#aine dyer
squeamishnerd · 3 months
I always give spellcasters amulets to show which type of magic they focus on ^^
Key: Head of the Sages
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Áine Dyer
Red: Untamed Magic
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Ahriman Morgyn Ember, Grace Anansi Tomax Collette, Morgan Park
Purple: Mischief Magic
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Keisha Hughes, Lyman Faba
Green: Practical Magic
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Ethren Reyes, Simeon Silversweater Minerva Charm, Darrel Charm
Blue: Alchemy
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Cornelia Goth, Gunther Goth Agnes Crumplebottom, Agatha Crumplebottom Mortimer Goth, Bella Goth Emilia Ernest, Candy Behr, Emiko Mori
White: Teen spellcaster or non-spellcaster under spellcaster protection
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Cassandra Goth, Gemma Charm, Yuki Behr
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untamedglimmer · 2 years
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That's not creepy at all.
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miggydong · 1 year
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local necromancer gets called cringe by the ghosts that haunt his house, more at 11
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rainbowwsims · 1 year
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I redrew Aine 🫠
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lespritdemort · 2 years
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"Where in the hell have you been?!"
I couldn't believe it. My mother was just randomly walking down the street outside my house! She turned around, and looked surprise for only a moment before it was gone.
"You know where."
It was so sure that for a moment I could only stare at her, as I questioned everything I thought I knew, and then a snort came from me.
"I haven't the faintest idea where."
"You and I came here for the same reason, Ezio," she said.
Ah... "Moonwood."
"Hmph. Your scent is all over it by the way, you would do well to hide it better. Greg does not take to outsiders very kindly."
I snorted. "Greg has not been a problem so far."
"I suspect you might want to keep it that way." Her eyes, a steeled grey like my own, softened. "It is good to see you."
I said nothing, simply reached out and hugged her to me. She was shorter than me now, by quite the margin, yet somehow I still felt small again.
Once upon a long time ago ( like 3 years almost lol ), Lana McKinnon was my Morgyn and Ezio's mom. Don't ask, I'm pretty sure I was drunk when I decided that lmao I have partial face blindness anyway so I suppose that's my other reason. Anyways, in the original Eisenstern legacy, Ezio had a son, who transitioned to a daughter, and looked exactly like Tess / Aine. I decided then that their mother should probably be her instead, so here we are.
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smok3inm1rrors · 1 year
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Glimmerbrook premade story makeovers!
You know for the story that soley exists in my head and in numerous first attempt scenes that all get scrapped
Ethren Reyes, Keisha Hughes, Aine Tess Dyer Jennial Tricou, Simeon Silversweater, “L” Faba, Minerva Charm
Tomax Collette, Morgyn Ember, Darrel Charm, Emilia Ernest, Grace Anansi, Gemma Charm
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rennesairanenlove · 2 months
Wayne W. Dyer Pyrkimyksen voima: "Seuraava Ruth MacDonaldin liikuttava kertomus on hyvä kuvaus sellaisesta antamisesta, jota tarkoitan: Hän oli pikku poika, ei kovin suosittu toisten ensiluokkalaisten keskuudessa. Kun ystävänpäivä lähestyi, hän pyysi eräänä iltana äitiään - joka ilahtui kovasti - istumaan ja kirjoittamaan paperille kaikkien hänen luokkatovereidensa nimet, jotta hän voisi tehdä jokaiselle ystävänpäiväkortin. Hitaasti hän muisteli nimiä, lausui jokaisen ääneen, ja äiti kirjoitti sen ylös. Poika oli kovin huolissaan, ettei vain joku unohtuisi. Sitten poika, joka oli varustautuntu kirjalla, jossa oli leikattavia ystävänpäiväkortteja, saksilla, väriliiduilla ja liimalla, alkoi käydä tunnollisesti läpi listaansa. Ain kun kortti valmistui, äiti tekstasi saajan nimen paperille ja katsoi sitten, miten poika vaivalloisesti kopio sen. Sitä mukaa kun valmiiden korttien pino kasvoi, kasvoi myös pojan tyytyväisyys. Vähitellen äiti alkoi huolestuneena miettiä, saisiko poika itse kortteja toisilta lapsilta. Tämä kiirehti joka päivä kotiin korttipuuhansa ääreen niin ripeästi, että saattoi hyvinkin käydä niin, että toiset lapset kadun varrella leikkiessään unohtaisivat kokonaan hänen olemassaolonsa. Olisihan aivan kauheaa, jos poika menisi kouluun 37 ystävyydenosoitusta muassaan - eikä kukaan muistaisi häntä! Äiti pohti voisiko hän jollakin konstilla ujuttaa pojan korttipinoon muutaman kortin, jotta poika saisi ainakin ne. Mutta poika vahti aarrettaan niin tiukasti ja laskeskeli kortteja niin hellästi yhä uudelleen, ettei ylimääräisten sujauttaminen niiden joukkoon ollut mahdollista. Äiti siis teki sen, Äiti siis teki sen mitä äidit useimmiten joutuvat tekemään: odotti kärsivällisesti. Ystävänpäivä tuli viimein ja äiti seurasi katseellaan pojan taivallusta lumisella kadulla. Tämä piteli toisessa kädessään laatikkoa, jossa oli sydämenmuotoisia piparkakkuja, ja toisessa hän puristi ostokassia, jossa olivat hänen vaivannäköiset siistit tulokset, 37 kappaletta. Äiti katseli häntä kivistävin sydämin. >>Voi hyvä Jumala, hän rukoili, >>anna hänen saada ainakin muutama. Koko iltapäivän äiti puuhaili kaikenlaista, mutta hänen sydämensä oli koulussa. Puoli neljältä hän otti kutimensa ja asettui ikään kuin sattumalta istumaan ikkunan ääreen siten, että näki koko kadun. Lopulta poika tuli, yksin. Äidin sydän puristui kokoon. Ylös katua poika tarpoi kääntyen silloin tällöin kävelemään muutaman askeleen takaperin tuulta vasten. Äiti terästi katsettaan nähdäkseen pojan kasvot. Kaukaa ne näyttivät vain epämääräisen punertavalta läikältä. Vasta kun poika kääntyi pihatielle, äiti näki sen - yhden ainoan ystävänpäiväkortin, jota poika puristi pienessä punaisessa lapasessaan. Kaiken hänen vaivannäkönsä jälkeen Ja sekin oli kai opettajalta. Kudin sumeni äidin silmissä. Voi kunpa voisi asettua lapsensa ja elämän väliin! Hän pani työnsä syrjään ja meni ovelle. >>Onpas sinulla punaiset posket!>> äiti sanoi. >>Annas kun otan kaulaliinasi pois. Olivatko piparkakut hyviä? >> Poika kääntyi äitinsä puoleen onnesta hehkuen, täydellisen tyytyväisenä. >>Tiedätkö mitä>> hän sanoi. >>Minä en unohtanut ketään. En yhtään ainoaa!>>"
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opheliaoversteers · 1 year
Sometimes i think about the things I’ve said during the course of my day and think “am i going to sound like this the rest of my life?”
To maintenance: “damn, y’all still ain’ hear nothin’ from the manyafacturer?”
To a friend: “wind’s’n the east today” “huh?” “Smellin feed lots”
To an editor: “tahype the damn theng, i cayn’t read yer handwritin’ fer shit”
To another friend: “i mean i know she’s from the east coast, but ‘vwah deer?’ Really? say vore dyer. We don’t respect the french.”
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fraener · 1 year
christmas was strange. hans got me a dragon plaque and some beautiful yarn. i cried a little because its been a really long time since anyone has paid enough attention to me to get me a present that actually feels meaningful to who i am. i gave him a white sweater and taught him how to dye it with dyers polypore. my grandma sent me more sweets than ill ever eat so ive been handing them off to people slowly. hans and i made latkes and brats and then went to dinner at cals where i felt very anxious. i didnt hear from anyone really except for fen and family. i got a new rug yesterday for really cheap that is patterned as calendula and what i think is larkspur, amaranth and something unidentifiable so far. im feeling mad and hurt and anxious. miranda hasnt spoken to me since el left, and she was acting sort of rudely to me and hans, then we washed some laundry at the house at the same time as her and a bunch of our laundry went missing which means theres a fair chance she stole things from us. all after her big apology about how horrible she felt for abandoning me as a friend and how it was just really important for her to be only talking to r because she needs so much support. i feel tired in every direction from that. depression is creeping in. why do i keep letting people in? why do people mistreat others? ive worked so hard on my trust issues but i keep winding up in the presences of people who seem to intentionally disrespect and disregard me as a real person. even fen these days is really far from me and chooses to prioritize all of their time for everyone else. they were going to come for a visit, which turned shorter because they scheduled a doctors appointment at the same time, which turned even shorter because they decided they were just going to have aine drive them both down. i called it off because i kept saying over and over that i didnt want to hang out with aine i wanted to hang out with fen alone and they werent listening to that. o wont talk to me, shady is out of town but disconnected from me when they are here, el is gone, michael doesnt talk to me because it makes shirely upset, amy is gone or not present when shes here, i hardly ever see or talk to max anymore because hes too busy, nick is always stoned and when i do see him its only for a few minutes before he decides to leave. bg is the only person that hangs out with me these days other than hans. i feel whatever rough precursor to lonely, i feel bitter and reclusive and angry. i am so tired of this pitiable pattern. of course, i can tell myself im complaining about nothing and it doesnt matter, and of course, it doesnt, but these are the only friends consistently in my life- or, as close to consistent as possible. its hard for me to feel like i want to see anyone at all. on top of all that i used a prosthetic with hans last night for the first time. it honestly made me feel more dysphoric than not using anything. he really liked it but i couldnt stop thinking as i was watching that neon blue member swing around that ill never be a real man, ill never have this for real, why would anyone choose to be intimate with me and this over someone with something real. i felt like crying but i didnt. i think its good im having therapy today. 
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plasmavamp · 3 years
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squeamishnerd · 4 months
My Top 23 Screenshots from 2023
Thanks for the tag @sharona-sims 😊
Pictures below the "Keep reading" cut
Most of the pictures also have links to the posts they're from 🙂
From The Original Ahriman
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Ahriman being photogenic
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These two being... questionable? 😅
(It's just self-woohoo with extra steps)
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Morgyn's training session
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The "What do you mean I should treat others the way I want to be treated?" face
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Cornelia Goth making her son nervous
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Ahriman meeting Harold 🥰
From The Brights
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Beren crying 🥺 Taking this screenshot broke my heart
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Beren laughing 🥰 When he played Never Have I Ever with Jayden, Cameron, and Julia
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Beren reacting to when Melon first started
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New chassis colours! Kodex kept their original blue chassis colour, Eve changed to silver, and Melon changed to red
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The first time Ahriman saw a bot
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Cameron and Jayden breaking up 🥲
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Selfie! The picture for Arc 2 😊 (Also, see if you can find something I hid in the background)
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Beren and Melon going to a restaurant
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Ahriman sitting by the broken portal
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Beren "got distracted" 😅
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Melon being dramatic 😂
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The Order of Enchantment when they were found by Julia. I just love how he squints with one eye 😆
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✨ Glimmerbrook ✨
And here are four pictures from a Dress Up / Alternate Universe Prompt game. People gave me prompts, and I dressed up my sims in a separate save file. All of these are just me playing around with the ideas from the prompts, so they're completely AU and not canon 😆
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Beren as an engineer in the 1800s
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Beren as a steampunk engineer
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Beren and Andrew at a ball in the 1800s
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Beren as a steampunk scientist and Ahriman as a vampire, in the 1800s
And I'm tagging @pomelosims, if you want to do it, no pressure 😊
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simminglytimeladies · 4 years
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 The Second Generation Sages - Writings from Pyropa Embers
“Every century, a new sage is chosen in the Ceremony of Sagehood Ascension. It often takes place in the Headquarters after the duel between the sage and their apprentice and the Rite of Sagehood, a dangerous part of becoming a sage. The newly chosen sage is awarded the ability of Rite Of Ascension and the jewelry associated with the school of magic they specialized in.” - Pyropa Ember
20th Century’s Sages are:
Morgana Westerlies - Sage Of Mischief Magic - Evil,Goofball,Creative
“Hmm.. Morgana... Interesting gal I might say. It’s quite funny how Morgana became a sage despite her skin stayed green from her previous Strangify curse. She was more than a harmless prankster, often putting a curse on pretty much anyone when bored. She got into the sagehood young and died young. Rumors say that either Aine or Evander killed her. Do I believe that? Probably not.” - P. Ember
Aine Dyer - Sage of Untamed Magic - Ambitious,Genius,Perfectionist
“Ahhh, Aine. She was the most powerful sage and often welcomes anyone who just come across the Magic Realm just like my parent, Morgyn. She had a plan in everything she does, from morning routines to whoever should be the next sage. Her descent from sagehood often creates a lot of questions. Like ‘why did she disappeared?’ or ‘is she dead?’. No, my parent didn’t kill her. Just shut it out.” - P. Ember
Evander Grey - Sage of Practical Magic - Good,Loves Outdoors,Genius
“Sir Grey, he is one of the oldest spellcasters ever existed. He was born when the Battle Of The Four Elements ended. He was the pinnacle of a typical wise wizard that you see in RPGs these days. He was a very peaceful man and wants the spellcasters to be known as good people. However someone is kinda taking that away though. It’s easy to know who is it...” - P. Ember
Original Aine Dyer was made by @gamingtweety- I gave her some tweaks to fit my style.
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iamorlaisprince · 4 years
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The Grand Dukes Dorian & Tristan of San Myshuno
The council has been summoned and while the court dines and lounges the elders ponder on the heir. 
“The child has been foreseen.” says Elder Dyer watching a young magician tickle the keys of the concert piano. Lady Charm and her escort nod in agreement recalling the prophecy of the hybrid child.
“He does not just bring fortune,” starts the Selvadorada God of Bones, “Death follows were new life begins.”
Lady Zatana ponders those words before letting out a exasperated, “Ha!” Turning to the skeleton she says, “Funny.”
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moonlighthollowss · 3 years
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rainbowwsims · 4 years
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These are the Realm of Magic sages that were shared in the gallery by MAXIS. Now, I don’t know why they are trying to make these (except for Aine) ((I’m sorry, Tess Dyer)) come off as, not at all the same people as the ones that are in the game (((only less...ugly...I guess)))
I just feel like they could have handled the whole sage thing a bit better Also their names are not very suitable for sages over a magical dimension, like
Ethren, I could understand, a name as intimidating as him, but Tess Dyer?? And Keisha??? Is this a joke
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mx-rgyn · 4 years
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Florence + The Machine - “100 Years”
This isn’t relevant to any kind of plot or story, this is just a vent edit I did to try and lift a bit of weight off my heart. Sorry if any of the colours look off, I have software on my computer for adjusting screen brightness/reducing blue light and it messes with colour resolutions sometimes.
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