arcadea-rpg · 2 months
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classybri · 6 years
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Maisie from ARCADEA drawn in dotpict
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traumerei-project · 7 years
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Super pretty Annabelle drawing made by Aishin, the creator of Arcadea! \>u</ Everything about her art is adorable; please check out her blog! It’s super cute and well-made~!! 0w0/
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rpgmgames · 7 years
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April's Featured Game: ARCADEA
DEVELOPER(S): Aishin ENGINE: RPGMaker VX Ace   GENRE: Fantasy, Adventure, Puzzle WARNINGS:  N/A SUMMARY: In the world of Arcadea, people can accomplish their dreams. How? Through video games of course! Everybody who lives in Arcadea has a special arcade machine they can visit in their dreams that lets them fulfill their strongest wishes. Whether it’s to go on an adventure, or make friends, or fall in love, or solve a mystery, or completely start a new life, there’s a game made just for them.. The game follows Maisie, a new arrival to Arcadea. She’s not very interested in all this gaming stuff; her only goal is to find an important person. But along the way, she can’t help but be roped into other people’s problems. She also can’t help that the arcade machines seem to glitch around her. A lot.
Our Interview With The Dev Team Below The Cut!
Introduce yourself!  *Hello everyone! My name is Aishin and I'm the developer of ARCADEA! I have been in the community for about 8 years. I started working with RPGMaker in 2014 and played around with some horror game concepts that never came to fruition. I realized that drawing dark or creepy things and trying to scare people wasn't really up my alley. After failing to make a horror game, I attempted a more happy and relaxing concept and was much more satisfied with the results.
What is your project about? What inspired you to create your game initially? *Aishin: ARCADEA is a fantasy story that mainly involves adventuring through different strange lands, solving puzzles, and doing quests. In between the adventuring segments, the player plays little mini-games on arcade machines that act as foreshadowing as well as introspective character explorations. It's a game about the safety as well as the troubles of escapism. It's also games within a game and that's always fun right? My initial inspiration was from seeing other RPG Maker games. Being in the community and seeing other games being developed made me strive to make one of my own!
How long have you been working on your project? *Aishin: A little less than one year so far. The story and characters have been through many revisions and changes. I'm happy to say that I am fully satisfied at the final revision and I will be bringing the world to life as best as I can~
Did any other games or media influence aspects of your project? *Aishin: My game was influenced by fairy tales, mainly Peter Pan and The Little Mermaid. I also was heavily inspired by the MOTHER series and its quirky humor, as well as very meta games such as OneShot, Libretta, and Undertale. Also To the Moon, as it was the first RPG Maker game I have played that was not horror. Games that, after playing them, makes you kind of sit there... in wonder.
Have you come across any challenges during development? How have you overcome or worked around them?   *Aishin: The biggest challenge was actually finding time to sit down and work on the game. I'm about to finish my third year of pharmacy school and the workload leaves me too tired to even pick up my tablet pen sometimes. However, every moment I actually do spend on the game is very satisfying and I am getting faster and more efficient with everything: spriting, mapping, drawing, eventing, checking for bugs, etc. I'm just waiting for school to be over so I can start putting my all into this game! Oh and also debugging. Oh man do I hate script conflicts.
Have any aspects of your project changed over time? How does your current project differ from your initial concept? *Aishin: Many many MANY aspects. Originally, the game wasn't even going to have arcade machines! Crazy stuff. After the addition of the mini-games, everything just...happened. The characters all got fleshed out backstories, the main character actually became a CHARACTER rather than a player's avatar, more games and puzzles were made, the world became more dense with 'stuff'.... The story became simpler. But the actual themes and concepts around the story became more real.
What was your team like at the beginning? How did people join the team? *Aishin: I'm the sole developer of the game. I have a couple of friends that act as my beta testers. They also help with edits, proofreading, and ideas. I am planning on finding a composer in the future for music compositions (the one thing I can't do by myself :c).
What was the best part of developing the game? *Aishin: For me, it's seeing everything coming together in action! Seeing my character sprites moving around on a map I made, saying dialogue that I wrote is such a fulfilling feeling. And making the maps as beautiful as I can is pretty fun! And then a bug happens and you just sit in a corner and cry. loljk
Looking back now, is there anything that regret/wish you had done differently? *Aishin: I wish I learned Ruby before starting this project. I had to learn as I go but unfortunately that lead to random script issues. I had to request a friend's help to solve them and luckily it was nothing too bad. The good news is, I am now able to resolve script conflicts on my own! (And with google)
Once you finish your project, do you plan to explore game's universe and characters further in subsequent projects, or leave it as-is? *Aishin: This will probably be a stand-alone game. The story and characters have a definite beginning and end. I feel like there's no need to expand on this world any further.
What do you look most forward to upon/after release? *Aishin: I would like to see people play it. Whether they like it or not, I hope I get some critique on the game. It would be nice if people really enjoyed playing it c: Of course, more sleep is another thing to look forward to.
Is there something you're afraid of concerning the development or the release of your game?  *Aishin: GAME BREAKING BUGS. Also I really hope there aren't any weird story plot holes...
Question from last month's featured dev: What are some practical tricks you've learned in RPG Maker that novice (or even advanced) developers might not know? *Aishin: - If you want to make the screen pan, make your character transparent and have them walk where it's needed (have a dummy sprite act as your character in the meantime). - Take advantage of the addition and subtract effects of pictures when doing lighting for maps (especially parallax maps). Also you can have the light or shadows fade in and out by using the 'Move Picture' event and adjusting opacity. - USE THE '\!' BEFORE ANY DIALOGUE CHOICES THE PLAYER HAS TO MAKE. This prevents the player from accidentally clicking through too fast and picking an answer that they don't want! I can't tell you how many endings I messed up on getting because of this.
Do you have any advice for upcoming devs? *Aishin: Definitely try! I would start with a free program like RPGMaker Lite and play around with it. I think what turns most people away is feeling that the RPG Maker program is very complex. But it's actually pretty easy to pick up on! Also, starting small is very helpful. Making a ginormous, long game immediately is pretty daunting, especially if you're inexperienced (although some people have managed to do it). I would at least know a little bit about events and scripts before jumping into a huge project. And if in the end, you feel that making games isn’t for you, you at least get some experience and knowledge out of it. As well as a greater appreciation for games and the work/process that goes into game development!
We mods would like to thank Aishin for agreeing to our interview! We believe that featuring the developer and their creative process is just as important as featuring the final product. Hopefully this Q&A segment has been an entertaining and insightful experience for everyone involved! 
Remember to check out ARCADEA if you haven’t already! See you next month! 
- Mods Gold & Platinum 
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moon-xp · 3 years
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Nome: Arcadea (demo) Desenvolvedor(a): Aishin Data de publicação (DD/MM/AA): 18 de agosto de 2018 (18/08/18). Duração do jogo: em torno de 1 hora. 
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O jogo começa narrando a história de Maisie, uma recém-chegada em Arcadea. Ela não está nem um pouco interessada neste lance de jogos e afins; o seu único objetivo é encontrar uma pessoa muito importante. Mas, ao longo do caminho, ela se encontra entrelaçada em problemas alheios e percebe que as máquinas de fliperama começam a se tornarem instáveis ao seu redor. O que pode ser?
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(para uma melhor visualização, abra as imagens em outra guia.)
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•  Leia as minhas notas de tradução: o arquivo não está lá de enfeite. Além de curiosidades, muitas vezes elas contêm informações muito importantes a respeito do jogo e o seu processo de tradução. Inclusive erros que você pode encontrar propositalmente. •  Atente-se aos assuntos sensíveis de cada jogo: este jogo, em específico, contém representações de escapismo, ruídos que possam causar desconforto e imagens fotossensíveis. •  Avise: se você encontrar um erro na tradução, seja ele gramatical, de diagramação ou no script (imagem faltando, etc). Vai ajudar muito. Os meus contatos estão inseridos na aba “Informações” e na nota de tradução. • Precisa de RTP?: Não. Para mais informações sobre os RTPs, acesse a F.A.Q na aba “Dúvidas”. • Engine: RPG Maker VX Ace. •  U m    e x t r a: se quiser repassar o link da tradução, compartilhar ou curtir para ajudar, apreciarei o gesto. Se for fazer gameplay do jogo, não se esqueça de creditar quem desenvolveu o jogo e a mim também pela tradução. Obrigada e bom jogo! :)
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nadenagi · 4 years
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...if only there was more time. ✭
From ARCADEA @arcadea-rpg
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kourtniemckenzie · 4 years
Hello, and welcome to “RPG Maker One-Hour Game Review #6,” where I’m exploring Arcadea, a beautifully illustrated and puzzle-laden visual novel made by Aishin, an RPG Maker developer and artist. 
Engine: RPG Maker VX Ace
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Background: Since my project, Worlds They Dream, is a storytelling-heavy JRPG set in a dreamscape, I thought it’d be good to play other RPG Maker games with those qualities.
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Overview: In Arcadea, you play Maisie, a dreamer looking for someone important to her, when the world just closed its gates to travel. 
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Immersion: Maisie touches my heart because she’s mute; she writes in order to communicate. The autistic part of me that feels this way connects with Maisie deeply.
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But even if Maisie’s communication methods don’t strike a chord in you, other aspects of Arcadea feel like deju vu or collective unconsciousness—like you’re experiencing a dream alongside Maisie, rather than acting as a mere observer.
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This isn’t a good game to pick up if you’re looking for something fast-paced. You’re meant to slow down, contemplate, and enjoy the aesthetics. That said, I would’ve liked if the music changed in town a little more frequently.
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Takeaway: I was delighted by the puzzle in the forest! Actually, I felt intrigued with most of the mechanics, from the lily pads to the terrifying squirrel.
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I wholeheartedly recommend others try this game. When I’m done with my one-hour reviews, this’ll be a title I come back to finish.
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flareblitzedyt · 7 years
@arcadea-rpg is a super nice project to follow for an upcoming rpg maker game, they have a really soft wonderful art style that’s simple awestrucking for the eyes! Mostly though they’re super nice to talk too and their responses to questions are super cute!! <3
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nuttatulipa · 5 years
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It’s about the time to introduce our third cameo guest, “Scaredy-Cat” or Fae from ARCADEA by @arcadea-rpg
(Please don’t let a rumor about g-g-ghost ruin your staying experience!)
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birdiesenpai · 5 years
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arcadea-rpg · 10 months
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jumpyrope · 7 years
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Maisie for @arcadea-rpg ! i hope you like, i wanted to give you something to show thanks for all your positivity and love you give to the community! thank you!
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artfromsaturn · 7 years
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I also did @arcadea-rpg‘s protagonist since she’s ppretty detailed as well.  Here she is at 100%:
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zmakesgames · 5 years
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qvq/ Hello everyone, After quite a bit, I finally finished what I wanted to make. A little present to some wonderful devs and their projects who have been working so hard on their projects. (Twitter Version) qvq/ Starting from left to right: 1st set: Arnika from Shroom Soup by @toxicshroomswamp Star Detective from Star Detective by @choko-flan Seirios from Starlit Droplet by @rukomura-games Kai from re:fleXion by @clockworkprincedev Tony from Living Playground by @meaka Margaret Lloyd from Akademia by @akademia-project 2nd set: Elmer from Lone Star by @hogwashdev Blank from  Land, Sea, Entropy by @land-sea-entropy Starsio from The Black Crystals by @blackcrystalsrpg Luna Wyndell from The Midnight Train by @midnighttrain-project Lavender from Grimm’s Hollow by @grimmshollow Felec Melp from Expiatora by @expiatora-project
3rd set: Violet from Overcast by @overcast-rpg Noel from Traumerei by @traumerei-project Marinette from Marinette by @teal-crown Maisie from Arcadea by @arcadea-rpg Akira from Returning Nightmares by @doc-saturn Charlotte from Cadeau by @project-cadeau
4th set: Sigurd from Turovero: The Celestial Tower by @turoveroofficial Edwin from Dear Edwin by @lazybum-studio , @plueschkatzeart Eve From Heartbeat by @blinking4soup Hesperos from Magical Disaster X by @atlasatrium Esme from Fragmented Eve by @fragmentedeve-project , @thislostrose Naomi from Mare by @zmakesgames (me! qvq/) ÓvÒ/ If any dev would like the full size of their character, please feel free to contact me and I would be happy to send it to you. Please support all of these wonderful devs and thank you all for your time, I hope that you have a great day! ✨
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rpgmgames · 6 years
Released Games & Demos - August 2018
Congratulations to all the devs who completed their projects and demos last month! Click the titles for links to downloads.
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Arcadea (DEMO) Release date: 08/17/2018 Developer(s): @arcadea-rpg  Genre: Fantasy, Adventure
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Dys Release date: 08/23/2018 Developer(s): @lovegames-studio  Genre: RPG
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Heaven's Advent Release date: 08/16/2018 Developer(s): @takane  Genre: Horror, Exploration
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School of Zenterianexius Release date: 08/30/2018 Developer(s): @rebeldoesstuff  Genre: RPG
Your game isn’t here? We must have missed it so shoot us a message!
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choko-flan · 6 years
How does one get started in making rpg games? What do you do first? Also could you recommend some rpg maker devs to follow?
۹(ÒvÓ)۶ Thankyou for this ask btw!For how to get started in making rpg games there’s many factors to take accountwhich are: 
Are you new to rpg maker? 
If you never use rpg maker I strongly say thatyou 
SHOULDN’T go head first and make a super long game. Youcan, but just note that you are going to get stuck on everything. Just making asmall test project to get to know the engine really helps you to know how tobasically use the engine. 
Whattype of story do you want to make?
Try to write down the basic ideas of thetype of game you want to make. For example: a game about a young elf girl istrying to find the shard pieces for a star she broke. Just something basic, fora concept it doesn’t have to have a million endings and everything the fullgame is going to have.
Demon Tea’s concept idea was basically ademon girl that ran from home and found a village where she met a happy golucky person. 
Concepts =/= the final game, your concept is just the foundation/ plan ofthe game. Like how you draw guide lines for a drawing, the guide lines aren’tgoing to be in the final picture but its there to help you.
Don’t go crazy on your game: Don’t get trap in remake hell [PERFECTIONISM]
We all want to make our games amazing and the bestthing ever, but please take in account that nothing can be perfect. Its not abad thing it’s the truth, there is no such thing as a perfect game. Every gamehas flaws but even if a game isn’t perfect it can still be enjoyable. Perfect=/= enjoyable.
Enjoyable= how a person felt about a certain thing. I enjoy sonic adventure 2 and it’s avery flaw game but I still enjoy it. Like how people enjoy the movie the room, it’sa very flaw movie but people love it because of the flaws since it makes themovie.
Thoughjust because the game isn’t perfect =/= not to care how you made the game, youshould put effort and care into the game. Just remember that the game is somethingyou are doing for fun and enjoyment. Don’t go crazy over wanting to make thebest game in the world, since this is a subjective term. Meaning what peopleview as the best is different from you.
Justdo your best and the work will pay off for sure.
Whatis the reason you want to create the game?
Understand your true motive on why youwant to create the game you are making the game and make sure you always rememberwhy you are making the game.
But please note: that you should be makingthe game for fun and because you want to do it, making a game just to be popularcan be a reason but it would be something that drives perfectionist since youare trying to make a game people like rather than a game you care about. This would lead to self-doubt andredoing things over and over never making progress. You can dream about seeingpopular lets players playing your game and having a bunch of people playing it.BUT DON’T think its going to be the next Undertale and get ahuge fanbase of people all around you go crazy about things. Don’t expect yourgame to go off the day you release it, don’t get upset that you only got 10downloads on day one. Be happy that you did it, that you let your game out inthe world.Everything will pay off but don’t justthink you’ll get super popular, popularity takes time and just happens. Don’tgo crazy on being popular, rather think of the main reason you want to createthat story.
 Popular =/= happiness, it’s nice to havepeople caring about your work, just don’t have it all go to your head andstress yourself out into a perfectionist cycle.  
Trynot to compare yourself to others:
This is something I’m familiar with, comparingyourself to other devs or games and bashing yourself because “why can’t I bethat good”.  Please understand this: 
I mean this you are you, don’t look at othersand put yourself down since what I learn is that there always someone behindyou looking up to you. You think you are the worst but there’s people who findyour work amazing. Your work is blind to yourself because you see it every day,but to someone else its amazing.
You must be you, not like dev x and devy. You can be inspired by them but don’t doubt yourself on how you can’t do thingslike them.
 EVERYONE CAN DRAW AND CAN-DO THINGS.  It’s the matter of learning the skill to getbetter at it. Art is a skill not a talent, its something you master and keepgetting better at. Same with being a dev you get exp points and you level up.Like a rpg tbh since you get exp and level up the more you practice a skill.
Learnto take feedback:
When someone gives you feedback on yourgame there are different types which I won’t cover all of them. Just know youare letting your game out in the public eye, you will have people who tell youthey like your game and others who tell you they didn’t enjoy it. If its civilthat’s A-Okay, since its their opinion.
 You will get feedback that is critiques whichisn’t a bad thing, just understand if it’s someone who is just saying “Yourgame sucks” or “The protag looks weird” without context, this isn’t a critique.Don’t censor critiques btw, like if people are pointing out things like thegame has plot holes or things that are feedback that can help your work. Don’tyell at them or shut them down, take the advice. Just because the player doesn’tmake games don’t mean they can’t give you feedback. 
Feedback is free and helpful so take all you can get from it.
Justdo it:
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I canlist everything about being a dev, but this is what I can say to you, just doit. If you are passionate about wanting to create a game just do it. Once Iheard about rpg maker games I didn’t ask anyone I just dive head first into it.OvO/ It’s amazing now that people can ask other devs things like this about howto get into making games.
 Beinga dev =/= an alien. No, we are just people who have a huge passionate in storytelling,art, music, games, etc. Making games is a media that lets a person get to seethe world in the eyes of the character.
 Withrpg maker it makes it easier for people to get into game making which helpsthem get into another engine. It doesn’t matter if you are making a rpg makerbattle system, a spooky horror game, a walking simulator, etc. Make the gameyou dream of making and just do it.
 Everythingin the world has been done before, but just take your spin at it, make a gameyou enjoy and don’t let others put you down since you want to make a game abouta young sweet female protag that wakes up in a strange world but can’t rememberwho they are. Just make the game you want to make.
Amazing Devs to Follow:Here’s some amazing devs to follow, who all haveamazing games.
@midnighttrain-project @teamstellaria
I do hope this was helpful in some way,I drop what dev work I was doing to answer this since it just made my day. Ihope this helps anon, and if you need anything just ask. I hope this informationwas helpful, I tried my best not to make a text wall. In the future I’ll make agoogle document about things I took and learn from being a game dev. ( I really hope this text wall was okay)
(≧∇≦*) I hope you have a wonderful day btw.
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