That’s why I believe that my feelings have been resolved. Meanwhile, my little sister thinks there is absolutely no way that a guy who spends this much time with me, has a level of possession over me, and wants to sleep with me has no feelings for me. She thinks that he just has hard-core commitment issues and mistrust in women because of his past relationships which could be true, but that is something for him to deal with. My biggest concerns is gonna be my decision (when the day comes) to sleep with him, and that is the biggest reason dimming my desire to meet him. Right now, I can hold out because we have never met so I don’t have to worry, but how will things work out in the future when we do meet? My little sister 100% believes that the two of us would not be able to stay away from each other if we met, and I think there is some level of fact in that. We’ve never met in person so it’s hard to really say. I am pretty sure we’ve crossed the best friend line a long time ago though. We send each other explicit pictures, and discuss, in detail, about the things we wanna do when we sleep together. I have never in my life had this kind of discussion with anyone, not even my ex. I am pretty sure that me and Taylor want to continue being in each other’s lives, but that would be very difficult if we slept together. Imagine having a significant other that keeps around a best friend that they have slept with. I would feel so uncomfortable, but then again, I think any significant other me and Taylor may have will feel uncomfortable with the relationship we have now even though we’ve never even met each other in person. Honestly, good luck to whoever tries to date the 2 of us in the future. That is a bridge I am avoiding. 
Mentally, I am in a very good place right now, and all I really have to worry about is my studies. I am worrying about money just because I wanna enjoy my life as much as possible, and I want to be as ready for the future. 
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 01x18
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Fuckin’ Wisconsin
“Do we really have to indoctrinate all these children?”
“Monkey puss - I remember calling everybody Monkey Puss for days”
“I think the tree wants in. It’s getting cold so you should let it in.” “Help! Someone is trying to chop me down” “Like that sheer is going to do anything AT ALL”
“Alright Kid I’d be running like 10 mins ago but ok” “Doesn’t she die or something? Doesn’t she turn into a tree? Like her heart turns into wood?” “He couldn’t find a single red flag.”
“Why are they looking for John anymore? He literally told them to stop looking for him.” “Yes, Dean is the oldest so he is right” “FITCHBURG”
“Does that mean that kids have to be playing?”
“Where are all the kids? They’re being creepy about it” 🎶COVID-19🎶the wind of god
“That wouldn’t actually work. Like it would work or it wouldn’t, and if it wouldn’t work, they’d be in BIG trouble”
🎶devil lady🎶 upside down cross🎶
“Convenient” babygirl
“I love how they use the exact same logic to say it’s not supernatural. Sometimes they’re all in and sometimes they’re not.”
“They’re finding tasty stuff on the walls with the backlights” “looks charred to me not moldy” I remember Spouse went on and on and on about the charred hand for like 10 mins the first watch-through.
“We should keep track of all the Little Deans” “That’ll go over real well with room service. Jesus Christ.” talking about the cartoons and the motel decor
“Sam would have been like 5?”
“What I find amusing is that Dean almost got offended by the microaggresion instead of laughing. The kid did the snort thing like twice.” “Is MasterCard not credit?” 
Us talking about how you used have to specify MasterCard vs Visa
“If you’re going to dump it in the trash, why throw it away and just not eat it for yourself? Why waste it? Eat it later?” 🎶paranormal watch🎶
“Dean’s always right; don’t forget that.” “What the fuck kind of shirt is that? I remember hating that shirt last time. It looks like a llama-horse that turns into a dog. I hate the graphic animal tees. Sign of the times, man” “I’m going to hang an inverted cross in my room one day; maybe Dean will come visit me.” “Close call”
“They have so many close calls that it’s ridiculous” “Let’s just break into an old lady’s room with a gun in our hands.” “That’s a pretty big gun to check on grandma” “Oh look at that. Another smoke machine” “Yup” “You can’t just get pneumonia from an unlatched window and being cold? I guess it can be both viral and bacterial, but I don’t see how it’s related to an unlatched window” “That’s funny. Just let a strange man drive your car. No big deal” “bitch burg”
“The microfiche machine made a page turn noise” “totally washed out black-and-white photo. Absolutely sure. Let’s shoot this guy based off of that” “Dean would be terrible at playing poker since he has all these little tells he shows the camera” “If they use the kid as bait, is he a human minnow?” “haha that’s funny” “it doesn’t seem very Dean of Dean to worry about this kind of shit” “I don’t think he has that many regrets. It’s too much of a fkn burden” Me arguing with Spouse that he is wrong
“No, he’s not alright. His eardrums are bleeding.” “He’s just a fkn kid, man” “It’s ok, kid. I’d call the cops, too” “How many times are they going to explain the monster stuff? How many times are people going to ask a lot of questions?” “Yeah, that wouldn’t be a very good look on the outside for a kid knocking on the door to 2 dudes opening up the door” “As clear as day, but it already looks like shit” “Don’t mention covering your ears or anything” “Hey! They mentioned how loud gunshots are. It’s like the only time they ever give a shit about hearing protection” 🎶being a shitty burden🎶
“I love how they choose to wait until the kid’s soul is like half-sucked out” “Didn’t they say it’s only vulnerable while it’s feeding? So the kid is even more than just bait.” “they totally didn’t wait for the kid to be off the bed or to cover his ears” “No worries. Just some dead thing in the house. It’s not even bleeding. What’s wrong with this thing?” “Really? Just going to look at it?” “Dude - his hands look like the outside of a potsticker. It’s gross but potstickers are good. Potsticker fingers are gross” “Gotta vent him out a little bit.”
“This is a Dean badass moment. He’s doing the duckface, too” “You can come out now. I’m just going to shoot this thing, and you don’t need to cover your ears.” “That shit was full of hot air” 🎶hearing damage for life!🎶
“This is fucked. Look at the curb thing. It was probably a whole one, but now it’s small enough to just fuck your oil pan if you ran it over. That’s an insurance claim waiting to happen right there.” “Can you explain to me why my kid can’t hear shit?” “Yeah, he was real sick all right” “let’s go pikachu” “So? At least he knows.”
“That was another Dean postcard look - 40.24 - that’s some bullshit right there”
“There are three of those little things! Why would you want 3 little curb things? Those are 3 insurance claims waiting to happen!” “Was that a fake bird? Is the bird on payroll?"
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aeneiz · 2 years
disclaimer not my words, read this online:
What was the best relationship advice you ever got?
If you’re a short man, don’t date a woman who is taller than you.
Don’t marry a person for their money. They’ll tie a noose around your neck.
Don’t marry out of necessity or pressure. After all, you’re the one who is going to live with them for the rest of your life.
Don’t fall in love with a person simply for sex, good looks or attractiveness. Fall in love with a person who will be there for you when you need them. A partner. A friend and a companion.
Observe a person for at least a year before you agree to marry them. A simple background check can reveal if the person has a clean bill of health or has a past criminal record.
Only fall in love with a person because you’re in love with them and you can’t do without them.
Relationships are about sharing. Share with your partner, everything that you would desire for yourself.
If your partner has some bad habits like alcoholism or drug addiction, don’t even think for a moment that you will change them by marrying them.
Marry the person who is teachable and knows how to handle money. It’s better to marry a person who has a vision than a person who has money.
Marry the person who can face you and rebuke you when you’re wrong.
Relationships are built on trust. Make sure the person you go into a relationship with cannot cheat on you or steal from you.
Relationships are not “bells and roses”. Think long-term before you go into a relationship.
“Happily Ever After” doesn’t exist. Every waking day, you must make a conscious decision to love your partner for good or for worse. Some days it’s sheer heaven, some days it’s sheer hell.
Don’t get into a relationship as a way to escape from something you’re running away from, or as a way to compensate for something you lack or hate within yourself.
The most important factor in a relationship is not sex, attractive looks, or shared goals. It is respect. Respect for your partner and for yourself are mutual. Respect yourself and your partner. Never talk ill to or about your partner. If you don’t respect your partner, you’re not worthy of her/him.
People who have been through a divorce and/or have been with their partners for the longest period, almost always talked about communication or the lack of it, being the key factor for their break-up or the reason for their being together, even when it hurt to communicate.
People who have been through much tribulation and suffering together tend to be together for the longest period of time, being sometimes only separated by death.
Respect your partner for what they stand for even if they have different views, hobbies, interests, and perspectives of life. Just because you have different views doesn’t mean you’re always right.
Develop a habit of listening keenly to your partner when they’re talking. There’s no way of communicating with them unless you hear them out first.
Never talk ill or gossip about your partner or complain about them to your friends. If you have a problem with your partner, the best way to solve it is to discuss the problem with your partner. Talking ill or bad about your partner erodes love and trust and you’ll be surprised how difficult it will be to look them in the eyes with the same confidence next time you meet.
You and your spouse are mutual partners in the relationship. As such, they have an equal say in the relationship, you are a team, and if one person in the team is not happy, then the team is not succeeding.
There are no secrets in a healthy relationship. If you’re really in this together and you respect one another, everything should be fair game. Does someone have a crush on you? Discuss it. Laugh about it. Had a weird sexual fantasy that sounds ridiculous? Be open about it. Nothing should be off-limits.
Be open. Talk openly about everything, especially the stuff that hurts. If something bothers you in the relationship, you must be willing to talk about it openly. Talking about an issue openly builds trust and intimacy and increases the love bond. It may hurt at first, but it is still necessary to discuss it. No one else can fix your relationship for you. Nor should anyone else.
Only make promises you can keep. Broken promises erode trust, which took a long time to build. Rebuilding trust after it has been broken can take a long time, which may be costly in terms of maintaining a proven track record over time. A good track record can be difficult to rebuild without a genuine apology and owning up to your previous mistakes and embarking on ways to correct them.
Learn to discern your partner’s problems, worries, anxieties or fears. Determine to carry each other’s cross. Watch out for suspicious behavioral changes in your partner and promptly address them by standing with them in difficult times, interrogating them and extending help.
Learn to forgive. This is the most effective way to heal yourself. With love prevailing, nothing is impossible to forgive. Fights in a relationship are inevitable, but they should never be carried too far, to the point of ruining your progress. In most relationship fights, one person thinks something is completely perfect while the other one thinks it’s totally wrong. In such circumstances, it’s extremely hard to distinguish who is right and who is wrong. Insecurity and fears in a relationship should never be encouraged, otherwise, they remain a threat to a healthy relationship
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a-libra-writes · 3 years
GoT Imagines - When You're Engaged to Someone Else
Woooo this is a doozy and I'm including new characters, mostly book ones! because i both love my followers and have lost my marbles.
In this preference, you'll be pining with: Ned Stark, Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Benjen Stark, Jory Cassel, Mance Rayder, Eddison Tollett, Pre-Reek!Theon, Yara Greyjoy, Victarion Greyjoy, Daenerys Targaryen, Jorah Mormont, Missandei, Grey Worm, Tywin Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Sandor Clegane, Bronn, Jaquen H’Ghar, Petyr Baelish, Robert Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon, Davos Seaworth, Margaery Tyrell, Brynden Tully, Edmure Tully, Brienne of Tarth, Ramsay Bolton, Roose Bolton, Oberyn Martell, Doran Martell, Arianne Martell, Tyene Sand
Ned Stark
He’s already an expert in suffering in silence, so this should be no different. Although he’s very surprised at the sudden arrangement, and while he isn’t a man to throw his rank around… He wonders if he can’t convince your family to reconsider. If it’s simply impossible, Ned would resign himself to having to stop the relationship. He’s too honorable to ever consider an affair and he’s not a man to start a duel or cause trouble, especially since it would negatively affect your reputation. The heavy combination of missing you, pining after you all over again and feeling like he didn’t do enough is hard. Some days he entertains the idea of still having a friendship, but it doesn’t seem like a good idea. He doesn’t trust himself.
Robb Stark
The young wolf tries to accept it, even if his feelings become more and more angry each day. Robb never threw his name around, but… he was going to be Lord Stark. Wasn't that good enough for your family? For you? He tries to be the bigger man, but if you're miserable with your spouse and they don't treat you well, he can't keep his temper in check. Expect him to have a sudden outburst at a feast and cause a scene. The only thinking keeping him from an outright duel are his parents and his worry about your reputation. But if he was pushed to it….
Sansa Stark
She should've known this would happen. It's the fate of all ladies, yet there's a bitterness that tugs at her when she hears the news. Sansa tries to bury her feelings around others, but she's never done that with you. She expresses her disappointment and sorrow, and swears she'll help if your spouse turns out to be awful. She doesn't want them to be, but she doesn't want you beginning to prefer their company, either. She wonders if her affection for you would wane if she just pined from afar and tried to keep her feelings to herself.
Jon Snow
Ah yes, once again his bastardry is hitting him straight in the gut. Jon knew it was going to happen eventually, he already felt like the relationship was on a timer, and now it’s finally ended. He’s convinced there’s no getting out of it, because even if you did - you’d never be able to be with him in the open. It makes Jon glad he’s going to the Wall; hopefully the distance and cold will dull his feelings. In spite of that, sometimes he’ll tell Sam about you, and he speaks so mournfully it makes Sam think that distance hasn’t done all that much to help Jon’s pining.
Benjen Stark
He should be the bigger person and accept that this is for the best. He’s sworn to the Wall, and you two shouldn’t have been sneaking around. He should be relieved neither of you were caught. None of these thoughts are comforting. Ben tries to cope by making not-so-joking jokes about you running off to the Wall too, or perhaps he should take Yoren’s job and find his way to your court once in a blue moon. Then there’s no joking, and it’s just bitterness. He removes himself from your life after that, not wanting to hurt you with his own negative thoughts. He’d rather you keep the happy memories.
Jory Cassel
He accepts it, not that it brings him any pleasure. Jory's always been proud of his service to the Starks, but he's long understood that his landed seat is not a valuable one. Whenever he married, if he did, it wouldn't be someone as lovely as you. The announcement still hits him in the gut and he dejectedly tries to break it off (though it's easier on him if you do it). If he was in charge of guarding you, he'd switch shifts immediately and begin avoiding you, thinking it'll make things easier.
Eddison Tollett
This relationship already seemed too good to be true, so it’s abrupt end is not surprising. He’s sworn to the Wall and you both were sneaking around to begin with, so this should have been expected, but… it just makes him feel even more tired and dumb. Sam and Jon notice how little he sleeps and that he’s begun to skip meals, and he doesn’t have to explain why. They can do the math. Edd at least doesn’t try to bury any sad feelings or memories. It’s too exhausting to actively try, and it’s something to keep him company while he works. Maybe the feelings will fade… eventually.
Mance Rayder
It's one more reason for him to leave the "South" and go past the Wall. He knew a proper relationship with you wasn't possible because of his vows, but watching you go through this sham of an arranged marriage is just depressing. He'll comfort you best he can until he has to go back to the Wall, though he won't make promises he can't keep. Having to separate from you weighs heavy on him for a long time, and is one of many reasons he abandons the Watch.
Theon Greyjoy
What the hell is this? Hearing the news ruins his whole day, worse if he wasn’t able to hear it directly from you. He’s the heir to the Iron Islands, and his interest in you was clear as day! No, he hadn’t proposed yet… but he was getting to it! Now some mainlander beat him to it? Theon is absolutely seething. He’d prefer to duel your spouse to teach them a lesson in front of everyone, but he’s open to more boring methods like reasoning with your family. If he wasn’t able to change the engagement, he’d be bitter, and more than willing to carry on an affair behind your spouse’s back. He ought to just go the Ironborn route and kidnap you for himself.
Asha (Yara) Greyjoy
When you give her the news and you’re clearly distraught about it, Yara considers carrying you off to her ship right there. If you’re non-Ironborn, you’ll be her saltwife -- and if you’re Ironborn, she wants to have a discussion with whoever the hell planned this when everyone KNOWS you belong with her. You hadn’t expected this possessive behavior, but now you know Yara’s willing to fight for you as soon as someone takes you. No surprise, she’s more than willing to sneak around with you behind your husband’s back - maybe she can goad him into a duel. That would certainly solve a problem, wouldn’t it?
Victarion Greyjoy
He doesn’t understand at first. Victarion had made it clear that you were his, hadn’t everyone known that? No, he never made any sort of formal marriage, but not because he didn’t care. He felt like there was no need, hadn’t everyone known? If your family and spouse are Ironborn, he’ll immediately sail to their keep and raise all seven hells, and marry you right there in front of them. If you were sent away to the green lands, it would take the combined power of Balon, Yara and Aeron to keep him from sailing off immediately and just kidnapping you - preferably after killing your spouse. Victarion is pissed. Someone is going to pay for this.
Daenerys Targaryen
She’s just as mad at you as she is with whoever arranged this ridiculous match. Daenerys doesn’t often entertain arrogant thoughts, but… How could anyone think to match you with someone else, knowing your relationship with her? She feels she ought to be offended, though Daenerys knows this is hard on you as well, and you didn’t ask for it. She’ll think of some clever way to get you out of the arrangement, no way is this person getting away from stealing from her. And yes, that might as well be what it is! While she’s working out what to do, if she so much as hears murmurs of the possibility of your spouse hurting you… all bets are off. She’s taking you back with her, alliance be damned.
Jorah Mormont
The announcement of your engagement is a punch to his gut and a shock to his system. Jorah knew he wasn’t the best husband material, but he was planning to ask for your hand himself - then this happened. What’s worse, he knows as far as practical marriage goes, he has little to offer. He goes into a bit of a panic as he tries to think of what to do. There’s sensible choices, like trying to talk to your family with you. Then there’s not so sensible ones… Maybe running off, maybe just continuing the relationship behind your new spouse’s back, maybe dueling them… While Jorah is in emotional turmoil, he’d do anything for you. Even if you wanted to break off the relationship… or had a plan for him to follow. He’s nothing if not hopelessly devoted.
… Oh. Maybe she shouldn’t have expected you to stick around for so long. As close as she is to Daenerys, she really has no fancy titles or things to offer. She understood why your family chose the match, it was a good one, politically speaking… but that does little to soothe her. Quite the opposite, a strong, desolate feeling overcomes her, one she hasn’t felt in a long time. She isn’t sure what to do, if it’s her place to stop the process. Perhaps if you asked her, she could try to make plans. Daenerys would help as well, considering how fond she is of you two, and how much she despises women being forced into arrangements.
Grey Worm
The sudden news takes him off guard, and sends him into a bit of an existential crisis. He was starting to see himself as a person, with his own name and a path he chose to follow… then this arrangement happens, and he’s forced to face what the rest of the world sees him as. It’s not that Grey Worm has a sense of ownership over you, but for once he was allowing himself all these happy feelings and memories with you, and now it’s gone. Of course he wants you back, but he feels paralyzed. What if he makes it worse? Does this have to happen? He starts to become even more withdrawn and distant, worrying Missandei until she decides to help. Grey Worm finally returns to his old self when he has you in his arms again.
Tywin Lannister
His steady composure is hit with such a rage at the news, the servant delivering it goes into a panic. His interest in you was obvious, so anyone doing this was trying to spite him. He doesn’t take the insult well. Perhaps before you’re even able to tell him the news yourself, threats will be delivered to both the spouse’s family and your own - Tywin is especially furious towards them, and won’t forget this - and incidents will be arranged. He refuses to be a man who pines after someone or covets another one’s wife, nor will he allow some lesser lord to take what he perceives as ‘his’.
Tyrion Lannister
The angst hits him like a ton of bricks, and it’s even worse if this came out of left field. It hurts less if he hears it from you, but only just. He should have known your family wouldn’t have accept any proposal he made - and gods know he was ready to do it - it’s just one more log to fuel his self-loathing and bitterness toward this world. But if you knock some sense into him, he’ll snap out of that spiral and begin to plan with you. There’s plenty of choices before the two of you - scandal? Running off? - but rest assured, Tyrion is going to investigate the hell out of this person. He’d never forgive himself if you got stuck with a brute.
Jaime Lannister
The fact he knew this was inevitable doesn't help Jaime's irritation. He can't believe your family arranged for that person to marry you. Seriously? You'd better keep Jaime at a distance from your spouse, because he can't help himself from making snide remarks and sarcastic comments. If he riles up the guy into a duel, all the better. He'll do all sorts of reckless things to begin with, and it's only worse when he's upset. He's also very willing to have an affair behind your spouse's back - you were with him first. You’ll probably have to scold Jaime about you two almost getting caught, but he’s above reproach. His stubbornness and jealousy gets worse the closer you two are.
Cersei Lannister
She’s absolutely infuriated with your family. You were her handmaiden, someone whose been with her for years - and they have the nerve to go behind her back like this?! It smells like a scheme of Tyrion’s, or perhaps Varys, but she’ll deal with them in time. For now, she’ll work out what to do about your spouse. She’ll try to keep you around as much as possible, and her possessiveness comes out in full. You can’t possibly be interested in such a worthless man.
Sandor Clegane
When you tell Sandor, he’s quiet for a discerningly long time before the anger and arguments come out. And then the quiet bitterness. The thing is, he knew this was coming for a while. He knew your time together was limited, he shouldn’t have things like hopes and happiness because it’ll just get taken away. And it is. Even if you explain you’ll try to break off the arrangement, that there’s still a way to get out, he has trouble believing it. He’s seen enough ladies get chained to useless fucking lords, he’d rather not see it happen to someone he cares about, thanks. Sandor will push you away as much as he can, but you could still attempt to convince him to have an affair… or perhaps leave King’s Landing entirely.
Ser Bronn of the Blackwater
He’s only mildly annoyed at the inconvenience. It’ll be a lot harder for you both to sneak around now, and forget about it if you’re having to move somewhere far away. Guess that’s the end of that ‘relationship’ - he should’ve expected it. Bronn is way more willing to stay close if you remain in King’s Landing, and he expects you both to keep fooling around. Now, if he’s actually started to develop feelings about you… he’ll start to act differently. You don’t actually like your spouse, do you? Wasn’t that just some arranged bullshit? He’ll throw smirks and subtle insults your spouse’s way, as if trying to goad them into a fight. More then once you two will almost get caught because he decides waltzing up to your window is totally acceptable, or trying to have a quickie in the middle of the day. A surprisingly jealous side will come out and he’s in total denial about any feelings he might have.
Jacquen H’ghar
This isn’t alarming to Jacquen at first. He knew he could never have such a union with you, and since this Westerosi society is so insistent on marriage, it would happen eventually. Still, your pain hurts him as well. Jacquen would have a variety of plans … anywhere from easily disguising as a guard or servant so he’s always beside you, or perhaps whisking you away somewhere. This isn’t the end of your relationship for him - it’s just a challenge to overcome. He assumes you won’t send him away or break it off.
Petyr Baelish
You being someone else’s wife makes no difference to Petyr, though he’s surprised in himself. Usually he stays out of such affairs, it only causes trouble… But he’s been intrigued by you, and quite frankly, he’s offended that this Lord Whoever from Wherever didn’t take his interest into account. No matter. Petyr has plenty of plans to deal with this pest, though he’s annoyed at his own jealousy whenever he sees you together with your spouse, even if you’re miserable. While he doesn’t want you unhappy, it certainly makes starting an affair and/or disposing of your spouse much easier.
Robert Baratheon
He’s furious and everyone is going to know about it. Robert will complain endlessly to Ned and Lord Arryn about how he found you first, how that useless shit of a husband won’t know what to do with you. Since he does little to hide his disgust, rumors will spread all over court. Hell, he’ll probably say even stupider things when he’s drunk, or he’ll do something stupider, like actually try to aggravate the guy into a fight or a duel. If you’re actually able to get him under control, he has no qualms about having an affair with you… but he may not be subtle about it. So that’s another thing to keep in mind.
Stannis Baratheon
It’s depressingly impressive how willing Stannis is to bury and deny his feelings once he hears you’re promised to someone else. He’ll try to extinguish all the happiness he had with you, bottle up all the memories and feelings that went along with it. This will be fine. He’ll be fine. This iron resolve is easy to maintain if Stannis rarely sees you. If you both are forced to interact even semi-often, it chips away at him, and he can’t help himself from making biting remarks about your spouse when you both visit. He hates feeling this way, he’s never felt it before, and he carries a deep grudge against your spouse and family for making it happen. It’s easier if you write to him, but then Stannis starts keeping those letters and punishing himself by reading them over and over. Eventually he stops entirely, deeming it inappropriate, even if that feels like cutting off one of his limbs.
Davos Seaworth
The old knight is understandably saddened by news of your betrothal and marriage, but it makes sense. Politics-wise, Davos believes he isn’t much of a prize, even when he’s risen to Lord. He should’ve expected this would happen. He’d wish you genuine happiness… But if you were miserable, Davos would feel awful and powerless. If you truly wanted to continue the relationship behind your spouse’s back, his biggest worry would be the secret getting out and your reputation being ruined. He wouldn’t be able to resist forever, but he’d still try to talk you out of it and try to convince you to forget about him.
Margaery Tyrell
She seeks you out the moment she finds out - and that was quickly, because she often keeps tabs on you. Her grandmother warned her about getting so close to her favorite, but it still comes as a terrible shock. Margaery holds you close and promises she’ll make it better, somehow. Maybe she and her grandmother can reason with her family, perhaps you can marry into the Tyrell family, so you both can be together. She’ll fix it, she swears. The thought of someone else being with you is terrible enough, she’ll be even more worried if the person is abusive. Margaery won’t stand for it, and might take a few rare risks for your sake.
Brynden Tully
This stirs up a lot of complicated feelings in the old knight. He knew his relationship with you wouldn’t last forever, that you’d have to marry eventually, and he never wanted to marry…. But he feels like this is his fault, especially if you’re miserable. He could’ve prevented this. Brynden knows he ought to break off the relationship, and he won’t blame you if you do… but he’ll also consider the idea of continuing the relationship. And if you have to go somewhere far away, he’ll still appreciate you sending letters and having a correspondence. The relationship may not be the same long-distance, but he cares a lot about you, and it hurts having you cut from his life.
Edmure Tully
Woe and misery. How much wine is in Riverrun’s stores? He may end up drinking a dent in it by the time the month is out. He almost didn’t believe the news until he heard it from several people, or just you directly. How could this happen? Wasn’t he courting you properly, taking all the steps just the right way? Wasn’t his interest obvious to anyone with eyes? Edmure approaches your family with a bit of a hot head, almost demanding an answer for why they chose whoever over … whoever your spouse is. Edmure doesn’t even care who it is, he hates their guts immediately. More likely than not, he’ll do something foolish, like start a duel. If all else fails, he’ll make sad eyes at you at all the feasts and galas and go into a bit of a depression.
Brienne of Tarth
Brienne is immediately distraught, but also believes she deserves it somehow. This happy relationship just had to come to an end, didn’t it? Well, you two had to be discreet about it to begin with, which didn’t please her … but this alternative feels worse. Brienne switches between trying to stay frosty to make it easier for you two to part, and being unable to hold back her affection and sadness. The best solution she can think of is to stay as your sworn sword, independent of your new husband’s house guards. And gods know, she will come at him with a vengeance if he even dares upset you or lay an unwanted hand on you. That means the relationship could continue, but she dislikes the secrecy even more when you’re married. While she doesn’t like the idea of running away from problems, maybe in certain circumstances, she’d be open to the idea…
Ramsay Bolton
Ramsay is irate, to say the least. Even if you don’t actually know him, you’ve just caught his eye, he’ll become possessive. If you both were romantic before the engagement news, his anger and possessiveness would be even more dangerous. Woe to your spouse if he lives close to the Dreadfort - leave it to Ramsay to think up some “accident” for them to be involved in. And if he finds out they’re involved in some sort of treason or crime, that’s all the better, no matter how flimsy the “crime” is. If he’s feeling especially reckless, he’ll just arrange their murder and take you back right away. Ramsay is a terrible loser, doubly so if it involves one of the few things he actually cares about.
Roose Bolton
On the outside he doesn’t react to the news beyond a silent glare. On the inside, Roose is furious. He had plans for you, plans that may have taken quite a while to get to this point, and now it’s been ruined by someone whose actively working against him… or too stupid to realize what a massive mistake they just made. Roose thinks up various ways to circumvent this and have you to himself. In the meantime, he’ll gladly continue an affair behind your spouse’s back, but that won’t necessarily save them from death. You’ll notice him become increasingly possessive and jealous, even if you have zero interest in your spouse, and you can sense he’ll be holding a deep grudge against whoever arranged this in the first place.
Oberyn Martell
As soon as he hears about the news, Doran has to talk him down from dueling the man…Half his daughters support it, the other half suggest something more subtle. Overyn feels insulted, for one - your affection for each other was obvious, yet your family still made this arrangement. And if he doesn’t get his duel, he will spread all sorts of unsavory, salacious rumors about your spouse, in hopes of creating a scandal that makes your family break the union. Or better, lead to the man dueling Oberyn directly! Oberyn doesn’t even consider continuing your relationship with him an “affair”. You both were together first, and a farce of a marriage you didn’t agree to won’t change that. You just have to make sure he can be discreet.
Doran Martell
While the news of your engagement is depressing, it isn't surprising. He's quite aware of the politics of Westeros, even if his own family doesn't believe it, and he had wind of this engagement. He just thought he could stop it in time. He hides his disappointment, but his family can tell he's withdrawing. Oberyn argues with his brother to go get you and fight, but Doran is a man of silent plans. He'll still love to correspond with you, and you can tell by his letters that he seems hopeful. Maybe he's thought of a way to break it off …
Arianne Martell
Well, isn’t this irksome? Arianne loved having you in her palace and keeping you all to herself, but then this foolish arranged marriage happened… She doesn’t hide her disdain, and she’s annoyed at herself for not doing more to stop it. The princess will spend no small amount of time being angry at the unfairness of it. Once she’s calmed, she doesn’t see why you both can’t continue the relationship behind closed doors. You’re both used to sneaking around, anyway. And Arianne can’t resist ferreting around for some salacious rumors about your spouse… Wouldn’t it be a shame if she found out something that led you to your family cutting the betrothal off?
Tyene Sand
She’s beyond annoyed at this outcome. You were her favorite, in more ways than one, and while she didn’t delude herself into thinking you’d be together forever… well, couldn’t you both have spent your days in court in service to the Martells, or perhaps left forever on a boat to Essos? Why did this have to happen so soon? She’s despondent, much as she tries to hide it, even with her sisters trying to comfort her. She begins to think of plans, just little things … a rumor here, a scheme there. She’ll feel much better if you remain in the Sunspear court, so she can stay close and your relationship can continue.
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lets-play-pirates · 2 years
(little disclaimer: I wrote this as a reply to a post that I was sure I had liked in order to be able to find it later, but apparently I didn't 'cause now I can't find it, what's wrong with my brain gkrjhk... EDIT: here it is!)
As someone on the wrong side of 40, OFMD hit me hard. Like, really, really hard.
And I know, I'm aware there's a lot more going on with the show - it handles queerness, race, toxic masculinity, class, and a lot more. I love it for this, for how wonderfully multi-faceted it is. And I'm queer as well (I realized I was aroace in my 30s - before then, I didn't even know there was a word for who I am, I just thought I was weird -and I've recently, now that I'm in my 40s, started to question my gender identity) so it's not like age is the only reason why this show resonates with me.
But it's especially refreshing for me, even inspiring, to see mid-life crisis being treated not as something laughable, wrong, disruptive, regressive, childish, a mistake to fix.
I love that in this genuinely hilarious comedy Stede's and Ed's unhappiness in their lives is never the butt of the joke. We hear that Stede used to cry by himself and it's not funny or pathetic. It's sad, and relatable. I've been there. I still am, sometimes. And when Ed says, "I'm a ghost" and rages at how boring everything has become and wonders out loud if this is all there is, I can feel those lines in my bones.
Nigel finds the idea of Stede leaving behind his family and his comfortable life to embrace piracy ridiculous; Izzy doesn't understand Ed's depression, his emptiness, calls him "half-insane" and "a shell of a man" and does everything in his power to pull him back where he thinks Ed belongs.
But the narrative tells us that Nigel and Izzy are both wrong. Leaving eventually proved to be right choice for Stede, the one that allowed both himself and Mary, the abandoned spouse, to live a more fulfilling life, free to pursue their happiness and their passions with a partner of their choosing; it was trying to get back to normal, to return to the old status quo, that was a mistake.
And Ed's falling back into his old life as a fearsome pirate, with no room for love or laughter or softness or silliness, is a tragedy, a defeat. It leaves him empty and broken, hopeless in a way he wasn't before he met the Gentleman Pirate and his crew, crying alone the way Stede used to.
OFMD tells me that there is no deadline for figuring yourself out. That craving for something more, something different, when your hair starts to go gray, is not foolish, is not frivolous, and is not wrong. That it's ok if you start your journey later in life, even if your face is lined and your joints creak. That you are not insane or broken or ungrateful if your life doesn't fulfill you anymore and you want to change course, no matter how many years of your life you leave behind.
OFMD tells me, look, the old tree still has some fruit to give after all.
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Just thinking about how... 
When you take a step back and look at the Star Wars universe as a whole, it gets really hard to defend Padmé and Anakin’s relationship. 
A common criticism against the Jedi Order is that they stood between Anakin and the love of his life, and that it tore him apart. And yeah, I guess that’s fair - if you ignore that Anakin was absolutely free to leave, that Padmé being a senator was as much of a problem as Anakin being a Jedi (which she states herself in AotC and RotS), and that Jedi weren’t even forbidden to have sex or to be in love (as explicitly stated by Lucas and Obi-Wan respectively - the problem with marriage was commitment; commitment to your spouse over commitment to your duty).
Except it wasn’t the secrecy that made Anakin fall. He would have reduced the Galaxy to ashes to save Padmé even if he’d been free to be married to her openly. And when you look at the fate of the universe? At what Anakin allowed to happen for Padmé? It’s not just the Clones whose identity and free will were ripped from them, not just the Jedi who were slaughtered by their best friends. 
The Lasat were exterminated, the Wookiees enslaved, the Geonosians wiped out, the Mandalorians hunted down, the Force-sensitives children kidnapped. Worlds like Lothal were reduced to starvation. Alderaan was destroyed - billions of people, dead. Thousands of worlds were occupied and stripped of their resources. 
When you need more than one hand to count the number of genocides the Empire committed, the scale of the horror is just too great to fathom. 
So from that perspective - taking a step back, setting aside Padmé’s and Anakin’s feelings, understanding what was a stake - I say who cares. Who cares that Anakin was in love and that he felt he couldn’t live without Padmé. The priority was never “let Anakin Skywalker have everything his heart desires” - the priority was the billions of lives that were between him and his dreams. 
That’s Jedi philosophy (except they are more compassionate that I am here). That you can’t place your emotions, your relationships, your loved ones above everything and everyone else. That’s selfish and that’s evil. Anakin’s tale was never that of a star-crossed lover who tried to break his bonds and love despite his cold, unfeeling Masters’ rules. 
Anakin’s tale was that of a man who loved selfishly. (”There’s nothing more important to me than the way I feel about you” - Padmé isn’t even the most important thing - the way he feels about Padmé is. “You turned her against me! You will not take her from me!”)  Who loved violently. (*after beating the crap out of Clovis* Anakin: “I know I went too far. It's just... It's just something inside me snapped.” Padmé: “I don't know who's in there sometimes. I just know that I'm not happy anymore. I don't feel safe. I think it’s best if we don’t see each other anymore. At least not for a while.”) (*later strangles his pregnant wife*) 
He loved selfishly and violently and for the sake of one man’s feelings, one man’s heart, evil like nothing seen before was unleashed.
AAYLA: I can still sense your worry for Anakin, your attachment to him. AHSOKA: It's just... I get so confused sometimes. It's forbidden for Jedi to form attachments, yet we are supposed to be compassionate. AAYLA: It is nothing to be ashamed of, Ahsoka. I went through the same process when I was your age with my own master. AHSOKA: Really? You? AAYLA: He was like a father to me. I realized that for the greater good, I had to let him go. Don't lose a thousand lives just to save one.
Don’t lose a thousand lives to save one. 
That’s it, that’s what letting go was about. And Anakin didn’t even try. 
Of course Palpatine was the instigator of all this death and misery, of course it was his plan, his design, his fault. But Anakin was the catalyst. And Anakin stood by and let it happen, and then picked up a lightsaber and started slaughtering his way to what he imagined was a “happy ending” with Padmé.
Looking at the big picture, looking at all the suffering and loss and the hard struggles of people like Hera and Kanan, like the Rebels who had to sacrifice everything for the freedom of others, it seems absurd, ridiculous, blatantly unfair that this all came to pass become of one’s man love. 
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Curse-breaker (Chapter 4/4)
- ao3 -
“You know him, right?” Jiang Cheng asked Lan Xichen. He was trying not to appear as nervous as he felt in asking, but he was pretty sure he was failing. “Nie-gongzi?”
Lan Xichen smiled. “I do. And thank you for calling him that, he prefers it.”
There were those that had started calling him Curse-breaker, as if it were a proper title; Jiang Cheng had heard it said a few times, and while he didn’t personally disagree with the moniker, which seemed appropriate, he also knew better than to just drop it into a conversation.
Luckily. He was trying to make a good impression here.
“What’s he like?” Jiang Cheng blurted out, then immediately wanted to kick himself. “I mean – it’s just – I didn’t see him much when he visited the Lotus Pier –”
He was making it worse.
It was only that he’d never quite met anyone with so much presence as Nie Mingjue: taller even than Jiang Cheng’s father, with that strange eye that seemed to see everything and anything. His features were generally set in a neutral expression that made him seem almost unworldly, like some god untouched by human concerns, but which sometimes softened a little when he approved of something – or someone.
Jiang Cheng could feel his cheeks going red, and tried to suppress it.
“Mingjue-xiong liked you,” Lan Xichen said, and Jiang Cheng lost the battle at once, his whole face heating up until it felt unbearably hot. This was worse than the time that Nie Mingjue had come to the Lotus Pier and told his parents to value Jiang Cheng more or else, and then his father had come in with a smirk and a snarl and somehow made them do it. “He said so.”
“He did?”
“Oh, yes. He said you were talented and faithful, with a good heart, and that we’d see great things from you.”
Jiang Cheng was going to die.
“That’s nice,” he said, with an effort. “I thought very highly of him, too. He’s…great.”
Wow. ‘Great’. Was that really the best he could do?
Lan Xichen studied him for a moment, then nodded. “He really is,” he said, and sighed. “I had the same reaction, you know. He’s…a lot.”
Jiang Cheng felt seen. “I know,” he said effusively. “He’s just – you know?”
“I do,” Lan Xichen said. “Just –”
He waved his hand in the air. Not even making some sort of gesture, just a meaningless sort of wave, but for some reason Jiang Cheng understood him completely.
There really just weren’t words sometimes, when you wanted to describe things or people that inspired feelings that went beyond the merely describable. Nie Mingjue was one of those – Jiang Cheng had known that Lan Xichen would understand, and sure enough, he did.
And to think that Wei Wuxian liked Lan Wangji better!
Really, his shixiong might be more talented than Jiang Cheng in many ways, ways that were often a matter of jealousy, but Jiang Cheng clearly had better taste.
“Oh, there you are,” a voice said, and Jiang Cheng tensed and turned to look – but it was only Wen Qing, so that was fine. “Lan-gongzi, Jiang-gongzi, I was sent to spend some time with you.”
She probably meant that she was sent away so that the adults would have time to talk about issues they thought were too sensitive to involve the younger generation, or else they just wanted to start drinking earlier in the afternoon than usual and didn’t want her judging them from a medical standpoint. Either might be true – Wen Qing was widely acclaimed as one of the most talented in their generation, as terrifying with her needles as other people might be with their sword, from more or less the first moment she’d finally been allowed to join the rest of them on equal grounds.
They greeted her, trying to stand up to be polite, but she waved them down irritably and took a seat instead. “What are you two talking about?”
“Nie Mingjue,” Lan Xichen said, and Jiang Cheng nodded. “We were just commenting on his many admirable qualities.”
Jiang Cheng nodded a second time, even more emphatically.
Wen Qing looked at them both with that critical eye of hers for a long moment.
Then she sighed in a huff. “He’s really all that and more, isn’t he?” she said.
“He is,” Lan Xichen said.
“He’s just –” Jiang Cheng tried the same gesture as Lan Xichen earlier, and was gratified when Wen Qing started nodding herself in total agreement. “Right?”
Nie Mingjue was aware that many people liked to stare at them, but they had assumed it was because of how unusual they were – even putting aside the eye, which was their most obviously not-normal feature, their behavior was not always in line with regular people’s. They didn’t show their emotions on their face as easily, being more naturally inclined towards sternness, and their manner was both sharp and incisive, straightforward and blunt; they had missed critical years of social development while lost in what amounted to seclusion, too busy solidifying their sense of self, consolidating their we into an I.
(They were still trying to figure out gender, a process complicated by the fact that it hadn’t made much sense to either of them to begin with. They were starting to suspect it would be better to just give up on it entirely.)
It turned out, according to Nie Huaisang, that that was not why all those people were staring.
“When you say they like me…”
“Sexually or romantically attracted, usually both,” Nie Huaisang said. “You have a lot of would-be suitors. Lan Xichen, Jiang Cheng, Wen Qing, Wen Ning, Jiang Yanli –”
“I don’t think you’re supposed to use their names directly like that,” Nie Mingjue said, though they weren’t sure about that. They’d forgotten more etiquette than they’d ever learned. “Also, isn’t Jiang Yanli getting married to Jin Zixuan?”
“He’s another of your admirers. As is Meng Yao…no, sorry, Jin Ziyao. You know he secretly thinks that you killed Jin Guangshan for him, right?”
They’d killed Jin Guangshan because he was rotten through and through, and he didn’t even have a qi deviation or a tormenting heart demon to blame for it. He just thought of people as things, even the ones he supposedly liked, and acted accordingly…they hadn’t really thought through the consequences of killing him when they’d done it, having long ago forgotten the concept of political considerations, but it was really amazing what could be covered up or excused if multiple sect leaders put their minds to it while the rest just breathed a sigh of relief that Jin Guangshan was gone.
“That seems like too many people,” they said. “They can’t all be my…admirers.”
“You think that’s it? I haven’t even gotten to Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian – both at once, if that’s your preferred flavor – and even that feral child Jin Ziyao found in Kuizhou…you know just the other week, he loudly declared that you were better than sweets and the entire room sighed all at once in agreement?”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
“I’m not. There are even rumors that say that Sect Leader Wen might be interested…”
They shrugged.
Nie Huaisang squinted at them. “Da-ge. Did you know about that one?”
“Sect Leader Wen is not subtle,” they said dryly. “But if it makes you feel better, his interest is purely a matter of cultivation, and also our father has already hit him for even making the suggestion.”
Nie Huaisang didn’t look impressed. “Are you sure it’s purely a matter of cultivation? Would you be able to tell if it wasn’t?”
Nie Mingjue considered how little they’d recognized any of the other people who were purportedly interested in them. “No,” they admitted.
“Hmm. What about Teacher Lan?”
“What about Teacher Lan?” they asked, suspicious.
“Nothing, nothing. Just something I read somewhere…”
Probably one of those spring books that he was always sneaking around, they concluded.
“Though…you have been going out of your way to meet up with Teacher Lan more often recently…”
“He’s helping me figure out some of the bureaucratic intricacies of changing succession,” they said. “He’s had the most experience, having to do it twice – once to get his brother out of the line of succession, and another to get him back in. He’s a good teacher.”
He was, too. For all of Nie Huaisang’s tall tales about Lan Qiren’s strictness and overly-rigid insistence on orthodoxy, the man himself had a very calming presence, still and tranquil. It made them think of a musical instrument and, using the Nie cultivation method as a base, start to think strange thoughts…
Though not the sorts of thoughts Nie Huaisang had in mind.
“I mean, I guess. Even I learned eventually, and – wait. Why do you need to know about how to change succession? You’re already the heir.”
“That’s the problem,” Nie Mingjue said. “I need to figure out how to abdicate my position in your favor.”
Nie Huaisang gaped at him.
“No, I’m not joking,” they said, because they knew their little brother. “I’m not suited for politics. I don’t think I ever was, and after everything that happened, I’m even less suited.”
They really weren’t. Too blunt, too sharp, too concerned with justice, too inhuman – they were good at fighting, in the sense that they knew how to be a saber as well as a human and could wield sharpness in the same way, a slash from their fingers being enough to cleave a man in half, but that wasn’t what being a sect leader was about.
No, Nie Huaisang would be much better at it.
“Da-ge, you can’t do this to me!” Nie Huaisang wailed. “Do you know how much work it’d be? Anyway, you can’t – our father’s already promised all of Qinghe Nie to your future spouse! So there!”
“Then I just won’t ever get married.”
“What?!” Nie Huaisang waved his hands wildly. “You can’t do that! You – you – do you know how many hearts you’d be breaking?!”
“So you’ve informed me,” Nie Mingjue said dryly. “It’s all right, Huaisang. I rather like the life Teacher Lan has made for himself, traveling all around and coming back every few seasons to teach something. I want to fight evil, and there’s a lot more evil out there than there is in here.”
Or, at minimum, there was more evil of the sort they were allowed to just stab. That was apparently frowned upon, in politics – there was a reason they said they weren’t suited for it.
“You’re not suited for fighting evil with a blade,” they added while Nie Huaisang was still spluttering. “But you can do wonders with people, if you’re given enough time to plan it. Being sect leader will put you in the position that will let you fight evil best, in your own way.”
“Not everything is about fighting evil, da-ge!”
“Isn’t it?”
Nie Huaisang didn’t seem to have a good answer to that.
After a while, he finally said, “…you really think I’d be good at it?”
Nie Mingjue pulled their younger brother in for a hug.
“You’ll be magnificent,” they promised.
They liked travel, just as they’d suspected they would.
People always recognized them – the eye was very distinctive, and they were also very tall – and immediately rushed over to share all their problems. They were very happy to help. Some of them they could fix personally, generally the ones that were stabbable, while they had a wide enough set of acquaintances to deal with many of the others: those who needed healing to go to the Lan sect or Wen sect, depending on whether problem was mental or physical; those that needed advancement to the Jin sect or Jiang sect; mysteries to be solved to the newly established Wei sect over in Yiling; and anyone with anything more abstruse than that over to Nie Huaisang personally to sort of.
Their little brother liked a good puzzle.
As for Nie Mingjue’s part, they liked fighting evil, and they liked helping people, too, if they could manage it, so it all worked out quite well. The road could be a little lonely at times, all alone with no one around, but it wasn’t really that bad. They were welcome at just about every cultivation sect and most of the other places they’d passed by, so it wasn’t like they were lacking for company if they wanted it.
It was only sometimes that they wished that there was someone else who might want to share this type of life with them.
It was a difficult life, always roving and never satisfied, intent on fighting evil for an eternity and prizing the doing of it over normal things, everyday things; they knew that they couldn’t ask someone else to take on a mission so absurd as stamping out all evil in the world, and so they didn’t. Who would be so foolish as that? Not everyone could leave behind all their responsibilities and ties to the world the way they did, passing instead through their beloved one’s lives by chance like a leaf tossed in the wind – nor should they, if those ties gave them joy.
Take their current mission, for example. One of Nie Mingjue’s earlier trips had taken them from Yiling to the Baixue Temple, with the highly unorthodox Wei sect’s equally unorthodox head disciple, Xue Yang, tagging along with them so that they could – in Wei Wuxian’s words – beat some sense into his head, and it had been on that trip that they had met Song Lan, who was thoroughly charmed by the idea of a sect established on principles of brotherhood rather than blood.
He'd also been rather charmed, they thought, by Xue Yang himself, and the interest had been mutual.
(They were getting better at recognizing that sort of thing.)
So Song Lan had gone off with them, with Nie Mingjue dropping both him and Xue Yang back in Yiling, and when he’d gone back again another time they had seemed very happy. But Song Lan had been thinking about his master and martial brothers back at home, and he’d asked if Nie Mingjue would be willing to carry along some letters that he didn’t dare trust to the post.
Nie Mingjue, suspecting a request regarding marriage was involved, had readily agreed. Sure enough, once they’d dropped it off, the entire Baixue Temple had all but exploded in excitement – they’d barely managed to make it out of there in time to avoid being dragged into all the fuss.
And now they were wandering around nearby, shaking their head in amusement at all the noise they’d left behind, looking for something more interesting to do. Some evil to fight, or something like that.
They found both.
“Well, that was exhilarating,” they commended to the cultivator in white that had worked together with them to defeat a rather astounding number of evil creatures in an effort to save some rogue cultivators who’d gotten in over their heads. Nie Mingjue’s reputation was already ridiculous, and was only going to get worse, they knew, but really this was a lot even for them. They wouldn’t have been able to manage it without help.
“It was,” the cultivator said, and smiled at them. “My name is Xiao Xingchen, disciple of Baoshan Sanren. Who are you?”
“Nie Mingjue,” they said. They thought they’d heard of Baoshan Sanren before, but they weren’t entirely sure – they had a tendency to forget things that weren’t that important to them. They thought it might be something to do with Wei Wuxian’s mother –something to do with the immortal mountain, and a doom that fell on those who descended from it…?
“If you don’t mind me asking, why did those rogue cultivators call you Curse-breaker?” Xiao Xingchen asked.
They thought about it for a moment, then shrugged.
Xiao Xingchen laughed.
It was a warm sound.
“Where are you going?” Nie Mingjue asked. “I can escort you, if you like.”
“Don’t you have things of your own to be doing?”
“Not really,” Nie Mingjue said. “I want to eradicate all evil in this world, a task that’ll take me a lifetime – and evil can be found anywhere. Why not with you?”
Xiao Xingchen ducked his head. “I don’t have a destination either,” he admitted. “I came down from the mountain because I wanted to help save all the people in the world.”
Nie Mingjue blinked. That was nearly as stupidly idealistic a goal as theirs.
“Well, then,” they said, and smiled. “In that case, why don’t we go together?”
It would be nice to have company, unrestrained by any obligations tied to the mortal world, and in return they could show Xiao Xingchen everything there was to see – introduce him to all the people, eat all the food, fight all the battles. And if in the end it turned out that that doom people talked about in regards to the mountain really was a thing…
Well, they’d see about that.
After all, Nie Mingjue had a bit of experience with curses like that.
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