#aveza is writing!
catt-nuevenor · 2 years
Working my way through more stats screen stuff, the townsfolk's profiles for the most part. I'm up to Osmund Callow and his uncle Everend right now. Only 57 more entries to go! -_-
Anyway, I thought it'd be nice to drop some of the flavour text that's being added into a little preview.
Mild Spoilers for Character Backgrounds Below:
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Osmund, Aveza, Edony, and Vyla are all what I'd like to think of as Peyton and Peidyn's support network. Folks they've grown up with and seen through thick and thin.
I also have a wonderful little scene in my head of them all testing out the first design of Osmund's chair, racing it around the Marketplace, baby Peyton and Peidyn flanked by baby Osmund and Aveza while Edony studiously watches and takes notes about how to improve the speed and turning capabilities.
I might just have to write that into a little story, it's too sweet not to use
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a-v-e-z-a · 5 years
Fanfic of Fanfic, or Fanfic Squared
So... y’all know that @ahiddenpath is my fellow Digimon fanfic writing ladybro. 
She’s been exceptionally critical in why I’ve written as much Digimon fanfiction as I have, because a) she has always been supportive and encouraging when it comes to my writing and b) she sets an inspiring example for the craft of writing itself. 
Moreover, the plots and settings and characterizations that she develops are SO GOOD. They have--and continue--to influence my own writing, so much to the point where I found myself writing fanfiction of HER FANFICTION. 
So, in honor of Fanfic Author Appreciation Day, I thought I’d share a snippet from my fanfic of her fanfic Four Years. 
Scenario is simple: Tai has a harebrained scheme involving getting the Chosen to run an obstacle race (think Spartan or Tough Mudder sort of of thing). Chaos ensues. 
I may or may not eventually post this on FF.net. Part of me is too embarrassed (like, really? Fanfiction of fanfiction?) But, honestly, why the hell not? 
But for now, here’s a tidbit. 
And if you read this, Hidden, I hope you’re not abashed or angry. I just love that story too much. I can’t help it. lol. 
More below:
King of the Mountain 
Izzy followed Amy unwillingly down the creaky staircase, each step dropping onto the next with a plodding thud. Tai had called a general house meeting, the nature of which happened to be important enough to merit an emailed invitation—which didn’t make sense. He, Tai, Amy, Sora, Matt, Mimi, Joe, and Hana all lived in the same house, rented from Mimi’s father. If Tai wanted a meeting, all he had to do was yodel, “Asses in the living room! Now!”
“You know that was probably Hana’s idea,” remarked Amy, seemingly able to peer into his thoughts. Izzy glanced up from his feet and looked at her as they reached the first floor.
“The email invitation?” he asked, wondering if he had, in fact, been muttering his musings aloud.
“Tai is not a planner, Izzy.” She passed him into the living room. “It was definitely Hana.”
Her lack of suspicion over the meeting had Izzy pursuing her with a wrinkling brow. True, Tai was the innovative one, chockfull of ideas—crazy and some, surprisingly, astute—but Hana was the orchestrator, the executor, the (perhaps less endearingly) conniver. She was the Loki to Tai’s Thor. Izzy would never admit fear, but the two of them together did present a certain force majeure.
Everyone else was already in the room, situated in various (or favorite) spots. Izzy was surprised to find Ken and Davis sitting on the floor, in front of the couch Matt, Sora, Joe, and Mimi occupied. Kari and TK were also, oddly, present. They shared half of a mismatched loveseat, the latter sitting on the armrest rather than on the cushions. Kari must have spotted them both. She gestured at the empty spot beside her.
Amy sat, and Izzy, mimicking TK, parked his bony rump on the opposing arm rest. He crossed his arms.
Hana sat in a folding chair by the front of the room, adjacent to the TV. Her laptop rested flat on her thighs, Tai leaning over behind her, pointing at the screen at things the rest of them couldn’t see. Despite sending the invitation, the appointed start time was not respected.
Izzy rolled his eyes, annoyed with the needless tax on his time.
“So, guys…” TK pitched his body towards them, nearly falling over Kari before she extended a hand and corrected his balance. Stable, TK continued, his voice dropping low. “What do you think’s going on? I thought this was a house meeting, but we don’t even live here and we got invited. Davis and Ken, too.”
“You seem to have ideas already, comrade,” Amy replied, supplying the prompt TK didn’t need to share his theories. “Let’s hear them.”
The smile he cracked split open too readily, white teeth gleaming, blue eyes shining with light.
“You don’t think they are going to announce they’re getting married, right?” he conjectured. Izzy sputtered an unpleasant sound, as if he were being throttled, rudely depleted of oxygen.
Amy set a hand on his shoulder and patted, gently. She gave TK a knowing look.
“You did that on purpose.”
The freshman did nothing to conceal his shame. He grinned widely.
“Sorry. Had to do something to wake up the senses. Everyone’s been complaining when they enter the room. That’s no fun.”
Amy tipped her head, unknowingly (or knowingly) leaning into Izzy as she considered the observation.
“Have they?” she asked.
“Yeah,” TK reaffirmed. “No one is even contemplating the possibilities of such a meeting. I mean, what if they are planning a trip?”
“In the middle of the school year?” questioned Izzy, insulted by the sheer inconsideration of such a proposal. “That smacks of massive irresponsibility. And even if they were, it doesn’t merit a scheduled, one-hour meeting on a Sunday.” He continued to rant. “Any trip information could be shared and coordinated via email. That is why cloud-based share drives exist.”
A testy silence followed. Izzy returned his glance to the others in the room, how they were preoccupied with side conversations with their neighbors, apparently not as concerned about the now late meeting the two people at the front of the room had arranged. He felt Amy shift behind him, her body peeling away, and he peeked over his shoulder to see what had caught her attentions.
She faced TK, who had tipped forward himself, the edge of his hand pressed to his cheek.
“Did you give him his vitamins this morning?” he heard him ask. “Because yikes.”  
Izzy snorted.
Both Kari and Amy admonished TK in their flippant, doting way. Amy shook a finger at him and Kari poked a dimple.
As tempted (or provoked) as Izzy was to rebut, he never received the opportunity. Tai clapped his hands, once and loudly, and the room quieted.
“You’re probably wondering why I’ve called this meeting…”
Izzy tried to soften his glare to a stare of mild disgruntlement, going so far as to rub his forehead to smooth away any furrows—if only for politeness. If Tai could read on anyone’s faces a hint of displeasure or a roll of the eyes, his enthusiasm was no less incandescent. His hands were fused at the palms, suggesting he’d start rubbing them together maniacally like Dr. Frankenstein’s mad lab assistant.
“I’ll get right to it.”
He turned sharply and volleyed finger guns at Hana, who, playing along, saluted him with a wink. Laptop keys were pressed, and in a second, the blank TV screen behind Tai lit up to show the black and orange vector graphic of what looked like the silhouettes of a man and a craggy, forested horizon.
Tai stepped aside and gestured at the image like a magician completing his trick—proudly, and with a dash of flair.
“Anyone know what this is the logo of?” he asked.
Izzy’s poor posture worsened. He slumped, planting elbow on knee and chin on raised fist like an emaciated version of Rodin’s The Thinker. Tai’s prompt had all about it the beginnings of an infomercial. He was the smooth-talking spokesperson and marketeer, shouting questions at an audience cued to reply monosyllabic answers in loud and spiritless unison.
True to his metaphor, his group of friends began offering their thoughts.
“The Bionic Man?”
“Daniel Boone.”
“Forrest Gump?”
With the quality of educated guesses deteriorating (if any were educated to begin with), Tai closed the call for suggestions.
“What the hell, TK?” he yipped. He didn’t so much point at the screen as he poked it. “You think that’s fucking Bigfoot?”
“Brawny guy in the woods, my dude,” TK replied, calmly. “It practically wrote itself.”
With a snort, Tai again tapped the screen with his finger.
“This,” he explained, “is the logo for the race ‘King of the Mountain.’”
Despite the regal name, it inspired no immediate curiosity or interest. The room simmered in silence, all of them collectively trying to find the significance in Tai’s words. No one even asked the obvious. “What is ‘King of the Mountain,’ Tai?” Instead, Mimi used the time to express her displeasure with the gendered name.
“Why not ‘Queen’? Better yet—royalty.”
“Jesus Christ,” Tai muttered. “It’s a name. Girls can be kings and vice versa. Anyway, it’s a race, all right? Held on a local and national level.”
“Oh, like a marathon?” piped Davis.
“Yeah!” Tai jumped, perhaps overjoyed someone had finally shown intrigue. “Well… sort of. Marathons are 26.2 miles, Davis. King of the Mountain—max—doesn’t even reach half.”
Davis scratched his collarbone, prompting a slight puff of the chest.
“Walk in the park if you ask me,” he boasted, glimpsing at Ken.
“Dude, you didn’t let me finish. King of the Mountain goes anywhere from ten to twelve miles, but along those miles will be a series of up to twenty-five obstacles you’ll need to get through to reach the finish line.”
Tai looked at Hana, and the screen blipped to its next slide, which listed all twenty-five potential obstacles. In skimming the list, Izzy found events colorfully and deceptively named “Ice fishing,” “The Matterhorn,” “Lightning Rod,” “Mudskipper,” and “Krakatoa!” Whoever named the events might as well have been captioning images in a history textbook.
“And there you have them,” said Tai. “Next slide.”
It surprised Izzy little that Tai forewent any explanation whatsoever into the particulars of the dubiously named events. Luckily, hands rose and interjections voiced the instant the slides changed.
“What in God’s name is the Executioner?”
“That doesn’t sound ominous at all.”
“Or life threatening.”
“The hell kind of race is this?”
Exasperated, Tai shut the disturbed and muttering public with a sharp “Just hold it! Jesus!”
Outburst released, he turned, more calmly, to his girlfriend. “Han, can you go back to the previous slide?”
“Firstly,” Tai resumed, “the race, as I’ve said, is only a maximum of twelve miles.”
Only? Izzy retorted. He could barely run a mile, let alone eleven more, with God knows what booby traps lie in wait. Did he also really intend for Amy to run the same race?
“Secondly, the race isn’t tomorrow, or next week, or in three weeks. It’s in three months. We have plenty of time to train and prepare. Speaking of—Han, skip ahead a bit, please.”
Izzy’s brain still buzzed from Tai’s unexpected foresight. He shared Amy’s opinion that Tai rarely planned for anything, but to plan for something three months ahead of schedule qualified as a miracle. Though, all it took was for Izzy to peek in Hana’s direction, and there was his answer. She regarded her boyfriend with an affectionate, engaged attention, nodding subtly in agreement with his points, one crossed leg swinging idly in his direction.
“Now, there’s a prize for the team that completes the race first—along with individual winners—but I thought this would be a great thing to do as a group.”
Never one to avoid publicly contesting Tai’s harebrained schemes, Matt raised a hand, though he was already speaking before Tai acknowledged him.
“Tai, not all of us are athletes.”
About half of the heads in the room nodded, encouraged by the challenge. Izzy nodded so vehemently his chin nearly hit his clavicle.
“The hell did I just say, guys?” Tai answered, exasperated. “This is three months away. If you aren’t an athlete now, you will be by then.”
Izzy raised his eyebrows, momentarily distracted by the mechanics Tai hoped to employ to reach such an end. But the curiosity was short lived when he realized he would be subject to those designs.
TK raised a hand, pointing a pen at Tai like a reporter at a press conference.
“I noticed you are using the general, pluralized ‘you,’” he began, “is it your intention to involve all persons present in this athletic endeavor?”
Tai shrugged, crossing his arms.
“Well, not all,” he admitted, a tad too readily, a natural at the hypothetical pulpit.
“What do you mean?” Matt demanded.
“Could you elaborate?”
TK’s softer, more professional question was overwhelmed by Matt’s complaint, and Tai answered the former.
“It means not everyone will participate in the race.”
“So, what?” Matt countered. Sora laid a hand on his shoulder, ever sensitive to her beau’s warning signs. “You going to run a lottery to see which of us has to do this with you?”
As acidly as the question was given, Tai was impervious to its sting, as if he were forcefielded against negative feedback—or cobra spit. Their fearless leader even smirked.
“If you’re not up to task, Matt,” he said. “Just admit it. No shame.”
The instant Matt stood, Hana rose as well, all five or so feet of her. Carefully, she set down her laptop and stepped in front of her boyfriend, though not without shooting him a pointed look.
She opened her twiggy arms the way actresses on stage performing Shakespeare did, like they were swans unfurling their wings, placating the tense air.
“Everyone can calm the fuck down,” she said, in contrast to her soothing movements. “This isn’t the Hunger Games, okay? We understand that not everybody here is an athlete, but we have arranged a regimen that includes diet and training, each generally accommodated to everyone’s schedules. We also looked at everyone’s strengths and weaknesses and took that into consideration, too.”
Matt sat back down, but his anger was replaced with indigestion.
“Holy shit,” he breathed. “You’re not giving us the option to say no, are you?”
“It’s called the power of preparation, Matt,” replied Hana, all smiles, evidently pleased with herself.  
“Yeah, and anyway,” Tai interjected, with a shrug, “I already bought us the tickets and ordered team shirts, so… it’s a done deal.”
The blond musician’s well-coiffed head sprang up.
“You inconsiderate son of a bitch,” he growled. “You stinking little—”
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golden-buddle · 4 years
“So. We have a airship now.” Serana stated as she looked over the edge, Azek was at the helm flipping a switch next to the wheel as Blade cowered next to the Orc.
“Yep.” Azek replied as he just barely managed to turn the wheel.
“...Yeah I’m going inside.” The vampire deadpanned as she turned and opened the hatch.
“Fair enough.” The Orc replied back as Blade bolted into the open hatch. Serana sighed before she dropped into the warm interior of the ship.
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tanadidreamer · 5 years
For The Love Of.....
Notes: Solus Vetra belongs to the wonderful @overcaffeinated-creative! 
Tiberius let out a content sigh as he curled up against the nice, warm body beside him while a hand played with his hair and the little bundle between them curled up against him. “How about I go get some caf made up?” Eli asked thoughtfully as he moved his hand down to Tib’s shoulder to give him a light shake. “Pre has scheduled a meeting for this morning, remember? And we should have the wake up call in three, two…..”.
As on cue, a certain little ball of unholy energy slammed the door open and ran into the room, then right up to Eli’s side of the bed. “Breakfast!” The paint brat announced as he beamed up at them, which caused Tib to let out a defeated sigh while Eli ruffled Jona’s hair.
“Thank you, Jona.” Eli answered. “Shouldn’t you be helping your  buir feed Tristan?”.
“Tristan likes art too.” Jona reasoned as he looked at Tiberius and Aveza curiously. “Is Unca Tib an’ Vee still sleepin’?”.
“No, they’re grumpy at Uncle Pre. We have a very important meeting this morning.”.
Jona nod slightly. “I’ll go tell Mama to start the caf!” And with that, the brat bolted out of the room while Tib sat up and moved Aveza to his lap, earning a fussy whine in response.
“See, even he knows I hate mornings and Ziva’s going to be like this for the rest of the day.” Tiberius pointed out as he frowned at Aveza’s mess of hair, which caused Eli to chuckle. “Why did he have to plan it this early? Does he want me to kick Dred’s ass?”.
“Everybody has fun watching you deck whichever dumbass disrespects Clan Vizsla.”.
Tiberius rolled his eyes in response as he got off the bed with Aveza in his arms and walked out of the room, he smiled slightly as he felt the childish excitement from the boys. It was a nice feeling this early in the morning.
“There’s the smile.” Eli muttered cheerfully as he fell into step besides the younger man as they walked towards the kitchen of the rather large complex, which caused Tib to lean against him.
Pre watched as a particular young couple entered the kitchen, which resulted in Tiberius passing Aveza to her father and making a beeline to the counter to get his first cup of caf, it took at least three for him to reasonable during morning meetings.
“Ah, ah, ah, go sit down with Solus.” Pre said as he intercepted the younger man and redirected him towards the table, where Solus as sluggishly drinking her own caf.
Tiberius sighed but complied nonetheless and swiped Aveza back from Eli in the process before settling on the chair and started combing his fingers through her hair. “We should start stashing a hairbrush in here.” Tiberius muttered as Aveza rubbed at her eyes.
“Meanie.” The two-year-old stated as she glared at Pre.
“Daddy will kick his butt later when we’re sparring.” Tiberius assured her as he glared evilly at Pre, who rolled his eyes and retrieved the hairbrush that Bo-Katan had actually stashed by the caf maker and walked over it to his half-brother with the peace offering. “When does the meeting start anyway?”
“Now, actually.” Pre answered as Eli walked over with a mug of caf and handed it to Tiberius who looked at Pre as if he suddenly grew a second head.
“Where is everybody?”.
“Here. Tiberius, you remember that recent job on Coruscant, don’t you?” Pre asked as he nod towards Solus who was giving him the same confused look. “Solus Vetra, this is my younger half-brother, Tiberius.”,
Tiberius stared at him for a moment before looking at Solus. “Wait…...she’s that Jedi that jumped your sorry ass, right?” Tiberius asked slowly as it dawned on him who the former Jedi was as he stared at her. “You tried to kill me on Coruscant.”.
“I….That was you?” Solus asked in a bit of surprise as the two stared at each other while Aveza glared at Pre, and at least one of them were awake.
Pre looked down as Jona tugged on his pants leg and smiled at the boy who simply gave him an Ursa’s classic unimpressed look. “I has new paint.” Jona stated ominously.
“And your mother needs to limit your exposure to your Auntie Bo.” Pre responded, although a bit disturbed that he was being threatened by a three-year-old and noticed a very familiar, and rather rude gesture Solus gave him before she turned her attention back to Tiberius.
“It’s really too early for this, can I go back to bed, please?” Tib asked as he pushed the mug away and glared at Pre.
“Yeah, and save this for later? When we’re both more aware too?” Solus added as she cast a glare at Pre as well.
“I get it, you can find a date on your own, but making me wake up at this Force forsaken hour isn’t worth it.” Tib turned his attention back to the Kiffar toddler. “When was the last time you checked on the affairs of our clan?”.
“I want you two to meet in a more peaceful situation.” And Pre had checked in, he knew there was some difficulties over the affiliations right now, and Satine seemed to find it necessary to grill Tiberius over his own affiliations.
“Daddy?” Aveza asked as she glared at Pre. “Can we throws hairbrush at Unca Pre, pwease?”.
“Yep.” Solus answered as she smiled at the girl who looked at her then proceed to ruffle the brat’s hair, which earned an annoyed sigh from Tib. “We can certainly do that, since Uncle Pre needs to learn that some people like to sleep.”.
Tiberius pointed the brush at Pre. “Three against one, brother dear.” Tib stated as he proceed to do as the brat requested, which was intercepted by Ursa. “Ursa! Come on, he deserves it!”.
“I won’t disagree with you on that, Tiberius, but why don’t your return to bed? I rather not deal with you acting like this for the rest of the day.” Ursa stated sternly and glared at the count who glared right back for a few seconds Tib to sigh and push his chair back and turn towards the door with Aveza, then leave without another word. “Solus, why don’t you go back to bed too? Which means,” Ursa looked towards her eldest. “Jona, could you show Auntie Solus her room, please?”.
“Okay, Mama!” Jona rushed over and grabbed Solus’s hand. “C’mon, Auntie! Boo choose a room with lots of art an’ a fluffy bed for you!”.
“Okay, okay, I’m coming.” Solus said fondly as she picked Jona up, who grinned happily. “Ursa! I think I might keep him!”.
“Feel free.” Ursa said as the brat winked at them before the pair left the room.
“That went better than expected.” Eli piped up as he sipped at his own caf. “Alrich and I fully expected them to go berserk on you.”.
“Thank you for the vote of confidence, gentlemen.” Pre snipped at the Kiffar who smirked at him while Alrich ignored him as he tried to clean Tristan’s hands.
“Next time, listen to me when I tell you something.” Ursa said as she pointed the hairbrush at him with an unimpressed look. “A more peaceful situation would be any time but the morning. Even a battlefield.”.
“I’ll handle the proper introduction this time.” Alrich adds as he gave Pre the same unimpressed look, and Pre had no problems admitting he messed up either.
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spazzikat-blog · 6 years
Could you do Burro's Tail, Wooly Rose, Baby Toes and Lola, please?
I'm so sorry, I don't know how I missedseeing your ask until now! ^_^;
burro’s tail:whatwas the last dream you had?
Like mostof my dreams, it was an adventure one. It had something to do with mybeing a cat for part of it. And some sort of catastrophe, like theend of the world? I remember a character from a book series being in it(a cat villain from the Warrior’s series by Erin Hunter) and also a part where I was rescuing kittens from a flood, but I don't remember all the details anymore XD
wooly rose:whatare some names that you like?
Well,Katherine definitely needs to be on that list, because apparentlyit's been a reoccurring name in my writing ever since I was 11. Ialso love the name Seth, Russel, Mordecai, Brianna... It’s hard to narrow down the list because I love lots andlots of names and learning their meanings.
baby toes:whatwas the last book you read?
Thelast book I read all the way through was Aveza of the Ercanhelm by myfriend, Rebekah DeVall. It's a really good book, I'd recommend it ^_^The last book I picked up to read was So Sang The Dawn by AnnMariePavese, which has been amazing so far!
lola:doyou play any instruments? if not, are there any you wish you couldplay?
Iwish I could play one, but I've never learned. If I could, I wouldlearn how to play the saxophone, the ocarina, the trumpet, and thepiano! Maybe some others too.
Thanksfor the asks!
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It does mean rank. Mine means-
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Oh, wait! Wait!! I have a special paper just for this! Let me tell her!
> Without waiting for a response, he rummages through something you can’t see under his cape.. and pulls out a crumpled paper.
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> It appears to be a poorly-made diagram.. There’s some additional writing that looks to be from Aveza and Oliver, too. Cynesige’s band color is notably absent..
All the colors mean different things! Now you know just how cool my partners are, hehe.~ It takes a lot of work to get to advanced!
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writer4god · 6 years
Reading, Writing, and NaNooooooooooooooWriMo
Greetings and salutations from my evil lair, wherein I sit cackling. Yup, I think I’ve gone off the deep end. October winds down into November, and my brain explodes like a stick of dynamite stuck up a gumball machine. Ker-pow! Colors everywhere! This last month has been pretty insane, and it’s only a beginning. On October 7th—my birthday, ironically—I released my second book, Aveza of the…
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a-v-e-z-a · 6 years
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Anywho, this update features some Kari debating a heck ton about what to do about TK and his article, with TK meanwhile trying to find a way to temper his editor’s rage over it. 
Oh, and there’s some Davis, too. Enjoy! 
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a-v-e-z-a · 5 years
I think I want to...
... update one of my fics.
Which one, which one, which one?
Or I could start a new one lol.
Or I could share a snippet of a WIP.
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tanadidreamer · 5 years
Notes: Cyclone belongs to the talented @sevlikesallart!
Eli rolled his eyes fondly as he watched Tib curl into Cyclone’s side with a whine as the other man went to get up which caused the poor guy to tense. “I don’t wanna get up…..” The young Lord Vizsla whined as Cyclone settled back down on the bed. “You’re comfy.”.
Cyclone gently raked his fingers through Tib’s hair, which earned a content sigh. “I am?” The clone asked as Tib hummed sleepily
“Eli….come back to bed, it’s too early!” Tib murmured as he glanced in Eli’s direction sleepily.
“How about I go get the girls first?” Eli asked as he heard some thuds coming from outside the room and down the hallway, as well as Hana screeching Aveza’s nickname. “I’ll be back.”.
Cyclone looked down at Tiberius and reached up to play with the other man’s hair, which earned a content sigh. “Aveza, no running!” Cyclone grinned slightly as Aveza rushed into the room and pounced on the bed.
“Good morning, Ziva.” Cyclone said which caused the girl to grin as she walked over and started to shake Tib.
“Mornin’! Come on, Daddy! You can’t sleep all day!” Aveza declared as Eli entered the room with Hana in his arms, and glaring at her sister.  “Daaaadddddy!”.
“How about you join the cuddle pile instead?” Tib asked as he snatched her and dragged into the blankets with a delighted screech from the girl as she tried to escape. “C’mere!”.
“Papa, help!” Aveza giggled as she reached for Cyclone, which caused him to grin and shake his head as Tib started tickling the giggling toddler. “Pwease!”.
“Somebody’s unusually energetic this morning.” Eli teased as he joined them and handed Hana over to Cyclone but joining them on the bed.
“Zip it.” Tib snipped as he stopped tickling Aveza, who curled up against him. “There, ready to go back to bed?”.
Aveza nod as she continued giggling while Eli muttered something under his breath as he laid next to Cyclone and Hana happily snuggled against Cyclone who smiled softly and gently brushed his fingers through her hair. “And you’re unusually mellow this morning.” Cyclone remarked softly which caused Eli to chuckle.
“What? I can be lazy in the morning if I want to, Cy’ika.”.
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a-v-e-z-a · 7 years
If you’ve read any of my WIPs...
Could you let me know which one(s) you’re most looking forward to for an update? 
Now, I know I’m not the most prolific or popular of fanfic writers in the Digimon fandom, but I’m trying to get back into writing, and I’ve started a few new pieces, but I’m also realizing that it’s been over a year (almost two years) since I’ve updated anything. Picking up the threads of open ended stuff is harder than you’d think. 
SO... please. Please. PLEASE. If there is a incomplete story of mine that has taken even an atom of your fancy, let me know which one. It’ll really help me along. :) 
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a-v-e-z-a · 7 years
I really want to update...
Stop the Presses. 
But the next chapter is still so raw and unfinished and it needs time, but dang, it’s been like a year since I updated that shit. What am I doing? 
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spazzikat-blog · 6 years
Answer 30, tag 20, have fun!
Tagged by: @kokorodaki
Nicknames: Julie, Jules, Rin, Daring, and BD are the most commonly used.
Gender: Female
Sign: Capricorn, not that I believe in such things anymore.
Height: about 5'3”
Time: at time of posting this about 8pm
Birthday: January 6th 1988
Fav bands: Rend Collective, The Piano Guys, Casting Crowns, Audio Adrenaline, Big Daddy Weave, Building 429, I Am They, K-391, etc
Fav solo artists: Morgan Harper Nichols, Lauren Daigle, Francesca Battistelli, Owl City, Zach Williams, Jamie Grace, etc
Song stuck in my head: It's bouncing back and forth between Happy Dance by MercyMe and I'm The Friend You Need from the My Little Pony movie.
Last movie I saw: Mune: Guardian of the Moon.
Last show I watched: An episode of Doctor Who, I think...
When did I create my blog: July 18th 2017, supposedly
What do I post: Christian stuff, theology posts, cute art and animations, gifs, cute animals, comics, art and writing tips
Last thing I Googled: a comic called Kevin and Kell
Do I have any other blogs: I have one other made at the moment, but it's not ready for use yet.
Do I get asks: Off and on, mostly Christian related questions and ask meme asks.
Why did I chose my URL: because it was originally to connect it to my DeviantArt account and share my art/stories, which I still may do once I'm out of my creative rut again.... or someone kicks me in the pants to re-motivate me >_>
Following: 311
Followed by: 50
Average hours of Sleep: Straight? About 5. Collectively, about 9.
Lucky number: I don't believe in luck, but my favorite number is 13
Instruments: Unfortunately, I never learned to play any instruments. Always wanted to learn the saxophone and ocarina though.
What I am wearing: A yellow and blue tshirt from my previous church and blue jeans.
Dream job: I can never pick just one, I want to be a lot of things, which technically I already am: an author, an artist(though I'd love to make comics someday), and a parent.
Dream trip: I want to make a trip to South America and South Africa to visit with some of the friends I've made and then see Venice, Germany, Greece, and Israel ^_^
Fav food: Hard to pick... My top five, in no particular order are gyros(with lamb preferably), coconut chicken curry, spaghetti, indian tacos(basically regular tacos, but with fry bread instead of tortillas), and seafood delight at the Chinese buffet.
Nationality: American
Fav song: Are there actually real, live humans out there that have just one favorite song?! If so, are we sure they really are humans? One of my favorites is Good Time by Owl City.
Last book I read: Um... well, I'm not sure which is the last one I completed, but the last one I read from was either @writer4god's novel Aveza of the Ercanhelm or God's Love: How the Infinite God Cares for His Children by R.C. Sproul.
Top 3 fictional universes I wanna join: Narnia, Star vs the Forces of Evil, Tales of Goldstone Wood, but how could I forget MLP and... Really there are far too many, not even including my own, that would be fun to join. ^_^;
Tags: @writer4god and whoever else that wants to, consider yourself tagged.
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spazzikat-blog · 6 years
Tagged by @secretariatess (Thanks for the tag!)
1. Are you named after anyone? Sort of, my middle name is the same as my mom's favorite aunt if that counts.
2. When was the last time you cried? This past Saturday, I think.
3. Do you like your handwriting? It's not fancy, but yeah, sure.
4. What’s your favourite lunch meat? Roast beef or turkey
5. Do you have kids? Yep, three little “spawns” ^_^
6. If you were a different person, would you be friends with you? Maybe? I'm not to everyone's taste, but I have several good friends, so I guess that'd entirely depend on what sort of person I'd be if I were someone else?  shrugs
7. Do you use sarcasm? What, me, sarcastic? Nah, never ;P
8. Do you still have your tonsils? Yes
9. Would you bungee jump? There's a crazy part of my brain that screams 'Yes!' and another part that whisper-screams 'Nooooooo!'
10. What’s your favourite cereal? That'd be a tie between Bran Flakes and Corn Pops.
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? No, not even when I put them on.
12. Do you think you’re a strong person? On my own? No.
13. What’s your favourite ice cream? I have lots of faves. XD At the moment, some toasted almond or salted caramel sounds good.
14. What’s the first thing you notice about people? Usually their attitude.
15. What’s your least favourite physical thing about yourself? The fact that I'm an unhealthy weight, but I'm working on that.
16. What colour pants and shoes are you wearing right now? Dark blue and no shoes, but fuzzy, black and purple owl socks. ^_^
17. What are you listening to right now? The My Little Pony: The Movie soundtrack
18. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Hmm... teal or a warm brown, probably?
19. Who was the last person you talked on the phone with? I have no idea, I loathe using phones. Probably my mother, if I have to guess.
20. Favourite sport to watch? Free-skate.
21. Hair colour? Naturally? Mousy brown. At the moment? A mix of purple, teal, and blue.
22. Eye colour? Brown
23. Do you wear contacts? Not anymore, no
24. Favourite food? Chinese, usually.
25. Scary movie or comedy? Depends on my mood and the time of year ;P
26. Last movie you watched? When Marnie Was Here.
27. What colour shirt are you wearing? Pink with purple, sparkly butterflies.
28. Summer or Winter? Winter. No bugs, no humidity, sparkling snow that crunches underfoot. Yeah, definitely winter. ^_^
29. Hugs or kisses? With my hubby and kids? Both. With anyone else, just hugs XD
30. Book you’re currently reading? A few; God's Love by R.C. Sproul, Aveza of the Ecanhelm by Rebekah DeVall(aka @writer4god), and going over my own Snow White retelling story before diving in again.
31. Who do you miss right now? A few people, but I'd rather not go into whom at the moment.
32. What’s on your mousepad? Don't have one, just the touchpad on my laptop.
33. What’s the last TV program you watched? Star vs the Forces of Evil (I caught up T_T)
34. What’s the best sound? The crackle of fire, rolling thunder, a cat's purr, a wolf's howl, wind whipping up fallen leaves, waves crashing on a beach.... Too many beautiful sounds out there to chose just one. ^_^
35. Rolling Stones or the Beatles? Neither? I can't honestly recall a song by either at the moment.
36. What’s the furthest you’ve ever travelled? Well, my three longest trips were my move to Arkansas from Wisconsin, then a trip to Pennsylvania from Arkansas, and then a trip to Washington from Arkansas. Not sure which of them was the farthest.
37. Do you have any special talent? Does acting like an idiot in public and not caring what anyone thinks count? I can mimic cats and wolves well enough to convince most people :P Then there's writing or singing or drawing or crocheting.
38. Where were you born? Ashland, Wisconsin, I believe. Tagging anyone who wants to do it ^_^
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a-v-e-z-a · 7 years
Takari Fic Snippet
So, I’m still alive. Really. Finding time and inspiration to write nowadays is really, really difficult, and I’m considering more and more often if I need to uh... say farewell to Digimon fanfiction, but God damn, the moment I think that in come the story ideas like the Great Flood. 
For starters, my Takari AU College fic is still in the works. And below, you’ll find a short snippet between Kari and Davis, discussing none other than that infamous article. 
(What article, you may wonder? Well, you’ll just have to read the story to find out, yeah?) 
that was a plug. i have no shame. 
"So what are you going to do about it? Have you contacted the guy—what's his face—" He looked around for the paper, seemingly forgetting that he had returned it a minute ago. Without the primary source, he took a wild guess. "TW?"
"No," Kari said, and she didn't bother to correct him with the right name. "I don't know if I should. I thought you could help me decide. What would you do if someone wrote something like that about you?"
"Uhh..." Davis blinked at her, slices of his brown eyes amber-clear in the sunlight. "Well, it's kind of obvious, Kari, isn't it? You get in touch. You get laid."
Oh, brother.
Sorry the teaser is so short! But hopefully I’ll get the full chapter up by May! Wish me luck!
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a-v-e-z-a · 7 years
Goals 2017
It’s that time of year again! The time to write out and share with the anonymous public all of what will likely be failed promises! 
Read on if you’re curious about both my writing and personal goals for this year. :D 
Writing Goals
→ Update A Boy and Girl Affair 
Suffice it to say, I will be happy if I update this story even once this year, or publish SOMETHING that takes place within its universe (I have a lot of slice of life ideas for it but have not put forth the energy to write them since they don’t move along the plot (does this collection of stories even have a plot?). Pray for the survival of this collection, guys. Really. It’s approaching extinction. 
→  Get halfway through Stop the Presses
The more I plan out and write for the this story, the more it’s endeared to me. Maybe it’s the college AU setting. Maybe it’s working with a new set of characters. Maybe it’s the premise. Maybe it all boils down to, really, Little Shit Takeru. Whatever it is, I really want to see this story progress and succeed. Whether or not I’ve bitten off more than I can chew is another matter. 
→ Begin revising Plus One
I mentioned this in my Goals 2016 review post, but to reiterate, Plus One is going to be undergoing major changes. I’m still on the fence about leaving it up on fanfiction.net since every time I look at it, my eye twitches (well, not all the time, but often enough), but it will not receive further updates (unless the writing deities strike me with lightning). It is not easy to give up on a story prematurely, but I’m not happy with it at all. I can’t write for something that I’m not proud exists. I really do apologize to all fans of this story in advance. If you are fans of Taichi and Hana in general, there is no lack of material there, but in this setting, their story (and Tai and Catherine’s story), will be left unfinished until I sort out my shit. :C. 
→ Plan out my Daiyaken fanfic
This was moved from 2016 since I didn’t really touch on it. Though, I figure completing this will be much easier with Stop the Presses in the works since both stories feature the same main set of characters (namely your Adventure 02 kids). Maybe I’ll even start writing for it? Who knows, but definitely stay tuned! 
→ Write a One-Shot
I’ve realized I haven’t written any independent one-shots lately. There’s been a story idea floating in my head about doing a modern-day Ken/Rosa fic (yes, that Rosa from the Digimon World Tour arc). Of course, knowing me, you know I’ll add my own twists to the story. Plus, while I’m pretty sure having that bit in the anime was a joke and no one ever writes Ken/Rosa fanfic, I thought it’d be an interesting concept to explore amid the sea of Daiken and Kenyako. 
→ Continue working on my closet-Taichi-related fics and sharing snippets, but not posting them
Why would I not publish any progress on these? Or at least make the commitments official? Because I want to take my time with these plotlines, and they are all (at least in my eyes), big undertakings. So they wouldn’t be handled the same way I handle A Boy and Girl Affair, for example. Most of these projects are being transferred from 2016, and I have them detailed out in that post if you all are interested. 
Personal Goals
→ Continue Ballet
So, I’m upping my game on this one by taking not one class, but two. And provided I do well in one, I can audition for a program that is a bit more intensive, so... looking forward to this! Wish me luck! Hopefully I can channel some of Hana’s skill, oui? :P 
→ Take voice lessons
Now, I’ve sung in a choir for a couple of years in college, but I am by no means a singer. I like to sing, and I sing all the time in the car, and I make up tunes and jingles about my dog (like, really. You want me to spontaneously burst out into song, you put a dog in front of me), but I think it’d be neat to get some proper training on voice. Depending on how things go, I may even share with you a clip of what I sound like, but that’ll only be if I feel very confident, very brave, or very drunk. 
→ Explore the city more
I live in the greater metropolitan area of some major cities, and despite having lived in this area all my life, I do not know these cities very well. I am suburban as suburban gets, but suburbia can get incredibly stale and stunting to the creative mind. Also, there are more places to eat in cities. FOOD. 
→ Take a yoga class
Whyyyy am I all like FITNESS FIRST LADY RAH? I don’t know, really. Maybe it’s because I’m realizing I’m getting old and my metabolism isn’t what it used to be and one of my greatest fears is weighing over a certain amount, so... that may contribute to all these active goals. But yoga would help with flexibility, which would then help the ballet, so it’s beneficial all around. Also, I’ll do anything to delay leaving my workplace at exactly 5pm. Traffic is a bitch. 
→ Journal daily 
I actually tried this last year for a time, and in reading over the few entries I did, I was in a really bad state. Every single entry somehow always went back to the same problems and how I wasn’t good enough and was essentially a worthless piece of shit. (Last year was bad, guys. Really. I cried so many times driving home from work because it sucked that bad.) BUT, I’m realizing now the importance of chronicling even the day-to-day, because well... brain cells are dying and while I do my share of crosswords, good memory won’t hold forever. The hard part will be to make it a habit. We’ll see. 
→ Volunteer more
I did a few community outreach initiatives with my old workplace and found them some of the most relaxing and rewarding activities ever. Like, it feels so good to not only be doing something that helps people, but it takes your mind off of yourself and your problems. I’m not saying don’t address your problems ever, but fixating on them (which I definitely did last year) was no help either. And well, who wouldn’t want to help others out for a couple of hours a day, once every month or so? 
→ Start running again
Recycled this one from last year. hahaha. Hopefully I don’t injure another toe. 
→ Try some handlettering
I’m really fascinated by handlettering and calligraphy, guys. Like, I want to be more crafty and hands-on and I already have an obsession with pens so... why not? Plus, it’s so pretty! :D
And those are my goals for this year! Trying to be more realistic with my writing goals, but I may have been too ambitious with my personal ones. Welp. 
Let’s see what the future brings! 
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