#arcade Gannon X Benny gecko
sharkssharpteeth · 5 months
I would kiss u on the mouth if I could get some Benny Gecko content 🙏 he's my problematic fav and I'm not apologizing to anyone
Ofc! Benny and Arcade are my favorites in FNV, so I should be making more fics and headcanons for them in the future. For now, I decided to just do a fluffy little drabble piece since his Benny’s headcanons are going to be a bit rough and I didn’t know if you wanted SFW or NSFW. I hope you enjoy!!
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Home - Arcade Gannon x Benny Gecko
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Content Warnings - N/A
Summary - Arcade finally gives into Benny’s pleas and crashes in his room with him while Six is busy elsewhere.
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Word Count - 889
Additional Tags - Fluff, Light Sexual Humor (practically nonexistent), Domestic Fluff, Affection, Teasing
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Arcade should have figured Swank would tattle on him when he finally decided to stay at the Tops, but somehow, he’s still surprised when Benny returns to his room early. The intentionally soft closing of the door and quiet steps make him smile slightly, letting out a soft sigh after Benny carefully climbs into his bed and wraps his arm around his middle.
“Damn, Baby, Swank said you’d be asleep by now,” Benny comments, his voice lower than usual.
Arcade shifts slightly so Benny can press his face against his neck, his clean shaven face gliding across Arcade’s skin with ease. “Well, I finally decided to come stay with you and even I can acknowledge that falling asleep immediately would be pretty rude,” he responds, letting out a soft breath as his partner begins kissing at his neck.
“Really? You stayed awake for me?”
“No, I have issues sleeping and Swank left to tell you immediately after bringing me to your room, I didn’t have nearly enough time to fall asleep.”
Benny chuckles at that, slipping his hand under Arcade’s shirt and flattening his hand against his lower stomach. “What finally made you break? I thought you and your boss were gonna be Goodsprings for a while.”
“Six wanted to head out to Nipton and bring Boone along with them, and I hate waiting around the Lucky 38 for them to come back.”
“Oh, so you’re not here for me? Just need a better bed and change of pace?”
“I thought I’d get a bit of privacy, but it looks like I lost that gamble,” Arcade says with a soft huff, gently bumping his shoulder against Benny. The man obeys the silent request, moving back a bit so Arcade can roll onto his back and moving closer once he’s settled again.
“Sorry, but you rolled snake eyes on that one, Baby. Maybe you’ll have better luck next time, especially now that you’ve broken Ol’ Benny’s heart.”
The sniffles are audible, and while he could do without them, it’s times like this that Arcade appreciates his boyfriend’s overdramatic nature. Even though he’s nearsighted to the point that Benny makes fun of how big his eyes look when he has his glasses on and it’s dark enough in here for him to barely be able to make out Benny’s silhouette, he still knows exactly what the other man is doing. He makes it obvious and he knows it’s hard for Arcade to ignore it when it’s silent otherwise.
After about ten seconds of sniffling and oddly timed breaths, Arcade lets out an exasperated sigh. “Get your layers off, I don’t like it when your buttons press against me. They’re too hard and it’s uncomfortable,” he grumbles, trying to make it seem like he’s doing Benny a favor even though he knows his dopamine levels are rising too.
Benny is quick to get out of bed again, trying his best to avoid wrinkling his clothes as he shuffles over to a nearby chair and settles them over the back of it. He slides his shoes under the chair to avoid either of them tripping on them if they have to get up without the lights. While he undresses, he decides to shoot a response back at the doctor in an attempt to continue their banter, “Yeah, I know you’d rather have something else that’s hard pressed against your-“
Arcade cuts him off before he can finish, sliding under the blankets and turning to face the wall. “Goodnight, Benjamin.”
“Not without a goodnight kiss, it won’t be,” he responds with a huff, upset that his attempt just failed, but confident that a future attempt will work.
“Hurry up, then, I’ve been on my feet walking across the Mojave all day, I want to get some well deserved rest.”
“I’m working as fast as I can, but you know how finicky these old things can be.”
When the buttons are finally all open and he’s free of his fabric prison, Benny moves back towards the bed, nailing his shin on the wooden frame in the process, but still pushing through. He climbs back in the bed, maneuvering carefully to avoid hurting or disturbing Arcade too much and curling up behind him. He props himself up on his elbow, making a kissing sound with his lips, “Come on, Baby, it’s time to hold up your end of the deal.”
“I thought you told Six something about the game being rigged from the start,” Arcade muses, not moving an inch.
Benny lets out a small grunt before placing his hand on Arcade’s waist and sliding it up his torso and neck. He grasps his jaw once he reaches it, carefully turning his head so he can access his lips and pressing a kiss against them, chaste, but not lacking a playful nip at his bottom lip.
“Have a good night, Doll,” he says as he finally relaxes on the bed and presses his chest flush against Arcade’s back. He even goes so far as to wrap his arms around his middle, effectively trapping him there.
Even though he knows that - all things considered - he should feel like his life is in danger, Arcade relaxes into the touch, sighing softly and moving one of his hands down to gently hold one of Benny’s. “Goodnight, Benny.”
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hello bencade nation (there’s like three of you)
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loonarjester · 1 year
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-"Oh my foolish foolish man is in shock, how cute"
-"Didn't he shoot you in the head? I was also under the believe you fancy women??"
-"Sometimes I find men that fascinate me with how pathetic they are next to my presence"
[The background is partially screenshots from the game and partially painted]
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w98pops · 1 year
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a redraw of my 2021 bencade piece (my unofficial magnum opus)
original under the cut
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moristarcakebonk · 2 years
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Zero’s design has changed but I still love this comic.
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scout985 · 7 days
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oh my god look out
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rzyraffek · 1 year
4am fnv ideas cuz im bored
Benny and Courier (Who doesnt remeber even being shot) would be the funniest thing ever like:
Courier: I swear if i find this mf who shoot me i will make him pay, you get me right friend? We are going to make him suffer together *sharpens a knife cutley*
Benny: om-omg yeah ye he- i mean she or he haha we dont know! i- yea they totaly deserve death totaly!
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kinkshame-the-courier · 10 months
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Redraw of this to measure my progress a little
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danses-with-dogmeat · 10 months
2K Event Prompt Masterlist
Here is a list of all the prompts for my 2K Celebration Event! I'll be updating as I go with the links, so you should be able to click on any of them once it's fully completed 😊
Please be sure to pay mind to the ratings of each work as well, and to the details on the prompts themselves once you click on the links so that you're mindful of any saucy explicit material!
Thank you all, and I hope you enjoy! 😁
A: Arcade Gannon -- Fluff -- SFW
B: Benny Gecko -- Fluff -- SFW
C: Charon -- Fluff -- NSFW
D: Deacon -- Hurt/Comfort -- SFW
E: ED-E -- Fluff -- SFW
F: Fawkes -- Fluff -- SFW
G: Gob -- Fluff -- SFW
H: Mr. House -- Hurt/Comfort -- SFW
I/O: Old Longfellow -- Hurt/Comfort -- NSFW
J: John Hancock -- Fluff -- NSFW
K: The King -- Hurt/Comfort -- SFW
L: Lily Bowen -- Fluff -- SFW
M: Mysterious Stranger -- Angst -- SFW
N: Nick Valentine -- Fluff -- NSFW
P: Preston Garvey -- Hurt/Comfort -- SFW
Q/U/X: Ulysses -- Fluff -- SFW
R: Raul Tejada -- Hurt/Comfort -- NSFW
S: Sunny Smiles -- Hurt/Comfort -- SFW
T: Three Dog -- Fluff -- NSFW
V: Veronica Santangelo -- Hurt/Comfort -- SFW
W: Whitechapel Charlie -- Angst -- SFW
Y/Z: Yes Man -- Hurt/Comfort -- SFW
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nukaberries · 2 years
Hi again! Thanks for the reply I really loved it! Expect to hear from me more cause I’m really into new Vegas! Could you do the companions + yes man and Benny reaction to Six having incredibly good hearing. Like can hear a dog whistle kind of good (bonus points if six is the “you talking shit” kind of person) thanks!! 
Hey!! Don't worry, I adore New Vegas so it's always an honour to write for it!! This is such a fun idea and you know for sure that Six is gonna be like that! Whenever I write about Six/Sole/Lone etc. I always do it with my own characters in mind and my Six is DEFINITELY that kind of person LMAO
New Vegas Characters React to the Courier Having Incredibly Good Hearing
(Includes: Arcade, Boone, Cass, Lily, Raul, Veronica, Yes Man and Benny)
When you first bring up your hearing to Arcade, he assumes you're joking. There's no way anyone can hear that well, he's sure of it. You prove him wrong soon enough, and he finds himself grumbling an apology for doubting you. He doesn't think much of it at first, just being sure not to mutter any complaints about you under his breath - you'd already caught him the last time he did that and threatened to sic ED-E on him. It's only when you're scouting out a location for Legionaries that he actually realises just how helpful your hearing can actually be. After battling it out and winning against a group of them, it seemed as though the area had been cleared out, with Arcade completely unaware of the Legionary that had survived sneaking up behind him in an attempt to slit his throat. It was only for the fact that you'd heard his quiet breathing and were able to turn around and shoot him before he could take out your companion that Arcade even survived. He found himself swallowing his pride and thanking you and your peculiarly incredible hearing.
Upon first joining up with you, Boone doesn't pay all that much attention to you or anything you have to say, truth be told. He doesn't want to get attached, after what happened to Carla and his child, assuming that this arrangement will also end in a death, whether that be yours or his own. It takes him a while to notice your hearing being far superior to his own, but when he does, he instantly points it out. By this point, he knows enough about you to expect you to take offense, assuming he's making fun of you for it, but you're more surprised when he points out it could be a useful skill to have. As the two of you travel together more and begin to fight better as a team, he often makes sure your hearing is used to your advantage, having you listen out for nearby targets that he can't see from the blind spots in his scope - something that saves his ass more times than he'd care to admit. You'd never considered your hearing to hold much value, yet now Boone makes you feel as though it's something to give you both the upper hand in combat.
At first, Cass doesn't really understand what's so interesting about your hearing, she's more annoyed when you complain about how she breathes too loud or how she's practically deafening when she's drunk. It'll likely become something the two of you argue about a lot, you'll tell her to be quieter when she eats and she'll tell you to "Shut you ears". It's nothing serious, just back and forth bickering between the two of you and you exclaiming that you heard her whisper how you're a moron. While Cass likes to voice her frustration about your particularly annoying talent a lot, she does find it pretty cool when she needs you to listen into whatever the Van Graffs are saying about her. She figures, eventually, that maybe it's got its perks too.
Quite early on in your travels with the Nightkin, Lily starts to notice quickly how sensitive your ears seem to be to loud noises - whether it be gunshots or even just someone speaking to you fairly loudly. Lily eventually asks you about it, not wanting to seem rude or hurt your feelings, but wanting to help you if you needed it. Ever the caring grandmother, once you explain to Lily that your hearing is extremely above average, she takes it upon herself to find a way to help you. The next time you speak with her, she presents to you a pair of earmuffs, ones that she'd knitted almost a forever ago for her Jimmy and Becky, so they wouldn't get cold as winter came in. She doesn't expect you to be thrilled with them, you're probably getting a little too old for your grandma to be knitting you things anyway, but when you seem so deeply touched by the gesture, she can't resist wrapping you into a tight hug.
Raul notices your hearing early on too, similar to Lily, but he decides to never bring it up to you, figuring that if you wanted him to know about it then he already would. Inevitably, you mention it in passing conversation like it's the most normal thing in the world and when he's taken aback by your casualness, you assume he's going to make fun of you. He clarifies that it's actually impressive and something he's almost envious of. Now a ghoul, Raul's senses are nothing like they used to be. he'd give anything to have hearing even the slightest bit like yours. Your own hearing ends up having its way of helping Raul out, when he can mumble something quietly enough for only you to hear - usually when someone was speaking to him and he didn't catch the end of their sentence and needs you to step in for him. Raul doesn't want you to feel like he's constantly depending on you, or that it's the only reason he travels with you so often, but it's nice to have someone help him here and there.
If Veronica didn't think you were cool already, the fact that you can figure out where the Brotherhood bunker is based on the inaudible - to her - sound of an engine humming is definitive proof of that. It isn't long before she's showing you off like she won you at a fun fair, telling everyone how her buddy Six can hear the Lucky 38 slot machines from all the way in the Mojave Outpost (totally not true, by the way. She insists on you playing along) You have to admit, it leads to you winning a lot of bets against over confident NCR soldiers and drunken gamblers, but you do find yourself frequently insisting that one day, Veronica is going to get the both of you in trouble. Still, you can't help but enjoy the ego boost as she gushes about you to anyone and everyone who'll listen.
Yes Man
Somehow, Yes Man is already completely clued up on your hearing, but frankly it doesn't come as much of a surprise to you. You've met weirder Securitrons, shockingly enough. He refers to it as a "neat trick" as though it wasn't something you were born with before he continues to discuss the factions you need to check out. Of course, if he thinks that your hearing could be useful in certain situations, maybe around enemies with Stealth Boys, he will make a point to let you know before you go anywhere. He offers helpful advice, but knowing your hearing is superior to that of the average person's doesn't really mean much else to him.
You already know he's going to make a joke about how you should've heard him sneaking up behind you before he got the jump on you, maybe then he wouldn't have had the chance to shoot you in the head. You respond to this by practically rolling your eyes into the back of your skull and gifting him a broken nose. He immediately decides you owe him a new jacket, since this one is now covered in his blood. Knowing full well that Benny is a gossip who can't keep his mouth shut, you aren't surprised when he starts asking you to listen out for people talking about him behind his back. You're pretty sure it's your fault he had that argument with Swank in the middle of the Tops lobby, but you decided that's just karma getting him.
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felassanis · 2 years
Fallout: New Vegas fan cast
Courier 6 - Emmy Rossum
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Acrade Gannon - Chris Wood
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Ulysses - Roger Cross
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Veronica - Melissa Barrera
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Benny - Oscar Isaac
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Joshua Graham - Mads Mikkelson
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Rose of Sharon Cassidy- Penelope Cruz
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Craig Boone - Ed Skrein
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Caesar - Michael Hogan
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Vulpes Inculta - Jason Spisak
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sharkssharpteeth · 5 months
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 Fallout ゚☾ ゚。⋆
“Oh, the North country winters keep a gettin' me now - Lost my money playin' poker so I had to up and leave”
- “Wagon Wheel” by Old Crow Medicine Show
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Featured Characters:
Craig Boone (NV)
Caesar (NV)
Paladin Danse (4)
Deacon (4)
Porter Gage (4)
Arcade Israel Gannon (NV)
Preston Garvey (4)
Benny Gecko (NV)
Joshua Graham (NV)
Vulpes Inculta (NV)
The King (NV)
Robert Joseph MacCready (4)
Mason (4)
Arthur Maxson (4)
Pacer (NV)
Sturges (4)
Swank (NV)
X6-88 (4)
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Tag Guide:
Fluff - ☀️
Angst - 🌧️
Smut - 🍒
Triggering content - 🔪
Ship - 🚢
Non-Ship - 🧊
One-Sided - 🥀
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Get to know the character
Caesar’s NSFW Headcanons🍒🔪🧊
Home - Arcade Gannon x Benny Gecko☀️🚢
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i think they’d make each other worse
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lustrum-art · 3 years
Courier and Arcade return from the Fort to Vegas
Arcade: “What the matter? Sixth?”
Courier: “I have a terrible feeling.”
A: “About what?”
С: “That we didn’t do something.”
A: “Oh no, you feel that way because we left in such a hurry. We took care of everything at the Fort. Believe me.”
С: “Did I take trophies?”
A: “No. I did.”
C: “Did you retrieve our equipment?”
A: “Yeah.”
C: “Did you freed the slaves?”
A: “That’s it. I forgot to freed the slaves. That’s it.”
С: “…No.That’s not it.
A: “What else could we be forgetting?”
С: “BENNY!!!”
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w98pops · 3 years
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plasmadefender · 6 years
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time to draw irrelevant ships
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