thingsdavidlikes · 2 months
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by dav j
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Ruta Arribes del Duero. (parte I).
Organizó y dirigió esta ruta el prestigioso club de senderismo Tomesenda. Rutas con una dificultad de tipo media-baja, entorno natural de gran belleza, que se divide en tres días, con diferentes actividades, en el marco incomparable del Parque Natural de las Arribes del Duero, como han podido comprobar en las imágenes del video, unas rutas y actividades agradables con paisajes únicos y preciosos. #ruta #senderismo
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aroaceofthesea · 2 months
Today was so funny i asked my uni friends what made saint george's story a love story and i loved their slow realization of well... He gave her a rose.... Oh
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tornoaserjo · 10 months
Poden els meus cosins i cosines parar de casar-se? In other news: busque novia
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heheartistuwu · 1 month
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Lucifer never do the paper work
SO he call stolas to do it
Between he nevers read the sinners documents that arribes to hell to the paper of the deals he makes w humans xDdddd
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useless-catalanfacts · 10 months
A very interesting editorial by the journalist, political analyst and activist Vicent Partal. I've translated it to English for more people to understand:
The psychological impact of historical violence against Catalans
The time has come to consider the reparation of the historical violence committed by Spain against the Catalans. Because it's a mark that we carry every day and that defines our society and the behaviour of our oppressors.
I started Sant Jordi celebrations on Saturday going to Via Laietana [Spanish military police headquarters in Barcelona -capital city of Catalonia- famous for being the place where the police have tortured many people in brutal ways] to listen to some of the witnesses of the book Tortured. Via Laietana 43. Twenty-two women witnesses of terror (1941-2019) by Gemma Pasqual. They explained, with an exemplary bravery and dignity, how they had suffered in that horror house -under the dictatorship and the democracy. Since 1940 until nowadays. The attendees cut the street, we were carrying banners condemning torture and the torturers as we listened for half an hour to those women's narrations about what they had been through right there, behind those doors, one by one.
It was precisely in one of the most intimate and chilling moments when a man who was walking behind us, precisely through the door of Via Laietana 43 [the police headquarters], dared to shout insults to the protesters, and continued walking in front of the policemen stationed there. It's evident that he did not feel any respect nor interest for those women's experiences, and I assume that he didn't care about everything they went through, all the opposite. But behind his action there was the security and the arrogance of knowing that he would face no consequence. All the opposite: that, if someone tried to get back to him, he had the police there to protect him.
This verification reminded me of a book I read recently with a lot of interest: Caste, The Origins of Our Discontents, by the journalist Isabel Wilkerson. The book has had a great impact in the United States of America but also in countries like India, because Wilkerson explains how and why racism works not only in the USA, but also in more places -in the case of India, it talks about the dalit caste. And in what it explains there's a few lessons -because after all, she's talking about oppression and resistance- that are perfectly applicable to the Catalan case.
I'll start with this very Spanish man who insulted us on Saturday. How can there be someone so insensitive?, many of us asked ourselves after seeing his attitude. And Wilkerson's answer is clarifying: "The only way of keeping a group of intelligent people artificially oppressed, below others and below their own talent, is with violence and terror, psychological and physical, applied with the intention of stopping them from resisting it, even before they can imagine that they could resist to it." And she explains that this terror, that this violence, is not spontaneous at all, but is fabricated by the oppressors throughout history and they pass it down from generation to generation. She says: "Dehumanizing another human being is not only declaring that he's not human, and it doesn't happen by chance one day. In order to dehumanize a human collective, a very long process, a methodic programmation, is needed. It needs a lot of energy and effort, it needs resources, to accomplish such an antinatural thing as denying that another member of your species is your equal and, thus, denying that he has the same rights."
And with a quote by the sociologist Guy B. Johnson she explains that accumulated historical violence is the key to this oppression process: "To understand the conflict, you must understand that during the years of slavery white people got used to the idea that they could 'regulate' black people's insolence and insubordination through force, without consent and with the support of the law and the state apparatus." Exactly the same as here. And it's as simple as this: for the last 300 years, but very specially during the years of the Francoist dictatorship [1939-1978], Spanish people -particularly Spanish people who live in Catalonia- have gotten used to the fact that Catalan people's "insolence and insubordination" can be regulated through the use of violence and with the explicit support of a law that always is and always will be discriminatory against Catalans and favourable to them, Spaniards.
The security given by decades where this always happens like this, systematically, explains the arrogance and shamelessness with which a passerby is able to walk in front of a group of women explaining that they were tortured right there, in the building in front of them, and, even seeing they're accompanied by hundreds of people, he allows himself to confront them all, him alone, with an insulting shout. Simply, he's psychologically convinced that those insolents and insubordinates will be put in their place by the state's violence, as, in fact -and this is the maximum gravity of what happened in 2017-, the Spanish state did on October 1st [the Catalonia independence referendum, when the Spanish government sent the military police to beat up voters, kidnap votes, and close the voting places to avoid the referendum from taking place] and after the declaration of independence. If today we have the Spanish nationalists encouraged -and autonomists scared- it's because the Pavlov works. We have been beaten again.
In Isabel Wilkerson's book, a calculation catches the reader's attention. She asks in what year will the citizens of the USA have spent as much time having slaves than not having them. And the answer is 2111. In 2111, for the first time, African Americans will have spent as long in freedom -at least theoretically- than the amount of time they spent -and which weights on everyone's consciences, black or white- being slaves. In 2111 maybe African Americans will no longer feel the historical weight that they feel now and maybe -we'll see about that- white people will have gotten used to the fact that they're equal humans, with the same rights. By highlighting this number, Wilkerson explains to what point the past's weight is expressed nowadays and the importance of taking it into account. The way in which it's particularly important among oppressors, who continue thinking that they can do whatever they want with us -and that they have the right to it- and they are not afraid at all, because experience has proven that if someone gets hit, if someone gets arrested, if someone gets jailed, if someone gets exiled, if someone gets tortured, it will be us and not them.
The book has made me reflect and has impressed me a lot because of how it approaches such a deep psychological component of the relation between oppression and freedom. (...)
I'll continue with the example of Via Laietana. The torture witnesses in Gemma Pasqual's book range from 1940, when the Francoist troops had just entered Barcelona, to 2019, during the protests against the Supreme Court's sentence [jail sentence for Catalan civil society leaders, NGO members and democratically-elected politicians for insubordination to the Spanish government because of their involvement in Catalonia's independence movement]. That's 79 years. Assuming that from now on they won't torture again, until the year 2102 Catalans, and particularly those from Barcelona, will have lived as long without being threatened with torture and violence in the Via Laietana headquarters as they have lived used to -and scared of- this torture and violence. And do you think this doesn't matter? That it doesn't leave a mark? That it doesn't condition our behaviour and, above everything else, our oppressors' behaviour?
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thearoaceshark · 3 months
Your daily eyeliner has arribed!!
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korkshinguji · 1 month
*cracks knuckles* the hour of sticker hath arribed *places two stickers, one for each boot*
"The hour of sticker shallt be respected."
Korekiyo seems dead serious with that, too.
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This is a deal!  It’s been empty for over 30 years and is currently facing demolition, but the Spanish village of Salto de Castro is hoping its modest €270,000 ($250,510) price tag will tempt a new owner to bring it back to life.
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The sale includes 44 homes, a bar, a school, police barracks, hotel, pool, sports fields and a church in Spain’s  Arribes del Duero Natural Park in the west of the country, close to the Portuguese border.
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I see that graffiti has made its way here. Salto de Castro was originally built to house hydroelectric plant workers and has been owned by the same family for the last 20 years. However, their plans to convert it into a hotel were put on hold following the 2008 recession.
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The site has been listed several times, although its current price tag is much reduced from the previous asking prices of €6.5m and €1.75m- see what a buy it is?
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Reports suggest the village will require a significant amount of investment to make buildings habitable once again. The stone dwellings can be beautiful, though.
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Salto de Castro occupies an appealing spot next to the Duero River, in a part of Spain known for its warm climate and wildlife – including its population of golden eagles and black swans.
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Man, graffiti is world-wide - they trashed the chapel, but look at the beams. 
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The listing still says it’s available, but according to overseas newspapers, it’s already been sold. The new owner wants to build a country hotel and turn it into a tourist destination.
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The Duero River is right across the road.
https://thespaces.com/want-to-buy-a-spanish-village-for-less-than-the-average-semi-heres-how/    &   https://serbia.postsen.com/world/80127/The-village-of-Salto-de-Castro-in-Spain-has-been-sold-the-new-owner-has-revealed-his-plans.html
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guerrerense · 5 days
París - Port Bou
París - Port Bou por Robert Vilardebó Rulo Por Flickr: L'Intercités du nuit procedent de París Austerlitz arribant a Port Bou, la seva destinació final
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colaherrerar · 8 months
Me sacó me sacó el Bauti Herrera con las pelotudezes de obsecionado que hace
Ese tipo está peor que enero
Sí amigachas
Otra vez el pico de fama mundial
El pico de fama MUNDIAL
Otra vez otro 8 de enero por la obsesión de enfermito trastornado que está el Bauti Herrera por mí
Ya no lo aguanto pero MÁS
Lo quiero bien lejos de MI vida para NO VOLVER MÁS CON ESTE INEPTO
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Ruta Arribes del Duero. (parte II).
Organizó y dirigió esta ruta el prestigioso club de senderismo Tomesenda. Rutas con una dificultad de tipo media-baja, entorno natural de gran belleza, que se divide en tres días, con diferentes actividades, en el marco incomparable del Parque Natural de las Arribes del Duero, como han podido comprobar en las imágenes del video, unas rutas y actividades agradables con paisajes únicos y preciosos. #ruta #senderismo
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kaevch · 2 months
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justanawesomeowl · 1 year
I have an exam on wednesday (prayer request) and I’ve arribed to a pint where I’m taking a 5 min break for every 5 min of study I do. I’m aware its not ideal but I’ve been in exam-season-mode for a month now and this is what i can do
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akookminsupporter · 2 years
I'm sorry I wanted to share something and I hope you don't mind if it's in your space thanks.Just a year algo I didn't know that Tae was V,that Jimin was our baby mochi.I didn't asociate faces with names,much less their voices .Today I recognize with the Minimum trace and more importantly recognize their voices.I've laughed with them at their chaotic Vlives and cried with them at the Festa.I Saw them give their first concert post COVID and their "see you later" concert.I was worried when they +
+caught the COVID and when Jin and Jimin had surgery and I was Happy to see their funky RUN in real time.I Saw them rocking the Amas and the Grammys despiste nota taking It,watched 3 online concerts and was able to buy some of their Merche,And I Saw them arribe at the White House like the kings they are to speak about social issues and Today I could nota to be more proud of them for Rising to the ocasión,Today they gave their goverments and haters"check mate"+ +Today I also close muy first chapter in this ARMY adventure,waiting to discover what Will Come THE BEST MOMENT IS YET TO COME,Borahae💜
Hi, anon. Thank you for choosing my blog to express your admiration and love for BTS and how proud you are of them. Of being their fan.
I'm sure that's a sentiment that millions of people share.
The best time is yet to come, they said so and I believe them. We have to trust them.
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
Hi! Its the panic anon from last time (tis fine if you dont remember, there are probably a few of those)
I just wanted to say that i arribed in Paris and i'm still not ready! But i visited the weird zoo in the middle of the city and i saw snow panthers so i dont care :)
Have a good day!!
I'm glad you arrived safely and I'm sure once you've had more time to settle just a bit you'll feel even more at ease!
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