#anyway i'm gay and i liked this silly game
mister-dirty-hands · 3 days
the bitches want me so bad but they won't get me
finn • he/him• queer • neurodivergent • minor
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this blog is mainly just reblogs, goofing off with my mutuals, shitposting, swearing, and being hella gay.
dni list: homophobes, transphobes, zionists, ableists, racists, sexists fatphobes, and anyone else who supports harmful or discriminatory prejudices.
i'm cool with adults interacting, as long as y'all keep it chill and shit.
note: i don't like to talk about politics here on tumblr. it's my chill out place, and i'd like to keep it that way.
about me
i enjoy writing, reading, drawing, and maybe the occasional singing
i listen to mostly angsty music
i write fanfic on ao3 here
i'm intp-t + gryffindor + apollo cabin
hyperfixation with crows and rome
i tend to have an existential crisis every other day
i promise you can't find anyone gayer than me
i like to make moodboards :33
i prefer emoticons over emojis but i do use both a fair amount
things you should know
i'm pretty socially awkward so this is my apology in advance to everyone i inevitably offend or annoy
speaking of which, i don't always pick up on jokes and sarcasm
i love asks but i get kinda oversimulated when my ask box gets clogged up so don't spam thanks
my notifs are always blowing up so sorry if i miss a comment or reblog
i don't always respond to things right away (even dms)
i'm kinda sensitive so sometimes i may not respond to your jokes- it's not personal, it's just me
tone indicators are appreciated, but it's not like i'll stab you if you don't use it
if you're a mutual, feel free to call me endearments like love, darling, dear, whatever (just don't be overly weird about it)
i have really dirty humor so if that makes you uncomfortable sorry
@your-honor-im-zesty <- pjo/hoo sideblog
@im-actually-a-certified-idiot <- hp/marauders sideblog
@thoushallwrite <- writing sideblog
@a-poetic-loser <- poetry sideblog
@random-polls-i-do-for-fun <- polls sideblog
harry potter/marauders
percy jackson/heroes of olympus
six of crows/shadow and bones
hunger games
anne with an e
outer banks
high class homos
@seekmemystar i finally came up with a few new tags are you happy now
CROWS/caw caw <- i'm talking about crows
finn shitposts <- i shitpost
the crow caws back <- i answer asks
the crow flies away <- i leave/log off
the crow finds a trinket <- tag games
practicing my spanish like god intended <- i attempt to speak spanish
back in my day gays didn't even know they existed <- i attempt satire homophobia (key word: satire)
the crowdom is basically just a silly little kingdom of crows i rule over. anyone's free to join, as long as we're mutuals (that way i know you). just send an ask and i'll give you a list of roles to pick.
it started out as a joke, but we do polls and discussions every once in a while. last i checked, @xeme-starx was voted to rot in prison (how's that working out for you ethan?)
every once in a while i drop crowdom lore (if someone asks) so feel free to send asks about it.
i adore each and every one of my mutuals dearly, but obviously, i can't tag everyone. sooo here's a few i talk to pretty often:
@themortalityofundyingstars <- gay dad
@garden-of-runar <- lesbian poet who's apparently my aunt
@gildy-locks <- proud anti-communist
@rheas-chaos-motivation <- FUCK THE PIGEONS RHEA
@picklerab23 <- just a silly goose fr
@tequilaqueen <- sweet person (why is she on this hellsite again?)
honorable mention: @ang3lic-t3ars <- sunflower dealer, she be dropping the crack frfr
anyway that's all. this will probably be deleted and recreated in 2 weeks- who knows? i love making new intro posts and i can't promise i won't change it.
go stay hydrated, eat, rest. whatever. don't do any stupid shit or i'll haunt your asks (looking at you, runar)
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mellifloraa · 1 year
Thoughts on Celeste
So I just beat Celeste.
It was goddamn beautiful. Oh my god. Playing this game over the last few days has been an experience I don't think I'll forget for a long long time, and one that I'm so glad I pushed myself to finally have. The level designs were unique and (mostly) fun, the controls were tight and responsive, the soundtrack was godly, and the visuals were so well done despite maintaining the blocky pixelated feel.
That was unquestionably the most challenging game I've ever played. I didn't try and collect every strawberry, and I didn't try and collect every B-Side, so I'm definitely not 100%'ing the game anytime soon, but... holy shit. I don't think I want to say it was unfairly difficult, though, because I think it wasn't. I solved a lot of the stages through trial and error, as well as simply taking a step back and assessing each room as its own little beast. Moving forward like this created a real sense of satisfaction when you did beat one of the rooms, despite the growing sense of frustration brewing within. I can't tell you how many times I had to remember that feather (great concept that I will be using moving forward btw) and just... step back and take a deep breath to realign myself and try and look at each level from a different angle. The level design was challenging, and the fine motor controls definitely took a while to perfect, but it wasn't unfair. Games like Getting Over It or Dark Souls are brutally difficult, but I think the key distinction is that sometimes those games feel so difficult to the point of unfairness. Celeste wasn't like that. I tried my absolute best to learn from each death, figuring out exactly what happened and where it went wrong and what I could do to prevent it in the future. On top of that, I absolutely adored how positive the game was in spite of the challenge. The characters were nice to you about your struggle, supported you if you were having a hard time, and reminded you that you are capable of climbing this mountain and finishing the quest. The game even tells you just as you start: "You can do this," knowing that you might know little about the game itself, but you probably know it's challenging as shit. The devs took the time to remind you that, yes, it will be difficult, but you can do it. You can make it through this, as long as you stick with it and take it slow. I love that. I absolutely love that.
In the end, I suppose, the gameplay was challenging, but the sense of reward afterwards and the intrinsic fairness of each room prevented the puzzles from ever seeming unsolvable and prevented me from burning out. Each one just took a little exploration and creative thinking, and in the end, a game can only benefit from that.
Fuck the wind levels in Chapter 4, though. Holy fucking shit.
I knew going into this game that it dealt heavily with the topic of mental health and depression, as well as intrusive thoughts and self-criticism, so that wasn't a surprise to me. Seeing them portrayed the way they were, however, definitely was. There were a few moments where Badeline really genuinely unsettled me, because I could tell exactly where her thoughts were coming from and the illogical reasoning behind them. I've fallen into many of those same fallacy pits and suffered from disordered and illogical thinking for years. That's why, when we finally began to confront these thoughts and instead work together on facing them at the end of Chapter 6, it really impacted me. I spoke a little about it in my other posts, but a lot of the lessons from the game were things that I had to learn myself back in 2019 and 2020, with the help of someone who's no longer in my life. Emotional regulation and self-acceptance is one of the hardest things to do for someone suffering from depression and anxiety, but it's so necessary to work on moving forward and healing regardless of how your illness manifests. Though we may not all be haunted by the literal manifestation of these thoughts like Madeline was, learning to accept all parts of yourself, even the icky ones, can lead to you becoming a more centered and logical person, able to fight back with the coping mechanisms that work best for you, and able to set boundaries for yourself regardless of what other people might expect from you. That's something I myself am still struggling with, but I'm lightyears ahead of where I was three years ago. It's not easy, but it's rewarding. Just like the entire game itself.
I fucking loved this game. I will most certainly be replaying it at some point(s). Holy shit.
Everyone, if you haven't, please play Celeste. It's a wonderful little game that is absolutely worth every bit of effort you put into it.
Now to speedrun it.
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daz4i · 10 months
every once in awhile i think about how creative wonderlands is and what a good game it is. found out recently it was being planned for years before coming out (tho mostly created over quarantine) and you can really tell bc my god it's so original and has so many unique and fun ideas like it's hard to think of a part i didn't like. and even if like a certain side quest is a bit tedious the gameplay all but makes up for it. dude it's so good everyone should play it
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thateclecticbitch · 2 years
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moe-broey · 1 year
Honestly I'm a bit relieved we don't have PMD2 remakes like. Not even cause I'm a hater (though I am VERY partial to the og sprite work, they really killed it w that). No, the reason is because I'm autistic and there are simply Too Many Things actually, esp in quick succession lately LMFAO like. I do not have the brain room for it.
And like as silly as it might sound, I've been REALLY overwhelmed and frustrated by it. I'm upset that I moved on from SV so quickly, I haven't even touched the Engage DLC despite having it, I haven't touched Engage in general actually. I feel like Fire Emblem esp takes up A Lot of brain space. I'm really upset that I Almost got really into SuMo again but kind of immediately was distracted by other things and I have art projects that have been left hanging bc of it.
Something weirdly specific is like??? Bc I make a lot of fanart and a lot of it takes the form of comics and focuses heavily on interactions and dynamics between characters, something I've REALLY been struggling with is like. I feel like it takes a lot of studying a character and getting to know them to really capture their Voice, how they talk, how they think, how they feel and how they react to things, outwardly and internally. That's a deep process for me that takes a lot of time and thought.
I feel like I can't quite express it all the way, like it's stuck, but like. Really picking apart the SV squad and trying to learn each of their mannerisms vocal quirks and general vibes about how they Are. Feeling abruptly uprooted from that to do it all over again but with a huge roster of brand new characters. Also really wanting to revisit older characters that are near and dear to me that I do feel I know very well.
And also like??? A very sudden distraction and almost instant loss of interest is like. Hell on earth hell on earth. Like as much as I fucking miss SV already and as much as I really wanted to keep working on my projects about it (had a whole AU going and everything) literally I Could Not get myself back into it even if I tried really really REALLY hard. And that is SO upsetting????? It's such a specific thing.
Hhhghgh got. Distracted thinking about PMD LMFAOO making that a separate post tbh but like. Main point is replaying it a bit reminded me of the importance of being able to slow down and really sit with a game. It's characters and story and what it has to say. And even now, I'm already getting the Hell feeling of needing to chase whatever can grasp me and hold me. When will I stop chasing my own tail??? When does it end??? Will I ever be able to finish my projects???? Will I ever be able to play a video game like a normal person?????? I'm launching my own ass into 2013. Not even in a woe nostalgia type of way, but in a I really just had Two Interests and that was it way. I'm blowing this whole building up.
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astrxealis · 1 year
absolute refusal to see any ffxvi spoilers aside from the ones i unfortunately know. which is barely anything. just clive and cid for some reason in (???)
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rielzero · 7 months
Can ya'll fanfiction writers give me ascended astarion x male reader that isn't just another weird yaoi trope disaster.
I either find stuff unmarked genderwise and end up disappointed having to mentally replace words with masculine ones.
I would write some myself, but I have zero patience for writing fanfiction.
Just a bit exhausted of the "oh no I'm a slave now pls dont hurt me" rather than evil couple who flirts like they're always alone in the room. But they're not, and everyone has to deal with the fact they're extremely affectionate. All the time.
Can a gay man have some peace of mind with the queer vampire, please? I've been begging for this kind of stuff for years as underrepresented as I feel. So difficult to find this stuff. This video game was very freeing for me. To have a character straight up flirt with me when we're both men. Hahdhfkajfhdkfk
I don't even need smut. Gimme affection, I want to read about my tav being adored and tease him back lmfao. Silly vampire husbands being cute.
Ps. The vampire / groom / bride lore is very interesting and is a huge part of my headcanons.
I have so many ideas for fics if you need any.
Anyways I'm going back to working on my fancomic. My askbox is open if u have questions for me :o
Edit: when I mean unmarked genderwise, i don't mean gender neutral. I mean when a fic is intended for a female reader and this is not mentioned in the tags or at the top of the fic. Only a few paragrahps in, suddenly female gendered words are mentioned. That's the disappointment :/ cuz a lot of fics read real nicely until you have to replace words consciously.
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souldoes-things · 5 months
Ok so I haven't talked about this much but I've been playing this game about mental health- It's called voidpet garden or something like that and honestly I love them, they're so silly
You start off with a starter pet that is basically your new best friend, as it's literally stuck with you.
You have a garden with plants, and sometimes pets sneak into that garden and you get to befriend them, that's how you discover new types and species of these little void creatures
Each little creature is supposed to represent a different feeling, the basic 4 you get to choose in the start is anger, sad, anxious or envy! I chose anger because well, I was angry at the time and named them Remember! Also yes, you can name them.
In the game there's a currency called void matter or just vm for short, you also get gems sometimes. And with the vm and gems, you can buy things from the shop! It can be food or accesories for your voidpets c:
The accesories are also!!! So good?!! There's pride flag ones disguised as something else!! For example the lesbian scarf is labeled as 'sunset scarf', gay scarf is 'seaside scarf' and so on, and thats so!!! smart!!! The accesories in general are so good, not just random items but sometimes memes like the doge scarf lol, sometimes they are also just downright silly, but still very very pretty if put on the right vivid!!!!
Oh and yea theres a thing called vivids in the game, and it's basically just shiny pokemon but with a LOT of variations and 4 rarities, both pets and plants can be vivid
The devs actually update the game! We recently got the best update ever being the fight mode!! I'm gonna let you explore that one yourself ;]
There's a lot more features that I didn't explain, but on general its a good game for when you're bored, or like a daily-routine game!
I would like to personally introduce my favourite, probably radioactive little guy!!! It's not my starter but he's just my guy:}
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This is Dracula, he is a baby anger with a phantom vivid covering, he is wearing a top hat and his cool Dracula cape :]
The default coloring of a voidpet that is not vivid is fully black, white eyes. There's also five stages of growth for each pet, also you grow them with void matter. I'm keeping Dracula that size because tiny adorable.
Anyways, go play voidpet garden(it's available on mobile) and send me your favorite little silly guy!!!I'd love seeing more of these little guys!!!
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angelicartemis · 1 year
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Posting my ol' Dr. Habit doodles because I'm a little gay for him and I also just really like Smile for Me as a whole 😁.
It's such a silly and cool little game and I would definitely play it again (I'm actually holding myself back though because I finished it in one night during the beginning of this month 💀).
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Oh and here's a stupid little comic type thing with Habit and my sona that I originally didn't intend to add to but I ended up doing so anyway 🧍.
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fictional girls who should have been gay
Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck, from the 2004 "Micky, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers" animated movie.
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The situation: GAY
Princess and lady-in-waiting. Is there anything more intimate and potentially gay than a girl and the girl who she specifically keeps around just to officially hang out with? I don't care I love it.
they are the most romantic thing in this movie
Their introduction scene is Minnie sighing over her future love (hypothetical and male and not necessarily royal) while blowing flower petals in Daisy's face
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Daisy has reservations
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but when Minnie is explaining True Love to her (while they hold hands and twirl around the room)
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Minnie says she'll know her true love because she'll hear music (sentimental music is now playing) and they'll make her laugh- AND THEN DAISY LAUGHS
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she starts saying that sounds silly...
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but Minnie looks at her, and flutters her eyes at her...
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and Daisy just MELTS. She clasps her hands over her heart and switches to sighing that that sounds lovely...
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who drew and directed that and didn't notice how much it looks like Daisy just fell in love with Minnie. hey. I want to know
did they realize they could've had Daisy staring at something else?
a painting of young lovers. a couple passing by the window. even the sad bedraggled flower Minnie had been using for a game of he-loves-me-he-loves-me-not
(i cannot get over how the flower wilts the last time we see it, right after Minnie says "trust me Daisy, I'll know him, when I see him)
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(I understand it's meant to be like, oh look the flower looks like Micky now she'll know him when she sees him- but it could also look like HER, Minnie is talking to Daisy about true love and knowing it when it's there but oh the IRONY if Daisy was in love with HER while she says that!!! With Minnie having no idea!!!!)
how about just not have Minnie flutter her eyelashes at Daisy like that
have HER not be looking at Daisy when she's talking about true love
anything. anything else would have worked better
Well apparently none of those options occurred to the film makers because these girls are supposed to be STRAIGHT somehow
(Minnie, princess of prolonged held eye contact)
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(and Daisy, lady of keeps having to look away when Minnie is staring at her Like That)
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Moments later, after a montage of Minnie strolling around the gardens dreaming of love (to the tune of a song about young love), an attempt on her life is thwarted by DAISY asking her to come over for a moment, moving Minnie out of the path of a falling safe meant to crush her
(by the way, holy heck it feels honestly scary. it just. DROPS)
The song lyric leading up to Daisy calling out for Minnie is "Your first your only love~! Love so-" (can't hear properly)
Minnie being willing to leave her daydreams of love for Daisy no questions asked is what saves her actual literal life I'm sorry but again why did they think having Daisy being the reason she lives was so important. This is a Micky Mouse cartoon legit just have Minnie stand up on her own and wander out of harm's way or get distracted by a flower or something but NOOOOO it's DAISY who unknowingly gets her out of danger, it's Minnie listening to her that saves her. ARGH IT COULD HAVE MEANT SO MUCH BUT
Minnie has actual whole conversations with Daisy. Actual. Talking. Sharing of thoughts and opinions. Chances to see their personalities and how they play off each other.
Princess Minnie, the slightly head in the clouds princess, and Daisy, grounded and a bit dry
Minnie: He loves me. He loves me… a lot. He loves me. He loves me even moooore. He loves me...
Daisy: Pardon me, Your Highness… (blows some free-floating petals off her face) you‘re, kinda mangling that flower.
like there's this set up for Minnie being rebellious enough to reject tradition and rules, being annoyed at them for cramping her style
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Daisy: This, fantasy man- (the exasperation on those two words XD), d'you happen to know if he's royalty?
Minnie: Does it matter?
Daisy, breathlessly: Well, as you know, someone of your, royal stature, needs to be courted by a gentleman of royal blood.
Minnie: What a royal pain.
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It's supposed to be about getting with a commoner instead, but... HMM I WONDER WHAT OTHER SOCIAL EXPECTATIONS MINNIE COULD BREAK.
A gentleman of royal blood? Well what if it's not! A gentleman!!
Minnie: Daisy, I can't marry someone I'm not in love with.
Daisy: You want love? Buy a dog.
the delicious set up as Daisy as jaded and practical BUT moments later she can't help herself with Minnie, she can't ruin Minnie's little happy bubble, she can't keep pushing Minnie away from her dream
When Minnie gazes at her all warm and mushy, Daisy has to giggle and admit that the idea of a true love who makes you laugh is just Lovely, actually
she says, while staring back at Minnie
but anyway, they have a flow, a rapport, they play off each other and clearly care about each other and, meanwhile, M e a n w h i l e
meanwhile, nearly all the time Minnie spends "being in love" with Micky is done in silent daydream episodes where they float on clouds and stuff. They get a montage of vague cute stuff. It's a whole lot of Nothing. Very pretty! But nothing
They see each other and it's supposed to be love at first sight. Whee. I'd find it cute if Minnie didn't already have someone and Micky wasn't mostly focused on being a good Musketeer. What do they give each other? They hardly even TALK! At the end of the movie I still have no idea how they'd get through a simple conversation! As a crush sure it reads fine- but true love? Where? When????
MOMENTS after meeting and "falling for" Micky, Minnie is yelling at him and his friends, furious because they accidently attacked Daisy thinking she was a threat
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wow good job showing us Minnie's priorities here. Good job showing us she cares about Daisy
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good job not using that to let her and Micky like, talk, or anything
Daisy, meanwhile, spends the whole movie with 0% interest in Donald at all, nothing but burns and scorn, only getting with him in the last moments literally just because why not
As in that's honestly the reason the movie gives. Not that she likes him. Just. Why not.
my eye is twitching
Minnie: Our love is, forbidden?
Daisy: Bin-go~
Minnie: A forbidden love? How romantic...!
girl you've had 1 (ONE) interaction with "the little one" like props to you for liking a short king but hey, heeey, this is so not selling the love vibes ok
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Minnie: Look, Daisy. Mickey and I have the same last name!
Daisy: Well, it must be destiny. Good thing destiny doesn’t control my love life.
(daisy being practical jaded or daisy using code for 'yeeeah, im prim and proper in everything else, but im going against the flow when it comes to romance)
Minnie: What do you mean?
Daisy: Well, look at me! If it did, I’d get stuck with Mister… (squawking and babbling)
Minnie & Daisy: (laughing together)
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hey remember how Minnie laughed when Micky rolled a nat 0 trying to untie her and the narrator was like "Oh he made her laugh! It must be love!"
remember when Daisy makes Minnie laugh with a Donald Duck impersonation? While they were in bed together??
Do You Remember when Micky and co failed and Minnie was kidnapped by badguys and Micky had a moment of slump before getting his second wind? Was he motivated by thoughts of his True Love? Was he thinking of Minnie when he decided not to give up on saving her??
he was looking at his friends being sad.
He encourages himself thinking about how the captain of the guard chose him and his friends to be musketeers
No Mention Of Minnie At All, Aside From A Quest To Be Cleared
wow much love such devotion
The point of Micky's story is him wanting to be a Musketeer. The emotional climax is always between him and his two friends. THE ROMANCE IS SO WEIRD IT DOES NOTHING AND COMES FROM NOTHING AND GOES NOWHERE.
Minnie has no character growth no obstacles nothing to do. she was ready to throw tradition aside for the man of her dreams the moment we saw her-
IMAGINE the crunchiness if she had either a moment of "wait actually, i think he's cute but this isn't love" OR "hey wait all this time I've been dreaming of a guy maybe it's not a guy though? Tee hee let's destroy some more social norms!"
(don't for the love of all things bring up lines of succession this is alternate universe france in the 1600-1700's there is a Lot To Gloss Over Okay)
And Daisy is RIGHT THERE.
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Not interested in guys! Sighing over Minnie! Staying with her throughout the whole movie because apparently you can't kidnap the princess without her lady in waiting!
RAAAGH. I know, I know Disney and gay don't mix, especially in 2004- but why why why why did they think Minnie had to be with Micky in this one? Why did they make the emptiest crush ever instead of just letting Minnie and Daisy chill up on the throne dais together? IM IN PAIN EVERY TIME I REWATCH THIS.
tldr: Daisy was in love with princess Minnie, and if Minnie had known she's the exact sort of rebel princess to just marry her lady-in-waiting like a boss
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cymk8 · 5 months
Any thoughts (happy ones and/or angst ones👀) on a shadowlach au where they knew each other when they were younger in baldurs gate and then meet again during the game?
I am vibrating out of my skin.
The thing I love about this au, which I have thought about A LOT actually, is that it isn't too impossible — I actually think it can even be canon, because either way *Shadowheart would have had every experience with her wiped from her memory.*
ANYWAY time to be Gay™:
They probably met a few times as teens, probably from intersecting assignments as a bodyguard and a Sharran in training
Shadowheart is implied to have been planted in the city as a noble and trained to blend in with high society (her prissy little accent is telling LMFAO) (SIDE NOTE: it would also be absolutely hilarious that she might even have met Astarion this way or even Wyll as a bratty little shit)
Karlach most likely met her during assignments where she would be responsible for anything from cargo to actually being a guard/attendant for a while
While I want the DELULU to take the reins and say she was a personal guard to her once...I think it's funnier to think that they simply ran into each other enough times to recognize the other; I'd imagine Gortash being especially eager to suck up to nobility
They would have a rather sweet relationship — I'm sure the dashing figure Karlach might have cut would have Awakened Things™ inside of Shadowheart (I mean if I saw a woman throw a couple of sacks of potatoes over her shoulders like it was nothing...[gunshots])
They probably had simple meetings when they happened to work nearby, maybe a lunch or a silly little adventure — nothing much, but just two kids being afforded to feel normal outside the stuffy roles they had
I think Shadowheart would have been the type to sneak Karlach food or things like pretty, girlish accessories that Karlach expressed interest in but couldn't get or felt uncomfortable/guilty in wanting to express herself with — and probably influenced Shadowheart to continue to be way too nice as a Sharran even with her memory wiped
At the end of it, their lives took them through different paths. Karlach might have held on to their memories together for comfort, the name slipping through her mind the longer she spent in the Hells (not that it mattered — I'm sure Shadowheart would have been under a pseudonym)...and Shadowheart would have simply forgotten
ANYWAY. It makes me fucking emo because the 'first' meeting between them would've felt like seeing someone familiar in a way they couldn't explain. And they would never know why that might be
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celestialholz · 6 months
The apple of my eye (or 'oh good, there's ANOTHER one')
*yeets into the conversation a week late with Starbucks*
Sorry, sorry. Been trying to save a dukedom from a giant brain and live my best happily ever with a vampire twink. Very distracting.
But anyway, I haven't even gotten the boys in my clubroom yet, so more analysis incoming, but I have finished Indigo Disk's main story, and I couldn't help but notice something deeply awful when fighting our little buddy Kieran.
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... Oh god THEY'RE MULTIPLYING. How many apples do we need? How much more homosexuality does this game need? (Yes. The answer is 'yes.')
Meet Hydrapple everyone, the latest gay marriage mascot. Truly wish you all could've seen my face when. And it evolves from the last gay marriage mascot! I have quickly become homophobic again, how do they keep managing this?!
So, naturally, we need to break this loveable bastard and its symbolism down, or I might have to start passing the meta queen crown off to someone else. (I vote @prince-kallisto. Friend spare me. 🤣)
Well, we'll begin with the obvious: this thing is a hydra, a multiple-headed dragon in Greek myth. This one in particular has seven, so says the all-knowing dex:
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But we'll do the seven part in a minute. The one major thing you should all know is that in most tales, removing one of this thing's heads respawns two in its place - and killing one of these creatures was the second labour of Hercules, the God of Strength. There's that fucking number two again in connection with our boys...
And now, let's take the Greek and easternize it to our lovely Japanese creators with the number seven.
Seven in Japanese culture, like in the western, is seen as a lucky number, and also the number symbolising the cycle of life and death.
... Which, if you recall, is a running theme with our silly men.
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Get your life saved, idiot. Be lucky. 🥰
There are also Seven Gods of Fortune in Buddhism, Japan's primary religion. And there's one that rings more than a few ceremonial bells - Fukurokokuju. Bit of a Buddhist lore deepcut here for you:
> He is the god of wisdom, luck, longevity, wealth and happiness. Moreover, he is the only god who was said to have the ability to resurrect the dead. Fukurokuju is characterized by the size of his head, being almost as large as the size of his whole body.
... Hmm. Wisdom, happiness. Luck. 'Resurrecting.' The one that has a large head, like our good pal Hydrapple here... it's all very interesting, isn't it, how it ties together?
And all this goes a long way to explaining the evolution method of this fun little apple-y bastard. Because in order to be lucky, to be brought back to life, to heal and to love and to find yourself... one must have support. A cheerleader, if you will. Not one with pom-poms (although slay Hass babes, you'd look great in that drip), but one cheering you on. Always being in your corner.
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... And here we find Dragon Cheer, Hydrapple's evolution move. Brassius can pursue his dreams as passionately as he likes, because there's always a husband at his side to be on his side.
It's a whole narrative, my friends. We have the romantic gift of the Applin; we have the adorableness of the Flapple, and its dusk portrait; we have the total harmony of Dipplin...
... And now we have the result of that harmony. Look, it's even running away from the Ice of the Polar Biome, a type both Grass and Dragon can't stand. The emotional cold.
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Y'know, I'm sure someone would have DM'd me by now if Hass and Brass' clubroom banter confirmed their marriage, so I'm going to assume that isn't a thing.
... But at the same time, it's definitely a thing. All you have to do is read the narrative, darlings.
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fuctacles · 5 months
in love and war finale
Spicy Six Challenge by @thefreakandthehair, part 1 here, part 2 here, you know the drill
T | 2466 | pre-relationship | they are confused gay rookies in the 80s | sick-fic I guess?
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“Why aren’t you in bed? Or the couch at least?!’
“He has a point.”
“Like you’re one to talk.”
“Well I’ll let you know I moved the phone and I’m sitting in an armchair wrapped in a blanket.”
“Who are you talking to?!”
Steve is glad for Dustin’s irrational fear of his viruses, because it’s the only thing stopping him from ripping the phone out of his hand, maybe pushing him back to bed too.
“Tell him I said hi.”
“Eddie says hi.”
Dustin starts hyperventilating.
Thankfully his mom came to the rescue with a steaming cup of tomato soup.
“It’s great you boys are keeping your spirits up but you shouldn’t be sitting on the floor, Steven. Maybe we could move an armchair for you?”
And thus with their leave, Steve had a cozy station next to the phone, piled with blankets and pillows. Not dissimilar to Eddie’s on the other end, whom he called as soon as the Henderson’s left.
“So, you were saying?”
“You know this stays between us? This is the most intimate Eddie Munson knowledge that you’re not to share with anyone else.”
Steve laughs. Just hearing him joke was helping his body recover and he feared he'll be ready to go back to work soon.
“Tell me your dirty secrets, Munson.”
“So, this dungeon I’m working on is a cursed tomb of an overthrown mayor…”
Steve likes a good story. Everyone does. He was never that much into fantasy, but the fact that one of his favorite people came up with it made it a thousand times more interesting.
“Ah, I guess it’s my turn for the kid’s visit.” Eddie interrupts himself about fifteen minutes in. “Do you also feel like you’re on a deathbed, visited by your grandchildren in hopes they'll be in the will? He’s getting the dice anyway...”
Steve snorts.
“Now that you mention it…”
“Are you guys still on the phone?!” Dustin’s voice is so loud Steve hears it clear as day on his end.
“Yeah, sorry babe, I’ll call you back.”
The line goes silent. 
And Steve knows he’s joking with the pet names, teasing in the silly way that he does but the more he hears him in his ear, the more he realizes he wants it, wants to try. He hopes Eddie wants it too.
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His cold lets off faster than Eddie’s and he’s anxiety-cleaning as soon as he feels the strength to do so. He cleans the pj’s and sheets at boiling temperature so instead of sweat and sickness they smell like ‘provencal dreams’ which he thinks means lavender. The pills and syrups scattered on the coffee table get into the medicine basket. The armchair though, stays by the telephone. He’s waiting for Eddie to wake up and call him (so he can call back not to put the enormous phone bill on him) like he’s been doing for the past two days. Being sick together was almost as bonding as fighting evil. 
When the phone rings he runs to reach it and is almost embarrassed to do so, so he takes a second to breathe before picking up.
“You don’t have to call me back.”
“Ah, sorry, the reception is shit, I can barely hear you. Let me call you back in a second.” He grins to himself when he hears Eddie’s resigned sigh. He dials the number from the emergency list above his phone immediately. 
“Hi,” he says, smiling like a fool.
“Well, someone sounds chipper today” 
“Yeah, I think I'm good to leave the house, finally. Also, this guy I like keeps me company in my misery.”
“Oh? He sounds like a nice dude.”
“He is,” Steve smiles, sitting down and pulling his legs up onto the seat. “He cares about his friends, saves the world sometimes, and hosts this dorky game for a bunch of nerds on the weekends. A true samaritan.”
“You think so?” Eddie sounds quiet on the other side. 
“Yeah. That's how I see it, at least.” He frowns, fingers twirling the cord anxiously, worried he stepped over a line. That’d suck because he had planned to step over some more today. 
“Thanks. I think you’re a nice guy too.”
It was the simplest compliment he’d ever gotten, but it made something in his chest tighten.
“Duh. You jump into demonic waters head first and ferry around a bunch of ungrateful kids.”
Steve snorts.
“That I do.” And then, before the conversation gets even further away from him, he adds, “Hey, listen. Since I’m feeling better, I’ll probably be back at work tomorrow.”
Eddie made a disappointed grunt on the other side.
“So I was wondering if I could visit you today? Maybe take over Dustin’s soup delivery?”
Eddie makes a sound that he’s unable to interpret.
“If you don’t feel up to it, it’s okay-”
“Shut up, I’m thinking.”
So Steve presses his lips together and waits.
Eddie sighs. 
“I’m feeling better, I guess you can visit if you don’t mind a sick person mess.”
“I just cleaned up mine today, no worries.”
“Yeah, okay. But about… the other thing…”
He trails off and Steve is one step away from biting his nails off. Or the phone cord in half. 
“You’re still sick and thinking about it, I-”
“Steve! Let. Me. Speak.”
He makes a noise of agreement into the receiver. 
“Like, I think I need to see you. Because I know you are hot, objectively. But do I think you are hot? Does my dick think you’re hot?”
“I’m speaking.”
Steve bites his lips with a smile. He can feel himself blush.
“So I have some things to verify. Come over, Wayne’s not home.”
Steve can’t help it, he bursts into hysteric giggles over Eddie’s attempt at a seductive voice with his clogged nose.
“Hey, now-”
“No, no, I’d love to. Should I bring protection? Like a face mask?” He manages between giggles. 
“Oh, you little-!”
He doesn’t remember the last time he had so much fun flirting. He curbs his amusement to manageable levels and looks at the clock. 
“I’ll call Ms Claudia if she has any special deliveries for us today. I could pick them up and be at yours in an hour, maybe two.”
“Sounds great.”
“Want me to pick up something?”
“I’d kill for a can of coke.”
“Got it. I’ll bring a movie we could watch too.”
Eddie hums his approval.
“Something light that my sick brain can process, please. I’ve had enough fever dreams about war and Russians. Never again letting Wayne pick the movie when I’m sick.”
Steve snorts.
“Okay, noted. See you soon?”
“See you soon, Steve-o.”
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Claudia isn’t thrilled by his plan to visit Eddie, but a mother’s disapproval hasn’t stopped him before and certainly wasn’t going to now. He accepts the jars of soup, kisses her on both cheeks, and lets her tuck him up for the short walk from the door to his car. 
The drive is shorter than he expects, even with the partially shoveled roads. He feels completely unprepared for whatever might happen at his destination but he pushes on because the uncertainty might make him sick again. 
A tiny note on the inside of the window tells him the door is unlocked so with little hesitance, he pushes in. He knocks on the door, looking around.
“Over here!”
His voice sounds way better in real life than it did over the phone and Steve locks the door and unties his shoes to follow it. Eddie is sitting on his bed, wrapped in at least two blankets, and there are books and notebooks surrounding him. 
“Welcome, welcome!” he grins at him, which lights up his face prettily despite the unmistakable traces of battling the flu. His nose is red and dry from constantly wiping it, his face pale and his lips chapped. There are bags under his bloodshot eyes and the little hair peeking from under a blanket hood looks greasy.
Steve wants to give him a hot bath, wash and condition his hair, and moisturize his whole body, which is a weird thought to have about a romantic interest, even for him.
“Did you bring the goods?”
Steve holds up the plastic bag in his hand, making the jars inside clink. If only Ms. Henderson could see the sparkle in Eddie’s eyes at the sight of her soup, and how he brushes his hands together happily.
“Let’s go to the kitchen, then.”
Steve shakes his head.
“You can stay here, I can do it.”
But Eddie is already up, shaking his curls back at him. 
“And burn our new trailer to the ground? No thanks. The stove is a bitch and only the chosen ones can operate it without injuries. I’ll show you how to work it.”
Steve is listening to him, but he’s also very fixated on the bat pattern of his pajama bottoms and the fluffy green socks he’s wearing. One of the blankets he kept on flows behind like a cape.
“Okay, but I’m doing it,” he insists, following behind and just a tiny bit unmoored by the conversation. He was expecting something less… Normal. More awkwardness, confessions, and hurt feelings. That’s what he’s been preparing for.
“Of course, my shiny knight, of course,” Eddie assures him, reaching for a pot. “Will this be big enough?” he asks, eyeing the jars Steve’s putting on the counter.
“Think so.” He shrugs, eyeing the pot and opening the jars. 
“Okay, come here.” Eddie motions him closer and Steve obliges, standing right next to him and the heat he’s radiating. He smells a bit sweaty, which is understandable, but he can smell the minty toothpaste on his breath, meaning he brushed his teeth before Steve’s arrival. He tried not to think about the implications of it. 
“Okay, so never try to light the right top burner…”
He listens closely to all the instructions and shoos Eddie away as soon as possible to operate the stove under his watchful eye from one of the kitchen chairs. He goes through three matches to get the fire going under the pot but he gets the soup on the burner without much more damage.
“Do I get the Chosen One title yet?” he asks as he idly stirs the soup.
Eddie snorts.
“Don’t get cocky before finishing, dear Steven.”
“Fine,” he huffs. 
The silence settles between them and he doesn’t know where to go from there. But he told himself before coming that he’d wait patiently for Eddie’s answer and simply bask in his presence without pushing. Maybe turn up his charm if it feels right but that’s all. 
“What have you been doing stuck at home?” he asks, the need to break the silence overwhelming. 
Eddie hums, his eyes unfocused on the heating soup.
“Read Hobbit for the eleventy-first time, polished the postponed campaign, and planned for the next one already. Though, with these little bastards, it was probably a waste of my time. Rewatched a couple of movies?” he adds, voice tilting like it’s a question. When Steve hums in interest, he continues. “Paid extra attention to the actors. Turns out, Harrison Ford? Kinda hot.”
Steve snorts, taken aback, and when he turns, Eddie’s grinning at him sheepishly. 
“Yeah. I might be into dudes, after all.”
“Cool.” He smacks his lips obnoxiously and sucks in a breath. “You know, last time I tried to ask someone out, she said she was not interested at all, in anyone, and skipped town.”
Steve whines sympathetically. 
“Shit, man. I’ve never chased a girl out of town.”
“It did numbers on my self-esteem, I’ll tell you that.”
“I promise to stay in town if you ask me out.”
“Would that make me the guy?”
Steve cocked his head and studied Eddie for a while. He never thought about the dynamics of a same-sex relationship. Would he like to be ‘the girl’? Wooed and treated gently, gifted with flowers? Kissed on the neck, and spooned to sleep? He felt his cheeks grow hot at the imagery.
Unfortunately, Eddie noticed and his smile grew.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you?”
Steve shrugs, turning back to the soup.
“Aww, you’d like to be my princess, pampered with gifts and kisses?”
Steve made a point of focusing on his task and hiding his face. 
“So what?” He bristled. “What if I do? Would it be… Is that bad?”
“What? No! Why would it be bad?”
He shrugs. He doesn’t know why but something in his gut keeps telling him it is.
“Why would wanting to be cared for, be bad?”
“Uh, well…” Steve focuses his stinging eyes on the soup. He’ll have to turn it off soon and won’t have any excuses not to look at Eddie.
There’s a shuffle behind him and soon a warm body presses against his back, hugging him from behind. Eddie’s still wrapped in a blanket so they make a slightly awkward bundle against the stove.
“Besides, Princess Stevie sounds waaay better than King Steve,” Eddie presents his final argument and Steve lets out a surprised snort.
“You’re such a fucking weirdo, I swear.”
“Well, it worked on you, sooo…”
“And I still have no idea how,” he sighs dramatically. He squeezes the arms around him gently and turns off the stove before nudging Eddie away so he can pour the soup into bowls. They sit down to eat and when he hands Eddie a spoon he ignores it and slurps the soup straight from the bowl.
“Savage.” Steve rolls his eyes but can’t fight his amusement at his antics. Eddie smacks his lips loudly and grins.
“So, anyway…” He drums his fingers against the bowl. “Do you wanna go out, whenever Wayne gives me the all-clear to leave the house?”
Steve grins, watching the loud man be hesitant for once.
“Are you asking me on a date, Munson?”
His already red nose gets even redder.
“We don’t have to call it a date, we can just hang out, just the two of us.”
“Nah, I’d rather call it a date.”
Eddie inhales and a smile spreads on his face.
“Okay. Let’s do it then. Arcade? I feel like cinema dates are such a cliche.”
“Yeah, but there’s this new movie I’d like to argue with you about.”
“Is it The Fly? Or The Little Shop of Horrors?” Eddie prods with excitement. Because a heated debate on the first date sounds utmost alluring.
Steve extends his leg under the table, nudging softly at Eddie’s ankle. He nudges back with a grin and they rest their legs against each other. A simple touch they can settle on until Eddie gets better, until the date they plan in the cramped kitchen over bowls of soup until the sky turns dark.
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verdemoun · 1 month
some time warp au before work just classifying some ships and shitposts.
charthur. Thank you, thank you, hold your applause.
However they weren’t actually together before Arthur’s death. Arthur was diagnosed with TB before either one had the confidence to act on the obvious attraction and flirting. Arthur telling Charles he had TB was a devastating confession of 'I can't be around you because I don't want you to get sick - which is more difficult than I care to admit because you're the only person I want to be around'
Charles ended up dying of illness in Canada in 1908. He was willing to try to move on and have a family like Marston but in reality he spent 8 years missing Arthur, wondering what they could have had if Arthur didn't get sick, if the gang didn't fall apart.
Isaac grew up hearing his father's voice soften telling stories about the gang but specifically Mr Smith and shipped it. Eliza and Arthur were never going to have that relationship (Isaac has always accepted this) and he was really happy for his dad to have someone who made him happy.
Isaac is not immune to being a little shit and would use modern lingo Arthur had no way of contextualising. 'Feeling gay today, sir?' 'Heh, gay indeed'
Second Charles woke up in the timewarp, Arthur and Charles both saw it as a second chance and gave uhaul lesbians a run for their money when it came to 'how fast can we move in together and capture the dynamic of being married for 10 years'
Isaac loves both his dads and he calls Charles his cooler dad. Charles was at first shocked Arthur never mentioned having a (deceased) son and then just annoyed about how much it explained about why Arthur is the way he is.
Isaac lowkey idolises Charles because they have a lot of similiarities like both are happy just chilling in peace and quiet but also capable of being incredibly goofy and silly when they feel like it. Board game nights include alcohol and usually end in Isaac trying to prove he can lift up Charles meanwhile Charles can throw Isaac over his shoulder like a sack of grain.
If Isaac gets into enough trouble for Charles to pull out the 'I'm not mad I'm disappointed' Isaac will cry.
If Arthur ever says no to something eg borrowing the truck for crime, Isaac will look him dead in the eye while calling out 'hey cool dad can I borrow the truck' and Charles will say yes. Mostly because he knows Isaac does know how to hotwire a car and will take it anyway but also he does go a little soft being called dad let alone cool dad.
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animentality · 5 months
Sorry people are being a bunch of weenies. I do not have the same interpolations of Whoretash however I do very much like yours and I think your incorrect quotes are immaculate
But I do think that if people are being rude then you don't need to feed them, so I don't blame you for putting BG3 in the corner.
You know what really annoys me, anon?
For MONTHS. these people have been reblogging my posts. chattering to me about Gortash and Durgetash.
And all this time... I have CAREFULLY. gone out of my way. painstakingly. meticulously.
referred to the dark urge as they/them. why???
because I never wanted people with female Durges to feel like my dark urge head canons didn't include them. I didn't want people with male Durges to feel like I wasn't including them.
I wanted enby and trans and g/n durges to be included in my silly ramblings.
and I might've joked about Gortash being gay or bi or whatever, but mostly I have been the most pro, whatever your Durge is, he is into that specifically. he could even be ace and he's still into Durge.
that's the beauty of the queer label. I never said he had to fuck men to be queer. he could be with a female Durge and still be queer.
and even though my durges are trans male or nonbinary, and gay as hell, I still liked anyone who liked Durge as an origin, AND who saw the beauty of durgetash.
but NOW.
these same people are bitching at me because... I said Gortash is bisexual. they're insisting I AM PROJECTING my sexuality on him and acting like I'm the non-inclusive one.
and it makes me really feel like...
your brain couldn't power a potato clock.
Gortash being bisexual is literally the MORE inclusive option. it's NOT saying he's gay, he's not into women, or he's straight, he's not into men.
it's saying no matter what your Durge is, he'd be into them. no matter who your tav is, he's into them.
and the fact that I'm bi- it's such a fucking joke that they're using that against me.
I say I'm bi because I don't care to explain that I'm asexual, but biromantic.
I hate extra labels, and bisexual is way easier for most people to understand.
so these people accusing me of forcing my sexuality on a character are baffling because if I was doing that, I would NOT be talking about the dark urge and gortash fucking nasty every night. I'd be talking about how they sit at home reading books together. I'd be talking about how they hug at night and don't let go, and don't even play grab ass once.
It's also further obnoxious because these fucking people.
They have... every single... video game, movie, TV show, goddamn cereal ad... dedicated to straight people.
Baldur's Gate... is like the most bisexual game in all of existence.
the tavs can be trans, they can be cis, they can be gay, bi, straight, ace. whatever you want.
there are gay gnomes and lesbian aasimars and all the companions are bisexual.
it's the most queer friendly game of this century.
but they can't let this one character go. they get confirmation that this one character "might be straight" and now they're using that same fucking language of "ew why does everyone have to be gay with you people?"
and it's a joke.
Anyway, though. Thanks for sticking around.
I'm glad someone's enjoying my nonsense.
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starrclown · 6 months
☆Helluva Boss's human world I fear will cause problems in Hazbin☆
Matey's I feel like there is a issue we don't talk about. Helluva Boss's human world. Obviously the human world is supposed to resemble our world, it's Earth after all. This is the issue. What's the one thing about the people that could cause problems? The humans are insanely stupid.
(I wanna point out Random Game Critics video on Helluva Boss Season 2 episode 5. Bomb YouTube channel by the way, check him out he's funny. He points out that he believes that Helluva Boss's humans are so dumb to mimic Invader Zim. Incase you didn't know Moxxie's voice actor is Richard Horvitz, the voice actor who played Zim. Invader Zim is also Vivziepop's favorite cartoon. This is a theory I can absolutely believe.)
The humans on Earth are insanely stupid. The humans don't relize that demons are among them even though I.M.P does not disguise themselves. Martha was able to recognize I.M.P, the other humans cannot. The two inventors are also insanely goofy and cartoon like. The humans are insanely goofy and stupid. That's where I fear the problems could come in.
5 out of the 6 main casts in Hazbin Hotel were people. Alastor died in 1933, Angel Dust died in 1947, Nifty died in the 50's, Husk died in the 70's, and Vaggie died in 2014. I fear how goofy the human world is could affect the lives of the characters. And you could argue, "Oh, the humans are in OUR time period! 2020 to the modern day! We are pretty silly so it could be making fun of that!" Which yes, that could be it. Which is still a problem considering Vaggie died in 2014 and all the other sinners that died in the 2000's. While Helluva Boss could be making fun of modern day it's still a issue considering more modern day sinners. Also, some of the goofy humans are pretty old. Here, Lyle and Loopy. While we don't know how old they were when they accidentally aged themselves up but they looked to be in early to late 30's to 40's. That would mean they were born in 80's to 90's. That's pretty close to some of the sinners we know in the show died. (Velvette, Valentino, Husk.)
Another issue I have is the concept of what humans can do. If sinners are supposed to be mysterious that could possibly make deals with humans then the humans should be more realistic right? While we dont know if demons can communicate with humans but there always is a possibility. Mind you, Lyle and Loopy made a machine that could reverse your age. That's not realistic at all. And yes I know I know, it's a cartoon, and Helluva Boss and Hazbin won't reference each other but it's still a issue. The reason I have such a issue with this is because you have to remeber some of these characters lived through horrific events.
(Also let me get on record that I don't think that Vivziepop will make fun of horrific events. I'm stating this because if the humans are this goofy, I'm scared of how she'll treat the TIME PERIOD of the horrific event. Get it? Like seriously, Alastor, depending on how dark his skin was, would still go through segragation and racism considering his time period. Angel Dust could also be a person of color, so could Husk. Nifty and Vaggie were confirmed poc, Japanese and Salvadoran respectively. Like Angel and Husk, both are queer in different ways. Both would be HEAVILY discriminated against. Also, Angel's mafia background. Incase you guys don't know, homosexuality in the Italian mob is HEAVILY discriminated against and looked down apon. Recently Italian mobsters are allowed to be gay but they can still get beat up and killed for "flaunting" it. If Angel's family is as mean as Vivzie has described them then there is no way Angel would be able to be feminine in anyway, or show any "gay traits." Seriously this was the 1940's. Thats whne the bible had the bible changed to 'man shall not lay with boy' to 'man shall not lay with man' I hope Vivzie remembers the time period these characters came from because their backgrounds could affect the way they are and how OTHER people treated them.
Like here, Alastor, Angel, Nifty (depending on when she was born.), Husk, and Vox, lived through The Great Depression, 1929- 1939. Hell, Angel, Nifty, Vox, and . lived through World War 2. (There's also a theory that Angel could have been in the war. Same thing with Husk and Vietnam. If they choose to go down that route I hope they treat it with respect. It would also need EXTRA care considering if Angel was in the war he's ya know gay and World War 2 discriminated agaisnt ALOT of people. Jews, gays, trans, poc, disabled people.)
Seriously there is just alot of fucked up stuff that went on during these characters lives and I hope that the human world in Hazbin Hotel is more serious than Helluva Boss.
(Vivzie stans please don't attack me, I just wanted to state my worries. Also! Guess what's next? MY IMAGE of what Hazbin Hotel characters could have looked like as humans. I wanna just teach people alittle but about the time periods these characters feom and a few small headcannons. Look out for that!! Bye Matey's!!)
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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