theanarchistscookbook · 10 months
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ruthimages · 5 days
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fishareglorious · 2 months
why were they doing duels in court in chapter 4. is it a actual normalized thing for their world or saint pavlov just makes the defendant and the prosecution throw hands to see who comes out the victor. do they do it for every corruption case. can we watch madam z wrestle then dump a mug full of hot coffee on constantine's face godot ace attorney style for the whole breakout incident and for multiple instances of child murders
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Saying that Silena was convinced to join Kronos solely because Luke is hot is so hilarious and stupid because everyone she has ever encountered at CHB is hot. All of the demigods are hot and the gods are even hotter. Hot is the norm. Hot has no bearing on anything when everyone is devastatingly attractive.
It actually says more that Luke was kind to her. Because demigods are cruel and vicious and have no loyalty to each other, and the gods are a hundred times worse than that. Even in death, Silena was a “stupid Aphrodite girl” and nothing more. So to find someone who was genuinely kind is rare and worth holding onto.
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bearpillowmonster · 2 months
"I think siblings getting along is just a myth created by the media." - My dad.
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jdhopteinsights · 9 months
Democratic Erosion by Autocratic Leaders
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Only 9% of the world's population lives in high-performing democracies.
More than a quarter of the world's population now lives in democracies which are eroding.
70% of the world's population now lives in either outright non-democratic or democratically backsliding countries.
The absolute number of democracies has been decreasing since 2006. More democracies than ever before are experiencing democratic erosion. The number of democratically regressive countries has never been greater than in the last decade.
Democratic erosion is a decline in democratic quality manifested by a statistically significant decline in at least one aspect of democracy.
It is the sustained and deliberate subversion of basic democratic tenets by political actors and governments.
Democratic erosion is on the verge of becoming a new type of pandemic. According to various measures of good governance and rule of law, there is an increasing incidence of democratic breakdowns, democratic backsliding, and poor performance of democracies all over the world.
Fully fledged authoritarian regimes are also growing in number, and their leaders are acting ever more brazenly. These regimes are bolstered by a lack of sufficient geopolitical pressure and support from other autocratic powers.
Some authoritarian regimes thrive on the narrative that authoritarian governance is more effective for economic prosperity and pandemic management. Citizens of democracies are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with their institutions. They are increasingly drawn to alternative, even autocratic, regime forms.
Over the past few years, oppressive and frequently violent authoritarian forces have repeatedly tilted the balance of power in their favour. They have taken advantage of both the strengths of nondemocratic systems and the weaknesses of ailing democracies. They spread the narrative that democracy is inherently inferior, which is why it is deteriorating continuously.
This viewpoint is supported by official commentators from China and Russia. These two countries want to increase their global influence without being held accountable for wrongdoing. Both are promoting and accelerating the disintegration of democracy. The antidemocratic actors see a chance to consolidate control within democracies.
Democracy under siege
Democracy’s defenders sustained heavy losses in their struggle against authoritarian foes. The international balance has been shifted in favour of tyranny. The countries experiencing deterioration outnumbered those with improvements by the largest margin recorded. This negative trend began in 2006.
The long democratic recession is deepening. The impact of the long-term democratic decline has become increasingly global in nature. The impact is broad enough to be felt by those living under brutal dictatorships as well as by citizens of long-standing democracies. Nearly 75% of the world’s population now lives in a country that has faced deterioration in the last 10 years.
The proliferation of COVID-19, which began in early 2020, has made the decline of freedom more pronounced. Governments in all democracies have used excessive monitoring and discriminatory limits on rights to movement and assembly. Governments have used arbitrary or violent enforcement of such restrictions by law enforcement and non-state actors.
The communication infrastructures of many nations were flooded by waves of false and misleading information. Some of the misinformation was created on purpose by political leaders. Ultimately, the changes precipitated by the pandemic left many societies in worse political condition, with more pronounced racial, ethnic, and gender inequalities, and vulnerable to long-term effects. Marginalized populations are bearing the brunt of the economic impact of Corona virus, which has aggravated income inequality among other disparities.
Why is democracy eroding?
There are presuppositions like: Democracy is the goal that countries are seeking, democracy is considered the global standard of political legitimacy, and it is the best system for achieving the kind of prosperity and effective governance that almost all countries seek.
What has changed most dramatically in recent years is that these presuppositions are increasingly being called into question. There are three chief reasons for this shift: 
1. The growing sense that advanced democracies are in trouble in terms of their economic and political performance
2. The new self-confidence and seeming vitality of some authoritarian countries; and
3. The shifting geopolitical balance between the democracies and their rivals.
The 2008 financial crisis and its ongoing economic repercussions, such as the recession and rising unemployment rates, were the primary causes of the poor economic performance. These setbacks for the advanced democracies challenged the idea that the institutions and policies of the West were deserving of imitation by "the rest" at a time when emerging-market nations were expanding quickly.
The advanced democracies' appeal was further diminished by the political dysfunction that plagued them as they attempted to address the crisis. Many people throughout the world now have very low opinions of democracy as a result of the struggles of democratic countries in both the US and Europe.
The growing influence of certain prominent authoritarian regimes has been the flip side of democracy's declining reputation. The most notable of these is China, which has advanced economically significantly without enacting  democratic reforms. This has called into question the idea that democracy is the only suitable political system for prosperous nations.
China is also offering alternative non-western markets, trading partners, and sources of military and development aid to African governments. This help is unrelated to concerns about human rights or political accountability in the receiving states.
Autocracy Inc.
Autocratic regimes like China and Russia have built a network of sorts —Autocracy Inc."— that enables and supports further anti-democratic erosion. China, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela have been exchanging knowledge and even working together directly to obstruct the development of democracy. The leaders of these countries use this network to increase their riches and power at the expense of their own people, despite widespread criticism of their actions from around the globe.
Authoritarian leaders are mobilizing public support for their       ‘strong man’ leadership and governance style. They are making societies more polarized and dysfunctional. They are capturing the public’s dissatisfaction with the performance of democracy. They are making sophisticated use of technologies and disinformation tactics to accelerate the rise of authoritarianism and populism.
The rise of ISIS in Syria and Iraq, the disappointed hopes of the "Arab Spring" (outside Tunisia), the comeback of the Taliban in Afghanistan, and Russia’s brazen annexation of Crimea and stealth invasion of Ukraine showed that the rules-based international order built by democratic powers could no longer be taken for granted and that western efforts to impose some kind of order and encourage democracy all over the world are failing.
Meanwhile, China’s muscle-flexing in the East and South China Seas seemed to foreshadow a return to the use of force in Asia. Moreover, China and Russia take a militaristic stance towards the outside world. Any compromises made by them are merely tactical in nature and are not intended to persist.
The liberal world order is coming apart under pressure from authoritarians. The world is divided into spheres of influence and power blocs. A country’s ability to follow a democratic path is determined above all by its international alliances and its geography.
It increasingly looks as if the fate of democracy in the countries of the post-communist world will depend on which side of the emerging border they find themselves between Russia and the European Union.
This new salience of geopolitics threatens to change the rules of the game. It limits the centrality of the internal balance of forces in shaping a country’s regime choices. It also increases the chances that the imposition of external force will be decisive.
Moreover, the geopolitical balance appears to be tilting the authoritarians’ way. So, they seem much more attractive to the many individuals and nations that seek to be on the stronger side. Under these conditions, democracy is losing much of its lustre.
Today, it does seem that authoritarianism has the wind at its back. Authoritarians have made progress in the realm of "soft power," especially in major regional and multilateral organizations. Russia and China are ramping up their cultural diplomacy and international broadcasting.
The western efforts in these fields have been unfocused and underfunded. The advanced democracies are looking weaker in terms of hard power as well. They are compelled to shrink their defense budgets even as authoritarian states spend more on arms.
Responsibility of Citizens
We all know that - “democracy is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people."
Therefore, its very foundation rests on its people, their beliefs, and their desire to be ruled by a leader who is capable of ensuring their safety and overall well-being. A responsible democracy exhibits comprehensive respect for accountability from its citizens.
Once we’ve realized that we can be friends with people who don’t see the world precisely as we do, the real change can begin.
Democracy promotes fundamental values such as religious freedom and labour rights. It also helps create a more secure, stable, and prosperous global arena. Therefore, we must continuously promote democracy as a means to achieve security, stability, and prosperity for the entire world.
We must resolve to see that whatever we do, we do not help the enemies of democracy uproot the principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity.
We must strive, along with the citizens of other democratic countries, to maintain the basis of democratic civilization.
If democracy lives, we are sure to reap the benefits of it.     If democracy dies, it will be our doom.
Thanks a million for reading. Please share with someone who needs to see this article. Follow me on medium.com. Read more about me on Amazon, Goodreads, Smashwords etc.
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shamballalin · 10 months
Right-Wing Indoctrination ~ Georgia Teacher Fired for Reading to Class
Georgia Teacher Fired for Reading Children’s Book About Acceptance in Class Katie Rinderle is the first teacher fired under right-wing religious indoctrination hiding under Georgia’s trio of censorship laws in 2022. This is what the combination of church and state looks like. Religious right-wing extremists have turned to the clout of lawyers and courts to push the agenda that not only do…
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globaldayofparents · 4 years
Learn about the concept of parenting styles.
The concept of parenting styles was first introduced by Diane Baumrind to explain differences in the way parents attempt to control and socialize their children.
Do parents show lots of affection, or remain aloof? Do they expect blind obedience, or encourage children to ask questions? Do they enforce limits, or let kids do as they please?
Here you will find information about the four basic parenting styles:
Authoritative parenting, who encourage kids to be responsible, to think for themselves, and to consider the reasons for rules
Authoritarian parenting, who expect their orders to be obeyed without question and who rely on punishment–or the threat of punishment–to control their kids
Permissive parenting, who are responsive and warm (a good thing) but also reluctant to enforce rules (a bad thing)
Uninvolved parenting, who offer their children little emotional support and fail to enforce standards of conduct
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melancholic-pigeon · 17 days
bracing myself to hear leftists start woobifying the recent Iranian military action* as pwecious fweedom fightews who want to wibewate pawestine uwu uwu instead of a Jew-hating authoritatian dictatorship with a record of human rights atrocities longer than I am tall
*revised because I don't want to accidentally imply the people of Iran are to blame for its government's actions. since, you know, I think that's an extremely bad thing to do to any population of humans.
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slicedblackolives · 2 years
currently watching chernobyl and it's insane how a state evacuating it's people from a contaminated area for free and providing them housing elsewhere rather than abandoning them to their fate it's being presented as evil and authoritatian by an American studio? like boo hoo evil russians don't they know free housing for radiation victims is shit for the economy? hey you dirty commie, 82 year olds who think radiation is a media conspiracy have a RIGHT to sell contaminated milk for three weeks before having their skin melt off!
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imsobadatnicknames2 · 5 months
Just wanna clear up some stuff regarding last reblog because I know some people could do a masterful job at misinterpreting it.
1. Pointing out that using "punk ideals" as a synonym for "cool scrappy anarcho-communist grassroots leftism" is kinda stupid because the only common ideological denominator for the punk subculture is "violently dissatisfied with the political establishment" and that is a trait shared by many fringe ideologies from anarcho-communism to anarcho-capitalism to outright fascism is NOT a defense of fascist punks, it's a simple statement of fact. When I say that, I'm not saying that I'M okay with fascists being part of the punk community, or that you SHOULD be okay with fascists being part of the punk community. I'm just acknowledging the reality that currently there are fascists who are part of the punk community. I'm not saying "fascists have a right to engage with and participate in the punk subculture just as much as we lefties", I'm just pointing out that currently they DO engage with and participate in the punk subculture as much as we lefties. I would like for that to not be the case, and I think it's everyone's responsibility to do everything we can to make it not be the case, but pretending that that's not the case so that you can project leftism, environmentalism, inclusivity, and other progressive ideas as an inherent part of punk culture (so that you can say that anyone who has those ideas is inherently punk and has a claim to the punk label despite not engaging in the culture) is just refusing to acknowledge current reality.
2. A lot of people's reaction to having that pointed out is to say "Well, but those guys aren't REAL punks because REAL punk is anti-authoritatian" and like. That's well and all but. Saying that doesn't like. Magically remove them from the scene. Like sure you might think and say being right-wingers makes them fake punks but like. They're still there, still going to shows, still participating in the scene. That's like. Still the reality. Arguing that punk IS inherently progressive because you only consider punks with progressive politics to be real punks is kind of a tautology innit. In reality you can't no-true-scotsman your way out of having fascists participating in your scene. If your solution to the "punk isn't inherently progressive, there are a lot of fascists actively participating in the punk scene" problem is saying "okay but those guys don't count as punks to me so i still consider punk inherently progressive" that's kinda just denying the problem.
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Two of the 3 have been expelled and the other barely missed being expelled by one vote.
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ofpd · 1 year
tanakh sexyman poll is radicalizing me towards authoritatianism i cannot trust democracy anymore
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relicofkorax · 3 days
more lodox garbage I just made up
Lobo hates Vril so much that he'd be furious if someone else took Vril out, stole his fight, his kill. That's exactly what hate is, Lobo! Taking bullets for the green boy and giving Stealth an extra snarl if she looks at him funny- oh right yeah it's because Czarnians heal faster of couurse. And he wants to torture and maim Vril himself. If Vril were dead he wouldn't be so fun to bicker with. Suree. Like sheesh it's not like you like him or anything b-baka
Speaking of bickering and arguing both dumbasses lovee (fucking with) the others' mind, of course Vril is Coluan, and going to be bounds ahead of Lobo, but it's been a while since Lobo has bickered with and and been bested by someone like Vril. So maybe deep down in his carnage loving heart he has a shred of respect for the little green smartass.
Lobo can and will drink until he's dumb as an inanimate object and about as inert as one too, seeming to never get sick. Vril won't drink, for one he would rather uphold his stick up the ass authoritatian persona than admit or even worse, demonstrate how he'd be sick as a dog before he loses even a sliver of his edge drinking. And secondly, even if he were down to get intoxicated it takes some p o t e n t stuff to dope a Coluan
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lorcanaloser · 6 months
Witches Abroad comments
I really wish we hadn't met Desiderata on her deathbed. Considering the absolute shit situation she left Lillith and Gogol in back in Genua to be left in a stalemate for a dozen years only to then send three witches with zero personal investment in the situation seems like a really...callous way to resolve the problems.
Magrat is a shockingly relatable character, like I'm pretty sure I grew up with a Magrat in highschool and it sucks that her role in the book somewhat stymies her ability to grow (Being stuck with the 'maiden' label in a witch trio probably has something to do with that).
Discworld is full of nearly-over-the-line authoritatian blorbos and it's weird how much love I have for them but Granny Weatherwax comes off as the kind of woman who'd have looked at Cossack-era Russia and approved of the way that the serfs were kept stupid and downtrodden.
Nanny Ogg fucks and it's great that the book isn't going to lift a finger to stop her.
So was Death always going to take Mr. Saturday at the ball? Like if Gogol had gotten her way and put king Zombie in charge of fantasy N'orlenas was there a plan to keep him around longer or what?
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
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"Why are right wingers calling these freedom fighters protesting against authoritatian lockdowns anti-lockdown protests? Everyone knows there's a magic forcefield in china that makes all protestors automagically good & leftist even if theyre pushing for the same things the Bad Guys here protest for"
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