B.S. Excuses
The reasons the writer’s didn’t have Caroline end up with Klaus was because it would be “disrespectful” to Stefan’s memory.
So what you're telling me that;
It wasn’t disrespectful when Elena kissed Damon, well Stefan traded HIMSELF for the cure to save his brother?
Or Stefan, repeatedly walking out on Caroline, wasn’t disrespectful.
So Caroline, is supposed to spend the rest of her LIFE, eternity, honouring the memory of the guy she was only married to for ONE DAY, when he choose to die to protect his ex-girlfriend (and you can’t tell me she wasn’t a HUGE reason for why he did that), and brother? 
That Caroline is supposed to set aside her own happiness, to honour a sham wedding that only took place to bait out Katherine?
EVEN IF, even if they WERE married, it’s been YEARS, (Lizzie and Josie were 4 in TVD, and 15 in TO), so even after 11 years, after over a DECADE, she can’t move on and be happy?
Now, let’s look at a different hypothetical scenario, if it was Caroline who died that day, they would have had Stefan ALL OVER Elena, in the primer of a hypothetical season 9 of TVD.
The only reason this happened was because Nina (I have nothing against her) decided to leave the vampire diaries, forcing the writers to think of an alternate romantic plotline. Caroline was literally treated like Elena’s understudy! 
So SCREW B.S. excuses, Klaroline should have gotten their happy ending, and them even attempting to use Stefan’s death, and “Steroline”, to prevent that, DISGUSTS ME!
(I knew their was a reason why I camp out on the Ao3 “Caroline Forbes/Klaus Mikaelson” tag like a little troll under a bridge, because canon SUCKS, and Klaroline fanfiction is my happy place.)
^^^This is my opinion, you don’t have to share it, or even agree, it’s just mine^^^
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bennettmaximoff · 6 months
It’s still insane how that side of tvdu fandom vilifies Tyler for choosing to get revenge on the man that killed his mother and friends instead of staying with Caroline, all because they needed an excuse to make Klaus look like the better choice for Care. Which is insane because he has physically harmed Caroline and almost killed her, yet somehow him doing that isn’t terrible as Tyler growling at Caroline bc she slept with the man who tortured him and again, has killed his mother…
“Tyler slut shamed her”… when all he stated was that she slept with Klaus. Even in show, they have Stefan punching him and acting as if he said something egregious [Them completely forgetting all the times they have Caroline call other female characters sluts or insinuate it, but ofc the writers and fandom have selective memory when it comes to certain characters] when Tyler had the right to be upset over his girlfriend sleeping with the man who destroyed his life.
This is the same side that calls Bonnie a terrible friend because she didn’t immediately warm up to Caroline being a vampire. Even though Caroline had literally killed an innocent person—Even though Bonnie made her a daylight ring not too long after. But this is the TVD fandom we’re talking about, so of course black and poc character’s feelings are not an importance to them. It’s interesting how they are so quick to infantilize and baby white characters, yet the black/poc chars are supposed to easily move on from their trauma, deal with it, and prioritize their white counterparts over themselves.
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occulthours · 4 months
the later seasons of tvd would’ve been so much better had bonnie and caroline switched love interests and storylines.
it would’ve made more sense for stefonnie to get together, bonnie have kids (whether they be the gemini twins or not), stefan take the cure from elena, and open as supernatural school.
it also would’ve made more sense for caroline to fall for enzo (a vampire that actually enjoyed vampirism and fit her moral standards) and did the whole annoyance to lovers trope.
bonnie showed interest in having kids and was far more equipped to teach the next generation of supernaturals. additionally stefonnie had a much better set up post season 4 and kat and paul had amazing chemistry.
caroline never showed interest in children in any way shape or form and enjoyed every aspect of vampirism. it would’ve been more fitting for her to be with someone that fit the immortal lifestyle she set out to live, which enzo could’ve done (i honestly would’ve loved single!caroline but if i couldn’t have that or forwood, carenzo would’ve been my next choice for her).
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cancerian-woman · 6 months
Tyler didn’t slutshame or cheat on Caroline. I wish people actually paid attention but they only heard Klaus running his mouth. Then saw bright colored eyes when Tyler told her to leave him alone AND repeatedly said she slept with Klaus. That is not slut shaming, “Caroline felt bad…” Hm, because she knew Tyler wasn’t going to hear her out on that?
Revenge on Klaus was okay when Stefan wanted it but…of course Tyler wasn’t supposed to feel anything 🙄
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klayleyism · 1 year
Hating steroline because "Caroline deserved better" then turning around to ship klaroline is so insane
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Stefan: wants revenge on Klaus for the shit he pulled on him, even going as far as to almost drive the love of his life off of Wickery Bridge. Knowing that that her parents almost died and where she almost died.
Fandom: Stefan has every right to hate Klaus!!! He didn’t actually do it!!! His humanity was off (it was on and yes he was dealing with the guilt and pain, but I’m not gonna go dismiss my baby girl’s trauma either).
Tyler: wants revenge on Klaus for killing him, forcing him into becoming a hybrid, making him into his slave, forced him to bite his gf, killed his mother (aka his last living family member) because Tyler dared to save innocent hybrids from being sired, killed his pack, and drove him out of his hometown. Tearfully leaves because while he loves Caroline, he doesn’t want to live under a psychopath’s thumb and wants justice. Keep in mind that he didn’t abuse Caroline in the process unlike something a certain Salvatore brother did to the love of his life.
Fandom: T-Tyler is such a dick! He chose revenge over Caroline! He hates Klaus more than he loves Caroline! How dare he not grieve the way his girlfriend wanted him to! Klaus/Stefan would never!
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fairykery · 7 months
The Vampire Diaries opinions people hate me for:
Forwood is actually a good ship and I wish it didn't have to go down like that, at the expense of Caroline's character.
I ship Klaroline; but Klaus was toxic. I could only ever see this ship becoming endgame if Klaus redeemed himself first.
Caroline had chemistry with everyone except Stefan.
Bamon had potential (and it was literally in the books). If they had come up with a "I had my humanity off" plotline it would have made the ship work🤷🏻‍♀️
Bonezo is a good ship and is clearly less toxic than Bamon; but it only happened to please racist dullena fans that complained about Bamon's romantic implications(even if it happened in the books)
Caroline, Katherine, Bonnie, & Stefan are the most interesting characters of TVD
Jeremy & Anna were cute IDK🤷🏻‍♀️
Matt did not deserve the hate. His feelings were valid. All his friends were killers and he was an abandoned, heartbroken boy, whose mom was a drunk and pedophile, and his only sister & family was killed by the boyfriend of his ex-girlfriend who he loved alot, just cause he decided he was bored. He remained loyal & brave to his friends and they didn't account for their murders and killings & stopped caring for the innocent.
Alaric was not a bad father and teacher. Even if he had his slip-ups he was actually an interesting & good character.
Damon is way too defended In this fandom. People should like the character and not defend the wrongs?! Just how many women has he compelled to sleep with him and to let him drink their blood? And what about what he did to Aaron whitmore? He slaughtered entire families of Innocents even while dating Elena. So all that "sHe mAkEs hiM bEtTeR" crap, is not valid. You can like Ian's acting and the smugness of his character, & like the character for those reasons, without defending the terrible acts of the character.
Delena was a horrible ship. The only reason it's popular is due to the shallow fact that people see Ian as more handsome than Paul. The ship only has good chemistry and looks. Beyond that, there is nothing.
Stefan is still the better man. (Fried humanity/off humanity Stefan don't count just as it goes for all the other vampires) Gaslighting writing through the other characters won't change that(Nice try, Julie P)🤷🏻‍♀️
Alaric and Jo were really cute together. I don't care. They made epic twins together.
Elena is overloved; but overhated at the same time. It's annoying. Just love the kind human girl that she used to be and hate the vicious, selfish girl she became, without hating her for breathing. That simple.
Klelijah(Katherine x Elijah) is not a good ship. Katherine loved stefan. She was only using Elijah to survive, and back then she only pitied him. Elijah also only was with her because of what he did to Tatia
Katherine did deserve better though, even if she did bad things. Making her the biggest/& ultimate devil and pretending there wasn't any good in her was incredibly misogynistic. Like Damon & Klaus did worse things and they get happy lives and good character ends? Like No! Horrible! Katherine's core was a scared little girl who wanted to live a normal human life while still being powerful and beautiful. She was chased for 500 years, had to see her entire family slaughtered, lost a baby because of misogynistic expectations, found her again, just to see her last family die again. Did she do horrible things? Yes; all to survive. But she also saved Jeremy, Damon, Stefan, encouraged Elena to be honest about what she felt for Damon even when she didn't have to.
Caroline did annoying things; but overall she was an interesting character. And she was way too smart and strong as a vampire. I loved seeing it.
Bonnie deserved so much more than the show gave her. I hope she gets her own show one day. A show about witches would be pretty lit.
Rebecca could have tried harder to be kinder and less evil. I get she had centuries of habits she needed to break but still. (Elena stabbing her in the back was still shit though)
Klaus was evil to his default and was an abuser to his family. I'm glad he changed/died for hope; but still I would have been nice if there were other factors to this action.
They shouldn't have thrown away the good of Elijah Mikalson. He didn't deserve that. The way they also tried to pull a Stefan on him.
Haylijah was a cute ship🤷🏻‍♀️
Esther wasn't wrong about her children being evil as vampires. And what she wanted to do with them was have them live as humans.
What the originals did to Marcel was fucked up
What the originals did to Davina was cruel
I wish we could have seen more of the witch that played "the hollow".
Glamorizing Hope's evil side is not "a flex". Again, like the character & actor art; but not the vicious actions.
Hosie should have been canon
That random new original sister was so unnecessary.
Kolvina is the most interesting ship of the entire TVDverse I wish there was more of them
All TVD ships were good I just find: Steroline, Delena, & Klamille to be cringe. Steroline only happened to compensate Forwood/& Klaroline and justify Delena. And Delena only happened because of looks and the love story was trash. Klamille was also a compensation ship to Klaroline so yeah, cringe.
TVD writing, lore, acting, cinematography,. directing is all a 10. The only thing that is trash is the ending and all the romantic entanglement the show had.
Warning: This isn't to start an agree to disagree party. This post is just so that those that agree with me can high-five with me. If you disagree, don't even bother commenting on this post. Everything is a matter of perception & perspective. I'm just sharing mine, while venting. By jumping on this post to fight with me you are immediately self-labeling yourself as entitled. Everyone has their own opinions bestie so don't even.
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staliaqueen · 3 months
Rewatcing TVD season 5 and I'm on 5x04 where Stefan has his memory loss and I'm having a lot of Steroline thoughts so I'mma just dump 'em all here.
So first thing that happens is drunk Stefan calls Caroline hot when he first sees her, establishing that he does find her attractive on a baseline level. Meaning, he probably would've noticed her when he came to Mystic Falls if he wasn't so distracted by having found a doppelgänger of the girl that turned him into a vampire.
Then there's the difference between how Elena and Caroline handle amnesia!Stefan's bloodlust. Elena, in classic her-fashion, makes it all about herself. You were a great boyfriend to me. You never scared me. So, naturally, when he tries to kiss her and she tells him she's with his brother now, he feels betrayed and runs off. Elena tried to get him to remember by recreating how they met, she distracts him from his bloodlust by telling him all about their relationship. It works temporarily, but this makes it so that Stefan ties his control to being around Elena ("Whatever monster I was capable of being, I could see why I was different around you.") so when he finds out about her and Damon, his control goes down with their relationship.
But when Caroline sees him feeding on Jessie, she tells him, "This isn't you. Okay, you might not remember, but I do. You are better than this! You are not this person." Not only does she solely tie it to who Stefan is as a person, but as a byproduct, she informs Stefan that he has other people who care about him besides his ex and brother. It's no wonder she's the only one he trusts after that. And then she and Stefan agree on a plan for her to call him every hour to check in, because Caroline prioritises making sure Stefan's okay before making sure that he remembers. ("I don't want my brother's advice. I don't wanna hear how I supported you, Elena. [...] Don't worry, I'm not gonna go on a ripper binge. Besides, Caroline said she'd call me every hour to make sure I was okay, and, uh... I actually do trust her.")
And then there's the scene in the Salvatore Tomb before Bonnie's funeral where Stefan comforts Caroline. It's in my, like, top 10 scenes of theirs at least. ("Me. You have me. Look, you were there for me last night. Sounds like you're always there for me. So let me be there for you.") Elena told him that he always showed her and others compassion, but that doesn't do much when she disrespected him by lying by omission about their history and the fact that she left him for his brother. Caroline tells him that he's a compassionate person and then backs it up by showing him compassion. So when Stefan sees her hurting, he wants to return that. He puts his own worries aside for the time being, asks her what's wrong, says he wishes he could remember Bonnie, offers physical comfort and tells her he'll still be there for her despite him not remembering their friendship, because he sees how much she does for him and others and he knows she deserves it.
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rosedforbes · 11 months
PLEASE DON'T CREATE DRAMA UNDER THE COMMENTS OR UNDER THE REPOST. if you don't agree, just block me. ( these photos are from my editing acc on tiktok bc I'm too lazy to rewrite all of the things). ALSO! there are some things that I already said in my recent post but well yk it's won't hurt anyone if I add them again. last but not least, some of these are inspired by @margueritetheduchess05 's post I re-blogged yesterday. sorry for bad English but it's not my native language <3
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if you agree please lemme know! and if you don't, well idc just scroll and ignore or just block. have a good day :)
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hyperactivewhore · 3 months
(I think that the reason that Damon and Elena were so popular on the show and so many people wanted that to happen was because it didn’t happen for so long, but it nearly happened so many times. It was teased so much. So, I see the value of drawing something out. But, you ultimately have to give the fans what they want. That can’t be a never-ending process. I didn’t feel like it should have happened sooner, or that something should have happened between them. The last scene I did on The Vampire Diaries was me telling her, ‘I plan to be your last love.’) Link
Not Joseph himself believing the klaroline hookup was unnecessary lmao
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couragehopelovefaith · 6 months
I saw someone saying that Stefan couldn't ever be himself with Elena, because he was so serious with her, too busy protecting her and constantly trying to get her to do the right thing. It was also brought up that Elena could only be herself with Damon, because Damon is more fun and she got familiar with her dark side with him. And I couldn't help but laugh.
Stefan could be very protective at times, yes, but when it got too far for Elena's liking, she called him out on it and he learned from it. They worked as a team, made mistakes, were there for each other during their dark times and grew together and Elena did her best to keep him safe as well. They had a similar sense of humor and multiple playful moments, when they both were visibly enjoying their time together in the middle of all the supernatural craziness. This didn't change after she turned into a vampire, either. Stefan didn't want to fix her for himself, because he didn't like her as a vampire. He tried to find the cure, because Elena herself had repeatedly said that she didn't want to become vampire and didn't think she could survive as one. That's why Elena's "broken toy"-comment in 4x10 sounds confusingly sudden and absolutely ridiculous.
I love Caroline and Stefan as a powerful BROTP, but when they got together as a couple, it all seemed really one-sided and they never appeared to be as comfortable with each other than they were with their earlier partners and other close people in their lives. They simply weren't very compatible, in my opinion.
I'm not gonna go too far on the D*lena-road or touch the whole sirebond-subject, because it's not good for my blood pressure, but Damon "being fun" and "presenting Elena to her dark side and getting her to accept it" repeatedly put her at an unhealthy pedestal in his eyes and many people around her in serious danger - and was a big part of why Elena ended up turning into something almost unrecognizable. I saw absolutely nothing in canon, that would've backed up her "In death you're the one that made me feel most alive"-statement to Damon. And to be honest, I think that if Katherine would've wanted to be with him, Damon wouldn't have looked at Elena twice.
Sorry if this got too salty. Just wanna remind you, that I don't see Stefan as a perfect angel or Damon as a complete devil. They both have their own flaws and mistakes and also their good moments. But I can't help feeling very frustrated about the most endgames in the TVD/Originals-universe.
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I get that when someone falls for someone with the same eye color and hair color as the last person they loved, that doesn't mean they are using the second person as a replacement.
BUT when writers try and turn a character into a completely other character, with similar mannerisms, and try to re-create chemistry, and sell us a second copy of a character, what are we supposed to do?
Like they literally used scenes/lines/effects from Klaroline, into Cami and Klaus relationship, to try and recreate Klaroline. Which just made me hate her and the writer’s even more. Like if you’re going through all this work, and failing, would it kill you to just give us Klaroline?
No, instead they forced both Klaus and Caroline to be with other people, and try and create clearly FAKE chemistry. Like if you thought Kamillie was bad, Steroline made me wanna bang my head against a wall. Now, I’m not saying friend’s-to-lover’s is a bad thing, I’ve seen and read some great stories like that, but you gotta do it right, which the writers of TVD, failed at.
Also, how can you say it’s love, when the guy leaves the girl on her wedding day (even though the wedding was just a plan to protect his ex), to once again protect his ex (and brother).
Also, Bonnie deserved a happy ending, why the hell did they kill Enzo, when it wasn’t necessary! (But that’s a rant for a whole other time)
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fearlessfairy · 2 months
Damon killed Lexi - he does not have to die to redeem himself
Damon graped Caroline - he does not have to die to redeem himself
Damon killed Jeremy and attacked him seasons later - does not have to do anything to redeem himself.
Damon killed Tyler : nah, nothing
Enzo attempted to kill Stefan and terrorized Stefan and Elena : nothing
Enzo turns Ivy - nothing
Stefan almost drove Elena over the bridge : deserves to be single
Stefan killed Enzo - deserves to die to redeem himself, so his brother can live a happy life, also he did not love Caroline enough because he died. ....she better with Klaus, who died too, but when comes to stefan hate, no logic is needed
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cancerian-woman · 9 months
I won't be offended if you prefer to delete this but your post about Tyler had me thinking...
Caroline really made his grief over his mother dying about her so much so that she issued the worst ultimatum and left herself with...
A drunk old man that used to be her teacher.
A long time friend that never seemed like he got over Elena and definitely has codependent issues with his brother so much so that he sacrificed himself willingly a day after their wedding.
And a power hungry hybrid who gave her money he could more than afford to give and said pretty words but also tortured, enslaved and killed people she was connected to....and also definitely had codependent issues with his brother.
I cannot fathom it.
All true facts. It’s late here so a meta! :D
As a huge Forwood shipper and I’m equally very critical of them. It’s a great ship for them both at first, then becomes a ship only for Caroline’s needs and development which isn’t fair to Tyler That Klaroline/Steroline shadow made those fans believe Tyler was the worst Caroline could get. When in reality he was the BEST romantic partner and friend she ever had.
What upsets me more about that ultimatum that Caroline FORCED is that she’s the only one we see comforting Tyler after Carol’s death. Even before Carol died, and Tyler was skeptical about being alpha she uplifted him and Tyler heavily respected what she had to say and went full force with it. Mind you, this is the same Tyler that broke every bone in his body just to be with Caroline. Then re-agreed to slavery for Care. Forwood communicated with each other and called out their faults. The other tvdu ships weren’t doing that!—then we get this full arc of Caroline’s grief and remember she bluntly told Tyler to get over the fact that she hooked up with Klaus because of her impulses and she’s not good1!!1
The series wanted to bury Forwood and they did so in the worst ways imaginable. Caroline gets pregnant with Alaric’s babies forcibly. (I understand Candice was pregnant but they could’ve hid her belly so Caroline wasn’t pregnant.)-Oh and we can’t forget Alaric was in love with her and proposed.
Steroline was supposed to follow the friends to lovers build up the way Forwood did and it never appears that Stefan is all in the way Caroline is. Tbh, even before the wedding Stefan wanted out the relationship he tried multiple times to end things in s8. Caroline refused and wanted it to work. Building them up after Liz’s death was a choice. Stefan manipulated Caroline heavily to when it came Tyler and their relationship.
Klaroline has no obstacles to pass with them. Klaus may give Caroline pretty things, and money but emotionally he’s never shown to give Caroline any support. When Caroline saves Bonnie from those 12 witches which is her first huge kill(correct me if I’m wrong) since s2 she immediately goes to Klaus and he basically tells her to get away from him. Klaus mentions how she’s too good for that small town but Caroline had never said she hated her home. What she did hate was Klaus grown ass destroying shit. They never had a serious conversation about anything tbh. I did enjoy how Caroline called him out at first but TO’s “you aren’t the villain in my story.” Ruined that. Oh and lol these shippers get on Damon for his rape of Caroline yet somehow, someway excuses that Klaus attempted to rape Caroline too in Tyler’s body…. Anyways! I do think a lot of Klaroline is rooted in Klaus wanting control over Tyler, and Caroline is a way to exert control over Tyler because of his love for her.
Okay this is long af, sorry! To end this off Tyler loved Caroline for who she was. He never wanted her to change, he valued and respected her. Never abused her or anyone she loved. He listened to what she had to say. Caroline’s other love interests NEVER saw her the way Tyler did. Btw, I wish people understood Tyler never, not once slutshamed Caroline for having sex with someone else. He was only mad that she slept with Klaus as if Klaus did not ruin Tyler’s life and murdered his mother. There’s obviously a reason Caroline didn’t want Tyler to know and continued to ignore the boundaries he placed up in s5 so they could just go back to the way SHE wanted them to be. It’s sad they were ruined because 5B of Forwood has moments where you can forget their broken up just based on Forwood’s chemistry. I forgot to add, some fans pretend Tyler couldn’t give Caroline a good life. Tyler wasn’t financially struggling, and would’ve done anything she asked of him. I think it’s a little problematic that Tyler did say everything he liked about himself was Caroline lol. But, he wanted nothing but her and their happiness. Just without the enslavement from Klaus.
Thank you for the ask!
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Season 4-6 are PEAK annoyance for me when it comes to Caroline lol. Just the amount of meddling, gossiping, pettiness, etc is just so fucking annoying and tbh I think she’s wildly overrated. The writers/audience/characters are literally obsessed with her every season, to the point other characters don’t any get development because she’s sucking up screen time doing nothing. Caroline legitimately had no storyline from season 3b on until season 6 other than playing a love interest, and yet she’s everywhere all the time which was infuriating to me. I personally don’t think much of the storyline would’ve changed if she weren’t there, so for me she just wasn’t as significant as everyone treated her all the time. I also couldn’t stand her constant jealousy/frenemy nonsense with Elena throughout the series, her making Stefan into a villain in season 6 because he was grieving his brother and basically forcing him into dating her, and the way she treated Tyler after they broke up and she slept with the man who destroyed his life and tried to kill her friends. Don’t even get me started on her pointless love triangles every season because Julie Plec wanted a self insert on the show who was the object of every single man’s affections. 
None of the storyline would have changed without Caroline there, she is not really important. The only thing important that she did (that I can think of) was figure out the sirebond between Elena and Damon. And let's be completely honest, Klaus would have snitched eventually my guy loves drama. Or Damon would have realized, or Tyler or even Rebekah if she was undaggered. Or Katherine, even.
I was not surprised by Caroline's behaviour 4-6 given that she is a control freak, so of course she would want to know everything and influence on everything so that things could happen the way she wanted them to. I think she just reverted back to her season 1 character.
Elena is kind of a saint, because how does she handle being in a close friendship with someone who is always competing with her? It sounds exhausting.
I didn't understand why she was always the centre of all love triangles (other than the main one) given how annoying she was. It would've made much more sense if Bonni was the centre of it. But Caroline is Julie's self-insert and Julie is a racist piece of shit so no surprise there either.
The Steroline situation was kind of weird for me. I'm not even talking about how she was mad at him for taking time to mourn his brother who he was really close to. They just don't fit in together, not like Stefan/Rebekah or Stefan/Valerie. They just don't click for me, because in their relationship I always sort of felt like he was settling. If Elena had decided she wanted to be with Stefan again (s6, s8 - doesn't matter when) he would have jumped at the opportunity or at least that was what it felt like to me. I'm not saying he didn't love her, he did, but I don't know it just didn't make much sense.
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Unpopular TVD opinions?
-Caroline is no better than Elena
-Tyler is overhated
-Forwood>>>SC + KC
-The good brother/bad brother thing is bull
-Elena deserved better than the Salvatores
-I don’t ship either but I’d take DE over KC any day of the damn week
-Klaus is not morally superior to Damon like a lot of stans say
-Rebekah is the best Mikaelson
-Katherine is the best villain on TVD
-Klaus is a horrible villain
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