I'm dying over Charlotte just sitting there waiting while Louis grabs Charles' eye. Like "I'm the only professional one here I guess"
That is 100% what she’s thinking. “Bunch of amateurs. Chris, can you tell them to take this seriously? There are people waiting to see this picture of me and I will not disappoint my fans”
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joons · 6 years
what is pillowfort????
It’s a Tumblr replacement. It works like Tumblr with likes and reblogs and tags, but like Livejournal, it has nested comment threads under each post and a feature to turn off reblogs/comments for each post you make in case you want to keep it private or available only to your followers. (I think they will eventually make settings that only certain friend groups can see, but there are only 3 tiers now.)
It’s in beta, so everyone who’s using it now is hunting for bugs and making suggestions on how to improve it. And right now they’re only letting in people who donate to the kickstarter, which they’re running to hire a few more developers. But I donated to the kickstarter after already having an account, so I’ve got a few accounts to give away for any friends I have who want to join. :) It’s pretty cool and chill. There are also communities that you can reblog to that are based around fandoms/interests, so it’s pretty easy to find people. There’s just not a ton of active people on there now!
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lovingtheroyals · 6 years
holy batman, wish these anons would show as much respect for your faith as they do staning a rich white prince.
Fam, me too! But here we are.
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riffraffrouge · 6 years
I thought with the hat and dress, Kate took attention away from herself smartly. You couldn't even see her face sometimes, and that probably helped cut down on the amount of attention she'd received.
I didn’t even think about the hat! You’re absolutely right. Kate is so thoughtful and I love it.
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ravishingtheroyals · 6 years
I'm laughing so hard right now because I'm reading a thing on tumblr about being in your 30's and one of your posts was on there! (the one about getting NatGeo).
HAHAHA! I didn’t even remember writing that until I just went and read it! I still freaking love the NatGeo channel 😂 Thank you for letting me know!
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morealark · 6 years
ablackberrywinter replied to your post: In addition to another Sedona trip in autumn I’m ...
jealous. I went last year, and totally want to go back again!
i mean we’ll see if it actually happens but i’m gonna plan and save!
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ablackberrywinter replied to your post : baltimore was coooooool
I love Steiff bears!
me too! i have a list of dream antiques i’d love to own and a steiff bear is currently at the very top - every one i’ve come across has been pretty expensive, but i’m still keeping my fingers crossed!
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sassydrew · 7 years
the whole marketing towards homeschoolers is so weird to me. the games are clearly not a substitute for actual schoolwork? And while you can learn things from them, it's normally like Morse code or something. It's not like you learn a whole english class or whatever.
I don’t know about you but Morse Code is an obvious substitute for calculus
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nancydrew428 · 6 years
@ablackberrywinter made this post and I was going to reblog it to add onto it, but I thought that it might come off more as derailing the op, so I decided to just make another post!
So to add onto that, I wish that the games, and video games/media in general, were more inclusive.
I definitely think that it’s beyond important to have physically disabled people in the games. I want children (or anyone of any age) playing these games and saying, “Hey, that character has to sign just like I do” or “That character uses a cane or a wheelchair just like I do.” “That character is capable of so many things even though they’re missing a hand” or “That character has come to terms with the fact that they probably will never be able to walk again and they’re still as happy as can be; maybe I can be like that someday!” I want people to be inspired and realize that they aren’t alone.
I want characters who have depression, anxiety, OCD, ADHD, or something else who admit to having mental illness(es) and who reference therapy or exercises they do to help themselves or how they’ve come to terms with these things or how they have overcome these things.
I want characters who have a learning disability and can’t read very well or just can’t do math for the life of them. Not because they haven’t tried, but because they just aren’t mentally able to.
I want characters who are dating or married who are both the same gender. I want a character who is transgender or nonbinary. I want a character who has a gender neutral name and could be seen as any gender and Nancy and other characters are respectful of them and don’t ask because it doesn’t pertain to the case/the conversation/it just isn’t any of their concern. I want a character who is bisexual who isn’t seen as greedy or indecisive.
I want a character who is a feminist or humanist or womanist, and talks about the injustices that are going on in the world, or at least in the town/city they’re in, and who stand up for the rights of others. Or have a character who is organizing a Women’s March.
I want more woc and even just poc, too!
Just imagine how amazing that would all be. I want more people to enjoy the games and be able to relate to the characters. I don’t want characters who are just there. I like characters with a backstory, with a personality. I want characters who believe in something progressive and stand up for it, and I want characters who are trying their hardest, and I want characters who are different. I want characters who are relatable and games that are diverse yet inclusive. I just think there’s so much potential for HeR and the Nancy Drew games. And I feel like if the HeR team tried, they could most definitely strive for a diverse, quality character set.
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"I started off doing Psychology at St Andrews, with History of Art," said Kate. Laughing, she added: "It was a bit full on, but it was really interesting." - This is interesting! I don't think we knew Kate started off doing psychology!
Yeah I had no idea! At St Andrews you study your main choice and then you make up credits by studying other subjects that you don’t intend to do your degree in. I did Psychology, Ancient History and Film Studies for my first term. One of the options Kate did must have been Psychology. Honestly the fact I may have sat in the same seats as her during my lectures does make my university memories better hahaha 
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joons · 6 years
It seems pretty clear to me that Nik was a Frank/Nancy shipper, and took them in that direction but I'm wondering if they felt like they had to go back to status quo and put the focus back on Ned, particularly after SPY.
That makes sense. Probably Nik found Ned hard to write for, too -- I can’t really think of an interesting plot Ned had during Nik’s run. The closest we get is Ned being all, “I’m going to be more exciting!” in CAP, which isn’t really a plot so much as a desperate plea to Ned from Nik to do something. But Frank/Nancy definitely seemed like it was going into low tide after DED with the business school plot, which always read to me as Frank throwing himself into busy work to try to accept that Nancy had a clear preference, so I kind of thought they were moving on, at least for the moment.
I always assumed Cathy had some say in it, too, so I just wonder how much she and Nik talked about it. I always just kind of thought they just talked about, “What would be fun to do this game?” and maybe after a few games of teasing it, they wanted to bring Ned into it more, and maybe Katie was the first one who was ... interested in doing that? FRICK, I have no idea how the game design works even after all the interviews we’ve had. XD
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lovingtheroyals · 6 years
Gonna say something that may be controversial, but... I don't consider any of the royals "hard-working" None of them work full time jobs, all of them get months off for summer as well as Christmas/New Year holidays. So to me, it's so weird when people try and say Kate is lazy because really, none of them work what most people work, in terms of hours. And their jobs are hardly physical labour - they mostly just cut ribbons, do speeches, watch others do their jobs etc.
Not to mention, I once read an article that pointed out the amount of work that goes into organising the royals visiting their charities actually cost the charities time and money, but doesn't always bring in more money for the charity. So it's not actually worth it. I love reading about the royals but I also think we need to be realistic about what they actually do and if it's actually worth it. And this isn't just Kate & William, this is all the royals.
This is the farthest thing from a controversial opinion! Many of us have been saying the same thing :)
Though as for whether or not royal visits are worth it, I’d have to defer to someone like Jess. I know that many of them can bring in donations, but I think it depends on the kind of event. 
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riffraffrouge · 6 years
I was going through the instagram stories on my feed, and there were five stories from KP, one being "this is the wet weather option" *insert some random carriage I don't care about* and then one being "swipe up if you want to read more". KP, who is swipin? I'm not! I won't even swipe up for ppl I know in real life let alone you guys!
Right?! It was just so excessive. Just give me a picture and 2-3 facts and I’m good. Feel free to link to more info, but unless you’re a journalist doing a report on the wedding, you don’t need that much detail from KP on a carriage. I only swipe up when it’s something I want to buy, lol
Side note: this is the first ask I’ve ever received and that’s pretty cool. So thank you!
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megscherries · 6 years
Tumblr media
Really? I wasn’t around when George was born so I have no idea what kind of rumors that were written about. I don’t think she will have the baby at home, if she didn’t have a home birth with her two children why start now, you know? lol. 
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claireofluxembourg · 6 years
ablackberrywinter replied to your post:
I just baked me some cookies, how y’all doing?
just went to Mrs Fields and bought a bunch of cookies!!
YAS BITCH YAAAS! Which type of cookies did you get? I baked me chocolate chip and they are sweet as fuck my teeth hurt but my fam is happy so I’m happy lmao
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brella · 6 years
flourish, heal, discover, venture.
flourish: in what ways have you grown as a better person this year?
i think i have become more confident in my opinions and gut feelings, enough that i found i was more likely to state them outright than to second-guess them until they would no longer be of any use to anybody if they were shared. i think i became stronger. i think i became more aware of my own limits and braver about imposing them even when it was hard, and even when it made me feel selfish. 
heal: name five ways you are going to make next year better.
i am going to reach out to my friends when i want to spend time with or talk to them rather than waiting for them to come to me first. i am going to take more walks. i am going to kiss my boyfriend goodbye more often in the morning when one of us leaves for work rather than waving and saying “i love you.” i am going to recognize when i’m about to fall into a thought cycle that is self-destructive and try to take a deep breath and evaluate it calmly. i am going to start seeing a therapist. 
discover: what are 5 things you’ve learned about yourself or about life as a whole this year?
i learned i’m tougher than i give myself credit for. i learned that i like the sound of a cello more than the sound of a piano now. i learned that people do not mind listening. i learned that admitting i have depression and that i need to seek help for it doesn’t mean i wasn’t strong enough to handle it on my own. i learned that haikyuu is actually pretty sweet. 
venture: name 3 new things you tried this year.
haha, they were mostly shows! let’s see... i started learning japanese; i taught myself some kanji over the summer and i got a rosetta stone course for christmas that i’m about two lessons in on. i tried playing tennis and ping pong! i took art commissions!
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