#also I’m sorry that I’m pretty inactive on tumblr anymore
beeh0rnz · 1 year
Just a reminder to NOT follow my blog if you’re here for one fandom only because I leap between fandom fanart pretty often lol (like I’ll post a drawing of one fandom and post a drawing of another one the next day etc) Ty <33
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flowercrown-bard · 7 months
thank you for the tag, @lokibus💕
Name: Riya (i also went by Valentine for a while with some friends and i really like that name but no one calls me that anymore)
Sign: taurus
Time: 20:46
Last movie: uhh good question. I started watching Pride and Prejudice (2005) yesterday and got distracted after 5 min by remembering that apparently jeans were worn in that time period already and then i had to google some stuff. The last movie i remember watching in full was Barbie at the cinema where i can't just gez distracted and turn the movie off lmao
Last show: season 2 of atla but in a language i don't speak bc that was the only version i found on YouTube (I own the dvds but i dont have a way to use them with my laptop)
When I created this blog: idk. I think the year before Covid? Or maybe shortly before it? What even is time
Other blogs: i got two. One i only used for a secret santa thingy so i won't reveal it in case i need a secret santa blog again. And then there is @brotfrevel. I created that blog when i was very deep into my ed and not comfortable with talking about it where people i know irl might see. I had this little project where each day that i resisted my i healthy habits, i added one element to an embroidery project (I'm happy to announce that I got much much better and the result of this silly little project is now a constanz reminder of that on my wall)
Do I get asks/may you ask me something: i love getting asks! (I've just been really inactive lately so if i didn't answer, I'm sorry. I've literally not been on tumblr for more thwn like five minutes in the last month or so)
Average hours of sleep: something between 5-7 hours i think. I tend to wake up at 1:30 am and then I'm unable to fall back asleep for a while and then i wake up again at around 3:40. So no idea how much sleep i actually get
Instruments: singing, guitar and violin. And technically i have my grandpa's old mandolin and know enough chords to play a couple of songs but the stings haven't been replaced in over 40 years and it's horribly out of tune so i don't play
What I’m wearing: yellow turtleneck sweater (an old one from my sister), an ugly but super comfy jacket (i think it's an old one from my other sister), jeans, pink socks with bees and I'm also gonna count the comfy blanket I'm wrapped into
Dream job: i meany I'd love to publish a book one day and have at least one person buy it but that's pretty unrealistic. So I'll go with being a kindergarten teacher
Tagging (no pressure): @combatbootsfemme @parttime-creative @dhwty-writes @mondglocke @lycanbucky @rebard-main
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mikadokyun · 1 year
First of all, sorry for not posting anything here in a while. Secondly, i’m sorry for having been so childish in recent years about many things, like ships or other things. I’ve been in kind of dark place for a while, but i feel like i’ve matured a bit about some things in recent months. I’m sorry for having acted so rudely, and i think many people can agree on how badly i have acted in recent months/years. I think i took everything too seriously and as personal attack, which is something i need to fix with myself still (due to some personal stuff). 
Tbh, i have had kind of odd “responsibility” of being the only one who creates izamika content anymore and i know that sounds kind of ridiculous. But it’s true. I’m not on artblock because of that mainly (though i have to say that other people’s opinions have in some way changed the way i draw art) though. I feel like that also made me take it way too seriously and stressing myself out. 
Lastly, i don’t know if i will be posting that much here. I’ve moved to Discord pretty much and i have had an artblock for ages (as you can probably tell) so i haven’t had a chance to draw actually nice art. I might change my mind and post something here occasionally, but i will be mostly on Discord. My Twitter (private) is currently pretty inactive too. I’m NOT quitting this Tumblr. It will be just very inactive i think. If you ever want to chat with me about things like izamika, feel free to ask for my Discord handle. I still love izamika and i love to talk about it. 
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g1mmetheb0nes · 2 years
Summary bc this got way too long but feel free to read the rest for more detail: I love and appreciate u guys sm! But rn I feel I need to leave tumblr in order to improve my health! I will always remember and miss u, goodbye and stay safe! <3
So I havent been regularly active on here in like 4 or so months but Ive still been checking in every few weeks. And i know that a lot of ppl aren’t even on my blog anymore thanks to me getting td, them getting td, or yk me being completely missing for weeks on end lol, but to anyone still following me I wanted to explain whats going on:
First off, I love everyone I’ve interacted with on here sm! This community is so funny, supportive, and loving and has genuinely changed my life in so many ways. I just wanted to say that I rlly appreciate u guys and always will, but ive decided to leave tumblr.
Ive noticed that being on here always pulls me in further to my disorder (Ex. feeling competitive, thinking about my ed even more often, gaining new fear foods, generally feeling more encouraged to keep going, etc). I think that even thoigh im sacrificing a support system and am going to miss u guys sm, leaving this community will be positive and allow me to focus more on being genuinely healthy rather than just losing weight and getting sicker. I’m not rlly trying to recover rn bc this is still a coping mechanism for me but hopefully I can at least be a little closer to what recovery is like lol.
So this post feels a little unnecessary and like I think im more important than i am but idc I just wanted to let u guys know that im okay and didn’t pass away or anything like that, bc I tend to think the worst when a moot goes inactive lol. Sorry this got so long btw. Also I’m not deleting my actual acc, just in case I find that I rlly need/want to come back. Which yk is pretty possible. 🤷‍♀️ Okay I think thats pretty much everything I wanted to say… sooo goodbye! I’ll miss u and wish u all the best! <333
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gimme-mor · 3 years
This will be a long post.
Please take the time to read this post in its entirety and truly reflect on the message I am trying to send before commenting. My goal is to use my background in Gender and Women’s Studies to deconstruct the comments I have seen on Tumblr and Twitter and bring awareness to the ACOTAR fandom.
The reason I am tagging “Elriel” in this post is to call attention to the arguments in the Elriel fandom that: weaponize Elain’s femalehood to shame real life people for their opinions about Elain’s character and her relationship with Lucien; victimize Elain’s character in fandom discussions; and coddle Elain’s character, which limits fandom discussions about her narrative development and prevents the ACOTAR fandom from holding Elain accountable for her actions and inactions in the same way that the fandom holds other characters accountable for their actions and inactions. It is for these reasons that I WILL NOT remove the “Elriel” tag from this post because all of the above points contribute to the toxic discourse surrounding Elain’s character.
I urge those who use these arguments to understand their implications, why they are problematic, regardless of intent, and reexamine their contributions to the ACOTAR fandom. I WILL NOT tolerate anyone who tries to twist my words and say I am attacking people and their personal shipping preferences. In fact, I AM CRITIQUING THE ARGUMENTS THEMSELVES NOT THE PEOPLE USING THE ARGUMENTS.
Also, I highly encourage the Elriel fandom to read this post because it addresses how the concept of choice as an argument enables arguments to exploit social justice and feminist languge in order to vilify Elucien shippers, among other problematic things.
Elain Archeron is one of the most polarizing characters in the ACOTAR fandom. Though opinions about Elain vary, arguments in the Elriel fandom cite society’s perception of traditional female characters in comparison to non-traditional female characters as the reason behind the hate, and this belief is used to provide an explanation as to why other characters in the series are favored over her. In the series, Elain is portrayed in a wholly positive light and this image carries over into the Elriel fandom, painting her character as a good and kind female who has been unfairly wronged and a victim of circumstances that were out of her control. When arguments in the Elriel fandom oppose other viewpoints in the fandom, they fall into one of three categories:
Category 1: Weaponize Elain’s femalehood to shame real life people for their opinions
Maybe people who hate Elain are just jealous of her in a weird way similar to when someone hates the pretty, nice, and charming girl in school just because she is too perfect
Disliking Elain is misogynistic
What happened to feminism? What happened to women supporting women? What happened to she can say no? All of that disappears the second you force Elain to be with Lucien
Elain antis are misogynistic
All Eluciens are Elain antis
Antis claiming they’re feminists when in reality they hate on Elain and Feyre but love Nesta
Elain antis are such sore losers. Y’all were that bunch of people who could not get over being rejected from hanging out with the cool kids so y’all are projecting your hatred towards pretty people now to get validation
I don’t get how Elain’s love for gardening equals boring for some people. I’m sorry your misogyny finds traditionally feminine activities boring
Why are you attacking a female? What did Elain do? Where are your feminist voices?
The fandom is misogynistic towards Elain
If people loved Elain they would ship Elriel
If you hate Elain it says a lot about your feelings toward women
If you hate Elain because she has no “development” then you must hate Azriel because otherwise you’re misogynistic
Eluciens are turned off by the idea of a woman that has the autonomy to reject a man for the simple reason that it is her choice
Eluciens are all about feminism and “it’s HER choice” until it comes down to females not wanting a male
Eluciens don’t respect Elain’s feelings when they ship her with someone that was part of her trauma and makes her feel uncomfortable
The way some Elucien shippers completely disregard how uncomfortable Elain is around Lucien is so hilariously not funny. Prioritizing being mates over Elain’s feelings is just regressive
It’s hard as a fan of Elain to see someone ship her with a person who makes her physically uncomfortable to be around. Wouldn’t you want both characters to be happy to be around each other
Imagine if SJM saw all the awful things her “stans” had to say about Elain
It’s true that we know comparatively little about her, but is she really boring or do you just not value stereotypically feminine traits?
So y’all are just gonna tell me you prefer Elucien over Elriel? Even though Lucien treats Elain as if she’s something that belongs to him? The only reason he wants to be with her is because she’s his mate, he doesn’t respect her, doesn’t treat her as his equal, even though that’s what mates should be? He doesn’t bother to look past what’s on the outside to see her for who she is. And Elain is obviously repulsed by the idea that she should belong to anyone or have no choice in who she can be with. Azriel is her friend and the only person who sees her quiet strength. He has so much faith in her, in her abilities; he’s the one who kept her company when no one else did, he’s the only one who bothered to see her for more than her brokenness. You’re going to tell me you still prefer Elucien over Elriel?
The more I see Gwynriels that ship Elucien out of their hate for Elain, the less I can understand Elain stans that ship Elucien. Pls Elain has made it very clear that she doesn’t want Lucien, why would you ship her with him? Do you hate her too? Smh
The real question would be, if you care and understand Elain why would you ship her with Lucien (where she canonically shrinks when he is near)?
People crying over Helion and Lucien’s mom not getting to be with each other and her being forced into a relationship she didn’t want, but also ship Elucien? Just say you hate Elain
When Elain’s book is out, Gwyn stans will look like clowns and I will laugh because they set her up by shipping her with Azriel just because they hate Elain. Watch them play the victims now because Elriels are clapping back the hate they’ve sent towards Elain
As romantic as wanting girl who is visibly uncomfortable around a guy who caused her trauma to end up with the said guy. Guess their standards for romance are in hell
Category 2: Victimize Elain’s character
Gwynriels only want Gwyn with Azriel because they despise Elain
Gwyn stans and Gwynriels are Elain antis
No one in the books dislike Elain, so why are there so many people who do?
Elain hasn’t done anything wrong or questionable to warrant the hate she gets
Not having Elain’s POV makes it easy for people to be swayed a certain way about her character if you already don’t relate to her in some way
It’s been years since this series came out and we haven’t gotten a lick of an Elain POV, but people still hate her for what? We don’t know her thoughts, dreams, or aspirations
We haven’t even had Elain’s perspective yet and people are passing these judgments off on her
Elain antis who say she’s boring are just cruel when she has obvious symptoms of PTSD like Feyre and Nesta
Gwyn is one of the most overhyped characters and that’s only because most people hate Elain and they couldn’t wait to find a random girl to ship Azriel with
Nesta was abusive to her sisters but Elain (who has only ever been kind) is painted as the villain
From the text we know that Elain is the epitome of feminine stereotypes (gentle, gardening, baking, non confrontational for the most part). Yet people still call her boring or deny that she has any interesting character traits?
You can’t love Nesta and hate Elain
People hate Elain because of internalized misogyny and lack of taste. All the girl does is tend to her garden and mind her business and they treat her worse than Tamlin
Does Gwyn deserve all this support? Of course yes! She is amazing! But where’s that support when Elain was in the same situation as she? Where’s that support for her right now? Why do they idolize Gwyn for her interactions with Azriel and hate Elain for having any interaction with him?
It’s not even a ship war anymore, they just hate Elain
People hate Elain for no reason
Some of y’all don’t like feminine traits and it shows
We know less about Eris and Helion but people don’t call them boring. Why would rejecting femininity make Elain more interesting?
Elain has had a lot forced upon her
The main reason I believe most people love Gwyn so much is to get Azriel away from Elain. It’s not a secret that Elain has been a widely hated character for years so suddenly we get a new female who has a minimal amount of interactions with Azriel and BOOM. New ship that once again doesn’t make sense (just like Azriel x Emerie after ACOFAS)
Elain hasn’t done something so terrible for her to get this hate. At this point some of you are just being misogynistic and you don’t want to accept it. Don’t call yourselves feminists and then say bs like this, it’s embarrassing. She’s pretty and everyone agreed to hate on her
Just a personal feeling, but I feel like a lot of the Elain hate stems from internalized misogyny. That to be a strong female lead, you need to pick up a sword and fight. That to be strong, you need to adapt traditionally masculine traits
Elain is feminine. She is beautiful. She loves to bake and garden. She is docile, quiet, observant, and a people-pleaser. All traditionally feminine traits. Yet for some reason, she’s like the worst in these people’s eyes?
I think also maybe a lot of people can’t relate to her femininity? That her being so beautiful and quiet doesn’t allow for the people who dislike her not to self-insert? Most of the hate stems from people not wanting Elain to be with Azriel. It’s mean, but maybe the people who hate Elain literally just can’t self-insert if they have a story and that’s why they’re vehemently against it?
Poor Elain. The Cauldron dealt her a bad deal. Upon emerging as Fae, she is immediately declared by Lucien as his mate, never mind that she was already engaged to a prick. Her love life is not good
It blows my mind how they really think that they can compare all the shit that Elain gets with some dumb jokes about Gwyn on Twitter (and yes, the “hate” towards her started mostly because Elriels are clapping back, it was bound to happen)
I would think of it as anti-feminist with Elain and Lucien because she has consistently stated that she does not want him so if she was forced to embrace the bond that would be taking away her right to have a choice but with Az she feels comfortable around so if they were mates then Elain would be happy and feel safe which again should be the priority for women to feel safe in their relationships with anything and to not be forced into any type of situation aka the mating bond in this
Category 3: Coddle Elain’s character
Elain has value the way she is, in all her domestic girly glory. Not every character has to be badass
We don’t speak of Elain’s flaws frequently because everyone else already speaks badly of her, mainly in an unfair way
There is definitely something deeper going on with Elain but by no means will she ever be evil or any less feminine. That goes against everything we already know about her
It’s ok to critique Elain because she needs growth but y’all keep forgetting the shit her and her sisters went through
The last “bad” thing Elain did in ACOTAR was not help Feyre when they were impoverished and I’m tired of people acting like she’s a terrible character when it was their father’s responsibility. It happened 4 books ago and Feyre has forgiven both Nesta and Elain
Elain’s character and the evil Elain theory are a great example of the trend where people only consider female characters interesting if they reject femininity
We don’t know enough to hate Elain
Many people want Elain to turn evil (which in my opinion seems to come from a place of internalized misogyny)
However we don’t tend to talk about her faults, at least not publicly, as that has been, and still is, done to death, and I--personally, at least--find it much more fun to theorise about potentially interesting aspects of the overall plot, than dwell on negatives
And ultimately, I would be shocked if Elain has a more karmically-charged story than Nesta, considering that Elain’s “wrongs” are so much less severe and bad than Nesta’s, and Elain has already apologized for them (or paid the price in other ways, like through what Graysen did)
I guess I also think Elain has suffered and been punished enough. I hope her story is about finding hope in terrible situations, and learning to love her new life, and choosing her own path after everything that has been done to her. I don’t think she needs to be punished anymore or face any additional trauma
Also, why is she being judged on her decisions as a human at all? Fae are monsters to humans! They enslaved them for thousands of years, and the Wall was erected to keep them out
Like I’m sorry, but think Elain would want to leave her ONLY FAMILY AND FRIENDS for the Spring Court where she has no one because--oh look, lots of flowers!--is the craziest thing I have ever heard
Her sisters are in the Night Court. Her nephew is in the Night Court. Her closest friends (Nuala and Cerridwen) are in the Night Court. Her love interest is in the Night Court. Her extended family is in the Night Court. Her home is in the Night Court
SJM isn’t going to keep two sisters together and split up the third. Especially not keep Feyre and Nesta together and separate Elain. They were either all going to end up in separate places, or together. Not 2 here and 1 there
Compared to the other female characters in the series, Elain is the only character whose femalehood is at the center of conversations; this is because arguments in the Elriel fandom fixate on it when discussing her character. While Elain, Feyre, Nesta, and Mor are all representations of white womanhood and white beauty, Elain epitomizes the most fragile version of white womanhood. It’s easy to blame society’s perception of traditional female characters in comparison to non-traditional female characters when it comes to the discourse surrounding Elain’s character because it: falls in line with the fixation on Elain’s femalehood to silence opposing viewpoints; is a simplistic explanation that fails to tackle the underlying issues with Elain as a character, the same issues that are downplayed in-universe; absolves Elain of her wrongdoings; prevents the ACOTAR fandom from holding Elain accountable for her actions and inactions within the series; and diminishes the impact Elain’s actions and inactions have on those around her. It’s not that Elain is hated in the fandom because she’s a traditional female character; it’s the fact that arguments in the Elriel fandom deflect a critical analysis of Elain’s character because she’s a traditional female character who embodies the ideal white woman in need of protection. White fans and white-aligned fans of color, especially white women, have a tendency to vehemently defend, gatekeep, and coddle white female characters in fandom; this makes it difficult for other fans to engage in critical discussions about these white female characters because they’re viewed as flawless and all around perfect characters despite evidence to the contrary. Since Elain is viewed positively by the other characters in the series, it has rendered her character untouchable to any perceived slight or criticism in fandom discussions because those negative opinions challenge what has been said about her character thus far. And as a result, her character has been placed on a pedestal and implicitly hailed as the epitome of white womanhood; and when she’s criticized, it’s seen as a direct attack against white womanhood. Arguments in the Elriel fandom: exploit feminist language and perpetuate white feminist tactics under the guise of defending Elain’s character; center Elain in conversations about female oppression in the ACOTAR world and uphold white feminist ideologies in their critique of ACOTAR’s patriarchal society; and use the fragile white woman narrative to victimize Elain in Lucien’s presence, playing into racial biases that are associated with white supremacy’s defense of white womanhood.
Feminism is a social movement that seeks to promote equality and equity to all genders, and feminists work toward eradicating gender disparities on a macro-level, in addition to challenging gender biases on a micro-level. As feminism became more mainstream, a flat and oversimplified version of feminism emerged: mainstream feminism. The mainstream feminist movement is meant to represent all women, but rarely does it center conversations around issues that concern most women. The problem with mainstream feminism is that it’s just a popularized version of white feminism. White feminism has relied extensively on an individualized understanding of women’s oppression, exclusively from the lens of privileged white women. White feminism only focuses on the oppression experienced by white, able-bodied, affluent, educated, cishet women; and it views gender as the key mode of privileged white women’s oppression, isolated from the privileges granted by their other social identities. White women can be and are oppressed under the patriarchy but only because they are women; their identity as women does not exempt them from the privileges granted by their whiteness. The term white feminist does not mean any feminist who is white, but refers to feminists who prioritize the concerns of privileged white women as though they are representative of all women. However, the term is not exclusive to white people. Because white feminism is so pervasive, people of other racial and ethnic backgrounds often buy into white feminism, believing that if they work hard enough, they may be able to reap its rewards.
Just like white feminism, mainstream feminism only recognizes the identity of being a woman, assumes that all women share common experiences of gender oppression, fails to address other social identities in relation to overlapping systems of oppression, and disregards privilege in relation to various social identities. Just like white feminism, mainstream feminism is palatable because it doesn’t seek to challenge the systems in place, instead its goal is to succeed within them. Essentially, mainstream feminism and white feminism are extensions of performative feminism. Performative feminism is a type of performative activism that’s used to describe feminist views that are surface level and solely for the benefit of one type of person. It’s a pretense which often has nothing to do with genuine activism. Arguments in the Elriel fandom normalize and promote performative feminism because the topic of feminism is only referenced when discussing Elain. This indicates that these arguments are engaging in disingenuous discourse to push a personal agenda within the ACOTAR fandom, and it becomes more apparent when they use white feminist tactics to shut down opposing viewpoints:
White feminists weaponize and exploit feminist language to silence the opinions of other women, especially when they’re called out for their problematic behaviors
White feminists use the phrase “Women supporting women” to defend other white feminists who exhibit problematic behaviors instead of holding them accountable 
White feminists weaponize phrases like “Women supporting women” and “You just hate women” to attack other women who disagree with them on any given topic
White feminists use phrases like “All women face challenges” and “Stop pitting women against each other” to sidestep conversations about privilege
White feminists divert conversations away from privilege and towards the Trauma Olympics to equate their struggles to the oppression of marginalized people 
White feminists skirt around the realities of other forms of oppression and discrimination, downplaying the experiences of marginalized people
White feminists diminish or ignore the ways in which gender oppression affects other marginalized people
White feminists paint those they harmed as aggressive, mean, or divisive when confronted with the ways they have harmed a marginalized group
White feminists deflect criticism by focusing on the anger or emotions being expressed rather than the issue that is being discussed, invalidating the concerns of marginalized people
White feminists speak over marginalized voices in an attempt to sound “woke”
White feminists get defensive and insist there’s no way they could be a part of the problem because of what they’ve done to help marginalized groups already 
White feminists say they don’t see color in an attempt to obscure racial issues that need to be addressed
White feminists center and victimize themselves in conversations about racism, which derails necessary conversations from taking place
White feminists who are white weaponize the intersectionality of their race and gender to avoid accountability
Feminism is not meant to be approached from an individualistic perspective nor is it only about addressing the experiences of privileged white women, it involves addressing the intersections of race, class, gender, sexuality, (dis)ability, and other social identities as well; and it involves addressing how these social identities relate to privilege. Moreover, feminism is not about women upholding complete loyalty to other women because of a shared gender identity, and to claim that it does implies that women should be held to different emotional standards than men. If men are able to dislike and criticize other individual men, real or fictional, without their characters being compromised, why aren’t women granted that same privilege?
It’s clear that SJM set up the ACOTAR world to mirror a patriarchal society, and that the imbalance of power between males and females stems from sexism. Arguments in the Elriel fandom analyze the ACOTAR world through a feminist lens to show how ACOTAR’s patriarchal society, to which the mating bond is innately tied, contributes to female oppression and limits their agency. When choice and free will are emphasized as part of Elain’s arc, they imply that Elain, through the mating bond, experiences female oppression under ACOTAR’s patriarchal society because of her identity as a female with that identity being the focal point of her oppression in the world. Elain is one of the most privileged characters in the ACOTAR world: she’s High Fae; she’s the sister of the High Lord and High Lady of the Night Court, which gives her access to wealth and political influence because of that connection; she’s able-bodied; she was magically blessed by the Cauldron; and she lives in Velaris, a place that grants females autonomy and power because of the beliefs of Rhysand and Feyre. Arguments in the Elriel fandom trivialize female oppression in the ACOTAR world because they disregard the fact that Elain’s privileges prevent her from experiencing female oppression in the same way that other marginalized females in the world do. The mating bond being one such example because those around Elain are not forcing the bond on her, instead they’re allowing Elain to reach a decision about the bond for herself; a privilege that other marginalized females in the world probably wouldn’t have. Just because Elain has endured hardships in her life and is a female in a patriarchal society, they do not erase the privileges she holds within the ACOTAR world. The failure to include Elain’s privileges in discussions about Elain being a female in a patriarchal society feeds into white feminist ideologies because white feminism operates from a very narrow perspective; it doesn’t take other intersecting identities into account when it examines gender oppression, leaving no room for discussions about privilege (or lack thereof) in relation to those intersecting identities. When discussing oppression in hierarchical societies, it’s imperative that privilege is also included in the conversation because privilege and oppression are not mutually exclusive; they equally affect the ways in which people navigate those societies through their social identities.
Rather than attributing Elain’s uncomfortability to her new life as a Fae female or the mating bond itself and her trauma to the Cauldron, the King of Hybern, or Ianthe, they’re placed on Lucien to cast his character in a negative light. Moreover, fandom discussions portray Lucien as a possessive character to further emphasize Elain’s discomfort despite the inaccuracy of this characterization in canon. Arguments in the Elriel fandom play into racial biases when it comes to Lucien (a male character of color) because they mischaracterize his character in order to victimize Elain (a white female character), placing her character in the role of the white damsel in distress. In Western society, the concept of womanhood has been conceptualized from a Eurocentric perspective with femininity and feminine attributes favoring white women. It’s the idea that a certain type of femininity is only inherent to white women as they are seen as the embodiment of an ideal womanhood. White womanhood has been a symbol of innocence and purity, and white women have been viewed as fragile beings in need of protection. The reason white womanhood functions within white supremacy is because it’s the same idea that has motivated white men to kill and beat black and brown men. The so-called protection of white women has been used as a justification for the horrific violence committed by white men because black and brown men were stereotyped as aggressive and seen as a threat to the virtue of white women. The white damsel in distress trope considered white women as worthy of protection because of their perceived innocence and purity; women of color were not granted that same treatment because they did not fit into the ideal image of womanhood. Over the years, this trope became a means for white women to exercise limited power in a patriarchal society with white women weaponizing their status as the damsel much to the detriment of black and brown men. It’s through the white damsel in distress trope that white supremacy sustains its dominance in Western society. The misrepresentation of characters of color in fandom, the dismissal of their importance to the overall story, and using them as tools in arguments centered around white characters are the foundation of fandom racism; they’re examples of how racism moves silently in fandom spaces. Instead of examining their behavior and taking constructive criticism from fans of color, white fans will often double down on their bigotry and center their uncomfortability in the conversation when confronted with their complicity in fandom racism. White fans expect fans of color to swallow fandom racism in its many forms in order to not ruin the experience of fandom, dismissing the fact that racism is prevalent in nearly every aspect of society. This mentality ensures that no one is held accountable for the harm they caused and alienates fans of color in fandom spaces.
To reiterate what I mentioned in my first think piece: terms like “oppression”, “the right to choose”, “feminist”, “feminism”, “anti-feminist”, “anti-feminism”, “internalized misogyny”, “misogyny”, “misogynist”, “sexist”, “sexism”, “racist”, “racism”, “classist”, “classism”, “discrimination”, and “patriarchy” are all used in specific ways to draw attention to the plight of marginalized people and challenge those who deny the existence of systems of oppression. Yet these words and their meanings can be twisted to attack, exclude, and invalidate people with differing opinions on any given topic. When social justice and feminist terms are thrown around antagonistically and carelessly to push a personal agenda, it becomes clear that these terms are being used to engage in disingenuous discourse and pursue personal validation rather than being used out of any deep-seated conviction to dismantle systemic oppression. Being an ally, activist, or feminist is not an identity, it’s a practice. It requires: ongoing self-reflection; holding ourselves accountable; listening to marginalized people; educating ourselves; dismantling implicit biases; challenging those around us who are exhibiting problematic behaviors; and action behind our words.
It’s important to be aware of the language that is used within the fandom when defending or critiquing characters and ships. It’s also important to question how an argument is framed and why it’s framed the way that it is to critically examine the intent behind that argument: is it used as a tool to push a personal agenda that reinforces problematic behaviors, or is it used as an opportunity to share, learn, enlighten, and educate?
Tagging: @spell-cleavers @bookofmirth @m0bulidae @ilya-boltagon
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sugarlove12 · 3 years
U GUYS DONT THINK I FORGOT TO COMPLETE MY GIVEN SONGS ANALYSIS SERIES! I’m so sorry I’ve been mostly inactive, even with my tumblr friends (I love u guys im sorry😭) but I’m on my 4th year of med school so the past semester was kinda tough, ngl this one is also looking rough but I promise to be more active, now LET’S GO!!!
DISCLAIMER: this analysis isn’t by any means the definite or “real” meaning, this is just my overthinker ass trying to hurt myself more 🤣 so it’s totally ok and normal if u don’t agree or even if it really wasn’t Atsushi’s intention, once again this is just how I perceive the meaning.
Bokura dake no Shudakai
This song is my personal favorite, I remember that back when the movie’d just released and everything was pretty recent, just hearing the beginning would bring me to absolute tears, and that would be enough to cancel my chores for the day (just like Kizuato and Fuyu no Hanashi when I watched the anime for the first time) till this day it makes a pretty big hole in my heart cuz of the beautiful and sad lyrics.
Let’s start with the first sentence: “We cant go back anymore” -> can someone explain how is it that just one sentence can move me so much, specially cuz we can all agree this could be Uge’s pov, so remembering all the recent events he’s going thru, like breaking up with Aki for good and also accepting that he’s found a new love, learning how to be alone, etc, I can’t help it but feel kinda sad and nostalgic about it.
Moving on to the pre chorus we can see that Uge is saying that even with the “scratches” that he had, he is gonna move on from those sad days he spent crying and his past with Aki.
Now my personal favorite and the part I always get the most emotional: THE CHORUS.
When he says: I’m going, nee mitete yo (look at me) -> idk how to explain how much this gets me HAHAHA but there’s a je ne sais quois, like i feel him saying it kinda in a cutesy playful but lowkey sad way(? Im crazy ok don’t take this too srsly.
“We used to laugh at odd things, got mad at differences, I’ll make the dream I had with u come true”: this sentence to me describes perfectly when u break up with someone and there are times u find yourself reminiscing the past, those fun silly moments, unnecessary fights and u find yourself saying wow did we really fight bc of that? How immature!
Ik I’ve been saying this a lot but this really breaks me: “When I’m sad, extremely difficult times, I remember the time spent together on this memory, in the back of my mind” I’m honestly not even gonna say anything about it cuz u know when u hold someone dear and the memories with them can help u go thru hard times? Well that’s it there’s nothing more to add😹.
In the second verse we can see what u expect to experience post break up (or at least I think so) u wanna see them but everything’s cool and since that person was so important to you, you wanna be happy when u see them and u can even laugh it off or hug it out.
But to be quite honest that’s not the case for the most part ☹️.
Finally we have the bridge where to me is the most realistic part cuz u know how Uge did in fact wanted to break up with Aki cuz he knew it was for the best, but he never committed 100% to that, and now it was finally happening, so all that realization of breaking up and those feelings can be sensed in here cuz he says “I want to disappear, escape, in the screaming despair, I resented the encounter and even the miracle”
Now really the chorus again so it would end up killing me: “I’m looking for something more important than you, for you who is more important than anything” -> now with this it gives the same feeling as in Yorugaakeru’s “daijoubu” sensing that in fact Uge is gonna move on from all the pain.
At the end of the song we can listen just the violin and to me that can be Uge standing alone, saying goodbye to Aki. ❤️
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Special bonus:
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We can see our baby Uge is doing just fine and honestly I wish him all the happiness in the world cuz as much as Aki hurt in the relationship, he was in the same position as him, so I can’t wait to see him grow more and more as a character ❤️
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sparkly-yoi-things · 3 years
I was tagged by my darling @kyokunpls , thank you!! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡♡♡
1. Why did you choose your URL?
Back when I made my main blog (sparkly-things) I wanted to find a URL that is not connected to any fandoms, since I tend to change fandoms pretty quickly at times. I also wanted something that describes my personality a bit, and something that I can use as a pen name too. Of course almost everything I came up with was already taken, so I ended up with this one cause I'm really fond of anything sparkling. :))
When I made my YoI sideblog, it was an easy choice! I wanted it to have something YoI related, but also referring to my main blog in order to avoid confusion.
2. Any side blogs?
This one! (o´▽`o)
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
Oh my gosh, I don't even know! I think I made my first blog around... 2012? So I'm here for around 9 years now (uhh wow ^^"), though on different blogs, and sometimes taking very long breaks (even year-long ones).
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Yes. It's very creative: "q" :DD I'm too lazy to type anything else.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I started this one because I suddenly found myself very deep in YoI hell, and I didn't have anyone to talk about it, so I needed an outlet for my overflowing YoI feels.
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I wanted to have Yuuri because I find him very relatable, but couldn't choose from his many pretty pics, so I decided to go with a chibi one. I found this one really cute - also he has Victor's old costume in his hands here, so I thought even if it's only Yuuri on my icon, Vitya is still referenced. :3
7. Why did you choose your header?
Tbh I just wanted something with a similar color as my pfp, and I couldn't find any Victuuri pics that I liked. Then I accidentally found this purple-pink colored screenshot of the Hasetsu Ice Castle and I knew I found the one. (✧ω✧)
8.  What’s your post with the most notes?
It's this one! My silly musings about Victuuri's summer of mutual pining in Hasetsu. (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
9. How many mutuals do you have?
18 on this side blog. (I love all of you guys! ♡)
10. How many followers do you have?
33 on this side blog.
11. How many people do you follow?
243... ^^" I think many of them are inactive now, since my dash tends to be very slow. This number is from both my main and side blog, and I have my main since April 2016, so... that's why the large number. :D
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
I think I might have, on my main?
13. How often do you use tumblr?
I tend to use it lots of times a day since I have this side blog.
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog” posts?
They don't affect me anymore. :D
16. Do you like tag games?
YES, very much so! I tend to be slow with them tho; not because I don't like them, but because I rarely find a calm period of time when I can do them without rushing.
17. Do you like ask games?
Yes, a lot! :3
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I'm still very new to this fandom, buuut my impression is that @vitya-z is quite tumblr famous? Also @dan-is-on-mars and @bdeblueyes maybe? It's so hard to guess! :D
I'm tagging: @vitya-z @dan-is-on-mars @bdeblueyes @professionallyclumsy @itsbeahoney @coconuthugs
(Sorry if you've been tagged before; also please feel no pressure to do this if you don't feel like it! :3)
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dramionecommentfest · 3 years
Reader Profile: Kiwi05622
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The Dramione Comment Fest is the fest where readers take center stage! We’re excited to feature profiles of some of our readers throughout the course of the fest. First up, we have the most delightful and lovely @kiwi05622​!
Location: Middle East Hogwarts House: Slytherin Pronouns: she/her When did you start reading Dramione? How did you originally find fics to read?  I started reading in 2017… I think. Or was it 18? I'm not sure anymore. But one of those years lol! So yes, I'm still relatively new to the fandom. But I have devoured so much that it's come to the point where all the stories I've read have started to mingle with each other, and I can't tell you which story is which unless it had a massive impression on me and stood out. How did I find fics? I had this friend of mine, who was a closeted fic reader (I will never forgive her for not introducing me to this world sooner) that kept on dropping these obscure hints my way whenever Harry Potter would come up in our discussions, which was often. She would call me and ask what I'm doing, and my answer would either be, I'm reading HP, or watching one of the movies. She never once judged me or asked me why I'm spending so much time re-reading and rewatching, and I love her for that. One night, she got a little frustrated with me when I whined about NEEDING MORE of it, and she snapped. She was like KIWI JUST GIVE ME TWO CHARACTERS THAT YOU LOVE, and I shyly replied Hermione and Draco? She had the audacity to sigh (she is not a Dramione lover by any means). She sent me a link to Ao3 with a message "Welcome to my life, and I wish you luck stepping foot inside this black hole. Bye.” because I didn't know better. I didn't know what I was getting myself into, I clicked on the FIRST link I found, and this is how Bleak Manor by Pushthebutton became the first story that made me -surprisingly- fall in love with Dramione and fan fiction.  How have you gotten more involved in the Dramione community? What platforms/websites have you participated in, and which do you like? I'm not VERY involved in the fandom, if I'm honest. I'm an introvert by nature. Even though I started reading years ago, I only started joining Facebook groups last year. From there, I stumbled onto Tumblr (which was the weirdest platform I've ever been on, but now I LOVE IT), which then led me to Discord. This is where I'm currently stationed. I'm not as active as I used to be on Facebook. I also reached out to many people on Discord and found friends that I no longer call "internet friends," and I find it easier to communicate to authors over there.
Tell us about any reading preferences or practices!  Okay, I won't talk about my past habits, because looking back, it was really unhealthy. But I remember I used to read at every waking hour; I would only *sleep* to generate energy to keep ongoing: Goodbye food and social life. However, now, I dedicate time to reading, and it's usually 2 hours before I sleep. So I'll have dinner, and then open up my kindle and read until my eyes can't stay open. My days are usually spent talking to friends and doing many things that need to get done. I started off reading with my laptop until my boyfriend got annoyed by the bright lights emanating from my screen (honestly I didn't even think about reading from my phone). He later suggested reading from the iPad, and I stuck to that for a fair bit, until one night, I ran out of battery, and I couldn’t find the charger, so I reluctantly read from my phone, which I later obviously loved. I could read on the train, while making dinner, taking a walk (because we all need to exercise at some point). Then, after my boyfriend was SURE this wasn't just a phase, and I'll probably be reading for the rest of my life, he surprised me with a kindle, and the rest is history.  
Do you like to leave comments? If so, what is your advice for leaving comments?  If I'm completely honest with you, sometimes. I'm guilty of moving on from a chapter to chapter without taking a moment to comment. Telling myself that I'll go back and let the author know how much I enjoyed this part or that part. But I forget. Once I'm done with a story, I want to MOVE ON to the next one. However, in the past year, I've made an active effort to write down everything I feel on my phone while I read on my kindle, so I can go back and paste my review. That’s the other thing, I read SO much from my kindle, that it makes it so easy to forget to go back online and submit a review. And with Discord, I usually read with my friends, and sometimes the author will be there while we talk, theorise and flail all over their work. It's a much more interactive experience. I think authors would prefer that over a thank you. This isn't to say that a thank you doesn't go a long way or isn't appreciative, but honestly, how many times can an author say you're welcome? Or thank you for reading? This takes me to the second part of your question. The one advice I would give is, don't expect a response back. Do it because you genuinely liked it. Suppose we keep expecting and wanting the author to respond, especially if a chapter gets SO MANY reviews. In that case, it might seem disheartening to the reviewer, and they're left feeling unseen or that their review was lacking, which isn't the case most of the time. Tell them how it made you feel, which parts did you love, which string of emotion was plucked and left vibrating in your chest. Tell them that. But also, saying a simple thank you is enough. Personally, I would go to the last chapter and tell the author how much I've enjoyed their story if it's a story that was posted years or months back. If it's a story published years ago and they seem inactive, I would slide into their DMs and flail all over the story. You'd be surprised how many actually respond.
What is your all-time favorite fic you’ve read?  ALL TIME FAVOURITE is such a difficult question to answer. So I’ll compromise and tell you which one I really really really LOVE but also list a few that I can't be parted with. If my room was caught on fire and I had all these stories in front of me and I had to only choose ONE I would say Risk Reward Ratio by @MissiAmphetamine and its sequel! Okay, I know I cheated, but *sigh* honestly I love it. And I’m not sorry about it either. It's not what you would typically hear because it's not really a fluffy story and there are some questionable actions, plots and let’s not start discussing their relationship. But you see, I enjoy a story that questions my morals sometimes, where I find myself asking “what would I do in this situation?” Plus, as you’ll see below, I have a thing for angst with a happy ending. That being said, I also love love love these stories and they each hold meaning to me, because I've read them at various stages of my life: 
Redemption by @anondracomalfoy (wonderfully written story and very enjoyable!!! It’s a memory trope mixed with some suspense)
Revert by SUPRNTRAL LVR (this is when I found out that I can actually cry while reading a story lol) 
Remain Nameless by @heyjude19-writing (I will FOREVER love this story and no one can taint it for me. If you ONLY knew how much this story means to me *cough* I spent every moment I wasn’t reading this making her moodboards that's how much it moved me *cough*)
The Art of Betrayal by @hathawaywrites
Across The Hall by @takingflight48 (this one just hold a special place in my heart)
Thirteenth Night by Nelpher (This is the story that changed my mind about memory loss trope which is my LEAST favourite)
Nightmares and Nocturnes by @olivieblake (one of the most creative and unique war stories ever written)
Hindsight by @floorcoaster (This changed my mind about T rated stories)
Broken by @inadaze22 (this taught me a lesson to READ THE TAGS, but the pain was worth it)
Sugar and Spice by @inlovewithforever (ummmm do I need to say more? This is one of the best triads I've ever read)
Looking Glass by @kyonomiko​ (Every time I'm in a rut I go back to THIS and it never fails to bring me back to life and remind me why I fell in love with these two. It's light hearted, funny and has my second OTP. it's a win-win for me)
Find Your Way Back by @willhavetheirtrinkets​ (Musyc) (I will forever rec this story to everyone)
Pound of Flesh by @pennilynnovus​ (HELLO STRIPPER DRACO! This one tore my heart out, I love it!)
Honestly, the list can go on and on and on. There are just SO many good ones out there that I haven't mentioned yet, but I wanted to list only a few that I will always go back and re-read. Also, just because I haven't mentioned the ones that we keep seeing everywhere, doesn't mean I didn't enjoy them or loved them! 
What fic gave you the most feels? Definitely “Risk Reward Ratio.” It gave me SO much feels. Some were good, and some were pretty bad. It took me on a wild roller coaster ride. I was happy, sad, angry, happy, sad, angry. I laughed hard in some places, I cried even harder in others, I wanted to pull my hair out MOST of the time, and some parts were oh so good the butterflies wouldn't settle the fuck down. But ehh I like what I like, and I'm unapologetic about it. :D
Who is your favorite side character from any Dramione fic? This one is easy! Theo-fucking-Nott! Without a shadow of a doubt. You want to make him the most awesome sidekick character, go right ahead. The best bro, be my guest. The one that has secret feelings for Hermione? GIVE ME THAT TRIAD!!!!! You dare to make him evil? FUCK YES! I'm SO here for it. Even if he is one, I will STILL love him. I always get slightly giddy when Theo makes an appearance, and I tend to enjoy the story that much more. He's an interesting character to me because he's ambiguous. Canon never gave us much about his personality and reading how everyone interprets him makes him one the most versatile characters in my humble opinion. :D
Last question: Do you really like kiwis?? Hahaha!!!! Yes, I really do. This name was given to me by the people who were worried I had a mild obsession with kiwis. You don't have to ask me what I need from the store, because my answer would always be “we've run out of kiwis, BRING ME SOME MORE.” However, let me just make it clear that I'm not a heathen and I don't eat them with their skin on (no judgment if you do).
Thank you so much, Kiwi, for sharing with us! The Dramione community is lucky to have you <3 
Don’t forget, sign ups for the Dramione Comment Fest close February 6, 2021. Check out the rules here and sign up for the fest here.
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whitherliliesbloom · 3 years
Hello! This is a very gentle and warm reminder that i'm way more active on my twitter account now, where you will find lots of hc ramblings and ooc talk in between gposes (some i don't even bother posting on tumblr anymore).
I'm finding it increasingly more difficult to be active on tumblr; partly because of the lack of interaction and support on my content, and partly because a lot of my mutuals on tumblr have either become inactive or have moved on to twitter as well. It's also a lot easier to just ramble ooc on twitter and i feel a lot more free and relaxed there.
My blog's in a pretty sorry state and in need of an overhaul which i do NOT have the time and energy for at the moment.
I'm sorry for the relative lack of activity on here! I will try my best to get back my inspiration to actually make content and post on tumblr (because i still like being able to format my photosets and make gifsets which is impossible on twitter, it's just a shame that everything else in terms of content support sucks here).
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bringmoreknives · 3 years
tagged by @awsugar and @iero to do this!! i’ve never done this one so ty :’)
1. Why did you chose your url
when i REALLY got into mcr in like january 2020 (i’d been a fan before but pretty much only listened to about half of revenge and then tbp and dd) sorrows was one of the very first songs of bullets i got into specifically the knives/sorrow demo on mdnsy. i was checking for canon mcr urls and i saw that this one was taken and i was DESPERATE to have it (also because it’s a bit more ~niche~ reference to our lady) so on the off chance i dm’ed the blog and its owner just happened to check tumblr for the first time in years a few days later and let me have it :) akdjfhksdjhf that was so long
2. Any sideblogs?
technically THIS is a sideblog because @wakemeupbeforeyouvangogh is my main (i didn’t understand how accounts work when i made this blog) but i also run @seaborns (tv, mostly criminal minds and the west wing), @njolras (les mis), i used to run @vsuvia (the arcana) but it’s inactive now, and i also make gifs and content for @daily-cm
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
it was my ninth anniversary on my birthday ;____;
4. Do you have a queue tag?
yeah, it used to be #still into queue but now i don’t wanna use that bc ch*d so it’s #drain the fantasy of queue which is from pool by paramore aka THEEEEE song. i try to keep a pretty active queue but i forget a lot
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
my friend sarah had a blog in sixth grade and it was all about superwholock (of course) i can still so clearly picture the photo of the eleventh doctor she had in her sidebar. but my parents were super strict on the internet (and also i had just recently had someone creep on me on instagram) so they didn’t let me get a blog until i was 13 and it had to be about something educational (hence the van gogh theme for my main). until then i checked a few blogs like the morning paper. and i made this blog because my dad didn’t know how tumblr worked and i was getting into bandom and bored of not posting about it
6. Why did you chose your icon/pfp?
love of my life
7. Why did you choose your header?
it’s not the best picture of it but i really love the brand new eyes stage setup with the picture frames and it goes with my icon
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
it’s this hayley edit with almost 40k which is so embarrassing because i didn’t properly source either of the pictures and i think the second one is actually someone else’s edited pic that i just slapped a sepia filter over...... i was 14 i didn’t know better
9. How many mutuals do you have?
it’s really hard to tell bc mutual checker doesn’t work since this is my sideblog
10. How many followers do yo have?
3,160 <333
11. How many people do you follow?
okay please don’t lose your minds but 2,308..... a ton of them are inactive it’s just genuinely too many to unfollow with inactivity checker
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
yeah lasjfhlaskdjfhh a ton i think my best shitpost is the compilation of star wars actors trashing kylo ren
13. How often do yo use tumblr a day?
it really depends and it’s kind of less rn because i work a lot but i’m assuming i’ll be more active when im home in a few days with nothing to do but i tend to try to at least queue some stuff before i go to bed
14. Have you ever had an argument/fight with another blog?
yeah jdfhdkjfh multiple times. when i was younger it was dramatic but now it just tends to be arguing with reposters
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
if it’s like political or about something going on in the world then i’ll probably reblog it, if it’s one of those old-fashioned “LISTEN HERE FUCKERS LET ME EXPLAIN U A THING” then i will ignore it. unfortunately reblog bait (i.e. reblog this for good luck or you’ll have the worst day of your life) gets me because i have ocd
16. Do you like tag games?
yeah i love them i’m just so bad at remembering to do them
17. Do you like ask games?
YES i absolutely adore them but for some reason like EVERY time i post one i have to go do something else but i want to do more
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
i honestly have no idea. mack and kay both have a lot of followers but idk if that counts as tumblr famous... is tumblr famous even a thing anymore
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
i am in a healthy loving relationship with my polycule the bandom creators server <3
20. Tags
hm i tag: @dangersday @smileandasong @raytorosaurus @lolalovesu @girlfriend-frank @adamlazzara and @mikeywayinc! sorry if any of you have been tagged before i cannot read <3
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discolesbo · 3 years
because i am apparently a masochist and hate myself, i went to browse the asexual tag on this darn website again and was positively surprised there wasn’t any hate. i also checked out the blogs i had blocked (again because i apparently hate myself) and most of them were inactive, not having posted in 2 years even.
so i guess it’s pretty safe to say that the acephobic bullying campaign on tumblr is over for the most part. twitter i couldn’t tell, the most acephobia i see on there is from terfs anyways.
i guess it was a pretty interesting period from 2016 to 2019/2020 when this harrassment campaign happened that basically forced a lot of ace people to go back into the closet online and/or seek out other websites than tumblr and twitter where it’s safer (surprising absolutely no-one, a lot of the people you run into on pillowfort are ace, for example). spending just a few minutes in any ace community online and you will find people saying how they, who had been so open about their identities before that bullying for many years, ended up hiding their identities online.
but i guess the pandemic was enough of a hassle that those people couldn’t spend all day bullying others online based on their sexual orientation anymore. nature is healing and all that.
another thing i noticed is that there are a lot of ace support posts in the tag made by non-aces, with a lot of notes. that’s nice and all but uh. where were you in 2016-2019? people made those support posts before that time period and after it, but somehow, when ace people needed the support the most, suddenly people just disappeared. during those few years, you couldn’t find a single ace positivity post with +10k notes and i know because i tried to look for them. before that time period and now, there are so many. so what gives? if you are only willing to be openly supportive when it’s easy for you, and not in times when it might be difficult for you to support because of the social climate... i’m sorry to break it out to you, but you’re not a very good ally.
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erlkoenige · 3 years
thank you so much for tagging me vi @villainsactivist <3
1. Why did you choose your url?
because i like to make my bad taste in fictional men public and decided to get one inspired by an anime man, and a blond, french one at that :/
2. Any side blogs?
eeh not really, i’m debating whether or not i should start posting over on @freudsmilf for my more personal/shitposts but so far nothing
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
since fucking. february of 2014 :///////// but i only really started actually talking and posting on here much later, around late 2018 i think??
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Nope, i don’t use the queue function, i think i used it for one post to try it out once but apart from that nothing
5. Why did you start this blog in the first place?
bro i don’t remember properly but i think it was because i saw screenshots of tumblr posts on instagram (yes yes i know cringe)
6. Why did you choose your icon?
because damiano david is both hot and a mood
7. Why did you choose your header?
because Achille Lauro’s sanremo performance was absolutely iconic and it makes for a pretty header, it also fit even better when i still had the matching icon from the same performance!!
8. How many mutuals do you have?
bro i have actually NO idea sldfjsdlfj, like there’s the polycule of course, a bunch of italian mutuals, and some other general mutuals with great taste, but numbers-wise i don’t have a clue
9. How many followers do you have?
809, aka way too many for my personal comfort and i consider mass-(soft)blocking on a daily basis ngl jsldfksldfjlsdfj
10. How many do you follow?
154!! i think that’s a pretty good number, but i’m sure there’s also a bunch of inactive blogs in there, i might have to do a cleanout some time
11. Have you ever made a shitpost?
i mean, that’s the only content i’m half-capable of producing :/
12. How often do you use tumblr a day?
i do Not want to answer this question fsjlfsjdlf basically way too often
13. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
uuuh not that i can remember? ii’ve never had any drama with mutuals and if something (like a post) bothers me i usually just make a post complaining about it, but i don’t actually comment/reblog on a post that i don’t agree with to start an argument with that person, and there have been surprisingly few stupid additions to my own posts, bless
14. How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
some of the absolute worst posts on this hellsite, and i either completely ignore them or i Will go find a version of the post without that addition (which is often in the reblogs) if it’s something that’s important to share
15. Do you like tag games?
yes!! i am, however, extremely bad at doing them, cause i either do it as soon as i get tagged or it gets completely lost both in my notes or in my mind so i’m really sorry to everyone who tagged me in a game that i never did </3
16. Do you like ask games?
YES!! i have a ton of fun with them, also this question reminds me i haven’t done one in a hot minute jsldjlsd i should do one again
17. Which mutuals do you think are tumblr famous?
oh man quite a lot i think? like there are constantly posts by mutuals that land on my dash trough other blogs with thousands of notes and i’m just there like hey i know you!!! anyways i think it’s very funny having famous mutuals ngl but their notifs are always in my thoughts and prayers with the stupid additions that they get
18. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
no i kinda don’t get crushes anymore :(
i’ve seen this game on my dash already so i apologize if i’m accidentally double-tagging anyone! but i’m tagging @ivory--and--gold @mona-liar @trueplainhearts @servuscallidus and anyone else who sees this and feels like doing it <3
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iamanartichoke · 3 years
I unfollowed you because you stopped interacting with me and it hurt my feelings, and that hurt bubbled up every time I saw you post. I was worried I would snap at you, cos I also don't always agree with your mcu takes. Better not to be reminded, better not to say something mean I'll regret. I unfollowed a long time ago. Months ago. You didn't notice.
Thank you for the explanation, and I am truly sorry that I hurt your feelings. I don't really know what else to say to this except that I haven't been as active on tumblr in general this year or been as interactive with a lot of mutuals, due to just ... *gestures at everything* so I do realize that I have been a neglectful mutual. And that makes it  hypocritical that my feelings, in turn, are hurt when I'm unfollowed. Certainly unfollowing is a valid reaction.  
I'm not sure what this says about me as a person, but it genuinely never occurred to me that anyone might be hurt about my inactivity. I did think people would notice or, more likely, that people would forget about me. Sometimes I'd feel guilty about not interacting much; sometimes I'd feel like I couldn't come back to fandom or that there wasn't a place for me anymore now that my level of engagement has dropped so low. When I'd feel that way, I would try to remind myself of posts I've seen where it's like, fandom shouldn't stress you out, take breaks if you need them, we'll all be here when you come back. 
I have mutuals who have also gone pretty quiet this year, and I've just assumed that life has been taking up more of their time. I've reached out to a couple to say hey, how are you doing, hope you're well. So what I'm saying is, I prioritized other things this year over tumblr and fandom. I've neglected my fics and, yes, did not notice when mutuals unfollowed until I thought, hey, I haven't seen so-and-so much, what are they up to. I apologize for that. I guess I just (wrongly, it looks like) assumed that there was this implicit understanding that we all do what we can and fandom will be there when we come back. 
This was just a very long-winded way of saying that I am sorry that my actions were hurtful, and I hope this somewhat explains where I'm coming from.  
Also: I hope you (or anyone) never feel like you can't disagree with me on my MCU takes; I always welcome discussion and debate, as long as it's civil. I respect everyone's opinions, even when they're different than mine; there's a lot of meta I disagree with that I see cross my dash. I hope my followers and mutuals know that there's nothing wrong with that. I am sorry, though, if anything I've said made you feel like your response would be mean. I've gotten a lot snarkier on Tumblr and I realize that, but I don't want to foster an environment on my blog that fosters genuine negativity.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Social Media Survey
What is your favorite social media site?  Either Twitter or YouTube, though I never use YouTube as a social media site per se so I guess this round goes to Twitter.
Do you use...
facebook? myspace? twitter? snapchat? instagram? youtube? pinterest? bzoink? another site with message boards? tumblr? deviantart? xanga?
Do you get on Facebook every day?  Yeah pretty much all throughout the day. I used to never use it, like never ever; but back in college all announcements were coursed through Facebook so I was technically required to be on it regularly, and it was from there that I began to see memes and start to be more active. I’m a shitposter more than anything though and I rarely ever post stuff of my own. How many FB friends do you have?  I have 679 at the moment but I want to get rid of like 500 of them; it’s just such a long list to go through so I never get to proceed with my unfriending spree lol.
Have you ever been on a deleting spree?  HAHA I just mentioned that. I’ve always wanted to, but like I said 679 is already such an exhaustive list for me, and that’s considering I only started touching my Facebook in like 2019. I can’t imagine people who started Facebook in like 2009 and have 4000 friends aka most people I know.
Have you blocked a lot of haters?  I don’t have haters; at least I’m not aware of any that I have. Not that it’s something I care about at this point.
Do you get bullied online a lot?  No, but that’s also because I don’t really open the channels for people to send in hate. I don’t have Q&A handles like Curious Cat and I never pick out that option in Instagram where people can send in questions.
What's your favorite Facebook app?  Oh I never use Facebook for their apps. Are those still even a thing...? Anyway, I mainly go there to be on the hunt for stupid memes I can reshare or to watch videos that are either funny or informative.
Are you a fan of selfies?  I don’t mind if other people do it, but I think I’m honestly bad at selfies so I almost never take them. I’ve never figured out my angles or what filters look ok on me.
Has anyone ever called the police on you because they didn't like your status?  No but I have had my posts reported because they were deemed ‘offensive.’ Which is weird because my posts that have been taken down are those that speak out against disgusting men, which says a lot about Facebook runs their shit more than anything else.
Are you in any facebook groups?  I’m in nearly a hundred groups, both private i.e. for school purposes, and public.
Are you the admin of any groups?  Nah. Too much time and effort needed out of me.
Do you report abuse to group admins whenever you see it?  Yes. I report the post then leave the group.
What could make Facebook better?  They could put more effort into detecting and banning troll farms.
What year did you start using Facebook?  I made an account in 2012 because of a high school class that required us to upload this specific video-format homework onto Facebook (which in hindsight is such an insensitive homework considering that was nearly a decade ago when the Philippines was still severely behind in internet connection speeds?? Ugh). But I didn’t start actively using my account until around two years ago.
What is your current profile picture of?  Myself, posing in front of the sunflowers in school during the recent graduation season.
Did you like the old Myspace better than Facebook?  I was never a regular user of Myspace, so...
What are some of your favorite boards?  I’ve never had a clue what the purpose of Pinterest was. I mean I have an account...but I’ve also never gotten the hang of it?? so I never touch it hahaha.
Have you ever done a craft you saw on Pinterest?  Well no, because I’m terrible at arts and crafts anyway.
Do you have a Dream Wedding board? If so, what's on it?  No.
If you have a Dream House board, what does your dream house look like?  Ok fine this one I did start hahahah but I don’t even remember what I added on there anymore. I’m sure it was filled with modern-style houses with minimalist interior design.
Do you wish they'd bring the "like" button back?  I’m not even aware of this option.
Do you have a Bucket List board?  Not aware of this either.
Which do you like better: Just Girly Things or And That's Who I Am? The second one sounds less childish. < Same, and it sounds like it covers more.
Do you have a board for tattoos you like? If so, what are some of your faves?  No. The only one I ever made was the house one, then Pinterest quickly became boring from there when I realized there wasn’t much else I could do besides making mood boards.
Do you have a "Random" or "Miscellaneous" board?  No.
Have you ever reached the maximum number of boards?  No.
Do you have any secret boards?  No.
Have you ever had a Pin deleted because of copyright laws?  No.
Do you have a Color board? No.
Do you have an About Me board? If so, what's on it? No.
Do you have a YouTube channel? If so, what is it?  Technically I do but I only have it so I can tailor video suggestions to my interests and so that I can like videos and subscribe to channels I like.
What kind of things do you post on YouTube?  I’ve never posted any video on there, not even private ones. I’m also not the type to comment.
What do you like to watch on YouTube?  These days YouTube serves as a stress reliever for me, which is to say I would typically go for humorous BTS-related compilations because there are sooooo many hilarious channels that make these great videos haha. Occasionally I’d go back to channels or series that I used to frequent, like Good Mythical Morning, Buzzfeed’s Worth It and Unsolved, Try Guys, Watcher, etc. 
Are you subscribed to any channels?  To so many.
Do you watch any vlogs? If so, what ones are your favorite?  Hm probably Jiwoo’s, though her channel is called Mejiwoo. I find her content calming and conversational and basically fun to binge-watch when I’m not looking for anything super super particular to watch.
If you have a channel, how many subscribers do you have?  0. I’m just a lurker.
Will you subscribe to my channel? (msg me if you want a link!)  Only if it’s really fit to my interests, I guess.
Do you watch music videos?  Rarely; not a fan of MVs in particular. I only really ever put an exception for BTS.
Have you ever watched a TV show on youtube?  Well no since their copyright team works hard and works fast lol. I do watch entire video game walkthroughs from time to time.
Have you ever worked out to exercise videos on youtube?  No, I can’t care less about working out tbh.
Have you watched Amanda Todd's famous video?  No. I’m scared that it might be too upsetting or triggering for me.
Have you ever looked up how to do something on YouTube?  Not really, I prefer looking up articles that can teach me step by step in words.
Do you get a lot of hate comments on youtube?  No, I’ve never posted anything on there.
How long have you been a youtuber?  Never been.
Do you post on Instagram a lot?  I do 1-3 Instagram stories in a week, I would say. As for posts, I only have 4 in total and I don’t really feel the pressure to add more. I just post when I feel the want to.
Have you ever posted a poll on instagram?  Nah, I’m not too sure if anyone would participate so I’ve never tried. If you don't have an iPhone, do you wish you could use Instagram?  I’m pretty sure other operating systems can also use Instagram...
Do you have any followers?  Around 50, I think.
Do you like Instagram filters? I’ll use them sometimes to make my stories appear prettier.
Do you think twitter is stupid? Hehe show me at least one person who doesn’t think so. < Coming from someone who regularly uses Twitter, agree. It is crazy stupid but stupid is what I’m there for. Which is honestly not always such a bad thing to me - I like that people are more themselves, more stripped-down, vulnerable on Twitter. People always seem to want to show off their best selves on Facebook and Instagram, so I’m actually kind of grateful that there is at least one social media out there where people can just be their clumsy, goofy selves.
How often do you tweet?  Probably a maximum of five a day. Nowadays I’m on there mostly to just scroll through my timelines.
Do you get on twitter every day?  Yes, both on my personal and fan account.
Do you make a lot of surveys?  I never make them but I try to take them as often as I can.
Do you take a lot of surveys?  Haha sorry, was one step ahead of you. Yeah, I do.
Do you post in the message boards?  Nah. I dunno if I’m even permitted to check the message boards on Bzoink considering I don’t have an account.
What types of surveys are your favorite?  Categorized surveys like this one or countdown ones can be fun, but at the end of the day I like sticking to the classic random survey.
Do you have friends on here?  Not on Bzoink, but here on Tumblr yes! There’s a number of people here I like keeping up with :)
Do you post all your secrets on here?  Again, not on Bzoink; but yep I share pretty much everything here.
What type of survey do you think I should make next?  Anything but basic/about me-themed ones that will ask for my name and eye color and weight.
Do you read peoples' answers to your surveys?  I’ve never made a survey.
Do you think you are good at making surveys? 
Do you try to make unique surveys?
What type of surveys do you want to see more of?
This or That
Have You Ever
Are you like me?
About You
Personal, Deep Questions
Music shuffle
Would You Rather
Do you have this in your bedroom?
All About Your Crush
Your health
Your friends
Girl Confessions - how different is this from just confessions? Hahaha
Controversial topics
Did you have a myspace when you were in high school?  I started an account in like 4th grade when Myspace was ~big, but I didn’t find it fun and everyone my age was on Friendster anyway, so I was largely inactive.
Do you use myspace now?  No. Is it still even around? I have no clue.
Do you miss bulletins? I didn’t get to join in on the fun so there’s nothing to miss.
Did you like customizing your profile with the old myspace?  Not attributed to Myspace but I did have a lot of fun customizing my Multiply and Tumblr accounts back in the day. That was a period where I really got to learn and play around with HTML :)
Did you have music on your profile?  Not on Myspace again but I did on Multiply! I had a cute little playlist that played the songs immediately as soon as you landed on my page hahaha.
Did you learn HTML when you used Myspace?  Tumblr, yeah. I believe the skills are still there but I’ll definitely be a bit rusty.
Did you have a customized cursor?  Oh, no. Wasn’t a fan of those as I found them a bit tacky.
Did you use glitter graphics?  Also found those tacky haha no, I never used those.
Do you remember posting glitter graphics on friends' pages?  Nope.
Did you make "dolls"?  I don’t recall ever making those.
Did you use photo captions?  Not sure what this is referring to so let’s just say no.
Did you have a photo slideshow on your profile?  Hmmm nope, I don’t think so.
Did you have a Xanga account back in the day?  No. It wasn’t big here so I had never heard of it until I started taking surveys on here and heard people mentioning Xanga, actually.
Do you have a xanga account now?  No.
Did you post photos and quotes on your xanga page?  I never had any.
Do you use snapchat?  I did; I was superrrrr active on there for a time. It kind of just got old at one point, though, and my feed got more and more dead until I too just left my account dormant altogether.
What is your favorite filter?  There were a lot of cute ones on there that helped me be more confident with taking selfies but my favorites have to be the dog and flower crown ones.
Do you understand Tumblr?  I had a better handle of it when I ran a fan account that required me to be more active; but now that I really just go on here to take surveys I just use the basic functions and nothing more. But yeah, I understand just enough to get by.
Do you use Tumblr?  Yeah. Even on the days I don’t post surveys, I regularly go on here to keep up with friends I like keeping up with like Elisabeth, Lane, Steph, Lina, Julie :)
What forum sites did you use to love that aren't around anymore?  There was one message board I frequented for this girly/tween magazine I used to collect, but I won’t share the name.
Are there any other great social media sites that you recommend?  I think this survey was able to cover all the main ones I use.
Do you use a photo editing site? If so, what?  I use apps instead of sites to edit my photos.
Do you ever use BeFunky.com?  Nope.
Do you use a video editing site? If so, what?  Nah, I rarely have to edit videos in a super intricate, detailed way. Apple’s video editing features suffice for me.
Have you ever downloaded fonts?  Very occasionally since it’s never necessary.
Have you ever used photobucket to upload an image?  No but I remember going on there back in the day to look for images. I never uploaded any, though.
Do you use iTunes?  Not anymore. I have an account on Spotify now.
Do you listen to music on Pandora?  No, never used it.
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chaoticspacefam · 3 years
I was tagged by @darth-bagel thank you! I shall tag (no pressure as always and feel free to ignore!) : @a-muirehen , @palepinkycat , @walk-ng-d-saster , @kyber-heart and @berriku <3
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 5 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
Name/Nickname: I usually go by Elf/Elven online, tho my gf also calls me Boyscout (it’s an inside joke we have XD)
Gender: Cis female
Star sign: Taurus  ♉
Height: 5′4″ (I can’t believe I’m actually taller than someone, sorry Bagel!)
Birthday: April 21st. Prolly gonna be spending another birthday in lockdown but hey, at least I can either play SWTOR with some buds or ARK with dad this time so that’ll prob be what I’ll be doing. Gotta make the most of it
Time: as I’m finishing this to post it, it is 1:22pm
Favorite bands: I have a lot so hold onto your hats lmao: Fall Out Boy, Glass Animals, Panic! At The Disco, Hop Along (not sure if these two still count as bands or if they’d fall under solo now...), MISSIO, 30 Seconds to Mars, Shinedown, Lord Huron is apparently a band now too tho he started solo owo, The Oh Hellos, Of Monsters And Men, The Antlers, PVRIS, Bastille, Young Heretics, Dorothy, The Crane Wives, The Mountain Goats
Favorite solo artists: Hozier, Willyecho (pretty sure he’s solo? XD), Billie Eilish, Ed Sheeran, Lorde, Mikky Ekko, Iron & Wine, Marina (& The Diamonds), Florence & The Machine, EDEN, P!nk, Keaton Henson, Amanda Palmer, Halsey, Radical Face, grandson, Lincoln
Song stuck in my head: as of this morning, The Mighty Fall by Fall Out Boy
Last movie: Uuuhh, pretty sure it was Hotel Transylvania 2, I was feeling icky the other day and needed to laugh so XD
Last show: The Alien Worlds series on Netflix, it’s really cool even if I wish they’dve come up with better names for the alien critters ¬_¬
When did I create this blog: Oh, not that long ago actually, funnily enough. I’ve been in and out of tumblr for a long while but never made my own blog(s) till about March last year (2020)
What do I post: this blog is exclusively SWTOR (and KOTOR) related stuff, anything from awesome art, writing and headcanons from mutuals, to my own art, screencaps from my and mutuals’ gameplay, to my own fics, headcanons and stuff. My other blog is for “canon” Star Wars, general fandom/gaming stuff etc. Very occasionally I might post non-swtor posts like this one here if I feel it “belongs” in the “get to know elven” tag
Last thing I googled: "acnh how many villagers can you have” - I wasn’t sure what the limit was and I play sporadically so I didn’t know, don’t laugh at me LMAO
Other blogs: just my other/main blog: @itstheelvenjedi​ . There’s “canon”-era Star Wars, LotR/The Hobbit stuff as well as a little bit of Warrior Cats, other gaming (mainly ARK: Survival Evolved atm), as well as a tiny bit of politics and ranty stuff. All is properly tagged so you can block any tags you don’t want to see.
Do I get asks: I do! I’m kinda slow answering them sometimes but I promise if you send me one I will always answer it and I appreciate every single one <3
Why I chose my url: ok, so, my mains are mostly wlw - except for Kas - (and yes, wlw can use the word “lesbian” if we want to, as a demisexual wlw person I will beat you with my crutch, fuck off, it’s a blanket wlw term just like “sapphic” and you don’t get to decide what I can and cannot call myself or my characters, you’re not me), they’re chaotic and they live in the SWTOR verse which is sometimes affectionately called a “space opera” so: chaoticspacelesbians. my main blog is because “TheElvenJedi” has been my main online pseud since about 2014, but theelvenjedi was apparently taken when I made my tumblr so I had to add something else to the beginning, therefore I went with itstheelvenjedi cause it was the closest thing to theelvenjedi and easy for me to remember XD
Following: 229 apparently (oop. I should probably....go through that and trim out the year+ inactive blogs huh o.o)
Followers: 90 (holy crackers where did you all come from LMAO am I really that funny???)
Average hours of sleep: I try to stick to at least 7, sometimes when insomnia hits tho it’s more like 4... >__<
Lucky number: 4 again! I just really dig it, it’s a cool number.
Instruments: I used to play recorder, and I took a couple drum lessons in primary school but couldn’t afford to keep it up ;-; it was fun while it lasted tho!
What am I wearing: ...my pyjamas and a dressing gown. It’s cold and I don’t have to go out or expect visitors today so I’m staying warm. Don’t judge me LOL
Dream job: I would’ve loved to have done either Riding Groom/Jockey (which I might have managed 6 or so years back but uhhh, I can’t handle the physical strain anymore, thanks granny joints!) or Animal Assisted Therapy, but there’s no way I can cope with managing my own business, it’s too much for me qwq A lot of things are Too Much For Me, unfortunately. I will take working checkout at a grocery store at the rate I’m going now tbh.
Dream trip: 1) to visit the gf in Germany and see the Christmas Markets there, and also 2) to go to New Zealand and visit the Hobbit/LotR sets and see all the wildlife :’D
Favorite food: Mac n cheese, it’s just...so good....
Nationality: South African/British (yes, I am in fact dual-national even if my SA passport has expired and I can’t find money to renew it, it’s on my birth certificate and in my blood so HAH)
Favorite song: I have...a few... but uhh Bruno Is Orange - Hop Along Bury Me Face Down - grandson Domestic Bliss - Glass Animals (TW: abuse mention, abusive relationship) Raise Hell - Dorothy Woman King - Iron & Wine Save Rock n Roll - Fall Out Boy Saint Bernard - Lincoln I could go on for a while but these are the ones that oft live in my head rent-free XD
Last book read: I don’t even know, tbh....I haven’t been able to focus on reading in a while 😅
Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in:
1. SWtOR (obviously. Gimme a lightsaber and Force powers, stat!)
2. LotR/The Hobbit
3. ARK: Survival Evolved (I’d prolly get eaten by a t-rex or a spino in like 5 mins but hey, the thought of actually having a bunch of pet prehistoric animals is nice~)
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oreomonsterhunter · 3 years
Interview tag!
tagged by: @taetaespeaches and @tabsteen (sorry I’m only just getting around to this ahaha)
Name: Natalie, Nat, Noodle, Noodley, mom, grandma....
Pronouns: she/her
Star sign: capricorn
Height: 5′5.5″ (Liv and I fought and won that half inch thank you very much)
Current time: 6:58 am
Birthday: January 6
Nationality: American
Favorite bands/group(s): BTS, Il Volo, Monsta X, Stray Kids
Favorite solo artist(s): Tia Ray, Jackson Wang, Frank Sinatra
Song stuck in your head right now: Monster by Red Velvet - Irene and Seulgi
Last movie you watched: Think Like a Man
Last show you binged: BRIDGERTON omg still shook over this
When you created your blog: pretty sure 2013, but re-downloaded the app this summer in....July??? June, idk
Last thing you googled: "green tea mochi recipe” because I have a fierce craving and there’s only one place that has them in stock and it’s like five bucks for a box of six and I just can’t do that anymore.  I’m a high maintenance DIYer lmao
Other blogs: nope
Why you chose your URL: because back in 2013 I was in the middle of binging Supernatural and I liked oreos and tumblr was popular so blog names were super hard.  Now I’m attached :)
Do you get asks: sometimes? I love asks, and I always smile when I get one (though it would be nice if tumblr told me about them because sometimes? I don’t see them? bleh)
How many people are you following: 129 (wow I should scroll more often, but like...busy)
How many followers do you have: idk honestly because the whole 2013 thing means a bunch are inactive but still counted?
Average hours of sleep: 7.5 (a devout sleeper and grandma)
Lucky number: 6?  I just like it.  It’s my birthday ahaha
Instrument(s): piano, flute (shoot it’s been five years since I touched that bad boy)
What i’m currently wearing: flannel pj bottoms, slippers, big tiddie gang sweatshirt (hello it is winter)
Dream job: a writer, but I literally just had an epiphany last night and like...I’d love to be an art teacher.  Like open up a used bookstore slash art studio and teach classes in the back and display students’ art to sell and just sshjdkjd that’s the dream.  New five year plan, I want it so badly 😭
Dream trip: if it doesn’t have to be realistic, I’d just travel around the world forever XD I want to go everywhere and talk to everyone and see everything and eat ALL THE FOOD I can’t choose.  Top 5 on my bucket list?  Italy, Scotland, South Korea, New Zealand, Russia
Favorite food: for a foodie, this question is impossible.  Some of my faves (to make and eat, because you better believe I learned how to make all my favorite foods) include dak galbi, chicken paprikash, and buttermilk biscuits (message me if you ever want recipes 🥰)
Favorite song: no idea fam (but current fave is LMM by Hwasa because it feels like she just ripped my heart out to lay bleeding on the track right now)
Top fictional universes you’d like to live in: any Sarah J Maas book, send me there asap
Tagging: anyone who sees this and wants to do it!  No pressure, these questions can be personal so I don’t wanna call people out (also I’m self conscious about tagging folks 110% of the time)
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