#also はじめてのおつかい so cute.
inkats · 10 months
it actuaally fuckin. sucks that i finished mt sketchbook. i got a new one but the short lack of drawing so much. im. feel terrible.
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danieyells · 24 days
@mayoigotokurousagi TIME FOR OUR FAVORITE FRANKENSTEIN'S MONSTER INSPIRED MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. I mean. Maybe there's another you're into. Idk. I like Jiro. He's so. . .blunt. I'm so curious about him, I really really cannot wait until we get the Mortkranken chapter.
also, uh, brief content warning for a mention of assisted suicide? It's only the first line I post, if you feel the need to avoid that.
No Affinity Required
"They said they wanted to die, so I prescribed them what they needed. I don't see the point of discussing ethics after the fact." あちらさんが死にたいと言うので、必要な薬を処方したまでです。今更倫理を持ち出されても、困りますよ
Hey. Buddy. Jiro. That's fuckin' dark dude. This is why you don't joke about wanting to kill yourself. Someone will take it seriously. Jiro will just hand you cyanide pills, a bottle of water, and direct you to a hospital bed to die in. Like jesus christ.
"I save lives that can be saved. It's part of my job to decide the order of priority though." 救える命は救いますよ。まあ、そこに優先順位をつけるのがこちらの仕事なので
"part of my job is to decide if your life is worth saving" IS ALSO A VERY DARK THING TO SAY. I love that his default lines are all very dark and callous. It kind of drives home a dichotomy between how he feels about just anybody and how he feels about you. I also like that he's just. . .kind of dark and gloomy and like ASPECTS OF HIM ARE VERY UNPALATABLE. Like I'm sure there are a lot of people who see those lines and think "that's gross why would anyone like him he's the worst" and THAT'S A GOOD KIND OF CHARACTER TO HAVE ESPECIALLY AS A LOVE INTEREST okay moving on
"One of our patients is thrashing around again? That's inconvenient. I'll administer a shot." また患者が暴れてるんですか? はあ……面倒くさいですね。1本打っておきますよ
jiro stabbing you with a sedative filled needle like 'stop moving. you are annoying.'
Affinity 2
"I was in a prolonged coma, so I haven't fully recovered yet. It's been a long time since I ate anything." 俺、長いこと昏睡状態だったんで、まだ本調子じゃないんですよ。飯なんて、しばらく食ってませんし
i wonder when he woke up. it must have been a few months ago at most.
Affinity 4
"I'm about to receive my medication. It should take approximately one hour. Are you going to wait for me?" ああ、今から投薬の時間なんです。多分1時間くらいかかると思いますけど、待ちますか?
Affinity 5
"I attend classes every day since Yuri does, but sometimes they mark me as absent. I'm supposed to reply when they say my name? I didn't know that." 佑理に付き合って毎日授業に出てるんですけど、時々欠席扱いになってて。 返事が必要? 知らなかったな
"yeah you're supposed to let them know you're there." "i am one of the largest people in the room at any given time. that seems unnecessary." also it's cute that he only goes to class because Yuri does, but also he doesn't learn anything from it since he studied it all independently lol
Affinity 6
"The blood? I believe one of the wounds on my stomach tore. I'll have to get Yuri to suture it." ああ、この血ですか? さっきから腹の傷が開いてるみたいなんです。佑理に縫ってもらわないとな
Affinity 7
"What's the purpose of educational facilities like this? You can learn everything you need through self-study." こういった教育施設って、なんのためにあるんでしょうね? 勉強なら自分ですればいいだけですし
Affinity 8
"Who is that noisy blond person? He runs away whenever he sees me. That's rude, isn't it?" 時々見かける、うるさい黄色の人は何者なんです?  俺の顔を見るといつも逃げるんです。失礼ですよね?
i love the 'isn't it?' like he doesn't know normal social convention but he's pretty sure you're not supposed to run from people like that.
Affinity 9
"You don't have to mind me. Go ahead and eat. Even in childhood I never really had an attachment to food, clothing, or shelter." 俺のことは気にせず、飯食ってください。元々、ガキの頃から衣食住にあまり執着がないので
hey jiro that's uh that's kinda fucking depressing you good?
Affinity 10
"Yuri's holed up in the lab, so I'm going out. If he comes looking for me, tell him I went to bed." 佑理が研究室に籠ってるので、今のうちに出かけてきます。もし俺を探してたら、寝たと言ってください
Wouldn't Yuri just check your bed and not find you there though??? Also when will you sleep???? like i know he doesn't realize a week of allnighters isn't normal but jfc
Affinity 11
"Your face looks terrible. Come over here and inhale this. They're mild smelling salts. They'll wake you up." あなた、ひどい顔ですね。ちょっとこっち来て、これ嗅いでください。 軽い気付け薬です。目が覚めますよ
Affinity 13
"I can just manage to ingest water, so I brew herbal tea as an indulgence. Would you like some too?" 辛うじて水分なら取れるので、嗜好品としてハーブティーを淹れるんですよ。あなたも飲みます?
Affinity 14
"Yuri wouldn't get up, so I was about to give up on getting my morning medication. He got up after the ninth time he used the snooze button though." 佑理がなかなか起きないので、朝は投薬を諦めようかと思いましたよ。9回目のスヌーズで起きましたけど
Yuri and Jiro, like Rui and Haru, need healthy sleep schedules please.
Affinity 15
"What's this? A rice ball? I suppose I might be able to eat some of it." なんですか? これ。 おにぎり? まあ、少しくらいなら食べれるかもしれませんが……
can't you only eat fluids. . .are you gonna throw that up later. . . .
Affinity 16
"You already had tea at Frostheim? The tea I make tastes better though, so please drink it anyway." フロストハイムで紅茶を飲んできたんですか?  まあ、俺の方が美味く淹れられますから、飲んでください
lmao the mortkranken boys really do not appear to have a great opinion of frostheimers!!! "you had tea at--pfffff nah their tea sucks ass drink mine instead."
Affinity 17
"I enjoy being alone. The noise doesn't really bother me when I'm reading though. Can I go now?" ひとりの時間は好きですよ。まあ、本を読んでいる時は、周囲の喧噪も気になりません。もういいですか?
Affinity 18
"What am I doing? I'm making confections. I'm used to making precise measurements when preparing medications, and it's quite similar to that." 今ですか? 製菓をしてるんです。 計量は薬の調合で慣れてるので、まあ、似たようなものです
jiro makes cupcakes and candies and stuff. . .he can't even enjoy them though. . . . .
Affinity 19
"See you tomorrow. ...What? You're the one who told me I should say that while smiling." また明日。 ……なんですか?こう言って笑えばいいと、あなたが言ってたんじゃないですか
i love lines where it's like 'you told me to do this so now i'm doing it.' especially when the pc is shocked when they actually do it lolol
Affinity 20
"We're doing a complete check up today, so please change into these. ... Do you need me to help you undress?" 今日は精密検査なので、この検査着に着替えてください。 ………… 脱げないなら、脱がしましょうか?
strip faster bitch
Affinity 21
"You want to know why I started studying anomalous infectious diseases? I don't know. I just became knowledgeable about them at some point and kept going." なぜ怪異伝染病の研究を始めたか?さあ、気がついたら詳しくなってたので。何となく続けてるだけです
Affinity 22
"My wounds often tear so I've told Yuri deep dermal suturing would be more effective than simple interrupted, but he won't listen to me." よく傷口が開くんで、結節縫合ではなく真皮縫合の方がいいと言ってるのに、佑理が聞かないんですよね
I get the feeling Yuri doesn't listen to most people. . . .
Affinity 23
"Yuri's combat skills are poor, so I have to protect him. If he dies, there won't be anyone left who can treat me." 佑理は戦闘が下手なので、俺が守るしかないんです。あの人が死ぬと、俺を治せる人がいなくなるんですよ
"if he dies i die so i'm just kinda protecting him because i have to." kind of an oof lmao
Affinity 24
"It's been a long time since I had a family, so I don't know what you're supposed to do in these situations. Could you teach me?" 俺には長いこと家族がいないので、こういう時、どうすればいいかわからないんです。教えてくれません?
GET FAM-ZONED HAHA aaaaAAAAAA HE SEES YOU AS FAMILY AND HE WANTS TO TREAT YOU THE WAY HE'S SUPPOSED TO TREAT FAMILY. . . . . . ;0; just be yourself jiro we love you as you are, dark and morbid and a little distant but actually quite sweet--
Affinity 25
"There's a high probability that your curse is related to my field of research.
It's a problem for me if you die."
あなたの呪いは、俺の研究分野に関係している可能性が高い。 あなたを死なせるわけにはいかないんですよ
normally i don't share the ones that aren't kind of sweet but like. . .the bluntness and distance in this one is so perfect for Jiro haha ESPECIALLY AFTER THE "I WANT TO TREAT YOU LIKE FAMILY" ONE BEFORE IT. . .he went from being kind of sweet to being like "if you die it'll be a problem." and not even in a tsundere way just 'it matters to me if you die for academic purposes.
"I'm going to see some flowers on Yuri's orders. Do you want to come? I'll be harvesting mandrakes." 今から佑理の指示で花を見に行くんです。あなたも一緒に行きますか? マンドラゴラの採取ですが
"Yuri told me to take a break so I'm gonna go work near some flowers i guess."
"Ha ha ha ha! I observed Yuri fighting the urge to fall asleep during class today. Would you like to see the photos?" はははは! 今日は授業中、ずっと眠気と戦っている佑理を観察してたんですよ。この写真、見ますか?
i really wish it were during the hours this one can play because i wanna record it lolol Jiro smiling and laughing because Yuri's trying not to fall asleep is so precious. Tiny little humanization for our monster boy.
"Good, today's temperature matches the forecast. I'll be starting a new experiment this afternoon, but the temperature regulation is difficult. It should be fun." 今日の気温は……予報通りですね。 午後から新しい実験の着手をするのに、温度管理が大変で。楽しみです
temperature regulation experiments are fun! i'm glad Jiro enjoys what he does.
"A dare? Okay, I'll do it with you. I've always wanted to try screaming in fear." へえ、肝試しですか。 いいですよ、付き合います。恐怖で叫ぶ経験を、一度くらいしてみたいので
"a dare" isn't really a good translation here--肝試し is a "test of courage", an activity usually done on summer evenings where you go someplace scary with your friends to overcome fear together! Or something like that. It's most often done in summer because that's when it's believed there are more like. . .supernatural occurrences? several other characters' summer lines mention more anomalies in Japan in the summer as a result of these beliefs. Either way it's cute that he's like 'oh. that sounds cool. i hope it'll make me experience fear.' I want him to scream in an exaggerated way, just SHRIEKING for the sake of it, not even because he's really that scared just "this feels like the appropriate situation for screaming :)" lmao
"Ha ha ha ha! Oh, sorry. I tried letting the stag beetles I caught for an experiment fight, and it was funnier than I expected." はははは! ああ、すいません。 採取の時に捕まえたカブトムシ同士を戦わせたら、想像以上に面白くて
i feel like that's something that comes up now and then as like. a thing young japanese boys do. which makes jiro kind of childish in a way which is super charming? it sounds to me like he didn't have much of a childhood. so i'm happy he can explore it now and have fun.
"I don't understand why you would go somewhere without a purpose. Why would you go to a mountain if you didn't need to harvest something?" 行楽ですか? いえ、単純に何が目的か理解できないんです。採取もせず、山を歩くんですか?
mods, show him the beauty of nature.
"I went to the botanical garden to get some ingredients and I was given these yams. Do you like candied yams?" さっき植物園に原料をもらいに行ったらサツマイモをもらったんです。スイートポテトは好きですか?
"A lot of people in Mortkranken dislike exercise.The sporting clubs in Darkwick must be made up of people from other houses." うちの寮は、体を動かすことが嫌いな人が多いですね。学内でスポーツをしてるのも、他寮の人ですよね?
i am once again asking why i was put in fuckin frostheim--
"I read books every day, not just in the fall. I like medical journals best. I don't remember what made me start reading them." 秋に限らず、本は毎日読みますよ。特に医学の専門書は好きですね。 いつからなのかは……忘れました
"Hurk...! Phew... I'm fine... The change in temperature between indoors and outdoors this time of year causes my physical condition to deteriorate more frequently." うっ……はあ……大丈夫です……この季節は室内外の寒暖差のせいで体調を崩しやすいので……
i remember someone i followed also gags when going from a cold place to a warm one lmao. . . .
"I found an anomalous plant that can only grow in extremely low temperatures and successfully created a medication with it. It was just a coincidence though." 極低温のみ自生する怪異植物を見つけたので、試しに原薬にしてみたら上手くいきました。まあ、偶然です
'i made a medical breakthrough but it was just an accident' is the medical equivalent of 'i'm not a model'
"Streptococcal infections are on the rise. They're spread through droplet and contact infection. Have you been taking precautions?" 溶連菌の感染が増えてますね。飛沫感染と接触感染が経路になります。 あなた、ちゃんと予防してます?
His birthday
"Whose birthday? Oh, mine? I forgot. Did Yuri leak my medical records?" 誕生日? 誰のです? ああ、俺のですか、忘れてました。カルテ、佑理が漏らしたんですか?
"did yuri fuckin dox me--"
Your birthday
"Oh, it's your birthday today, isn't it? What should I do? I suppose I'll go to your room later." ああ、あなた今日、誕生日じゃないですか。何をすればいいんですか? まあ、後でそちらの部屋に行きます
jiro no you don't have to do that you are moving so fast WHAT HAPPENED TO BEING FAMILY WAIT--
Valentine's Day "What's this packet? I can't eat solids. You made it? Oh. I can probably eat some of it then." なんですか? この包み。俺、固形物は食べれませんけど…… なんだ。あなたの手作りなら少しはいけます
bby if you can't eat it don't make yourself sick with it. . . .
White Day
"Here. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, something handmade for something handmade. Eat it here and tell me what you think." どうぞ。目には目を、歯には歯を、手作りには手作りをと思いまして。ここで食べて評価を教えてください
April Fool's Day
"Yuri's kicking up a fuss and saying I deceived him? I don't remember doing it. It doesn't matter though." 佑理が、俺に騙されたって騒いでるんですか? そんなことしましたっけ。 まあ、どっちでもいいですけど
i wonder if he actually pulled a prank and he's just hiding it really well. . .or if Yuri is just paranoid lol Yuri's for the record:
"Hmph, did you honestly think you could fool me? I won't fall for your cheap tricks. I've already been fooled by Jiro seven times today!" ふんッ。貴様も僕を騙すつもりで?その手には乗りません。今日はすでに、次郎くんに7回騙されたのでね
"I don't know much about Halloween. I can't eat candy though, so I have to play a trick on you, right?" ハロウィン? よく知りませんが、俺、お菓子は食べれないので。 あなたに悪戯すればいいんですよね
"This tree? It's a fir tree. Yuri told me to get one, so I cut it down and carried it back here. My special artifact doesn't cut very well."
この木ですか? 佑理に言われて、モミの木を切って持ってきました。俺の特質怪具、切れ味が悪いんです
THERE WE GO. sorry that one took so long!! He's actually a bit of aq goof but his no-affinity lines make him come off as extra cold and cruel. He just has to get used to you!! But I think it has a very charming contrast. AFTER THIS IS JIN! Tomorrow night maybe? it's almost midnight and i have to wake up early again and my insomnia kicked my ass last night. . . .
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hopeandjoy9 · 4 months
Go! Team Bidoof! English translation
Since I was too impatient to wait for a translation, I decided to translate it myself. Standard disclaimer than my Japanese skills are kindergartener at best, so take everything with a grain of salt. I'm open to correction in replies/reblogs.
B! I! P! P~ A~! ビッパ! B! I! P! P~ A~! えっあ? えっ あ?
B! I! D! Double-O! F! Bidoof! B! I! D! Double-O! F! Hm, ah? Huh? Oh?
ここに せんげん する! せかいじゅうの ビッパを ひとりじめ するのだ いわくだき いあいぎり どくせん! あくみょうだかい…… われら ビッパだ〜ん!
This is our declaration! We’re going to hog all of The Bidoof in the world for ourselves! We’re hogging the use of Rock Smash and Cut! We’re the villainous team known as… Te~am Bidoof! [1]
あのいわ こわせそうだな〜(チラチラ) この きは なんだか きれそうだな はい ここらにビッパは おりません すべて しゅちゅうに おさめました かわいそう たしかに? いちり あるな
I’m gonna destroy that rock~! (Twinkle twinkle) This tree’s ‘bout to get cut down! Yes! We won’t leave any Bidoof around here They’re all already in our possession! You poor thing! Surely? The reason why is…?
あぁ! ビッパは たんじゅんだった! ぎゃくに そういうところに ほれるぜ イーブイ キミもメロメロなのね? だよね しかも か〜わ〜い〜い〜  ……おや!? ビッパの ようすが……! B! B! B! B!  ぜったいB〜!
Oh! Bidoof’s Simple activated! But that’s its charm point! Eevee, are you Infatuated [2] too? Aren’t you? And furthermore… It’s so~ cu~te~! What? Bidoof is evolving! B! B! B! B! Mash B! [3]
キミもきょうから ビッパ! ビッパ! ビッパだん〜 なかまに なって くれるよね? のうてんきでOK しんぱいない われらも したっぱ っぱっぱー ふしぎな このせかいにおいて てんねんって あるいみさいきょーでしょ? はい! はい! まちがいな〜い!
From today on, you too are in Team Bidoof! Bidoof! Bidoof~! You’ll be part of our circle, yeah? Being laidback is OK, don’t worry! We’re also Grunts -unts -unts! [4] In this mysterious world, They say that being Unaware is the strongest reason, right? [5] Yeah! Yeah! For su~re!
ほらみてみてみてみてよくみて このビッパの かおを よくみて われらの もくてきわ〜 1 2の……ポカン!
Hey! Look! Look! Look! Look! Look closely! Look closely at this Bidoof’s face! Our goal is~ 1, 2, and…… Ta-da!
What was it again?
おほん むだな ていこうは やめて てもちの ビッパ すべて わたして もらおうか かんたんにいえば どうたんきょひ♡ なくこもだまる…… われら ビッパだ〜ん! あそこ のぼれそうだったなー そだなー なみのりも できるのになー しつこいなー はい つぎはしんかで OKです ボスの きょかも おりましたんで え……いいの? やったぜ〜 プレゼンおねがいします
Ahem. Stop your futile resistance Aren’t you going to hand over all the Bidoof you have on you? To put it simply, DNI other stans♡ [6] Scary enough to shut up a crying kid…… We’re Te~am Bidoof! Don’t you think we could climb up there? [7] You’re right I wish that I could Surf as well You’re really insistent Alright The next evolution is OK If you’re granted permission by the Boss Huh……. Really? Yay~! Please make your presentation
おほん あ 
Ahem. Oh.
ノーマル・みずは ゆいいつむに! けんまい+ドわすれ+かげぶんしんでおにつみ! ゲンガーくんも こうふんしてるね? これは……これでかわいい……? …おや!?ビッパのようすが……!! B! B! B! B! は? ぜったいB〜! うそ〜!?!?
It’s the only Normal/Water type! Swords Dance [8] + Amnesia + Double Team for the super checkmate! Gengar, are you also getting excited? This…… This also is cute……? What!? Bidoof is evolving!! B! B! B! B! Huh? Mash B~! You’re kidding~!?!?
だってわれらは ビッパ! ビッパ! ビッパだん〜 バトルとは べつの つよさで いきするように ひとだすけできたら そつぎょう? したっぱ っぱっぱー どんな せかいせんでも おなじさ やさしさって マストな のうりょくでしょ? はい!はい!まちがいな〜い!
After all, we’re Team Bidoof! Bidoof! Bidoof~! With a power different from battling Outgrowing living to help Others? [9] We’re Grunts -unts -unts No matter which world it is, it’s the same Being kind is a must, right? Yeah! Yeah! For su~re!
でもオレ じつは ビーダルがすきだ〜! ウチは ぜったい ビッパがすきだ〜! アタシ じつは コラッタもすき〜! まじ? まえばBro? Yes ひっさつまえば!
But to be honest, I like Bibarel~! I absolutely love Bidoof~! Honestly, I like Rattata too~! Seriously? Is it the fangs, bro? Yes. Hyper Fang!
え じゃあヨクバリスも? すき〜 デデンネ モルペコ ミネズミは? すき〜 じゃあ カムカメは? すき! けど べつジャンル〜 はい げっ歯ーズに かいめ〜い! いいわけねえだろ 
Huh, then Greedent too? I like it~ What about Dedenne, Morpeko, and Patrat? I like them~ What about Chewtle? I like it! But it’s a different genre~ OK, then we’ll change the name to “Rode~ntz”! That’s just an excuse, right
Take this seriously!
Yes, Boss! [10]
B! I! P! P~ A~! ビッパ! B! I! P! P~ A~!
B! I! D! Double-O! F! Bidoof! B! I! D! Double-O! F!
すすめ!われらが ビッパ! ビッパ! ビッパだん〜 うちゅういち かっこいいチーム てんねん イコール ボクらのしょうめい みならうのだ びっぱっぱー ふしぎな このポケモンたちと いつまでも たびをつづけよう はい! はい! まちがいな〜い!
Advance! We’re Team Bidoof! Bidoof! Bidoof~! The number one cool team in the universe Unaware equals our command To follow the example of Bidoof -doof As always, our journey with These mysterious Pokemon will continue Yeah! Yeah! For su~re!
ほらみてみてみてみてよくみて このビッパの かおを よくみて われらの もくてきわ〜 1 2の……ポカン!
Hey! Look! Look! Look! Look! Look closely! Look closely at this Bidoof’s face! Our goal is~ 1, 2, and…… Ta-da!
What was it again?
Translator's Notes:
[1] lit. “Bidoof Gang”. Pokemon games feature antagonistic groups known as “[noun]-dan” (“noun-gang”), translated as “Team [noun]” in the English localization [2] lit. “madly in love”, a status condition known as Infatuation in English [3] lit. “always B”, pressing B while a Pokemon evolves cancels the evolution. I felt that “mash” best portrayed the enthusiasm displayed here lol [4] lit. “underlings”, a group of NPC trainers that are the lowest members of the evil team, translated as “Grunt” in the localization [5] lit. “airhead”, one of the three Abilities Bidoof can have along with Simple and Moody [6] From what I can tell this is online slang telling other fans of a character to not interact with you? [7] Referring to Rock Climb, which Bidoof can’t learn while Bibarel can [8] It seems “kenmai” is a Japanese fandom abbreviation for Swords Dance based off its kanji (tsurugi -> ken, both meaning sword) [9] As in, Bidoof's strength isp in the number of HMs it learns lol [10] Honestly I’m going by the PV here, it seems to indicate the distorted voice through Miku’s Rotom Phone is the Boss of Team Bidoof
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本日も、DIRT 2023 Pre-Spring 商品のサンプルチェックしてきました。 こちら、クロシェ編み風のトップスなんですが、胸元を閉め過ぎない絶妙な開き具合で、襟の後ろはセーラーカラーになってます。 この襟は少し小さめになってるので、メンズでも可愛くなり過ぎないデザインになっててかなり良い感じです。 着用はSize 2で、ゆとりのある身幅と袖丈になってます。 2色展開を考えてます。 そして、いつもお世話になってる業者さんとアクセサリーの打ち合わせもしてきました。 今年の夏を想定したネックレス・ブレスレット・指輪の3点のアクセサリーを細かく指定し、試行錯誤しながらこちらも制作してますので楽しみにしててもらえたらです。 打ち合わせ終わりで、事務所に届けられた誕生日プレゼントとお手紙有り難く受け取りました。 毎年ありがとう〜感謝です。 I’ve been checking the samples of DIRT 2023 Pre-Spring’s items today too. This crochet-alike top is a little bit opened on the chest so it’s not too tight, and comes with a sailor-style shape in the back. This back neck design is not too big so it can also be worn by men without looking too cute, and it came up quite nice. I’m wearing Size 2, and it has a loose fit on both the body and the sleeves. It comes in 2 colors. And I had a meeting for the accessories with the company I always work together with. We are trying a lot of things for 3 accessories (necklace, bracelet and ring) for summer, so please be looking forward to it. After the meeting, I also picked up the birthday presents and letters at the management office. Thank you as always!
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tokidokitokyo · 2 years
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Fall is in the air and it's a cozy time to study Japanese. It's also a time of the year that marks the busy season for students and employees alike. This fall I have been focusing on reading, trying to read anything and everything, and focusing on retaining things like vocabulary and kanji from these readings.
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What I've Been Reading This Month
夜カフェ (Yoru Cafe) - A chapter book aimed at children, with the characters being around middle school age. Cute and heartwarming, but with a very slow pace, this is the first book in a series.
月刊少女野崎くん (Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun) - A manga about a male high school student who illustrates girls' manga, his female classmate and fan, and all the other characters around him that he inserts into his work.
おじさまと猫 (A Man and His Cat) - A manga about an older man and the cat he adopts. Funny but with plenty of tear-jerking moments, this is a fast and adorable read.
NHK News Web Easy - Quick, easy-to-read articles designed for language learners and school kids to read. You can turn on/off ふりがな and the articles include up-to-date news information.
NHKニュース - The regular NHK news site, for when I have some more time, to read more in-depth articles for a Japanese audience.
絵本 (picture books) - Reading picture books with my son is a great way to practice 1) reading walls of hiragana, 2) reading aloud, 3) daily words with my son.
にほんごたどく (Tadoku Graded Readers) - A treasure trove of free graded readers for beginners and those who want to practice reading in Japanese. (Might I particularly recommend デカりんご).
Other Study Tools I Used This Month
renshuu.org - Kanji & vocabulary quizzes
Jisho.org - English/Japanese Dictionary (one of the most used dictionaries)
weblio - Japanese-Japanese Dictionary
言葉で遊ぼう (Kotoba de Asobo) - Japanese Wordle
Japanese podcasts
Things to Try Next Month
I spent October working on reading, and trying to focus on attaining new vocabulary and kanji knowledge at the same time. So in November, I'd like to focus on a different aspect of Japanese learning. I would like to get back into grammar, reviewing and learning new grammar points.
Handbook of Japanese Grammar - A grammar learning resource, separated by each grammar point.
日本語の森 (Nihongo no Mori) - Grammar videos separated by level, short and sweet for review or learning new grammar.
As the year comes to an end I will be looking back at how I started this monthly diary of my Japanese studies, and where I am now. I would like to review my goals and renew them. Have some of them changed? Definitely! Have some of them remained unfulfilled? Most certainly. But that is a natural part of the language learning process, and the changes in my goals reflect the changes in my priorities and the evolution of my knowledge of the language. So look forward to that in the next update!
Thanks as always for reading!
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トリック・オア・トリート 〜LIP×LIPの必要不可欠な戦い〜 第五話
Trick or Treat ~LIPxLIP’s Absolutely Essential Battle~ Chapter 5
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勇次郎 Yuujirou:
This is your costume
Yuujirou held out an outfit that I’ve never seen before
It’s not a vampire or a pumpkin, it’s completely new
愛蔵 Aizou:
A werewolf?
勇次郎 Yuujirou:
Yea. The designer made it for you
It’s cool right?
愛蔵 Aizou:
Made it for me, why…
勇次郎 Yuujirou:
Who knows…
Maybe they had budget leftover or something.
C’mon, hurry up and change
愛蔵 Aizou:
(What if…
Yuujirou asked them to make it…maybe?)
(Nope, no way…)
勇次郎 Yuujirou:
Come on, stop lingering around
Hurry up and get ready
愛蔵 Aizou:
Oh, yea!
Yuujirou and I headed toward rehearsal
In our new costumes, of course —
Day of Halloween Live
We stood on stage with the cheers of Julietta… our fans surrounding us
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勇次郎&愛蔵 Yuujirou & Aizou:
Good evening–!
勇次郎 Yuujirou:
LIP x LIP の勇次郎です
I’m Yuujirou from LIPxLIP
愛蔵 Aizou:
I’m Aizou!
Thank you for coming today, Juliettas!
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勇次郎 Yuujirou:
Let’s have a lot of fun on Halloween night!
That’s right
Speaking of Halloween, what do you think of my costume?
I’m a vampire and…
愛蔵 Aizou:
I’m a werewolf!
What do you guys think?
It fits the Halloween Night right?
観客 Audience:
So cool—!
愛蔵 Aizou:
Thanks, everyone!
I’m happy that you’re saying that
I really like…
This costume
勇次郎 Yuujirou:
Isn’t it nice, Aizou
You wanted everyone to say “You’re so cool,” didn’t you?
愛蔵 Aizou:
Stop saying that!
勇次郎 Yuujirou:
Hey everyone, Aizou like to be call “cool” over “cute
Just like a elementary school boy
愛蔵 Aizou:
Sh…Shut up…!
観客 Audience:
Aizou-kun, you’re so cool–!
愛蔵 Aizou:
Ahaha, thanks!
I’m truly happy to hear that from you guys
勇次郎 Yuujirou:
Hmm. What about me?
Did you forget?
観客 Audience:
Yuujirou is also very cool—!
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勇次郎 Yuujirou:
Fufu, thanks
Julietta’s smiles are extremely beautiful
Alright, shall we move on to the next song?
愛蔵 Aizou:
Yea. The next song is a new song that is being released soon
勇次郎 Yuujirou:
This will be our first time performing it
So I hope everyone will enjoy it
When we announced the title of our new song,
The crowd erupted into a loug cheer
勇次郎 Yuujirou:
Aizou, you better concentrate this time
…on your own dance
愛蔵 Aizou:
勇次郎 Yuujirou:
C’mon, let’s go
愛蔵 Aizou:
We exchanged glances for a moment, our signal for each other, then Yuujirou and I went to our respective spots—
Previous Next
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Epilogue
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aoao-atuto · 1 year
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【企画公募展】ぎゃらりぃ あと 少女の夢をまとう exhibition "Wear a Girl's Dream"
この度、ぎゃらりぃ あと様にて2023/6/7(水)〜2023/6/11(日)の期間で行われるぎゃらりぃ あと様主催の企画公募展「少女の夢をまとう」に参加させていただきます!
「ロリィタ・ファッション」をテーマとした企画展で、種類は問わず可愛らしいロリィタ・ファッションがテーマの作品展になります。 フリッフリのフリルやリボン(なお同期間、別室でリボンがテーマの企画公募展の行われてます)、その他可愛いもので埋め尽くされた会期になると思います!
A4の新作1点(¥35,000 額縁込み) F1の新作1点(¥10,000 額縁込み) A5の新作1点(¥7,000 額縁込み)
ハガキ大の新作3点(各1点ずつ¥3,000 額縁なし)
ほかの方々の素晴らしい作品もたくさん展示されますので、ぜひ興味のある方はお越しください! (まぁ、偉そうに言える立場じゃないけど…(´・ω・`)) ※会場での感染症対策等、詳細な情報は下記の公式HPからご確認お願いいたします。  参加したグループ展の会場でどなたかがどんな病気になっても悲しいので…
詳細はこちらから!(主催ギャラリー様HP 会期自体の詳細は次回の展示 よりご確認ください)
I'm pleased to announce our participation in the group exhibition!
I'm pleased to announce that I'll participate in the exhibition "Wear a Girl's Dream" at Gallery Ato from 6/7/2023 (Wed) to 6/11/2023 (Sun)!
The theme of the exhibition is "Lolita fashion," and the works will be cute Lolita fashions of any kind. The exhibition will be filled with frilly ruffles, ribbons (there is also a ribbon-themed exhibition going on in another room during the same period), and other cute things!
This time, we have a creative series of Detective Otome series and Japanese-style Lolita. I mean, it looks like a super-modified kimono, but it's okay, right?
This time
One new A4 work (35,000 yen including frame) One new work of F1 (¥10,000 including frame) One new A5 work (7,000 yen including frame)
Three new postcard-size works (¥3,000 each, unframed)
will be exhibited.
I'll also sell 9 types of postcards (¥150 each) covered with old works. I plan to close the sale of all remaining postcards, except for one postcard produced in 2020. I would like to make postcards of the works I have not made yet.
There will be many wonderful works by other exhibitors, so if you are interested, please come and see them! (Well, I am not in a position to say so, but…) *Please refer to the official website below for more detailed information, including infection control measures at the venue.  I'll be sad if anyone gets any kind of illness at the venue of the group exhibition, I participated in…
For more information, please visit the following website!(HP of the organizing gallery Please check the details of the exhibition itself from the next exhibition)
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rye-views · 8 months
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Old Enough! はじめてのおつかい. Season 1. 8/10
I would recommend this season/show to my friends. I would rewatch this season/show.
Lmao at dragging Yuta. Lmao at Maro trying to escape Yuta.
This is helpful in understanding what children are capable of remembering and understanding. I'm amazed some kids at certain ages can remember the things they're supposed to buy. Tea on tap? to gargle? how crazy. Kippei is the type of son I want.
Watching the boy keep dropping the fish and finding it slimy is so cute and sad to watch. You see him grow. It's so cute to see how the kids look when they do the errands. Hinako is soo cute. I love how respectful and responsible she seems. Seina being so much more cool-headed, clever, and reasonable than Naoki is so cute. Sota's learning curve with the fish is too cute. Soichiro and Ryuta's matching penguin boots and raincoats are too cute. Them crashing together and saying sorry is adorable. I die. Sae talking to herself as she walks is so adorable, and her positivity is lovely to me. She's also just saying funny things. Ao crying softly yet being so brave is beautiful. The persimmon hanging is lovely. I love everyone else being so supportive. Keita's determination is so cute. His wishes at the statue are cute. I want a child. So cute when Kira and Kippei are like yaho and mom is like yaho right there.
Omg Miro crying that she couldn't find the watch shop made me tear up. Fav ep is this, ep. 7.
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mayone · 8 months
System Collapseの配信日が近づいていますね!各位いかがお過ごし!?
System Collapse is on its way to be delivered! How are all of you doing!
Graphic Audioも今朝気づいたら配信されていたのでかわいいMikiの声を聴くためにちゃっちゃと視聴してしまいたいのですが、今日はレシピブックも読む日でして
I noticed this morning that Rogue Protocol - Graphic Audio was also available, and I wanted to listen to it just to hear Miki's cute voice, but today is my day for reading CookBooks.
そう、Apex Legendsの公式クックブックが出たんですよ!わーい!いろんなレシピが!
Yes, the official Apex Legends cookbook is out, Yay, all kinds of recipes!
それでこれの出版社がアメリカの出版社なので、じゃあSystem Collapseの配信時間についてもこっから推測できるかな…?時差からしてこの出版社の本なら日本時間16時に配信されるはず…
So, since the publisher of this is an American publisher, can I guess the delivery time of System Collapse from here...? Based on the time difference, a book from this publisher would be delivered at 16:00 Japan time...
That's what I thought, however, that cookbook is ready to read at midnight Japan time (GMT +9, California time +16).
Is it attributed to the time zone of the person who has that Amazon account...?
If this hypothesis is correct, we need to move to Kiribati (GMT+14) immediately.
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shadowflash · 2 years
One of my favorite things to get into with 3Hopes / 3Houses are the comparisons between the English and Japanese scripts! In the past, I’ve seen people go over the difference between scripts, and discuss how some changes that happened were for the better or worse. For example, some of you reading this might recall all the talk of unfortunate mistranslations the team for 3Houses made some years ago. That sorta talk is what I’m going to try to get into but not from the angle of criticism in this case.
Like, I’m gonna be trying my hand at comparing the ENG and JP scripts. Mind you I'm not a proficient Japanese reader, and often rely on tools like DeepL + referring to dictionaries and language forums to fill in the gaps of my understanding (which is to say that I'm a super amateur), but I am able to at least note that there are some slight tonal differences here and there in 3Hopes plus I have seen other people do comparisons of their own between scripts.
Again: I’m not writing a criticism of the ENG vs JP stuff. What I’m going for is more like... “Oooh these differences are nice. Having both scripts on hand is good for supplementary understanding reasons!”
For this post, I'll be looking at a couple of differences between Claude's letter to Shez in English and Japanese under the cut.
ENG screenshots of the letter:
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And the JP transcript of these same lines:
The differences between the last lines across both languages, I think, are the most interesting.. And as you might have seen, I tagged this as "claudeshez" as this is the lens I'm looking at this letter from. Anyway...
In ENG, we get this really nice page writing metaphor that Claude uses in his attempt to persuade Shez to continue fighting by his side. Which itself is so good. Love it.
And in JP, the equivalent line is pretty direct:
(very roughly): "I don't know what lies ahead, so it would be helpful if you could support me. Okay?*" * -> "いいよな?" = "ii yo na?" // It's literally the word "okay" (also “good” or “[it’s] nice” depending on its usage. Think: positive sort of context.) followed by the particles ‘yo’ and ’na’ which basically turns it into something like "Okay? :D" or more accurately “[Does that sound] good? :D” (cute). A plain “Okay? :D” might read as weirdly ambiguous in ENG, and so I think the ENG translation team made a good call to have it be "What do you say? :D" (also cute) since it acknowledges the meaning of those previously mentioned particles!
To me, the usage of "いいよな?" gives the impression that Claude already anticipates that Shez will continue to support him. To access this letter in the first place, the player would need to have had Shez give him the merc whistle. So the very context of this circumstance, I think, lends this line some deeper meaning.. A very sweet one underneath the surface:
"I already know your answer, but I'm going ask anyway after telling you that I would like to have you by my side."
Cuuute. Yes, this question sounds like something he would ask of any reliable ally who fought by his side. But, in receiving this request through a heartfelt letter (as a result of their gift exchange) rather than whatever else, this idea that 'naturally, he would be requesting this' is pushed toward a special direction! Like: "Why this letter.. It's such an intimate medium to communicate through. Hmmm!" Well... The letter is special for a reason. I feel like I’ve said "so cute!" a million times, and I'll say it some more because it's true. To me.
I love sentiments like, "Even if it's just for a little longer, please stay by my side." It's so, sooo cute. And watching Claude say this to Shez, it shows players how he can happily lean on them at this point... Again, it's not like he doesn’t depend on his other friends, but in the context of the two’s relationship, something like this expressed in a private letter is very good. It's not like he's opening up about something groundbreaking, but he's exposing emotional vulnerability as he has been to Shez: by being frank about his feelings. Like, there are times in GW where the metaphorical wall between their hearts is pointed out to be The Problem** (it's why they don't get too close close in a traditional sense) so "smaller" gestures like this are a bigger deal between them than it typically would be..?
Like, these (whatever Claude and Shez are doing whenever they're basically alone together) are fairly normal ways of being emotionally vulnerable with someone. Plainly saying how you feel and telling your friends that you are grateful for them is something that's pretty "d'awwww", but it's not a particularly 'out there' way to express your feelings to them. But in the context of two characters who both impose some kind of distance between their hearts and those of other peoples' while craving the very closeness they habitually reject, any gesture that suggests emotional vulnerability or emotional intimacy carries more significance.. If that makes sense. I don't have all the words to get into exact details while maintaining what little coherency I am able to write with. But I am trying. Argh.
Another line, this time from the second pictured dialogue box:
ENG: “Thank you. Thank you for everything.”
JP: “ありがとう、心から感謝してるよ。”
(very roughly): “Thank you, from the bottom of my heart thank you.”
UGH.. Both of these are really good..!! They both repeat the ‘thank you’ sentiment which is beautiful, and the differences in phrasing are just wonderful. The ENG version gives me this impression that it’s a ‘grand’ sort of thank you where we can feel a great yet gentle sense of relief float in the air, the sort that comes at the end of a long journey. Like a ‘thank you’ hug.
The JP version is... a little more... flowery?? fluffy (not in the light-hearted way but like.. really SOFT)?? sweet?? It’s also like a hug, but different. <- losing his fucking mind (I'm not a creative writer). For lack of better words: it’s dripping with a kind of sentimentality that feels more intimate from Claude’s end of this interaction. It’s wonderful.
BOTH VERSIONS ARE GREAT... Guys, I like it here. Claudeshez... yas.
If someone with better proficiency with Japanese happens to come across this post and would like to point out any of my misunderstandings and/or add more to this, please feel free to do so!
** -> The easiest example to point out from the top of my head is the cutscene that takes place after you watch Claude cut down Shahid. There, Shez notices that Claude is missing from the festivities and attempts to reach out to him.
Here’s a link to an imgur folder that contains screenshots of this exchange!
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itokichi1130 · 2 years
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【お知らせ】「レトロ印刷アンソロジー4わたしのレシピ おにぎり編」に参加しました(2022)
大阪の印刷会社「株式会社JAM」様企画の「レトロ印刷アンソロジー」に私すずきいときちも参加させていただきました。 アンソロジー第四弾になる今回のテーマは「わたしのレシピ おにぎり編」です! 初めて参加した【レトロ印刷アンソロジー2わたしのレシピ】は色んなレシピが載っていましたが、 今回は「おにぎり」にフォーカスを当てた1冊になっています。 手のひらサイズの正方形サイズと、表紙のツヤ&プリッとした印刷のおにぎりがとてもかわいい仕上がりです。 私は【🐟おかか】について描かせていただきました。 おにぎりが好きなので、何の具材に絞ろうかなと思ってのですが、 今までで一番買ったであろう「おかか」にしました。(「すじこ」とも本当に迷いました。) 私の掲載ページは、[シンプル・定番]ジャンルの【P.13】です。 使用インクは黄土/橙の2色を選びました。 本文は「スクレ」という少し厚みのある紙が使用されており、裏写りがせず読みやすいのも嬉しいです。 参加総勢76名のおにぎりレシピが載っています! それぞれおにぎりのレシピだけでなくインクの組み合わせが様々なので、レシピとしてだけでなく印刷見本としても2度美味しく楽しい1冊となっています。 購入特典におにぎり缶バッジが付いています!バランデザインの台紙もとっても可愛いですね🍙 ---------------------- ★冊子仕様★ サイズ:約128×128mm(厚さ約9mm) ページ数:112P 参加人数:76名 紙:(表紙)厚富士わら紙/ツヤプリ2色刷り   (本文)スクレ   (あそび紙)里紙あんず・里紙やなぎ・デュプレN・おりひめ・ポッポ紙   (缶バッジ台紙)しらす マットPP加工 加工:無線綴じ製本 購入者特典:おにぎり缶バッジ 価格:1,100円(税込) ---------------------- こちら、レトロ印刷さんの店舗もしくはWEBショップで購入いただけます。 【通販ページはこちら】 📖過去参加アンソロジーについて📖 【レトロ印刷アンソロジー2🍳わたしのレシピ】 【レトロ印刷アンソロジー3🐾推しアニマル】 ---------------------- 私の地元の宮城県はお米も海苔も美味しい場所なので、個人的に「おにぎり」に思い入れが強く サイト名や個人サークル名に使っている「いといろむすび」という名前のイメージのうちの1つとして「おにぎり」がモチーフになっていたりします🍙 【✏イラストのお仕事のお問い合わせはこちら】 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
—————————————— Participated in a printing company's anthology project "My Recipe Onigiri". The palm-sized square size and the glossy onigiri printed on the cover are very cute. I drew about the rice ball ingredient 【🐟Okaka】. "Okaka" is Bonito flakes mixed with soy sauce and goes well with rice. My publication page is 【P.13】 of the [simple/standard] genre. Onigiri recipes for 76 participants are written! As well as rice ball recipes, there are various combinations of inks, so it is a delicious and fun book that can be used not only as a recipe but also as a print sample. A rice ball can badge is attached to the purchase privilege! The mount of the baran design is also very cute🍙 ---------------------- ★ Booklet specifications ★ Size: Approximately 128 x 128 mm (thickness approximately 9 mm) Number of pages: 112P Number of participants: 76 people Paper: (Cover) Atsufuji straw paper/Tsuyapuri 2-color printing     (Text) sucre     (binding paper)Fine Paper Apricot, Fine Paper Willow, Dupre N, Orihime,Poppo Paper (can badge mount)Matte PP processing Processing: Perfect binding Purchaser benefits: Onigiri can badge Price: 1,100 yen (tax included) ---------------------- 【Click here for mail order page (Japanese)】 📖 About past participation anthologies 📖 【Retro Printing Anthology 2 🍳My Recipes】 【Retro printing anthology 3 🐾recommended animals】 Thank you.
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danieyells · 26 days
@mayoigotokurousagi asked for a few more of the home screen dialogues I liked from a couple of characters, so here's Leo! Also included are the Japanese versions of the text for this one.
I LOVE HIM HE'S SUCH A LITTLE SHIT. . . . Once again this is nearly all of them because this mfer has such personality lmao his also go with a few other characters', so there's i think one for Romeo and two or three for Sho in there too.
Also as a warning. . .i got a little horny in my commentary for some of these. But it's not my fault, Leo's the one who's saying things like that lol
One of the default lines you can get at any time, without any affinity:
Hey Honor Roll!
...Don't make that face at me. I'm being totally genuine right now.
We were deprived of a cute heart in his localized text to emphasize how saccharine he was being. How dare they.
Affinity 1:
"Ugh, I'm so tired...
I'm done with these classes already. I'll just show up for tests and skip the rest."
は~……ねむ…… なんか怪異の授業も飽きたし、テスト以外もう出んのやめよ……
Affinity 2:
"I'm starving!
Huh? Where'd Sho go?
I swear he was here a second ago... Whatever. I'll make that NPC go buy something for me."
お腹空いた~。 あれ、翔ちゃんは?ここにいると思ったんだけど…… ま、いっか。モブ女に購買行かせよ
Affinity 3;
"That fucking himbo left me behind again..."
Affinity 4:
"Right now? I'm programming an app.
I'm not doing anything that complex, just making an ordering system."
今? アプリのプログラミング中。
Important to note, this is Sho's Affinity 7 line:
"Nice, got an order. More demand than I thought.
Getting Leo to make this app was a good call."
So he made Sho an app for his food truck! Probably not for free of course--
Affinity 5:
"Ugh... Cap smashed my woofer. I was just playing music in the Pit since we can't go clubbing..."
That was kinda mean on Alan's part haha
Affinity 7:
"Hey, over here.
Give this tabloid to that national treasure wannabe in front of the food truck. Just do it!"
キミ、こっちこっち。 あのキッチンカーの前にいる国宝気取りに、この週刊誌渡してきて。いいから早く!
My guy does not like Subaru huh lmao
Affinity 8:
"Hey, Cap, could you open this bottle for me?
Do it yourself? I can't, that's why I'm—
hey! Where are you going?!
ねぇ寮長サマ~、このペットボトルの蓋開けて~♡  いや、無理だから頼んで…… ちょっとどこ行くの!?
Leo really said 'i need a big strong man in my life' and Alan said 'good luck becoming one' kekw
Affinity 10:
"This pillow mist? I only bought it because it was trending, but it's better than I thought it'd be. Ro-Ro's hooked on it too."
あ、この寝香水? バズってるから買ったんだけど、意外とよくてさ。ロミサマもハマってるみたいよ?
Romeo's Affinity 8 line references this:
"You're smelling the bedtime fragrance I bought from Kurossa earlier. He has a good eye, so I often ask him to pick things out for me."
この香り? さっきクロッサから買った寝香水だよ。あいつセンスいいから、よく見繕ってもらうわけ
"Kurossa" obviously being from "Kurosawa", Leo's surname. These two became fast friends, huh. Maybe they already knew each other from social media, since Romeo has an Instragram too. I bet they take the prettiest selfies.
Affinity 11(between 5am and 11am):
"Night, then.
What? I haven't slept yet. Unlike you, I actually have shit to do."
じゃ、おやすみ~…… なに? 今から寝るんだけど。オレ、キミと違って忙しいの
Affinity 12:
"Why is this place so overrun with fucking losers?! My eardrums are going to burst!!
...I'm going back to the garage to play with Cap."
どこいても雑魚どもがうっさい!!この学園、マジどうなってんの!? ……ガレージ戻って寮長サマで遊ぼ
I guess he finds Alan more bearable than others? Or maybe just likes that he's quieter. . .or finds him more entertaining lol it's kind of nice to see that they're "getting along" in the loosest sense of the term i guess. . . .
Affinity 13:
"Huh... The little kabuki prince's sister married an actor from a different troupe?
Bet there's something going on there."
Affinity 14:
"You think I smell good? It's L'Occitane body lotion.
I just throw some on after showering in the morning."
この匂い? ロクシタンのボディーローションだけど。 朝シャンの後、ぱぱっとつけてるだけだよ
Affinity 16:
"Ugh, I totally missed out on that ultra-spicy chicken thing they had in Shin-Okubo.
Guess I'll read the reviews and get Sho to recreate it."
The tumblr app crashed like three times when i was trying to paste this one in????
Affinity 17:
"Wow, so late already. Better get a bath going and get ready for bed.
Here you go. It's for scrubbing the bath."
If you do a real good job of cleaning the tub for him, he may even let you have some of his bathwater! Isn't he generous?
Affinity 18:
"That dumb video got over 10k interacts? God, you're all so basic... Muting."
No respect or love for his fans is2g
Affinity 19:
"I can touch you, but you can't touch me.
That's how this works, got it?"
いい? これがオレたちのルールね
This is probably so much more innocuous than it sounds--like literal touching, or maybe him holding his fame as an influencer over you--especially since he's saying it with a straight face but. . .it's so easy to imagine this as Leo cuffing or tying your hands and when you ask what he's doing he climbs in your lap and moves your clothes out of his way and says this. . .and at this point you've probably never fucked or kissed or anything before so it's a little out of the blue but you can't really stop him and he just toys with you until he's satisfied. . .one of my favorite of his lines just because it's a little dirty lol
Affinity 21:
"Hey, Honor Roll, come sit down.
Not over there, next to me.
Good, you're comfy. Don't move, I'm taking a nap."
Lap pillow hours! Whether you like it or not!
Affinity 22:
"They went to the Pit again? Must really get a kick out of it...
Like big, dumb animals throwing themselves at each other."
Affinity 23:
"The whole demon nickname?
People can call me whatever they want. I know who I am."
His expression saying this is pretty normal, so I guess it really doesn't bug him, which is good.
Affinity 24:
"Stay like this till I tell you to leave, okay? Got it?
I didn't hear an answer."
……わかった? 返事は?
Again, this one's a little dirty which makes me like it a lot hahaha. . .this is a late night one(it's labeled "GoodNight" and only pops up between 10pm and midnight) is he telling you to sit still while he sleeps on your lap or uses you as a body pillow? Is he making you sit still with a toy in you while he ignores you or pretends he's not tormenting you sexually? SORRY I FIND SEXUAL THINGS SO AMUSING BUT HE'S MAKING IT SOUNDS SO HORNY. The audio doesn't sound as horny as i'm making it sound off but like LOOK AT IT.
Affinity 25(max!):
"Wanna make a bet, Honor Roll?
Over which will come first—me falling for you, or you getting hooked on me."
I think it's a little late for you, sweetheart. I think you've already caught the feels and that ship is sailed.
"Why the hell would I go to class? I already learned all the first year material."
"Cap really puts the "him" in "himbo..."
Look at him, he's got a flower stuck in his hair."
"Can't believe how many gross dudes this account keeps reeling in. AI-generated pics make it so easy!
"Could you send me some more money ♡?” Send."
I find it funny that they use AI generated images for their backgrounds and also have a character who scams people with AI generated images. . . .
"That rule about having to wear your academy or house uniform on campus is so outdated.
I'm going to die wearing all this crap in this heat."
"I can't believe Sho seriously ran out of my Killer Sauce. It's summer, this is when I want to eat spicy stuff."
"I keep telling Sho we should let off some fireworks and he keeps saying no!
You want to do it too, don't you, Honor Roll?"
One of Sho's summer lines references this:
"Leo won't shut up about wanting to let off fireworks, but no way am I doing that shit with him again. I'm sure you can guess why."
"Yeah, apparently there's more anomalies around in summer. Statistically speaking.
It's just fucking annoying more than anything else, really."
"Thought I could have some fun here at Japan's most elite educational institution.
What a let down."
"Sports? Hard pass. I hate getting sweaty.
Ask Sho instead."
スポーツ? パス。オレ、汗かくの嫌いなの。
"Sho hurt himself playing basketball?
How unfortunate."
He gives so few fucks about his best friend lmao then again they're ghouls, Sho'll probably be fine in like two hours.
"Ugh, I want to go clubbing...
We should make one in the Pit. Sinostra's got a casino, can't be that hard to get a permit."
Leo pointing at sinostra: if the criminals in there can have a fucking casino there's no way it's hard to get a business permit here. They kill people like on a weekly basis and no one's shut them down. The standards must be in the ground.
"This coat? Cute, right? I knew it'd look good on me, so I bought it."
"I'm freezing... I'm having a carbonated bath tonight.
Wanna join, Honor Roll?
Of course I'm serious."
あ~、さぶ。今日の風呂は強炭酸にしよ…… 特待生サマも一緒に入る?
This one happens regardless of affinity which is kinda funny to think about. then again, Japanese bathhouse culture probably means that's not super weird if you have a tub big enough, maybe? Then again a bathhouse and just having a bath with someone are different things. I bet he has lots of baths with Sho.
"Hey, everyone! It's me!
Ugh, my throat's all dry from the cold. I'll just stream tomorrow..."
Of note here, Leo's online handle is just "LEO" in Japanese. In English his name probably had to be given just as Leo to prevent this being lost in translation, because his actual name, in kanji, is 玲音, which is pronounced "Reio"(the same as 'leo' but with an r). But "Leo" is stylized since Japanese doesn't have the L sound and the R sound is closest. So in Japanese he says "It's LEO!" whereas in English he just says "It's me!" since his handle and his name are the same. Although, as someone who follows streamers, introducing yourself again at the top of a stream isn't too uncommon i think? But I also don't watch the influencer types, so the culture is probably very different haha.
"The ghouls won't listen to you? No shit.
You realize we were hand-picked by demons, right?"
He's one of the only ones who mentions something like this on the homescreen(off the top of my head Haku is the other one who really mentions how none of them are normal). And he's absolutely right--they were chosen by demons, made pacts with those demons, and ultimately overcame them somehow. Most of them are gonna be kinda stubborn. A demon probably wouldn't choose someone who'd be influenced easily. . .except the demon who chose Kaito apparently. Probably just looking for easy pickings, that one. Or maybe Kaito wasn't always such a coward. . . .
His birthday:
"You got me a birthday present? Oh, thanks. Just put it over there, I'll look at it later.
I will, I promise."
オレに誕生日プレゼント? あ~、ありがと。そこらへん置いといて。
Rude ungrateful little shit lmaoooooo "yeah yeah my fans sent me a bunch of gifts already. I'll get to it."
Your birthday:
"It's your birthday? I'll help you celebrate.
Meet me behind the garage later."
New Years:
"Happy New Year! I prefer digital payment.
What do you mean, what do I mean? I'll be nice to you again this year, so pay up."
ハッピーニューイヤー♪ はい!
"We can still be friends, so compensate me monetarily" lolol i swear if he weren't vice captain i wouldn't be surprised if he eventually transferred to Sinostra in his second or third year. I think he'd fit in.
Valentine's Day:
"This is that ultra-spicy chocolate they only sell this time of year...
I'm actually genuinely stoked right now."
White Day:
"Here, as thanks for the chocolate. You're not going to tell me you don't know Godiva, are you?
All right, now we're even."
はい、これお返し。キミ……まさかゴディバ知らないわけないよね? じゃ、これで貸し借りはチャラね
April Fool's:
"Ha ha. You were photobombing one of my pics so I uploaded it and said I had a new girlfriend. 10K interacts in less than an hour. Suckers."
Comments section like "gee Leo how come your boyfriend lets you have two partners?"
"Trick or treat!
Ugh, the only good thing about this dumb event is the video content it provides."
Not much of a halloween guy. . .even though this is Sho's halloween dialogue???
"You really need an explanation? Leo made me wear it!
Shit, why am I always the girl..."
ああ? 言わなくてもわかんだろ。玲音に着せられたんだっつの!
You're making your boyfriend best friend crossdress for your halloween vids? When you don't even like Halloween? And this is a REGULAR occurrence???
"This Christmas-themed food Sho made might pull some traffic.
All right, uploaded. You can eat the rest, Honor Roll. Say "ah"!"
MAN THAT TOOK A LONG TIME. He really just has a lot of personality lol or maybe i just like his personality a lot? Either way I like a bunch of his lines so that's honestly like 90% of them. Bit of a goober. I'll do Sho's in a few hours! Since i already have his japanese file open from doing Leo's lol
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dailyexo · 2 years
[TRANSLATION] EXO-CBX - 220524 Official EXO-L Japan website update: “EXO-CBX日本デビュー5周年記念!ライブの想い出を振り返ります!” (“Let’s relive concert memories in honour of EXO-CBX’s 5th Japan debut anniversary!”)
"EXO-L-JAPANのみなさん、今日5月24日にEXO-CBXは日本デビュー5周年を迎えました! たくさんのみなさんが集まってくださった代々木でのデビュー記念Free Showcase“Colorful BoX”やa-nationなどのイベント、テレビ出演など、EXO-CBXの日本での活躍がみなさんの記憶にも強く残っているのではないでしょうか^^
今回は5周年を記念して、みなさんと熱く、そしてワクワク楽しい時間を一緒に過ごしたライブ、『EXO-CBX “MAGICAL CIRCUS” TOUR 2018』と『EXO-CBX“MAGICAL CIRCUS” 2019 -Special Edition-』の想い出を、未公開写真とともに振り返ります!
まずは、EXO-CBXの初日本アリーナツアー『EXO-CBX “MAGICAL CIRCUS” TOUR 2018』の想い出から! メンバーがMCで「みなさん、一緒に歌って踊って楽しんでください!」「すべて日本で準備しました!準備する期間も楽しかったし、日本語の勉強もしたんです^^」と話していたように、みなさんと“一緒に”楽しめるライブをつくりあげたいと、リハーサルから全力ではりきっていたメンバーたち。「こんな風に伝えたいときは、どう言えばいいですか?」など、分からない日本語やEXO-L-JAPANのみなさんに伝えたい言葉をスタッフに聞きながら日本語の勉強も頑張っていましたよ^^
JAPAN 1st FULL ALBUM『MAGIC』を引っさげてのツアーのテーマは“魔法”!オープニングムービーが終わると中央ステージに紐に繋がれたマリオネット姿の3人の姿が登場。『KING and QUEEN』を披露し、会場全体を一気に不思議な魔法の世界に連れて行ってくれました!"
Translation: "Hey EXO-L JAPAN! Today is May 24th which means it’s EXO-CBX’s 5th Japan debut anniversary! We have so many fond memories from the Free Showcase ‘Colorful BoX’ to a-nation to various TV appearances. EXO-CBX has left quite a big impression with their Japanese activities, wouldn’t you say? ^^
For the 5th anniversary we thought we would look back on some of the fun times from ‘EXO-CBX “MAGICAL CIRCUS” TOUR 2018’ and ‘EXO-CBX“MAGICAL CIRCUS” 2019 -Special Edition-‘! We are also going to be including some unreleased photos from the two concerts for all of you!
First up, we have EXO-CBX’s first Japan tour ‘EXO-CBX “MAGICAL CIRCUS” TOUR 2018’! Leading up to this performance, the members put all of their efforts into their preparations, including studying Japanese! During the ment they said, ‘Hey everyone, please dance and sing along with us!’ and ‘For our preparations we spent the whole time in Japan! We had so much fun during rehearsals and we made sure to study up on our Japanese too! ^^’. The members would ask staff or fans whenever they needed help finding the words to say. ’When we want to say something like this, what is the right Japanese word?’^^
This tour tied in with the theme of the group’s JAPAN 1st FULL ALBUM titled ‘MAGIC’! After the opening VCR played the curtain was drawn to reveal the three members tied to strings like marionettes. The group opened up with the song ‘KING and QUEEN’ and the in a single instant it felt like the entire venue had transformed into a strange and magical world!"
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"そして、『KING and QUEEN』を披露した直後、中央ステージにいたはずの3人が、瞬間移動でメインステージに移動するというマジックを披露し、『Hey Mama!』へ!その驚きの演出に、会場中にみなさんからの「わ~!!」という驚きの声が響き渡りました!"
Translation: "Immediately following the conclusion of ‘KING and QUEEN’, the team got into formation and just like magic, ‘Hey Mama!’ began! The venue erupted in shouts of ‘WOW’ at the total 180!"
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"ライブ中盤には、パステルカラーのスーツ姿で登場し、『Diamond Crystal』、『Cry』でしっとりとした歌声をお届けしたバラードタイム。そして『Gentleman』では、「みなさんをエスコートしてあげる!」とキュートに誘うと、『Playdate』では、みなさんとのデートを楽しむ3人の笑顔や、みなさんひとりひとりとアイコンタクトをしながら指でハートをつくったり、手を振る姿が印象的でした^^"
Translation: "Later on in the concert, the group donned pastel suits for the ballad portion where they performed ‘Diamond Crystal’ and ‘Cry’. The trio showed off their cute charms during ‘Gentleman’, inviting the audience to ‘come along with us’! The next song was ‘Playdate’ where the members pretended they were on a date with all their loving fans. One by one, each member made eye contact with the cameras and gave little finger hearts. No one could ever forget how cute they were waving their hands. ^^"
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"アンコールでは、『The One』のコミカルな振り付けを会場のみなさんも一緒にまねしながら楽しんでくださいましたね♪^^ そんな、会場のみなさんからのあたたかい応援の中『In This World』を披露し、再会の約束をして幕を閉じました!"
Translation: "For their encore the group performed ‘The One’ along with a comical dance routine they did with fans!♪^^ And last but certainly not least, the members felt the warm support from fans when they performed ‘In This World’. With a promise to return again soon, the concert came to a close!"
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"そして翌年2019年には、『EXO-CBX“MAGICAL CIRCUS” 2019 -Special Edition-』を開催!スペシャルエディションと題して戻ってきた待ちに待ったステージに、スタート直後から会場のボルテージは最高潮!
Translation: "The following year the members stayed true to their word and returned for ‘EXO-CBX“MAGICAL CIRCUS” 2019 -Special Edition-‘! The concert opened up with a bang as the members appeared on stage for the Special Edition tour! From the very beginning the voltage level was at maximum!
Fans cheered ‘Horololololololo~♪’ along with the members during ‘Horololo’!"
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ソロステージのトップバッターはチェン♪『Watch Out』では、ステッキを片手に玉座に座って登場!「準備はOKですか?」と会場のみなさんに問いかけ、激しいマイクスタンドを使ったパフォーマンスやハイトーンボイスを響かせた歌声で会場を圧倒しました!"
Translation: "Next was the solo portion of the concert, which was quite a level up from the previous year’s. The three members each took the stage individually to show off their unique charms!
First up was Chen!♪ He opened up his solo, ‘Watch Out’, sitting on a giant throne! ‘Are you ready?’ He shouted before grabbing the mic stand and belting away with his powerful voice! The energy in the venue was incredible!"
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"続くベクヒョンは、『Ringa Ringa Ring』でスモーク銃を使ったパフォーマンスで、「盛り上がろうぜ!」と男らしく力強いステージを披露!"
Translation: "Next up was Baekhyun with his solo ‘Ringa Ringa Ring’ where he utilised smoke in his performance! ‘Let’s do this thing!’ He shouted, showing off his cool manly charms!"
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"シウミンは『Don’t Go』にEXO-L-JAPANのみなさんへの思いを込めてプレゼント♪黄色い月見草が浮かぶステージでしっとりしなやかに、パフォーマンスを届けてくれました♪"
Translation: "Lastly was Xiumin with his solemn performance for ‘Don’t Go’. He sang his heart out, giving a sincere message to fans.♪ In the pale moonlight, Xiumin’s performance was breathtaking as he conveyed his love for fans.♪"
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Translation: "And to finish it off, during the encore the members introduced the MAGICREW! ^^ They performed ‘Ka-CHING!’ for their last song. Once the song concluded the members showed reluctance to part as they said their goodbyes. ‘See you again~!’ and ‘I love you!’ they said to EXO-L-JAPAN before exiting the stage.^^"
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"みなさんと過ごした、たくさんの素敵な時間^^ 毎回ライブを終えるたびに、「本当に楽しかった!!」「あっという間だった~!」「もっと長い時間をみなさんと一緒に過ごしたかった」と話しながら、笑顔いっぱいでステージから戻ってくる3人の姿が印象的でした!^^
そしてさらに、シウミンとチェンから、EXO-L-JAPANのみなさんへのボイスメッセージも到着しました!【MESSAGE BOARD】<EXO-CBX日本デビュー5周年!シウミン・チェンからボイスメッセージが到着!!>に公開しましたので、ぜひ聴いてください!♪
最後はみなさん一緒に、いつもの合言葉を!^^ 「ハッピーになるーーー!」"
Translation: "CBX sure has had a lot of great moments with fans. ^^ At the end of every concert the members can be heard saying things like ‘That was really fun!!’, ‘Wow time really flies!’, and ‘I wish we had more time with our fans.’ The members are always fully smiles when they meet staff backstage.^^
Make sure to buy the memorial DVD and Blu-ray so you can re-live all the great memories on your own! Also make sure to check out the playlist we made and celebrate the 5th Japanese debut anniversary!
Lastly, don’t forget to check out Xiumin and Chen’s voice message on the EXO-L-JAPAN [MESSAGE BOARD]! The headline is ‘To celebrate EXO-CBX’s 5th Japan debut anniversary we have voice messages from Xiumin and Chen!!’. Go check it out! ♪"
Photo links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Credit: translation, dailyexo.tumblr.com, Source: Official EXO-L Japan.
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ganbaruwayo · 2 years
1LDK・One-shot Life, Die with me and Kiss me
Deadball-P ft. Hatsune Miku and Kagamine Rin Translation by Platonic水を食べる / Free to use with credit and a link back to this post.
「ただいま」 "I'm home!" 「おかえり」 "Welcome back!"
二人暮しを するようになって As soon as I knew we two would be living together, はじめて知った ハチミツのような時間 every second seemed like sweet honey
デニムはさかさまに干すとか Things like your denim shorts* hanging to dry the wrong way, 長い髪横にせず洗うとか How you never wash your hair without laying it flat, 寒い日は靴下はいて寝るとか Putting on your stockings to sleep on cold days, 寝言がちょっとうるさかったり or how your sleep-talking is always kind of noisy そんなささいな違いが幸せ Those trivial matters bring me such happiness
チュッと寝顔にキスしてみた With puckered lips** I tried to kiss your sleeping face つい起きちゃって目と目が合う Just then, I woke up and we met eye to eye じっと見つめ合う 無言のまま Attentively staring at one another, while not saying a word 目を閉じるのが合図よ I got the signal that I should close my eyes!
二人暮しをするようになって As soon as we two started to live together, はじめてできた 二人だけの秘密 we share the secrets of we two alone 同じシャンプー使っていても You know that even if we use the same shampoo, 同じ香りにならないって知ってた? we still won't smell the same?
くっつきすぎて 身動きがとれない We're clinging so close together that I can't move my body, 一つになれたら 楽になれるのかな? I wonder, if we become one flesh, will we also be at ease? この感情に最果ては無いけど These aren't the farthest ends*** of our feelings, それでもいいわ あなたと一緒なら but even so it's okay, if I'm together with you.
足の指の間がイイとか How you like me touching the space between your toes, 耳たぶをあまがみされたいとか You wanting me to playfully nibble on your ears, 鎖骨のくぼみで感じちゃうとか Feeling around the dip of your collorbone, 中の上の左の壁で飛んじゃうとか or how on the inside the top-left wall makes you soar あなたのことなら 何でも知ってる I know anything and everything about you
そっとあなたの日記見てみる Quietly, I tried peaking in your diary 毎日溢れるあなたへの想い where I write my overflowing feelings for you every day どのページも 私のことばかり This page too, it's all about me あふれた水は とまらない I couldn't stop the water from overflowing from my eyes!
二人暮しをするようになった We've fully adjusted to a life of two あなたと私���縛りつける鎖 with chains that bond you and I together 私の右手 あなたの左手 My right hand and your left hand 固く縛って さぁ、ロンド踊ろう are firmly tied, now, let's dance to rondo
毎日同じベッドで寝ようね Let's sleep in the same bed everyday, 他のどこにも逃げられないように So there's nowhere to run away from one another あなたのことを愛しているわ It's you who I love and long for, だから私も愛されているのね So love and long for me too, okay?
歌と恋人のどっちが大事? Song or your lover--which is more important?
I forgot to write the translation notes lol
*This line is sung by Miku, so I'm assuming it's talking about Rin's shorts. **This line uses both the onomatopoeia for kiss and the actual word for kiss, and a lot of the times the onomatopoeia can substitute for the word. I don't feel like I can actually use English onomatopoeia for kissing here because..."chu" is very cute and innocent? Whereas all of English's option just don't have the same nuance, so this is the closest I could get. ***Because this song was uploaded like half a month after Saihate I'm assuming this line is a reference to it, and as such using "the farthest ends" instead of what this line would more naturally be read as something like "this isn't how far our feelings go"
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monk-of-figaro · 4 months
Doujinshi: suddenly0816 (via pixiv.net)
In my post about my new headcanon that Sabin enjoys being an imp ("kappa", in Japanese), I mentioned that the idea came to me from a doujinshi that I was absolutely misunderstanding. @meranie asked me to post the link, so here it is:
The link should take you straight to page 10, and Sabin turns into an kappa on page 11.
I was able to transcribe most of the dialog, except for some of the handwritten text which I couldn't read. Here's what I've got:
Page 10:
"分岐の正道じゃない方にあるのは多分宝箱" "でも何も無いかもしれない" "確かめに行くのめんどくさい時ってあるよな!" "そんなぶっちゃけをしてしまうのだなロック!" "ではこうしたらどうだろう オートボウガンの矢に紐を結び" "分岐の道の先に向かった放つ" "命中していたら行かずして宝箱が得られるぞ" "おお。。。" "ポーションだったな!" "跡形もねえけどな" "まあ木っ端-"
Page 11:
"取俺ってこようか?" ひとっぱしり行て "いや。。。それはちょっと" "ではカッパ化したマッシュに取って来てもらおうか" カッパのおつかい "お。。。おう" "おおっ帰ってきたぞ" "中身は何だった?" "キュウリじゃなかったから置いてきた" "そうか。。。!" "皿をなでるな皿を!" "あんまりなしえてないぞカッパ!"
Google Translate is really weird because it sometimes properly translates カッパ as "Kappa", but also sometimes translates it as "raincoat".
Here are some of my takeaways though:
Sabin is goddamn adorable as a kappa
When he goes to do his task as a kappa, it calls it 「カッパのおつかい」 ("KAPPA no otsukai"), or "Kappa's errand".
「おつかい」 ("otsukai") also makes me think of 「はじめてのおつかい」 ("Hajimete no Otsukai"), a TV show that was localized by Netflix as "Old Enough!", wherein small children are tasked with running simple errands as a documentary crew discreetly films them. It sounds creepy when I write it out like that, but the show is SO GODDAMN CUTE. Watch it immediately.
Back to the doujinshi, Kappa-Sabin returns with nothing when he finds that the treasure was not a cucumber, which makes me laugh.
Anyway, this artist has tons of really fun FF6 doujinshi, and even without understanding the language, they're a lot of fun to look through. Check them out!
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zodiacoracle · 5 months
Read the song comments for Idol (IIDX edition) and god wac is so funny. I saw the twist a million years away but still got tickled by how he wrote it.
さて、アイドルです。それはもう、なんてったってアイドルです。 まあ、僕くらいの結構な漫画読みともなると、連載前に雑誌巻末の予告に載ってたの見た時点で あーこの新連載はアニメ化して覇権とるんだろうな、とわかっちゃってましたけどね。 なんなら主題歌が世界中でヒットして、更にはIIDXに入ることになった結果IIDX EDITIONを自分がすることになるであろう未来まで予見してたましたからね。 なので、ハマちゃんから「一緒にアレンジしませんか」ってお声がけもらった時も知ってた未来ですから落ち着き払ったもんで、あーぼちぼちこのタイミングかー、と超クールに 「やりたいやりてえ超やりてえすべてほっぽって最優先でやりますやれます超やるます」と返事した。
hashtag relatable
とはいえ、ハマちゃんのアレンジに加えて佐伯伊織さん(と呼ばせていただきます)の歌唱が決まった時点で、それだけでもう完璧で究極なカバーが出来上がるのは明らか。 じゃあこのおじさん何すんの?必要なの?いらなくない?そもそもなんで存在してるの?何も出来ないくせにいい年して承認欲求ばかり大きくて恥ずかしいと思わないの? と世界中から言われてるような気がしてきてだんだん泣きそうになってきたので、必死にべそかきながらレゾンデートル探しをした結果
Humer practically stealing wac's cushion is also a great bit and very cute???
やっぱりwacさんの顔が頭に浮かんだんですよね。 いつからか分からないんですが、仕事中自分がずっと抱きかかえてるクッション、wacさん私物のクッションなんですよね。 wacさんの席で雑談してる時によく抱え始めて、気がついたら抱えてないと落ち着かなくなっちゃったんですけど、だから顔がよく頭に過るんですかね。 手元にwacさんぽいのがいるんでね。きっとそうなんでしょうね。
Moe... an anecdote I didn't know I needed but will gratefully accept. (wac himself went and got a different baseball-themed cushion.)
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