#and I need to draw abel
sovhina · 8 months
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Her names Chrissy she’s a menace.
AnYWAY Working out some art block, here’s something gay for the IF @infamous-if that’s been in my wips for far too long.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 11 months
Malice (Dad Squad)
Fair warning, this does have TotK content but none of it is spoilers. It's all literally stuff from the trailer. But anyway, I had fun writing it. :)
The lurch was absolutely nauseating.
Rusl shivered on his hands and knees, dizzy and disoriented and so unbelievably ill. He'd never been pulled in so many directions at once at such an unimaginable speed. He could barely make out his surroundings, having been torn from the jungle where they'd been wandering.
Taking steadying breaths, Rusl kept his eyes squeezed shut to reorient and not throw up. He remained stiff, not daring to move until the wave of nausea had passed. As his mind slowly stopped spinning,
The grass beneath him was damp, littered with little stones, which was the first thing he noticed. The stones felt... unnaturally shaped. Running a finger along it, he felt the curved edges, the too straight lines framing it.
Cobblestone. Cobblestone with grass growing through it, so withered and worn it was barely there anymore.
More ruins?
Exhaling, Rusl slowly opened his eyes. It was a dismally dark day, wherever they were. Storm clouds brooded overhead, he could tell by the lighting and the damp. Beside him, Abel was laying on the ground staring up at the sky, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. The Fierce Deity was crouched just a pace away from the pair, apparently reorienting faster.
Rusl wasn't surprised.
The Ordonian leaned back on his knees and feet, a trembling hand reaching for Abel's shoulder. "Are you alright?"
"Headache," Abel muttered before sitting up. "I'll be fine. But..."
The Fierce Deity rose to his full height, helping Rusl to his feet. The blacksmith stumbled a little, dizzy at the speed at which the deity lifted him up.
Rusl's companion opened his eyes, glancing around before gasping. "This is--this is just outside of Castle Town! How did--did that item bring us here?"
This was Castle Town?
Rusl looked around again, horrified to see the ruined remains of what should have been a sprawling city. He'd seen pieces of ruins, leftover outposts, a destroyed wagon here and there, but nothing of this magnitude.
Spirits above. He swallowed, suddenly thankful that the Twili invasion hadn't reached this level of destruction.
"But how did we--?" Abel cut himself off abruptly, and Rusl was about to ask what was wrong when he noticed it too.
What was that aura? Why was there ominous mist emitting from all around them, oozing out of the ground like steam from a boiling lake?
The Fierce Deity hissed, collapsing to the ground, a hand clutched to his face.
"Fierce...?" both men made their way to him, hands hovering over him uncertainly.
The deity was trembling, in obvious pain with his sharp teeth bared and eyes glaring into the earth. His hand on his face slid up to his hair, fingers curling around it in a desperate attempt to alleviate whatever was wrong.
"What's wrong?" Abel asked.
Fierce curled in farther, shriveling from their attempts to touch him. "It's the mask."
"What mask?" Rusl questioned.
As the Ordonian tried to figure out what in the blazes was happening, Abel's eyes roamed forward towards the city, and beyond it, to the castle.
"This mist..." he muttered. "It's the same as..."
Rusl looked between Abel and the Fierce Deity, wondering what in the world was happening and how they could fix this. "We need to get him out of here."
"Kill him." Fierce suddenly snarled, pulling away when Rusl tried to reach for his shoulder. "I'll be fine. Get him."
"Who? Who are you talking about?" Rusl asked, growing far more nervous than he cared to feel. He was usually fairly adaptable and had seen so many things that had little explanation in his life, but seeing a war god writhing in pain was beyond unsettling, particularly since he was his friend.
Abel rose, eyes dark. "It can't be..."
Rusl was clearly missing something, a connection that both of his companions had made. Nevertheless, the priority was to help the Fierce Deity, not worry about whoever they were talking about.
Abel clearly didn't seem to understand that, gripping his sword with enough ferocity to make his knuckles white. He marched ahead.
"Abel, what are you doing?" Rusl called. "We have to get Fierce out of here!"
When he got no response from the world weary traveler, he looked back at the deity, who insisted through gritted teeth, "Go with him. I'll be fine."
He looked distinctly not fine, but watching Abel walk into a heavier dark mist made Rusl equally unsettled. The Ordonian sighed. "Get away from here. Find somewhere safe to lay low. I can help you--"
"No," Fierce hissed. "I do not require help. Abel does."
"I will retreat as instructed," the deity acquiesced shakily. "But help him."
Abel had almost vanished into the darkness. Rusl bit his tongue, standing stiffly, filled with dread and annoyance. "Fine."
Drawing his blade, he hurried after the former knight, feeling cold dread sink into his bones the closer to the castle he got.
Abel's world was a desolate place, filled with mausoleums for villages, but this place had to be the pinnacle of it all. Rusl didn't want to get any closer. Had those guardian creatures really caused such destruction?
Despite his misgivings, the Ordonian did manage to catch up to Abel, who was slowly descending a stairway into the damp depths beneath the castle.
"I don't understand," Abel said softly as Rusl approached. "There are no guardians here. There's... no sign of anything."
"I'd say this mist is a pretty clear sign," Rusl pointed out, grabbing Abel by the wrist. "As is our friend's ailment. We should go back to him. There's something wrong about this place."
Abel pulled out of Rusl's grip sharply. "I know. It..."
The two men stared at the dark abyss below. Abel's face glowed with equal parts determination and dread. He was just as scared as Rusl, but rather than listening to his gut instinct, he ventured forward.
Rusl sighed. This man was beginning to remind him of Link.
Rusl had been to many a place that gave unnerving auras, but that had always been milder sensations. A feeling of being watched, an innate sense of danger to the area that would linger near dungeons. This... this was something entirely different.
This, for lack of a better word, felt demonic.
Pulling out a lantern, Rusl lit the wick and glanced at his companion. "If you're insistent, we should at least have a means of seeing where we're going."
Abel nodded in thanks before continuing. Rusl sighed and followed him down the stairs.
The farther they went, the sicker Rusl felt. He broke into a cold sweat, shivers racking his body. He'd never had such a visceral reaction to anything - even the Twili barriers that infected his world, despite their wrongness, hadn't made him physically ill. They'd felt more like the sensation of being in the dark, an overbearing heaviness and fear of the unknown, whereas this felt like a violation of body, mind, and soul.
He honestly didn't know how Abel wasn't at least reacting to it. Even the Fierce Deity had been affected. It had crippled him.
Spirits. It had crippled a war god. What were they doing down here?!
"Abel," Rusl tried again. "We should go back."
"What happened to your cheer for exploration?" Abel asked in a monotone, not really asking so much as distractedly challenging. He was far more focused on what was ahead than his companion behind him.
"I have a sense of self preservation," Rusl replied. "We don't know what we're walking into."
"It's like the Calamity," Abel muttered, more to himself than to Rusl. "But it's... I don't understand."
"The Calamity?" Rusl repeated. "The destruction of your land?"
"The Calamity isn't just an event, it's a monster," Abel explained, walking ahead despite his ominous words.
"So... we're walking towards the monster that destroyed the entirety of Hyrule," Rusl supposed with a raised eyebrow, continuing to follow his friend.
Abel huffed, stepping hesitantly as they seemed to reach the bottom of the stairway. "I don't hear any guardians yet."
"Those aren't the Calamity?"
"No. The Calamity used the guardians."
Rusl looked around warily, lantern raised. "So we're potentially looking for a beast that is stronger than guardians. And a single guardian can annihilate both of us."
Abel's shoulders stiffened, and he shook his head. "Dammit, Rusl, I don't know. This... this mist surrounded the capital on the eve of the Calamity. But... then the Calamity happened. Nothing is happening here, except that our companion is falling ill because of it."
"We should be trying to help him," Rusl reasoned.
Abel turned sharply. "This is me helping. He... he said..."
"He said kill him," Rusl repeated, a little disturbed at the words.
Abel grew very still and silent.
"Do you really think we can defeat something that is incapacitating a war god?" Rusl asked solemnly, trying to get through to the knight. "I had an entire resistance to assist me in my journey to save Hyrule, and inevitably it was Link who did the most work."
"Yes. Link. A child." Abel hissed. "We left the fate of our nation in the hands of children and expected them to--"
There was the sound of a foot scuffing on a rock and both men immediately froze. It came from somewhere ahead, vague and distant and bouncing in the chilly air, steadily making its path to them. It moved rhythmically, steps on stone, growing ever quieter.
Someone else was down here.
Someone else was down here and they were walking further into the abyss.
Abel stepped forward, sword at the ready. Rusl followed, armed and on edge.
Who else was down here? Had they heard the two men arguing? Was it just Rusl, or was the mist getting thicker?
The pair walked through some unusual corridors, and though Rusl's lamplight wasn't the best, he could make out odd shapes and figures in the stone. Abel glanced at it in passing, noting it and moving ahead. Neither man spoke at this point, ears peeled for any indication that they had caught up to whoever else was down here.
For such a foreboding place, there was certainly a strange lack of monsters. Rusl didn't know if he should find that reassuring or not.
Finally, the two men descended further and emerged into a large underground cavern of sorts. A strange light shone ahead, dulling Rusl's lamplight to that of a mere stub of a candle. The pair paused, uncertain and leery. Rusl's eyes settled on a strange swirling pattern of light that emitted from a... severed arm? The arm was perched on a half rotted corpse, almost as if it were pushing the corpse to the ground.
As if this place couldn't get any creepier.
Notably, though, Rusl's eyes caught movement. Up by the mummified body were two other figures, their voices lost in the echoes of the large space. All he could make out was that one was a female and one was a male. The male had a sword with an uncomfortably familiar shape to its hilt.
Rusl squinted in the darkness. It was hard to tell from here, but something about the swordsman's blade... he tried to focus more on it but couldn't, not at that distance with the dim light. The Ordonian turned to his companion and saw Abel transfixed at the sight.
"Is... this the Calamity?" he whispered. Was the foe already defeated? Was it trying to recuperate its strength? Who were the two in front of it?
Abel didn't answer. Voices grew louder, a strange sound emitted from ahead of them, and Rusl jumped, turning to look at the scene ahead of him to find that the corpse was moving.
There was a flash of light and the entire room shook. Rusl grabbed on to Abel's arm, pushing both of them against the wall to brace themselves as the entire place seemed to crumble in a flash of red, hellish light.
Abel dove forward, and Rusl yelped, pulling him back and trying to fight his vicious energy.
Abel was frantic; he didn't even seem to notice Rusl was there anymore. Instead, a scream tore out of his throat, desperate and pleading and terrified.
The ceiling collapsed, and they were sealed into darkness.
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tainted-esau · 5 months
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Misc. things I've doodled while making more au concepts
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transkang · 2 years
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only good way to kiss cuz abel’s too tall
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faaarawayyy · 3 months
Can Abel display anything on his screen or just eyes?
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i need you to know i got such intense cuteness aggression while drawing her face I literally want to explode him
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shinandlux · 7 months
1 and 7 for the hyper specific oc question thing!! (With whichever oc you pick! Also hope you're doing well!)
Haiiii <3 I wanna talk about Abel, so here we gooo
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She doesn't have much of a preference as she usually just sleeps at her desk-
But the ones that always help her fall asleep are Weighed ones, so let's go with that
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I feel that out of all my oc's she's the one least likely to make one cuz she is an anatomist and is obsessed with the human body as a concept... So she doesn't really see the need for turning into another one. She thinks being a human is and will always be the best option
But with creator™ insight, a Hyena. They always laugh, they're rowdy, seems always happy, are pack animals, and love getting bloody. So her <3
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I need to draw some happier, pure fluff ConnorxMC or Noah×MC or NoahDevonConnor stuff cuz im getting depressed over my own art lol
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 10 months
i really hear One song and something in my little evil mastermind brain decides i Must make art inspired from it for no reason at all
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shuckstruck · 1 year
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if u kno u know…
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spotaus · 3 months
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Touching on the Human au for my utmv ship-kid story Eternal Ashes again!
Pictured are some more rough designs for Abel (Shotput, a Kreme kid), Orchid (an Errormare kid), and Richy (Reset, an Afterdeath kid)!
Lore ramble for my own memory:
Abel was a good kid, set for a private college and a promising life. Right up until the death of Kane, Richy's older brother. Kane was the best guy that anyone knew, and losing that hurt a lot of people. Especially Abel, who'd been inspired by Kane's inherent need to help others. Abel didn't grieve at first, trying to keep up with his demanding life, but the struggle grew too rough. He ended up with the wrong crowd without realizing it, because they made him forget about his grief. He dropped out of school and ran away from his old life. Years later he shows back up in his home-town to tell his family that he has a stable job, is in support groups, and has a boyfriend. He's working through the grief, but still can't kick his fashion-sense or smoking habits.
Orchid was similar to Abel. Their fathers ran sister-companies, almost holding a monopoly over the industry through their familial ties. Since she was born, Orchid had been told she'd inherent the company, and grrat things were expected of her. She was a gentle girl, then as a teen she'd do almost anything to rebel against her perfect image. Issue was, her parents supported her. Up until one stupid stunt at 16 left her missing a leg and half-blind. She sobered up after that, recovery taking a long time. Eventually she learned to walk again, with aids, and started taking her father's business seriously. He never pushed it on her after her accident, but she was devoted now. She actively goes to school for business, and does sone online video-tutoriels as hobby to keep her mind sharp. (Knitting and Sewing videos are her specialty)
Richy... poor Richy was the younger brother. He was raised by a mortician and a forensic analysist. His older brother, Kane, was a for-hire detective. His family was happy and content with their lives, up until Kane got killed by complete chance. Richy took it the hardest, 14 at the time. He had boughts of depression and suicidal thoughts (and actions) that landed him in the hospital. The pain of losing who he looked up to was almost too much to bare. Then he met Orchid. She was in physical therapy at the time, and he was waiting to get picked up by his parents. She asked him why he looked so mopey, and he replied with his honest answer. Orchid told him about her injuries (She'd driven recklessly without a license. Got into an accident that crushed her leg. A sharp of glass went straight into her eye.) They talked for what felt like hours, and by the time they were done, Richy's parents were there to pick him up. He had Orchid's number. Richy kept in contact with Orchid, and unlike talking with family or his friends (Abel was worse off than him) he found himself actually grieving healthily to Orchid. Orchid said keeping in contact with someone was good for her recovery. They were close friends, and now Richy is her roommate. He's going to school for journalism, buy focuses more on his streaming than his classes.
I want to say that Orchid is 21, Richy is 19, and Abel is 20. Orchid and Abel are cousins by Blood, too. Abel and Richy were friends thanks to Kane, but Orchid and Richy clicked on their own. Richy was a depressed iPad kid and Orchid was a workaholic until they balanced eacgother.
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anxiously-awaiting · 2 years
nyway loops back to that poem that made me braindead bc on god the orkneys make me so mentally ill
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sketchy-owl · 1 year
Episode 22
~Happy Fathers day!~
Child Y/N: Daddy!!Daddy look!!*holding a drawing*
Adam:What a beautiful drawing you did Y/N.*smiles* Is that me?
Child Y/N:*smiles* Yes!!
Adam:Oh,you sure made your dad look awesome! I'm not that good looking!
Child Y/N:*puff her cheeks* Daddy is the most attractive man in the world!! When I grow up I wanna marry him!!
Adam:*chuckles* "So cute"
Adam:"Haaaa those were good times"
Eve:Y/N will be here soon with her partner please...be gentle with them.
Adam:Eve you don't have to worry. I will welcome them regardless who they are. "I cannot say they will be safe if they are a man"*dark smile*
Cain/Abel:"Is written on your face that you will kill them if they are a male"
*The bell rings*
Eve:Y/N is here!*happy and goes to open the door*
Y/N:Hi mom!! *smiles and hugs her*
Eve:Oh welcome back Y/N!! My sweet child! Oh and you must Y/N's part-...
Odin:I'm...Odin....pleased to meet you.
The whole family had the same thought:"HE IS SO OLD THAT HE COULD BE HER FATHER/ME"
Y/N:I brought an apple pie for you Dad! Happy Father's Day!!
Adam:....T-thank you darling*force a smile*
~During dinner~
Y/N:*smiles and eats* Huginn, Munnin are you enjoying the food.
Huginn:It's good
Munnin:*eating everything *
Abel:...."Everything seems fine??..."*sweating*
Cain:"Dad seems calm....I wonder why"*scared as fuck*
Eve:*looks at her husband*
Adam*thinking about 1000 ways to kill Odin* "Why did she choose him!? My precious little girl!"
Y/N:Oh...daddy can you pass me the salt?
Adam/Odin:*both reach for the salt *
Abel/Cain/Huginn/Munnin: "Oh shit"
Eve: "Oh sweet heaven"
Adam:Odin.....I think you need a check up on your hearing...she said Daddy...*ready to jump on Odin"
Y/N:*embarrassed looks at Odin* "Please do not say something to provocate him"
Odin:Your daughter calls me daddy too.
Adam:.....*jumps on Odin and punches him*
[Owlie note: thank @luxthestrange they chose Odin for this xD]
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elizart5 · 2 months
Adam's Family
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Digital line work of Eve, Cain, Seth, and Abel. Abel has wings and a halo but I don't wan't to draw them right now...
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Coloured them, they still need shading and rim lighting tho...
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nonomives · 3 months
They're PERFECT because they have like "magician's assistants" vibes and also a bit of back up dancers...I adore the idea of them being incredibly in synch and semetrical, the vibes of the "perfection" is just...AUGHHH THEYRE WONDERFULL I LOVE THEMMM
I will say one of them lowkey have a puppy love crush on Abel and its not who you think :3
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beevean · 11 months
I decided to break down down this absolutely beautiful poster because I love it and there is some interesting content to notice <3
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Starting from the big character portraits:
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The Hecboi being his usual badass self. You can spot his earrings which I love, it's such a cute detail <3
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Isaac practicing his "step on me daddy" routine. yes sir i get it your boots are fabulous and your pants can't contain your d
I find highkey underrated how Kojima associated him with skulls in official artwork. I wish it didn't get lost in time lol.
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Trevor, my friend Trevor :) much more serious than the sass master he is in the game lol
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Julia taking care of Hector's Innocent Devils :)
Side note, while I love most of their designs in the game, I find Kojima's idea of what Hector and Isaac's Devils could look like very fascinating. I like how she draws dragons.
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The big man himself, St. Germain standing in front of a clock, and Zead holding a four-leafed clover for good luck (+ Isaac again lol)
Now, the more minute detail, going anti-clockwise:
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Not only we can see Dracula's Castle, but the figure in the center is the Devil Forgery lab in the PtR manga:
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Another underrated detail of lore :)
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Oh, this one is just. juicy <3 It took me ages to understand what's going on, but with some help I finally realized it.
So this is essentially the moment where Hector went to Dracula and was like "hey boss, would you mind if you stopped to order me to kill humans? dunno if you noticed but i'm human too and it feels weird. thanks", and Dracula was like "hmm. let me think about it. no. have a nice day :)".
In the PtR manga, it was depicted like this:
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With Dracula threatening Hector with his extended claws, and then throwing him off the castle keep. i don't know what you were expecting, man
But in the poster, he's straight up holding Hector by his throat and stabbing him with the fingers of his bat wings! So much that you can see blood dripping from his mouth! Ouch!
This only proves my headcanon that Devil Forgemasters are superhuman and can withstand wounds that would kill a normal person.
also, between this and his sippy attack in the game proper, dracula sure likes to manhandle hector a little too much.
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the besties going to work <3
You have no idea how much this little drawing pisses me off. This is the closest thing I have of a canon depiction of Hector and Isaac working as Devil Forgemasters.
I need to see them slaughtering humans together in my bloodstream D: not even NFCV had the courtesy of depicting a villain Hector actually doing villain things D: guys. guys the potential-
Aside from that, this also incidentally proves that PtR's interpretation of Isaac's fabulous outfit (being what is left of his normal Devil Forgemaster outfit after Hector destroyed it) is retroactive. My man was apparently already going shirtless just because he felt like it. Imagine being killed by Dracula's most loyal soldier and your last sight in life is his tiddies. King shit.
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yeah it's stupid but that's the vibe i get lol
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I get it, Kojima-san, you love your blorbo. understandable
A bit more seriously, I really appreciate how much Isaac doesn't have the certified Kojima Pretty Man face, he's instantly recognizable. I like his big nose :)
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Hector practicing Devil Forging, a smaller version of this panel from the PtR manga:
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I like how in the poster it looks like a typical yin-yang symbol, but also closer to the black-and-white motif of the Devil Forging crest :) they look like two lil dragons chasing each other.
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why does isaac look 150% more naked without his shoulder armor
It's hard to tell which even this is supposed to represent. I guess it's his defeat at Hector's hands, if we take the black splotches on the ground as his outfit being slashed. Notice the crest on the floor, similar to the intro of the game!
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The worsties fighting. Hector is pissed and Isaac is a troll, must be a day ending in Y. they're flirting
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The End! Hard to tell if it's Hector's golden Devil or Abel, but it looks awesome <3
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This one... puzzles me. I can tell that Hector is being attacked by some little devils and he's defending himself. But why is he using a small pumpkin as a weapon??
(what if this is him trying to defend rosaly from the mob who accused her of being a witch :<)
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Hector angsting. Sadly I'm not sure of what kind of flower that's supposed to be, perhaps a dandelion? I wish it was a lily of the valley like in PtR.
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Our friend Trevor again. Interesingly, in the full poster, Isaac and Trevor are directly mirroring each other.
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Trevor being like "bruh are you for real" after whipping Hector's ass black and blue. (i hate his second fight so much...)
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I would say "Hector's revenge", but actually it looks like he's bleeding and in pain. So... I think this the moment when Dracula nearly clawed Trevor's eye out.
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Trevor and Isaac fighting! Love that scene in the game :D
isaac how are you even twisting yourself. what are you doing. you're showing off, aren't you.
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Not sure about what location these ruins are supposed to be, but fascinating detail of the skeleton holding a scale of justice. It's close to Zead...
tl;dr i want to eat this poster because it's just so fucking good and a great way to summarize the game
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 10 months
𓅨 Shifting Wings: Chapter Ten
Shifting Wings: Before the Raven Matthew, there was Jessamy, and Jessamy came with a little sister by the name of Adrienne. Dream adores his two little Ravens, but after over a hundred years of imprisonment and the death of Jessamy, Dream will find that he has not just lost his companion, but his beloved little Raven Adrienne no longer brightens the halls of his Palace. None of his staff wish to speak of where the Raven has gone, but the silent new resident of the palace is cause for question. After all, she was the one who aided in his release. If none of his subjects would help him find Adrienne, perhaps she could lead him to the whereabouts of the missing Raven. If only the woman wasn’t so flighty and hard to track down.
Warnings: Angst, Language.
To Note: Morpheus/Dream x FemaleRaven!Reader, NAMED Reader (I like the name).
Word Count: ~2.3k
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She has not shown herself to you, because she does not wish to.
Lucienne’s words haunted Morpheus in an Endless pain he felt within his being. He had expected you to seek him out the moment he returned as you had always been faithfully by his side. Not to mention he had made a promise to you that he was not able to keep. Surely you were upset by that. No, he had expected everything to be as it was when he had left. He’d been wrong. Lucienne changed. Cain and Abel changed. Fiddler’s Green changed. It was a naive notion to think that you wouldn’t change. Stewing in his morose thoughts, Morpheus decided he had brooded long enough. It was time he tracked you down, for Morpheus needed your comforting presence, even if you held nothing but animosity towards him. Even if all you’d allow was for the Endless to merely gaze upon you, that would be enough.
Rising from his throne, Morpheus stepped down the stairs and strode for the one place that would have the most clues regarding your whereabouts. Your studio. Striding through the palace, Morpheus pondered your absence some more, disturbed by your lack of appearance. Did you not love him as he thought you did? Had he not made his affections clear to you? Jessamy had certainly threatened him plenty over his intentions towards you. 106 years. How much could a person change in that time? Had your love dissipated and resentment taken shelter? Were you angry? Were you unconsolable? Did you want nothing to do with him and the palace after Jessamy’s death? Did you hate him? Perhaps you did if you refused his company.
He reached the door to your studio and paused. He couldn’t feel your presence within, but several light orbs were softly illuminated indicating that you had been within your studio recently. Opening the door, Morpheus stepped into your art studio and ventured forwards. There were paintings and sketches scattered throughout the studio, you were clearly still painting and drawing… but all of your works now held a darker tone. Your artwork reflected a darkened mind crippled by pain, agony.
Walking around your work bench, Morpheus eyed the luxurious bed, expecting to see your nest of pillows, feathers, and down. But all he saw was a neatly made bed, devoid of indication that anyone used it. The studio was used, yes, but clearly you did not use it as you once had. He looked closer at your sketches, many of which were sketches of Jessamy, beautifully sketched and detailed. Your skill had only increased. It only felt like a night ago in which you were just starting to learn how to draw in your new body.
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“You look quite concentrated, little one,” Morpheus observed as he sat for you while you struggled to hold a pencil with your foot and draw his likeness. You growled under your breath and spit out a few curses which made Morpheus’s lips twitch. He doubted you noticed, but you truly came alive when you were focused on your art. The melancholy on your face faded and a spark of determination sparkled within the depths of your black eyes.
“That’s because I still sometimes have a hard time grasping this stupid pencil,” You huffed back, gripping  the small instrument in your tiny foot. You hopped several places and flapped your wings. “I can control it pretty well at times but then it get’s away from me and everything starts going awry!”
You let out a caw of frustration and threw the misbehaving pencil across the room. It was much easier to paint, in your opinion, than to draw. You’d taken to the brush much quicker than the pencil, and your frustrations were starting to get the better of you. Morpheus rose from his seat and walked over to where you were standing, trying not to let your frustrations get the better of you.
“Why am I even doing this?” You asked with an exaggerated sigh. Morpheus lifted a finger to your beak and tilted your head up.
“Because you are determined, Adrienne,” He reminded you with a small smile. “And you are not one to give up so easily, your perseverance has brought you this far, has it not?”
You eyed your lord, seeing his provocative eyebrow raise. It ruffled your feathers and you huffed.
“I never said I was gonna give up, I just—I feel like I am not making any progress and it’s been decades.”
“And you have eons more to hone your skill, for I shall always look forward to your creations.” You eyed him carefully. Sometimes you really wished that you had your human body rather than a birds.
Don’t be envious. Don’t be envious. It wasn’t like the dreams and nightmares throughout the realm had the pleasure of painting Morpheus’s portrait with the Endless sitting right in front of them. It wasn’t like the Endless actively sought out their company.
“Fine, fine, sit back down I’m almost done with your general profile.” You ordered, having no issue ordering the Endless around. Morpheus, pleased that you had finally perked up, returned to his seat and watched as you fluttered to where your thrown pencil had ended up. Grasping it in your foot once more, you swooped back up to the easel and focused back on your sketch.
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You were not a conventional lover, certainly if your relationship with him had grown more intimate. But at the time your company had been more than enough for him. Now all Morpheus wanted was to hear your comforting voice and see the familiar splash of midnight and pearl. Even if it was only to hear your thoughts of envy and yearning for what you had once had. He also owed you an apology. Not just for the fact that he had broken his promise to return with an hour, but your sister had been killed while in his service. It had been voluntary, but you would still feel betrayed.
Morpheus was about to leave the studio, not having garnered any new information from inspecting your studio, but then caught sight of a brighter light peeking out the trim of the small closet. Curiosity peaked, for why would you have the closet light so bright compared to the rest of your studio? Morpheus drew the slightly cracked door open and found his answer. Compared to the rest of the studio, the closet was far more homely and lived in. Down and feathers littered the floor, and there was a nest tucked in the corner. That was where you slept. But what Morpheus took notice most of all, was the obsessive amount of drawings of Jessamy.
They were everywhere, pinned on the walls, stacked on shelves, stuffed between books on a small bookshelf. He moved over to a stack that sat next to a bowl full of charcoal, clearly being used. On the top of the pile was a sketch of himself with Jessamy, the drawn lines darkened and clear, sharp. His eyes were the only hint of color on the page, an illuminating blue. By far your best work yet, not even Morpheus had seen you draw this beautifully. As Morpheus stared at the sketch, he spotted something at the edge of the page that should not be there. A charcoal fingerprint.
All who knew you, who lived within the palace, knew to never touch your artwork unless permission was given. Who would even think to enter a place so small and intimate, one you took shelter in, and touch your work? Certainly with charcoal on their fingers? Morpheus reached for a journal he had given you, inscribed with your name in gold lettering, and opened it. More pictures of him and Jessamy greeted his gaze. It was just as obsessive, and Morpheus could see your mental breakdown over the years. But even as he witnessed your breakdown through your drawings his eyes kept returning to the fingerprint upon your sketch. So journal and sketch in hand, he strode from your studio and headed for the library, determined to finally get answers.
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Lucienne had been speaking with Mervyn about the newly rejuvenated gardens when their lord came striding into the library with a swirl of anger. Her brown eyes saw that he carried a leather-bound journal she often saw you drawing in, and a piece of parchment.
“Sir,” Lucienne greeted, trying to keep herself calm. “Is there something you need?” Morpheus strode up to her and held up a charcoal drawing of him with Jessamy perched on his shoulder. “Ah, I see you have discovered Adrienne’s artwork? She has much improved over the last century.” Lucienne said pleasantly, ignoring the charcoal fingerprint on the edge.
“Tell me, Lucienne, who enters Adrienne’s studio and touches her work when we all know that is an egregious event?” Morpheus asked, his voice poised with a lethal edge of a dagger. Both Mervyn and Lucienne shifted where they stood.
“I— I am not aware that anyone has entered Adrienne’s studio without permission let alone touched her work. We know she does not like it when her work is touched.” Lucienne replied evenly, reverting back to what was well known about you. “Not even to admire…” Morpheus shifted his gaze to Mervyn.
“And have you, Mervyn, witnessed anyone trespassing these halls? Surely you have seen something, as Adrienne does not possess hands.” He was enunciating his words now, his patience dwindling at the lack of information on you. Where were you? Why had you not appeared before him? Did you truly hate him? Did you despise him for Jessamy’s death? Were you in such anger that you would refuse to grace his presence ever again? Mervyn rubbed the back of his head, not knowing what to say. The promise he made to you all those years ago to treat Adrienne as dead was still strong… but lie to his lord? That he could not do.
“Well…” Mervyn sighed dramatically. “No one has gone into her studio who shouldn’t have, I can tell you that. She’d eat ‘em alive if they did… kinda anal about keeping people out actually. She’s gotten mean the past few decades,” He muttered while Lucienne forced herself to not facepalm herself in front of Morpheus. Mean. Adrienne had gotten mean. That was the first piece of true information Morpheus had gotten since coming home. But how could you have turned mean? You didn’t hold one mean bone in your entire body.
“Mervyn,” Your quiet, flat voice shattered the tension between the trio as you came striding into the library. The pumpkin headed janitor looked at you as you came to a stop. Your hair was ruffled and your clothes looked hastily put on. “I retrieved the sprite lantern from the relieving arch.” You announced. “If you want the Hesperides to stop throwing the lantern up there, may I suggest moving it? They despise each other.”
“Move it?” Melvyn repeated, insulted at the idea. “The whole point of having the spite lantern there is because of the water— ah fuck, I’m really gonna have to find a new place for the lantern, ain’t I?”
“Indeed,” You echoed, knowing that the janitor hated when he had to shift the homes of the residents of the palace around. They were quite persnickety about their place of home. You contemplated where the sprite lantern could be moved. “Perhaps the east end garden? I believe Lord Morpheus put in a new pond there.”
“Yeah, yeah, good idea,” Mervyn agreed before glancing at Morpheus. “Speaking of which, you met whitey here?” He asked, jerking his stick thumb at you. “She’s kind of mean and never smiles, not that she can, but is one hell of a worker to have around. She’s kept this place running while you were gone.”
You blinked at Mervyn before looking at Lord Morpheus.
“We have met before, though never the chance to formally speak,” You confirmed, then gave Mervyn an unimpressed look. “And I believe you mistake my frankness for me being mean, because that would imply emotions which you are aware that I do not experience.” As you stared at Mervyn who was scowling at you, you felt Morpheus gaze wearing heavily on your body. “If you will excuse me, retrieving the sprite lantern from the receiving arch is not the only task I have do to this day,” You said before giving your lord a respectful nod. “Lord Morpheus,”
You strode out of the library, heading for your next task. Morpheus stared at your back as you strode away, still feeling like there was something off about you. No, there was. He just couldn’t put his finger on it, and it wasn’t that you lacked empathy. It was something else. Something about you was hauntingly familiar, yet entirely foreign.
“Where did she come from?” He asked, settling his gaze back on Lucienne and Mervyn. They shifted uncomfortably. “She might be a resident of the Dreaming, but I have no memory of her. So tell me, exactly where did she come from? You say she has maintained my palace diligently all these years, yet I do not know her.”
“I just realized that I left the sprinkler on in the desert garden so I’m just gunna…” Mervyn rambled while edging his way out of the library, Morpheus made no comment, his eyes locked with Lucienne’s, who was staring back and trying not to be daunted. A nearly impossible task, even for her.
“Only a creature with wings, is capable of retrieving something from the relieving arch,” Morpheus stated, his eyes now hard. He was done asking questions. Yes, done with asking questions, worrying about where you were, wondering if you hated him, needing you… and would now demand answers. He demanded to know where you were, he demanded your presence. The secrets had gone on long enough. Even if you did in fact hate him, he still demanded your presence. “I expect Adrienne in my throne room tomorrow morning at ten o’clock exactly,” Morpheus decreed, then his eyes glowed silver in warning. “Or I shall summon her directly with my sand regardless of her wishes.” With that he strode away, coat billowing just as much as his anger.
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Date Published: 7/5/23
Last Edit: 7/5/23
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