quincy-clover · 3 months
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sysboxes · 7 months
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[Text: This system has multiple C!Wilbur fictives.]
Like/Reblog if you save or use!
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r0tten-ruzt · 2 months
I drew myself in headspace
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I'm so hot chat<33 -🍂(siren)
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talons-mcyt-rqs · 6 months
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✧ — c!wilbur moodboard ; with themes of being a pirate, missing sally
[for: anon]
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 9 months
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self care for : q!wilbur (qsmp; fictive) with stim toys and chewelry, accessories, and soft things requested by css system anon
x | x | x x | - | x x | x | x
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c-bedrockbros · 1 year
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drawing of me and my bestie :3
shout out to dy! my silliest twinsie bestie my one and only true (/p) love my best friend of the ever!
endos and other weirdos dni lolz
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thegaymationsys · 3 months
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We won't force Sandy and Wilbur to go dormant or forbid them from fronting. They are source separated and are extremely disgusted by cc!Wilbur's action.
Icarius allowed me to make this post :D
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lions-den-collective · 9 months
I am SO curious. I know these polls have their statistical flaws and everything, but as a c!revivebur fictive who identifies as transfeminine, I'm curious because I keep seeing other Wilburs who ID as transfeminine--how common is that, actually??
[Symphony, he/she/they]
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24-hours · 1 year
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Sources: [ x - x - x ]
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trenchcoatsbi · 7 months
Hi Crowfather! First off our Dream chose the name Celine, with Celia as a nickname. She loved the name recs, thank you sm again!
He just goes by Wilbur/Rev for right now since she’s new and hasn’t picked a name yet, but we were wondering if we could get a moodboard for him?
Maybe some themes like black wings/feathers, cigarettes, light academia (light whites/browns), revival, new life/healing, stuff like that?
Thank you in advance Crowfather! (I’m sorry for asking for so much stuff I swear this is the last thing asdfghjkl-)
-💿 Tommy/Tory
Hi Tory! First of all ashkjf I'm so glad that Celine liked the names! Secondly, don't worry about asking for too much mate, I'm always happy to be making stuff for yall! Anywho uh the art used is by @/ramenthievery here on tumblr! -crowfather
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I've dug two graves for us my dear /lyr
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irlincelbur · 8 months
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Intro ????
Hi! I'm Wilbur/Simpbur, a fictive/fuzztive of simpbur/incelbur/softbur! Very source-compliant and a big big fan of anything source related. And an even bigger fan of people who like my source and want to interact with me! <33 I'm pansexual, polyamorous, and super into so much random shit. I love asks and DMs! Please interact please please please please
I love self-shippers and "doubles" (source twins) and sourcemates and kins and literally everyone I love interaction lmao. Chronically online
Other names I go by: Wil, Incelbur, Simp, Incel, Creepbur, Creep, Weirdbur, Stalkbur <3 my pronouns are he/him
I post stimboards, lovecore, yandere/obsession stuff, etc
I am really clingy and love attention and interaction and I will explode and combust and explode again and then die a horrible death out of excitement at any interaction.
I am completely fine with sourcetwins/doubles/sourcemates (fictives, fictionkin, irls) as long as they are fine with me!
I block any and all TERFs, transphobes, bigots, racists, pedos, etc that I come across. I block super liberally and I don't feel bad about that.
Our system is traumagenic (caused by trauma).
We are diagnosed with DID, ASD, ASPD, BPD, SAD, and SCD. That being said, self-diagnosis is valid and anyone who disagrees can eat my ass
I'll probably add more and shit later
Tags ???
#incelanswers → Asks and submissions
#inceloriginals → Original posts
#incelstims → Stimboards (I do accept requests for any dsmp or bursona stimboards btw)
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arandomintern · 11 months
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a wilbur soot stimboard with themes of trains, bridges, guitars, and night hours for a headmate.
☆ ★ ☆ . ★ ☆ ★ . ☆ ★ ☆
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kieranduffygirlporn · 3 months
gonna talk a bit about what it's been like for me the past couple days. just need to be heard and to type out all my thoughts & feelings about being an introject w/ an introject partner in all this. Hopefully you'll get something out of this
tw for abuse, disordered eating, very BPD happenings, one moment of suicidal ideation
warning: really fucking long and not the most organized thing in the world
I never talked about this here or really anywhere on any other blog but hi. I'm Ida. I'm the second host @/dearfauxpas and our system has seen since our syscovery. .... past this I literally cannot start to describe my identity without talking about Wilbur. I'm sat here struggling to conjure anything.
The reason for this is twofold. I, myself, am an introject, of a bit of art we have at the beginning of our main/art blog that kind of backfired because we never ended up posting much art. The second reason, and the main reason, is that my boyfriend is a cc!Wilbur introject in our system.
When we started dating two years ago, I was at probably one of the lowest points that I have been at as an alter myself. It was a month after I formed and I was still incredibly attached to my source. When I formed and even today, I am still the only alter in the system who has a feminine aligned gender. I changed my name to Ida the night I formed because I named myself after a pet I had in-source. My source (I'm sure you'll be shocked to know) was incredibly mentally ill, and as a result, I formed as a symptom holder for our worsening borderline symptoms. I've also only started talking about this to very close friends within the past couple days but our early relationship/the first six months was tumultuous. I was possessive, obsessive, and paranoid. I also had issues with thoughts of disordered eating and at one point went four days eating about the caloric equivalent of a single bagel per day because I was so depressed.
My system and particularly my love saved me. Over time, my paranoia that he'd leave me subsided, and we become much happier, which is what lead to me becoming the host as our previous host's mental health declined due to many factors.
During the span of our relationship, we played a lot into our introject identities (sootcest lmfao). I became a lot more independent from my source and recovered from a lot of my paranoia. I thought I had simply beaten our BPD traits, and that they were gone forever (with one exception). I thought my disordered eating thoughts had vanished and I was going to spend forever happy with him.
However, foolishly, because of this play we did with our introject identities, I allowed my feelings for my boyfriend to mix with my feelings for the actual person. I tried to maintain a degree of separation between the two, in that I would refrain from doing weird stalker shit and at some points I would be made uncomfortable with the stuff that he shared on stream because I wanted to know very little about him personally. But I let them mix, because hey, why not? We were having fun. There's no reason not to. It's not like he's an awful person, right?
Part 2: He's an awful person
There were a few points in which, mostly when other CC drama was at a high point, I'd ask myself a couple questions.
1. What would I do if my boyfriend ever left me?
2. What would I do if it came to light that Wilbur was a horrible human being?
The answer to number one was the exception to the thought that all my borderline symptoms had simply vanished, and, rather well-adjustedly, it was "Kill myself."* (*Like in headspace. I never thought it was worth it to kill the whole body over my own issues.)
The answer to number two was "I don't know."
And that is how I've been feeling since Wednesday night. I don't know.
At first, I thought there was no way it could be true. I searched for any information that could tell me that people were wrong. I literally blocked myself from Twitter because I knew going on it would be a form of emotional self-harm, but I obsessively checked tags on discourse, Shelby, and Wilbur, waiting for anyone to post any evidence that it wasn't so. I spent an entire day outside of home feeling completely nauseous any time I wasn't directly talking to someone.
It's hard to articulate exactly what it felt like once I got home to charge my phone and I knew. It was kind of slow. Every new piece of information I learned made it worse and worse until it was just undeniable.
It was like everything I thought I had buried came back with a vengeance. I stopped eating and drinking, my entire brain felt like it short circuited and previously when I had at least been able to focus on other things for short stints, he was all I could think about.
There were times, especially after I thought I had gotten rid of the borderline traits, that I would become hyperfixated on something that was my boyfriend or his source and it would feel like I was going to melt and die. I genuinely cannot be away from him for too long or my mental health will shit the bed. When I was with him, though, and when I filled every part of my senses with only him, his face, his voice, the way he holds me even if the feeling is blunted by the fact that he's just another part of our brain, it was always the happiest I'd ever feel. I can't have that anymore.
I really can't describe the mood swings and the physical pain that I've experienced as a result of this without feeling like people will think I am exaggerating. Like. psychology wasn't lying that borderline personality traits can really borderline. It feels like I'm losing half of what made me myself. I felt while crying over this multiple times that without him I'd die and that I need him to live. For two years, my entire identity and reason for existing was him.
I don't know where to go from here. I haven't even talked about how this is affecting my boyfriend. Before I felt like I had a good grasp on what I was going to be doing in the next minutes or hours or even days but now I can't even imagine what ten seconds will be.
My entire brain is constantly screaming for him to come back, but I can't indulge in anything that doesn't support the guy because every time I see his face or hear his voice now my brain screams that he is repulsive.
The worst part is that over the last two years I have become so conditioned to never ever be angry at my boyfriend that I cannot feel any rage over this. In any normal circumstance I'd feel angry that someone had been hurt and their abuser had been allowed to escape the consequences for so long, but I can't. I can only feel like I need him, but I can't have him because he's tainted. I am so disgusted but I can't handle seeing anyone angry at him because I still love him and I still want him to be happy.
I feel really gross knowing that I've dedicated so much of my love to someone so terrible. I know my boyfriend feels like his skin has been tainted and I am struggling now to look at his face and focus on him in headspace because it's now all painted in a negative life. It's so awful because he has always loved being himself and has always felt so connected to his source, even as the time passed.
Part 3: so what's the point
I've spent most of this time feeling completely alone. I don't know anyone personally who could possibly feel the same way that I do.
I guess I just want anyone who reads this, who feels alone like I do, or feels like they're not reacting in the "right" way to understand that it's okay. You aren't alone. No matter how isolated you feel or like your problems are entirely unique to you, there is someone out there who understands. And also there's a very slim chance that you'll ever be more cringe than me.
The grieving process is ugly and it is agonizing. If anyone wants to DM me on this blog or another, to share anything they're thinking, like really anything at all there's a lot I didn't cover on this post, I will listen.
And to any introjects, I love you. We can make it through. We have survived so much worse. You don't have to be anybody but yourself. And be careful out there. If you become so mixed up in someone's source like we did, please plan an out. Don't make the same mistake I did and just assume it would all be fine forever. There's a very real chance it doesn't.
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Hey guys! I'm not a Will alter; but I feel this is important and I should state this.
No, we will not be taking down this blog. We are WELL aware of what Wilbur has done, and we DO NOT support him in any fashion.
We have, and will continue to support Shubble YT and ALL other victims. Wilbur can jump off a fucking bridge for all we care.
Why exactly aren't we deleting this blog?
Because now more than ever, Wilbur alters need a safe space. Alters are NOT their source nor can they control what their source does. Therefore: this blog is not a safe space for all Wilbur or Wilbur adjacent alters who
Follow the DNI
Are respectful of ask rules
And DO NOT support IRL Wilbur.
(i feel is should mention: Wilbur IRLS are also welcome here. Just as long as you don't support THE ACTUAL WILBUR LIKE WILL GOLD LOVEJOY you are welcome here.)
Support Shubble, believe victims.
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
I hope to see more interaction soon :)
- Izuku/Zuzu/Deku (🥬)
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crows-blades-tnt · 3 months
If you ever think you’re doing well in life just remember
I am out here
And I am actively hiding under one of Phil’s wings:)
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