#are far away from me atm
razzmic · 10 months
started having to wear a wig around the house bc my trich is way out of control all of a sudden & nothing else is helping but at least its super cute 👍🏾
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defective-4068 · 9 days
This could be a controversial take but I really kinda don't care about what the actors do outside of the show? They are great actors but I don't want to know about their personal life at all really. I just want to obsess over the characters without thinking about whatever shitty thing so and so actor did this week (or 10 years ago lol)
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cyborgcatboys · 8 months
hewwo, im gonna be taking a break from tumblr for the next while.
ive come to realize that im on tumblr wayyyy too much bc of my (newly found) ocd so im leaving for a while to try and deal with it (+ other stuff in the op tags)
i'll be back once im satisfied w/ my progress, but there is a chance i won't be back for months, so if u want to stay in contact send me a DM w ur discord or smthn, i'll check them a couple of times in the next couple days, but after that no tumblr at all.
so yeah, byebyes & i'll see u people later hopefully <3
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more alt L? more likely than you think
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kinda liked my base colors
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driftpng · 4 months
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dan-crimes · 15 days
I love it when I'm not actually as invested in something as others are yet I'll still spend. 10+ hours just watching content about it cuz I still have to know about it like I might not have brain rot or anything but I gotta have that info in my brain
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stories-by-rie · 6 months
while i made that post for the ten first lines tag game, i realised that i have written 2 flash fiction pieces the whole year. some short stories are already over a year old, it feels like yesterday that i wrote them. and i haven't worked much on my writing behind the scenes either. it simply has been a year without the hobby that is so prescious to me.
and while i know that sometimes breaks are long, can be much longer than a year, it still does not change the fact that a part of me is grieving for all the words i didn't write. i had ideas, i had the want, i just couldn't. 2023 has been one of the worst years for me and it is no surprise that this is mirrored in the lack of creative energy.
so i am trying to be gentle with myself. forcing out words has never worked for me and i certainly don't want to put out rubbish (even if it can be fun, but i digress). though i certainly won't just give up. one more piece of writing has to happen before the year is completely over. this is less a plan than a threat. who knows what my fingers will spill. beware of the words.
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non-un-topo · 7 months
Went to a support group specifically for FTMs last night and had a good time. Surprised myself by tearing up. That's not a very cis sign, is it
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b-blushes · 10 months
got some really sad news today and the sad thing isn't even going to happen for another couple of days. feeling the physically alone emotion, friends
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 months
The sims 2 is so funny because you can do everything right, you can make your sims study cooking and go to work on time and micromanage everybody so that they don’t die in stupid ways, and then the goddamn nanny burns your house down
#AN NPC CAUSED THE FIRST FIRE IN MY NEW NEIGHBOURHOOD I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS#so i’m playing the prosperity challenge right. which is basically where you randomise some families and play them in rotations#i’m on the third family atm and it’s a single mom with a teenage son; child daughter and twin toddler boys#she has an ltw to become media magnate but i got her a job as an EMT in the meantime because it didn’t show up in the paper#and hired a nanny to take care of the kids while she and the oldest son were out#nanny was fine at first. she just made sugar cookies and made sure the toddlers didn’t get taken away by social services which i massively#appreciated. but then my sim came home from work and immediately got a promotion#to paramedic; which meant she had to switch over to nights right away. so the nanny came again a few hours later and immediately proceeded#to set my kitchen on fire#thankfully they have a smoke alarm but she sent the two older kids into aspiration failure. SHERYL WHEN I CATCH YOUUUU#bizarrely the person who is absolutely coming in clutch for this family is none of the family members and nor is it the nanny#it’s gerald who is the grandpa of a different family i created in the neighbourhood. he works with the mom (although he’s an intern now)#and she brought him home from work and he has just been here all night#it’s 4:20am and he’s sat playing with one of the toddlers helping him learn words with his bunny 🥹#gerald we looooove you. platinum aspiration for gerald. GOOD THINGS FOR GERALD#the most annoying people in this challenge so far are sheryl the nanny who burns stuff down and jackson; a kid in one of the other houses#who keeps calling everyone at 2am even if he barely knows them. and also at 10am on school days#jackson’s mom also irritates me because she came to pick her daughter up who was just playing chess on a porch at 8pm; bothering nobody#but doesn’t stop jackson from spamming everyone with calls. where is the logic#personal
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curiosityjams · 5 months
my future when it comes to still being Active on social media is teebeedee, but my main resolution for 2024 is like...be comfortable w/ being completely offline even if it's just for a day or a week.
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arcgeminga · 5 months
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♚— I managed to get a bit of free time on the weekends from training, but since I haven't gotten my official schedule yet, I don't know when I'll be for sure free.
So, I'll get to and queue my replies for the week(s. Hopefully). I'll still be delayed until I find a really good pattern to stick with in regards to life-hobby-work balances, plus everything else I need to do these next 8 months.
Roleplaying is going to be a pretty low priority for me and everything will be thrown in the queue. From my private Multi-muse account to this one, everything will be SLOW. I am trying not to burn myself out too much since I need to save energy for September as well.
Big thank you to those who are waiting patiently for my reply. I know it's been a while, but I'm trying to find a better pattern. It's just going to take a while.
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hella1975 · 2 years
Hope you have good day today :)) it’s always nice to see your posts and read your writing, you have so many interesting things to say
thank you suspiciously nice anon
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horrorwebs · 1 year
me when my friends tell me to get together after class to merendar!!yay!!!! but when i get there they have actuallyalready eaten and i dont even sit we just walk to the train station and them i have to leave :/
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veryangryhorse · 2 years
Currently revising the Underfell!Sans X Reader thingy.. as the original is very spicy, and I don’t want that on my page until I decide to make either a separate page for it or something-
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