#because carmen would love these!
beatleswings · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's Day to THE couple and a happy birthday to our girl in pink!
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the-real-bruce-banner · 2 months
Imagine Sydney getting offered her own restaurant and she can have her dream spot and be in full control by a poacher because they want to work with her. The poacher sees all the great work that’s went into the Bear and they head about the dishes she’s made and they want Sydney, and Carmy hears about it.
Carmy and Sydney have that argument that is obviously being built up too and by the end it completely mirrors the “Sydney quitting scene”. Carmy is just angry that Sydney was going to walk out on him and all the work they’ve put in. (It’s shown in the freezer scene that the memory of Sydney quitting enrages him, if you look at the montage). So when he hears the inside scoop from someone else that Sydney is leaving, his eyes go bloodshot.
He ends up saying crazy shit like “If you want to leave, leave. I don’t need you. Just leave.”
And Sydney is confused (to mirror Carmy in the quitting scene) like “What? What? Leave?”
And Carmy is just doubling down and spiraling like Mikey, refusing to let her in, pushing her out. “Just leave, I don’t want you here. So go.”
And Sydney just looks so heartbroken as she collects her things but the silence is palpable. And Carmy is fuming and refuses to look at her like the last time. Later, he runs into the poacher/inside scoop person/whomever.
And they’re like “It’s wild how people work.”
And Carmy is quiet but refuses to acknowledge that he regrets what he said. And says something along the lines of “Sydney got what she wanted. Good for her.”
And the person is just like “such a shame though.”
“What’s a shame?”
“That she turned it down.”
“Yeah, she said she didn’t want to leave. That she didn’t want the offer.”
And the whole world just collapses on Carmy because he realizes what he did and what he said to her.
I KNOW ITS ANGST! I know! Fic writers, is this something?
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november-rising · 6 months
The Bear: A Kitchen Nightmare
I'm watching Kitchen Nightmares (2023) on HULU. In "Love Bites" (s1 ep 6), Gordon Ramsey briefly mentioned the mental health issue in the culinary industry.
This episode focused on a couple who own a restaurant, struggling immensely but wanting to make it work. The female owner has medical issues (some GI related) and the male owner is highly anxious, lashing out at everyone - particularly the female owner who is his fiancée. The family try to cushion the stress/help out while enabling troubling interactions.
So, who's going to write this fic?
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jackie-shitposts · 2 years
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agnesandhilda · 11 months
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whywoulditho · 5 months
guys. GUYS. watch carmen sandiego. like Right Now.
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grahamcarmen · 6 months
My understanding that rc structurally needs to slow burn a bit back together to be 100 percent satisfying vs my need for them to make out get married and live happily ever after at next sight
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scp-168 · 5 months
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Sometimes i hate you guys
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bluberimufim · 6 months
It's crying about Carmen Bizêtoperacharacter hours, everyone 💃💃
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tutuandscoot · 2 years
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Also Scott:
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preciouslandmermaid · 2 years
Okay, so I was just looking up Spanish words (no reason) and apparently “Jefe” means boss, although it’s expanded and used more liberally in Spanish (like you might use it as a term of endearment)
Now, this might be FULL BRAIN WORMS here, but ya’ll know how Tina calls Carmy “Jeff” (to, I assume, mock his thing of “Chef”~)
But, what if she’s just fucking with the Spanish word of “Jefe” (Boss)?? Now “Jefe” is pronounced “Heh-feh”. but like the spelling similarity between Jeff/Jefe is too close. I am LOOKING. 
Also, even once Tina comes around to The Bear’s new policies and cooking routines, like she still calls Carmy “Jeff” so....I’m just....over here thinking. 
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unseemingowl · 2 years
I’d love to hear your thoughts (as well as any predictions for the next season with them running the new restaurant as partners) regarding Carmy and Sydney’s dynamic in the show?
You mean I need to have thoughts beyond the fact that they deserve to have equally fuck-nasty and heartfelt sex even though it’s definitely a bad idea to sleep with your business partner, Anon??
Joking aside, their dynamic is lovely. It’s probably my favourite one on the show, which really is saying something when there’s so many good ones.
Honestly, I think a lot of it is in the eyes. Both Ayo and Jeremy have wonderfully expressive eyes and that does much of the heavy lifting. The way she’s so aware of him and his reactions to her work all the time and the way he stares at her so tenderly when she isn’t looking at him. They really see each other, instant connection.
Like, come on, can’t help but be obsessed!
I love how they’re extremely similar in their drive and ambition and what they want for their restaurant, and yet entirely different as well, which I think is very much shaped by their experiences in the industry. While they’re both shell shocked because of their journeys, Carmy tried and succeeded and Sydney tried and failed – she’s got something to prove, he doesn’t. At least not professionally.
I love how Carmy validates her skill and her talent at (almost) every step of the way in a way, but that he also tells her when she’s moving too fast, when her inexperience gets the better of her.  And I love how Sydney does not just let him steam roll over her, she knows her skill level and her worth and she is gonna stand her ground because of that. I think there’s real potential for them to both balance out each other’s worst impulses and buff up each other’s best sides going forward.
And piggy-backing off of that, Sydney doesn’t come back because the writers try to make her act the saviour to him. She comes back because of their shared dream, when they’re both ready to become equal partners in a new venture. Love that.
As for predictions, I don’t have that many actually, season 1 took so many delightful twists and turns that I’m pretty sure I’m gonna be happy with the direction the writers are gonna take things.
But I have really high hopes for the way they’re going to explore the challenges that comes with professional partnership when their dreams for the place – despite how similar it is for the most part – are inevitably gonna collide.
And of course I do hope they’re gonna give us the most delicious, torturous slow burn romance. Because as much as I enjoy the idea of them hooking up, I want the show runners to drag out the tension until I absolutely cannot stand it and wanna bury my face into my pillows and scream. Because they still have much more growth as people to get through before they can get to a romantic relationship.
They both eat Marcus’ floor donut, do we really need any other proof that they’re made for each other?!
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lobpoints · 2 years
Favorite kind of PM are the ones that ship/create a gay dynamic something where it’s actually intended by the author for one of those dudes to have romantic feelings for the other but the PM fan in question doesn’t realize this and thus completely misreads their relationship this is about Benjamin to Ayin btw
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my grandma gave me this document where the whole family of my grandad (on his father's side) appears sort of as a primitive 'libro de familia' and now i know the names and birth dates of my great great grandparents and my great grandfather i need a moment
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cat-of-starlight · 11 months
I'd never think I'd see the day where I'd vote against a Projmoon character but yea
hate that wwoman so muchhhh
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grahamcarmen · 8 months
what measures do you think carmen and gray take to protect the kiddos, like their kids are the children of two super thieves who are despised by the worlds oldest criminal organisation, their maternal grandfather is also hated and then there's the added grudge of their biological maternal grandfather like there's a lot of bad family blood.
i have no idea how gray is gonna react because he's a big "use the resources available to him no matter how shady" person oh no...lmao [its ok he's getting better standards...slightly] and his arc has him playing the more active part in defending his love...so um...if it involves the kids?
[gah how sucky when you phrase it like that , VILE just zeroing in on them because they're trying to get theyre footing back]
and carmen in general is very good at mostly keeping herself off the radar but VILE has shown themselves very good at capturing people they at least think is important to carmen + the train with brunt and the cleaners...gah..
but very big into imposing on chief to constantly keep them off cameras [like imagine how upset that would make the kiddos at the do as i say not as i do couple when they wanna be good show off thieves too </3], definitely taught them to be prepared for a fight, had ivy hook them up with drones [offense hardly taken because they love them so much], direct line to player , maayyyybe this makes carmen hesitant to let them go to school for a bit? [idk if she homeschools because hey she can teach them a lot about the world since she goes all over it or because of the way she talked to sonia and jokes to player that she's all about education + really wanted friends on the isle if she wishes she had a normal school experience], RC definitely 0____0 during babies first missions until they're confident they can take care of themselves [actually maybe a conversation between carmen and kiddos about wanting to have faith in their abilities and carmen is like o-o ] [gray is also called out for his chill attitude supposedly when he was literally yanking wires and knocking out people before they even got near the site]
situation wise it would be very bad if the kids did get captured...since RC tends to just beeline to the solution that gets them out efficiently regardless of traps or danger to themselves
but in the end RC do lean more to just trusting that they prepared the kids well enough... so lol if they just arrive to a headquarters of the VILEnappers in chaos like <3 those are the babies
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