#akane amaranth
neopoliitan · 7 days
At Zenith, we cut to Roderick Lincoln’s seemingly lifeless body on the floor of the cell - following his beatdown at the mechanical hands of Sterling Braith. Fellow Lincoln Clan prisoner, Primrose, takes his pulse while the young bear faunus Fennel, stands next to her. He asks if Roderick is dead, and Primrose looks down.
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Oak Holm remarks that two Lord Lincolns are dead in a matter of months, that it’s hopeless. Loden Lincoln asks if they should call a Braith to deal with the body, which Crete berates him for - their hopes lie with Artemis now, if she pulls through.
Primrose quickly exclaims, and we cut back to Roderick. His body is now covered in ruddy red aura, which quickly turns to a bright light that fills the room as the Lincolns shield their eyes. Once the light fades, they look back at Roderick, who lies still for a second - then stirs and wakes up.
As Roderick looks at his hands in shock, Primrose tells him they thought he was dead. He replies “I think I was - looks like I got better.”
Fennel feels his cheek, where he was bruised by one of the Braiths at some point, and notes that Roderick didn’t just heal himself - he healed them all. Loden is incredulous; not only did Roderick heal himself from death, but everyone else in the room is healthy again too.
A voice calls to Roderick from offscreen, and we see Artemis sitting up - finally awake. She asks what she missed.
Note: This scene introduces Roderick’s semblance, following his aura being awakened in Arc 3 Chapter 5. His semblance is named “Revival” - his aura is only active at the exact moment of death and revives him in a burst of light, healing anyone caught in its area of effect at the time.
Team RAIN prepares to leave for Zenith with Raleigh Radcliff. There’s a fairly ceremonious farewell scene.
Akane and Nanako end a call from Makkuro Sekinetsu, the huntress who trained them. Makkuro ensures their siblings are safe at a lodge. 
Jin is leaving with RAIN - Isambard and Petra assure her they’ll be fine. Peach says her team will look after Jin’s, but is sad they’re parting ways when they just met after so many years. Jin affirms that she’ll be back.
Irving hugs his mother, and his father repeats that he’s proud of him - and if he dies in Zenith, he’ll sue the pants off the Braiths.
Robin tells Maylis that Marron’s family and Irving’s brother are going to look after her. Maylis asks if Robin is actually going to come back. Robin is unable to lie and confirm, knowing how dangerous the Braiths are, so instead she tells her she’ll do her best - and if she does, she’ll come back with the “best present ever” (This refers to Roderick, Maylis’ father).
Lilli asks Robin how she can help from Mistral, and Robin tells her that as the oldest Lincoln left, she needs to take charge as representative of the Clan. Lilli sarcastically retorts that they’ve been doing a great job so far, so Robin relents and tells her to ace her entry exam for Combat School. Lilli grins “Kick some ass? Now that’s something I can do.”
Akane and Nanako head to the ship, but Nanako lingers for a moment. Akane calls to her, and Nanako sighs - she’s not coming. She tells Akane that she wants to, but she looks at the people staying behind and knows that’s where she needs to be - not just because she’s the leader of Team NPIR, but because she can feel it in her heart. Something in her wants to prove she can protect her friends and family more than it wants to hunt down the Braiths.
Akane clutches her sister’s arm and tells her it’s fine - she’d be happier if Nanako stayed. She almost lost her once (Arc 3 Chapter 8-9), she’d prefer not to inflict the danger of Zenith on her again. Nanako removes her scarf and gives it to Akane, telling her to keep warm, then unties her hair and instructs her sister to give the hair-tie to Marina. Akane assures her they’ll only be gone a few days and she doesn’t need to give away her belongings, but Nanako tells her it’s a gesture so that Akane knows she’ll always have her back.
Nanako smiles, and tells Akane she’ll make her proud. Akane, never the hugging sort, embraces her sister and tells her she already has.
We see Raleigh’s ship flying through the air. Snow in the sky tells us that they’ve made it to Solitas. 
An establishing shot of a small, industrial settlement built around a giant electric dust crystal is underlined with the title “FARADAY.”
Raleigh looks over his shoulder from the cockpit and tells them they’ve arrived at the nearest settlement to Zenith (he got a rough location from Mason of the Crazy Bunch), but there are readings of Grimm activity all over the place. He tells them to hop out of the ship and make a start on the Grimm - he’ll catch up, but “parking is a nightmare.”
Team RAIN and the newly formed “Team PALM” (Jin-Shi Pan, Marron Armona, Wil Lincoln, Marina Lincoln), leap out of the ship and employ their landing strategies.
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There would be a page or two of both teams showing off their skills by killing Grimm - Wil would swing wide, then pull his sword in close for Jin to vault over his back and kick a Grimm. Marina and Marron would fire back to back, then we’d run backwards through the members of RAIN, starting with Nyssa and ending on Robin, each doing something cool.
Irving finishes a Grimm off, then rounds a street corner - where he’s met with the sight of Tahlia Braith commanding drones to kill Grimm around her, barely moving from where she stands. The two lock eyes, then realisation sets in and Tahlia mumbles “oh sugar,” censoring her own swear.
We see Raleigh’s ship fly overhead, his emblem clearly emblazoned on its sides as a silhouetted figure watches on. We quickly learn this figure is Otso Umber, kitted out with two fresh prosthetic eyes. Enraged by the sight of his teammate-turned-mortal-enemy, he roars and begins to charge after it.
That is, until someone tackles him from the side and both sail through the front window of a butcher’s shop.
When Otso comes too after a few moments, he’s pinned to the ground face-down. Gardner Braith has a foot on his back and is restraining him. Gardner’s cleaver now has a cable hanging from the base which ends with a meat hook. He uses the cable to try to strangle Otso and commands him to give up, but Otso pushes the man off of him and flees in the direction of a meat locker, firing his shotgun to prevent Gardner giving chase.
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Shrugging off the gunfire, Gardner stands up, heads for the meat locker and remarks that “they always have to take the difficult option.”
Otso stumbles through the meat locker as Gardner again appeals to him to give up and die quickly, lest he suffer more if he drags this out. Otso retorts he won’t make Gardner’s life easy.
Gardner tells him that if Otso resists, Kamala will likely go after his family - but Otso is unconvinced; Kamala will kill them anyway… Gardner best hope Otso doesn’t get to the Braiths first as he could “snap little Tahlia’s neck like a dry twig.”
Gardner charges, angered, but Otso dodges and finds his back up against the exit door. Charging it open, he turns and uses his newfound sight to inflict his semblance (the ability to cause pain through eye contact) on Gardner, causing the man to fall to one knee as he suffers.
When Gardner recovers, Otso is gone, leaving him in an empty street.
Raleigh, now having parked his ship, begins to cut through Grimm with his dual hatchets. Before he can take a breath, a shot hits his ship and startles him. His name is yelled from offscreen, and Otso makes himself known. 
Raleigh: “Well, look what the cat dragged in. About time you showed up. We’re well overdue for a few rounds in the ring, aren’t we? ”
The duo begin to pace around one another, slinging insults and incidents from their shared past at one another.
Raleigh: “You’re looking rough, old friend. Is it the eyes, or the fact you’ve been bulking on Grimm?”
Otso: “Don’t act like you’re any better than me. Walking out on your wife the second you laid eyes on a younger model. Maybe I’ll seek out young Cordovan when we’re done here. See how reacts once I’ve killed his father.”
Raleigh: “You leave my boy outta this.”
Otso: “That’s rich coming from the man who keeps tabs on my granddaughter. You roped family into this before I did.”
Raleigh prepares a charge.
Raleigh: “I think we’ve had enough chatter -- just follow my voice if your eyes aren’t up to it. Let’s get this over with.”
Otso prepares a charge.
Otso: “My goddamn pleasure.”
The duo leap at each other.
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turisiancom · 1 year
TURISIAN.com – Mahasiswa Universitas Prasetya Mulya, Alexander Bryan dan kawan-kawan berhasil meracik kulit buah kopi menjadi teh (Robustea). Robustea sendiri, teh yang berasal dari kulit buah kopi atau cascara dan campuran bunga. Perpaduan tersebut menghasilkan teh yang memiliki kandungan kafein yang rendah, memiliki manis alami dan aman untuk lambung. “Robustea ini memiliki kandungan kafein 75 persen lebih rendah dibandingkan kopi ataupun teh,” kata Bryan seperti dikutip Turisian.com dari Antaranews, Minggu 9 April 2023. Bryan merupakan mahasiswa semester enam program studi sarjana Food Business Technology atau Teknologi Pangan Universitas Prasetiya Mulya. BACA JUGA: Kopi Merapi, Tempat Nongkrong dan Ngopi yang Asyik di Lereng Gunung Merapi Bryan bersama teman-temannya, yakni Karyn Joy, Portia Bellezza, Raelen Angelina Halim, dan Valerie Chou, mengembangkan usaha. Dimana mereka jalankan, berawal dari mata kuliah Food Business Creation dan Food Business Development itu. Minuman Manis dan Segar Lahirnya produk tersebut, setelah pihaknya melakukan riset terkait perilaku masyarakat dan produk unggulan Indonesia, yakni kopi. Dari sisi konsumen, biasanya masyarakat yang berusia lanjut menghindari minum kopi dan teh pada sore hari karena khawatir sulit tidak tidur pada malam harinya. BACA JUGA: Korea-Samosir Sepakati Kerjasama Pengembangan Pariwisata Berbasis Kopi Sementara masyarakat yang berusia muda, cenderung mengonsumsi minuman manis dan segar, yang jika dikonsumsi dalam jangka panjang akan berdampak pada kesehatan. Di sisi lain, Indonesia merupakan penghasil kopi terbesar di dunia yang mencapai 700.000 ton per tahun. Dari data tersebut, hampir separuhya tidak digunakan dan menjadi limbah karena merupakan kulit buah kopi. Bryan melihat, kulit buah kopi yang selama ini menjadi limbah dapat menjadi produk baru dan berhasil meraih respons positif dari konsumen. BACA JUGA: Seruput Kopi Tahlil Khas Pekalongan yang Unik dan Nikmat Berkhasiat Minuman Teh Alternatif Robustea menjadi minuman teh alternatif dengan kualitas premium yang kaya rasa dan aroma, afein dan tinggi antioksidan. Usaha itu bertujuan untuk memberdayakan komunitas pekebun kopi lokal dan mendukung pengolahan tanaman kopi yang berkelanjutan. Saat ini, Robustea tersedia dalam kemasan bubuk dan juga teh celup. Terdapat empat varian rasa dari teh cascara itu, yakni Puntang Bandung, Bali Kintamani, Blume, dan Lux. BACA JUGA: Kedai Kopi Asal Amerika Ini Luncurkan Menu Baru Khas Akhir Tahun Varian Puntang Bandung dan Bali Kintamani masuk ke dalam lini produk single origin atau tanpa campuran, yang menonjolkan orisinalitas daerah masing-masing penghasil cascara. Setiap daerah memiliki varietas kopi, jenis tanah, dan mikroklimat yang berbeda-beda, menghasilkan cascara dengan cita rasa yang unik dan spesifik. Puntang Bandung mempunyai profil rasa yang sedikit smokey atau asap dengan sedikit rasa caramel dan asam manis, sedangkan Bali Kintamani memiliki rasa asam yang menyegarkan. BACA JUGA: Asyiknya Nongkrong di Warung Kopi Klotok Sleman Sementara, varian Blume dan Lux masuk ke dalam lini produk Tisane, yakni minuman yang diseduh seperti teh, tetapi tidak menggunakan daun teh melainkan daun lain, bunga, akar, dan sejenisnya. Lini Tisane menawarkan pengalaman menikmati teh cascara dengan campuran bunga yang telah dikurasi, menghasilkan profil rasa yang menarik. Cascara dicampur dengan bunga melati dan bunga kenop (globe amaranth) pada varian Blume, memberikan aroma yang menenangkan. Berbeda dari Blume, varian Lux yang mencampurkan cascara dengan bunga marigold menghasilkan rasa manis alami seperti madu. *** Sumber: Antaranews
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bustin-a-hazelnut · 3 years
RAIN's ARC 4 Predictions - Part 2
So, here’s the second half of my theories on what awaits us in RAIN’s finale. I made sure to keep this one shorter & less detailed, because most of them are pretty vague & self-explanatory, and long paragraphs of this would simply be a drag to read through. No survival percentages either, as I don’t expect many casualties on the “team good” side.
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To start off, I fully expect our guys to win the day, eliminate the Braith threat & stay together as a team of young hunters, ready to face off against new challenges (but am not adverse to the idea of a final, that isn't a traditionally "happy ending").
Robin’s big struggle is bound to be facing & defeating Kamala.
Her fears of loosing more people could cause some disagreements (particularly with Marron), but I expect those to be resolved & for them to stay happily together.
Robin’s newly realized main motivation of being kind & doing good could very well drive her to reach out to some of the more “redeemable” Braiths & offer them a chance to give up on Kamala’s masterplan & start anew.
There’s gonna be more focus on Irving, now that his family is involved.
His & Nyssa’s “archnemesis” among the Braiths is Viola (much like Kamala is Robin’s), so it’s nice to see them face off against her.
Romance between the two of them will continue gradually developing (plz give me some precious lovebird moments ; _ ; )
Nyssa has a talk with her mom about Pitch ahead of her.
I don’t expect her to show any interest in seeing him again, though.
When it comes to Akane, I sorta draw a blank, but I fully expect her storyline to be heavily associated with William (I’m not holding out my hopes for a classic romance with a happily ever after, but the chemistry between the two is undeniable).
The Lincoln Clan
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While on the subject of Willl, he’s the one I have quite a bad feeling about – the way I see it, he could very well become one of the arc’s casualties. Not many in-comic clues for this that I can think of, but his overall troubled personality, complicated bond with Akane, lack of positive connections to other characters – it just gives me this sense of danger looming over him (needless to say, I don’t want anything like this to occur, but a theory is a theory).
My precious daughter Lilliana is bound to finally open up about her struggles & get a fucking friend.
Seriously, I have very little idea of whom it’ll be or how it’ll happen, but it has to. I’ve waited since reading the first comic pages that featured her, & I believe I’m not about to be disappointed.
The only certain thing I know I am hyped about is her facing Artemis once she is rescued.
There is also her majorly unnoticed connection with Pitch, but I’ll leave that for his section of the post.
Tobin is probably about to come out any moment now, and I firmly believe, that when it comes to Braiths, her & Viorel will get a heart to heart, and she could very well get a proposition of a lifetime from them. Of course, they could be using it to manipulate her, and uncovering their plot/outsmarting them could be a chance for her to shine. I’m not sure how it’ll work in the plot technically, but these two interacting is too good an opportunity to pass up.
I expect Artemis to wake up from her coma – she needs to learn about Tobin, and also finally be confronted with Lilli's storm of emotions & realize how badly she’s fucked up with her girl (and, y’know, work on fixing it).
However, the damage she suffered will probably prevent her from fighting ever again.
I am not sure how, but Roderick will regain his courage & play his part in bringing the Braiths down. I won’t say he’ll survive for sure (the idea of Maylis as a lord seems to be favoured by some), but at the same time, killing many more members of Robin’s family feels like too much.
I’ll group Marron here, since she is basically Robin’s family at this point – it would be nice to see her gain more independence & not just stay “the love interest”. She embarked on that path already when she stood up to Sterling, and should definitely go further in that direction: take more initiative, express opinions, that don’t necessarily correlate well with Robin’s – altogether, be her own person more than just "main hero's girl".
The rest of them
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The remaining free members of the Crazy Bunch (Bianca & Rufus iirc) will probably get tracked down – if Kamala can spare any manpower to silence them. It’s also possible for her to just forget about them, since they aren’t likely to confront officials about the Braith threat, and if her plan is successful, they’re going down with the rest of humanity regardless. I like the idea of them sharing the Braith money & just laying low & enjoying themselves offscreen, while the final battle breaks out.
Beyond learning more about him from Maera, Pitch isn’t likely to play a role in the plot again. I have very little hope for him making another appearance, but if that could possibly be, Lilliana has to be the reason it does (since Nyssa’s already had enough of that man for a lifetime).
I don’t think many people paid attention to it, but there was clearly some sort of semi-bond between Lilli & Pitch – probably due to them both being the clan’s outcasts. Even though he’s about to be dragged away, it’d be nice for her to seek him out & go absolutely apeshit into his face about betraying her family (and lowkey betraying her personally).
Though it’s unlikely, I would love to see more between these two – they’ve known each other for years, Pitch might as well have trained Lilli in combat, and it would be nice if he displayed any kind of emotion at realizing she fucking cared whether he’d be around or not.
“The Wishing Well” bar we’ve been teased for the first post is likely to be the place where Jin-Shi, Nyssa & Irv look for Raleigh.
I’m not sure how he’ll influence the plot surrounding Irving’s family & Viola, but once he learns what happened to Otso, I expect him to help our heroes track him down to get more info from him, consecutively causing them to stumble upon Tahlia & Gardner (as already stated, definite plot points aren’t my strongest suit, but this is how I believe they could all come together).
Please wrap my man Otso in a fucking blanket & let him have a heart to heart with Raleigh & regenerate his eyes in peace you people, I am fucking telling you-
I’ve left team JNPR for dessert, namely, because of Jin-Shi Pan – I don’t really have any guesses when it comes to Nanako, Petra or Isambard.
For now, she’ll likely busy herself helping Irving & Nyssa deal with Viola & her welcome party. But there’s a mystery regarding her, that’s been mentioned, but never elaborated upon – her lost friend, Ninety Nine, whom Nyssa promised to help in searching for.
In any other case, I’d say, we are being teased a dlc/spin-off of the main story. It might just be a part of her past, that isn’t going to come up again. But once again, I just have this hunch, that we weren’t told that for nothing. Perhaps a clue will be found somewhere down the line; perhaps some new character will surprise us with their connection to Jin. I don’t know, and this is admittedly the weakest theory on the list, but it’s here nonetheless.
And this is it for my arc 4 predictions. Gotta say, I’m proud of myself for meeting my deadline & finishing it before the first post of the arc. All of my thoughts on it have already been stated, so without further ado, I wish everyone a very exciting part of our beloved comic by @neopoliitan!
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question-anon · 5 years
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New outfit time!
Like a year ago @neopoliitan and I joked on discord that Akane and Marron probably got/made the Armilde sisters new outfits, since they hadn’t shed their Atlesian fashions since arriving in Mistral.
Then I stumbled across said exchange a while back and thought “shit why not” haha
Thank you @ins-ou for drawing this, I love it!
(also her previous outfit didn’t show it well enough but lillian is shredded)
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hotcuppajo · 6 years
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Commission: for @neopoliitan, Akane’s “Shishikiri” HD View: Here Commission Info “Buy me a Ko-Fi!”
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ask-beacons-finest · 6 years
A Memorable Birthday
(The majority of characters within this post belong to @neopoliitan while the post itself is made to celebrate the birthday of Irving Hawthorne. The depiction of these characters is obviously not canon to the Team RAIN storyline, and any drastic additions/changes are merely creative liberty that I personally have taken.)
The hall falls silent to the sound of three taps of a silver spoon upon a crystalline glass. The once rowdy crowd is now intently focused on the source of the sound, Robin Lincoln. She stood tall at the center of an elongated table at the back end of the hall. She had gained much experience over the past few years and it showed through the long scar adorning the right side of her face, however, with all the eyes digging into her she stood frozen in place; it wasn’t until Marron, who was seated at her side, place a reassuring hand on her arm that she relaxed.
“Thank you,” Robin spoke in a hushed whisper to Marron before addressing the crowd, “I would like to thank you all for coming. Each and every one of you being here means the world to us, whether you’re family, fri-”
Robin’s speech was cut off by a nearly instant set of shouts and hollers from the Lincoln clan, the wild cheers echoed throughout the hall as fists smashed rhythmically among the tables. Robin helplessly watched as her face glowed beet red, Marron could only laugh at the sight.
“Thank you,” Robin spoke out again once the clan calmed down enough to be spoken over, though her voice was stern it was betrayed by the smile resting on her face, “Thank you for that. Ahem, whether you’re family, friends, or family that has yet to be connected.”
Robin’s eyes scanned throughout the hall, spotting the friends and allies she’s collected over the years. Mostly old Haven students, though the occasional Atlassian jawline and upright posture, along with the rough and tumbled sight of a Vacuo native, break through the crowd here and there. Robin could even spot a Valen crest on some guests. Her eyes lock on Marron’s parents, sitting comfortably in a corner table close to their own. Marian sat with her hands clasped together, a loving expression on her face as she looks up to her daughter, who was speaking off to the side to a mutual friend of her and Robin. Bruan, who has since lost the color to his hair over these past few years nodded in approval, a kind smile on his face.
“I would like to especially thank some friends,” Robin continued, “I understand some of you may have rivalries with those from other schools, or maybe even rivalries on a more personal level. But the fact that you all came together today to celebrate with Marron and I means the world,”
“And of course,” Robin’s posture slumped, a smirk spreading across her face, very reminiscent of her old ways, “We can always settle those rivalries today, it’s not a Lincoln party without any sparring involved.”
The room burst into cheers again as the Lincoln clan exploded with excitement, butting heads and starting to chant an old war song. Even the Hunters and Huntresses got involved, Robin could’ve sworn she even spotted Braun rotate his shoulder and smile, clearly prepared for an arm wrestling match of a lifetime. Robin couldn’t help but laugh as Marron grumpily chastised her for causing such a ruckus, and how her pleas to the crowd went unheard due to their excitement. 
“And to finish it off,” Robin spoke as the noise died down, regaining her serious demeanor and picking up her glass in a toast, “Enjoy this, it is rare that Remnant gets to see such merriment. Rarer still that such a group comes together to partake in it. So I ask you, to enjoy every last drop of this moment. For our sake.”
“Our dear Robin has certainly grown,” A woman clad in a beautiful red dress speaks to her companion over the clapping crowd from the furthest edge of Robin’s side of the table, “Wouldn’t you agree, Irving?”
“Mmm, Akane,” Irving answered only with a nod, looking over at the waving couple, “To think, it would be Robin to marry first. I had assumed it would be you.”
“Oh hah,” Akane scoffed, though her smile acknowledged his humor as she took a glass of wine to her lips, “Being the youngest captain of the Mistral Council Guard puts a bit of a wrench in the way of romantics, people tend to find me intimidating. Besides, fewer distractions the better.”
Irving could only laugh, Akane had hardly changed over the years, though he must admit he feels the same too. He begins to scan through the crowd and hall alike, intently searching for a familiar face within the mass of people. It wasn’t until he spotted an open door along the side of the hall that he stood up from his seat, causing Akane to follow his trail of vision as well. She held no surprise when realizing just what he was looking for.
“Go,” She waved her hand dismissively as Irving stepped out from behind the table, “I suppose you only have a few moments alone before Robin bombards you both.”
“You’re saying that as if you won’t do the same,” Irving glances over his shoulder with a grin, one that Akane could only roll her eyes at. 
The crowd made it slightly difficult to get to the side door, several people even stop Irving to speak with him for a few moments. His patience had thankfully made incredible progress over the years and many were understanding when he said he wished to speak to someone specifically. Despite all that, it still took several minutes to get out the side door and on to the balcony it separated from the hall. The noise and banter was muted out here, and after closing the door was surprisingly nearly silent.
“Knew exactly where to find me,” A petite woman with shoulder-length black hair spoke from where she stood leaning over the balcony railing, a pair of dog-like ears flicking up from the top of her head, the left one bore a V-shaped cut along its edge, “Huh Irving?”
“Well,” Irving turned from the door and stepped over to her side, resting his heavy arms on the railing as well, “You were never much for crowds, Nyssa.”
“Hmph,” Nyssa let out a small chuckle, looking down to her hands with an almost embarrassed set of eyes, “Yeah, I suppose I haven’t changed too much, is that a bad thing?”
“I don’t think so,” Irving turned his head to look at his old teammate, the once adorable Nyssa Noirette was now someone whose beauty was arguably the greatest he had ever seen, “I think you’ve always been wonderful. From then, to now.”
“How could you say that,” Her voice nearly trembled, the suddenness of this taking Irving by surprise, “After I left you guys to the Braiths, and even after RAIN reconnected the way I treated you was just-”
“Enough, Nyssa,” Irving’s voice was calm, gentle enough to make her relax from her sudden outburst. He watched on as she slumped over the railing, intently watching the land below. He had long since forgiven and understood her reason for leaving the team during the time they were dealing with the Braiths, and even after RAIN finally split to go their respective separate ways they occasionally found themselves working together, throughout these meetings Irving realized the longing sensation in his heart wouldn’t be resolved without her, “You treated me the way you felt I deserved. Hell, in all honestly I think I deserved it too.”
“Have you met anyone,” Nyssa’s question was nearly inaudible, there was an aching hollowness to her voice as the words fumbled out. Irving stood there, shocked at the fact Nyssa would ask such a thing.
“Hmmm,” He thought for a moment, the silence between them seemed to drag on for an eternity, “I have.”
Nyssa stood up straight in an instant, her hands gripping tightly to the railing of the balcony to the point of nearly turning white. Despite the attempt to hide her face away from him, Irving could see her lips nearly trembling as she made several attempts to speak. It took a moment until any success came about. 
“Oh,” Her voice was hardly a squeak, it trembled as bad as the lips it came from, “Is she nice?”
“She’s wonderful,” Irving placed a hand on Nyssa’s shoulder, the small dog faunus looked as if she had seen a ghost, her ears on high alert, “I met her years ago. I failed at my attempt to treat her properly then, but.”
Nyssa turned to face Irving, her eyes drifting upward to lock into his own, a glossy coat of tears turning them into shining diamonds in the sun’s warm setting rays. Irving quickly became speechless as he looked down into her face, which has withstood the test of time and remained as kind and innocent as it was all those years ago.
“But,” He continued, slowly leaning down, inching his face closer and closer to hers, Nyssa’s lips parted as she clung to every word, “I feel as though I have another chance, and I intend to do good on i-”
The pair quickly jerked upward and stepped apart as the door to the balcony was kicked open, the loud booming and cheers from inside becoming as clear as day now.
“Ay, you two know the party’s in there, right?”
“I’m sorry Irving,” Akane stepped out onto the balcony, joined by Marron and Robin, “I did give you fair warning. Hello Nyssa.”
“Akane, Robin,” Nyssa folded her hands over her chest and smiled at the sight of old friends, giving off a small laugh at Irving’s muttering, “It’s wonderful to see you, you as well Marron.”
“So,” Robin carefully shut the doors, and joined her teammates in leaning against the balcony, “You missed it, we got a video call from the new Beacon Headmistress and her assistant, we got a ~personal~ congratulations.”
“Amazing,” Irving commented, apparently now forgiving their intrusion as he turns to face the sunset off in the distance, “How’d you manage that one?”
“Well, let me start with,” Robin began with a smile, but her excitement died down after a stern look from Marron, “Ehh...ahem, story for another day I suppose. Long story short, Marron and I fought some Grimm on behalf of Beacon while they were rebuilding. Big favor, you know?”
“You’ve fought Grimm?”
Nyssa’s eyes widened in amazement, even Akane was quite surprised. Marron only smiled and raised her hand, a ring shone magnificently in the sunset.
“Of course I’ve fought Grimm,” Marron gloated, though no one minded, Robin rested her head upon her newlywed’s shoulder, “I’m a Lincoln now. We’re a tough bunch.”
“That you are,” Irving spoke out with a hearty laugh, “That you certainly are.”
The lot of them stared off the balcony for quite some time in silence, mentally reminiscing among themselves times long past, wondering what new adventures will approach them after this. Be it protecting the Council, their new family and blood-right land, or even going simply where the wind takes them, RAIN understands they’ll always have a connection with each other. That was an agreement each one made in their mind.
“Happy birthday Irving,” Nyssa gently placed her hand over his, he looked down at it in a shocked silence, “What? Did you think I would forget?”
“No...no,” Irving shifted his hand over and slowly closed his fingers around Nyssa’s, “I just, I hadn’t even thought about it. My birthday doesn’t mean too much anymore since all those years ago when the Braiths took-”
“We had our wedding on your BIRTHDAY,” Marron’s voice cried out and interrupted all trains of thought around her, her face red with embarrassment, “Oh no oh no I’m so sorry I didn’t know! If I did I would have made sure to pick another date so it wouldn’t have conflicted with anything and and and and-”
“I’ll just,” Robin shook her head as she pushed Marron back towards the doorway and into the hall, she spoke looking over her shoulder back to her old friends, “Take this little mess out of here.”
“I’ll join you,” Akane stood up from the railing and followed suit, “I believe they’d like to resume a moment anyway.”
Both Irving and Nyssa watched as their old teammates disappeared into the chaos that is only befitting of a party full of Lincoln blood. The two stood as a warm breeze flew by them, signaling the days end as the sun says its final goodbyes.
“So,” Irving tries his best to play it cool, though his face is blushed as much as Nyssa’s, “Where were we?”
“Oh for goodness sake,” Nyssa shook her head and reached up, placing her hands firmly on the sides of Irving’s face, gently pulling him down to eye level, “Shut up and kiss me you oaf.”
And so they did.
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echollama · 7 years
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Crack ships, crack ships everywhere.
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mercurryblack · 2 years
Waitaminute. PLUM is your team? Do you have any info on them?
You bet I do haha
Here’s a better look at the four of them:
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Clockwise from upper left: Plum Shantung, Lychee Nolina, Mei Xanadu, and Umecho Sekinetsu.
As a team, they share a theme regarding allusions; they’re each inspired by a female character from one of China’s Four Great Folktales. (True to form, @neopoliitan and I also came up with a team that alludes to their male romantic counterparts.)
Plum — Zhinü (The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl)
Lychee — Bai Suzhen (Legend of the White Snake)
Umecho — Zhu Yingtai (Butterfly Lovers)
Mei — Meng Jiang (Lady Meng Jiang)
Now, as to their characterizations:
Plum, despite being the leader of the team, is ironically the least developed in my mind. All I’ve got on her is “Usagi Tsukino but in RWBY” — maybe that’s enough for now, since it’s not like I’m going to make a full story around PLUM or anything. I do know that in terms of abilities, she’s the most well-rounded of the team, about the same tier as Jin-Shi Pan. Her weapons are a pair of hook swords.
Lychee’s the twin(?) sister of an upcoming RAIN character, but the two are estranged. A lot of her personality comes from @neopoliitan’s suggestions in the DMs — she’s kind of bossy and might be resentful of Plum being the leader instead of her, though I don’t think she’s outright mean (it’s more like she feels she has something to prove). Her weapon is a rope dart.
Umecho’s the little sister of a RAIN character we’ve already seen — Makkuro Sekinetsu, the Amaranths’ bodyguard/mentor and Vytal champion. It stands to reason that Umecho might feel like she has a lot to live up to, and feel a good degree of pressure as a result. She seems like she’d be friendly, though. Her weapon is a pair of butterfly swords (naturally) that transform into a composite bow.
Mei… oh boy, Mei. Despite her youth and small frame, Mei’s packing physical strength on par with Pecan, but she’s as dumb as a sack full of sledgehammers. She’s another little sister of a RAIN character — Ming Xanadu, the realtor who sold Akane the house back in Arc 3 (remember him?) Her weapon is a pair of tekkō knuckledusters.
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kametiekamp · 4 years
Analogi Kopi dan Teh dalam Cafe
Disebuah kota yang penuh akan kisah klasik. Klasik atas sejarahnya. Klasik atas peradabannya. Klasik atas semestanya, Meninggalkan kisah sadis bagi siapa yang singgah dalam naungan metropolitan. Meninggalkan kisah manis bagi siapa yang singgah dalam balutan kasih. Pojok jalan itu, terdapat sudut kotak. Kotak kumpul beberapa jenis Hamba beraneka ideologi, bermacam-macam sudut pandang, dan beragam impian. Impian dalam ruang keyakinan dan berada di kaki sendiri. 
Kotak kumpul itu menyajikan berbagai macam menu. Mulai dari minuman, camilan, dan dessert. Perihal harga, kotak kumpul ini sangat paham dengan behaviroal konsumennya, Mempermainkan harga pasar dengan menciptakan berbagai olahan yang kualitas dan cita rasa yang khas. Dari berbagai macam menu terdapat dua menu yang sangat digemari konsumen. Dua itu adalah kopi dan teh. Berbeda memang, namun lidah dan rasa setiap Hamba berbeda. Bukankah fitrah?
Kopi, beragam jenisnya. Robusta, Latte, Espresso, Americano, Cappucino, Red Eye, Hammerhead, Flat White, Kothok, Gayo, Kerici, etc. Teh, beragam jenisnya juga. Teh Hitam, Teh Hijau, Teh Putih, Teh Oolong, Kombucha, Rosella, Globe Amaranth, Aster, Chamomile, etc. Demi kenyamanan dan meningkatkan loyalitas konsumen, kotak kumpul ini menyatukan kopi dan teh. Dua hal yang berbeda. Dua hal yang karakternya sangat jauh. Tetapi, kotak kumpul mengkombinasikannya. Kejadian yang tak terduga, kombinasi ini sangat dinikmati pelanggan dan banyak yang repeat order. 
Well, through this, can't two different people become one and they can make a happy surrounding? 
Bertemu. Bersahabat. Berpisah. Mengenang yang dikenang. Salah satu daerah Jawa Barat meninggalkan kenangan dan semesta memanggilnya untuk pulang. Dalam doa, “Expand his grave and give him paradise”. Dalam keabadian, “Thank you for the meeting and everything in it”.
January 20, 2020
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Akane Amaranth, from @neopoliitan‘s Team RAIN RWBY comic. Easily my favorite character from what is an awesome comic. go check it out!
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aleyahblr · 5 years
Flimty Malaysia (Info : 0812 – 3181 – 2430 tsel)
Flimty Malaysia - Flimty adalah solusi All-in-One yg fungsi utamanya untuk Melangsingkan badan, selain itu Flimty juga memperbaiki sistem metabolisme Tubuh kita dengan cara membersihkan/detox racun pada usus dan saluran pencernaan Kita, zat-zat yang tidak bisa terurai yang bersarang di Tubuh Anda selama ini akan diikat oleh Flimty dan dibuang melalui BAB. Kenapa Flimty Bisa Sangat Berkhasiat Dalam Mengatasi Masalah Kelebihan Berat Badan? Semua produk pasti menyatakan memiliki khasiat yang luar biasa. Namun sayangnya, tidak semua berani membuktikan kenapa produknya bisa sangat berkhasiat.
Flimty Malaysia
Jika ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tetang Flimty Malaysia, maka segera klik link atau tombol dibawah ini untuk melakukan konsultasi GRATIS !!!
Untuk Pemesanan Silahkan Hubungi WA : 0812 – 3181 – 2430 (Tsel)
Flimty Malaysia, Hub : 0812 – 3181 – 2430 (Tsel) Agen Flimty Malaysia, Jual Flimty Malaysia, Distributor Flimty Malaysia, COD Flimty Malaysia. Tanyakan Kepada Kami Informasi Selengkapnya, Kami Juga Menerima Pendaftaraan Agen Prolq, Paket Bisa Dikirimkan Ke Seluruh Indonesia Melalui Ekspedisi
Selain luar biasa dalam menurunkan berat badan, ternyata Flimty itu juga masih memiliki manfaat lain. Manfaat lain mengkonsumsi Flimty secara rutin selain menurunkan berat badan adalah membersihkan usus anda dari berbagai racun yang berbahaya. Perlu anda ketahui, usus adalah salah satu organ tubuh yang paling sering mengalami masalah karena makanan yang setiap hari kita konsumsi. Pasalnya, mayoritas makanan di jaman sekarang itu memang tidak bisa dikategorikan sebagai makanan yang sehat. Kenapa? Berikut adalah beberapa alasannya kenapa makanan jaman sekarang cenderung membahayakan kesehatan usus: 
Banyak yang memiliki kandungan MSG atau penyedap rasa.
Banyak makanan yang memiliki kandungan lemak diatas rata-rata.
Banyak daging olahan yang memiliki kandungan penambah hormon untuk proses pembesaran hewan ternak.
Bahkan sayuran yang dikatakan sebagai makanan yang menyehatkan juga memiliki kandungan berbahaya seperti pestisida maupun pupuk kimia. 
Semua zat-zat berbahaya yang ada di dalam makanan tersebut tidak bisa diserap oleh tubuh. Karena tidak bisa diserap, secara otomatis zat-zat tersebut terus menumpuk di dalam usus.
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Selain untuk menurunkan berat badan, Flimty adalah fiber multifungsi yang juga memiliki banyak khasiat untuk:
Menambah daya tahan tubuh dan menjaga kesehatan agar tubuh Anda selalu dalam kondisi Prima.
Membersihkan usus dari toxin/racun dan menjaga kesehatan Saluran pencernaan Anda.
Menurunkan kadar Kolesterol dalam darah sehingga menurunkan resiko penyakit Jantung.
Mengontrol kadar gula darah Tubuh.
Cocok diminum oleh Anda yg terkena Ambeien, karena flimty melancarkan BAB (Buang Air Besar). *bisa baca testimoni konsumen yg terkena ambeien di atas.
Flimty dapat mengikat tepung, minyak, lemak, dan gorengan di dalam perut dan membuangnya melalui BAB. Dan yang pasti, Menurunkan berat badan dan merampingkan perut.
*Disclaimer: Hasil yang didapat pada setiap individu bisa berbeda, tergantung kondisi fisik masing-masing individu tersebut.
Untuk Pemesanan Silahkan Hubungi Telp : 0812 – 3181 – 2430 (Tsel)
Flimty Malaysia
Mengetahui Bahan Makanan Yang Alami 
Pewarna makanan sintetis yang berisi bahan kimia memiliki pengaruh buruk terhadap kesehatan seseorang, terutama untuk anak-anak. Celakanya lagi, insan saat ini mengkonsumsi panganan yang diwarnai, berkali-kali lipat dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Pewarna makanan dipakai hampir semua makanan olahan yang dikonsumsi tidak sedikit orang, khususnya makanan anak-anak, mulai dari permen, jajanan, sereal, sampai minuman ringan. Bagi itu, usahakan kenali terlebih dahulu pewarna makanan pada makanan olahan.
Penambahan pewarna makanan dipakai dengan destinasi dapat membetulkan penampilan makanan supaya terkesan menarik untuk konsumen, menyeragamkan dan mempertajam warna makanan tersebut sendiri.
Namun, adakalanya anda masih harus memperhatikan sekali makanan yang berisi zat pewarna, khususnya pewarna buatan. Hal ini disebabkan adanya peningkatan bahan pewarna makanan yang dipakai lantaran guna menutupi evolusi warna dampak proses pengolahan dan penyimpanan, menyembunyikan bahan makanan yang sudah bobrok atau berubah warna serta menyembunyikan teknik produksi atau pengolahan makanan yang tidak benar.
Apa sih bahan pewarna makanan Itu ?
Bahan pewarna makanan terbagi menjadi dua kumpulan besar, yaitu pewarna makanan alami dan pewarna produksi (sintetis). Di Indonesia, pemakaian zat pewarna makanan (baik yang diperbolehkan maupun yang dilarang) ditata dalam SK Menteri Kesehatan RI No. 235/MenKes/Per/VI/79 dan direvisi melewati SK Menteri Kesehatan RI No. 722/MenKes/Per/VI/88 tentang bahan ekstra makanan.
Pewarna makanan alami didapatkan dari tumbuhan ataupun fauna yang berupa pigmen. Beberapa pigmen alami yang tidak sedikit terdapat di dekat kita antara lain: klorofil (ada pada daun-daun berwarna hijau), karotenoid (ada pada wortel dan sayuran beda yang berwarna oranye-merah). Umumnya, pewarna makanan alami ini mempunyai sifat tidak lumayan stabil terhadap panas, cahaya, dan tidak tahan lama. Walau begitu, pewarna alami lazimnya aman dipergunakan dan tidak memunculkan efek samping. “Pewarna alami yang aman tersebut dari bahan alami laksana kunyit, daun suji, tomat, cabe merah, dan bahan-bahan alami lainnya.
Sedangkan pewarna produksi atau sintetis yang Digunakan makanan didapatkan melalui sintesis kimia produksi yang mengandalkan bahan-bahan kimia, atau dari bahan yang berisi pewarna alami melewati ekstraksi secara kimiawi. Beberapa misal pewarna produksi yakni : tartrazin, sunset yellow (untuk warna kuning), allura, eritrosin, amaranth (warna merah), dan sejumlah pewarna produksi lainnya.
Namun, ada pun pewarna makanan produksi yang tidak aman dan tidak pantas untuk dikonsumsi. Seperti Rhodamin B dan metanil yellow yang sebetulnya adalahpewarna tekstil yang dilarang pemakaiannya dalam produk-produk pangan. Rhodamin B dan metanil yellow dapat mengakibatkan iritasi mata, kehancuran hati, tumor, dan Kanker andai bahan itu terakumulasi di dalam tubuh. Namun, kedua pewarna itu masih tidak jarang dijumpai dalam produk-produk makanan dan minuman.
0 notes
neopoliitan · 16 days
We open on a scene in Zenith. Viorel and Zelena Braith open Roderick Lincoln’s cell to reveal they have brought him the last remnants of the Lincoln Clan, now with an active aura like him. They present it as company, but note that  Gardner Braith will return to drain their aura to replenish his upon their return from hunting Otso Umber.
The clansmen are these;
Crete Reed, A warrior woman based on Britomartis.
Oak Holm, a man who was briefly seen in the back of some Arc 2 shots.
Loden Lincoln, a teenager and third or fourth cousin of Robin.
Primrose, a teenage girl with round glasses.
Fennel, the son of Kodiak Lincoln and around 7-9 years old.
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Crete sees Artemis Garland lying on a cot, still comatose but out of the pod she was previously in implying she’s gotten a little stronger. Crete runs to her side.
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Sterling Braith enters and tells her not to get attached, ordering the Talos robots to restrain the clansmen. Viorel cautions that there’s no time for his vendetta, to which Sterling responds he’s making time. He advances on Roderick, telling him “Your sister cut my arm off, so it’s lucky for me that you’re here.” Before Roderick can reply, Sterling socks him in the face with one of his new prosthetic arms.
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“I’m not exactly sure what I’m going to do to you, but if it doesn’t kill you… You’re damn well gonna wish it did.”
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Zelena looks slightly shaken and follows Viorel out of the room. Viorel coldly comments that now “the terminal” is fixed, Roderick has outlived his use and this is the least he deserves. Zelena asks if “the terminal” is really going to change anything, to which Viorel grows frustrated and tells her not to have second thoughts - they’ve come this far already; she “isn’t there to think”, and that Kamala will show her no more mercy than “they” did if she backs out.
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Lilli Lincoln wakes up in her bed, unable to sleep. She heads downstairs to the kitchen for some water and comes across Petra Redwood. Petra mentions the 7-day time limit Kamala Braith issued Team RAIN, which Lilli didn’t know about. Her expression unreadable, she heads upstairs.
She grabs her labrys.
We cut to Robin asleep in her room. Lilli kicks the door open and slings her buzzsaw-shield at Robin.
ROBIN: What are you doing?! What the hell is this about?!
LILLI: E V E R Y T H I N G ! I’m sick of you, and I’m sick of your stupid face! You always get what you want! Even after coming home and getting dad KILLED!
Lilli swings again.
LILLI: Pitch was the closest thing I had to a friend, and now he’s GONE! I was the LAST ONE to be told about Marina even though I'm FAMILY! You told everyone EXCEPT ME about Mom and Roderick being ALIVE! And I just found out that even though you only have seven days to save them, you go and SLEEP THROUGH ONE--!
Robin blocks one of Lilli’s attacks, and the two are held in stalemate.
ROBIN: LILLI-! What the hell is going on? Why are you always trying to fight me--!?
They relax slightly at this moment of honesty. Lilli smiles weakly.
LILLI: You were always the favorite, even after you got sent away from home. Mom and Dad never shut up about you. “Why can’t you be more like your sister? Why can’t you be more like Robin?” They would’ve switched us without a second thought if it meant getting Robin back. 
Lilli relaxes, her arms hanging limp.
LILLI: It’s not like I wanna be mean. It’s just that people only notice me when they’re angry at me.  ...They’d just be happier if I was gone, huh?
We see flashbacks to:
Roderick scolding Lilli (pg297)
Artemis Scolding Lilli (pg828)
Marina [then Tobin] scolding Lilli (pg331)
Robin shoving Lilli (pg828)
ROBIN: I should’ve seen the signs. No one wishes you were gone.
LILLI: Don’t. Don’t lie to me like that.
ROBIN: I’m not.
We see a Flashback to Robin saying “there’s nothing I’d rather be than kind” in Arc 3 Ch9 (pg. 746)
ROBIN: We weren’t there for you after what happened back home, and I didn’t even think twice about it. ...But I wanna try to be there for you now, if you’ll let me. Lilli, I’m sorry.
Lilli begins to sob, and Robin reaches out to embrace her sister. Her sister. Who she treated like an enemy for years. She embraces her as Lilli apologizes too, and we see Lilli’s aura activate in a moment of emotional height.
Irving, Nyssa, Jin, the Hawthornes, Team ZNON, and Peach’s Team disembark from Raleigh Radcliff’s ship as it touches down in the Tsubaki District.
Farran Hawthorne commends Irving’s bravery in showing mercy to Team ZNON and defeating the rat king, telling him he’s proud. Irving turns around and says he’s not proud of his father for closing ZNON’s school and turning them against him, making them easy to manipulate. He tells his father to use his political power to set them up in a school in Mistral so that the world doesn’t have more Violas to deal with.
Robin and Akane reunite with Irving and Nyssa. Robin says she’s glad Irving’s family made it out safe unlike hers, but Irving cuts her off and tells her it wasn’t her fault - it was bad luck they chose the Lincolns.
Raleigh approaches Team RAIN and tells them they have some explaining to do.
We cut to Jin and Peach. Peach reveals she was adopted by a couple who she refers to as “her dad” (Bjorn Vermell) and her “science dad” (Konstantan Vermell). They wanted to get her out of the orphanage after seeing how malnourished she was, and her “science dad” later engineered her prosthetic legs.
Peach asks if the orphanage is still there. Jin tells her the Sisterhood marched in and made sure the kids were safe, while the adults “didn’t hurt anyone else.” She then asks if Peach held the final argument before they were separated against her, and Peach admits she doesn’t even really remember it. Once she knew her parents were good people, she asked Konstantan to put out feelers to find Jin, but by then it was too late. 
Jin looks at the old photo of them both, but Peach brushes it away. She tells her that she’s here now, and places Jin’s hand on her heart. The two rest their foreheads against each other.
40 years ago.
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We see Raleigh Radcliff being congratulated on his victory in the 21st Biennial Vytal Festival.
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Briefly we cut away to a young Otso Umber in a medical ward, his head bandaged - his grip tightens on the sheets of his hospital bed in envy as he sees Raleigh reaping the glory.
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It’s revealed we’re watching Raleigh’s victory in the present day as a presentation on 58-year-old Raleigh’s scroll. Robin tells him they’re happy to have him along now they’ve seen his skills.
Raleigh reveals that Otso cut off his left leg from below the knee during one of their fights, and that he has a prosthetic - he has his own motives for fighting Otso. Irving questions what originally started their feud, and Raleigh tells him that he took Otso’s place in the tournament finale, after Otso couldn’t compete due to a head injury - and that Otso ‘didn’t deserve the win anyway’.
Raleigh asks what they know about the Braiths; they’re a family of good fighters, proficient with Aura and fusing Grimm and humans. When asked about their weaknesses, Akane recalls that she made Zelena falter when the latter stole her truth semblance.
Akane and Irving surmise that their tech suggests Atlas. Robin recalls Roderick telling her that the Braiths’ base was called Zenith, but Raleigh doesn’t know it and Akane can’t find any info on it on cached offline CCT information on her scroll.
Robin quickly recalls the Crazy Bunch who worked under Sterling and Zelena, and how they managed to apprehend one of them. Raleigh says interrogating him is worth a shot, and takes Akane with him to verify the man’s answers.
Nyssa visits home and shares closure over Pitch with her mother, Maera. Murasaki drops in, assuring them that the Sisterhood is in the capable care of Team BRUT. When questioned on how trustworthy BRUT are, Murasaki replies that she is trying to steer them right and give them a purpose, the same way the previous Sisterhood leader did for her.
Murasaki reveals that after she got her head together regarding Pitch, she contacted Maera and the two talked it over. Both of them shared relationships with Pitch, but she won’t go into detail just yet. She regrets not dealing with him the moment she laid eyes on him in the Sisterhood cave.
Robin and Lilli are attempting to bond. Robin called Lilli downstairs to ask her if she wants to attend Combat School in Mistral while she and her team venture to Atlas - unless Lilli wants to argue and come with them. Lilli proclaims she’s not an idiot, but seems unconvinced that Elysium Academy will take her. Robin reassures her by complimenting her fighting ability.
Marina interrupts by sticking her head through the wall behind them - revealing that her semblance does not only consist of invisibility, but intangibility. She notes that Robin and Lilli are getting along better, but the same can’t be said for Robin and Marron.
Robin argues that she’s not budging - she won’t get Marron mixed up in her mess again. Marron wants to go to Atlas, but Robin doesn’t - so do they just break up?
Lilli interjects by telling her to compromise, to find a solution that works for both of them. After being pestered by the other two siblings, Robin gets up and agrees to talk it over. When she leaves, Marina tries to banter with Lilli, but the youngest Lincoln sister halts her, unfolds a sheet of paper and reads:
"Please do not attempt to make light conversation or banter with me. You are still complicit in my neglect for your own reasons, and are, therefore, an absolute carbuncle. I forbid you from attempting to take a shortcut by hijacking the effort Robin has made."
Marina is stumped, then admits that’s a fair point.
Marron is sitting on the porch of the Tsubaki District house. Robin sits down next to her.
After a moment, Robin asks if Marron knows why she doesn’t want her to come to Zenith, which Marron confirms. Robin tells her that she doesn’t want her to get hurt, which Marron spins back on her - she isn’t going to wait around like a sailor’s wife hoping that Robin might come back, that she doesn’t need Robin’s protection.
Robin begins to observe that they’re at an impasse, but Marron interrupts.
“I need you to show me some trust -- some faith in my judgment. Some faith that I know what to do if things go to hell. I need you to accept that you're not the only one who knows what they're doing. And I need you to understand that my decisions aren’t yours to make.”
Robin takes this in.
She apologises for coddling Marron, and observes that Marron knew how to break Sterling and when to call for her help. She admits that between her father’s death and her treatment of Nyssa and Lilli, her own judgment hasn’t been the best.
She trusts Marron to know her limits and make the right calls.
The two hold hands and stay there on the porch for a while. Slowly, they begin to make small talk about what they’ll do once this is all over.
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beryldika-blog · 5 years
Flimty Pahuwato (Hub : 0812 – 3181 – 2430 tsel)
Flimty Pahuwato (Hub : 0812 – 3181 – 2430 tsel) Agen Flimty Pahuwato, Jual Flimty Pahuwato, Distributor Flimty Pahuwato, COD Flimty Pahuwato. Tanyakan Kepada Kami Informasi Selengkapnya, Kami Juga Menerima Pendaftaraan Agen Bentrap, Paket Bisa Dikirimkan Ke Seluruh Indonesia Melalui Ekspedisi – Masih belum yakin untuk mengupayakan mengkonsumsi Flimty? Masih ragu apakah Flimty benar-benar dapat membantu menanggulangi masalah keunggulan berat badan anda? Sudah terlambat bagi kamu untuk mengkhawatirkan urusan tersebut. Kenapa? Karena saat kamu masih ragu, telah ada ratusan dan bahkan ribuan orang yang sudah memperlihatkan sendiri khasiat dari Flimty.
Manfaat Flimty Fiber Supplement Diet sangatlah tidak sedikit karena Flimty adalah sebuah produk herbal yang memiliki faedah komplit yang tak hanya bermanfaat sebagai penurun berat badan tapi pun baik guna kesehatan tubuh secara keseluruhan.Produk kesehatan ini berisi nutrisi komplit laksana goji berry, probiotik, bit merah, daun jati Cina, gabungan extrak buah serta sayuran, vitamin dan mineral yang penting untuk tubuh.
Sebagai Penurun Berat Badan Alami Salah satu guna flimty yang sangat utama dan dalil utama mengapa tidak sedikit orang memilih Flimty Fiber Supplement Diet sebagai suplemen kesehatan utama ialah fungsinya sebagai penurun berat badan alami. Mengandung probiotik dan goji berry yang menolong mengoptimalkan penyerapan nutrisi dan menghambat pembentukan lemak berlebih.
Flimty Pahuwato
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Flimty Pahuwato
Selalu ikuti tuntunan atau saran penyajian Flimty sebab produk ini paling tinggi kandungan serat serta priobiotiknya yang andai dikonsumsi secara berlebihan malah dapat mengakibatkan masalah pencernaan yakni diare. Jadi guna hasil dan guna Flimty yang optimal selalu simaklah saran penyajian dan dosis konsumsi terbaik sebab tentunya kita tidak hendak merasakan efek samping yang barangkali saja bakal muncul melulu karena tidak mengekor aturan pakai. Di dalam 1 box terdapat 16 sachet minuman yang dapat Anda konsumsi. Bekali diri sendiri dan family dengan sachet praktis dari Flimty ini. 
Berikut teknik minum yang benar.
2 Cara Minum
Untuk detox: Minumlah 2 sachet masing-masing hari sekitar 1 minggu (7 hari) 2 jam sebelum & setelah sarapan pagi dan santap malam. Untuk hari-hari selanjutnya, Anda lumayan minum 1 sachet tiap hari sebelum makan.
Untuk sehari-hari: Untuk konsumsi sehari-hari, lumayan minum 1 sachet masing-masing hari 2 jam sebelum makan Tuanglah 1 bungkus ke dalam gelas/ shaker lantas tambahkan 150 ml air dingin. Aduk hingga rata dan usahakan mesti segera diminum sampai berakhir sebelum mengental. Peringatan: Minuman ini usahakan tidak diminum oleh perempuan yang sedang hamil ataupun menyusui serta balita.
Tahukah Bahwa Tubuh kita memerlukan serat sejumlah 20-26 gram masing-masing harinya? Namun, rata-rata warga Indonesia melulu mengkonsumsi 15 gram per hari. Kurangnya asupan serat itu dapat menyebabkan menumpuknya sisa-sisa makanan yang membusuk didalam tubuh dan lantas dapat menyumbat kelancaran drainase pencernaan. Penumpukan ini menjadi penyebab bertambahnya jumlah kotoran dan kolesterol, lalu lantas berujung pada komplikasi penyakit-penyakit kronis lainnya, bahkan kegemukan (obesitas). Ketika tubuh tidak dapat menyerap nutrisi secara optimal, maka kita akan tidak jarang merasa lemas dan lesu dalam beraktivitas.
Flimty Pahuwato
Flimty ialah fiber multifungsi yang pun memiliki tidak sedikit khasiat lainnya: Menurunkan BB Secara CEPAT Melibas Lemak Jahat. Membersihkan usus dari toxin/racun dan mengawal kesehatan Saluran pencernaan Anda. Menurunkan kadar Kolesterol dalam darah Mencegah penuaan dini (Anti Aging) Mengontrol kadar gula darah Tubuh
Cocok diminum oleh kita yg terpapar Ambeien, sebab flimty melancarkan BAB (Buang Air Besar). Flimty bisa mengikat tepung, minyak, lemak, dan gorengan di dalam perut dan membuangnya melewati BAB. Dan yang pasti, Menurunkan berat badan dan merampingkan perut buncit.
Disclaimer: Hasil yang diperoleh dapat berbeda-beda tergantung dari tubuh setiap orang.
Dan inilah guna yang dapat Kamu dapatkan dari FLIMTY : Makin Percaya Diri dengan Tubuh Ideal Makin disayang & Mesra Ga pernah banding-bandingin dengan Org lain, lagipula meliriknya Aktifitas Maksimal dengan Tubuh Sehat Terhindar dari Penyakit Kronis Tidak Takut Makan Makanan Berminyak
Pemesanan Flimty Hubungi WA : 0812 – 3181 – 2430 (TSEL)
Flimty Pahuwato
Mengetahui Bahan Makanan Yang Alami
Pewarna makanan sintetis yang berisi bahan kimia memiliki pengaruh buruk terhadap kesehatan seseorang, terutama untuk anak-anak. Celakanya lagi, insan saat ini mengkonsumsi panganan yang diwarnai, berkali-kali lipat dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Pewarna makanan dipakai hampir semua makanan olahan yang dikonsumsi tidak sedikit orang, khususnya makanan anak-anak, mulai dari permen, jajanan, sereal, sampai minuman ringan. Bagi itu, usahakan kenali terlebih dahulu pewarna makanan pada makanan olahan.
Penambahan pewarna makanan dipakai dengan destinasi dapat membetulkan penampilan makanan supaya terkesan menarik untuk konsumen, menyeragamkan dan mempertajam warna makanan tersebut sendiri. Namun, adakalanya anda masih harus memperhatikan sekali makanan yang berisi zat pewarna, khususnya pewarna buatan. Hal ini disebabkan adanya peningkatan bahan pewarna makanan yang dipakai lantaran guna menutupi evolusi warna dampak proses pengolahan dan penyimpanan, menyembunyikan bahan makanan yang sudah bobrok atau berubah warna serta menyembunyikan teknik produksi atau pengolahan makanan yang tidak benar.
Apa sih bahan pewarna makanan Itu ? Bahan pewarna makanan terbagi menjadi dua kumpulan besar, yaitu pewarna makanan alami dan pewarna produksi (sintetis). Di Indonesia, pemakaian zat pewarna makanan (baik yang diperbolehkan maupun yang dilarang) ditata dalam SK Menteri Kesehatan RI No. 235/MenKes/Per/VI/79 dan direvisi melewati SK Menteri Kesehatan RI No. 722/MenKes/Per/VI/88 tentang bahan ekstra makanan.
Pewarna makanan alami didapatkan dari tumbuhan ataupun fauna yang berupa pigmen. Beberapa pigmen alami yang tidak sedikit terdapat di dekat kita antara lain: klorofil (ada pada daun-daun berwarna hijau), karotenoid (ada pada wortel dan sayuran beda yang berwarna oranye-merah). Umumnya, pewarna makanan alami ini mempunyai sifat tidak lumayan stabil terhadap panas, cahaya, dan tidak tahan lama. Walau begitu, pewarna alami lazimnya aman dipergunakan dan tidak memunculkan efek samping. “Pewarna alami yang aman tersebut dari bahan alami laksana kunyit, daun suji, tomat, cabe merah, dan bahan-bahan alami lainnya.
Sedangkan pewarna produksi atau sintetis yang Digunakan makanan didapatkan melalui sintesis kimia produksi yang mengandalkan bahan-bahan kimia, atau dari bahan yang berisi pewarna alami melewati ekstraksi secara kimiawi. Beberapa misal pewarna produksi yakni : tartrazin, sunset yellow (untuk warna kuning), allura, eritrosin, amaranth (warna merah), dan sejumlah pewarna produksi lainnya.
Namun, ada pun pewarna makanan produksi yang tidak aman dan tidak pantas untuk dikonsumsi. Seperti Rhodamin B dan metanil yellow yang sebetulnya adalahpewarna tekstil yang dilarang pemakaiannya dalam produk-produk pangan. Rhodamin B dan metanil yellow dapat mengakibatkan iritasi mata, kehancuran hati, tumor, dan Kanker andai bahan itu terakumulasi di dalam tubuh. Namun, kedua pewarna itu masih tidak jarang dijumpai dalam produk-produk makanan dan minuman.
0 notes
bustin-a-hazelnut · 5 years
So basically @neopoliitan‘s last post has made me feel very strongly about the Amaranth family (the kids especially), so I now need my own post to sort out all the new information.
Let me begin by saying, I used to believe based off this post, that the Amaranth family only boasts five children; today’s comic proved me wrong. I went on to get some clarifications, and well...
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Two times more kids - two times more fun, am I right?..
Needless to say, I did some further searching, and this post basically turned into my personal masterlist of Amaranth children. Those are mostly personal opinions and/or speculations, but again, my feelings in regards to them are strong & plentiful. Without further ado, naturally, the list opens with our beloved girl:
1. Akane Amaranth, 19
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The oldest of the brood & really needs no introduction from me. A well-deserved favorite of Rain’s fanbase, among other things working on gradually rescuing her sister’s from their toxic household. As of late, her character arc has been (much to my joy) associated with William Lincoln’s, whom I assume will play a part in this encounter. The type of person he is, I wouldn’t put it past him to voice some unsavory truths to the face of Akane’s parents, with unpredictable consequences. With her own emotions & experiences in the mix, as well as the actual purpose of the visit, Akane’s got quite some development ahead of her. Not great for her - but a treat for us as viewers.
Her name in Japanese means “deep red, dye from the rubia plant”.
2. Miyako Amaranth, 18
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Having been neither introduced nor mentioned in the actual comic, still a personal favorite Amaranth of mine. She’s gotten a great characterization from another Rain’s fan ( @infinitree )  here, which was approved by Neopoliitan. I don’t loose hope for her to make an appearance & shine somewhere in the future posts.
Even though she may not be too relevant for the plot right now, I see great potential for an inner, personal character arc with her. The idea for her character, from what I can tell, is that she’s always coped with her parents’ harshness & constant demands by becoming more withdrawn, apathetic, to the point of neglecting her own needs. Having gone so far down that path has damaged her in more subtle ways, than outright abuse - she’s basically traded it for neglect, and internalized it to the point of not caring enough to defend her needs & individuality, & eventually sorta loosing herself. This is actually rather dark, when you think about it, but I do believe there’s hope for Miyako. Her connection to her sisters, especially Ayano, whom she’s got a deep bond with, is a sliver of her identity that hasn’t been taken from her. It can also become the reason for her to find herself again & start caring more. She is in a strange place right now, and not in a good way, but I have faith in her.
Her name in Japanese means “beautiful” & “night”.
3. Nanako Amaranth, 17
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Much like Akane, needs no introduction, having been a part of the plot for quite a while. Just as her elder sisters, this girl has all of my love, especially for her friendship with Tobin, even though the “wicked poo” line did play a part as well (which I Refuse to treat as anything other, than a reference to TTGOT S2 AU & Alanna Snow). It would be hard to guess by her upbeat personality, that she had to withstand more of her mother’s abuse, than possibly any of her siblings. This encounter is going to be a challenge for her, but I believe, that over the course of her life outside home, she’s gained the means to hold her own. She’s part of a team, a valued & great friend, a warrior, a huntressd & living proof, that neither what you’ve suffered, nor the people who’ve hurt you define you. She is going to overcome this, I have no doubt.
Her name in Japanese means "vegetables or greens".
4. Kasumi Amaranth, 16
A bit of a mystery at our hands, this one. No appearance or mention in the comic, no wiki page & the search through @neopoliitan came up dry. Her mention at Akane’s wiki page is the only indication of this girl’s very existence. There is little more to do than wait for further information on her, but as far as theories go - I wonder if she could exhibit a less positive personality, than her siblings? So far, all the Amaranth children we know of, that got somewhat characterized have exhibited different traits, yet, despite their home situation, I would describe all of them as well-meaning gals, even with their share of quirks & struggles. It’s not unreasonable to assume, that at least one of them would be affected more severely by their toxic parents - and have it shape them into a somewhat troubled person.
Her name in Japanese means “mist”.
5. Akiko Amaranth, 15
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Her arrogant demeanor & the status of her father’s protege could lead to mistaking Akiko as someone who’s “sided with the abuser” in their family (a parallel to Whitley Schnee, someone who copes with abuse by submitting to his father). Another characterization post, however, suggests that she is actually far more than meets the eye. There’s this duality in her - outward brightness, determination & desire for leadership, wich is exactly what her parents expected; & hidden intent to use her future position for good, refusal to reject her sisters, who’ve been cast aside by her mother. This kind of characterization is an honest to god breath of fresh air - ambition & confidence, that is treated as a positive thing, not a sign of corruption. By Neo’s own words, she’s like a “good Whitley”, which is a fantastic character concept. I’m looking forward for anything she could have up her sleeve.
Her name in Japanese means “bright, sparkle” & “autumn”.
6. Sakura Amaranth, 14
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Another kid we know virtually nothing about - and so far there isn’t much to theorize from. Sakura’s placed near her mother & appears relaxed, suggesting she isn’t in Yukiko’s bad graces. My two main guesses of why could that be are - either she’s just naturally inclined to obey & accept her parents’ way of seeing things; or she’s learned how to bypass them in her own ways. I find the second guess to be more interesting - while she can’t run away like Akane & Nanako, but can’t be up to her parent’s standards the way Akiko is or detach herself like Miyako, she could’ve developed a great ability to lie & manipulate, perhaps even in malicious ways, like shifting the blame onto her sisters in case of a screw up. I know this is really far-fetched, and I’m honestly just having fun coming up with those ideas at this point. One more option is her being a fave of Yukiko for some personal reason & therefore spared from mistreatment. 
I also find it interesting, that other than Nanako, who is shown gradually dyeing her hair throughout the comic, Sakura is the only one not to share the natural Amaranth hair color so far. Who knows if it’s just a reference to her name’s meaning, or some symbolism, like her not sharing the family values deep inside, but not letting it show in her demeanor... Idek, I honestly meant for this to be shorter.
Her name in Japanese means “cherry blossom”.
7. Natsuki Amaranth, 12 
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She displays a strong, blunt personality from her first seconds on screen & strikes me as kind of a tomboy. I can’t imagine Yukiko being tolerant of such demeanor - and I can easily see Natsuki fighting back relentlessly against her reign. She probably took Nanako’s place as a punching bag not long after the latter left, and now her relationship with Akane parallels the one latter had with Nan. By the way Natsuki immediately gets to the subject of leaving, it’s clear how much this life affects her. It probably greatly exacerbates her naturally blunt personality - she’s got no time for affection or chatter, getting away is priority number one. I’m not sure how much of it is Natsuki’s “normal” character & how much - emotional damage from her parents, but at this point, it is hard not to assume the worst.
Her name in Japanse can mean “vegetables or greens” & “moon” or “summer” & “hope”. Interestingly, the name is considered unisex, though more commonly used by women.
8. Ayano Amaranth, 9
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Getting close to the end here, and moving on to the actually small children of the fam, Ayano is a welcome change as an example of an Amaranth daughter, who’s actually getting to be a kid more (again, according to a previously established characterization). I particularly love the idea of her & Miyako being mutually close - it’s hard to tell which one of them needs it more. It’s also good to know, that Miyako’s efforts to shelter her haven’t been in vain & she actually seems to be okay around her mother, despite having a personality, that would naturally grate on her. Then again, kids can be rather perceptive, so maybe Ayano instinctively holds back her more unruly side in Yukiko’s presence & reserves poking & prodding for her sisters. She may know something isn’t right deep inside, and adjust her behavior, so as not to become another target for her mother.
Her name in Japanese means “of color; from love”.
9. Hana Amaranth, 6
Another mentioned-only character, with no face attached yet; at the age of six, I’d be glad to know that she is kept away from the family’s shenanigans & simply enjoys being a kid. Not much to theorize from here - will have to wait & see if she’ll make an appearance, and what her place in the family hierarchy is going to be. 
Her very existence to me raises a question of why Yukiko would choose to have another child, when there is no need for a specifically male heir, as Akiko has been selected for that role. We get to know, that she has no actual love for her children - so what could drive her to have more? Family’s reputation, desire for more control, or perhaps Aka Amaranth comes into play at last? He’s been barely mentioned here due to my lack of knowledge about him, but judging by his appearance on the poster, he is about to play a big role in this arc. Gonna have to wait and see. 
Her name in Japanese means “flower”.
10. Baby Amaranth, ~1
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A literal baby, basically raising the same questions as Hana did a paragraph ago. I’m going to spare this one from my dark theories & let her chill for now, observing the reunion from a safe distance. Being a 10th child is no piece of cake even in most benevolent of families, so let’s all just give her a break for now. She’s still got all the time in the world to grow up & eventually develop her personal brand of the Amaranth Badassery. 
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psgrahma6-blog · 5 years
Ladyfem Sungai Lilin, Agen Ladyfem Sungai Lilin
Ladyfem Sungai Lilin, Agen Ladyfem Sungai Lilin
Ladyfem Sungai Lilin (Hub : 0812 – 3029 – 0077 tsel) Agen Ladyfem Sungai Lilin, Jual Ladyfem Sungai Lilin, Distributor Ladyfem Sungai Lilin, COD Ladyfem Sungai Lilin. Tanyakan Kepada Kami Informasi Selengkapnya, Kami Juga Menerima Pendaftaraan Agen Ladyfem, Paket Bisa Dikirimkan Ke Seluruh Indonesia Melalui Ekspedisi.
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Agen Ladyfem Sungai Lilin
Agen Ladyfem Sungai Lilin
Ladyfem saat ini banyak dicari, informasi Ladyfem juga sudah tersebar. tidaklah heran jika ada yang mencari Ladyfem. Menurut konsumen kami mengatakan bahwa Ladyfem sangat bagus, itu dapat kami lihat  banyak konsumen membeli Ladyfem pada kami. Selain di kota Sungai Lilindi wilayah sekitar Sungai Lilinjuga ada yang mencari Ladyfem.
Ladyfem merupakan obat khusus pria dewasa, Ladyfem adalah obat herbal yang aman di pakai. selain itu Ladyfem ini terdaftar di BPOM.
Ladyfem Sungai Lilin
Keampuhan  Ladyfem sudah diakui oleh banyak orang, Pemesanan wilayah Sungai Lilinkami kirimkan via paket menggunakan jasa ekspedisi JNE, JNT, TIKI atau POS (jika ada agen kami bisa Langsung Bayar). Kami juga melayani Pengiriman paket via ekspedisi, Anda yang di Sungai Lilinyang mencari Ladyfem tidak perlu repot kepanasan, kehujan dan juga terkena debu di jalan, karena ada cara praktis khusus anda yang ingin pesan Ladyfem. Silahkan anda hubungi kami dan kami akan kirimkan paket, anda yang di Sungai Lilintinggal duduk santai dan menunggu paket yang akan dikirim kurir ekspedisi. Jika Anda Mau Menjadi Agen Ladyfem Bisa Hubungi kami di nomor : 0812 – 3029 – 0077 (Tsel) atau bisa chating lewat pesan whatsapp.
Ladyfem Sungai Lilin
Biji-Bijian Untuk Kesehatan
Meski berukuran kecil, biji-bijian tidak dapat diremehkan. Dengan mengonsumsi asupan mungil ini, tubuh bakal menjadi sehat dan terhindar dari sekian banyak  penyakit berbahaya. Apa saja khasiatnya? Mungkin kita masih ingat berita tentang Angelina Jolie, aktris Hollywood yang sekarang gemar mengonsumsi biji-bijian kuno. Jolie mengawal konsumsi asupan tubuhnya secara teratur, yaitu sejumlah 600 kalori sehari melewati biji-bijian.
Pasangan aktor Brad Pitt ini mencicipi biji-bijian kuno, laksana millet, chia, dieja, soba, dan quinoa. Dia merasa mendapat guna besar, laksana tubuhnya tidak jarang kali sehat dan ramping. Menarik anda coba, bukan? Untuk memenuhi keperluan pangan sehari-hari, anda tetap sangat bergantung pada nasi sebagai makanan pokok. Di samping itu, sekian banyak  godaan berat laksana fast food serta masakan gurih dan lezat terus berseliweran.
Namun tahukah Anda, bahwasannya biji-bijian memiliki tidak sedikit sekali guna positif andai sering dikonsumsi? Biji-bijian ialah seluruh biji (atau kernel) dari suatu tanaman. Beberapa misal biji-bijian yang gampang kita temui ialah gandum, oatmeal, biji jagung, beras merah, beras putih, gandum utuh, amaranth, millet, quinoa, dan soba. Ada pun biji-bijian yang belum terlampau dikenal luas tetapi memiliki guna bagus laksana biji bunga matahari, biji semangka, biji labu, biji wijen, biji selasih, dan biji flax.
Bukti medis menunjukkan, mengonsumsi biji-bijian secara rutin dapat mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung, stroke, kanker, dan diabetes. Konsumsi biji-bijian secara teratur pun mengurangi risiko obesitas, yang diukur dengan indeks massa tubuh dan rasio ukuran pinggul, serta dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol darah. Biji-bijian berisi fitokimia dan antioksidan.
Konsumsi biji-bijian sejumlah tiga kali sehari sudah terbukti berfungsi mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung antara 25%-36%, stroke 37%, diabetes tipe 2 sebesar 21%−27%, kanker drainase pencernaan 21%−43%, dan kanker yang bersangkutan dengan hormon sebesar 10%−40%.
Mengonsumsi jenis biji-bijian yang tepat dan dalam jumlah tepat bakal bermanfaat untuk kesehatan tumbuh. Biji-bijian antara beda dapat menurunkan kadar trigliserida, menurunkan desakan darah, mengontrol insulin, menolong mengendalikan berat badan serta memperlambat penumpukan plak di arteri.
Profesor Ali Khomsan, berpengalaman gizi Institut Pertanian Bogor, menjelaskan, diet dengan mengonsumsi biji-bijian menjadi pilihan memenuhi keperluan protein nabati. Apalagi kandungan biji-bijian rendah kolesterol dan lemak. “Jika juga dikonsumsi jangka panjang, tak memunculkan masalah kesehatan,” kata Ali untuk KONTAN, Kamis (22/5). Diet biji-bijian dapat menjadi opsi gaya hidup terutama untuk masyarakat berusia di atas 40 tahun. Namun dia mengingatkan diet biji-bijian bakal membosankan andai tak dibarengi sayur, lauk, dan buah-buahan.
Titi Sekar Indah, berpengalaman gizi Rumah Sakit Pusat Pertamina, menilai biji-bijian berisi karbohidrat kompleks laksana beras merah dan gandum yang mempunyai kandungan serat tinggi. Ini paling baik untuk menata kadar kolesterol dalam tubuh. Kulit ari yang terdapat dalam biji-bijian pun kaya bakal vitamin dan mineral. Tapi bukan berarti Titi menganjurkan seumur hidup kita melulu memakan biji-bijian. Harus diimbangi dengan lauk, sayuran, dan buah-buahan.
Berikut ini contoh sejumlah biji-bijian yang belum populer, namun berkhasiat.
Biji bunga matahari
Biji bunga matahari yang dikeringkan berwarna abu-abu dan berbentuk laksana teardrop. Biji ini kaya bakal folat, selenium, dan vitamin E yang bisa membantu faedah sistem peredaran darah bekerja lebih baik. Biji bunga matahari mempunyai efek mendinginkan pada otak sebab tinggi triptofan, sehingga membuat efek relaksasi.
Biji semangka
Biji bunga matahari dan semangka yang dikeringkan dikenal sebagai kuaci dan populer di masyarakat. Ini berisi zat besi, kalium, magnesium, vitamin B, lemak, dan kalori yang urgen untuk nutrisi sehari-hari. Meski rasanya hambar, tekstur biji semangka meningkatkan kerenyahan salad dan roti.
Biji labu
Bentuk biji labu lebih banyak ketimbang biji-bijian lain, namun datar dan berwarna putih. Saat dikupas, isinya kuning kehijauan. Di samping kaya bakal zinc yang mengayomi Anda dari osteoporosis, biji ini dapat membantu meringankan peradangan tanpa efek samping. Biji labu pun berisi L-tryptophan yang dapat membantu meminimalisir depresi. Masih terdapat lagi, biji labu diperkaya dengan magnesium dan adalahmusuh alami untuk cacing pita dan parasit lainnya. Untuk menemukan rasa yang lebih enak, banyak sekali orang tidak jarang memanggang biji labu dengan tidak banyak garam dan merica.
Biji wijen
Wijen dirasakan makanan sangat kaya mineral di dunia. Biji wijen kaya bakal kalsium, mag-nesium, zat besi, vitamin, dan serat. Antikanker lignin pun ditemukan dalam biji wijen. Anda dapat menggiling biji wijen dan mencampurnya dengan salad dan sayuran guna mendapatkan cita rasa berbeda.
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gurusehatfit-blog · 5 years
Santapan Rendah Gula Bagi Penderita Diabetes
Makanan sehat serta tak terkandung banyak gula tentunya merupakan asupan yang pas untuk para penderita diabetes. Diabetes itu sendiri merupakan penyakit yang cukup awam. Hingga kini ini, masih ada beberapa orang yang belum mengenal dengan jelas bagaimana tips akurat memilih asupan makanan untuk diabetes yang benar. Kita segala pastinya lebih bagus belajar banyak tips penting seperti tips akurat memilih asupan makanan sehat untuk diabetes satu ini. Tips pertama adalah dengan memilih asupan biji-bijian yang utuh. Asupan tersebut terkandung nutrisi berupa karbohidrat kompleks tinggi serat. Dengan begitu, gula yang ada di dalam akan dicerna oleh tubuh dengan pelan. Nantinya kadar gula akan makin terkontrol. Ada beberapa teladan asupan makanan yang merupakan klasifikasi makanan biji-bijian utuh yakni Quinoa, pasta gandum, beras merah, roti gandum, millet, oatmeal, amaranth dan sebagainya. Selain dari kiat di atas, memang masih terdapat tips akurat memilih asupan makanan untuk diabetes lainnya.
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Ada tips lainnya adalah memilih daging serta ikan yang ideal. Asupan ini merupakan sumber akan makanan untuk diabetes protein penting untuk para penderita diabetes. makanan dengan kandungan serat, makanan yang berprotein juga akan dicerna oleh tubuh lebih lama. ini akan membikin kekuatan yang tersedia di tubuh akan lebih lama serta tingkat gula darah makin terkontrol. Asupan yang dimaksud merupakan seperti daging tanpa adanya lemak, ayam tanpa adanya kulit, tahu, telur, tempe dan ikan. Anda dapat memanfaatkan tips akurat memilih asupan makanan sehat untuk diabetes di atas saat ingin belanja keperluan bahan makanan. saja ulasan simpel mengenai kiat cermat memilih asupan makanan sehat untuk diabetes kali ini, review ini tentunya betul-betul penting dipelajari terutamanya untuk Anda yang berharap tahu lebih terang mengenai tips cermat memilih asupan makanan sehat untuk diabetes. Dengan ulasan di atas, karenanya Anda dapat semakin mengerti apa kiat akurat memilih asupan makanan untuk diabetes. Lebih baik kalau Anda senantiasa mengingat kiat akurat memilih asupan makanan sehat untuk diabetes ini agar Anda dapat hidup lebih sehat.
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