#and we don’t know much about vinland
simple-persica · 1 year
Does that…make it more or less appropriate?
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pinkmirth · 11 months
hi y’all :) it’s been a hot minute, but im back nowww (i think!) sorry about the inactivity, it’s been a rough couple of weeks for me… (disclaimer: there’s a teensy tiny rant below!!!)
a few weeks ago, me and my boyfriend of two years decided to break things off. our relationship went fine for the most part, it was just that his dad hated me with a passion. as you could imagine, it was hard to deal with my own partner’s father complaining about him being with me, since I cant speak any Chinese dialect. (for context, his dad is Chinese and wanted his son to marry someone of the same ethnicity.) I’ve been working on my Mandarin for the past two years, but it was never good enough for his dad. So, we ended things on decent terms. in all honesty, i wanted to walk straight into fucking manhattan traffic 😭 i felt so shitty, i could hardly touch my phone for a goddamn week. to top that off, i cried so hard that i literally got sick somehow? don’t know how that works, but I ended up with a sore throat for days afterwards. but! I gave it some time, and it’s sunk in a little. not completely over him, but I’m feeling much better than i was four weeks ago. i’ve also been busy with hunting for a new apartment and deciding whether or not to transfer schools. Vinland saga mondays and my newfound obsession with atsv (specifically that fine man miguel o’hara) are the only things that are keeping me going rn… anyway! hopefully I’ll find enough time to write this summer, because I’m in dire need of a distraction lol
— xoxo, moni (reiner braun’s hot wife <3)
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giggly-squiggily · 9 months
Good For The Soul (Vinland Saga)
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Hi hello I've officially finished Vinland Saga's anime and oh my GOD- I freaking loved it! Minus one episode the entire watch was lovely and I definitely recommend it!
I wasn't originally gonna write for Vinland cause- you know- season one didn't exactly give us many characters to work with via this kind of stuff, but season 2??? I've gotcha ;D Einar and Thorfinn are besties and now I wanna write all the content for them! I hope you like it! :D
Spoilers for Vinland Saga Season 2!!!
Summary: Einar notices that Thorfinn doesn't smile much and is shocked when Thorfinn admits he can't remember how. Time for some good ol' assistance!
“You don’t smile a lot, do you Thorfinn?”
He supposed he didn’t. “Sorry.”
“Heh- no, no apologies. It’s not a bad thing- well; okay, it kinda is?” Einar cringed, running a hand through his hair as he searched for words. “You’ve been through hell; I don’t expect you to be jolly about any of it. I don’t know why I even said that- sorry Thorfinn.”
“No, you’re fine. I get it.” The blonde looked down at the stock of hay he was playing with, face thoughtful as he twirled it in his fingers. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had a reason to. I think I forgot how.”
“Oh man, sorry about…wait- you forgot?” Einar squawked, twisting around in his hay to stare at him. “That’s a thing?”
“I guess so?” Thorfinn shifted, uncomfortable.
“Sorry- sorry. I just- wow….forget to smile. Don’t tell me you forgot how to laugh as well?” Einar looked like a man who was just told the secrets of the world, hands in his hair and blue eyes wide with shock as he went over the new information again and again.
“We need to fix it!”
“Huh?” What was he on about?
“We need to fix it! Give you back your smile and laughter! Don’t you know those make up a part of our souls? It’s like- drinking cold water after a long day on the farm! Or- or- having a hot meal when your body feels like lead! It’s simply good for the soul!” Einar spoke with such passion it was starting to convince Thorfinn. “It’s not your fault you forgot, life has been cruel to you, but now that you’re on a new “I won’t fight no more” oath and you’ve got me as your friend; we can fix it!”
“I appreciate it but…how exactly are we gonna do that?”
“I….don’t know.” Einar deflated, sheepish. “But we’ll figure something out! Quick- what’s something that makes you happy?”
“First thing to come to mind! What makes you feel less depressed?”
“You do?”
“.....you’re kind.” Einar blinked rapidly. “But we need something that’ll bring a smile to your face when I’m not around! Something like…a good joke! Quick, what’s one you know?”
“Erm…oh. Oh um- why do s-sheep stay in groups of three?”
“Why?” Einar looked ready.
“Cause they…erm…” Thorfinn blushed, sinking into himself. “I forgot the punchline.”
Silence. They sat staring into space for a few minutes.
“Well- at least you tried?” Einar offered, grinning. Thorfinn seemed to sink further.
Okay- new plan!
“You know…back home, before my village was…yeah.” Einar shifted, coming closer. “My sister and mom laughed at everything. No matter what was happening, they found a reason to smile. Me though? I liked to think I was more realistic.”
“That so?”
“Yeah! Anyway- I didn’t always get what was so funny, so my mom and sister would…” Einar paused, blinking suddenly. “Hey, um- before I do what I’m about to do, can I touch you?”
“Um…sure?” Thorfinn blinked. “What are you-”
Without any warning, Einar leaped. They’re bodies went tumbling back into the hay, sending bits of it flying up into the air. Thorfinn could have easily thrown him off, but refrained. Within minutes, Einar was sitting on him, a hand grabbing his wrist and shoving it overhead. “There! Gotcha!”
“You…did?” Thorfinn looked up at the hand entrapping him, then back at Einar. “What exactly are we doing?”
“Thorfinn, I got one question for you. It’s one of my most important questions of all time.” Einar raised his free hand, flexing his fingers all about. “Are you ticklish?”
……..Was he? It’s been so long since anyone touched him like that. When he was six or so, Ylva would tickle him to tears whenever he got fussy. Both his parents did as well- though it was brief little attacks whenever he tried to “fight” Thors or refused to wake up from his mother’s lap. When he was in Askeladd’s group, he kept his distance from everyone, quicker with a dagger than ever before.
“I don’t remember.” Thorfinn admitted, watching as Einar’s eyes widened in renewed shock. “Not likely I still am though. It’s been years.”
“We’ll see about that!” Einar raised his hand dramatically before bringing it down to Thorfinn’s stomach, clawing at the hardened skin.
Thorfinn has lived through many types of physical contact. He’s been beaten, bruised, broken down and dragged. He learned to tolerate the pain and various factors that came with it.
This however? God help him- he just crumbled.
“Ge-Ah! Aheahhahahaha! E-Ehehheheeinahahahhar!” Almost immediately he was arching at the touch, trying to get away from his friend’s fingers as they drilled into the sensitive skin through his shirt. He was wearing a shirt- why did it tickle so much through the shirt? “Hohohohohld on! Hooohohohohohlod oohohon plehahahse!”
“Oh wow- you really are ticklish!” Einar paused briefly at the request, giving Thorfinn a chance to breathe. “Do you want me to stop?”
“Heh..hhehee..” Did he? It was strange and unbearable and…nostalgic. Comforting really.
“Ihihit’s fine…you can keep going if you want.”
“Whoa-really?” Einar grinned, releasing Thorfinn’s wrist so he could use both hands. “Okay- just tap me like this when you’re done.” He gave three quick pats to Thorfinn’s bicep before diving back in, once again renewing the shaky laughs and giggles the blonde let out. “Get ready!”
“Yoohohohou’ve ahahahhlreadhahhahdy sthahahahharted! Ahehehehehehe!” Thorfinn cackled out, lightly shoving at Einar’s hands as they scribbled into his belly. His sides were worse; the second Einar switched over to grab them he yelped and twisted, stuck on his side. “Ehhahahahahahhaa gahahhahahd iihihihiht’s wehehehehird!”
“That’s what tickling’s supposed to feel like!” Einar laughed, poking all over as he searched for tickle spots. His ribs proved rather ticklish, especially the backs, and when he jabbed a finger into his armpit, Thorfinn shoved his arms down tightly against his sides- a wheezy short drawing out.
The best reaction though was when Einar squeezed the back of his neck. Instantly he exploded in laughter, scrunching up with a rare squeal. “EHEHEHHINAR!”
“Oh snap- what was that? Oh my god, you’re adorable!” Einar kept up his playful assault, laughing with him as Thorfinn howled with mirth. “Do it again!”
He did- alongside a variety of other sounds he was mildly embarrassed by. Eventually- when his face was flushed red and his hair was full of hay, Einar stopped, pulling off before Thorfinn could tap him. Exhausted, the blonde fell back with a tired sigh, residue chuckles breaking up each gasp for breath. “Ehehehehe…ehehhe…heh…”
“Did it help? Cause it looked like it helped! You’re smiling!” Einar cheered, swiping off remaining hay off his face with a chuckle. “And you laughed too! Alot! How does your soul feel, Thorfinn?”
How did he feel? Exhausted for sure. Tired. Breathless. But also…
“I think it does.” He placed a hand on his racing heart, not out of fear but rather…relief. He felt strangely light- as if his body was made of air.
For the first time in ages, he felt…safe.
“Good!” Einar patted him on his belly a few times before rolling to the side, getting comfy in his hay. Once he was comfortable, Thorfinn asked the question.
“You said your sister and mom used to do that to you…does that mean you’re ticklish?”
“.....Thorfinn, I’m gonna say this once and only once cause I consider you my brother.” Einar turned to look at him, expression surprisingly hard. “If you dare try to tickle me, I will end your existence. You’ll be tickled so much you’ll ascend to Vahalla and have to explain to them why you died- death by laughter.”
Thorfinn stared. Then he puffed, grinning. Einar’s expression cracked. Within minutes they were laughing like children until their bellies hurt and their eyes were misty.
“I behehheeived you for a sehehecond!” Thorfinn wheezed, a hand over his face.
“Yohohohou did! Yoohohohu did!” Einar agreed, just as giggly. “Heh…but really- that’s something I’m not so willing to share.”
“I’ll find out.” Thorfinn decided. “Sooner or later.”
“We’ll see.”
Thanks for reading!
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cosmicjoke · 1 year
Ahh, shit, so, looks like the diseases that European’s brought to the New World are making their entrance in “Vinland Saga”.  For some reason, despite knowing the history here, the thought hadn’t even occurred to me, but of course, disease is a large part of why the Native American’s got wiped out in such huge numbers.  Some people were saying it’s the black plague, but I don’t think that happens for another 300 years or so.  But it could be any number of diseases brought from Europe.  Either way, what’s interesting is how this is going to impact, well, everything.  This isn’t something Thorifnn can negotiate his way out of, and once the Lnu see what’s happening to the other natives, I imagine they’re going to freak out and want to keep away from the Nords.  And considering how high tensions already are between the two groups, that can only spell trouble.  I really love how since coming to Vinland, Thorfinn’s been met with one obstacle after another, his well laid plains constantly under attack or threat.  The only criticism I’ve had of “Vinland Saga” has been that it at times tends to solve the obstacles Thorfinn faces with a little too much idealism, the story sometimes shaping itself to fit the theme, rather than the theme’s developing organically within the story.  I understand why, because given the actual nature of the world, of violence and war and just people, it can be next to impossible to convey the notion that peace can be achieved through non-violent means convincingly, without idealizing certain realities.  So I don’t hold it against the manga too much, considering the message it wants to push.  But with that said, I’m appreciating the way this New World arc is tending more toward the kind of bleak reality we saw with the prologue of the story, with Thorfinn really running into serious push back and obstacles to his idyllic dream.  I really have no idea how this story is going to end.  I hope Thorfinn doesn’t die.  Ugh, I’d be so sad if he did.  I know this is meant to be the final arc, so it’s going to be interesting.  Considering the actual bleak history between European settlers and the natives of America, if the story is sticking to reality, then it can’t, actually, end well.  But maybe for Thorfinn’s own group, things will be okay, in the end.  Still, there’s a genuine sense of grief, in knowing that Thorfinn’s dream of a new world, free of war and slavery, will eventually, well past his own time, morph into the very thing he’s fighting against, resulting in a literal genocide of millions of Indian’s.  There’s an undertone of inevitable tragedy to this story, because of that,knowing that no matter how hard Thorfinn works, or how pure his intentions, his attempts to create a better world will, in their way, be the catalyst for so much horror and death and destruction in the future. 
Also, once again, I see people bitching about the wait between chapters.  This was less than a month since the last chapter.  The art never dips in quality, but these people act like each chapter should be 20 pages long or they whine and moan.  Like damn, stfu.  There’s plenty of manga’s with shitty art that get released on a weekly basis.  Go read one of those if you aren’t going to show appreciation for the immense amount of work that obviously goes into this one.  Idiots everywhere. 
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artschoolglasses · 1 year
Thoughts on Assassin’s Creed Valhalla’s final update under the cut.
(Because obviously I assume some people don’t want spoilers. but I also need to say something.)
So, spoilers for the update. As well as the game as a whole. You’ve been warned.
This is just going to be a random point-form all over the place sort of rambling rant from me. So, here goes. But I need to get this off my chest.
- First off, way too short. For them to talk about this final update for months and  for it to just end up being... a few poorly written cut scenes, some with characters Eivor really wasn’t close with at all, and then for other characters she was incredibly close with to not even show up? Oof.
- Super sorry to any Randivor shippers by the way. That’s rough, buddy.😬
- Also, the cut scenes really contradicted not only the main storyline and Eivor’s character growth, but also each other? She tells Harald she doesn’t want to go to Iceland because she doesn’t want to walk down well-worn roads, but at the same time... ends up returning to the exact same spot in Vinland that she and others have already been to? Doesn’t make sense.
- And it also doesn’t make sense she’d leave at all. We knew she’d end up in Vinland somehow. Fine. That had to happen. But with the reason being she had to “find herself”? Again, doesn't make sense. The whole point of the end of the main game was her realising the glory and power Odin promised her meant nothing in comparison to her found family. A found family she spent the entire game helping, protecting, caring for. To just... leave? In the middle of the night? With only Valka to notice? And a vague mention of Randvi? (Again, sorry Randivor shippers. Ouch.) It just took none of her own growth as a character into account.
- Honestly, it would have made more sense for her to be forced to leave England for some reason. Because there’s no way she’d just leave everything willingly like that. Seems like the writers knew she had to leave but didn’t really know how they were going to make her do that. So just pushed an excuse for her to go that didn’t really work. At all.
- Then the whole Odin thing. So they’re just... buddy buddy and chatting again? Really? After that super dramatic ending? And apparently she wants to learn from him? To what end? She just fucks off to Vinland and talks to the guy in her head as her only company and learns from him... to pass none of that on to anyone? Feels like a pointless way for her to end her days.
- And, sorry to people who actually like Basim, but I am not one of them. (Him standing over Eivor’s grave at the end of the main game and taunting her really put the last nail in the coffin for me. Not a fan.) So having so much Basim in this last update? Almost as much if not more focus on him than Eivor? Infuriating. Really, it made the whole thing feel like an advertisement for Assassin’s Creed Mirage. 
- Which, even though I liked the Roshan surprise, again, feels like an advertisement for Mirage. Maybe would have felt less like that if the focus of the last chapter hadn’t been so much on Basim and the Roshan quest was just a nice surprise they added on. But that’s not the case. Basim was heavily present in the last chapter. So again, feels like an AC Mirage advertisement. Using Eivor’s last chapter, the end of her story, to advertise Basim’s game. Cheap, Ubisoft. Super cheap.
- And, yeah. The new armour is tacky.
Anyways. If you made it through all that, have a cookie. And feel free to rant in the replies. I’m sure I'm not the only one who needs to get things off their chest after witnessing that.😅
EDIT: Wait! Let me just add, Hytham is precious and I love him. That was the only part of this I applaud. Being a mentor to a bunch of the villagers in Ravensthorpe was perfect and I would not change that at all. That man deserves the world.🥹
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childofaura · 9 months
Anyt thoughts you have regarding Kirk Thornton? He did Dorcas, Surtur and Yen’fay.
Ok I wanna start off this review with an obligatory statement I usually make whenever I open my mouth about Kirk Thornton:
Kirk Thornton catches seriously unfair flak for voicing Shadow the Hedgehog. Now Jason Griffith and David Humphrey are definitely THE Shadows for me, but Kirk actually does a great Shadow voice, he just gets constantly and horribly fucked over by outside issues, namely either the cringe-ass writing we’ve had since Colors, or the horrible audio mixing they had in Forces. But he IS a good Shadow voice.
In FEH, he does play Yen’Fay, Dorcas, Iago (under a pseudonym of Ron Allen), and Surtr. I think I’ve heard that he was only just recently credited for playing Surtr, but I’m not sure. Outside of FEH, he’s Shadow (and Orbot), Askeladd from Vinland Saga, Saix from Kingdom Hearts (haven’t played that series though), and Jubei from BlazBlue. Plus many others.
His performances are SOLID. While his role as Dorcas is pretty casual and laid-back (but still good), his other roles are absolutely outstanding in how much he gets to emote. Yen’Fay’s voice is quiet and cold while simultaneously being smooth as butter, it’s absolutely mesmerizing to listen to him talk. And his line about Say’ri is full of such denial, especially when you hear him talk about her finding good company with Chrom. Makes me think that this Yen’fay is actually the one who died in the battle with Chrom, rather than the one from the other world where he killed Say’ri instead. Iago is so much fun to listen to, his voice is just as greasy as his hair is, lol. Each line has such a high level of inflection that really drives home how narcissistic and dishonest he is; even if I don’t much care for him, he was definitely handled with good care in his art and voice. But man, SURTR. That role is the crown jewel of his performances. The raw energy he brings to the lines while he roars about burning everything in his grasp is just phenomenal, and honestly it’s so criminal how slow FEH is to give the male book villains (or any male book characters) any kind of good seasonal alt outside of the obligatory New Years alts. Pirate Surtr was probably the coolest fucking alt we had for any of the book characters; definitely not the only good one but certainly the coolest. Unfortunately the only book villain who gets any attention is Freyja, and we all know it’s only because of her big breasts. Where’s my ninja/Halloween Hel, IS? Where’s my Christmas Fafnir? Or my Valentine’s Embla? But I’ll settle for now with Surtr finally getting a much deserved alt and Resplendent, especially when the new lines and art are so badass.
I think he fits all these characters perfectly like a glove, and I would like to see more alts for Yen’fay and Surtr. And like I mentioned before, if FEH were ever going to replace Joe J. Thomas for any reason, I think Kirk would be a good replacement simply due to sounding decently similar and having not lost his energy like Joe did.
I would definitely say he has amazing range. Between his roles, almost none of them sound like he’s using the same voice, even if they all sound pretty recognizable. They’re very vastly different characters and he does an amazing job giving them different qualities to their lines.
I actually feel comfortable giving Kirk a 10/10. He’s a fantastic actor who got the perception of his acting skills screwed over by how badly his Shadow was handled. He’s definitely an actor whom I’m always happy to hear in media.
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jekyllnahyena · 1 year
Get To Know Me Tag Game
Rules: Tag eight people you want to know better (or just because you feel like it).
Thanks for the tag @chipss-chips >:D
Relationship status: single
Favourite color: pink n green n black who’d’ve thunk
Last song listened to: Cold Cold Cold by Cage the Elephant
Last movie watched: Everything Everywhere All At Once.
Top 3 TV shows:  uufffffff good question. Bojack Horseman is my fave of all time, not that I rewatch it, but yeah. Otherwise gonna go with something that comes to my mind first cause I’m reaaalllyyy bad at this kinda stuff, ayayayayay. The Great. I love whatever insanity that show is so much, one of the few things I actually rewatch from time to time. Ehhhhhhh Andor?? Talked about it with my bro yesterday cause he decided to give it a go and yeah. Love it so much. We spent like 10 min on the irony that it’s a disney show.
Top 3 Characters: Bro, idk :’) gonna go with the first things that come to my mind again, aight? Lez go. Guts from Berserk, Askeladd from Vinland Saga, Death from The Book Thief (look, I could say something like Riyo n Fox n Ponds but those don’t really count. Whatever is going on there, a good 90 percent is own interpretation, I don’t think that counts)
What I'm currently reading: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, All bout Love by Bell Hooks, Anna Karenina by Tolstoy
taggin: @spacerocksarethebestrocks @brother-genitivi @zipquips @penandsaber @puirell @turtlepie @fire-atwill @stagbeetleboy and whoever else wants to join in tbh. no pressure though!!
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hokusu · 1 year
omg i'm so happy!! been looking for edits of this episode and i haven't been seeing a lot it's really weird. it's a popular anime for sure but like idk if it's tumblr popular enough like say bnha or jjk, you know?
i love seeing edits of my favorite shows so much. hopefully when the series starts we can see more edits on here.
i hope you are doing well my friend and not working too hard.
Hi Luna!
Haha yeah I like to watch other things too that are seinen, romcom, slice of of life, etc...when not obsessed with my fav shounen lol. I watch a lot that I don't talk/post about actually haha.
But tbh I think it goes for most anime, I don't see other genres or anime get much edits in general on tumblr. Except mainstream shounen ones like you said bnha, jjk, kny, csm, blue lock,...sxf and buddy daddies somehow.
Even other popular anime or manga that do well don't get much tumblr attention unless it was a movie. E.g. To Your Eternity, Vinland Saga I didnt see a *ton of edits* or like Golden Kamuy (the manga is way popular but the anime not as much outside of japan, gifs are like nonexistent here even with 4 seasons lol), Ao Ashi (manga is popular but anime was so underrated), Ascendance of Bookworm (was amazing and got 3 seasons and still never saw gifs here), etc etc.
It is sad! But I mean even for me loving a lot of anime not talked about on tumblr, I don’t usually feel super compelled to edit these either the way I may with a "cool action" scene lol.
And there's only so many anime editors on tumblr lol, maybe people just want to edit what appeals to majority bcus it gets more notes too (its already hard doing so, when editing a less talked about anime here it would get almost no interaction)? Not sure but that's my guess. 😅
But yeah hope more variety edits will show up when things get more epsidoes this season! Thank you and hope you're well too *hugs*
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2-late-2-the-party · 1 year
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I posted 3,716 times in 2022
That's 3,104 more posts than 2021!
46 posts created (1%)
3,670 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,274 of my posts in 2022
#toh - 302 posts
#the owl house - 246 posts
#httyd books - 163 posts
#toh spoilers - 149 posts
#fav character tag - 92 posts
#amphibia - 69 posts
#for future reference - 64 posts
#httyd - 49 posts
#sk8 the infinity - 35 posts
#the wittebane brothers - 23 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i’m pretty sure whoever was doing the cc for this episode hadn’t watched the full show and didn’t understand the signi of the name ‘caleb’
My Top Posts in 2022:
Feelin ‘do they feel the same about me 🥺’ but not in a crush way, in a ‘does this internet friend think of time the same way or am I just a friendly acquaintance to them?’ Or ‘do they consider me a friend at all or just a mutual? am I allowed to keep replying to their posts and insta stories or would that be annoying?’
305 notes - Posted March 14, 2022
Guys, I just realized the main difference between the httyd books and movies!
“The fucking plot?”
NO! Well, yes, but I the thing I must point out is that while the books have Big Ace Vibes, the movies are a lot more bisexual.
327 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
Ok but the tone shift and progression of Vinland Saga will never not be hilarious to me.
Because it’s like,
Arc 2: Forgiveness, 🌱redemption, ✨ recovering from trauma and learning to atone for the sins of one’s past 😔, just two bros planting a farm and forming a deep emotional bond 🥰💞
Arc 3: Found Family!!! 💕💕 Women’s rights!!! ✊✊ Just a funky li’l gang of funky little norse folk on a boat with a mission! ⛵️ Also they adopt a baby!
This is top tier writing and you can’t convince me otherwise
365 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
I think we as a fandom need to talk more about how Hunter is a huge nerd.
Literally any time anyone brings up so much as a semi-obscure topic he’s just like ‘oh yeah I’ve read a ton about this!’ The boy does nothing in his (minimal) free time other than just read about a bunch of random topics.
What a mood. What an autistic/adhd icon.
444 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The worst thing Dreamworks did to httyd was tone down the names of kid’s parents. Movie fans don’t know what it’s like to cry for the loss of a man named Baggybum the Beerbelly. You haven’t lived until you get to know Valhallarama of the White Arms and Chunky Thighs. I pity you. /lh
455 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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A lost year, isolation, and maturity through stories
The Social Outbreak still felt recent, the shadow of the PSU was lurking and the pandemic forced us to stay in our homes indefinitely. In my mind, the year 2020 is “the lost year”, precisely because for me, everything stopped existing: the entire world was reduced to my room; I spent my last year of school on a screen; my friends became silhouettes in the distance. In general, everything that had to be, wasn’t.
However, I think that solitude and stories were just what I needed when I was seventeen. Solitude to see inside yourself, and stories to see the rest of the world. That year I watched almost exclusively anime, about 150 or so. I know, crazy. Think what you want. However, you can't underestimate the power of stories. Dozens, hundreds of ways of seeing the world, dilemmas, situations, feelings, relationships, personalities, realities. Trash and masterpieces, they all patiently carved me into who I am now. From Monogatari to Vinland Saga, through Shingeki, Berserk, Hunter X Hunter, Steins Gate, FLCL, Code Geass and Evangelion, to name a few. Anime… no, stories are incredible. Despite being just a seventeen year old guy, you can feel like the woman or the old man, the criminal or the hero. I once heard in a movie that “Convictions are a luxury that only spectators can have”. If it’s true, then to be stronger... to be kinder, we must cross the window and live a thousand and one lives. And we can only do through stories.
I know it may seem ridiculous to some to say “I matured through anime,” but these are ultimately stories. On one hand, if your maturity depends on the type of series you see, then you were never very mature to begin with. On the other hand, you only hurt yourself by discriminating and avoiding stories based on medium. It is similar to those who think that “animation is only for children.” It's sad that someone's favorite series, movie is out there and they’ll never see it. It’s sad that the anime, the story that would help you grow or get back on your feet, is inaccessible to you by your own decision. 
Without knowing, that year I lost everything and gained it again, as if it was the last necessary step before stepping into the rest of your life. My way of understanding relationships, people and myself became much deeper and more complex, being able to find peace with different aspects that overwhelmed me. The clearest example is how today I continue to watch Sangatsu no Lion annually, because in my worst moments it helps me not forget what is important to me.
Now I don't watch as much anime as I did that year. My universe has expanded, and neither my time nor my priorities allow it. Sometimes I remember that time with nostalgia, and I feel sorry for not watching anime like I used to. As if it was a version of me that I left behind and will not come back. However, I think I can end this post with that quote from Dr. Seuss: “Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.”
  Raimundo Gumucio
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The Arctic Wolf - Spiderverse AU
“Very well, let’s do this a final time. My name is Arkyn Baldr. I consumed an alien arctic wolf spider, and for the last four years, I’ve been Vinland’s one and only Arctic Wolf.”
“I’m pretty sure you know the rest.”
“I saved a great many people. I lost my uncle Bjorn. I fell in love, and I saved my homeland. I couldn’t save Freja. I had my revenge, and I nearly went too far. I buried my friends. But I got back up. I defended the peace, and I defended the innocent.”
“In my universe, it is the year 1012, and I am the right hand of my clan’s chief Law-Speaker. When I am not assisting Law-Speaker Jorukk, I like to learn from the nearby natives and dance. And, when duty calls, I join my brothers and sisters as a vikingr.”
“I was fighting the Verdant Dwarf when something strange happened. Being host to The Observer, such strangeness is not uncommon. But this was... stranger than normal. A myriad-colored hole opened within the air, and out from it came an iron monster painted the color of blood. My cryoskeleton was only barely able to sustain the blows, and chances of victory were looking grim until another stranger emerged from the scintillating hole.”
“A man in black and red, a man with spikes protruded from his arms in a way not too dissimilar to my own. We fought side by side. He introduced himself as Spider-Man and asked me to join his clan. I accepted, and I have been working to help stabilize this “multiverse” ever since.”
“Why Arctic Wolf, you ask? The source of my powers was an alien, mutated arctic wolf spider the size of a grown man. I... hate spiders. They disgust me, and their appearance is nothing short of repulsive. I don’t want to be called a spider-person because it makes me think of those ugly things. I’d much rather be called a wolf.”
- Clairvoyance: Instead of the typical spider-sense with buzzing in the base of the skull, Arkyn has bonded with the mind of an alien monster who calls itself “The Observer.” The Observer does not see things in the way that mortals do, and to protect the host of its eyes, it forewarns Arkyn of incoming danger with psychic impulses. He feels these in the form of a chill running down his spine. - Spider-Climb: Arkyn can stick to surfaces, allowing him to walk on walls or hang from ceilings. He did not have much use for this in Vinland, though it was occasionally helpful for fighting in forests. - Arm-Fangs: Arkyn has retractable spikes that can emerge from the ulna bones in his forearms. These spikes curve slightly inwards, starting from just under the elbow and extending about a foot past his wrist. - Cold Resistance: Arkyn possesses incredible resistance to the cold, the full extent of which has not been tested. Thusfar, he has comfortably withstood up to -25 degrees Fahrenheit for a period of 12 hours straight with minimal protection. - Cryoskeleton: Arkyn can secrete an fluid from his pores that rapidly freezes into a dense chitin. The chitin forms with a web-like pattern, serving as a protective exoskeleton capable of absorbing great impacts and deflecting blades. This exoskeleton is harder the colder it is, and being exposed to high levels of heat can weaken its defensive capabilities. - Heatsink:  Arkyn is able to forcefully absorb heat up to a certain point. This can allow him to do things such as freeze sections of water by taking all of the heat out of them, or to grab an enemy and draw the heat from their body, causing great pain and possibly causing them to fall into shock, depending on the severity. The heat he absorbs can be converted into energy, but he can only store up to a certain capacity before he can no longer absorb heat. - Enhanced Eyesight: The Observer that Arkyn ate enhanced his vision to allow him to see from great distances, as well as being able to see clearly in darkness. - Superhuman Physique: Arkyn posesses vastly increased strength, as well as truly superhuman speed. His bursts of speed can reach up to 300 mph, though he cannot sustain this speed for long distance. This comes from the wolf-spider’s nature as a true ambush predator, not the conventional web-spinning spiders. Arkyn has neither natural web nor web-shooters. - Healing Factor: Arkyn heals slightly faster than normal, recovering from wounds in roughly a third of the time a normal human would need. However, this healing factor becomes less effective the hotter the temperature is. If the temperature is 90 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, his healing factor is rendered entirely inert. Possibly related to this healing factor, Arkyn has not aged a single day since he ate The Observer.
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rini-mochi · 2 years
Chapter 8
Page 22
Another day of nothing exciting happening. We had inventory prep so that was something a bit different than normal. Vinland saga is upsetting with all the killings they do 😢
Bubbles texted that she might not come in tomorrow cause her throat is messed up like it’s swollen and she can’t swallow. I hope she’s ok. At the same time I’m like I don’t want to be stuck with boy wonder all day by myself. So I’m debating calling off tomorrow. I know it’s a bad thing to do, but I’m so tired of the stress this one stupid person puts on me. I liked it better when I worked by myself than with him because at least I knew I was getting everything done. I don’t like babysitting and asking someone to do their work when they should know better.
A part of me cares and is like just go in, do your best. Don’t worry about other people. Then another part of me is like who cares, you’d be replaced in a second anyway you’re a speck of dust to this company and they’ll figure it out without you. It’s just tiring anymore. Always worrying about what other people are doing and thinking, maybe I just care too much about that. I honestly wish I didn’t and just told everyone how I really feel…. But I just care too much. I don’t want everyone disliking me.
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cosmicjoke · 1 year
Alright, now that I’ve spewed some negative crap about “Vinland Saga”, I want to talk about one of the many positives of this story, because I don’t want anyone to get the impression that I don’t think this is an incredible work of art.  And that’s Thorfinn’s character arc and development. 
I know there’s some controversy surrounding Thorfinn’s relationship with Hild, and Hild as a character, though I don’t know much, since I’ve only seen some of this stuff in passing.  And I get it.  Hild was, for a long time, a pretty grating presence, always threatening Thorfinn and telling him that she’ll kill him if he ever takes anyone else’ life (which is a bit hypocritical of her, given that she’s saying she’ll kill him).  Hild’s disdain and distrust of Thorfinn is also understandable though, given what he did to her father, and how cold he seemed to be about it.  I always thought, though, that the most important moment in that flashback was that Thorfinn tells Hild to run away and then looks back with clear hesitation and regret when Askeladd’s band starts to go after her.  I think it’s such an important moment, because it exposes Thorfinn’s seemingly apathetic and uncaring attitude toward Hild to be false, and reminds the reader that Thorfinn isn’t an inherently cruel or violent person, but has only been thrown into a situation where he has to pretend to be in order to survive himself.  Hild’s later journeying with Thorfinn eventually reveals this truth to her.  She labors under the impression for several years that Thorfinn is some unfeeling monster, and is just waiting for him to reveal his true colors to her, fully expecting him to slip up and become an animal who kills without remorse or care.  I understand this is where some of the controversy with her character comes from, that Hild, for a long time, basically reinforced Thorfinn’s negative beliefs and feelings about himself by constantly badgering him and threatening him and telling him that he’s a piece of shit.  And I agree, Hild really was a negative and toxic person for Thorfinn to be around for a long time.  But Thorfinn never does become the unfeeling killer that Hild expects him to be, and Hild eventually comes to realize that the Thorfinn she encountered that day in the woods with her father wasn’t who Thorfinn ever, really was, and with that realization, she’s able to forgive him, which leads to one of the most moving moments in the story, with Thorfinn dropping to his knees before her, crying while she places her hand on his head. 
It was Thorfinn’s circumstances which lead him down the path of violence, not his nature.  So I think Thorfinn’s relationship with Hild is really important in demonstrating this aspect of his character, that Thorfinn was never some heartless killing machine, and that in fact, the life of a warrior was always antithetical to who Thorfinn actually was.  Thorfinn’s refusal, for example, to participate in any of the rapes that Askeladd’s band regularly engages in, demonstrates how out of place he was living that life.  He never fit in.  He was always alone, always an outsider, always a tag along who didn’t relish in or enjoy battle or the ill got fruits of it.  There’s that famous moment where Thorfinn barely survives his encounter with Thorkill and asks himself through gritted teeth as he walks alongside Askeladd’s group “What’s so great about war?”.  He was there out of forced circumstance.  A desire to avenge and honor his father, who died protecting him.  Thorfinn never assimilated to or grew to love the life of a warrior.  He always hated it, and he suffered immensely for it, both mentally and physically.  He wasn’t built for it, either physically or mentally either. 
We even see, early on in Vinland Saga, that Thorfinn, as a child, was always one of the first children to be “killed” in battle while playing with the other kids back in his home of Iceland.  He wasn’t some naturally good or talented fighter.  Thorfinn is also exceptionally small, and upon seeing him, most people just assume he’s a weakling, unable to fight or defend himself.  Einar and other characters even remark more than once about how nobody would ever believe, just to look at him, that Thorfinn was a warrior.  Of course, Thorfinn’s a total badass, in reality, but he was forced into becoming a badass just to survive the harsh circumstances of his upbringing, in which nobody was going to look out for him but himself.  Snake realizes this as he fights Thorfinn, thinking how he must have been surrounded by monsters to develop into such a good fighter, and how nothing good has ever happened to him in his life. 
We see how Thorfinn’s very expression and appearance changes after the Prologue, and how that’s representative of his true personality being allowed to come out.  No longer living in a life or death situation, a situation of kill or be killed, Thorfinn’s face becomes much more open and innocent looking.  Vulnerable and kind.  This is a marked change from the scowling and dismissive mask he wore while living with Askeladd’s band.  And I say mask, again, because that was never who Thorfinn actually was.  Something which Hild comes to realize over the course of many years with him.  I think Hild’s scene with Thorfinn, where she at last forgives him, and the emotion of that scene, is Hild also recognizing the tragedy of Thorfinn’s life.  Rather than simply dwelling on her own loss in her father, she realizes and acknowledges what Thorfinn has lost.  That being his entire childhood.  He was on a battle field since the age of six, which is a horrific tragedy, and out of necessity for his own survival, had to forge himself into a vicious killer, leaving him with a literal lifetime of crippling guilt and remorse.  Hild’s forgiveness brings Thorfinn to tears, because he probably believed that he would never, actually be able to earn real forgiveness from her, or any of the people who’s lives he negatively impacted through his life as a warrior, because Thorfinn himself, to this day, struggles with believing he even deserves forgiveness.  He struggles so obviously with any sense of self-worth, and that of course is another tragic consequence of the life he’s lived.  Thorfinn thinks he’s a bad person, but he’s not, and, despite the life he was living, he never was.  He was always who he is now, a kind, caring and compassionate person.  He just wasn’t allowed the chance to be who he really was because, to be that, would have meant his death. 
I think the second to last chapter of Vinland Saga, in which Hild stops herself from killing Ivar because Thorfinn suddenly appears and stands in front of him, also really demonstrates further how Hild has come to recognize the goodness in him.  She refuses to take the shot on Ivar out of fear of killing or hurting Thorfinn, which speaks volumes about how her view on him has changed.  She foregoes her own need kill Ivar in order to prevent war from breaking out between their people and the Lnu, out of respect for Thorfinn and his life. 
It’ll be interesting to see how Hild’s relationship with Thorfinn develops from here on.  If she ends up killing the Lnu shaman, that might further open Hild’s eyes as to how circumstances can lead one down a path of violence without necessarily defining who a person is.  Hild is very sure of herself when she first encounters Thorfinn again, but through spending the years that she has with him, she’s begun to realize that she was very wrong about a lot of things.  I myself have never really liked Hild much, even as I understood why she hated Thorfinn as much as she did, just because of that sort of smug, self-assured and threatening presence she always had.  But I also understand why her relationship with Thorfinn is important, and particularly, why it’s important to Thorfinn being able to accept that he himself doesn’t deserve to suffer or be punished.  Other’s forgiveness of him will help him to forgive himself and believe that the happiness he’s since found with Gurdrid and his friendship with Einar is something he has a right to.  Thorfinn can’t go on living just to atone for his sins, or he’ll never be a whole person.  As Hild has come to recognize that Thorfinn isn’t a bad person, but in fact a very good person, hopefully Thorfinn can recognize that about himself, someday.
Though given the problems which are starting to present themselves in this current arc, and, assuming the story remains historically accurate, Thorfinn’s dream of a world free of war and slavery seems farther away than ever.  If it fails, as it inevitably has to, I hope Thorfinn is able to not blame himself for its failure. 
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s5anyu · 3 years
he is a terrible man. and yet amongst men, he is the most beautiful of characters.
Character Analysis for Askeladd of Vinland saga
On the surface, Askeladd is nothing more than a self-serving man. He is cunning, charming, and intelligent, qualities that no matter the disdain people have for his abrasive personality, have earned him respect amongst the Vikings, and beyond. Floki respects his intelligence enough to approach him to request the killing of a man who is regarded to be the strongest amongst all warriors. This being his first appearance is a solid testament to his ability to overcome any predicament – the basis of his development as a character throughout the Vinland Saga prologue. His men trust in all of his decisions, no matter how rash. They believe him to be as lucky as he is intelligent. His intelligence, wisdom and kindness complements the air of arrogance with which he carries himself. When hosted by his uncle Gorm, he laughs at him, before imparting wisdom on a young man who tells him that he would sooner die than live without pride. He says:
“Look. It’s terrible. The guy who’s a slave to money holds a whip and pretends to be the master of the slave he bought with his money. He just doesn’t realise it himself. Everyone is a slave to something.”
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Such a sense of wisdom places Askeladd as a tool for Yukimura to present and explore the status of elders in Norse society. As an elder to Thorfinn, he guides him through different trials and encourages him to push his limits as a warrior, and become a better combatant. Regardless of whether or not life at war is the best option for Thorfinn, Askeladd always believes in him and his ability, and though he never expresses verbally his concern for Thorfinn’s wellbeing, he always shows an interest in Thorfinn’s safety and is always waiting for his return where the rest of his band do not care. To the other Vikings, Thorfinn is just another one of their men. Bjorn says of Thorfinn, “You trusted in his [Thorfinn’s] luck too much this time. It doesn’t matter. I didn’t lose anything.” This statement also reflects the stark individualism displayed by Vikings – although they may work together in bands of warriors or mercenaries or otherwise, they do so to serve their own interests – honour, valour, wealth, among many things. But to Askeladd, he is someone important - someone he cares for. When one considers the question of whether life at war is the best for Thorfinn the answer to this question evidences Askeladd’s selfishness. Despite knowing that life as a warrior is not the best for Thorfinn, he still uses him as a tool to further his own goals. In his own words, “It’s just easy to make use of an idiot who is not afraid of anything.”
There are, however, multiple occasions on which Askeladd appears to be straying from the typical Viking individualism of the era. The first example of this, is his kindness towards Thorfinn, as introduced in the previous paragraph. Amongst Vikings, such ideas of care and brotherhood are ultimately trumped by ideas of valour in battle and honour in death. One would not be greatly concerned with the death of one’s companions as long as they are assured that the departed are well on their way to the esteemed Valhalla – however the concern that Askeladd shows towards Thorfinn is evidence of his holding of attitudes that were unconventional for his time. This ties into the subtle revelation towards the end of the prologue that Askeladd does not believe that life at war is honourable, and does not hold the Viking people in esteem because of this; going so far as to disdain his own Norse heritage in favour of his Welsh heritage. His final actions and his final words reflect his sentiment from episode 10, Ragnarok, in which he declares:
"This is the age of twilight, Bjorn. Let’s go out with a bang."
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In his final moments, he kills King Sweyn to protect both his motherland of Wales and the young Prince Canute. In this, he sacrifices himself to protect what is dear to him – and to protect King Canute who he grows to respect as a man with potential to be great in their short period of companionship. This is him leaving his mark on the age of twilight; this is him going out with a bang. He tells Thorfinn:
“In the future, after I die, how do you plan to live your life, Thorfinn? You haven’t thought about it, right? Move forward already. Don’t stay stuck in a boring place like this forever. Go far ahead, go beyond the world where Thors went. You’re Thors’ son. Go. That’s your real fight. Become a true warrior son of Thors.”
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These last words reflect multiple things that are introduced at the beginning of the prologue and explored throughout it, the first being Askeladd’s feelings towards Thors. At the beginning of the prologue, Askeladd shows great respect to Thors throughout the duration of their battle. He outwardly expresses an appreciation for his strength, saying that he “could lead a whole army”. This statement shows that Thors is a man who is both physically strong and strong in character, and that Askeladd recognises this. He then asks of him, “why don’t you become our leader?” which shocks his men – as mentioned before they trust in him absolutely and are already surprised to see a man who can best him in hand-to-hand combat. However, none of them express dissent to this; whether this is out of shock or acceptance is open to interpretation. When he backtracks on this statement and says he’s only joking, one of the young men from the village try to attack Askeladd, to which he responds
“Damn kid. You should start valuing your life. You should be grateful to Thors. He was a man who was worth more than a hundred bratty kids like you.”
Askeladd greatly respects Thors and despite his decision, holds him in high esteem. The first part of this statement also reflects on his belief in – or at the very least respect for – Thors and his philosophy. He calls him a man of great value and he scolds the young man who he perceives as disrespecting the sacrifice that Thors made to keep him alive. “Don’t stay in a boring place like this” refers generally to the life of a warrior as opposed to their physical location of the king’s court. As detailed briefly above, Askeladd disdains the life of a warrior, and disdains the Vikings for it. Therefore, when he reminds Thorfinn “You’re Thors’ son”, he believes that Thorfinn Karlsefni has the potential to be as great as his father, if not more so. He believes that he can grow to become something greater than a warrior.
The second idea that this quote reflects is that of Askeladd’s care and concern for Thorfinn. He asks, “You haven’t thought about it, right?”. Askeladd has thought about how Thorfinn has been mentally since the passing of his father. Thorfinn has a stark hatred of battle and engages in it purely because of the hatred he has for Askeladd, and the proximity it gives him to his goal of killing him. Askeladd is aware of this. In his last moments, he could have been unkind and goading towards Thorfinn as he had been in the past – but instead he pushes him to seek something better. He knows that Thorfinn has been suffering emotionally and hasn’t known happiness from the day they met. Askeladd doesn’t appear as a man who wants to seek redemption – he wants Thorfinn to find happiness now that he has nowhere to direct the anger that has been his only motivator for the greater part of his childhood. From this, one could argue that Askeladd’s selfishness trumped his desire for Thorfinn to be happy. However, very early on in the prologue, Askeladd hints at his acceptance of defeat at Thorfinn’s hand.
"You’ve grown a lot. Well, time is on your side. You’re going to grow, and I’m going to get old. Someday, I’m going to lose to you. It’s only natural. Even the strongest dies someday."
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Askeladd doesn’t attempt to dissuade Thorfinn from his desire for vengeance. Rather he tries to guide him towards the idea that vengeance is empty, and that any defeat he faces at Thorfinn’s hand is meaningless in the face of the natural order of the world. He knows that it is pointless to try and calm the resentment that Thorfinn harbours towards him; he knows the gravity of his sin and can’t tell Thorfinn not to hate him for it. From this, we can begin to explore the idea that Askeladd is similar to Thorfinn and sees himself in the younger man. Askeladd is just as full of hatred as Thorfinn is – as much as he is to a father figure to Thorfinn as a man, as a character, he serves as both a parallel and a foil to Thorfinn.
Askeladd is just as full of hatred as Thorfinn. His mother, Lydia, was taken from her homeland of Wales as a concubine to Olaf, and when she grew sick, she was of no value to him. She and her son were discarded and Askeladd grew to despise his father, and by extension his people. Askeladd, like Thorfinn, learned from the man he hated the most and sought revenge against him. Askeladd was successful in killing his father but his disdain for the Viking way of life and his bloodline led him to harbour resentment even into his old age. He is therefore a parallel to Thorfinn in that they both resent battle and war but tolerate it as a means to satisfying their own end. Askeladd, however, has seen and experienced first-hand the effects of Viking conquest on the innocent. Thorfinn has only seen it from the eyes of the oppressor.
Despite this, both continue to kill.
Askeladd’s ability to relate to Thorfinn’s anger is what makes him such a good father figure to him. He knows what it means to be so consumed by anger that you see nothing else, that you live for nothing else – to endure something you despise for the sake of vengeance. He knows that Thorfinn is miserable, and hurting, and lonely, because he is too. Such a sense of relatability is what puts him in a position to understand and take care of Thorfinn. It is because he understands how Thorfinn feels that he does not attempt to dissuade him from following him around in the hopes of killing him. He knows that Thorfinn cannot let go of the anger he has until he sees the recipient of that anger gone, because he too suffers from the same affliction. Therefore, it is not selfishness that drives Askeladd to keep Thorfinn around in his suffering – it is resignation; the same resignation he displays when he says that he will someday lose to Thorfinn.
Askeladd proves himself throughout his life to be ahead of his time. He is wise, caring, and understanding; but he is also cold, cunning, and ruthless. Man is not absolute, and Askeladd is no exception. But from those of his time, he is far above men – even with each and every of his nuances and flaws. he comes close to attaining the status of a true warrior as Thors was – and maybe if he had had more time, he could’ve seen his mother’s dream come true. The world is never that simple.
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word from the writer:
When Askeladd was first introduced to me, he appeared to me as a terrible man. His intelligence and his strength is terrifying. A man who can kill for his own gain, without remorse. Such a terrible man. But amongst men he is the most beautiful of characters.
When I was writing this I wanted it to be a prelude to my upcoming essay on his relationship with Thorfinn. To some degree I’ve covered that here, so the next piece will most likely be on how Thorfinn views him and I would also like to talk about his relationship with prince Canute. Askeladd, despite not seeming like it, is a very fatherly man and I love looking at how he interacts with the other members of the cast. I hope you enjoyed this, and I’d love to hear what you guys have to say about this. my asks are always open.
Please look forward to the next piece in my Vinland Saga series.
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tastybluesprite · 2 years
Even the tough are ticklish
So I got into Vinland saga and realized that we need lee!thorfinn. Hope you guys enjoy lol.
Warning: some cursing, tickling
Summery: Askeladd realizes that Thorfinn doesn’t laugh or have fun like the rest of his warriors.
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Askeladds warriors set up camp upon deciding to rest for the night. It was a long journey ahead so it seemed to be the smartest thing. After setting up places to sleep the warriors settled around the fire as they made loud and boisterous conversation with one another.
“Askeladd where’s the kid?” One of the warriors asked, not much out of concern, but more out of curiosity. “Probably brooding somewhere right?” He replied with a hearty laugh. The Vikings around them busted into laughter upon hearing this. “Though I probably should check on him” Askeladd said finally, getting up from his spot on the seat they made out of extra tree logs. “I dare say he’s quite the strong fighter. We’ll need him for our dirty work!” The warriors all laughed again.
From afar Thorfinn heard the laughter. He couldn’t believe them. How could they laugh and be cheerful after killing so many people? Though he wasn’t exactly much to talk seeing that he killed just as many, if not more people. But at least he wasn’t moving on with his life. At least he wasn’t happy about it. At least he didn’t find it funny to take the life of another human being…
“Hey Thorfinn!” He was shaken from his thoughts when someone called from behind him. Instinctively reaching for his daggers, he put his guard up. “Relax” the voice said laughing as the person came into view. “Askeladd” Thorfinn said, lowering his weapons but not yet putting them away. “Don’t worry I merely came to see what you were doing” he said. “What I do is none of your concern” Thorfinn snarled. Askeladd disregarded this and sat down against a tree Thorfinn had been sitting near. “You know, you should smile and laugh like everyone else” Askeladd said eventually. “No, unlike you and your men I don’t take pleasure in killing.” Akeladd shook his head. “That seriously can’t be the only reason to smile. You should live a little! Laugh! Enjoy life!”
Thorfinn clenched his still unsheathed daggers. “Oh put those away no one’s going to hurt you” Askeladd scoffed. Thorfinn reluctantly obliged. “How do you suggest I smile and be more happy.” Thorfinn said “you had me kidnapped, killed my father, and then roped me into this genocide spree, and now you say you want me to smile.”
Askeladd didn’t say anything for a moment. “I see what you mean.” Askeladd couldn’t exactly argue with that logic. Someone in his position laughing and smiling would make them a psychopath. Then Askeladd remembered something. He was sixteen years old. He was still a child. He knew great ways to make a child laugh.
“Hey Thorfinn, are you ticklish?” Askeladd said. Thorfinn half flinched at this rather odd question. “W-what?” Thorfinn asked uncertainly. Suddenly Askeladd poked his side and Thorfinn recoiled reflexively, pulling his arms against his side, attempting to protect himself. “Ah so you are” Askeladd said with a growing smirk. “You’d better hope no enemy’s find out or else you’d lose in a second.”
“Cut it out I’m no such thing could you please leave me alone” Thorfinn said, anger slowly rising in his voice. Was he toying with him?
Askeladd ignored this and quickly lunged at the boy with all his strength. In seconds Thorfinn was pinned. Askeladd having sat on his waist, his arms held tightly above his head. Thorfinn writhed around wildly in attempt to get alway, but it was futile. He tried for his daggers but the had somehow been disarmed from him already.
“Askeladd get the hell off of me!” Thorfinn exclaimed with rage. Askeladd ignored him and began scribbling his fingers against his side. “WHahahait nohohoho stohohohop dahahamihihit”Thorfinn bursted into giggles that haven’t been heard from him in a long time. “Aw listen to that laugh… You have such a nice smile Thorfinn, looks nice on you.”
Thorfinn went completely red from the teasing. He couldn’t believe this was happening. How could he let it happen. But he couldn’t defend himself now, the tickling had weakened him. “Wow your quite sensitive aren’t you? Bet your father tickled you a lot when he was alive.”
“Shuhuhut the hehehell uhuh- AHAHAHA FUHUHUCK NOHOHOT THEHEHERE AHAHAHA” Askeladd decided to go for the kill and upon letting his arms go, slipping both hands into his armpits.
Thorfinn was hysterical. This was utterly humiliating being bested and rendered helpless by such a childish method.
Askeladd took pity and finally let him go. “It’s a wonder how someone as tough and as strong as you are would be incredibly sensitive.”
Thorfinn didn’t say anything. He was flustered as hell now, his face red from laughter and embarrassment, trying to catch his breath.
“Hey” Askeladd poked his side once more “don’t you dare ignore me.” Thorfinn squeaked and finally muttered “stop that.”
Askeladd chuckled and smirked again “Well at least now I have a way to keep you under control.” Thorfinns face turned a deeper shade of red. “Shut up” he grumbled. He then headed to another part of the forest by himself so to avoid Askeladd attacking again. He hoped Askeladd would forget about this, but he wasn’t certain that would happen. Man he couldn’t wait till he finally got to kill him.
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skaldish · 3 years
I have a question that I have wondered about for a few years. I hope it's not too weird 😊
In Denmark, where I live, I've come across some Ásatrú people that seem to have gotten this weird fascist/militaristic idea that monotheists don't belong in Denmark. Because their faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) were developed in the Arabic world. So all the believers of those faiths should be sent "home". They say that these faiths have ruined Scandinavia and continues to do so, that the only true faith in Scandinavia is Ásatrú.
Is this just some weird Danish thing? Or do you have some degree of this in America as well? Have you heard about it in a Scandinavian context before?
I must say for years I thought it was a joke but it actually seems to be a serious thing among certain ppl.
I've not seen that argument over here, but I guess it's because our relationship with our country is very different. America is not Heathenry's "homeland." Our forebears colonized it and stole it from its original people, annihilating their cultures and shackling the nation under a British model. To say "Christianity is ruining America" would side with the oppression of Indigenous Americans, and if there's anything Folkish Heathens don't do, it's show solidarity for anyone who isn't White.
Folkish Heathens in America have a lot of "enemies" they blame: The political left. Immigrants. BIPOC. LGBTQ+. Cultural Marxism. Christians. Jews. Muslims. Etc. etc. But many enemies mean many fingers pointed in many different directions. The only thing they all agree on basically boils down to, "this is the pre-Christian heritage of White people. All we want to do is get back to our roots without interference." This is the argument you will most likely see them make to non-Folkish people.
Now, some Folkish American Heathens do want to create a White ethno-nation here that they've dubbed "Vinland," but this is a very fringe stance even amongst Folkish Heathens. (That, or they just talk about it amongst themselves.)
To comment on Denmark: I'm not surprised this is the argument that crops up there. It's very much in the flavor of the original Germanic Volkisch movement, which blamed other people for the destruction of the pre-Christian German identity and advocated for Germany to "return" to a white ethno-nation in the process. We know exactly what happened as a result of that.
I'm curious to learn whether or not this argument is in any way connected to Forn Sidr Denmark—orgs here in America have a lot of influence, and last I heard, Forn Sidr Denmark has been badly influenced by the ideas of Folkish American Heathens.
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