lverash · 2 months
leviathan’s ass is so pretty….
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milkyberryjsk · 6 months
begging technically works
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ketchup112 · 8 months
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Massive doodle wall that I've been into Tumblr and started doodling. That's it. PS Each one has a story.Of what I had seen on Tumblr.
Luke got upset. And Kiwi, as the doting mother that he is, covered him with nothing but attention and love.
Zucchini around three days She's already figuring out how to turn herself into a burrito. Not bad for a tiny bean who cannot lift her own head yet. And blind. Not bad, not bad at all. She's a little woolly pully.
Another person on Tumblr who look like a cute little chubby imp.  This is what I guess what they would react. With my character Kiwi and zucchini.
Yes, this is technically Jack from Homestuck, but I love him so much that he became a Permanent residence in my brain and he constantly pops in when I'm just doing random doodles.So he's sort of stuck, like with me, like glue.Anyway, anyone asking what happened?Robot eye surgery, painkillers and him biting me, he thinks that I'm a.Talking burrito.He won't let go. And mind you, my blood tastes nasty. So.He's gonna hang himself later.
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fechner-fwa22 · 2 years
Meins, Deins... oder?
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Mittwoch, 22.06.2022, 10:00-11:30 Uhr
Online-Veranstaltung zum Thema "Bildrechte" 
Ziel: kurze Rekapitulation und Vertiefung der Kenntnisse zum Thema (Bild)urheberrecht und den Nutzungsmöglichkeiten der in die DDB eingespielten oder einzuspielenden digitalen Abbildungen Ihrer Bestände.
Vorläufiges Programm:
Voraussetzungen des UrhR Schutzes
Nutzungsmöglichkeiten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung unveröffentlichter Materialien
Unterscheidung des Schutzes der Abbildung und der Vorlage
gesetzliche Erlaubnisse für die Nachnutzung
Lizenzierung und Rechtehinweise für die Nachnutzung (z.B. aus dem DDB-Lizenzkorb)
Stand der Lizenzierung bei der VG Bild Kunst
Umgang mit den Bildrechten im Kooperationsvertrag der DDB
Exkurs zu Persönlichkeitsrechten
Dauer: maximal 90 Minuten dauern (1 Stunde Vortrag + ½ Stunde Zeit für Fragen).
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos und ohne Anmeldung möglich. 
Fragen und inhaltliche Vorschläge gern vorab, per E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected]
Zugangsdaten zur Online-Veranstaltung: Cisco Webex-Meeting beitreten https://spk-berlin.webex.com/m/9b7e2113-e43f-449b-a59b-fc7c0ebce5b6 Meeting-Kennnummer: 2734 290 1462 Über Videosystem beitreten sip:[email protected] Über Telefon beitreten Gebührenpflichtig: +49-619-6781-9736 Gebührenfrei: +49-89-95467578 Mit Microsoft Skype for Business beitreten sip:[email protected]
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codehunter · 2 years
Class vs. static method in JavaScript
I know this will work:
function Foo() {};Foo.prototype.talk = function () { alert('hello~\n');};var a = new Foo;a.talk(); // 'hello~\n'
But if I want to call
Foo.talk() // this will not workFoo.prototype.talk() // this works correctly
I find some methods to make Foo.talk work,
Foo.__proto__ = Foo.prototype
Foo.talk = Foo.prototype.talk
Are there other ways to do this? I don’t know whether it is right to do so. Do you use class methods or static methods in your JavaScript code?
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silkentragedies · 3 years
Guess who got inspired by one of @decembermoonskz 's prompts and ended up writing a whole lil drabble 🥴
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olivemuffins · 5 years
i want to be in a relationship so bad but i just don't feel like i'm worthy one? and whenever someone shows interest, my paranoid ass starts making up scenarios as to how they're trying to play me because i'm just not good enough
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1omi · 3 years
Ok its nearly 3am gonna sleep now zzzzzz
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arystudies · 6 years
2018 calendars will be out soon! Making some last revisions. I’ll be releasing all 12 calendars at once, so you don’t need to wait on my procrastinatin’ ass later on in the year. (ノ*°▽°*)
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the-furies · 2 years
I think we're... About a third done with completing all our Pokedex entries
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lverash · 2 months
the things i would do to you…😳
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milkyberryjsk · 2 months
(logs back in, covered in blood) hi!!!!!
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allgoblinsaregay · 5 years
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priyankashri · 3 years
A cancer diagnosis impacts patients, their families, and people taking care of them in a big way. It can be a life-changing experience, and the people involved, including the patient,go through a lot emotionally. Be it anxiety, anger, depression, only a cancer patient knows what and how he feels.
Cancer can affect the normal life of every member of the family and disrupt the work schedules, school or college routines, and home life. The patient and his family need to accept these changes and consult the best cancer doctors in Mahim to get the best possible treatment to bring life back to normalcy.
Coping with the emotions experienced during cancer
Understanding the emotional deal about the patients, here are some suggestions to help you deal with your emotions:
1.Low self-image:  People who have cancer often have to deal with changes in their lookalike hair loss, loss of an organ or limb, weight loss or gain, fatigue, scars, or rashes, which badly affect their self-image.They may also experience anxiety, a sense of being lonely, fear, or frustration How to deal with self-consciousness: Be kind to yourself and give yourself time to adapt to the situation.
How to build confidence:
a.Talk to people who have experienced similar situations. It will give you hope and understanding
b.Network with family and friends to feel more positive and be happy
c.Take control of the process by consulting your health care team about solutions like cosmetic or reconstructive surgery.
2.Feeling of uncertainty: A cancer diagnosis can create uncertainty about the future in your minds. You may feel worried about the side effects of the treatment like nausea or pain. You may be afraid of losing your independence,worry whether the treatment will work for you, or be afraid of cancer recurring. Getting world-class medical treatment from the best cancer doctors in Maharashtra will help reduce your uncertainty
How to tackle uncertainty:
a.Learn to let go of things not in your control and focus on things which you can control
b.Talking to your health team will make you feel better
c.Collect as much information as possible about the treatment. The right information will prepare you for what can happen
d.Talking with a social worker or counselor can relieve your uncertainty
3.Depression: Some patients experience depression before, during treatment, or after treatment. It can range from mild mood swings to severe depression. They may feel sadness, hopelessness, irritability, lack of motivation, or worthlessness making it more difficult for them to cope with their treatment
Ways to cope with depression:
a.Talk openly with your health team about your feelings or physical symptoms and how they are affecting you
b.For mild depression, just talking about your feelings with a counselor helps to relieve the symptoms
c.If necessary, the psychiatrist treating you may prescribe medications and may suggest therapies like group therapy or family therapy
d.Professional counseling will help cope with low self-esteem and negative emotions
4.Anger: This is an emotion commonly experienced after receiving a cancer diagnosis or during and after treatment. It may be associated with bitterness about the hardship you have to face. It can be about how your family members react to your diagnosis or how your normal routine will change. Nausea, changes in sleep patterns, or pain can also produce anger
How to deal with anger:
a.Do not feel guilty about anger since it is a natural emotional response
b.Avoid unhealthy expressions of anger like hurting others or yourself, or taking alcohol or drugs
c.Do not repress your emotions. Talk about your feelings to a close friend, relative, or a professional counselor
d.Anger expressed healthily impacts you positively giving you the strength to cope
These tips will help you to cope effectively with the emotions you may experience if you have been diagnosed with cancer. Raheja Hospital has the best cancer doctors in Mahim,providing very accurate cancer diagnosis and the highest level of care to cancer patients.Their experienced team also help patients deal with various emotional issues commonly experienced before, during, and after treatment.
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andreacaskey · 5 years
How to maximize social media traffic to your site
How good exactly is social media at generating referral traffic? Let’s look at the facts.
As of 2019, there are 4.39 billion Internet users in the world.
Facebook, the social media giant, has 2.32 billion — over half of that.
There are five more platforms with over a billion users (YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, Instagram).
While Google is still the best at directing visitors to sites, you can’t look at those numbers without being impressed. Turning to social media for extra traffic is a very worthy investment — if you play your cards right.
Arguably, it’s easier than trying to rank in Google since you’ve already done most of your work elsewhere — namely, on your own website. That doesn’t mean it’s a total walk in the park, especially if you aren’t already a big and famous brand. But if others do it, and you want to do it too, why run from the challenge?
So let’s go through the hows of getting as much social media traffic as humanly possible.
Stage 1: Prepare your social media pages
Obviously, you need to exist in social media before you can start using it as your traffic machine. Less obvious are the details of it. These are the elements that will lay the foundation of your social stronghold.
Your personal pages
Which would you prefer:
A.Talking to a person;
B. Or talking to a brand with a logo for its face?
Most people will choose option A 100% of the time. It makes interactions more personal and instills trust much better.
Once you’ve chosen which social platforms you are going to use, set up your personal accounts there – with your name and face. (If you already have them, great!) Be your own representative. Encourage others on your team to do the same, as well.
Personal pages are also needed to build and expand your network, but we’ll get there later.
Your business pages
The personal factor makes it easier to drive users to your site from your own pages. Facebook influencers in particular often forego the whole business page part and just post everything under their own name. You probably aren’t there yet, so you’ll want to dedicate separate pages for the site you are promoting.
Set them up and fill them out with as much information as you can.
First impressions often last forever. Here’s what your pages need to make your first impression count:
Unique name
Unique logo
URL with your site’s name
Cover image
What your site is and what it does (usually in an “About” section)
Contact information
Link to your site
Pictures that capture the essence of your site in the gallery
Remember to share the business pages’ updates on your own pages and ask your associates to do the same!
Platforms you’ll be using
Everyone can name several big social media platforms without thinking: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, Quora and others. It’s safe to choose any one of them for promoting your website. In fact, there’s no reason not to choose all of them, as long as your content is a good match.
Some platforms may need a more delicate approach than others, though. For instance:
Reddit users are wary of advertisements. Brand-promoting threads get downvoted and hidden.
Twitter is notorious for its character limit.
Quora is a Q&A platform where sponsored articles can be disguised as questions.
Updates you’ll be posting
There are billions of users in the world, but your target audience will be only a fraction of that. Design your updates to click with the people you want to bring to your site.
Do you know your audience well? What kind of content would they like the most? There will likely be more than one answer, and it can range anywhere between “funny” and “professional.” You might want to experiment with several different moods to see which work the best.
The only two traits that apply universally to all users are “caters to their interests” and “attention-grabbing.” Only you will know what the rest are.
Stage 2: Prepare your site and content
Let’s remember rule number one of the Internet: content is king. Excellent content on your site is a must in social media promotion, too — even if you don’t directly post it there.
Imagine this scenario. Users visit your social media page and click on a link in one of your updates. It takes them to your site, they see your content and… it’s bad. What do you think will happen next? You guessed it: users will bounce and never click on another of your links in social media.
And we can’t have that.
Driving traffic is about both attracting new users and keeping your old users. For the latter, it’s even more important to watch the quality of your content. If it changes, it must only change for the better.
Stage 3: Direct users from social media to your site
Okay, the preparations have been made. Time to start doing what you came here for — generating traffic. The more of it, the better.
Post often.
Users get tons of updates from many different sources in their feed. The more of those updates are yours, the greater your chances of getting more clicks. Post on your page at least several times a week; if you can make multiple updates in a single day, that’s even better.
Post different types of content.
It’s more interesting when you can present more than just text and images. Most platforms support many more formats, such as videos, polls, slideshows. You can even get creative with the usual “boring” types of content and turn them into something more fun, like a game.
Share other people’s content.
Not only will these content writers appreciate what you did, they’ll also receive a notification and be introduced to your brand.
Repost your own content.
This works surprisingly well, since users often miss updates in social media. Of course, it’s best not to take any risks and update the reposted content beforehand, so that the users who’ve seen it before will have a reason to click on it again.
Ask users to engage with your updates.
Even something as simple as “subscribe for more updates” works, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to put more thought into it. YouTubers can get particularly creative with the calls-to-action in their videos.
Participate in discussions.
The more people are talking about what you post, the better, and you are certainly allowed to voice your opinion. Besides, users may have questions that only you can answer.
Reply to users quickly.
A quick answer is a sign of caring. Of course, you can’t be there 24/7 to reply to everyone, so it helps to use a chatbot.
Expand your social network.
In social media, who you know matters as much as what you know. Keep getting new friends and followers and never stop. You can find them on your pages, but there will be countless more on others. How many new people have you talked to today?
Do as your competitors do.
Someone is bound to be receiving more user engagement in social media than you. And while high engagement isn’t a ranking factor, it often correlates with high rankings in Google. Find those people with the help of WebCEO’s Dangerous Competitors tool.
Check which sites are in the same niche as you, then add the most competitive of them in another tool – Competitor Social Citations.
This will show you which ones get more social media engagement than you.
Now you can check out their pages and figure out what makes them work. Is it the updates they post? Is it how often they post them? Or maybe they’ve built a better network of followers and contacts than you? Only one way to find out.
Design your updates to maximize click-through rates.
Users love updates with great visuals and short, but engaging and descriptive texts like the one below. Emotion-evoking power words that fit the mood of your content can make a huge difference.
Another thing that catches the users’ attention is already having likes and shares under the update. They are signs of quality that motivate users to give your content a try. Don’t hesitate to ask your friends and coworkers to engage with your updates as soon as you post them. Their attention will be noticed by others.
Invest in paid promotions.
Can’t avoid mentioning those in the context of generating social media traffic. When all else fails (and even when it doesn’t), allot a budget for paid ads.
Social media’s main purpose is communication between people on equal terms. There’s no better place for reaching out to your target audience. The more users you have and the better your relationship with them, the more traffic you will get.
So it all boils down to building a rapport with the people you want to invite to your site. Be an active element in your users’ experience with your site — not only through your content, but also through good old human interaction.
The post How to maximize social media traffic to your site appeared first on Search Engine Land.
How to maximize social media traffic to your site published first on https://likesandfollowersclub.weebly.com/
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silkentragedies · 3 years
Hoshi's spider is such a king vibe ?
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