#angeltk write
angeltk · 1 year
okay, @chaotictarlos and i were tossing ideas around, and the thought of 'nothing but an apron' popped into my head, and this happened.
warnings: dom!carlos at the end, food!play, tk walking around with nothing but an apron on, also walking around fully nude for a lil moment, mdni
author's note: omg..... hahaha. this is unedited and only read through once by myself, so i hope it's somewhat decent
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TK felt all excited and tingly as he stripped. His belt went first, followed by his pants, his shirt, and his boxers. He threw everything into the hamper in the bedroom, and then, naked to the world- or to his home and the one opened window, that is- he wandered back to the kitchen.
He made a small 'o' with his mouth when the breeze drifting from the open window made contact with his uncovered nipples, causing them to stiffen instantly. It made his cock twitch. It really didn't take much to get TK going, but he was a little surprised that a teeny gust of wind was all it took to get him half-hard already.
He supposed it had something to do with the plans he'd made for tonight. The thought of those plans made him shiver, his dick now at full attention. He really was just so desperate for it tonight. He blushed when he glanced down at the floor and saw his own arousal in his shadow, long and ready to be touched however Carlos saw fit when he got home.
TK made his way to the kitchen counter. He took the folded apron he laid out not too long ago, and proceeded to pull it over his head. He circled the ties around his waist twice before creating a knot. He tightened it a little, loving the slight pressure against his skin, and then the timer started to ring.
TK switched off the oven, bending down to carefully took out the contents, before practically throwing the gooey treats onto the side, startled by Carlos, who he hadn't even heard come in.
"Oh, please, don't stop on my account." Carlos was resting against the counter, arms folded, one brow raised. His eyes travelled the length of TK's body, appreciating every inch. "I was enjoying the view."
"Good." TK replied, more than happy to see his fiancé was home, more than happy for his plans to begin. "We're having an after-shift midnight snack. Want one?"
TK cuts a corner of the brownie from the tray and offers it to Carlos, who shakes his head, causing TK to frown. He's about to question Carlos' rejection, but then he's pleasantly surprised by the request that stops him.
"Feed it to me."
TK nods, then lifts the brownie to Carlos' mouth. He can't tear his eyes away as he watches Carlos slowly bite into the chocolate. He eats the piece in four small bites, then purposefully makes a show of licking his lips and fingers when he's done. He ends his little show with a wink, causing TK to blush, his cock twitching underneath the think material of his apron.
He tries to ignore it for a moment. He wants to have everything ready before he drags Carlos to the bedroom where's he laid a towel on their bed in preparation for the mess. He doesn't want to cum already, just from the way Carlos is watching him; he wants to savour tonight, take it slow.
"Uh, we need ice cream." He opens up the freezer and pulls out a new, unopened carton, then moves to the fridge. "And I cut up some strawberries, too."
"So, TK... is there an explanation as to why you aren't wearing boxers under that apron?"
"Correction; I'm not wearing anything under this apron."
"Oh. So then, you are trying to seduce me, huh?" Carlos whispers, then closes the short distance between them.
His hands slide around to TK's waist, his fingertips running small circles there. The gentle touch makes TK's cock jump, and thinks he may alrady be leaking precum. God, he's so ready for the next couple of hours.
TK smirks when Carlos presses his entire front flush to his back. He can feel Carlos' growing erection against his ass, as a wandering hand moves down to take a hold of his own over his apron.
"Ah. Carlos, please."
"You're so worked up, love. All needy and wet already. What were you planning for us, hm?"
Carlos' thumb presses against the slit of TK's head, the pre-cum smearing against the apron, causing a wet mark on the material.
"Hm, Tyler? What did you have planned?"
"The brownies. Ice cream, mmm, was gonna—"
TK doesn't get a chance to finish when Carlos suddenly drops to his knees. He gasps when he feels coldness against his rear, and he momentarily wonders how he didn't notice Carlos take the ice cream tub from the counter.
"This? You wanted to play with your food?" TK nods enthusiastically as Carlos uses a spoon to drop cold vanilla between his plump cheeks.
It dribbles down, and TK bucks into nothing but air when it passes over his hole. "Yes! God, yes. Mm, I wanted to paint you with chocolate and ice cream and lick it all off of you. Was gonna get the squirty cream out, too. Suck it off your big cock before you split me open on it."
"That so?" Carlos chuckles at TK's rambly outburst, his mind flicking through images of everything he'd said. He stands again, turning TK around to face him. "Tell me... did you prep yourself?"
"N-no, not today."
"Good." Carlos smiles. "That's my job. Now, I think we can make these plans come true, darlin'. Only, I think you'll be my canvas instead. Now... go lie down on the bed while I bring everything in. Yes?"
TK nods, nearly tripping when he hears Carlos praise him as he heads for the bedroom. 
"Good boy."
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taglist: @wandering-night19 @fortunatelydecaffeinateddinosaur @rubinsteinsilva126 @maniadeityn @just-inside-her @chaotictarlos @lightningboltreader + let me know if you'd like to be added/removed, please!
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welcometololaland · 10 months
Hi! So I’m new to the Tarlos fandom and you seem to be really nice… so if you could help me navigate this space I would be very grateful. So how’s the fandom what can I expect ? What are the accounts to follow?
I understand if you’re not available to answer and if it’s not your thing but thank you anyway.
HELLO! Welcome <3 This certainly is my thing - I'm always available and happy to answer any and all questions when it comes to Tarlos content.
First up, a warm welcome to the Tarlos fandom - we are happy to have you here! I expect that from your ask you have only recently watched the show. I hope you enjoyed :) Usual caveats apply - check tags, warnings, ratings etc. Not all blogs/fics/content is going to be for everyone, and that's totally okay!
Before I get into my rambling/screaming about how much I love other people and their work, I should also say that I never have enough time to consume all the Tarlos content that I would like to, and so this list can never capture every amazing person on this site. If you check out the #fic rec friday tag on my blog, you should find all the round ups for all past Fic Rec Fridays, where people from all over the fandom (and other fandoms!) recommended some truly amazing content.
Also shout out to @rmd-writes for letting me appropriate some of your own recs on a similar ask.
Fic Blogs:
I am, first and foremost, a fic writer and I will never be able to rec all of the talent in this fandom all by myself, but here are some of the people I have turned to on Ao3 over my last year or so of being here:
@liminalmemories21 @goodways @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @reyescarlos @sunshinestrand @iboatedhere @beautifulhigh @heartstringsduet @carlos-in-glasses @alrightbuckaroo @freneticfloetry @rmd-writes @bellakitse @howtosingit @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @catanisspicy @basilsunrise @chaotictarlos @thebumblecee @noxsoulmate @marjansmarwani @morganaspendragonss. THAT BEING SAID there are a lot of newer people in the fandom that I haven't yet had the chance to dive into and I'm SO sorry for that, but I look forward to reading nonetheless!!! Again, I'd recommend looking up the Fic Rec Friday round ups because they are much more fulsome than what I've got here, and I'm so sure I've forgotten people accidentally!
Source Blogs:
Here's a few places I go to for Tarlos/Rafa/Ronen news/content:
@911lsbts @rafaelsilvasource @ronenrubinsteinsource
GIF/video makers are gods on this earth and here are just a few I adore (PLS I KNOW I'VE MISSED PEOPLE I'M SO SORRY):
@lutavero @guardian-angle22 @danieljradcliffe @maxbegone @strandtk @/tailoredshirt @angeltk @velvet-lnk @whattarush @chaotictarlos @tylerkennedys @rafael-silva @3416 @lonestardust
Fan Art:
Incredible talent I eat up:
@ambiguouspenny @fitzherbertssmolder @heartstringsduet (tagged above) @thebumblecee (tagged above) @angeltarlos @rafascosmic @fckingyrs @watmalik @birdclowns @thevenstar @reyeslonestar @thisbuildinghasfeelings
ANYWAY! I'm so sure I have accidentally omitted people because I'm doing this on the fly, so PLEASE don't feel bad if I didn't include you here (especially if you're a newer fandom member because I have been falling behind recently!) If you would like to drop some recs in the comments for this anon, that would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your ask, anon! Any opportunity I get to rave about the amazing creators in this fandom, I will take it!
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chaotictarlos · 11 months
The Loft
ship: Tarlos | fandom: 911 Lone Star | author: chaotictarlos | read on ao3
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Rating: Explicit | Warnings/Tags: Canon Compliment, Season 4, Post 4 x 18, Could be a 4 x 18 Coda, Feelings, Angst, Hurt / Comfort, Anal Sex, Blow jobs, Anal Fingering, M x M Smut
Summary: TK and Carlos decide that they're going to stay home for their honeymoon instead of going someplace else.
Author's Note: This fic took a lot longer than I thought it would to write, but in the end I'm happy with how it turned out. I have ideas for fics to follow this one, and I might write them but I have a few projects I would like to get done before doing that. I am sorry that this took me so long to write, but I do hope that it was worth the wait. Nice comments are always welcomed, negative comments need to not be posted.
Thank you @lightningboltreader for being such a doll and beta'ing this for me!
TK stares up at the ceiling. His arms are wrapped around Carlos loosely, one hand rubbing up and down his back in an attempt to soothe him. Carlos’ head is on his chest, ear pressing against the spot where TK’s heart is the loudest. Carlos has been laying on TK a lot like this, needing to hear his heartbeat loud and clear, to make sure he’s alive. Carlos told him the other day that it helps ease some of the anxiety and dread he’s been feeling, and tonight is no different. TK will do anything to soothe his fiance.
They had crawled into bed shortly after Carlos came home and proposed to TK. This time the proposal hadn’t been followed by them making love, but instead reaching for each other's arms and just holding each other. They’re laying quietly, listening to their breathing, knowing that sleep isn’t going to come. Carlos is too scared to sleep - too scared to let sleep take him because of the nightmares he’ll have and TK stays awake to be there for Carlos when he needs him.
It makes for a long night but TK doesn’t care, it’s just another sleepless night in a week of sleepless nights and grabbing naps when their bodies are too exhausted to move anymore.
TK focuses on Carlos’ breathing, tracking the way he sounds when he breathes in and out in case it changes and TK’s full attention is needed. His heart hurts for his fiance and he wishes that there was something more he could do. 
"I know we planned to travel for our honeymoon but can we just stay home?" Carlos asks softly, his voice breaking the stillness of the night. 
TK doesn’t say anything at first, just processes the words that float between them.
"I just want to be with you," Carlos continues. "I don't need to go off to some destination to do that. I just want you, safe in my arms. I-"
"We can do that," TK says, cutting him off and running his fingers up and down Carlos' back. "I don't care where we go or what we do. I just want to be with you, Carlos. Even if we stay here, in our apartment, and enjoy being married together. It'll still be the best time of my life."
Carlos raises his head and looks at TK. TK knows he can’t make out much in the darkness of the night but Carlos didn't need light to make TK feel like he was staring into the depths of his soul.
"Are you sure?" Carlos asks and TK can hear the worry in his words.
"I am baby,” he says softly, cupping Carlos’ face and running his thumb over his cheek. “I just want to be with you and if you want to have our honeymoon at home we will.”
Carlos nods and lays his head back on TK’s chest. There’s a want bubbling up in TK to talk to Carlos, but Carlos will talk when he’s ready. For now, they’ll just lay here in silence.
It has to be enough for now.
tags: @strangefurychaos @sapphire11 @first-kanaphan @noxsoulmate @rangergurlgleek1211 @detective-giggles @tarlos-spain @lonestardust @bubblesandroses8 @thebumblecee @mooshkat @importantbailiffpaperpony @a-j-cowwley @meditating-honey-badger @paperstorm @otter-love-asl @kiloskywalker @angeltk @firstprince-history-huh @brouill3r @liminalmemories21 @herefortarlos @tavners
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Thank you to @birdclowns for the tag for Teaser Tuesday. Since I was not in fact awake (oh so sleepy) and it’s now Wednesday, I’m gonna kick off WIP Wednesday instead! Boxing fic my actual baby🥊 💛
“I like you too, Carlos,” TK says. Carlos kisses TK’s head once more, grins into the gesture this time. They stand like that for a long moment, hand over hand, TK leaning into him at the table. They go quiet. They simply breathe together, for the long stretch of moments it takes TK to pull back and say, “Oh! Can I show you something?”
“Sure,” Carlos says, chuckling at his sudden enthusiasm. He steps back, fully expecting TK to stand, to lead him to something in the apartment Carlos hasn’t spotted yet, or at the very least to pull his phone from his pocket and unlock it.
TK does neither. Instead, he reaches down, tugs the cuffs of his sweatpants up until they stretch over his knees, and Carlos’s mouth falls open at the sight.
TK’s knees – both left and right – are bruised.
“Is that…” Carlos starts. “Is that from…”
“The parking lot,” TK’s voice lilts in a soft, beautiful laugh. “I think so.”
“Oh my god,” Carlos groans. He leans right in now, rests his cheek against TK’s head and wraps an arm across his chest. TK brings a hand to Carlos’s arm, rubs softly back and forth as they laugh together. Carlos is pretty sure no one else has ever bruised their knees – injured themselves – from blowing him before. It’s ridiculous. Completely and utterly ridiculous, in a way that only makes him laugh harder the more he thinks about it. The feeling of TK’s body shaking with his own laughter is enough to send his heart up into the sky, bright and wide and lovely. They laugh together, and they hold each other in this sweet, awkward embrace. The more Carlos listens to TK’s laughter alongside his own, the more certain he is that this is a sound he will never get over, a place from which he can never come back.
And in this particular moment, he can’t imagine ever wanting to.
No pressure tags to @birdclowns (that’s right, I wanna see more!), @bonheur-cafe @catanisspicy @chicgeekgirl89 @chaotictarlos @carlos-in-glasses @detective-giggles @goodways @freneticfloetry @heartstringsduet @hoko-onchi-writes @irispurpurea @largepeachicedtea @lightningboltreader @louis-ii-reyes-strand @lemonlyman-dotcom @mooshkat @mikibwrites @meditating-honey-badger @noxsoulmate @never-blooms @orchidscript @paperstorm @rosedavid @rsc-98 @sugdenlovesdingle @three-drink-amy @thisbuildinghasfeelings @velvet-ink @wtfuckevenknows @sanjuwrites @taralaurel @welcometololaland @rmd-writes @angeltk and YOU if you’re not tagged and want to play! Feel free to tag me back so I can read 💛
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carlos-tk · 6 months
Ugly Winter Sweater
saw this picrew going around a while ago and wanted to join the fun now since we’re a week out from Christmas (anyone else also spiralling about that btw!!) and bring some festive vibes to the tl 🎄🤳
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tagging anyone who sees this and wants to participate! and no pressure if you’ve been tagged and don’t want to!
+ some specific tags to kick off the game 💗
@celeritas2997 @welcometololaland @heartstringsduet @inkweedandlizards @inflarescent @birdclowns @rmd-writes @sznofthesticks @strandnreyes @lemonlyman-dotcom @reyestrandd @thisbuildinghasfeelings @reyesstrand @orchidscript @alrightbuckaroo @carlos-in-glasses @reasonandfaithinharmony @herefortarlos @liminalmemories21 @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @ladytessa74
+ some tags for some people I don’t think I’ve tagged in any of these tumblr games before! hello! 👋🏼
@jddryder @dahnrana @rosedavid @cafeshopau @annefraid @guardian-angle22 @lutavero @cobbbvanth @danieljradcliffe @angeltk
happy holidays my lovely internet friends 💕
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reyesstrand · 1 year
fanwork rec friday
thanks for the tag/putting this together @welcometololaland and @carlos-in-glasses for tagging me!
rules: rec a fanwork (fic, gifset, fanart, podfic - bonus points if you do multiple mediums) that made you feel warm and fuzzy inside (the 'feel good' fanwork). there’s going to be…….a lot because i’m so indecisive and this is such a talented fandom so!!!
just want to start with such a genuine note of appreciation for every content creator—it’s been a seemingly tumultuous period regarding the treatment of creators and i just want to bow down to every writer, artist, gifmaker, editor, creator. i want to bow down to everyone who comments, who reblogs, who shares work. we’re truly a little community here and it’s so special to see and the fandom wouldn’t be the same without each and every one of you <3 i’m so sure i’ll end up forgetting people here but i can’t wait to see the roundup to see everyone getting love <3
to build a home (fic) by @freneticfloetry
to love is to undress our names (fic) by @rmd-writes
i only want to be with you (fic) by @ladytessa74
16 weeks (fic) by @paperstorm
a mighty ocean or a gentle kiss (fic) by @strandnreyes
to build a home (tarlos fanvid) by @velvet-ink
francesca (tarlos fanvid) by @lonestardust
tarlos engagement kiss (tarlos gif) by @rosedavid
meeting the loves of their lives at the honky tonk (tarlos/gracejudd parallel gifset) from @lonestardaily
tarlos in the loft (tarlos gifset) by @lutavero
tarlos deleted s4 kisses (tarlos gifset) from @tarlossource
food as a love language (126 gifset) by @nelsonnicks
tk doing background shit (tk gifset) by @maxbegone
art by @birdclowns : tk and nancy / tarlos soulmates / tarlos “soon”
tarlos art by @herosiris
tarlos art by @heartstringsduet
tarlos drawn animation by @reyeslonestar
tarlos wedding art by @alwaysablossom
tarlos “being alive” art by @ambiguouspenny
nancymarjan art by @iinryer
tk and marjan art (plus marjan fic!!) by @iinryer
physical comfort (tarlos gifset) by tailoredshirt
the 126 celebrating each other (126 gifset) by @guardian-angle22
proposal face squish (tarlos gifset) by @3416
tk strand terms of endearment (tk/others gifset) by @lutavero
paramedic mom and her paramedic children (tnt gifset) by tailoredshirt
tarlos leg touches (tarlos gifset) by @lutavero
perhaps the world ends here (tarlos gifset) by @maxbegone
tarlos + blue (tarlos gifset) by @ayan-sukkhapisit
sleepy (126 gifset) by @ropoto
3am at the tarlos loft (tarlos gifset) by @ropoto
miracle (tarlos vows gifset) by @guardian-angle22
tarlos hugs (tarlos gif) by @chaotictarlos
come on nance (tk gifset) by @angeltk
tarlos dancing in the background (tarlos gifset) by @angeltk
no pressure tagging everyone included above, along with @alrightbuckaroo @morganaspendragonss @marjansmarwani @beautifulhigh @sunshinestrand @theghostofashton @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut and open-tagging anyone who wants to participate!!
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For WIP Wednesday this week, I'm sharing an excerpt from a fic I'm working on for @tarlosweeklyprompts this week: write a Tarlos fic based on your favorite song.
I'm really bad at picking favorites but Queen is my favorite band, so I think this is close enough. This is based on the song Somebody to Love.
Then why did I bring him home?
Carlos sat up and rubbed his hand over his face and through his hair. Why had he brought any of them home? Sure, in the beginning he thought the hook ups might lead to something more. Sometimes he did get a few dates or at least a few booty calls out of them. But as time went on, it all began to feel a little transactional.
He’d gotten his hopes up so many times, mistaken chemistry for connection only to find himself disappointed. After awhile, he knew that picking up guys at the club wasn’t going to lead to what he truly desired, but he didn’t know where else to go. Dating apps had turned out to be the same as clubs, except he didn’t even have to go out in public to find someone to get off with.
That’s all he’d been doing lately, fulfilling his physical needs. It was well overdue for sure, but there were only so many times he could scratch an itch without putting a balm on to heal it. The sad truth was, the reason he kept up the parade of random men he invited into his home was because he was lonely. But having a different man in his bed every weekend didn’t equal companionship, just like marrying his best friend hadn’t equaled love.
At least not the kind of love he needed.
Tagging @chaotictarlos @ramblingdisaster73 @bonheur-cafe @detective-giggles @paperstorm @tailoredshirt @angeltk @carlos-in-glasses @sugdenlovesdingle @lightningboltreader
If I missed anyone, I'm sorry!!!! Please still share something for WIP Wednesday
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Thanks to the lovely @angeltk for helping me come up with this idea!
The idea goes off of those words of the day calendars where a new word is listed on each day. For the month of March, I will be posting a daily one word prompt. At the end of the month I'll post a Masterlist of all the fic's that are written for it.
I will also have a list of words that are used and update it daily with new words so you can go back and look at other dates.
I think this will be really fun!
- T 💙
The work has to be Tarlos Centric
No minimum word count
You may combine the days if you would like
All fic's are due March 31 - the day after I will post a Masterlist of all the fic's created for this event
If you write smut, please use appropriate tags
Always use appropriate tags for any works
Tag @tarlosweeklyprompts and use the tag: twpmarchdailyword
Have fun! If you have any questions, please message me or send the blog an ask!
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wandering-night19 · 1 year
Seven Sentence/Inspiration Sunday
Thanks for the tag @ramblingdisaster73​
Here’s seven sentences of TK intubating.
TK removes the non rebreather, tilts the man’s head and opens his mouth with a jaw thrust before carefully inserting the laryngoscope, minding the teeth. He grabs the 7.5 ET tube, takes another steadying breath, and then threads it down. Pearce is already holding cricoid pressure without being asked. Small miracles. 
Pearce moves to grab the green stylet that held the shape of the ET tube while it was inserted and pulls it out. He helps hold the tube in place while TK grabs and attaches the bag valve mask, giving a few breaths, and watches as the CO2 detector turns purple.
And here’s my inspiration to hopefully get some more writing done today.
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Tagging @whenshereads @angeltk​ and anyone else that wants to 
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isastrxnd · 2 years
hiiiiii! 📝 - angeltk
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send me a 📝 and I'll write your url + a little note in my handwriting
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angeltk · 1 year
◇◇◇◇◇ JACOB & THEA RIVERA ◇◇◇◇◇
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[Both of these original characters exist in the world of Lone Star via angetk fanfics.]
Both Jacob and Thea are the same age as TK and Carlos. They all grew up together and have been friends their entire lives.
Jacob is bubbly, eccentric, and a self-proclaimed comedian. He's always trying to make people laugh or frighten them. His extroverted personality doesn't give anything away regarding his job. Most people he meets assume he is joking around when he tells them he is, like TK, a firefighter.
While working a scene, he is laser-focused and committed to his duties. Fully capable of switching to a much more serious attitude when it comes to helping and saving lives.
Thea is also a bright personality, but it's slightly more tame than Jacob's. She is kind, but unafraid of speaking her mind. She is a very calm soul, but also knows how to let loose and have fun.
She has a licence to pierce and tattoo, but chose to take the path of Reiki and Tarot reading. Both of these practices are her full time job, which she loves.
She often will practise her readings, whether they be via crystals or cards on Jacob, who has learned through her.
Jacob had known Thea all his life, but when he was going through a particularly rough patch in his life, she had offered to read his cards, and from that night on, they'd been inseparable. Still, nobody knows what his cards had revealed, or what had happened between them that day, not even TK, or Carlos.
Jacob is bisexual. Thea is pansexual. Both of them were lucky enough to have accepting parents and families.
Jacob goes by he/him, and Thea goes by she/they pronouns.
A couple of years before the incidents of 'left in all on the cold floor', Thea planned to propose to Jacob.
Instead of rings, they both wearing matching crystal necklaces to signify their engagement.
While all four friends get along and love each other, Jacob considers TK to be his best friend, while Thea feels the same about Carlos.
Jacob and Thea currently still live together in New York City and plan to have their wedding there.
I've tried to include any info I think will be important to know before reading any of my future fanfics that may feature Jacob, or Thea, or both of them. If anything new happens with them, I'll add it to this list! I hope you'll love these sweeties as much as I already do!
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welcometololaland · 1 year
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Round Up - Part 2
Thanks to everyone who participated this week. The theme was: rec a feel-good fanwork (a fanwork that gives you the warm fuzzies). If I've missed any, please let me know.
Disclaimer: This is a compilation of works i've been tagged in or which appear in the #fic rec friday tag relevant to the weekly theme. The recommendations below do not represent a personal curation of works. Please read at your own discretion. Heed tags and ratings on each individual work. Keep yourself safe, friends!
911 Lone Star (Part 2)
Fics (Part 2)
The Holiday by @flickerthenflare
The Ring-In by ifyoustay and Lolaland (me)
The Sex Pollen Incident by @hoko-onchi-writes
The Storm In Me by foggynite
these moments with you by @chaotictarlos
to build a home by @freneticfloetry
to love is to undress our names by @rmd-writes
to which there is no reply by @reyesstrand
What you see will be by @thevenstar
With love, your soulmate by @chaotictarlos
GIFs (part 1)
"1.03 -> 3.08" by @3416
"Can I say yes now?" by @3416
"Most Likely To": Station 126 set by @staarfires
"Text me" by @aarondingle
3am at the tarlos loft by @ropoto
Begged and Borrowed Time by @3416 based on the fic of the same name by @iboatedhere
Carlos and social media by @tailoredshirt
Carlos gifset by @rafael-silva
Carlos Reyes & Iris Blake by @weewooshows
Carlos’ Vows by @guardian-angle22
come on nance by @angeltk
every paul outfit by @guardian-angle22
favourite ships: tarlos by @cobbbvanth
firefighter paul strickland by @ayan-sukkhapisit
food as a love language by @nelsonnicks
Grace & Judd Ryder by @graceryderdaily
I'm right here by @tylerposey
knowing glances and little comments by @annefraid
marjan 3x9/4x9 parallel set by @tailoredshirt
marjan rupi kaur set by @rafael-silva
meeting the loves of their lives at the honky tonk by @lonestardaily
miracle by @guardian-angle22
paramedic mom and her paramedic children by @tailoredshirt
paul set by @scullyblr
paul strickland + trans flag colors by @genderqueerbuck
paul strickland + true colors by @floralbuckleys
perhaps the world ends here by @maxbegone
physical comfort by @tailoredshirt
proposal face squish by @3416
sleepy by @ropoto
soulmate by @tylerkennedys
Swing for the Fences, Run to the Line by @3416 based on the fic of the same name by @iboatedhere
tarlos + blue by @ayan-sukkhapisit
tarlos deleted s4 kisses by @tarlossource
tarlos dancing in the background by @angeltk
Tarlos dancing parallel by @annefraid
tarlos engagement kiss by @rosedavid
Tarlos Holding Onto Each Other by @cobbbvanth
tarlos hugs by @chaotictarlos
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chaotictarlos · 1 year
ship: Tarlos | fandom: 911 Lone Star | author: chaotictarlos | read on ao3
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Rating: explicit| Warnings / Tags: m x m smut, use of sex toys, spanking, spanking via a belt, use of a vibrator, bondage, some degrading language used
Summary: TK posts a picture that certainly gets Carlos' attention.
Author's Note: This fic took entirely too long to write, but that happens sometimes. What started out as me being silly (and a little parnoid to share parts of this fic because I was having issues with someone copying my ideas) and using [redacted] in place of names when posting sneak peaks of this turned into my actually titling it that. I had a lot of fun with this fic. Thank you to @paperstorm , @thebumblecee , @mooshkat , @cowlos-reyes , and @detective-giggles for allowing me to scream about this fic to no end. Thank you to @meditating-honey-badger for being the best beta.
And thank you to my lovely friend in the TWP Discord who are always so encouraging and wonderful. This fic would be nowhere without you guys.
set in the same universe as my slutty carlos fics We can get a little crazy just for fun
Carlos has the day off so he decides that he’s going to spend it visiting with his sisters and their children. It’s been a few weeks since he’s last seen them - busy with work, attending galas, and keeping up with TK - so he wants to take advantage of the day off while TK has to work. They try to get their days off to line up so they can spend time together without being tired from work, but there are always a few days during the month when things don’t align perfectly.
They don’t mind though, they use those days to do things they might not do when they’re off together. Sometimes TK attends meetings or spends the day on Facetime with Jonah - virtually going to museums and other places - and Carlos usually spends the time with his family or any of the dozen errands he never seems to have time to catch up on.
On this day he met up with his sisters and their families at one of the local restaurants for breakfast and then Carlos tagged along with them to the aquarium for the afternoon - thankfully not the zoo because last time his nieces and nephews made him go through the reptile exhibit and Carlos had hated it. Fish were much safer to look at and there was no chance of seeing a lizard.
They’re on their way to the dolphin show when his phone chimes with TK’s text tone. He digs through his pocket for his phone and gets it out, pulling the preview down to look at it. It’s a picture, and Carlos is almost certain it’s probably something he shouldn’t be looking at in public. He makes an excuse, dips into the nearest restroom, and opens the text.
His mouth goes dry as the picture loads. It’s obscene and unsafe to look at in the aquarium, but he can’t help it. His body heats up, cock twitching in his jeans and he’s filled with want that just keeps growing the longer he looks at it. TK is in the shower, sitting on the floor, and the glass door is steamy - probably due to TK trying to make a faux sauna in their bathroom. He has one leg bent at the knee, the other crossed on the floor in a position that makes him very open and if it wasn’t for the towel artfully draped across his middle Carlos would be able to see everything.
Carlos spends entirely too long looking at the picture, taking in every single detail, and committing it to memory. He’s not sure how he’s supposed to finish the day with his family with that image burned into his brain. It takes all his self-control and willpower to pull his eyes from the photo and type out a message to TK.
tag list (you can always ask to be added or removed) @strangefurychaos @sapphire11 @first-kanaphan @noxsoulmate @rangergurlgleek1211 @detective-giggles @tarlos-spain @lonestardust @bubblesandroses8 @thebumblecee @mooshkat @importantbailiffpaperpony @cowlos-reyes @meditating-honey-badger @paperstorm @otter-love-asl @kiloskywalker @angeltk @firstprince-history-huh @brouill3r
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angeltk · 1 year
left it all on the cold floor
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inspo: my 'cold floor' drabble + @tarlosweeklyprompts 'letter'
summary: Carlos has known about TK's struggles with opioid addiction for many years. But what happens when one day, he finds TK bleeding and desperate on the cold floor of the bathroom?
word count: 7.1k
author's note: angst has never been something i enjoyed writing until i started this. i really hope you'll enjoy it!! + thanks to @chaotictarlos for being my beta on this fic 🩶 -> warnings are under the cut. -> ao3 link here carlos' letter here
warnings: angst, opioid addiction, attempted relapse, actual relapse - not detailed, self-inflicted injury, blood, pills, carlos is aware of tk's addiction, rehab mentions
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Carlos leaves the station with a box of what's left of the donuts he'd brought in at the beginning of his shift. He takes a bite of one of them and then holds it between his lips while he fumbles for his key. He unlocks the car, climbs in and drops the pink, half-empty box of sweetness into the passenger's seat and buckles his belt. 
"Mm, yum." He says to himself when he finishes the last bite and licks his thumb and fingers clean of the powdered sugar. He wipes them on a tissue that is stuffed into the glove compartment and then slides his phone out of his pocket so he can shoot his boyfriend a quick text. 
Mind if I come over? I'll cook for you. 
Carlos and TK took things at a slow, steady pace in their relationship. They’d been together for a couple of years, but they hadn’t said those famous three words to each other, nor did they share a home. Yet Carlos had been presented with a key to TK's apartment about four months ago. Despite this, he felt it was still polite of him to let his boyfriend know before coming over, after all, he was raised a well-mannered man. It would also be plain wrong of him to just let himself in and out whenever he so pleased, key or no key.
Mind if I come over? I'll cook for you.
His words are still the only ones that are displayed on the screen. As he waits for a text back, he remembers the story of why he has the key and why it was Owen who had given it to him, not TK.
It was after a tough night when he’d been walking back from the convenience store. He’d randomly fancied his favourite bar of chocolate, craving it enough to take a quick trip out as it was falling dark. It was a good thing he’d decided to give in to his sweet temptations because, on the way back, he’d spotted TK. His entire body went slack when he realised what exactly TK was doing in the dark alley, talking to a taller, scruffier-looking man. He watched as the mystery guy took a roll of notes from TK’s shaking hand, then gave over a little baggy of pills. They fist-bumped each other, and then the deal was done. It was quick and quiet. Carlos had never caught TK in the act before, but he immediately jogged over to him once the other guy had disappeared and TK was making his way back into the glow of the streetlight above them. 
He didn’t know what to say as his boyfriend stared at him with wide, fearful eyes. He just looked back, taking him in. TK was wearing a black hoodie, the sleeves rolled down, but not enough to hide the jagged ends of what looked to be scratch marks. Carlos had seen them before. When TK was struggling, he'd scratch at his skin and sometimes make himself bleed. He did it to his arms, his legs and sometimes the back of his neck. His eyes fall down to where TK is holding the tiny bag and he wants so badly to snatch it away, perhaps find a drain to drop it into. He takes a single step forward, and TK flinches, like he’s a stray cat, worried that this stranger is going to harm him. 
“TK,” He asks a stupid question, but he needs to break this silence and end this weird standoff they seem to be having. “What are you doing out here?”
TK snaps out of his stare, crumples the bag further into his grasp and just shakes his head. Carlos’ mouth opens to say something else then, but TK interrupts, moving into his space. 
“Are you, uh, gonna arrest me, Officer?”
It’s not some failed attempt at a joke. TK is serious, and Carlos hadn’t even thought about it, but he knows the answer. “No. I’m not, TK. Do you think I should?”
He shrugs. “It’s the law, right?”
“Well I didn’t see the other guy's face… and I don’t have my cuffs on me, so.” He makes a gesture with his hand, waving it to signal for TK to come closer. “Let’s just… go home for now. Come on.”
That night, he'd walked home with TK, looping their arms together and holding him tightly, cautious of anything he said or did for the rest of the evening. He tried not to let TK get all up in his head again by keeping him busy. He asked him to help prepare their meal, and then pick a movie for them to watch. They ended up sitting on opposite ends of the couch, an uneasy air flowing between them and causing a ball-like feeling to form in Carlos’ throat. The whole time, the only thing on his mind was that little bag and making sure it ended up in the trash, or at least staying full.
Owen and Gwyn found out in the morning, when they both woke up to find the text from Carlos, explaining what had happened and that TK was okay, for the time being. The three of them talked about it in their private three-way group chat. They all knew that the next couple of days were vital and they needed to keep a close watch on TK until he was acting like his true self again. 
That afternoon, Owen visited the station, and following a heavy conversation and heartfelt words of gratitude for finding his boy, a key was pressed into his hand. Carlos had flipped it over a few times, frowning in confusion. He watched Owen’s eyes turn somber and when he was about to ask what the key was for, it was made clear.
“That is for when myself or Gywn aren't around. You, uh… you may have occasion to use it."
Owen patted Carlos on his shoulder, then left, leaving his mind to catch up and picture scenes where TK’s parents have had to use their own copies of the key before. He struggles to imagine what that is like; when they are so concerned about their own son’s well-being, that they have to pound on the door and let themselves in to find out if he’s okay. Or if he’s passed out, missing, or even, gone.
Carlos didn't have a chance to respond or to ask if TK would mind when Owen left, and it made him more than a little nervous to actually use it. How could he know how TK would react? But the first time Carlos worked up the courage to twist the key one day and walk on in as TK was changing, post-shower, he was met with a smiling face. TK smirked and sauntered over to Carlos, planting a kiss on his lips in greeting. “Baby.” He said simply, greeting him and making all of Carlos’ fear melt away. That was that. TK definitely didn't mind, or care.
After the memory passes over, he unglues his eyes from the car parked opposite him, looking down at his phone and sending a second text.
Or we could just order in?
Another minute goes by, and he types a third and final text, before dropping his phone next to the donuts, and pulling out of his parking space.
Okay… my choice then -  we’ll order Chinese food tonight? Be there soon. 
The drive to TK's place feels unusually longer than it does on any other given day. There isn't a crazy amount of traffic and he hasn't heard about any accidents on the road over the radio. He’s actually making good time, he notes after reading the time that flashes up on his mobile with two little taps. He left work around ten minutes ago, and it’s only about another fifteen before he’ll reach TK’s apartment building. It just doesn’t feel that way. Instead of ten, it feels like he’s been driving for triple that.
There’s a saying that crosses his mind, the one about time flying by when you’re having fun. Well, what if this was the opposite? The thought causes a dull ache to start up in his gut, and all of a sudden he can just tell that something is wrong. He’d often get a feeling like this during an emotional call or case at work, but right now, he is pretty sure he can pin the notion on his boyfriend. To TK.
It makes sense with the fact that TK still hadn’t answered his text messages. If he had, Carlos would know by the little popping notification sound going off beside him, but it’d been a silent drive so far.
He'd be lying if he said that TK always answered. He didn't. On a normal day, TK would read his messages and then reply later, explaining that he forgot to respond or that he was busy on a case that ran overtime. Sometimes, he just forgot, period. There were always those times as well when he just didn’t want to talk, but those were always worry-inducing.
When Carlos stops at a light, he picks up his phone again and squints down at his screen. Under the last message, it remains to read the word 'sent'. There aren't any bubbles to show that TK is typing or any ticks that indicate he has seen Carlos' texts. 
Carlos calls, tapping the speaker option and dropping his phone again, the light in front of him having turned green. It rings and rings and then goes straight to TK's voicemail. He ends the call and repeats the action, despite knowing that he'll most likely get the same outcome. 
'Hey, it's TK. I'm probably on a shift, or I just don't wanna talk to you. Drop a message or text m—'
"Shit, come on, Strand." Carlos hangs up. 
His fingers flex and tighten around the steering wheel, and he shifts in his seat, the belt now feeling like it's far too constricting. He's well aware that he's freaking himself out, he's overthinking, but it's completely justified. As much as he hates to think it, the fact is; this is exactly what it's like to be in a relationship with someone who has an unhealthy addiction. 
"TK, answer the damn phone. Where are you?" Carlos mutters. The question lingers, and he's not completely sure if he wants to know the answer. "Please, please just be showering."
As his drive continues, he thinks about good memories of TK, trying to sway his anxiety and ease it for a while. He thinks about that night when TK finally took the plunge and changed both of their lives forever with a way-overdue, toe-curling, picture-perfect kiss. It’d been a remarkably long time coming. They’d known each other since infancy and played together as children, then been inseparable best friends for most of their school lives, both of them keeping their hardcore crush on the other a secret. It took a rather horrendous storm keeping them trapped inside Carlos’ apartment for TK to make his move.
Carlos briefly wonders what would have happened if that kiss didn’t happen. Would someone else be in his current position of panic? Or, would TK have already done too much damage? That night in the alley… maybe without him there to catch TK in the act, the firefighter’s name could have become a news headline.
He slaps each side of his face in turn. He needs to stop this, he has to stop thinking in this way. After all, it was plausible that TK could, as he said, just be in the shower
“No, no, no!” 
The pitter-patter sound of pills falling and bouncing off of the floor echo around the small room. They roll around, some of them rebounding high enough to make it into the bathtub. 
TK screams in a way that - if he lived in a friendlier area - might just scare his neighbours into thinking that something was seriously wrong. It’s guttural and angry. It’s not TK.
His breathing picks up, and he doesn't even think about what he's doing when he makes a fist and throws a punch. The blow lands against the mirrored cabinet. He lets out another scream, which drives the middle-aged drunk from the apartment below to bang on the ceiling a couple of times, yelling something that TK doesn't register in his currently clouded mind. 
Cracks appear instantly in the glass. Droplets trickle down through them, painting the gaps with red, warm blood. They seep between the busted crevasses, then run over the thin edges, dripping down until they periodically splash into the sink. 
His reflection is shattered. He touches the fragment of glass that he can see his eyes in. It peels away and falls, splitting into a few smaller pieces by his feet. He doesn't react when one of them scrapes his skin, tearing a few layers and causing a long and slim cut.
He tears his eyes away from the mirror, feeling just a shred of shame for the person looking back at him. His hair is messy and slick, not having been brushed or washed in a couple of days. His lips are chapped, dry and lacking any colour, and his eyes are bloodshot. The smattering of stubble that frames his chin and jawline is normal, but it’s grown longer than he’d usually let it before having it trimmed.
Suddenly, overwhelmed with the sight, he falls to his knees. The second he hits the floor, he spots the cap of the bottle that had fallen, and it doesn’t take much, the plastic lid redirecting his focus back on the pills in an instant.
He moves like a wild animal that's desperate for a single morsel of food. 
His hands slap along the cold, tiled floor as he feels around for any loose pills. Most have rolled too far away, and he doesn't have the energy now to move that much. He huffs, feeling defeated, and falls against the hard surface of the tub. His back protests the harsh bump, that no doubt causes a bruise to start forming in yet another area of his injured and aching body. 
He is quiet for a few minutes, zoning out until he hears the buzz of his mobile from the other room. There’s no telling how long it had been ringing, but he can't bring himself to stand up and go see who it is anyway.
A stinging feeling coming from his hand distracts him. He lifts it onto his bent knee and inspects the damage. If he were in a rational state of mind, he would panic at this point. He would call for help, call his Dad, anyone that he knew. Or maybe he would at least try to bandage the cuts himself, but he just pulls down the sleeve of his hoodie and tugs it over his clean hand, then presses it on top of his bloody one. Pressure is good, he thinks, it’ll stem the bleeding, right?
TK isn't sure how much time passes, but it feels like forever and nothing at all. He sits there on the bathroom floor, alone and longing for that euphoric high he'd been trying to chase and replicate since the very first time. 
Thoughts start to swirl around in his head again, just like they always did. He thinks about how ashamed he is. Yeah, embarrassment is the first thing that crosses his mind. He knows he looks the part of an addict at this moment, and if any of his crew or his friends were to see him like this, he'd want to hibernate forever; never to be seen again. He thinks about how he had managed to stay clean for almost five months. The last time he almost relapsed, Carlos had caught him with his new dealer. Often, he dreams about that day, reimaging the night if Carlos had arrested him, or if he’d taken the pills before being found. Maybe he wouldn’t have a boyfriend anymore after such an ordeal. That thought makes him shiver.
The cycle goes on. The wheel of emotions spins to land on anger, regret, sadness, and eventually, irritability. He's pissed off. He had dropped not just a couple, but all of the pills. They'd cost him quite the lump sum of what he had left of this month's paycheck, and now they were scattered everywhere, going to waste. Or… not. TK knows that the floor hasn’t been cleaned in a few weeks, but they were just pills, surely they would still be okay to take, he could just wipe them off.
TK's mouth twitches, his eyes go wide, and he grunts as he pushes himself up on all fours. Now determined, he crawls along the floor, his head ducking to look around and locate as many pills as he can. His eyes are dead-set on his quest, and his focus is as direct as when he's out saving lives with the 252.
There's probably irony in that somewhere… about how protecting people brings about as much fixation as nearly killing himself each time he overdoses, or takes even one pill.
He finds one pretty quickly. It's behind the back of the toilet, and for just a moment, TK does question himself and his choices. He really thinks about tossing it, but the idea is short-lived. He plucks the candy-like drug from the floor and wipes it on his jeans, then shoves it into his hand with force, like he's afraid it'll roll away again. On his free hand, there's a tiny amount of dusty residue stuck to his thumb and forefinger from the pressure making it crumble a little. He brings it to his mouth, licks it off and continues to collect more. 
Each time he finds another, he still feels as though he doesn't have enough; his brain telling him that he needs a generous dose. So his little hunt goes on. Until, he hears shuffling in the front room, followed by an all too familiar voice calling his name.
Carlos pushes his car door shut and locks it. In his left hand, he holds the box of donuts, his uniform jacket draped over his forearm. He should also be carrying a bag of groceries, but he'd decided to ditch the store stop along the way, wanting to get here as quickly as posssible.
He slides the key into the lock and takes a deep breath. He tells himself what he needs to hear but doesn't entirely believe. 'It's all good. He's just taking a shower. A really, really… long shower.'
"Hey, TK!" Gently kicking the door behind him, he calls out to his boyfriend, pretending not to hear the slight tremor in his own voice. He puts the box of treats down on the kitchen counter. "I, uh- brought donuts if you want them."
He doesn't get a response, so he flicks on some lights and looks around. The apartment isn't messy, but it's not tidy either. There are no dishes in the sink, the trash bin is just about overflowing and there’s nothing playing in the way of radio or the TV. He wonders if TK has even been here at all today. "Babe? You here? Hello?"
Again, he gets no response.
"You even h–" A loud grunt comes from the direction of the bathroom and Carlos jumps, and he drops his jacket slips from his grasp, thudding on the floor from the weight of his wallet and car keys. "TK!? Shit, are you okay?"
"I'm fine!" 
Carlos has to remind himself to breathe when TK finally answers him, but he’s still concerned as he kicks off his boots and places them neatly on the shoe rack. "God, TK, I was worried for a sec. You didn't reply to my texts…" As he says this, he notices TK's phone, laying on a cushion on the sofa. “Oh, it’s… there.”
He picks up his jacket, hangs it up and then just stands in the entryway for a while. He listens intently, trying to figure out what TK is doing. There’s no water running, no flushing or the sound of the shower curtain being opened or closed. He decides that he’s had enough, after a few minutes. He needs to know that his boyfriend is okay, now. 
He takes a few steps to reach the bathroom and twists the door handle. To his surprise, it isn’t locked, so he goes right in and gasps at the sight he’s met with. "Tyler…"
“Ugh.” TK rolls his eyes. He didn’t mind Carlos using his full name, in fact, he loved it, but it was the tone Carlos had said it in; full of shock and concern. 
“What the hell happened?”
“I, uh…” TK is leaning against the tub, a hand holding his head, sitting with his legs crossed. “headbutted the sink."
"Oh, yeah. Is that all?" Carlos' words come out harsher than intended, but he’s too distracted by the scene before him to apologise or rephrase. “Did you hurt yourself anywhere else?”
He kneels in front of TK, gently taking his balled, uninjured hand and prying it open. The pills are mostly crushed, and he’s pretty sure that this is why TK looks so peeved right now. Carlos tips all of the powdered substance into his own hand and stands up to throw it in the toilet bowl. He then washes his hands and sits down, copying TK's crossed-leg position. 
He knows TK is expecting a big fight. Some type of grand intervention-style speech, but he is far more worried about the cuts on TK’s knuckles and wants to deal with them first. Carlos also doesn't want to spook TK, make him leave, or upset him. He wants to tread lightly.
He stretches over to the cabinet, pulling out a first-aid kit that he is amazed TK still has. "Give me your hand." TK does as he’s asked, and Carlos places it on his leg, then cleans it with a couple of wipes, making sure to be delicate over the torn skin. "So… you punched the mirror? Why?"
TK looks off to the side, his jaw clenching. "I dropped them."
Carlos feels nauseous. The answer isn't a surprise, really, but some of the cuts look as though they’ve bled quite a bit. They're already starting to bruise, and he wonders if the cuts will scar. He finds it difficult to hear because he’d hurt himself, purposefully, over such a small thing, an accident. To him, at least. 
"Oh." He replies simply, choosing to go back to the task at hand before he can overthink some more.
There isn't much to sort through in the kit, but Carlos does find a large band-aid, a pair of scissors, and an ice pack that looks like it’s been used already and thrown back in. He cuts the sticky bandage into strips so that they'll fit a little better over the wounds. He'd like nothing more than to take TK to the hospital, just in case stitches were needed as well, but he already knows he would get nowhere with that suggestion. 
He finishes patching up TK's hand, then asks a question that he really doesn't want to, but needs to. "TK… baby, please tell me honestly, did you swallow any of those pills?"
TK throw his head back and sighs. "I literally just licked some… but how would you know either way."
"Ugh, I told you! I got some on my finger. I licked it off. That’s it." He looks Carlos straight in the eyes.
"But was it enough? I mean, are you-" 
"For fuck sake!" TK yells, and Carlos has to pretend that he isn’t hurt by the outburst. "I'm not fucking high, Carlos!"
"Right… well, listen. I have to tell your parents about this. Or you can…" TK glares at Carlos, and he decides to try and level with him in a way that has proven to work in the past: by mentioning his job. "Baby, they need to know. Your Dad especially. If I hadn't just come in, you'd have just swallowed it all, wouldn’t you? Or gone out to buy more?"
“Yeah. I would’ve." TK is harsh when he speaks, and there's no obvious guilt or shame in the way he answers so matter-of-factly.
"Well, you can't go out saving lives if you're here putting your own in jeopardy, baby." Carlos watches TK come back to himself, even if it's to the smallest degree. TK often cares more about what he does for a living than he does himself. Carlos knows this, and he knew it would benefit their current predicament to bring it up. "So I'll text them, okay?"
TK scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, and Carlos looks over at him again and wonders what the hell he is supposed to do now. He knows what TK needs to do. He needs to get professional help, but it isn't his choice to make, and quite frankly, that’s one thing he’s afraid of bringing up.
He chooses to change the topic to what they’re having for dinner. Food is the only other thing that sits at the back of his mind, his stomach had been begging for more sustenance since eating the donut. 
"So, um… dinner then? Anything you fancy. You heard me mention the donuts, yeah? We can just have those if you don't want anything else. Or I–"
Carlos is suddenly knocked back as TK crashes into him, head bumping his stomach. To say he wasn’t prepared for the onslaught of affection would be an understatement. He nearly topples over, catching himself with one hand behind him while the other holds TK around his waist. "Tyler?"
He tries to get a look at TK's face, but his boyfriend just hugs him tighter. Carlos brings the fragile, struggling man in closer, his recent hunger forgotten as he feels TK’s shoulders begin to shake as he breaks down.
"You're gonna get through this, I promise you that." He finally lets a tear slip, feeling it tickle his skin as it slides over his cheek. "One day, you're gonna be so happy. You're gonna be okay."
The next morning, Carlos wakes, and within seconds of peeling open his eyes and glancing around the bedroom, he knows the situation has gone from bad to worse.
He knows because the pillow his head is on is far too firm to be his. He's lying on TK's side, meaning that his boyfriend isn't in bed anymore. When he looks over at TK's bedside table, his phone is there, untouched, with the charging cable still plugged in. If TK were on a shift, or visiting his parents or friends, anywhere he went, he would take it with him. The fact that it was still here meant that TK didn't want to be contactable. He didn't want to be found.
He checks TK's phone because his boyfriend had never hidden his passcode, and never tried to cover it up. He taps in the four digits, goes straight to his messages and sees an unknown number that has been texting with him since about an hour after they’d gone to bed. In past experience, these numbers usually belonged to the dealers TK would find.
Carlos' stomach does a flip, and this time, his fears and worries come out in a physical form. He stumbles to the bathroom just in time to throw up the pizza and donuts they had shared for dinner. 
When he's done, he flushes, falling back into the same spot he'd found TK in not that many hours ago. He looks around the room, the glass is still scattered on the floor. After getting TK up they’d decided to leave the clear-up until later, too wrapped up in their stress to bother with such a task at that moment. Carlos is glad he managed to walk in without standing on any of it.
He rubs his hands over his face and tries to focus on what he needs to do. It's his day off of work, meaning he can go and find TK without having to call in with an excuse, like being sick, though, that wouldn’t be far from the truth now. First, though, he takes a deep breath and rises to his feet. He heads back into the bedroom, finds his overnight bag and changes quickly, then pulls out his phone and dials Owen Strand’s number.
"Hey, Carlos." Owen picks up right away. "You guys change your mind about grabbing breakfast? It’s not often that our days off line up, so we–"
"No, we didn’t, uh-” Carlos cuts off Owen's impending ramble by clearing his throat and using the name that he keeps being told to drop by the man. "Sir… it's TK."
"Oh, god. How much did he take?" Owen's voice switches instantaneously, from soft and playful to serious and deceptively calm. "Is he alive?"
"No..." The questions make Carlos' heart pound. "I mean, I don’t know… to both. I-”
“He’s gone, Sir. Left while I was asleep. I- I didn’t even hear him get up. I didn’t hear him…"
“Okay, try and stay with me, Carlos. Is there a reasonable explanation? He's not just… grabbing something to eat?"
Carlos knows that Owen is grasping for an answer they'd both love to find some truth in, but he can hear his boyfriend's father shuffling around over the phone. His voice is farther away, most likely from being put on speaker. He presumes that Owen is getting ready to leave and go looking for his son. 
"There are messages on his phone. It’s an unknown number, but-”
“Yeah, probably a dealer. Carlos, I'm on my way to his place, I’ll see you in a moment, okay?"
Carlos expects a call or text from Owen, letting him know he's here and waiting outside in the car. What he doesn't expect is the gust of air that hits him as TK’s door is flung open to reveal both of his boyfriend’s parents. 
None of them bothers with fake smiles or reassurance, Owen just beelines for TK’s phone, which is sitting on the back of the sofa. As for Gwyn, she approaches Carlos with outstretched arms. Carlos doesn't see TK's mother as often as he does Owen. The sight of her worried face and the smudged mascara under her eyes have him feeling weak. He has to swipe away a tear of his own when wraps him in a comforting hug. 
"Gwyn, I'm so sorry. I didn’t hear him get up. He’s just, he’s gone."
"Sweetie, nothing is your fault, okay? Don’t even think about blaming yourself, do you hear me?" She releases Carlos and then Owen stands back next to her, swiping through TK’s phone, holding it low so that Gwyn can see too. "Owen and I are going out to look for him. Would you stay here, just in case he does come back?"
"Wait. Stay here? I mean, I can help."
"You are, son." Owen lays a hand on Carlos' shoulder. "If this isn’t what we think it is, when he comes back, we’ll need to know right away.”
"Okay, yeah." Carlos nods. "Yeah, sure."
“Alright.” Gwyn says, then shuffles out of the apartment, Owen following closely behind her, a hand splayed out on her back in an attempt to soothe her. Carlos listens as their voices fade as they descend the stairs. They discuss which streets they're each going to go to first, he hears them mention a few parks as well, and then they’re gone.
It's almost midnight, and Carlos hasn't heard anything for hours. He still feels sick, and he can't take his eyes away from his phone for more than a minute at a time. He tried to watch a little tv, and attempted to get into a book, but neither activity calmed his mind for long enough. The only thing he managed to do was clean up TK's apartment a little. Organising his shelves and kitchen cupboards, tossing out items that were past their use-by date. He made sure to sweep up the mess in the bathroom too. It took his attention away from thinking about every possible worst-case scenario he could think of, but inevitably, he ended up going right back to pacing the room.
Of course, he finally sits down, his leg bouncing nervously for a single minute, and then he hears the door again. Carlos springs to his feet as Gwyn walks in alone.
"We found him." She reassures Carlos with a smile before he can spin out and make assumptions, or ask a million questions. "He's down in the car with Owen. I just came by to let you know before, well… see, honey, we’re-"
"You're doing it, aren't you..." He blinks rapidly for a few seconds when the top of his nose starts to tingle; an indication of incoming tears. "You’re sending him to rehab?"
"It's time, my love. When I found him tonight, he was -" Gwyn's eyes flick between Carlos'. He watches her hands moving on their own accord as she searches for the right words to say. "It wasn't like the other times. When I got to him, I was shaking him and… for a moment I thought, I thought he was-"
"It’s okay, I understand." Carlos stops her before she can say the word ‘dead’, he can see how much it’s hurting her, and he feels it too. "And I know he needs this, but it still feels wrong somehow. Like… we’re abandoning him somehow? That’s like, totally not what we’re doing but it still feels that way… I dunno."
"Yeah, but my boy… he’s tough. Deep down I know he knows that, too, and he is going to get better." Gwyn sniffles and Carlos offers her a second hug which she gratefully accepts it. When she pulls back, she caresses Carlos’ cheek, her thumb stroking his skin gently. "Do you want to see him before we go? He's not exactly in a talking mood, but…"
"I want to. Of course, I do, but I don't think it's a good idea. Not right now... he needs to just get there."
"Okay. Well, I'll see you soon, sweetie." Gwyn plants a kiss on Carlos' cheek. “Take care of yourself, Carlos, okay? If you need anything at all, even just to talk, I’m here for you.”
Her words hit Carlos hard, and he is so grateful at that moment, that his boyfriend came with such genuine, caring parents. “Thank you.” He whispers shakily, and then she leaves with a little wave, closing the door behind her.
He's still for a few moments, holding his breath, and when he hears a car engine start from outside the building, he realises that he doesn't even know how long TK will be gone. He didn't ask. He chokes on a sob, and tears finally start to fall. He drops to the floor, grabs a cushion from the sofa and, though he’s alone, he hides his outflow of emotions, crying into the soft material, squeezing it as tight as he can in his hands. 
When Gwyn returned from the airport, she and Owen had come over to see Carlos, just as they promised. They talked for a few hours, and when they left TK’s apartment, Carlos stayed. Both parents had agreed that it was more than okay for him to live at TK's for however long he wanted, or needed to. However, after four long days, he decides that it's time to go.
He figures that he has sat amongst his own sadness and dread for long enough, and he felt like he needed a change of scenery. TK wasn’t coming back for a little while, and to be truthful, he was finding it hard to be present when he was on duty, which was obviously not a good thing in his line of work. 
So he packs up his things back at his own apartment, sends them to his new address, and then goes back to TK's one last time. 
While there, he takes one of TK's hoodies. He wants something more than photos in his phone’s gallery or the memories that fill his head daily to make him feel closer to TK while he’s away. It's old, has a hole in one sleeve, and the strings have clearly been chewed on, but he still tugs it over his head. He pulls the fabric to his nose, and yeah, it still smells like TK. Not the TK who left for rehab, but the man who is so funny, so kind and gentle. The man who was impossible not to fall for when he was sober, innocent. He takes it off again, frowning when he realises that it’s the very item of clothing that TK had worn the first time they kissed. He has photographic evidence tucked away in one of his moving boxes that is currently on its way to his new home. 
Carlos feels another round of waterworks coming on when he visualises the framed picture in his mind, so he shakes his head and refocuses.
He thinks about what he came here to do and then goes to find a pen and some paper. Before Carlos tidied up the place, it would have taken some digging just to grab what he needed. Now, there was a little basket on a shelf that held the supplies. Some pads of lined paper and a pencil case of various colours of pens, along with other materials needed for any creative endeavours. He also takes out an envelope that he had bought at the post office on his way back to the building.
He plops himself down on the kitchen stall and quickly wipes it over with a dry cloth to make sure that the paper doesn't accidentally get wet. He uncaps a black pen and then spends a good hour writing out his letter.
Firstly, this isn't an old-time-y way of me breaking things off with you. I want you to know that before you carry on reading - I'm not breaking up with you. I don’t think I ever could.
He underlines those last six words, and he hopes that TK will take them in, and know how serious he is.
I'm not sure how long it will be until you come home and find this, but I can't text or leave a voicemail. I think I may be allowed to send you this letter, but I don’t want to interfere with your recovery there. I don’t want this to be a possible distraction for you.
Is it strange that I find writing to you kind of… romantic? I mean, despite the reason I'm having to write it in the first place. 
He thinks about crossing out that part and starting over again, but then he remembers that TK is a grown man who knows what's happening, and why; he doesn't need to sugar-coat anything.
Was that a good segway? Because I really want to tell you that I believe in you. As cheesy as it may sound, I know that you can get through this, TK. I’ve never been through what you are right now, but I can guess that you’re going to find it hard. Even when you leave rehab, it'll be a battle for a while at least, but I know you'll pull through. You'll survive.
And through everything - the ups and downs, good days and bad, I’ll be here for you.
Well, actually I'll be in Austin, Texas, but what I mean is that I’ll always support you, whether it’s in person or through a phone. You’ll always have me. 
Carlos stops to brush away a tear. He clicks the pen a few times and then continues. 
Did you know I have family in Austin? Friends, too. I think I’ve mentioned it once or twice. I figured if I’m going to move anywhere, that’s where it should be. Someplace I can go where people already know me, so I don’t have to worry about fitting in or making new friends.
As for my job, well, there's an opening in the APD. I’ve heard good things about all of the emergency services down in Austin. You should look up the 126, and read their stories… they’ve had some bizarre calls.
Anyway… maybe we could try that long-distance thing once you’re home. You can visit me, and I can do the same. The place I’m renting, it’s really nice, I have some design ideas I think you’d really like. 
Baby, honestly, I am positively desperate to get my arms around you again. I miss you so much. I miss kissing you, cooking for you, watching movies and having you fall asleep in my arms. I miss your charming smile and your hands in mine. I miss… other parts of you, too. How could I not? And it's a little embarrassing how much, since, as I'm writing this, you've only been gone for 4 days. 
I need to wrap this up. As much as I would enjoy writing you a novel, I do have to catch a flight.
- In this envelope, along with this soppy love letter, you'll find a card with my new home address on it. I hope you’ll make good use of it, and that I’ll see you standing at my door soon. We can have one of those cute romantic movie reunions… the ones that have even you tearing up.
One more time, Carlos pauses. He thinks about what he wants to write next, pondering over whether or not it's the right time. Ultimately, he decides to lay down his feelings and put them all on paper with three simple words and a name. So with a few more strokes of his pen, he confesses it all.
I love you, Tyler Kennedy Strand.
I'll be waiting for you. 
Carlos folds the pieces of paper neatly three times, enough to fit inside the envelope. He slides his address card in there, too. Then he lifts the letter to his mouth and licks along the edge. Placing it back down, he uses his thumb to make sure that it is stuck down well enough. He caps the pen, puts it away and then places the letter on the coffee table, the tips of his fingers lingering over it for a few seconds. He takes one of the larger pebbles from one of the potted plants in the window and places it on top, like a paperweight. He then sends a text to Owen, letting him know that he's on his way to drop off his key to TK's place. Finally, he grabs his last piece of luggage, a backpack filled with some belongings he'd left here over the past 2 years or so since he'd started dating TK. 
He opens the door, takes a deep breath, and then just before he leaves, he whispers, "I’ll see you soon, Tyler Kennedy Strand."
taglist: @wandering-night19, @fortunatelydecaffeinateddinosaur @rubinsteinsilva126 @maniadeityn @just-inside-her @chaotictarlos @lightningboltreader + let me know if you'd like to be added/removed, please!
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angeltk · 1 year
left it all on the cold floor — carlos' letter to tk
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insp: my cold floor drabble + for @tarlosweeklyprompts 'letter'
author's note: i felt like it would be nice– and kind of heartbreaking– to have carlos' letter as a separate post as well. so, here you go.
-> this could possibly be read as a stand-alone thing, but the full fic is here if you'd like to read it!
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taglist: @wandering-night19 , @fortunatelydecaffeinateddinosaur @rubinsteinsilva126 @maniadeityn @just-inside-her @chaotictarlos @lightningboltreader + let me know if you'd like to be added/removed, please!
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angeltk · 1 year
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2: burn + 32: ransom
warnings: burns - not detailed, kidnap heavily implied, ransom note
a/n: burn is inspired by 4x10 (& i used a screencap from it^), but it can be set whenever you want post-proposal. also, i wrote the note^^ with my left hand so it would be messy, but i find it so funny 'cos it's truly horrendous-looking lmao
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TK smiles to himself when he gets a text from Carlos, letting him know that he's here to pick him up. Nancy teases him about his 'heart-eyes' for a few minutes, and then Carlos is walking into the firehouse. 
"Hey, baby." TK greets Carlos, eagerly moving towards him.
When TK is close enough, Carlos' eyes widen. He spots a small, angry-looking red patch along TK's shoulder. 
"What's wrong?"
Carlos simply rolls his eyes in response, then points to the ambulance and says, "We aren't going anywhere until you get that burn looked at. Hey, Nance? Mend my fiancé, would you?"
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TK lets out a dry chuckle, thinking to himself that his fiancé is worth way more than the amount scrawled over the note he'd found stuck to his car.
He reads it over and over and takes a little time to see if he can figure out the handwriting, wonders if the person responsible is someone he knows.
Minutes later, he gives up and dials a number. Suddenly, he feels like he's going to throw up when Gabriel answers, and he realises he now has to break the news that no parent ever wants to hear.
"Carlos has been taken."
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taglist: @wandering-night19, @fortunatelydecaffeinateddinosaur @rubinsteinsilva126 @maniadeityn @just-inside-her @chaotictarlos @lightningboltreader + let me know if you'd like to be added/removed, please!
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