#and my url blog title most used tags edits will tell you who i still ship
bogsleep · 3 months
a note about sources: when i reblog things that do not have a source or credit in the caption, it is because i have checked out the blog that originally posted it and determined that the OP appears to be the originator of the image (artist/photographer/maker). obviously i'm not perfect and sometimes my assessment is wrong or sometimes i don't check as well as i should, but if you ever see something i've reblogged that appears to have a questionable source feel free to send me an ask (or dm if we're mutuals).
how to identify stolen images: it is typically not very difficult to tell whether you are looking at the blog of an artist or photographer who posts their own work with no caption, or a reposter who uploads images taken from pinterest/reddit/instagram/other blogs without citing a source. blogs run by the artist or photographer will generally include the name of the creator as the blog title or url or in the description, or at the very least have a recognizable "digital identity" to which their work is attached. their work will also typically be consistent in style, technique, and subject matter. also many (though not all!) original artists/photographers will tag their original uploads of their work as "my work", "my art", "original photography", or something similar that implies creation of the image. most third party uploaders will either include very few tags solely for organization in order to preserve their aesthetic, OR tag with a big pile of buzzwords but generally avoid ones that directly claim authorship of the image. some will even add "artist credit" by putting the artist's name in the tags of the original post (not a good way to add credit btw since those don't carry over to reblogs and thus an image can circulate for years with no source, and also if the OP deactivates or tumblr breaks the original post view function again then the source is just gone forever). also the tags "found", "upload", "upl" etc (when combined with a post that lacks a source/artist credit) are often indicators that this is a stolen image pulled from somewhere else rather than an upload directly from the photographer or artist.
if you're still not sure whether a blog is being run by an artist or just a particularly choosy reposter who is maintaining a very consistent aesthetic/persona while posting other people's work with no source, save one of their images to your device and try reverse image searching using tineye, google reverse image search, or labnol (website that allows you to use google reverse image search on mobile, which google does not allow by default for some stupid reason). those all have different areas of expertise so if you have trouble with one, try the others. this is how i have found nearly all the artist credits i have added to other posts in my "source added" tag. sometimes you need to really investigate the results to find the original source. duplicate results does not always equal stolen - you may be able to find the same image posted by the same creator across multiple platforms (in which case you'd expect the digital identity of the poster to match across all those platforms) or it may have been stolen and posted elsewhere AFTER the original post you are looking at, but if you're seeing other instances of the same image being posted across the web that are older than the post you're looking at, and they don't appear to all be posted by the same person, you're probably looking at a stolen repost. this is especially true if the blog posting it is mostly faceless and/or posts things of an inconsistent style and subject matter. even photographers who remain intentionally faceless will still post a large number of similar-looking photos - photographers don't generally go out to take one photo and go home, they take a large number of photos in the same general area under the same lighting conditions, then sift through to edit and post the best ones. you should be able to discern some kind of generally unified sense of place from a photographer's portfolio.
of course these aren't hard-and-fast rules, just general patterns to look for if you care about identifying sources. thank you for coming to my ted talk
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An explanation of recent events
Hi all. I am posting a timeline of the recent events that have ended up with me inviting some of the mods I trust from @advicetotraumasurvivors to this blog. It is incomplete; as of this posting (4pm CST, August 23, 2021), nobody has admitted any wrongdoing, but I know a lot of you aren't really sure what happened at all. I apologize in advance for the verb tense shift midway through. I unfortunately don't have the spoons to edit it.
Hayden does not plan to stay with the blog. Olive plans to stay at least for now. I will likely stay. I'm not sure about Henrie or Berry at the moment. Those are the only mods that currently have access to this blog. (Edit from Mod Henrie: I’ll be staying.)
The timeline will be under the cut as it is fairly long. All times are in Central Standard Time.
Around 5:30pm CST last night, April messaged the Discord telling us she was leaving the blog. She left both the Discord and the blog shortly thereafter. We got some anons asking about why she'd left and I directed those towards her @traumasurvivors blog because I didn't feel comfortable trying to speak for her, One of them felt my answers was dismissive. That anon ended up being a mod in the Discord who was triggered by my tone. We received more asks from them, one passive-aggressive and one outright guilt-trippy.
At 7:30pm CST Henrie made an announcement that everyone who participates in the blog is a volunteer. Several mods offered in the Discord to mediate since the mod who was upset didn't feel comfortable addressing the issue with me directly.
Around 9:00pm CST we started getting some positive messages to the blog. I started to think maybe the situation had blown over. I tried to answer one of the positive anons. Tumblr gave me an error code.
We discovered the upset mod had deleted all of our inbox messages.
At 9:30pm CST Berry noticed posts were disappearing from our blog. I had noticed some weren't showing up for me, but because Tumblr is a Hellsite I figured they were there and it was just a glitch. Even the pinned post got deleted.
I panicked and asked what if the Carrd got deleted. Unfortunately, whoever the mod was, saw that and changed the email and password to the Carrd.
At 9:36pm I started adding Henrie, Hayden, Berry, and Olive to this side blog. This ended up taking several hours because we were all disoriented and triggered pretty badly by then.
At 9:45 pm I noticed they deleted my mod tag. We kept trying to encourage them to stop. Henrie reblogged all the asks that were still there to their personal in case they got deleted.
At 9:55pm I left the server and asked Berry to invite me to the new one they said they'd make so the handful of us could discuss the situation while feeling a bit more safe. There's a gap of about 20 minutes in the timeline here but I'm not sure anything super important happened during it.
Olive rescues most of the info from the Carrd by 10:21pm. April offers to transcribe the pinned post that I managed to screenshot on my phone.
Hayden makes a post around this time saying we've moved URLs. The upset mod deletes it.
I ask April if she will write down the URLs of all of our followers on advicetotraumasurvivors and send asks to them one by one to let them know what's going on. An extremely inefficient method, but at this point I'm at a loss. Henrie starts sending the asks to our followers. April finishes transcribing the pinned post at about 10:30.
At this point I have taken my sleep med and am losing reading comprehension rapidly. I say I'm going to bed but end up not sleeping until something like 4am.
At 10:31 Olive discovers that the upset mod has password-protected the blog. Henrie copy pastes the only ask in the inbox. It came in after the others were deleted.
At 11pm Olive announces she has a download/export of the blog in progress to hopefully preserve some of the posts and information on it. I ask April to boost the new URL. Henrie asks Tumblr's customer service system about uploading the file to the new blog.
At 11:10 Berry notices the queue is being messed with. Several mods go back and forth with the saboteur mod changing how often the queue posts. I suggest that we reblog ask games to the new blog so people can get to know us better once this all dies down.
At 11:21 Hayden announces the blog title has been changed to DON'T TALK TO US. A few minutes later Olive says some extremely tasteless tags are being added to queued posts, including the r slur and the n word. We won't go to any more detail about any of the other things that were said because they were extremely triggering, but we are deeply sorry to any followers (and mods) that may have seen those tags.
11: 38pm: Henrie makes posts on both blogs saying it's not us typing these awful things and to block advicetotraumasurvivors.
11:40pm: We decide to delete all the posts on the blog and the whole queue. April starts mass deleting.
11:53pm: I screenshot all the asks in the drafts. We delete all the drafts. The upset mod continues to change the blog title to triggering and inflammatory things.
1am today (Monday): Henrie asks if it's okay to announce to the original server that we moved discords and blogs. I ask if we can avoid adding people to the new discord until we know who the mod is that's upset. We eventually agree to hold off on adding people into the new discord.
2:44am: April gets an anon apologizing for their poor/inflammatory actions on her traumasurvivors blog and posts a response separate from the ask. We wait, hoping that the anon will message April.
3am: We get a similar apology on the new blog. It gets screenshotted and sent the new Discord so everyone can see it. I delete the ask from the inbox with everyone's permission because it feels very guilt trippy to me.
3:23 April gets more anons blaming her for the situation spiraling out of control, presumably from the upset mod.
12:22pm: April has more anons when we all wake up. All of us in the new server agree that we're tired and just want the situation resolved. No one comes forward.
Edit from mod Henrie: This is a timeline of all of the “major events”, but it doesn’t convey how frantic we all were. We were all feverishly working on deleting triggering tags/deleting posts/trying to find out who was doing this/etc. in between each of these times. It was chaotic and messy and incredibly exhausting for everyone involved.
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iightwoodbane · 7 years
Have you given up on IR yet? It's been almost a year the manga ended, it's only a matter of time :)
doesn’t this sound like a thinly-veiled threat skjdhfjskdfhkdsj
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ilguna · 4 years
hi- I’m not sure if you’re the right person to ask, but I wanted to know how to start a fanfic writing tumblr- I mean, I’m just not sure how to start since I’ve never posted anything on my account- I’m sorry if this is an inconvenience-
Don’t worry about it. I’m a little offended that you would think you’re coming to the wrong place 😂.
Imma break it down for you.
BTW this post is long bc I wanted to cover all bases
First of all, if you’re on tumblr mobile, then that’s fantastic and we’ll start with that first. If you’re on desktop, I would like to suggest getting it on your phone because it’s more accessible and easier to manage than doing it on the computer. The only time I go to the computer is when I’m going to post fics, but we’ll get there.
I know you said you’re wondering how to start posting fics but I gotta give you some advice before that. Because there are just some things I cannot stand when it comes to some fanfic blogs, alright?
Be easy on your color scheme. I wouldn’t put any bright colors because it could hurt someone’s eyes, and sometimes it looks really bad. Going along with that, you should be careful what your second color is on your blog (let’s say that your base color was a maroon, and then you’d choose a color similar to that/darker than that. It’ll be hard to read the things in your bio, and it’s frustrating)
This is obvious, but make sure you have a profile and header picture, it’s more appealing rather than tumblrs default.
Turn ON asks and then proceed to do it for anonymous questions, because that’s the only way you get requests. Some people do it off anon but that’s not as common.
You can do this on desktop and a safari browser. It’s not possible to do on mobile just yet. Open up safari > log in > little person icon in the top right > edit appearance. Scroll until you see “let people as questions” turn that on. Turn on anon, and edit the box to whatever you want. Keep it short
Turn off “share posts you like” and the following one below it. It’s a risky game to play when it comes to what you’re looking at and liking.
No submission posts, normally people don’t submit things anyway. Turn OFF “on blog advertising” and then that’s it. It automatically saves so you can just leave to the next screen imma bout to tell you about
IF you go to my blog on desktop, you’ll see that there’s a theme. My font is different, I have a different set up than most blogs, etc.
If you wanna mess around with that, scroll to the top of page (you should still be on the same page from the anon instructions) and tap “edit theme”
It might take a second to load, but you’ll get there.
Besides the fact that it lets you edit your theme, this is how you put in a Masterlist, and all other links you might want in your bio.
You said you haven’t written anything yet, so there isn’t a need for a Masterlist just yet. But when you DO start posting, please come back to me and I’ll let you know how to put one in your bio, okay? Nice and shiny for your future followers.
If you wanna change your theme go to browse themes, change it from “all themes” to “free themes”. If you like mine, it’s called “Accesible”. If you just want the font, get out of the theme screen and scroll the screen on the left. Turn ON “open dyslexic
Remember, you can do all of this on desktop too, it doesn’t have to be on safari
Now onto posting, I have some opinions that might offend my mutuals (oopsie)
I can’t tell the difference, but PERSONALLY, I think posting fics on tumblr from my phone is gross. But that’s also because I’m writing 1000+ words normally and it gets difficult to post
If you want to post fics with more than 100 paragraphs, then you have to go to desktop or maybe safari tumblr (I don’t post from safari tumblr so idk if it works) because tumblr says NO paragraphs after 100 on mobile. There is no restriction on computer
I write in Google Docs, because it’s neater and I’ve discovered some hate for Word after deleting some of the shit I wrote over and over. Plus it’s an app, and you can open it up on computer. Easy to use.
If you use Notes on your phone, or type directly onto a tumblr post, then that’s fine but you don’t know your word count and it’s a little difficult to navigate.
When it comes to formatting, I used to have it be really long. But I’ve narrowed it down to 3, sometimes 4 things.
Summary: this is where I put the request so the anon/person knows that it’s their request. (I copy n paste the entire request in the summary part, I don’t answer asks (requests) anymore because it’s easier to answer them after I posted).
Warnings: my permanent is swearing, and then I add on (what type) violence, murder, suic*de, gore, etc DEPENDING ON THE REQUEST
Word count: and I do this because I write long imagines sometimes and some people don’t want to sit through 5k words of boring shit
And the optional—Note: I put this if I thank someone for their patience on the request, if I say happy holidays or some shit like that. I don’t have notes on every post anymore because they just turn out being the same every time
Apart from that, give it a title (make it unique but not too long!) who it’s for and then copy and paste the fic in
I’m using my own posts as an example right here, okay. But I have the summary and all of that bolder because it’s easier to see, and I want it to be different from the actual post. Most fanfic writers do this.
I also put 2 —‘s between the authors note at the top and the fic to also make a difference there
Don’t have the entire fic italicized, it takes away the special part of italicizing a word
Finally, it’s tagging.
I cannot stress this enough, DO NOT tag things that have nothing to do with the post. It’s my biggest pet peeve and it’s because I can’t comprehend why people tag (for example) Katrina Stuart when it’s a fic OR A RANDOM POST about someone else
Instead, let’s keep it simple.
🌸 STOP 🌸
I forgot to mention this. But choose your username wisely. You can change it later on, but it’s a goddamn pain in the ass when you have 50+ fanfics you wrote and your Masterlist is nice and clean only to realize that you have to RELINK every post individually
Listen, I changed my username on my old blog, and it took me 8 hours ROUGHLY to relink and fix every individual Masterlist. I had to create new masterlists, with so many tabs open to fix it
Instead, change it before you start fics
If you wanna be a colby brock blog, I have a canon url (which means that it’s so fucking GOOD and I’m angry that i realized it was open only a month ago rather than when I created this account) and it’s colbysbrocks (it’s a plural canon url). And I have colbysecrets too. If you don’t like either of those, I have a couple of other ideas that I wrote down if you want them
🌸 okay continue 🌸
This is how you should tag:
(I’ll give an example after this)
Your username first, the person it’s about, the fandom (if it’s not Colby brock, then something like marvel, etc). Then the persons name, imagine, fanfic, x reader, and oneshot. Then if it was requested
Azurebrock, Colby brock, Colby brock imagine, Colby brock fanfic, Colby brock x reader, Colby brock oneshot, requested
Simple, right? You can even use this method for Wattpad too.
(This is Star Wars, im using my own username again)
Kylorenlovesyou, Kylo ren, Ben solo, kylo ren imagine, kylo ren fanfic, kylo ren x reader, kylo ren oneshot, Ben solo imagine, Ben solo fanfic, Ben solo x reader, Ben solo oneshot, Star Wars
Notice that I tagged both of his names. I do this because it draws more people in, and more people will be attracted to it (however, in the Star Wars fandom there’s a difference between Ben Solo and Kylo-Ren, so you would have to specify in the title Ex. Resistance (Ben Solo) or Struggle (Kylo-Ren). It would depend on which persona you’re using
This works for a couple of fandoms, like twilight and shit like that
(Final one, I just wanted to cover this base just in case)
If it’s a request for more than one person. Let’s say Colby Brock and Sam Golbach (like a Polyamorous relationship, if it’s just about a bunch of people, tag the people in it and don’t put the imagine, fanfic, x reader, oneshot after any of them, it doesn’t apply)
If it’s a poly relationship (or maybe more) then do everything you normally do for one person, and then just add on the second;
Azurebrock, Colby brock, Sam Golbach, Colby brock imagine, Sam Golbach imagine, etc
If you’re on desktop, I would suggest putting in a Read More (this goes BEFORE your fic but after the authors note, below the 2 —‘s). The way you do that is press enter, and hover over the new break in the fic.
Off to the right you’ll see a . . . Click that and then you have the read more. I would only suggest using this if there’s more than 500 words, so that if the fic is super long, it doesn’t take up the entire dash for the follower (it takes forever to scroll and it’s annoying
If you’re on mobile, it isn’t possible. Just post and you can go back and edit later if you have a computer
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ladytp · 4 years
Describe my blog tag game!
Tagged by ever-delightful @zip00198704​ – thank you so much and sorry for the delay! The challenge was such that it required careful consideration to do it justice...
I have had only a few different blog formats over the years – maybe 3 altogether? – although I have customised my latest with different images, backgrounds and colours a few times after choosing it. I have dabbled with customised htlm edits too, just for fun and because it has been cool to learn new things…  
Icon: I chose a piece of art I have liked for years and years, being introduced to it by my Czech friends. It is “Lady in Blue (2003)” by a famous Czech artist/photographer Jan Saudek. My friends have a large framed print of it on their living room wall, and every time when I see it, I am reminded of my secret double-life on Tumblr… 😁
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Content: Definitively multi-fandom / life content! I started out largely with SanSan and ASOIAF content, then added some food, cooking (especially my own adventures in the kitchen that I truly and really enjoy…), history, art, WWE, fanfiction discussion, Dean Ambrose / Jon Moxley content, other TV-series that have made a lasting impression on me such as Black Sails, Vikings, Outlander, The Terror … Some fun stuff, some personal posts – so quite a mix!  
Letter colour: I have customised the colours of the text fonts for each type (headers, tags, text etc) whenever I have changed the blog general appearance, so there are many colours. In current incarnation mostly grey and green with red for highlights.
URL: @ladytp​ – the same name I use for all my social media and websites such as LiveJournal, AO3, Pillowfort, Discord, Pinterest etc. Easy to remember! (Although I am not active at all in most of them… 😔)
Header: Again, I have changed it a few times over the last few years, using edits of my faves of the time. Below some top header images from the last three edits. Hmm, some things don’t seem to change… 😜
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Blog title: “Is This Wasting Time?” because when I created this blog in July 2013 I sincerely wondered about it at the time – already well aware of the dangers it may cause… and still, I dived in. And by the way, I know the answer to that question now: Yes, absolutely! 😁
I tag @thefeatherofhope​ and @supernovadragoncat​, as I’m sure their blogs can tell a few stories – and everyone who finds this interesting. Really, Seriously, I do tag YOU, as I would be interested to hear about the histories behind people’s blogs!
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marriael · 5 years
1 Year Blogiversary
So. Hello people. Since 100 followers is still far away for me this was just me taking a chance to appreciate mutual, let me have this. 
All of these could be started with we've never talked/we haven't talked much so. Ehe. That one’s on me folks.
This is just a big, dumb, sappy post that I wouldn't recommend reading tbh.
Thank you to everyone who follows me, no matter for how long. It must get exhausting to see my dumb ass so often.
@wydyuto You were my first follower! When you first followed me it gave me so much confidence to keep going and making moodboards. Thank you so much! 
@igot7-penta-seo You've been dming me all these posts and I feel bad since I never send anything back. One day I will, I promise! It feels so long ago but I just remember reading all your pentagon stuff when I was getting into them and loving your writing and them even more. 
@mrchoiholic Alright since I’m dumb and don’t know when we became mutuals I’m putting you here. I remember my first interaction with you (technically) was I requested a Hoshi fic and then reblogged it because the title was incredible. Then I was Tea anon for a while, which was a good time. You’ve always given me caring older sister vibes even if you’re my ‘mom’. 
@cxvert-edits Oh my goodness hello! So I deleted my insta app. Since you’re mostly on there and I’m mostly on here we don’t really see each other much :(.It took me far too long to realize but I kind of sounded like an ass in our my last dm’s on here so. Very sorry about that, I didn’t really realize how my words sounded at the time. Honestly you were among my first inspirations for moodboards. 
@ladyluck852 Hey bub! I haven’t seen you around much but I hope you’re doing well. You’ve seen a lot of my blog and I hope you’re here for a lot longer. 
@mixtapejoon It seems like you started @/chulobangtan again so I think you’ll see this. I love reading all your stuff and since it seems like you enjoy writing so much I really hope you get the chance to again. With all the crap that went on with that guy and your school I hope you’re doing better now. 
@peachy-bangchan I feel like I don't talk to or about you enough which is an issue I must remedy immediately. I didn't know how popular you were when you followed me so I didn't properly lose my shit. You've really been here for a long time and never once have you stopped supporting me. Thank you, I appreciate that more than I could ever put into words.
@luvhannie Moodboard queen Anna! You’ve given me so much inspiration for moodboards. Motivation, too. I remember when you said you liked my moodboard, I felt amazing for like a week. 
@queerjunhui I just remember being so intimidated by you (still am lol) because you were friends with so many cool people. I think I sent you an anon once as Emotional anon? Maybe that was a dream or something. I started a conversation with you once and I’m pretty sure that was before we became mutuals, interesting. 
@middle-of-a-wonshua-sandwich Your URL will always be a mood lol. A lot of your more recent stuff has been Monsta X and non-kpop related but you still follow all my weird bullshit.
@stray-kids-stuff My first official stay mutual! You’re such a darling and I’m glad I found your blog and that discord. I hope you’re doing at least a little better now. 
@han-jxsungs  I clowned myself as ao3 anon that was fun lmao. OMG I just looked and ROSE HELLO MY DARLING ANGEL. If you didn’t get my last ask, just now it was super sappy and gross. I’m glad you’re back but if it gets too much again, don’t hesitate to leave. 
@gryffindor925 lmao hey Aaykta what’s up. I don’t think you use tumblr because wow you must be tired of all this kpop shit. I forget you follow me most of the time. If you ever thought I was curbing my tags to seem less weird at some point it was because I see her in real life and thought that me freaking out about this stuff was super weird. I actually had a dream last night I found your secret kpop blog. 
@finn-shitposts I honestly didn’t connect this blog and your art one until after you were revealed because I’m dumb. You seriously made the most amazing thing. Pun + Jilix, gah that was seriously amazing, and when I think about it I smile. 
@pikachulein Even though I had several very popular blogs follow me before you were the first one I seriously like, panicked about. I have an official offer for you. Feel free to decline because time zones are crap but french learning buddies? 
@ult-bee So we met in a discord server but I feel like I left it? I honestly couldn’t tell you what server it was though. Sorry, boo. Love you though <3
@dreamsevens You made the cutest Junhao drawing ever. You were such a sweet lil anonnie, too. We haven’t really interacted but I see you, boo. 
@jihan You’re both such lil sweeties! Honestly just a wholesome jihan blog, would recommend. Loved being an anon even if it was just a little while. 
@nerdynerdynerdy Iyoniiiiiiiii! You’re just the sweetest lil babe and I feel like I need to protect you. 
@visualgiggles I don’t know how I didn’t see you before we were platonically shipped, but I didn’t. I’m really glad that happened though, and that I had my brief anon stint. 
@3rachad Clowned the hell out of myself and revealed as CB anon (who I still am because I’m cowardly and dumb). Love the new hair cut bb.
@0hyja Ya seem super cool but also. You called Park Jisung rat boy and I don't know if I can truly forgive you for that  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ jkjkjk. I just feel like you don’t like me. One day I’ll get over that and send some asks or something. 
@nanjaemin I always forget you’re younger than me because you talk exactly the same as the other people on here. You baby. Love you darling, don’t let those give you shit.
@ethereal-lix I so often go to send you ask games and then forget entirely. I will make a better effort to interact with you! 
@soulclub My first aroha mutual! I really like seeing all your edits and thank you for co-creating the idea of Aroha Village! I’m trying to write a kind of tour thing for it but it’s not great so. This is embarrassing but you and Bex kind of meld together. I don’t know what it is but the best reason I have is my terrible memory.
@cherry-seungmin My stay host(?)! Wow going to your blog is such an explosion of happiness and Seungmin I love that. It felt like ages ago we were freaking out about Miroh teasers but it was actually March.
@ultkyu You were my lil stay anon! I feel bad that I haven’t made anything for 99kdh. It might take me a little longer yet but I will do it.
@uwujpgs Heeeeeey Bex. I don’t really know what to say :(. Actually. This is embarrassing but sometimes you and Rae just meld together. I don’t know why and then when I get you mixed up I feel bad. But yeah. Stay safe and know I’m figuratively sending you nice candles.
@jinniesmeow I’ll be honest I thought you didn’t like me at first. It sounds dumb but after I joined skzrequests you didn’t follow me so I was just like ‘:} ok.’ I want to honestly apologize because I was kind of ignoring you in the kakao chat. I don't have a reason/excuse for that. An official question for you as well. Feel free to decline because time zones suck but be my unofficial french teacher?
@staytion-nine Pitchfork anon! I have no idea where the anon name came from. I was pretty surprised when I saw the post about you getting a tumblr. Overall you’re just a little dol and I hope to know you better.
@kimwoojin-s I thought I was going to cry when you followed me istg. I’ll talk in the TGS chat. One day, eventually. Take care of yourself and try not to burn out lovely.
@bbywooyoungie  We have interacted exactly 0 times (i’ll send an ask soon, promise). Scrolling down your blog I now notice we have mutual mutuals. I don’t understand how I didn’t see that before, but ok brain sure. 
@re-biirthday Anyone who organizes an anon event is automatically a sweetheart in my book, so there you are. I really liked that sketch you posted today and I hope you’re doing well sweets. 
@xiaocity I saw you in others ask boxes for a loooooooong time but only followed you recently for some reason. Yeah, you just seem super dope and I’m glad we have something in common. Even if it is finding our bias intimidating lol.
@luvjisungs I’ve only seen you around recently but you are an absolute darling. Thank you so much for helping me out that night, I really needed it.
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marcilled · 5 years
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The Xylo ARG: a summary
Have you or someone you follow been getting cryptic asks like the one above? They always just say one of the two following things:
a303d61a3714b71b459a9e65921078 OR a303d61a-371-4b71-b45-9a9e65921078
Well, good work, you’ve managed to stumble into a new tumblr ARG which I’ve taken to calling the “Xylo ARG” or “Shiloh ARG”. I’ve already talked about this on my blog already, but I thought it might be a good idea to have a post summarizing what the hell is up with these asks and what the deal with this ARG is.
The main blog and focus of this ARG is here: @xylophonetic
If you haven’t already read my previous post about this, you should check that out. It includes some speculation and theories that I didn’t include in this post, most notably my theories about this string of characters being a UUID, as well as some observations that this hex number actually corresponds to 5 unique colors encoded in hexadecimal.
Since my previous post, there’s been some developments, but sadly I and the others I’ve been discussing this with over discord haven’t come up with any major leads, or if we have, they haven’t led anywhere yet.
That being said, I thought it might be useful to make a post summarizing some of what we already know about this. I’ve never done an ARG and don’t even really know much about them, but I was one of the people sent one of these asks so in a way I’m a small part of it now. I figured I’d make this post since I think I was the first person to really analyze what was going on here and notice that there’s an actual blog associated with these asks people have been getting. Obvs a lot of these discoveries weren’t made by me tho, I’ve not devoted much time to discovering things, there’s a few others involved in trying to figure this out too. (y’all, feel free to hop in the replies/reblogs if you want people to know you’re helping with this).
Anyways, let’s get onto the actual post. This might get lengthy, so it’ll be below the cut. Heads up- this post contains creepy imagery, depictions which might be described as “body horror”, as well as mentions of parental abuse. All posts referenced should have a link provided unless they were deleted before the creation of this post. Got it? Let’s dive in.
First off, let’s recap on how this all started, and how me and a few others came to realize that this was, indeed, an ARG we’re looking at. (Presumably, anyways- all of the happenings are too strange to just be the work of some crafty aesthetic blogger… probably.)
It all started with a couple of popular tumblr users getting asks like the one linked at the top of the post here. Just this cryptic hexadecimal string, sometimes with hyphens, sometimes without. It’s unclear how many people these anonymous asks were sent to, but if you look up the text you’ll find a couple other popular tumblr users that were sent the ask. It’s always anonymous, and I don’t know of anyone who’s received direct messages from the blog owner(s).
After pondering it a bit, I decided to look up the ask I got on tumblr, and noticed a blog which had this string of characters as its url. And that’s where things started getting interesting.
The blogs
The main blog relating to this ARG appears to be https://xylophonetic.tumblr.com/. Her URL has changed a couple times since we first discovered it, the url was originally a303d61a3714b71b459a9e65921078. From now on I’ll be referring to this blog/blog owner as “Shiloh”, as that is and has been the name stated on the blog. (Also- her pronouns are she/hers as mentioned here.)
There is also another blog relating to this story, which I hadn’t mentioned in the previous post (because at the time we did not know about it / it had not been created yet). This blog originally had the url a303d61a, but has since taken the previous URL that shiloh used: https://a303d61a3714b71b459a9e65921078.tumblr.com/
This new blog was originally titled “Safe?”, and doesn’t appear to have any name associated as far as anyone can tell, so from here on I’ll be referring to them as “safe”. It’s unclear if “safe” is a character that has been mentioned by Shiloh before, but it’s certain that they are associated with the ARG because they swapped urls with shiloh. At time of writing, the “Safe?” blog has had its title changed twice, first to a series of three emojis, then to an eye emoji. We will continue to call them “Safe” until there is a more appropriate name discovered/decided on.
There is also, technically, a third blog- this blog uses the URL previously used by Safe, and it appears that this blog may just be for keeping the url hoarded. However, there’s still some interesting things on this blog, and even some possible hints. The blog is https://a303d61a.tumblr.com/ and will go unnamed unless things begin to appear on that blog as well.
Okay, now that we know a bit about how this started, and what blogs to be on the lookout for, what is there to know? Well, if you take a look at Shiloh’s blog, you might not even realize what you’re looking at is a part of an ARG at first. From first glance, it honestly just looks like an average aesthetic blog. She reblogs lots of aesthetic type posts from various bloggers, a lot of which may not mean much in the long run, but some of the posts she reblogs do give a bit of insight on some of the different “characters” in this emerging story. However, she also sometimes posts very cryptic things- many original posts contain very strange and cryptic photos or text that’s been purposefully obfuscated or otherwise altered. The same string of text “a303d61a…” is present throughout the blog’s history. There’s also other posts from Shiloh that imply that she is (or, was) in danger, or that she was sick, that she’s afraid of certain other characters, etc.
So, these “characters”… who are they? There are quite a few distinct “characters” involved in this, some seemingly more relevant than others. I’ll give a brief overview of what we know about all of them, but first, I should say what is known about the central character here: Shiloh.
While we don’t know a lot about Shiloh herself, there are a few things we can say for sure. Shiloh likes to reblog things she likes or thinks are interesting, much like your run of the mill aesthetic blogger. However, she also posts her own strange, cryptic photos sometimes- often times with many filters and photo manipulation used to make them look strange or hard to decipher.
Shiloh seems prone to deleting posts often, for one reason or another- or posting things then rapidly deleting them. This has been noted to happen even late into the night without much rhyme or reason. The “Safe?” blog is sometimes used to archive some of these deleted posts, although not all of the important/noteworthy posts are actually saved in this way. Shiloh has even been shown to go back and frequently edit old posts, sometimes multiple times. Her (and the other blogs’) urls, titles, icons, blog colors and headers have been known to change at random.
She also seems to not have total control over her blog/account- she’s posted before about her url or icon changing out of her control, and seeming confused or upset by it. See here. She’s also posted before about how she’s “regaining control” and such.
As well, it seems that for a time, Shiloh fell ill with some unknown ailment. Or rather, unknown to her- “they won’t tell me”. It’s unknown who “they” is in this context, but Shiloh seemed sad that she could not see Nat any longer- and also that her mother was preventing her from going out due to this illness. Notably, after posting this, she posted “im not a monster im not”. Perhaps people, possibly her mother, were telling her her illness made her monstrous??
Yesterday evening (may 16), she posted that her fever is gone and she is doing better now. Perhaps she has recovered from her illness– although she still seems confused about what is happening.
Aside from those things, she has also posted a photo here, tagged as “#me”:
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(original post)
There’s a lot of uncanny images like this on her blog, and I can’t include every one of them- but this is, supposedly, Shiloh. There’s also another post in her “#me” tag, but it is simply a reblog of some art. Not sure if it is important.
I’ve covered most of what we currently know about Shiloh herself, but there are many other “characters” at play in this story. Most of these characters we only know about based upon things Shiloh has said about them, or posts she has tagged them in. “Safe?”, on the other hand, we only know about from their blog, and how they interact with Shiloh.
Safe is a bit of a mystery right now. It’s unclear if they(?) are even one of the characters mentioned by Shiloh or not, or if they are an outsider completely. Regardless of who they are, they seem hostile towards Shiloh.
Safe’s blog was not known until two days ago (may 15th) around ~4pm. When we discovered it, our initial thought was that the blog could be unrelated to the ARG itself, and it could potentially just be somebody who was following along and taking time out to archive the posts. Shiloh is known to delete posts sometimes after all, including ones that seem pretty important.
As time would tell though, it became clear that Safe is another actor in this story, although they seem to be even more mysterious than Shiloh.
Safe seems to reblog many of Shiloh’s original posts, sometimes adding tags or even editing the post in certain ways. We have reason to suspect that Safe is a malevolent force, as they have reblogged the photo of Shiloh and tagged the picture “#it”, in spite of her specifically requesting not to be called it. They’ve also reblogged posts from her that say “cold” and tagged it “freeze”, and a post saying “warm” with the tag “burn”, as if wishing harm on Shiloh.
Nonetheless, some of the most compelling clues we’ve gotten yet have come from the Safe blog. Particularly, it was the Safe blog which posted the following:
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Sadly, the post was later deleted from both blogs, and there is no web archive of it, or fullsize versions of the right and left pictures. Here’s the fullsize of the center picture, though:
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This post originally came from Shiloh’s blog, although I believe the images were not in the original post– Safe seems to have a habit of editing Shiloh’s posts and adding new things.
These pictures are tantalizing because of the caption: “room 371″. If you’ll notice, 371 is a subset of the string of text tying all of this together…
The significance of this is currently unknown. However, there was some speculation that Shiloh may have been hospitalized due to her illness- these images do look somewhat like a hospital. However, this conflicts with what Shiloh herself has said- she is at home. So, what is room 371? We just don’t know, at the moment.
Another series of posts from Safe that just happened today only further the mysteries surrounding them. Today, they reblogged the post in which Shiloh said her fever was gone and edited the text to make it say “SHE MADE ME SICK”. It’s unclear who “she” is, in this context- but this seems important.
Also today, safe changed their blog title from “Safe?” to a series of three emojis- a safety pin, an old key, and a dagger. This is significant because of another thing I’ll bring up later. At time of posting, they’ve changed their blog title yet again to be just an eye emoji.
Beyond the posts about room 371, and other mysterious edits and reblogs of Shiloh’s content, not much is known for sure about Safe. There are some theories that Safe is actually Shiloh’s mother, or that they are a reflection of Shiloh’s inner thoughts and feelings about herself, but for the time being these are simply theories with not enough proof to back them up yet.
Other Characters (Nat, Melody, Zach, Brian)
Now, it is time to get into the other named characters in all of this. These other characters we only know about from things that Shiloh has said, or posts that she has reblogged and tagged in their name. For some characters, we only know of them at all due to her tags.
First, let’s start with “Nat”. Nat is one of Shiloh’s best friends, and clearly someone she cares about a lot. Shiloh was very sad when she could no longer see her after falling ill. A scroll through Shiloh’s Nat tag will show a variety of posts, although there seem to be some strong connections to love, tarot, and cats. Also, sometimes, space.
Something interesting to note is that in the tags of this post, Shiloh seemed to imply that Nat also has a blog, but “she changed urls”, and Shiloh doesn’t seem to know what her url is anymore, simply saying “weird”. While this is purely speculation, it’s possible that Nat’s blog could have been tampered with, in the same way that Shiloh’s was previously (possibly by the person who runs the Safe blog?)
After Nat, we have a minor character: Melody. It’s possible they could be more important, but right now, I can’t find any posts where Shiloh directly mentions melody- we only know of melody from various posts tagged with that name. Interestingly, one of the earliest posts on the blog (and an original post, too) depicts a pair of boots and is tagged as “#melody”. There’s a slight pattern of celestial bodies and plants, but nothing too significant to comment on here.
After Melody is another minor character: Zach. Here’s Shiloh’s #zach tag. A common theme here seems to be certain mammals (an opossum and a squirrel) and two pictures of pocket knives. Recently, Shiloh has posted that zach is a friend of hers. Other than that, not much is known of Zach.
That brings us to Brian- another interesting character. Here’s Shiloh’s #brian tag. There’s a few original posts here, with some cartoon characters dancing and hugging. There’s also the same pocket knives that zach was tagged in.
On the surface there might not seem to be a lot here about Brian, but in actuality I have reason to suspect that Brian may be Shiloh’s brother. I believe our first hint at this was this post:
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It would make sense that her brother would be there at her home, albeit unexpectedly. Another post that re-affirms this hunch is this now deleted post:
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the tag #brother was put alongside #brian here. Also, there is this post which also mentions there being a brother:
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There may be other characters, as there are a lot of tags in use on the blog. However, these 4 are the most obvious ones, having names that are… just ordinary people names.
Mother and Father
Beyond the already named characters, there’s two more distinct characters mentioned on Shiloh’s blog- “Mother” as well as “Father”. There are very few posts about Father, but a great deal about Mother. I’ll just preface this right now by saying that Shiloh’s mother seems abusive and openly hostile/aggressive towards Shiloh. As for her father, not much is known of him, but he seems to be absent from Shiloh’s life, likely due to having divorced her mother at some point in the past.
If you take a quick scroll through her #mother tag, you can see that there is a strong association with birds. This seems like a very consistent thing- perhaps Shiloh’s mother is a bird. Or maybe she just connects her with birds for some reason. Either way, if there’s bird imagery, there’s a good chance that it relates to Shiloh’s mother (although there was one bird image tagged as #brian, too).
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Some of the earliest posts on the blog make references to mother in this way, too:
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Another motif in the photos tagged as #mother are glowing eyes:
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As discussed before, Shiloh’s mother seems abusive. Here’s some posts showing Shiloh expressing fear of her mother:
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As well as some recent posts from earlier today (may 17) which tell a lot about how Shiloh feels about her mother:
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(source for the last one)
It has been stated that Mother doesn’t like any of Shiloh’s friends:
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It’s also been shown that Shiloh’s mother tells her she can’t go out and can’t see nat anymore due to her illness. I also speculated earlier that her mother may have been the one to call her a “monster”.
Additionally, this cryptic original post is in the #mother tag:
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full tags are #fear, #heart, #love, #mother, #love love.
There’s a lot of hidden text in this image, including the mysterious hex string, as well as phrases and words such as “fear of the heart of love”, “like anything”, etc. It is a bit hard to make out, and difficult to reverse all the filters done to make the text illegible to begin with.
Adding to the series of mysteries surrounding Mother, earlier today Shiloh posted a series of pictures that appear to depict a path to a river. When asked about them, Shiloh stated that “mom doesnt like the river”, and that “she thinks its dirty or something”. Curiously, she says that her mom is scared of fish.
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There have also been some theories that Mother is the one running Safe’s blog, antagonizing Shiloh when she gets the chance. There’s credence given to this theory by taking into account this post, where Shiloh talks about having her blog changed without her control over it. In the post, you can see that her icon was changed to this image:
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An edited version of the full photo remains on Safe’s blog. This is a photo that was created by a neural network (source), and contains many bird-like features, so we’ve taken to calling this picture “mother bird”. The fact that Shiloh’s icon was changed to this while the blog was not under her control seems to imply that her mother was the one messing with her blog. Considering how much urls swapped between Safe and Shiloh, it seems as though there’s a link between Mother and Safe, although, again, this is speculation.
There is also this post on Safe’s blog, which depicts feathers / knives side by side, along with a caption from Shiloh saying “she’s coming”:
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The post is now deleted from Shiloh’s blog. Given the feathers/bird motif here, and referring to a hostile entity as “she”, it’s probably safe to assume that Shiloh was referring to Mother.
At the very least, we can say that both Mother and Safe are openly hostile/antagonistic towards Shiloh, if not the same person.
As for “father”, there’s only a few posts referring to a father, and only recently have there been any original posts. Shiloh seems to associate him with suited businessmen, and there are many posts implying that her parents had a very testy relationship. It seems as though they divorced, and now Shiloh’s father is no longer in her life. Aside from some possible resentment possibly stemming from him not being there any longer, it’s hard to say much about Father, other than that he’s not around any longer.
Other tags
There are many tags in use on Shiloh’s blog, many of them seemingly mundane, something you’d expect from any run of the mill aesthetic blog. Still, there are a few tags which incite some intrigue, or are worth speculating about.
One such tag is #home. Shiloh makes many references to “home”- never “my house” or “where i live” or any other word- only ever referring to it as simply “home”. The images in the tag are often very lush and green depictions of nature- they could just be pictures of landscapes, or sometimes they are pictures of humble cottages in the wilderness. Sometimes they can depict houses that are rotting and decaying. All these pictures seem to signify what “home” is to Shiloh, and I think that “home” is a specific location.
To back up this theory, there’s also the tag #camp. There’s not a lot in this tag, but it seems to evoke this feeling of some summer camp or something that Shiloh went to once perhaps. Maybe “camp” could come up again in later posts? I guess we’ll see.
There’s also the tag #you, which would seem to be the opposite of the #me tag. However, there’s just some songs and other various reblogs in this tag.
Misc. observations / speculation
The new(?) blog at the url https://a303d61a.tumblr.com/ may be otherwise empty, but the blog’s title and description are somewhat curious. As of time of writing, this is the entire contents of their blog:
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My device doesn’t have a new enough version of unicode to support displaying some of these emojis, but the emojis in the title are:
safety pin 🧷 old key 🗝 dagger 🗡
The emojis included in the blog’s description are:
rainbow 🌈 tooth 🦷 scissors ✂️ wilted flower 🥀
Also worth noting, is that these three emojis were briefly displayed as the title of Safe’s blog earlier today.
I get the feeling that these emojis may be a pretty significant hint. Something that reinforces this suspicion in me is the fact that Safe made a post tagging Shiloh’s blog, similar to how this new blog made a post tagging Safe. However, the post Safe made includes a safety pin emoji, which is one of the three emojis included in this blog’s title.
This is purely speculation, so feel free not to believe me, or reinterpret it how you wish of course, but: Perhaps Shiloh’s blog is like a safety pin, holding the story as we know it together. But, what we really need to find is the key. The key will lead us further, until we find the dagger.
I also find the emojis used in the description curious, because Shiloh has posted pictures of scissors (actually, lawn clippers?) before. Additionally, Safe has made a post about teeth and eyes hurting before. Interestingly, this post was edited from the original– Shiloh’s post was about her mother seeming angry, but Safe changed it to say “teeth hurt eyes hurt”.
Another potential lead that @ skippsblipps discovered, was a pattern in this old post from Shiloh.
Aside from the obvious secret message mixed in amongst the text, there seems to be a pattern of when the “a303d…” string of text repeats, and when there is something other than the original “a303d…” string. In their words:
“if we count only where the code was exactly the original code, its 6 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 4 , 2 if we count where the code deviates, its 1 , 3 , 3 , 3 , 1″
There’s a chance that this post could be absolutely random nonsense, or that we were only meant to look for the words within the text, but perhaps there’s something more here.
Closing thoughts
I said it at the start, and I’ll say it again: I don’t know a damn thing about ARGs. And, hell, after spending hours compiling stuff for this post, I’m still pretty clueless about where this one might lead. My main hope with this post was to inform anyone who’s curious about this ARG about what we’ve discovered so far, as well as to fill people in who may have missed stuff.
Also, I’d like to apologize if this post jumps topics around a lot, or if it can be a bit hard to follow. Honestly I think that’s just a result of all of the different loose ends in this ARG being hard to follow themselves, although I tried my best. I had to keep updating this post as I typed it, because new posts kept coming in and new discoveries/speculation kept happening. So, sorry for any confusion.
Sadly, many posts on both blogs end up getting deleted, and never archived. That’s why I’ve taken the liberty to archive each and every single post and tag I linked to in this breakdown on the internet archive, which is also why this took hours to make this post because I had to ctrl+c and ctrl+v like a million times. If you notice any of the links I put in this post are broken, just paste the url into the wayback machine and you should at least pull up the archive that I took at the time of typing this post. I couldn’t archive every single thing on all these blogs, just the stuff that I thought was relevant.
If anyone else is inspired to hop in on this ARG because of this post, please feel free to add your thoughts/speculation in the replies, reblogs, whatever. Also please don’t expect me to answer all your asks & speculation, I did this post because it seems like nobody else is paying attention to this and I thought it was cool and deserved some time and attention. I fully expect people smarter than me to outpace me and discover all the secrets and that’s cool with me, I’m just along for the ride. I hope my post helped. Thanks for reading!
EDIT: I’ve made an update to this post here, go read it!
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opsecretsanta2019 · 5 years
FAQs (mobile-friendly)
This is a mobile-friendly copy of the FAQs page for easy reference, accurate as of 24 October 2019. For the most updated version, please check the FAQs page in browser or on desktop.
FAQs below the cut! Mobile-friendly rules here.
Where is the application form?
It’s linked in the rules page. Please read the rules before applying, thanks!
What is this?
It’s a one piece holiday gift exchange on tumblr!
When are the deadlines?
15 Nov – Applications close. 22 Nov – Santas assigned. 27 Nov – Santas confirm assignments. 25 Dec to 31 Dec – Post the gifts! 5 Jan 2020 – Tell me if you didn’t get your gift. 9 Jan 2020 – Backup santas notified. 31 Jan 2020 – Backup santa gifts posted!
The close of each day is 11:59pm HKT (GMT + 8h). Please note that my timezone is ahead of most countries.
How do I join?
To enter, you must read the rules and complete the application form linked on the rules page.
You must send in the application form before 15th NOVEMBER 2019 at 11:59pm HKT (GMT+8h).
If you apply, please commit to creating and giving a gift.
What’s this password thing you have in the application? What password?
If you don’t know the password, please read the entire rules page carefully from top to bottom. For easy reference, here’s a link to the rules and the mobile-friendly rules.
Applications with an incorrect password will be rejected during santa/ giftee assignments, even if applicants received the response email.
Oh no! I made a mistake in my application form/ I got the password wrong/ I left out something. What do I do?
You can edit your application anytime before applications close on 15 November 2019 (2359h HKT). You should have received a response email with the edit link.
I made a typo on my password. Will I be rejected/ do I need to edit my application?
Nah, that’s fine, I’m willing to accept typos. Your application will get denied if the answer clearly shows that you don’t know the password.
Who sees the information I put in my application?
The middle section with your preferences will be copy-pasted and sent word-for-word to your santa. Your santa will also get your tumblr URL/ username. If you addressed any comments to your santa in your miscellaneous comment section, I’ll pass those along too.
Only the mods will see your email and other details. For now, that’s only me (@codedredalert) and @narramin. Since the volume of work got overwhelming, I got her on board as a mod.
She’s a close friend I trust, and while I don’t think we’ll have anyone else joining us as a moderator, If you’re very concerned about other people finding out about your email address and other application details, maybe give this event a miss.
What do I have to do when I post my gift?
Mention the name of your giftee in the post (like this: @url). Also mention @opsecretsanta2019 in the post.
Tag #opsecretsanta2019 and any appropriate compulsory warning tags (#n/sfw, #graphic violence, #major character death, #noncon or dubcon, #underage , #chose not to use warnings , #no warnings apply).
Consider writing a nice message to the giftee to go along with the gift, if you like. 
If it is Not Safe For Work, please put it in a read-more and tag it appropriately.
Send me a link to your post! I will be re-blogging all gifts under #finished gifts.
How do you select Secret Santas?
I sort participants by naughty and nice into a SFW group and a NSFW group. After that, both groups are separately put through a random generator. Once giftees are drawn from the generator, I will manually check to make sure santas/ giftees share at least one mutual interest.
You should not be giving to the same person you’re receiving from.
What does it mean if I’m in the NSFW group?
If you choose NSFW, it means you are okay with making or receiving NSFW content AND are at least 21 years of age.
You do not have to create a NSFW gift if you don’t feel like it. You may or may not receive a NSFW gift.
Can I make/ receive NSFW?
To potentially receive or send NSFW material, you must be 21 years or older when applications close on 15 November 2019 2359h.
If you make something NSFW for your giftee, please put it under a read more and tag it appropriately. If your NSFW gift is/ could be flagged, please post it on another site and provide a link in a tumblr post.
Why must I be 21+ to receive/ give NSFW? I’m an adult in my country.
I don’t want drama/ legal issues about adults sending NSFW to minors. 21 is the highest age of majority as far as I’m aware, so that’s what I set it as to cover everyone. Sorry, kiddo.
I’m not 21+ yet but I will be by the time applications close. Can I still say I’m 21+?
Happy early birthday, I hope you have a great time! Please go ahead and put yourself on the NSFW list if you want. I’ll take the cut-off for age limit at the point where applications close aka 15 November 2019 2359h HKT.
What is considered NSFW?
NSFW components for the purposes of this event (loosely based on the R rating guidelines of the Motion Picture Association of America):
      (1) Violence: Canon-typical depictions of violence are generally SFW (eg. brawls, blood, stabbing). However, violence that is detailed, realistic, extreme or persistent would make a work NSFW.
       (2) Language/ Profanity / Swearing: Generally, swearing is SFW, but you’re encouraged to keep it mild. You have a maximum of one (1) singular “fuck” to give in a SFW work. Use it wisely. Excessive or extremely graphic swearing would make a work NSFW.
       (3) Drugs/ Substance Abuse:
       Canon-typical depiction of smoking is SFW (eg. chain smoking or smoking several cigarettes/cigars at once is SFW). However, smoking/ nicotine addiction that is detailed, realistic, extreme or persistent would make a work NSFW.
       Canon-typical drinking of large amounts of alcohol is SFW. However, alcoholism/ alcohol addiction that is detailed, realistic, extreme or persistent would make a work NSFW.
       Mention of drugs used in a medical context is SFW. Otherwise, any drug use or mention of drug use would make a work NSFW.
      (4) Nudity and sexual content:
       Nudity that is depicted visually (eg. art) is NSFW, regardless of whether it is sexual or not. Please post a censored/ partial preview of the art and link the full piece on another site. (Tumblr might flag it otherwise lol.)
       Non-visual nudity (eg. writing) is NSFW if it is sexually-oriented. Please ensure that it is under a read-more.
       All sexual content is NSFW regardless of medium.
       Hugs, kisses and cuddling are SFW.
Can I opt to be in the NSFW list, but still say I don’t want to receive/ create a certain type of NSFW (eg. specifically not sexual content, or drug abuse)?
Yup! Generally, giving more information in your application is better. It’s good to be clear and upfront about your likes and dislikes. It helps me a lot in deciding if I need to re-roll when I double-check your random match. It helps your santa know what not to give you too.
Is ____ pairing/ content/ gen allowed?
As long as they’re canon One Piece characters, yes. This event aims to be as inclusive as possible. Just make sure you tag appropriately.
Are OCs/ self-insert/ Y/N fic allowed?
Sorry, nope. I’m sure you and your OCs are lovely, however, this is a One Piece event, so please only feature canon One Piece characters.
You CAN sneak in a little extra cameo if you really want. Eg. a random person in the background/ a random shopkeeper in your fic. But the focus must be on canon One Piece characters.
I personally consider ____ content problematic. Will you allow it?
The compulsory warning tags (following those on Ao3) generally cover a wide range of potentially offensive content. Please be responsible for your own content regulation by blacklisting the necessary tags. I cannot be responsible for everyone’s content consumption.
I’m personally triggered by _____. Can you tag it?
Your personal triggers will already be accounted for in the application form and the information sent to your santa. So, this shouldn’t be a problem for your gift. Also, there are the compulsory warning tags for you to blacklist if necessary.
If you think there is still a very high chance that other people’s gifts will have your trigger, send me an ask off-anon proposing (1) a feasible identification system and (2) a tag name. We’ll see if we can work something out.
I promise to hear you out. However, I will exercise my discretion as to whether it is feasible for me to impose your request on every post on this blog. If your request requires a moral judgment or a lot of work on my part, I am less likely to impose your request.
It’s not possible for me to please everyone. I’ve done my best to cover the generally-accepted warnings. Thanks in advance for your understanding.
What kinds of gifts are allowed?
Anything digital as long as you personally created it for your giftee!
SUGGESTED minimum guidelines for different types of content are below (feel free to go above and beyond if your heart desires):
  –  Art – 1 artwork, sketches are okay as long as characters are recognisable
  – AMVs – 30 seconds. Please use only official art/ anime/ movies as your base.
  – Animations – 3 seconds, sketches are okay as long as characters are recognisable
  –  Animatics – 30 seconds, sketches are okay as long as characters are recognisable
  – Edits – 2 edits of good image quality. Please use only official art as your base.
  –  Fanfiction – 100 words (prose), 20 words (poetry)
  –  GIFsets – 2 gifs of good image quality. Please use only official art/ anime/ movies as your base.
  –  Music cover – 1 minute. Please cover only official One Piece songs/ motifs.
 –   Playlist –   10 songs. Please try to find out about your giftee’s music taste and cater to that if possible.
  –   Podfic/ audio reading –   You MUST get permission in writing from the fic author before making the recording. In your recording, you MUST clearly state the original author, the title of the original fic, and the website where the original fic can be found. In your post, you MUST give LINKED credit to both the original author AND the original fic.
Do I need to meet a minimum for my gift?
There are suggested minimum guidelines for different types of content, but there are no strict minimums. The gift creation for this event is intended to be very achievable, stress-free, and accessible even to first-time creators.
Do I have to follow a winter theme in the gift?
Nope. Anything goes! Just try to do something you think your giftee would like according to the information you were given.
Can I send something in the mail?
Sorry, please don’t. This exchange is digital-only.
Hey I'm a writer who uses Ao3. Is there an Ao3 collection for this event which I can add my gift to?
Yup, here’s the link to the opsecretsanta2019 Ao3 collection. Please feel free to add your fic(s) to the Ao3 collection during the posting period (aka 25 December 2019 to 31 December 2019). It would be good if you could drop me a message on tumblr when you do.
I don’t know what an Ao3 collection is/ how to submit works to an Ao3 collection/ how to specify gift recipients etc?
Here are the Ao3 Collections FAQs.
I’m not very good at art/ writing/ etc.
That’s okay! As long as you put your heart into it, you’re welcome aboard! 
I want to join but I’m shy/ intimidated generally/ by my giftee/ by everyone’s expectations.
Hey, it’s alright, we’re all nakama in the same anime pirate boat here to enjoy some holiday time. Just try your best and have fun!
I didn't receive my response email?
Ah, the automated emails have a daily limit, sorry. You can send me a message and I'll send you a copy manually. Thanks!
When and how will I get my Secret Santa assignment?
On or before 22 November, I will contact you via your tumblr blog. Please keep your askbox/ submit box open between 14 November 2019 and 23 November 2019.
If I can’t reach you on tumblr, I will use the email you provide in the application.
If you applied on time, but did not receive a giftee assignment, please contact me.
When should I send my gift to my Secret Santa?
Any time on or between 25 December 2019 and 31 December 2019.
Can I let my giftee know who I am?
Only once you post your gift. In other words, yes but not earlier than 25 December 2019.
Can I contact my giftee to clarify things about the gift?
Yes but you cannot reveal your identity before you post your gift (eg. use anon asks). If you can’t contact your giftee via tumblr, just do your best with the information you have.
What if my giftee doesn’t have anon asks on/ doesn’t respond?
If you can’t contact your giftee anonymously via tumblr, just do your best with the information you have. Most people wrote detailed applications, so this should be workable.
If giftees are feeling up to it, consider keeping anon asks open for the duration of this event so santas can make clarifications if they need to. It might mean that the gift turns out more to your personal taste.
Can the mods contact my giftee to ask things for me?
We’d love to but we can’t afford to take on the extra workload of being the go-between for everyone’s giftee questions.
You will get your giftee’s tumblr URL. Feel free to check out your giftee’s tumblr and see if they accept anon asks. Please respect their personal rules on interacting if you send asks.
Oops! Something has come up and I can’t participate!
If you have to drop out, please do it before 15 November 2019 if possible. I want to make sure every participant receives a gift.
If you have to drop out after 15 November 2019, please send me an ask. I will assign backup santas.
Please note that if you drop out or are deemed to have dropped out, you may or may not receive any gift.
Please note that if you don’t confirm participation by 27 November 2019, you are deemed to have dropped out.
Oh no, I missed the confirmation deadline (27 November 2019)! But I can confirm now though I’m late! Please please please will you still make sure I get a gift?
If you confirm late but before 15 December 2019, maybe, but at my discretion. If a replacement/ backup santa has already been assigned, likely no.
If you confirm on or after 15 December 2019, no. It’s up to luck whether you get one or not. May the odds be ever in your favour.
I don’t use tumblr much/ my tumblr is dead, but I will be contactable and post on tumblr for this event. Is that okay?
Yup! As long as you communicate and post according to the timelines, it’s okay.
How many mods are there?
Two. The older posts like this one use mostly “I”, since I started this event alone, but beacuse of the number of participants and the workload I got another person on board.
My art/ writing/ main is @codedredalert, and the second mod’s writing/ cursed/ main is @narramin.
Have you, the mods, ever run an event like this before?
Nope. I, Red, have participated in maybe two. Take that as you will.
Suggestions and advice from experienced people are welcome! I may not be able to use/ implement them in this event, but the learning is appreciated.
Are you, the mods, going to be participating as a giftee/ santa? I want a chance to get content from you/ give you things.
Awww thank you, that’s so sweet. Alas, I am just your humble mod. I’ll have my work cut out for me running the event and some major IRL things. Anyways, I'll be doing the matchups so I feel like I ought not to participate.
I’ll step in as a backup santa/ pinch hitter if necessary.
Since narramin leveled up from being a humble participant/ backup santa to moderator, she will be still participating, but due to her own request she won’t know her own santa. Needless to say, her santa will be randomised too. 
Will you read/ comment on all the gift works?
I would like to, but I don’t want to make promises unless I’m sure I can keep them. I,,,,, will try.
Currently, I’m considering reblogging with functional tags first and slowly going through to add the fun comment tags later. I think I could make that work.
I would be in a better position to talk about this after applications close and the matchups and drop-outs are finalised. Thanks for your understanding.
Is this event affiliated with _____?
Nope, it’s just us, alone, in this coffin-boat built from our own hubris.
I don’t like your bad jokes and your weird western pirate talk. Can you stop?
Does Zoro have a sense of direction?
The question I wanted to ask isn’t answered here?
Thank you so much for reading the questions before asking. Please feel free to send an ask to this blog or an email to [email protected] .
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It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas~!
But if you’ve been on my blog, especially since October, then you are in no means part of Santa’s nice list. We’re all written—engraved, imprinted, tattooed, or whatever tickles your titties—onto the naughty list and what better way to celebrate such a feat, as well as kick off the holiday season, than with 12 consecutive days of smutty fics and scenarios.
So what exactly is the 12 days of KINKMAS and how does it work?
               Much like how #Kinktober was done: every day a main kink is assigned as one of the subjects in the fic/scenario. There can be multiple kinks in one work.
What are the main kinks per day?
               I’ve tallied the top 12 kinks from my kinktober posts and the results are (as of Nov 21, 5:55 PM, PH time):
Angry Sex (425)
Hair-pulling (262)
Face-sitting (250)
Public (236)
Medical Play (220)
Gags (202)
Praise (186)
Double Penetration* (185)
Choking/Asphyxiation (181)
Shotgunning (175)
Role-playing (161)
Bukkake* (150)
*Since these kinks call for two or more members, the writer/s have the option to switch it out with the 13th kinks, Seduction and/or Pet play (both have 141 notes)
               “Minor” kinks can be the others listed on my kinktober masterlist, the actual kinktober prompt list, or any that the writer chooses from further searching on the kinky web.
WriterS??? Who are the writers?
               Anyone can join: you just send me a private message so I can compile all the writers’ blogs into one masterpost OR kindly ask your favorite tumblr writer (who is comfortable writing smut) to join and have them message me as well. It would be great if writer’s can focus/specialize on certain members that I personally cannot write smut for (like Taeil, Winwin and younger AKA up to Mark.) In case no one joins me (imma cry) then sadly, members Winwin**, Jungwoo, Lucas, and Mark won’t be part of Kinkmas. Also, since I’m no miracle worker, I’ll be using a random generator to choose which member to write for the day ONLY if this is a solo venture (which I really hope isn’t.)
               Writers who do join me can dib on which members (aside from Jaehyun because come on, I got that in the bag) they wish to write for. They can write for multiple members, including this blog’s bae, but as much as possible, all twelve LEGAL members should be accounted for.
When will 12 days of Kinkmas start?
               To give a little more time for the writers to work their magic, Kinkmas will begin on December 3, Monday at 12:01 AM KST (since we’re more or less familiar with that timezone in comparison to our respective ones) and end on December 14, Friday at 11:59 PM KST.
for the writers who wish to join:
               Length of the scenario/fic, additional themes/genres, and optional titles are up to you. You may use this opportunity as a part of your current fic/s, a side story, or just a stand alone work. I only ask for you to please (1)add all and any necessary warning/s beforehand, (2) follow proper grammar, (3)tag them with your usual tags with the most important one: #kinkmas2018
               You may create your own masterlist, but I will still make my own with your works linked under your URL or link it to your masterlist if you chose to make one. You may also submit fics to me through here and if I’m not mistaken, I can proofread and edit it for you, but only if you do not want your work posted on your blog. 
               You do not have to write for ALL twelve days, but I would highly appreciate it if you do, or at least give me a heads up if you only want to do a few. (At least 3 days)
Please tell me if you’re joining before or on November 26 (Monday)
For any further inquiries, please ask here if they have not been answered here.
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**I know I added Winwin during kinktober, but I am personally uncomfortable writing smut for him. Please understand.
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dangoghz · 7 years
legitimate advice for new phandom blogs
hey !! so i know sometimes posts like ‘RULES FOR THE PHANDOM XD’ are made and they’re all like “numba one. dan is a squishy bean respect this uwu” but this isn’t gonna be like that lol. im just going to list a few actual things that might help people new to the phandom learn about and become integrated into the community! of course these aren’t ‘rules’ and u dont have to listen to any of it ofc,,, im not here to control ur blog, just here to say what people normally do. feel free to rb whether u are a new blog or not, ill appreciate it either way!
italicized text is defined in the glossary at the bottom!
1. be interactive! 
here, unique to our corner of timmy darn communism, we have a lot of like virtual traditions that everyone knows. these help you to make friends and also grow ur blog with some new mutuals. here are some examples.
networks: networks, or nets, are a sort of selective gc, usually with a theme or concept that it’s based around, in which all who wish to be part of fill out an application form that determines whether they get in. this is kinda the one with the most work, as u also have to make a group blog and info post, but it’s definitely worth it. i have made my closest friends in nets (such as @phleurnet which i birthed), and a lot of people on here would say the same. if you want to know more or apply, my friend diana runs an update blog @phandomnets! (examples, these are all open btw: x x x)
meetups: meetups are not in real life, don’t worry. a meetup is when someone organizes a specific time at which we all post thing around a certain theme! for instance, on halloween on tuesday, my friend milo hosted a halloween meetup. usually people post selfies but if u are uncomfortable with that, u can post art, music, or anything else related to the theme. a blog called @phandommeetupwatch keeps track of these! (examples, all happening soon/just happened: x x x)
follow forevers: a follow forever is a big celebration post when u reach a follower count milestone, no matter 50 or 5k. u tag all of the blogs you love, and they reblog it to appreciate u! it’s really positive and shows people how their work has paid off. usually people are tagged in alphabetical order, and sometimes people bold their favorites but the stylization is up to u. (recent examples: x x x)
milestone activities: sometimes people do things for their followers when they reach a follower count that involves their followers requesting something! there are many many forms of this type of thing. a common one is blog rates, in which there is a set template and the blogger rates each blog that sends in an ask using the template (info post ex: x; rate ex: x). there are also url edits (x), name/url moodboards (x), and more. u can certainly come up w an idea of ur own, being creative is great!
talk to people: that’s right dude!!! ye!!! u can message a blog u think is cool, or send an ask if u think something they made or are talking about is interesting, or add something sweet in the tags (more on etiquette later) when u rb their post. additionally, sometimes people stir up discourse, and u should participate in it if u want (past discourse examples: x x). u can also send asks when people reblog ask games, which are a list of questions with a theme (new one of mine ex: x). 
2. play around with your blog!
customizing your blog can start giving you what we call a branding, making you distinguished from other bloggers. this can include everything from as simple as using an icon to coding your own about page. 
themes: a blog can be way more appealing if it is aesthetically pleasing. admittedly, i often follow people just because of the smoothness of their mobile theme. a mobile theme is rather easy to construct as u can do it on ur own with a phone. it is how ur blog looks on a phone. although u don’t have to do this, i recommend sticking to two to four colors on ur theme and avoiding stuffing it with a lot of bright things because it can distract from content. additionally, bloggers often make their descriptions short and succinct. (my fav mobiles: x x x.) on a pc, your blog theme can be customized completely on html, meaning there is a lot of freedom. u don’t have to learn to code for this, bc u can find free themes anywhere, just search ‘free tumblr themes’ on google. once again, be creative, but u shouldn’t overload. (my fav pcs: x x x.)
about pages: in order to avoid chunky descriptions but still let people know the key deets about themselves, bloggers create about pages. sometimes these bout pages are uncoded but u can also use html code if u want to. some common things in an about page are interests, maybe personality types/horoscopes/hogwarts houses, original content, and links to other social media. (examples: x x x)
urls: urls are a key part of your blog’s brand. ‘rebranding’ is what people say if they change their url! if u are tired or bored with your url, changing it is an opportunity to change your theme and other parts of ur blog as well. (url change ex: x). 
saved urls: saved urls are basically when bloggers hoard sideblogs in order to reserve the urls used for them. if you ever encounter a blank blog that has ‘saved’ as its title, that’s probably it. sometimes people like to give away their urls, either as a constant thing (ex: x) or by doing a url giveaway (x). either way, it’s a good opportunity to change it up!
tags: in order to keep their blog cleancut and organized, a lot of bloggers have special tags for certain people, certain topics, and/or certain types of media. many people in the phandom particularly have tags for dan and phil that match (strawberries and cream, lune and sole, etc). if they have many of these tags, there can be a page for their tags on their blog. this page can be coded with special html or just a regular tumblr page, it doesn’t really matter. but it’s very useful for those who visit your blog, and makes it easy for u to navigate older posts as well! (examples: x x x)
3. learn to make og content!
producing original content helps you establish what your strengths are and why people should follow you. it also allows u to contribute to the fanbase, and gives u a chance of being noticed by dnp! and the validation is lovely. there are many options if u want to make something. 
gifs: gifs are an ART here in the phandom, and its mechanisms still perplex me to this day bc ive never tried it. u probably already know what a gif is, but if not, its essentially a short animation made in photoshop that repeats. gifmakers are often distinguished by a unique coloring (example gifmakers: x x x), such as my friend emily’s smooth dark blue tint (x). it can be a long process to learn how to gif but it is very rewarding in the end, from what i’ve heard. (tutorials: x x)
art: there is a very wide range of phanartists, all with such talents, either digital or traditional, that you can draw inspirations from for your own work. you can make cartoons, comics, realism, abstract, nsfw even, or any mix (or none) of the former. artists on tumblr definitely deserve more attention than they get here on tumblr, so be sure to show appreciation towards them! (my fav artists: x x x)
edits: edits are the Graphic Designs of our community and are usually very aesthetically pleasing. they can be centered around a certain event, like a video or something dnp made, or just for fun. the more practice you get making them, the more dexterous u’ll become. they can be a great tool if u like the design aspect of art but don’t want to actually draw. (edit makers: x x)
icons: icons are just the little profile picture that u can insert for ur blog. it’s really easy and fun to make them, kind of like a lazy version of edits. you can make them using photoshop or an app like picsart or medibang, and it doesn’t take a lot of time. more on how to use icons in section 4. (examples: x x x) (my lil tutorial: x)
moodboards: moodboards are nine pictures arranged 3 by 3 that have a certain color scheme. it’s kind of like a collage except the photo feature here separates the pictures for u. there are a lot of innovative moodboard makers that stun me w how pretty it looks or how they arrange the pics. moodboards are also an easy and fun option! (moodboard tags: x x x)
textposts: this is by far the easiest and more common form of content u will find. it’s just writing about dnp in a textpost! if a textpost isn’t very serious, people also call it a meme or shitpost. shitposting is defs on the rise here so its a good business to get into. it’s also a great outlet for ur emotions or personal connections to what dnp do! (example talk tags: x x x)
fics: by far the most famous media to come out of here, phanfiction is a popular form of phan indulgence. u have probably heard of the most scarring ones (list: x), but there is actually a really vast range of it, not just creepy smut! some other genres are fluff, angst, and slow burns. u will discover that, despite the sterotype, not all fanfiction is bad. you can find lovely fics on @phanfictioncatalogue by genre, au, or topic. and, if u need help writing something, many writers would love to help. (a few well-known fics: x x x x x)
4. tumblr etiquette!
i know tumblr might seem like a simple social media (or perhaps not after u’ve read all the above?) but there’s a lot of things that u just....u just don’t do. it’s sort of like virtual manners, and if u don’t follow them, then it’s unlikely that people will like ur blog. once again, this is by no means me forcing u to run ur blog a certain way. it just happens that the types of ppl who break these rules are who we mock in gcs :////////. so yea, here’s some advice.
credits: if u decide to use someone’s art, edit, gif, or icon on the theme of ur blog, check what they require of u before u use it. most content creators strongly ask for credit in the description of ur blog, either by link or like ‘icon/header/art by ____’. it is just a common courtesy to the person who spent time on that, and if u think credit will ruin the aesthetic of ur blog, a) u probably don’t have an aesthetic in the first place and b) learn to appreciate art, binch. 
anonymity: anon asks can be very powerful either negatively or positively depending on how u yield them, so make sure that u are careful with what u send. compliments are always welcome and criticism as well, but blatant rudeness or hate will do nothing. u will only make someone feel bad about themselves and it will not accomplish anything. also, u face the threat of all their friends turning u into a meme. 
sensitivity: a lot of people here are way too easily offended by harmless jokes, a common example in the phandom being when we insult dnp affectionately and people take it way too much to heart. please don’t start drama over something w no real meaning. however, there are times when it is indeed necessary. if u want to criticise a blogger, be respectful of them simultaneously. by all means, if u spot someone being racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynist, or the like, feel free to call them out on it. but beforehand, make sure that u have done ur research and are educated on the topic, or u could turn out to be blatantly wrong. 
adding to posts: everyone makes this mistake when they start out here and that’s totally okay, but adding to every post u reblog is incredibly bothersome. a rule of thumb would be don’t add anything unless what u say will actually improve the post significantly. if ur additions are along the lines of ‘LOL’ or ‘i relate!!!!’ or ‘philly is a smol bean XD’, learn to use the tags for heaven’s sake. they’re there for not only organization but also for commenting. some exceptions, though, would be if u are mentioned in the post or the op is your close friend. 
respecting privacy: this should already be obvious to u, but respect dan and phil’s boundaries. do not tag them or their main tags (#daniel howell, #danisnotonfire, #amazingphil), in any phanfics, phanart (like specifically with them as a romantic ship), or phan edits. do not talk to their family members, expose their personal info like address or phone number, and do consider that they are real people just like u. we may make things based around phan, but it is kept in a community for us and not for dan and phil’s eyes. this is very important.
5. have fun!
sorry if this is all overwhelming, but i tried to make it as simplified as possible. and also sorry for the sass, i’m kinda tired of all the ding dongs on here and want to prevent further ding dongs from being created. thanks so much for readin and be sure to send me an ask anytime if u have questions! welcome to hell!
timmy darn communism: me being my usual weird self and replacing ‘tumblr dot com’ with random words that start with the same letters
mutuals: someone who you follow and who follows you; usually who u interact with most
rb: shortening for ‘reblog’
discourse: when theres is intense discussion of a certain topic, sometimes phan-related sometimes not, sometimes serious and sometimes silly
branding: the word ‘branding’ kinda started as a joke, but it’s generally what we use to call what someone’s blog reminds them of, whether it be a certain color or a discussion topic; my branding, if u asked a mutual, would probably be impressionism, tea, and baguettes (dont ask ab that one)
html: a simple type of coding used for designing websites! u can learn basic html here or here, it’s way easier and funner than it looks
dnp: dan and phil; we also say ‘deppy’, ‘dip and pip’, ‘the boys’, ‘the rats’, and more
coloring: basically the stylization of a gif, shown through filters, textures, contrast, brightness, etc. 
talk tag: a tag in which all of the textposts that a person makes are sorted into
phanfiction terms
smut: porn fic :/ 
fluff: just what it sounds like, a type of fic that usually has a lot of soft stuff like cuddling, flirting, and looooove
angst: a fic with a lot of drama, usually sad or very emotional
slow burn: a fic where a pairing, in this case phan, slowly falls in love
au: stands for ‘alternate universe’, a fic in which dan and phil are written not as youtubers but in a completely different scenario (ie. bad boy and new guy in high school, university students, space exhibition, anything u can dream up really)
anon: short for ‘anonymous’
op: short for ‘original poster’, aka who made the post
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holochromatic · 6 years
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laura. adult. she/they. white. mpls.
disabled. biromantic ace. possibly agender? idk man, it's hard to tell most days
previous urls: bbarnes, ybelova, jcuster, klausshargreeves, dodgecaravaggio, jamesmorita, wintersasset. aka raernundo on my previous account.
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if you follow me, please be 100% sure you are comfortable interacting with an adult
i don’t have a strict rule about who follows me as i think everybody benefits from having friends of different demographics. with that said,
please feel free to tell me to go away if i’ve followed you or interacted with your post and you aren’t comfortable with that
i have no tolerance for maladjusted assholes. racists/white supremacists, homophobes, transphobes, terfs, swerfs, exclusionists, ableists, radfems, etc. do not belong here.
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mostly aesthetic posts at this point. synthwave, cyberpunk, vaporwave, lo-fi, y2kcore, retrowave, watercore, glow, glitter, holo, etc.
music and band edits, audio tracks
movies and television, especially sci fi/futurism stuff
sometimes i run a queue, sometimes i don’t. the queue is untagged when it’s on
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i don’t have the hyper-detailed tag page anymore (though the system still exists), so here are some tips for navigation:
all comic characters are tagged by name. if you’re only interested in print comic stuff and not movie universe posts, the comics edit tag is for you
non-marvel comics posts are tagged with the publisher/imprint (generally speaking, these are going to be from dc, vertigo, image, idw, and dark horse)
i do have general tags for television, movies, and books, but those are also tagged with titles
the music tag has both audio posts and band edits. if you want just the tracks, use the audio track tag
video game stuff is tagged with gaming
all posts that aren’t media-specific are tagged with aesthetic
i VERY rarely post things that are nsfw (if i do, it’s going to be from a movie/show/anime/comic and never over anything rated R). block nsft if you do not want to see them
i tag all potential epilepsy triggers (flashing, rapid color change, glitch) as flashing
if you need anything else tagged, please let me know.
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jungblue · 7 years
→ writing & other tips!
Hello! This entire post is essentially stemming from the fact that I get messages often about the subject of writing / running a writing blog, and what advice I have in the area. In all honesty I’m not sure how new this information will be to anyone looking at it, but it’s more so to serve as something I can have linked in my FAQ, for anyone interested in my opinion on the matter. This post will be updated as I think of more things to include, but the basics that will be covered is writing advice, writing-blog advice, and just my overall opinion on certain aspects of writing in general on a public platform. 
↠ Running a Writing Blog
My initial advice for this is just going to be technical / formatting aspects of posting your writing. Nothing all that earth shattering, just creating masterlists, links in your bio, dealing with demands kind of stuff.
When it comes to formatting, choose one that really displays what your fic is about. For example, my usual format is: Pairing, Genre, Word Count, Description, Gif / Banner. I find this important just because I think some people might underestimate the importance of a good format. Because if I’m being honest I usually won’t even click on a fic if there’s no word count. Not to say it’s necessary, because I’m not here to tell people specifically the 100% way to run a writing blog, but this is just my experience / personal preference. 
Now once you’ve got your fic written and post formatted, next you have to put some tags. I tend to use very broad general tags such as, bts fanfic, bts scenarios, bts smut, bts angst, ect. Once you get into specifics there are tags such as seokjin fanfic, yoongi scenarios, hoseok smut, ect. This simply allows for people to find your fics when searching. 
Creating a Masterlist / Linking
Once your first scenario is posted you might want to make a masterlist to post in your bio. This probably isn’t new information for some, but I get an ask about links every couple of weeks, so I figured we might as well cover all of the bases. In order to create a masterlist, simply open up a new text post, type in the title of your fic (or however you’re wanting to organize it), get the url to your fic and copy it, highlight the title you’ve written on the text post, a series of buttons should appear above, choose the one that is the fourth from the left (it looks like an infinity sign), paste the url into the box that appears, and you have yourself the start of a masterlist. Once you have that done you might want to link your masterlist in your bio. In order to do so you simply:
1. Go to edit theme
2. Paste this code into your bio <a href=“url of masterlist”>masterlist</a>
3. Replace the things I’ve put in bold with your actual masterlist url, or whatever you want the link to be called, so masterlist, writing, mlist, ect
Dealing with Demands
It’s unfortunate, but more than likely you’ll get a demanding ask at least once in your tumblr lifetime. Sometimes it’s asking for updates, requesting repeatedly, or someone just being plain rude. To combat against the update asks, make an FAQ. It’ll cut down on some of the demands, but of course not all. As for the straight up rude anons / users, just block them. Don’t give them the satisfaction of allowing them to stay on your blog. If you really want to respond, screenshot it and answer it that way, but still block them. This is your blog. No one has the right to be demanding of you, and to make it a place that you come to detest. 
↠ The Actual Writing Part
I would say the first piece of advice I have about writing in general is to make sure that you’re writing for the right reasons. This is only because I’ve seen a common trend of people saying how stressed writing makes them, to the point of them actually hating it. I think this is because before people start posting on tumblr, they sometimes don’t get what comes along with it, or some aren’t necessarily doing it for the right reasons (of course regardless of anyone’s reasons, it’s your hobby, so really do what you want! this is simply an opinion).
For instance if you’re doing it strictly for notes, you might be highly disappointed when the pwp smut that took your three hours to write gets a 1,000 notes, whereas that fic that took you three weeks to plan out, and six weeks to write gets 300. It’s going to really stunt your creativity if you’re doing it strictly for that particular reason, because unfortunately the previously mentioned scenario is quite common. Or there are some who start writing because they want to have a ‘popular’ blog of sorts with lots of followers who will message them… But unfortunately even with a lot of followers, people just tend to not send messages for the most part. You might really love a fic that you posted, but get maybe six or seven comments on it. So again, if that’s your specific underlying reasoning behind wanting to post your writing, it might not turn out how you expected. 
I just wanted to say the above points because I see it time and time again, and I don’t want people to get discouraged if it’s not what they were expecting it to be. Don’t get me wrong, as a writer on this site, I appreciate so, so much the notes / comments / ect that people give to my fics, but if that is what’s specifically tethering you to the craft, then you might not enjoy your time posting on tumblr. But again, this is your choice, so if you want to write simply for notes or for whatever reason, then obviously that’s completely fine! I’m mostly just saying the above because writing can become tiresome after a while if it doesn’t bring the outcome you’re expecting and it’s not something you truly enjoyed in the first place.
Okay, so now that I’ve gotten this disclaimer out of the way, I’ll try to give tips on writing, sorry if they’re generic. Honestly, my writing process is really simple, so I’m not sure how helpful this will be, but I’m going to try my best. 
Forming an Idea / Plot
This is probably the simplest part. Just the general idea that you want to write about. Not the details, just the main focus. Sometimes it can stem from just knowing what au you want to tackle, so college au, expecting parents au, werewolf au, ect. Or perhaps you don’t know the setting yet, but you know the conflict or emotions you want the characters to elicit. Maybe you just know in your head that you really want to write a Jimin fluff. With that you can sit back and mull over what the best template for displaying that would be. So maybe a first date, anniversary, cute frat boy takes you to the greek formal, it can literally be anything. So really play around with things. Write that vampire hanahaki au or fic that’s so cheesy you cringe (I’ve written many of those lol). Just explore the wonderful world of genres or aus, because in the end you should write what you want to write. 
This section is quite flexible. I mean all of these points are flexible, but this one most certainly. If there’s one thing that varies to a great degree between each and every writer it’s planning a fic out. There’s hundreds of methods, and you really just need to find the one that works for you! I personally have a very simple approach to writing. I’ll use Loving Him, Loving Her as an example.
1. Simply think of an idea: Unrequited love + best friend AU
2. Make mental bullet points of plot: flash-forward scene, the oc and Taehyung meeting, time-skip, party at Taehyung’s lake house, sex scene —
3. Write it out with this loose template
4. Once the writing process is over, go back through, re-read for misspellings, grammar issues, spaces where a bit of added narrative is needed
5. Post
It’s honestly a very simple process, but it’s what works best for me, and everyone is of course different! Personally, planning a fic out down to the very scenes, just doesn’t work for me. Because then when I’m writing I feel very constricted. I much prefer just having a vague idea of what I want the plot to be, and tackling it that way. However, again this is my approach, and it’s obviously okay if it doesn’t work for everyone. Lots of people love to outline, and that’s a totally viable option. Plan out each scene, one by one, jot down the emotions, dialogue, actions, ect that you want to happen within the scenes. That way once you go to write your fic, everything is planned and you just have to follow the template you’ve set for yourself. 
These are just two methods of the many that there are. Eventually, after writing a lot, you’ll find a specific process that personally works for you!
Writing can honestly be really stressful. Even if the constant asks for updates or demanding messages don’t bother you. Sometimes it’s just stressful because you want to write, but it just isn’t coming as easily as you would like. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat in front of my laptop, wanting to write, but then I just blank. It’s incredibly frustrating to have a plot locked in your head, and knowing exactly what you want to happen, but then not being able to find the words to formulate it. So just understand that it’s okay to take breaks, to throw away a wip, to take a seven month hiatus on a series. It doesn’t mean that you should give up on writing, it just means that you need a break, a change in direction, or just something. People get burnt out on things they love all the time. Sports, drawing, writing, whatever it is, you just have to understand that it’s all a part of a process. 
Know when to take breaks. Put your health at the forefront of everything, because finishing a fic isn’t worth jeopardizing that. Understand that the fic will be there tomorrow, the next day, and the next day, so take your time!
Again, I know all if this is stuff that you’ve all probably heard, but sometimes people ask for my writing advice, and this post pretty much encompasses my opinion on writing and the process of writing / posting on a public format such as tumblr. I hope it was somewhat helpful. Just remember that this is supposed to be fun. Don’t let the stress destroy your love for writing if it’s really something that you honestly enjoy!
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How to Turn Low-Value Content Into Neatly Organized Opportunities - Next Level
Posted by  jocameron    
   Welcome to the newest installment of our educational Next Level series! In our last post, Brian Childs offered up a beginner-level workflow to  help discover your competitor’s backlinks . Today, we’re welcoming back Next Level veteran Jo Cameron to show you how to find low-quality pages on your site and decide their new fate. Read on and level up! 
   With an almost endless succession of Google updates fluctuating the search results, it’s pretty clear that substandard content just won’t cut it.
  I know, I know — we can’t all keep up with the latest algorithm updates. We’ve got businesses to run, clients to impress, and a strong social media presence to maintain. After all, you haven’t seen a huge drop in your traffic. It’s probably OK, right?
  So what’s with the nagging sensation down in the pit of your stomach? It’s not just that giant chili taco you had earlier. Maybe it’s that feeling that your content might be treading on thin ice. Maybe you watched Rand’s recent Whiteboard Friday ( How to Determine if a Page is “Low Quality” in Google’s Eyes ) and just don’t know where to start.
  In this edition of Next Level, I’ll show you how to start identifying your low-quality pages in a few simple steps with Moz Pro’s  Site Crawl . Once identified, you can decide whether to merge, shine up, or remove the content.
     A quick recap of algorithm updates  The  latest big fluctuations  in the search results were said to be caused by King Fred: enemy of low-quality pages and champion of the people’s right to find and enjoy content of value.
  Fred took the fight to affiliate sites, and low-value commercial sites were  also affected .
  The good news is that even if this isn’t directed at you, and you haven’t taken a hit yourself, you can still learn from this update to improve your site. After all, why  not  stay on the right side of the biggest index of online content in the known universe? You’ll come away with a good idea of what content is working for your site, and you may just take a ride to the top of the SERPs. Knowledge is power, after all.
  Be a Pro  It’s best if we just accept that Google updates are ongoing; they happen  all.the.time.  But with a site audit tool in your toolkit like Moz Pro’s Site Crawl, they don’t have to keep you up at night. Our shiny new Rogerbot crawler is the new kid on the block, and it’s hungry to crawl your pages.
  If you haven’t given it a try, sign up for a free trial for 30 days:
   Start a free trial 
  If you’ve already had a free trial that has expired,  write to me and I’ll give you another , just because I can.
   Set up your Moz Pro campaign  — it takes 5 minutes tops — and Rogerbot will be unleashed upon your site like a caffeinated spider.
  Rogerbot hops from page to page following links to analyze your website. As Rogerbot hops along, a beautiful database of pages is constructed that flag issues you can use to find those laggers. What a hero!
  First stop: Thin content  Site Crawl > Content Issues > Thin Content  Thin content could be damaging your site. If it’s deemed to be malicious, then it could result in a penalty. Things like zero-value pages with ads or spammy doorway pages — little traps people set to funnel people to other pages — are bad news.
  First off, let’s find those pages. Moz Pro Site Crawl will flag “thin content” if it has less than 50 words (excluding navigation and ads).
     Now is a good time to familiarize yourself with  Google’s Quality Guidelines . Think long and hard about whether you may be doing this, intentionally or accidentally.
  You’re probably not straight-up spamming people, but you could do better and you know it. Our mantra is (repeat after me): “ Does this add value for my visitors?”  Well, does it?
  Ok, you can stop chanting now.
  For most of us, thin content is less of a penalty threat and more of an opportunity. By finding pages with thin content, you have the opportunity to figure out if they’re doing enough to serve your visitors. Pile on some Google Analytics data and start making decisions about improvements that can be made.
  Using moz.com as an example, I’ve found 3 pages with thin content. Ta-da emoji!
     I’m not too concerned about the login page or the password reset page. I am, however, interested to see how the local search page is performing. Maybe we can find an opportunity to help people who land on this page.
  Go ahead and export your thin content pages from Moz Pro to CSV.
  We can then grab some data from Google Analytics to give us an idea of how well this page is performing. You may want to look at comparing monthly data and see if there are any trends, or compare similar pages to see if improvements can be made.
  I am by no means a Google Analytics expert, but I know how to get what I want. Most of the time that is, except when I have to Google it, which is probably every second week.
  Firstly: Behavior > Site Content >  All Pages > Paste in your URL
       Pageviews - The number of times that page has been viewed, even if it’s a repeat view. 
 Avg. Time on Page - How long people are on your page 
 Bounce Rate - Single page views with no interaction 
  For my example page, Bounce Rate is very interesting. This page lives to be interacted with. Its only joy in life is allowing people to search for a local business in the UK, US, or Canada. It is not an informational page at all. It doesn’t provide a contact phone number or an answer to a query that may explain away a high bounce rate.
  I’m going to add Pageviews and Bounce Rate a spreadsheet so I can track this over time.
  I’ll also added some keywords that I want that page to rank for to my Moz Pro Rankings. That way I can make sure I’m targeting searcher intent and driving organic traffic that is likely to convert.
  I’ll also know if I’m being out ranked by my competitors. How dare they, right?
  As we’ve found with this local page, not all thin content is bad content. Another example may be if you have a landing page with an awesome video that’s adding value and is performing consistently well. In this case, hold off on making sweeping changes. Track the data you’re interested in; from there, you can look at making small changes and track the impact, or split test some ideas. Either way, you want to make informed, data-driven decisions.
  Action to take for tracking thin content pages  Export to CSV so you can track how these pages are performing alongside GA data. Make incremental changes and track the results.
  Second stop: Duplicate title tags   Site Crawl > Content Issues > Duplicate Title Tags  Title tags show up in the search results to give human searchers a taste of what your content is about. They also help search engines understand and categorize your content. Without question, you want these to be well considered, relevant to your content, and unique.
  Moz Pro Site Crawl flags any pages with matching title tags for your perusal.
     Duplicate title tags are unlikely to get your site penalized, unless you’ve masterminded an army of pages that target irrelevant keywords and provide zero value. Once again, for most of us, it’s a good way to find a missed opportunity.
  Digging around your duplicate title tags is a lucky dip of wonder. You may find pages with repeated content that you want to merge, or redundant pages that may be confusing your visitors, or maybe just pages for which you haven’t spent the time crafting unique title tags.
  Take this opportunity to review your  title tags,  make them interesting, and always make them relevant. Because I’m a Whiteboard Friday friend, I can’t  not  link to this  title tag hack  video. Turn off Netflix for 10 minutes and enjoy.
   Pro tip:  To view the other duplicate pages, make sure you click on the little triangle icon to open that up like an accordion.
     Hey now, what’s this? Filed away under duplicate title tags I’ve found these cheeky pages.
     These are the contact forms we have in place to contact our help team. Yes, me included — hi!
  I’ve got some inside info for you all. We’re actually in the process of redesigning our Help Hub, and these tool-specific pages definitely need a rethink. For now, I’m going to summon the powerful and mysterious  rel=canonical tag .
  This tells search engines that all those other pages are copies of the one true page to rule them all.  Search engines like this, they understand it, and they bow down to honor the original source, as well they should. Visitors can still access these pages, and they won’t ever know they’ve hit a page with an original source elsewhere. How very magical.
  Action to take for duplicate title tags on similar pages  Use the rel=canonical tag to tell search engines that   http://bit.ly/2i0iYt8   is the original source.
  Review visitor behavior and perform user testing on the Help Hub. We’ll use this information to make a plan for redirecting those pages to one main page and adding a tool type drop-down.
   More  duplicate titles within my subfolder-specific campaign  Because at Moz we’ve got a heck of a lot of pages, I’ve got another Moz Pro campaign set up to track the URL moz.com/blog. I find this handy if I want to look at issues on just one section of my site at a time.
  You just have to enter your subfolder and limit your campaign when you set it up.
     Just remember we won’t crawl any pages outside of the subfolder. Make sure you have an all-encompassing, all-access campaign set up for the root domain as well.
  Not enough allowance to create a subfolder-specific campaign? You can filter by URL from within your existing campaign.
     In my Moz Blog campaign, I stumbled across these little fellows:
  This is a classic case of new content usurping the old content. Instead of telling search engines, “Yeah, so I’ve got a few pages and they’re kind of the same, but this one is the one true page,” like we did with the rel=canonical tag before, this time I’ll use the big cousin of the rel=canonical, the queen of content canonicalization, the  301 redirect .
  All the power is sent to the page you are redirecting to, as well as all the actual human visitors.
  Action to take for duplicate title tags with outdated/updated content  Check the traffic and authority for both pages, then add a 301 redirect from one to the other. Consolidate and rule.
  It’s also a good opportunity to refresh the content and check whether it’s... what? I can’t hear you —  adding value to my visitors ! You got it.
  Third stop: Duplicate content  Site Crawl > Content Issues > Duplicate Content  When the code and content on a page looks the same are the code and content on another page of your site, it will be flagged as “Duplicate Content.” Our crawler will flag any pages with 90% or more overlapping content or code as having duplicate content.
     Officially, in the wise words of Google, duplicate content  doesn’t incur a penalty . However, it can be filtered out of the index, so still not great.
  Having said that, the trick is in the fine print. One bot’s duplicate content is another bot’s thin content, and thin content can get you penalized. Let me refer you back to our old friend, the  Quality Guidelines .
  Are you doing one of these things intentionally or accidentally? Do you want me to make you chant again?
  If you’re being hounded by duplicate content issues and don’t know where to start, then we’ve got more information on  duplicate content on our Learning Center .
  I’ve found some pages that clearly have different content on them, so why are these duplicate?
     So friends, what we have here is thin content that’s being flagged as duplicate.
  There is basically not enough content on the page for bots to distinguish them from each other. Remember that our crawler looks at all the page code, as well as the copy that humans see.
  You may find this frustrating at first: “Like,  why  are they duplicates?? They’re different, gosh darn it!” But once you pass through all the 7 stages of duplicate content and arrive at acceptance, you’ll see the opportunity you have here. Why not pop those topics on your content schedule? Why not use the “queen” again, and 301 redirect them to a similar resource, combining the power of both resources? Or maybe, just maybe, you could use them in a blog post about duplicate content — just like I have.
  Action to take for duplicate pages with different content  Before you make any hasty decisions, check the traffic to these pages. Maybe dig a bit deeper and track conversions and bounce rate, as well. Check out our workflow for thin content earlier in this post and do the same for these pages.
  From there you can figure out if you want to rework content to add value or redirect pages to another resource.
  This is an awesome video in the ever-impressive  Whiteboard Friday series  which talks about republishing. Seriously, you’ll kick yourself if you don’t watch it.
  Broken URLs and duplicate content  Another dive into Duplicate Content has turned up two Help Hub URLs that point to the same page.
  These are no good to man or beast. They are especially no good for our analytics — blurgh, data confusion! No good for our crawl budget — blurgh, extra useless page! User experience? Blurgh, nope, no good for that either.
     Action to take for messed-up URLs causing duplicate content  Zap this time-waster with a 301 redirect. For me this is an easy decision: add a 301 to the long, messed up URL with a PA of 1, no discussion. I love our new Learning Center so much that I’m going to  link to it again  so you can learn more about redirection and build your SEO knowledge.
  It’s the most handy place to check if you get stuck with any of the concepts I’ve talked about today.
  Wrapping up  While it may feel scary at first to have your content flagged as having issues, the real takeaway here is that these are actually neatly organized opportunities.
  With a bit of tenacity and some extra data from Google Analytics, you can start to understand the best way to fix your content and make your site easier to use (and more powerful in the process).
  If you get stuck, just remember our chant:  “Does this add value for my visitors?”  Your content has to be for your human visitors, so think about them and their journey. And most importantly: be good to yourself and use a tool like  Moz Pro  that compiles potential issues into an easily digestible catalogue.
  Enjoy your chili taco and your good night’s sleep!
    Sign up for The Moz Top 10 , a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don’t have time to hunt down but want to read!
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wickedbananas · 7 years
How to Turn Low-Value Content Into Neatly Organized Opportunities - Next Level
Posted by jocameron
Welcome to the newest installment of our educational Next Level series! In our last post, Brian Childs offered up a beginner-level workflow to help discover your competitor's backlinks. Today, we're welcoming back Next Level veteran Jo Cameron to show you how to find low-quality pages on your site and decide their new fate. Read on and level up!
With an almost endless succession of Google updates fluctuating the search results, it’s pretty clear that substandard content just won’t cut it.
I know, I know — we can’t all keep up with the latest algorithm updates. We’ve got businesses to run, clients to impress, and a strong social media presence to maintain. After all, you haven’t seen a huge drop in your traffic. It’s probably OK, right?
So what’s with the nagging sensation down in the pit of your stomach? It’s not just that giant chili taco you had earlier. Maybe it’s that feeling that your content might be treading on thin ice. Maybe you watched Rand’s recent Whiteboard Friday (How to Determine if a Page is "Low Quality" in Google's Eyes) and just don’t know where to start.
In this edition of Next Level, I’ll show you how to start identifying your low-quality pages in a few simple steps with Moz Pro's Site Crawl. Once identified, you can decide whether to merge, shine up, or remove the content.
A quick recap of algorithm updates
The latest big fluctuations in the search results were said to be caused by King Fred: enemy of low-quality pages and champion of the people’s right to find and enjoy content of value.
Fred took the fight to affiliate sites, and low-value commercial sites were also affected.
The good news is that even if this isn’t directed at you, and you haven’t taken a hit yourself, you can still learn from this update to improve your site. After all, why not stay on the right side of the biggest index of online content in the known universe? You’ll come away with a good idea of what content is working for your site, and you may just take a ride to the top of the SERPs. Knowledge is power, after all.
Be a Pro
It’s best if we just accept that Google updates are ongoing; they happen all.the.time. But with a site audit tool in your toolkit like Moz Pro's Site Crawl, they don’t have to keep you up at night. Our shiny new Rogerbot crawler is the new kid on the block, and it’s hungry to crawl your pages.
If you haven’t given it a try, sign up for a free trial for 30 days:
Start a free trial
If you’ve already had a free trial that has expired, write to me and I’ll give you another, just because I can.
Set up your Moz Pro campaign — it takes 5 minutes tops — and Rogerbot will be unleashed upon your site like a caffeinated spider.
Rogerbot hops from page to page following links to analyze your website. As Rogerbot hops along, a beautiful database of pages is constructed that flag issues you can use to find those laggers. What a hero!
First stop: Thin content
Site Crawl > Content Issues > Thin Content
Thin content could be damaging your site. If it’s deemed to be malicious, then it could result in a penalty. Things like zero-value pages with ads or spammy doorway pages — little traps people set to funnel people to other pages — are bad news.
First off, let’s find those pages. Moz Pro Site Crawl will flag "thin content" if it has less than 50 words (excluding navigation and ads).
Now is a good time to familiarize yourself with Google’s Quality Guidelines. Think long and hard about whether you may be doing this, intentionally or accidentally.
You’re probably not straight-up spamming people, but you could do better and you know it. Our mantra is (repeat after me): “Does this add value for my visitors?” Well, does it?
Ok, you can stop chanting now.
For most of us, thin content is less of a penalty threat and more of an opportunity. By finding pages with thin content, you have the opportunity to figure out if they're doing enough to serve your visitors. Pile on some Google Analytics data and start making decisions about improvements that can be made.
Using moz.com as an example, I’ve found 3 pages with thin content. Ta-da emoji!
I’m not too concerned about the login page or the password reset page. I am, however, interested to see how the local search page is performing. Maybe we can find an opportunity to help people who land on this page.
Go ahead and export your thin content pages from Moz Pro to CSV.
We can then grab some data from Google Analytics to give us an idea of how well this page is performing. You may want to look at comparing monthly data and see if there are any trends, or compare similar pages to see if improvements can be made.
I am by no means a Google Analytics expert, but I know how to get what I want. Most of the time that is, except when I have to Google it, which is probably every second week.
Firstly: Behavior > Site Content > All Pages > Paste in your URL
Pageviews - The number of times that page has been viewed, even if it’s a repeat view.
Avg. Time on Page - How long people are on your page
Bounce Rate - Single page views with no interaction
For my example page, Bounce Rate is very interesting. This page lives to be interacted with. Its only joy in life is allowing people to search for a local business in the UK, US, or Canada. It is not an informational page at all. It doesn’t provide a contact phone number or an answer to a query that may explain away a high bounce rate.
I’m going to add Pageviews and Bounce Rate a spreadsheet so I can track this over time.
I’ll also added some keywords that I want that page to rank for to my Moz Pro Rankings. That way I can make sure I’m targeting searcher intent and driving organic traffic that is likely to convert.
I’ll also know if I’m being out ranked by my competitors. How dare they, right?
As we've found with this local page, not all thin content is bad content. Another example may be if you have a landing page with an awesome video that's adding value and is performing consistently well. In this case, hold off on making sweeping changes. Track the data you’re interested in; from there, you can look at making small changes and track the impact, or split test some ideas. Either way, you want to make informed, data-driven decisions.
Action to take for tracking thin content pages
Export to CSV so you can track how these pages are performing alongside GA data. Make incremental changes and track the results.
Second stop: Duplicate title tags
Site Crawl > Content Issues > Duplicate Title Tags
Title tags show up in the search results to give human searchers a taste of what your content is about. They also help search engines understand and categorize your content. Without question, you want these to be well considered, relevant to your content, and unique.
Moz Pro Site Crawl flags any pages with matching title tags for your perusal.
Duplicate title tags are unlikely to get your site penalized, unless you’ve masterminded an army of pages that target irrelevant keywords and provide zero value. Once again, for most of us, it’s a good way to find a missed opportunity.
Digging around your duplicate title tags is a lucky dip of wonder. You may find pages with repeated content that you want to merge, or redundant pages that may be confusing your visitors, or maybe just pages for which you haven’t spent the time crafting unique title tags.
Take this opportunity to review your title tags, make them interesting, and always make them relevant. Because I’m a Whiteboard Friday friend, I can’t not link to this title tag hack video. Turn off Netflix for 10 minutes and enjoy.
Pro tip: To view the other duplicate pages, make sure you click on the little triangle icon to open that up like an accordion.
Hey now, what’s this? Filed away under duplicate title tags I’ve found these cheeky pages.
These are the contact forms we have in place to contact our help team. Yes, me included — hi!
I’ve got some inside info for you all. We’re actually in the process of redesigning our Help Hub, and these tool-specific pages definitely need a rethink. For now, I’m going to summon the powerful and mysterious rel=canonical tag.
This tells search engines that all those other pages are copies of the one true page to rule them all. Search engines like this, they understand it, and they bow down to honor the original source, as well they should. Visitors can still access these pages, and they won’t ever know they've hit a page with an original source elsewhere. How very magical.
Action to take for duplicate title tags on similar pages
Use the rel=canonical tag to tell search engines that http://ift.tt/2vLlcAU is the original source.
Review visitor behavior and perform user testing on the Help Hub. We’ll use this information to make a plan for redirecting those pages to one main page and adding a tool type drop-down.
More duplicate titles within my subfolder-specific campaign
Because at Moz we’ve got a heck of a lot of pages, I’ve got another Moz Pro campaign set up to track the URL moz.com/blog. I find this handy if I want to look at issues on just one section of my site at a time.
You just have to enter your subfolder and limit your campaign when you set it up.
Just remember we won’t crawl any pages outside of the subfolder. Make sure you have an all-encompassing, all-access campaign set up for the root domain as well.
Not enough allowance to create a subfolder-specific campaign? You can filter by URL from within your existing campaign.
In my Moz Blog campaign, I stumbled across these little fellows:
This is a classic case of new content usurping the old content. Instead of telling search engines, “Yeah, so I’ve got a few pages and they’re kind of the same, but this one is the one true page,” like we did with the rel=canonical tag before, this time I’ll use the big cousin of the rel=canonical, the queen of content canonicalization, the 301 redirect.
All the power is sent to the page you are redirecting to, as well as all the actual human visitors.
Action to take for duplicate title tags with outdated/updated content
Check the traffic and authority for both pages, then add a 301 redirect from one to the other. Consolidate and rule.
It’s also a good opportunity to refresh the content and check whether it's... what? I can’t hear you — adding value to my visitors! You got it.
Third stop: Duplicate content
Site Crawl > Content Issues > Duplicate Content
When the code and content on a page looks the same are the code and content on another page of your site, it will be flagged as "Duplicate Content." Our crawler will flag any pages with 90% or more overlapping content or code as having duplicate content.
Officially, in the wise words of Google, duplicate content doesn’t incur a penalty. However, it can be filtered out of the index, so still not great.
Having said that, the trick is in the fine print. One bot’s duplicate content is another bot’s thin content, and thin content can get you penalized. Let me refer you back to our old friend, the Quality Guidelines.
Are you doing one of these things intentionally or accidentally? Do you want me to make you chant again?
If you’re being hounded by duplicate content issues and don’t know where to start, then we’ve got more information on duplicate content on our Learning Center.
I’ve found some pages that clearly have different content on them, so why are these duplicate?
So friends, what we have here is thin content that’s being flagged as duplicate.
There is basically not enough content on the page for bots to distinguish them from each other. Remember that our crawler looks at all the page code, as well as the copy that humans see.
You may find this frustrating at first: “Like, why are they duplicates?? They're different, gosh darn it!” But once you pass through all the 7 stages of duplicate content and arrive at acceptance, you’ll see the opportunity you have here. Why not pop those topics on your content schedule? Why not use the “queen” again, and 301 redirect them to a similar resource, combining the power of both resources? Or maybe, just maybe, you could use them in a blog post about duplicate content — just like I have.
Action to take for duplicate pages with different content
Before you make any hasty decisions, check the traffic to these pages. Maybe dig a bit deeper and track conversions and bounce rate, as well. Check out our workflow for thin content earlier in this post and do the same for these pages.
From there you can figure out if you want to rework content to add value or redirect pages to another resource.
This is an awesome video in the ever-impressive Whiteboard Friday series which talks about republishing. Seriously, you’ll kick yourself if you don’t watch it.
Broken URLs and duplicate content
Another dive into Duplicate Content has turned up two Help Hub URLs that point to the same page.
These are no good to man or beast. They are especially no good for our analytics — blurgh, data confusion! No good for our crawl budget — blurgh, extra useless page! User experience? Blurgh, nope, no good for that either.
Action to take for messed-up URLs causing duplicate content
Zap this time-waster with a 301 redirect. For me this is an easy decision: add a 301 to the long, messed up URL with a PA of 1, no discussion. I love our new Learning Center so much that I’m going to link to it again so you can learn more about redirection and build your SEO knowledge.
It’s the most handy place to check if you get stuck with any of the concepts I’ve talked about today.
Wrapping up
While it may feel scary at first to have your content flagged as having issues, the real takeaway here is that these are actually neatly organized opportunities.
With a bit of tenacity and some extra data from Google Analytics, you can start to understand the best way to fix your content and make your site easier to use (and more powerful in the process).
If you get stuck, just remember our chant: "Does this add value for my visitors?” Your content has to be for your human visitors, so think about them and their journey. And most importantly: be good to yourself and use a tool like Moz Pro that compiles potential issues into an easily digestible catalogue.
Enjoy your chili taco and your good night’s sleep!
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donutcryforme · 7 years
tagged by: ♡  @choglwa​  ♡
rules: answer 30 questions about yourself then tag 20 people you want to get to know better. i don’t have 20 friends
nickname: Sam
gender: Female (she/her)
star sign: Gemini. i am cursed.
height: 5′ 3-3/4″
time: 5:10 PM (EST)
birthday: May 29, 1993
favourite bands: This is such a hard question! I listen to music all day long, especially when I’m commuting, so It changes day to day. But, I think the ones that stick with me through the years are mainly for nostalgia. My high school / punk rock days (Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the DIsco, and All Time Low). I still listen to Songs About Jane a lot but as a whole, Maroon 5 has really changed their sound and I’m not as big of a fan anymore. But you can NEVER go wrong with the Beatles. Holy grail. Always puts me in a good mood. 
favourite solo artists: I also usually listen to music when I write, so it really depends on what characters I’m playing and what their mood music might be. - When I was playing Sean, I listened to a lot of Sad Boyz (Jeff Buckley, John Legend, Sam Smith), stuff he would listen to while high (Gorillaz, Drake) and artists who sang about dark themes (ex. Lana del Rey, The Weeknd, also because i fucking love him and his dark lyrics fuck me up Abel.)  - For Sarah, it was a lot of Bea Miller and Alessia Cara--female artists who sing about rebellion and not giving a fuck. - Scott is a lot of male pop singers (Justin Timberlake, One Republic) and some white boy rap (feat. the best/funniest thing you will ever hear, aka what my friend’s friends recorded at school, ESPECIALLY “Get That Girl A Soda” and “Livin’ Like Larry”). - Jonah was more classic rock (The Rolling Stones), Adele (songs that will make my cry about his ship with Eve) and songs that vaguely alluded to religion without making me feel uncomfortable ("Devil’s Backbone,” “Take Me To Church,” etc.) - But for me? My holy trinity is probably Rihanna, Lady Gaga, and Beyoncé 
song stuck in my head: the entire Newsies musical because we opened last week and it’s still so good
last movie watched: Scary Movie 2
last show watched: It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
when did i create my blog: About a year ago. And yet, I still manage to only have about 30 pages hahah hmm...
what do i post: I try to keep it pretty clean so it’s mostly just 1x1′s. All of my inspo / edits / personal stuff goes on my muse blog. 
last thing i googled: Usually it’s word definitions, art references, or for gif huns I’ve clicked on 10,000 times. Most recently it was “What year does It Follows take place” because we had a triple feature last night and we were all wondering. Pretty movie, aesthetically pleasing, not very scary (as it was pitched to us as “a scary movie.”) The group elected the turn it off halfway through, so I read the rest of the plot on Wikipedia lmao. I’ll watch it all the way through one day. 
do you have any other blogs?: Muse blog! And various old rpg blogs that I should delete but I don’t.  
do you get asks: No but I also don’t make calls for them. I don’t know what I would be asked in the first place. But I mean, if you have any questions, feel free haha. 
why did you choose your url: Instead of don’t cry for me it’s donut cry for me. Get it? Get it? Ha.... Also because we were doing Evita at the time, and the title of the most-known song is Don’t Cry For Me Argentina. 
following: 38, even though I only really see the same 5 people on my dash
followers: 39. Even though I only write with the same 5 3 people lmao
favourite colors: How dare you ask me that. I tend to wear lots of blues, gravitate towards cool-toned purples and teal, and have been told my “aura” is pink, so honestly who knows. But i love painting with earth tones <3
average hours of sleep: I always aim for 7-8 but it never happens. Uusally about 6, not bad.
lucky number: Once when I was 12, I won two stuffed animals from one of those claw machines at a Friendly’s on a Friday the 13th, so I like to go with 13 just to stick it to the man.
instrument: My vocal chords :^) (I can play Ode to Joy on the piano but i don’t think that counts lmao)
what am i wearing?: a t-shirt and sweatpants because the sky decided to open up as I was coming home and I was cold and wet
how many blankets do i sleep with?: In summer, one plus my sheets. In the winter, I tack an extra one on.
dream job: A scenic artist for film, TV, and theatre 8) I’m already doing it, but it’s my dream to be making more money while doing it lmao
dream trip: I’d love to do what my aunt and uncle did for their 25th anniversary and go to Sorrento (Italy), and then take day trips to the surrounding islands like Capri. But literally, I’ll go anywhere. I want to travel so bad
favourite food: Give me any kind of seafood, especially shellfish. But I also eat just about anything. Italian food, but no one can cook it like my mom. I’m also a huge fan of hibachi and sushi..  
nationality: American, but I’m 3/4 Italian, and then 1/4 Polish and Russian by heritage. 
favourite song now: don’t do this to me. My gut tells me to say Feel Good Inc but I have about one thousand favorite songs so it’s not even fair
Tagging @justalostindie @deconstrux @wastedsxns and anyone else who wants to do it!
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martechguide · 5 years
How rich snippet Schema Markup data help in SEO of your website?
New Post has been published on https://martechguide.com/how-rich-snippet-schema-markup-data-help-in-seo-of-your-website/
How rich snippet Schema Markup data help in SEO of your website?
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What is rich snippet Schema Markup data?
By Implementing Structured we are helping search engines analyze our content more easily. It makes easy for search engines to crawl your website and will get an SEO advantage.
Another reason schema markup is totally necessary is because it makes the job of the search engine even easier.
So, we are writing the schema markup to help the human beings
You would do that by using this markup:
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It looks complex…
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Here’s what you need to know:
1) The type of structured data to use.
There are three main types of structured data. Here’s a table courtesy of Google:
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Since JSON-LD is the recommended type, that’s what we’ll be using.
I’m sharing this because I want to make you aware that microdata and RDFa are not the same as JSON-LD.
So if you research structured data, make sure you’re reading about JSON-LD and not one of the other two types of structured data.
2) The most common schema terms.
You could probably get away with not knowing these, but if you take a little time to learn these fundamental terms, you’ll get better faster.
i) itemscope:
This is one of the most common schema terms. It essentially organizes your content by topic.
More specifically, it tells search engines that all of the content marked with an itemscope tag is about the same topic. Think of it as categorizing your content into different sections.
Here’s an example from Schema.org. Let’s say your HTML looks like this:
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You can make one tiny change to let search engines know that all of this info is about the same topic. Simply include “itemscope” at the end of your opening <div> tag, like this:
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Now search engines will group all of the data between the <div> tags into one group.
ii) itemtype: 
The itemtype term further categorizes your content. The itemscope term told search engines that your content was about an item, and the itemtype term will tell search engines what kind of item your content is about.
In this example, the itemtype markup would look like this:
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This will tell search engines that all of the content between the <div> tags is about one movie.
iii) itemprop:
 This term lets you define certain properties that your items have.
Basically, the itemprop term is communicating additional information about the item.
There are countless types of itemprops you can assign. For our example, here are some possible itemprop types:
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By using all of these terms, you’re going into extreme detail, which is a good thing. That means search engines can more easily and more accurately organize your content.
3) Google’s structured data guidelines.
If you’re doing SEO for Google––and let’s be honest, who isn’t?––you need to play by their rules.
Structured data is no exception. They have quality guidelines for using schema markup:
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It’s important to keep these in mind when using schema markup. This is not a time for black hat or gray hat SEO.
Remember, the whole point of using structured data is to help search engines display your content better for people.
Help out the search engines, and they’ll help you out in return, which will increase your visibility.
Adding structured data to your site-
Now let’s go through the process of adding schema markup to your site.
Click here to get the link to tools  to Generate Schema Tag
Unfortunately, this can be a somewhat lengthy process. It all depends on the system you use to manage your site and the level of control you want over the process.
I’ll cover two of the best ways to implement schema: Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper and WordPress plugins.
1) Using WordPress plugins
If you’re one of the millions of people who use WordPress for a website, then utilizing schema markup will be extremely easy for you.
There are several dedicated plugins that you can use. In my opinion, the best is Schema App Structured Data.
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This plugin will generate schema markup for your whole site, and you can even go in and manually edit the markup yourself. (Or you can find the plugin by searching in Plugins > Add New.)
Once you download the plugin, you can upload it by going to Plugins > Add New. Then click “Choose file” and select the zip file for the plugin you downloaded.
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Click “Install Now.”
Finally, click “Activate Plugin.”
Now when you edit a post or page of any kind, you’ll see a box below the editing pane that says “Schema App Structured Data:”
  Usually, the plugin will add the best types of schema markup.
But this is where knowing the basics of structured data will come in handy. You can review the markup and make any changes that seem out of place.
If you want to edit the markup, click on the pencil icon on the lower right.
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(Also, notice how the top left of the box specifies JSON-LD. That’s exactly what you want.)
That’s the plugin in a nutshell. It’s really simple to use, so if you use WordPress, I recommend using this.
2) Using Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper
I know many of you don’t use WordPress, so here’s another method of adding structured data that’s actually pretty simple.
This method will work for any site, no matter where you host it or what kind of site it is.
Google provides the Structured Data Markup Helper to help webmasters add schema markup to their sites without any hassle.
It’s straightforward to use. First, go to the Structured Data Markup Helper page:
Make sure the website tab is checked:
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(Yep, you can also mark up emails with this tool.)
Next, copy and paste the URL of the page you want to mark up. Paste it in the URL box at the bottom of the page:
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If you just have HTML, choose the HTML tag and paste your code in the box:
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Next, choose one of the ten categories that Google provides. This selection can feel a little bit limiting, but you’ll find that most often your content will fall under one of these ten categories.
Since I’m using a blog post for this example, I’ll choose “article.”
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When you’ve done all of that, click “Start Tagging.”
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On the next page, you’ll see two panes. The pane on the left is your content (your page or HTML code), and the pane on the right is the schema markup tool.
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To mark something up, highlight it in the left pane.
For example, to mark up the title of the article, highlight it by left clicking and dragging over the text you want to highlight. You’ll see a box pop up that will give you options for different markup tags:
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Since this is the name of the article, choose the “Name” markup tag.
You’ll see the change reflected in the right-hand pane under “My Data Items.”
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If you want to mark up an image, click on the image and choose “Image” from the box that pops up.
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Those are the basics of the Structured Data Markup Helper. The process is the same no matter what type of content you want to mark up.
In the “My Data Items” pane, Google lists all of the main elements that you’ll want to mark up:
  You don’t have to mark up all of these elements, but I’d recommend it.
That way, you can make sure you’re creating the most thorough markup that you can. This will give you the biggest advantage.
Once you’re done marking up everything on your page, click “Create HTML” in the upper right-hand corner.
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Here comes an Important step
In the second box from the left, click it to open and select “JSON-LD” instead of microdata.
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Make sure you do this since JSON-LD is Google’s preferred type of structured data.
Copy and paste the code that gets generated. (I recommend leaving this page open in case you need to copy it again.)
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Everything’s been pretty easy so far, but at this stage, it can get a little tricky.
That’s because you have to add the markup to your website, which is often the hardest part of this process.
Basically, this schema markup (written in HTML) needs to go in your source code.
If your site has only static page files, it’s super easy to put the markup on your site. Click the “Download” button in the top right corner.
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Go into the source code for this specific page. Then, delete the current code and paste this new code in its place.
But if your site has non-static pages, it gets more difficult. And unfortunately, this is the case for most content management systems (CMS).
When it comes to implementing structured data, WordPress is one of the trickier CMSs to use because it splits up your content. Though you have access to the body copy and code in your page editor, but the header for each page is contained in its own file.
Moreover, some schema markup needs to go in the header. That means you’ll have to go your theme file and manually insert the code.
You can potentially mess up your website if you do this the wrong way. Even if you have site backups, it’s still a huge pain if your site breaks. For that reason, I recommend hiring a developer if you have to go this route.
If you’re worried about this, you can just put the schema in the code for the body copy.
One more option…
There is a third option that you can go for, but I don’t recommend it unless you have coding or developing experience.
The third option is to add the schema markup manually.
This ties into what I said about potentially messing up your website. You can do some damage if you’re not careful.
But this option does have its fair share of advantages.
For one, these tools I’ve shared are somewhat limited. You can go much more in depth if you input schema markup manually.
And you can also ensure everything is exactly the way you want it.
So if you’re confident and have coding experience, this might be an option to consider.
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