#america funded genocide
freedom-in-truth · 6 months
Are they LYING to us? CIA spy tells all
Uploaded Oct 28. Transcript below.
Spoiler, yes the US Gov lies to you. 😱
Added [my edits] to the transcript in square commas.
Biden quote: “Terrorist group Hamas unleashed pure unadulterated evil in the world…”
Now, let’s talk about Hamas for a moment, because President Biden just called them a terrorist group. Let’s be honest about Hamas. They have been labelled a terrorist group by less than 12 countries in the world.
The vast majority of the world, including The UN, does not consider Hamas a terrorist group.
Instead they consider Hamas to be a political party; a force and the legislative body of the Gaza Strip, elected democratically and in power since 2007.
So, Hamas, whether we like to admit it or not, has a militant wing, but they are also a recognised political party inside the Gaza Strip. They were voted into power. They have an established leader and a hierarchy. 
And, even worse, they are a political party without any kind of citizenship, because Palestinians (who they represent) aren’t a recognised country [thanks to colonialism]. So, what that means is that Palestine and Hamas are politically accepted by the majority of the world. It’s really only the United States, and US allies Paraguay and the European Union that see Hamas as an actual terrorist organisation. And, of course, Israel as well.
The rest of the world sees Hamas as a political group.
A political group without a country and, importantly, without a military to defend itself.
So, I want to make sure that you understand that when President Biden says that Hamas is a terrorist organisation, he’s really talking from an American point of view in the eyes of Americans and in the eyes of the Israelis.
Hamas is a terrorist group but, to be fair, in the eyes of Iran the US military is a terrorist group. So it’s all about perspective on this one.
[I can assure you! it's not just Iran who view the US military as a terrorist group!! Plenty of countries do as well!]
Biden quote: “Sadly the Jewish people know perhaps better than anyone that there is no limit to the depravity of people when they want to inflict pain on others…”
Now, this is another thing that I think is important, because the President just said ‘the Jewish people’. Hamas exists for one reason; they were created in 1987, specifically to prevent and destroy Israel, because Israel was oppressing the Palestinian people.
It was the oppression of Israel against Palestine that was the birthplace for Hamas. Let’s not get the order of actions confused here. Hamas did not exist prior to 1987.
[Israel first began expelling Palestinians in the late 1940s, look up 1948 Nakba.]
The ongoing pressure and conflict between Israelis and Palestinians [in other words, the ethnic cleansing of indigenous people, Palestinians, by Israelis] in the country of Israel, and the marginalisation, oppression, discrimination that they were putting onto the Muslim people there is really what led to the birth of Hamas, as a way of fighting back against Israeli oppression.
[Please note: Palestinians are a mix of faith. While predominantly Muslim, Palestinian Christians and Palestinian Jews also exist, and are also oppressed by Israel. Plenty of footage has been online of Israeli crimes against all three religious groups.]
Hamas is targeting only Israel, not Jews. There’s a big difference between an Israeli and a Jew.
[Plenty of Jewish people do not support the settler state of Isael. Plenty of Jewish people do not condone ethnic cleansing in their name. Being Jewish is not centered around colonizing other countries.]
The president here said that Jews are the target, and that is not accurate. Israel is the target, the country of Israel. Hamas doesn’t care whether Israel is full of Christians, Jews, or other Muslims, if it’s oppressing Palestinians, if it’s depriving the Palestinians of a homeland, then Hamas is there to fight and counteract it.
Outside of Israel, the state of Israel, Hamas doesn’t really exist, which is why the rest of the world does not see them as a terrorist group.
Interestingly, it is also the reason that the United States does label them as a terrorist group, because [the US] is trying to show support for Israel [the US sends up to $4 billion dollars annually to fund Israel’s military, to ‘fight’ a people without a state and without a military, FYI], so I don’t think Hamas is targeting Jews. They are not. 
Hamas is in a very clear fight for survival of the Palestinian people in their own [indigenous country], within the landmass that is [currently] known as Israel. 
Biden quote: “I also spoke with President Abbas, the Palestinian Authority president…”
Abbas the Palestinian Authority President is not the recognised leader in the Gaza Strip. He is the recognised leader in the West Bank, but not the Gaza Strip. They have two very different forms of government.
So, what the president is saying here without saying it, is that he is speaking to the Palestinian Authority who does not represent the actual body of victims who are being attacked right now.
Biden quote: “The United States remains committed to the Palestinian people’s right and dignity to self-determination…”
This is a very important lie of omission here.
The president just said that he reiterated that American support to Palestinians is there for their right to dignity and self-determination. What he did not say is that they have any right to self-preservation, or to protect themselves.
The president has said that Israel has a right to protect itself. He is not giving the same permission to the Palestinian people. That is an important point in this conversation.
At no point during this address will you hear the president say that the Palestinians have any right to protect or defend themselves. He does not acknowledge them as a group of people. He does not acknowledge them as an oppressed people within the lands of Israel, and that is a sad and frustrating thing.
It’s what’s known as a lie of omission; he is not telling you the total truth. The total truth being that the United States does not actually support the Palestinian people in their fight against Israel. [Reminder: the USA sends up to $4 billion annually to arm Israel.]
(More under the cut)
Biden quote: “The assault on Israel echoes nearly twenty months of war, tragedy, and brutality inflicted on the people of Ukraine…”
So, here the president is starting to make a transition to compare what’s happening in Israel to what’s happening in Ukraine.
It’s important to me that you understand that this is a lie of influence.
The president is trying to make you believe that there’s a connection between what’s happening in Ukraine and what’s happening in Israel. They are two completely different types of conflict.
In Ukraine, you see an outside nation state [Russia] invading another independent sovereign nation state. That’s not what’s happening in Israel. In Israel you have an oppressed [indigenous] group that is launching an attack against its oppressor, and then you have the oppressor responding and going well above and beyond in terms of capability and response to the original attack. So they cannot be compared, even though in this address you’ll see that he continues to make comparisons to the two in a plea to the American people to support American interests in both conflicts.
While I am all for American interests and I understand that there is a great deal at play, at stake here, for the United States [$4 billion annually, money that could’ve been used on American healthcare), I want to make sure that we highlight this lie of influence because this is not actually an accurate statement. It does not reflect what’s happening in Ukraine in any way. It’s a separate conflict carried out for separate reasons in a different way.
[Again, this is basic facts and history summarised from an American perspective, and yet we are at a point in the misinformation campaign from the Biden administration that these basic factd and corrections to Biden's lies NEED to be said. So please share this.]
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sugas6thtooth · 2 months
Our activism doesn't end when we evacuate a family. So much goes into the process and families who have evacuated into Egypt need our support. Please share this!!
Here are links to the resources she mentions in the video:
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peacefullyraging · 3 months
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mintaikcorpse · 6 months
Watching the US say we can't have free Healthcare cuz it's expensive but then give away 100 billion dollars to a country committing a genocide
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perrysoup · 6 months
I’ve said it over and over and I will continue to say it over and over
America and Israeli DESPERATELY want you to associate Zionism with Judaism.
Why? So they can use it as a shield.
They take a religion and peoples who have endured atrocities and use them as a shield against criticism for their crimes, foreign and domestic. They want Zionism to equal Judaism in your mind so you are scared to speak up.
Say it with me, and keep saying it: Zionism is NOT Judaism, Anti-Zionism is NOT Anti-Semitism
The Zionists, the Imperialists, the Colonizers, the Capitalists, they are all the same in their goal: to make the people fight among themselves while they pull the labor from our corpses.
Don’t let them make the Jews ANOTHER scapegoat.
Fight back. Kill the system.
If any of us are enslaved, we are all enslaved!
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clemleur · 6 months
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lewis-winters · 6 months
oooohhhh research idea for fun: a closer look at the portrayal of World War II in Band of Brothers, The Pacific, and Masters of the Air (when it comes out), since all three were released in three drastically different political landscapes + Hollywood eras.
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hack-saw2004 · 13 days
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IMPORTANT UPDATE: a website has been created with links to multiple different campus bail funds for our comrades across the country getting arrested while standing for palestine.
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eastsidepapi · 6 months
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We live in Hell
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alltimewhat · 6 months
this is not new to say but i feel like the internet and social media and instant gratification have absolutely destroyed people's will and understanding of being uncomfortable. sometimes it's good to be uncomfortable. sometimes it's necessary. refusing to ever engage with ideas that make you uncomfortable will never get you anywhere but complicity and moral laziness
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nyaskitten · 7 months
It's fucking ridiculous, the way people will post about the Israel and Palestine situation as if Palestine are the villains. How can you expect me to believe the people I've seen countless videos of, with lifeless bodies, those trying their hardest to survive, and expect me to believe you?
How would I ever believe the children and the men and women of all ages are the villains while I see all these sickening stories of innocent Palestinians, dead on the ground, or mourning their friends, or the few Palestinian hospital workers, speaking English to try appeal to US, the English speakers, to help.
How am I gonna believe you saying Palestinians are evil while I watch that same man talk on camera, eyes widened with terror, voice shaking, broken English, BEGGING for help while talking about his murdered neighbor, one amongst MANY murdered?
How will I believe they're the villains while I see the Israeli soldiers dancing and celebrating and making fun of the people they murder, with funding from all over the world, from our OWN FUCKING GOVERNMENTS. This is fucking sick, disgraceful, vile bullshit. These were innocent people, all with lives of their own, some who wished to see their families, some who never had a family, dead, MURDERED< by the people OUR nations are supporting.
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sugas6thtooth · 1 month
Fadi and his family are trapped in the North of Gaza and are in need of dire medical attention. Two brothers have been injured in a bombing, a sister is pregnant and in need of prenatal care, and their father suffers from heart failure and is need of meds.
This family can be found on operation olive branch's sheet under the medical/disabled tab. They are line 9.
The Rafah border is closing within two weeks and it is our duty to amplify as many Palestinian voices as possible. If we're being realistic, we have less than two weeks because of how long the process takes.
I'm encouraging you to adopt a family and make a post of your own, even if you can't donate, make their initiative heard and seen.
Fadi's Gofundme:
Operation Olive Branch Spreadsheet
Fadi's TikTok
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actual-corpse · 23 days
Morbidly hilarious that America is ALSO starving its children.
A country so prosperous that it can fund another country's genocide, can't even feed the children it claims to protect.
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perrysoup · 6 months
“Perry why do you keep adding that you are an American Citizen to some posts you respond to or share”
Because I want to make it extremely clear that when I comment on the horrors the US does, there is no mistake an American is trying to pointing them out. That an American has fallen for the same propaganda that allowed those atrocities to occur.
This isn’t someone outside the US criticizing it. This someone in the US, who lives here and works here and pays taxes here is opposed to what I have allowed to occur with my taxes and my voting choices.
I do not absolve myself of the responsibility of the actions my government had done. I am part of the machine that has allowed this to happen. Every tax dollar given is another dollar funding the genocide, and I realize this, and an disgusted by it, and I want you to know that there are Americans not just in the streets, but Americans here who want to spread the word and make people aware of the horrors we allow.
I can never expect forgiveness for the Palestinians, Congolese, Sundanese, Afganis, Iraqis, the Aboriginal to the lands I sleep on, work on, eat on, anyone and everyone we have and continue to allow to die for our machine. That includes the poor we allow to suffer on the streets and the ones that we say should be “happy” they have a roof over their heads as if that makes the other horrors we allow okay.
I can only hope that I don’t burn in the hottest layers of whatever Hell there may be, that I can try to prevent even a single death.
I am an American Citizen. My nation funds genocide. We are a failed state. Please know I am sorry, and won’t stop fighting.
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chaiaurchaandni · 1 month
after the 2nd israeli massacre of alshifa hospital
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thisisabernieblog · 5 months
All I want for Christmas is the total destruction of Israel!.
The settler state must go.
Christians, Muslims and Jews lived in peace before the Zionists.
There will be no peace until Israel is defeated.
None can claim a homeland at the expense of others.
Always was, always will be, Palestine.
From river to the sea, Palestine will be free.
Much love to my Palestinians brothers and sisters.
The world can learn so much from Palestinians.
Your strength, your courage, your kindness, your love.
Your humanity and humility.
Fuck the Zionist state of Israel!
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