#and making nice tunglr posts
seventh-fantasy · 4 months
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buniyaad · 7 months
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January 8th - 14th, 2024
Monday, January 8th - Sins of the Family // Isolation
Tuesday, January 9th - Prophecies // Deadly Devotion
Wednesday, January 10th - Superman Cults // Possession
Thursday, January 11th - The Forgotten One // A Hole in the World
Friday, January 12th - A Parent Knows Best // Eldritch Horror
Saturday, January 13th - It Takes a Village // Inheritance
Sunday, January 14th - Mistakes Were Made // Horror Movie AU
Not enough horror-themed fanworks in the world about the Superfam. Got jealous of the Batfandom having all these horror-themed events and projects, so I decided to host one for the Superfam.
Why should we participate in this?
Because you like seeing the soupeyfam in ever-increasingly fucked up situations that elicit a deeply-rooted, ancient dread :3
So how does it work?
The release date for fanworks is from Monday, the 8th of January through Sunday, the 14th of January, 2024. 
This aint a Halloween-themed event! You have well over three months to write, draw, and create fanworks. However, use the spooky season to help generate some ideas and propel you forward! :3
This an opportunity for people who’d like to explore the Superfamily characters, dynamics, and relationships through a variety of prompts. Although romantic ships are nice, please make sure the Superfam are the focus of your fanwork.
Superfamily characters include, but are not limited to:
Clark Kent
Lois Lane
Kara Zor El
Jonathan and Martha Kent
Jon Kent
Osul Ra and Otho Ra
John Henry Irons
Natasha Irons
Kon El/Conner Kent
Chris Kent/Lor Zod
Karen Starr
Kong Kenan
Superfamily characters of ANY comic book universe are acceptable. If you want to spend the entire fanweek exploring Ultraman and Injustice!Superman because you love drama, then be my guest! If you want Ultraman to kidnap Lois this time instead of Jon, go for it!! Let that imagination run WILD!!!
Darkfic, horrorfic, genre-specific work, and other both safe and not-safe-for-tunglr dot hell tropes are welcome. Just make sure that you post any Mature content on a landing page that doesn't restrict Mature content (like AO3). I don’t want anyone getting their blog banned. We cannot defeat our capitalist overlords, but we can definitely work around them.
This fanweek will not have a dedicated blog. These prompts are free for anyone to use. Because it is a non-traditional, non-monetized, and free-to-opt-in casual event, there will be no mods but moi, no advertising of paid services, and no ratings or participant restrictions. I will open a collection on AO3 in January for anyone who wants their work collated for this event.
In order to ensure that both creators and the audience are making informed decisions about what they engage with, all creators are encouraged to include triggers, ships, and any other squick warnings. 
Please utilize the read-more function for fanworks that are longer than 250 words. We're tryna read yer stories, not get spammed with a wall of text. Please Be Courteous.
And last but not least - if you are engaging with any of the fanworks, reblog, reblog, reblog! Share the work with your followers. Send all the love to the creators for crafting their masterpieces!!
What can I contribute?
Fanart (standalones, comic strips, etc.), fanfiction (one-shots, multichapter, etc.), fanmixes, gifsets, graphics, meme collections, fanvids, whatever your heart desires! Go wild!!!
Can I create/write not-safe-for-tunglr dot hell content?
Yes!!! All creators are encouraged to include triggers warnings, sub-genre specifications, ships, and other warnings in their posts. I will not discourage you from writing your 16k Kara-goes-evil fic, but please... Be Courteous and tag your fanworks appropriately so people can make an informed decision on what they're comfortable with viewing.
What does (X) prompt mean?
Each day has two prompts!! You can either pick a prompt OR you can combine prompts in different ways. Let your imagination take you where you want to go with each prompt!! If you want to explore both in the same fanwork, then be my guest!!
Mainstream Canon, Elsewords, and AU content is acceptable! Just make sure to stay within the comicsverse. Creativity is key! Have fun!!!
Can I crackship/multiship/harem/OT3/polyam the characters?
Absolutely!!! Just please remember that this is the Soupeyfam horror week, not the Lois-Has-A-Harem-of-Elseworlds-Supermen week. We love ships and things, but this week is about the Superfamily. The characters can have their lovers, but their personal romantic dalliances shouldn't overtake the Soupeyfam dynamics (unless you're pulling a Cersei and Jaime, lmao, if that's the case, go wild).
Does this have a tag?
During release week, use the general “superfam” tag to share your work with the wider Superfam fandom on tunglr. You can use whatever other tags you fancy. The best way to share, however, is to directly @ me so that I may reblog it.
I didn’t read a damn thing before this, Ava.
TL;DR: Over three months until the fanweek!!! For all fanwork creators out there, now’s the time to start thinking about what prompts you want to utilize for your creations. There are no creative restrictions, but I do ask that you follow these posting tips:
All fanfiction should be under a read-more.  
Not-safe-for-tunglr fanwork should be LINKED to whatever landing site the content is being hosted on (Twitter, AO3, etc). This includes both fanfiction and fanart. I don’t want your blog getting flagged bc tunglr hates gay people.
Provide content warnings for all triggers, squicks, and sub-genres. Unfortunately, in my ten odd years away from DC Comics, the fandom's seen a resurgence in puritanical behavior and tons of censorship and self-censorship. Please list content warnings on your work but do not be discouraged in sharing your work. If a fancop gets on your ass, block them. Please block as MANY as you can. They're like pests, they're always gonna be there, but their influence can be diminished by staunch blocking and reporting.
You can participate as much as you want!! Maybe you only wanna create for one day? Cool! Maybe you’re an overachieving corporate clown insomniac like myself, and wanna create for every day of the week? Go for it!!! 
The most important thing is to have fun :)
Truth be told, this event is entirely selfish. I personally love to the horror genre, and would love to see the characters in the Superfamily get more canon content as seen through beloved horror tropes. Unfortunately, Status Quo often gets in the way, and the current fanworks are largely ambivalent to the Dreadful and Despairing. If you'd like to join me in creating deliciously dark fiction featuring our favorite DC clan, please do! I would love to read your 10k character study of Otho and Osul assimilating into human society after spending their formative years as slaves in Warworld.
We’re over three months away from release week, so take your time, look through the prompts, and get your creative juices flowing! I will be sending out reminders until the go-live date.
For the people who showed interest during the initial interest check, I hope you're able to participate. To the four people who hate me, your mom's a hoe. Thank you.
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psalacanthea · 7 days
Hi I'm Lauren I'm new to this app, I'm just trying to make some friends. Can i be your friend?
Gonna suspend disbelief for a minute and assume this is true. :) If it is!
How to Make Friends on Tumblr Dot Com! from a fandom perspective
1) Look for people with common interests and follow them.
The first step in finding friends on tumblr dot com is finding people who like the stuff you do. Fandom tags are great for this! Use the search function to look for fandoms you like. Find people who are talking about the things you like! Follow them.
IE: You have 'Owl House' in your bio. Use the tumblr search to look for Owl House, or if you want to specifically look for a ship, look up CHARACTER x CHARACTER. IE: Luz x Amity.
Once you've found the fan stuff you like to see, you can use the more common fandom tags fans like to use, like 'TOH' for 'the owl house' and 'lumity' for 'luz x amity'
2) Interact with the people who make and interact with the stuff you like.
There are many ways to interact on tunglr dot com.
LIKES- Hitting that heart button on a post. A like is just a thumbs up, an acknowledgement, an 'this is cool'. This is the equivalent of a passing smile. It shows someone 'I'm friendly!'
You can also use likes to bookmark things you want to reblog later, but you don't have time for right now!
REBLOGS- This is you showing things you think are cool to other people, and just saving them to look at later. Your blog is for you. It's your neat rock collection. It's your pictures in your locker. It's your scrapbook.
Leaving TAGS on your reblogs (the bar at the bottom of a post that says 'add tags') allows them
a) to be searchable on your blog. If someone sees your blog and also likes Amity, they can search for it and see all the cool Amity stuff you found if you've tagged it properly.
b) to leave notes for the creator of the post. Things like 'woah this is cool'. It's the equivalent of leaving someone a nice note. Something they can look at, save, and smile about later. Tags hold no social expectation for the creator.
It is ALWAYS better to reblog things without tags than to not reblog them at all. Why? Because we're all here to share stuff, and not reblogging because you can't do it 'right' kills the ecosystem. Sometimes I don't have the spoons for tagging. So I reblog without them.
If you feel like you have something to ADD to the post, and to the fandom discussion, you can always reblog with a post of your own added! Don't be shy about this. It's a basic function of the site. It isn't rude to do!
Being a dick in the reblog, however, is rude. If you don't like something and want to make a post about it, or you disagree, make YOUR OWN POST. You can do that. :) Just tag it appropriately so you find your target audience.
IE: You hate the Lumity ship. Do not tag your negative post LUMITY, as it will show up to all the people who like the ship. That's rude. Find the tag specifically for Lumity haters, your true brethren. Usually they're something like ANTI-LUMITY.
Comments are for when you want to say something about a post, but not add to it directly. More immediate and personal than talking in tags, commenting also invites a response from the poster instead of everyone who looks at your tags/reblog post.
Comments are NOT for telling a poster how much you dislike their opinion, their fandom, ships, or anything else like that. DO NOT DO THAT. It will not make you friends. Unless your goal is to befriend other unpleasant people. In which case um…try twitter?
It is OKAY to send people asks, like you sent me this. It's a good thing! It opens conversations and helps you show someone that you're interested in them as a friend! My profile specifically says I'm open to asks, and many other peoples' do too.
Just keep in mind that this is social media, and tumblr has a culture of anonymity. That means don't get too personal with it. Don't ask people things like their age, real name, relationship status, etc.
If you have trouble with social cues, it can be fraught and stressful to send asks. That's understandable. It isn't necessary to use asks to make friends.
If you do send asks, be aware: asks also do not always get answered. That's the nature of the site, and it's okay. Sometimes people forget they reblogged an ask game (me). Sometimes it's not a question they want to answer. Sometimes they don't have time/energy/context right then and there.
There are MANY reasons an ask won't be answered. No one owes you a reason or an answer. If that upsets you, sending asks may not be for you.
Please keep in mind this is an overview, and everyone is different. Check pinned posts and bios for specific preferences! <3 This is how you start being part of a fandom, which is the first step to making friends!
3) Being a Positive Part of Your Ecosystem
Now that you are interacting with the people who post the things you like, and interacting with the fandom either big or small and being a part of it, you should be adding TO the fandom in some fashion. And yes, supporting fanwork creators by reblogging, tagging, and giving likes IS adding to fandom. One big thing to remember, though.
If you want to keep your ecosystem friendly, casual, and fun, please treat fandom artists, writers, curators, meta-posters, etc like people. That means not having expectations of public-facing behavior, social purity, speed of creation, fandom loyalty, or manditory interaction with other fans.
a) finding followers
If you look for other fans who are reaching out for interaction, you will find people who will follow you and interact with you. Look for people posting questions, ask games, artists and writers posting their works. Look for people who are sharing what they love, and love it with them.
Interact with the people who interact with you!
If a stranger follows you, check them out! Maybe you guys have common interests. Maybe you vibrate on the same frequency.
If someone follows you back, that makes them your mutual. It doesn't really mean anything no matter what people say. All it really says is 'your stuff is cool, I want to look at it, too.' It means they vibe with you.
This isn't twitter. You don't have to be 'mutuals' to interact with each other. There are many people I like a lot that I do not follow. Why?
Because I don't want to see their Tumblr interests on my dash. Maybe they're in a fandom I Do Not Want to see. Maybe they're really into a ship I dislike. Maybe they post something that grosses me out. So I don't want to see it.
That's literally it.
Being a positive part of your ecosystem does not mean being a perfect uwu bean. It doesn't mean always being upbeat. It just means that you support the things you care about because you want to keep seeing them. It means befriending people because they seem cool. It means being genuine. It means not pushing your expectations on other people.
It also means accepting something kind of sucky.
It's a fact of life that sucks, but it's true. Put your effort in where it's rewarded. Give back what you're given from others. Don't try to fill a bucket with a hole in it.
b) using messages
DMs (direct messages) are another thing that varies from person to person. But, if you want to get to know someone on a one-to-one level, DMs are the way to go. Oftentimes people put their DM preferences in a bio or pinned post. Not everyone does.
DMs are a way of saying something in private, like sharing a link to a funny post you know they'll like(you can always use @(theirname) in the text box of a reblog if it's a tumblr post), talking in-depth about something you'd both mentioned in posts, or asking about something personal they'd posted on their blog, like a favorite recipe, or movie, or something like that.
DMs are more personal and not everyone is comfortable with them.
You should meet people at the level of friendship THEY want to give, not the one you want to have. If someone wants to chat with you in comments but not in DMs, then that's what you should do. Giving people a chance to opt-out when you message them is polite, and if they express on their blog having social anxiety, it might help them.
But DMs are not scary, or forbidden. You just have to respect people's boundaries and be clear while you're getting to know each other. If it's hard to tell if someone is okay with something, ASK. You're not a mind reader :)
c) blocking
What? How is blocking people good for fandom? Well...it's a little thing I like to call:
Some people are assholes. Some people have Bad Takes. Some people live to pour poison into a fandom. Some people like to attack others and make up crusades so they can feel socially superior and morally pure. Some people just have a bad vibe. Some people just happen to have lots of fandom friends so you can't stop seeing their posts even though you disagree.
Block saves lives.
It's not an insult to be blocked. It's not mean to block people. It's curation. It's getting rid of things that introduce things you don't want into your happy little fandom tide pool.
Your ecosystem might be poisoned by That Ship, or a fandom headcanon, or a show you just don't want to see. Block it, baby! Block people, block tags, block me. Block it all. If you love someone you follow but hate the show, don't block them, block the show tag!
It's like magic!
See only what you want to see. Give only what you want to give. Find people who want to see and give the same things you do. Support them, and if they're worth your friendship, they'll support you too. Do not chase people who don't have the time, energy, or desire to interact with you on the level you want.
Keep it chill.
That is how you make friends on tumblo dot comms.
Being said, I'm not into The Owl House or your other listed interests! I hope you find people who will be a happy part of your personal tide pool of cool weird stuff. Good luck out there.
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mfshipbracket · 1 year
The Reylos got sweep (rightfully) and then things keep getting worse here huh
LOL like. i’ve been accused of everything possible i think so far 🕺 and i mean. the best i can say and offer is i’ll consider every critique with empathy and all the kindness i can muster even if that’s not returned to me. my perspective as a person is so limited, and it’s great for others to tell me their feelings/perspectives through their own life experiences and apply that to critiquing this. i don’t fault ppl for being upset, and sometimes i learn something new and can consider what i can do next to be a better person with greater understanding of stuff than i had before :)
i’ve said before that i prefer kindness and hope ppl can be kind in turn but realistically know i’ll never achieve that. passion makes ppl angry!! i love that. i love loving something so much that it affects me deeply!! and all we can really do is be empathetic and at least try to understand where ppl come from. like it’s easy to scapegoat reylo fans for any anon hate i get. but idk! i don’t have proof of that LOL. like ppl could just be mean for a ton of reasons here. it sucks, but i can’t force ppl to think too deeply on what they say to a stranger online lol. a perfect world would be sooo nice where we can all be compassionate and relax and not take a ship bracket so seriously
anyways i don’t mind. i don’t feel my anger is necessary but well. eh i’m human. if i get mad i get mad lol. and i feel like i’ve answered these in the same way over and over again that it’s just annoying to answer again😀? i’ll update the faq later!!
anyways yeah! i don’t think things have gotten worse but also that’s the price of tunglr infamy as others have said. i’m worried i’m baiting u guys into defense mode every time i publish a mean ask tho so i’m gonna hoard all of them like a dragon now. sorry for posting negativity when it pops up here!! we’ll be cute now :)
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maryellencarter · 1 year
it is well past midnight here so i should probably not be Trusting Feelings About Things, but i was pondering why i get a major anxiety attack every time i consider commenting on a fanfic (even leia's solo fics), and i think it really boils down to the number of different fanfic interaction behaviors i've repeatedly seen viciously attacked on the tunglrs. even if a particular author explicitly tells me they'd love to get x or y type of comment/interaction, i can't seem to get past the "but it is Badwrong and makes me a toxic person" :P
like, a brief noncomprehensive list:
* "kudos without a comment means you actually hated the fic and didn't finish" -- ??? if i got to the bottom where the kudos button is, i have read what's above it and probably did not wander off looking for the brain bleach. i really can't comprehend this mindset. who goes around leaving kudos on fics they're backbuttoning out of unfinished? do i need to make a tumblr poll and find out i'm in the Incredible minority here?
* "commenting just an emoji is lazy and not a Real Comment and means you actually hated the fic and couldn't come up with anything nice to say"
* "keysmashes are offensive and babyish, Use Your Words"
* "a one-word or one-sentence comment means you're only commenting because you think you have to and you don't think the story is worth any more than that"
The only comment/interaction type I haven't seen multiple authors say they hate is the long essay comment with lots of quotes and excerpts saying exactly what I liked. And I don't have the fucking spoons to leave those on every fic, even if I had all the time in the world and it was remotely feasible on mobile.
So I don't comment.
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the other people who are targeted by the increasing number of "you have to comment, preferably on every chapter, or it's your fault authors stop writing" posts have the same... I'm going to call it trauma. It's fucking trauma. If you've been in fandom long enough, you've been in range of so many contradictory "all comments are good! except for Those Losers" posts that you're all too aware you may be upsetting your favorite author more by interacting Wrong than if you just read and lurk and never interact at all.
(I've literally seen people I respected complaining about how hurtful some logged-out interactions were that they didn't know were from me, because they interpreted my best low-spoons efforts as meaning I hated their work. I know we're all on the mental illness website here, but if you're going around rejecting anonymous attempts at positive interaction because you default to assuming they're insincere... well, you sure aren't encouraging people to talk to you logged-in.)
Maybe I will make a poll. Not in the middle of the night. But sometime.
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rcjoice · 5 months
🛍 the one thing i wish all of my followers knew about me! 🦄 the best thing that's happened to me in roleplay this year! 🔑 my favorite type of threads! 🍷 a character i want to write but never made a blog for!
🛍 the one thing i wish all of my followers knew about me!
i am always totally forever down for anything for the most part. any au, any plot, any idea you have, i wanna do it and i wanna put my muses in a situation. theres like 0 plots i wouldnt wanna do/havent done in the last 10 years
🦄 the best thing that's happened to me in roleplay this year!
meeting all my new besties <3 especially u dill!!!! i got back into public rp again and it feels so nice <3
🔑 my favorite type of threads!
angst. LOL. i mean it. i love a good heartbreaking thread
🍷 a character i want to write but never made a blog for!
so many. ive been wanting to make a blog just for my oc griff (and i have and abandoned it without ever posting) but also i'd love to rp eggsy unwin on tunglr sometime
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nameless-brand · 11 months
What do you do to relax? 
[[ 50 Random Character Questions ]]
I listen to gaming streams in the background, mostly people who would just do dumb stuff. However, I've recently gotten into ManlyBadassHero and his Let's Plays of indie horror games. His voice is very nice.
Other times, I scroll on Reddit or now Tunglr if I need an actual break. Sometimes I'll make a post just to untangle my brain from all the law and politics I've been dealing with. r/angryupvote is my favorite sub-reddit, and r/MurderedByWords is usually hilarious.
I used to sing a lot. Haven't really sung much since everything. Haha I'm probably completely out of practice. It probably won't fit my image anymore either as a corporate businesslady.
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nulltune · 2 years
hakuno isn't bob the builder hot cause the difference between drunk girl and btb is a btb doesn't have as many internalized personality problems and a drunk girl is more passive in their support (does not at all diminish the kindness of importance of meeting the drunk girl) compared to the active energy of a btb 'i'm going to fix you and take care of you no matter what' personality
TSUUUUNNNNN OH MY GOD not u making this intellectual observation on hot diagnosis.... UR SO RIGHT THO!!!! i never rlly thought of hakuno as those sunshine types that light up a room bc her presence and the kind of support she gives is (like you've said) much more subtle.... much more passive! which also why i def get more of moonlight vibes... starlight vibes... like the moon that gives you a sense of comfort as it watches over u from afar...... also, talking abt this really reminds me of hakuno interactions with jinako! bc i'd imagine the more assertive btb to encourage jinako to get out and drag her by the hand to get out of her shell — whereas what we see with hakuno in canon (which may actually be due to writers doing it for plot purposes but like </3 SSSH) she wants jinako to be able to find the courage to step outs on her own, gives her support in her own way and just makes sure to remind her that she's not alone. BOTH R REALLY GOOD AND VALID BTW DON'T GET ME WRONG but the difference in approach rlly gets mee..!!!! hakuno def has some traits of the btb imo but it's in a different font ✨️✨️ the same good intent is rlly there but i just think my hakuno's more,, awkward n clumsy! I RLLY LIKE THAT PART OF HER THOO every action of hers doesn't come so naturally, she fumbles a lot but sincerely tries her best ;w; and wow not me actually going bonkers bc it rlly ties in with the part i bolded too: "looking like an angel aside from the slight sway in her step" (side note: also thinking abt extella and how they wanted fem! hakuno to have a pure holy maiden imagery there... Hm!) she's not perfect!!! also a thing vvv important for my own portrayal too bc despite that image of hers, hakuno has a heck load of her own problems which tie in with exactly Why she's so kind and caring
> enter: internalized personality problems. OKAY BUT U SAYING IT LIKE THAT MADE ME LAUGH GSJFHSJD BUT!!!! this is actually so true..... so true!!! drunk girl being drunk is the important part to me because she's in the same boat as the you in this narrative that's also drunk. with hakuno, her extreme compassionate + worrywart nature makes it so that she's a naturally caring person but i think what makes her so understanding of others (with what we've seen in canon fate extra too, actually! prime example i'm thinking of rn is julius but i'm gonna ramble rn and their development is too frikkin good to be properly talked abt in just one post 😩) is bc of her own experiences and how she can empathize with a lot of the pains that she sees. also think it's that very reason that makes her someone who's sensitive to those suffering... someone who can understand so well too, because she knows that kind of pain as well! :,) hakuno has a big heart so it's not like she'll only be nice to certain ppl don't get me wrong, but gotdanggg do i love the ?? how mutual and reciprocal the bond is when it's between two individuals that understand each other....!!!!! but yes! main part of this is literally summed out so well the last part of the description for the result which i also bolded too cuz oh my gawddd "...who stand up for people even when they might have trouble standing themselves" i don't even have to say anything for this part i think bc tHAT'S JUST FRIKKIN HAKUNO!!!! IN A NUTSHELL!!!!!
also yq vc (blasted) stop it. let me drive -steers them off a cliff-
i've been trying rlly hard to think of an ic response for this but i can't i'm just laughing too hard at this egkrhfjs yQ NO THEYRE GONNA MCFRIKKIN DIE!!!!!!!!!!!! TASUKETE
—also tunglr was lynnphobic it gave me an error so here's a screenshot of da tags i salvaged b4 i had 2 reload for this site 2 function <3
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xaykwolf · 2 years
Aight, now that I'm well and truly caught up on tunglr, here's a life update.
Saturday, I flew out late at night to LAX where a friend picked me up and we booked it back to his place for a few hours of shuteye. Then we turned around and drove up to San Francisco, grabbed extra donated supplies, and then checked into our airb&b before grabbing groceries. Within there, my friend also had a COVID test. Early the next morning, I drive him into the city and out to get him to his surgery, turn around and drive back to crash again for a few hours, then turn around AGAIN to grab his meds and pick him up post-surgery. (He acted pretty lucid, but yesterday he said he couldn't remember any of our conversations XD.)
We've been chilling most of today (recovery day #2), though I had to make a target run for non-food supplies. He's recovering probably as well as can be expected. It's mostly been him asking me for help getting in and out of bed/the couch and the grab things for him. Thankfully he hasn't been falling over himself to apologize for "being an inconvenience or burden or whatever" cuz that shit don't fly with me. I chose to help, fully knowing the reality of what surgery recovery is like. And sometimes it's kinda nice to be babied, y'know?
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dupliciti · 3 months
@rockstarfighter : "I'm a nice person but I'm about to start throwing rocks at people." tunglr text posts prompts pt 2 // accepting
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     Mindful not to startle her, the conman takes a seat beside the Wildfire member, leaving a couple of feet between himself  &&  Viviana’s position. She's never been too receptive to him getting close, at least that's what he thinks. Fool's timing for smooth talk has always been rather unfortunate around her.
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     Sampo holds down laughter, not wanting it to seem as if he’s mocking. He finds himself supporting her after all, not wanting to necessarily tease the behavior. So, instead he wears a wide smile.  ❝  &&  will you stand your ground if someone retaliates, Miss Viviana ?  ❞  Tosses a slight shrug of his shoulders, a clasp making a clicking sound with the motion.  ❝ Your ol’ buddy Sampo can buy you time for an escape if you can’t take the heat. ❞
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coleomegilla-maculata · 7 months
Man I still need to dip my toes into RPing on tunglr dot com...I kind of have something close to that (it's less of actual roleplay and more of "here's me making posts like I'm this character) but I'm a bit shy about actually tagging things in the fandom since it's just text posts so I'm not getting any interactions of course. I'm considering posting art related to this character there and tagging it properly to see if anyone wants to watch me be a complete clown there, but it would be nice to actually roleplay. Maybe with a different character I'm more confident at portraying??? The main issue I'm having is committing to one character, and I know people sometimes have multi-muse blogs, but I would prefer it to be more organized
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gikairan · 5 years
Hi all,  For the ease of me not making 500 tumblr posts of a whole bunch of stuff from this book, every photo I’ve taken so far is available in the album linked above Mostly today I’ve been getting images of all the individual pages with text I could find. As well as filling the few requests I’ve had (which will be getting posts but just not right now) The album is a little messy - theres duplicate photos and a whole bunch I haven’t rotated around yet. Getting those sorted out is going to take a bit longer 
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birdmenmanga · 2 years
*lays down on the floor
when can i post homecoming
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usamey · 3 years
this isnt a question i just wanted to say everything you post is a banger
marry me
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mythsweaver · 6 years
the nicest feeling is knowing that someone loves u and values u as much as u do them it is such a good and pure feelings holy crap i am float
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bitchfitch · 2 years
I know it's a meme to hate on tunglr changes, but tbh I really like the new mobile layout. it's a lot more comfortable and it puts the rb button exactly where it's most accessible to most folk, and it makes it significantly less likely that I'm going to send someone a post on accident bc I'm clumsy cbcndn.
it would be nice if they could implement a left handed mode though, just something that flips which way the buttons are oriented but idk how possible/helpful that will be
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