#and suddenly I feel ancient
imagine-knb · 8 months
Hi and welcome back Neon! :D I wish you all the best as you continue your writing journey~ If it's alright, may I request for a scenario set in university where a supportive Akashi is trying to set up Midorima with Akashi's best friend from high school, the reader? :D Thank you so much!
I read on his wiki that Midorima's ideal type is someone who is older, so I'm gunna self-indulge on this a little bit (*゚ェ゚*) Admin Neon
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“Thank you for setting up this meeting, Akashi.” Midorima adjusted his glasses as he sat down, looking across the small café table at his companion. Akashi was taking the only other seat at the table – they would have to ask the waiter for another chair before their third companion arrived. “I should have assumed you’d already networked and made connections with various medical establishments around Tokyo.”
“It’s not a problem at all, Shintarou,” Akashi responded, his eyes fixated on a small menu he held in a hand. “But it’s nothing like that. The person you’re meeting today is a good friend of mine who happens to work in the field you’re graduating in this year. I thought it would be good for you to meet with them.”
Midorima quirked a brow. Akashi’s odd phrasing had not gone over his head – ‘The person you’re meeting… good for you to meet…’ The waiter came by while Midorima was pondering whether he should comment on Akashi’s wording or not. He watched as Akashi made an order, his voice low enough that it couldn’t be heard over the gentle music being played overhead. When the waiter turned his attention to Midorima, he prattled off an order he knew by heart.
As the waiter walked away to put in their orders, Midorima decided to ask. “Akashi, what did you mean by–”
He was cut off by a voice he recognized. “Seijurou, it’s so good to see you again.”
Midorima watched as Akashi stood from the seat he had been occupying, a welcoming smile on his face as he stepped into your embrace. Midorima recognized you instantly, memories of those days in high school where he’d began noticing your presence around the redhead more flooding his mind. And as such, Midorima often saw you around when he had spent time with his former Teiko captain. And as one does when they spend a lot of time with someone they found mature and inspiring, he had developed a crush.
A crush he thought had died out when he stopped seeing you after entering college.
A crush that had come back full force as evidenced by the fact he did nothing but stare as you let go of your embrace with Akashi. When your eyes turned to his, that familiar smile crinkling the corners of your eyes, he felt his mouth go dry. You were the colleague Akashi had called?
“I remember you,” you said, interrupting his non-existent line of thought. “You’re Seijurou’s basketball friend, Shintarou.”
Akashi gave you an amused smile as he guided you to the seat he had once occupied. “____, he’s here for business.”
“Right, right, of course,” you nodded as you sat, taking up the space opposite of Midorima. “Midorima-san, it is.”
It made his brain buzz with the way his name rolled off your tongue. And then his attention snapped back toward Akashi when the waiter came by, a single to-go cup full of black coffee in hand. The waiter handed it off to Akashi before quickly departing. The sound of a cellphone ringing cut through the music playing in the café and caused Akashi’s content smile to shift into one of apology.
“That’s my cue to get going,” he explained, giving you one last side hug when you held your arm out. Midorima could do nothing but stare as Akashi gave him a quick nod, a knowing glimmer in his eyes. He departed quickly after that, leaving Midorima alone with you.
“Right, so you want to get in the industry,” you said, leaning a bit forward to look at him more clearly. You were grinning at him, oblivious to the tangle of emotions he was unwillingly running through in his mind. He had to remind himself that this was not a date – this was business. “Why don’t we have some lunch here first, get to know each other a bit more. Then afterwards, I can look over your resume.”
Oh shit, was this a date? “Sounds good.”
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burningthetree · 3 months
If I could travel back in time I would go to Ancient Greece and give Oedipus a hug to apologise on behalf of everyone for what Freud did to him
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freaky-flawless · 1 year
Do you think G3 Cleo is aware that people used to dig up mummies to make paint out of them...?
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tervaneula · 1 year
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Pet post<3 I'm not gonna talk about them here because I'm lazyyyyy but I hope the pictures are fun enough on their own, and hey you can ask questions if you want to!!
What I have to say tho is that the snail enclosure is temporary. They're the newest addition to my family and I haven't been able to find them a better, bigger box yet!
//okay edit lol, I realised I should probably clarify that there are more fish than what shows in the pictures! I have little groups for each species<3
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mypheralside · 1 year
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「你干嘛? 你吃了什么?」 "What's the matter…? What did you eat?" 「没事。」 "I'm fine." 「这应该是回上一句吧?」 "That's the answer to the question before." 「不知道。」 "I don't know." 「你已经语无伦次了。」 "You're already incoherent." 「我。。。我。。。已经回答了。」 "I… I… already answered you."
「我小的时候我爸妈也会这样帮我抓背。」 "When I was little, my parents would help scratch my back like this too."
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anxious-witch · 9 months
I just saw an edit of Maks Guštin on tiktok with that song: "I think I need someone older just a bit colder" and I am absolutely losing it 😂
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a-god-in-ruins-rises · 6 months
america (and maybe the world?) is in a period of cultural stagnation. it's difficult to deny.
many people take this as evidence of america's inevitable decline.
but i don't think that's the case. cultural stagnation isn't /necessarily/ indicative of decline. on the contrary, it often precedes a cultural renaissance.
the italian renaissance was, after all, preceded by the dark ages.
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lesbianladyeboshi · 2 years
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Francesca Findabair's story in the Witcher books, Gwent, and Netflix...
Someone in the latter really dropped the ball on writing her... and on writing female faction leaders in general.
(Please note that in Netflix version she also learnt of Elder Blood because a human man told her, despite her being one of the mages who tested and tracked Ciri's ancestors. Also rather than a secured landstate for her people, her wish is to have & birth a single pureblood baby with her husband.)
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rucow · 6 months
i imagine that when nerevar and voryn visit an ashlander camp together he truly notices how well voryn fits in and how much they Look like the velothi...he points it out and voryn's just like "well yea that's bc this *gestures at ashlander wise woman* is my aunt on my father's side"
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aroaessidhe · 8 months
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2023 reads
Adrift In Starlight
space opera adventure romance
a courtesan is hired to seduce the soon-to-be-wife of a famous actor
a historian who’s focused on her career & has no idea her marriage has been arranged by her rich parents
after a museum tour they and two co-workers accidentally resurrect an ancient alien artifact and end up on the run from the law, traveling from planet to planet
pan nonbinary transfemme MC, touch-averse ace MC
#adrift in starlight#aroaessidhe 2023 reads#I enjoyed this to an extent! but there's also things i'm iffy about.#while there’s clearly a lot of thought put into the worldbuilding and plot; it still ultimately feels like it’s built around the romance#pacings a bit weird. it goes from a to b very fast.#it really very suddenly pivots to Surviving In The Wild On A Random Planet like……..was that really your only choice??????#and then suddenly not. they resurrect this ancient alien fossil and go to its home planet and then it’s just like.#next scene now we’re on a pirate station lets go to the baths HUH???#i get that you have a magic thing that teleports you places fast but like. it doesn’t mean the narrative has to be abrupt too#there’s a lot of ace stuff but also some of it made me ????#like the author is ace but yknow sometimes intention =/= being able to portray things with nuance in writing#allo character hearing she’s ace and being like ‘oh she’ll only want friendship’ despite supposedly ‘knowing all about asexuality’#and adjacent: kinda has the vibe that her touch repulsion is Caused By something and has to be Fixed#it makes it clear that that and asexuality are two separate things and the asexual thing is def not something to be changed#but also…..regardless of sexuality; does touch repulsion need to be fixed? if someone’s fine with it?#some very….alloromantic monogamous rhetoric that felt a bit off#-and like to be clear this is me being very picky about little things but idk#another thing: the MC’s size is only mentioned in regards to people being fatphobic at her.#like not excessively but her weight is not ever described neutrally or positively at all? and since she’s thin on the cover I was like…..#is she? or is it just normal in this universe to insult someone’s size as an insult regardless?#(I do understand it can be hard for indie authors to get accurate cover models. but you could have made the contents of the book better)#this is all complaints LOL it's not terrible i gave it 3.5 stars? there's many good aspects but idk#asexual books
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carmeloffie · 2 years
i think i really lucked out with having like a good idea of what i want to study in college. everyone around me seems so broken up about like. trying to think of what to major in, but i think i know <3 not to say i am not freaking out for other reasons about it but yeah <3
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foxychaosstarlight · 2 years
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Here he looks as if he has just crawled out of his ancient dark castle after a hundred years of sleep and is looking around the neighborhood in search of fresh blood. Maximally vampire vibe, the most vampire appearance of all the scenes with him, in my opinion. 
Sunlight, reflecting off his usually rather dark skin, surprisingly makes him paler than he looks in Zaun. The sharp features of the face seem to be carefully drawn on a ruler. Thin lips obviously hide sharp white fangs. Old deep scars pitted the skin. Who knows, maybe it will be fill up and heal if his fangs are stained with young hot blood? And those sharp tips of the ears? It looks both funny and interesting, but at the same time alarming to the experienced eye - is he the one he pretends to be? Or is there a dangerous bloodthirsty predator hiding under the human appearance? And this raised high coat's collar  - the image seems so familiar...Dracula? And his favorite crimson-red shades of clothes are the colors of blood...The red eye sparkles like a ruby in the sunlight. Is he not afraid of the sun? Of course not, these are not young converted vampires who disintegrate (or sparkle like diamonds) at the slightest hint of sunlight. He doesn't need to hide from stupid people who, like a blind kittens, don't notice his essence.
I love this photo, I love this angle - as if for a moment we are given the opportunity to see his REAL appearance, which he so diligently hides behind a haughty expression of the beautiful face, well-groomed hands and expensive clothes, and tries to mask the smell of blood with a tart bittersweet smell of cigars and perfume. But if you get close enough, in the general aroma of smoke, perfume and salty male skin, you can catch a metallic and slightly sweet smell...blood?
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Is he handsome? No. AND YES.
His extreme thinness, grayish-olive skin, burning black-red flame eye and soothing turquoise sea coolness eye, excessively long thin nose, chipped teeth, wrinkles and deep scars ... For someone, he consists of only flaws. I don't want to argue and I don't argue with anyone - maybe they are right. But the beauty is in the eyes of the one who looks. For me, his shortcomings (including character) are his virtues. And I love him the way he is. Didn't he deserve it?
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doppelnatur · 2 years
Have a raven cycle criticism. Sorry to y'all raven boy people I thought the books were.. Ok but not super good so I'm coming from a weird place here i guess with so many people who are so deeply invested. Also I'm insomnia writing this.
I think it's weird that these books are set in the US. Nothing in them justifies this decision. They are looking for a Welsh King. I understand that like there's in universe justifications given for the fact that they looking for him in the southern us but like.. Thematically I think it would have been better for the books to be set in Wales. Please name a single reason why it needs to take place in the USA.
I like what they did with the land being a character and blues father being revealed to be a tree and blue being part tree thus. I think this is a good and interesting choice and I don't get why they need to make it less interesting by making cabeswater be Ronan's dream. I get that "it existed before he just gave it form" or whatever but I think the story would have been stronger had they not done this weird half dream reasoning. Why? What does this add except make Ronan A Very Special Boy.
Why does the land, ancient and magical and in the fucking US of A speak Latin. "Because it's Ronan's dream" ok bad choice tho why is this ancient American piece of land this White boys dream? Or at least this Ambiguously Raced But For Sure Not Ever Implied To Be Native Boys. Btw. WHOSE LAND are we even talking about i😭 there are a lot of Henriettas in the USA is this Henrietta Texas? Isn't that traditionally Kiowa land? Shouldn't I KNOW after reading four whole books about this land? I GET that making Ronan native and making the trees speak Kiowa (or whatever would be correct, possibly multiple peoples lived and live there I'm not 100% on this possibly I'm not even looking up the correct Henrietta, i always assumed Henrietta to be a coast town because u know... Welsh King came by sea and all but this one is absolutely not) and all that in a magical ya book about rich kids when the author is not Kiowa herself would be weird which is why I'm saying to just. Let the books be set in Wales! Wouldn't that solve a lot of problems?
Kind of unconnected new point. Where are the Ravens😭 why is this the Raven cycle when there's only one Raven and as cute as she is, she's utterly irrelevant. Why is Ronan "more of a raven boy than the others" because he has a raven??? Low i want the king's magical Ravens to be connected to Ronan's dreams and also the land. Too many boys too little Ravens in these books.
New point. What about Noah😭😭😭 absolute none resolution with left beef. Could be connected to the Ravens tho. If they had been important. Just saying.
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transmasc-wheatley · 2 years
actually? rant time
#some people on this hellsite are so goddamn wrong about wheatley it's not even funny anymore#like. are yiu not embarassed for being this blatantly wrong. deadass#it makes me sad loke. yall hate him because he was polular with teenager girls in the portal 2 heyda#like not to be like 'mischaraxterisation of my favourite character incident 67 dead 288 injured'but thats truly what its like sometimes#it makes me sad because i feel like im alone in this fandom suddenly and evefyvody just hates him or bullies him for being british or male#hes not even cockney!! his axcent sounds nothing like the memes (which are funny but like bully him accurately at least)#im sorry im having a normal one#rant#i wish we could just get along in this fandom like the game is ancient besties pleaae.#i see a cool portal post and i get scared that they just Hate Him#glados is a girlboss.#wheatley is however also good and deserves pat pats equally#we dont need to pit two bad bitches against eCh other#peolle tryi g to be woke sayi g wheatley is a stand in for male mediocrity when. do you know who wrote this game.#dont get me wronf portal is iconic for having girlbosses only and being about them#but hating some bitch because hes male and a little thick?#like people lile him for a reason#he's funny#hes genuimely helpful and tries to the best of his ability#do not overlook how fucked up he was by the scientists too. please dont act like he's just cruising through life like its nothing when he#in fact#struggles so much#are his problems his fault? yeah a good portion of them yes#but not all of them and thats also an important bit#GLaDOS is iconic and she is the moment but shes nit innocent and purely a victim and i get jokinf about her killing in revenge like a girlb#reducing her to that is hardly as much of a point as you think it is#anywsx. feel free to block me over this or whatever i guess
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diomedrian · 9 days
God Perseus is so disgusting and violent and I want to kill him
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cerisereids · 2 months
𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝗻’𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗯𝗼𝗱𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂- 𝘀.𝗿.
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pairing- s1!spencer reid x bau!reader
w.c.- 3.9k (wtf omg)
summary- spencer reid is your best friend. you’re in love with him, he wants someone else.
warnings- the jeid narrative in s14 pissed me off so bad i wrote this, miscommunication trope, reader obsesses over his hair (same), idiots in love, wingwoman!penelope
a/n- to be clear i am not a jj hater, i love her. i just don’t like what the writers tried to make happen between her and spencer
the soft glow of the morning sun floats through the window, coating the bullpen of the behavioral analysis unit in a peaceful golden light. you bask in the soft start of your morning, a rarity in your line of work, sipping your coffee as your fingers clack against the computer keys. the peace of your morning is ripped from you suddenly, though, when gideon and hotch barge from their offices in quick pursuit of the conference room. the team immediately follows suit, scurrying after one another to follow the two men.
hotch stands at the head of the room, sternly describing the case file he’s just received. there is a serial killer in the d.c. area, obsessed with leaving texts of ancient egyptian script at the crime scenes. as an analyst for the bau, you’re assigned to stay in the conference room with spencer in order to help decipher what the killer is trying to tell authorities. you share a smile with the boy next to you, both eager to tackle yet another assignment together.
you were hired to the bau as a young academic fresh out of graduate school, the same year as spencer. you two initially bonded over your shared love of reading, of analyzing text. it’s this skill that’s made you an asset to the team. you can decipher handwriting left by criminals in order to profile them; you can understand and analyze complex documents left for you at crime scenes, just like in today’s case. you found a partner in spencer very early on. you two were assigned those kinds of analytical tasks often, and proved to be very good at it, good at working together, at being together.
it wasn’t long before the mere sight of him started to give you butterflies, your chest constricting with affection. you cherish the late nights you’ve spent with him, in and outside of the office, inspecting documents and handwriting samples, the times where you’ve reached for the same file and your fingers brush together. movie nights at his place on the weekends, when you get so tired you allow yourself to curl into him, to let him wrap his arms around you, to pretend you’re something more. something in your stomach grows hot, and your palms start to sweat. you barely even notice that everyone else has gone off on their own assignments, leaving you and spencer alone in the conference room together. he sends you a million dollar smile and you get to work.
after a few hours of hard work, you suggest taking a lunch break. your lungs rejuvenate from the fresh air as you eat in the courtyard. you close your eyes and tilt your head up, feeling the glow of the sun warm your face, sighing as the vitamin d floats through your body. you can feel spencer’s eyes on you, and your heart kicks against your chest. how much longer you can take without confessing to him, you’re not sure. the limbo of being in love with your best friend is a torturous predicament to be in, especially when you work with him.
“hey, i need to ask you something,” spencer mumbles, and you see him pull out two tickets to a cowboys football game.
your heart now hammers against you, like a boulder spasming in your chest. your hands are sweating, shaking; is this it? could he be doing the hard part for you?
“gideon gave me these on my birthday. i don’t know if you knew this, but it’s j.j.’s favorite team. i was thinking of asking her on a date with them, but i haven’t watched a football game in over ten years,” he chuckles sheepishly, squinting his eyes down from the sun. “do you think it’s a good idea? i thought i should come to you since you’re my best friend, you wouldn’t steer me wrong.”
best friend. those words pierce through your gut like you’ve been shot with an arrow. you’re thankful his eyes are turned away from you, so he can’t see the infliction of those two fateful words.
“um-yeah,” you breathe out, barely audible, “i think it’s a great idea. it doesn’t matter if you don’t really watch football. if she likes you she’ll want to spend time with you, no matter what,” you fake a smile and pray to anyone that would listen to please convey the true message of your words, what you’re really saying. you know it falls on deaf ears, though, as you turn to throw your half eaten lunch in the trash, returning inside 30 minutes earlier than agreed upon.
“woah-where are you going?” spencer hastily cleans his things and jogs to catch up with you.
“i just think we need to get back to work. this case isn’t going to solve itself,” you shoot him a bitter smile, opening the door and not holding it open for him behind you, like you always do.
j.j.? you think to yourself as you now delegate your portion of the work at your desk. the thought of being trapped in that conference room alone with him after your conversation at lunch unzips a shiver down your spine. your forehead is resting in your palm as your brain fights to focus on the case, and not drift back to spencer.
you were in complete and utter disbelief that the object of his affections has been j.j. this whole time.
j.j. is your friend, and you’re not mad at her. it’s not her fault that she’s the one spencer’s developed feelings for. you’re just completely caught off guard, utter shock clinging to every nerve in your body. you thought, after all of those shy smiles you’ve shared alone in conference rooms, the late night conversations on the jet, the nights you’ve spent at his place, that they meant something more. you’re just shocked none of it did, and that you’ve completely misread your entire relationship with him.
if gideon gave him the tickets, that means he sees what’s going on between them, too. you furrow your brows, squeezing your eyes closed at this revelation. god, you feel so stupid. how could you have let your own feelings blindside you from what your best friend actually wants? you have no future in profiling, that’s for certain.
you see a shadow looming over your desk from your peripheral vision, and you know who it is merely from the outline of his hair. you look up to find a sheepish spencer reid, seemingly nervous to even be approaching you. you hate that. you hate the idea of him on a date with j.j. even more, though.
“what’s up?” you try to sound interested, but you can both hear the restraint lacing your tone.
“i think i found something. we, uh-we need to gather the rest of the team,” he states.
his voice is quiet, small, his big brown eyes are boring into yours. you nod. the tension grows thicker the longer you stare at each other, eyes desperate to convey everything your mouths are too afraid to say. the file spencer was holding slips through his fingers, falling on your desk with a crisp clack. the noise cuts through the trance you find yourselves in, and you go red as a tomato, looking in your lap to avoid those lethal eyes.
“let’s go,” you mutter, walking past him without so much as a glance.
over the course of the next week, you spend many work hours nursing your bruised ego in penelope’s batcave of an office. as the two analysts of the team, a lot of your work overlaps, so hotch didn’t raise a brow at the sudden change in your routine, not working with spencer so much. you’re able to tell her about everything going on with him during your brief moments of down time, when you’re filing paperwork or doing light research.
“oh. my. god.” she gasps, aware of your feelings of him from the start, “babe. no way,” she swivels her chair so she’s fully facing you, “i’m sorry! i thought he was into you, too,” she frowns, handing you a unicorn plushie from her desk drawer, “here, take mr. unicorn. he’s the best man on the planet.”
you chuckle sadly and squeeze the soft animal, utilizing its comfort as much as you can. “thanks, pen,” you settle your cheek on the squishy animal’s head and look at her sadly, eyes glassy and big, “i think it was too good to be true. he’s almost too perfect, maybe this is a sign.”
you see her deflate at your defeated tone, her hand reaching out to grab yours, running her thumb over your skin. you stay like that for a moment, allowing yourself to feel the complex emotions you’ve suppressed throughout the week. you’ve only spoken to spencer two or three times this week, about work things only, and it’s wednesday. each day that passes like this weighs heavy, like an anvil on your heart. the feeling is so overwhelming you have no choice but to suppress it until you get home, lest the floodgates are unleashed in the same vicinity as the perpetrator.
paperwork it is.
that following monday, you sit, stewing at your desk, desperate to blend in to the background. you think back to one week ago, one week since you’ve had that fateful conversation with spencer. you nearly have whiplash from how fast things have changed in only a week. you yearn for the softness of that morning, of the blissful ignorance in thinking that you actually had a chance with spencer reid. your heart aches, the vulnerable throb in your chest paralyzing you. you rest your chin in your hands as your eyes mindlessly drift over emails you missed from the weekend, willing your brain to not work so hard unless absolutely necessary.
you’re snapped out of your pity party by the click of a door unlatching, the soft patter of converse on tile filling the bullpen. your eyes involuntarily follow spencer as he barges in. he’s impossible to ignore, clad in the most adorable button up/sweater vest combo you have ever seen in your life, walking full speed ahead with a scowl planted firmly on his face. the look on his face is so wholly unfamiliar, a look of hurt masking his usually soft features, the light in his eyes gone. the contrast is enough to shock you back to life once more, now registering a flustered penelope hot on his tail. the click of her heels echo through the bullpen in a desperate attempt to keep up with a man who is nearly a foot taller.
“spencer-wait! ugh!“ penelope grunts as spencer falls into his desk chair, immediately using work as a means to deflect. his back is to her as he sifts through the files littering his desk.
you study him from where you sit, his brows furrowed, his shoulders slumped, and lips in a tiny pout that pokes and prods at your heart. penelope gives up quick, turning away with a grunt and a look on her face that read ‘don’t ask’. on her way past your desk, though, she leans in and whispers, “meet me in my office after our meeting,” making your eyes go wide and your heart pick up in speed.
you use the new case to distract your mind from what could possibly be going on with spencer, and opt to stay back with penelope during this case. when you make your decision known in the conference room, spencer flinches. you just barely catch it out of your peripheral, you’re not sure you would have even registered it had garcia not smacked you in the thigh immediately after it happened. hotchner’s eyes flit from you, to penelope, then to reid. morgan coughs. the team is then dismissed.
“she brought you to the date?!” you can’t believe what you’re hearing.
“yes! i had no idea it was the date,” penelope gushes. you’re setting up materials for the case, waiting for the team to land for more information. in the meantime, she fills you in on the weekend, “i’d just assumed it was a separate event. it never occurred to me that she would invite another person to that. poor spencer’s never been so disappointed to see me,” her tone turns a bit guilty at that, and now it’s your turn to flinch at his name.
“that’s insane, why would she do that?” you ask, bewildered.
“to be honest with you, i have a few ideas…” penelope teases, setting up her computer for the day.
your eyes narrow into slits as she files her nail, feet up and resting on the desk as the rest of her equipment loads.
“what?” you breathe out, even though you both knew.
“come on,” she kicks her feet off the desk and swivels to face you, frozen in front of a box of files, stricken by what you both know is coming next, “it’s you. he has feelings for you, for sure. j.j. knows it too, everyone does. we all see it.”
“really?” you once again can’t believe your ears. relief floods your veins, the rush too sweet to pay attention to your conscious, desperate to sprinkle some guilt in there. you don’t care, though, not after the pure and utter agony of the past week.
“yes, of course! he likes you, i have no doubt about it,” penelope states matter of factly.
you round the corner of the desk and come to sit on a chair opposite her, “what makes you say that?” you’re unintentionally severe, palms resting flat on your thighs, leaning into her as to not miss a word. luckily for you, though, penelope is just as intense.
“it became clear to me when i saw them interact at the game. yes his ego was bruised a little, but he was light, airy. almost relieved. nothing like how he came in today,” she remarks, and your brows knit together in confusion.
“so you’re saying he was at ease with her, but nervous and grumpy when he had to be around me. that doesn’t make any sense,” penelope rolls her eyes at your denial, but you’re quick at the defense with a new argument, “and he told me gideon gave him those tickets to ask her out on a date. it’s her favorite team.”
you cross your arms across your chest and lean back, “i appreciate what you’re trying to do for me, penelope, but if the best profiler on the team could tell he likes her, then he likes her. not me.”
just saying it causes the crack in your chest to reappear, callusing your heart once more.
“ugh, no!” she exclaims, “you two are the most stubborn people i’ve ever met in my life, i swear!” she rolls her eyes and turns back to her now fully loaded equipment as your jaw hangs open in shock.
“what is that supposed to mean?” you lightly scoff.
“all i’m saying is that he was relieved that j.j. brought me, that he was being rejected. after the initial disappointment passed, that is. you’re going to have to get the rest of the information from spencer himself,” she decides, just as her phone starts to ring. saved by the bell, damn her. “talk to each other. you miss each other. everybody can tell and it’s getting sad, like watching two lost puppies roam aimlessly without each other.”
before you can give an answer to her crazy analogy, she turns away from you and flips open her cell phone, “talk to me!” she chirps, and hotch’s stern voice brings you back to the task at hand. you’ll simply have to talk to spencer later. great.
the team was able to land back at home that same night, luckily closing a quick case. after penelope says goodbye to you and spencer, you’re both the last ones in the bullpen. you two anxiously glance around, desperate for anybody else to be there, to break the suffocating tension between you two, thick and heavy with unanswered questions, words unsaid.
as you walk past spencer’s desk, he goes to walk with you, next to you. you haven’t been this close in proximity to him in a week, and the smell of his cologne, his aftershave, makes you heady. you both stop at the elevator, unsure who should go first. you decide on impulse that it has to be you, you can’t take this any longer. you turn to face him, and say the first thing that comes to your mind,
“she brought penelope?”
had it been anybody else, you may have kicked yourself for shoving your foot squarely into your mouth, but it’s spencer, so he laughs. it’s an eye creasing, cheeks bunched up, teeth showing kind of laugh, and you have no choice but to laugh, too. there’s a pang in your heart as this familiarity dawns upon the two of you once again. you’re desperate to keep it, so much so that you don’t move when the elevator dings and the doors open. neither of you do. you stand there, taking each other in, cheeks warm and breathing heavy, as the doors slide close once again.
“yeah. yeah, she brought penelope,” he remarks, red ears hiding behind his slickened hair. your eyes focus on one particular lock that’s fallen over his forehead, nearly in his eye. a sense of longing pierces your heart like cupid’s arrow, you fall in love with him all over again.
“you should wear your hair curly more,” you croak. spencer is unphased at your sudden change of topic, and sends you a small smile.
you’re the only one on the team that’s seen him with his hair curly. you revel in it any time you’re lucky enough to get a glimpse, when you’re sharing a hotel room or his couch on movie night. a strange nostalgia seizes you as you take in his hair, not realizing how much you’ve missed it, missed him until you’re standing there, taking all of him in.
“maybe i’ll start,” he says back gently, another silence falling between the two of you.
“l-listen, i have something i need you to know,” he says, turning to face you, tone growing more confident as he speaks, “gideon told me to ask out j.j. because i’ve been heartbroken over you for weeks.”
time stops.
“heartbroken?” you’re incredulous. “why? what did i do?” you’re nearly panicking, racking your brain for what you could have done to your best friend.
“n-nothing really. i think i heard you talking to penelope about me one day, about how you don’t see me in that way,” he stutters a bit, his head turned down to hide his flushed cheeks, “i thought there was something between us, but after hearing that-i-i just assumed you didn’t feel the same. it made sense, girls like you don't typically go for guys like me.”
your heart cracks in your chest, “spencer,” you whisper out, “don’t say that,” it’s all you can muster. he’s the most beautiful man on the planet. you’ve never been so sure of anything.
he rolls his eyes and you want to shake him until he believes it, “well, he gave me the tickets to try and put myself out there with someone else. j.j. is great, don’t get me wrong, but she’s not you. no one is,” he says, eyes boring into yours.
you take in every word falling from his lips, your brows marrying together. your brain is flying at a mile a minute trying to remember the conversation he’s talking about. suddenly, you stop. your gaze turns to him, eyes wide as the memory comes to you. it had to have been two months since then, but you knew that wasn’t a problem for spencer. if he overheard, he remembers every word out of your mouth.
you were chatting with penelope in the empty conference room. it was a monday, and you had gone out on a date the weekend before. he was the topic of conversation right before spencer came in, how he was ‘so cute’ with his ‘brown eyes and curly brown hair’, how he was ‘the perfect height- like 6’1-6’2’. and yet, you only liked him as a friend. the reality was, you were searching for spencer in every man you pursued, and none of them ever measured up to him. how could they?
“spencer,” you groan, hiding your face in your hands, “i went on a date that weekend. that’s who i was talking about. not you,” the last part comes out in a whisper as realization dawns on spencer’s face, uncertainty dancing through his big brown eyes.
“why didn’t you tell me you had a date?” he asks, puzzled, “is that why you couldn’t come over for movie night that weekend?”
your heart breaks even more, if that’s possible at this point, you wanted to be there. you wanted to be there so badly.
“i had convinced myself that it would never happen. you and me,” you start, and his eyes grow even wider than before, “i was looking for you every time. in every date. that’s why i never told you. it would never work out anyway, because they weren’t you. i wasn’t brave enough to admit that to myself until just now, i guess,” you grow a bit sheepish as you finish your explanation, your eyes glossy. your gaze finds the floor to avoid his piercing gaze. those eyes will kill you one day.
“what does that mean?” he says, so gentle, so spencer.
“it means i’m in love with you. i have been for years, since we started together,” you gush, tears finally falling over your lash line at your confession.
his eyes shut too, a gentle flutter of lashes against his cheek. you see a tear escape down his cheek, too.
“i love you, too. god, i love you too,” he whispers, moving immediately to scoop you up in his arms. he presses the elevator button again, finally getting you two out of there. he keeps you in his arms, carrying you into the elevator, refusing to let go as he squeezes you tight, legs wrapped around his waist as the doors close shut behind you.
as you descend, you reluctantly put your shaky legs on the floor, pulling away slightly to find his gaze.
“hi,” you whisper, biting your lip to try and suppress the cheesy smile taking over. you fail, grinning so wide and so bright, you’re afraid you might blind him.
“hi, beautiful,” he whispers back, brushing your hair back softly with his hand. he then cradles your jaw in his palm, pressing his soft lips against yours.
it’s a gentle kiss, but a passionate one. you both wish desperately to convey every single time you wanted each other, how long you’ve loved each other.
spencer pulls away from you for a brief moment to ask, “do you want to be my girlfriend? i think maybe we should try dating each other,” his sarcasm has you grinning from ear to ear.
“i think that’s the most genius idea you’ve had yet, doctor,” you lean in to kiss him again. he groans at the title, lips surrendering back into yours.
the ding of the elevator breaks your kiss, and you can’t hide your cheesy grins as you walk into the parking garage, your pinkies linked together.
“do you wanna come back to my apartment tonight? we can watch a movie?” spencer suggests nervously, like you’d say no. god, you love him.
“that sounds perfect,” you smile, pulling him in for another kiss. you can tell he’s expecting a light peck, but you deepen it, your hand finding the nape of his neck. your lips softly click together as you move against each other, your tongue just barely slipping into his mouth.
“see you at home,” you wink and get into your own car, leaving a flustered spencer reid in your wake.
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