spirngakawening · 1 day
My neural pathways be like
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[Image Description: flowchart + venn-diagram. Blue circle labelled 'musical jasons', includes large image of Jason from Falsettos holding a baseball bat; red circle labelled 'dead jasons', includes large image of official art of Jason Grace from Heroes of Olympus & a small image of Jason Todd from Batman Wayne Family Adventures. The overlap of 'dead' and 'musical' contains a medium-size image of Jason with Peter in Bare: A Pop Opera. Two-way arrows extend from each circle to 'jason' in black text. A one-way arrow extends from 'jason' to 'JASOOOOON' in large blue text, tilted, which overlaps the image of Jason Falsettos. Also outside of the circles, at the bottom of the page, a small image of Tsukishima Kei from Haikyuu is labelled 'not jason', with an arrow labelled 'looks like' pointing to Jason Grace. End ID]
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the-river-rix · 2 months
I love toxic queer characters I love queer characters who are allowed to do terrible things and be complex and fucked up I love queer characters who perpetuate abuse and trauma I love queer characters who contribute to cycles of abuse I love queer characters who are part of the systems that harm queer people I love queer characters who have internalized ideas that are harmful to or oppose queerness I love queer characters who make themselves a slave to their passion I love queer characters who force themselves into stereotypes and others ideas of being queer I love queer characters who are flawed and messy and problematic
I also love when queer characters have to reckon with their flaws I love when queer characters have to unlearn their own prejudice and hate to truly be liberated I love when queer characters are punished for their bad choices I love when queer characters work to change and make amends I love when queer characters break cycles of abuse I love when queer characters grow and learn I love when queer characters get to be complex and human and get to grow and heal and also cause harm because people and their life experiences aren’t perfect and linear and unproblematic and life is too complicated and all encompassing to make simple and clear and inherently good and moral
I love when queer characters aren’t denied the true multifaceted and all-encompassing and real reality of life
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kaiskornerart · 2 months
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in an attempt to revive a pretty dead fandom LOOK!!! I HAVE BARE: A POP OPERA FANART!!!!
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ilovetheater24601 · 6 months
Fuck what gender you identify as when you sing the song Bare from the music BAPO do you sing Peters part or Jasons part?
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cosmicallydivine · 10 months
thinking about how every character in bare has their own motif except for matt. thinking about how he almost got a motif during auditions and then jason sang it instead. thinking about how he brings the auditions motif back during promise as he thinks he’s finally taking control. thinking about how he slowly realizes what he’s done and the auditions motif never appears again.
thinking about how the only true solo motif matt has is jason’s eulogy.
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i’m watching the 2004 off broadway bare and peter… opens the coffin in epiphany??? does he see jason in there??? does he have some vague memory of seeing jason dead that haunts him through the rest of the show??? i have so many questions this version is fascinating
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cachorrodivagador · 1 month
Eu estou com insônia, não consigo dormir direito e quando durmo é por no máximo 5 horas, é uma briga dormir durante a noite, fui dormir 2 vezes e acordei menos de duas horas depois.
Eu estou preocupado comigo mesmo, não sei como eu posso mudar, mas não perdi às esperanças, não tenho dinheiro ou amigos, mas tenho minha família, então ainda estou muito bem e feliz.
Tô desempregado, estou querendo regular meu sono para poder sair e juntar materiais recicláveis durante o dia, pode ajudar, a coisa que mais odeio é ficar com fome e não poder comer o que me dá vontade.
Hoje é segunda-feira, vou ajudar minha mãe a limpar, lavar e organizar a nossa casa, normalmente eu não faço isso, mas estou diferente nos últimos tempos.
Você gosta de ler textão na internet?! Sinceramente eu não, só quando estou muito na vibe, sou muito preguiçoso para isso.
— Jean Rodrigues Gattino
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musicalreader17 · 2 months
Sometimes I wonder if I’m overanalysing bare but then I listen to Epiphany and start thinking about the foreshadowing and then I think I’m not overanalysing this show enough
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cactus-cactus-cactus · 3 months
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Woahhhh hey Ivy I haven’t drawn you in a while
(⬆️Jan 2024, ↙️Feb 2022, ↘️May 2021)
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short-insomniacs07 · 2 months
confession is such a jam, and alan confessing he forgets to recycle sometimes will never not be funny to me.
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ilovetheater24601 · 10 months
I don't think anything will ever cut deeper than the lyrics "but Jason what role do i play am i a savior of a phase am i here to damn you or to help you navagate this maze where confusion is a crime so you fill your life with sound and if you dance like hell you hope you'll never touch the ground what happens when the music stops in the silence will he stay one day you'll realize that these feelings aren't going away so we drive ourselves insane" ..... You know
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songofpurple-summer · 2 months
it’s been years since i’ve even thought about bare: a pop opera but i relistened to the soundtrack recently and genuinely all of us that could relate to Role of a Lifetime and See Me deserve financial compensation
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silvercrane14 · 1 year
Me: Bare is a masterclass on skillful lyric crafting. Every lyric is made with clear intent and forwards the plot in some way while also relating back to the themes of the show
Bare: rhymes alone with alone. Three times. In a row.
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hearmyvoicee · 11 months
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musicalreader17 · 3 months
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This isn’t a dream right?? RIGHT???
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