#anakins pink lightsaber
allpromarlo · 2 years
the undeniable urge to make one of my star wars ocs a sith
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fuckmyskywalker · 5 months
i’ve been brewing this up for awhile.
anakin x nymph reader. very dubcon.
anakins been on a planet for awhile for a mission. on a day off he’s just taking a walk down a forest. he remembers reading tales about these forests when he was a young boy. then he spots a nymph woman. and the whole thing about nymphs is that they have no men in their species right? so anakin is calm and tried not to startle her, but the nymph comes over and starts touching him cause she’s never seen a man or the male anatomy before. this slowly leads to them making out for sure. anakin takes her back to the small cabin he’s staying at, and keeps her with them and makes love to her 🩷
18+. Smut. Nymph!Reader. Oral. Afab!reader | Fem!Reader.
This is such a beautiful, gorgeous idea I simply cannot leave it and not scream over it. I had to elaborate so much more about it, I am screaming. I skipped the cabin part because yes, mwah.
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Obi-Wan constantly told him to not get close to the river because the locals said it was unexplored and unknown territory. But Anakin never listens. The deep dense forest is alluring, and he wants to know what's inside; growing up surrounded by sand, the lush views amaze Anakin, and he finds himself exploring deeper and deeper between the trees, reaching a nearby stream that leads to a tall, majestic waterfall.
He sees you from afar, and his eyes widen. He has never seen a nymph, only listened to local tales and other stories crossing the Galaxy... but seeing one up close is mesmerizing. He takes cautious steps, he doesn't want to startle you, but he can't control his curiosity. With a racing heart, every meter he erases between you and him gives him a tingly sensation. His eyes admire the flowers resting around your head, your gracious figure as you touch the water with your fingertips and the sheer dress that leaves little to imagination.
Stepping over a branch that breaks under his weight, your eyes snap up and squint, wondering from where the noise came from. You stand up, taking a few steps back, causing Anakin to sprint forward and approach you. His abrupt movements scare you, and his heart leaps inside his chest when he sees the fear in your eyes.
"Wait!" He exclaims, stepping inside the low stream, standing across you. His deep voice catches your ear, making your hands twitch. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
You stop, looking over your shoulder as a flower falls from your hair, landing on the water. Anakin takes cautious steps, picking it up and handing it to you before the water drags it away. He recognizes it as a lotus. A beat goes by, two figures only surrounded by the nature and the crude curiosity flowing between you; two creatures that had never interacted before. You tilt your head, watching his outstretched hand and doubting. How can you know it is safe? The other nymphs had warned you about these creatures... humans, they call them. Men.
"Who are you?" You ask, and Anakin could only compare your voice to the sweet sound of the cascade and wildlife surrounding him. It's pure and it holds a raw, mystic air.
He takes another step closer, smiling softly when you don't run away. "Anakin," He replies, lifting his arm higher, offering you the pink lotus. "Anakin Skywalker."
Hesitant, you approach. At arms length, you reach for the flower and a shiver runs down his spine when your fingertips brush against his palm. Tangling it in your hair once again, you stay still. He is different. He is... unique. His strong, chiseled figures are different from your soft ones. Anakin can tell you are curious. He stays still as you join him in the small river, circling around him and admiring him. You watch his heavy clothing, layer after layer of cotton and leather, and you see the lightsaber hanging from his belt.
"A Jedi?"
"You know who I am?"
You shake your head, brushing a strand of hair away from your forehead. "I don't, but I've heard tales about your... kind. With those bright sticks."
Anakin chuckles, and you wonder if it's a sound of joy or pain. Humans can be so volatile. "It's not a bright stick, it's a lightsaber. It's heat."
"Oh..." You mumble. You have seen humans before, but never one this close. His interactions are weird, or so you think. Face to face, you mimic a gesture you have seen travelers done before. Offering your hand, Anakin smiles. Humans are so strange! Always keeping their distance and talking behind each others' backs. You speak your name, and he nods... Your name sounds straight out from a fairy tale and it's something he'll never forget. "How do you humans say?... Oh! Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too," Anakin's eyes narrow as he chuckles, shaking your hand with his flesh one. "You are... beautiful."
You giggle. Humans always think those different than them are worth of a praise. "You are weird," He laughs, and you frown at his laugh again. Letting go of his hand, you touch his face, startling him. "What's this?" Your thumb traces his scar, leaning closer to inspect it further. "Does it hurt?"
"It doesn't," He replies, melting at your touch. "It's a battle scar, you know?" You don't but you nod.
Anakin follows you to the edge of the stream, sitting over a large rock and watching your every move. From all the orders he had disobeyed from Obi-Wan... this one has to be the best. He lets you touch him, he feels the need to satiate your doubts, and there's a comforting feeling under the touch of your hand over his face, his hair and his hands. Leaning closer, you nuzzle against his neck. He even smells different. It is a strong, masculine musk. Like curated leather and sandalwood. He smells like a thousand untold battles and... danger.
"You are pretty too— in your own way," Your index finger traces the curve of his lips, and his throat goes dry. "I have never touched a human before."
His words fail him, the proximity engulfs him and he inches closer. "Yeah?" He is breathless, thoughts spinning and world shaking. Tentatively, he places a hand on your waist, guiding you closer. His body presses against yours, merging your curves and his broad figure. "Can I kiss you?"
"I don't know," Anakin confesses, breathing out. His lips touch yours and you can only compare it to the touch of a butterfly on your skin. "I just really want to kiss you."
The kiss was new, and you weren't sure what to do at first so Anakin guided you. His chapped lips were like soft rose petals, merging with your own. It didn't took long for the kiss to escalate, growing heated and heavier. His hands roamed your figure, tracing every curve and melting the silk fabric of your dress. A man's touch was foreign but welcomed, a strange sensation flowing through your veins. This touch was firm yet surprisingly gentle... but demanding. You have heard countless stories of mankind's greed, and little did you know you were about to experience it first-hand.
Lifting your dress, he brushes your thighs, igniting a new sensation. A soft gasp escapes your lips, wondering if all humans are so handsy. Anakin is struggling to stop himself, thumbs circling your inner thighs to spread them further. There's lust dripping from his body and you can sense it. Lust is a dangerous emotion, even the strongest man had fallen because of it.
Being touched by a man is different from being touched by a woman. Anakin was impatient and eager, tracing your folds with his index and middle finger. He circles your clit, eliciting a quiet moan. Is he so rushed? You don't know. Laying down on the large rock, you arch your back, enjoying his attention. Anakin is rapt in your body and sounds, cock straining against his robes.
"You are perfect," He sighs, kneeling at the edge to nestle his face between your thighs. He buries his face in your heavenly core, closing his eyes and breathing in. There is something earthly and ethereal in your scent, like fresh rain and clear water, mixed with a floral perfume that makes his soul boil. His hot breath makes you giggle as his tongue teases your soaked pussy. "You are... like a goddess."
Your hands trace your sides, touching your chest as this insatiable human ravishes you, licking and lapping at your wetness. His manly groans spur waves of desire, warm tongue sliding in and out. His blue irises fixate on you, admiring how you contort and succumb to the s sensuality hat threatens to make him lose his control.
Anakin sucks your swollen clit, groaning at the responsive mewls and sighs. Maybe it is all a dream, maybe he is laying under the waterfall after he fell and is bleeding out from hitting a rock... and if that's true, then he would die happily with this vision. His hands grip your thighs harder digging the supple flesh. Your moans grow in intensity as he sucks harder, drowned in your essence.
He had heard his name many times, screamed in battle, in briefings, being cursed and dammed... but listening to you say it, prey of the uncanny desire is surreal. Anakin's cock throbs, restless to be inside you. He knows you had never had a man claim you— and he wants to be the first one.
With your thighs closing around his head, you climax with a gorgeous moan, getting lost in the nature around you, mixing with the lullaby of the forest and engraving this memory with water and blood in his heart. Anakin's cheeks are red from pressure and need, but he doesn't stop, decided to continue teaching you the arts of pleasure, a different form of profession corrupted by humans.
He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, the leather glistening with a combination of your slick and his saliva. You are glowing, calling him like a mermaid, almost begging for him to finish the job he started.
"Is that how men pleasure their women?" You ask breathlessly, lifting your eyes, watching the butterflies and birds fly through the dense foliage. Being so connected with nature had never felt so good.
"Mostly," He chuckles, climbing back onto the rock and hovering over you. "But there's more... so much more."
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thedarlingdearestdead · 8 months
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Summary: Training with Anakin gets very off topic.
Warnings: R18, SMUT, once again I apologise.
Word count: 1,900
The training hall was filled with the hum of lightsabers. Anakin Skywalker, with his unruly hair and intense determination, stood at one end of the room, igniting his blue lightsaber. On the opposite side of the hall, you stood glaring at him. 
Master Yoda had assigned you as training partners, had insisted you keep practising your form and tactics even though you had both been promoted to Generals in the wars. 
The two of you had been at it for hours, rotating between circling each other, and charging at each other. 
Anakin, ever the provocateur, couldn't resist a taunt. "Are you tired yet, Y/N?" 
"You wish, Skywalker."
"Good, again." With that he came towards you once more, eyes glazing over with an instinct more focused and determined than he ever seemed outside of battle. 
"I've handled tougher challenges than you, Skywalker," you retorted, strengthening your stance as you prepared for the clash.
The ensuing battle was fierce and unyielding. Anakin's aggressive style clashed with the your precise and calculated movements.
You had always had such different styles of doing things, in some ways that made you very well suited partners, or at least fun ones.
In the midst of their heated duel, Anakin couldn't help but admire your skill. "You've got some moves," he admitted, a smirk on his face despite his fatigue. He was glistening with sweat now, you supposed you were too. 
You gritted your teeth, refusing to let his compliment distract you from the fight at hand. "Flattery will get you nowhere, Anakin," you replied, deflecting his attack with ease.
Anakin chuckled, clearly enjoying the adrenaline rush of the battle. "Just giving credit where credit is due," he replied, lunging forward with a swift strike that you quickly dodged.
“Yeah? Maybe one day I can teach you a thing or two." 
Anakin's eyes gleamed with amusement, "I doubt it. But it's always worth a try." 
For a moment, it seemed like you both were evenly matched, but then Anakin made a critical mistake, leaving himself open for you to strike and disarm him. 
The blue lightsaber flew across the room, landing with a clatter on the ground. Anakin was left defenceless, panting and sweating heavily. But he did not seem to accept defeat. 
Instead he started to fight with his body, dirty and completely against protocol. It shocked you into fierce defence, you were unsurprised by his tactics but still unsure of how to counter them. 
You tried to maintain your composure, but with each passing moment, it seemed like Anakin was gaining the upper hand. He completely ignored the rules of engagement that had been drilled into him since he was a child. But it worked. Soon your own saber had been flung out of your hands and he had you on the floor.
Only then did the fog clear from his eyes and the boyish look of triumph which covered his face made you groan and lie down, staring at the ceiling in defeat and mock misery.
Anakin leaned over you, his grin growing wider. "Looks like I win this round, Y/N."
You rolled your eyes and pushed him off of you, standing up and dusting yourself off. "That was a dirty move, you cheated," you accused him, trying to hide the smile that threatened to break through your facade of annoyance.
Anakin shrugged, unapologetic. "Hey, all's fair in love and war."
You couldn't resist teasing him a bit. "I didn't realize you loved me so much, Skywalker."
Anakin's cheeks turned slightly pink, but he quickly regained his composure. 
"Don't flatter yourself, Y/L/N."
You were still on your back and trying to regain your breath, he moved to sit on the floor next to you instead of helping you up. You were grateful not to have to move for a moment, probably bruised and definitely sore from the fighting. 
He lay down on his back and put his hands under his head, watching him you couldn't help but notice his shirt ride up and your heart skipped a small beat as his muscled abdomen became exposed. 
You couldn't help but feel a strange tension building between you. you couldn't help but feel a strange tension building between you. Anakin's hand brushed against yours, and you felt a jolt of electricity shoot through your body.
You meet his eyes and feel something magnetic pull you into him, his flush and peace after the exercise had made him turn into pure light. Without a second thought, you closed the gap between you, your lips meeting in a fiery kiss that left you both breathless. 
It was a kiss filled with passion and hunger, a release of all the energy that had built up between you both during the hours of training. This had been the real goal of the session, the real tension behind it all. 
Anakin's hands roamed from over you face to down your body, exploring every inch of you, as if he couldn't get enough. He pulled you on top of him causing you to moan softly, unable to resist him, unable to stop. 
The training hall faded away as you gave yourself over to the moment, lost in the sensation of his touch. 
You start move move above him, start to let your own hands wander, He took a moment to appreciate the sight of you, your hair a mess and your lips red and swollen from the force of his kisses. His cock twitched in his pants as he watched you, so much adrenaline coursing through his body that he mentally had to tell himself not to destroy you.
He did need a change though, wrapping his hands tight on your waist he turned the two of you over so that then he was over you. He grinned at your surprise and pressed his lips back on yours. 
"Still think you could beat me?" He asked, moving down to your neck and sucking down ferociously. 
"I think you've already won." You mutter, senseless to his ministrations. 
He beamed down at you, kissing you deeply and reassuringly, but desperate for release. "I want you so much," he murmurs. You can't bring yourself to say anything back, just moan softly as he moves his hand down to your robe ties, undoing them with ease and finding the top of your trousers, pulling them down. 
Each touch of his hands left your body on fire, you felt like you were melting from the inside out, a pool of lava aching for release. 
"Say my name, Y/N."
"Anakin." You practically purr, the tension getting tighter and tighter, your release so close. 
"Anakin!" It had come so fast, so suddenly and completely that you were blinded. He licked his lips, watching your entrance, his hand snaking down your body and grabbing the hem of your shirt, pulling it up over your head and throwing it on the floor.
Then he removed his own and you were gaping at him. Not just a sliver, his entire torso was visible to you now. It was a work of art, every muscle taught and defined...
He smirked at the look on your face, and upon seeing it, you tackled him. You rolled him over and straddled him, pinning him down and grinding your hips down onto him. You couldn't resist tracing your hands over it, feeling the muscles in his arms and pressing your fingers into his chest. Tracing them with reverence, shockingly gentle for such an arousing moment. 
Not for long however, he grunted as your nails dug into his shoulders, your teeth bit down on his pulse point, punching his skin. He rose his arms up to wrap around your waist, his hands roamed all over your body, you undid his trousers too, pushing them down only just enough so that you could pull him out.
He looked at you, and you could have sworn he was going to say something, but he didn't. Instead he grabbed you by your hips, and you shuddered at the feeling of his hands on you. He lifted you so that he could line himself up with your dripping entrance, bringing you down with a shuddering moan.
"Anakin!" You cried, tears springing up in your eyes as sparks of electricity shot through every inch of your body. 
He grinned, knowing your sensitivity was all due your release. Feeling it build once again, his ego was soaring.
You moved up and down on him, feeling every inch of him, moving to let him get deeper inside of you.
The force and speed of your thrusts was picking up, and you dropped your head back in pleasure, moaning his name.
Anakin's hands moved to your hips, gripping them painfully tightly and pushing down on you, muttering your name into your neck. The feeling of him inside of you had you both right on the edge immediately, the movements only working to intensify the experience. 
"Is that what I do to you?" He whispered in your ear. "How do you feel?"
"It's so... good," you panted, throwing your head back.
He growled at your words, pushing himself up so that his length was buried deep inside you. You both groaned loudly at the feeling. "Tell me..." he breathed, sliding back and thrusting into you again, hard.
You closed your eyes, moaning as he moved again, this time slower. 
He growled at your words, pushing himself up so that his length was buried deep inside you. You both groaned loudly at the feeling. "Tell me..." he breathed, sliding back and thrusting into you again, hard.
You closed your eyes, moaning as he moved again, this time slower. 
"I want you Anakin, I've always- ah- wanted you."
The pressure built up, and you knew you were both close. His thrusts were getting faster and faster up into you until you couldn't hold yourself up anymore and you collapsed down onto him, screaming his name. He continued though, not caring or even noticing your overstimulation, just chasing his own. 
And yet, despite how drained you were, you still couldn't help but moan at every thrust.
You pressed yourself against him, going down onto him as hard as you could.
"Oh... Ah!" He cried, his hips jerking back and forth at a delirious speed, until with a final thrust, he hit his peak, groaning your name as he came. His grip on you tightened, and you held on for dear life as he rode out his high. 
His head fell back onto the training room floor and you relaxed your body onto him. Spent, and now, truly too exhausted to move. 
"That was.. incredible." He rasps into the air. You smile into his chest, running your fingers through his sweaty hair. "I never knew that would happen."
"We should train together more often." You say.
"I wish we could stay here forever." He says, his eyes closed. The sun had begun to set, and the room was flooding with orange light, an eerie glow making Anakin's golden skin look even more like a statue than it already did. A real life god, you laugh silently to yourself.
"I think I need a shower now." You say, finally getting off of him, aware of the liquids running out of you and leaking onto his body.
He looks down and swallows, "I'll come with you." 
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thesassypadawan · 3 months
Nice Little Chat (Padawan Anakin x MasterFemReader)
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Summary: You don’t know when, but somewhere along the line…Obi-Wan’s precious padawan has become the object of your desire. He’s so cute and fuckable and you just want to spoil Anakin rotten…like the sweet baby boy that his is.
Warnings: 18+ (minors dni), because of all the lovely smut. Tit fucking, mommy kink, and Ani’s big dick. Padawan Ani is of age (18).
Notes: This is a little different than what I normally write for Ani! So...input for it would very much be appreciated, if I should write more fics like this for him! Thank you!
“It’s over!” Anakin boldly announced, going in for what he thought was the finishing move.
“Not quite,” Obi-Wan said with a smirk. Sidestepping at the last minute, he used a gentle nudge of the force. Which sent Ani crashing to the floor, landing right in front of you.
You tried your best to stifle a laugh, not wanting to add insult to injury. But as you watched him clamber to his feet, that cute little pout on his face; you couldn’t help yourself. “You okay, Ani?”
“Fine,” he mumbled, refusing to look you in the eye. The slightest dusting of pink on his cheeks.
You don’t know when, but somewhere along the line…Obi’s precious padawan had become the object of your desire. From those plump lips to those big eyes, even that cocky smile. Everything about him made your body grow flush and a dampness pool between your legs.
Despite it being oh so very wrong…considering you were fifteen years older and one of his master’s dearest friends…you just couldn’t help but want him all to yourself. To spoil the sweet baby like he so deserved.
And from the way Anakin had been acting around you lately, it appeared that your feelings weren’t just one-sided. Although…
“Are you sure?” You cooed up at him, placing a hand on his bicep. “That was a bit of a nasty fall. Maybe I-”
“Said I was fine!” He growled, shaking you off. Grabbing his lightsaber, he then began to storm out of the training room. But not before shooting you one last yearning look.
…at times like this, it seemed like Ani was still fighting with his own.
“I’m so sorry!” Obi-Wan immediately started apologizing, while making to follow after Anakin. “I don’t know what’s gotten into him! Let me go talk-”
Taking hold of his arm, you stopped his departure. “No, I’ll go,” you said gently. “I think Ani and I need to have a nice, little chat.”
You didn’t give Obi the chance to protest or object to your offer, you just gave him a reassuring squeeze. “It will be all right; I promise.” And proceeded to make your swift leave, heading towards the one place you knew Anakin would go…especially with the tent he was sporting.
Loosening your tunic, you shifted your breasts around a little. Making sure they were on full display, you then slipped inside Obi-Wan’s and his shared quarters.
Quietly you approached Anakin’s room. Pressing your ear to the door, you listened and waited for the right moment…that came when you heard soft, desperate whimpers and a very distinct fapping sound.
“Annni,” you called out sweetly. “Ani baby, may I come in?”
Not waiting for a reply, you quickly tinkered with the keypad. Unlocking the door and letting it slide open to reveal…
A very shocked…very red faced…VERY naked padawan sitting on his sleep couch.
“What the… Why didn’t you knock first?!” Ani shouted, his voice cracking a bit as he frantically scrambled to cover himself.
You licked your lips in anticipation. “Oh, I did,” you replied innocently. “You must not have heard over all those lovely noises you were making.”
“I… I…” His blush deepened and he began to squirm under your lust filled gaze. So cute…so fuckable.
“Baby,” you cooed. “Don’t try to deny it; I know perfectly well what you want.”
Sitting beside him, you placed your hand over his. Leaning forward just enough, so your plushy globes were practically about to spill out. “Now we both know you’re harder than a rock under this pillow. So why don’t you be a good boy and let mommy help you.”
“I’m… I mean…” There it was again, fighting with his feelings. Such a stubborn little padawan.
Using your free hand, you loosened your tunic a bit more. Letting him get a better view of your ample bust. “It’s okay. I just want to take care of you…make you feel real good.”
You watched as his eyes wandered down to your tits, they were blown so wide that you could barely see the blue in them. He swallowed hard, adam’s apple bobbing enticingly. “Please… Please, take care of me, mommy.”
His voice was barely above a whisper but hearing him call you that had your pussy absolutely dripping. “Say it again,” you muttered. “Louder this time.”
“Please,” he begged, shyly removing the pillow. “Please, take care of me…. mommy.”
“Oh, Ani.” You grinned at the sight before you. He was painfully hard, tip already leaking pre and, most importantly, he was a VERY big baby boy.
Biting your lip, you got up on your knees. Stripping off your clothes, you squeezed your breasts. Moaning softly and rubbing your legs together as you watched his cock twitch with interest.
“On your back, baby,” you purred, lips brushing across his.
“Yes, mommy,” he whimpered, obediently doing so…letting you mount him.
Taking a moment to enjoy the view, you bent down. Capturing his lips in a fiery kiss, muttering soft praises. “Good boy…such a good good good boy.”
Anakin melted into the kiss. Tongue licking shyly at your lips, asking for entrance. Not wanting to deny your sweet baby, you allowed him to do so. Surprised when he grabbed you with his big hands, pulling your hips to meet his.
You moaned softly into his lips, aching cunt rubbing against his cock. Needing more, you took his hands. Placing them on your chest, silently begging for him to touch you…to make his mommy feel good too.
Following your lead, he began to tweak your nipples. Rolling them between his lightly calloused fingers, making you whimper and shamelessly grind into him.
Breaking the kiss, Anii had let out a small whine. “More! Mommy, I need more!” He pleaded, thrusting up into you. Hoping you’d give him some kind of relief.
“More?” You teased, grinding against him harder. “You want more, baby? Tell me what you want, and I’ll happily give it to you.”
He squirmed underneath you, panting softly. “Your tits… Please let me fuck your juicy titties…”
You were surprised by his request. Your breasts, he really wanted to fuck your breasts? Well, if that’s what your sweet boy desired…
“You want to cum all over my juicy titties?” You purred, pulling away from Anakin. Your breasts nearly brushing his nose.
“Y-Yes,” he stuttered. Staring right at your chest, that adorable hint of pink on his cheeks. “P-Please let me f-fuck your tits.”
“Of course, whatever you wish,” you whispered softly.
Motioning for him to switch places with you, you lay on your back. Propped up on your elbows, beckoning him with your finger.
Ani happily crawled on top of you. Straddling your waist, he leans down to lap at your breast. His tongue running over your nipples and valley, thoroughly coating you with his saliva. All the while shivers ran up and down your spine. “Oh, baby,” you moaned.
Satisfied with his work, he sat back and stroked his dick. Lubing himself up with his own pre, he pushed your breasts together. And, with a cocky little smile on his face, he slid himself between your plushy globes. Causing you both to moan and groan.
His cock felt like heaven, so silky and warm against your skin. His thumbs, they skillfully played with your nipples as he steadily thrusted into your tits. “So good, mommy… They feel so good…”
“That’s it, baby, keep going,” you cooed lovingly up at him. “You’re doing such a great job. Making me feel sooo good.”
Your words spurred him on. His pace picked up and he began to snap his hips against you. Your tits bouncing in sync with his wild thrusts.
Looking up at Anakin, your eyes met. His face was flushed, bottom lip between his teeth. You can tell he’s trying to hold back his fast-approaching orgasm; the twitching of his cock gave it away.
“Ani,” you purred. Placing your hands over his, squeezing him tighter. “Be a good boy and cum for me. Paint my titties so prettily. Cover them with your creamy, hot cum.”
Throwing his head back, he let out a high-pitched whine. Movements becoming jerky and uncontrolled. Until finally, with one last sloppy thrust, hot globs of cum landed on your chest. Some on your neck and a bit on your chin.
You loved seeing the look of pure bliss on his face. They way his cum warmed your skin, it made pleasant shivers run up and down your spine. What a wonderful way to end your nice, little chat.
“Thank you, mommy,” Anakin muttered. Grinning proudly down at you as he admired the job he had done.
Rubbing his cum all over and into your skin, you couldn’t help but grin yourself. “You’re welcome, baby… Maybe next time you can cum in mommy’s tight, little pussy… But only if you’re good…”
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xzaddyzanakinx · 8 months
Modern Anakin x Female reader
18+ MDNI
Greevs is just general grievous. I hate him so much and I wish to see him suffer. No more lightsabers for his collection.
Warnings: oral female receiving, alcohol, car sex, semi-public, poor grievous was exposed to your unholy acts
Not proofread
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The restaurant you sat in was filled to the brim with people. Fancy dresses and black suits blended in amongst the sea of nameless faces traipsing through the dining area and into the ballroom. Anakin loved to bring you to this place, Alderaan the most lavish and sought after date-destination in America.
The first time you’d come here Anakin had fallen in love with you. The low lighting of the ballroom had given you a halo of glitter from the pins you’d placed in your hair, the drinks had pinked your cheeks and the atmosphere of the whole place had you drunk on the experience of it all. He made a promise to himself in that moment that he would take you here as often as possible.
So here you are, at a small table in the back of the room where you have a standing reservation for the first Saturday of every other month.
“Ani?” You asked excitedly.
“What is it Princess?” He turned his head toward you.
“Let’s go please? I’ve finished the cake see?” You pointed to your plate, knowing Anakin would refuse your request if you hadn’t eaten everything.
“Finish your champagne darling.” He gave you a soft smile, sliding one hand across the table to entwine your fingers with his while he watched you eagerly gulp the last bit of champagne.
Just as you were about to wipe the lip gloss from the rim of the glass, Anakin tutted, taking it from you. He brought the glass to his lips and licked the pink tinted gloss, setting it down before shooting you a wink and pulling you from your seat.
You pulled your dress up just far enough to make it easier to keep up with Anakin’s long strides as he quickly pushed through the crowd to enter the ball room. Sweeping you up in a little spin on the outer part of the dance floor, he brought you closer with a hand firmly on the small of your back. His breath ghosting over your neck while he snuck a delicate kiss to the soft skin under your jaw.
“You look lovely, really you do.” He pressed your foreheads together, swaying you gently to the violinist’s rendition of ‘Never Enough’.
You giggled, as many times a day as he tells you how beautiful you are, you can’t help but blush. His full lips upturned into a grin, his blue eyes glinting in the low lighting with each turn you took.
You soon found yourself in the middle of the dance floor, your heels clicking on the cold marble tiles. The crystal chandelier hanging above you throwing crescent moons on every surface it touched. The crowd was beginning to thin out, a quick glance at the clock showed 11:45.
“Anakin,” you started.
“I know sweetheart. Just a bit longer hm?” His voice deep and gravely.
How could you say no? You could never deny him something as simple as this. So you let him pull you closer, let him graze his lips across your bare shoulder. You let him nip the crook of your neck and snake his tongue up the shell of your ear. You let his hand wander from your waist to your ass, you let him tilt back your head to kiss you in a way that no one should’ve seen.
And just like that he was whisking you away, a wild look in his eyes as he held your wrist and rushed to the coat check.
“Slow down!” You laughed, hiking up the layered fabric of your dress.
“Nope, can’t sorry.” He grinned, pulling out your tickets to hand to the man at the door.
“Just a moment Sir.” The man nodded at Anakin who just smiled in response.
The moment the man left to grab your things Anakin had you in his arms again whispering sweet nothings while you waited.
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“Headed home Sir?” The chauffeur asked as Anakin slid into the backseat after you.
“Yes, make it quick please.” Anakin laughed, “I think we may have had too much to drink.”
“Was it a good time my Lady?” He asked.
“Of course! It always is. You should join us sometime Greevs!” You reached up to pat his shoulder through the partition before sliding it closed.
The moment the partition closed Anakin jumped you, a sudden clash of tongue and teeth took you by surprise. You laughed and returned the kiss, sweet and calm as you smiled against his lips before he turned it into something deeper, something more.
“I’ve been waiting to get you out of this dress since you walked out in it.” His tongue flat against your throat as he sucked gently on the thin skin.
“Ani… wait just-“ you started, trying to help him find some reason.
“I’ve waited hours. Please?” He slid out off the leather seat and into the spacious floor of the town car.
He laid his head over your thighs, one hand trailing up your calve and the other laced in your fingers. The crystal blue of his irises reflected the moonlight flitting through the trees in an ethereal manner, like he had enchanted them just to distract you.
Before you knew it, he was bringing your palm to rest in his hair. Giving a devilish smirk before flipping up the hem of your dress and spreading your thighs. His hot breath sent shivers up your spine, tiny kisses littering your inner thighs while his fingers traced circles around the outside of your panties.
“Anakin!” You whisper shouted, “Anakin please I want to-“
Your words were stolen from your lips as he slipped a finger beneath your underwear and dipped it into the warmth of your core. You could practically hear your own eyes roll back in your head at the sudden intrusion. A nip to your mound had you squealing as you smacked the top of his head.
“Everything alright Ma’am?” Greevs knocked on the partition.
“Oh-yes it’s fine.” You giggled nervously.
“Almost home m’lady.” He responded curtly, and you hoped he was as oblivious as he sounded.
You could hear Anakin snicker from between your legs and just as you were about to scold him again his tongue made its way over your clothed clit. His nipping and licking over the fabric had you gripping the leather seats so hard it squeaked under your strength.
Your chest heaved, your face was flushed and you wanted nothing more than to let out a low moan. You let your head thump against the window, shifting your ass slightly so Anakin had more room. He hummed against your inner thigh as he pulled the fabric away from your soaked cunt. His fingers working in and out of you quickly, hooked up and dragging against the soft top wall.
Those perfectly plush lips finally suctioned around your clit, effortlessly bringing you minutes away from bliss. Your legs spasmed, jerking against his head as you tried not to crush his skull with the intensity of your oncoming orgasm. His hand intwined with yours left to clutch at the doughy flesh of your ass, kneading it roughly.
The pavement ended, and the car began to crunch on the long gravel drive up your house. Your eyes widened, trying to push his head away despite wanting the opposite. He smacked your ass to stop your squirming, and tightened his grip to hold your hips in place.
Your breath caught in your throat, the car was almost to the front porch and Anakin was not letting you get out without cumming. His mouth working overtime, sucking and pulling your pussy between his teeth, rolling your clit against his tongue while his fingers worked in tandem.
You couldn’t hold back your noises any longer, a low croaky groan let your throat just as the car was thrown in park.
“Shall I get the doors?” Greevs asked.
“Uh- oh god “ your eyes squeezed shut, bracing yourself for what was coming. “N-no that’s okay.”
You could feel Anakin’s grin against you, trying not to laugh at the predicament. The lewd wetness of the noises he was making just added to the overwhelming urge to cum.
“Gr-reevs? Why don’t you get the front d-door for us hm?” You asked shakily.
“Of course Ma’am.”
The drivers door opened and shut loudly, and his foot steps faded in the gravel. Finally you allowed yourself to succumb to Anakin’s tongue. Your body locked up, jittering from holding back as your legs held him firmly in place, his fingers never stopping as he helped you through it. A high pitched whine left you when he finally stopped moving and your body settled into the warmth of your after glow.
He emerged from beneath your dress looking like he’d just washed his face, your juices coating his chin. A wide grin plastered on his lips while he wagged his eyebrows at you, opening up the car door to help you out. Your legs wobbled as your feet hit the ground.
“Need a lift Angel?” Anakin’s cocky smirk audible in his words.
You wordlessly hopped up onto his back, letting him pack you up the large steps and past Greevs into the foyer of your home.
“Sir?” Greevs coughed, not looking at either of you directly.
Anakin gently let you down, and immediately you began undoing the uncomfortable heels your were wearing.
“Yes? Oh- right.” Anakin took the car keys from Greevs and patted him on the shoulder.
Once he closed the door behind him and made sure Greevs was on his way to the servants apartments Anakin turned his attention back to you.
“I think he knows.” Anakin laughed.
“Really? You were so discrete!” You huffed and rolled your eyes as he licked his lips that were still coated in your slick.
“Aw c’mon… lemme make it up to you yeah?” He cooed, brushing a stray hair behind your ear and snaking his arms around your back.
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darthgloris · 8 months
Anakin and male y/n have been best friends for a few years, they met on a mission and you know how it’s like you’ve known someone forever at first meet? They both admit they’re in love with each other and smut please
Under The Stars
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x fem!Jedi!reader
A/N: I'm really, really sorry for not being able to give you the fic you want sweetie 😭😭 I really don't know how to write male x male relationships and I'm very afraid of misrepresenting the smut, still soo soo sorry 😫 @dashingaudacity I hope you can forgive me and I really hope this one will do 🥺
Summary: Y/N's Padawan, Rose, risks her life during a battle and is saved at the last possible minute by another Jedi. When Y/N goes to thank him after the battle, she sees just how attractive and respectful he is. Out one night, away from the eyes of the Order, their stargazing becomes a moment to share they way the have felt about each other all this time.
Warnings: suggestive themes, fluffy asf, making out, Anakin having better pickup lines than "I don't like sand", Anakin being the romance king (cause in a world where he doesn't turn dark he is)
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"Rosesava Stawil, you get back here this instant!" Y/N yelled at her Padawan, who had already raced off into battle with a death grip on her lightsaber.
She sighed in exasperation, following her Padawan into the chaos. That girl is way too reckless, she thought with a huff.
A scream rang out through the battle, a voice she could recognize anywhere. Y/N perked up as her eyes widened in panic and she ran through the clouds of dust, frantically looking around for the girl. "Rose?"
"Rose!" She leapfrogged from stone to stone, panting as she reached out to the Force to find her Padawan.
Y/N gasped as a droid towered over Rose's figure, stranded on the ground with a fearful look in her eyes before she screwed them closed, waiting for the pain to come, but it never did. Her eyes flew open as the swash of a lightsaber filled her ears, skillfully deflecting all the blaster shots.
"Rose!" Y/N called and rushed to pull the girl up from the ground, while looking for the person that had saved Rose's life. A few feet away from them was another Jedi, a curly haired young man with a scar running down his left eye, and a young Togruta around Rose's age trailing behind him.
She let out a breath of relief, shooting him a thankful glance, to which he replied with a nod and a gentle smile before disappearing into the chaos, his blue lightsaber illuminating his path through the dense sand clouds.
As the relief flooded her, she glared down at Rose. "Sorry, Master."
"One unnerving and life-threatening issue at a time, Rose. Now, come on, this isn't over yet."
Y/N wiped a few beads of sweat from her forehead and ran a hand through her tousled hair as she looked at the campsite. Countless wounded soldiers were being carried to the medbay as she walked around, looking for anyone that she could help.
After a few minutes she spotted the guy from before, the very same that had saved Rose's life oh, so selflessly. She looked at him for a few seconds to admire him: she noticed the small curls that framed his face, his big, soulful blue eyes, his jawline that seemed sculpted in marble, his broad shoulders that shaped the rest of his flawless physique.
"Hi, um, it's me," she said as she approached him and he smiled softly as he caught sight of her. "I just wanted to thank you for saving Rose, she's a bit difficult to deal with sometimes."
"Don't thank me, my Padawan is a bit quirky as well," he chuckled, looking at the Togruta, who was talking with Rex. "What's your name?"
"Y/N. Y/N Vantri." She smiled, extending her hand for him to shake.
"Anakin Skywalker. Nice to meet, you, Y/N." He replied, taking her hand and pressing a feartherlight kiss to her knuckles. She smiled, blushing a pale shade of pink at his gesture.
The feeling of his delicate lips brushing the soft skin made her feel like she had known him forever, like she was meant to feel his touch, to be embraced by him. And she most certainly couldn't deny her attraction towards him, it was a bit fuzzy at first but it became crystal clear when her throat ran dry at the sight of the bulging veins on his wrist.
She didn't know it, but he was thinking the exact same thing. He felt a tinge of pride spark inside him, and to his surprise, her blush made his insides do backflips in a way he'd never thought possible, especially when they were triggered by someone he'd know for approximately two minutes. Holding her hand, slipping his fingers under hers to kiss her baby-smooth skin had a certain familiarity and comfort to it, as if he was meant to kiss her until she forgot her own name.
"Did your Padawan get hurt?" He asked, breaking the silence.
"Just a small wound on her arm. She should be out soon." Y/N replied, looking over at the medbay on the other side of the campsite.
"May I walk you there?" He offered with a smile.
"Oh, that's very kind of you, but you really don't have-"
"Please?" He pouted, his puppy eyes twinkling with hope. It was too strong of a weapon for her to refuse.
"Sure." She chuckled at how powerful his pleading expression was.
"After you." He said, stepping back to let her take the lead.
"Such a gentleman, thank you." She smiled, a teenage-like giddiness overtaking her. The feeling only triplicated when he held her hand as she stepped over a rocky area, making sure she didn't trip and get hurt.
Years later
The two Jedi laid side by side as they looked up at the night sky, admiring the constellations.
"Look, that one looks like a little kitten!" Anakin giggled, pointing at an outline of starts.
"You're right, it's so cute!" Y/N squealed.
Anakin smiled so hard at her. Her undying love for animals and her kindness towards them only made his heart melt further.
"Hey, do you see those two bright stars over there?" He asked, pointing at a small cluster of twinkling stars.
"Uh-huh." She nodded, looking at him curiously.
"Their names are Altair and Vega," he said, propping himself up on one elbow to look down at her. "And it is said that they were deeply in love, but separated by an entire galaxy."
"Oh..." she said, vocalizing her sympathy.
"But once a year, on the seventh day of the seven month..." he took her hand and held it between his own, the flesh hand drawing small circles on her palm with his thumb. "...Vega cries so hard that all the magpies in the world fly up and make a bridge with their wings, so that the two lovers could be reunited for a single night of passion."
She breathed out, speechless. She fell just a little harder for him, looking into his eyes as his fingertips brushed the hair away from her forehead. "Anakin..."
"If you keep doing that, I might just fall in love with you." She said quietly, her doe eyes boring into his.
"Does that scare you?" He asked, running his thumb over the back over her hand again.
"It does," she admitted. "But not enough to avoid it."
"Good. Whatever you're afraid of, we can face together." He smiled gently.
She interlocked their fingers, tilting her head slightly. "Thank you."
"You having nothing to thank me for." He said, giving into the temptation of running his thumb over her bottom lip. "May I kiss you, stardust?"
The nickname sent chills down her spine.
As soon as she let out a "yes", his lips softly met hers.
The feeling was divine. The way his lips would mold with hers, a little unsure, but still so passionate and loving... it was simply Anakin. Everything from his scent, to the taste of his lips, to his Force signature intertwining with hers, it engulfed her like a giant embrace from the universe. It was a comfort she never thought she'd be granted the privilege to feel.
"Maker, you're so beautiful." He breathed out, his hand now caressing her cheek.
This time Y/N was the one to initiate the kiss, now with less hesitation and more firmness, sparks lighting up their skin. Anakin experimented by running his tongue over her bottom lip, at which she let out a silent gasp, then began to open her mouth for him. The kiss deepening only made her insides tremble, and she audibly moaned and buried her fingers in his short hair when he gently suckled on the tip of her tongue.
She laid back down on the ground, pulling him down with her without breaking the kiss. He tentatively rested two hands at her sides, and she only responded by pulling him on top of her, which made him squeal adorably in surprise.
His hands began to roam her upper body, and when his warm flesh hand trailed up from her stomach to her face, grazing her breast and her neck in the process, a wave of anxiety made her stomach churn.
She hurriedly pulled away from the kiss, putting her hands to his chest to create a bit of space between them.
"Hey," Anakin cooed, soft pants escaping his mouth. "You okay, angel?"
"Yeah... no." She sat up as he lifted himself off her, terrified of having made her uncomfortable.
"Sorry, Ani, I... I though I could handle it, but I can't, I'm just not ready yet..." she tried to explain, stuttering over her words. "I want this, I really do, but- but then I felt you touching me and as good as it felt, it freaked me out-"
"Hey, sweetie, it's okay. You don't need to justify yourself." He soothed, smiling to try to comfort her.
"I- I'm sorry, Anakin." She sighed, burying her face in her hands.
"Hey, hey, listen to me, I don't want to hear you apologise, understand?" He said, gently prying her hands away from her face. "I want this, too, but it doesn't have to be now. I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart."
"Do you promise?" She asked.
"I promise." He smiled, squeezing her hand. "Take your time, angel. Whenever you're ready, I'll be right here, yeah?"
She smiled brightly at him, nestling her face in the crook of his neck. "You're amazing."
"You're much more amazing than I am, my angel."
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aspenstarflare · 10 months
Time for round three of Clone wars headcanons:
-Cody definitely carries around all of Obi-wan’s favorite types of tea on the Negotiator, and definitely always keeps two tea bags on his utility belt during campaigns in case Obi-wan needs tea and lost his own. (The extra one is for him so he can drink Tea with Obi-wan at the fire)
-It’s canon that Obi-wan always loses his lightsaber and that Cody always gives him it back, but in the background Anakin and Ahsoka have definitely been keeping count how many times Cody handed Obi-wan his lightsaber and threaten to tell the entire GAR anytime they want to blackmail Obi-wan.
-Kix and Rex definitely had to beg Ahsoka to wear her season 3 - 5 outfit, maybe even chase her around the Resolute to get her to wear just something slightly more protective. They did try pushing the agenda of amrour later but they pushed their luck and Ahsoka threatened to go back to the tube top she had from the clone war movie to season 2.
-When Obi-wan’s men in the 212th are injured he personally makes sure to have Tea parties with his injured men to cheer them up and give them something to do in the med bay, making sure to remember the favorites of each solider to make them feel a special as Obi-wan always reminds them they very much are.
-Children, no matter which planet, absolutely adore clones, especially ones of the 501st who are close with Ahsoka (because the kids see that they’re absolute softies from how they interact with her), the children will follow the clones around, asking them mountains of questions and begging them to play games with them. One time on a snowy planet some children in a village the 501st was stationed at, charge Ahsoka and the torrent company with snowballs, leading to a village wide snowball fight between the troopers, Anakin and Ahsoka vs. the towns children (and even some adults). The town’s children for the rest of the time the 501st is there, take time to memorize all their names, play with them, share their hot chocolates with them, and give them little presents (bracelets, necklaces, little nicknack stuff like that) to the troopers to keep to remember them. The 501st cherishes the presents from their little friends and always make sure to keep them on them.
- Ahsoka definitely loves climbing on her brothers like trees rather it be to wrestle for fun, climb on their shoulders, and get a free piggy back ride, she does it whenever she can. After or during campaigns she gets really tired on, during hikes to rendezvous point where she’s exhausted on she simply climbs onto the nearest brother’s back on and dozes off. No one ever bothers to complain about it because a. She’s super light and b. the trooper that gets to carry her for the rest of the hike gets to feel the comfort knowing their commander is well and safe with them and trusts them enough to rely on them for safety when she’s asleep.
-Boil and Waxer have walked in on Obi-wan and Cody cuddling before and snapped a picture, and have been provided a lifetime supply of chocolate (curtsey of Obi-wan) in order to keep their mouths shut.
-Ahsoka and Fives have made it their lives mission to prank Echo, Rex, and Anakin as much as possible. Once gluing pink glitter all over Anakin’s hair, earning them refresher duty for a month.
-Ahsoka sometimes goes on hunts when they are on planets with the right kind of animals and environments, taking a batch of clones with her just in case any droids show up. The first time she did this on a mission, she murdered a large animal with her bare hands and teeth, Jesse passed out when he saw all the blood on her face and everyone was horrified. Everyone was excited to eat something other than rations for once but the clones that went with Ahsoka were horrified how she easily and bloodily she murdered a animal with just her teeth.
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jellyfishsthings · 4 months
Warnings: this is going to be a multi part series and it's going to be angsty cause I am in my feels. Female reader, Padmé and Anakin were together but had a healthy break up, Jedi reader so forbidden love
This story takes plays in Clone Wars yet many events have been changed (like the meeting of Ashoka and Anakin... don't worry the sibling energy is still there.)
series masterlist
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The blaring sound of sirens ringing fills the streets as they echo through the empty, now town. The Clone Wars continue to rage. Next to me stands a familiar body, hardened by the years of training and fighting. My sole companion, my partner in crime. Anakin. His hair is growing at a faster pace, as they are left unattended because of the war. His eyes, which used to be a vibrant combination of blue and green seem haunted now, matching his serious expression.
This merciless fighter, this General has taken the place of the once sweet boy that kept me company in the first lonely nights in the Temple, of the boy that taught himself to braid hair when I had broken my arm. He has changed. Both of us have changed, we are not the kids we used to be. We are fearless and respected Jedi Knights. And yet… and yet we both crave peace and what we used to be.
Days blur together and they go by in the same patterns. Either waking up early and training until dawn, attending meetings for strategic plans or peace negotiations or fighting on the battlefield until your last breath. And finally, there is a slimmer of hope…
Today we are invited to a meeting organized by Senator Amidala, Padmé, my dear friend, Anakin's not-so-secret ex but despite everything the three of us are closer than ever. The break up was mandatory according to both of them. Anakin was needed on the battlefield and Padmé represented the non-fighting population, thank the Stars they are still friends and you can tell they loved each other with their whole hearts. They still do but they are not going back, not regretting their decisions for a second, left to remember the loving memories of their short time together.
For the first time in years, I wear a dress, borrowed from Padmé, so as to blend in with the crowd even if my lightsabers stand prominent in my belt loops. The dress hugs tightly the top of my body and flows on the way down. It starts as plain creme yellow that slowly descends to a light pink. The soft silk dip starts at the base of my back, leaving my battle scars vulnerable and uncovered for everyone. Every here and there embodied flowers stand out. Even its off shoulders design thankfully allows me freedom of movement.
The meeting starts in a few minutes and yet Anakin is not here. My eyes quickly scan the hallways even when they appear like a maze. I trust my senses to the Force trying to track him. He is close. I wander through the halls trying to locate him, when I notice a trail of blood. Bloody Skywalker.
"What have you done?" I whisper-yell at him.
"Don't worry it's not mine?"
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?"
He just shrugged in response. I quickly grab his outer clothing, pulling it harshly from his body.
"If you want me naked you can just say so." He has the nerve to say. I simply roll my eyes as I hurry towards a window and hurl his clothes outside. "Nice going, trouble. How am I supposed to find them after the meeting? And I think wearing clothes that are slightly damaged is better than showing up to a meeting shirtless." He says while chuckling at my antics, as I try to maintain my calm composure.
"That sounds like a 'you' problem" I fire back at him.
"What are you two yapping about?" A third voice sounds and we both flinch. Padmé leans on the wall with crossed arms while wearing a knowing smirk.
"This isn't funny, your castle is covered in blood."
"Ah, liar. You exaggerate, it's not the whole castle, only a few corridors." I sharply glare at him as he chuckles.
"Figured. Now follow me, because I do not think everyone will like the sight of your abs, Ani."
"I am offended, Padmé, I think that they are quite splendid." A long-suffering sigh leaves my lips as we enter the master suite and hurrle myself to the plush bed as the two of them try to find something to cover the mess that is called Anakin Skywalker.
"Get up, you will ruin your hair." Padmé says. My muffled voice answers her. "I don't care about my hair."
My consciousness starts to slip away as I feel a gentle hand rock me back and forth.
"Five more minutes" I whine.
"If I leave you here for five more minutes, there is no way you will attend this meeting."
With a huff, I pull myself up and dust my dress in an attempt to make myself presentable. And we head towards the ballroom.
"We should mingle." He whispers to me and I simply nod as an answer. "See you in three hours." He says as he tucks a stray hair in its place before he leaves my side once again. I turn to look at his departing figure as I stay rooted to my place. My cheeks start to heat up as I notice his attire for the first time. His shirt is a soft creme yellow that compliments his slightly tanned skin and his blond hair. His shirt matches my dress and there is only one person behind this.
I walk as fast as I can in a place like this towards her. Once I reach her I grab her arm and pull her to the side of the crowd.
"You did this on purpose."
"Did what?" Padmé acts innocent but her proud smirk betrays her intentions.
"You look cute."
"We look like we are together."
"Aren't you?"
"No, it is the Code."
"But you want to." Her words shock me to the core. Yes, I do want to, but I can't.
"How did you…?"
"It's obvious, sweets. He hasn't taken his eyes off of you. He always talks about you. Even when we were together… I always knew that you two… you are like fossils created by the same star. Despite everything you are made for each other. Code be damned."
"Quiet you. It is forbidden, don't make it harder than it already is." With that, I leave her. I took a steadying breath before…
"Hi. I am Jedi Master ...."
words: 1.033
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that-gay-jedi · 1 year
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fionajames · 3 months
ethereal pt. II
A/N: Hey, guys! This part two of ethereal pt. I!!! So sorry for not posting as much, tests are running me over like a train rn. Enjoy!!! Send requests!!!!
(divider by @saradika-graphics)
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Previously on ‘Ethereal’..... “Can we please go now?” Rex asked, itching to get out of the garden. He glanced back at the house, staring at the candle’s flickering in the windows. He was holding Ahsoka close to his chest, worry evident on his face as she nodded eagerly.
“I suppose we should,” Obi-Wan agreed, brow furrowed. “But I am confused. How and why are the statues of us in this garden?” They all murmured their agreement, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation, but to no avail.
“Because,” a gentle, silky voice called from behind them and the five turned to see a young woman - around Anakin’s age - with stormy grey eyes, long wavy golden hair and tan skin, dressed in a strange white toga. “We’ve been awaiting your arrival.”
Now on ‘Ethereal’.....
Anakin had his lightsaber in his hand instantly, the blue glow scattering over his body like water. He grit his teeth and stretched his other arm out to protect the others. Ahsoka had her two lightsabers in his hands as she stood in front of Rex and Cody, all three of them covered in the green glow. Obi-Wan stood by Anakin’s side, hilt in hand but unactivated. Yet, he was covered in the glow of Anakin’s lightsaber.
“Pardon me, who are you?” Obi-Wan asked, stepping slightly ahead of Anakin, sending a wave of calm through their bond. The young woman smiled lightly, taking a step closer.
All three Jedi thought of Mortis. Although Ahsoka and Anakin couldn’t remember the times when they were under the influence of the Son, they all remembered the planet. This planet had a sickening familiarity to it.
“My name is Kamari,” she replied, and her name floated through the air like a hypnotising song. It was mesmerising, and so was the girl. She looked, frankly, like some kind of Goddess. Now, as Ahsoka looked closer, she could see that the girl’s eyes weren’t grey. In fact, they were silver. A whitish silver, like full moons were trapped in her eyes. 
“Alright, Kamari,” Obi-Wan responded, his brow furrowing. “Where are we, what’s going on, and what do you mean by ‘we’ve been awaiting your arrival’?” Kamari smiled, as though he were an oblivious child who didn’t know anything.
“That,” Kamari began, her smile as eerie as the house. But it was also warm, just like the house. “Is something you must discover.”
Ahsoka opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted when a roar split through the air. It was loud, deep and fierce, and so was the creature. The creature burst through the forest and Cody cried out upon seeing it.
The creature was at least three metres tall, with a muscular body, four paws, a long tail with a bushy tip, and white fur with long gold stripes. It had six ears that were short and curved, and it had six eyes that were a magnificent glowing blue. The creature had three heads, each identical with two eyes, two ears, a muzzle with a pink nose and gold antlers.
It leaped to stand next to Kamari, the middle head bumping against her gently. The five soldiers gasped and shuffled closer to each other, Ahsoka shuffling forward. She’d had her fair share with animals and creatures as such. 
“Mahnoor,” Kamari breathed out, reaching up to stroke the nose bridge of the creature. The huge animal let out a content purr, all six eyes closing. “Have no fear, my friends, this is Mahnoor. She is an Ophelia.”
“An Ophelia?” Ahsoka asked, taking a step forward, curiosity grasping her. She was reminded of the creatures of her home world.
“Yes, they are unfortunately on the verge of extinction, Mahnoor is one of the last of her kind,” the young woman murmured, a sad smile on her face as she scratched behind one of Mahnoor’s ears. She played with the tufts of white fur. “Just like us.”
“‘Us’?” Anakin called, glancing at his Padawan worriedly. He didn’t like how she was now in line with him, too close to the stranger. “As in my friends and I, or you and others?” 
Kamari looked up to the sky, a wistful expression adorning her features. “All of us.” The words fell from her lips in a murmur, mystical and floating in the air. 
The group exchanged glances before Rex spoke up. “Who lives in the house?” He asked, unnerved by what she had said. Everything about Kamari was freaking him out. The smile previously lit on Kamari’s face faded and the usual warmth seeping from her turned sharply cold. “No one has lived there for many years,” she replied, gritting her teeth. 
Ahsoka shivered at the sudden iciness of the previously calm woman, her eyes darting to Mahnoor instead. She flinched slightly when she noticed the Ophelia’s six bright blue eyes already on her. Studying her.
Instead of fear, curiosity sparked in her stomach. It flowed through her veins like blood and she crept forward, reaching her hand up. 
Rex placed a hand on her shoulder and tried to pull her back, but she shrugged him off effortlessly. She took a step forward and gazed up at the Ophelia. Now, she couldn’t be more than a few centimetres from touching its neck.
To her surprise, Mahnoor bent down and brushed its centre head’s nose bridge against Ahsoka’s palm. She let out a sigh as she scratched the creature with a content smile, a sense of bliss settling over her.
A gasp interrupted her solace and she opened her eyes, taking in the shocked expressions of her friends. That’s when Ahsoka noticed it herself.
Safe green sparks flitted around her form, bathing her in a beautiful light green glow. They looked like tiny snowflakes or fireflies as they circled her. Instinctively, Ahsoka reached a hand up to touch one of the little wisps. It floated around her fingers, hundreds swirling around her hand.
“What?” Cody breathed out.
Anakin dashed forwards, swatting at the wisps with confusion. They darted from his grasp like he was poison, avoiding him and wrapping themselves around Ahsoka.
“What is this?” Anakin snarled, turning to Kamari. Ahsoka continued to pet Mahnoor, a content smile adorning her features. Kamari smiled sympathetically at Anakin, but the sympathy looked more like passive aggressive pity to the brunette.
“They are Ahsoka,” Kamari told him, giving Ahsoka a relaxed grin.
Rex murmured, “We never told you our names.” He said it so quietly no one else noticed. 
Kamari reached over to Ahsoka and lightly touched her shoulder. Instantly, the same wisps - but golden instead of sage green - floated around her. The girl smiled as she moved hands to create what looked like a twig made of the wisps.
“Rex,” she spoke up and he flinched. She beckoned him over and he hesitated, but then glanced at Ahsoka and moved to Kamari. If Ahsoka was in danger, he needed to know. 
Kamari placed her hand on his shoulder and blue wisps danced around Rex. He gazed in awe at them.
Kamari then did the same to Cody - who’s wisps were yellow - and Obi-Wan - who’s wisps were cyan. But as she moved to rest her hand on Anakin’s shoulder, he jerked away.
“What have you done to them?” He growled. A light, melodic laugh spilled from Kamari’s lips like cotton candy; featherlight and sweet.
“I am helping you,” she whispered. “I am explaining.”
Before Anakin could protect, she brushed his shoulder and his own beautiful red wisps danced around him. 
Anakin tried desperately to brush them away, but they always returned. They never touched him, but were always close.
As the group were mesmerised with the wisps, the bushes to their left shuffled. Even caught up in wonder, they noticed the movement and turned. 
That’s when a figure emerged from the bushes.
“Hello, brother,” Kamari called to him.
“Hello, sister.”
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Please send requests!!!
(taglist: @skellymom, @transmascanakin, @techs-goggles9902)
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obiwanobi · 1 year
I was wondering if you had any more always a Sith Anakin goodness 👀 you know, for the prosperity of the universe ✨
I do actually! This has been forgotten in my drafts for months, but here's a short scene (600 words) of Obi-Wan seeing Vaderkin's face for the very first time!
The first time Obi-Wan sees Vader without his helmet is disconcerting.
But, oddly, not in the way Obi-Wan would have thought. Later, he would actually call it an exquisite surprise, perhaps the best one Vader ever sprang on him.
The suit is familiar, and he does recognise the red lightsaber in his mechanical hand. The way Vader moves is still brutal but efficient. But now, instead of a black mask and a silent and imposing presence some of his troops have nightmares about, stands a young man pouting. His curls are stuck to his forehead in a silly way after wearing the helmet for so long, his mouth is pink and full, and he has captivating blue eyes that make Obi-Wan takes a second to realise where his mind is going with that. This really can't be Darth Vader.
Almost too consumed by his thoughts, the man who can't be Vader sways his lightsaber quickly and Obi-Wan barely manages to block it.
"You're slower than usual, Kenobi," he says. Yes, there is that too. Without his modulator, Darth Vader has a lovely voice. Low and soothing, with a charming cadence to his words. Vader shakes his head, and all the wild curls around his face move, catching the sun. Honestly, it's like Vader is doing it on purpose. "I'm very sorry darling," Obi-Wan says before he realises what he's saying. Vader's eyes grow comically round at the endearment. "But it is the first I'm seeing your face, and it is a very distracting sight." Obi-Wan is standing close enough to see realisation dawning on him. The hand not holding his saber comes to his face, touching his cheek, as if checking if Obi-Wan is telling the truth.
Then something that Obi-Wan will think about for years to come happens. Vader starts blushing. He immediately disengages, stepping back so fast that he almost trips. He opens his mouth, splutters a bit, and when Obi-Wan takes a step forward, just to see what will happen, Darth Vader yells "don't!" way too loud for what he's used to. It would be rude to impose like that, so Obi-Wan complies and stops moving. The blush spreads to his ears, and it's a shame that his armour covers him so far up his neck because Obi-Wan has a sudden interest in seeing how far it can go. Vader lets out a fast series of foreign curses under his breath. "You haven't— This isn't—" Obi-Wan tilts his head, and Vader clearly takes that as an insult. "Shut up, I just forgot!" Mortification. From showing his face or what he just said, or both, Obi-Wan can't tell. But the feeling is so clear on his face that Obi-Wan wonders if it's why he wears a mask. It's very difficult to be intimidated by someone who wears their heart on their sleeve like that. "Well, I do prefer it this way. I think I would feel better if one day you manage to fatally wound me and the last thing I see is your face. I would die comforted in the knowledge that at least, death has pretty eyes." Vader looks ready to keel over. "No," he says, as if Obi-Wan said something awful to him. "No, you can't say— just— no!" He steps back again, one hand raised in front of him. "I need to go. Don't— this isn't over, Kenobi, later, I'll get to you later." Obi-Wan has never been more charmed by such awkwardness. He offers Vader his best grin. "Oh, I sure hope you do." Vader's face looks somewhere between dumbstruck and horrified. He doesn't try to pronounce another word, choosing, for once, to flee as fast as possible. If Obi-Wan had known sooner that flowery compliments and a warm tone were the keys to making him lose his bearings, a huge amount of destruction could have been easily avoided. Oh, well. There's always next time.
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sweetheartsnips · 9 months
Prove It
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Pairing: Captain Rex and Ahsoka (platonic) 
Prompt: Rexsoka Monthly September 2023 - 'Prove it'
Warnings: Unconsciousness, elusions to order 66, other than that none I believe 
Rating: T
Word count: 1012
A/N: This is honestly the first piece of writing I have produced in YEARS. I am trying to get back into the groove of things so here is a little tiny fic I put together, a bit rough around the edges as I am still relearning how to write but hopefully it is palatable. Enjoy!
"She will be fine. She is more than capable”, Anakin waved Rex off, turning his back to him and reaching for the control panel to leave the room.
“With respect General, my men are not a bunch of clankers. They know how to hit a target”, Rex stated, a tiny flicker of concern at the bottom of his voice.
Anakin turned his head, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, “That’s the point”. 
Rex exhaled, his shoulders dropping the moment Anakin had left the room. He took a seat at his desk, relaxed, and  propped himself up with his elbows, his heavy head falling into his hands. Sighing, his calloused fingertips massaged around to his temples. It was neither his place nor his responsibility to worry for Commander Tano. Anakin was right, she is more than capable for this form of exercise. Maker, she was probably capable of taking on the entire 501st. At least he thought so.
“Again”. Anakin ordered.
“I don’t know how much more of this she can take”, Rex said, visibly concerned.
Ahsoka’s lashes fluttered as she shook her head, struggling to gain any purchase on her feet. She tried to stabilise herself, visibly disoriented, the residual effects of numerous stun bolts taking their toll. 
As she gradually grounded  herself, Ahsoka’s brow furrowed with determination, her montrals sensitive to any movement both through the force and in the crisp cool air of the empty hangar. Her lightsabers emitted a dull green glow over her, her chest rising and falling with each slow breath she took as she felt through the force for the slightest indication that any trooper surrounding her would fire.
One. The stun bolt evaporated into shards of electricity upon impact with her lightsaber. Two.  Ahsoka deflected another with ease. Three. Four. Five. It struck her directly in the chest. She let out a small cry, unconscious before her small frame met the floor with a thud that echoed through the silent, still hangar. Rex winced, glancing at Anakin in his peripheral vision. He didn’t seem to feel any empathy toward her. He just stood there, arms crossed with a frown on his face, looming over his padawan unconscious in a heap. It was a sorry sight for Rex. 
“I thought she’d last longer than that by now”, Anakin sighed, breaking the blanket of silence that enveloped the room. 
Rex turned to face him, “Jesse did get her pretty good”, he remarked.
“She’ll be fine, Rex”, he taunted. Anakin crouched down, resting his index and middle finger on her neck, checking her pulse. “See, her heart’s beating. She’s fine.When she wakes up, we will go again”.
“General Skywalker, are you sure this type of training is necessary? She is able to defend herself against blaster fire already, with all due respect - why put her through this?”. Rex said, his face harbouring a look of worry.
“I want her to be the best”.
“She already is the best, General.” Realising what he said, Rex felt his ears sear with embarrassment, an incriminating shade of pink staining his cheeks. His gaze dropped to his feet, scratching the back of his buzzed hair. He could hear Fives and Echo snickering behind him, and feel  Anakin’s glare burning holes in him. “Uhhhh.. She is your padawan, after all”, he blurted out, looking up to meet Anakin’s confused stare. Rex swallowed, frankly, he felt a bit humiliated. After what felt like several rotations, Anakin finally broke the embarrassing silence. 
“Sure, Rex”, Anakin rolled his eyes, “Come help me prop her up”.
It was no secret to General Skywalker and  the boys that the Commander held a special place in his heart. Ever since the Battle of Christophsis, Rex had grown close to both the Commander and General Skywalker. Like any ad’ika, she teased and disobeyed orders, but she was special to him, like all of his vod. Special not just in her advanced abilities, but as a friend. 
“When do you think she’ll wake up this time?” Rex asked, crouching down to check her breathing. 
“Don’t worry Captain”, Anakin reassured, “She’ll wake up soon”. 
Rex often wore a battle-hardened, disciplined facade, but he also cared deeply for those around him. Despite Rex rarely exhibiting any emotional or mental vulnerability, it was not rare for him to show concern for people he cared about. He was a soldier, but that does not mean he cannot still be a friend.  
Rex watched Ahsoka’s blue eyes slowly reveal themselves through her heavy eyelids as she stirred. Anakin was right, Ahsoka was unconscious for less and less time with each stun she wore. This time, it was only a few minutes. Rex offered her his hand, as she propped herself up, assisting her to her feet. 
“Not bad. It took us all of 5 minutes to knock you out this time”, Rex commended her, meeting her eyes. Her eyes were still slightly glazed over whilst she was reorienting herself. 
“Wow, new record”, Ahsoka sarcastically breathed, rubbing her forehead, “But I can do better”. 
“Is that so?” Anakin interrupted from behind Rex’s shoulder , “Prove it. Rex, put on your bucket. You can join in this time”. 
“Yes, General Skywalker.” Rex nodded, accepting the order with what appeared to be with no hesitation, but his stomach churned with reluctance internally. He stepped away from Ahsoka and turned to take his place in the circle surrounding her, readying himself for the next round. Something felt off. Not just because he was about to lead yet another onslaught of stun bolts at the Commander, but something about this felt as if it were out of a dream. A familiar dream, one that he had often, but he could never recall once he woke up. One that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. It was almost a sense of deja vu for something that had not yet happened. 
Shaking it off, Rex fastened his helmet and turned to face Ahsoka, uncomfortably unholstering both of his blasters and pointing them directly at her.
“Begin”, Rex ordered.
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basimibnishaqs · 5 months
in a world where anakin is okay he has a pink lightsaber and is a jedi prophet in the temple. love and light
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sunlightandsuffering · 8 months
Padawan Mikasa subtly sending girls flying when they get too close to her Master Eren. She does it at stuff like crowded bars so noone can tell who even did it. But she's so smug when she sends a girl flying into a table of drinks because they were acting too flirty around her master. Eren ofc always knows it's her doing it, at first he didn't know why and thought she just had some violent habits.
But once she got older and Eren realised it was jealously fueling her actions, he'd manhandle her out of the area and find somewhere he can fuck the brattiness out of her until she's dazed and obedient. Maybe use the force to bounce her on his dick faster 🤭
omg okay anon i actually love this so much! imma write it! I saw it earlier before i went back to sleep and I was like damn this is cute!! TBH does starwars count for halloween?? Like should I do a bunch of star wars drabbles for halloween?? would that be cute?? But im imagining when obi wan and anakin are in the club in attack of the clones, looking for Padme's attempted assassin, that's the vibes.
They turn heads, wherever they go in the galaxy they turn heads, and why wouldn't they? Mikasa is beautiful, stunning, one of the most attractive women he's ever seen, and she's in the prime of their youth.
He's not surprised when people look at them, it's just unfortunate that they are also Jedi and well, sometimes stealth is required.
He turns back to his padawan before he enters the club, giving her a stern look, "Would you be willing to perhaps wait outside?" She gives him a wan look that tells him everything he needs to know, and the answer is a firm resounding no. Eren sighs, reaching over to yank at the hood on her head, fingers brushing over the soft apples of her cheeks in the process, tucking raven locks behind her ears. He looks at her face for a moment, heather grey eyes, cheeks flushed the softest shade of blush and full pink lips. She's stunned for a moment, looking up at him so earnestly and with so much affection it's hard not to kiss her.
She is temptation itself so without further delay he yanks her hood rather brutally over her head.
"Eren!" She protests and he grumbles to himself, "Pain in the ass padawan." "Hey!" "Keep the hood on Mikasa or we're gonna have words, you're too distracting."
He paces towards the club entrance, nodding at the bouncers, and just as he's about to step over the threshold he stops, and he hears a little 'oof' just as Mikasa bumps into him, her hands darting out to clutch his waist to steady herself, breasts pressed up against his back. He's quick to turn in her grip, unhooking her arms because the force knows he doesn't have the willpower to withstand her touching him for that long.
He looks at her sternly, his hand reaching out to snatch her lightsaber from her belt and Mikasa pouts at him, "And hide this will you, nothing says Jedi more than a lightsaber Mikasa, oh and don't lose it, that'll be the next thing." "Yes Master," she murmurs, her cheeks colouring pink as she takes the instrument back, eyes darting away at her earlier blunder of losing said lightsaber, but she can't resist a sassy little quip, "But I only learn my habits from you." Brat.
Eren huffs, but says nothing on the matter, but she just might be correct, he's lost his lightsaber more times than he'd care to admit.
He ignores her quip, stepping into the club, his own lightsaber tucked away and immediately he can feel Mikasa at his back, as close as she can get, always pushing her luck. The universe had laughed when she'd been chosen as his padawan, sweet divine intervention, payback for him being a hellion of an apprentice himself. Except Eren thinks Mikasa is much worse, because his master had never had to deal with sexual temptation, he only has so much self control and Mikasa tempts it at every turn.
"We're looking for information," Eren murmurs gruffly as they approach the bar, Mikasas taking his arm in her own, cuddling up to his bicep, an act she'll later claim is simply to keep up the ruse. Mikasa leans into him, waving down the bartender, the perky mounds of her breasts pressing up against his arm, and he knows without looking that she's allowed her robes to slip, just enough to reveal a hint of cleavage. And of course, she's not wearing the requisite undergarments, no she's a young padawan learner, likes to flagrantly flout the rules, thinks the jedi robes she's been issued are a bit too stuffy. And she knows he'd never admonish her about it, had heard tales of his own adventures before she'd even met him, had known how rebellious he'd been, so who is he to tell her what to do. God, had his rebellious phases been a mistake.
Especially when Mikasa leans over to take her drink and pay the bartender and the beige robes she's wearing slips more, revealing a delicate collarbone and just the hint of her shoulder, stretched taut around her left breast now, the beige edge of her robe just barely concealing dusky pink, just a hint. Fuck.
Everything he can't see he can feel though, pressed tightly against his side as she orders a drink to make the ruse seem believable, make them blend in.
She takes a sip of her drink, her robe slipping just a little more and Eren can't function, reaching over with his other arm to yank the robe back up into place irritably.
"We should split up," he tells her gruffly, pulling his arm from her grasp, he can't be in this scenario with her for much longer, she takes advantage and he's too weak to say no sometimes, lets things go on for much longer than they should. "I guess," she sighs, "but I'd feel much comfortable with you master." God that name, that fucking title, it does things to him, dirty things that are making his dick stand hard at attention, and he's thankful for the dark tunic he's wearing, covering up his arousal. It's so wrong, so, so very wrong, but the way she says it, the absolute adoration and devotion in those gray eyes, how he knows she'd look exactly the fucking same on her knees, his cock in her mouth, would probably whisper it, 'Master', pretty and breathless as she sucked him off, as he fucked her into the bed.
Bad Eren!
"Master?" Mikasa questions again, the title lingering on her lips curiously, her hand reaching up to touch his arm, and he resists the urge to yank his arm away. "We're splitting up Miki." She pouts, and Eren feels bad for a moment, it's not her fault really, she's just so damn tempting. He reaches up, tucking a stray lock of hair thats fallen back behind her ear, making sure her hood is secured tightly. A silent ask of forgiveness for her percieved slight. He can't resist the intimate gesture, his finger trailing along her cheek affectionately, and Mikasa leans into him, her eyes fluttering shut.
Force she's so beautiful, so ripe, prime for the taking, it's a wonder he hasn't had her yet, especially with how obviously she'd be into it. In the last year of her apprenticeship she's changed. Where she used to be the perfect padawan, loyal and obedient, almost to a fault, now she was a brat. Like adulthood had changed her.
Freshly eighteen, she'd woken up on her birthday a different girl, the undergarments of her Jedi uniform gone, her new lightsaber, an alarming red almost pink colour that he'd chastised her for. But she'd pouted asking what was so wrong with the colour pink?
It wasn't red!
And tempting him beyond belief, it was like it was her mission in life to fuck with him now.
She'd always driven him nuts of course, just in different ways, it was irritating to have an apprentice that was so much better than him at things. What was he supposed to teach her if she was already good at everything?
She was almost a better sword master than him, and her attunement to the force was amazing, maybe better than his too, it had maddened him those first few months that she could so easily do things he had struggled with for years. And then, during a mission there'd been a close call and he'd realized that Mikasa wasn't perfect, she had things to learn just like everyone else, they were just different things. And now, he'd like to think he'd taught her pretty well, because what Mikasa had to learn wasn't battle techniques or how to use the force, it was how to think outside the rules of the Jedi temple, how sometimes not everything was cut and dry and made sense so easily. So of course, who better to teach her than the most rebellious Eren Yeager who even within the Jedi order was frowned upon for constantly breaking the rules.
People had been outraged, but here they are, with more successful missions than anyone else. "Eren," Mikasa whispers, pulling him out of his haze, her voice breathy, eyes still shut tight as she basks in his touch and he immediately rips his hand away. A frown mars her delicate features, silver eyes peering up at him with displeasure at the removal of his touch. "We're splitting up," he repeats, no remorse this time, physically removing himself from the situation with a step back. "See what you can find out." "Yes Master," she tells them, but this time there's a distinct note of sarcasm to her tone, and she marches off with a huff. Eren groans as he leans back into the bar, the force knows he doesn't deserve this. Well, maybe he does. A little. "Aye, she looks like a right pain in the ass," the bartender speaks from behind and Eren nods in agreement, "She is, can I get a beer?" The bartender chuckles, "She's pretty though." "That she also is," Eren agrees, dropping a few credits onto the bar top for his drink, "Now do you mind if I ask you a few questions about a patron of yours?"
An hour later Eren has gotten some information on their target, but not enough to be satisfied. And Mikasa, well he hasn't seen much of her since she left the bar, just brief moments out of the corner of his eye, her robe falling too low again, chatting up a bar patron a little too flirtatiously, tormenting him in any way she can find.
But he refuses to acknowledge it, can't give her the upper hand, he is the master here, he has to exhibit confidence, self control.
He's becoming a little suspicious about why all the women he talks too suddenly decide to get up and leave halfway through their conversations. If he didn't know any better he'd say someone was using the force to make them leave, but of course Mikasa would never do that. Right? But his suspicions are growing, especially when the third woman in a row suddenly up and leaves their conversation with barely a word.
And then he sees her, she's at the bar, talking to some guy but her gaze is focused on the woman he's with, her fingers moving marginally and of course, with Mikasa's command over the force, it doesn't surprise him when the pretty blonde girl he'd been talking to suddenly sets down her drink. "Sorry I have to go." And then she's gone and Eren doesn't even bother to be subtle as he figures her out, turning his his seat to glare at her. Their eyes lock and she knows she's been caught. Jealous brat, but he can't deny it pleases him just a little, even more so when she obeys his unspoken demand, leaving her conversation entirely to walk over to him. Her drink is clutched tightly in her hand as she awaits her punishment, her head dropped dutifully, "I'm sorry Master." Eren is feeling chaotic today, a little bit of his old rebellious spark fuelling his next actions. Instead of lecturing her about her use of the force he gives her a taste of her own medicine, grabbing her by the waist and bringing her to his lap, tucking her into his body. She makes the sweetest little noise of surprise as she's abruptly forced to straddle him, her face tucked into his neck and Eren chuckles darkly. "Isn't this what you wanted Miki? To pretend to be mine for a night." She squeaks, as he grabs her thighs, settling her how he likes, playing at being the couple that everyone envies, the most beautiful people in the bar that everyone wants to be or wants to fuck, but they have each other. He tucks her close against him, letting her have just a hint of what she does to him, his turn to flagrantly break the rules as he grinds her against his dick, lets her feel the full length her teasing has caused all night.
Because for all Mikasa's talk and bratty behaviour lately, she's still only eighteen, young and inexperienced, she talks a big talk but she can't follow through, too sweet, too shy.
"Master," she whimpers, her head buried in his neck, her hair covered by her robe, "I-I'm sorry." "Don't apologize Mikasa," his hands rove over her curves, cupping the plush of her ass under her robes, "You displayed excellent control over the force, even if you were being kind of a brat while you did it. Did you find out any information." She nods into his neck, her lips tracing along his clavicle and he shivers, "I did." "Good girl." He knows if he could see her face she'd be preening, it's a wonder what praise does to his young padawan, the way her eyes sparkle, and even now she relaxes into his hold, a soft sigh overtaking her. "I'm sorry though Master, I just I couldn't stand it, watching you with them when it should be me." There it is. Eren hums, massaging the plush of her ass gently, resisting the urge to dip down towards the warmth of her heat where he knows she's probably soaked. One hand slips up to her chin, forcing her gaze up to his, he tells her the truth,"You couldn't handle it."
"Master please," she looks up so earnestly, "If you'll let me, I'd like to try."
He says nothing for a moment and Mikasa moves against him, grinding the soft warmth of her cunt down against him where he lays hard and wanting in his robes, "Please Master, please?" He groans, shaking his head, "Pain in my ass." She bats her eyelashes, and Eren lets out a long suffering sigh, "Yeah, go get the ship." AN ATTEMPT AT JEDI EREMIKA !
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tennessoui · 1 month
What color are Anakin’s and Obi-Wan's mermaid scales? Are they metallic? Iridescent? Based on specific fish?
I can always count on you to ask the important questions for real!!!
right now I’m being very boring with it and anakin’s scales are golden (which is at least remarkable for the Atlantis society im creating) and obi-wan’s were a nice fiery orange//bronze before he became human and then after he died and became a mer again they’re bright blue/his lightsaber color
and padmes are very frilly/decorative and a very pretty pink to purple color scheme - and all of her guards have orange tails (a la the 212th because obi-wan used to be the captain of the guard)
But I’m very open to suggestions! I just like gold for anakin and blue for obi-wan I’m a simple bitch
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renlyslittlerose · 8 months
Kinktober Day 14 - Toys
Today’s kinktober prompt: Toys
Scratching an Itch - 1,912 Rating: E Content: Solo; Masturbation; Fleshlight; Mentions of Top Anakin and Bottom Obi-Wan
Anakin looked down at the toy in his hand.
It was a discreet little thing, just a blue tube with a hole that expanded when entered and squeezed down upon ‘full insertion.’ Anakin had gone into the shop on the lower levels of Coruscant over a year ago, cheeks bright pink and head ducked as he looked for something that could satisfy an itch that had gotten more and more out of hand. The twi’lek clerk had been more than helpful, her demeanour soft and unendingly patient as Anakin asked questions he knew would sound silly and naive, but needed to know the answers to all the same. He needed something that could be discreetly packed away, wouldn’t be noticed, and, of course, felt good.
‘You can fold it, you see,’ she’d said, showing how the tube collapsed with the press of a button. ‘No one will know you’ve got it - unless you want to show it to them.’
Anakin picked the blue one because he liked it. And because it reminded him of someone - the colour of their eyes and the shade of their lightsaber.
He’d only used it a few times, fucking into it quick and hurried, cheeks flush with shame as he thought about Obi-Wan. He imagined what it would be like to shove his cock into Obi-Wan - his mouth, his hole, his hands as they made a tight fist - and not the slick, silicone tube that suctioned around his aching cock. But then Obi-Wan had come to him one night and offered him the use of his body instead, and Anakin’s itch had finally been scratched, his curiosity sated, as his desires were both recognized and reciprocated. Weeks turned to months of Anakin seeking Obi-Wan out and finding him both willing and eager, legs spread and hands rough across sensitive skin, heat tight and focused around Anakin’s cock, tongue wet, teeth sharp, voice deep and layered.
The toy was abandoned, left to collect dust in the back of a drawer.
But then Anakin was sent away without Obi-Wan. Weeks spent on a campaign all alone, forced to navigate the complex reality of warfare and leadership, of having a young Padawan under his charge, and of thousands of men under his command. The first week were spent in mild panic, Anakin having little time to focus on anything save for how scared he was and how tired he’d become. But monotony set in, something he didn’t think possible with a war but became true all the same.
And with monotony - loneliness.
Shifting on his bed, Anakin eyed the door for the sixth time in the last minute, noting that it was still tightly shut and locked, no one able to get in unless Anakin allowed them entrance. He had already undressed, already had a bottle of lube next to him, and had already opened the fleshlight, silicone expanding enough where Anakin could sheath himself entirely. Yet his cock remained soft between his legs, the bruises Obi-Wan had left on his thighs long since healed and disappeared.
He wouldn’t have time for a while to attend to his needs. It was now or not for another five days - maybe more.
Leaning back on this elbows, Anakin reached down and started fondling himself with his flesh hand, playing with the foreskin by tugging at it gently. With his mechno-hand he touched with his nipple, rubbing his hand over the soft nub before pinching and rolling it. His cock twitched in his hand, and he started stroking himself in full.
Obi-Wan was always patient when he played with Anakin’s cock. He took his time to get Anakin hard and aching, his cock leaking excessively before Obi-Wan even thought of proceeding further. Sometimes Anakin thought Obi-Wan was being cruel on purpose, edging him to the brink as if to prove a point about Anakin’s lack of patience. But Obi-Wan’s lessons were always worth it in the end, the pressure and build-up amounting to an overwhelming release every time.
But Obi-Wan wasn’t here to slow him down - couldn’t grab his wrist to still his hand, couldn’t squeeze down on his cock to stop his hips, couldn’t tug at his curls and demand patience against his sweat soaked temple. Instead Anakin started stroking himself faster, his cock hardening as he thought about what Obi-Wan would say if he could see him now, impatient and greedy as he jerked his cock and played with his nipple, head rolling back as he moaned softly with pleasure.
Thoughts of what Obi-Wan would say turned to what he would do. He’d take his own cock out and tease Anakin with it, thick and heavy and filling. He’d slap it across his hand before tapping it on Anakin’s cheeks, coating him in his sticky seed while avoiding Anakin’s eager mouth, teasing them both. The memory of the taste of Obi-Wan’s cock made Anakin’s own length twitch, a thick pearl of precome beading out from the slit before sliding down his length, aiding him in his forceful tugging.
Another shudder went through Anakin as he thought about how wide Obi-Wan’s pupils became as he watched Anakin fuck himself, tongue sliding across his bottom lip as he huffed out admiration for how ‘wet his boy’ was.
Taking his hand off his cock, Anakin scrambled up on to the bed, hands trembling as he flipped the cap on the lube open and poured it on to his flesh hand. Without wasting time he shoved his fingers into the fleshlight, coating the rim and the inner folds as his cock twitched between his legs. He paused a moment to watch his cock as it bounced away, matching the heartbeat pounding beneath his ribs, thick rivulets of precome making the length glisten beneath the light. His cock was long but slimmer than Obi-Wan’s, and slightly curved. Obi-Wan called it ‘pretty’ once when he was drunk, cheeks a bright shade of pink much like the head of Anakin’s cock.
Another stream of precome spilled out, and Anakin stilled his fingers inside the toy to play with his cock once more, greedy for the sensation of touch. Swirling his thumb around on the head, Anakin groaned as he pushed down a little, pressing the golden pad of his fingertip into the slit. Another obscene amount of seed pooled out, and he collected it before bringing it to his mouth. He didn’t think he tasted as good as Obi-Wan did, but it was still satisfying in its own way, Anakin drooling around his fingers as he tasted himself.
Sitting back on his heels Anakin stroked himself a few times, spreading the last of the lube along his length before positioning the toy over the head. Closing his eyes he thought of Obi-Wan’s hole - whorled and covered in a dense layer of hair, already sticky with sweat and lube and spit. Obi-Wan was always so relaxed when he took Anakin inside, body accepting him with no resistance, a sigh or a groan slipping past Obi-Wan’s lips as he praised Anakin - told him he was made for him.
Perhaps he was.
The silicone wasn’t as warm as Obi-Wan, didn’t smell like Obi-Wan, didn’t praise him like Obi-Wan did, but it did scratch the itch.
Moaning as the toy enveloped his length, Anakin dropped his head and gripped the tube in both hands before fucking into it - hard and fast. The squelch of the toy and the rapid slap of his balls against the rim was obscene, the silicone squeezing and pocketed Anakin’s cock as he thrust madly into it. He sat up on his knees to get a better angle, his bottom lip sucked between his teeth as he whimpered with each thrust. Holding on to it with his mechno-hand, he brought his flesh hand around to tease his hole, groaning as he pushed into the tense muscles and rubbed.
Obi-Wan didn’t fuck him often, but when he did Anakin felt so deliriously pulled apart. He was thick and heavy inside Anakin, marking his insides with his seed, teeth sharp along his neck and the meat of his shoulder. Anakin would ask him for more even though it sometimes hurt, the stretch maddening, the pressure intense. Anakin’s fingers could barely fill the void and so he rarely bothered penetrating himself.
He’d just wait for Obi-Wan; his cock and his tongue and his thick, broad fingers.
Panting loudly into the quiet space, Anakin kept playing with his hole and fucking into his toy. Dropping his head forward, he looked down his body to watch his cock slip in and out of the silicone, his angry red length sliding into the serene blue before reappearing. His nipples were hard, stomach muscles fluttering, skin drenched in sweat, curls slick against the back of his neck and temples. The thought of Obi-Wan seeing him like this made Anakin wish he’d made a holo-vid to send to Obi-Wan later, letting Obi-Wan know how much he missed him. Next time, he supposed.
Pressure rapidly built with each desperate thrust and Anakin tossed his head back as heat pooled in his gut and the familiar dragging sensation pulsed along his length. Bringing his flesh hand back around, he squeezed the meat of his thigh, pressing down into the flesh as he chased his orgasm. A few more thrusts and Anakin came with a hiss. Yanking the toy off his length he fell back on to the bed as his cock pulsed, thick ribbons of come painting across Anakin’s stomach and groin, coating him in his desperation.
Images of Obi-Wan as he came flooded Anakin’s mind - the little moans that would slip past his gritted teeth, how his pupils would expand, black and deep as they swallowed the blue-grey of his eyes; the tendons along his neck, sharp and tight as he arched up and into Anakin; his inner walls as they tightened around Anakin, Obi-Wan squeezing every last drop out of Anakin, and he thought of the flush across Obi-Wan’s pale skin, freckles mixing with drops of sweat along his shoulders, hair thick and matted across his chest, nipples pert as he twisted and teased them.
Collapsing as soon as his orgasm was done, Anakin rolled on to his sides and kicked his legs out, groaning as the muscles in his thighs relaxed. Taking in mouthfuls of muggy air, Anakin pressed his face into his pillow and breathed steadily through his nose, body still humming with pleasure. But as soon as the room began to come into focus, and as Anakin re-oriented himself to the space with each stuttering breath, so did the ache in Anakin’s chest.
Without Obi-Wan there to keep it away - to fill the unending void that sawed away at his breast bone and held him open - Anakin once again felt such a profound sense of loneliness. With arms that still trembled Anakin sat up and scrambled around in his discarded clothes, finding his commlink. Turning it on, he fiddled through the messages left while he was ‘busy’ and found the last one Obi-Wan had sent him.
‘Take care of yourself, Anakin.’
Anakin knew it wasn’t proper; knew it wasn’t wise, but he sent his own message all the same.
‘I miss you.’
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