#bc i cant with the internet rn
so i watched the first episode of rings power.
i--i just... no.
there were so many times that i had to fact check, and yeah i understand that it's fucked up and u just gotta bear with it sometimes, and yes i will keep watching it but
what. the. fuck.
at least give fucking Gil Galad blond hair i stg--
also galadriel is his aunt, so in case u didnt know
also the weird fucking chemistry between elrond and galadriel is nasty bc he literally marries her daughter so ew
fuck that
and the whole arondir thing?? oh my gosh, if you're gonna have poc play tolkein elves at Least give us more than one, godDamn
btw, i have no problems with poc elves in tolkein, since he never explicitly states that all elves are fairskinned and shit, its just that it looks like they're "making everyone happy" by adding one black character to each race. one. the fuck??? man, if we're doing what lin manuel miranda did just make the whole fucking cast non-white actors, just do it. tell everyone they can shove it, (me saying this as someone who would honestly prefer everything to be more or less as tolkein wrote it) like, c'mon. don't be wusses, if we're being inclusive, be inclusive, dont have ur special black friend and all the rest of ur friends are white get a life.
anyways, if anything in there was offensive, lmk bc ive been awake for 15 hrs and 11 of them were working/school type things so my ability to "put self in other shoes" is a lil slow
but yeah. this show is stupid, but tolkein enough that i will continue to watch it even though i am severely disappointed.
also the timelines--
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a-very-zilly-gooze · 3 months
okay rantz with gooze
so i was talking about the music video for SCUMBAG by NOAHFINNCE (bc i fuckin LOVE him) with an elder in my life, and was describing how the video is just making fun of jkr and harry potter n shit and how i thought that that was hilarious and also just how that music video is so good
and the elder said, “oh, c’mon, you love harry potter! you just are reading too much of that propaganda online. like the liberal equivalent of fox news.”
to which i said, “yeah, i lovED harry potter. i still do like it, just not nearly to the extent i used to. but i have jkr. i hate her so much.”
the elder responded, “no, you don’t” in the most condescending tone i’ve heard in a long time.
this prompted a discussion between two people in my life about whether trans women are women and shit like that. and when i stood up for my beliefs it was all “kids these days” and “you’re online too much” and “you need to do real research.” there was no reasoning with them, no way to say “hey, you’re being transphobic. please stop.”
and yeah, i know i’m a leftist. but comparing reading FACTUAL INFORMATION on REPUTABLE WEBSITES to FOX FUCKING NEWS is INSANITY.
trans women are women. trans men are men. NOAHFINNCE is a god among mortals. FUCK JKR, if you like harry potter then pirate her books/movies or, even better yet, support your local library and borrow them there. buy hp merch second-hand or not at all. EVEN IF YOU LIKE HARRY POTTER, DO NOT SUPPORT HER! and listen to GROWING UP ON THE INTERNET by NOAHFINNCE out this friday, march 8.
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hirookouji · 1 year
Aomine and kise are the type of people to end up accidently married in vegas.
oh most definitely!! thinking abt aomine and kise drunkenly getting married in vegas and then posting it to their stories, giving their pr teams simultaneous heart attacks
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falldogbombsthemoon · 2 months
Yall haha, my dad made it so I have wifi access for one hour a day. which I can use from like 14 to 21 german time. So once my mobile data is dead, I will not be active that much ig. So please dont think I'm abandoning yall.
#vent following#its fucking ridiculous. im not a fucking child. neither is my brother#no idea what my dad wants to achieve through that. “so you can relaxe more” yeah no. being on the internet is my fucking coping mechanism.#there is nothing about relaxation there. also he did that so we'll to go sleep earlier. if it really was about that.#he would need to force me to sleep. you cant just change my sleep schedule by that#anyway its fucking ridiculous as i was on a good way of getting to sleep more early but if imma do that now he will think like#“wow. im such a good dad. i fixed all the problems my child could possibly have.” which is absolutely not the case#yk. ive always fucking struggled with feeling like people cant trust me.#and him not trusting my abilities to be responsible for myself is not helping#and then boom. im feeling shitty but wait haha my coping mechanism is currently set offline.#and like also im in extra stress atm bc school is fucking with me#not only are like a bunch of tests on the way but my fucking anxiety in school is getting so bad.#i cant sit in that facility without feeling like imma have a panic attack any minute#i am in need of fucking professional mental help. and at least one diagnosis. i dont want to do shit to myself.#but in this house hold. emotions are not talked about. feelings are suppressed and mental health is an illusion#i NEED to see a fucking psychiatrist. but i dont feel like i can to my parents about that. and technically i could go without them knowing#but someone needs to educate them. and i mentally cant be that someone#and guess whos sitting in their room crying and writing about that rn. not studying for their tests tomorrow and the day after.#i bet if my parents wouldnt have done that shit with my wifi i would be studying rn#quinns daily yapping post#rather#quinns personal hell
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fallowtail · 1 year
i love love how they handle hettys growth arcs because she always gets it, at least a little bit, but never all the way. shes such a one step forward two steps back kind of character and i loooove her for it. characters who want to change but dont understand WHERE they need to be doing the change because they have no frame of reference for it to know where/what these faults of their self are in the first place…chefs kiss. hetty woodstone i love you. she sees the most improvements in areas where she can gain personal pleasure or feel like changing her mind gives her power, but as soon it it doesnt…she wants to change because she knows she was a bad person but scampers right back to her comfort zone the moment something is even a little bit challenging to her ingrained worldview. i love that they aren’t rushing her character development and let her keep slowly failing forwards instead
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crescentfool · 2 months
Hi 👉👈 I don’t have a lot to say, I just wanted to hi give you from across the room because I followed you for P3 but it turns out you and I share a ton of fandoms and I just think that’s really super neat.
You get a good grade in fandom taste 💖
WAVES HI!! thank you for the follow and message, it makes me happy to hear that you've enjoyed seeing the other media i've reblogged stuff of! P3 is definitely something i hold close to my heart, but i have lots of media i'm full of love for too! so thank you for appreciating it, i hope you enjoy your stay! 🥺💙
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mossy-covered-bones · 5 months
41 non-crossover works in this fandom and none of them are about the specific line that made me open ao3 >:[
i canNOT be the only one to want to write about that
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willowser · 1 year
i am not going to lie. leaks ruining my life. stressing me out.
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banghwa · 4 months
u guys r too nice ill cry :((
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manwithoutaspleen · 11 months
more transition rambling
as upset as i sometimes get about not passing, i still love what transitioning is doing for/to my body so much. like i never get sick of seeing how hairy i’m getting, i’m impatient for more facial hair and so excited to have stubble and one side burn (and i would love for both side burns to come in.) my chest hair has started coming in the past few weeks and THATS been a thrill.
every time i hear myself singing and actually like how i sound? every time i laugh weird and sound like my brother, who i love so much? every time i see a friend for the first time in awhile
it’s just, life has been so hard for like, a year and a half now, and while i do think i’m finally on the upswing, there’s a lot of new trauma to deal with. but one thing i’ve learned from all this is how to take care of myself so, so well. i can love and care for myself now in ways i never imagined being possible. and having a body that actually brings me joy makes that so much easier.
and like, it’s especially resonant to have a body that actually brings JOY when i’ve had chronic pain since i was 12. when this all started because i got a new disability. my body can do less and hurts more and i still love it more. its harder to care for, but i’m trying harder.
transitioning has saved my life in SO many ways i could not be more grateful that i finally did it
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truthundressing · 10 months
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soldier-poet-king · 2 years
Made the Mistake of leaving my room on a Sunday afternoon (Danger Time TM with both parents home) and I have already paid for my crimes within 5 minutes
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shrimp1y · 1 year
Every moment that ggf doesnt blow up is a blessing I think. Like I'm like damn I wish for some virality! And less than a second later im like no that would be a terrible idea. This might sound like that fox who want the grapes but bc its outta reach he says its green but do remember my accounts are very hackable and I gptta do smth about that before the internet gets its grippers on me
#my passwords are dumb#i still use my first ever email#and like. the more I think about it the less i care about popularity. im not even on socmed#the only reason why i want virality is bc i want money. i wanna be rich. i want to move out and spend money on so fucking much therapy#i like going to the dentist#ill get all my weird symptoms checked out at the doctors#i want money. i want money!!!!!! i wanna buy houses for my besties#got distracted. anyway it sounds great but virality doesnt always equal to money thats the problem hence im like. ehhh.. nah#like. ill be happy to be viral in 5 years when my shits more together but rn im a weak frail shrimp im like a small victorian boy#ive been eating orzo in veggie broth#the internet will instantly kill me#im still gonna get my symptoms checked out at the doctors mind you. i am rich co#my parents are. and theyre in their guilty 50s stage where they look at me sadly and say shit like 'i dont remember that' when i tell them#they neglected me#so ill still get to go to my doctors. its just a matter of gettin there. but i reaaaaaally hate going out#growing up is learnin tjat no money or fame can fix u#the autism is winning. the asthma is winning. the allergies are winning. the hypermobility is winning. apparently its not just funny that#i cant hold up frying pans and choppin stuff hurts my wrist. its a runnin joke that im super weak but now im like. is this normal#my feet hurt all the time. is that normal. i get a desperate need to lie down after i do anything. 'i love being horizontal'#thats my irl catchphrase. and like. my nose are always clogged. i only recently started visiting the dentist bc they booked me in for#regular visits after comin to them to look at my wisdom tooth. and they say they can tell im a mouthbreather from my teeth#and im like girl what. i didnt know theres consequences to breathing through my mouth. and ive been thinking about the fact that im#congested 95% of the time and im like. maybeeeeee... thats not normal....... its been liek this for most of my life jsyk. is that why my#ears pop and ring all the time. apparently sinus problems can lead to ear problems. like i can sorta tell bc my nose gets completely blocked#and i gotta 'stretch' my jaw to relief the pressure on my ears every once in a while. but i thought that was just normal#i joke that im allergic to joy bc my asthma flares up when i laugh. which is kinda funny#i kinda have warmed up to like. the idea. of me bein disabled. bc im autistic and im regressing as i relearn how to actually do stuff in#a sustainable way. but man. i didnt consider my many bodily failures to be a part of it. but like with becoming more intuned with my body#and my fatigue..... its like yeah. not being able to breath is kinda tiring. i dont sleep very well either. maybe thats why i sleep so much#this is also why i shouldnt ever be known i talk too much
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dogbunni · 1 year
chronic pain off the shits rn I wish I could talk openly about what is happening to me without it being triggering/taboo
#insane how i can be suffering through something but cant verbalise it without bothering others#like but im actually experiencing it though?????#dykwim#it would make everyone else uncomfortable so the social protocol is Suffer In Silence#im not talking abt others whove been through it and could be actually triggered to be clear#bc im pretty sure that if youve been there then a trigger warning would be enough#im talking about everyone else who hasnt been through these specific things who would make their discomfort my fault and my problem#etc etc#sometimes its okay to sit with your discomfort especially if it deepens your understanding of marginalised people around you#not everything has to be comfortable and palatable some things are SUPPOSED to be uncomfortable to hear/read/see#and that doesnt always mean that those things are bad and wrong and evil#also if a kid is old enough for unsupervised internet access theyre old enough to learn about difficult topics#it will help them become a well informed well rounded and compassionate individual#anyway#autocorrect is saving my fucking life you guys have no idea how hard spelling is rn#i dont have the wherewithal to deal with someone saying something negative if i share this very painful experience im having rn#safe to say i am triggering MYSELF#and that in itself i could go on and on abt how that proves that sometimes smth WILL trigger you#and it is not the end of the world when that happens#you will deal with it like all difficult things#nd if you are strong enough to go through ordeals that led to having trigger responses you are strong enough to get through being triggered#like you WILL make it i promise#and sometimes its not anyones fault that you were triggered#its certainly not my fault that i am being triggered by something outside my control even if that thing is my own body#dont know what im saying anymore im too scattered mentally#i hope no one takes any of this the wrong way
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femme-malewife · 1 year
#i am. quite annoyed when i tell my family i do not wish to eat unhealthy very often#and when i explain nutritional value i get ignored#even mocked and laughed at#the internet has ruined humanity. if you eat unhealthy foods it will cause an influx of issues like diabetes and high blood pressure#and other various sort of issues. like obesity as well.#i am. Literally. a former fat person. i used to be big. i used to take low dose aspirin often bc i was scared id have a heart attack#i Had sleep apnea. eating unhealthy here and there in small doses is fine but if thats all youre eating you WILL have issues!!!!#when i began eating healthier my body and health improved. /I/ feel better. i cant work out rn bc of my ankle#BUT ive been making it up by eating extra nutritional foods. sure. i had an unhealthy dinner on friday and even some alcohol.#but i do not make that a habit.#im not telling people that they HAVE to eat healthy or anything. im just annoyed that voices like mine get shut down and labelled as bs#aka ''ftphbia'' and then told im intolerant and WRONG abt health#when I MYSELF EXPERIENCED THIS SHIT AND FELT BETTER WHEN I BETTERED MY EATING HABITS#im not ''blessed'' for my thin/curvy body. i had to WORK to get it. i gain weight VERY easily and STRUGGLE to lose it#im proud of how far ive come. im proud of how im not as big as i used to be. im proud that im much healthier now.#and yet despite my mom formerly telling me i needed to lose weight? now shes scoffing at me pointing out nutritional value in food???#bruh.#ill delete this later i just need to vent
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agayconcept · 1 year
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