#and i went oh! i do know a fighter pilot!
notquiteaghost · 2 years
i love redactle so much... angle i guessed today's thru is insane
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bradshawsvinyl · 2 months
Begin Again
Part two.
As a first grade teacher, you couldn’t help but fall for your sweet student and her very attractive Navy fighter pilot father.
based off an ask! (screenshot at the bottom.)
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You woke up on September 6th joyful and excited. It was your first day as a first grade teacher in San Diego. You had wanted to be an elementary school teacher for as long as you could remember and after six years of schooling, you were finally ready.
Your first day teaching went well. You and your students played games and got to know each other. By three thirty all of your students were picked up except one.
Tara Bradshaw was a little girl with brown curly hair and big brown eyes. No one had come to pick her up yet so you decided to stay behind with her for a while and try to get in contact with her parents.
“Hey Tara,” you said while kneeling down to her level in the pick up area. “Let’s go back inside okay? I’ll call your parents and remind them to come get you.”
“Okay.” Tara replied hesitantly while grabbing your hand. “Can you call my daddy?”
“Of course I can, sweetheart.” You replied “Let’s go.”
The walk back to your classroom was short. While Tara made herself comfortable at her desk, you picked up her file and phoned the number.
“Hello,” A deep voice answered after the third ring.
“Hi. I’m Tara’s first grade teacher at school and I was just calling to ask if there was someone available to pick her up? School ended at three o'clock and she’s still here with me.” You said politely.
“Shit,” The deep voice replied. “I’m so sorry. I’m at work right now. I completely forgot. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
“No worries,” you replied kindly. “Bye.” You said quickly before hanging up.
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Bradley hung up his phone and quickly made his way to the school. He couldn’t believe he had forgotten to pick up Tara. He felt like the worst father in the world.
Tara’s mom left Bradley when Tara was only two years old and he hasn’t heard from her since. Being a single father was hard for him. He was the only one in charge of taking Tara to school, bringing her home, feeding her and more.
Bradley got to the school within ten minutes and quickly made his way inside. After visiting the main office, he found your classroom. He knocked on the door. “Thank you so much for staying with her. I can’t believe I forgot.” He said as Tara started running towards him.
“It happens,” you replied sweetly. “No worries I promise!”
Bradley knelt down to Tara and said, “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”
Tara hugged him and said, “It’s ok daddy.”
You watched the heartwarming scene. Feeling a sense of fulfillment that you had seemingly helped a stressed out Bradley. As Bradley stood to leave with Tara, he glanced at you and couldn’t help but notice your warm eyes and polite smile.
“You know,” he said sheepishly, “Tara’s lucky to have such a caring and uh…cute teacher like you.”
You chuckled softly, feeling flustered. “Thank you Bradley. I’m just happy I got to spend some extra time with Tara today.”
“Yeah well thanks,” He replied “Tara say bye to your teacher.”
“Bye bye!” She said as Bradley gathered Tara’s belongings and smiled at you, leaving a bright blush and flutter in your stomach.
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“Jesus Christ Bradshaw,” Bradley said as he buckled Tara into her car seat. “Get it together.”
Bradley couldn’t believe he had been stupid enough to call you cute. You were his daughter's teacher and here he was hitting on you. He couldn’t believe what he had done.
As Tara napped on the short drive to their house. Bradley called his best friend, Phoenix.
“I’m so stupid,” he said into the phone as soon as she picked up.
“No hi Bradshaw?” She replied, the hint of a smile in her voice. “What did you do this time?”
“I picked Tara up from school late and then I called her teacher cute.” He said, sounding slightly frustrated with himself.
On the other side of the phone, Phoenix burst out laughing. “Oh my god Rooster.” She said, still laughing. “Well was she pretty.”
“Of course she was pretty, Nat. She might be the most beautiful woman I've seen in a long time” Bradley said as he recalled your sweet face. “Look, I just got home and I have to bring Tara inside. I’ll call you later.”
“If she really is that cute, don't worry about it, Rooster.” Phoenix said before hanging up.
To Bradley’s surprise, Tara was awake in the backseat. As they both went inside their home, Bradley couldn’t help but worry about how he was going to face you tomorrow. Embarrassed couldn't even describe how he felt.
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The next school day went by quickly. You again woke up early and made the drive to work. Your students seemed excited about the lessons today, and you felt proud that you were able to get them to like you. You were trying to distract yourself from the voice in your head that was seemingly screaming BRADLEY CALLED YOU HOT.
Bradley Bradshaw was attractive. You couldn’t deny that. He had loose, curly brown hair and big puppy dog eyes. But it was probably wildly inappropriate to have a crush on your student's father. For all you knew, Bradley was married.
But you hadn’t seen a ring. And for some reason, that excited you.
At dismissal today, Tara was the last student to get picked up. But at least Bradley wasn’t extremely late today.
When Tara caught sight of her dad, she began jumping up and down. Once her father was in earshot, she turned to you and proudly said, “My daddy thinks you’re pretty!”
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Here’s the ask!
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I’ll make a part two if people are interested!
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
The Better Man
Pairing: Rooster x Wife!Reader
Author’s Note: I’ve honestly been struggling a little bit with my writing as of late. I want to write, but I’ve been so low on energy these past few weeks. And then when I do write, I feel like I’m unhappy with the end result. But the idea for this one came to me while I was taking a walk today, and I wanted to get it down. I write so often about Bradley defending Mrs. Bradshaw, but I wanted to showcase a time when she stood up for him as well. Hope you like it!
Warnings: Brief language, alcohol consumption, a really dickish former classmate.
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“Oh, God,” Phoenix groaned, her voice cutting through the din of the Friday night crowd at The Hard Deck. From her position at your group’s table, she had a perfect view of the main entrance to the bar. “Not that guy.”
At her pronouncement, everyone else turned and craned their necks to see who she was referring to.
Hangman, Payback, and Fanboy seemed to know who Phoenix was talking about, as they immediately frowned and began muttering a few choice words under their breath, shaking their heads and averting their gazes.
Your husband seemed to recognize him as well, and from his reaction, you could tell he wasn’t an old friend. Bradley’s arm, which had been draped casually over your shoulders, tightened noticeably and his face darkened slightly, his eyes narrowing for a moment before he, too, turned away.
“Who is that?” you asked, keeping your voice down despite the fact that you knew no one outside your group would be able to hear you over the music and loud conversations permeating the bar.
Coyote and Bob turned curious gazes towards their fellow Dagger Squad members, clearly having no idea who this guy was either.
“Luke Robbins,” Phoenix told you, pursing her lips as if the name tasted sour on her tongue and taking a sip of her beer. “Call sign, Crunch. He went to flight school with me, Rooster, and Hangman. Payback and Fanboy know him, too, from the incredibly brief time he was stationed on our carrier.”
“Not brief enough,” Payback muttered, to which Fanboy nodded in vehement agreement.
“That popular of a guy, huh?” you replied, raising an eyebrow. Your friends and your husband seemed to have nothing but universal disdain for this Luke Robbins.
“He’s an asshole,” Bradley chimed in, lightly stroking your arm with his fingertips as he reached out for his beer with his other hand. “Always thought he was the best of the best and didn’t need help from anyone. Not to mention how quickly he’d throw everyone around him under the bus so that he could climb another rung on the ladder.”
“Never got him anywhere though, did it?” Hangman smirked, sipping his beer and leaning back in his chair. “Last I heard, good ol’ Cap’n Crunch has never been invited to TOPGUN.”
“So what’s he suddenly doing here?” Fanboy frowned, glancing across the room, where Robbins and the group he’d come in with were now stationed at the bar.
The rest of the guys shrugged indifferently, but Phoenix let out another groan. “Didn’t Cyclone say something about a training detachment visiting North Island for a couple weeks? Don’t tell me Crunch is part of that squadron,” she rolled her eyes.
“Whatever. Hopefully it won’t have anything to do with us and we can just ignore him,” Bradley said, glancing down at you and shooting you a smile that held no trace of the annoyance he’d felt when Crunch and company had first entered The Hard Deck.
You and your friends returned to your earlier conversation, laughing and just enjoying each other’s company. You and Bradley had returned from your honeymoon a week earlier, and it was good getting to catch up with everyone.
The evening was going quite nicely until a voice sounded behind you that had your husband stiffening beside you, and the rest of your friends glaring in irritation.
“Well, well, well, what have we here?”
You turned in your seat slightly to see the fighter pilot known as Crunch standing behind you, a pint of beer in hand. He was smiling one of those smug “I know no one here likes me, but I’m going to come over and be annoying anyway” smiles. You disliked him instantly.
When no one responded, he went on. “Funny how things don’t change. The gang’s all here. Rooster. Phoenix. Payback. Fanboy. Oh, and Hangman. That’s new, I guess,” he smirked. “Plus a couple spares,” he added, glancing over at Coyote and Bob.
Phoenix’s eyes narrowed. “Coyote Machado and Bob Floyd. Fellow TOPGUN graduates. That’s probably why you don’t know them,” she shot back with a cool smirk.
Crunch’s lip curled momentarily, but he didn’t strike back. “And who’s this?” he asked a second later, his eyes suddenly landing on you. “I know a girl with hands as soft as those is no fighter pilot,” he laughed obnoxiously.
Bradley glared, instinctively pulling you closer to his side. “This is my wife,” he told Crunch, an edge of warning in his voice as he grudgingly told him your name.
As much as you couldn’t ignore the tension hanging thickly in the air, you also couldn’t deny the little thrill that went through you when Bradley introduced you as his wife. You didn’t think you’d ever get over it.
“Wife, huh?” Crunch grinned, smacking Bradley on the shoulder in a gesture that could have been friendly, but clearly wasn’t. “Good for you, man.” Turning to look at you, he winked and leaned in closer, as if he was about to share a secret. “Back in the day, Bradshaw here had no game with the ladies. Hardly ever left with one at the end of the night.”
You blinked and maintained a straight face, despite your aggravation at this jerk clearly trying to belittle and embarrass your husband. “I guess Bradley just wasn’t trying to sleep with any woman who breathed in his vicinity,” you replied, gazing back at him with a serene expression.
Fanboy snorted at that, sputtering slightly on his beer.
A look of annoyance flashed through Crunch’s eyes as he looked back at you. He seemed unhappy that he hadn’t been able to ruffle any feathers at your table.
“Surprised they asked you back to TOPGUN, Bradshaw,” he suddenly said, loudly enough that a few people at the tables around you glanced over. “Surprised they invited you to begin with, in fact.” He seemed satisfied by the tightened jaws and clenched fists that he was now seeing from the Dagger Squad.
Grinning meanly, he glanced at you once more. “Not sure if you’re aware, sweetheart, but your husband here was always the slowest in our flight class. The slowest. The most hesitant. Never good for making a snap decision. Kind of makes you think that Chicken would have been a more fitting call sign, no?”
You could feel the tension pouring off your husband in waves, your own pulse racing in your veins as you felt the heat of anger rushing to your cheeks. Behind you, you could feel rather than see the glares of your friends. Sliding a hand underneath the table, you rested it on Bradley’s thigh, offering him your support and comfort.
Crunch truly was the worst kind of person, determined to ruin everyone’s night for no other reason than for his apparent twisted pleasure. Why he couldn’t just walk away and leave you all in peace was beyond your understanding.
“But I understand, Bradshaw. I do,” he went on, feigning sympathy. “You didn’t want to make a mistake up there. Fuck something up and end up six feet under. You know, kind of like your old man.”
That was the final straw. Fury burning in his dark eyes, Bradley slammed his fist on the table and rose immediately, knocking his chair back in his haste. The rest of the Dagger Squad followed suit, not going to stand for such an insult being thrown your husband’s way.
None of them, however, moved as quickly as you.
You’d risen from your seat, too, as soon as your husband had stood up, rage firing through your veins as you stared at Crunch’s smugly satisfied face. And before anyone else could so much as blink or move a muscle, your fist was colliding with his nose, harder than you ever would have believed yourself capable of. So hard, in fact, that you felt the force of it vibrating up your arm and all the way into your shoulder.
Crunch staggered back in response, immediately clutching at his nose, from which a thin stream of blood was already starting to trickle.
“That’s for my husband and my father-in-law!” you exclaimed, pointing an angry finger at him. You didn’t even realize you’d taken a step closer to him until you felt Bradley wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you back. “Both of whom are better men and better fighter pilots than you could ever hope to be!”
Your ears still ringing from both anger and the shock of what you’d just done, it took a second to register the sound of raucous cheers and laughter echoing around you. Not only were your friends applauding, but so were many of the bar patrons around you.
Eyes narrowed in humiliation and still clutching his bleeding nose, Crunch turned and hurried off, muttering something under his breath about “Bradshaw’s wife” being a “psycho bitch.”
You waited until his back was turned and he had moved off before shaking out your hand, which you were confident would be black and blue tomorrow. How did people go around getting into fist fights on a regular basis?
“That was amazing!”
“Most badass thing I’ve ever seen!”
“Wish one of us had had the balls to do that during flight school!”
Your friends were all congratulating you and telling you how incredible that had been, but the only person you had eyes for at that moment was your husband.
Bradley gazed down at you, his eyes still dark, but no longer with anger. Now they were sparking with something much deeper, something much more instinctual and hungry.
His eyes never leaving your face, Bradley lifted your hand to his lips and pressed soft kisses to your throbbing fingers, which sent a shiver shooting down your spine and straight to your toes.
“Baby,” he whispered, holding your battered hand close to his chest and massaging your swollen knuckles with gentle fingers. “That was hands down the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen,” he told you, his voice hoarse as he continued to gaze down at you in amazement. “And also—thank you.”
You could tell from the thickness in his voice that it wasn’t just what you had done that had moved him—it was why you had done it. Not only would you never allow anyone to disparage your husband like that, but you would also never stand for anyone trying to mar the memory of his parents.
“Get a room, you two,” Coyote called out suddenly, teasingly chucking a napkin at the both of you.
You and Bradley were brought back to the present moment, glancing over at the knowing grins being aimed at you from the rest of the Dagger Squad.
“What do you say, Mrs. Bradshaw? Should we do just that?” Bradley grinned, taking your hand in both of his.
“I think we should, Lieutenant Bradshaw,” you nodded, laughing as Bradley suddenly lifted you over his shoulder to the sound of the hooting and hollering of your friends.
Once you got home, Bradley spent the rest of the night taking very good care of you and showing you just how much your defense of the Bradshaw name meant to him.
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kelcemenow · 5 months
Drive Me Crazy - Chapter 4.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 1556
Warnings Like, maybe one swear word. A hint of angst and a bit more fluff.
Huge thank you to the Anon who sent this in! They had such amazing words to say about my writing which I massively appreciate and then to top it off, had an incredible request for me! I only have experience with mechanics in the UK, so I've tried my best with this one! "I just recently got interested in Travis K. X reader stories and wanted to let you know, I read all of yours as quickly as I could. They are so well done and I couldn’t help but laugh/giggle and feel through each word you typed out. You’re doing amazing and I’m so glad to have stumbled onto your page. If you have any space for a request, I’d be curious about what Trav would think about having a military (like fighter pilot) or engineer or mechanic girlfriend. I see a lot of stories with him paired with models/singers/social media individuals (which are phenomenal!) but just wondering how he would be with a more tomboy like girlfriend!"
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"And all you'd ever hear me say, is how I pictured me with you. That's all you'd ever hear me say. But since you been gone..."
Your mouth gaped open as a yawn took over your body, halting your singing along to the music playing on the radio as you worked under the hood of a bright blue Honda. Standing up, you stretched your arms above your body, allowing another yawn to loudly roar out across the shop floor.
"Tired?" Jordan asked as he approached you from the other side of the room.
You blinked your bleary eyes, "Yeah. I didn't get home until late last night."
"Bro!" He sucked his mouth to his teeth and shook his head, "You gotta stop working so hard."
You quickly glanced around the room before leaning closer to Jordan, "Can you keep a secret?"
Jordan eyes glittered and he nodded enthusiastically, closing the gap between you further.
"I think I went on a date last night." You said with a grin.
Jordan's expression changed, a slight quiver on his brow. He straightened up and cleared his throat, "You think you did?"
"Well, yeah. It wasn't described as a date or anything...but it was nice. We talked and got to know each other." You paused, wondering how detailed you should be.
"Sorry, I just find it hard to believe that you went on a date." He looked away from you and began rummaging through one of the large tool boxes that were lined up along the side of the wall.
You twisted your mouth, "What is that supposed to mean?"
"Well, it's you, you know. You're...Y/N. You don't go on dates."
You stepped towards him, "And what? You don't think there would be any chance that someone...anyone...would be interested in me?"
He turned his head, "That's not what I mean."
"Well, that's what it sounds like to me."
Jordan sighed and straightened up, "Y/N, come on. Stop acting like a g-"
"Like a girl? Is that what you're about to say?"
"No, that's...well, to be honest, yeah."
You could feel anger rising in your chest, "Surprise surprise, Jordan. I am a girl."
You watched as Jordan attempted to backtrack his words, "No, you're taking this all wrong. I'm just saying that I'm surprised that someone asked you out."
"You're not helping yourself here, Jordan. You're being an asshole. Someone did ask me out...and he is interested in me."
"Are you sure?"
"Why did he kiss me then?"
Jordan's eyebrows jumped up, "Oh, right."
"You're a jerk." Turning on your heels, you headed into the office, not waiting for Jordan's response.
As you reached the door, you swung it open with force, letting it slam once you were safely inside the cosy room.
Your Dad jumped a little in his seat, "Woah, what's up, sport?"
"Sorry, Dad...I just needed to get out of there." You said as you slumped down in the chair next to him.
"Wanna talk about it?"
You shook your head gently, "Not really."
You exhaled slowly, flicking mindlessly through the diary, checking your jobs for the next few days. Your eyes were scanning the words on the pages in front of you but your mind was elsewhere. Usually, you didn't let other people's opinions matter but Jordan had hit a nerve with you. Was it because you cared what Jordan thought of you? You had always got on well with Jordan, harmlessly flirting occasionally, but nothing had ever come of it. Maybe his outburst was out of jealousy, or maybe he really didn't see you in that way. Was it because you were starting to really like Travis? He was the first person who seemed to genuinely like you regardless of your appearance or personality. But something was stopping you. You weren't Travis' usual type; you didn't wear a lot of make-up or really care about what you were wearing on a day-to-day basis.
"Dad, do you ever wish that I was...more girly?"
Your Dad turned to look at you, concern plastered across his face, "What's this about?"
"Just answer the question."
He took a deep breath, as if preparing his answer, "There was a time when I was worried. When all of the other little girls were having sleepovers and horse riding lessons or going to ballet class and I looked at you, covered in oil and repairing your bike in your overalls and baseball cap." He chuckled at the memory, "But you never let it bother you. You liked being you and I wouldn't change you for the world."
You smiled as he wheeled his chair closer to you and threw his arm around the back of your neck, pulling you in and laying a kiss on the top of your head.
The moment was interrupted by the shop door opening and a young man walking in, struggling with a giant bouquet of flowers in his arms. Your Dad stood from his chair and assisted him to settle them on top of the counter.
"Flowers? Here? Are you sure?" Your Dad joked.
The young man smiled and pointed to the delivery note in his hand, "KC Auto Repairs? They're for Y/N. Later."
You watched him leave with your eyebrows lowered, surprised and confused, "For me?"
Your Dad craned his neck, retrieving the card that was stuck in the middle of the mass of beautiful blooms, "Well, who are they from?"
You took the card from his hand, carefully opening the crisp white envelope and scanning the contents.
"There's 2 tickets for Sunday's game with your name on. TK."
A smile tugged at the corners of your mouth and your heart leapt at Travis' kind gesture.
"TK? Is that...is that Travis Kelce?" He held a shaky finger towards the card.
You smirked as you continued to stare at the card, the fingers on your free hand dancing over the petals, "Erm...yeah."
"Wow. It seems you've certainly made an impression on him." He pulled you closer, "Who are you taking to the game then?"
You faced him with wide eyes, "Are you joking? You, you dummy!"
Your Dad let out a loud roar of laughter before breaking out into an impressive celebratory song and dance, "I'm going to Arrowhead!"
The office door squeaked open and you rolled your eyes slightly when Jordan poked his head into the room. Turning away from him, you stuffed the small card back into the envelope before admiring the flowers.
"Sorry, can I just get the keys for the Buick?" He mumbled.
Your Dad stopped dancing, opening the small cabinet that was hanging on the wall. He fished out the correct car keys before grinning to Jordan, "You'll never guess what, Jordan? Our Y/N here has an admirer!"
"She does?" He said, emotionless.
"Travis fucking Kelce!" He yelled.
"Dad!" You shouted in shock. You weren't used to hearing your Dad using language like that. He certainly didn't use it around you.
"I'm sorry, sport. I'm just so excited!" He slapped Jordan lightly on the chest, "I'm going to Arrowhead, man! Kelce's special guests!"
Jordan's eyes met with yours and you spotted the realisation as it hit him.
"Well, good luck to you." He nodded his head slowly before taking the keys and disappearing back to the shop floor.
There was a slightly uncomfortable silence before your Dad snorted a small laugh, "What was that about?"
"I don't know." You shrugged your shoulders and began chewing on your bottom lip, "Hey Dad, is it okay if I go take lunch now?"
"Sure, sport."
You smiled and grabbed your hoodie, quickly tying it around your waist and making sure your cell phone was in your overall pocket. As you pushed the door to the shop open, the bright midday sun warmed your face instantly. You began walking down the road with your phone gripped in your hand, Travis' contact showing on the screen and your head whirring with thoughts. After a few seconds you took a deep breath and pressed dial, lifting the phone up to your ear.
You weren't sure why you were so nervous, you had called Travis before. This time it was different, though. The dynamic had changed between you and this was something you really weren't used to.
The dial tone stopped after only a couple of seconds and Travis' low voice echoed into your ear, "Hello?"
"Hi, Travis. It's Y/N."
"Ahhh, you like the flowers?"
You could hear him smiling as he spoke, which made your stomach fill with butterflies, "That was a real smooth move, Kelce. I see you, getting in good with the Dad first, huh?"
He laughed, "You see right through me. So, are you coming?"
"I am."
"Are you excited for your first football game? I got you seats in the friends and family box so it won't be the true fan experience down in the stands, but I figured your Dad would be happy."
Your heart warmed, "You really didn't have to do this."
"I know I didn't." He said abruptly. "I wanted to."
You could feel your cheeks blushing and your heart rate increasing.
"So, you gotta put me out of my misery." He purred, "When can I take you out for a real date?"
Your teeth clamped down on themselves, apprehension and nerves filling your body, "I'm free tonight?"
"Tonight it is."
I think I figured this one out, and I think I've got the rest of story in my head. But please feel free to send any burning ideas you have for this one. Because you know what I'm like, this will end up with a thousand chapters if I don't rein myself in. Quick warning for the next chapter...it's about to get spicy! Let me know if you want to be added to my Taglist too, that way you'll never miss any of my fics!!
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vivalas-vega · 8 months
sunshine / jake 'hangman' seresin x reader
heyooo !!! the fic I've been teasing for the past few days is finally here ! I don't know that I'm fully happy with it but I've invested a minimum of 25 hours into this and I had to metaphorically put the pen down at some point. I hope you enjoy, as always please please please let me know what you think!
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sunshine / jake 'hangman' seresin x reader
add yourself to my taglist
feel free to buy me a kofi if you like my work!
based on this request! here is your fic @gryffindormarveltwilight :)
word count: 14k (estimated read time: 60 minutes)
warnings: language, drinking, some suggestive humor, brief rooster x reader/allusions to rooster x reader, navy inaccuracies, terrible descriptions of flying a fighter jet pls forgive me
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Sitting in your superiors' stuffy office underneath dim fluorescent lighting the only thing you could think of was that your best friend was right. A point that you didn’t want to admit to anyone, let alone her… but that was also a lie, the biggest thought dominating your headspace was her brother. Jacob Seresin. She’d told you a thousand times over to get ahead of it, that you couldn’t keep this secret forever and to just come clean to him and your family but you’d dug your heels in, insisted this was the right way to go about things, and god did you hate eating your words. She was fucking right. 
You were reminded of Thanksgiving two years ago, one of the events in a long list of near-misses where your secret almost came to light.
“Sunshine, your phone keeps ringing, do you want me to get it?” Jake asked from across the couch. You were fully immersed in your novel with your legs stretched out and resting against his, you hadn’t even noticed your phone… or anything else for that matter outside of the world you were holding in your palms.
“Just silence it,” you said as you flipped the page.
“Wait a minute,” he said and the shift in his tone pulled your attention to him. He was staring at your phone screen in shock… or was that confusion? “How the fuck do you know Rooster?” he asked and your blood ran cold.
“What?” you asked and he flipped the screen around to reveal Rooster’s contact photo. You thanked your previous self for cropping yourself out of it because this was going to be hard enough to explain without the addition of you in your khakis. “Oh,” you chuckled, hoping to just brush it off entirely as you sat up. “You know, I kind of forgot he was a pilot, too. I met him a few months ago when I went to San Diego for that convention.”
“And you didn’t think to tell me you happened to meet another naval aviator?”
You shrugged, “I didn’t think you knew him.” You knew he did. “We met in a bar and hit it off, we’ve kept in contact since.” 
“Are you like… a thing?” he asked, disgust evident in his tone. 
You laughed, “no, you know… it is possible to meet someone in a bar and not immediately jump their bones.” you said, trying to deflect this conversation in its entirety. 
“Nope, you’re not flipping this around on me.” Damn it. “I find it awfully suspicious this is the first I’m hearing of Rooster… by accident no less.”
You sighed, “fine, you caught me. I’m secretly a naval aviator too and Rooster was my wingman on a mission in Eastern Europe,” you said, and you didn’t try to sound innocent or sarcastic, just the right amount of indifference for him to not believe you.
He chuckled, “yeah of course you are, and I’m not an aviator, I’m actually a fucking astronaut.”  He added an eye roll for dramatic effect. “At least make your lies believable, sunshine, you know you’d never even make it to basic because I’d have killed you before then.”
You let out a laugh but there was no humor in it, “you’re right… me being in the Navy is definitely far fetched.”
“Top Gun, sir?” you questioned, trying to focus your thoughts on the present and he nodded… not even fully looking at you as he sorted through paperwork on his desk.
“Despite your insistence on keeping your achievements quiet, you’ve caught the attention of a lot of people. Mission is need to know, and apparently I don’t make the cut,” there was a bitter taste on his tongue as he spoke the words. “All I know is the best of the best from every aviation squad are headed west.”
“Yes, sir. When do I leave?” 
“You’re on a plane in six hours. Go home, pack, get your affairs in order. You report for duty at 08:00 tomorrow.”  Six hours. 
“They think I’m a research assistant to a fucking archeologist, Sadie! I mean, how stupid could I possibly be!” Your voice was shrill as you shouted in the general vicinity of your phone perched atop your dresser as you threw things into a duffel bag. You weren’t even concerned with what you were packing, you were more concerned with the fact that the single thread holding your intricate web of lies together was unraveling right in front of you. “You were right the other day when you said he already knows, he just… doesn’t know it’s me. I’ve heard of the infamous Hangman, there’s no way he hasn’t heard of Viper.”
“Just take a deep breath, I mean… I won’t say I told you so, even though I totally told you so.” Good thing she won’t gloat. “What’s the worst that can happen? He’ll be shocked, he might yell at you, he might rat you out to our parents but, maybe that’s for the best.”
“Maybe it’s for the best that everyone finds out I’ve been lying to them about what I do for a living for eight years?” you nearly shrieked as you rooted through your drawers for your one good swimsuit.
“Wouldn’t it be nice to stop taking online archeology courses on the off chance people ask you for specifics? Which… no one ever has because you picked a boring fake job to have, or wouldn’t it be nice to actually be able to tell your parents about your job, your achievements? Did I tell you that Jake actually mentioned Viper to me? Said something about some elusive hotshot pilot very few people have ever actually seen but their exploits have been heard everywhere.”
“Sadie, I called you because you’re supposed to be helping,” you groaned.
“Am I not?” she asked, genuinely sounding innocent and you just glared at the phone… and though she couldn’t see it, she definitely felt it all the way back home in Texas. “You know, you never actually told me how you got Viper as a call sign-”
 “You know what, I have to go.” you said abruptly, cutting her off.
“What are you-” you didn’t bother listening to the rest of the sentence as you hung up and quickly dialed a number you hadn’t in months.
“Hey sunshine,” Jake’s voice rang throughout your room and normally the pet name bestowed on you from a very young age, meant to be ironic considering you’ve never had a sunny disposition, would have been comforting but now it just made you feel sick. “What are you up to?”
“Hey you,” you breathed out. “I just got off the phone with Sadie and I figured I’d give my favorite Seresin a call,” you joked and his laughter on the other end did nothing to ease your nausea. 
“I’ll be sure to tell her you said so. Where are you calling from this time?” he asked and you thought there might be a winch in your chest, each sound from his end of the phone cranking it tighter and tighter.
“Uh, I’m actually stateside for a bit… lab work,” you lied. “What about you, jetsetter? Where’s the Navy got you now?” You were fishing.
“Also stateside, at least for now. Your timing is actually impeccable, I’m packing for a last-minute detachment and you were always better at that than me.” He was referencing all the times you’d wander up into his room just minutes before leaving for one of your shared family vacations, finding him standing in front of his closet with a blank look on his face and an empty suitcase on the bed, leaving you to do it all for him.
You chuckled nervously, “after all this time you still can’t pack a bag without my input?”
“Well, you’ve never forced me to figure it out for myself and the times I’ve had to go without I ended up with all the wrong things.”
“I’m pretty sure this is weaponized incompetence. Where are you headed?” You already knew the answer, but there was a small flicker of hope burning within you. 
“San Diego, all I know is I’ve been recalled to Top Gun.” he answered and you felt your heart drop into your stomach.
“Well,” you started, clearing your throat, “definitely some shorts and t-shirts, maybe a few of those ridiculously tight short-sleeve button-ups you always insist on buying… but none of the bright colored ones, they’re awful.” you said and he laughed. “Throw in those green swim trunks if you plan on heckling any innocent women simply trying to enjoy some sun and surf.”
“Heckling innocent women, how do you know I’m not the one being heckled?”
You laughed, “because I know you, you’ve been a heartbreaker since age ten.”
“I prefer the term rolling stone,” he protested and you laughed again.
“I’m sure you do Mr. Rock n Roll but that is not the perception. Your mother worries.”
“Did she call you again?” he asked, voice going up an octave.
“Oh yes, she asked me if we crossed paths in Bosnia… because, of course we would have while I was in Bahrain, said I needed to talk some sense into you.”
“When were you in Bahrain?” he asked and you internally groaned. You’d said too much. But then again, as you looked at the clock it didn’t really matter how much you said. You could say hey Jake, by the way… I’ve been in the Navy all this time, I’ll see you soon! and it wouldn’t make a damn difference.
“Uh, you know… just a few months ago.”
“Huh, I almost went there a few months ago,” he said and you could hear the contemplation in his tone.
“Small world,” you said breathlessly. “Shoot, urgent text from the lab… I’ve gotta head in, call me when you get settled in San Diego?”
“I will, when this deployment is over I was actually going to try and get some leave… come visit you if you’re still stateside, if that’s alright?”
“Of course it is, I’ll talk to you later.” You fell backwards onto your bed with a huff as you disconnected the call, “son of a bitch.”
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The red neon sign above the Hard Deck used to be a comforting image, a port in the storm, light illuminating a pathway towards a night of blowing off steam but right now it felt more like the flicker was mocking you, laughing as you prepared to walk through those doors and undo years of lying and manipulating those closest to you. You knew he’d be there. You were. There was nowhere else for aviators to go when arriving in town. Well… nowhere else aviators would go.
“Oh dear god,” you mumbled to yourself, keeping your head low as you waited for your beer. You saw Phoenix strutting across the bar with Fanboy and Payback in tow and the voice that rang out from the pool table made your blood run cold. Of course he was already here.
“What do we have here? If it ain’t Phoenix,” he said, fixing her with that famous smirk as he stood upright. “And here I thought we were special, Coyote. Turns out, the invite went to anyone.”
“Fellas, this here’s Bagman,” she introduced as you carefully approached, mindful of where you were positioning yourself as you started to slide back into your work persona.
“Hangman,” he corrected.
“Whatever.” she dismissed. “You’re looking at the one of only two naval aviators on active duty with confirmed air-to-air kills.”
“Stop,” he said, and you couldn’t help but chuckle and the faux-display of modesty. Always a showboater.
“Mind you, the other guy was in a museum piece from the Korean war.” she smirked, you’d been deployed with her a few times and you always found her ability to outpace the men refreshing and oh-so-needed in the Navy. 
“Cold war,” Coyote corrected.
“Different wars, same century.” Payback said.
“Not this one,” Fanboy added.
“Who are your friends?” Coyote asked, gesturing to the two of them as they introduced themselves. “And I’m assuming this other aviator with a confirmed air-to-air kill will be gracing us with his presence tonight?”
“Her presence,” Phoenix said, narrowing her eyes as she corrected his assumption. “Call sign’s Viper, if you two made the cut then she definitely did.” 
“Ah, Viper.” Jake chimed in and you felt your ears burn as you watched him from your spot behind a beam. The way your name fell from his lips in such a condescending way made your eyes narrow. “You know, I’ve heard an awful lot about this Viper but… I’ve never laid eyes on her. Pretty sure she’s just a myth, what do you think, Coyote?” he asked and his friend nodded his head.
“You just can’t stand that the person holding you in a draw is a woman.” Phoenix quipped and you couldn’t help but smile.
“No one’s holding me in anything, darlin’, but I can’t say I’m not excited to finally meet this elusive pilot… set the record straight on who’s number one.”
“Oh Jakey,” you tutted, finally emerging from your spot behind the beam as you approached the table and you ignored the way he was physically caught off guard, quickly standing from his perch on the pool table. “I wouldn’t hold your breath because it sure as shit ain’t you.” You looked him up and down once for good measure. “Bagman, and Hyena, was it? Names Viper, pleasure to meet you.” You held your hand out for Coyote with a smirk rivaling Jake’s. For all the fear you had about your secret coming to light you knew you had to come in strong, if you showed up with your tail between your legs like your old teenage self, scared of Hangman’s wrath you’d never get out from under it during training.
“So, you’re not a myth,” Coyote responded, shaking your hand but you weren’t looking at him… you were looking at Jake who’s eyes seemed like they were about to bug out of his head as they scanned you, clad in a matching khaki uniform. 
“No, but she is a legend,” Fanboy piped in and you chuckled at the reinforcements.
“Hey V, knew you’d turn up sooner or later,” she said as she pulled you in for a quick hug and you reached out to squeeze both Payback and Fanboy’s shoulders in greeting. “And who’s this?” Phoenix asked, not picking up on the tension rising between you and Jake as her eyes glanced at the man sitting in standard-issue glasses to your left.
“Who’s who?” Coyote asked, not noticing he was there at all. She looked directly at him as he brushed peanuts off his lap. “When did you get in?”
“Oh, I- I’ve been here the whole time.” he answered with a cute smile on his face and you couldn’t help but chuckle at his earnestness. 
“Man’s a stealth pilot,” Jake finally chipped in, seemingly recovering from your shocking arrival but his eyes still held a lot of questions you knew you’d be hearing later. 
“Literally.” Coyote added.
“Weapons Systems Officer, actually,” the man corrected.
“With no sense of humor,” Jake sighed and you narrowed your eyes at him as he passed the pool cue to Phoenix before he made his way to the bar and you took the opportunity to slip away and follow him.
“Penny, my dear,” he started, leaning against the bartop. “I’ll have four more on the old timer.” he said, eyes darting to Maverick and you knew he’d regret saying that later. Everyone else might have been alarmingly slow at connecting the dots but you knew his presence here wasn’t a coincidence. As far as you knew he was supposed to be in Arizona acting as a test pilot.
“Unprepared for an ambush?” you asked and he sighed, you watched as his bicep flexed when he gripped the edge of the bar.
“You could say that,” he replied dryly.
“Doesn’t sound like the Hangman I’ve heard of… always so prepared for everything,” you shot back and he turned to look at you, expression steeled.
“Well, deception sounds exactly like the Viper I’ve heard of.” You couldn’t be surprised, verbal volleyball with him was always your forte and this time he had genuine cause to be upset. “What the hell are you doing here?” There it was.
“Recalled, same as you.” you answered, as if it was really that simple.
“In the Navy,” he clarified. “You didn’t think to mention this when we were on the phone four hours ago? Or better yet, when you joined?”
“Thought this would be better face to face.”
“What, were you calling just to get information from me?”
“I like being prepared, wanted to know what I was walking into.” you replied, keeping your features calm as you looked up at him.
“And you couldn’t have prepared me for seeing my little sister’s best friend in front of all my colleagues?”
“Your colleagues? Thought I was a little more than that,” you responded, focusing your attention forward and subtly nodding to Maverick who was sitting across the bar in lieu of a proper greeting. “You’re a professional, Hangman, I think you handled it well.”
“Like how well you’ve handled lying to your entire family? How was that dig in Bahrain, by the way?”
“Needed to come up with something to account for all the traveling and lack of contact,” you answered, cutting through to the question beneath the question.
“And where do they think you’re off to now?” he asked as Penny set the beers in front of you. “You know, just in case I need to cover your ass.”
“Croatia. Called them before I called you and Sadie.”
“Sadie knows?” he asked, shaking his head in disbelief. “Why the hell did you keep this from everyone?”
“Are you forgetting the chaos that ensued when you told everyone your plans after high school?” you asked. “Besides, I did tell you in no uncertain terms, you just turned it into a joke.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Thanksgiving a few years ago? When Rooster called?” you prompted and you watched his face fall. 
“Oh my god,” he muttered. 
“Yeah, I knew you wouldn’t believe me which is why I said it to get you off my back… and what you said about killing me before I even made it to basic just proves my reasoning was right to not tell anyone.”
“Wait, so Rooster really was your wingman on a mission?”
“Several.” you answered.
“I don’t understand, I first heard of Viper six years ago. How have we never crossed paths?”
“I asked to keep my accomplishments on the downlow, they thought it was modesty but really I didn’t want you finding out through a Navy newsletter. Truthfully, I don’t know how we haven’t been on detachments sooner, that was just dumb luck.”
“Dumb luck,” he scoffed, looking you over once more. “God dammit. I am happy to see you,” he finally conceded and you let out a laugh.
“Really? I’m not convinced,” you replied as he pulled you in for a tight hug.
“Meant what I said too,” he started, picking up two of the beers and nodding for you to grab the others. “I do intend on winning this tie between us.”
You laughed again, “good luck with that, bud.” you shot back as you walked back to the pool table. You were aware of the questioning eyes but you had no intention of filling anyone in at the moment.
“Bradshaw, as I live and breathe,”Jake said, swiping Bob’s pool cue as you gave Rooster a one-arm hug.
“Hangman, you look… good,” Rooster responded, apprehension clear in his voice and you shared a look with Phoenix.
“Well, I am good, Rooster.” he replied, lining up and taking his shot. “I’m very good, in fact, I am too good to be true.” You rolled your eyes as you watched Phoenix give Rooster an exasperated look.
“So,” Payback interjected, “anyone know what this special detachment is all about?”
“No, a mission’s a mission, that don’t confront me.” You watched in amusement as he made his way around the pool table, oozing arrogance. You’d heard the stories of the cocky pilot but seeing it before you, in stark contradiction to the Jake you grew up with, was jarring to say the least. “What I want to know: who’s gonna be team leader? And which one of y’all has what it takes to follow me?”
“Hangman, the only place you’ll lead anyone is an early grave.” Rooster replied and you watched Jake continue his path with an overwhelming urge to smack the smirk off of his face. If you wanted to, you knew you were the only person here who could get away with it.
“Well, anyone who follows you is just gonna run out of fuel.” Jake shot back, “But that’s just you ain’t it, Rooster? You’re snug on that perch waiting for just the right moment… that’s never gonna come.” He finished, stepping closer. “I love this song,” he added before walking away.
“Well, he hasn’t changed.” Phoenix sighed.
“Nope, sure hasn’t.” Rooster agreed and you chuckled.
“If only you knew how untrue that was,” you said, eyebrows raised as you looked after him, a man almost completely unrecognizable to you now. You were almost impressed that he was able to suppress this new side of himself when he went back home just as easily as you did.
“Thought you were in Bahrain,” Rooster commented and you spared him a quick glance.
“Thought you were in Japan,” you replied simply.
“Looks like your intel is outdated,” he said and you finally looked over to him with a smirk.
“Same goes for you.” You nudged his shoulder with yours, “good to see you, Roo.”
“Does anyone here have a normal relationship with one another?” Coyote asked, watching as Rooster disappeared and as you went to steal some of Bob’s peanuts. 
“This is like a dysfunctional summer camp reunion, Coyote. When have we all been in the same room at the same time?” Phoenix answered.
“Any thoughts as to how this is going to play out?” Jake asked, sidling up beside you as you ordered another beer and you didn’t even look in his direction as you watched Penny mix a drink for someone.
“Thought it was just a mission… none of the details confront you,” you responded and he didn’t miss the air of mockery in your tone.
“I meant between us,” he clarified and you glanced at him out of the corner of your eye.
“Thought we were just colleagues.”
He shot you an unamused look, “are you really going to be like that?” he asked and you shrugged.
“Matching your energy, Hangman. Have to say, I was hoping the rumors were false.”
“Oh yeah? And what rumors are those, Viper?”
“The rumors that you’re an arrogant asshole. Imagine my surprise to find the Jake I know nowhere in sight.”
“Well, imagine my surprise to find out the girl who used to steal my sweatshirts and whine if I didn’t cut the crust off her sandwiches in the Navy with a reputation of being a calculated bitch.”
“I’m a woman in the Navy, what’s your excuse?” you fired back and he nodded his head appreciatively as if to say touche.
He sighed, “I just mean… we have history, how do you want to go about that?”
“Pretty sure everyone here has some form of history with each other, I don’t see why we need to go about it any particular way.” you shrugged and he narrowed his eyes at you.
“Why do I get the feeling this is going to be a long detachment?”
“Probably because you’re right.”
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“I just don’t understand why you can’t be a team player. You’re taking this whole Hangman thing too far,” you snapped from your side of the booth. “I’m sick of doing push ups because of you.”
“Ever considered it’s just because you’re the one that’s failing?” Jake asked with a smirk.
“No, it’s just because you’re a shitty wingman, always have been.”
“Now what is that supposed to mean?”
You laughed dryly, “Christmas? Two years ago? You had one job, be a decent wingman. You can’t do it on the ground and you certainly can’t do it in the air.”
“Hold up. Christmas two years ago? What do you mean?” Phoenix asked, having
overheard your latest round of ripping into Jake as she was walking by and you let out a sigh.
“Bagman and I grew up together,” you finally came clean and you gave her an exasperated look as she did a terrible job at masking her shock.
“Wait, like grew up grew up together? As kids?”
“My best friend is his sister,” you explained as briefly as you could. “Well, that makes a hell of a lot more sense than my theory,” she said and you furrowed
your brows.
“What was your theory?” you and Jake asked at the same time.
“I thought you two had slept together on a deployment,” she shrugged and you blinked in surprise. You looked at Jake and waited for him to respond because you were at a loss for words at the implication.
“Your quickness to assume I’ve slept with every woman I’ve come into contact with is frankly insulting,” he said and you bit back a laugh.
“But not entirely untrue,” you muttered.
“Please tell me you have embarrassing stories about him,” Phoenix pleaded and you let out a full laugh now.
“Oh, I definitely do.”
“That will remain in the vault because unless you’re forgetting, I have stories too.” Jake chimed in and you rolled your eyes.
“Hold on, I’ve been deployed with both of you, and mentioned both of you to each other, how is this the first I’m hearing of this?” she asked and you noticed the way almost everyone was not subtly listening in.
“Our families didn’t have the warmest reaction to him joining the Navy, let alone to be a fighter pilot… so I just kept it to myself when I did. Jake didn’t know until last week,” you answered.
She shot him a weird look, “I always forget you have a real name… makes you too human,” she muttered before slipping away and you chuckled. 
“Cat’s outta the bag now,” he said, eyeing you over the rim of his glass as he took a drink and you didn’t miss the way his pupils dilated as Rooster came into his field of vision.
“Buy you a refill?” he asked you and you nodded, allowing him to pull you up and lead you to the bar. “So, you and Hangman have history?” You realized he must have only caught a piece of your previous conversation.
“Mmhm,” you confirmed, “Seems everyone has history with him, including you.” you said as the two of you sat down on the bar stools.
“Nothing beyond the obvious.”
“And what’s the obvious?” you asked and he smirked, sliding a fresh beer towards you.
“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” he said and you raised your eyebrows at him before he chuckled. “Thought it’d be good to catch up… haven’t heard from you since our last mission.”
“And whose fault is that?” you shot back, with Rooster it was always about what was unsaid. On the surface you weren’t even sure this would be considered a conversation, too much back and forth with not enough shared in each passing remark.
“You know how it is,” he shrugged and you nodded.
“How was Japan?”
“How was Bahrain?” You stared him down before cracking, a smile spreading across your face as you laughed.
“You know I can’t tell you.”
“You know I can keep a secret. Besides, what are friends for?”
“Oh, are we friends now?” you countered, amusement clear in your tone.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize we weren’t.” he shot back.
“Our last communication was you sending me a photo of bird shit on your canopy with a series of emojis that I’m honestly still unsure the meaning of.”
“That’s peak friendship,” he laughed. “What is the story with you and Hangman and why was I not allowed to tell him we knew each other?”
“He’s my best friend’s brother,” you said and realization passed over his features. “He’s a little… protective, and I knew he wouldn’t respond well to me being in the Navy.”
“Ah, well that explains why he looks like he wants to kill me everytime I get close to you,” he said and you looked over your shoulder to find him glaring in your general direction and you let out a laugh.
“That’s just his face when it comes to you.”
“No, pretty sure it’s more than that,” he replied and you raised an eyebrow at him as if to say elaborate. He reached down to grab your stool and yanked you closer, forcing your legs to slide in between his and smirked as he brushed a strand of hair behind your ear while you just looked at him with wide eyes. “I give it five minutes, tops.”
“Five minutes for what?” you asked, coming out a little more breathless than you were hoping for.
“The way he looks at you is far more intense than just being his sister’s best friend… I’m just testing my theory,” he said, voice low with how close the two of you were.
“And what do you think these test results will yield?”
“I think he’s going to stew over there for a moment,” he said leaning closer as he looked over your shoulder and nodded slightly, “just like he’s doing right now… and then when I make any sort of indication of taking this further he’s going to come pull you right out of this chair and drag you off.” 
“Hmm,” you hummed, deciding to lean into it if only for the fact that your life was so hectic you had no time for attention like this… even if it was for show, and you let your fingers absentmindedly drag along his forearm. “And how are you going to indicate taking this further?” you asked, your eyes almost daring him.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” he teased, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips as his fingers trailed along your thigh.
You gave a half-hearted shrug, “contrary to popular belief, I’m not immune to a little flirting… real or not.”
He frowned slightly, “I know you’re not immune or are you purposefully forgetting our first mission?”
“I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about,” you replied and now it was your turn to smirk. You saw something in his expression shift, like he was accepting the challenge you’d just given him.
“Do I need to remind you?” he asked, inching closer and your breath hitched when his hand rested on your neck. “Because I remember it quite vividly,” he whispered in your ear and you couldn’t help the shiver that raced up your spine. 
“I think it’s coming back to me now,” you said as he pulled back to look at you and he chuckled.
“Incoming.” you furrowed your brows at him as he leaned away but before you could ask him what he meant you felt a strong hand wrap around your arm and yank you upwards and suddenly you found yourself being pulled across the bar and one glance back to Rooster only revealed a smug look that said I told you so. And he did.
“Get off of me!” you yelled as you pushed Jake’s hand off you, crossing your arms over your chest as you glared up at him and squinted your eyes to shield from the sun setting over the beach… now just a handful of yards away in your new location. “What the hell is your problem?”
“I could ask you the same thing.” You just gestured for him to explain. “Rooster? Really?”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Please tell me you’re not that dense,” he said and you could see the disappointment in his features but what you couldn’t figure out was why. You just shook your head and threw your arms out in exasperation and he sighed. “Do you really think flirting with Rooster is a good idea?”
You let out an indignant laugh, “you think that was flirting?”
“Okay, I know you’re not that dense.” 
“I know this has been difficult for you to wrap your head around but I have friendships on this squad outside of you that have been in existence for years. Whatever you think you saw was me catching up with an old friend.”
He scoffed, “and he just had to have his hands on your neck and thigh while doing so?”
“And so what if he did? I’m failing to see where this is any of your business and why it gave you the right to physically remove me from my conversation.”
“Figured I’d save you from making a mistake because it’s never a good idea to get involved with someone on your squad… especially on a mission as hard as this one.”
“You would know wouldn’t you?” you countered. “Speaking from personal experience?”
“Don’t do that, you always find a way to turn it around on me.”
“Maybe because you’re always the one in the wrong!” you shouted. “I know that me being here is weird for you, and I know it’s been an adjustment having me in the air with you but that does not give you the right to act like you have for the past eight years. I am not your kid sister’s best friend anymore, I am not a teenager that needs you to bail her out when guys get handsy.”
“Well, you’re definitely acting like a teenager who needs me to bail her out before she makes a mistake that could follow her around for the rest of her career.”
“You are the one acting like a teenager right now! In case you haven’t noticed because you’ve been too busy strutting around like you’re god’s fucking gift to us all, I’ve built an incredible career for myself, and I’m pretty damn good at what I do… I have to be, right? Because I landed myself here with you. Or do you think that was just a fluke? The only reason this is new to you is because I diminished myself to hide from you because I knew you couldn’t deal with the fact that I can handle my own shit now.”
“You think lying to everyone is handling your shit? You hid because you were too much of a coward to own up to it.”
You let out a bitter laugh, “I lied to everyone because they worry. Your mother cries every day you’re on deployment. Your sister calls me twice as much. Your dad goes to church twice a week. My parents check their phones every hour waiting to see if yours sent them any kind of update. It’s easier for everyone if they believe my traveling and being out of service range is because I’m safe and sound, digging up old relics. I lied because I knew you would act like this and I lied because giving our families some peace of mind was worth more to me than getting credit for everything I’ve accomplished.”
He was silent for a moment as he processed what you’d said, and he took a step back as silence permeated the outdoor patio. “I don’t think it was just a fluke,” he finally said and you let out a sharp exhale.
“Well, obviously it wasn’t, I’m a much better pilot than you.” you joked and he gave you a deadpan look. “Every time you snap at me in the air, or dismiss me in the training room, or conveniently occupy yourself elsewhere when my previous missions become the center of focus, you're only reinforcing the reasons I kept this from you. I didn’t want to. Of course I wanted to tell you of all people, I just… didn’t want to feel like I used to when we were growing up. Like the little kid you got stuck with.”
He sighed, “well, now I feel like a jackass.”
You shrugged, “well… you kind of are a jackass.”
“You’re not the little kid I got stuck with, sunshine. I just-”
“I get it,” you cut him off. You wanted this conversation to end before it got too deep, and you could tell by the look in his eyes you were about to jump headfirst into a conversation neither of you were ready for. “Come on, buy me a beer to make up for what a jackass you were.” 
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You were on your third run through of the mission today, probably the dozenth this week and each time something went wrong, or you weren’t fast enough, or nothing went wrong and you were fast enough but you missed the target. Between this and Maverick’s constant reminders of just how impossible this mission was, you were finding it hard to push through the noise and focus on your objectives… something that had never been an issue for you in the past. You’d made a career off of keeping your head down and doing what was expected of you no matter how difficult it was but this? Each time you stepped into the cockpit you couldn’t help but think you were training for your death.
“Talk to me, Bob,” Phoenix said as you flew above the dry terrain. You could feel the clock running out, both on this run through and your mission training in general.
“We are twelve seconds late on target, we gotta move! We gotta move,” Bob replied.
“Copy, try to stay with me,” you said as you increased your speed.
“Wait, who’s that?” Bob asked and you cocked your head slightly, waiting for further information.
“Blue team, you’ve been spotted.” Maverick’s voice rang throughout your headset and you winced.
“Shit, it’s Mav.” 
“What the hell is he doing here?” Phoenix asked,
“I’m a bandit on course to intercept, blue team what are you gonna do?”
“He’s twenty miles left, ten o’clock. Seven hundred knots closure.” Bob supplied.
“Your call, what do you want to do?” you asked Phoenix, looking over your shoulder in the direction of her aircraft.
“Continue, we’re close. Stay on target.”
“He’s swinging around to the north,” Bob said as you began to brace yourself.
“Stand by for pop-up.” 
“Be ready on that laser, Bob,” Phoenix ordered.
“Copy, I’m on it.”
“Blue team, bandit is still closing,” Maverick reminded you and you felt tension settling in your muscles.
“Popping now,” you communicated as you sharply moved to a steep incline. You gasped for air as the weight crushed you backwards into your seat. “Talk to me, Bob. Where’s Mav?”
“He’s five miles out, he’s coming fast.”
“Target’s in sight,” Phoenix said.
“Where’s my laser, Bob?” you asked, already feeling the panic creep in.
“Deadeye! Deadeye! It’s no good. Sorry, I can’t get a lock.”
“We’re out of time, I’m dropping blind,” you said with a slight shake of your head as your thumb hovered over the button as you tried to drop it at the exact right moment. “Fuck, I missed,” you sighed as you began your steep climb out.
“That’s tone,” Maverick said and you could hear the disappointment in his voice.
“Maverick’s got missile lock on us.” Bob groaned.
“Shit, we’re dead,” Phoenix cursed.
“Blue team, that’s a fail.” You let out a sharp exhale as you ripped your mask off in frustration. No matter how hard or how many times you tried you were always so close without ever actually making it. “That’s enough for today.” Maverick said as you leveled out and you navigated to flank him. “Bird strike! Bird strike!” he shouted as you tried to avoid the onslaught of birds but it was no use, you felt your jet become unsteady as one flew directly into your engine.
“Shit, left engine’s on fire. Climbing,” you said as you yanked up on the yoke. “Throttling back, shutting off fuel to left engine. Extinguishing fire,” you narrated as you ran through your mental checklist of everything you needed to do. “Fuck, it’s still spinning. Trying to restart,” you tried to keep your voice and your nerves steady but it was no use, the erratic beeping filling the cockpit was threatening to pull you apart.
“Viper, it’s on fire! Don’t start-” Maverick started but you cut him off.
“Throttling up.” You watched as everything flashed at you and you tried to regain control as you quickly lost altitude. “Extinguishing right engine.” Everything was in failure and you were running out of options.
“Viper, punch out.” Maverick ordered as your jet hurtled towards the hillside in a spiral. “You can’t save it. Eject, eject!”
“Fuck, ejecting! Ejecting!” you shouted as you pulled the handles between your feet and the last thing you remembered was watching your plane burn in.
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You awoke in a panic, gripping the sheets as a distant beeping accelerated your heart rate and as if on autopilot your hands grabbed for the controls but there was nothing but fabric. “Hey, hey you’re okay,” you heard and you let out a sharp exhale as you saw Jake sitting beside you, leaned forward in his chair with concern written all over his face.
“I don’t- what the hell happened?”
“Bird strike. Thank god you punched out in time but you lost consciousness on the way down. Doc said you’re fine, they’re coming to discharge you soon,” he explained and you nodded as you began to calm down.
“Jesus,” you whispered before another wave of panic rolled over you. “Mav? Phoenix and Bob?” you asked, realizing you’d been so wrapped up in your own cockpit you didn’t even know if the voices coming through your headset were for you or if they were struggling with their own aircrafts.
“They’re good, Mav stopped by earlier to check in and everyone has been blowing up the group chat asking for updates,” he chuckled as he rested a hand on your leg.
“Just another thing to tack onto the long list of failures with this mission,” you sighed, running a hand through your hair.
He frowned at you, “hey, no one faults you for this. You can’t control bird strikes,” he reassured. “Everyone is just glad you got out.” His thumb was rubbing reassuring circles against your thigh and you took a deep breath as you tried to shake off the way he was looking at you. It was concern and… something else you couldn’t place.
“Jake, I don’t… I don’t think everyone’s going to come back from this,” you whispered, it was a universal truth, everyone had thought it at one point or another, Maverick had basically said it without being explicit, and you knew damn well Cyclone didn’t care about casualties so long as the mission was completed. “We can’t even get through dropping the bombs, we haven’t even accounted for SAM’s or bandits.”
“If anyone can do it, it’s us.” he said, voice firm and you knew it was a defense mechanism. He wouldn’t come out and say it but he shared the same fears you did. “Come on, let’s get you up, everyone wants to see that you’re alive and well for themselves,” he diverted but you knew better. He just didn’t want to get into it with you because if he did he wasn’t sure he’d be able to flip the switch back. He had to stay focused and so did you.
The drive to the Hard Deck was silent, much like a lot of your time had been with Jake recently and it made you want to rip your hair out. You couldn’t deal with the hot and cold, one minute you felt like nothing had changed when he brought you your coffee exactly how you liked it, or when you were doubled over in laughter by the dart board and the next he was distant, blowing you off entirely and pretending you were no more than a colleague. You knew things wouldn’t be like how they were back home, this was work and the lives of you and your team were on the line. There were more important things to focus on but when you watched him let loose with Coyote after-hours or humor Fanboy while he talked about some nerdy tv show you couldn’t help but think it felt like a knife to the back. 
“Easy, I know you’re sore even though you’re pretending you’re not,” he said softly as he helped you climb out of the car and you just gave him a deadpan look.
“I’m not pretending,” you protested and he smirked.
“Sure you’re not,” he agreed, even though he really didn’t.
“There she is!” Fanboy cheered as you walked in and you gave a bashful smile, hiding your face behind your hands to shield yourself from the commotion. “How are you feeling? What’d the doctor say?” he asked as everyone looked at you intently.
Bob elbowed him, “you are under no obligation to share your private medical information,” he said, clear disapproval in his tone at everyone’s nosiness.
You chuckled, “it’s okay, Bob. No concussion, nothing broken, just some light bruising in my ribs. Still cleared to fly so it looks like the competition hasn’t been knocked out yet,” you teased.
“Thank god, I couldn’t stand it if you abandoned me,” Phoenix said with a warm smile as she wrapped an arm around your waist carefully. “Are you allowed to drink?”
“It’s actually been encouraged,” you joked and she nodded before disappearing.
“Glad you’re okay,” Rooster said, giving you a sheepish smile. “Scared the shit out of all of us.”
“I like to keep you on your toes,” you replied. “Since I almost died today and all…” you started and he rolled his eyes.
“Oh, so you’re milking this?”
“Mmhm,” you smirked. “Since I almost died today, think you could go play a little something?” you asked and he shook his head with a chuckle.
“For you, I think that can be arranged.” you watched with a small smile as he did his usual routine of yanking the cord of the jukebox out of the wall before sauntering over to the piano. You loved watching the bar crowd around him, watching your new and old friends sing along and bust out terrible dance moves. It made it a little easier to forget the impending doom you were all facing.
“Did you make that happen?” Phoenix asked, placing a glass of bourbon in your hand.
“Not like I had to try very hard,” you laughed, watching as she nearly ran over to join him.
“You’ve always been so good at that,” Jake said, appearing beside you suddenly and you tore your eyes away from watching the fun for a moment to look up at him.
“What’s that?”
“Bringing people together,” he answered, gazing down at you. “This could have been just another detachment. Forced friendship while we’re stuck with each other before we go back to our normal squads, but nothing about that looks forced to me,” he said, turning back to watch Bob twirling Phoenix around, Payback and Fanboy doing the robot to a song completely unsuited for such a dance, Coyote and Rooster singing at the top of their lungs.
“Thank you,” you said and he pulled his attention back to you, an unasked question on his face. “For staying with me, it was nice having you there when I woke up.”
He shrugged, “no problem, you’re Sadie’s best friend… pretty sure she would have flown out here just to kick my ass if I didn’t.” Your face fell for a moment but you quickly recovered.
“Right, just Sadie’s best friend,” you muttered, polishing off your drink in one swig. Suddenly you felt silly, of course that’s only how he saw you. You were naive to think the ‘friendship’ you’d built over the past two decades was nothing more than the fact that you were in his life because of his sister, because your families had bonded over the daughters who couldn’t stand to be apart for more than twelve hours. The quarterly phone calls and drinking sessions past midnight over the holidays were nothing more than circumstantial. 
“Sunshine-” he started but you gave him an empty smile.
“Need a refill,” you said before walking towards the bar and Penny saw you coming, saw the look in your eyes and was quick to pour as soon as you’d set the glass down.
“Gave everyone quite a scare today, you alright?” she asked and you nodded. You knew she wasn’t really asking you about your ejection but you were content to pretend she was.
“All good, comes with the territory,” you chuckled and she gave you a knowing look.
“That one’s on me, consider it your unofficial hazard pay,” she joked and you took a moment to lean against the bar as you collected your thoughts. You couldn’t help but feel stupid  to think that even with the rigors of the job and learning curve of being around each other professionally you’d find some sort of groove resembling the one you settled into back home. You wondered what the hell that even was when you were home. He was always the highlight of your holidays, someone who understood you even though he didn’t know it. You looked forward to sneaking into his room when everyone had gone to sleep with a bottle to talk shit about your families and you shook your head as you sat in the embarrassment of thinking he could have looked forward to that too.
“Sunshine, I didn’t mean-” he started as he approached you and you just shook your head.
“It’s fine, I get it.” you said, focusing your attention on Rooster who was still fiddling with the keys while everyone went back to their groups and listened to it as background noise. “Training is almost over and when the mission is done we can go back to our squads and you can forget about the little kid who’s been following you around for twenty years.” 
“I don’t think you’re a little kid, I really didn’t mean anything by-”
“Jake.” you cut him off, turning to look up at him. “Really, it’s fine. With any luck after this we won’t see each other until Christmas so… maybe it’s better if we just focus on our own shit. We have enough to worry about.” You walked across the bar and slid onto the bench with Rooster who gave you a questioning look.
“Everything okay?” he asked and you nodded, taking a swig of your drink. 
“What do you say to a little Great Balls of Fire?” you asked, resting your head on his shoulder for a moment and with just a few of the opening chords he’d pulled everyone right back in just like he always did.
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“It’s been an honor flying with you,” Maverick started as you all stood at attention. “Each one of you represents the best of the best. This is a very specific mission, my choice is a reflection of that and nothing more.” 
“Choose your two foxtrot teams,” Cyclone said and the tension in the room was palpable.
“Payback and Fanboy, Phoenix and Bob.” You smiled softly, that’s exactly who you would have picked.
“And your wingman,” Cyclone added and you felt the anxiety settle in the pit of your stomach. It was between you, Rooster, and Jake… You knew there was a complicated history between Maverick and Rooster, and despite your instability with Jake you didn’t want to be pitted against him.
“Viper.” he called out and the first person you looked at was Rooster who was doing a great job at masking his feelings and he shot you a tight smile. You glanced forward to find Jake looking at you and he gave you a slight nod. You thought getting picked for this mission would feel better than this, but you only felt sick.
“The rest of you will stand by on the carrier for any reserve role that’s required. Dismissed,” Warlock said and your limbs were slow to catch up with your brain as you began to move for the exit to head back to your bunk. You’d been training for weeks yet you felt entirely unprepared. Maverick stepping in as team leader restored a bit of your confidence but even with him leading you knew the odds of actually pulling this off and everyone making it back were slim. Part of you was relieved it was you and not Jake, or Rooster. Rooster still had a legacy to fulfill, and Jake simply wasn’t finished. He had a lot left to learn, and a lot left to accomplish.
“Hey,” Rooster called after you, jogging to catch up and you stopped in front of your door, looking around at the crowded hallway and you subtly nodded for him to follow you. “Congratulations.” he said as you closed the door behind you.
“I’m sorry,” you started but he shook his head.
“You have nothing to be sorry for. You earned this, I know better than anyone how good you are in the air. Mav made the right call… I’m only sorry you aren’t team leader, we all thought you would be.”
“If it makes you feel any better you would have been my wingman if I was,” you offered and he chuckled.
“Not Hangman?”
You sighed, “I trust Jake implicitly on the ground, but… I can’t in the air, and he hasn’t had the best reaction to seeing me in this environment. You on the other hand I know I can trust in the air. You’ve saved my ass several times,” you said with a soft smile.
“Only as often as you’ve saved mine,” he replied. “I think you need to look at Hangman’s attitude towards you through a different lens.”
“What do you mean?” you asked as you slightly tilted your head in confusion.
“It’s not that he sees you as his little sister’s best friend, or the kid he can’t seem to escape… it’s the fact that he doesn’t see you that way, and now he’s forced to face it every day.” 
“If he doesn’t see me that way, then what way does he see me?” you asked, struggling to put the dots together and he just smiled.
“I can’t do all the work for you.” he said, pulling you in for a hug. “I’ve missed having you around, V.”
“I’ve missed having you around too, Roo. Let’s be actual friends when this is all over… which means no more sending me photos of bird shit on your canopy,” you said with a laugh.
“I told you, that’s peak friendship!” he said and you pulled away when your door creaked open.
“Sorry, am I interrupting?” Jake asked as he poked his head in, clearly uncomfortable and you and Rooster both shook your heads.
“No, I was just leaving… I’ll see you before, yeah?” Rooster asked and you nodded, giving his arm a squeeze as he walked past. “Hey, don’t think, just do, right?” he said before leaving and you nodded.
“Don’t think, just do.”
“Sure you two aren’t a thing?” Jake asked as he walked in, glancing behind him to make sure he was gone and you chuckled.
“Scout’s honor,” you replied.
“I just wanted to come congratulate you,” he said and you let out another soft laugh.
“Seems everyone wanted to do that,” you said. “Thank you, I’m sorry you weren’t picked.”
“Don’t be, you were right. You’re the better pilot,” he said and there wasn’t an ounce of dishonesty in his tone. “I need you to have a clear head while you’re up there, but… can we talk when this is all over? I handled this completely wrong and I don’t want to forget about the girl that’s been in my corner for twenty years when we go back to our old squads.” you smiled at the way he rephrased what you’d said earlier.
You nodded, “I’d like that.”
He moved towards the door but turned back to say, “I know Sadie’s your best friend, but just so you know… you’re mine,” before he left and you let out a sharp exhale and flopped onto your bunk as the door shut behind him. You put your hands over your eyes as you let what both Rooster and Jake said sink in and it left you with far more questions than you had when you entered this dorm… so much for having a clear head. You heard the door push open and let out a groan, sitting up to see who was coming to mess with your head now but quickly turned sheepish.
“Jesus, hello to you too,” Phoenix muttered as she walked in and set something on her bunk. “Saw both your boyfriends leave,” she said with a smirk and you rolled your eyes before laying back down.
“They’re not my boyfriends.” you protested and she just laughed.
“Sure they aren’t. How are you feeling?”
“How are you feeling?” you shot back as she sat next to you.
“Terrified, but we’re as ready as we’re going to be.” You sat up and turned to face her fully.
“I’m really glad you’re flying with me, Phe. How badass are we? Not one but two women selected for the uber secret, uber dangerous mission?” you asked and she let out a laugh.
“Super badass, now we just gotta make sure we come home so we can brag about it.”
You stood on the platform with nerves rattling you to your core. You took a deep breath and shook your limbs out as you looked up at your jet.  You reached up to press your hand to its exterior and said, “no funny business today, alright? I wanna come home.”
“Sunshine!” you heard from behind you and turned to see Jake jogging towards you. You stood in silence for a moment before he pulled you in for a bone crushing hug. “You give ‘em hell, okay?” You nodded when he pulled away and you watched him walk to his own jet where he’d be sitting as Dagger Spare. You made eye contact with Maverick who gave you a nod that you returned, a silent exchange that solidified you were in this together.
“Dagger One, up and ready on catapult one.” Maverick said in your ear and you exhaled forcefully, willing any reservations to leave your body with your breath.
“Dagger Spare standing by.”
“Dagger Four, up and ready.”
“Dagger Three, up and ready.”
“Dagger Two, up and ready,” you said as you focused your mind and pushed out anything but the mission. You weren’t going to think about what Rooster had said, or about what Jake wanted to talk to you about when this was all over, and especially not what you were hoping he wanted to talk to you about. Blocking out the noise was what you were good at, and one of the reasons you were selected. Get in, get out, go home. That’s all you had to do.
You launched off the catapult and fell into formation behind Maverick and listened for the command to fall below the radar. The ocean was closer than it had ever been before and somehow it felt so different from your proximity to the ground during training. This was real. This wasn’t a simulation.
“Feet dry in sixty seconds. Comanche, Dagger One. Picture.”
“Comanche, picture clean. Decision is yours.” 
“Copy,” Maverick replied and waited for a beat before saying, “Dagger attack.” Not that it was an option before but there was no turning back now. You watched the tomahawks fly over your head as you assumed attack formation and marked your time as you entered the valley and rounded the snowy ridges. “First SAM site overhead.”
“Looks like we’re clear on radar, Mav.” Phoenix said.
“Let’s not take it for granted.” You knew they were there but you chose to ignore the presence of the SAM’s above you. Worrying about them now wouldn’t do you any good, you had plenty of time for that later. Your only concern was staying below where you could trigger them.
“We got two minutes to target,” Bob said and you checked your radar, increasing your speed.
“Stay with me, Payback.” you grunted as you overtook a curve.
“I got you,” he confirmed.
“We’re picking up two bandits. Single group, two contacts.” Comanche informed and you furrowed your brows slightly.
“Comanche, what’s their heading?” Phoenix asked.
“Bullseye 090, 50, tacked southwest.”
“They’re headed away from us, they don’t know we’re here,” you replied.
“The second those tomahawks hit the airbase those bandits are gonna move to defend the target, we have to get there before they do. Increase speed,” Maverick ordered and you nodded to yourself as you did.
“We got you Mav, don’t wait for me,” Phoenix responded. You lagged as you finally saw one of the SAM’s, a visual you were trying really hard to avoid and your breath caught in your throat as some of the noise started to creep in.
“Stay with me, V, don’t think.” Maverick said to you and you nodded to yourself again.
“Just do,” you finished as you pushed forward on the throttle.
“Jesus, Viper,” Payback shouted in your ear and you chuckled.
“Come on, Payback, you with me?” you asked. “Watch your heads,” you warned as you navigated through a bridge.
“Right behind you!” he confirmed after Fanboy let out some expletives that let you know they were still tailing you.
“Phoenix, stand-by for pop-up strike.”
“Dagger Three in position,” she replied. You heard their grunts through the headset as they fought against the gravity trying to pull them backwards.
“Get me eyes on that target, Bob!”
“Dagger Three, standby, Mav… Standby… I’ve got it!”
“Target acquired, bombs away.” Mav said and you felt your body stiffen as you waited for confirmation.
“We’ve got impact. Check, direct hit! Direct hit!” Bob yelled and you felt a wave of relief that disappeared as quickly as it had washed over you.
“Dagger Two, status.”
“Almost there, Mav, almost there,” you replied as you flew over the ridge.
“Fanboy, where’s my laser?” you asked as you grew closer to the target.
“V, there’s something wrong with this laser… Shit! Dead eye, dead eye, dead eye!” Fanboy shouted and you cursed under your breath.
“Come on, we are running out of time. Get it online!” you yelled back.
“I’m trying!”
“Come on, Fanboy!” you heard Payback say and you were running a risk analysis in your head.
“Nearly there, nearly there!”
“There’s no time, I’m dropping blind.” you said, voice calm and steady as you focused on the target.
“Viper, I’ve got this!” Fanboy tried and you wanted to reassure him but you couldn’t.
“Pull up. Bombs away, bombs away!” you said as you pressed your button before pulling up.
“Bullseye, bullseye, bullseye!” you heard command say but you couldn’t focus on anything as you tried to get oxygen to your brain, the force was compressing your lungs and you could feel the edges of your vision darken as you let out breathless pants.
“We’re not out of this yet,” Maverick grunted. “Here it comes.” you listened as they communicated, trying to evade the SAM’s. “Viper, status.” You wanted to answer but you couldn’t as you flew over the ridge and onto the radar.
“Oh fuck,” you muttered, looking overhead as the missiles launched. “Smoke in the air!”
“SAM on your six, Viper!” Payback warned.
“Deploying countermeasures,” you called as you slammed the button. “Negative contact.”
“Dagger one defending.”
“Talk to me, Bob!”
“Break right, Phoenix, break right! Mav, nine o’clock! Nine o’clock!” It was pure chaos as they exploded overhead.
“Viper, two more on your six!” you heard someone say but you couldn’t tell who.
“Dagger Two, defending,” you said as you hit your flare button.
“Payback, SAM on your nose.”
“Dagger Four defending.”
“Viper, tally, tally, seven o’clock!
“Talk to me, Bob!”
“On our six!”
“Dagger Two defending.”
“Phoenix, break right!”
“I see it, I see it!” Everyone’s voices were overlapping as you tried to look out for yourselves and each other, in all your years in the Navy you’d been in some pretty fucked up situations but this one just felt different. You yelled out to Phoenix and watched as she came close to taking a hit, and you could hear Fanboy’s panicked shouts trying to keep up with what was going on around you. You thought that if you had the time you might throw up, but you didn’t.
“Dagger Two, defending,” you said as you looked over your shoulder to see two on your tail. “Fuck, I’m out of flares!”
“Viper, evade, evade!” Maverick shouted and you whipped your jet around but shook your head.
“I can’t shake ‘em! They’re on me, they’re on me!” You watched Maverick’s jet pass overhead as he deployed his flares but gasped when one hit his tail. Your heart sank as you watched what was left of his jet fall out of the sky and tears pricked at your eyes that you quickly blinked away.
“Maverick!” you yelled, trying to turn in your seat to look for a parachute.
“Dagger One is hit! I repeat, Dagger One is hit! Maverick is down!” Phoenix called out as the wreckage of his plane floated down around you.
“Dagger One status? Status!” you asked with no answer. “Anyone see him? Does anyone see him?”
“I didn’t see a parachute,” Payback replied.
“We have to circle back.”
“Comanche. Bandits inbound. Single group, hot. Recommend dagger flow south. One minute to intercept.” There was a pause before you heard, “All daggers flow to ECP.”
“What about Maverick?” you asked, chest tightening at the thought of leaving him behind. You couldn’t. You wouldn’t.
“Dagger Spare, request permission to launch and fly air cover,” you heard Jake in your ear and you didn’t realize how badly you’d needed to hear the sound of his voice.
“Negative, spare.”
“Dagger, you are not to engage. Repeat, do not engage.” You gripped your controls as you listened to them ask you to acknowledge you heard the order but it all sounded muffled.
“Viper, those bandits are closing,” Phoenix said. “We can’t go back.”
“V, he’s gone. Maverick’s gone,” Bob added and you could hear the sadness in his voice but you weren’t accepting that. You thought of Rooster… of him telling you Maverick had pulled his papers and how despite how angry he was you could see through it to the hurt. He’d lost his father and alienated his only male role model. You thought of him listening in back at the carrier, the regret you knew he would be feeling as he realized Maverick was gone.
“I’m his wingman,” you said firmly. “Daggers flow back to carrier.” you ordered.
“Viper?” “What the fuck are you doing?” Fanboy asked.
“Dagger Two. Return to carrier.” You heard command say but you ignored it.
“Maverick is down which means I’m team leader now, I’m not leaving him behind.”
“Viper, you can’t do anything for him,” Phoenix tried.
“Only if I don’t try. Return to carrier, now.” you ordered again as you flipped around in pursuit of where his jet had fallen. You flicked off your radio and disconnected the overlapping chatter filling your ear. You whizzed back through the canyon and saw Maverick running through the snow covered clearing, trying to evade a helicopter and you used the element of surprise to your advantage… swinging around behind it.
“Dagger Two, deploying missile,” you narrated as you pressed the button but then let out a breathless laugh as you made contact. “Don’t really know who I’m saying that to.” You moved to circle back around and unknowingly triggered a SAM that quickly intercepted you and you cursed as you pulled up on your ejection loops.
You hit the ground with a thud and rolled over onto your back as you let out a groan. “Son of a bitch,” you muttered, “I am so sick of ejecting.” Your muscles ached as you worked on rolling up your parachute and you lifted your head to see Maverick running towards you.
“You alright?” he yelled and you nodded as you stood.
“Yeah, I’m good. You alright?” you asked but were caught off guard when he sent you flying backwards into the snow. “Oh, Jesus,” you muttered as you hit the ground, again. “What the fuck?” you yelled as you got up.
“What are you doing here?” he asked as you threw your helmet to the ground.
“What am I doing here?” 
“You think I took that missile so you could be down here with me? You should be back on the carrier by now!”
“I saved your life!” you shouted.
“I saved your life, that’s the whole point.” he countered and you narrowed your eyes at him as you dusted the snow off your jacket. “What the hell were you even thinking?”
“I’m your wingman!” you shouted, throwing your arms out in exasperation. “That means something to me beyond the mission. I haven’t lost anyone yet and I don’t intend on losing anyone today.” He stared at you for a moment before letting out a sigh.
“Well, it’s good to see you,” he finally said and you put your hands on your hips as you tried to catch your breath.
“Yeah, good to see you too… so, what’s the plan?” you asked and he just gave you that famous Maverick look that said you probably weren’t going to like it.
“You’ve gotta be shitting me,” you said as you looked at an old plane through your binoculars. “An F-14?”
“I shot down three migs in one of those,” he pointed out and you just gave him an incredulous look.
“We don’t even know if that bag of ass can fly,” you countered.
“Let’s find out!” he said before taking off and your eyes widened.
“Mav!” you whisper-yelled after him. “Okay,” you muttered as you followed suit, stumbling into step with him as you walked out into the open, trying your best to act natural. “There’s a lot of people around.”
“There’s more over there.” you said as you looked around as subtly as you could. You knew this mission would be unlike anything you’d ever faced but you really weren’t anticipating being in enemy territory on foot.
“Okay.” he said, looking around. “Let’s start running.”
“Yeah, run.” you agreed, chasing after him into the hangar.
“Once I give you the signal for air, you’re gonna flip this switch until the needle gets to 120. When the engine starts, you gotta pull out the pins and disconnect everything. You understand?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, watching him power it on.
“Once I’m up, stow the ladder,” he yelled as he climbed up and you were quick to fold it away behind him. You gave him a thumbs up as you flipped the switch and watched the dial and when the engine fired on you ran around the jet pulling everything out.
“Ah, shit,” you huffed, struggling slightly as you jumped up onto the wing and climbed into the backseat. “Jesus, this thing is old,” you commented as you looked over everything and tried to make sense of it.
“Canopy?” he asked and you confirmed you were clear.
“Both runways are cratered,” you pointed out. “How are we gonna get this museum piece off the ground?” You looked out the window and furrowed your brows. “Hey Mav, the wings are coming out.”
“Why are the wings coming out?” you asked but he didn’t answer. “Holy shit, are we really using a taxiway as a runway?” You were absolutely terrified but you’d be lying if you said there wasn’t a small part of you that was absolutely exhilarated. 
“Just hang on,” he said and you flew backwards in your seat as he took off. “Come on, come on, come on.”
“Mav?” you asked, looking ahead of him at the structure you were barrelling towards. “Holy shit,” you muttered as you closed your eyes and felt the wheels lift off the ground. You looked down and switched your ESAT on, hoping they’d see you and send reinforcements.
“Alright Viper, get us in touch with the boat.”
“Working on it, everything’s out. What should I do?”
“First the radio. Throw the uh… the UHF2 circuit breaker. Try that.”
“Sure, I’m not looking at like three hundred breakers or anything… got anything more specific?”
“I don’t know, that was not my department,” he answered and you nodded.
“Where’s Bob when you need him?” you muttered as you leaned down to fiddle with what you could find and your eyes widened when you looked beneath you. “Mav, tally two, five o’clock low. What do we do?”
“Okay, listen. Just be cool. If they knew who we were, we’d be dead already.”
“That’s comforting… what’s the plan?”
“Just put your mask on. Remember, we’re on the same team.” you watched as they pulled up beside you. “Just wave and smile.” You forced a smile as you watched the other pilot gesture with his hands but it wasn’t anything you were familiar with.
“What is that, what’s he saying?”
“No idea. I have no idea what he’s saying.”
“What about that one?” you asked as they changed gestures. “Any idea?”
“Nope, never seen that one either.” Maverick played dumb as he tapped his helmet and gave a thumbs down. “Shit, his wingman is moving into weapons envelope. Alright, listen up. When I tell you, you grab those rings above your head. That’s the ejection handle.”
“Can we outrun them?” you asked, not exactly keen on the idea of punching out for a third time in as many weeks.
“Not their missiles and guns.”
“Then it’s a dogfight,” you said, and he sighed.
“An F-14 against fifth-gen fighters?”
“It’s not the plane, it’s the pilot. What would you do if I wasn’t here?”
“But you are here,” he said and you could hear the apprehension in his tone. “I don’t intend on losing anyone today,” he repeated your earlier words.
“So don’t. Come on, Mav. Don’t think, just do.” He was silent for a moment and your hands flew to brace yourself as he jolted to the side and laid into one of the other jets.
“Tell me when you see smoke in the air,” he ordered and you twisted in your seat to watch behind you.
“Smoke in the air! Smoke in the air!”
“Hang on!” He dropped a missile and led the other plane directly into it.
“Splash one! Splash one!” you cheered, still trying to find your bearings as the plane jolted around. “Here comes another one!”
“Viper, flares, now now now!” he called and you pressed the button, watching as they intercepted the missile. “Splitting the throttles, coming around,” he said as you grunted and placed a hand on the ceiling. “Give me tone, give me tone.”
“You got him, Mav!”
“Taking the shot,” he said as he deployed and you watched the other plane do an evasion maneuver you’ve seen before. “What the-”
“Holy shit,” you said, watching him practically float past your canopy. “What the fuck was that?”
“Hang on, we’ve gotta get low. The terrain will confuse his targeting system.”
“Here he comes!” you shouted as he was hot on your tail.
“Talk to me, Viper, where is he?”
“He’s still on us,” you managed to get out as you bounced from side to side of the canopy. “We took a hit, we took a hit!”
“Damn it.”
“Come on Mav, do some of that pilot shit!” 
“Brace yourself.” You quickly rose in altitude and you struggled to get a breath in as you went careening back into the valley. “I’ve got tone, taking the shot.” he said and you watched the other plane take it out with countermeasures. “Out of missiles, switching to guns.”
“You got him, Mav!” you yelled as the distance lessened.
“It’s not over yet,” he replied. “One last chance.” You watched him use his last round of ammunition to rip into the top of the other jet and you let out a cheer when it crashed into the rocky hillside.
“Yes! Splash two!” you said before you went back to fiddling with the controls, trying to recall anything from initial training back in the day and you exhaled in relief when the system in front of you came to life. “Mav, I got the radio on!”
“Outstanding, get us in touch with the boat.”
“Copy that,” you said just as alarms started ringing. “What the fuck? Where even is he?”
“He’s on our nose,” Maverick said and you really wished you didn’t hear the dread in his tone. “We’re out of ammo. Smoke in the air, Viper, flares!” 
“That was way too close,” you said. “We’re out of flares, Mav! Shit, he’s already on us.” you grunted as bullets began hitting your jet. “This is not good!” Maverick did his best to try and evade but it wasn’t any use. “We took another hit!”
“No, no, no. no!”
“We can’t take much more of this!”
“We can’t outrun this guy, we gotta eject.”
“What?” you yelled, panic creeping into your voice.
“We need altitude. Pull the ejection handles the second I tell you to.”
“Mav, wait-” you started but he cut you off.
“Viper, there’s no other way. Eject, eject, eject!” he ordered and you reached above you to pull on the loops but they were stuck. “Viper, pull the handle, eject!”
“It’s not working!” you yelled back, still trying. “Mav!” You were still rising in altitude and you pressed your hands against the canopy as you realized this was it. You weren’t getting out of this. You thought of Jake, how he was going to have to tell Sadie… how it was going to fall on him to tell your parents not only were you in the Navy but that you were dead. You thought about Christmas Eve’s with him in middle school, dancing with him at his senior prom because even though you were a freshman he’d much rather have danced with you, and laughing at his old school photos while he watched you walk around the museum that was his childhood bedroom with a bottle of whiskey in your hand. It’s not that he sees you as his little sister’s best friend, it’s the fact that he doesn’t. 
“Oh my god,” you whispered, realization washing over you. I know Sadie’s your best friend, but just so you know… you’re mine.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” Maverick said and you flinched when you heard an explosion but exhaled in relief when you realized it wasn’t you. You turned to see what was left of the enemy jet floating down to the water as an F-18 emerged through the smoke. Your eyes were wide as you tried to process what was happening… were you actually dead? Is this what the afterlife is?
“Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this is your savior speaking.” Jake started and you let out a breathless laugh as he pulled up beside you. “Please fasten your seatbelts, return your tray tables to their locked and upright positions, and prepare for landing.”
“Jake…” you said, looking over at him in disbelief.
“Hey sunshine,” he replied. “I’ll see you back on deck.” he said before flying ahead of you and you couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled past your lips as the adrenaline worked its way through your system.
“Maverick is downwind. No front landing gear. No tail hook. Pull the cable and raise the barricade,” Maverick communicated as you buzzed the tower and you giggled.
“Cyclone hated that,” you muttered and Maverick chuckled as you circled around and felt a jolt. “For the love of god, please don’t tell me we just lost an engine,” you sighed.
“Alright, I won’t tell you that,” he replied. You grunted as you hit the deck and flew forward in your seat at the impact before coming to a screeching halt. You were both silent for a moment, in disbelief that you actually made it back. “You good?” he finally asked and you nodded.
“Yeah, I’m good,” you answered as the canopy raised and you were met with the cheers of all of the crewmen and your teammates. As your feet hit the ground it actually crossed your mind to drop to your knees and kiss the disgusting tarmac you were so grateful for but you had someone to find. Phoenix threw her arms around you and you reciprocated the hug but you were searching the crowd over her shoulder, muttering half-hearted thanks to the people congratulating you and you pushed everyone away as you started walking.
“Sunshine!” you heard and you turned around and finally saw him. You exhaled sharply as you ran towards him but he held out a hand that stopped you in your tracks. “What the hell were you thinking? I thought you were dead,” he shouted over the commotion and you knew you probably should have been apologizing, or explaining yourself but instead you just smiled as you looked up at him. You could see about a dozen emotions on his face, but the one you were focusing on was the one that had been there all along… you’d just been too slow to realize it. “Why are you smiling? This isn’t funny, you really scared the shit out of me. That was reckless, and it- I… Fuck sunshine, I love you so much, I can’t ever go through thinking you’re dead again. Are you even- shit, are you okay? Let me look-” you knew he wasn’t going to stop on his own so you reached out and grabbed onto his flight suit with a smirk, pulling him into you and pressing your lips to his. He reciprocated immediately and you smiled into the kiss as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. He lifted you off the ground as the cheers magnified around you.
“About damn time,” Rooster muttered from beside you but you didn’t care.
“I love you too, idiot,” you said when you pulled away and he set you back down but kept his arms firmly around your waist. “Chalked yourself another kill, looks like I’m going to have to even the score.”
“Always so competitive,” he said with a shake of his head before kissing you again and you pulled away when you felt a hand on your shoulder to see Maverick. He was looking at you with so much pride and gratitude that was only mirrored on your own face.
“Thank you for saving my life,” he said and you felt tears prick at your eyes.
“Thank you for saving mine, sir,” you replied and held out your hand for him to shake, but when he took it he only pulled you in for a hug. You watched him start to disappear into the crowd and quickly turned to grab Rooster by the collar and you gave him a look that had his eyes widening in fear. “I didn’t do that for Mav, I did that for you. Go,” you said firmly, shoving him in the direction Maverick had gone.
“You know, you could have just told me. You didn’t have to be an ass about it,” you said, looking up at Jake who rolled his eyes playfully.
“Where’s the fun in that?” he asked as you hit his arm. “I didn’t know… not until I thought it was too late,” he said, voice lowering as he stepped closer and placed a hand on your cheek, brushing his thumb against your cheekbone to wipe away a falling tear.
“I thought I’d realized too late,” you whispered as he pressed his lips to your forehead. 
“Now we have all the time in the world… after we get our asses handed to us for deliberately disobeying orders,” he said, pulling away when he noticed Cyclone approaching and you chuckled as you looked over your shoulder.
“Hey, if we get dishonorably discharged at least we’re alive and have each other, right?” 
“That’s all we need.”
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“Cheers to the one year anniversary of Dagger Squad,” Phoenix said as all of your glasses clinked together and you couldn’t wipe the smile from your face as you looked around the room at your team.
“And begrudgingly, cheers to Cyclone who, in his own words, completely disagreed with our tactics and lack of respect for authority, but couldn’t deny the overall effectiveness of our squad,” you added as everyone laughed and you leaned into Jake beside you. “Happy Dagger-versary everyone.”
“Cheers!” everyone shouted as you sank back into your previous conversations and you looked up at Jake as you took a sip of your beer.
“It’s our one year too,” you pointed out and he smirked down at you.
“Don’t you worry, sunshine, I’ve got a whole thing planned,” he said and you smiled as
you rested your head against his chest. “How lucky am I to have had you following me around for the majority of my life?”
You pulled away and playfully hit his arm, “when you say it like that it makes me sound so juvenile!” you protested and he just laughed.
“Hey, those are your words. Besides, you’re the one who followed me into the Navy…”
“And hid from you for eight years!” you said, pretending to be mad but your laughter gave you away.
“It’s okay, you just wanted to follow in the footsteps of the greatest pilot in the world. No one could ever blame you for that.” he teased.
“Are you conveniently forgetting you admitted I was the better pilot?”
“Yeah, but then I saved your life, so…” you narrowed your eyes before leaning up to peck his lips.
“Thanks for that, by the way.” 
“Anytime, sunshine… anytime.”
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taglist: @callsignspirit @thegodessc @failuretothrivestuff @olliepig @cruelmissdior @underaveragefangirl @grxcieluvr @amatswimming @camilaricci @nolita-fairytale @dempy @pinkpantheris @aviatorobsessed @tiredqueen73 @pono-pura-vida @binnieslove @nik2blog @waklman @abaker74 @halstead-severide-fan @percysaidnever @memeorydotcom @eli2447 @dumb-fawkin-bitch @djs8891 @Genius2050 @stargazer-88 @chloeforde @kmc1989 @casa-boiardi (if your name is struck through it means I couldn't tag you - sorry!)
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captainsophiestark · 6 months
Bird Strike
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for my Year of Olympians and part of a bigger challenge being run by @yearofcreation2023​ which I’m finally catching back up on! It features a ton of other awesome creators and runs all year, so go check it out!
Fandom: Top Gun
Prompt: Apollo; light, the sun, truth, inspiration, medicine, healing
Summary: A bird strikes brings Hangman down and leads to confessions from him and Rooster's sister.
Word Count: 1,825
Category: Angst, Fluff
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"Alright, you're all good Bob. Just take it easy on your wrist for a little while, and you should heal up just fine."
"Thanks," said Bob, giving me a smile as he hopped off my exam table. Life was never boring as Top Gun's chief medical officer, but thankfully today I hadn't had to deal with any serious injuries. Just a slightly sprained wrist from a little too much dog fight football.
"Sure thing." I headed for the door with Bob, since I didn't have anyone else waiting for medical attention. Jake Seresin, the most arrogant pilot at Top Gun (except maybe Mav), was currently up flying, and since I didn't have any pressing work to attend to I wanted to listen in on how he was doing.
"Hey!" Bradley, my older brother, waved as soon as he saw me and Bob enter the room. A few aviators were gathered around, listening to the comms between pilots still in the air. "You missed my run."
"Oh no, I'm so sad. How will I ever recover?"
Bradley just rolled his eyes at me as I sidled up next to him beside the radio. I could hear Jake's voice, strategizing with his wingman and tracking the instructor's positions. I tuned in, imagining I could see his plane as it flew across the sky.
"So you're in here listening carefully to the radio for Seresin but not your brother?"
"Shut up," I said, shoving him back much harder than necessary. I wasn't sure if he knew that he'd found some truth in terms of my feelings for Jake, but I never wanted him to know. "I heal injuries for a living, and I'm just as skilled at causing injuries."
"Don't you have some kind of oath to do no harm?"
"You're my exception."
I gave him a fake sweet smile as he narrowed his eyes at me. He opened his mouth, probably to make a bad attempt at a comeback, but he stopped short at the sounds of distress coming from the radio.
"Hangman, watch out!"
"Bird strike, bird strike!"
My heart stopped in my chest. The room went dead silent, everyone freezing and all conversation coming to a stop as we listened to the radio.
"Hangman to Tower, Hangman to Tower. I need to come in for an immediate emergency landing."
"Copy. Just stay calm, we've got the runway open for you."
"Alright. I'm coming around."
The silence stretched on, hanging over the room like a heavy blanket. I twisted my fingers, fidgeting, trying to dispel the nervous energy. He was going to be fine. He had to be.
I saw Bradley glancing at me out of the corner of my eye, but I ignored him. I kept my eyes and attention glued on the radio. I wasn't sure if I wanted the silence to end or not, but I didn't get a choice as the radio crackled to life again.
"Tower, it's no good, I'm losing speed and altitude too fast. I'm gonna have to eject."
I felt like I'd been hit by a train. Wordlessly, I reached out one hand, and Bradley quickly took it. He stood tall and strong beside me, his face clouded while my world spiraled out of control. This could not be happening.
"He's gonna be fine," Bradley muttered. I barely heard him. It sounded like we were underwater, and the room had started to spin.
Bradley and I had lost our dad this way, when the canopy to his fighter jet didn't detach the way it was supposed to. We'd both been pretty young, but I swear I remembered every awful moment of our mother coming to break the news, of Mav explaining just what had happened and how sorry he was with tears in his eyes. When Bradley had decided to follow our dad's path into becoming a pilot, my number one nightmare had been losing him the same way. Now I might be forced to live that reality with Jake instead.
The silence stretched on as Bradley and I stood, shoulder to shoulder, waiting with everyone else in the room. A moment later, I heard Mav's voice over the radio.
"Canopy looked good and I saw a chute."
Mav continued to call out his position for Jake's recovery team, but I barely heard it as relief crashed like a wave through my ears. I wouldn't be completely relieved until he walked through the door, but at least it sounded like he was going to be just fine.
"It's okay," Bradley muttered, pulling me into a quick hug and mumbling into my hair. "It's okay."
I nodded, still feeling a little shaky as I gave him a quick hug before pulling back.
"I need to get to my exam room. Even if he's perfectly healthy, he's gonna need a checkup to make sure nothing's wrong."
"Do you want me to come with you?"
I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to force myself to calm down a little. I shook my head.
"That's alright. I'm okay."
Bradley didn't look totally convinced, but I managed to shake him anyway with a promise to call him if I needed him. I focused on taking deep breaths and trying to calm myself down for the walk back to my exam room. It sort of worked, although I literally paced the room waiting for Jake to be brought in. When I finally heard shuffling outside the door, I quickly crossed the room and flung it open.
"I told you, I'm fine!"
Jake stood in the hallway on his own two feet, wrestling with one of the men who'd brought him in. The guy didn't budge despite Jake's protest, but I decided to step in before things could escalate.
"Jake, get in the exam room."
His head snapped up to face me, but despite his momentary surprise, he didn't back down.
"I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told them, I'm fine. I don't need an exam-"
"You ejected from your plane. You might be walking, but that's no grantee you don't have an injury just waiting to show itself once the adrenaline fades. So come on. The less you fight it, the sooner you can leave and go do whatever it is you want to do so badly."
He fixed me with a look, but I just crossed my arms and stared right back. Finally, once he realized I wasn't going to back down, he sighed.
"Fine. But if I miss somebody shooting Maverick down, I'm gonna be pissed."
I resisted the urge to reply as Jake walked past me, and I followed him into the exam room. My brain still didn't completely believe he was sitting here, in front of me, apparently completely healthy. The adrenaline dump made my hands shake a little as I checked Jake's heartrate and went through a few more basic checks.
"Are you sure you don't feel any pain?" I asked while I worked. I'd already asked him twice before, but I wanted to keep checking in case his answer changed, especially as any potential shock wore off.
"For the third time, yes. Quit hovering already."
I stepped back, hands on my hips as I fixed Jake with a look. He seemed to be perfectly happy and relaxed in the wake of his dangerous adventure, but I was still wrestling with the thought that my worst nightmare almost came true, so I wasn't in the mood to be gentle.
"Jake, it is my job to check you out and make sure you're not injured with something that's going to come back to bite you the second you're out the door. So sit still, stop complaining, and let me do my job!"
"...Since when do you care so much?"
"Excuse me?"
"Not about your job, but... about me. You seem like you care a lot. I thought you hated me for all the shit I give your brother."
I sighed. "No. I mean, sure, sometimes it's annoying and sometimes it's a little over the line, but... no. I don't hate you, Jake."
He didn't really respond, which left me to finish my exam without resistance. Thankfully, he was perfectly healthy, not a scratch on him. Still, that didn't stop my hands from shaking as I lowered my stethoscope. I started to pull away, but Jake caught my hand and stopped me.
"Hey, you're shaking." I closed my eyes and let out a long breath. I'd done so well hiding it until now. "What's wrong?"
I opened my eyes to find Jake staring at me, his bright blue eyes full of unusual concern. I sighed.
"You know mine and Bradley's history, Jake. I lost my dad to the same thing that landed you here today. I've spent every single day since Bradley joined the navy terrified that I would lose him the same way, and then when I heard you on the radio, dropping out of the sky and being forced to eject..." I took a deep breath, steeling myself, and then looking back at Jake. "I've had feelings for you for a little while now, Seresin, but when I heard that call? I just about had a heart attack at the thought of losing you."
Jake huffed a little, disbelieving laugh, then tugged me closer to him. My heart stuttered in my chest as Jake grinned.
"I've had feelings for you for a while now, too," he said. A smile pulled its way onto my face, but a moment later, Jake's expression sobered. "Although I have to warn you, sweetheart, if we do something about those feelings... you're not gonna be any less relaxed going about your day since I'm going to be up in the air all the time."
I sighed and closed my eyes, leaning in to rest my head against Jake's forehead. He still held my hand tight, giving it a little reassuring squeeze.
"I know," I finally said. "But... I'm willing to take that risk. It's worth it to me. And it's not like I wouldn't be worried about you anyway."
Jake pulled away, the grin firmly back in place as he looked at me. "I'm glad I'm worth it to you."
Without another word, he leaned back in, this time for a kiss that I'd thought about more than once (and apparently so had he). We stayed that way for a long time, savoring the moment and each other as my hands wandered over Jake's shoulders, reassuring myself that this was real. He was okay, and now we were both better than okay.
When we finally pulled apart, Jake still had that ridiculous cocky grin on his face as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me tighter to his chest.
"Your brother is gonna hate this," he said gleefully. I just laughed and lightly smacked his chest. He was right, my brother was going to hate this, but Bradley would just have to deal with it. Now that I had Jake, I didn't plan to let him go any time soon.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
Top Gun Taglist: @elenavampire21
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stargazing15 · 2 years
Hangman x Fem!Reader
Summary: You really don’t like Hangman’s girlfriend, why did it have to be your high school bully. You were not the shy girl anymore from your high school days, so you had to do something about that girlfriend.
Your callsign: Cider
Warnings: Hangman is an idiot (in the beginning, he’ll come to his senses), cursing, mentions of bullying, smut 18+
A/N: Inspired by the songs Girlfriend from Avril Lavigne and Misery Business by Paramore; you’re a wso, graduated together with Bob, who’s like your twin. (For the story: you grew up in a town that about a 2 hour drive from base). This is my first time writing smut, so bare with me. Oh and sorry, things got way out of hand. Enjoy!
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High school reunions, who invented them? Until two days ago you were convinced you were not going, until Bob, your best friend since the academy, convinced you otherwise to show your bullies they were wrong. You had changed dramatically after high school, you were not that shy wallflower anymore that was an easy target to pick on. You had grown some serious balls in the Navy, you were not obnoxious loud as Hangman, but you could stand your ground when it was necessary. In the dagger-squad, you and bob became a mischievous duo, pulling off pranks with the rest. This is how the two of you became known as the twins. People had asked if you two had tried dating, which you did, but kissing each other had felt like kissing your sibling so you both reacted with a “tried that, failed terribly” at the same time. The squad had become a big family where you felt welcomed, but was the only one who knew about your time in high school.
Now, here you were, back at the gate of your high school, with sweaty hands, letting the awful memories sink in. Your thoughts went back to reality when you felt your phone buzz in your purse.
“Okay, here we go” you thought as you entered the school. Everything still looked the same, just a bit modernised.
Bob🤓: OWN them!
Bob🤓: I can hear your thoughts all the way over here, snap out of it dude
You: Yeah yeah, if they're mean, I'll accidentally send a missile towards them during our next exercise.
Bob🤓: That's what I'm talking about! Have fun!
You’d hoped to see Trudy, she was the secretary during your time at high school and helped you through your worst days as she once heard some of your classmates going down at you. The bullying was never physical, they belittled you, called names, embarrass you in front of everyone, it was just awful. As you let your eyes wander around you noted a lady behind a table welcoming everyone, but she’s too young to be Trudy, as she might have reached retirement age.
“Hi, can I have your name, so we know who’s here” the lady smiled, you didn’t recognise her.
“Oh, that’s Y/L/N Y/N.”
“I’m Daphne, I’m the new secretary since 4 years. Partner?”
“That explains why you don’t seem familiar, nice to meet you and no, just me.”
“Have a nice evening, and maybe, you’ll find someone nice here.” She winked at you.
“We’ll see.” You smiled at her. But I doubt that you thought. As you let your eyes scan the people around the room, you already found out where to go and which people to avoid. After joining a nice group, you started to feel at ease as they started to tell their stories. When it was your turn, you had everyone’s attention immediately as your career was the most exiting one. 
“The Navy did you good, you’ve changed for the better.”
“Thanks” you smiled as you kept on chattering about your job, the pilots (the girls in the group were very interested in this topic) and fighter jets (the guys were hanging on your lips when you were describing how it felt flying with one).
“Do you have one those names?”
“Ha, yes, it’s Cider”
“Nice, how did you get that?”
“You don’t wanna now” you smirked. Nope, no one needed to hear your drunken of hungover stories.
“Oh my God, the bitches have arrived.” Nate, one of the ‘nerds’ back in the day, noticed.
“They’re as pink and annoying as I remember” you scoffed. Please let them not come here, I want a nice evening. But they were making their way over to your group. Oh fuck
“Who do we have here, the nerds and the uglies. I can’t believe some of you found partners. Poor you.” Ashley, one of them, started.
“Ashley, Melissa, Lucy, hello.” You hoped by taking the word they would leave the rest of the group alone.
“And you are?” Melissa, your worst bully replied.
“What you can’t read, I thought you graduated high school. Did you really forget who you bullied?”
“You won’t talk like that anymore when you see my boyfriend, you’ll be scared of him.”
“Oooh I’m shitting in my pants already, maybe you should be the one who’s scared.” You couldn’t help yourself to keep Bob in the loop.
“How dare you even talk back to me, you, you” You just smirked back at her, she really was not used to somebody talking back, you loved this new feeling and the fact they were staring in disbelief of the reformed you. Your moment of joy got interrupted when Melissa started jumping up and down like the nutjob she was “My hero, I’m here! This, this bitch here was insulting me, can you do something about it?” As you turned around to see which unlucky guy her boyfriend was, you almost let your drink fall on the ground.
You: the bitches have arrived
You: & I should be scared of her boyfriend 😱
Bob🤓: Ha bitch doesn't know you anymore
You: Let's kick her ass
“Hangman” You looked at him with a puzzled look and you couldn’t help to notice a blush creeping up his cheeks as he noticed you, not in your uniform. You had one massive secret that even Bob didn’t know (or at least you hoped he hadn’t noticed it), you were deeply in love with Hangman. The endless teasing of him - he was teasing everyone so you thought - with the pranks you and Bob did and sometimes scaring the shit out of him, made you enjoying his company a little too much an hoping he would ever notice you. But all your hopes got crushed a couple of weeks ago when he announced he had a girlfriend. When you congratulated him you hoped he wouldn’t notice your disappointment. You quickly grabbed your phone and kept Bob up to date.
“Cider, hi, I didn’t expect to see you here, you look good.” Hangman blushed. Oh it’s the first he’s seeing me wearing a dress, maybe I could use this. Bob was the best confidence booster there was. Apparently he knew about your crush, but you didn’t care at this moment about that as you and Hangman were still staring at each other, forgetting for a moment that there were other people around you. What you didn’t know was that Hangman had always loved you too. When he met you, you were still shy, but he, just as the rest, thought you and Bob were an item so didn’t dare to do anything. After you and Bob made clear that the two of you could never be an item, he couldn’t help himself and started teasing you even more, just so he could get your attention as he secretly liked to be the prank target of you and Bob. He just didn’t dare to confess his love to you, in fear of rejection, yes the mighty Hangman could be afraid. But Hangman was still a man and had his needs, so when he met Melissa in a bar, he hoped just for one night, but the girl had already announced the next morning she was his girlfriend. The only way to keep up with the relationship was imagining she was you.
You: it’s Bagman
Bob🤓: WTF! you're fucked dude
You: I wish I was
Bob🤓: Ha busted
Bob🤓: go for him, you're better
“So, Melissa, that’s your girlfriend. Jeez Hangman.” You looked at him with raised eyebrows.
“You two know each other? And his name is Jake you dumbass. ” Melissa broke you and Hangman out your moment.
“Navy” you commented.
“How’s that possible, you mop floors or what? At least you’re good for something then.” She tried to be the smartest, but instead got warning looks from Hangman.
“Nah, I’m a WSO, I aim the missiles, so watch your back.” You smirked at her, even Hangman couldn’t to laugh at your comment, he wan’t going to admit it yet, but he loved you like this. After your last comment Melissa ran crying with her clique to the toilets, probably hoping Jake would follow, but she was dead wrong about that.
“I’m so sorry about her Cider, I didn’t know she was that mean.”
“You do realise that she was my high school bully?” You asked while crossing your arms sternly.
“Oh shit, and I poured some salt in that wound by becoming her boyfriend, I’m sorry, I honestly didn’t know. But I’ve gotta say, you certainly became mouthy, I like that.”
With your newly gained confidence and the last comment Hangman made you couldn’t help yourself anymore.
“What do you actually see in her, I mean why her?” Hangman started to look at his feet becoming all shy in front of you. You finally had him where you wanted.
“Why her and not…” you paused for a second, fighting with everything you had in you to not let your brain chicken you out of it. “Me?” Hangman looked at you, something in him started to shift, like he realised what kind of big mistake he has made.
“I don’t like your girlfriend.” You added, hoping he would finally say something. Like some sort of gift from heaven, Melissa came back, mascara spread out, finally the tables were turned around.
“Jake, we need to talk, you cannot talk anymore to that bully, do you know what she has put me through?” She stood in front of Hangman arms crossed and standing on her toes hoping to get a kiss from him. At this moment the odds started to like you, a lot. Hangman’s attitude changed, he just put his finger on her pouty mouth.
“Melissa, sweetheart, there is something you don’t know. I don’t date bullies of your type.”
“What? How could you even say something like that, I’m the victim here!” She interrupted him.
“Jeez, you’re annoying.” You interrupted their breakup session.
“Y/N is right about that. Oh and now that there are witnesses here, it’s over.” Those words have meant everything to you. “And don’t disrespect her ever again.” You could honestly kiss the man right here right now, let’s just say the past was now forgotten and buried as Melissa ran off crying. She finally got what she had coming.
“Cider, do you mind going outside for a minute?” Hangman asked nicely while already taking your hand in his. You nodded. Once outside and the cool evening breeze wrapped around you, you quickly slid on your jacket you had hanging on your purse.
“Cider, you look really good, I mean I’ve never seen you in anything else than your uniform. I like it.” Hangman confessed.
“Thanks Jake” you blushed. “Please call me Y/N, I like it when you use my name.”
“Same here, did you mean what you said earlier?”
“Yeah, I wished it was me. God, I feel like a teenager.” You said quietly almost whispering. Jake didn’t say something, as his brain was processing he had always hoped you’d say. Yup, the one and only Hangman was starstruck. You took a step closer to him so your chests almost touched as you kept looking in his eyes. Fuck, even on my toes, I’m too small to kiss him. There was only one solution to this little obstacle, so you just grabbed him by his face as you guided it to yours so your lips could collide. You felt Jake coming back to earth from his thoughts as he started to respond to your kiss by asking permission with his tongue to enter your mouth. As things started to get heated, you both felt your phone buzz. Apparently your purse got stuck between your bodies. “Fuck, must be Bob.” You panted after interrupting the kiss.
Bob🤓: did you kiss already?
You showed Jake the text, laughing at Bob’s timing.
“You guys really are twins.”
“Yeah, he’s the evil one, I swear, don’t be fooled by his looks. Let’s keep him in the dark for now.” You smiled while switching your phone to ‘do not disturb’.
“Can I tell you a secret?” Hangman asked, still with a dazed looked, sounding a bit drunken - yeah drunken on love.
“Uh yeah, of course.” He’s got you really curious now.
“The only way I was able to keep up the relationship with you know, was to imagine she was you, but she was such an awful kisser and the rest, well, that too.”
“Oh, basically, you need someone to forget the bad memories, huh?” You teased him.
“What, no, that’s not - oh you little tease come here.” He said when you started to run away from him, but he immediately caught you and started tickling you until you surrendered.
“I’m gonna ask you officially. Y/N do you want to be my girlfriend?”
“You just broke up with your ex, you’re a fast man mister Hangman.” You teased him, he used to tease you a lot, so you were even now. “Yes, I want to be you girlfriend Jake.” You said while wrapping your arms around his neck. He took the signal and lifted you up so you could wrap your legs around his waist. Like this it was way easier for you to kiss him, so you did.
“You’re becoming bold.” Jake said while kissing you. “Love it though.” As the kissing started to get heated Jake made his way to the nearest wall. He pushed your back against the wall, resulting in a small groan escaping from your lips. Jake started exploring you body with one hand as the other one kept you in place. When he started kissing down your neck, you got back to the realisation you were still in you former high school. “Ja.. Jake, uh, fuck, we, we can’t here” you were able to murmur out while enjoying Jake’s kisses a little too much.
“You don’t want to get fucked in your high school? Why are you so addicting?” He stopped kissing you looking at you with eyes filled with lust.
“If we would’ve been together for a while, I wouldn’t mind. I just, still hate this place.” You said while burying your face his neck so you could take in his scent. “I booked an airbnb nearby, I didn’t want to drive for 2 hours at this hour.
"Smart girl, let’s get out of here.” Jake already had your hand in his as he started dragging you out of the school.
“Wait up horndog, I took a cab here, my car is still at the airbnb, your car here?”
“Yup, came apart, in case it got boring, or exciting, as you can describe it now.” You both smirked at his last comment, this man was going to be the death of you. As you reached his car, he pushed you against it and started kissing you again, it started with hungry kisses on your neck lowering to your chest where they started becoming more aggressive and probably be hickeys in the morning. He let his hands first roam around and squish your butt as he finally started assaulting your mouth with hungry kisses again. You couldn’t help yourself anymore as you pulled his leg between yours in need to feel some friction. “Fuck, Jake” you moaned.
“That sound … stop me now, or we never gonna make back to your airbnb, Jesus you’re so much better than I’ve imagined.” Knowing he was right, you broke off you moment of pleasure to grab his keys out of his pocket, he always kept his keys at the same place, you’ve been, let’s say observant. After typing in the address, Jake kept his hand on your upper thigh during the drive. 
“I would have never guessed you were this hot, when I met the shy you.”
“You know what they say about the quiet ones.” You commented with a big grin, resulting in Jake sliding his hand under your dress dangerously close to your throbbing area. You could only moan under his touch.
“Fuck Cider, you’re lucky we’re almost there. If I knew you could sound this heavenly I would’ve taken you a very long time ago and I wouldn’t have made the Melissa-mistake.”
“I swear to God, if you mention her one more time, you’re gonna have blue balls tonight.”
“Duly noted. We’re here.” You rapidly made your way out of his car so you could open the door, before you even got the chance to turn on the light, Jake was already in front of you lifting you up so you could wrap your legs around him and picking up where you left off.
“Second left. Hurry.” you mumbled in between kisses.
“Are we getting impatient?” Hangman couldn’t get enough of you being all hot and bothered for him. He softly laid you on the bed removing your and his shoes. When he joined you on the bed, you quickly straddled his lap taking the lead getting a surprised “Whoa babe” from Hangman but he certainly didn’t mind it. After removing his shirt you need a second to admire his torso up close at what you couldn’t help but licking your lips. “I don’t wanna boost your ego, but you’re hot as fuck like this under me.” You felt Hangman’s erection get even harder, if that was even possible, underneath you. You started kissing him again, you felt him groping your ass and eventually getting his hands under your dress.
“This, off.” As he tugged on your dress. You quickly got out of it and tossed it somewhere on the ground, you felt Jake wiggle himself from underneath you so he could take off his trousers leaving him too in just his underwear. Now Jake back in control removed your bra and panties a little too easily and laid you on your back so he could admire his girl.
“All mine now.” Even though you were quite confident a moment earlier, you started feeling a bit uneasy being fully exposed to him. Realising you were feeling shy he started peppering sweet kisses all over your body to keep your mind off overthinking. As his kisses were arriving at your thigh, he started sucking on the spots where he left first planted kisses, marking you up, leaving you moaning his name. When he spread your legs, your shyness was not completely gone yet, so you had to come up with something to boost yourself.
“Why I’m a the only one naked?” 
“Does my girl wanna see the merchandise?” You nodded eagerly. When he slid his boxers off, your mouth fell open at the sight of his thick shaft slapping to his stomach. Fuck he’s big. Before you could say or do anything else Jake was back between your legs.
“Wait, Jake, can you, uhm, take it easy, it’s been a while, I’m dry like a desert. And fuck, you’re gonna rip me apart with that thing.”
“Dry like a desert, yeah right, I can see that. You’re so wet baby.” Jake smirked while teasing your clit. “Jake” you moaned. “Only for you.” you could gasp as he slid one finger between your folds. He pumped his finger in and out of you and he started kissing and sucking on your nipples. “Ja.. Jake” you moaned, sounding more desperate than intended. “More, please.” “Yes, darling, anything for you.” and he added one more finger and hitting that wonderful spot. You couldn’t even scream anymore as you felt yourself getting closer to your orgasm.
“Close?” He asked sweetly but eyes completely filled with lust, you nodded as you were trying to moan a yes. His next action caught you off guard. He stopped abusing your nipples and started sucking your clit to send you completely over the edge while you grabbed his hair. Jake felt your walls clench around his fingers as you orgasmed. “I almost came just from your moans, you’ve got any idea how fucking sexy you are?” You smiled at his confession “That would be so hot.” You admitted coming down from your high.
“Do you have condoms? I didn’t bring any, I needed an excuse with you know” Hangman said while scratching the back of his neck.
Maybe in my bag, one sec.” As you rummaged in your bag you found an envelop with ‘just in case’ written on it and a small note with drawn glasses on it “fucking Bob” you told Jake as you threw the envelop to him. Joining Jake back on the bed, you took the condom out of his hands and ripped the package open with your teeth. After lazily stoking him a few times, you rolled the condom on his shaft and you could just wish he was in you already.
“Lay down for me baby.” You did as you were told. Jake let his hands roam around your body, admiring once again what was finally his now. Letting your hands stop at your tits, he cupped them and played with them. “They’re so pretty, they fit way too perfect in my hands.”
“Don’t tease, please. Fuck me.” “Getting eager there baby?” You nodded, he didn’t need to be told twice to start fucking you into oblivion. He entered your pussy carefully while massaging your thighs, “So perfect, so warm, you okay?” “One sec, adjusting” You panted out, Jake started kissing you passionately to give you time to adjust, the man definitely knew how to take care of a woman. When you felt ready a couple of seconds later, you nodded in the heated kiss, hoping he would get the message. He did get it as you felt him thrusting in you, at first he was careful, but after you started moaning he couldn’t hold himself back anymore. “Fuck, you take me in so well, you’re so, so perfect.” Jake said while pounding in you like an animal and you didn’t mind it at all. As loud moans and skin slapping were filling the bedroom, you were both getting close. So Jake focused on letting you come first by giving your clit some extra stimulation while pounding into you. As your orgasm hits you, you screamed his name out of the top of your lungs, what send him over the edge too, you felt his dick twitch in you as he filled the condom. Jake immediately collapsed on top you murmuring “I think I might love you, best sex I’ve ever had.”
“Oh, you’re just here for the sex.” You played along.
“Duh, what did you expect” Jake laughed at your comment, “that door the bathroom?” you nodded “one sec, be right back for you.” 
You got up on your elbows to see what he was doing, but you knew it as soon as you heard water in the sink.
“Come here, let’s clean you up.” Yeah, you were never letting go of him.
After cleaning you up, you were both still naked laying on the bed opposite to each other, staring in each other eyes still enjoying what just happened, when it got interrupted by the buzzing of Jake’s phone.
“Melissa, let her. I’ve got someone way better here.” Hangman said as he moved over, now back on top of you. “Ready for another round baby girl?”
The next morning when you woke up, you hoped everything that happened last night was not a dream and as soon as you tried to move under the sheets, you knew it was very real. Maybe the two of you should’ve stopped after round 3, but you were both too addicted to one other.
“Morning sunshine.” Hangman said with a rasp voice and he looked ridiculously cute with his hair sticking to 100 different directions.
“Morning” You said while kissing your nose. “I’m so sore Hangman, but last night was so good, thank you.”
“Come here baby” You snuggled in his embrace. “I love you Cider, I mean it.”
“I love you too.” You replied happily.
“I’m never dating a civilian again, I love your stamina, the things the Navy is good for.” He smiled.
“So you think you’ll ever get the chance to date someone else?” You slapped his arm that was wrapped around you playfully.
“Nah, you’ll be able satisfy me for the rest of my life.” 
“Jake, last night…” “Was amazing, I know.” He interrupted you.
“That’s true” you laughed, “I think during round three, did you, pick up the phone while you were fucking me?”
“That might have happened.” He blushed as he thought back what he did and he very much liked the memory. “She wouldn’t stop calling, so why not let her hear what I was doing and I have a very good explanation for it.
“So that’s why you were screaming my name extra loud. And what’s your explanation?”
“I was Cider-drunk.”
“JAKE! What? You big idiot.” you almost fell off the bed from laughing.
“Your idiot and as I recall, you didn’t mind it. Wait, what did you scream most of the night? Jake, yes right there, oh fuck.” He tried mimicking you, but with an extremely slutty tone to it.
“Mister Jake Seresin, you dirty fucker” you grinned “but indeed, I did not mind at all, that was actually the best revenge ever.” You said before kissing him. 
When you took your phone to turn off the do not disturb-mode you notice the notifications from Bob, he tried calling you 3 times and a dozens of texts asking if you were still alive and if he needed to murder anyone.
You: Still alive, phone died :) No time now, gonna head out the bnb.
Bob didn’t need to know the details from last night yet. “Come, shower time, we have to leave this place in two hours and with the mess we made, we need the time.”
“Y/N, we should prank Bob when we get back.”
“Yup, and I think I already have idea how.”
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thewulf · 11 months
I Think I Love You || Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Summary: Bradley's longterm best friend (they know each other as long as they can think) moves to fighter town, now that her best friend Brad is permanently stationed there and she finished University... Read Rest Here
A/N: It was so fun to write Bradley! Will def write him more in the future. As always THANK YOU for the super fun requests. You the readers are everything to me. Thanks for making this hobby so enjoyable :)
Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Y/N
Word Count: 5,800+
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“Come on, answer the phone!” You couldn’t sit in place for more than a second after hearing the news. Each ring feeling like it was taking longer than the previous. Your eyes darted from the window to your phone as soon as you heard him pick up on the other side.
“Bradley!” Yelling immediately into the phone you didn’t dare give him a second to think, “Guess what!”
“Jesus Y/N. That was my ear drum you just ruptured.” He tried to sound irritated on the phone with you but was actually laughing softly instead, it was so like you. Chaotic in the best way.
“Aww, is Bradley having a bad day?” You cooed knowing just how badly it would irritate him. If there was one thing Bradley hated it was being babied.
“I shouldn’t have picked up the phone.” He groaned.
Smiling you sat down on your bed leaning against the bedframe, “Oh, but I’m so glad you did! Did you guess yet?”
He hummed trying to think of something, “You won a million dollars playing the lottery?”
“Sheesh, I wish!” The smile grew even further as you remembered just how much you loved talking to him. It’d been far too long since you’d lived close to Bradley. He moved off to college when he turned 18, you were 16. Ever since you could remember it was you and Bradley. He was always there. Your mom, Molly, was best friends with Carole. After Nick passed away your father ended up leaving your mom. Molly and Carol become even faster friends almost moving in together but deciding on raising you and Bradley in houses right down the street from one another.
The friendship was never forced only coming easy to the both of you. He was a few years older than you but always included you. He always went out of his way to make you feel included, wanted. It was and still is an extraordinary friendship between two terribly different people. Bradley was cool, calm, and always collected. He always knew what to say or what to do in almost any situation. You on the other hand were quite the opposite. Chaotic, unafraid and scatter brained. You always had to wonder why he put up with you.
You’d, of course, crushed hard on him as you were growing up. It hurt when he asked the prettiest blonde girl, Alexandra, to Homecoming and not you. Not that a senior would ever ask a lowly little sophomore such as yourself, but you dreamed. You just knew he’d never feel the same. You were sure he always looked at you like a little sister, never standing a chance.
Carole passed away when Bradley was only 15, absolutely destroying him in the process. But you were there. You stood, sat, and laid by him at his worst times never dropping a hand. You were just 13. He had no one. It shattered your heart as he broke down completely. He moved in with your mom and you not long after. His grandparents too far away. Carole had asked your mom to take care of him before she passed away, which she agreed to instantly.
Things were great for the next few years. Then he turned 18 and moved away. Off to college without you. Even though he’d been rejected by the Navy he knew he had to be close. He was going to try every year. He was determined to be a pilot like his dad.
Your mom remarried not long after Carole had passed away. She needed someone and Carole was that someone for so long. It was fine until it wasn’t. Your mom passed a few years after that. Right after your nineteenth birthday. You were going to college locally and saving some money by staying at home. It got bad after she passed. You were truly alone, not even a sliver of comfort to be provided by your stepfather. In fact, it was the opposite. It was mental at first. Insults and manipulation. Then it got physical. A slap here, a broken beer bottle to the face there requiring stitches and finally the broken bones landing you in the ER a little too often. Bradley hadn’t a clue what was going on. How would he? He was a hot shot pilot. You were just studying to be doctor.
You were finally able to move out when you had been accepted to medical school out of state. You’d figure it out. You always did. You’d survived three years in that hellhole. You could keep going. Completely and utterly alone.
But you did it. Not without Bradley’s help. He was the one constant in your life. The one person you knew you could call on a whim. If you needed help Bradley would be your sounding board. If you needed a voice of reason he’d be right, there. He had always loved you. He just wish you could see it.
“Alright, I give up, what is it?”
You gasped, “You hardly guessed!”
“Y/N!” He was used to your antics by now. It always ended in him laughing like he presently. You just knew his eyes were squinted together and that damn mustache you tried to get him to shave was turned right side up. As much as you made fun of him for it, it just worked for him. It made him Bradley.
“Fine. Okay. I matched!” You squealed, “With my first choice!”
“Which is?” He was on the edge of his toes. You’d refused to tell him, wanting to surprise him. Initially you wanted to surprise him by just showing up, but the excitement got to you, and you needed to tell him. “Oh, and congrats. I knew you would.” He sat down with the big smile on his face like you guessed. As annoyed as he tried to act, he loved talking to you. You were his first friend. His first best friend. His person he told everything to. He loved you. He didn’t know if he was in love with you though. He was at one time then life got in the way. But he was settling now, and you knew it.
He'd had girlfriends in the past but nothing serious. You had one boyfriend for a while, but nothing turned out from it. You’d always claimed medical school got in the way. Your friends didn’t seem to have a problem maintaining relationships through it though. Your stepfather liked to throw that out in between punches. If he wasn’t beating you physically, he’d sure go for it emotionally. That was the last time you saw him. You went back for your clothing, and he tried to stop you.
“Thanks Bradley. It might just be at the University of San Diego Medical Center. And it might just be for a surgical residency.”
His heart felt like it stopped beating that instant. You were coming here? He’d just taken a job as a Top Gun instructor last year. He was absolutely thrilled. His Y/N? Coming to live here, “You’re not fucking with me, right?” He breathed out, anxious.
“Never!” You were matching his grin from a thousand miles away, “I loved it when I visited last year and you’re out there so why not?”
“That’s the best news I’ve gotten all afternoon.” Bradley was very aware that he had a few sets of eyes cued in on his conversation. Sure, he was a little more animated when he talked to you, but they were looking at him like he was doing something crazy. Hangman was giving him a nod and knowing smirk. Natasha was looking between the two of them confused. Poor Bob was even more lost than Natasha. Bradley turned away trying to keep his conversation with you vaguely private. It was the end of the day, and they were all just about to leave base with their normally locked up phones when he saw your face pop up on his screen.
“It better be!” You could hardly contain your excitement as you stood from your spot on the bed pacing around your room, “I fly in on the 20th!”
“I’ll be there to pick you up.” Bradley stated so assuredly you weren’t sure if he already knew you were flying in or not.
“Oh, yeah?”
He smirked to himself, “’Course, gotta pick up my favorite girl.”
If only he could see the disgustingly bright blush that spread across your face in an instant. Oh, how that boy made your insides feel all types of ways. The butterflies wouldn’t stop as you tried to form a coherent sentence in your brain, “You spoil me, Bradley Bradshaw.”
He laughed to himself knowing Hangman had the laser eyes locked in on him. He’d mentioned you in passing a few times, but Jake knew there was something more the second Bradley’s face changed when he’d answered the phone. Jake was anything but dumb. He knew that look. The one where you were so enamored it didn’t seem to matter what the other person was talking about. A look everybody dreamed of having and receiving, “Hardly sweetness, just wait till you’re actually here.” You knew he was smirking from ear to ear. God you’d love to be with him, but man were you thankful you weren’t. You wouldn’t know how to compose yourself.
Immediately you found a seat on a chair attempting to process his words. Sweetness? That was a new one. One that quite literally just made you go weak at the knees, “I look forward to it.” You played along.
“I hate to cut this short. But I’ve got a group of annoyed pilots waiting on me. Can I call you later?” He would’ve loved to have kept going. Especially since you’d just dropped that news on his so casually on a Monday afternoon.
“Of course. I’ll talk to you later RooRoo.” You’d dropped the nickname you knew he secretly loved but hated other people knowing.
“You’ll be the death of me, ya know that?” He started walking back over to the group with that stupid grin on his face. He wasn’t doing a very good job at hiding it. He loved you. He knew that. He just didn’t know if he was in love. But he did know he could be. If he let himself.
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“You’re right. This place is cool.” You and Bradley were standing at the bar waiting for your drink order to come on up.
“You know I always am.”
Rolling your eyes, you grabbed the bottle that the bartender set down in front of you, “Cocky as ever I see.”
“You call it cockiness. I call it confidence.” Following your actions, he grabbed the bottle taking a lengthy swig as you just shook your head at him.
“Good to see you haven’t changed too much.”
He shook his head, “Never. Now come on, got a few people for you to meet.” Placing his hand on your back he guided you towards the group of Naval pilots standing around the pool table. Thank God your brain was already panicking from the meeting new people to be too overtaken by his hand placement. Bradley had never been so forwardly flirty with you before. Sure, casual remarks and gestures were thrown around before but nothing to this extent. He seemed to love the dumb expression on your face when you tried to figure out his words each time he flirted with you.
“Look what cat dragged in.” The blonde one brought everybody’s attention to you and Bradley joining the group. You simply smiled up at him knowing he was talking about the much taller pilot behind you, “Not you sweetheart.” He made sure to wink at you knowing it’d piss Bradshaw off more than ever. And it did. You felt Bradley’s posture stiffen from behind you. Sending daggers right at Hangman.
“I assumed.” You nodded to him. Lucky for you there were only a few pilots hanging out at the Hard Deck tonight. Six of the twelve pilots that went on the mission got invited to stay and teach. Five accepted. Four were presently relaxing after a long week training to become the next generation of trainers, “I’m Y/N.” Introducing yourself to the pilots was intimidating. Each one more self-assured than the next.
“Oh, we know.” The blonde one grinned mischievously as he stepped forward, “You’re a hell of a lot prettier thank Rooster was letting onto.”
“Really Seresin? Anything that moves with you, I swear.” The only woman spoke up while shaking her head, “Ignore him. I’m Natasha. That’s Jake and Bob is right over there. Javy’s also here he’s just on a date tonight. He’s the best.” She pointed to the one that was throwing darts with another guy in uniform.
Jake shrugged eyeing Bradley. He knew what Jake was trying to do. Get a rise out of him. Ever since you got here a week ago Jake had been hounding him about you. Trying to get him to admit to any sort of feeling but coming up stunningly short in his goal. Bradley wouldn’t crack. He’d convinced himself you’d never feel the same way so he refused to allow himself to ever think it could happen. Never would he admit that to Jake who’d go blabbing off to you the next time he sees you.
The last week reaffirmed his feelings. They never went away they were just sidelined for a bit as the two of you navigated life apart for a bit. It scared him. The feelings that he had for you. Each time you smiled he swore it was the most beautiful thing. How you’d gotten even more gorgeous in the years he hadn’t seen you face to face was beyond him. He was speechless when he spotted you running towards him at the airport. And man, when he hugged you and got a whiff of you he felt everything he had before only tenfold. There you were. His person. Standing there in front of him. It felt too damn good to be true.
Natasha must’ve picked up on what was going on because she pulled you away, “Y/N, let me show you around. I’m sure Rooster did a terrible job.”
He smirked watching you get taken away from him so quickly. He should’ve known. They were all terribly curious of you after Jake blew up his spot. Still, he’d never admit it. He’d look like a little lovesick puppy accepting that fate. The worst thing that could happen is it gets back to you, and you don’t feel the same. He’d fuck a lifetime of friendship and love up. He couldn’t do that. Not when he finally had you back in his grasp after so long apart.
You shot him a nod as you followed Natasha out of the bar and onto the beach. His eyes followed your figure as you left. He had it bad for you.
“You love that girl.” Jake was now standing right next to him. He hadn’t heard Hangman walk over as he watched you. Too entranced with you.
“For the thousandth time this week…”
“Jesus Christ.” Jake sighed almost slamming his empty bottle on the high top, “Shut the fuck up would you. You love her. You know I have eyes and I can see through them. You haven’t taken yours off her.” Jake sat down knowing he had him. His eyes certainly betrayed him. He’d have to do something he really didn’t want to do. Approach another girl. As much as he craved to be around you he had to do this for your sake. Jake was going to end up saying something he regretted.
“Next girl that walks in. I’m getting her number.” Bradley sighed knowing it probably wasn’t the best course of action.
“That doesn’t mean shit. You can flirt with other women and still love her.” Hangman looked exasperated now, “You’re too fucking blind to see it but she looks at you the same way.” He hoped it meant something to Bradley now.
“Drop it.”
Jake put his hands up, “You’re being such a fucking idiot right now. I’ll stop but you’re going to hurt her.”
“I won’t.” Bradley spotted you walking back over with Phoenix. Because of course he did, he always seemed to notice when you walked into a room. It pained him not to stay. To talk to you. The two of you had so much more to catch up on. But he needed to. He had to put some space in between while his co-workers were sitting right there.
Against his better judgment he walked up to the first single looking girl he saw to strike up a conversation. You were too into the conversation with Natasha that you didn’t notice Bradley walking away. When you made it back over the frown the crossed your face was inevitable when you couldn’t find him. Yours eyes scanned but you couldn’t seem to find him. Maybe he was just in the restroom. It wasn’t like him to leave you with people you didn’t know.
“He’s being a dumbass right now.” Jake joined you and Natasha at the table.
“Hmm?” Your eyes flicked up to Jake instead of the restroom door he was surely coming out of soon.
“Your boyfriend.” Natasha smirked at the comment. She’d picked up on it too. As much as both of you tried to reject it, there was something there.
You laughed uneasily. God how you’d love him to be your boyfriend. You know he’d make the best one. Whatever lucky ass girl stole him would have her life changed, for the better.
“You love him.” It was more of a statement than a question. Your mouth bobbed open in retort, but you couldn’t say you didn’t. You loved him so much. Everything felt so easy with him. The two of you picking up right where you left off all those years ago. It certainly helped that you usually had some form of communication at least once throughout the day. If you didn’t talk on the phone it was a text. He loved it, so did you. He loved you. He knew it. Couldn’t admit it.
“I think… I do?” You looked surprised that you said it. You’d kept it in for so long it felt foreign coming off your tongue.
Jake’s smirk turned into a smile. He didn’t even have to grill you to get you to admit it, “Then do me a favor and don’t look at the bar.”
You turned immediately heart sinking seeing him chatting it up with a pretty blonde girl. Jake groaned seeing you spot him immediately. He too should’ve known you’d be like Bradley. Defiant. Not listening to him. It’d piss him off more, but you charmed him already. He was impressed. You were able to keep up. Seemed sweet. A catch in his eyes. He could see how Bradley could love you. It seemed easy. Jake didn’t think for a second if you weren’t Bradley’s he’d be trying.
“I told you not to look.”
Turning your head back to him you nodded, “You did.” Taking a long drink from your glass you knew this would be a long night. It was so out of character for him though. You had to wonder what was up with him.
“He’s being dumb. Thinks you don’t like him.” A confused expression crossed your features as you registered Jake’s admission. Bradley liked you? He couldn’t. Not after he’d pushed you away so obviously in the past.
You shook your head, “He doesn’t like me. Sees me like a sister.” Crossing your arms over your chest all you wanted to do was curl up in a ball and vanish away from here.
Jake scoffed, “Trust me sweetheart. He does not see you like a sister.”
“Yeah, well. Don’t get my hopes up. He’s sitting there talking to someone else. If he liked me he’d be up here.” You threw it back in his face.
“I told you he was being dumb. Just like you are, right now.”
Rolling your eyes, you finished off your beer, “You’re very too the point Jake.”
“Life’s short.”
Sure is. You got up to get another drink. Unbeknownst to you, you’d caught the attention of the other group of Naval pilots on the other side of the bar. Jake told you to stay away. He knew their intentions. They were the students, much younger and much more aggressive with it.
One was so forward he walked right on up to you as you waited for the bartender to get your order. You felt him on your side before you heard him speak, “Now what’s a pretty thing like you doing at this bar?”
You looked around playing dumb, “I’m here with friends.”
“Those guys?” He pointed up towards Jake, Natasha, and Bob.
You nodded, “Yep.” The guy was off to you. Giving you bad energy as he inched closer and closer to you. You tried to step away from him but unfortunately boxed yourself in.
“You can do better beautiful.” He smiled to himself thinking he was all that.
“Okay.” You grabbed your beer before ducking under his arms walking back towards the group quickly. You felt his eyes on you as you rushed away.
To your surprise you spotted Bradley back with the group away from the pretty girl, “Boy am I glad to see you guys.” You sighed in frustration as you took the seat next to Bradley who gave you a small smile. Acting weird you noted.
“You seemed to have been enjoying yourself.” Bradley simply stating making sure not to look at you.
Shaking your head quickly, “Not at all. Sleezy.”
“What’d he say?” Jake looked irritated. There was a reason he warned you. He knew exactly what went through those brains. He was in that position not too long ago. There weren’t many logical thoughts when your young, attractive and a pilot. They didn’t get told no very often.
“Nothing before I got out of there.”
“Atta girl.” Jake nodded.
Bradley shrugged, “You should go for it.”
Your head turned quickly at him before your heart sunk a little lower, “What?”
His heart broke a little seeing your confused expression. But on he went, his own worst enemy, “Yeah, you always complain about not having a boyfriend. Go for it. See what it’s like.”
Jakes eyebrows raised as he watched the tension rise between the two of you. What in the hell was Bradshaw doing? You too had a pained expression as your heart broke even further, “Oh, okay. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to complain.” Looking away you made eye contact with Jake who was shaking his head. You knew he wanted you to stay put. He already warned you about them and their obvious intentions. But what’d you have to lose? Bradley was already gone. There wasn’t much else for you now.
You shrugged taking Bradley’s advice.
“Y/N.” Jake tried to stop you, but you walked off leaving your drink. You didn’t catch the sadness that crossed on Bradley’s face as you were walking away. You were too busy trying not to blink back tears. But here you were. Going to go give your number to this dude. Putting out for him sounded horrendous but it just might be what your shattering heart needed. Or so your brain thought.
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Something wasn’t right. Your head was feeling far too light. Your eyes started to dry out as you tried to focus on the pilot’s face across from yours. You were on the date Bradley recommended. It was going about as bad as you’d expect. Everything related back to sex with the man. You couldn’t even seem to remember his name. You were coming up with an escape plan but then your head started going fuzzy.
“I’m getting some air. I’ll be right back.” You abruptly stood from the table the two of you were seated out.
His smile didn’t seem so innocent anymore as he nodded to you. Maybe it was your head just messing with you? You walked and stumbled your way out of the restaurant feeling sets of eyes on you. You hadn’t hardly drunken a thing, this was no buzz. You were feeling drugged. You’d seen it time and time again, girls getting roofied going to the ER. You were about to be one of those girls.
You tried for Bradley, but it just kept ringing. Again, you pressed call, but it kept ringing and going to voicemail. You knew you didn’t have much time to figure this out. In a few moments the drugs would overtake and who knows what the creep will do to you. You shuttered as you decided on calling Jake. He’d given you his number after you gave yours out.
Jake answered immediately. When you didn’t respond he panicked, “Y/N? Hello?”
You wanted to speak but it was like your brain was disconnected from your mouth, “J…Jake.” Was all you could seem to manage. Your own thoughts started getting hazy as you saw the front door open and close revealing him. Fuck. Not much time now.
“Y/N? What’s going on?” He sounded desperate. You tried with all your might to talk but it wasn’t happening. You suddenly understood those poor, poor girls who were drugged like this. How fucking awful it was.
“Drugs.” You managed before he beelined it right from you.
“Drugs? Y/N what the fuck?” Was all you heard before the phone dropped out of your hand. It didn’t hang up the call though. Jake was hearing everything.
“Y/N, let’s go home.”
You think you shook your head, you couldn’t be so sure, “You’re hurting me.” You whined feeling his hands grab your wrists forcefully. That was going to bruise.
“Time to go, now.” He snapped knowing that they were still in a very public place, and you were gone. Lost in your own brain now.
“No, no.” You cried out before he pulled you too him and away from the phone. Jake was already on his way. You weren’t far. He was worried he wouldn’t make it in time. He was with Bradley and heard the whole thing. Bradley couldn’t move, paralyzed in fear hearing your soft plea’s through the phone. He did that to you. He was supposed to protect you. Not push you into the arms of a fucked-up frat boy.
Jake pulled him by the collar into the car. He’d pulled up the Find My app making sure he was heading to the right spot. Two minutes never felt so long as he flew past the speed limit in an instant. Bradley’s heart wouldn’t stop racing as he thought the worst. How could have done this to you? He’d let his stupid fucking ego get in the way and now you were hurt. Because of him.
“Rooster, say something.” Jake almost yelled at him. He was getting pissed. Bradley had gone nearly catatonic once Jake turned the speaker on. They were just supposed to be getting drinks at the bar not too far from the restaurant. Just in case. Maybe he shouldn’t have ignored your calls. Fuck. He knew he fucked up.
Jake pulled in just in the nick of time. Bradley didn’t know what came over him, but he blacked out. All he remembers is opening his eyes and seeing the pilot on the ground, knocked out cold and blood running out of his nose. Lucky for him the adrenaline was enough to make his hand feel fine. He knew it was going to hurt once it wore off.
“Damn.” Jake whistled seeing how quickly he took care of that problem, “Didn’t think you had it in you Rooster.” Jake kicked his side lightly to make sure he was out.
It didn’t take long before Bradley turned his attention towards you, “Y/N.” Placing his hands on your cheeks he turned your very limited attention towards him.
You smiled recognizing the man standing before you, “Oh, hi RooRoo. You’re so pretty.” You blurted out. You were too far gone to notice the brilliant shade of red Bradley wore on his cheeks to your compliment. Of course, you thought him as pretty. He was beautiful. The most handsome guy in your eyes. Nobody could compare. Nobody ever would.
“RooRoo?” Jake laughed at the nickname that so easily rolled off your tongue.
Bradley very quickly shot him a glare, “Not now, please. Later. We gotta get her to a hospital. I have no idea what he laced her dinner with.” He looked worried enough that Jake dropped the smile and walked back over to the car quickly pulling it up to where you were standing.
“Can you walk?”
“My feet are really heavy.” You giggled trying to pick them up to no avail. It’s like your brain was working but wouldn’t communicate the commands to anything you needed it to.
“I’m going to pick you up alright?” He waited for anything before he touched you. He didn’t want to do anything that’d freak you out. You’d already been through enough at his expense.
“You’re so pretty.” You went to touch his cheek but missed completely. You frowned but quickly burst into a fit of giggled forgetting his question entirely. He took that as confirmation enough. He quickly picked you up into his arms, bridal style. Before you could even comprehend what happened you were seated in the back seat next to Bradley.
“I’m so tired.” You closed your eyes leaning on him for support.
“Hey, can you keep them open for me?” Bradley asked. Once Jake heard the seat belt click he was off towards the ER. Definitely not how he envisioned his nor your night.
“No.” You yawned feeling the full effects take over. You felt his hand wrap around your head securing you in his side.
“I got you sweetness.”
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“Fuck.” You groaned as your eyes adjusted to the bright hospital lights.
“There she is.” Jake perked up seeing your eyes open. He nudged a sleeping Bradley who shot over to you once he realized.
“Y/N. How are you?” He looked nervous. So incredibly nervous as he looked at you in an entirely new light. He was your next of kin. Your power of attorney. You’d made him your living decider should things go wrong. So, the doctor had no problem disclosing your file to him. He thought you were married after all.
To his horror he read through all the different times you were admitted back in your hometown. Almost every other month you were there with different degrees of injury. You were accident prone but never to that extent. He didn’t tell Jake. He couldn’t tell Jake. That was between you and him now. That’s it.
Jake took the silence as his que, “I’m going to go get some food. I’ll be back later.” He walked off leaving just you and Bradley. Your person.
“My head hurts like a bitch.” You groaned closing your eyes not too thrilled about the situation you were in, “What happened?”
“You were roofied.” He frowned, “Jake and I brought you in. They admitted you because your heart rate was so low. I’m so sorry Y/N.” Grabbing your hand but looking down Bradley squeezed it as gently as possible.
You sighed loving the innocent contact between the two of you, “What a dickhead.”
Bradley laughed. A sound you enjoyed so deeply. A sound you loved pulling right out of him. He was so fucking perfect to you. You just wished you had the courage to tell him before it was too late. He too was a catch. He wouldn’t be single for long if he didn’t want to be.
“What a dickhead.” He nodded in agreement, “I’m so sorry.” He apologized again.
“It’s okay. You saved me. My knight in shining armour.” You yawned still feeling the effects of the drugs that were wearing off. Your mouth was still clearly loosey goosey with it.
He laughed again, “How do you do that?”
“Do what? You asked curiously.
“Make everything so lighthearted. This is so serious and yet here I am laughing.”
“I don’t know. You make me feel safe I guess. I know you’d never judge me. You’d have my back though anything. It’s easy to be lighthearted with you.” You admitted. One of the bigger admissions you’d have to say. You loved flirting with him, but it usually never got deeper than that. Not until now.
“I read your files.” He couldn’t keep it in.
It took you a moment to fully understand what he meant, “Oh.” Was it. You didn’t have anything else to say. It was suddenly a bit mortifying realizing what had happened in your past. Like you were too weak to stop it.
“What happened after your mom died Y/N?” He noticed the dates. He wasn’t dumb.
“Well, good old Jerry decided to take it out on me.” You never thought you’d have to explain it to him. You never thought you’d be back in the hospital so soon. It never crossed your mind.
“Y/N… Why didn’t you tell me?” He scooted close to you on his chair. One hand squeezing one of yours and the other on your cheek.
You looked away willing the tears away. But they fell in rapid succession, “You couldn’t have done anything. You were living your life. I had to figure mine out.” It wasn’t a great excuse. But it was the truth. You didn’t want to burden him with it.
“Oh, my Y/N. I’m so sorry. I wish you told me.” He brushed the stream of tears away blinking back his own. He couldn’t imagine you so injured. Breaking bones on the regular. It wasn’t you. You were being abused and hurt. His girl. And he wasn’t there for you. That broke his heart.
“I’m sorry…” You looked down and away, “For not telling you. I didn’t know how.”
“It’s okay sweetness. No more secrets though, from here on out?”
You nodded smiling slightly at his seemingly new name for you, “No more secrets. I can do that.” You agreed looking right at him. God, he was so beautiful. Your Bradley. He was here for you if you let him. And you finally let him.
“I love you Y/N. I’m in love with you. I always have been.” He looked away from you. Horrified that it came out so quickly. He let Jake’s comments take over his head.
You nodded in realization, “I think I love you…. No, I know I love you. I love you too.” Groggily you grinned at him nodding in realization.
His head snapped up towards you, “Yeah?” He really couldn’t believe it. There wasn’t a scenario in his head where you said it back. Yet here you were, saying it right back to him. That smile on your face made him gleam.
“Oh yeah.”
“I love you.” He took your hand peppering kisses on the back sending shivers right on up it. The laughter that left your throat was one of the most freeing feelings. Not knowing how much that had weighted on you over the years.
“And I love you Bradley Bradshaw.”
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Taglist: senjoritanana
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topgun-imagines · 6 months
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Day 14: I Remember Everything
Pairings: Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell x fem!reader
Synopsis: Both you and Maverick are struggling with the loss of Goose. Based on the Zach Bryan And Kacey Musgraves song ‘I Remember Everything’.
Warnings: Alcoholism, death, tears, bad coping mechanisms, break-ups & feeling of abandonment.
Word count: 1.2k
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Ever since your boys went off to Top Gun, you couldn’t wait to see them. So, when family week rolled around, you, along with Carole and Bradley, boarded the plane together. Carole was ecstatic to have her sister-in-law joining her on the flight. It gave her someone to watch Bradley while she snuck in a few hours of shut-eye. You couldn’t wait to see your big brother. However, Goose wasn’t the only one you were excited to see. For the past three years, you and Maverick had been dating.
Throughout their time in Fighter Town, you had heard all about your boyfriend’s rivalry with Iceman. You remembered him from Goose’s time at the academy. You found that he was a lovely person. So lovely, in fact, that you went out with him for the entire time Goose was at the academy. You wouldn’t put his competitive side past him. Even if Maverick was stretching the truth just a little bit. You never imagined that the competition between them would escalate to where it was now. As far as you had been told, it was a healthy, safe competition. Now, however, you wanted to smack both Iceman and your boyfriend upside the head.
Your older brother was the most important person in your life. He had practically raised you. You could vividly remember crying for weeks when he left home for the academy. When Maverick and Goose had first been paired together, you had sat the rebellious pilot down and told him that while Goose trusted him, you weren’t so convinced. In that moment, Maverick promised you that your brother would always return safely to his family. Three months later, Mav took you out on your first date.
Maverick had quickly gained your trust. You soon came to learn that you and your brother were the only family that he had. That only helped to prove the fact that Maverick would sacrifice himself in a heartbeat for either of you. For that, you were immensely grateful.
Given their job, you understood that there was a large risk factor. However, you knew how good of a pilot your boyfriend was. If he had any control over the situation, everything would turn out okay. Even though you trusted him, you knew that sometimes, he didn’t trust himself. When he was up in the air, it was like he was flying against a ghost. You knew exactly whose ghost that was.
Mav had always thought that he was a disappointment, purely because he was his father's son. He had always been told that he would never amount to anything, all because of his last name. You saw how hard he worked to prove them wrong. That was one of the things you loved about him. No matter how many times he got pushed down, he always got back up.
This time, however, was shaping up to be very different than the others. This time, there was no going back.
Before they left for Top Gun, you had told Maverick about your ex. After all, you were pretty sure that he would be there as well. Oh, how right you were. It was just your luck that the two of them would end up going head-to-head for first place. At the beginning, you were thrilled with the idea of Mav and Goose getting to go to Top Gun. Now, you would give anything to keep them from ever getting a chance.
Only a few days after you had arrived for family week, there was a tragic accident. Maverick and Ice were tied for first and you knew that both of them would do whatever they could to win. What you didn’t know was that ‘whatever they could’ would come with a grave cost.
When you had first heard the news, you collapsed. You had lost your brother. The one piece of your family you had left and he was gone. Unsurprisingly, Maverick had turned into a mess. Goose was like the brother that he never had. Regardless of whose fault it was technically, Maverick would never stop blaming himself. Needless to say, Mav wasn’t handling the situation very well. Even Carole seemed to be having a better time coping with the tragic loss of her husband.
While a large part of you felt so sorry for your boyfriend, the other part wished he would open his eyes. He wasn’t the only person that lost somebody. But he was sure acting like he was. Carole had lost a husband. Bradley had lost a father. You had lost a brother. And yet none of that seemed to matter to your grieving boyfriend. To him, he was the only person that lost Goose. He began drinking his troubles away, not a single thought as to what all of this was doing to you.
Now, you were sobbing in the bedroom you shared with Maverick. He hadn’t been at the past few days of training, spending all of his time in the bar. With your boyfriend off god-knows-where, you couldn’t help but miss everything that the two of you used to have. Late nights spent cuddled up on that old ratty couch, Mav whispering sweet nothings in your ear the whole time flooded your mind as you continued to sob.
Goose wasn’t just your boyfriend, he was your best friend. A few days after the accident, the pain had worn off. Now, all you felt was numb. While Maverick had drinking, you had nothing. You had nothing to make that feeling go away. Through your tears, you finally came to a horrible realization. Your loving boyfriend was gone. He died in the same accident that your brother did.
You couldn’t stay with him anymore. Not if it was going to be like this. Was Maverick hurting? Of course he was. But were you also hurting? Yes. In the aftermath of the accident, you had assured Maverick again and again that you were there for him. That you would be the shoulder he could lean on should he need somebody. Instead, he had turned to drinking, leaving you with no shoulder at all.
Sniffling, you wiped your nose on the back of your hand and stood up from the bed on shaky legs. You hadn’t left the bed all day. Picking up the phone, you tried to call the bar where you figured Maverick was. When the bartender picked up and tried to hand the phone to Mav, your boyfriend refused to talk to you. The phone dropped out of your hand as you stared straight ahead. That was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Numbly, you began packing your bags. You had very few clothes, but you threw all of them into a bag with little to no order. Soon enough, your bags were packed and you were slamming the door of Maverick’s base housing. Time seemed to fly as you called a taxi to the airport and bought a ticket home. Sure, Carole and Bradley were still here, but you had no reason to stay. You would have loved to stay for Maverick’s graduation. However, you just couldn’t bring yourself to wait around for someone that was long gone.
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fanatic1997 · 2 years
18 & 45 from prompt list, featuring hangman
Prompts: “Take. It. Off.” and “If you touch her, I’ll break your hand.” 
You quickly downed the first beer Penny had placed in front of you and asked for another. 
“Woah there, I’ll give you another one, but you have to tell me what’s this all about,” the bar owner laughed but you knew she wasn’t kidding. 
“Ugh, it’s Hangman…,” you groaned, making grabby hands for the beer stein in Penny’s hand.
You didn’t feel like finishing your sentence and honestly, Penny didn’t need you to. She knew how the blonde worked and how often his mouth liked to stir costly bar fights.  
She also knew how often the blonde aviator stared at you when you weren’t looking. He always seemed to make sure to stay close to you. She also didn’t miss the glares he had sent at the poor souls who decided to flirt with you which were commonly the cause of the bar fights.
Of course, you would never know about the fighter pilot’s true feelings because Hangman did a hell of job pissing you off every chance he could. 
Usually, you weren’t one to let Hangman’s taunts get to you, let alone cause you to chug copious amounts of alcohol so quickly. Except, today. He must have gone too far.
Penny only chuckled shaking her head at you in mock disappointment as you asked for yet another pour. 
The situation in front of her (you) grew even more interesting as she watched a certain cocky pilot walk into her bar. 
Hangman’s eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on you. He watched you slightly slosh your beer as you brought it to your mouth. He bit his lip watching you chug down an obscene amount of alcohol in one gulp. 
Penny found Hangman’s new found shyness quiet amusing. Today, the fighter pilot was sending you puppy eyes from the pool table like a kid in time out.  
Penny had officially cut you off on your sixth pour and Hangman was growing antsy watching you stumble slightly in your chair. 
He wasn’t the only one starting to get worried. Rooster had already approached you asking if you needed a ride home. That had been 2 pours ago and you had waived off your friend stating you weren’t done drinking yet. 
You brought the glass to your mouth but missed. You must have been really intoxicated because by the time you realized you were pouring beer on yourself; your white shirt was soaked completely see through. You cackled at your own expense. 
Hangman had had enough. He was going to take you home now. 
But he wasn’t the only that had witnessed your blunder. He watched Rooster come to your aid and slide off his Hawaiian shirt, draping it over you to preserve some of your modesty. 
“Thanks, Roose. But aren’t you going to get cold?” Your words were slow and quite slurred but your classmate understood you.
“I don’t think so y/n,” Rooster chuckled. “Can I help you button the shirt?” Rooster laughed ready to replace your clumsy fingers with his deft ones.  
“Touch her and I’ll break your hand,” you heard Hangman sneer. Apparently, you weren’t intoxicated enough to not recognized that voice. 
Rooster was roughly shoved to the side, and you were suddenly staring at Hangman’s very naked chest. Fuck Hangman for being so ripped. 
“Take. It. Off.” Your eyes widened. You had never heard Hangman so angry. He was practically seething. You expected to see foam around his mouth judging by his tone. 
His green eyes were practically burning holes at the offending item wrapped around your shoulders. 
You’re intoxicated mind decided to just do as he ordered hoping he would leave you alone after that. You weren’t in the right state to argue with him right now. You took off Rooster’s shirt and the blonde aviator, surprisingly, averted his eyes to give you some privacy. 
Apparently, the black bra you were wearing was on full display. With his eyes averted, he placed his uniform shirt around your shoulders. 
“Oh, that’s where your shirt went,” you stupidly mumbled. Damn, you really hoped you wouldn’t remember that in the morning. You saw the corner of Hangman’s lip quirk up in a half smile as he made quick work of the buttons.
Hangman stepped back to appreciate the sight of you in his shirt. The sudden rage he had felt seconds ago seeing you in another man’s clothes was now replaced with another emotion he couldn’t quiet place. 
“Let’s go, I’m taking you home.” Although an order, Hangman’s tone was much softer now. He placed a hand on the small of your back and led you out of the bar. 
Penny smirked from behind the counter. Hopefully there would be less bar fights now. 
Part 2: The Morning After here!
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Author’s note: I hope you enjoy this half as much as I enjoyed writing it! :)
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xomakara · 2 months
Crash Landing
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SUMMARY | You meet Jungwoo in a space station and you both instantly hit it off. PAIRING | Jungwoo/Reader GENRE | space theme au, smut with little (?) plot, unprotected sex (wrap it up everyone!), oral sex (both male/female receiving/giving), general perversion RATING | Mature LENGTH | 6,466 words AUTHOR’S NOTE | Debating on making a part 2 or like a space theme series or something. Like I don’t think I’ve delved deep enough into the space lore haha. Was it weird to have that space/alien fight in the middle of the chapter? No idea. I’ve played to  much Mass Effect lately so I was kind of, sort of, inspired to write this.
What do ya’ll think? A part 2 or like a series? Maybe a different pairing? IDK lol.
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You open your eyes and stared at the white interior of the suite you inhabited. All white with no colors...how boring. You let out a sigh and swung your feet over the bed, not having slept for nearly two days straight. Even after a nap of a few hours, you were still very tired.
You walked towards the door of your room, the automatic door opening when you reached it. As you stepped out of your suite, you peered down the halls of the space station that you were residing in until your next mission could be scheduled. Nothing interesting ever happened on board this station; people came and went, making it their home base while they completed various missions all over the galaxy, but most didn't even spend more than a week here before they were off again. It was just an orbital station that housed different ships when they weren't traveling around.
However, when people came here, they usually came to be seen by many other space travelers and scientists as well as rich merchants who wanted to conduct business deals in private areas and who had lots of money to do so. For these reasons, it was quite crowded.
"Maybe I'll go stop by the bar and see if there's any exciting events happening." You thought aloud to yourself as you made your way through the corridors towards the main lobby.
You continued walking until you entered the main room where the bar stood. Although you hadn't been able to spot anything remotely interesting, you hoped that maybe you'd find something tonight. You walked up to the counter and ordered a drink, the bartender knowing exactly what you wanted since he had served you before and already knew your preferences. He soon handed you your drink, leaning against the counter as his co-worker manned the bar.
"Anything interesting happened? Do you know?" You asked the bartender, noticing his gaze shift from you to the wall behind him, likely looking for news. The bartender chuckled lightly and shook his head.
"Nothing really. We have a couple of freighter pilots from one of the smaller colonies arriving later today to sign paperwork, but other than that, nothing much is going on here."
You nodded in understanding, sitting down at a nearby table as you began sipping on your drink. A feeling of boredom consumed you once again as you sat there, your thoughts drifting away into a distant land. After a short time, the bartender placed another drink in front of you.
"Thanks." You said, smiling slightly at the bartender as you took another sip of your drink. You began wondering about something and looked around the room. Not seeing anyone that might help, you spoke out loud. "Hey..."
The bartender immediately turned his attention back to you and smiled. "Yeah?"
"I'm wondering...do you have any other information that might be useful? I came for adventure and just being stuck in Neo Station for too long is making me a little stir crazy."
"Hmm, what kind of adventures are you wanting to get into?" The bartender curiously asked.
"Oh, just some sort of excitement. Anything would do, really." You said cheerfully. "Do you happen to know of anyone that might have a job for me? I am an experienced fighter and strategist. I can pretty much take on any mission if it comes to it."
"Not that I know. But maybe one of the merchants might know." The bartender said. "Oh, Neo Security might have some jobs if you're inclined to get into those sorts of things. They don't pay much, though."
"I'm not so worried about the pay," you laughed as you made your way out of the bar. "It's all about the adventure and experience!"
You quickly made your way outside, stepping onto the walkway towards the large window of the station. Before you got to the window however, you stopped, gazing out into space for a moment, admiring how beautiful it truly was. All of the stars, planets, nebulas and countless other galaxies stretched far out beyond the reaches of human sight, each individual one unique in its own way. It was amazing to think that each star system contained life forms, from tiny single cell organisms to the huge, multi-planeted species like yourselves.
The possibilities seemed endless.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" A male voice said next to you.
You looked up to see a very handsome male looking out the large window with you. You blushed softly as you gazed upon him, instantly becoming more attracted to him than you were to most others, although you tried your best to hide it. You smiled at him and spoke. "Yes, it is beautiful. So vast. I feel like I've only scratched the surface of everything that's out there."
He smiled at you, nodding. "Indeed. Humans will never fully understand how large our universe actually is, and I don't believe we'll ever reach it. But I guess that's why we should appreciate it as much as we can now."
You both stared out into space, listening to the noises coming from the station filled with human and alien species alike. After a minute or two, you turned back to face him. "I'm Y/N, by the way."
"Jungwoo. Nice to meet you, Y/N." Jungwoo said, extending his hand towards you.
You smiled at him and took his hand in yours. "Likewise, Jungwoo."
"So, what are you doing out here alone, Y/N?" Jungwoo questioned.
You shrugged and sighed, not meeting Jungwoo's eyes. "I'm bored and haven't done anything interesting lately."
"Really? What kinds of things do you normally do?" Jungwoo inquired.
"Well, normally I would go exploring a new planet and look for animals and plant life that humans have yet to discover. All the while, making sure humanity is safe and keeping the peace. Unfortunately, since my ship is in maintenance right now, there aren't many places to go." You replied sadly. "And I have no idea where my crew went."
Jungwoo nodded in understanding, a smile on his face. "I understand completely. My crew always has trouble finding places to explore whenever we visit a new planet, either because we're restricted or we just simply run out of places to look."
"That's why I love exploration. You just never know what you're going to find, do you?" You grinned widely.
Jungwoo grinned back at you and shook his head. "No, you don't. That's what makes it fun!"
After exchanging pleasantries, you and Jungwoo spent the rest of the night talking about your hobbies and interests, trying to make conversation and pass the time until your ship was repaired. At the end of the evening, Jungwoo gave you his number in case you needed a companion or company on future excursions.
"Thank you for talking with me tonight, Jungwoo. It really helped pass the time." You said happily, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
He grabbed your wrist gently, stopping you from leaving. "Let me ask you something first." He stated firmly.
You frowned and furrowed your eyebrows. "Okay. What is it?"
Jungwoo ran his thumb along the inside of your wrist. "Are you just as attracted to me as I am to you? Because if you are, then maybe this night doesn't have to end right here."
Your heart skipped a beat and your breath caught in your throat. Your mind began racing with a million different possibilities, many of them leading to unspeakable sexual encounters between the two of you. You felt the heat rise in your cheeks and Jungwoo noticed.
"Y/N?" He inquired, giving you a warm smile.
You nodded slowly, unable to speak. Jungwoo leaned closer, closing the gap between your lips. With a soft moan escaping your mouth, your lips parted slightly and Jungwoo slid his tongue across your lips, gently stroking it before you slowly opened your mouth. His tongue darted into your mouth, exploring every inch, as you kissed him back eagerly.
Jungwoo pulled away, grinning widely. "So? Are you just as attracted to me as I am to you?"
You looked at him, a coy grin forming on your face. "I think you know the answer to that question, Jungwoo."
"Good." He whispered softly. "Because you are extremely attractive."
A blush appeared on your face, making you become flushed as Jungwoo slowly backed away, running his fingers through his hair as he looked at you with lustful eyes. No one else was around but you grabbed his hand and led him towards your suite.
"Where are we going?" Jungwoo whispered as he followed you closely, still clutching your hand tightly.
"You'll see in a minute." You replied as you led him towards your suite.
When you got inside, you pushed Jungwoo against the nearest wall, kissing him passionately as you unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off of him. Once you got it removed, you glanced at his chest and gasped softly.
"What is it?" He breathed softly, looking down at you.
You gazed up at him and whispered, "I love your body."
Jungwoo smirked and bit down gently on your bottom lip. "Has it been awhile since you had someone?"
"A long ass while," You moaned as his fingers trailed down your sides. "My squadmates not included. They never satisfied me sexually, which is a big part of what drives me to seek companionship elsewhere."
Jungwoo chuckled as he bent down to kiss you. "If you want, I could make sure you were completely satisfied. In fact, I guarantee it."
You smiled seductively at him, sliding your hands up his arms. "Can you?"
"You bet I can. Just give me permission." Jungwoo gazed down at you.
You smiled, leaning forward and pressing your lips against his, softly kissing him back. You pulled back after a few moments and nibbled on his lower lip. Jungwoo growled softly, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer. You melted into him as he wrapped his arms around you tightly, guiding you backwards until your knees hit the bed.
You looked into his dark brown eyes and moved your lips over his. His kisses were gentle at first, but as they grew deeper, his kisses became passionate and urgent, wanting to devour your entire body. You responded, running your hands up and down his chest as he explored your body with his. You moaned softly as his hands slid underneath your shirt and caressed your bare skin. You looked into his eyes as he continued touching you, watching the passion growing within them. As his touches became bolder, your breathing became heavier. When he finally pulled your shirt off, you groaned loudly, your hands going to the buttons of his pants.
Once you had them undone, you reached inside and found his hardened member. He moaned in pleasure as you stroked him slowly, gently squeezing and moving his shaft around. Jungwoo closed his eyes, enjoying the sensations you were giving him. When he opened his eyes again, he saw that you were staring into his eyes intently. You lowered your head, pressing your lips against his erect penis, licking the tip of it gently. He moaned deeply as you did this. He grabbed your head and brought you closer, encouraging you to continue.
As you licked and sucked on him more aggressively, he let out a small whimper, tugging on your hair roughly. You moaned, continuing to work his penis with your hand, sucking harder on him. His moans grew louder and more intense as he pressed himself even harder into your mouth. Finally, when he couldn't take anymore, he pulled away, painting your face with his cum.
You licked his cum off of your lips, grinning as you watched his facial expressions. "Did I satisfy you?" You asked slyly.
"Oh god yes," He gasped, moving down your body to help discard the rest of your clothes. "And now it's your turn to be satisfied..."
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"How was your rest, captain?" Haechan, your engineer, asked as he checked the equipment around you.
"Fine, thanks." You replied. "I finally managed to sleep after those two grueling days of not sleeping at all. How about you?"
Haechan shrugged. "I slept alright, I suppose. I was still tossing and turning a bit, but I managed to fall asleep eventually."
"At least you managed to sleep!" Renjun, your pilot and navigator, called from the cockpit. "Me, I was just laying there staring at the ceiling and trying to count sheep. Tried to stay awake all day yesterday, but I failed miserably. There's nothing worse than being extremely exhausted and then not being able to sleep at all!"
"Tell me about it." Winwin, your medic, added as he tried to stifle a yawn. "As soon as I try to sleep, my mind starts racing with ideas and worries and I can't get rid of them. I've been waking up every hour or so and laying awake for awhile, only to finally drift off to sleep again after a few hours."
Everyone paused in their work for a brief moment to discuss how they all slept. It was nice to hear that everyone else was struggling with similar issues. At least you weren't alone. You let out a small chuckle, watching as Haechan and Renjun bickered quietly.
"Where's the rest of the team?" You inquired, looking around. Everyone else seemed busy with their duties and you couldn't see anyone else.
"They went to collect some cargo." Winwin replied, reading off a holographic screen that displayed the list of supplies that they needed to gather. "I think Mark and Jaehyun went to get some weapons and armor while Doyoung and Taeyong went to collect medical supplies. Johnny went to stock up on food."
"And Jaemin? Where is he?" You asked.
Haechan chuckled, shaking his head. "Weird kid doesn't seem interested in helping us gather supplies. Seems like he wants to go take care of something else first. Maybe he found a cute little animal he wants to bring back."
Everyone chuckled at this.
"If that's the case, then I hope it isn't a rat or something." Renjun said, pointing his finger at Haechan. "I'm tired of him always bringing back rodents and bugs as pets."
You let out a sigh. "Hey, as long as he doesn't shoot me and his squadmates in the back, I don't care. Let the weird kids do whatever they want, as long as they're helpful. Don't worry, we won't hold it against them."
Everyone slowly nodded their heads and resumed their tasks, which included cleaning and setting up various supplies in preparation for the upcoming expedition. You let out a sigh of relief as you worked alongside your crewmates. At least everything was getting done. As you finished organizing the rest of the supplies, you sent a message to everyone.
"Alright guys, we're almost ready. Everything seems to be set up and in order. Should be going out soon. Crew, keep an eye out for anything suspicious or unusual, okay? Squad, arm yourself with your weaponry and be prepared for battle."
You heard a series of responses throughout the ship, everyone agreeing to your instructions and telling you they were ready for the task ahead.
Finally, you heard your squadmate and science officer, Doyoung, reply. "We're ready, captain! Weapons are loaded and all equipment is operational. We're waiting on everyone else to finish gathering supplies before we leave."
With everyone on board, you gave the signal to launch the vessel, and it began floating upwards into space. Once it had cleared the station, you gave the command to accelerate and left the station behind.
You were mindlessly walking around your ship, performing maintenance and such when you heard someone call your name. Looking up, you saw Johnny, one of your squadmates and your second-in-command, standing at the door to the bridge, wearing a wide grin on his face. "So I heard that you met someone new yesterday. Any details?"
You chuckled at his teasing and shook your head. "Who's asking?"
"You met someone?" Mark, another squadmate and everythingman, asked as he joined Johnny in the doorway. "I thought you were staying in your suite all day?"
"I stopped by the bar last night and met this guy." You explained, walking into the bridge. "Why are you all suddenly curious about who I met? Scared that I might run off with him or something?"
"And leave this wonderful crew behind? No way." Taeyong, the cook and cultural advisor, chimed in. "Come on, tell us about this mysterious man. Did ya'll fuck?"
"Oh come on, none of you will even admit to being jealous that I may have met someone else?" You said, rolling your eyes.
Jaehyun, a squadmate and quartermaster, immediately shook his head and held up his hands in protest. "Not me! Honest! Of course I'd be happy for you if you met someone."
Renjun glared at Jaehyun. "Says the guy that always wants to fuck Y/N after a mission."
Haechan raised an eyebrow and smiled at Renjun. "And you know this because..."
"I have eyes and ears." Renjun scoffed. "Jaehyun's always sniffing around Y/N after missions, so naturally I've seen and heard quite a bit."
You rubbed your temples. You were the only female amongst a crew and squad of horny males. It was a wonder any of you could maintain a level head at all times. Fortunately, you hadn't encountered too many difficulties with your relationships. Sure, you've slept with some of your squadmates, but you've never gotten emotionally attached to anyone.
Not yet, anyway.
You looked around the bridge, watching your crew and squadmates interact with each other. They were all so friendly and caring, despite their varying backgrounds and personalities. You had originally been afraid of interacting with the rest of your crew, considering your coveted status as a Neo operative and the constant scrutiny that came along with it. However, it seemed like none of that mattered to the others. They welcomed you with open arms, accepting you for who you were. And you were glad for that. You didn't need any special treatment. Just to be treated as an equal, and you felt like they did just that. You wouldn't trade these people for anything.
"Hey," you said softly, causing everyone to turn and look at you. "You guys are the best crew and squad that I could ever ask for. I wouldn't trade you guys or run off with any other team for the world. We've been through a lot of shit together, and I couldn't imagine doing this without you."
A smile broke across all of their faces, their smiles growing wider as they watched you continue speaking.
"And even though we haven't known each other very long, you've become family to me. And I'm thankful that you're willing to put up with me and my bullshit."
"The amount of trouble you put us through," Jaemin, another squadmate and technician, laughed, holding his stomach. "But hey, we're used to it by now."
Johnny punched Jaemin in the shoulder playfully. "And you love every second of it."
Everyone continued laughing and joking with each other as you made your way over to the main console to start checking on all the systems on the ship. The others joined you as you inspected and ran tests on various components, making sure everything was working properly. While you were focused on monitoring the systems, a notification appeared on the holographic display next to you.
"Captain, one of our sensors detected something out of the ordinary coming from the surface of the planet below." Haechan called out. "It looks like the coordinates for a shuttle bay. Something strange is definitely going on."
You stood up and walked towards the viewport. All the other members of your crew gathered around you, curiously watching as you peered down onto the planet below.
"There's no doubt about it." You muttered. "Something's wrong down there."
You watched intently as you saw the faint outline of a spaceship hovering above the shuttle bay. You could barely make out what the thing was; it was far away and it was hard to distinguish. But you knew exactly what it was. You were intimately familiar with every spaceship design that existed within the Alliance.
This wasn't one of the Alliance ships. It wasn't even close. You had no idea where this thing had come from, but there was no doubt that it wasn't friendly. A shiver passed through your body, causing you to lean closer to the viewing window.
"Renjun, take us closer to the shuttle bay." You ordered. "Get us as close as possible without getting shot down."
"Copy that, captain." He responded.
"Doyoung and Taeyong, initiate the ships defense. Make sure we aren't caught off guard." You added.
"On it." Doyoung confirmed.
"Haechan, begin a scan on the area. Find out what we're dealing with."
"Got it." Haechan responded.
"Winwin, standby unless needed." You instructed your medic. You turned back to the rest of your crew. "The rest of you, loadout all weapons and equipment. Arm yourselves and get ready for battle. Squad, let's go find ourselves some answers."
Your orders were quickly carried out, and you and your team silently headed out of the room and down the hallway to the hangar deck. When you reached the bottom floor, you opened the large doors and stepped outside, followed by the rest of your squad. You and your squadmates took up defensive positions as you scanned the area with your visors.
It was then that you spotted several black dots moving around in the distance. They seemed to be approaching the shuttle bay and were probably heading inside.
"Scans indicate that there are four lifeforms nearby." Doyoung reported. "Two of them appear to be armed with standard rifles and pistols, the other two are carrying automatic assault rifles. No idea what they are."
You glanced over at your squad. Their expressions were grim. Not only were you uncertain about whether these beings would be friendly, but you weren't even entirely sure how dangerous they were.
"Alright everyone," you began. "Standby and be alert. We'll figure this out as fast as we can. In the meantime, just stay quiet and wait for my commands."
They all nodded their heads in understanding and stood perfectly still, waiting for further instruction.
As the black dots approached, you began taking careful steps backwards. They seemed harmless enough, but you were not taking any chances. One wrong move and it could lead to disaster. Fortunately, the other members of your squad stayed alert and were able to act accordingly. When the black dots were close enough, a series of bullets zipped past you, narrowly missing you. Without hesitation, the aliens fired back, riddling the surface of your ship with blaster bolts.
"Fuck!" Mark cursed loudly. "These things aren't fucking around!"
"Mark, Jaehyun! To the left! Johnny, Jaemin! To the right! Come on, move!" You yelled. Your squad instantly complied and moved swiftly, ducking and weaving between the different sets of walls, leaving the invaders exposed. A few more shots rang out, tearing apart pieces of the hull and a couple of windows. You were lucky that your shields absorbed most of the damage, otherwise it could have been catastrophic.
"Okay, let's move. Squad, split up and cover all sides. We don't want these guys sneaking up on us while we're spread out."
"On it, captain!" Both Jaemin and Jaehyun acknowledged. As the squad split up, you moved towards the closest wall and crouched down, allowing your bulk to shield you from any stray blaster bolts. After listening closely, you determined that the enemy was on the other side of the building, trying to figure out where you and your crew were hiding.
You grabbed a grenade launcher and waited for your comrades to return to their posts before setting off towards the closest wall. You slowly peeked over the top of the building, your eyes trained on the other side. Several of the black dots were crouching behind the outer walls, apparently looking for you. However, the rest of them were either huddled together or stood alone in small groups, watching the building, almost as if they expected you to come out of hiding.
Taking careful aim, you lobbed the grenade towards the building where the majority of the black dots were located. You threw it as hard as you could and prayed that it would do some damage. When the grenade exploded, all hell broke loose. Dozens of blasts rang out, and several of the black dots went flying into the air. Before you could even react, the others dropped their guns and tried to flee, but were intercepted by your teammates. You witnessed some fierce hand-to-hand combat, with everyone involved using every weapon at their disposal.
Several aliens got thrown around and pinned to the ground, but soon enough, you and your team managed to hold the line and stop the attack. When it was all over, you breathed a sigh of relief and gazed around, assessing the damage. You were surprised that your squad managed to defeat so many enemies so easily. You guessed that these aliens were only the tip of the iceberg, and that it would be impossible to hold off such a large number of foes without help.
After collecting your thoughts, you radioed Renjun and the rest of your squad. "Alright guys, the fight is over. Everyone get some rest and reload your weapons. Let's keep a low profile until the coast is clear."
All of your orders were immediately obeyed, and your entire crew headed back inside to get some much needed rest. You checked your gun again, ensuring that it was fully loaded and that your grenade launcher was still operational. Despite the fact that your squad held the enemy off easily, you were certain that it was only a matter of time before they regrouped and tried to attack again. At least this time they won't have the element of surprise.
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“Finally back in Neo Station!” Mark called out as he walked off the ship. “I’m gonna take a long ass nap in the barracks until the next mission.”
After hours of killing aliens and avoiding being killed by alien weaponry, your squad was finally back on Neo Station. You were eager to check on the status of your ship, and see if any of the damages made on the ship could be repaired. It seemed like a good idea to have an experienced mechanic inspect the ship once the adrenaline wore off. Luckily, Haechan and Jaemin were able to examine your ship and give you a report on what repairs might be necessary.
Renjun groaned, stretching his limbs. “Same. I’m gonna try to get some sleep.”
“You’ve been cranky man.” Haechan laughed as he joined the two. “Sleep will do us good.”
“I’m heading to med bay to stock up on supplies.” Winwin muttered and turned to Doyoung. “Care to join me? The science wards are near there.”
“Sure.” Doyoung replied and headed in the same direction as Winwin.
“I’m gonna go hang out in the mess hall.” Taeyong ran off, leaving you with Jaehyun and Johnny. Jaemin seemed to have run off somewhere else.
“Weird guy.” Johnny commented as he watched the younger guy’s fading back.
“Leave the weird kids alone,” you playfully smacked Johnny’s arm. You looked at both him and Jaehyun. “What have you guys got planned?”
“Actually, we were hoping you might want to join us.” Jaehyun said with a smile.
“Really?” you questioned.
“Yeah.” Jaehyun smiled. “Let’s go have some fun, captain.”
"Lead the way."
You followed Jaehyun and Johnny towards a club that was filled with men and exotic female dancers of humans and alien species. There was a long bar at the front of the club that was decorated with dozens of drink bottles, and was surrounded by several seating areas, including couches and chairs. Some men sat alone in one of the booths, drinking themselves silly.
“A gentleman’s club?” You gave Jaehyun a look. “Really?”
“Of course it is! This is Neo Station after all. What did you expect?” Jaehyun teased.
“Some people prefer more subtle entertainment.”
Jaehyun rolled his eyes. “Subtle entertainment? Like the night you met someone new?”
You rolled your eyes. “I meant drinking in a lounge or at the bar. Not a gentleman’s club.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” Johnny asked. “This place is amazing!”
“If you say so.” You shrugged. “I should’ve gone with Taeyong to the mess hall…”
“Come on! I’ll buy you drinks all night!” Jaehyun insisted. “And girls! Lots and lots of girls!”
“You two can have the girls.” You looked around the club. “But I see some eye candy calling my name.”
Johnny looked in the same direction you were looking, a smirk on his face. “Ahhhh, so that’s your new friend? He’s handsome but not as handsome as me.”
Jaehyun raised an eyebrow before letting out a laugh. “We’re not going to see you in the next few days, are we?”
“Nope!” You nodded. “I’m gonna have fun tonight.”
Both Jaehyun and Johnny smirked at each other. “Have fun and use protection, captain.”
The two of them waved goodbye as you made your way through the crowd. When you finally found him, you noticed that he had already settled himself into a seat. The sight of you drew his attention, and he grinned widely when he saw you approach.
“Y/N,” Jungwoo greeted you as you sat beside him. He placed his hand on yours. “Weird place for you to show up at.”
You nodded over to your squad mates as they were watching a sexy alien woman dance seductively for the crowd. “My squadmates dragged me out here.”
“Not exactly your scene, is it?” Jungwoo asked as he slid a finger along the palm of your hand.
“As hot as the dancers are, they’re not my cup of tea.” You placed a hand on his knee. “You’re more my type.”
He smiled mischievously. “Had to come back for more, huh?”
You let out a laugh, slowly moving in closer to him. “It looks like it.”
He leaned in and gently kissed you. His lips were warm and inviting, which caused goosebumps to rise all over your body. You could feel yourself getting lost in the kiss, forgetting about everything else around you. He pulled away slightly and whispered in your ear. “Wanna get out of here?”
Your breath caught in your throat. “Oh god, yes.”
You led Jungwoo out of the club and into a nearby alleyway. It took several minutes to get there, and during that time, you continued kissing him fervently, enjoying every second of his embrace. When you reached the alleyway, you wrapped your arms around him tightly, causing him to chuckle.
“Don’t worry, no one’s coming.” He told you.
You paused for a moment. “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely.” He replied with a grin.
Before you knew it, Jungwoo pushed you against the wall and pressed his lips against yours. You could taste his minty breath as he started to explore your mouth, slipping his tongue inside of your mouth to stroke against yours. You felt him push his hands under your shirt, running them up and down your bare stomach.
“Fuck, Y/N.” He moaned softly as he continued exploring your mouth. “You’re so beautiful.”
You couldn’t help but shiver at his words. Jungwoo was definitely a very handsome man, but hearing those words from him was making you weak in the knees. He stopped kissing you momentarily and looked deep into your eyes. “Let's head back to my place so that I can take care of you."
His tone left no room for argument. You simply nodded and allowed him to guide you out of the alley. You enjoyed the walk to his suite, mostly because it gave you time to calm your racing heart and regain your composure. Once you arrived at his suite, Jungwoo grabbed your hand and led you inside.
"You have a nice suite." You looked around the living area. It wasn't as luxurious as some of the places you've seen on Earth, but it was decent enough for an officer.
"Thanks." He smiled as he moved forward to wrap his arms around you. "It's nothing compared to your suite though. Nothing but the best for one of the best captains I know."
"I never told you that I was a captain...”
“Of course you never told me…” He leaned in close and kissed you again. “Didn't need to. I just know how great of a person you are.”
You melted at his words. The sexual tension between you and Jungwoo was practically combustible, and it wasn't hard to tell that he was just as attracted to you.
“How great?” You asked softly as he pushed you against the wall.
“Beyond great.” He nipped at your lower lip, causing you to whimper.
“Then prove it.” You whispered as he slipped his hand under your bra.
Jungwoo's lips traveled down your neck as he slowly unclasped your bra. Your skin felt like fire as he gently caressed your nipples.
“Fuck.” Jungwoo whispered. “I love these tits of yours.”
He ran his hands down your breasts, squeezing them softly. You moaned softly, allowing him to continue playing with your breasts.
He lifted your top up, exposing your bare stomach. His eyes lit up at the sight of your toned abs. With quick movements, he slipped off your top, sending your lacy black bra flying across the room. Jungwoo gazed down at your naked chest. His fingers traced their way down to your stomach, where he traced your abdomen with his fingertips. His touch sent chills throughout your entire body.
He lifted you to the countertop and slowly lowered his lips to your belly button. His tongue flicked against your sensitive skin, causing you to moan even louder. Jungwoo didn't stop there. He continued trailing kisses down your stomach, his hands at the band of your pants. With light tugging motions, he managed to pull them off of you. They fell onto the floor with a thud, leaving you sitting in only your panties. Jungwoo stood up straight and gave you another admiring look.
“Like what you see?” You questioned playfully.
“God damn, you're fucking gorgeous.” He growled as he ripped off his own clothes before dropping to his knees in front of you.
With quick movements, he spread your legs open and positioned himself between them. He tugged on your panties, pulling them down until they were pooled at your ankles.
“Now taste me,” You ordered as you grabbed hold of his hair and guided his face to your pussy.
He quickly obliged. His tongue snaked its way into your dripping pussy, causing you to let out a loud moan. His tongue moved in circles, swirling around your clit and flicking lightly against it. He paid extra attention to your sensitive spot, pleasuring you to the fullest.
When he felt that you were ready to cum, he brought his face back up to your clit. Using his fingers, he circled it lightly while rubbing it against your clit. You began to thrash your head back and forth, unable to contain your orgasm any longer. You screamed loudly as you came, sending vibrations through Jungwoo's head. He buried his face into your pussy as you cried out in pleasure.
After a few moments, he pulled his head from your pussy and quickly wiped his face with a napkin. “Fuck, I need to be inside you right now.”
He positioned himself between your legs and pushed himself inside of you. You groaned as you adjusted to his size.
“You’re so tight.” He panted as he held himself up by bracing his hands on the countertop underneath you. “Fucking tight.”
He continued thrusting slowly inside of you. You closed your eyes and concentrated on feeling every inch of his dick move within you.
“Does it feel good?” He asked after a minute of continuous thrusting.
“Oh my god, yes!” You moaned. “Keep doing that. Fuck, don’t stop.”
Jungwoo let out a small laugh. “There will be plenty more if you keep begging like that.”
He slowly increased his pace, allowing you to enjoy every second of his large cock penetrating your tight pussy. Soon enough, he picked up the pace again, increasing his speed.
“Do you feel good, Jungwoo?” You asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Feelings mutual.” He gasped as he pounded harder and faster inside of you.
You bit your lip as he pounded his dick into you. It felt so good having his cock slide in and out of your pussy. His hips moved forcefully, driving his cock deeper inside of you. You bit your lip again, trying to fight off your impending orgasm.
“Cum for me, Y/N. Cum on my dick.” He grunted.
You obeyed his command without hesitation. “Fuck! Jungwoo!”
Your body shook violently as your orgasm swept through you. Your entire body tightened, causing you to scream out in ecstasy. Jungwoo moaned as he drove himself even deeper into you, continuing his powerful thrusts.
As you recovered from your orgasm, you opened your eyes and saw Jungwoo looking back at you with lust filled eyes. He began licking his lips as his gaze shifted from your eyes to your lips.
“Want to go again?” You whispered, knowing that you had more energy than before.
He smirked and nodded his head. “Why not?”
He lifted you from the countertop and carried you into the bedroom. Once he laid you down on the bed, he crawled on top of you.
“You’re looking at me funny. What? Did I do something wrong?” You asked innocently.
“Would your squad mates kill me if I said that I wanted to join you on your adventures?” He asked.
“What makes you think that?” You asked back, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I really like you, Y/N and I want to keep seeing you. But it’s hard when we’re different missions and all that. That means no contact for weeks or months at a time.”
“So, what do you say? Will you let me tag along with you?” He wrapped his arms around you and pressed his lips against yours.
“I would really love that.” You returned the kiss and closed your eyes. “But I have one condition.”
“Name it.” He grinned.
“That you fuck me in every position you possibly can.”
He laughed. “Let’s crash land on the nearest inhabitable planet. I’m ready to make your dreams come true.”
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supersaiyanjedi14 · 2 months
Prompt: Speaking Love Language/Free
*My AU; Ezra looks to communicate his feelings in a way Sabine will instantly understand.  If only his sources of guidance weren’t butting heads.*
“This right?”
“Almost.  It needs a bit more of a curve around…here.”
“That’s exactly where you pointed last time.”
“And it’s not right yet.”
“Why didn’t you say so before?”
“Do you want my help or not?”
“I’m seriously starting to wonder if I do!”
Throwing up his hands, Ezra marched away from the work bench, resisting the urge to smack the other man in the mouth.  He had been working on this for the past week, every second of his precious little spare time dedicated to making it perfect.  When preparing a gift for the woman you love, you naturally feel compelled to make sure it is just that.  On paper, consulting someone familiar with the designs you are tying to replicate would be an ideal situation.
In practice, the fact that the only one available is the brother of the object of your affection, a brother who seems to relish in being as annoying as possible, makes the situation a bit more complicated.
Tristan laughed at Ezra’s dramatic distress.  “If it makes you feel any better, it’s a lot closer than it was when you started.”
“Yeah?” Ezra replied sharply, “Well maybe, next time, get the big details right on correction #1, not #17.”
“I didn’t correct it that many times.”  Tristan protested.
Ezra rolled his eyes.  “Wanna bet?  I’ve been keeping track.”
“What’s all the commotion?”
Turning to the new voice, Ezra saw three men walking into the rec room.  One of them, garbed in a pilot’s fighter jacket, was only familiar to Ezra by reputation.  The other two, a second Mandalorian in blue armor and an officer with a dashing cape across his shoulders, were far better known.
“Hey, Lando, Rau.” Ezra greeted his friends.  He turned to the other two.  “Lt. Janson, right?”
“That’s me, sir.” The pilot responded with a light salute.
“At ease, at ease.”  He turned back to Lando.  “Not much.  Tristan’s just being difficult.”
“For the love of-“
“Relax, Tristan,” Fenn Rau reprimanded the younger Mandalorian.  “You should know better than to be baited by his teasing by now.”  Rau turned to the bench.  “Ah,” he realized, “still working on this little pet project for Sabine?”
“If I meet Master Wren’s exceptional standards,” Ezra flamboyantly gestured to a pouting Tristan, “it should be done soon.”  He held up his work for the others to see.  “What do you guys think?” he asked.
Lando nodded.  “Not bad.  Though I think working on it out here in the open might be risky.  In my experience, the best gifts come with an element of surprise.”
Rau groaned.  “Really, Calrissian?”
“Just giving him some pointers.”
Janson snorted loudly.  “From you?  That’s rich.”
“Like you’re one to talk,” Tristan shot back.  “Wasn’t it that Mirialan on Onderon that you scared off by eight parsecs?”
Janson’s face went red.  “it was one time, Wren, one-“
“Okay, enough.”  Ezra cut in before an argument about Wes Janson’s love life could break out.  “And to answer your question, Lando, don’t worry.  Everyone in this room is sworn to secrecy.”  He turned to the far side to the man in commando fatigues watching a holodrama.  “Isn’t that right, Dameron?”
Dameron paused his show and raised a hand.  “Silent as the grave, Commander!”
Sadly, Ezra’s attempt to avert conflagration were futile.  Janson regained a measure of his flair and turned to the commando.  “Oh,” he said in a slow, sarcastic tone.  “So he rejects our sage advise, but turns to you?”
Dameron got up at the challenge.  “He doesn’t ask anything.  If he did, though, I’d happily offer him tips.”
“Oh, so you’re an expert on romance?”
“Well, considering I’m the only one in this room who’s married, yeah, I’d say I am.”
“So what?  I’d actually be able to-“
“He didn’t want Calrissian’s schmoozing tips,” Rau cut in, “why would he want yours?”
“Schmoozing?” Lando blurted out in mild offense.  “I’ll have you know-“
“Oh, give it a rest.”
“I don’t see you adding anything, Wren.”
“Maybe because I don’t have anything to compensate for.”
“Why you little-!”
Whatever the conversation had turned to was thankfully muffled once Ezra slid the door to the rec room shut.  He considered putting the project on himself for a little extra filtering.
“Romantic advise isn’t that helpful tonight, is it?”
Turning around with a jolt, Ezra instinctively hid his gift behind his back, but relaxed when he saw the Twi’lek standing there.  He let out an exasperated breath.  “You have no idea.”
“You’d be surprised.” Hera grinned.  She turned to look at what Ezra was holding.  “So that’s what you’ve been slipping out to work on.”
Ezra nodded and looked down at it.  “I wanted to do something up her own alley, you know?  Show her how I feel in a way she can understand the best.”
Hera looked at the gift.  “I think it’s beautiful.”  She smiled warmly.  “Sabine’s going to love it.”
“You sure?”
Hera shook her head and placed a hand on his shoulder.  “Positive.  Besides,” she murmured as she walked off, “it’s not like she can’t already read you like a datapad.”
“You’ll see.”
Ezra just shrugged.
A few hours later, there was a knock on the door to Sabine’s cabin.  Setting her airbrush down, she walked over to answer.  She was greeted by the sight of her smiling boyfriend, who was holding a hastily wrapped mass in his hands.
“Hey,” she answered brightly.  She gestured to the package.  “What’s that?”
“Let me in and I’ll show you.”
“Hmmm,” Sabine mused, “I don’t know.  Strange men coming to my door bearing unexpected gifts.  I think my mother warned me about such things.”
Ezra’s face warmed a bit.  “Strange? Lady Wren, I must protest.”
Sabine let out a laugh.  “Come on, get in here.”
Regaining his composure, Ezra smiled and strode into Sabine’s quarters, the door closing behind him.  The two sat on her bunk and Ezra passed her the present.
“Go on,” he said.  “Open it.”
Normal, Sabine would have been happy to play hard to get.  Even all these years later, that light teasing they engaged in hadn’t faded away.  Experience often allowed one to see things others would not be able to perceive so easily, and the two of them had a knack for wrapping their earnest remarks in layers of sass, a little puzzle to piece through.  Now though, her curiosity got the better of her.  She quickly tore the flimsi off in one swipe.
Her eyes widened at the sight before her.  It was a shoretrooper helmet, but decidedly non-regulation.  The tan helm was now a vivid magenta, with blue markings along the jowels and orange stripes across the nose.  The forehead was adorned with a pair of purple arches, with a bright green spot right in the middle.  It took only a few seconds for her to recognize the markings.  The Nite-Owl, just as what her own helmet bore.  And looking closer at the blue markings, she saw them clearly.  The jaig eyes, the mark of honor for courage.  A little stylized and not in the traditional place, but jaig eyes all the same.
“Wow,” she said in genuine wonder.  Ezra wasn’t exactly the artist type, yet she could see dedication a parsec away.  He had clearly gone the extra mile to do something in her own style.  Not quite as complex as her own work, but the care he had placed into this was undeniable.  “This is…Ezra this is amazing!”
“Thanks,” he said as he placed a hand behind his head in a bashful look.  “The helmet came from that mission to Valo a couple months back.  I asked Tristan about how to do the symbols right, though the hard part was finding the right shades of paint.”
Sabine’s eyes snapped back to the helmet at that last word.  Paint.  Color.  Ezra wouldn’t have chosen just anything.  Taking a careful look at the gift, she began to unpack what she saw.
In Mandalorian tradition, certain colors held significant meaning.  Many warriors were known to paint their armor with specific colors to represent their chosen undertakings and causes.  While Sabine had never been picky enough to stick to one hue for a mission, she knew the significance of these shades by heart.  She checked off what she saw.
Blue jaig eyes on the sides.  A green center to the Nite Owl.  The orange nose stripes.  The pink and purple base.
Blue, for reliability.  Someone who you could always count on come hell or high water.
Green, for duty.  For a person driven to uphold whatever they believed in and see it through to the end.
Orange, for a lust for life.  Someone who treasured every day, every experience, and everyone they shared it with.
Purple and pink had no explicit meaning to Mandalorians.  But they didn’t need one.  Those colors spoke of something more specific.  Someone more specific.  Someone who considered those colors her personal favorites.  Someone who exemplified all the other colors on the helmet, yet was something all her own.  Someone the creator of this masterpiece loved above all else.
Ezra had been babbling on about his ongoing work for the past minute, but the deep kiss she quickly pulled him into shut him up.  No other words were needed.  He could tell exactly what she was thinking.
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bradshawsvinyl · 2 months
Begin Again Part Two
As a first grade teacher, you couldn’t help but fall for your sweet student and her very attractive Navy fighter pilot father.
Part One. Part Three.
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Bradley could not believe his ears. He was pretty sure if he looked into a mirror his face would be tomato red. He had never felt more humbled in his life.
“I’m not sure where she got that from,” Bradley awkwardly laughed. “You know how kids are. They get confused sometimes. Right Tara?”
“But Daddy,” Tara started. “You told Aunt Phoenix that my teacher was…”
“Well,” Bradley said while looking at you. “We have to um get going. See you tomorrow Ms. Y/L/N.” He practically dragged Tara out of your classroom.
You politely smiled and waved. “Bye Tara! Bye Mr. Bradshaw!” You said.
Bradley and Tara leaving meant you finally had some time to yourself. You wondered if Tara was telling the truth. Bradley was right. You did know how kids are. Maybe Tara overheard Bradley’s conversation and got confused. That had to be why she said that.
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The next day on base, Bradley practically ran to Phoenix. “What do I do? Phoenix please help me,” He begged.
Phoenix began walking towards the on base locker rooms. “Bradshaw, what the hell is up with you?”
Bradley made quick steps to keep up with Phoenix. “Yesterday, when I went to pick up Tara, she walked up to her teacher and told her that I think she’s pretty,” he said with a hint of embarrassment in his voice.
“Yikes Rooster,” Phoenix replied. “I don’t even think I can help you get out of that one.” She said before bursting into laughter.
“Phoenix please. What should I say to her today? Should I just ignore her or what? You’re the girl here, you have to have something I can do.” Bradley said, voice laced with desperation.
“Look Bradley,” Phoenix said seriously. “Just be honest with her. Tell her that what Tara said is true and that you meant no harm by it. I don’t know what else to say.”
Bradley sighed, said goodbye to Phoenix, and did the walk of shame to his Ford Bronco. It was time to pick up Tara again. It was time to see you again.
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At school, Tara was the last person to be picked up again. You led her inside of your classroom and patiently waited for her father to arrive. At four o clock, he knocked on your door.
“Daddy,” Tara yelled while running to Bradley.
“Hi sweetie!” He said while giving her a hug. “Hi Ms Y/L/N.” He said with a polite wave in your direction.
“Hi Mr. Bradshaw.” You said politely. “Before you go, I just wanted to remind you that drop off is at 3 o'clock.”
“Crap,” he said while letting go of Tara. “Sorry. I’m a single dad and sometimes it’s hard to transport Tara from place to place. I fly planes for the Navy so my schedule isn’t very lenient.”
“It’s okay Mr. Bradshaw.” You said while smiling at him. “I have no problem keeping Tara after school for a few hours if it would help you.”
“That would mean a lot as long as it’s not an inconvenience to you.” He said. Bradley couldn’t believe you had offered to watch Tara for him. Finding someone he trusted to watch Tara while he was at work could be hard. Not only were you nice to look at, you were also just nice. “You can just call me Bradley by the way.”
“I’m Y/N then,” you said while holding your hand out for him to shake. “I’m happy to help you. I know it’s only the third day of school but Tara is one of my best students so far.” You said with a wide smile in Tara’s direction.
“Thank you so much.” He smiled while grabbing Tara’s backpack and jacket. “Oh.” He said while turning around to face you again. He quickly ran his fingers through his hair and closed his eyes before quickly opening them again. “About what Tara said yesterday,” he started. “I did say you were attractive in confidence to my friend. She must have overheard and I’m really sorry if this makes things awkward now, but I just wanted you to know the truth,” he rambled on, “But um yeah I apologize.” He said while running his fingers through his hair again.
“All is forgotten,” you said. “And for the record, you’re not too bad yourself.” You said, slightly blushing.
Bradley grinned. He couldn’t believe his ears. “I should probably give you my number,” he said while pulling out his phone. “You know since you’re going to be staying with Tara for a while after school.”
“Right.” You said taking his phone and typing in your number. “I’ll see you tomorrow Tara.” You waved. “Bye Bradley!”
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When you checked your phone after getting home and showering you saw a message from an unknown number.
Hey, it's Bradley. I can’t wait to see more of you. And thanks again for helping with Tara.
You put your phone down and smiled. Then you thought of what to say to Bradley.
Happy to help! See you tomorrow.
You couldn’t wait to see more of Bradley either.
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Authors note: I love writing these characters! Please let me know if you want part three. Happy Reading!
-Willow 🩷
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albertasunrise · 1 year
Only You - When Benny Met...
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Summary: Having spent most of your life in relationships that went nowhere. You struggled to trust that this man… this ray of sunshine… wouldn’t leave you eventually. (18+)
Relationships: Reader x Ben Miller
Warnings:Like AO3, I choose to give none. Read at your own risk. (So bit of a short chapter but I promise they'll get longer... enjoy 🙊)
Series Masterlist
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"Stitch!... I know you're about to clock out but we got a 40-year-old male in bay six, laceration to left arm. Dude's lucky, just missed his Brachial Artery... Guy apparently hit on the guys wife, couldn't take no for an answer." 
"Why can't you do it?" You sighed as you threw your colleague a sideways glare. 
"We all know you're the best at stitching folks up. I have a tone of patients I need to see and you'd be doing me a solid if you could stitch him up and get him on his way." 
"Spencer I-" 
"He's got a cute friend with him." Your colleague pushed and you rolled your eyes.
"Because that's the way to convince me." 
"Come on Stitch... Please!" Spencer pleaded, giving you his best puppy dog eyes and you sighed, snatching the patient file away.
"Fine but you owe me!" You grumbled, pointing a finger at him in a warning manner. 
"One hundred per cent!" Spencer replied, hands together like he was in prayer. 
"Let's go see what the damage is then hmm?" 
"You doing okay there Fish?" Ben asked as he gave his friend's uninjured arm a squeeze. 
"They got me on the good shit so all things considered... Not too bad." The pilot chuckled, giving his brother-in-arms a dopey smile as he looked up at the blonde. 
"Glad to hear it Fishsticks." Ben replied, head darting up as the privacy curtain of Frankie's cubicle was pulled back. 
You weren't what Ben was expecting. 
You smiled at him as you entered, eyes sparkling under the fluorescent light. He couldn't help but be captivated by you. Your soft features and striking eyes instantly enchanted him. 
"Dr Sheppard... You got awful pretty since we last saw you." Benny flirted, grinning at the amused eye roll you gave him. 
"Dr Spencer has asked me to use my fine Stitching skills and help your friend." You replied, holding out your hand then to introduce yourself "Mr Morales, how are we feeling?" 
"We're feeling goooood." He drawled, eliciting a grin from you and Ben. 
"Feeling a little high are we?" You chuckled before pulling back the bandage that covered his injury 'Yikes... They got you good huh?" 
"Should have seen the other guy" Frankie grumbled and you chuckled.
"You got him good Fish." Benny assured his friend, giving him a firm nod before returning his attention to you "He got a few punches him before the guy sliced him." 
"I don't condone violence." You warned and Ben grimaced. 
"I won't tell you what I do for a living then." 
"What you beat people up?" 
"That's exactly what he does." Frankie replied as he attempted to big up his friend, only to chuckle after. 
"I'm an MMA fighter." Ben clarified "Special forces before that." 
"Explains Fish." You chuckled as you pulled on your gloves and started to prep what you needed to stitch Frankie up. 
You administered some general, noting the flinch on Ben's face when you pierced his friend's flesh.
"If you hate needles... I don't recommend you watch the next part." You chuckled as you readied the needle. 
"I'll be fine." Ben replied, eyes going wide as brought the needle to Frankie's flesh. 
That was the last thing he said before he blacked out.
Six months later...
"Hey, Princessa." You gushed as you welcomed baby Lila with open arms. 
"I thought that was my nickname." Benny pouted as he gave you a friendly nudge. 
"Oh, you're just, Princess!" You teased "Princessa is reserved for this little angel." 
"How you doing Stitch?" Frankie asked as he sat down beside its wife "Work still hell?" 
"It's A&E Fish... It's always hell." You chuckled, eyed flitting up to the pilot before returning to the smiley baby in your arms "How's this little one sleeping?" 
"Believe it or not but she sleeps right through." Replied Maria as she laid her head on her husband's shoulder "Pretty sure we've got a trick baby on our hands." 
"Got so many friends who ended up having another baby because their first one was perfect!" You giggled "But, it could just be that you two are acing this parenting shit." 
"Definitely the latter." Pipped up Ben and you smiled at him sweetly.
"Suck up." Piped up Will, eliciting a hearty laugh from everyone but Ben. 
You had never expected, after meeting Ben and Frankie all those months ago, that you would have gained such amazing friends. Ben had practically begged you for your number and you had given in. You'd not been able to resist his kind eyes and you'd found yourself excited at the prospect of going out with him. Turned out he just wanted to be friends. 
Or at least, that's what you thought. 
Ben had been over the moon that you'd given him your number. He'd spent that whole evening trying to plan the perfect date. Fancy restaurant, followed by a romantic walk on the beach and a kiss under the stars. But nerves got the better of him and he'd suggested going for a drink. It was safer. If things went bad you both had an easy out. Then as the night had come around, he'd ended up inviting the guys last minute and that's how you'd ended up becoming part of his circle. 
Just not his girlfriend. 
Now six months down the line, he was still kicking himself for not acting when he should have. 
“Hey, babe… Sorry, I’m late. Got stuck on a call that I thought was never going to end.” 
Ben watched as the guy who had, had the spine to act kissed you sweetly and his stomach twisted at the smile you gave the man as he pulled away. 
“Well look who you have.” He gushed as he stroked little Lila’s cheek “You’ve gotten so big, little lady.”
“She’s growing like a weed!” Maria gushed “Already in 3-6 months clothes!” 
“You’re still so cute n’ little though!” You cooed as you cuddled the baby closer, smiling when she gave you a gummy yawn and nuzzled in closer. 
“Suits you.” Said Mike as he leaned in closer to kiss you. 
“What does?” You asked, giving him a bemused look. 
“The baby!” 
His reply took you by surprise. 
You had been dating Mike for a little over four months. You'd met him on one of your many nights out with the guys and had been swept away by his brown eyes and easy smile. You had found yourself settling into an easy relationship with Mike. It wasn't exciting like the ones you read about in your erotic novels but it was safe. Warm and cosy. He made you feel beautiful and that was more than you'd ever hoped for. 
Ben felt his heart shatter when he heard Mike's statement. He watched the two of you as you smiled and giggled whilst fawning over the tiny person sleeping soundly in your arms, hating that it wasn't him. He knew he was to blame for how things had turned out. He'd lost his nerve. He had never felt like this about anyone before. It was love at first sight for him. Something that up until that day in the hospital, he'd never believed in. 
Then you walked in. Soft smiles and kind eyes and he'd fallen for you instantly. 
Standing abruptly he made his way over to the bar, oblivious to the concerned look Frankie threw his way. 
"I'll be back in a sec." The pilot said, kissing his wife's cheek before following the younger Miller over to the bar. 
"Another beer please." Ben called out to the barman, ignoring the presence that had appeared beside him. 
He knew who it was and he knew what the man wanted to talk about but he wasn't in the mood. He just wanted to get drunk. Numb himself from the pain he was feeling at seeing you so happy with someone else. 
"Don't!" The younger man warned but Frank was having none of it. 
"You need to tell her how you feel." 
"And what is that gonna achieve?" Ben spat "She's got him now." 
"Maybe if she knew the truth, she might-"
"Leave him?" Ben scoffed "Leave the bigshot restaurant owner for the MME fighter that's just recently moved out of his Brother's basement?... Yeah, I'm a real catch!" 
"She's better off not knowing." Ben choked "At least I can have her as a friend. Telling her would only fuck that up." 
"You should give yourself some credit brother." Frankie sighed as he gave his friend's arm a reassuring squeeze "You're too hard on yourself." 
"I'm just being realistic." Ben growled "I had my chance and I blew it!" He sobbed "Now she's with a guy that can give her everything she deserves." 
"But so can you!" Frank argued, pulling a scoff from Ben "And I'd argue that you'd make her way happier than that Mike ever could." 
"I don't know Fish..." 
"Just tell her!... What have you got to lose?" 
Frankie's words echoed in his head for the rest of the evening. He knew his friend was right but he didn't know if he could risk losing you. You had become such an integral part of his life. You had become so close. Best friends one might say and he didn't want to lose what he had. He would get over you eventually, he couldn't remain in love with you forever... right?
This would pass. 
This pain would pass.
So as he’d laid in bed that night, staring up at the ceiling as images of your face flashed in front of his eyes he decided that it was best to just bury his feelings. Having you as a friend was better than not having you at all. So the weeks and months that followed played out like the ones that came before them. You and Ben would have your movie nights. Evenings at the bar with the guys and gossip over WhatsApp like two grandmas at Bingo. 
But the pain Benny felt didn't fade. 
He watched you fall harder and harder for Mike. Listen to you gush about the expensive restaurants and flash bars he took you to. The presents he showered you with. Ben hated that this man was able to give you everything he wanted to give you. He couldn't help but feel like Mike was showering you with all this because he was hiding something. 
That something came in the form of a busty blonde that nine months into your relationship, you'd found playing tonsil tennis with the man you'd thought was the man you were going to marry. 
How wrong you'd been. 
"How could I have been so blind?" You sobbed, spooning a ridiculously large scoop of ice cream into your mouth.
"You weren't blind Stitch... He's an asshole!" Benny growled before pulling your closer "Guy clearly didn't realise what he had!" 
You scoffed at Ben's statement. 
"This is just how things go for me, Ben." You sobbed "I meet a guy... fall in love with him and then he either leaves me or cheats on me." 
You ate a few more spoonfuls of ice cream before dumping the tub onto your coffee table and scrubbing a hand over your tear-streaked face. 
"Maybe I should just quit." 
"Quit what?" Ben pushed and you groaned. 
"Men!" You expelled "I mean... I'm not the sort of girl destined for marriage and kids." 
"What the hell makes you think that?" 
"I don't have a flat stomach, my thighs don't have a gap and my arms aren't toned." You scoffed "I'm the girl a guy dates to make him look like he's not shallow... Date a fat girl for a while and you'll look like you're deep... See past flaws-"
"Okay, I gotta stop you there." Ben snapped "You are not fat." He started, pointing at you "You are one of the most beautiful women I know... Inside and out." 
"Mike was a fucking idiot for letting you slip through his fingers and if he-"
Ben was interrupted by knocking at your front door. 
"I can get it if you want." 
"No, it's fine." You replied, pushing yourself to your feet "Probably just Mrs Bell in need of sugar again." 
When you opened the door and saw Mike standing there the air was stolen from your lungs. His eyes were red and puffy. Almost like he'd been crying. 
"What do you want Mike?" You asked, trying to keep your voice steady. 
"I wanted to talk." He said, almost pleadingly "Explain." 
"Explain why you cheated?" Ben growled as he stepped up behind you. 
"Of course, you're here." Mike growled and you sighed at the remark. 
"What?" Ben snapped, stepping forward only to be stopped by your hand on his chest.
"I mean that you seem to always be here when I'm not." Mike growled "Can't accept that you missed your chance." 
"Mike." You warned and the man backed down "Ben, I need to talk to Mike alone." You stated as you turned to look at the man standing behind you. 
"But you'll-" 
"I'll be fine." You assured him "Best get going. You got your fight later." 
"You sure?" Ben asked and you nodded sweetly at him. 
"I'm sure." 
Ben walked back into your apartment to grab his coat before leaving, hugging you tightly on his way out. 
"Call me if you need anything." 
"I will." You assured him, giving him a small smile before watching him leave. 
Ben didn't like the idea of leaving you alone with that man. He knew Mike had a hold over you and he worried that he'd manage to worm his way back into your life again. 
If only he'd just taken you on that date. 
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szagaloree · 1 year
Eywa’s gift from Hell pt.1
Quaritch shorty story…
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EGFH bookmark:Chapters
“Listen up! You’ll be less and directed by one of our top best Air Force Sargent will be in charge of you, and if I were you, do as you are told, I will not promises you won’t walk away with a broken bone, understood?!” The women, Quaritch and the others stood in attention, “yes ma’am!” They spoke, “she’s here, alright let’s go,” she said their eyes go wide “she?” One said, once they go outside to the open are by the scorpions they can hear a screech from above them. She lands on her ikran, their eyes go wide in shock, she disconnects her que glaring at the people mostly the man in front she knows deeply.
“Fresh meat, I told you i didn’t want to trigger happy people behind me,” she says to parks, “well it’s your lucky day,” she smirks, I stood in front of them “at ease” she commands they went into at ease, she walks in front of them observing them, their new body, noticing they are like a regular avatar, five fingers, she grabs one of their tails, “I wonder what the devil has in stored for you hm,” she smirked with a deep chuckle, she walks in front of them “my name chief nyema lorks, cheif Sargent of the Air Force, you’re under my roof, you’re in my territory now, when you get out into this forest, you are not to antagonize nor shoot anything unless I say got it,” She said glaring at them, “yes ma’am” even though they wanted to testify, she stared right at Quaritch, “hmph… let’s see what you all are about when it comes down to being a real human being-oh! Well avatar now, you don’t even deserve to be called na’vi, acted like a bunch of savages the first time y’all stepped foot on this planet,” I said, Quaritch coughed up a hiss with an eye roll “oh don’t like that cadet? Something’s poking at your soulless heart? This is your problem not mine.. attention! Settle out to your resting station be ready for the devil’s work ladies,” I dismiss them.
“Ohhh they are not going to like you,” park said.
“Good I don’t want them too, im going to make their lives a living hell,” nyema says “especially Quaritch, he may not have gotten all his memories back but I’ll make sure his amnesia goes away quick and a hurry,” she snarls. Meanwhile in the resting station, “she’s one of them!” One hissed throwing his bag, “gotta be, she’s got a ikran thing,” another said, “and they allow that,” he said angrily, “shut up Richard!” Quaritch rolls his eyes.
The next morning they awoken and gotten ready for whatever she had for them, she walks out looking at them, she stares right at the guns, she rolls her eyes “you will not be using your guns, hoister them,” she said they grumbled in annoyance, “cry like a baby all ya want, you should know how to survive without a gun anyways, oh I forgot they don’t teach you how to be a real fighter in basic training,” she said, she was not going to make it easy for them, she’s going to make them learn a lesson one way or another, “same place?” The pilot asks, she nods “I’ll meet you there,” nyema said, she called her ikran and mounted it, she flies away as the others board the scorpion.
Once they landed nyema landed as well, they stared at the ikran “do not look in her eye,” she said they look away, She grabs her bow and arrow “oh so… you are one of them,” one said “what if I was? What are you going to do about it cadet Richard!” She walks up to his face with a sharp glare, he stood silent, “your little potty mouth is what gonna get ya killed again, I am not the one to be fucked with, I’ll kill all y’all asses and you will not come back this time!” She hissed, “oh rea-" before he could finish that word a knife was already to his throat, “go on! Finish that sentence cadet!” She threatens he gulps, the others just kept quiet not wanting to say a word, she pulled away but left a little cut under his chin. “Let’s go!” She said. After a while of traveling through the forest the prolemuris swing by scaring the hell out of them leaving two of them aiming their guns at them “hey! Hoister your weapons,” nyema shouted at them, “they’re not even damn aggressive, gosh y’all shoot everything that you’re scared of,” she shakes her head, one of the prolemuris jumps and lands on her shoulder just casually chilling they were shocked and kept staring at the prolemuris, it was young a juvenile.
It stared back at them with curiosity but sensed their mean energy so he hissed at mainly Quaritch, “alright get before you scare the rest of them,” she chuckled helping the prolemuris onto the tree, it swings away and nyema continues forward, “the first has healed, finally,” she says “what do you mean by that?” Quaritch questions, “it means eywa has healed the forest from your bullshit!” She snapped.
To be continued….
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topguncortez · 1 year
12 with Dragon and Rooster
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Dragon Trace warnings: sickness, Dragon hates germs, Bradley being a baby, smutty smut prompts list Bradley & Dragon Masterlist
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If there was one thing that Dragon couldn't stand was when people whined. Especially when the people whining were some of the best fighter pilots in the world. Maybe it was because Dragon wasn't raised with a mother who doted on her whenever she'd make a sound or maybe it was because Dragon was too independent for her own good. But, she was on the brink of duct taping her husbands mouth shut if he let out another whine.
"Honey," Bradley mumbled, turning over on his side. Dragon leaned against the doorway and watched him. His allergies had knocked him flat on his ass for the day. He could hardly stand without his head pounding, there was no way he was going to be able to pull 8Gs today. Dragon was going to stay with him, but Bradley insisted that she go to work (and she was glad that he sent her).
"What?" Dragon asked.
"C'mere," Bradley made grabby hands towards her. She rolled her eyes and walked towards her husband, standing in front of him, "No," Bradley reached up and wrapped his arms around her waist. She let out a squeal as he flipped her over him and laud her down on the bed, "Here."
Dragon chuckled, "Oh sweet boy," She ran her hands through his curls, "How ya feeling?"
"Feels like there's a jackhammer between my eyes," Bradley said and nuzzled his head into her neck. He was basically laying on top of her, his leg over her body, her arm wrapped around his back, "Do you know what would make me feel better?"
"Uh. . . Zyrtec and a hot shower?"
Bradley shook his head and lifted it up, a smirk on his face. Dragon knew that look all too well. Bradley Bradshaw was a simple man, with simple desires. He gently reached his hand up her body and rested it on her breast, giving her a dopey grin.
"Seriously?" Dragon laughed.
"It'll help me so much, honey," Bradley pouted, "Doctor even says so."
"Doctor who? Doctor Sins?" Bradley blushed at her words, and squeezed her breast, "Alright you," She swatted his hand away.
She gently pushed him flat on his back, but made sure that his upper half was propped up a bit so he could breathe. Bradley's hands went to her hips, and ran up her back as Dragon leaned down to place a kiss on his lips. He moaned into the kiss and started to move her hips back and forth over his growing hard-on. It didn't take much for Bradley to get hot and bothered when it came to Dragon. She literally could be covered and sweat and grease and Bradley is supporting a semi.
Bradley's lips went to Dragon's neck, kissing and sucking gently on the skin. She let out a moan, pressing her chest closer to him, her hands pulling on his brown curls.
"Fuck, Brad," Dragon sighed, "Having sex when you’re sick is risky, but it sounds kinda hot."
"Mhm, told ya," Bradley said and pulled away, looking up at her. He brushed some hair out of her face and caressed her cheek, "Ride me, please?"
"Must I do everything," Dragon rolled her eyes and crawled off of him for a brief moment. Bradley watched with hooded eyes as she stripped out of her clothing and he quickly pulled his shorts down his legs, his hard cock slapping against his stomach. He shamelessly jerked himself off as she crawled back into his lap.
"You do such a good job at it," Bradley smiled and put his hands back on her hips. He licked his fingers and then brought them down to her clit, "Don't act like you aren't into it either. Barely done anything and you're dripping."
"Bradley," Dragon said, "Shut up, and put your dick in me."
"Don't gotta tell me twice," He said, lining up with her entrance and slowly bringing her hips down to sit on his dick, "Jesus Christ, I feel better already."
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