#and once i ignore the anons they just start unfollowing me
gracieart · 10 months
You’re seriously going to take drawing requests from A Court of Thought?!? Someone who routinely lies, gaslights, bullies, and blocks Elriels? You were truly one of my fave people on this platform but watching you pander to Eluciens…whew, the respect I’ve lost.
Hello anon. I seem to have upset another one of you.
First and foremost, I am going to draw whatever I want and I'm not going to apologize to you. Let me just get that out in the air.
And for now, we are just going to ignore how you seem entitled to me, my art, my free time, and what I decide to do so we can quickly address your concern here.
I want to preface this by saying I sat on this ask for hours because I was genuinely so confused where this came from. I literally had no idea what you were referring to. I thought ‘A Court of Thought’ was you trying to criticize me for taking art prompts for A Court of Thorns and Roses and that you were saying I do all those things you mention. Which, as you can imagine, made me very sad.
But it finally dawned on me (after one of my friends pointed it out to me) that you were referring to the comment I replied to from the blog ACourtofThought.
After that realization, your comment started to make sense… for the most part.
Now, I have never once spoken to or even heard of this person before they commented on one of my posts. I know absolutely nothing about them. I’ve never even seen one of their posts. But if what you say is true, then you should know there is no possible way I could have even heard of them before, as I have a long list of anti tags blocked and have a strict no negativity policy on all my blogs. If you knew me at all, or if I was one of your favorite people on this platform, as you claim, then you should know that about me at the very least. I make it very very clear I do not deal with that kind of negativity.
And you know, not everyone in this fandom chooses to surround themselves with negativity. I hope you free yourself from this, truly.
I am not upset that you talked down to me, hurt my feelings, and insulted me. No, I’m mostly upset about the fact that you immediately jumped to the worst conclusions about me. The fact is I simply replied to a nice comment I saw on a post I made. That’s it. You saw that and thought “Wow, this woman is siding with this person I really dislike. And she obviously knows exactly who this person is and why I dislike them so much. So how dare she!”
…That is what you thought, am I wrong?
This is unwarranted and out of context. I am not “pandering” to Eluciens. I was simply asking my very kind mutuals, who happen to like that ship, if they had any prompts they wanted me to draw. And I tagged Elucien in that post so it reached other people. I have so many nice and genuine friends on here who ship all kinds of things, and I want to create something that makes them happy too. Is that a crime?
What if I told you I’m the exact same person I’ve always been? What if I told you that all the while I’ve been one of your “favorite people on this platform,” I’ve been doodling Elucien for some of my longest friends. Would you still have had any respect for me left to lose if you knew that all along?
I won’t talk about the ships here. If you want to know about that, go see my response to the other ask I answered yesterday.
When I first saw this ask, I’ll admit it upset me very much. So much so that I couldn’t get anything done for most of the day because I was so sad that someone would say something like this to me. But I’ve had a whole day to think about this, and I’ve come to one conclusion: I really don’t think you had much respect for me to begin with if you are so quick to turn around and talk down to me and insult me after I seemingly did something to offend you.
And if I did offend you, you could have easily just unfollowed me and moved on. But… you chose to go out of your way to insult me. Why?
I am sorry you are stuck in a place where you feel like you have to assume the worst of people. I’m sorry you have found yourself surrounded with so much negativity in this fandom. Fandom is a place for people to come together because they enjoy something, and I am truly sorry you’ve fallen into the part of the fandom that doesn’t comprehend that.
I’ll never begin to understand why people can’t see that kindness is so much easier. But at least I have a lovely circle of friends on here I can fall back on. Friends who have different opinions, who ship different things, or like other stuff. Friends who are in a completely different circle, but are the kindest, most compassionate people I’ve ever met.
Anon, I truly wish for you to find that for yourself. Try surrounding yourself with kind people who like different things. You will be so much happier. Trust me. There are so many nice people out there once you step outside your own circle.
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13eyond13 · 5 months
Hii for the fandom ask game I'm shooting two of your questions right back at you because when you asked me them they made me immediately wonder about your answers, 23 and 25! Also: 1, 8, and 16!
omg thank you for so many asks!
23. The fandom you're curious about because of a mutual:
@stvlti posting on my dash about the new Scott Pilgrim anime got me curious enough to start watching it recently! I read those comics back in college and thought they were pretty great, as was the Edgar Wright movie. And the anime seems like a very good adaptation of it so far. Can't explain how funny it is as a Canadian to see Canada as the setting for an anime, either... I just feel like we have such a bland normie country to set things in, hahaha
I'm also getting very curious about a ton of different manga thanks to the recs I've received on my blog recently! (X)
25. A piece of advice for taking care of yourself in fandom spaces:
I think the main thing I get people asking me about here sometimes is how to make more friends in the fandom, especially when you're new and don't know anybody. I think the main bits of advice I have on that front is:
So follow a bunch of other bloggers in that fandom and interact with their blogs first! Like their posts, send them polite/friendly asks looking for their takes (this is especially easy to do when people reblog ask memes), and be brave enough not to go on anon when you do it so they can see your lovely face and actually potentially make a connection with you! Most people LOVE getting asks and are flattered when somebody else asks for their thoughts. If you're genuine with your interest it shouldn't take long for other people to start taking interest in you back.
Which leads to my second point of:
(2) MAKE SURE YOU ACTUALLY ARE POSTING THINGS ON YOUR BLOG ON A SEMI-REGULAR BASIS! People will probably click on your blog once you start interacting with them, and they will most likely only follow you back if you actually have stuff on your blog that shows your interests/personality/the kinds of things they can expect you to be posting on their dash! You can easily stock up a bunch of posts into a queue if you're worried about spamming the dash or don't want to be online 24/7 too, so it will keep your blog active without you actually having to be there all the time.
ALSO DO NOT HAVE TOO MUCH SHAME TO LITERALLY ASK YOUR FOLLOWERS TO SEND YOU ASKS. Reblog fandom ask memes, it's a great way to give people a template of questions to bug you nicely with, and answering one ask often leads to receiving another ask!
(3) DO YOUR OWN THING WHETHER OR NOT ANYBODY IS CONSTANTLY PATTING YOU ON THE BACK. First and foremost I'm usually making myself laugh here on my blog and hoarding all of these posts for myself, so even when I'm not getting constant feedback from others I'm still having a good time and posting on the regular! I'm SUPER glad that other people get something out of it too, but I think when it comes to blogging you should treat your blog like your own personal little kingdom where you are making the rules, and other people can follow or unfollow as they please.
And finally:
(4) YOU WILL EVENTUALLY LOSE A FOLLOWER OR TWO, BUT SO DO I AND SO DOES EVERYBODY ELSE. Try not to obsessively check your follower count or to take it as a huge calamity if your count goes down instead of up once in a while! It WILL eventually go back up again, and you genuinely have no idea why it dropped most of the time (it probably wasn't anything majorly personal - maybe somebody just is no longer in your fandom, maybe Tumblr is clearing out some porn bots, maybe a follower is deactivating their blog - or maybe you DID post something that somebody didn't like, but that's ok, it's probably better if they aren't following you anymore anyways!) And you should ALSO block/unfollow people freely if they're really making your blogging experience uncomfortable - at the end of the day you don't really know them and they don't really know you, and you will both probably move on and forget about it not too far down the road.
1. List 3 positive things about your current fandom(s):
(1) Genuinely extremely chill and cozy, and almost always has been in my experience!
(2) People have the best sense of humour here. IDK I think I took it for granted that all fandoms were like that but anytime I venture into other ones I find myself being a bit disappointed that people just aren't as funny in general a lot of the time
(3) OMG thank you everybody for all the delicious fanfic and fanart, and for continuing to still make it steadily even in 2023
8. You hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc.):
I'm gonna advocate for a ship I don't even have a ton of personal investment in and say meronia! God, stop sleeping on this pairing already and/or acting like it's way more problematic than it actually is, you silly ancient fandom you (no, they are not basically related, they simply went to the same school in their childhood for a bit). These two definitely deserve to have their relationship a bit better explored!
16. A tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate:
Watari had an entire-ass family of his own, apparently!
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Isn't that weird to think about? There is actually SO MUCH unanswered stuff about how his relationship with L actually was set up, especially if you are just going by the original manga serial and aren't using the one-shots or the anime or LABB novel to flesh out L's backstory or any Wammy's lore. And sometimes I think it might be neat to see people exploring it in totally different ways that would still be 100% plausible based on what little we know!
[ask meme]
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I need some advice, please.
How should I handle this situation? I have an rp partner who I've been rping with for over a year now. Things were great for a while. They were responsive and we talked a lot ooc, plotted, rped together a lot. We were having a great time.
And then it feels like out of nowhere they backed away from me a lot. They started heavily investing in one muse who I don't rp with and have tried to rp with, but it didn't work out. Now all they do is focus on that one muse, essentially excluding me. Our threads and plots between all our muses get ignored, or it takes weeks to months to get a single response, where they are responding to everyone else without days or even hours. I have talked with them about this multiple times, only to be shrugged off or told they're busy or don't have time, but they always have time for everyone else except for me.
It hurts a lot. I don't know what to do. I feel like they are lying to me and telling me they enjoy my muse and our threads just to placate me, when their actions clearly show otherwise. I can't even tell you how many times I've cried over this, as silly as that might sound. I don't know what I did wrong; the only thing I can guess is that because my muse don't worship this one muse of theirs, I no longer matter.
How would you handle this situation? Do I just unfollow and block and move on? I thought we were friends. I'm very hurt by this.
Thank you.
First - do you mind if I offer you a hug, Anon? I'm so sorry you're hurting. I've been where you are and I know how much it hurts - especially the first time it happens. I want to start with this - while I don't know your partner, I can almost guarantee that they really do still care about your muse and the threads you share. I know it doesn't feel that way because they've moved on to something new. But speaking as someone who's had this happen before, it's not that your partner is lying to you, it's just that something else has grabbed their full attention.
Some people - for various reasons - don't have the capacity to focus on more than one or two things at a time and/or they hyper-focus on one very specific thing. They really can't help themselves. But that doesn't mean they don't still enjoy the stuff they're not currently focused on. Your partner just has another focus right now. They might go back to their old focus at some point, or they might not. In my personal experience, however, they usually don't. And if that's the case with your partner, then I'm very sorry.
I've had several partners like this, and I really just had to learn to 'go with the flow.' I mean - I also could've dropped them, but they were friends in addition to being my writing partners, so I tried my best to follow along with whatever their New Interest™ was, and if it was something I was able to write with them, then I did that to the best of my ability. Once or twice I even made new muses that better fit into my partner's new interests. And I had fun. Was it the same as writing the old RPs? No, not at all. But we created all new things together. I still miss the old things, but I also love the new things, too.
I know that's probably not exactly the answer you were looking for, Anon. But I really think this just depends on you. Is this partner a friend beyond RP? If so, blocking and moving on probably isn't the way to go. If you need to take a break from them, but don't want to burn bridges, you could ask for a hiatus from all of your threads together for awhile, and maybe blacklist them in the meantime? It never hurts to give your brain (and your emotions) a breather when you feel like you need them.
The TLDR version of my advice, I guess, is this - if you value this person as a friend, then don't do anything rash while your emotions are high. Don't do anything you might decide you want to undo later because some things can't be undone.
Do our followers have anything they'd like to add/suggest?
~ Mod MJ ~
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onelonelystory · 11 months
I know a bunch of people are making way more helpful beginner’s guides to tumblr but for anyone who may be making the leap during the Reddit exodus here’s my two cents:
try following friends first. get the hang of how reblogging functions and of all the posting features. if you use desktop add an xkit extension and use their quick reblog. change your header and profile and title from the default. consider not using an unstylized picture of yourself as a profile; anonymity is valued here (though of course, coming from reddit, I’m sure you understand.)
curate your own dash. follow people who post about things you’re interested in, follow friends, follow friends of friends, unfollow anyone at any time if you notice that their posts are not for you. don’t feel obligated to follow certain people just to participate in certain corners of the internet. if they really have so much good shit to say, it’ll probably make its way over to you eventually. the trending and for you pages are kind of useless and serve best as an occasional peek into a funhouse mirror version of the internet you thought you knew.
don’t overuse the add-to-reblog comment feature. if there’s additional commentary you want to share with your audience, that’s what tags are for! it shows up in the poster and previous reblogger’s notifications just the same. somewhere down the line someone might see your tags and decide to append them to the main post. we affectionately refer to this process as “peer review,” because once something has been added to a reblog any further iterations of the post will include that addition so it’s really just a way of saying said commentary adds to the post in a way that is not exclusive to your own audience.
that said if you do feel you have additional context or a necessary perspective to add to a post and you deliberately want to attach it, don’t be afraid to say your piece. people can reblog it or ignore it if they like, that’s their business.
if you disagree with the contents of a post, try not to do a discourse about it. If it seems like well-intended misinformation, you can add a correction with a source, or whatever additional context you feel is necessary for anyone who may not know better. any questions about what the post really means or follow-up is maybe best directed towards op’s ask box, as the narrative of reblog threads can get lost in the notifs tab. don’t be argumentative, don’t make assumptions; this is the internet. nobody on here gets an editor to make sure their words are framed exactly as they intended. if you really feel like being negative take a screenshot of the offending section, redact op’s url and any tagged or visible accounts, and make your own post. we all want to just tear into something from time to time and disagreements are a part of life. but try to avoid unnecessary conflict, it’s neither fun nor productive for any party.
if you see someone being a bigot block them. don’t dunk on them, don’t send them anon hate, don’t argue against them in the reblogs. there’s no algorithm on this site and nothing spreads without people spreading it. the best way to stop vitriol is to disengage.
block anyone. block people for being hateful bigots, block people for being annoying. block people for trying to start discourse on your posts even if you feel bad about it. if you start thinking to yourself wow, my life would be just a little bit better if this person couldn’t see my posts and I couldn’t see theirs, block them. block me for being preachy. block your best friend of six years bc they’re spamming your dash with their untagged spongebob liveblog and then dunk on them in your 20 person discord server.
treasure your mutuals but don’t feel like you have to be following people to be friends. tumblr dms are busted as hell just send someone an ask instead unless it’s that private. the search function does not work. polls are new and we’re all still constructing the etiquette of those together, but so far they’re mostly a vehicle for pitting characters against each other chunin exams style. ignore any part of this post that you don’t want to listen to I am legitimately not the boss of you. make your own truth go crazy drink water have fun.
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golbrocklovely · 12 days
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this is no disrespect to either of you three anons, so please don't feel like this is me trying to be a bitch.
but oh my GOD i don't care lol
i'll just say everything i feel about this here and then be done with it.
ms singer was a girl colby went on a few dates with, and was done "dating" her by like halloween or a little bit after. he didn't even know malia until sam's bday, so it's not like he left ms singer for her. ms singer herself has said she's on good terms with colby and that she has no hard feelings for malia, it's katelyn she has issues with.
colby unfollowing her on her bday was not done maliciously. he just unfollowed her, most likely, bc he has unfollowed every girl he either a, dated/had a fling with or b, found hot. shock and awe to absolutely no one, she falls into that category.
but also she's STILL talking about her beef with katelyn. and look, she has every right to talk about it as long as she wants to. i'm not here to say she can't vent. but let's be real for two seconds: first and foremost, fans are egging this on and we all know that. anyone that wants to argue otherwise is just plainly ignoring what is happening. ppl go on her tiktok lives just to ask her about katelyn so she can start complaining about her yet again. and the only reason fans want more tea on katelyn is bc they hate her bc she's not kat. full stop, full transparency, that's why that's happening. yall don't like tess; you just like that she gives you tea on a girl you hate bc she maybe once shaded kat when in reality if you have more than one brain cell you would know that's not what she did. stop being so up kat's ass that you think everyone is out to get her.
and secondly, tess can complain - sure. but she is talking about real ppl that are now dealing with real hate. it's the whole fuck around and find out method. keep talking shit on someone, and someone close to them (ie colby) is gonna stop fucking with you. why is this a surprise to anyone?
and i'm not here to say that katelyn is innocent. don't mistake me for that. i'm just saying, if katelyn was a shitty friend to her, then that's a shame. but the beef is very much between the two or them, and not us. stop egging it on for content reasons, or for twitter threads, or for whatever weird reason yall try to justify in your head this all for.
not only this, but colby and ms singer only dated MAX a month, but i don't even think that's the case fully. they went on a couple dates and stayed cordial. some of these fans are acting like he blocked his bestie or something. they remained friendly with one another bc things didn't end badly between them. they don't have to have loyalty towards one another, that includes colby. this isn't some betrayal. he unfollowed bc he's taken now, and she's still talking about his best friend's gf. it's really that simple.
dear god, all of this is such hs drama bs and i'm so tired of hearing about it, honestly. i'm too old to go back to my hs self who would have throughly enjoyed this drama. but seriously, can we find literally anything else to talk about??? i'm actually begging at this point.
and colby didn't unfollow ms singer bc malia told him to. he did it bc he wanted to. he's a grown man, as many on twitter love to point out every time he does something they deem as childish. why do you think this is any different?
also, sam and kat pretended to be besties after the break up. let's be real here. there clearly was some awkward tension left between them, but if they told the fandom they were going no contact and never talking again except maybe in passing, ww3 would have started. so they remained cordial to be appease fans (and probably themselves in one way or another). and realistically, kat probably made sam unfollow her (by blocking him/muting him/removing him as a follower) bc the day she did that was after pics of him and katelyn leaked from new years. realistically she probably wasn't thrilled about that and needed some space. it also didn't help that the khakis personified that is sam golbach decided to like a tweet that she made saying how nice her spotify top five looked without the "take a look at my bf" song, which CLEARLY WAS ABOUT HIM. he got his ass blocked after that, and rightfully so lmao
i would like to request - respectfully to all anons going forward - to stop bringing up ms singer, shea, and stas. hell, throw kat in there too. i don't care enough about any of them to hear what's happening about them. i'm tired of talking about them. some of them i've been talking about for years, i've said my piece on them countless times, and i just want something else to talk about. bc it's always the same stories over and over again and i just cannot care about it any longer.
also, since i might as well throw this in too, if you genuinely think snc are malicious in any compacity - STOP WATCHING THEM. why are you here if you genuinely think colby is a slutty manwhore who fucks anything that moves and is malicious and a shitty friend and whatever other random nonsense you think he is?? why are you here if you think sam is a terrible boyfriend who's also a bit of creep and has as shitty gf and again, whatever random other shit you believe???? why are you here???? you don't like snc anymore, and yet you waste your time talking about them. what you really like is the tea that comes from them and the ppl they have surrounded themselves with. i implore you to log off and find a hobby or a content creator you ACTUALLY like.
(also none of this was really directed at yall. more so the fandom et large. sorry if it felt like i was yelling at you guys. wasn't what i was trying to do here lol)
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finitefall · 1 year
hope you dont take this the wrong way.. but maybe dont get involved when you dont know the people in the post..
Hi, anon. I'm sure plenty of people agree with you: "Catherine, you don't know the people who were first involved, just because you saw the post on your dashboard since two people you follow answered doesn't mean you should too". And in certain circumstances, you would be right. In those circumstances, however, I don't agree with you.
I've read the entire post, and I did hesitate to reblog and add my own answer. Why? Because I got death threats myself both IRL and online. Because I'm suffering from mental illness and as someone who attempted suicide, I asked myself if it would be in my interest to risk having someone telling me to kill myself. It wouldn't be the first time, either. I even considered ignoring your message, anon. Avoid answering to this, because I'm not stupid: that answer isn't gonna make me popular. But... if people want to hate me, they will anyway.
Here's the original post @lady-phasma answered to:
I deserve a dark haired lover with soft eyes and a heart full of love
Nothing, I repeat, nothing in this post mention being white or a BIPOC. Nothing. Having dark hair doesn't mean crap. And what does this woman who thought they were only answering to a post about your tastes got? Insults. Accusations of racism. Death threats. When OP could have just said it wasn't for white people. Those who didn't want to understand that deserved to be blocked, but she didn't get an opportunity to realize she had answered on a post that wasn't for her and her tastes.
Then, someone who's actually a mutual, @la-pheacienne, was accused of using the n word. A black woman said she used the n word twice, when she absolutely never did such a thing. I would have blocked her myself and reblogged the post just to warn people of who she truly was if she had done such a thing. People have to realize how serious that accusation is. You can't just accuse people of being racists like it's a joke.
I'm not from the US. I'm French and have always lived in France, but I learned to check my white privilege very often. I'm not being colorblind like many people saying they're "not racist": you're either racist or antiracist. There's racism here too, hi. We're not the US, thank God, but still.
Have you watched Fruitvale Station, a 2013 movie inspired by the murder of a 22 years-old African-American by a police officer? Or a more popular one, When They See Us, a 2019 miniseries about the arrest and conviction of five young boys? Do you remember Trayvon Martin? George Floyd? Breonna Taylor? All the others I want to name here but I'm not sure how their names are spelled? Those aren't trick questions, it's only leading to this one: would you like their families to see this post? Honestly?
You know why I got involved? Because it was the right thing to do. Because I've never been a quiet witness to those things. I don't care whether or not I know the person who's being insulted and threatened. I've defended someone who used to bully me in school, once. Why? Because it was right at that time, when that person was being threatened. I still don’t have a high opinion of them, but that didn’t mean what was happening right in front of me was all right. If you only say something because it's your friend and you like them, I don't know if you actually believe in anything besides defending your friend.
People have unfollowed me. I'm glad. I don't want people who think what happened was all right to follow me. If people want to send me threats, I have a strong moral support now that I didn't have years ago. What's important for me is to not pretend I didn't see something going against what I believe in. I know people love to look the other way, but I've never done it and I'm not about to start now just because it would make my life easier and because more people would like me.
I've checked that woman's blog and apparently she'll be all right. With someone else, that might not have been the case. You know people do commit suicide because of what they're being told online? It's not just about @lady-phasma. It's not just about one of my mutuals having been accused of being a racist. Perhaps it's about me, in fact. About the fact that I can't imagine seeing this, think "lol it's ridiculous" and go watch TV. Believe me, people have told me to back off enough times in my life for me to realize that this isn't an attractive personality trait, but that's how I am.
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thewales · 1 year
“Maybe she influences a lot of fans, I remember reading that she usually favours meghan in her reviews, even when her outfits are disastrous but I think who started the comparison was the press, probably the DM.”
Eholmes Context: she’s been on the sidelines since April 2011 but started seriously commenting when H&M engagement was announced.
Back when she started her “so many thoughts” she pitted both women against each other and cultivated her following by asking them to side with her stupid hashtags “TeamKate or TeamMeghan”. Her commentary was always Kate’s look is matronly (older) but is tailored to perfection and meghans was modern, sleek but ill fitting.
She got called out for pitting the two against one another (her comment section on her ig and her blog were filled with bitchy awfulness) and encouraged the following to stop using the hashtags she promoted and use TeamBoth.
She also got called out for racist micro aggressions by constantly referring to Meghan’s hair as messy and unkempt.
Whilst she exhausts me with nearly every outfit commentary being kate wore a blue polka dot dress as “a sweet nod to Diana” or kate wore a brand that Meghan wore once so clearly that’s a message that they are “sisters even though there is distance” (that was a genuine one), She does make me laugh. She very obviously favours Harry and Meghan but her own style and aesthetic is copying Kate and has been since 2011 when she was asked by her former employee (Wall Street journal) to get a Kate style Chelsea blowout.
Anyway I unfollowed and have ignored her when she jumped on the “William is a racist” bandwagon on that Ukraine centre engagement when a pool reporter misheard William and attributed a quote to him that was completely false. Instead of apologising she just disappeared off social media for a few days and I think that tells you more than enough about her journalist approach.
The more you know 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Thanks, Anon.
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somuchyoudontknow · 9 months
I think anon is saying post to post and then drop it
Sometimes I come here and think we will move on to something else but no I come back and your answering ask about stickers and a bakery….
The beach pics in my opinion did not need to be discussed and if someone in anon brought it up then leave it at that post you did and that’s it… don’t start scouring the internet to entertain both sides
the bakery thing should’ve been brought up once and dropped… instead you spent posting of posting to talk about about stickers and locations and etc when you yourself said to just wait and see… yet you are entertaining anons that theorize and bring it up…. When in doubt don’t let it out…. You have held back information before and ignore and held back certain anons… it can be done and without going to the victim mindset of you can’t make anyone happy
Do you honestly believe you have been diligent to your words…. Such letting things be and wait and see…..
let there be dead air
the issue is… you take one issue and expound on it to entertain to death and create new ideas that NO one really thought of and if so shouldn’t be entertained if it comes then okay it comes out but again to theorizes does….. what? You theorize and theorize and yet no one really knew he was leaving insta
Don’t beat a dead horse is the TLDR version and Sophia no offense you beat that shit unnecessarily to oblivion.
People if you have a problem with me or my blog, you can seriously leave my blog. There is an option to ignore and block me too :)
You shouldn't be here trying to tell me how to run my blog :) I am doing what I feel is right and if in your opinion I am doing wrong, I respect your opinion :) No problem at all.
I am not using CE tags or anything. I am staying in my corner. I am not causing any drama! or trying to stir shit! I and people here trying to figure out this mess! I am answering people's asks and if you don't like the format of my blog or my theorizing or everything, you can unfollow or block me :)
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hello everyone =v= it’s suki! i recently went on a hiatus and came back to see….. this….. :,D
so before i start, here is some positive energy *yap yap*
now, onto the main part of the conversation. i noticed a lot of you anons have been insulting my friend @fantasticnerdluminary.
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starting off with this ask from an anon, talking about @fantasticnerdluminary’s “incompetency” as a reader. i would like to say that this is not true. from the pick-a-card readings of theirs as well as past interactions i’ve had, @fantasticnerdluminary is a very talented reader who knows their style when it comes to readings. as the audience, i do understand that you might have personal preferences for certain readers. but please don’t force that on other readers and stop interacting if you don’t like a reader’s reading style. also, please take back your last statement on the “psychiatry ward” insult. i work in an organization related to that field and i absolutely cannot have you insulting all the people there. a lot of the people at a psych ward were born with mental illnesses or developed them due to extremely traumatic experiences. by stating what you just said, you contributed to the stigma around mental health and mental illnesses and also showed your ignorance regarding the struggles of so many people. it’s @fantasticnerdluminary’s choice in whether they want to go or not - and since they don’t plan on going, it’s not in your place to tell them what to do.
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perhaps this has to do with difference in age or difference in cultural beliefs, but i did not see any of those posts as sexting. rather, i thought they were funny because they were clearly just flirty jokes. though, i do understand why you may feel uncomfortable by it, so i suggest that you unfollow the platform and stop interacting. insulting someone won’t get you the results you want. also, again, with all the mental stuff. we don’t know if alaeza is mentally unstable. that’s for alaeza to decide. please stop using mental struggles as an insult - it’s absolutely unacceptable.
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welp, i guess i’m in no place to say whether you’re projecting your insecurities on readers or not. yes, you do have a right to call them out in a respectful manner if they made you feel uncomfortable. however, you aren’t being respectful right now, which is the problem unfortunately. it’s their choice to be on tumblr, just like you have your choice in insulting others and starting drama under the anon function.
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see so i don’t know alaeza that well, but i do know that they’re a kind person from reblogs of posts that i’ve seen. do you know alaeza’s “real” personality? what interactions have you had and how have you reached your conclusion that alaeza is an attention seeker? is it based on actual evidence or is it based on your perceptions of alaeza and your dislike for them?
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why though? this has nothing to do with this situation. i’m wondering why this is here…
there was also that post that said “this is why your father doesn’t love you.” excuse me? is this really how you’re supposed to be treating someone because they made you feel uncomfortable? is this really okay? if you have a problem with the reader, only talk to the reader about why you have a problem with them in a respectful way. this is seriously unacceptable. talking about a person’s parent? wow, this is horrendous. i’m really shocked to see how spiteful people can be once they have a reason to be. no matter the situation, don’t insult others using others’ parent(s). you yourself know deep down that you wouldn’t want to hear that from others. leave family and friends alone.
welp, that was it everyone! :) i’m sorry if i offended anyone but i think everyone can agree that a lot of the things i said are rather common sense rather than my personal opinion.
Thanks a lot for writing this and taking out your time to write this. I really appreciate it and I am the luckiest person to get you as my friend. Seeing so many people support me and stand up for me, makes me cry. Thanks a lot dear. I am so so grateful for this.
Dumb bitches should read this for some knowledge.
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cherienymphe · 2 years
god…i am so sorry about the shit ur getting. what ur upset about is valid, and i think a lot of writers on here can feel the same ( fellow writer here this is me saying i agree )
we don’t ask for readers to reblog and comment. like while it’s nice, if you’re not gonna interact that’s fine but like u said— why are u here?? and that one anon saying ‘it’s rude to people who do interact’ i interact with you and im not offended?? like i would rather u unfollow and search my blog once in a while or even just reblog the fic for ‘save for later’ instead of following for one series. the amount of times i’ve gotten people asking ‘pt 2?’ or ‘are u updating xyz’ and it’s on ANON NO LESS?? like bestie…please learn to read a room
and the anon know their two cents isn’t needed…but they said their shit anyway like take ur two cents back 😐 we do this for fun, and part of the fun is people interacting
I think theyve just blissfully ignored other writers saying the same damn thing because I've seen it with my own eyes and the series thing is so true. It's one thing if you followed me because of a series and started reading the rest of my stuff too but I genuinely don't see the point in giving someone a whole follow just for one series. What, you're going to unfollow when the series is over?? That doesn't seem...weird to them ? And unnecessary? 😭
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99fandomproblems · 2 years
Any tips for carving out your own space in a small fandom while avoiding negativity? The new fandom I want to get into only has about 50 people but there's a vocal minority active in the tag that just complain constantly. I don't get why they stick around when everything in canon makes them miserable? What's worse is they seem to be the only people who ship my OTP which is putting me off it a bit.
Hi, Nonnie!
Yes, I feel you on that one. It can be frustrating when fans (or antis!) post their hate into the tag. It would be better manners to create a separate and different tag for hate-posting, especially if it's for a ship. Unfortunately many fans will not do this, I've noticed it happening a lot more on Tumblr lately, so we too must adapt in order to curate our space online.
My advice to you, Nonnie, will be Tumblr focused, but most of this advice can be applied to other platforms too. I'll also have some links for you at the end of this post for further fandom tips!
First things first:
You are not obliged to follow anyone
This means that no matter how many active fans there are in your fandom, you don't have to follow all of them. You don't have to follow any of them, actually.
Perhaps you would enjoy having a fandom blog for positive-posting, and only follow blogs which are drama free (art, gif posting, imagines, and the like). This means when you log into that account, your timeline will be relatively calm. In time, perhaps you can follow some more personal fan blogs within the fandom, or you can do what many of us do and have a side-blog for followbacks.
Having a separate personal blog can be a great way to curate your experience. Log into your personal for chatting, or following other fans (which is your choice, you're still not obliged to follow anyone you don't care for, whatever the reason), and log into another account for other fandom content: anonymous or a side blog, your choice.
That's how a lot of fans use Tumblr, it's quite common to do this. Some fans are open about their side blogs and some keep it anonymous. You can decide which works best for you, Nonnie.
The reason I suggest this method, mainly, is because Tumblr as a platform isn't that great for filtering out content (or users) that you don't want to see. I can filter words or phrases of things I want off my dash but... they still pop up on my dash. It's annoying especially when someone I follow starts spamming content that I don't like, or from a user I don't care for. My only options are a wall of filtered posts on my dash, or to unfollow, which sometimes causes friction when it's a mutual.
You'll have to weigh up which options work best for you, Nonnie. Some fans don't mind seeing the filtered posts on their dash. It's totally your call. Tumblr will let you filter out the tags on posts, and also let you filter out words or phrases in the body of the post as well (often better when someone is bad at tagging).
So whichever options you choose for setting up your Tumblr blog(s), once they're set up you then have interactions with other fans. As previously stated, you are not obliged to follow anyone you don't want to. If you don't like their posting content or don't like them personally, it doesn't matter because the end result is the same: you don't have to follow them.
You don't have to interact with them either. You can choose to respond minimally to anyone who follows you, or simply block blogs from the start (especially those who hate-post into your ship tag) for an easier life.
Filter, block, don't engage or keep engagement to a minimum. Don't feed the trolls. Turn off anon asks, or turn off asks completely if and when necessary.
Nonnie, this advice can be applied to other platforms, such as ao3. Put comment moderation onto your works, turn off anon comments if needed. Restrict their access to you, only engage in the content you want to see, only respond to the blogs/fans you want to, and do not give the negative posters any airtime.
Focus on what you love, ignore and block the rest.
For me personally, my happiest fandom experiences are when I can browse peacefully and absorb nice posts. This experience gets my writer brain working and it helps me think about the content I want to post or write. I'm sure other fans have a different experience, some fans want the daily chat and the arguments and the hate-posting, but that's them and not me. Our needs are not the same.
Only you can figure out what works best for you, Nonnie. Give the two separate blogs a try, and see which one brings you the most joy!
I hope it works out for you, I really do. You deserve to be here, you deserve space to enjoy your ship. Carve out your space, Nonnie. Chances are that there's more similar minded fans waiting for a blog like yours to come along!
I have some other posts about navigating fandom space which may come in useful, either now or later on:
Avoiding trolls:
Niche fandom tips:
Annoying fans in the ship tag:
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pinkycustomworld · 2 years
About EA's T.O.U regarding mods/cc
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Thanks to Creator Updates on Tumblr, who linked to EA's Terms of Use, I can now with a happy face say that EA allows for using early access on custom content. Which means, I will continue doing my early access, like I have done so far. And to "celebrate" and say thanks to my sweet patreons who didn't leave when I was unsure of the situation and choose to stop my uploads temporarily (even though it did not last that long) I will very soon put out 3 or 4 early access at once which I hope will be appreciated😊 Also, for September, I will pause the payment as a celebration of my birthday, so anyone who are already a patreon, or who pledges before september, will get September free (I will make a reminder post with more details about it when we are getting a bit closer to september)
And here it is, EA saying Early Access is okay
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If you are interested in reading the whole Terms of Use from EA considering mods/cc, you can read it HERE 
I also want to say thanks to all the amazing creators out there and CC/mods users who did NOT go out there, trashing creators for their choice to create cc and trying to live off their joy & hobbies by doing early access. You guys are awesome, and good karma will come your way ❤
Seeing how the sims community have been the last few days on twitter and tumblr (in particular), have made me ashamed of being part of such and awful, hateful, ignorant and horrible community. I can't understand how people can be so mean, and so horrible towards each other in an community who are supposed to be known for being loving, supporting and friendly. I do feel so sorry for all creators this hate have affected the last few days. It is not okay to treat people like shit just because some vague news, faked screenshots and people screaming loud without having the whole picture. My heart goes out to everyone who have gotten hate, disrespect and horrible comments these days❤
And to those who have been going crazy and treating people like shit, SHAME ON YOU !!! You should know better than acting like this. It's disgusting seeing how you all been acting! Creators are just people too, trying their best to do something nice and something they enjoy. You all should be ashamed for even being capable of acting like this towards people you don't even know. I am a believer in karma, and karma will come and give you all what u deserve. And most of you, should probably take a look in the mirror, or your own closet before you start judging others and being this level of rude !
But anyways In short terms this means: - I will keep doing Early Access as I been doing so far (And i will still NEVER use patreon exclusive or any other form for paywall exclusive) - My early access will last 7 days or 14 days. Never any more - Patreon tiers will stay the same, and benefits will stay the same - And life will go back to normal again
(CC used in the sim picture at top is listed in my original patreon post with cc links included)
Are you against me (or any other creators) doing early access? Feel free to unfollow. I don't care. If you have any opinions or something you want to say? My ask box and direct messages are always open (here and on all of my social media sites). And by the love of goth, if you are going to trashtalk or be nasty, please have the courage to do it off anon, don't be a coward hiding being anon if you are gonna pretend you are a bigshot speaking your mind 😸
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misalpav · 2 years
typical response from the common user on the no-reading-comprehension website. the saga continues.
alright so I was trying to just be passive and let it go because I don't know who you are and nor do I really have the time or the energy for extra negativity in my life but ig u want to make a big deal of this so have it your way I guess.
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you asked a question. "do I not know how to read?" I'm assuming you understand the question mark at the end regardless of whether or not you know the language my response was written in, so all I did was ask a counter question. the point I wanted to convey was that, unfortunately, English isn't the center of the universe like many people like to believe and even for the people who are fluent like me, misreading something is a common and human error. as @janetsnakehole02 said on the post that this whole thing started with, if we truly did misread the post then sorry and I'm honestly just glad that we're all on the same page.
and honestly, I own up to my mistakes and don't try to hide who I am. if I misread op on that post, I'm sorry and if op didn't block me I'd absolutely go say it to them personally. the fact you use anon to harass me online in itself says a lot about you to me. you don't know me and you have no right to comment on my education or frankly any of my qualities.
let me also add here that if you're calling this the no-comprehension website then what are you doing on it lol. maybe try thinking twice before making an argument that puts you just as much in the deep as it puts me?
I also don't see it worth my time to respond to your other ask separately so here's that:
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wow ok so where do I begin. first and foremost, my blog my choice. I will post about whatever the hell I want to and to whatever extent that I want to and I really don't care about what you, or anyone else for that matter, thinks. the fact that you want to comment on that once again gives me a huge red flag about your character. once again I will iterate that nobody asked you to be here, least of all me, and you are welcome to leave, unfollow me if you were following me (in which case please also turn off anon and let me know in the off chance we're mutuals so I can end that right there), and if you want to, go ahead and hit block (once again if you want to tell me who you are, the action can be reciprocated) and we never have to get in each other's way again.
I hope you realize that whatever happens next is completely in your court, but please realize that I'm also not an idiot and I know when to end an argument. any more harassment from you will be ignored because I'm not so insecure as to have to rationalize myself to somebody who's clear goal here is just to make fun of me. if you'll take any advice from me, then just don't waste your time sending me more asks with your opinions on my life because I don't care.
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avenger-hawk · 2 years
Did u hear about the sasusaku novel being adapted into manga this year? What do you think about that, and how do you think the fandom will behave once it's out? I wasn't in the fandom when the last chapter of shippuden came out but I heard it wasn't very well received and lots of shippers were fighting with each other and the sasusakus and naruhinas were jumping for joy and making fun of the narusasus. (I'm a narusasu shipper) I just really hope the artstyle is trash like ikimoto with boruto and we can all point and laugh at them. The story's already ooc and weird as it is so I'm sure everyone other than sasusaku shippers wouldn't be able to take it seriously or enjoy it anyway lol
So maybe this year is the one I'll leave the fandom lol
I don't follow the new shit and I won't follow this shit either so idk about its fandom but I'm sure they'll love everything. Tbh not only shippers but fans in general, cause ppl who follow all new naruto stuff eventually love everything.
Since the ending it was clear that kishi wanted money, money and more money. So he'll milk everything he can from every character and since he focused on naruto/sasuke relationship more so far and canon pairings are sooo popular (🤢🤮) why not focus on them too, and make fangirls buy all the volumes and the merch and make it possible for him to live off naruto his whole life?
Tbh my only wish is that the fandom who hates this shit will NOT focus on it, because believe my experience Anon, I was here during the ending and what I saw since then is that 90% of those who initially hated it and the new shit artwork stayed, to talk shit about it, to complain, to laugh at stupid stuff, but you know what, they also started finding ok things here and there, and now they're totally ok with it.
So save yourself and start ignoring that shit pls
Edit: also because the more the fandom focuses on that shit the less creative it is, right now the sas tag is 99% SS already, while some time ago it was mostly NS...it’s very sad
(if you write the whole shitty thing it will come up in the pro tags, you should write like sas*saku or smth like that)
(canon fans unfollow me, don't interact with me)
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lucetestellae-a · 1 year
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My name is Ravyn, I’m 30+ years old. Pronouns are she/her or they/them, dude/dudette, whatever. I don’t care what you refer to me really. All I ask that you respect my rules, my muse, and myself.
General Rules
Please be respectful to me and I’ll be respectful to you. I’m a chill person, but the thing that set me off the most is being disrespected. You won’t like that side of me once you do. 
Please don’t use me as a meme source. Please don’t spam me with notifications from reblogs. If possible reblog from the original source, thank you. 
I don’t tolerate anon hate towards me or others. I don’t tolerate hate posts in regards to race, sexuality, muse portrayal, etc. If I see you or anyone that condones those types of things, I will unfollow and hard block you. 
Triggers warning: I will tag some themes as followed: Sexual themes, Blood, Violence, Death, Suicide Ideation, etc. Just to warn people.
This blog will be low activity due to low muse and I also have a few other blogs I write on. My muse sometimes come and go, so I will not always be on here. I ask if you be patient with me and please try not feel like I'm ignoring your replies. Sometimes I come on to post things to show this blog is alive.
Midnight’s FC is Kurisu Makise from Stein;Gates. Icons and edits are made by me. Please don’t take my icons. All official/original artwork and anime screencaps and the artists who made them.  I will not take credit for the original works; only edits or icons done with these. If there any artwork that I post or use that is not allowed with permission, please let me know and I will remove it.
Please don’t put me in drama or start drama. If I see it, I will unfollow and soft block you. 
I will not participate in any call out posts. But I will not condone in harassment, bullying, racial slurs, etc. Don’t try to force me to pick sides either. If you do any of the following, you shall be hard blocked. 
Shipping and Interactions
This is a selective shipping blog. Meaning, I will only ship with chemistry and be selective with who I ship. I will not not do pre-established ships unless discussed and agreed by both parties. Shipping is not just restricted to romantic shipping, Midnight is open to platonic, familial, etc.
I will not ship with minors. So if you are under the age of 18, then please don’t ask to ship with me. 
Midnight will not ship with any minor muses. The muse will have to be at least 21 or older to even consider a relationship.
Midnight is Demiromantic Asexual. While Midnight may experience a romantic attraction but only after she have some sort of bond with them, she lacks a sexual attraction and is very indifferent when it comes to sex, but not repulsed by the idea. NSFW isn't exclusive to just sexual themes. Sexual Threads will only occur with her shipped partners. 
Don’t force ship with me. If I said no, no means no. 
Rules will be updated accordingly.
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youmustfixyourheart · 10 months
And once again, i am only seeing people’s reactions to whatever the latest discourse on here is and have zero context for what actually happened bc i only follow a few bandom blogs and the people i follow are always the ones writing long scathing (sometimes passive aggressive/just aggressive) call-out posts about the discourse and not the ones causing problems. And every single time this happens, there’s at least one or two posts that have some variation of “if you’re not talking about this you’re just as bad if not worse” or “if you claim you don’t see the problem you’re part of it” etc. like yes, someone needs to call people out on their bullshit, i agree with that, but how are you gonna say i’m worse than the people actually saying harmful stuff for not knowing what harmful stuff is happening? It’s not willful ignorance, i’m not blocking anyone who makes a call-out post or unfollowing tags or blogs or straight up ignoring posts about the issue so i can maintain some fantasy that everything’s great and there are no problems in bandom, i truly and genuinely don’t follow that many people and i have never seen any of the posts that cause everyone to go on a rampage and jump down each others’ throats. I have no fucking idea what’s going on here and from what i’ve seen in a few minutes, i don’t want to. And yes, i acknowledge that i have a lot of privilege both in general and in this space to sit here and complain and say “can’t everyone just get along” bc it is important to discuss some of the big pervasive issues in bandom that need to be talked about and acknowledged, but also, this is my fun space to engage in my SpIn and reblog silly little photos and videos of people a few decades older than me who don’t know i exist and i really hate seeing people rip each other to shreds here, there’s enough of that in real life. I’m staying out of it. Whatever it is. I will engage in polite and calm discussions of issues in this space, but i’m not going to engage in heated debate or start yelling at people over any of this. We can and should be having mature discussions about these topics without resorting to sending nasty anons and implying that anyone who isn’t sure what’s going on in today’s current bandom drama is a bad person. Fuck that.
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