#ahhhh I’m so flattered that you want my opinion on this-
screampied · 2 months
I’m reading your stretch me out fic and I am NOT WELL. the way you write has me in absolute shackles YOU ARE MY FAV BLOGGER FOR A REASON IM MELTINHG
TOJI. “fuck are you even talkin about?” HE SOUNDS SOOOOOO 😻😻😻😻😻 AND THEN THE “bend that ass over” YES SIR. I love how the readers like “I think it’s some scientific” like I started laughing and then I READ THE WORDS “okay girl don’t piss me off” LIKE I BIT MY HAND??? HAVE MERCY ON ME VEGAS ITS 2PM.
not to mention that daddy commentary my eyebrow raised and I GIGGLED N WAS LIKE “OH WE DOIN THAT?? MKAYYYYY”
the talking through it. “listen to her with me” I WANT AND DESIRE THAT. “can’t fucking orgasm my ass” YEAH I JS CAME RIGHT THEN N THERE :333333
I’m writing as I go and I’m abt to read sukuna :3
OHH?? “shut the fuck up n gimme that orgasm, woman” GASP!! THE WOMAN WAS TOO STUNNED TO SPEAK?? HELLO?????
that reassuring.. “don’t gotta be shy, it’s just you and me here” I’m gonna marry him ☹️ WHYS HE SWEET AWEEEE AND THE I LOVE YOU TOO BRAT I LOVE THIS
??? “say ah” I have no dignity. AHHHH!
GETO AND GOJO?? Im Done here. I actually CANNOT do this anymore. I’m not giving my opinion. the noises I just made were vile I’m not doing this.
i liked your post vegas (I’m frothing at the mouth uncontrollably) and I hope you have a great rest of you day :3 (this will be running through my mind all day, ty 🙏🏾‼️)
— pearl anon 🤍
PEARLY BAE OMG U FLATTER ME u get me so geeked everytime 💔💔 i adore u my sweet 😋💟
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BAAJAIFOOVHHKH i love making toji sassy it’s just canon to me in his eyes <3 LOOOOOL reader kills me bc wdym scientific that u can’t orgasm 🧖‍♀️ ?? toji’s like girl bye LOOOO i should have made him said that i would have been ROLLING.
AWWWWW i knoooow right, i love kuna bae sm even tho he’s just as much as an ass like toji PLS. me irl i’d fold instantly with them dirty talking me like that idk 🗿🗿🗿🫸. BYE UR SO SOKFHKBK. gojo n geto’s part i’ve been thinking about writing it nonstop so im glad i did 🌚
THANK YOU PEARLY !!!! 💟🪩☝️you too ! this was soooo sweet to wake up to, i hope u have a great rest of ur day also !!
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delicate-fayette · 3 years
I love your stuff and you kinda make me want to get into the games! Could you rec some of your favorite ones?
Omg thank you!!! You have no idea what it means to me to hear you like my stuff!!
Hmmm. Well, honestly that’s really hard of a decision for me to make, because I adore ALL of the Final Fantasy games haha. But I’ll give you a list! For your sake, I won’t delve into the plot of these games, bc I don’t wanna spoil anything.
(Keep in mind that all of my fav games are mostly the older ones, so the graphics might be a bit outdated haha. But luckily most of these aren’t hard to find bc most of them are on a lot of platforms nowadays.)
Final Fantasy Tactics! - My favorite game in the series, and the first one I ever played. The protag of this game is my favorite in the entire series! This game is very bittersweet and has a lot of political intrigue. Just for you to know, this game is really hard. Like, you might just wanna watch it on YouTube if you aren’t someone that’s likes strategy. But really, I think this game is definitely worth a shot. It has some of the best writing in the series. (I’ve written some Yandere headcanons of the main protag, Ramza before btw-)
(Just to keep in mind if you do end up playing/watching FFT, please make sure that you get the War of the Lions version and not the original version of the game. The original has a lot of bad translations and the dialogue so bad it ruins the story. Please just play the War of the Lions version lmao).
Final Fantasy 4 - Absolutely adore this game. This game is kinda funny bc literally everyone either dies (don’t worry they all come back later) or gets possessed at some point. But other than that it’s a fun classic FF game with well-written characters! Cecil and Kain are the best characters in the game.
Final Fantasy 6 - Very good classic FF game. It has a shit-ton of characters, which makes a lot of characters interaction (and more people for me to simp over-). My fav characters are Celes, Locke, and Terra! All three of them just have such good character development which makes their stories more satisfying. (Ngl I have a fictional crush on all three of them lmao)
Final Fantasy 7 - You’ve probably heard of this one over a million times, and it’s for good reason. It’s the most popular in the series next to FF15. FF7 is very ambitious for its time, and is special for that reason. My fav characters are Cloud, Tifa and Aerith haha. Sephiroth is a great villain in this game.
Final Fantasy 9 - Probably one of the most existential FF games lmao. This game has a lot of talk about existence and how you live your live, so be prepared for this feels trip. Vivi is my favorite character in the game, he’s just such a baby. He’s deserves the world. Zidane and Garnet were both my bisexual crushes when I was younger lmao, and they’re romance is really sweet (not my fav in the series, but still sweet). My one favorite villains in the series, Kuja, is here too! (I’m thirsty for that man)
I hope this helps a bit! If you have any questions about any games in the series, please feel free to ask! I really like taking about FF, so I always like excuses to talk about it lmao. The only game in the series I struggle to understand is FF11 bc I literally know nothing about it lmao. But other than that fire away!
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sakasakiii · 3 years
Hello there! I just wanted to say I love your art, I especially love the art and comics about Finwëan wives because Eärwen's swans destroying Nerdanel's sculpture is peak comedy. I also love your OCs especially Marildë because holy moly a Vanya marrying into Fëanor's family?
*Fëanor puts on his 'father-in-law from Utumno' jacket*
Also my heart just breaks at the thought of Maglor never meeting his baby, I was wondering if you could share what happened to Marildë and the child when Maglor left Valinor?
Thank you <3
sjsjHAH HELLOOOO thank you so much ahhhh!!! First off, I'm really really stoked you like my stuff about the wife squad! I love them too ahhh I wish we knew more about them in canon... but oh well, that's why headcanons exist eh!! 💕
Onto Marildë! GAAAH i was so tickled to hear you liked her! I honestly wasn't expecting to hear anything on her after that one post, but i am weEPING because you are!! absolutely right!! Maglor marrying a Vanya would have not pleased Feanor I think (brings back his memories of the whole Finwe-Indis spiel), so even though he did accept it I think the apprehension would stay... leading to the whole them living separately thing 🤷‍♀️ 'Father-in-law from Utumno' thoOOO.... omg you are a GENIUS 😂 I am getting that printed onto a mug ASAP and no one can stop me!!!
Hehe so I did some thinking per your prompt, and honestly I am a big fan of Marildë moving in to stay with her mother-in-law. Although she does have Vanyar family living on the slopes of Taniquetil, I like to think Nerdanel would be one of the first (after Maglor) that she tells of her pregnancy to, leading to Nerdanel assuming her maternal side and inviting her to stay with her so she take care of her.
I enjoy adding on to the narrative of Maglor's track record with pairs of twins lmao, so what's the irony of him having biological twins of his own without ever knowing? Admittedly, I ended up going on a whole other tangent with the concepts of Maglor's non-canonical kids when I was dong these sketches for stress-relief... so bear with me lololol
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I think they'd be raised primarily by their mother and grandmother in Valinor, staying primarily with Nerdanel and Mahtan or their maternal Vanyar relatives interchangeably. I suppose there's not much Marildë would do except try to be a good mother, though her kids would form opinions of their own of their absent father as they grow older (with Lindion growing more disdainful, and Laurelotë more curious). When Arafinwë leads his host to Beleriand for the War of Wrath, they'd both follow along to fight and ultimately return empty-handed to their mother and grandmother without their father... Though what happens if Elrond returns with Maglor in the 4th age is a story for another day!
Thank you for this amazing prompt ahh!! I had so so much fun with it and I'm very flattered that you were interested in my OC hbjdsd 🙈🙈 Thanks again, you lovely person, and have a wonderful rest of your week! 💓
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writeblrfantasy · 3 years
Adventures of the Existential Three #1: The Great Debate Over Whether Damien Would Look Good in Gold (Turns Out He Looks Better Than)
AHHHH THE FIRST SHORT IS HERE!! remember how i said i'd post these very saturday? yeah that was a lie. also remember charys was supposed to be a non villain villain? yeah all the villain in him is the aesthetic. mans is the nicest softie ever
i thought about making the first one an introduction to their world and them, but i went with going straight in instead. i'm so proud of this, i'm so happy to be writing for the first time in weeks, and i hope you guys love this and all the rest of the shorts as much as i do <3<3 enjoy please
word count about 3100
tws kissing
It starts with, “I think you’d look wonderful in gold,” said with that characteristic eagerness and shit eating grin on Paris’ face. He leans back in his reclining chair and crosses his hands behind his head, glittering from hair to bootlace in his perfect gold. The sleeveless gold coat Charys chose for him tonight shines in the sunlight, and his golden suntanned skin has been rubbed with glitter.
Charys sighs, knowing he’s in for something. He sits back in the chair facing the vanity where they've been watching Damien prepare. Might as well let it happen.
Why does it always seem to start with Paris?
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Damien says, running two hands thick with oil through his dark hair. The three of them are preparing for a night at Charys’ favorite theater, putting on one of his favorite plays. While his lovers have heard him ramble about it at length, they’ve never seen it all together.
Charys was looking forward to the attention he’d be getting, surrounded by all his favorite people and things, but he has a feeling this conversation will steal it all away.
He’s less mad about the prospect than he expected. It’s not like it’s a rare occurrence, or an unpleasant one, when the idea of one of his lovers in something takes his breath away. Even the candlelight on the vanity casts gold shadow onto Damien's light brown skin, a suggestion of an idea.
“Gold is your color, Paris,” Damien says, shaking his head like it’s a stupid idea. Charys’ mind is already spinning, spinning, with possibilities, fabrics, textures…
“What, so no one else could look good in it?" Paris retorts. "I think you could put on a potato sack and you’d look just as good as you do now.”
Damien goes still and quiet as he does when he’s completely overwhelmed by even the cousin of a compliment.
“I’d have to second that,” Charys agrees, sitting up to place his hands on Damien’s shoulders. He startles at the touch, relaxing slightly when Charys begins massaging his stiff shoulders.
Charys just wanted to feel the dark green velvet jacket that looks just as good on Damien as he predicted, perfectly complementing his dark hair down to the flecks of gold in his brown eyes. But the allure of touching his lover overtakes him.
He’s done himself in by putting Damien in white earrings that drip from his ears and sparkle in the light.
“I’m sure I’d look in gold just as I do in everything else,” snaps Damien, sensitive, unwittingly agreeing with them. He stands up, and Charys mourns the loss of warmth under his fingertips. “What about Charys?”
“What about me?”
“You’d be—beautiful.” Charys sees and appreciates the difficulty Damien has pushing the word out. Expressions of his love said aloud have never been his strong suit. The effort makes him smile and his chest flutter like he's learning Damien for the first time. It takes laughably little to bring him back that feeling of giddy newness.
“That’s true,” Paris says. “He always looks beautiful, though.”
“Oh, my gentlemen, you flatter me, but I’m inclined to agree with Damien this time. Gold is not my color. My hair—my hair would clash,” he defends, as the others start arguing. "My skin is white as milk, yellow and I have never been friends, gold neither."
“What are you saying? Your black hair and gold were made to be."
“The dark blue streaks and the gold? My gray eyes? I’m not so sure. Gold is too bright for my image, anyway.” He stands up. “We’re going to be late.”
The others let it go. The conversation falls from Charys’ mind as the three of them finish fixing their hair and climb into a carriage with that meddling gold curling around the edges.
“Only the best for my gentlemen,” Charys says despite their protests, settling back into black leather cushions and closing his eyes for a brief moment. The moon is rising through the orange glow of Paris’ sunset and a thin layer of clouds, and the evening air is wonderfully cool.
Paris and Damien argue that Charys is treating them like always when they should be treating him, this night is about him, and Charys argues that subjecting them to his favorite play should require some compensation. They retort that to share his joy is a luxury in itself—well, Paris argues that, Damien is too shy to say it aloud.
Charys lets Paris win. His chest fills with a warmth he’s never found anywhere else.
They pull up to the theater, and everything gold drops from his head.
The topic doesn’t come to mind again until Charys is trying on old clothes and fitting together new ones. A rare eventless day lends them time to sort through the depths of their wardrobe and prepare for the next time they go to the theater—or to the square, or even to the bank of the river to watch Paris play in the black water. Charys would never miss an opportunity to be dressed in their finest just to go outside, if it meant being seen by other people.
The only opinions and attention that truly matter to them are those of their lovers, though. They won’t pretend otherwise.
Hanging on a wooden coat hanger are long golden robes in a similar style to their favorite black ones, the ones they have five pairs of and wear most often. The sleeves of those very robes, wide and embroidered in dark blue, fall down their arms as they pull the gold robes free.
These golden robes, however, have strips of fabric meant to trail behind them, made of a thin and shimmery fabric . A thin layer of dust coats the shoulder padding—these are surely Paris’, bought for the colder months when he actually bothers to cover his chiseled chest. Somehow it wound up in here.
Paris wears his gold and wears it well, with pride, the frequent white chitons offsetting his golden hair and the permanent tan of his skin. No one can deny he is the incarnation of golden sunsets, from their color to their warmth to their aura of simplicity and comfort. But Charys harkens back to his suggestion a few weeks ago, the delectable idea of Damien in gold, their own dismissal of how gold would look on them.
Charys hesitates with the hanger in their hand, wondering. There’s no way Damien will agree to this, but that doesn’t mean they can’t perform an experiment.
The three of them don’t have an outing planned this evening, just dinner and falling asleep in a pile on the couch, perhaps to the soft sound of Damien reading or Paris singing.
The chipping white paint on their nails, chosen by Damien, will never go with this, but that’s an easy enough matter to fix discreetly. Charys has used their free moments over their immortal existence well to teach themself very valuable skills—they haven’t messed up nail paint in years and years, and the last time was because Damien was distracting them.
They blow off the robes again, resigning themself to trying to fix the creases in the skirts before the others get home.
An hour later, as Charys is fiddling with their earrings and turning every which way in the mirror, dinner from the fish place down the black river laid out on the table, the front door begins opening.
They quickly smooth down their robes one more time and wait, hands clasped, for Paris and Damien to round the corner. The two of them are talking in low tones, followed by the unmistakable sound of Damien’s soft laugh, before his short wavy hair enters Charys’ line of sight.
“Charys, you wouldn’t believe the kind of day we’ve both had, souls thinking they were both dead when—” Damien stops in his tracks.
Paris, who was evidently expecting an answer to a question, says, “Damien?” and comes to stand beside him. “Holy River Black.”
Charys can only smile.
Paris stalks toward them, walking around them and muttering awed endearments. The pin of his own chiton has come undone, as it usually does at the end of the day, and the white trails along the floor while his glorious tan chest lays exposed.
“I know it was my suggestion, but you have no right to look this good,” Paris says, hands on his hips and attempting to glare. He can’t keep the pure wonder out of his ocean eyes, though, and his defiance dies when Charys steps toward him.
“See?” Damien says, much more composed. The hood of the coat he wears to banish the cold in the in the between is down—black today instead of the usual white—an indication he's relaxed. “The gold goes supremely with your hair and your eyes. I know you’re the expert on these things, but I think we’ve found your blind spot.”
Charys resists the urge to roll their eyes. “It’s just some clothing. I’m still me.”
Paris closes the gap between them to place his hands on Charys’ face, kissing them hard. “Don’t for a moment think we’re saying we only love you because of the outstanding things you wear.”
“That’s certainly part of the reason,” Damien says, leaning against the column holding the ceiling up with his arms crossed.
“Damien! I’m trying to tell our dear lover, who will probably look better than we ever will in anything because they actually know what the hell they’re doing, that we love them for much more than their clothes.”
Some of Charys’ burning vulnerability from all the attention vanishes. They grin. “Oh, Paris, I’m not offended in the least. My dear Damien, was that a joke?”
Damien smiles, letting it overtake his whole face the way Charys knows is rare. They take the skirts of the robes in their hands for something to do, swaying idly back and forth. The fabric may be light, but the bulky shoulders and light sleeves in the middle of this summer heat make Charys roll their shoulders to dispel some of the heat, or at least try. This just makes Paris groan.
“You look even more ethereal than always,” Paris cries. “I pity the public the day they see you like this.”
Charys shakes their head. “This is just for you.”
“Aw, Charys—”
“It would rather destroy my image if I were to be seen in anything brighter than dark green dark enough to be mistaken as black.”
Damien grins at the ceiling. Paris groans.
Charys stares at the bits of gold in Damien’s eyes and wonders. “Damien…”
Damien turns his relaxed, loose, beautiful smile to Charys, shaking his bangs out of his eyes. “Yes?”
Charys doesn’t say a word. Paris begins chuckling as he figures it out.
Damien is next. His smile slowly fades and he points a finger at them both. “No. I will not wear your damn robes.”
“Please, my heart,” Charys says, taking his cheek in their hands. Damien sighs and leans into their hand, kissing the tips of their gold painted fingernails. “For me? For us?” they add.
“You know you don’t have to if you really don’t want to,” Paris cuts in. “You know we would never force you into anything at all.”
Damien smiles faintly, still refusing to meet Charys’ eyes. “For you,” he mutters at last, dragging his eyes up, and the look Charys finds there makes them shiver. Only a hint of hesitation shows in the deep brown, the rest is all interest.
Charys smiles slowly. “I look forward to it.”
The moment is broken when Paris asks, “Charys, you bastard, did you get the fried fish from that fish place down the road? Damien, come on, forget about gold!”
The day Damien finally puts on gold is when Charys is least expecting it—though that’s rather the point, probably.
This time, it’s Charys who’s out of the house all day with the others at home. It’s a long day of comforting the usual frightened souls struggling to comprehend their status, watching older ones slowly relax into the afterlife they’re discovering is better than their life, and visiting the ones who’ve been there the longest and luxuriate.
Some days Charys is so busy with welcoming newly dead souls that he has no time for the seasoned ones, but when he does, it brings a sweet ache for home. Home lies with Damien and Paris, where Charys’ heart has taken residence equally in the depths of theirs, but he longs for the comfort of the riverside house, despite usually having left it that morning.
That’s not always a given, either—there have been many occasions where one or all of them have had to sleep in their respective places of business, and there have been days and weeks when they haven’t seen each other or the riverside house at all.
Those reunions are always sweeter than sweet, but thankfully Charys didn’t have to wait weeks to see his loves again. He only had to survive a long twelve hours in the mansion of the dead starting at the crack of dawn. Leaving the warmth of the bed and the tangle of four arms who seemed intent on making him stay was the hardest part—it always is—but now he’s back at the riverside house, letting some of his walls come down.
He pauses for a moment outside the white front door to regain the breath he’s been short on all day, letting his shoulders slouch and rolling up the sleeves on his dark robes a bit before pushing the door in.
All is silent. Perhaps the others aren’t home yet? No, Charys has a foggy memory of Paris telling him they weren’t going to work today. The three of them have assistants who are capable of handling most minor problems and the routine work of registering new souls to the afterlife and helping ones still in their life, but they all prefer to work themselves.
They are the patron of the dead, the lord of the in between, and the ambassador of the living. To leave their duties in the hands of someone else feels instinctively wrong.
Charys pushes further into the house, the wide sitting room to the right and the kitchen further beyond, around every support column, the bath chamber hidden behind a wall to the left, and when he still finds no one, he finally heads up the creaky wooden stairs. He checks their offices, the study, the little library that’s really just there for him, the empty bath chamber, and their shared bedchamber at the very end of the hallway.
Resigned to the fact that he’s the only one home, he begins unbuttoning his robes and reaching for the closet on instinct when he notices that it’s already open and a lantern is lit inside. Paris stands next to Damien, who is wearing the brightest, most delectable golden robes Charys has ever seen.
They’re not even the robes Charys wore. These are entirely different, without the puffs at the shoulders and closer in style to Paris’ beloved chitons. A crown of golden laurel sits on Damien’s hair, free of its usual oil, and when he moves Charys notices the black boots and gold laces going up to his knees.
Charys can’t speak, can’t move. He gains an appreciation for the way the two of them felt upon seeing him in his own gold. Damien is staring at him with a flush painting his cheeks, an embarrassed smile spread across his mouth. Charys swears there’s gold glitter on his cheeks, but the only way to be sure is to step closer, his plan anyway.
Paris is equally flushed, pink atop his tan skin. His head turns to see what has so captured Damien’s eye. The moment Paris clocks him, he drags Damien close by the lapels and kisses him with a clearly pent up passion. Charys is still speechless, he can only watch and feel his heart thaw and heat and melt into a molten puddle.
The love in his chest that blooms and grows for them only seems to blossom more every day. It’s the most precious thing Charys has ever had, and just getting to watch them kiss like this still makes his breath hitch after all this time, like he’s kissing them himself. Oh, what he would give to be able to give both of them that attention at once.
He finally gains control of his feet and strides toward them. He doesn’t know where to put his hands in the face of such pure beauty as Damien wrenches away from the kiss, gasping. A stronger one than Charys can resist Damien’s pink lips, wonderfully framed by the gold and brown. Charys is torn between the insatiable urge to kiss touch and the yearning curiosity to feel those boots, individual of fashion that he is.
The moment he has his composure again, he’s going to demand to know where and when Damien got this outfit, especially those boots, and also how he carried it out so secretly. He underestimates Damien’s capability for secrecy. Being the most mysterious man in three realms seems to have that effect.
“Hey, hey, let me have a turn,” Paris says, shaking Charys’ shoulder. “I was going to kiss him the moment I saw him, but he made me wait until you got home. I know it wouldn’t have been the same, but honestly, can you blame me?”
Charys wrenches himself free of Damien to point his finger and say, “You are not allowed to suggest something for any of us to wear ever again. This is what happens. Are you trying to kill me?”
“You are the patron of death, I would think you’d be well equipped—”
Charys takes his shoulders and kisses him, too, hoping he’ll feel every bit of his spite and revenge. He hates how good Damien looks. He can’t get it out of his head even as he has Paris grasping at the back of his neck, attacking him like a starving man.
The gold compliments Damien so well, he glows with it under the yellow lantern light in this closet that’s too cramped for three people to stand in.
Charys has to tear away to look at him again, especially the way the crown suits his hair. Charys has always been a sucker for Damien’s hair without oil, anyway, when his almost-curls get to be free for Charys’ fingers to run through without feeling disgusting.
He looks so much softer like that, too. People call him brooding, scary, reclusive, but only Charys and Paris get to see the smiling, eternal boy under the white hood he wears to the in between.
“You know I hate it when you fight over me,” Damien says, breathlessly.
“Oh, darling, we’re not fighting over you,” Charys says. “We’re both appreciating your majesty in our own ways.”
“It sounds like you’re fighting over who gets to appreciate me the same way first.” Damien smiles softly again, obviously still self-conscious, and Charys is really so in love he could happily die. They’ve had debates over whether he is actually dead, as patron of death.
He’d only be happy dead if he could keep these two by his side in any of their realms, though. Life, death, afterlife, he couldn’t ever do without them, no matter what color any of them are wearing.
Things like gold and Damien's hair without product and the keen glint in Paris' eye just remind Charys why he wants to share every moment of his existence with them.
aet taglist (lmk to be added/removed) @magic-is-something-we-create @47crayons @chayscribbles @metanoiamorii @ashen-crest @doggo038
general taglist: @magic-is-something-we-create @myhusbandsasemni @wickerring @directionoftime @47crayons @froggywriter
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In The Blood - Chapter Three.
A big thank you to the small handful of people who have read (and @minaofmayhem​ your comments make me so happy, thank you!) so far. I’m hoping the interest and comments (I do adore hearing my reader’s opinions!) will increase. In an effort to faciliate this, I am going to post as often as I can, since the story is pre-written already. Looking forward to your thoughts on chapter three!
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Tag list - @modernscarlett @sadiemaeve @aarfyie @helenasmirkedno @jasmindaughteroftheworld​ @minaofmayhem @brittanyshea25 @suckedintothesupermassive @bhairston
Previous Chapters - One Two
Chapter Three
Tyra's POV.
“Hi, Eric sent me up to let you in,” I’m greeted with by a very out of breath and dishevelled looking Kerstin at ten minutes to four on my second day at Fangtasia. On second thoughts, dishevelled is an understatement. With messed up hair, nail marks down her arms and a weeping bite at her neck, she’s what my friend Anna and I would refer to as sex messed. Eric is quite the vigorous lover, it would seem.  
“Here's the office door key. He wants me back in the basement pretty quick, so let yourself in.” She then says, looking proud that she is the lover du jour of the vampire who pays her salary. I somehow get the feeling he has a steady rotation of women who often all feel the same amount of self-worth because of him choosing them.  
I’m passed the zinc plated key before she scampers off, disappearing down a flight of stairs at the end of the small hallway to the left, the heavy door not quite clicking shut behind her. Even though that door is mostly closed, as soon as I walk into the office, the sounds of two people in the throes of very heated sex come filtering up from the basement, Kerstin screaming her lungs out.
“Thank goodness I had the sense to bring you.” I say to my iPod, retrieving it from my bag and jamming the ear buds in so I may work undisturbed. I have the arduous task of trying to discover the reason why two hundred dollars’ worth of takings appear to be unaccounted for over the past few weeks.  
Every time there's a gap between tracks or a quiet lull in the song, I can still hear them ferally going at it, so turn the volume up just a touch louder. Puccini is much more preferable. Classical music is a very relaxing background noise when dealing with endless streams of numbers, definitely better than listening to someone else’s sexual annihilation.
My work is undisturbed for approximately another twenty minutes or so, until I feel a presence hovering at the door before suddenly, she’s right behind me.  
“Madame Butterfly, I was right. I heard from downstairs. Ahhhh, beautiful. You have exquisite taste, Tyra. This is further confirmed by yet another beautiful pair of shoes upon your feet. Jimmy Choo, summer campaign, 2009. I have the same pair,” Pam tells me in her usual, casual drawl after removing one of my ear buds and holding it to her own ear.  
“I do like my expensive shoes,” I comment, watching as Pam perches on the desk, looking quite blissful while suddenly reaching out to stroke my hair. What on earth?
“Pardon me, Pam, but I object to being petted. I’m not a Labrador,” I tell her, leaning back out of her grasp. I'm not scared of her, for some reason vampires just don't ignite fear in me, but I do feel uncomfortable with being touched by those I barely know.
“Sorry, but I just couldn't resist doing that for some reason. I really don't think you should either. Resist, that is. We could have a hell of a lot of good times together, you and I,” she purrs, staring me right in the eyes.
“I'm flattered, Pam. You're a very attractive woman, but I'm not gay and I'm also not interested in vampires. Sexually, that is.” My words cause the kind of frown I should have expected.
“Are you absolutely sure about that? You have no idea what you're missing. Well, I guess you do know since you're blocking out the sounds of it right now,” she comments, pointing down to the basement, where the loud noises of Eric and Kerstin enjoying themselves emanates from.
“I have a job to do, one which doesn't involve listening to my client pounding a second hole into Kerstin's vagina,” I reply, shocked when I see Pam actually snort with laughter for a brief moment, before checking herself.
“There's something about you, Tyra. Definitely something about you that I like and hell, I don’t like humans at all. However, you could be an exception. Even if you don’t open your legs to me.” With a quirk of her eyebrow, she’s out the door, leaving me in peace.  
Well, that's a first. I've never been hit on by a vampire before. Even so, the few that I've met have always been very complimentary to me, it has been noted. Perhaps that's why I'm not scared of them, because I've only met amiable ones. Until I met Eric, of course. Although polite to a degree he appears to be far from the amiable type.  
I don’t really care whether he is or isn’t, to be honest. What I do care about is why there's two hundred dollars a week being cashed through the register, but the total cash sales not tallying. There's a high percentage of spirits and mixers being vended, but only the mixer being accountable for.  
This leads me to believe someone is intercepting the bottles before they even reach the bar, yet ringing their sale through the register in an attempt to cover their tracks. Mr Northman, you have a thief on your hands.  
I share this with him when he eventually puts Kerstin down and graces me with his presence at just gone 8pm, the pungent smell of sex and cheap perfume scenting his skin and thus travelling well through the air. He walks around the desk, leaning over my shoulder and studying the screen intently.  
“Have you established why all this doesn't add up yet? I should certainly hope so. You've been here long enough and at $75.00 an hour, you're not exactly cheap now are you, Miss Boden?” he asks, turning to look at me.  
“With how many punters you have flowing through the doors of this place each night, you're not exactly short of a few bucks, are you, Eric?” I remind him, turning in my seat to face him. There it is again, that iron grip on my breath when our eyes meet. Fuck, why does he have to be so damn gorgeous?  
He stares unflinchingly at me, until the intensity of his gaze unsettles my comfort and I turn back to the screen, clearing my throat. It was almost like he was looking through me, like he was attempting to figure something out. Strange.  
“Yes, I've found a clear pattern of discrepancy. You've basically got a total of two hundred dollars being rung through the register as spirits and mixer sales, except the cash balance doesn't tally up. The mixers do, however, so it points to the fact that someone is charging though a double measure of spirits with each soda vended. The actual alcohol isn't even reaching the bar. So, in short…” I explain.
“I'm being ripped off,” he interrupts with.
“Exactly that,” I confirm, watching him frown deeply.  
“When, exactly? When did it start?” he questions, sounding deeply angry, his words cut sharp and short with each syllable that passes his pale lips.
“Three weeks ago this Friday.” He nods curtly with an immediate knowing look.
“Your diligence is appreciated. If you’ll excuse me. I have to shower and then fire the little whore who is behind this.” He moves quicker than my eyes can detect, leaving me to wonder who the pilfering culprit is. Whoever they are, I don’t envy them. Eric seems the type of vampire who comes with a considerably formidable wrath.  
Ten minutes later and he returns, smelling of a peppery scented soap, his wet hair combed back away from his face, dressed simply in a dark grey t shirt and black jeans. It’s one of those tight-fitting ones that makes his muscles bulge. I swear, my cunt just did a backflip. What a body.  
Walking over to the filing cabinet behind of the desk, he opens the first tray, grabbing a handful of little yellow slips (the type couriers give you as proof of delivery) and then placing them down on the desk, searching at speed as he pulls out various ones. When his arm brushes mine, he suddenly stops, staring at me sharply, like I just gave him an electric shock.  
“Problem?” I inquire.  
“Not at all.” Again, we fall into a weighted stare, the attraction between us quite palpable as the spot on my arm tingles pleasantly from the contact of his cold skin. Reaching across me, he lifts the receiver from the phone cradle, pressing a button marked ‘bar line’ before continuing to stare at me.  
“Deborah, send Kerstin to the office right away.” He instructs, moving to the other side of the desk at speed, the yellow slips in his grasp. The way he’s leaning back on the desk gives me the kind of view I’m in no rush to stop seeing, his broad, chiselled back and very pert looking ass displayed nicely to me. You know those Greek statues of the incredibly well build men, all well-defined muscles and smooth alabaster? Eric to a tee.
Alright, I have to stop this incessant drooling over my new client. It isn’t good form, nor particularly professional. It goes without saying that I'm glad when the office door opens and Kerstin walks in, breaking my concentration on the very thing I'm not supposed to be concentrating on. The very thing who I can feel is growing angrier by the second.  
“Kerstin, would you care to confirm that all of these are your signatures?” He questions, almost in a monotone while thrusting the handful of slips forward. She swallows hard, standing up a little straighter and viewing the slips.
It's as she does so that I see a collection of fang punctures just above her right nipple, her breasts escaping the corset she's wearing slightly and then disappearing again when she breathes out. I somehow feel she’ll have those marks on her tits longer than she will her present job.  
“Yes, why?” She asks, looking at him nervously.
“Because they, amongst other evidence, confirm that for the last three weeks since you first began here, there's been two hundred dollars’ worth of stock a week that cannot be accounted for. Someone is stealing it, and that someone is you,” he charges her with, pulling a DVD from his back pocket and walking over to where there's a player and television and switching them on, sliding the disc into the slot and pressing play as the screen becomes clear.
A CCTV image of the rear of the bar displays, showing the scene of Kerstin signing for the delivery, but leaving one case of bottles (bourbon, I do believe) outside. I guess taking a shower wasn’t the only thing Eric did just now. It was a wise move, to go and check his CCTV feed and catch her in the act.  
He then forwards the disc a few minutes along before hitting play once more, a car driving up to the back of Fangtasia and a girl around Kerstin's age getting out, loading up the case of booze into her car before driving away.
“Your car keys, now. You have approximately one minute to get the fuck off my property before I tear your arms from their sockets and feed on your remains. Am I making myself clear?” he tells her, so quietly the menace radiates off of him. Yet I myself, even though I can feel how intimidating he is, am not scared. I’m a little enthralled, truth be known.  
“What the fuck?” She splutters audaciously.
“You steal six hundred dollars from me, I take something from you adding up to that value for recompense,” he snarls in reply, looking furtherly vexed by the second.
“My car is worth more than six hundred!” she protests, this time being shown no mercy for her petulance as Eric moves the four feet it takes him to get to her and grabs her around the throat, squeezing until she can't breathe.
“Don't kid yourself, sweetheart. It's worth a grand at the very most. I'll take the rest as interest. Now, give me the keys.” She finally responds to the balefulness of his tone, thrusting her hand into her pocket and retrieving the keys he duly snatches from her, letting her neck go again in an instant.  
“I suppose you're the one who worked it out and told him, right?” She then spits at me accusatorily, Eric looking at her with incredulity, likely unable to believe she hasn’t scuttled off yet. Does she have a death wish or something?
“Any good accountant would have, Kerstin. It wasn't anything personal,” I tell her fairly but not particularly friendlily. I've never liked thieves.
“Oh fuck you, you bleached blonde piece of trash!” She then screams at me, getting right in my face as she pounds her hands off the desk. Bad move, girl. I stand quietly before reaching out quickly and grabbing a handful of her long, brown hair, slamming her head straight down against the desk and holding it there while I lean to her level and stare her right in the eye.
“My hair isn't bleached and I am about as far from trash as you could get. You, on the other hand? Not so much. You’ve been caught out and if I were you, I’d have the good grace to leave quietly, maybe attempt to be a lady instead of antagonising the person who was just doing her job,” I whisper firmly as I push her head harder against the dark, wooden surface, staring at her intently before letting her go and sitting back down in my seat coolly as if nothing happened.  
I never lose my temper, I am a mellow person in that respect, but if someone pushes my buttons, I will tell them exactly what I think about them. Usually, it comes with a side of force, but never anger. It takes a hell of a lot more than that to piss me off.  
“Well, that's twice you've been threatened by an incensed Scandinavian in as many minutes. I'd leave now if I were you, while you still have the legs to carry you,” Eric tells her, sarcasm practically dripping from his fangs, fangs he retracts just after Kerstin hurries out of the office.
“Stupid little whore,” I mutter, in Swedish.
“Agreed,” he chimes, also in our native tongue.
“Sorry if that was out of line,” I then have the grace to admit, back to English as I follow his gaze, moving creepily from the door and rolling over to me, a smirk tilting his lips.  
“Don't be, I quite enjoyed it. Aggression is something I like very much,” he replies slowly, smiling at me with interest.
“You enjoyed that?” I ask with a little disbelief. Suddenly, our shared stare breaks for a nanosecond before it reconnects, his face inches from mine as his rapid blur comes to a stop.
“I liked it so much, it made my dick harder to see that than four hours of fucking Kerstin did. I enjoy an assertive woman greatly,” he tells me, reaching out and running his fingertip along the line of my jaw. “Give me your hand and I'll show you.” His fangs pop out as he takes my hand, his intense, steel blue eyes never leaving mine, holding me with the kind of potency which has me so dangerously lost in him that I’ve failed to realise that my hand is steadily being led to his…  
“Eric, no. I'm sorry but no.” I state firmly, rousing myself and yanking my hand from his grasp, pushing them both against his shoulders to clear him from my personal space. Except, he doesn’t move at all. He just stands there, statuesque, no matter how hard I try and push him away from me, looking at me with the kind of surprise a child would upon seeing a larger than anticipated Christmas gift. Okay, this just became peculiar.  
Eric's POV.
“What the hell are you, Tyra?” I question, as I feel her hands begin to radiate gentle, warm energy where they press against me, making me feel something I'm in no rush to stop feeling right now, even though she's trying to push me away.
“I thought I was Miss Boden to you?” she states, tilting her head to the side slightly and looking at me with a single raised eyebrow.
“Cut the crap and tell me what you are. You're not human, are you?” I demand, staring at her more intently as the energy coming from her hands just keeps getting stronger.
“I'm very much human, a human who is leaving right now. I suggest you get out of my way while you still have yourself a bookkeeper, but if you like I can keep on walking? Choice is entirely up to you, but no more trying to make me feel your cock, okay? Vampires don't do it for me, so you're wasting your time.”
Her words are sternly delivered, turning away to close down the computer and place her belongings back in her bag, acting like I’m not even sitting here. No (human, at least) woman has ever refused me before; it's something that I do not like one bit. As well as the fact that familiarity I felt in her just grew by a thousand when she touched me, I feel inexplicably pulled in by her. She's so familiar, but why?
“So, you've been with my kind before?” I inquire, standing up straight and folding my arms as I watch her gather the rest of her belongings together.
“No. As I stated, dead doesn’t do it for me,” she affirms, sounding like she's not enjoying repeating herself.
“How can you know that, unless you've had the experience? I know you find me attractive. You should let me show you all the reasons why you’d enjoy me,” I put to her, honestly wanting to know her reasoning. How can you know you don't like something if you've never tried it? That makes no sense at all.
“No matter how proficient you seem to believe yourself to be, the prospect of being jumped by a corpse just doesn't appeal. There you have it, so please stop asking me and I'll see you next week.” Picking up her bag, she smiles thinly before striding to the door, brushing my arm as she leaves.  
This is an action that makes all the hairs stand on end, lying flat as she leaves the room, all the energy I could feel gone with her too. It’s like someone with a candle walking out of a totally pitch-black room, taking the only source of light with them. What the hell is she? I need to know what it is about her that draws me in so much, what makes me feel that incredible energy that radiates off of her; to discover why Godric sent her to me.  
I feel already that where Tyra is concerned, my impatience and insufferable thirst for knowledge over everything which surrounds me will get the better of me much quicker that it usually does. At the moment there's one thing I need to know more than anything, though, and that's where my bookkeeper lives.
Accessing the computer, I call up all the files with my employee’s personal and banking details within and look for the file marked Tyra Boden, which Pam created last night in order to add her to the payroll. Speak of the devil.
“Where in the hell is Kerstin? There’s a line at the bar two deep because only Deborah and Ginger are on tonight. You've not sexually annihilated her again, have you? Honestly, Eric. When will you realise humans just cannot keep up with us in that way?” she says tersely, sweeping into the office and perching on the side of the desk to crane her neck and see what I'm looking at.
“I fired her ten minutes ago. She was pilfering alcohol from the bar. It was nothing to do with her sexual performance or stamina, not that either were particularly notable,” I mutter in reply as I switch off the computer and stand up.
“So, that's why you're off to see Tyra then, huh?” I must say, I'm impressed at your speed. You usually wait at least forty-eight hours before you lure them into bed, or into the basement, that should be.” She knows full well that's as far as any woman, vampire or human, will ever go. I don't invite them to my apartment, on the same level as the basement but which takes up significantly greater space. They have no place in my home or bed.  
“Well, I tried my luck already with that particular beauty and I can forewarn you now, she doesn't find our kind attractive, which I must confess is the only thing I've found wrong with the woman so far,” she then adds, checking her long, fuchsia pink nails for imperfections before looking back at me with a slight smirk.
“That isn't the motive of my visit, though. There's something different about her, something non-human. Surely, you've felt it, too?” I ask, watching her begin to nod.
“Yes, I suppose I have felt something differently alluring from her, now you mention it,” she admits.
“Well, there you go,” I say in closing, making a start to leave.
“It can't be just that, Eric. I mean come on, the last human girl you got like this over was little Miss Sookie Stackhouse, and it took a substantially longer period of time for you to act on how differently she made you feel when she was around. Come on, tell me what else you know,” she continues to engage with, moving to stand between me and the door.
“When I discover more, I will. Oh and for your information, I'd stop myself if I possibly could. The feeling I got from that woman just touching my shoulders was a thousand times more powerful than anything Sookie could ever invoke within me. I'll be back later, watch over the bar.” Pushing her gently out of my way, I leave at speed, heading in the direction of Bon Temps.  
The quicker I find out just what the hell she is, the happier I shall be. For the sake of my sanity, if nothing else.
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bakatenshii · 3 years
「 𝔣𝔞𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔬𝔫 𝔞𝔰𝔨𝔰
♡ since I don’t wanna clog the dash
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I only use chinese tiktok aka douyin, and my ig is just my personal one! I’m so flattered you would say that though AHHHH thank u so much, I thought about doing youtube with my best friend at some point a few yrs ago but I realized I don’t really want that recognition if that makes sense? I’d prefer laying low tbh!! I have some friends who do youtube tho and it seems fun enough but I’m too inconsistent hehe THANK U SO MUCH THOUGH EEEEEp I’m blushin (๑꒪̇⌄꒪̇๑)
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HAHAHA I WAS TALKING TO MY IRL BEST FRIEND ABOUT THIS bc she watched Emily in Paris and then screamed to me about how there’s no way that as a broke stressed uni student she can afford that much Chanel. But it totally depends!
Every major has a niche; styling/PR are deffo the most expensively-dressed, most styling majors I know build off of their own igs so they’re always super up there. Design majors tend to stick to more thrifted/vintage/niche pieces, loads of them (and me lmao) are whores for archive pieces over the newest collections. The Chinese international students are always logo’d up HAHAHAHA AS USUAL or in all black rick/yohji it’s like one or the other. But as a whole I think we try to scavenge for unique pieces, bcos it’s easy to make designer look good, but it’s harder to style something cheap and thrifted to look expensive ya know? Always have a mix! That’s the formula hehe
If I’m given a super high budget, I’m assuming I can’t say a flat right lMAOOOOO, in terms of designer goods probably timeless pieces? Something I can get the most wear out of, or some obnoxious accessories/bag/clothing that I can’t justify the price of otherwise bc I’d probs wear it like once.
Everyone’s happy to splurge on different things, if you think you’re gonna get a lot of wear outta the Cartier Love bracelet, get it! It’s timeless and simple enough for everyday wear, so if that’s something you’re interested in dropping a bag on, go for it!
My view is that we’re all allowed our Thing we wanna splurge on, sometimes it’s a bag, sometimes it’s jewelry, if you’re able to save up for something like that that you’d really love to have then I don’t see why not. Just don’t go spending money you don’t have on loads of designer goods for the sake of it, but at the end of the day it’s your money! haha
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I’M HONOURED, I’d like to think I’m still glowing up so pls let’s hold hands and stomp on the world <333
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Just two rings on my right hand! They’re both simple bands, one in silver one in gold because I believe in mixing ur metals ╰༼=ಠਊಠ=༽╯
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I love juste un clou!! I always wonder if the actual top bit might get in the way though? I’m sure it doesn’t but every time I see it I’m like טּ_טּ it looks like it’ll be uncomfy. But deffo rt, it’s cute and simple with a bit of design if simple bands are too boring!
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ooooh for the anon above (and also the anon looking for luxury jewelry) there u go! they’re absolutely a classic I agree, and they’re incredibly iconic. I don’t personally do bracelet stacks, I’m more of a watch person (I don’t own any before yall ask HAHA) BUT I can appreciate it! I think it upgrades a simple outfit easily, and goes well with almost anything. THANK U FOR UR INPUT IM TAKING NOTES <33
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Unpopular opinion (??? sorta) but I’m a whore for reworked anything. I know a looot of people say reworking a luxury item takes away it’s class and worth but imo it gives it a new life. You get new designs, new silhouettes, a whole new aesthetic from an old piece. Often times brands stick to the classics, they stick to what they know will stick around, but sometimes you want smth unique ya know?
I’m all for reworked luxury anything! I mean like the concept of reworking anything, it rly depends case by case whether I think the reworked product is worth it, but as a whole— in theory— I love it hehe
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robogart · 4 years
One of the things I admire about you, beyond how gorgeous your art is, is how kind you are with even the rudest anons. I feel like a small minority of people don't get what it is you do and an even smaller minority feel the need to make the same rude comments over and over again. But it never seems to bother you and you always treat them with a respect and kindness they don't deserve. It speaks volumes about your confidence in yourself and your work and I really appreciate that about you. 💖💖💖
AhhhhhHHHHHH DUDE!!! ;;; w ;;; I honestly took so long responding to this because I was just so flattered and humbled and overwhelmed by your kindness AS PER USUAL and just!!! Ahhhhhh ;;;;; w ;;;;;; Dude thank you so much again ;; w ;; I just...ahhhh I’m just so touched dude. I don’t think of myself in those terms honestly, so I’m really humbled to hear this thank you dude  ;;; w ;;; I really just want to try to create a chill and positive environment here and I want people who follow me to feel that too! And even though there are rude folks everywhere, you don’t have to spare them much energy besides a “that’s too bad this isn’t for you!” response! Gosh and also there are just SO many other cool people who disagree with those bad opinions (and they make it known in replies/likes!) so I like to think that those who might feel less confident in themselves who might see a negative comment and feel badly, can then see just HOW MANY AMAZING PEOPLE support and uplift those qualities/feelings they might have! I know they uplift my spirits so much!! ;;; w ;;; <3 <3 <3  It’s so awesome and kind and I’m so thankful!!
Ahhh I rambled a lot and I was going to respond to this privately, but I just want people to know these things too!! I want you all to know how much I appreciate everyone’s kindness and support on here! It uplifts me and I feel like it definitely uplifts others as well!! You guys are the best, thank you!! <3 <3 <3 <3
And thank you Maggie!! You are always so crazy kind and supportive and I hope you know how much your words mean to me any time you leave a message or a comment!! I’m sorry for the late response (and public response, please let me know if you’d like me to delete!!) but thank you so so much dude. I’m just overflowing with gratitude right now!! ;; w ;; <3 <3 <3 
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roughentumble · 3 years
I have a lot of feelings about Petals and Pining now that I've finished it and wrote down some of my favorite quotes as I read it! Hope you don't mind getting this, it was just so exciting!
"Can they, um," she makes a reverse pinching motion with her fingers, "do the, the kitty eye thing?" He cocks his head at her in confusion, and she elaborates. "Where they get all big at night. Can you make your eyes all big?"
ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS. IMPECCABLE weird kid energy. Reminds me of my niece who's convinced that I can talk to trees. 10/10 would make eyes all big for her again.
"After about four days of travel, Jaskier becomes desperate for a good bath. He complains about it nearly incessantly; his feet are sore, his clothes are damp with sweat, he feels grimy, he feels sticky."
"The strawberries are already in the tart, friend, I can hardly return it."
Loved this, fantastic. I Want It On A Shirt.
"I've lost plenty, you've just never asked about it." Jaskier says simply, gaze unwavering, taking Geralt by surprise. "And besides, we're not talking about lost things. We're talking about things you don't have anymore. You assume a violent, painful parting, but that's simply not the way of everything to enter and exit your life. Some things will part easily. Some things will simply be a sweet tart that you've finished eating. Simple entrance, simple exit. No hard feelings there. You have to stop assuming everything in your life will be torn from you." 
Did you mean to make me Cry Again or at least Feel Some Sort Of Way? Because you did. Of course you did. I should expect this by now.
"and each time he gets a bright smile and a thank you, and each time the honesty falls from his lips a little easier, a little more thoughtlessly."
Such big vibes from that one fable with the pearls and jewels falling from that one girls lips because of her kindness.
I also want "absolutely fuckoff sized spiders" on a shirt. Or a leather jacket, with a picture of said spiders.
"The one he'd de-limbed earlier advances on him, lumbering and off-kilter-"
Tis but a flesh wound! Seriously though, you have so much clear awareness about your fight scenes. I don't have that much spatial awareness when I'm in actual fights! Very impressive. A++
Holy shit, I finished it in two hours. Okay. This is was like slicing a sliver of pie and then taking everything but that sliver. This was amazing through and through. Absolutely loved the end, and then scene you didn't write in! Love the idea of kid Geralt teaching the big guy how to play horse.
I started watching the show because of the Geralt and Roachie fic so I could get some context. I really do seriously dig these works. They are so well written and alive in ways that just take you in. Thank you so so so so so much.
Oh???? Oh my god, I love this??? I love this ask so much, thank you, oh my god
I'm so glad you enjoyed it, I can't believe you started watching the show because of my fic, I'm a little at a loss for words(in a good way!!!)
Also, oh, I screamed a little when you mentioned the fable of the girl with the gems that fell out of her mouth when she spoke, I LOVED that one as a kid, I????? Oh my GOD I'm so flattered, ohhhh my god
And!!!! Spatial awareness!!!!! Is so important in fight scenes, in my opinion, so, I just!!! Thank you, I'm
god. idk what even to say. thank you so much for this message, I am OVER the moon and my heart's about fit to bursting. I'm so glad you liked petals and pining, ahhhh
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foxlolpop · 4 years
I think you seem really sweet! I feel like you’d be pretty awkward irl (sorry 😅) and you seem like the type of person to say sorry after someone says to stop saying it lol! I think ur pretty cool tho, seem to have a good taste in music and overall a well rounded person (: AhhHh- ask question for ya as well Out of every Aftg character who do you think your friends (M and G and you) would be?
Awww, anon, you flatter me <3 lol  
i have been known to say sorry after someone has told me to stop saying it lmao.
i used to be really awkward when i was younger, almost to the point where it was a problem. Little Me didn’t know what to do during certain social situations (i’m still clueless at times), how to carry a conversation, or how to make friends besides accidentally being adopted by extroverts. i just stayed quiet for an obnoxious amount of time when i was around other people. in the end, the silence just made me anxious and everyone else uncomfortable. go figure. but now i actually know how to talk to people (wowza)! though it is still a bit of a struggle to make conversation/connect with strangers, classmates, etc. although i have found that starting friendships online is somehow way easier and so much better lmao.  
M & G as aftg characters:  
i got an ask or two asking about M & G as aftg characters a couple weeks ago but when i tried to answer both of them in one post, Tumblr ate it :’( (probably because my internet was acting up at the time or something). so i’m sorry to those anons who asked but never got a reply and probably thought i was ignoring them.  
i think M is very similar to Andrew. she’s very rough, uncensored, and can be self-destructive in her own ways. she’s ferociously loyal as well. 
i know i compared her to Andrew in an ask once and said she was, “all faux stability.. like pie crust till you take a bite.” what I meant by this was that M can sometimes seem so calm and indifferent- lost in her mania- at times that its like nothing can affect her. like the world starts and stops with her reactions. invincible. unwavering. solid...
but while pie crust may look all compact and sturdy it is bound to crumble. to fall to pieces right beneath your finger tips. and thats Andrew.
by no means is he fragile but when when tfc starts he is falling apart at the seams. strung together by crumbling promises, with his brother, with Kevin. crumbling control as he forces those antipsychotics down his throat. yet Neil describes Andrew as being able to hold the world on his shoulders and more. more and you wouldn’t even see his arms quiver under the weight. more and more and more. its a certain tenacity, a resilience, that only comes from conditioning yourself to more in all its worst forms.  
and thats M.
(I’m also 100% certain she would pay good money to own Andrew’s armbands/sheaths and knives so she could pull them on somebody (not to hurt them. she’d probably only use it for intimidation. probably)) 
theres also the fact that her sarcasm and humor are dry af lmao. 
I feel like G is similar to Dan except more introverted, and if you sprinkled in some Good-Girl-Renee-Christian tendencies then you have recreated her lol. 
 G is a big mother hen. she always has your back and wants to do whats best for you <3. but she only gives you so many chances till she says you need to shape up lol.
Tell me your honest opinion of me on anon
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sapphirebluestars · 5 years
50 q’s
Thank you @imdifferentshadesofpurple for the tag, i enjoyed reading yours so i hope you get to learn some stuff about me too hehe
1. What takes too much of your time?
honestly...tik tok...nuff said 
2. What makes your day better?
boba, always boba. but also seeing my dog after a long day or getting random messages from my friends saying they were thinking of me :3 
3. What’s the best thing that happened to you today?
i got to sit down with a really good friend and we talked for like 2 hours but i also skipped my last 2 classes bc of it? whoops sorry not sorry
4. What fictional place would you like to go to?
i don’t know why but the first place that popped into my head was the future from Meet the Robinsons LOL, tbh though any fic that’s been written where i get to be y/n would also be nice
5. Are you good at giving advice?
yes, but i can also be really mean about it :(
6. Do you have any mental illness?
undiagnosed, but i have bad test anxiety 
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
Y E S lemme tell you, weirdest feeling on the planet
8. What musician inspired you the most?
tbh i don’t think any musician has ever inspired me like that? the closest person i can think of is maybe Charice Pempengco? her voice is lovely and she’s honestly the sweetest
9. Have you ever fallen in love?
yes i have
10. What’s your dream date?
an amusement park!!! but honestly any date that leaves me thinking “i can’t wait  to see this guy again” is also a dream date
11. What do others notice about you?
first thing is usually how small i am despite being average sized for an asian girl
12. What is an annoying habit you have?
i talk a lot and when i do talk it’s usually ranting LOL
13. Do you still talk to your first love?
no, i would rather sit here and individually pluck all my eyelash extensions out
14. How many ex’s do you have?
2 and a half? i don’t really count the third one bc it was so short but i was still pretty upset when it ended
15. How many songs are in your playlist?
in total like a little over 1200 i think?
16. What instruments can you play?
i played the piano since i was 6 but quit when i was 13 :( one of the biggest regrets of my life
17. Who do you have the most pictures of?
probably my puppy wuppy if not then my family in general?
18. Where would you like to go before you die?
if only 1 place then the motherland, Vietnam, however i would like to go everywhere
19. What is your zodiac?
20. Do you relate to it?
i’m really about to get a tattoo of the libra alignment on my hip so i’d say yes 
21. What is happiness to you?
feeling at peace with myself and everyone/everything going on around me
22. Are you going through anything right now?
unfortunately, but it’s kind of subsided i think? (psa boys are dumb and don’t know how to respect girls)
23. What’s the worst decision you’ve ever made?
continuing a friendship that was very draining for me, luckily this has just ended (refer to #22) either that or dating my best friend (refer to #13)
24. What’s your favourite store?
Royal Tea LOL the best boba place ever 
25. What’s your opinion on abortion?
to keep it short and simple i think it should be your choice, but personally i’m pro-life 
26. Do you keep a bucket list?
not really? more just like a bucket list of places i wanna eat at before i die, does that count???
27. Do you have a favourite album?
not really, i gravitate back towards regular-irregular by NCT and I am: WHO by stray kids though
28. What do you want for your birthday?
an apple watch or like a boyfriend...either or LOOOOL
29. What are most people’s first impression of you?
i’m pretty outgoing and don’t find myself feeling too awkward unless it’s a rather large crowd of people in which case i get overwhelmed. but i think generally people think i’m talkative and bubbly?
30. What age do you seem according to most people?
WELL i got ID’d for trying to buy cough syrup in january despite having just turned 21 so people either usually guess right around my age or they assume i’m like 17/18 which don’t get me wrong, is flattering, but no one wants to try to pick up the 17/18 year old at the bars smh
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping?
on my nightstand if it’s charging or if it’s not then tucked under my pillows somewhere on the bed
32. what word do you say the most?
“listen linda” based off that one little boy on vine or something like that LOL
33. What’s the oldest age you would date?
probably 5 years? maybe? i don’t really know tbh older boys intimidate me and i don’t usually gravitate towards them
34. What’s the youngest age you would date?
i feel like only a year younger, anything more just makes me feel like ahhhh bc i have a younger sister who is a 2000 liner
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you?
people see me in education but let me tell you, i have zero patience for the disrespect kids have nowadays so i feel like i would hate myself if i pursued teaching
36. What’s your favourite music genre?
kpop or edm for sure
37. If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be?
i actually have no idea...maybe the UK? 
38. What is your current favourite song?
everytime we touch by cascada (hardwell & maurice west remix) LOL or no longer by nct 127???
39. How long have you had this blog for?
since like...march/april of 2017 so almost 2 years!!!
40. What are you excited for?
41. Are you a better talker or listener?
i can be both!
42. What is the last productive thing you did?
i sat down for a few hours to finish up a group business statistics assignment yesterday hehe
43. What do you want for Christmas?
a golden retriever, apple watch if i didn’t get one for my birthday, a boyfriend if i don’t have one in september you know its chill its whatever i guess 
44. What class do you get the best grades in?
currently anything online lul, i excel in english classes though writing and reading are my forte
45. On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling right now?
probably like a 5? im kind of tired and feel bad for skipping literally my entire day
46. What can you see yourself doing in 10 years?  
i’ll be 32 geez, i hope i have a home, a husband, a kid or 2, and a job i love?
47. When did you first get your heartbreak?
i was 16, this heartbreak led me into what would be the worst 3 years of my life 
48. At what age do you want to get married?
26/27? i don’t want kids until i’m like 29/30 though
49. What career did you want to have as a child?
a teacher or an author
50. What do you crave right now?
boba, always boba hehe (my go-to drinks are lychee green tea or jasmine green milk tea hehe) 
Tagging you my friends! @saltee-alice @kpophappened-be @defskookie @cosmicxwoobear @felixsaussieaccent @real-kpoptrash @meatmeinthemiddle-mark @galaxyknj
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idsb · 2 years
Bestie there’s a bar by my work that’s having an emo/scene theme night in January and I’m going with some friends and I need help brainstorming an outfit. I’m gonna wear black ripped skinny jeans and vans but I’m not sure what to wear as a top that would be cute for a club and fit the aesthetic. You wear such cute outfits with like that black grunge vibe that I think is more what I want to go for than like full on emo so I would love your opinion
Ahhhh anon thank you for asking!! For a top I would do a black mesh long sleeve bodysuit with an oversized band tee thrown over it (which you can then take off and throw in your bag if it gets too hot!) OR a simple tank like this one (highly rec this specific one it’s sooooo flattering) with a flannel / shacket type of top, which again you can take off when it gets hot!
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nipuni · 7 years
AHHHH thank you everyone for your messages about that question post, you are all too sweet!! 😭💕 Josie won by an overwhelming majority so I drew my silly butt in a costume, I can’t pull off the gold but I do speak Antivan and I have my pen with me at all times! hahah
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Cole and young Leliana were tied at second place!! I’m honestly so flattered by this and your messages I’m melting what the hell, I’m putting the messages and replies under the cut to make the post shorter skdhaksjdh
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@thisisnotseriousbussiness hahah I am very excitable it is true!! it is not offensive at all, it is quite the opposite!! thank you so much ;;
@robotslenderman thank you so much!! right back at you!!
@the-tale-of-the-champions WOAH!!! regal as Viv I can’t believe ;; I do have perfectionism issues that bring only procrastination instead of perfection sadly haha thank you so much!!
@sharp-sparks OH WOW 😭❤️ thank you so much!! this is a hug in comment form ;_;
@powredpaintcoll oh my godddd you are way too kind I’m going to pass out, thank you so much!!!
@belldandy-goddessofthepresent Minaeve!! this one surprised me!! and you are right about the icon hahah woah ;; thank you so much!! you are too sweet 
@smuttine !!!! do you want to kill me with kindness!!! even my hair is blushing at this point!!! thank you so much 😭😭😭
@thornhands Dagna and Viv? AAAHHHH an odd combination but what a high compliment it is!! thank you so much!!!
@ anon that said Cole and Josie, ahhhhh that sounds so beautiful I’m so happy that is the feeling my art can convey ;_; thank you!!
@ anons that said Dagna and Harding, I’m short, red and I talk a lot!! we would make such a great team!! hahah thank you so much!!
@ anon that said Leliana in Halamshiral, I do a lot of people watching and outfit judging at parties too you are right!! hahah thank you very much!!
and to everyone else that sent their opinions a million thanks!!! this was super fun and made me so happy to read that you all have such great opinions of me ;_; I feel so spoiled I go blush under my bed covers now
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astralsunset · 7 years
hi hello, could i maybe ask for Miyako or Daisuke for that character meme? or literally any digimon char please and thank you, your headcanons and analysis give me so much life aahh !!!
ahhhh i’m flattered! >/////
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff (i could see a good argument for either tbh)best quality: her facial expressions her enthusiasm and passion! and stubbornness - her energy is infectious, so she’s so fun to watch on-screen but also so easy to empathize with when she’s angry or scared or unsure. she’s just so great, y’all. i think about the silphymon episode every goddamn day of my life.worst quality: indecisiveness maybe??? or that case of foot-in-mouth syndrome she has going on. either way, it is a quality that i also love in her. is there anything i don’t love about miyako? pretty sure there’s not.ship them with: HIKARI. honestly the more i think about it the more i realize that miyakari might be one of my top f/f ships in any fandom. also idk if i really see mimi returning her feelings but i love her crush on mimi so much? it’s so cute???brotp them with: daisuke - their friendship is hilarious and i just want to watch them interact forever. also koushiro for “FRANTIC TECHNOBABBLE” duo.needs to stay away from: nobody??? afaik???misc. thoughts: i hc that she majors in compsci but maybe minors in graphic design because she enjoys it? and ends up working on koushiro’s research team in the epilogue. also i did not appreciate her or the other 02 kids nearly enough as a kid and i’m glad i have Seen The Light
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: there’s a lot that i could list tbh. but for the purposes of this meme magic 8-ball says “has his shit together to a surprising degree”. this is really useful for when he needs to hold up ken’s shit sometimes and also comes in handy a lot during later 02. he really doesn’t get that full-on human disaster phase that a lot of the others get, it’s a more low-level thing.worst quality: daisuke, kiddo, i love you but you can be a dense dumbass sometimes. also some of the standard fifth-grader stuff that he’ll grow out of soon but stillship them with: ken, to some extent miyako (mostly in daikenyako), v lowkey mimi because i think it’s funnybrotp them with: miyako, see aboveneeds to stay away from: when i was younger i was really not fond of him and hikari being together but i’m a lot more neutral on it now? so basically nobody iirc.misc. thoughts: grows up - well, “grows” - to be one of the shortest chosen, only beating out mimi and hikari. the only chosen who can make facial hair work for them. i am also ridiculously fond of my hc where daisuke works as a bartender for a while and occasionally covers for the bouncer. 
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end-all-bloodlines · 5 years
Klance Headcanons cause I have so many (I'm sorry in advance but—)
AHHHH sksksksk
Time to write down my favs.
(A.K.A., all of them cause they are all my favs >W<)
Prepare for a long post. These are just my headcanons (modern au for now) and if you disagree with some, that's your opinion úwú (that sounds so rude ahh).
Anyways, enjoy em, hope you like em! 💜💜
Now onto the headcanons:
... ... yeah
*awkward cough*
-HEAD BOOPS TM are a must. They head boop all the time, then stare into each other's eyes and smile softly. It happens all the time. No stopping them. No way whatsoever. They. Will. Headboop.
-Eskimo kisses. A beautiful thing courtesy of Klance.
-Keith can cook, and Lance personally loves it when Keith makes dinner or something, even if it's something super simple just cause Keith seemingly makes anything taste good (theory not tested, better safe than sorry)
-Hunk is both of their wingman's when they are pining for each other and he's loyal to them both, encouraging them to take their time
-Keith is actually super good with kids, and Lance’s heart always flutters when he sees how well Keith gets along with every single one of his younger family members (SO PATIENT UWU >W<)
-Lance loves to cuddle and Keith loves to give Lance light kisses all over his face
-When they cuddle, Lance is always somehow spooning Keith even if Keith is spooning him (basically will wrap his arms around Keith and not let go even though he's actually a bit shorter than his Keithy Boy uwu)
-They play fight/wrestle because they both honestly love it
-When one comes home from work and is obviously exhausted, the other knows exactly what to do in order to give them a good night
-Keith is a teacher assistant/aspiring teacher and he loves kids more than he'll ever admit
-Lance is more a stay at home type of guy, but he helps Keith sometimes and works at a Starbucks (only it's really crowded with workers so he doesn't usually have to work a whole lot, unlike Keith)
-Lance loves to call Keith pet names (Kit-Kat, Keithy boi, Beautiful, Mullet, Light of my Life, Cariño, Samurai, etc), and though Keith doesn't mind it and makes a fake fuss about it, he's been trying to come up with a cute nickname for Lance for a long while (a meaningful one, in other words: My Lotus Flower, referring to the blue versions because Lance has always thought of the flowers as pretty while they are Keith’s favorite flower) (Lance rivalled the nickname by calling Keith “My Precious Rosemallow”)
-They both want to adopt kids (preferably a boy and a girl) and they have the names planned out already cause they are the prepare types of parents-to-be
-(Future stuff) They adopted a girl first and name her Lillian
-(Future stuff) They adopted a boy (named Kyle) when Lillian turned five (Kyle was four when adopted)
-They are honestly the best parents sksksk
-When they go out on dates they have a mutual challenge on who will make the other blush first
-Keith is sometimes bombarded by girls and boys who want to know if they can get his number, and let's just say Lance makes it clear that Keith is taken (same thing happens with Lance, but he always runs over to Keith or just plain escaped anyone interested before Keith can say anything because he is determined to be that boyfriend in their relationship. He will never allow Keith to save himself; he will always save his boi)
-Keith is always flattered when Lance is protectively jelly (though he does get a bit irked when Lance is super duper overprotective)
-Keith loves chocolate and Lance makes sure to get it for him whenever he can
-Lance bought Keith a hippo plush for his birthday and whenever Lance isn't home but Keith is, he'll cuddle with it (he named the hippo Bloop)
-When Keith is the one at work and Lance is home (a far more frequent occurrence), Lance will cuddle with Bloop because Bloop smells like Keith
-They both binge watch Disney movies together and the occasional Horror Movie
-When they watch horror films Lance will shamelessly hide in the crook of Keith’s neck, Keith silently loves it
-Keith is the person of morning persons, Lance is not. Lance will spoon Keith as he walks around the house doing early morning chores, always more or less half asleep. He complains about Keith waking so early but subconsciously likes being able to spoon Keith while Keith does his thing (feels them muscles up while cuddling too). Keith honestly loves it as well because Lance is super clingy and affectionate when he's half asleep.
-Lance loves hiding his face in the crook of Keith’s neck. When he's sad, embarrassed, clingy, or just being normal he will cling onto Keith like a fricking koala and bury his face there (he adds kisses against that spot as well, and to him the skin there is sO SOFT so kissing it affectionately is a bonus for both him and Keith)
-Keith likes burying his face in Lance’s hair, just relaxing against Lance while letting the strands caress his face. Lance loves it too.
-When Lance is sad, Keith will:
1) Make him a nice dinner and dessert
2) Cuddle him in bed or on the couch and let him cry or whatever the heck he needs to do for as long as he likes
3) Will literally drop everything else for Lance, no exceptions
4) Try his absolute best to make Lance smile, in any way possible
5) Coaxes Lance into telling him what's wrong
6) Will gladly offer to murder anyone who makes Lance cry
7) Lance appreciates it all and accepts everything Keith does gratefully, always sure to return the favor
-When Keith is sad, Lance will:
1) Make him some Mac n Cheese (Keith likes Mac n Cheese, reminds him of his dad and he likes it even better when he can share it with Lance) (Mr. Kogane could not cook for his life, unlike his son)
2) Lance will cuddle him, spoon him, kiss him, repeat
3) After repeating that process like ten times, Lance will then hug his bf for as long as he possibly can before blurting out, “WHY IS MY KIT-KAT, MY BEAUTIFUL BOYFRIEND, THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE, WHY THE HELL IS HE SAD?!” then he calms down and says more gently, “Tell me what happened. Spare no details. We both have all the time in the world.” And that always gets Keith to spill.
4) Lance also offers to murder people, which makes Keith laugh every time because they both know Lance can't hurt someone verbally, far less murder them
5) Lance will do everything he can to make Keith smile for the rest of the day, no matter how much time is left, until it's time for bed. Then, he will kiss Keith’s face, his neck, his chest, all lightly and lovingly, and he will do it until Keith goes to sleep, while also running his fingers through Keith's hair
-Lance is low-key obsessed with Keith’s hair. He won't believe Keith actually does anything with it even though he knows extremely well that Keith washes it thoroughly and cares for it
-He loves playing with Keith’s hair, braiding it, carding his fingers through it, nuzzling his face into that mop of silkiness-ness-ness
-Lance also has a teeny tiny obsession with kissing the nape of Keith’s neck. He just loves lifting up Keith’s hair and then placing a soft kiss there.
Lance pick up lines, cause why not:
1: Are you a sunset? ‘Cause I'm enjoying the view
2: My eyes like sweets, and I should know because you are quite a piece of eye candy
3: Are you from Tennessee? ‘Cause you're the only ten, I see (classic shit is the best shit)
4: If I could stare into your eyes for another second I'd gladly do so (not really a pick-up line but it works just fine on Keith)
5: Do you have a name, or can I call you mine?
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