#and i do have one thing sketched out but currently i dont have the time to learn how to make custom prosthetics
sirpeppersto · 1 month
i glued a bunch of flowers to my face at school and everyone went so crazy 😏 this is only a percentage of what im capable of
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bbeelzemon · 2 years
frill got me excited about my comic and characters again so.... keep an eye out for potential content on the horizon
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duskerot · 1 year
maybe i will stop lining my art . maybe i will just color under my sketches after cleaning them up alittle
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ganondoodle · 23 days
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(new totk rewritten - super rough concept)
so this was a super rough sketch for retrieving the enigma stone of the zora- im currently redoing it since im not happy with this one-
but i have run into a bit of a problem; see the reason why theres monsters causing trouble everywhere is bc ganondorf is trying to keep the stones out of raurus hand(s) thus creating all those bosses to hopefully stop link from reaching them, or at least to slow you down BUT i cant seem to decide whether it makes more sense if the whole reason they are split up among the other regions is because the ancient .. 'sages' wanted to ALSO keep them away from rauru, or if they were instructed by him to do this and await his return (which would be a good reason why they are wearing that sonau helmet still .. if they werent completely in on it i doubt they would do it lol)
(the thought being, would rauru be more likely to not give the stones away at all or he was too afraid that gan could wake up earlier/break free and get his hands on them first- so he sends his trusty servants- sages out to construct big temples and await his return but to stop gan if he were to seek them out first ... also possibly so all the stones arent in one spot, since they, in my rewrite, are the highest concentrated version of spirit energy and would emit an extreme amount of energy likely to attract something... yeha its all based on luminous stoens containting spirit energy and that also powering the shiekah tech .. made a diagram (?) about it once actually, though some parts arent true anymore bc im omitting the whole dragon transform stuff)
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(im also using this concept for the skyward sword comic btw, the mining of the timeshift stones being the reason the lanayru region becomes a desert bc the lands been robbed of life energy meant to go back into the system over time edit: i mean this as in an environment was drastically altered from its natural state in an extremely short amount of time, which is generally a bad thing, not as in desert areas just being dead sand filled wastelands, theres plenty of life there if meant to be like that/given long enough time to adjust or turn into it)
while i want to make rauru a villain i also dont want him to be too overtly evil since ... thats kinda boring and just pushes that role onto someone else, im aiming for more nuance overall (which is also why gan isnt some goody two shoes perfectly fine with hyrule, like yeah .. the calamity was his doing still)- so im leaning more towards the latter- though perhaps the gerudo did so more with the intent to keep it away from rauru
(also, i am including mineru after all.. but only as a mummy like so (sorry) but her stone is gone when you reach it bc its been taken by the yiga- for which you have to tract them down and fight koga (and possibly supah/sooga) )
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rue-bennett · 2 years
Hey! Can you explain to me the dwd drama?? I see everyone talking about it but no one says what happened i dont get it
Here is my attempt, buckle in and get worried, darling:
Olivia’s directing the movie starring Florence & Harry (whose role originally went to Shia LaBeouf, but more on that later), which filmed from October 2020 to February 2021. Olivia was engaged to Jason Sudeikis but their relationship officially ended in November 2020. Olivia and Harry met on set and started officially dating in January 2021. Officially. So, all along there’s been intense scrutiny of Olivia from Harry stans who are convinced they’re gonna date him or he’s gay or no woman is good enough for him or whatever reason they have to vilify her (because they can’t handle that he’s not their little puppet doll). Not to say she didn’t do shit. Let’s get into that soon!
(So yeah. The relationship timeline is sketch. Personally, I don’t really give a shit about strangers ~allegedly~ cheating on each other, it’s not my business, Jason isn’t exactly a sweetheart even if he’s currently America’s Sweetheart because he plays one on tv. Relationships break up, lots of directors fuck stars, it’s definitely juicy but it’s not that noteworthy if it weren’t for the star power involved. Also, in summer 2022 Jason had custody papers served to Olivia *while she was onstage* promoting DWD at CinemaCon. That was a week! However, I’d also like to not that Flo is close with Jason, so it’s not like she’s a neutral party either. She was still very much in a serious relationship with Zach Braff at the time and Zach & Jason are besties. So. There is that!)
Back to during filming, Shia was fired for clashing on set with the cast and crew (namely Florence) and it was widely reported back in 2021 during filming and then brought up in the press a week or two ago that Olivia fired him because she wanted to make her set a safe space for women or whatever, and with Shia’s history of abusing women and anyone really, makes sense, right? Well. Shia’s apology tour is currently happening where he’s clearing the air/making shit up/what’s to be expected from that fucko, who I don’t trust (he recently admitted his movie Honey Boy, which is autobiographical and about how Shia’s real life dad abused him, was completely made up to make Shia seem more likable and that his dad never touched him) and the timing was convenient. However. He did have a video that Olivia sent to him, basically begging for him to come back to DWD and saying she didn’t want to give up if he didn’t (alleging that he quit, he wasn’t fired) and spoke condescendingly about Florence, talking about how if Shia and “MISS FLO” (the attitude with how she said it fjsjcjd) could work things out she’d love to have him back. Anyway, Harry was cast in the role and Olivia and him have been dating for a while, so good-ish for them I guess.
There are intense rumors about Olivia being unprofessional on set/sneaking off with Harry/Florence generally being unhappy on set is the big thing. There are rumors she was gone for so long that Flo had to step in and tell crew what to do, but I highly it was that extreme. There is at least one assistant director always there, and things can be dramatic and bad without being like ludicrous. But people will insist on making things up because they sound good/bad! Regardless—twas bad! (There’s also the whole female director takedown conversation but…)
And Flo has made it really almost obnoxiously but also hilariously obvious that she doesn’t like Olivia or want to promote the movie—she’s THE LEAD but she’s done very little press and barely even promotes it on Instagram. And btw, a certain amount of press (usually a large amount!) is written into the contracts that actors sign when they sign onto movies. It’s not a casual thing that she missed the Venice Film Festival press conference for the movie SHE STARS IN at its WORLD PREMIERE.
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A quick note about the promotion—Olivia has been promoting it…a lot. And in a way that really rubs a lot of people the wrong way. It’s definitely being painted by her as super feminist, a female orgasm movie where men don’t cum (yes, she literally said that). Then Florence said how “When it’s reduced to your sex scenes, or to watch the most famous man in the world go down on someone, it’s not why we do it,” and didn’t mention Olivia AT ALL. And with the major marketing just being around Harry eating Flo out when there’s a whole movie around that scene presumably…kinda fucked up.
When she was gallivanting around in her purple suit with her granny lol, not on a delayed flight nor Really having to rush back for Dune 2. (Yes, she and Timmy likely have different shooting schedules, but let’s be honest, he’s been lazying around Italy like Elio in Call Me By Your Name, she could’ve gotten a full day off if she’d wanted it.) It was a huge fuck you to Olivia and Harry, she’s allegedly been really annoyed that their relationship has taken all the attention away from the film and from her acting (which I’ve heard is great in this movie) and it’s just a fucking mess.
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And I’m crying because it’s not even over yet.
Flo went to the red carpet and premiere screening for DWD. They were all separated from each other and it is sooooo obvious and messy. And let me say…it’s not normal for a lead actor (Florence) to not even stand or sit next to their director. The Harry part isn’t as weird because they were trying for once to cool their relationship and not make the headlines about that. Instead! Just about the Flo & Olivia beef.
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(Btw. The Harry-Chris Pine spitting thing btw isn’t real. It’s funny and people ran with it, but there is no spit. There’s multiple angles of it, and no. Chris found his sunglasses in his lap + thought Harry & Olivia would talk but didn’t. Harry didn’t spit on him. Funny thought though! Fun reaction meme out of it though!)
I think some of it is definitely blown up for the tabloids to get as many people to see the movie as possible because bad press, good press, any press, etc. and things (like the spit rumor) run way out of control on social media. I also think we don’t know Everything yet and maybe never will. But anyways! There goes my sanity! Worry, darling!
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werewolf-girlfriend · 10 months
ive been enabled so let me share some of my thoughts on how to get ur art noticed online
if u want Engagement on ur posts then i believe that its critical to make people care about ur art. the easiest way to do this is to appeal to something they already care about, like fandom, aesthetics/subculture, current events, having fun (people love humor!). a harder but perhaps more fulfilling route is to talk about ur own ocs and projects enough until people start caring about them too
theres an infinite amount of topics people care about out there so id suggest picking something u already care about urself and channel ur art energy there. trying to make art for the most popular things out there regardless own interests is an exercise in misery, id advise against it..! if im allowed to get superstitious for a moment, i do believe that even untrained eyes can tell whether a piece of art was fun to work on or a chore. and besides! if ur having fun then its easier to create more, and the more u create the more chances ull have at getting lucky and having a post seen :)
on a very related note, art is a way to communicate ideas so the quality of the idea being presented in a piece of art is paramount to how popular a post will be. what i mean by this is that technical skill isnt the primary determinant of a posts popularity. if all your posts are portraits of original characters then people will have a hard time connecting with your posts and theyll keep scrolling, even if those portraits are masterpieces! the major exception to this is probably other artists, who ive found usually have a greater appreciation for the technical side of art (we can only speculate as to why..!)
lemme finish by saying that making popular posts and being good at art are two entirely different skillsets, ive seen many incredibly skilled artists with jack shit for notes because they dont give people a reason to care about their stuff NOT TO MENTION its a huge game of luck whether a post will get seen. so dont go insane in pursuit of recognition!
(i dont want to make this post too long so ive included examples from my own art and their note counts with my analysis after the break)
hello and welcome to the extracurricular segment to this post :) i bring yall two pieces from my art blog @werewolf-artfriend:
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here we have a portrait of my fursona that im still proud of and a sketch suggesting "what if sniffers (from minecraft) were the size of mountains?" (let it be noted that the sniffer sketch was posted right during the minecraft mob vote = peak interest in the subject of sniffers).
the portrait at the time of writing has a crisp 30 notes, whilst the sniffer sketch has over 2000 notes. from the same artist, on the same blog, posted only a few months apart. i believe this is a good example both of the power of a piece of art having an interesting idea at its core AND of a piece appealing to the interests of the masses
this is of course just two convenient example posts, but i have experienced fan art of popular topics getting thousands of notes a couple of times now, amidst my other furry shit that these days get around 200-300 notes in comparison
this may sound like a really long winded way of saying "fan art make the world go round" but i just want to point out the nuances that
1) it matters what u make fan art of: if a fandom is small or dormant (waiting on new canon content for example) then clearly less people will be excited about the fan art you make. dont expect 10k notes on ur post if the average recent post in the fandom gets around 200 etc etc
2) it doesnt have to be fan art! ive also had some of my bird art get thousands of notes because people simply like birds :) and this applies to ANY topic people care about! the world rly is your oyster on this one
anyway i think ive started rambling dhgdjhgd thanks if u read this far! i hope i got my point across! and if ur feeling down about ur art not being seen then just keep at it okay! keep creating and keep having fun! keep sharing ur ideas and perspectives with the world and ur audience will eventually find u! i love you!
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gaylordscooter · 2 months
logofthehebmultivese: ENTRY HELP
im writing this down tottally calmly and
yknow what im not even going to do a bit
so fresh is currently in my general vicinity and normally ink and i would get the fuck out of there immediately. GUESS WHERE INK IS??
so im hiding until dream senses my anguish and decides to head over.
i didnt even know he COULD infect ink on the account of NO SOUL.
then again, no one knows how he does it.
i just realized i haven't written an entry on fresh yet. the lack of info on him is exactly why.
basic gist: parasite-virus kind of deal. there's a "main" host which more often than not is what people are referring to when they say "fresh". little known fact unless you've encountered him. he's a hive-mind. and i wouldve appreciated a warning from ink instead of finding that out MYSELF
when he infects someone, they become a "lesser" host which the main host draws magic from.
now i said—
i hear him
[there's a bunch of illegible scribbles]
ok. he walked away my hiding spot's good. seems like all those times i played hide n seek with my brother paid off...
so as i was writing, i call him a parasite-virus now im no biologist (unlike most sanses i majored in psychology, and i totally got my degree, yeah) so i dont know how accurate of a term that is but it sounds right to me because he's a parasite (that resides in a main host) that spreads a virus (that infects people and allows him to control them and draw power from).
and no one knows how he infects people. i dont know if it's airborne, through touch, magic-related no one knows. the logical conclusion tends to be through close proximity but even then who knows what he does to spread the virus.
it might have something to do with those shades that all of them wear
did i mention this very dangerous thing larps as a dude from the 90's. it would be funny if it weren't for everything else. did i mention he's emitting music from the 90's right now and that's how ive been able to tell when he's near? (i can never listen to wannabe by the spice girls the same ever again)
hang on
ink seems to be wasting all his paint. i know what he's trying to do. he still has some control
his paint is more viscous than usual, it's clumping together in gross globs. i think something's in it
it's distracting fresh. i think he's trying to calm him down. failing, of course, ink doesn't listen to anyone (except well, the creators)
the virus targets the soul. ink doesn't have a soul so the next best thing is his paint
now people think when he runs out of paint he becomes a lifeless husk and
thats not. that's exactly what happens
but give him paint again he'll be back to normal, that's my job, sometimes. it's not formally my job, ink wouldn't want to depend on someone to that degree but the few times it's happened—im getting off track
there's paint everywhere and im trying my hardest to not touch any of it. there's petals in it, gross is that what fresh uses? petals or flowers?
hang on ink just slapped fresh with his scarf i need to sketch this out
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im not that good at drawing. i'll ask ink to do a true artist's interpretation of this.
oh my god he knocked his glasses off. oh my god that's a huge ass flower in his sockets. that
ok it's time to go
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wrongchose · 6 months
I was going to make a post writing ALL the plot that inspired these sketches but it got too long for a little post IM CRYING KANDJ so instead have a little context for every single one (*・ω・)ノ
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All in the same story Post-Apocalyptic scenario under cut!!
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Some Julian design sketches, i changed little about his appearence as i think he would not need to, he knows how to hide very well from the rampaging monsters and hes kinda inmune to them anyways. Finds Randy unconscious and takes him as his talking companion (even if he doesn't talk) 'cause being alone in the apocalypse can't do you very good, can it?. He is actually admiting to know his secret for a while so he wakes up (he doesn't).
A concept i dreamed of; when the Ninja needs it, the suit will protect its user so basically it helps him when hes to tired to fight, (doesn't matter if hes not conscious). It is also capable to show the Ninja see content from the Nomicon without directly accesing to it. The appearence of the suit is directly linked to the state of the Ninja, it resembles bandages as a consecuence of the injuries and mental burden the he currently has. with them being the most simple form of the suit (only for healing, not fighting). Randy is not 100 conscious and cannot take the mask off until he completely heals. Gosh i love sketching edgy scenarios.
MORE peopleee, this time Theresa and Howard (i can't draw any of them ugghhh), Neither of them even have an idea of whats going on, so they team up to find their friends (Debbie and Randy specifically) and at the same time figure out a solution to this crisis, or at least thats what Theresa thinks, in reality Howard is trying desperately not to break a promise he made to Randy "help everyone in case the worst happens" (dude just wants to help). They get to know each other better and since Randy is missing Howard just likes to assume hes Ninja-ing, to not think of "the worst case scenario". Eventually they save Debbie later and find out what happened to Randy and his new "thing".
Crutial points of this story but i dont know how to write for my dear life, i could make a mini comic but i dont want to know anything about thAT mmmm ლ(¯ロ¯"ლ)
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deerspherestudios · 1 year
How do you organise the process of creating a character? like, to me its too confusing, i dont know what i do first because there are TOO MANY THINGS TO DO, like backstory, personality, looks, what they like, so what would be the “steps” to make them?
(Since @isabellaswork asked the same thing recently I'm tagging you here, hope that's okay!) Omg I'm flattered I'm the person you'd wanna ask such a big question ;v;!!? Honestly the process is different for everyone, but I'll give it a go <3 This is how my process usually goes:
Personality first, backstory later. Flesh out the concept of the character before deciding their origin story if that makes sense.
Build a moodboard for your character! The more ideas the better!
Time for visuals! Sketch out multiple iterations, looking at the moodboard for inspiration. Colors go last.
Finalize! Once you've got your final sketch + colors, draw a proper illustration and see if you vibe with the design. Repeat previous steps if necessary <3
Extra: Since you've got the design and story down, add some fun facts. This is where interests, likes and dislikes go!
I'll use my VN characters as examples below in case someone wants it in more detail! Mychael (Mushroom Oasis) and Alma (Lift Your Spirits spoilers!! + horror imagery) process ideation under cut:
Usually I start with personality first. Because for me, when you first meet someone, you see what they're like in the present; their past doesn't matter as much until you get to know them. I can decide the backstory later so it doesn't limit the personalities I'm playing around with. Of course I must have gotten the idea from somewhere so these two things work in tandem most of the time.
Then it's just a matter of how they look!
After deciding on personality traits, I start by collecting references from everywhere, even the smallest of things. I think of how I want them to look plus how they would dress. Anything goes at this stage, so just go buck-wild gathering ideas!
Here's a moodboard for Mychael:
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This one was for Alma, from their normal self to their monstrous self:
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Then it's time for drawing and doodles. As I sketch, I look back at the moodboard I've made and pick out things I like, while drawing things really loose. Copy paste if I need to!
I've shared the ones for Mychael here, here and here! Here's some sketches for Alma from last year:
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This part takes the longest but is always the most fun! Don't feel limited by what you had initially, just test out ideas! Here are the final designs!
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Then once I'm happy with the design I can flesh out the backstory as much as I like!!! so long as it fits the presentation of the character in current time. Of course this process can differ when you already have a story in mind and need characters to carry out the plot, but I'm definitely not big-brain enough to make an all-out story like that </3 I just enjoy designing characters visually haha
Oh and just for fun, I like to sprinkle in some extra (but kinda unnecessary) background info. It can be the most mundane thing but it gives them more life (to me at least!) Maybe they drink flat orange soda, or enjoy riding trains at night, or hate the smell of french fries, or think apples are disgusting etcetcetc.
Of course there's like, tips for professional character designing like silhouette, shapes, proportions but I assume this ask was for a more casual approach <3 That's all I could think of if I were to describe my process,,, I hope that answers your question!
To recap:
Start with personality traits and decide backstory later. Or work them together as one. It's more concept than visuals at this stage.
Assemble a moodboard for inspiration. The more ideas the better! Look up anything that might relate to your character if it helps.
Sketch, sketch and sketch again! Keep things loose and free. I usually start from the face, to clothes to accessories. Colors go last.
Finalize! Put everything together in one rendered drawing, and see if you vibe with it. You can always go back to previous steps if you're still not happy with it.
And you're done! :-)
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crescencestudio · 11 months
Devlog #33 | 07.26.23
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Hi everyone!
It's only been a month (per usual) since the last devlog. But it feels like so long ago! Very weird that last devlog I hadn't even released Intertwine yet. But here we are, back with another one!
Before we get into things, I want to extend the biggest thank you to everyone who has played and supported intertwine!
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if you havent played yet, here it is. this is me on my knees asking because i am quite proud of it and what our team accomplished in two months!
in the almost month it's been out, we stand at almost 15k total plays and 200+ reviews which is so crazy to me. i never would've expected that kind of reception for our little game and when i say it has been so motivating for alaris!!! u dont even know!!!
thank you again for all the kind words---i know you are all Sick of me talking about it but i don't know how else to express my gratitude <3 it means so much to me ;_;
I wanted to make sure I inserted an official section for it in the Devlog just to really thank you all for the support. But with that, I shall get into the updates!
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But not before a quick belated happy birthday to Fenir!
I posted it earlier this week, but I HAVE!!! THE MOST EXCITING NEWS!!! At least for me.
I FINISHED DRUK'S FIRST DRAFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We all know how long this has been in the making. I've been talking about his route for what feels like an eternity. Evidently, it's Very Normal to experience burnout, struggles with motivation, creative ruts, etc. etc. at this point in development. The initial and final stages of development are easier because your motivation is up. In the beginning, it's like Wow!! This is Fun!! And towards the end, it's like Wow!!! I actually Fckn Made It!!!!
And so the middle part of development, aka the stage I just entered with Druk's route, is the slog.
Now that I've overcome that initial hurdle, while I'm not near the end of development, I do feel like I will have a better handle of progress on the following routes since I have a better set of expectations and tools on how to get through this stage (compared to when I initially started Druk's route, and I was like what are all these Feelings?? Why am I Struggling so much??).
That being said, WE ARE OVER HALFWAY DONE WITH THE SCRIPT! It currently stands at 200k words including the demo, and with how each of the routes have been shaping up, we have about 150k left to go. Wow!!!!! It is crazy to know I've written that much for Alaris, and this feels like such an exciting milestone to know that I'm over halfway there for the script!
We also have just about wrapped up Fenir's developmental edits, so that makes Kayn and Fenir's foundational versions of their routes done (all that would be left at this point is line tweaking and/or revisions based on beta feedback)!! Overall, this was a really exciting month for writing updates, and I'm so happy to feel back on track with Alaris development <3 I also finished my dissertation proposal in case anyone is keeping track of that HEEHOO
Most of my attention for art was (un?)fortunately on Intertwine this month AGAIN. I really had anticipated being able to dive right into Alaris and irl work this month after Otojam ended. But the reception to Intertwine made it so I needed to dedicate some time to "marketing" artwork aka the artwork I like to make when reaching certain milestones of support (e.g., 1k downloads, etc.). Obviously these aren't necessary, but I like to show my thanks and appreciation in some way, and the artwork is what feels best conveys my gratitude.
Because we hit milestones relatively quickly, I ended up having to make those pieces faster than I anticipated prior to release. So I spent the first half of this month mostly on intertwine "promotional/apprecation" artwork. Near the tail end of this month though, I've prioritized Alaris artwork and have made progress on both the Kickstarter physical rewards and some CG sketches!
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sneaky peeky of pretty mermay Aisa
Vui continues to hit it out of the park with the backgrounds. Most of them are spoilers at this point. But I do have one that isn't too bad of a spoiler! And because you all have been so supportive and patient with me, I show hehe
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vui and his bg mastery: a preview of the dragon springs
The demo mentions dragon springs (I..... think......... LMAO), and here is a preview of what those dragon springs can look like. Wonder what the context will be in which we visit them, teehee! I'm in love with the way Vui brings the fantasy world of Alaris to life. I am so grateful for him ^^
Market Research
My wrist was feeling ~delicate~ this month due to Otojam crunch and then post-release pieces. So I don't have any actual art pieces to showcase this month for market research. I did play Otojam games and started Cupid Parasite (ryuki and allan my beloveds). But crescence's wrist needs to relax LOL. So no art pieces more than necessary for this month!
I will send some love to my besties over at Ravenstar Games though! If you haven't heard, they have a game currently in development called Lost in Limbo. It looks sick as hell, and the team is unbelievable talented and hardworking. This month to celebrate Barbie, they were able to sneak this promotional piece in, even while working on their Master's ((Do you see...... a familiar group of people..... heh))
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Alaris x Lost in Limbo x Barbie the collaboration of the century
That's all from me for now. Thank you again for all the support and love on Intertwine! I've truly cherished all the fanwork, reviews, kind messages, etc.
That being said, while it was a bit of a struggle getting back returning to the Alaris world initially (I was literally like what.... was the plot of this again... LMAOsazodujf), it's been so rewarding to return to my OG gang. The intertwine release and return to Alaris work has also been strangely sentimental since it's reminded me how far I've come in the two years I've been in this dev Thang. As always thank you for your continued support (and for supporting Alaris since it's inception when I was a Wee Dev), and I look forward to bringing you more updates in the future <3
See you all next month, and stay safe!
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weirdzano-and-co · 6 months
Main info (updated 29 may 2024)
Characters available for asks:
Pizzano worm plant (pwp) 🌱
Peppino the earthworm 🐛
Fake Peppino🍕
Current season:
- Summer☀️🌺
coil tower roblox version
Fake Peppino artist (second runner): @rfxn-emulator
Weirdzano talk thing (Pizzno rp private messages)
Blog main owner and runner - @rina7z
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Rules for everyone (READ BEFORE INTERACT):
Welcome to boring rules! 🍕😃
⚠️Bad side of content of this bloge include: body horror, cigarettes, blood, cartoon violence, fears or phobias, trypophobia and more, characters deaths, animal cannibalism, probably an existential crisis and soft swearing(with censorships or light words).
You can be minor and watch this blog, but this is your own risk, we only care about your safe from horny things in this blog. If you are afraid of something in the content warning then do not interact with us. Honestly idk bout age rating it it can be in the middle of 14+ or 16+ I guess. Authors is adult. If you adult or minor thats not matter, you can't use horny things in our asks or dms for characters. Dating/romantic acts for us is feels like joke and we are not take actions like serious, we are asexual and romantic things feeling like friendly way for us (this is only parody on real relations likea). Blog made for fun and stupid cringe, not take it seriously or seriously in romantic way.
This place is for everyone, include minors so don't be horny weirdo or we ban you.
Please don't interact with us if you:
-Nsfw account, porn bot, your main profile filled with nsfw or fetishes (if you this plus minor then we ban you instantly).
-No any fetishes here.
-No spam please.
-Make punctuation marks in your text or try to make it more readable, if you can. We can sometimes not understand what you mean, because english for some of us not native language.
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Check out this post if you don't know who is this guy.
Remember kids every sans make one pizzno in the world suffer, but swapsans make pizzno die instantly from heart attack. Dont be swapsans, be good person.
Be nice :)
This blog is literally roleplay in real time (sometimes it can be quest), but sometimes just sketches posting. This blog main language is english, but also can appear russian (especially for translations)
Rules If you want to join in events that happening in this blog:
You can easily to join in blog as character if you want, but:
We have two form for people who follow this blog:
1.Askers(anon/floating eye creatures)
2.Guests(Your oc, more important than asker role and have more abilitys.)
-You just floating shadow eye creature - "Asker" by default.
If you Asker, you can:
*Ask questions (english/russian language)
*Spawn things (food, weapons, random material things)
*Take and move items.
*Be angry, toxic, mock, annoying, make characters in blog feel uncomfortable.
*Aks character in any time if they available in ask list.
*Touch characters! Because now you legally have hands.
You can't:
*Teleport characters and animals. (Only move them with your hands or mouth)
*Revive characters
*Spawn your ocs and live creatures, organic things, portals.
Guest mean original characters/sonas/your au characters.
They can appear with portals.
Original characters can't randomly appear in private places that not showen in blog yet!
*God-like characters not welcome here!
If you want to be your OC, you must make rp action with arts-images or send your image with character and write rp actions or write rp action and tell us about your sona, or where we can find them as reference. You can do roleplay actions in the our ask box, or in your own blog but use @weirdzano-and-co for we can notice you. If you dont send your character picture, or tell who make actions you become Asker creature.
You can make your art for rp actions any days what you want but follow blog for make sure that all events are still relevant
info about portals and oc:
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Основная информация (ВНИМАНИЕ перевод устарел, последнее обновление: декабрь, 2023)
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*Размещать своих оcов и живых существ, органические вещи, порталы.
Гости - это ваши оригинальные персонажи, персоны или персонажи других фандомов за которых вы можете делать свои действия, какие захотите.
Если вы гость, вы можете:
*Делать материальные вещи, например, обниматься и т.д.
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Оригинальные персонажи не могут случайно появляться в личных или секретных местах, пока эти места не показаны в блоге.
Если вы Гость, вы должны понимать, что это ответственность, и что бы вы ни делали, это может глобально изменить события, от смерти персонажей до изменения их мыслей и планов. Делайте свои действия с умом.
Enjoy this blog, have fun. Boring rules ending here! :)
Наслаждайся блогом, веселись. На этом скучнейшие правила заканчиваются! :)
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iztea · 6 months
hi! I saw your post about critiquing another persons art work and it made me realize i dont like my current drawing process
Mostly because I have shaky hands and don’t really like line art because it takes me too long and i still dont like how it looks so im trying to switch to a more painterly style
Do you have any advice? Particularly on defining 3d forms?
(I love your art style! You draw so beautifully and I love how you stylize anatomy and hair particularly)
yeah i feel you, i think everyone starts digital art with a lineart heavy style in mind and then gradually drop it as it is pretty hard to master
i'm not sure i'm the best person to ask about defining 3D forms as i myself struggle with that, but i thing that i noticed is that if you don't have a stable base or foundation to paint over then the process will become exponentially harder. So what i do is i make sure i have a cohesive sketch. Not a clean one, not a pretty one, but one where i am sure where everything goes and one that helps me predict and better visualize how things will end up once i get there. If the sketch is so messy to the point where i can't tell a leg apart or i don't know the general form of the fabric then i'll have a much, much harder time rendering later on.. So i think making sure the "skeleton" of your art is set in place. Again it's not about it looking good or clean it's about knowing what you'll be doing with it in the later stages.
But let's say you do have a clean sketch, or even lineart. I think the easiest way to give form to your subject is by choosing a light source ( it doesn't have to be dramatic, it can just be ambient light ) and then paint shadows in the areas where light can't reach. It depends on your style really, but for me i use a darker (but still saturated) color under the chin, under the eyes, where the bangs/hair meets the face and for the nose area i kinda just make a blob (i don't paint noses that much as you might have noticed bdshj but you know,, check out other artists you like and examine how they handle shading). Just try to think of everything as oversimplified shapes. limbs are cylinders, the torso is like a parallelipiped or a box or a sack of beans or whatever you see fit, the head another box etc... just keep it simple, Less is more
Oh and also, for a painterly style, i suggest avoiding overkilling it with the rendering. Let the brush strokes speak for themselves and keep it vague/ abstract. Our brains are smart and they loove filling in blanks for us if they're given some general information so let the viewer do the hard work, don't explain everything.. this is also a good way to practice developing an artstyle but i'm getting off topic if i wasn't blabbering enough already. A painterly style is imperfect and messy and vague at times and you should let it be that way, don't force perfection onto it as you'll deprive it of humanity these are my two cents on the matter hope it made sense and helped in any way? if not you can always watch yt videos or listen to more qualified people than me
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glitchyvoice · 1 month
Do you have any blorbos or ideas to share?
floodgates: open
yes!! i have a bunch of aus im working on though im assuming u mean cotl specific (the others are undertale/deltarune and homestuck related if theres any interest)
the main one im working on right now is fates twine, (which ill explain in more detail in a second) but i have two others. a pirate esque essentially dnd campaign au story which ive named tears in a bottle. im still figuring out designs for that one but nari is a critter the size of the lambs hand so thats funny. its called tears in a bottle cuz the lamb and the others in the pirate crew go to raid a lost city, and the statue in the middle of said city (which is of shamura. the bishops are all archfey in this au so theyre cool) is weeping golden tears into a bottle which contains nari. only the lamb can see these god tears and nari.
i also have ideas for a madoka magica x cotl au but i have no designs and not enough ideas to talk about it currently.
but then theres fates twine. fates twine ("fates twine binds the hearts of you and i" is the full name, fates twine is my shorthand) is a prequel au which starts when the old gods are still around, and out of the bishops only shamura has their crown. it explores what would happen if the lamb (who is named mara) found the red crown before nari could, and fought against their ascension. they actually meet nari when hes still a mortal because of this and they become friends. shenanigans ensue. (narinders name as a mortal here is paean. i thought it would be cool to link him to the demon he always becomes in game) i have a bunch planned and have like 4,000 words worth of scenes written for it. but they're all for different parts of the fic so it's not currently postable. the closest image i have for mara around the time they find the crown is this little sketch for a scene i made
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they dont typically wear the crown they usually have it as a ring on their finger to hide they have it but for that scene they do.
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this is a bit of an older design and artstyle but this is mara when theyre a bit older. this is. the only coloured drawing i have of them rn but im gonna work on more soon.
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this is their current design at that age. the other lamb there is omen, their little sister. i have a whole page of doodles of her that im gonna post tomorrow probably. shes one of my favourite fates twine characters i love her sm lolol
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and these are sketches of mara post them becoming a cult leader!! so yeah nari does still get the crown and ascend instead of them eventually and they become the last lamb and all that but its about the interesting things that them being the true god of death causes. so yeah. you also get one (1) paragraph draft snippet of the first chapter bc im feeling silly
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so yeah!! yap over
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opanchu · 23 days
honestly i feel like i'd be better off having a more cartoonish/stylized art style and this isnt me going "i NEED to make my art look more like this" bc i dont think wanting your art to look one specific way without taking into account the process behind it, how it lets out your creativity and if you just overall feel comfortable using that art style is the way to go about it, but from experience i feel like drawing with less detail to perfection, making things a bit exaggerated, is much more comfortable for me if that makes sense... while my current art style is still stylized it's still semi realistic to a degree, and while i don't think i'll ever stop using real people as a reference especially for things like facial features it's just not fun for me to try to draw semi realistically. i get stressed over messing up something, i get afraid to exaggerate anatomy even though it'd make the pose/outfit look better, i literally don't have any fun with it because while I like it much better to stylize everything and shift focus away from like semi accurate anatomy i try to focus on said things and i get the opposite effect. i feel it makes my art look ugly and i don't enjoy the process whatsoever. a while ago I stopped doing lineart and instead decided to just clean up my sketches (thats why my "lineart" looks the way it does) and art became more enjoyable for me, so i think it's time to do something like that again...
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^ this is some of my more stylized looking art and i literally had some of the most fun with these out of like, any other drawing i made, and I like the outcome a lot better too
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moonshine-nightlight · 7 months
Being sick for the past week meant that I had nothing better to do today than lay in bed and refresh tumblr waiting for chapter 34, and seeing it at the very top of my dash was the highlight of my day! The wait was definitely worth it, my health for the duration notwithstanding lol
You made the right call taking the extra time to edit this doozy of a chapter—figuring out how to share Dale's exposition in a way that made sense and fit into the events of the story while maintaining tonal consistency must have been quite the process, between the restrictions of Sana's POV, regency genre conventions, and the story's (heh) natural climax being Dale's identity "reveal" followed by the wedding. I'm very curious if you currently have any ideas for how you're going to tackle this exposition in the novelization, or if you're inclined to handle it differently at all!
i hope you're feeling better! i'm so glad you enjoyed the new chapter!
i hav no idea if u can even put a read more in an ask anymore and i can't hide it now but my answer will be under the read more
thanks! i think some people really underestimate how helpful even self editing is to make things coherent, especially for a long chapter like this one that covered so much but also was literally just two ppl talking to each other (ppl lov to say they'll take any update, but lik, thats cuz they dont knooow lol and i dont just want it to b passable, i want it to b good).
with lore/backstory like this i also have to make sure it makes sense to readers who havent read any of it before nor know any of the even more info that I know because there's even more worldbuilding and dale backstory that wont end up in the story.
i'm glad u think i pulled it off to any degree because i was still pretty nervous when i was posting it that it did make sense, fit in the world, was followable, interesting but not just exposition monologue, etc
yeah, chapter 30 where they have the reveal convo is the primary climax of the story and that's also 'just talking' in a sense so its interesting to write this story in that sense lol
while i had the broad outline of the world and dale's backstory from the beginning (i did a little exercise where i sketched out a sort of Dale POV of chapter 6 to get into his mindset which was super helpful) as I wrote the story a lot more of that info became fully fleshed out/defined. so for the novelization, i'll probably try to work more of the info in earlier or have better allusions to it, which will make some of the info in chapter 34 more of a quick confirmation than the exposition itself
ie i might add a chapter with more detail on Sana researching with Dale's books that Bilmont smuggles and plant suspicions of what went wrong with the summoning; i might adjust the chapter after the attack to be more of a convo about the assassination that the grandparents interrupt where Sana can suspect more of Dale's past etc and generally spread out what i can so its more foreshadowed/natural - things like that
other aspects sort of have to be told to Sana because its POV limited, evn when it is updated to 3rd POV. i'll probably do a straight POV swap and minor edit ; then take a look at it as a whole, reassess things on my own, run those ideas by some writer friends/betas and get their thoughts, and finally my editors (who i used for DSM) are also very good with making sure worldbuilding fits in right and so their advice will be helpful - especially since they will only get the draft i giv them without knowing how it was and what changed etc
once chapter 35 is out (which i'm still writing because smut is a challenge to right and i write it more slowly than other things) i'll start slowly editing and passing along to betas the rest of the story (i've got thru chap 11 done and betas who only read those and who are chomping at the bit - u think u've had a long wait? lol) but it will be spring by the time i do any big edits/revisions and then i'll giv it to the editors, who i already lik, semi-lined up for that time period and idk how long they will take because its a long book and then i'll need to process their edits too so it'll be a lengthy process, but i hope everyone knows it will 100% b a novel and i hope they enjoy it!
now back to stabbing away at the smut writing ;)
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djsadbean · 10 months
do you have any advice for making stickers? your designs are all so pretty!!
ahh thank u sm!! yessir here's some tips i keep in mind when i design/make stickers (mostly from the perspective of someone selling stickers but these can be for personal sticker making too):
try to use the same brush size/type if youd like all of your stickers to look similar. i personally have two i like to alternate between whether I'd like a smooth vs sketch look
also try to use the same size canvas if youre gonna make a lot of 3 inch stickers or 4x6 in sticker sheets (for example) to keep everything looking consistent
find artists you're inspired by and that'll be very helpful to avoid art block. for me, i adore artists who have similar taste and it helps me feel so happy and inspired to make my own art.
people like stickers that are all kinda the same vibe! i like to design stickers that are cute and vibrant and either feature characters i like or aesthetics i like. you gotta like what you make! (they dont all have to have the exact same vibe of course. but ive found that people will like getting all my cute fandom stickers bc they look like they all go together for example)
if youre cutting these out yourself, rotate the paper, not the scissors for better control. take breaks too! you don't wanna strain your hand! also its worth it to have big girl scissors (i am a big girl with big girl scissors btw ahahaha)
if youre using a cricut or silhouette machine to cut, please consider making all of your stickers easy peel (basically making the sticker its own mini sticker sheet so you remove the outer border so it's easier to peel) because this helps make sure that people from many backgrounds and lives can enjoy your work! It would break my heart to find that someone who has joint pain, for example, can't use the stickers they bought from me because they're too difficult to peel. (If you're hand cutting your stickers, I have no idea how you'd do this so don't worry! Maybe in the future if you decide to invest in a machine, this is something to think about)
if you're using a cutting machine, yes it will take up a lot of time and supplies running tests to see what works with your stickers! and yes you will have to readjust how you do things with the life cycle of the machine's blades. augh........ such a hassle sdjfhksd
when printing for the first time, you may need to spend time running tests and adjusting the colors. some printers need help with the vibrancy and stuff!
when printing your stickers, please only have a few pages loaded in your printer if you're still testing (or in general! i have my paper loaded in one at a time JUST in case I forgot a setting)
if you're printing at a print shop, make sure your file is PDF and that they're printing "actual size" bc otherwise it may change. this would be bad especially if you're planning on using your machine to cut later.
i personally would not recommend ordering your first several stickers outsourced bc you may end up with stock that never sells.
i hope these helped! some may not apply bc theyre for like,,, a sticker biz but maybe someone out there wants this info too :3 ill leave my current supply list in the tags so i can change it if i find that something changes and i dont wanna recommend it anymore
basically read op tags for recommendations :3
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