#also traditional upper class white man things
pokeberry5 · 9 months
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thug beatdown round 2: electric boogaloo
(extras, cw flashing gif:)
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the fit:
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pluckyredhead · 1 month
Can you please say more about the Lanterns' politics?
I am so glad you asked me about this because I've been thinking about it since I reblogged that post but also I'm definitely about to get yelled at lol. ANYWAY THIS IS GOING TO BE LONG.
Tl;dr: John is the only one with a coherent political position or an up-to-date voter registration.
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So something interesting about Hal is that his stories are often very political but his character is not. With one extremely obvious exception, he rarely talks about politics; rather, he serves as a means through which to tell political stories, usually unintentionally.
What do I mean by that? Well, for example, in the Silver Age, his love interest would occasionally be possessed by a misandrist space jewel that would force her to attack him, but always lose because women are inherently inferior to men and prefer to be subjugated by them anyway. That's the original Star Sapphire concept. It's wildly misogynistic, but it doesn't mean Hal the character is misogynistic. But it's also a very political story, even if I don't think the writer was deliberately trying to make a point so much as...being an average, thoughtlessly sexist guy living in the 60s. (Carol continues to be the subject of mindbogglingly sexist writing and art well into the 2000s. Fucking comics.)
And so you have Hal Jordan, whose love life was ruined by his girlfriend getting promoted above him and who called his best friend by a racist nickname for decades; Hal Jordan, poster boy for chest-thumping post-9/11 kneejerk patriotism; Hal Jordan, lightning rod for a certain kind of regressive bigoted fanboyism. Choosing Hal as the Lantern for a particular story over John or Kyle has come to signify something very specific, but none of that is necessarily reflective of what Hal himself believes.
So what about Hal himself? Well, when we first meet him, he's the epitome of privilege: a white, straight, cis, Christian (I know he's canonically half-Jewish now but that's only as of the past decade or so), ablebodied, upper middle class (Geoff Johns retconned him to have a working class background, but in the Silver Age, he had one uncle who was a millionaire, another who was a judge, and a successful politician brother) man with a flashy job. Privilege tends to lean Republican; even if he is from California, I suspect Hal voted for Eisenhower in 1956.
In GL/GA, the word "Republican" isn't used to my recollection, but Hal is definitely presented as...I'm going to say conservative by I mean lower-case C. He doesn't have deeply held political beliefs, but he's traditional. He doesn't question the system, because he's never had to. He resists things that challenge the way he's always understood the world works, and that's very relatable - most people do! And he will absolutely argue with Ollie, who certainly isn't always right about everything. But he's also willing to listen, and have his mind changed, and certainly reachable via appeals to compassion and fairness.
Once the "relevance" trend of the late 60s-early 70s was over, Hal's stories default back to ostensibly politically neutral, although obviously nothing is actually politically neutral. In the late 80s and early 90s he's the most unpleasant version of himself, and that has political manifestations, like when he allows John to be imprisoned in apartheid South Africa for a ridiculous and unnecessary crime Hal himself committed. It's extremely fucked up, but again, it's less because of Hal's actual opinions and more because Christopher Priest wanted to write about apartheid, even if it does make Hal look incredibly, horrifically racist.
Then jump to the mid-2000s and Green Lantern: Rebirth, and you might imagine that losing his hometown, getting possessed by a giant space bug, becoming a supervillain, dying, and becoming the embodiment of God's vengeance might have some effect on Hal's politics, but that is not what Geoff Johns is here to write. Johns is writing a Hal who teleported in from, like, 1967 - no nuance allowed. He's a summer blockbuster that walks like a man. He's a Baja Blast. He's never had a coherent political thought in his life. In his defense, he has had more and goofier concussions than any superhero I can think of and his brain is smooth like an egg. Still.
Anyway, all of this is to say that I think Hal tends to default to center right positions but can be easily coaxed over to center left. That said, he has never not once in his life had his shit together enough to vote in a single election, not even for his own brother.
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So Guy's deal is a little bit complicated because his most vocally political era was also in part due to severe and personality-altering brain damage.
When Guy was originally introduced in the 1960s, he had the pleasantly bland personality of all superheroes. Many years later, he suffered a series of major injuries, torture, and a lengthy coma, and he emerged from the coma in 1985 with the aggressive, abrasive personality he's best known for today. Justice League International took that even further, using him to parody the jingoistic, red-blooded American action hero of the 80s.
This version of Guy is a vocal fan of Ronald Reagan and despises the USSR. He's pro-war, proudly xenophobic, and treats women badly enough that it crosses the line into repeated sexual harassment, both physical and verbal. (To be fair...ish, this last also applies to Wally West and arguably a number of other men, and was always played for laughs. It was gross all around.)
Again, this is partially a manifestation of his brain damage. There's also a running gag in JLI where if he gets hit on the head, his personality changes to this cloying, timid, gentle one, sort of halfway between a child and a flamboyant gay stereotype. Hit him again and he goes back to Asshole Guy. I'm not going to pretend I don't find some of the gags funny, but it's obviously all highly problematic, and not just from a medical standpoint.
That said, I don't think we can dismiss Guy's politics or his usual personality as simply a manifestation of brain damage. We see in later flashbacks that he developed the abrasiveness as a defense mechanism from growing up in an abusive home, and as he matures through the 90s, he doesn't actually become a significantly different person, even after his Vuldarian healing factor kicks in and heals his brain. (It's a thing.) I think it's more accurate to say that the brain damage probably affected his impulse control, his filter, and arguably even his paranoia levels.
All of which is to say that as much as I would love to go "Guy's better now, so he's not a Republican!"...that dog won't hunt. I think a really good canon writer could make the case that Guy is pro-union-style working class and also a former teacher so he's at least center left, but as of now canon evidence is pretty firmly on the red side. It doesn't help that the GLC has been written as fetishistically pro-cop and pro-military since Johns got his grubby hands all over it. I will happily ignore the New 52 retcon that Guy was a cop, and you could even try to argue that he dislikes cops because his brother was a corrupt cop who became a supervillain, but I think it's much more likely that he identifies with cops as a Corps member. Although I don't think he would have any patience for killer cops. ("You were afraid for your life even though you were the only one with a weapon? Then fucking quit, coward.")
All of that said, I think Guy is similar to Hal: defaults to center right, can be talked into center left on certain issues but he's more stubborn about it. (They would also both be enraged by Jan 6 and disgusted by the current Republican party - I can't quite argue that Guy Gardner is a Democrat but Green Lanterns don't have any patience for traitors or cowards.) It's also kind of a moot point because he never knows what is happening on Earth and hasn't voted since his pre-coma days.
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Oh John Stewart, thank god for you.
John was introduced as an explicitly political character in an explicitly political story. The first time we see him, he's stepping in to defend Black men from a white cop, citing his own knowledge of the law to do so. He shows a much more perceptive and informed perspective on the issue's main plot (a racist senator running for president) than Hal does. Even in the little moment above, we see that he's sensitive to exactly what it means for him, a Black man, to be taking on this role.
None of this is a surprise, since we'll later learn that John's parents were civil rights activists. Not only would he not have had the privilege Hal and Guy did to assume his existence was politically neutral, he was explicitly educated about political realities and progressive advocacy from childhood. He's well-informed, he's passionate, and he's going to tell you when you are being fucking stupid.
John isn't immune from the GL cop/military...thing, although I can't blame Johns for that - it was the cartoon that made him a Marine, and the comics followed suit. But that's never outweighed his origin or his upbringing. Like, he's friends with the DCU's fictional version of Nelson Mandela.
This one is straightforward: John is a staunch progressive. He is, however, in outer space 90% of the time, so he's always at least a little bit out of date. I imagine every time he comes back to Earth he spends the first 24 hours watching the news in abject horror.
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Kyle doesn't talk about politics a lot, but when he does, he lands pretty much where you'd expect a young California-born artist living in New York City to land: to the left. My read on Kyle is that he hasn't really thought any of his politics through, which makes sense - he's a character who is led by emotion over reason every time. He doesn't have John's carefully thought-through arguments or knowledge of the law behind him. I feel like when something political upsets him, he's more likely to splutter angrily than make a coherent argument (which: same). When he's given the time to think things through and speak from the heart, though, he can be very eloquent, like in his speech to Terry after Terry accidentally comes out to him.
It's also worth pointing out that his solo appearances were mostly in the 90s, which were prone to avoiding politics or only addressing them in a halfhearted both sides-y way like the story above.
That said, I don't think he ever actually does anything about his political opinions. He never votes in midterm or primary elections, and probably only voted in a presidential one because Alex dragged him along one time. I feel like Donna tried to do the same when they were dating and that was when Kyle realized he'd forgotten to change his voter registration from California to New York. Jennie wasn't responsible enough to Mom him into doing his civic duty, and he's been in space pretty much nonstop ever since, so...
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In that other post, I said Simon's experiences should have radicalized him, but instead he was created by Geoff Johns. Simon is a Muslim, Lebanese-American man who came of age in the post-9/11 era, and was wrongfully convicted of terrorism and waterboarded at Guantanamo Bay. His reaction to this was...to put on a ski mask and wave a gun around. Like, it's been a while since I've read these issues, but aside from the "ripped from the headlines!!!" of it all, I feel like Simon's experiences largely don't inform his actions or perspective except that he's super angry (fair enough).
The thing about Simon (and Jessica) is that he hasn't been around very long, and most comics don't have characters directly expressing political opinions. It's not a coincidence that these characters are in chronological order and each write-up is shorter than the last. I can think of about three times where Kyle has ever said anything I can interpret as political, and he's been around for 30 years. Simon only has a third of that history. So while one could certainly extrapolate what Simon's opinions are likely to be, I can't think of any canon where he actually says them.
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Jessica has even less to go on in terms of explicitly political comics. You'd think she wouldn't like guns because of what happened to her friends, but she has one of her own and doesn't seem bothered by Simon's. I'd imagine she has opinions on immigration as someone whose family is from Mexico and Honduras, but it never comes up. If I were writing for DC, I'd make both Simon and Jess leftists, but as for actual canon proof? I got nothing.
I will say that she probably avoids political discussions because anxiety, and I bet she got really good at voting by mail during her years not leaving the house. She probably votes by mail from space. Maybe John's not the only one with an up-to-date voter registration.
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mueritos · 2 months
Hey! You made a post about trying to find autistic BIPOC people- my roommate is native and autistic, though it's not something he really says anything about on his blog, and he's had a p traditional upper-middle class upbrining: FennalFennec is his username. Not sure what you're looking for exactly but wanted to help if I could.
Also, if you have the energy to answer, could you explain your autistic experience compared to the white autistic experience? Or maybe point me to people who do? Im neurodivergent as well, but white af and am p ignorant on the differences for BIPOC people.
thank you for the recc of your friends blog! Im really looking to diversify the autistic content i do engage in because its been pretty monolithic for a while now. even if your friend doesn't talk about it much, i just would like to be aware that people like me exist.
i'm still pretty much self-suspecting and would like be self-dx, but ive been retaking the raads-r after seeing that study that came out that pretty much confirms its a good indicator of ASD. kept scoring above 140 (literally right in between the average of suspected ASD in cis men and cis women, its almost like im a Transgender or something).
Anyway, im still unpacking the differences in the experience besides the obvious racialization of skin color. I think a main thing that comes to mind for about the difference between my experience as someone who was raised in an immigrant Mexican household (and as someone who has white privilege but was never treated as "White" i.e european) and the usual white autistic experience can be summed up with the Right to Comfort. I was actually talking about this with my twin the other day. The tenants of white supremacy are something I go back to everyday because they really do hold true in every aspect of life--interpersonal, intrapersonal, systemically, etc. But one of the tenants is the Right to Comfort. I'll past examples here from this pdf:
the belief that those with power have a right to emotional and psychological comfort (another aspect of valuing “logic” over emotion)
I see this a lot in how White autistics are allowed to be as "disabled" or as "autistic" as they want. There is still ableism of course, but the amount of BIPOC autistic folks who are killed, assaulted, harassed, and bullied for appearing as "disabled" or as "autistic" as they are is quite high. Even BIPOC autistics with lower support needs aren't allowed to express those needs in the ways I see White autistics can. Obviously it's a privilege to unmask, too. I personally don't relate to White autistics in that way, and it brings me a lot of discomfort. I also wanna say I'm not upset at White autistics; everyone deserves to unmask if they want and everyone deserves to receive the support they need. What I am saying is I am deeply upset by White Supremacy and the way it creates access to being myself an incredibly racialized thing. Because racism effing blows man.
also if I am veering into saying something shitty in this pls feel free to correct me. everyday im learning more about myself with this and I am still self-suspecting, but at this point there is very little else that explains the way my brain thinks and why I require certain things to feel good. i appreciate you affirming my experiences <3
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runthepockets · 5 months
I like how all encompassing Soldier Boy and Homelander are of Baby Boomer and Gen X masculinity. Everything Soldier Boy says is some graphic, unwarrented sex pun or innuendo, all delivered with a dismissive attitude. He bullies and belittles everyone who annoys and inconveniences him (and if you've ever met a Baby Boomer male, that's pretty much everyone), everything about him has a thin layer of defensiveness dripping all over it, and, of course, he thinks feelings are for pussies. His immediate response to seeing his biological son try to appeal to him for approval, in a way that any boy or man tries to appeal to and relate to his father, is "well, guess I gotta put you down now. Bitch." The guy was also a major tool in the racism fueled "war on drugs" endemic, much to the emotional and physical cost of one of the main characters. Pretty much his only redeeming qualities are that he wants aforementioned son dead as much as the main crew, and that when he speaks of women in that chauvanistic "I fuck girls, I don't love them" way, he's pretty much exclusively talking about women his own age, if not older.
Homelander, meanwhile, tries very hard to maintain the image of "wholesome" masculinity, in that way a lot of "successful" Gen X'ers try to; he doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke, he doesn't do hookups or have random sexual endeavors* (*dude is a rapist despite all this, which is 80x worse than just being a slut who has a ton of kinky, consensual sex like the rest of the heroes do, but again, he's a wholesome American role model, earns the 1% a lot of money, and especially placates the white supremacist demographic, so.) This wins him a lot of favor with the more traditional suburban white American demographic. But every time he tries to do the stony machismo thing, he fails miserably. For all of Soldier Boys faults, his performance of masculinity seems to very earnestly align with his beliefs, even if they're all hogwash. Homelander meanwhile, just wants others to like him a lot. There's nothing behind the eyes and everyone can tell after being alone in a room with him for 4 seconds. He makes weird faces when you try to talk to him about anything outside of business, and stands around like a Mii in a plaza when he's not in the public spotlight. He's egotistical, manipulative, he throws tantrums, he's so vein that he only collaberates with white supremacists because they fuel his ego. When they start spewing their "white people are gonna be the minority in a couple of years" crap, he cringes and starts trying to turn the conversation back to himself. He brings out the worst of humanity by adhereing to this image of rugged individualist, materialist, competitive patriarchy that so many guys are prone to falling into.
It's a really fascinating thing to see as an outsider looking in, and I think it's a really good metaphor. When I speak to (most) white men old enough to be my grandfather for long enough, it feels like talking to Soldier Boy. When I speak to (most) white men old enough to be my stepdad for long enough, it feels like talking to Homelander. I mean, if you're the 90% of Americans who aren't straight, white, upper class men, you've seen how fixated this country is on uplifting and plastering successful men of those demographics anywhere and everywhere, much to the detriment of the rest of us (which The Boys also goes into, through the periphery of a bunch of characters rather than just a singular token character. Even the one rich black guy is clearly going through a lot of shit and gets fucked over and targeted in ways that his white peers don't), but I've yet to see a show that balances that so well with the idea that these guys are also severely fucked up, unhappy, and undisciplined individuals. Like, I think if anyone was basically born and treated as a labrat throughout their formative years, and then expected to just be the forefront of every major pop cultural movement, with no affection or emotional check ins the way Homelander is, they'd probably also be the same degree of "malfunctioning cyborg trying to win the broader public's opinion" that he is. There's also no way Soldier Boy is happy blowing through other human beings like cigarettes, being alone with himself after the cool action movie stuff is no longer necessary and the cameras turn off. Again, though, a lot of us go days without eating, and can't leave the house without being sexually harrassed, or experiencing some sort of microagression, and those guys also really like killing people for fun, so like. Tough titties. Change your habits or you are going to pass away.
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harringrovsonsworld · 2 years
Jason Carver SFW Alphabet
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I was struggling with my kas eddie thing so i decided to take a break and do something for Carver. i know hes an asshole but i do have a soft spot for him. his death was bs and he was clearly in need of help that he didnt get. a terrible waste that he went from the pep rally high to dead in a serial killers attic in less than a week.
anyways long post under the cut
Edit : I forgot j like an idiot fool.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
I've gotta be honest. Jason comes across as a shallow air head. The basketball equivalent of sharpee from highschool musical. BUT if any of yall have seen sharpee’s stand alone show/movie thing you'll know she's not quite as shallow as people make her out to be. Jason's affection is like that. He seems at first blush to be a cool guy but you can't think of anyone who’d put them as their emergency contact. Their first call when shit hits the fan. Then you get to know him away from his meat head friends, he can be quite genuine. I don't think he has the forethought to do this on purpose, but he can be very unintentionally sweet and soft with his words. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He's a very hands on best friend, especially if it came to a shared hobby like basketball, hiking or swim team. I think he’d have a hard time with stuff he doesn't like, to pick a completely random example, someone who likes DnD. He can be pretty dismissive of ‘that nerd shit’ whatever that might be, it's less out of meanspiritedness and more wanting you to fit in so you can still hang out without damaging his cred. Maybe not the most noble of ideas but it comes from a good place and you have to remember, he is only 18.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
If you were alone or in a more closed off setting, yes I imagine he would like to cuddle. I can see Jason having a pastor dad who probably wasn't the most outwardly loving. He’s maybe a little cuddle starved. He seems like he'd be the type to throw his arm around your shoulder whenever he could, put his head in your lap or hold your hand in church. I don't think he's the type for spooning, probably not allowed to bring anyone home with him, but he might fall asleep against your shoulder while you watch a movie. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I struggled with this one. Jason gives me very white upper class traditional roles sort of vibes. He absolutely wants to get married, in fact i think he’s the type to be planning his dream wedding and dream spouse for years in advance. But I also think he sees himself as the stereotypical man in the relationship. He's expecting to marry someone who’ll be a homemaker while he goes off to work, maybe follow in his fathers footsteps. Bit of internalised misogyny/ toxic masculinity i think. His parents would certainly expect him to do chores when he was younger, but it was on sufferance and it's stopped now he has to focus on college (maybe a basketball scholarship?) He's never learned to cook or clean for himself, even for the pleasure of making food only he wants. If you're into the whole, trad wife/ husband/ spouse thing, maybe this could work out. If not you're going to need to make that clear because jason has a hard time reading sarcasm  
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Say what you will about Carver in season 4, he knows how to be a gentleman to his partners. He’d take you on a date to say goodbye and try his level best to go on good terms. I imagine you'd have to do something pretty egregious to force his hand but I can also see him being told you're not the right partner for him by his parents, then twisting his arm. It's pretty clear that if Chrissy had survived she was going to dump Jason and if Chrissy was an 8 out of 10 on the Jason pain scale, you're an 11. All that to say, oh boy is he going to take that hard. His friends might try to cheer him up with some sort of superficial lads night out but let's be real, there's only so long you can hang around someone miserable who won't cheer up. He's going to go hide in some sort of teenage angst misery pit listening to the 80s equivalent of Linkin park's Numb.  
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Oh hell yes. Jason is so excited about being someone's husband. He loves partying, every teenager does, but he is so excited to settle down with his best friend and build a life with them. He seems the type to give out promise rings, like “we’ll be together when college is done” sort of thing. I imagine he’d want a decent engagement period, mostly so there's enough time to coordinate the wedding and organise it between your two families and pick the right date. I think he’d want a fall wedding, kids soon after so they are born in the spring/summer. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
I think what we see of him with a bad temper and even worse intentions is Jason at his absolute lowest. A snapshot of him at his worst possible moment and it shouldn't be taken as normal. He’s kind of jockish, physically rough and emotionally immature and I honestly don't think he’ll get that much better. He might mellow with age, get rid of all that nervous energy that seems to follow him about. And I doubt that boisterous playfulness will last forever too, so he will probably not be as rough and tumble by the time he's finished college.  I'm not saying you have to parent him but he does seem to need an actual adult to point him in the direction of maturity, talking through his problems instead of taking the huff or just letting things fester. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
I'd say so, yes he's a fan of hugs. He likes those little dancy swaying hugs you get when someone completely wraps their arms around you. I canon Jason as autistic so he likes the pressure and grounding effect they have. His hugs are wrapped a little too tight and he's just a little too into it. He definitely gets teased by his basketball buddies for how many hugs he gives you. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
I imagine Jason has been taught to never say that unless he really means it. Brought up to think if you say you love someone, it means you're going to marry them and we all know how important that is to jason. For that reason I imagine he’d be really really slow to say it. He’ll have been thinking about it for a long time, mentally adding it to the end of his conversations with you. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He's not huffy so much as he is oh woe is me. Spirals a bit into self loathing when he thinks you have something better than him. Sometimes he goes a bit over board trying to prove he deserves you, trying to earn you back even though you're still with him and don't intend to leave.
He needs Therapy and a confidence boost.
Kinda chaste, short and sweet. He's not the makeout type normally, mostly just a quick peck on the cheek in the morning before class, a quick goodbye when he drops you home. He likes to kiss cheeks and hands and shoulders. I think he likes to have his neck and jaw kissed. He seems like he's ticklish, might devolve into a giggling fit if you blew a raspberry on his neck. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Hmm judging by his behaviour his parents seem a little absent . I'm betting like most boys in Hawkins he didn't exactly have a good male role model for fatherhood. I imagine he has a sort of idealised version of parenthood in his head that doesn't exactly line up with reality. He likes kids how he sees them in his head, having fun sitting with his daughter having a tea party, and teaching his son how to play ball. I don't think he's thought about all the late night feedings and nappy changing and wiping snotty noses. He's good with calm and fun kids but he has no clue how to deal with a fussy, scared or crying child. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Jason is a fitness nut, not to mention his strict parents. He's up at the crack of dawn for church and a morning run, maybe doing laps in the pool before class. He's perfectly happy to let you lie on until he's done but he's the kind of annoying morning person who wants you to come with him and have fun. He likes to go out for breakfast dates. Actually he likes pancakes and waffles so much he could give el a run for her money. He'd have breakfast for dinner if he thought he could get away with it. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Jason isn't failing any classes but that's mostly due to the fact he spends every moment he's not practising basketball and at church doing work. He doesn't really care too much about his grades, he's banking a lot on a free ride to a sporty college, he just doesn't want to incur his parents wrath and complaints of being a disappointment. He usually falls asleep with his nose in a boring book, maybe with you on the opposite sofa waiting for him to finish his work so you can go grab dinner. He's up at the crack of dawn most days so he's an early to bed sort. Doesn't mean he can't pull the occasional all-nighter for exams or victory parties. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
I think Jason is a nervous talker. He’ll info-dump about himself to just fill the silence. It’s all true stuff but it's just a constant stream of consciousness, rambling and going too fast for you to really take in. I imagine once he's past that initial awkwardness and the butterflies have calmed down, he’ll let a steady stream of things about himself be slowly revealed. For all his anxieties he's not super shy, does not hide things about himself and always caves when pressed. He’s not super deep, it's what you see is what you get with Jason 99% of the time. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He’s pretty average. I think he has a hard time putting himself in other people's shoes a lot of the time, unless it's something he's experienced. Stuff he knows well he’s got a lot of patience for, things he doesn't understand get a lot of “why can't you just do X” or “c'mon Y cant be that hard” he doesn't get angry easily but he does get annoyed, exasperated even. He's a serial problem sorter by which I mean he says the phrase “do you want me to deal with Z for you” rather than just listening or letting you solve the thing on your own time. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Jason is a lot like steve. He’s not stupid even if he isnt that book smart. He remembers a lot of little details and nuances and then does something daft like forget your anniversary. He's a little absent minded when he's focused on other things  but he is good at making it up to you. 
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
I mentioned above he doesn't remember big things even though youd think theyd be easier to remember. He's a bit of a romantic at heart: maybe something like meeting eyes across the carpark or hearing your cheer over the crowd when he scored the winning point at a game. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
After Chrissy left him for someone he thought of as inferior, Jason sort of developed a bit of a complex. He’s a little jealous but more in a sulky passive aggressive way than an outright hostile and accusatory way. When he knows he's upset you he gets pretty melancholic and self pitying “oh woe is me, this is why chrissy left me, i get it now you should leave me too for someone better” that kind of thing. For all his bravado he seems like he has a somewhat low opinion of himself outside of basketball and even that might be taken away from him if he survived the earthquake/upside down of Hawkins with injuries. He doesn't like to be physically protected, he'd rather fight his own battles. But I imagine he might like to have things sugar coated, no harsh truths or telling it like it is. Sometimes you need those harsh truths though so maybe protect him from taking it too hard? Just be gentle with him is what i'm saying.
Assuming he’s still able bodied after the whole, vecna incident, he’d definitely go to bat for you. If not, well he's not particularly cutting, quick or sharp witted. I think he might defend you with somewhat empty threats. But know this, able or not his team still has his back and by extension yours. One dude on crutches isn't much of a threat, but an entire varsity basketball team who wants to kick your ass is a pretty big deterrent to anyone who might mess with you. Less scary dog privilege and more scary wolf pack privilege.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Jason is sort of one note with his effort. He picks stereotypical date ideas, gifts and so on: flowers, chocolates etc. He doesn't do it intentionally, that's just what he assumes girls/guys/nb partners are meant to like. Wining and dining people are really the only string to his bow at the start, it's all he's been taught.  Like I said, he's a romantic so once he finds out more about you he’d try to bring those things into his dates. He loves aquarium dates, one of his special interests is sharks and sea life. I think he’d love it if you took him and just let him ramble for a few hours about jellyfish and deep sea creatures. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He's got a habit of making things quite grandiose. He tends to blow things out of proportion, like good is great and bad is the worst. He's got a habit of giving lectures and speeches and so on. He can be quick tempered but it's usually just as quick to fade. I really put a lot of this down to immaturity. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
It's not his top priority, but he likes to look good for you, you know? Always showers in the morning and after practice at night, wears some nice but subtle cologne and keeps his hair
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
I don't think Jason as we know him has enough emotional complexity to put any thought towards the concept of completeness. He doesn't really get the concept of another half to make him whole in anything other than a religious sense. Maybe when he meets you it'll be the catalyst to realise he did feel like he was missing something and just never noticed it until now. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
As I mentioned, i canon jason as autistic and absolutely adores sharks. I imagine his room is a mix of basketball trophies, photos from church and sea life stuff. He's got shark posters, ocean themed bedspread, a starfish lamp and maybe some sea world plushies on his bed. Lots of calming blues with a sand coloured carpet. Maybe he has an ocean themed music box from his childhood that he keeps by his bed. I can also see him with one of those jellyfish ceiling light covers. His room is hella childish but it's his and he doesn't want to change it. His dad probably hates it but his mom is just happy he's not trying to grow up too fast. Not like anyone has ever seen his room because he isn't allowed to bring partners back and his friends only want to see his pool and wine fridge. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He's kinda squeamish. I imagine if he had a partner with a uterus he’d get squicked out by blood from periods or childbirth. He’s not going to make it your problem but he has absolutely fainted when he saw someone get a nose bleed so maybe be careful around him during that time of the month. I think he might find spitting or smoking a deal breaker too. He's sort of a  “my body is a temple” type. Drinking is fine but he draws the line at drugs, even weed. He doesn't have THAT much of a problem with other people doing it but you aren't just any old person so i can see it being a point of contention. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Jason sleeps like a baby, all swaddled up in his blankets. He is a blanket thief and will literally pull you off the bed if it means pulling the covers towards himself. He does snore a little but is absolutely adamant he doesn't. Once he finally has his blankets he sleeps like a corpse: can't be woken by anything except his alarm and doesn't move a muscle for hours at a time, no tossing or turning and if it wasn't for the snoring you might not even think he’s breathing. 
i didnt intend to write for jason a lot but this was fun. if you wana talk more about jason hmu.
ao3 link is here
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wellwornwornwell · 1 year
You have no taste. How tasteful of you.
Irony is Eden. Warm lagoons, lush with overgrown mangroves of awkward humor, broken up by pristine, uninhabited beaches of detachment. It’s always Island Time. There are dark, troubling clouds in the distance, but they never reach the shoreline. You’re safe. No one *really* knows about this place but you. Kind of like Tulum in 2010.
But much like Tulum in 2010, you need everyone to know you’ve been here. That the waitstaff know your name. That they recognize you for your accomplishments and readily enable your insistence on avoiding reality. They’re always the first to compliment your Minions shirt.
Wait, what the fuck are you wearing? Where does one even purchase blobby red boots so cartoonish they make Mickey Mouse blush? What is going on?
I’ll be the first to admit I am not cool. I’m an upper-middle-class, white, 30-something, born out of suburban comfort and forever bestowed with unearned confidence. I look like a rejected extra from a J. Crew catalog (the one where no one is convincing). My biggest life accomplishment is pretending sending emails constitutes work, for which I make an inordinate amount of money. I get it: I’m the enemy. Oftentimes my own.
But I will be damned if I ever understand why it’s cool to look like an asshole.
People want to make a statement. People want to buy things. People don’t want you to know they’re seriously lost. Enter: Irony.
No one needs to know how deeply self-conscious you are. The examined life is for pussies and the French. Let them have it. You have blind consumerism and an unflinching need to stand out. You’re about to go viral. “Rise and grind,” or so I’m told.
Of course, this is all just a terribly tragic state of affairs. As someone who LOVES avoiding my problems, I can understand the opioidic appeal of irony. It’s just simpler. And snark has become the not-smiling face on the internet’s hard currency. It feels good to keep people at arm’s length and the joke firmly inside. Golden brown. Texture like sun.
But this does not make a substitute for taste. You can’t just decide none of it matters while also insisting upon your elevated station in society. Nihilists make for shitty leaders. Pick a lane.
Look, I own multiple pairs of pastel pants that retail for more than $1,000 a throw. The realtor keeps showing me glass houses and I don’t know how much longer I can hide my pockets full of rocks. But at least there is some nuance in the traditional, tongue-in-cheek manner of dressing. Cheeky emblematic ties, garishly colored pants, not so subtle racism. There used to be principles to this stuff.
I guess this all resolves to an old man yelling at the clouds. The older you get, the closer you get to death – and not just physically but culturally as well. None of this is meant for me and my insistence on “knowing better” only further solidifies me as the first dinosaur to see the meteor. We’re all doomed.
What I’d ask, as you reach for your Raytheon Saudi Arabia embroidered polo shirt, is that you realize that hiding behind obnoxious clothing will not save you. It does not create the individuality you think it does. It is not formal enough to be respectful, not original enough to be endearing. You are simply a fleeting artifact of a hollow society too disgusted with itself to look into a mirror.
Please don’t confuse me for a capital-T Traditionalist or one of those RETVRN weirdos. Fuck those guys. But do know that one day, sometime soon, when you’re looking back at photos of yourself, you will be met with embarrassment. The kind of embarrassment that fuels resentment and questions existence. These are not bellbottoms, parachute pants, or even twinkishly skinny suits. This is late-stage capitalism so bald-faced that it doesn’t even bother to establish utility. You are being played. You are losing.
In quiet moments I envision a world where everyone cares about clothing, and yet no one gets mad about what people wear. Then I re-read this post and get sad. Sad enough to buy a Shirt That Goes Hard. We’re all doomed.
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dollhouse-tales · 1 year
Sins and Virtues Breakdown [a sinfully delightful assortment, if you will/ih]
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*this post is sponsored by Pins and Four supporting my special interests/hj
First, I'll hand you all this handy chart :) it has the sins/virtues and their latin names skdjnsn
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I think here is where I'll talk about color schemes and the specific versions of the sins and how I theme them, and maybe I'll even throw in some costume tiers. And virtue talk tooooo
Cardinal Sins and Heavenly Virtues:
Luxuria [Lust] + Castitas [Chastity]
Okay so *looks at Luxuria! Sastre*/ih
For Luxuria, I portray Lust in a couple different ways. Of course, there's the suggestive version of Lust that comes to mind... but I also think of Lust in a materialistic type of way. Like lusting for power, status, the stuff of the sort where it isn't the suggestive kind but something deeper that's... a bit harder to understand. I guess you could imagine them as a dark temptress, trying to draw you in with different promises,,, whether it's power, money, or something... more seductive skfjdjfn
Color Palette wise… and costume tier wise... I imagine Luxuria has a rich purple pink black color scheme! Especially with an all black outfit with a dark pink/purple accent to draw your attention to… all their curves 😏/ih I also think heart shaped horns would be SO FUN cause when I drew Luxuria! Sastre, he had this set of horns that kind of curl in on themselves but if I can make them curl into the two halves of a heart???? OOOOOO I also think they’d be dressed in form fitting clothes and leather while also having that dramatic feather boa incorporated into the mix. Omg and a little sharp spade tail… 🤭
I’m going to keep using Sastre as my example because he has that Luxuria skin and I can’t properly articulate my ideas otherwise so/ih but just imagine him tying you up with the feather boa and pulling out closer???? Like woooahhhhhh there buy me dinner first/ih and those cold metal claws gently holding your face like you’re a squishy potato/j
I think Luxuria definitely has the markings of a upper class A tier. Like fancy and alluring but just not quite S tier,,,
Chasity... man, Chasity is a weird one because it's like abstaining??? But in a wider lense, with this lense of lust, it's got this sense of hard work and abstinence. Abstaining from temptation, both of the suggestive kind and of the materialistic kind. Bare bones, only the necessities,,,
For colors, I think a white and light purple/pink color scheme would be so brilliant, especially with these golden accents. I think Castitas would dress up in lots of lace and gems where it’s covering and more fitting yet also 👁️ 👁️ like very beautiful very elegant like it should be so gentle and so pure yet,,, and wings,,, wings..!!!!
Castitas is definitely an A tier type of virtue I am telling you. Like fancy but contained delicate looking with its strengths… they’re definitely an a tier type of skin,,,
Gula [Gluttony] + Temperantia [Temperance]
For Gula, I don't portray Gluttony in the uh "traditional" sense I guess? While Gluttony is more known towards the comusption of food specifically [ie eating too much food] I like to think Gluttony should be more of the excess consumption of anything! Food, media, power, etc.
It's an indulgent sin, it shouldn't just apply to food and/or food-like sources. And it should be indulging to a greedy degree! That's what it means to be a glutton >:) This means indulging in every good thing. I also think that Gluttony is CONSTANTLY hungry. Like, they ever get full, they can just eat and eat and eat.
Gula seems like they’d work WONDERFULLY in blue!! Black and bright neon blues,,, with lots of fun gradients… I’m thinking no horns for Gula because I feel like they should have an indulgent outfit from head to toe,,, having an extra af hat onto of their head seems like such a good idea I- wahhhhh
I feel like the only way to portray Gula in all their glory is to give them the Sins S tier slot I’m sorryyyy I’m totally not playing favoritism here/ih it’s just in my head, right??? Load them up with details and accessories to show that indulgent, over the top, gluttonous nature feels like it would be an S tier worthy outfit, ya know???
Temperantia... should be a healthy balance. Not too much, but they also know there's no harm in treating yourself. They strive to treat others more than to treat themselves, and want everyone to have a good time! For them, it means taking a step back away from the spotlight and allowing others a chance at happiness. They share most of their food, they give away excessive items they own, they surprise their friends and loved ones with luxury... :)
Temperantia… I’m thinking that similar to Luxuria and Castitas, that the virtue and sin should have the same colors but with black/white added into the mix! So, Temperantia would have blues and white, with gold accents as well. It should be decorated... but still simple.
Temperantia is definitely an a tier,,, not too detailed but still pretty,,,
Avaritia [Greed] + Caritas [Charity]
Avaritia... For Greed, it's all about cravings! On the surface level, it's easy to mistake Gluttony and Greed due to them both being about excessive consumption... but while Gluttony wants everything it can get its hands on, Greed wants only the best of the best, and believes if it cannot have something, it MUST be destroyed. Gluttony will give up something to pursue something else, but Greed won't stop until it is theirs or completely destroyed. Because if they can't have it? No one can.
Avaritia having a black and yellow/golden color scheme. She’s a fabulous bitch/ih I imagine Avaritia is a smaller sin (like a child??) because have you ever met a child? They are either the sweetest little things or they will make your life a living hell. I have seen kids break toys in half because they couldn’t have it. No one can and you’re paying 15 dollars for a broken toy./lh I also feel like a younger looking Avaritia can get so much out of just having that child like cuteness,,,
Avaritia could be an S tier but I think only one sin can have an S tier so A tier be upon thee/ih
Charity and Kindness go hand in hand because it's all about helping out others. Charity handles bigger projects, and they live to help others. Their whole live revolves around helping others at no cost. I think Caritas and Humanitas would be siblings skjdnsknf
Caritas… I think a white and gold color scheme would be amazing in them. Like just so gentle and holy seeming,,, I feel like a long, flowing dress would be so nice and fitting. Especially if they pull things out of their sleeves Ayato style/ih like just imagine them walking over and whipping a whole thanksgiving meal out of their sleeve like “did someone say they’re ✨ hungry? ✨”
I think a-tier would be nice for Caritas but give them an s tier accessory that just lets them pull shit out of thin air/j Actually no I haven't chosen the Virtue S tier slot so *throws it at Caritas*/ih
Acedia [Sloth] + Diligentia [Diligence]
Like Gula, Acedia is seen in a different light with me. While Sloth is normally associated with laziness aka doing nothing, for me, it's more of a sluggish, bare minimum type of laziness. Instead of doing nothing, Acedia does the bare minimum, and everything they do is done with as little effort as they can get away with. This means letting others do the work, facing the blame, and taking the fall. It's all about doing the least amount of work possible by using others to your advantage, which I personally think makes for a scarier type of character. Because they get so far doing so little...
Acedia… I imagine Acedia breaks the color palette mold… like I think dull greens and dull yellows/off whites and dull pinks,,, because Acedia gives off these gentle sin vibes and I think neon and dark colors would take away from those softer/gentler sins vibes. Having knitted, oversized sweaters,,, with oversized sleeves… and having soft hands and round faces and even a little travel pillow,,, with all these different earthy flowery elements to it. And imagine a Sakura goddess outfit for Acedia,,, wahhh
Acedia’s base is definitely an A tier type of costume!! Don’t ask why just know I’m right/ih
Diligentia is probably the most polar to it's corresponding sin, to be honest. I feel like diligence can be a great virtue! They're smart, har working, flexible, but when does hard working become tiresome? Where does Diligence draw the line between working hard and burning yourself out, you know? I feel like it's a pretty thin line... maybe you should take Sloth's advice for once. Take a break, get a snack and have a rest.
Diligentia,,,, I think they’d keep with the virtues theme. Having a white, gold and yellow/green color scheme, and wearing a suit of some kind or being just very well put together, very well dressed.
A tier a tier a tier-
Invidia [Envy] + Humanitas [Kindness]
For Invidia, I think classical envy works so well! Envy is one of the more personal sins, and they're definitely a harsher, more sabotaging sin. They're a resentful, terrible mess. Similar to Greed, it either wants something or it wants to destroy something. But unlike Greed, their desires are hyperspecific, and it revolves around tearing someone down while building themselves up. They're like a leech, sucking out everything one has, bleeding them dry. And once they're finished with you... well, pray you never become a target in the first place.
Invidia is similar to Luxuria, where it’s a deep purple/pink with black but I think while Luxuria is more purple, Invidia is more pink. Pink with envy,,, I also like to think Invidia is a sharper sin, having spikes and binding and claws,,, like sharp, fabulous and ready to kill. Which, good for them. Oh! And pearl colored accessories!! Like a pearl snake,,, pearl belts,,, pearl earrings,,, with golden jewelry and sharp edges. I think Invidia would have three sets of horns instead of two like the other sins. I just think it would be neat andjskdks
A tier moment/ih
Humanitas babygirllllll Kindness is such a simple and nice virtue,,,, similar to Charity, it's all about giving what you have to help out others. By helping others, you can help yourself and make the world a nicer place! Kindness is like offering someone your umbrella in the rain,,, and sharing your sandwich with the kid who doesn't have a lunch. Kindness does it because it makes them feel good! They do a kind deed and it makes them smile knowing they helped someone, even if it's something small.
Humanitas,,, is definitely white, gold, and pink, especially light pinks- with flowery and flowy sleeves and such,,, I’m also thinking they and Acedia could have matching Sakura goddess outfits wahhh
I think that an A tier would fit her, even if her original variation was an S tier sdkfjskdfjn
Ira [Wrath] + Patientia [Patience]
Ira Ira Ira!! Okay, so Wrath. Wrath. Wrath!! It's my favorite sin because it's so versatile... Anyone anywhere can feel wrath for any kind of reason... at any time??? Like. woah. It's the mother [father? Parental figure???] of all sins I mean come onnnnnn. Your lusting advances get rejected? You feel wrath. Your feast is interrupted by some rude random? Wrath! Your envious deeds don't work out how you intended it??? Wrath!!! Like it is, without a doubt, the culmination of all sins.
Ira is definitely has a black and red color palette, and they are definitely wearing some kind of leather studs type of outfit, and they're very sharp and rough looking. You've probably already seen a version of my Ira heheheheh
They're probably gonna be an a tier,,,,
Patientia is... just that. Patience! Being patient and kind with others in comparison to Wrath's harsh and quick-to-anger personality, Patience is like a gentle soul-healing hug,,, take your time sweetie, I know you can do it <333
I think Patientia would have a gold, white, and red color palette,,, with golden leaf accessories,,, I imagine that they're a gentle, elegant virtue, like a mom friend! I want them to look soft and gentle in comparison to Ira!!
I think that Patientia could definitely be an A tier,,,,
Superbia [Pride] + Humilitas [Humility]
Superbia... I see Pride as an overflowing, excessive amount of self-confidence. Someone who's TOO confident in themselves or others to the point it's harmful. They tear others down to make them seem more important. They can't take a hint, and they can't BEAR being proven wrong. Because HOW could they be wrong? You must be mistaken.
Similar to Gula, I'm thinking of a black and blue color palette... but with Superbia, I think dark blues would be fun to use,,, with silver as the "royal" type of color... Superbia should look extremely upper class, kind of like a prince or princess...
Superbia would be an A tier... thinking of like Runaway vibes???
Humilitas is the opposite, where its like... being humble of yourself but uplifting of others in this case! Unlike Pride, Humility means recognizing that... you're not the shit honey! Sit down!/ih
Okay okay okay Humilitas. I'm thinking, no, I know it'll be two different blues [bright and deep blue], white and gold,,,, with thick, long white hair and constantly closed eyes,,, with big sleeves... heheheheh
Humilitas is definitely an A tier,,,
Vanagloria [Vainglory/Pride?] + Vanitas [Vanity]
what the fuck is Vainglory. What the fuck is Vanity???? How are these both not sins??? huh??? huh. huh! Okay so Vainglory and Vanity are a cardinal sin/heavenly virtue BUT NOT one of the big 7. Vainglory is kind of like... craving the praise and respect of others [so in this case, the big 7] but in such a way you don’t mind harming others to get it…
I think Vanagloria would have an exclusively monochrome color palette,,, so it's in all black, white, and silver,,, or a tight outfit with over-the-top metallic accessories to flesh out a "boring" interior with a almost goddess-like exterior,,,
Vanagloria... I was honestly originally thinking of an SS tier skin because I think that Vanagloria could be,,, like,,, the "creator" of the 7 sins and likewise with Vanitas,,, but shhhhh
And Vanity [the good kind???] is like pride but in a healthy amount. Being proud of your accomplishments and others without damaging other's self worth and feelings! I think.
So, I'm thinking to oppose Vanagolira, that I could do a total rainbow color palette, like all the "good" colors, everyone wants a bit of what Vanitas has, ya know?
I will just *gestures you to Vanagloria tier explanation*
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So I guess [based off the explanations above] that the in theory costume tier list would go something like this?????:
SS Tier costumes:
Vanagloria and Vanitas
S Tier Costumes:
Gula and Caritas
A Tier Costumes:
Castitas, Luxuria, Temperantia, Avaritia, Diligentia, Acedia, Humanitas, Invidia, Patientia, Ira, Humilitas and Superbia.
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Of course, there's the playable versions of them [think Genshin or Honkai] but i will NOT get into that, because that's a whole 'nother can of worms. this alone took like 3 days SIT DOWN/ih
I'm also thinking what other characters would be included like,,, in the overworld it isn't just the sins skdjfnksjfn
if you want more you will have to wait because Barriere won't write itself ksjdfnksjfnkjf/ih
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queermediastudies · 1 year
Love, Ethan
Love, Simon follows high schooler Simon. He's in all ways a normal teenage boy except for the fact that he has a secret: he is gay. He's then informed by a friend, Leah, that there is a gay student at their high school as they had anonymously posted on the towns website his coming out under the name "Blue". Simon emails the anonymous student to inform him that he's also gay. Things take a turn for the worse when a classmate named Martin figures out Simon's secret and blackmails him by telling him he will out Simon to everyone if he doesn't score him a date with with a friend named Abby. Despite succeeding, at least until Abby rejects his grand gesture in front of the school, Simon and "Blue's" emails have been leaked, outing Simon. At the end of the movie Simon and "Blue" finally meet and their lives continue on as normal. 
While Simon is the main character of the movie, he is not the main character of this analysis. It's instead about a minor character named Ethan. Ethan is openly gay and highly feminine. His character is essentially a mockery of feminine gay men. To make this insult of a character worse, Ethan did not exist in “Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda,” the book Love, Simon is based on, to give an extreme contrast of Simon. His character's real main purpose is to show the cis straight audience that gay men are actually normal, regular people who are seemingly heteronormative and straight passing, much like Simon, and not obnoxiously flamboyant people who feel the need to shove their sexuality in your face.
In many ways, Simon is privileged. He is a white, upper middle class man. His only real “disadvantage” is that he’s gay. However, the way he portrays his gayness, both before and after coming out, is very typically masculine and straight passing. His queerness is reduced to passing as straight and proving how much like everyone else he is. When Simon comes out to his parents, he is validated. His mother tells him that he is still him and his father apologizes for having ever made jokes, which were more like snide remarks and digs at the queer community, as he never knew how it had affected him. The most important part of his parents validation and acceptance is his mother. She emphasizes that he is still Simon which proves he is still normal and the “acceptable” type of gay.
Ethan, however, is a gay black boy. In many ways he is less privileged. Even following the bullying in the cafeteria, Ethan then explains to Simon that being gay isn’t as easy for him as everyone assumes. He tells Simon that his mother tells his grandparents about all the girls he’s dating rather than just telling them he’s gay as she believe’s it’s easier for everyone. This is a vastly different amount of support than seen in Simon’s family. Ethan does not have the same type of validation. While his mother may seemingly be okay with his sexuality, she clearly does not view him as “acceptable” as she feels the need to hide it from his grandparents.
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Everything about Ethan’s queerness is established to be a joke to everyone around him. His small group of friends that he comes out to all feigns surprise. This completely diminishes what the act of coming out is. It implies that obviously his friends and everyone knew he was gay prior to even coming out and that it’s a redundant, even unnecessary, thing for him to do as it was so clearly obvious. The only thing that makes it “obvious” is the fact that he doesn’t act in a traditionally masculine way. Sociologist Michael Kimmel had found there are four basic rules of masculinity. The first, and arguably most important rule, is “no sissy stuff.” This means that men who act femininely aren’t real men or are less of a man than his peers. Due to this, masculinity is preformed by men for other men (Kimmel, 2001, “Gender Equality: Not for Women Only” speech). Ethan’s rejection of traditional masculinity and the most important rule furthers this idea that feminine gay men aren’t “normal” gay men.
Due to his own idealization of being “normal,” Simon’s non-assuming queerness isn’t threatening towards the straight audiences. Ethan, however, is the personification of the uncomfortable feelings towards gay people that straight audiences feel. His queerness, like Simon’s, isn’t his only defining personality trait. However, because he is openly gay, more feminine, and more flamboyant, it became his defining trait. Even in his own post-high school gay fantasy, Simon clarifies that he won’t be “that gay.” Meg-John Barker and Julia Scheele introduce the idea of anti-identity politics in their book “Queer: A Graphic History.” They explain that “fixing can lead to people feeling inflexible and unable to change, or being seen as only one part of themselves and not all that they are” (Barker & Scheele, 2016, p. 16). Simon’s inability to see himself both as normal and as gay simultaneously causes these feelings of internalized homophobia. This negatively affects Ethan.
Simon’s internalized homophobia victimizes Ethan because he full heartedly believes that Ethan makes it too easy for bullies to target him. Rather than thinking the bullies shouldn’t target the only openly gay student, he thinks that Ethan should instead be more low key and implies that he has brought this on himself. Jacob Tobia wrote an article for The New York Times entitled “Does Gay Hollywood Have Room for Queer Kids” in which he stated “I was that flamboyant gay kid who made everyone else look bad by association…the irony is that these very gay men were allowed to be “normal” because I was the campus freak” (Tobia, 2018, The New York Times). Ethan falls victim to being the freak, both of the campus and the movie, which makes Simon look normal and palatable. 
Moreover, Ethan is constantly the victim of homophobic bullies. Simon himself says that Ethan makes it too easy to be bullied by them. However, not one person speaks up against the bullies until Simon becomes a second target. There’s this amount of privilege Simon has for being white and a “non-threatening” gay boy that causes the bullies to finally face repercussions. He even is praised for being gay at the end of the movie, something that hadn’t been seen for Ethan at all. Had Simon not been outed, Ethan would have continued to be the sole target. Either way, it shows a clear message that openly gay kids, even if they’re fictional characters, who are more feminine are more deserving of being bullied solely because they do not adhere to the idea of “normalcy.” Simon, who flaunts that he is just like everyone else, is rescued for being able to blend in with cis straight people. 
All of this becomes extremely problematic as Love, Simon is meant to be a coming of age story for queer kids and uplift the community. However, the film clearly shows that there is a correct way to be gay and a wrong way to be gay. The correct way they show is to be like Simon: a normal teenager who does normal things with his friends and hides behind a facade of compulsive heteronormativity. The wrong way to be gay is to be like Ethan: a normal teenager who does normal things with his friends but who doesn’t feel the need to water down their own sexuality to make straight people more comfortable. As previously stated, Ethan’s characters entire purpose is too over exaggerate how queer gay people are to prove that not all gay people are that over the top. Alexander Doty explains in their book “Making Things Perfectly Queer” that “what queer reception does, however, is stand outside the relatively clear-cut and essentializing categories of sexual identity under which most people function” (Doty, 1993, p. 15). What this means is that queerness should be recognized for the complex spectrum it is rather than follow one specific outline every time. Love, Simon fails to do this as Ethan is continuously mocked and victim blamed for falling outside of the generic outline that Simon is praised for abiding by. Adding Ethan as a means to emphasize that gay men shouldn’t act that flamboyant or feminine teaches gay kids and straight people that there is only one way to be gay, which should be the way that is the most comfortable for non-gay people and audiences, as well as implies that only those who act like Simon deserve a good love story.
Doty, A. (1993). Making Things Perfectly Queer.
Tobia, J. (2018). Does gay Hollywood have room for queer kids. The New York Times.
Barker, M., Scheele, J. (2016). Queer: A Graphic History.
Kimmel, M. (2001). Gender Equality: Not for Women Only.
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thephantomcasebook · 1 year
Hi, first of all I want to thank you for being the first blog who actually criticizes Cooke and Darcy for pandering to the crowd. I'm French and didn't realize British actors and actress were obsessed with this sort of thing.
Now, sadly I regret to inform you Carey and Alcock sold out too. Carey liked several posts on Twitter from Alicent and Rhaenyra shippers and a comment made by a fan of hers calling detractors of this ship pathetic for choosing Daemon (whom the user called pedophile). Carey also liked several fanmade edits on Tiktok and left comments validating the Alicent lesbian theory.
It seems they were going to portray Alicent having a crush on Criston in the original script, however certain woke writer, her wife and a female writer thought it would an awesome idea to pander to certain crowds. After Carey changed her approach, she gained thousands of followers Twitter and Tiktok. Her mother also criticized those who called her out for her beloved fanfic.
After Carey started making herself more popular among the woke crowd (Episode 3, 4), Cooke, as the typical virtual signal girl boss, came to push the narrative that Alicent likes women. It was a woke career. If Emily liked a Twitter post, Cooke would insinuate Alicent was closeted.
Carey got 50K likes on a Twitter post for the first time in her life after playing the victim.
Alcock also loves being a woke girl boss. I liked her first interviews but she started liking pro woke posts on Instagram about smashing homophobic people and left a comment asking if she was a lesbian (she even answered "duh"). It seems both Carey and Alcock got influenced by their older peers and lose their personalities. Alcock tried to link a relationship with Fabian, just to get called out by him (he called her a kid on Instagram). After that, she said Alicent and Rhaenyra kissed in the closet during a fan convention. Guess what happened? A week after pandering to the crowd, she got nominated for an award.
Same with Cooke and Carey. They got articles written by Variety and other magazines after the Alicent is a lesbian narrative started to become popular among the tiktok crowd.
Darcy flirted a lot with Cooke, she even said she was in love with her as a joke and called her own character selfish. She also hated HOTD for having too many men (??). She also kept talking about how Rhaenyra wasn't in love with Daemon, but actually was groomed and she's going to realizes that. I have my doubts because I think Hess wants to push the idea both Alicent and Rhaenyra were too innocent girls in love in a men's world.
The worst thing is several of my friends thought Alicent was a lesbian thanks to Tiktok. I had to sit and explained them that wasn't true.
They're going to ruined HOTD. At this point, HBO will make Alicent a full lesbian since Darcy pandering to the woke got her a nomination. She also got named Man of the year by 1, I think.
Do you think HBO will allow them to make HOTD a girl boss anti men agenda where two lesbians try to run away but get ambushed by a man who happen to be their brother and son respectively? I saw some fan theories and got sick.
Sadly, my friend, that's just the entertainment industry as a whole.
They all pander to the cult.
D'arcy and Cooke are upper-Class white women that live in London. They have something called "Luxury Politics" which is basically the idea that in a capitalistic society where luxury items are affordable to anyone - from highest to lowest class - that the only way that Rich People can give themselves status as being upper-class is through their political beliefs and values which lower class people can't afford.
See, to a person who is middle to lower middle class, and certainly working class, their values and beliefs are realistic and tangable, because they work for a living - hard and gregarious jobs. Traditional values benefit them because they were created by people like them in order to help them maintain order and society.
Rich people like Cooke and D'arcy believe in weird woke ideology, because, it's a status symbol to people like them. It means they're part of the country club, the elite, and that they're 'in the know'. Do they believe in all that leftist cult nonsense? Probably not. In fact, I'd say they've never even thought about it before. Beause they run in circles where no one has ever challenged them on it. They only know that they have to at least say they believe in it, cause, if they don't then they're exiled and left for dead - career wise.
No one in Hollywood nor London ever - EVER - questions the Dalek like group think. They all toe the line, it's what gets them cast in projects and it gets the establishment media to write articles about them. It draws in narcissists like flies to honey. These girls live in a completely different world from the one that you and I live, pal.
And, of course, the four actresses want to make a lesbian romance a thing, cause, they're cultists - and the woke ideology is the most Colonialist mind virus in the world. The cult of the woke not only wants to take over what you love, but they want to change it in their image, and destroy and dismiss the folk lore of your culture and replace it with what they believe so that you have to worship what they worship.
They're smug, narcissistic, arrogant, people, that don't like the show or the fandom, have no respect for the source material ... and think that it's probably really fun to trash it and change it. It's done with vitriol and glee, cause these are deeply hurt and damaged people that can't stand themselves and can only destroy.
My advise to you, is to hang in there, ignore the actresses, and focus on what is on screen and in the script. And if, in the end, they cave ... throw it out.
HBO is under new management and are part of a Studio that is sinking fast. I doubt they're gonna allow Condal and GRRM sink their last highest rated show by allowing a bunch spoiled actresses to dictate the direction of the story.
House of the Dragon is GRRM's last shot at winner ... if it fails, then "A Song of Ice and FIre" is forever doomed.
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beckmessering · 2 years
not too brief thoughts on the zurich rheingold (2022)
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in short: this was entertaining af.
in long:
- zurich is a very smol opera house! the decor is adorable.
- acoustics are something to get used to. they’re quite...dry? as in, you can keep apart the different orchestral melodic lines with relative ease. but the sounds does punch you in the face if desired by gianandrea noseda.
- speaking of: noseda’s conducting is very good. pretty snappy and fast, absolutely no dragging here, but he’s also not rushing the singers. 
- the production is Very Zurich. stage: minimalist, acting: maximalist. i elaborate:
- zurich’s stage is relatively small and they use is wisely. the whole set is a rotating circus of three white rooms in which characters are occasionally left along to have private conversations. that’s very convenient for these often slightly unwieldy dialogue scenes in rheingold where three characters are talking and the rest is just...sitting there, listening to them talk?!? nope, the talking people wander into another room to chat. adds a nice element of privacy. 
- IT LOOKS LIKE THE CENTENARY RING. it’s been said before and i can confirm. it’s like someone threw centenary rheingold and centenary walküre into a pot and gave it a good stir. it’s very obvious with wotan’s suit, the dark furniture, the general vibe of the gods being upper-class capitalists that aspire to even more and make other people of slightly lower social standing (the giants, wearing neat but simpler clothes and feathered hats) work for them. 
- the resemblance is purely aesthetic, though. it doesn’t have that same specific thought behind it. the closest i can get to deciphering where this will go is that it might be like an epic saga about the rise and decline of a family, which is...pretty close to what a Ring is. not very specific and not that modern, but not really traditional either.
- the acting is MAXIMALIST in that there is not a single fcking second of boredom onstage. everyone is in character, doing something, all the time. we love it
- this might be a Ring i’ve been waiting for for a long time: i’ve always wanted one that gives the difficult and multifaceted relationship in the Ring a very thorough look, and i don’t care how Regie it is otherwise, but i want a 21st-century ring that looks at the relationships in very thorough depth. 
- they do use a few stage tricks to great effect. loge burns things and people. a large closet/wardrobe apparently has magical properties. much smoke in nibelheim
- (nibelheim is a nightmare version of the villa the gods live in: creepy lighting, burnt-looking furniture, a wardrobe with the potential to transform people (alberich) into a dragon, and alberich himself with a whip that he is quite fond of using.)
- about that wardrobe in the third scene: the dragon is OUT OF the closet, i repeat the dragon is OUT OF the closet, but the toad is IN THE CLOSET (and then they drag alberich out of the closet)
- overall fantastical vibe is there. i like it. kind of like a dark, old-fashioned fairytale book that’s both fantastic and a little gruesome and spills right into the ‘real world’. 
- the singers! the singers!!!
- christopher purves is a classic howling-and-spitting alberich, but to great effect. he initially comes through the window dressed like a chimney sweep to clumsily flirt with bourgeois-looking rhinemaidens in satin pyjamas and gets worse from there. his phrasing is SO detailed! makes me think he understands every single word of what he’s singing, and he has zero accent when he sings, and that is a BIG achievement because alberich is tricky shit and purves is english and you absolutely can’t tell. (i hope this doesn’t sound weird. i’ve just noticed that with many native-english singers, german is particularly hard and tiny lapses in diction can happen even for the best. but no. this man does not lapse. 10/10)
- matthias klink’s loge is a decently drunk jack sparrow variant. i don’t find his voice very pretty and that’s a compliment because he’s a charaktertenor af, and he’s very lively in his drunk mannerisms and occasionally sings straight to the audience (the lights turn on whenever he does??!?)
- the ladies don’t have that much to do but do well. fricka (patricia barton, debut, i think) tries to reign in her husband, to...modest success. freia is pissed as FUCK at her family and doesn’t want to go back to them. “Dünkt euch Holda wirklich der Lösung wert?” was some sarcastic shit. we stan
- tomasz konieczny is fantastic. i feel a new favourite wotan incoming...first of all, he can be LOUD if he wishes, and his phrasing <3 detailed, thoughtful, varied, very fun to listen for the next sentence. (tbh i’m not surprised by that bc i knew of that before - his farewell in walküre is the only one to make me cry on the regular bc its so emotional :,) ) he has a bit of a weird voice for wotan, very much a matter of taste because it has this strong dark undertone but i looooove it. he also has exactly what you need for a character who is essentially a scheming liar 24/7: an apparent jovial manner that absolutely hates when people talk back to him, but more than that, a very cold, menacing streak beneath that just wants people to fucking do as i say or else. koniezcny definitely knows he’s singing a villain. tl;dr abt this guy: i CANNOT WAIT for walküre, i think he’ll rip my heart out
- overall, 9.5/10. had to get used to the acoustics a lil bit, a few people forgot their text (fafner and alberich). WILDLY entertaining, musically first-class, character portrayals were very clever and promising! tangible absolute dedication from everyone!! i stan this
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viewmasterfeeling · 2 years
for the ask game :) 42. opinions on the wheelers?
thanks for the ask!
i love how they're that seemingly "perfect" family on the outside, but in reality they're far from being perfect. i think they're a good foil to the byers family, who aren't the typical Upper-Middle-Class White Suburban Nuclear Family, but have very strong love and family bonds. i also love the wheeler's family tradition of going into a loveless relationship HSDLFKSJ genuinely though that's such a cool detail. stranger things is so cool man
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elianajof · 2 months
Analytical Application (Advertisements)
Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno define the “culture industry” as the mass production of cultural goods by capitalist industries, arguing that the industry standardizes and homogenizes cultural products to meet mass consumption demands. “For the present the technology of the culture industry confines itself to standardization and mass production and sacrifices what once distinguished the logic of the work for that of society.” (1) The “Alexa Loses Her Voice” from Amazon shows people from different demographics using the same product, sending the message that people can not live without this piece of technology while also using celebrities as a way of signaling that everyone from all classes uses the same technology and acknowledges its importance/significance to society. The “ruling class,” those with influence, rather, determine what makes up the culture industry. In this case, the ruling class is the extremely wealthy celebrities shown in lavish environments, dictating information to the middle-class/upper-middle-class Alexa users. While this is achieved through comedy, it is a way of manipulating audiences into believing that successful, wealthy people use the Alexa technology and how life is easier with one. Another important thing to note is that the ad is a Superbowl commercial, meaning it was widely distributed to the “average American consumer.” On the point of Horkheimer and Adorno’s idea that the mass consumption loses the “logic of the work” or the original importance of the technology, the ad shows a practical but comedic use for the technology instead of a more revolutionary use of Alexa. This is a form of standardization, and American consumers can relate to all these uses (playing music, recipes, setting the mood, etc.) However, all the examples of people using the Alexa were visibly wealthy, as an audience member could see from the backgrounds of the shots - still showing that having an Alexa is still a status symbol and is high-tech in a world that prioritizes the advancement of technology. 
The “dominant-hegemonic position” refers to a person with power because of their position in society. “Hegemony,” specifically, describes a concept of a group that has control over society. In Stuart Hall’s “Encording, Decoding” he writes: “The dominant definitions, however, are hegemonic precisely because they represent definitions of situations and events which are ‘in dominance.’” (2) One could interpret this as the general understandings we have as a society on certain topics are determined by those with power. In the “Mr. T” Snickers commercial, we see a man get hurt playing soccer. He is asking for help, when a man comes in on a tank and tells him to toughen up. Notably, the man getting hurt is a white man who is in a dominant-hegemonic position. The ad ends with “grow some nuts” or a traditional way people tell men to toughen up. This is a way people in the dominant-hegemonic position tell other people in society to act/behave in a certain way. When younger people watch this it reinforces the idea of toughness/strength equating to masculinity. One could also argue that these ideas of men having to toughen up reinforces a negative pattern of men not asking for help when they need it or expressing pain out of a fear of being unmasculine. It could also stem from professional athletes seeming strong and unbothered by pain when we watch them in games or on the TV. This is a way that those in this position control the understanding of masculinity and strength.
Ideology refers to a system of beliefs, values, and ideas that justify and perpetuate existing power structures and relationships. In “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses, ” Louis Althusser claims that this system of beliefs is spread by the state (or Ideological State Apparatus) which can be through government, education, church, family, police, court, prison, etc. “In other words, the school (but also other State institutions like the Church, or other apparatuses like the Army) teaches ‘knowhow’, but in forms which ensure subjection to the ruling ideology or the mastery of its ‘practice.’” (3) In the John Lewis ad “She’s Always a Woman,” it shows a girl going through stages of her life and becoming a woman, all while wearing the same shirt (emphasizing the point that the department store has been useful to her her entire life). Interestingly, the ad shows “important moments” in this girl’s life, like when she goes to college, gets married, gets a house, gets pregnant, starts a family, starts work, etc. These stages in her life are deemed important to the viewer because of ideologies that we have been fed over time, that her path is the natural progression of someone’s life. The ad shows that she has bumps along the road but follows a traditional path of settling down with a man and having kids and providing for her family. Advertisements reinforce already existing ideologies, and in this case, the ideology can stem from education, government, family, or even church (we see her marriage taking place in a church and she has children after getting married). Education tells us that you go to college to get a job to provide for your future family - a path she takes in the advertisement. Family tells us to continue your family and build future generations, and some families urge their children to continue their educational pursuits. All these decisions and big life events that the main character in the ad takes have taken place because of fed ideologies and we as the audience can identify these as the “correct” choices because we were fed those same ideologies. 
The concept of the ruling class, popularized by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, refers to a social group that wields significant influence over society and imposes its ideas and rules upon others. “The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas: i.e., the class which is the ruling material force of society is at the same time its ruling intellectual force.” (4) In an advertisement for Berlitz, a language-learning service, the theme of linguistic dominance is exemplified through a humorous scenario featuring a German coastguard who struggles to comprehend pleas for help delivered in English. The portrayal of English as the dominant language reflects a common trait among the ruling class, as Western culture tends to be perceived as superior or more "useful." By asserting English proficiency as a marker of superiority, the ruling class reinforces its intellectual hegemony, effectively marginalizing those who do not speak the language. What makes this advertisement particularly notable is its subtle yet effective reinforcement of linguistic hierarchy without overtly denigrating another culture. Instead, it employs humor to poke fun at the German language, with the main character misinterpreting "sinking" as "thinking" in a comical exchange. This approach reflects a broader pattern in popular culture, where the ruling class perpetuates hierarchies of culture, language, and skill through humor. By presenting Western norms and values as inherently superior in a lighthearted manner, such cultural productions serve to reinforce the dominance of the ruling class while simultaneously entertaining audiences. The Berlitz ad illustrates how the ruling class maintains its intellectual hegemony by shaping cultural narratives and perpetuating linguistic hierarchies. Through subtle messaging and humor, it reinforces the notion of Western cultural superiority while marginalizing alternative perspectives and languages. This serves as a reminder of the pervasive influence wielded by the ruling class in shaping societal norms and values.
The ideological state apparatus relates to the idea of the spreading of common “ideologies” as mentioned above. The ISA refers to the institutions that spread these ideologies that society accepts as correct and true. This way, institutions have a way of streamlining beliefs that maintain the dominance of the ruling class. “I shall call Ideological State Apparatuses a certain number of realities which present themselves to the immediate observer in the form of distinct and specialized institutions.” (5) In an ad called “Thank You, Mom” from the Olympic games and its sponsors, it shows different stories of young children growing up as athletes into adulthood and their mothers supporting them along the way. The narrative that the ad is selling is the supportive parents that allow athletes to flourish and become successful - which can relate to a common ideology of the supportive household leads to a successful child. This ad also used examples of children from around the world, showing how the ISA is not limited to a national lens, but reaches an international audience. All over the world, people understand that families can contribute to their child’s success because of the ideas and beliefs that they have been fed by their ideological state apparatus (family, church, education, government, etc.). It is important to note that this advertisement was coming from the Olympics, an international athletic competition. This way, the messaging is easier to consume internationally, understanding that people come from different backgrounds but hard work and familial support unites everyone. It also spreads the narrative fallacy of the hard work and bad days eventually will pay off and maybe even your child or you could make your dreams come true, like these children in the Olympics. In this instance, the Olympics and their sponsors act as the ISA because they have the power to influence the messaging from the international televised event - therefore giving them the opportunity to have influence over the world. 
(1) Horkheimer, Max, and Theodor W. Adorno. Dialectic of Enlightenment: Philosophical Fragments. Translated by Edmund Jephcott, Stanford University Press, 2002.
(2) Hall, Stuart. "Encoding, Decoding." In Culture, Media, Language: Working Papers in Cultural Studies, 1972-79, London: Hutchinson, 1980
(3)  Althusser, Louis. "Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses." In Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays, translated by Ben Brewster. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1971.
(4) Marx, Karl, and Frederick Engels. "The Ruling Class and The Ruling Ideas." In The German Ideology, edited by C. J. Arthur, New York: International Publishers, 1970. 
(5) Horkheimer, Max, and Theodor W. Adorno. Dialectic of Enlightenment: Philosophical Fragments. Translated by Edmund Jephcott, Stanford University Press, 2002.
#oxyvisualanalysis #ideology #culturalism @theuncannyprofessoro
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scentedchildnacho · 3 months
He said he felt guilty for being first in line with like 50 people behind him so I told him because his dental work wasn't done that not having your teeth repaired is something noticed as a feminist issue so if you have been weakened to bisexual status that I would vouch for him I saw him arrive first thing and these people arrived after so it's okay it's all the same wait time....
I also explained to him that restaurant unions in San Diego are pretty much terrorists all the time and California is good people though....they to survive brit phobia...like you have to do everything at home they need their garden or that would drive them sick and crazy
Brit phobia the black white civil wars in London were actually a lot more conflagrated and violent then the states that's California it's creepy bitch all the time working reg instead of sometimes that lady was a real michael brown fuck bitch to me
Im not joking about those restaurants they have tried to call cops to shoot old ladies on sight they use turkish nation tactics
Im not joking it's good to see you those restaurants could have at any time with those men called them a cabrones and given them a work voucher in big agriculture and none of it does anything or takes any of them or ever displays a greater competence
There are necessary reforestation projects and none of it finally gives the line a day of work and let's them have a meal out with a beautiful Mexican singer just mean creep shameful all the time
War man if peace bitch thinks there can be a real fag party all the time and den of slack I'm sorry but no you cannot slit your throat they have to go trade and be hygienic
That's guilt for the restaurant unions I'm sorry but it's not us that withholds property if you go in line at least people behind you will eat
Ashoura Osaka I don't know if they ever got him the way they got sadam hussein or Osama bin laden but a lot of hygiene terrorism follows his manifesto of how to be no one and fuck everything into slavish conformism of ones basic mediocrity
Cousin Josh and Aaron the molestive things those people did to me to fuck my conscience into slavish acceptance of status quo I don't enjoy the creepy japs in my family
laTin....I don't define the island as Japan...to me the people there are a native entity I use Japan as a militaristic position
Molestation yonism consciousness you have to read ku Klux klan stories to figure out how the actors have meaning and plot....not marxism I mean like people who use satanic
My yoni yoni isn't okay till a zappatistas doll
I told him I read the Atlantic on it and they claim nothing like a mass of nothing that figures out emotional manipulation to keep oppressing working class wage lack of improvement though upper classes did bounce back from the 2020 COVID crisis they claim it is like a traditional continuity of if your not a white extremist than you can't go anywhere and you have to get locked up under blitz protections all the time
They claim they can figure it's politic and philosophy....like if you aren't the type of white with a certain body fat percentage or family manner then the situation would kill you but if you let them do their privilege burden and apology it will eventually work out okay
Well God I'm tired of having to dislike people....San diego is kind of nothing but a town and its people claiming their a way better people then the parochial aspects of life and thats just not humble ethics....
All the time now the British want to give natives their rez because they shouldn't have to investigate or tolerate the white financializing
White and black wars....well south of the globe pride western consciousness and people afflicted by it the way white is sometimes is just an inferior compared to the Haitian revolution so it can be around black people very very disrespectful in their own selfish drives to get the most out of life
So if you ask me if ever recieved help to not just get straight killed in black areas those black people were more african centric and could experience some call to hospitality....or free white issues could resonate with their conscience in some way....others more confederate like dont get in their way they earned certain titles that are questionably white....
Otherwise they act really Italian in bad girls not white so gertrude stein about European emigration sees no single actor that masters conditionals but a political expression that isolates people into life conditionals and it's here her jeans at least have a well made smell compared to how distressed Europe can get
I think one is white and images of her showing off people wouldn't know that she could understand the circus gothness of life and never was all that intoxicated or distressed
Harvard in some way produced it because out of nowhere a real historic time had to occur with a white bouncer pushing and trying to restrain a black ladies arms
Random morbid fascination with fascism and sex gender change to claim attraction between issues that are like family now she is like your sister in life how could you do that to her
So after that I was like this is not fantasy programming that frees me from my life and I'm not going to watch something that shows me what I know about life already everybody wants to get their time on camera as a notoriety blip of football dances....random...
All she did was tell some guy he shouldn't rub up to heavy on a lady he doesn't know it's just common sense....and they freaked out at her
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airi-mtsm · 8 months
prompt 2 - bark
“Go, then. You are worth nothing to this family.”
“Tch! As if I ever was! You are so uptight and so unbearable!”
“Don’t make me laugh, dressed so… unconventionally.”
Kiki Penrose was sick of her sister’s shit, for lack of a better description.
Honestly! They were cloth merchants! They sold cloth and made clothes out of it! Kiki herself wasn’t so bad at it—definitely not Lor levels of skilled, but the fact she fashioned herself something stylish and this… girl had the audacity to call it unconventional! It was, but who’s judging?
“So what if it is? Is it any of your concern, sister?” Kiki screeched, daring to flip back hair tied into twintails. “I don’t recall it ever being!”
“How dare you call me sister,” Lor shot back, not even looking up from her spinning wheel. “I will not have dissent from a disgrace such as yourself.”
“I’m sorry?”
“First, dressed so unmodestly… Haven’t you ever thought to humble yourself? You plan to elope with a Hyuran man you have never interacted with aside once at the Drowning Wench. A bard, at that—do you understand what power bards hold over people?”
“Does it matter?”
“Yes, actually—eventually you’ll come to find that the way we do things in this household are very particular. Eventually you will also be married to some upper-class citizen, as I was when I was your age. Not a traveling minstrel.”
The Penrose family are upper-class merchants, and filthy rich, and terribly traditional in their own way. And by the Twelve, did Kiki despise every bit of it.
Don’t associate with lower-class people! You have a reputation to upkeep- what utter hogwash is that!?
“I don’t care!” Kiki screamed, prompting her elder sister to rise from her work. “It’s my life and you don’t have a say in it!”
“Then it is as I say. Go, and by the gods, don’t return! I do not wish to be affiliated with creatures such as yourself.”
Dressed in all white and a short skirt, Kiki stormed out of the house and took to the streets, with nothing but whatever was in her bag… not that she remembered what was in it.
Gods, she hated Lor! If she didn’t need her, then it worked the other way. Hero… she wouldn’t be okay, Kiki knew, because that girl could never say no, but it was over.
It was over.
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rogerbizz-blog · 1 year
World - famous Designs, Then compared to. Nowadays (Hollywood's Menswear Heritage)
Let's look at how men's style andstyle icons improved with time, and what impact film celebrities had on traditional menswear, and if that impact is as durable as it was previously. Before we compare the movie stars of days gone by to the men on the red carpet these days and how it is they impact classic style, let's go to a periodwhen the silver screen wasn't even imaginable. While there's the popular quote, "clothes maketh the man," there are certainly a few individuals that actually got people talking about clothes in the first place. Throughout most of history, fashion was defined by monarchs and aristocrats.
They governed the land, set the trends, and paid handsomely for their clothes. Unless, of course, they stiffed their tailors. Today, needless to say, we have famous people who fixed the style trends. But, back then, from ancient history until the era of film, the ruling class influenced style just like famous individuals do so today.
The people in church back then would even go so far as to use the legal systems to create hierarchies that kept everyone in their place.
 That, of course, also extended to fashion and certain people could wear certain things and others couldn't. And by wearing one thing, you were communicating one point. And it had a hugely profound impact on society. For example, some Roman emperors would forbid their nonroyal subjects to wear the color purple under penalty of death.Talk about having a fashion police right there.
 [ba dum tss] In many European countries, there were some sure laws not allowing certain people to wear things and others had been forced to use things. For example, a law from 1397 in Venice dictated that Jews had to wear yellow badges so they may be identified visually. Other people were not allowed to wear certain things.
For example, the so-called "Negro Act" from 1740, which was passed in the province of South Carolina, forbade slaves to dress above their status. It also prescribed certain fabrics that were only to be worn by slaves.
 Around the same time, in 1746, the Act of Prescription was passed in the British Parliament. It forbade anyone in Scotland to wear a highland dress or tartan. Of course, the fact that it was forbidden was ingrained even more in Scottish culture. Without this act, chances are we wouldn't have the ability to enjoy tartans and highland dresses today. At one time, rich fabrics like silk or velvet or urban fur were reserved for the upper class of society.
 Now, once nifty businessmen and members, who were not part of the aristocracy, found methods to also wear these expensive fabrics and furs, the upper class had to come up with something else to distinguish themselves from the non-blue-blooded counterparts. So, in the 19th century, the rich opulence that previously characterized the aristocracy now had to make way for much simpler clothing.
While that shift might appear like it was in line with the general ideas and principles of enlightenment, that wasn't quite true. Hierarchies weren't abolished, they just shifted toward rules of elegance. The guidelines on what towear and what never to wear were closely guardedamong the aristocracy.
 And so, if you weren't part of that, you simply didn't know very well what made you part of the group. Rather than just displaying bold colors and rich fabrics, fit became much more important and the tiny details of correctness could decide about one's social fate.
Of course, the upper class kept the secrets of what to wear and what not to wear very close guarded. So,if you were an outsider, you remained an outsider. The whole shift in menswear culture toward more simplicity became really obvious when Beau Brummell entered into high society.
Even though many consider him to be the dandy par excellence today, he was, in fact, at the time, someone who had made menswear more muted and less colorful and flamboyant. He wore his coats with just a white shirt and tie and waistcoat, and it wasn't concerning the color anymore. It was all about how it has been worn and how the tie was tied and how long it took him to make it look that he actually didn't spend any time on it at all. This concept is now also known as "sprezzatura" and if you intend to learn more about it, we have an entire video about it here. As society moved away from feudalism and monarchies, towards a new vision of democracy, and things changed.
Now, entertainers had an increasingly bigger sway on what people on the streets would emulate. Also it didn't matter if they acquired a high pedigree or if they came from humble beginnings.Along with the cultural evolution, the views around consumerism and traditional style shifted once more.
James Dean, The Beatles, and Marlon Brando became cultural figures of the mainstream, and therefore, they influenced the contemporary style of their day. Fame, as we know it today, was born then.
 These days people in the entertainment industry have full-time stylists, and something of them is Ashley Weston, which also has a Youtube channel. The cultural andmarket ways of how celebrities are portrayed, how they're marketed are usually somewhat different, but at the same time, you will discover similarities to how things were through the golden age of menswear in the 1930s. So, what was the style of famous men back then? Unlike musicians, businessmen, or statesmen before them, movie star actors were seen almost on a daily basis, be it on the big screen or in the newspapers. So, because these actors were seen more often, people just felt they knew them better and they became bigger stars.
 Interestingly, the stars of the 20s such as for example Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, or Fatty Arbuckle often dressed poorly on camera for a comedic effect.
Today, mocking homeless or poor people and their clothing choices on screen is not considered to be gentlemanly behavior, especially not whether it's done for entertainment purposes. On a side note, actors wear sunglasses in between takes to prevent their eyes from getting all that harsh light. Now, people caught on to that and started wearing sunglasses to add a touch of glamour to their own, sometimes not as glamorous, lives. Soon, identified men's figures, like Rudolph Valentino, would pop up playing heartthrobs and gaining mainstream acceptance and significance.
 Rudolph was known for his rakish, rather flamboyant taste that had influences from Italy that was distinctly bolder than what most Americans were used to seeing at the time. He often wore his signature slick-backed hairstyle. You can see him wearing cufflinks, and rings with dark stones, and he would also not shy away fromwearing fur. Overall, his style was rakish through and through. Despite the fact that film was developing into a mainstream medium for entertainment, small studios like RKO or Warner Brothers had somewhat tight and limited budgets.
 This often meant that especially male actors were expected to supply their own wardrobe, which was used for filming. And this just implies that the needs were a lot more simple at that time.
However, that also means that these actors actually had their own style. They would probably get custom clothing that fit them well and just spoke to their character. Now, this wasn't just true for C-list or B-list actors, but furthermore for the stars at enough time.
 Humphrey Bogart, Clark Gable, Cary Grant, and Fred Astaire would often wear their very own clothing in contemporary productions. Obviously, one of the key differences was that actors were expected to build their own brand while on and off-camera. As such, one's style and the clothing one would wear became a big part of what an actor had to understand and master. So, even off the work, Clark Gable had been known for his formal wearand his double-breasted suits, as well asthree-piece single-breasted suits.
His clothes showcased all the hallmarks of 1930s style.
 He had pants with big pleats that were full-cut and had cuffs or turnips. His jackets had a wider lapel with a lower gorge, sometimes patch pockets and he was definitely a fan of the drape cut. To learn more about that, check out this guide here. The jackets also had shoulder padding and some waist suppressions and he would always wear a tie and a pocket square. Cary Grant, who bought a large number of suits throughout his career, openly admitted that he didn't choose fashionable matches, but more middle-of-the-fashion stuff and he never considered himself to be well-dressed, while people looking back today think of him as this timeless style icon.
Choosing a lapel that was neither too slim nor too wide and being very much middle of fashion is probably the secret to why his stuff still looks wearable today and timeless. Here you can see him with a three-piece suit in mid-gray flannel with a darker overcoat and a white shirt, shoes, and hat.
Nothing special, nothing fancy, but just very classic. At the time also, many musicians transitioned into film via musicals because they were quite profitable. So, consequent singers like Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, or Louis Armstrong became a lot more popular and well-known.
 In this photo here from Frank Sinatra in 1961, along with fellow Rat Packer Dean Martin,you can see elements of his signature style. It's a charcoal single-breasted three-piece suit with a five-button vest that's rather on the short side.
You can see the pants are cut high-waisted. He has a white shirt with an impeccable collar. He's wearing a tie and a pocket square, along with a hat.
 Here you can see a dark straw short-brimmed trilby with a wide contrasting ribbon. To learn more about trilbys and hats, check out our playlist here. Note the pleats on his pants and the actual fact that he's wearing opera pumps. At the time, operapumps were popular for men for evening wear,however, not typically for regular suits.But, it was just a style that he liked and so he wore it.
 So, if you think back about the well-dressed men from the 30s, 40s, and 50s, chances are you think about actors first and foremost. Not politicians, businessmen, or other important men at the time. Now, one could say, "Wow! That they had such great style,but compared to today, their clothingchoices were a lot more limited."As a man, you basically had to wear a suit.
There wasn't really a way around that.
Sure, you could try wearing jeans and a wife-beater, but that was socially less acceptable for their status and position. At the time, style moved much more slowly. Fashion had been well-curated and coordinated with manufacturers, and materials were a lot more expensive. So, people bought a lot less, less frequently.
 But, spent more on individual garment. Fabrics are also heavier so they last longer.
 But, the finishing wasn't quite as refined since it is today. That being said, later on, actors like Marlon Brando or James Dean became well-known for their-suit, more casual looks. And also actors like Steve McQueen, who would sometimes wear suits, was also highly regarded for his more casual, rugged personal style.
 To learn more about the style of Steve McQueen, have a look at this video here. Steve McQueen'sdesign wasn't complicated. Just look at this photo. He wore a set of khaki pants with somewhite socks and, a set of well-walked-inchukka boots.
His sweater was darker than his crew neck.
 He had a lighter shirt and a coat. The only thing missing here is the traditional signature personal sunglasses, which you can learn more about in this video. So, what's the style of the people today? Hollywood is certainly part of the mainstream and pumps out much more films and movies than they used to. In addition, you have places like Amazon and Netflix that also produce a lot of stuff.
 With big-budget Hollywood films, Amazon, and Netflix dominating the entertainment mainstream world, how come not more male actors are known for their style? Sure, they're actors like Tom Ford, Ryan Gosling, Jay-Z, Kanye West, George Clooney, and, needless to say, James Bond, Daniel Craig.
It is no longer necessary for an actor to really have this personal style and personal wardrobe. Just think about the Black Tie outfits on the red carpet at the Oscars and how many people fail. Oftentimes, they just wear whatever the stylist pushes because, maybe, it's part of the PR campaign.
 Even low-budget productions today have enough money to pay for all the clothes of the individual character and, oftentimes, roles are much more varied and nuanced than they used to be. Most male celebrities today gain moreattention for their good looks or their level of fitness. Daniel Craig, Ryan Gosling, or Brad Pitt are more well-known for what they look like without a shirt on than with a suit.
This current, sort of, obsession with fitness and looks wasn't as pronounced during the heyday of classic men clothing. Also, there's a much bigger emphasis on product placement these days because that may make a lot of money.
 Just think of Daniel Craig'sfamous scene in one of the early Bond movies, where he corrects Vesper Lynd on the brand of his watch, Omega not Rolex. [Scene from Casino Royale] [Vesper Lind] Easy smiles and expensive viewes.Rolex? [James Bond] Omega. [Vesper Lynd] Beautiful The influence of streetwear, hype culture, and comfort has really changed just how status and wealth, and style are perceived in the general public eye today.
 Old Hollywood may have been more interested to give that flair of upper class, but today, it's more about being bold andgetting true to yourself and just expressing yourself. Even some famous men look down on dressing up. Just think about Mark Cuban or Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg, for example. Now, if you look at famous men today in the film industry that are hailed for their style, one of the first names that comes up is George Clooney [The suit-up scene from Batman & Robin] Frankly, in my own mind, he wears more of a uniform and he doesn't have a very interesting personal style.
Typically, he wears a suit that is neither too slim nor too wide with a shirt, without the neckwear, without any pocket square, and matching shoes in black.
 Overall, an unexciting outfit. Nevertheless, most people in the mainstream would consider it to be a classic suit look that is timeless and stylish. It's a bit like the old Cary Grant approaching our era. But, because everything around us has changed, it is a lot less nuanced and more boring than it used to be. Now, an actor like Benedict Cumberbatch, however, has a a lot moredistinct personal style.
 But, he's also British. You can learn more about him in our in-depth guide gentlemen of style here.
For example, here you can see him at Wimbledon wearing a green suit with rather slim lapels that suit his silhouette, a light blue shirt with a blue knit tie, brown derby shoes, and, of course, sunglasses, and a more relaxed haircut. Even though we appreciate stars who have a knack for classic style, there are other actors, likeMahershala Ali or Timothe Chalamet, who use suits in a different way. Mahershala Ali often likes a monochrome look.
 I've seen him wearing tuxedos with a black shirt and a black tie, or he wears a navy suit with peak lapels that's double-breasted but with a turtleneck sweater, and then, maybe, some yellow sunglasses and shoes that are spectators and loafers, which is not something you would have traditionally worn with a double-breasted suit and, then, without socks or no-show socks.
He's not afraid to wear bolder colors such as burgundy suits, for example, with less contrasting shirts. Timothe Chalamet is known for his bold outfits. It can be a suit that's super trim cut with a bold flower print or something else that's just over the very end up beingst. So, the question becomes: "What has changed since then and now?
" In the beginning,it may seem that celebrities in the past were just themselves versus today it's all just about marketing. But, if you take a closer, look you see that, even in old Hollywood, they had their ways to protect the reputation of actors. Back then it was important for the studios that their contract actors and performers had a squeaky clean reputation because other things was bad for business. This aspect of Hollywood is pretty well-covered in the Coen Brothers' "Hail, Caesar!" [Scene from Hail, Caesar!
] It was so simple. [stuttering] Cut. Because of that, studios and record labels pay top dollar to make instances simply disappear.
Clark Gable and Mary Pickford are certainly the most infamous cases for that. Today, exposing scandals is just portion of the game of show business.
 There's even a whole industry of bloggers and influencers who do nothing but highlighting those things. As a lover of classic style, it's much harder to find role models in Hollywood today. Fortunately, there are a lot of period productions that pay great attention to the clothing worn at the time. I'm sure many of us gonna do classicmenswear by watching Mad Men, Boardwalk Empire, Peaky Blinders, Downton Abbey, etc,or simply think about Kingsmen, for instance.
They created an entire range of clothing.
 And even though we disagree with many details in the movie, it definitely helped to create an interest in mainstream men in classic men's clothing and that's a good thing. By the way, to learn more about Kingsmen and the details, check out these videos here. Now, another big difference between then and now is the fact that men are a lot more free to choose whatever they want when it comes to clopoint.
Back then, you could wear a suit, maybe a slightly different color, and your tie could maybe be different. But, today, it is possible to truly wear whatever you feel comfortable with and express yourself through your clothes.
 We believe that's a good thing and with the internet, it is becoming easier than ever to find like-minded peers at another end of the world that you can nerd out with about the facts of your particular style interests. Within the last ten years, there's been an increasingly large number of influencers, Youtubers, and lately, TikTokers who help keep classic style alive. Maybe you're even watching one right now. And while you can't depfinish on Hollywood giving you great examples of classic style, you can bet we always will.
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andyzeport · 2 years
Ken Field
It came to my mind that what he said how he came into the field of Jazz music. He mentioned the artists that influence him such as John Coltrane and other groups, etc. And he is well aware that there is this sort of cultural appropriation for him, as a white man, to play Jazz, which is a black music. It reminds me of how I came into the field of Hiphop, many artists influenced me as well, like Eminem, Kanye West, etc. Because I write English lyrics as a yellow skin Chinese guy, I had thought about this cultural appropriation thing before too. I agree with what Ken Field said that we can incorporate our own cultural music into this form of music. Just like Wu-Tang Clan, a classic old school hiphop band, borrow the idea of Chinese Kungfu element into their name. As I continued to working on music, I tried to use different forms of traditional Chinese instruments (Pipa for instance) as well as words related, such as Fengshui.
I really like his idea when he mentioned the Cultural Construction that the four different artists should be in the four corner of the room instead of coming to the middle and form this homogenous feeling. For me, combining different elements of music into one is quite difficult, some iconic sound, or instrument dont always work well on each other. I tried in high school that to create this hiphop & Jazz fushion, with the help of my music teacher, it went pretty well and I like that outcome. From what Field said about this four-corner idea, I will pay attention in the future musical work on combing different styles. The key point is to showcast their individual characteristics.
Another point that I find interesting was that when Field talking about the cultural appropriation thing, he mentioned that many White musician would use the Black Blues Music, which developed in the black people's own enviroment, community, and the Whites just used that as a way of profiting. It related to how the music industry now, how white people were on the executive board and made decision. It also connects with the reading that during the period when sheet music is popular, many middle-upper class white people started to learn to play piano and it was a symbol of great taste.
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