#aki save me aki aki aki
meownotgood · 21 days
would aki ever consider homewrecking your relationship? in an upstaging sort of way at least? he brings you home-cooked food, drives you often, remembers details about you that make you realise your own bf doesn't?
ooooo imagine he gets drunk and starts being slightly more assertive not caring your bf is also in the room. flat out ignores him as he monopolizes your attention <3
despite his feelings for you, aki is polite, he keeps how he feels to himself and rarely comments on your boyfriend or your relationship. he congratulates you when you first tell him, saying he'd love to meet your boyfriend sometime. he doesn't intend to show your boyfriend up. it isn't aki's fault that he remembers your birthdate when your boyfriend doesn't. it isn't aki's fault that he knows what you like more than your boyfriend does, and so he brings you small gifts and homecooked meals whenever he's available.
boyfriend or not, aki has always shown you the same kindness — you're friends, so of course he does. you're each other's closest friend, in fact.
though, when aki's had a bit too much to drink, that's when the problems start to arise.
a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts, or something or other. aki remembers his mentor telling him as such when he was a teenager. but aki isn't really the talkative type when he's drunk, nor does he tend to get anywhere past slightly tipsy when he's out drinking. normally. tonight is far from normal.
aki is drinking way more than he should, ordering beer after beer until he has an array of empty frothy glasses around him, because tonight, you've brought your boyfriend along. the division's non-specific party had no problem with inviting friends of friends or significant others. but your boyfriend is sitting next to you, when it's usually aki that sits by your side.
he has his arm wrapped lazily around you, your shoulders are stiff as you sip your drink, drowning out the noise of him shouting across the table. he's waving over the waitress, and aki's jaw is clenching so hard it almost hurts, because as your boyfriend is complimenting the waitress' outfit with less-than-appropriate choices of words, his palm is on your thigh, you're shrinking into your seat — and aki is done.
he pushes up from the table so fast it shakes, making glasses clink together, and causing your gaze to dart up to him. unsurprisingly, you follow after him a few moments later. you step outside, goosebumps immediately brushing over your bare arms, to see aki palming a cigarette between clumsy fingers. his brows are knotted with tell-tale annoyance, but when he finishes shoving his lighter back in his pocket, and exhales a puff of grey smoke into the night sky, his voice as he speaks to you is nothing but soft.
"sit next to me when we go back inside," he says, plain and simple. the nicotine settles his growing nerves, and the slight husky slur to his words is the only thing giving his intoxication away.
you hardly have time to think about what he's asking of you — asking, was that even a question? aki takes one more quick drag, before dropping the half-burned cigarette on the pavement, stamping it out with his shoe. you're managing an, are you alright? but it only goes unanswered. aki grasps your wrist, and he starts to tug you back inside.
the atmosphere is much different once you've sat back down; at aki's side, this time. the lack of space has your thighs lightly touching aki's as you shift to get comfortable. yet, it feels like you can finally, truly relax.
aki orders another full beer before your boyfriend even notices your absence — with an annoyed look on his face, he doesn't question why you've moved, just drunkenly rambles about your disrespect for a moment, before turning his attention back towards the people beside him. aki though, he keeps his focus solely on you. he leans close to whisper quiet words into your ear. he doesn't seem to care that your boyfriend is right there, still sitting directly across from you. aki keeps you to himself, and himself alone.
for a moment, your gaze drifts up. aki's adam's apple bobs and his head tips back as he downs the rest of his drink, his face flushed slightly. he turns towards you then, eyes lingering on you for longer than necessary. he gazes at you with such a sense of softness, a look you can't remember anyone else ever giving you.
that's right. it was aki who invited you out tonight, who saved you your favorite seat knowing you would want to sit there, only for your boyfriend to drag you to the opposite end of the table. it was aki who already had your drink of choice ordered for you by the time you arrived. it was aki who leant across the table, trying to ask you how you're doing and how you're liking your new job, while your boyfriend who's never bothered to inquire was busy taking shots with the group a table over.
sighing to yourself, your mind spinning from the alcohol in your system, you let your head lean on aki's shoulder. aki hesitates. then, he snakes a palm behind you to hold the small of your back. when your boyfriend stumbles up from the table to head off somewhere, aki makes sure he sees.
he calls your boyfriend over for a moment to discuss something he already knows, some paperwork he has to fill out tomorrow for the division — aki keeps his arm locked around your waist, your head is leant on his shoulder, and as your boyfriend leaves, you don't even give him so much as a glance. aki keeps the obvious grimace your wasted boyfriend had on his face to himself.
"I'm sorry," aki mumbles after a few minutes, rubbing your back with his palm in slow circles. you chuckle, replying with a half-hearted, what for?
"I'm sorry for getting so drunk," he explains, "but your boyfriend was being an asshole. it pissed me off. I don't get why he acts like that, I could-"
aki swallows, stopping himself, stifling the words he almost said. I could treat you so much better.
sighing, he rubs his knotted temple with his fingers, and he turns to you as you're propping up next to him.
"don't apologize." you stretch, bringing your arms above your head, then rolling your shoulders back. your heart patters in your chest. aki is so close; you can see all the details of his face, you can smell the hints of cologne clinging to his jacket. his arm around you feels like it belongs there. "shouldn't have had so much to drink too."
"I'll take you home," aki says in response. "we should leave soon. the trains won't run for much longer."
you hum, eyes fluttering, gazing up at him with a look that causes his breath to get caught in his weary lungs. "can I come with you back to your place, aki?"
your boyfriend wouldn't like it. aki imagines how he'd react once he came to. if he'd call you, the phone ringing thrice before you pick up, only for him to hear aki's voice on the other line. there's grumbling, the sound of sheets rustling, and then aki murmuring supposedly in your ear, telling you to go back to sleep.
perhaps that's exactly why aki leans in closer to you, close enough to have his breath fan over your cheek, and inevitably answers with a warm, earnest, of course.
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oneweek · 2 months
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aki by animator shun
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juregim · 1 year
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and i’d give up forever to touch you
Chainsaw Man by Tatsuki Fujimoto
A Simple Woman - Chelsea Hodson // Sue Zhao // Lovers - Rene Magritte // Your Hands - Florence Ripley Mastin // Like Grains of Sand (dir. Ryosuke Hashiguchi) // No Exit - Jean-Paul Sartre // To Die For - Sam Smith // The Lobster posters (des. Vasilis Marmatakis) // Letters to Milena - Franz Kafka //
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smply-sktchng · 19 days
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why won’t you fly away?
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aru-art · 4 months
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i think im gonna eat glass when i see them on the big screen
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lyn-ne · 3 months
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Finished reading Kick it Up a Notch. Have some akikoha
original image referenced under the cut!
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gavinom123 · 5 months
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Some doodles from yesterday !
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mirandimoo · 1 year
once again thinking about how aki’s character is one of, if not the most tragic character i have come across in any media i have ever consumed in my life.
like guys you don’t understand, i’m not saying this from a ‘csm stan’ pov or anything i’m saying it from a literary standpoint AND as a media production major like yes objectively speaking he is the most tragic of tragic characters i have ever come across in any story. like from his childhood to his adult life it was all hell and trauma and after spending his whole life with nothing to dedicate himself to other than revenge, he finally found something worth protecting in denji and power so much so that the thing he spent his whole life chasing after suddenly didn’t matter because he had a little family now and that was enough for him. going through all of this only to then become the very thing you feared the worst and to be taken out by the hands of the person you cared for the most in the world. afterwards there’s no one to properly mourn you, aside from the one who took your life. everyone else is gone and the guy you cared so deeply for that you were willing to give up your life’s mission to protect has to now navigate the world with your blood on his hands, forever stained by the regret of not only killing you, but never even getting to say a proper goodbye. he’s had so much thrown onto him now that he doesn’t have time to properly grieve you and power. but no, for him your death is even worse than hers in retrospect. because there’s still a small glimmer of hope, no matter how faint, that some day she’ll come back. and that hope is so important to hold on tightly to, it’s enough of a reason to keep moving forward, to keep living. but you… oh you. for you there is no coming back. no second chances, no glimmer of hope for a happy ending. just pain. just death, anger, and so much pain. so instead of grieving properly and moving on, he’ll forever be stuck in this limbo of self hate, grief, and guilt that’ll end up with him just hurting himself physically and mentally over and over and over again. sort of how you acted in your own life... it’s kind of ironic is it not? that even in death all you do is hurt those you love, and not only fail to protect them, but deal them a fate even worse by actively being the reason they hurt. a fate worse than death it seems. and although when told it, you didn’t want to believe it, you honestly did die in the worst possible way imaginable.
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risingshards · 1 month
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My poor angst babg who deserves many hugs for suffering alone for so long 😭
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I love how the Hatsune Miku and Takaaki Ishimaru thing started all because I said to play him the Levan Polka for an hour after reblogging @darkempressofchaos's post 😭😭😭
@0-rai I would also like to thank you for the art you made that just made the entire thing spiral into insanity.
I love you both (platonically) for the fun I'm having fjdnrn.
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meownotgood · 2 months
I was away from my ipad and finished coloring everything a lot later than I would've liked, but here's all the Aki's! (Some are drawings from last year I wanted to share ;_;)
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i cannot explain how obsessed I am but you have BLESSED ME and I will be thinking of these arts for so long gaaaahhhh 🥹🥹🥹🥹 I love your style so much, aki is so pretty and just abshhsshjdjs
thank you for sharing, I truly love these... 💓💓💓 I hope you don't mind if I save them to admire them more 🧎‍♀️ and if you have any more socials pls tell me... I would be glad to support you.......
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easy-revenge · 2 years
he had a lot of gut wrenching expressions on his face this episode, but somehow this one broke me the most:
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the way he realizes he used the sword and lost so much for nothing. that he can't protect himeno OR himself. that this is a losing battle, much like every other battle he's ever decided to fight.
how denji isn't the only person durable to the point of being unbeatable. and how others like him are on the gun devil's side as well.
im just so sure it put his own self into perspective, and most likely not for the first time. there are ppl out there who can survive the curse devil and a bullet to the head.
how does aki hayakawa, so susceptible to mortality in every way, hope to stand against the Gun?
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catinflight · 20 days
What inspired you to draw fan mmfc stuff
Well, i mean, what's better than spinning around aimlessly to funky music⁉️
Spinning around aimlessly with FRIENDS, duh‼️‼️‼️‼️
ah yes the DISASTERIOUS DUO‼️‼️
Yoinked sunstar aki from @lucamisu bcuz' why not :]
But fr tho, I just think drawing mmfc and people's au's of it to be very fun and entertaining! also getting to focus on things other than the major stuff I have goin' on is very refreshing, so YAAAH🗣🗣🗣💃💃
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the-shy-wolf · 1 year
It always starts with porch talk and sharing a cigarette
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akechi-stole-my-heart · 3 months
the only thing better than an akechi palace is forcing akechi to experience the horrors of his palace :) With Friends
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proxythe · 1 month
when do you think aki “came out” (as trans) to shinji?? was it something they both kind of knew orr. idk what do you think that was like
tbh ive actually never thought about this ?? LMFAO i depict aki as trans even when i draw them as first years so i imagine he wouldve figured it out young and “came out” while he was younger as well. i never figured he would change his body at all or restrict his body in any ways, but i do think he would cut his hair (obviously) so that would be the first (and pretty much only) step he’d take after coming out. i do like the idea of shinji cutting his hair but shinji doesn’t even cut his own hair, so akihiko’s early tguy haircuts are just disastrous and ugly …
basically, i dont picture it as being a big deal for either of them OR for mitsuru when they eventually meet her.
i hc mitsuru as transfem 99% of the time so it brings me joy and comfort to think about her meeting akihiko and them realizing theyre similar together.. its enough to make a grown man cry … i think mitsurus dad would b supportive but i still just want to live in the mind place where first year mitsu & aki would trade clothes …
sorry for lowkey having nothing to say about shinji 😭 not to say he wouldn’t care but it wouldn’t be something that bothers him so i don’t really have anything more to add to that. he’s just some guy
oh i also dont think aki’s own body would bug him at all. like all he rly cares about in relation to his body is not being weak, so it doesnt really have much to do with how he looks ykwim hes so humble wow
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