#big mistake if you’re mean to Tom you’ll have to deal w her
maybankiara · 7 months
summary: Addie Mallory is just your average economics student when she meets Drew Starkey at her local Target in Atlanta. This is where the story is supposed to end – a short meeting and a picture to go – except Drew accidentally leaves with the wrong phone, and the story begins, instead. w/c: 3.3k a/n: addie and holden having a sweet moment at last...or are they? read on wattpad previous part | series masterlist
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Virgin Mary | 3:47am what are the odds on this being a big mistake
Me | 8:02am 0:1000000000 Me | 8:02am stop freaking out, you’ll be fine
Virgin Mary | 8:30am Addie Virgin Mary | 8:30am i am going to Tom’s Virgin Mary | 8:31 amfor all of the fucking holidays 😩
Me | 8:35am Marianne Me | 8:36am my beloved Me | 8:36am you said you wanted this, you said that this is the best for your relationship, you said that this was the right thing to do Me | 8:36am and Tom said he wants to take this step Me | 8:37am you’re just scared bc it’s a big deal
Virgin Mary | 8:38am AND WHAT ABOUT IT 😡
Me | 8:40am it’s okay to be scared Me | 8:40am but you’ll be fine ❤ Me | 8:40am let me know when you land
Virgin Mary | 8:42am supportive bitch Virgin Mary | 8:42am ❤
It’s evening time at the Weatherby-Mallory residence, and there are nearly half a dozen’s worth of cups scattered over the living room. Some are on the TV stand, next to a framed photo of the roommates and their friend group that Wes got Marianne for her birthday; some are next to the wall, far enough to avoid potential spills; and some are on the coffee table, nearly hidden between pages and pages of files, all compiled into little folders with corners sticking out.
  It would be an ordinary evening for Addie, except this tends to be the setting of her bedroom, not the living room. With Marianne gone for the next few weeks, though, Addie’s life has already consumed even the shared areas of the flat, and Addie finds herself to be a bit spoiled by the newfound commodity – she doesn’t see how that tiny space was ever enough for this much work. Although, now there are Holden’s files, folded away between and over and under her own, so she may be overestimating it a little.
  Her phone dings, somewhere in the pile. She drops down from the couch, a little ungracefully – her foot gets stuck in the pillow and she nearly kicks Holden’s shin tugging it out. He chuckles and she groans, and then she’s rummaging through the files until she finds the phone, its screen still lit from Marianne’s text.
  ‘They landed!’
  ‘Oh, good,’ says Holden.
  ‘Mhm. I’ll tell her you say hi.’
  Addie’s fingers are fast at typing, even though she needs to fix a typo here and there. She asks Marianne how the flight was – it’s always a necessary question, seeing as Marianne likes flights just about as much as Addie likes clowns. Maybe even less. The one time they’d flown together to Boston, Marianne had a full-blown panic attack during one of the turbulences and Addie spent the rest of the flight trying to calm her down.
  But it’s good, she tells herself. She had Tom with her.
  (Or that’s why it wouldn’t be good, her thoughts say, and she shoves them away.)
  ‘You look worried.’
  Addie huffs. ‘I’m not.’
  ‘You sure?’
  She glances at her phone once more before putting it down, on yet another pile of papers still needing to be looked at. She gets back up on the couch, draws the fuzzy scarlet blanket back over herself, then pulls her knees close to her chest; Holden’s eyes don’t leave hers.
  ‘I don’t know,’ she admits. ‘Should I be? I mean, Marianne and Tom… You know they’ve not been on the best of terms. Even if Marianne says things are better now.’ She lets out a little sigh, stretching her legs across the couch, almost far enough to touch Holden’s thighs. ‘I hope they don’t kill each other.’
  ‘They’ll be fine,’ he says. Addie half expects him to put a reassuring hand on her leg—it feels like one of those moments—but he doesn’t. ‘They have their ups and downs, but so does everybody.’
  ‘Yeah, but this will either make or break their relationship.’
  ‘I thought you said they’ve been doing better since after her birthday.’
  ‘They are,’ she says. She pulls her legs back, wrapping her arms around them and resting her head on her knees. ‘I just don’t know if that’s enough.’
  ‘Still, it’s more than likely that this will improve things between them.’ He gives a smile that’s both soft and the sort of smile you give when you’ve said all there is to say about something. ‘Come on, work will distract you from worrying about them.’
  Addie bites her lip. ‘Yeah.’
  His gaze drops and he’s fully immersed into a Balance Sheet that Patty asked them to look at. His red pen is quick to run across the paper, and it’s as if any thought of Marianne and Tom has already vanished from his head. 
  She tells herself that Holden’s right. She’s too subjective. 
  But she doesn’t manage to convince herself of that, nor does she manage to get back to work. The papers are staring at her – notes upon notes of information about a client’s accounts and receipts of purchases of property involved, as he is suing a property investment company for scamming him out of about a hundred grand. At this point, Addie’s looked over the case so much that the numbers are starting to merge, the calculations are dancing on the page, and some of them even look like the letters M and T until she blinks it away.
  Usually, Addie loves catching scammers. She loves fighting for the good side. She loves when she can be crunching numbers and putting them into actual economic trends of property values and similar – but it’s just not coming to her. 
  So she puts the papers back on the coffee table, picks up her mug, instead. 
  ‘They were arguing a lot last night,’ Addie says and waits for Holden to look up at her before continuing. ‘He came over because they were leaving together and I heard them yelling all the way from my room. Neither of them really wanted to go like this, but they bought the tickets back in, like, October. Before all this shit went down. And they didn’t want to waste them.’
  Holden glances down at the papers, then back at her. ‘Is that the only reason why they went? Because of the tickets?’
  ‘I don’t know. That’s what Marianne hinted at, but I still think they’re both hoping for fresh air to do them some good.’
  ‘What do you mean, fresh air?’
  ‘Metaphorically,’ she explains. ‘Different country, different setting, different circumstances. I spoke to Tom the other day and that’s kind of what he said, too. Changing where they are might be the thing they need.’
  ‘That’s not really how things work, though.’
  ‘Why not?’ Addie cocks her head. ‘They’re getting a new perspective on their relationship. Taking the next step, with her meeting his family.’
  Holden lowers the files onto his lap, running his hands through his hair. SHe knows that look—the I’m going to give you all my attention now look—and waits for his eyes to meet hers, heavy and unwavering. He takes a deep breath before he speaks, his lips shut tight until he’s ready, and she’s seen him do this so many times before. Always before he says something he’s convinced is right about.
  So Addie is waiting. Expecting. Not sure what she’s going to hear. 
  ‘Look, you can’t fix a relationship that’s not really going anywhere,’ Holden says, at last. ‘Both people need to put the effort in. To be the people they need to be in this relationship, for the other person. You can change the environment the relationship’s in, sure, and maybe it works for a while, but it doesn’t change that if they’re not a good fit, they’re not a good fit. Marianne keeps the issues between them from you for a reason, and that’s because she knows the truth.’
  He gives her a tight-lipped smile and then his eyes and hands are back on the file in his lap; if Addie wasn’t a part of the conversation, she could’ve been fooled that it hadn't happened. Over. Just like that.
  ‘Well, I think they’re a good fit. They care about each other enough to at least try to be the partner they need to be for one another.’
  Holden glances at her, but doesn’t say anything other than ‘Fair’.
  Addie just stared at him.
  ‘I’m going to make myself a cup of tea,’ she says, getting herself out of the blanket. ‘You want some?’
  ‘Sure,’ says Holden, not looking up from the paper he’s scribbling notes on.
  The walk to the kitchen is brisk. It’s a little bit chilly out of the blanket, and she thinks she should probably turn the heating up a little – but the tea will warm her up enough. She fills the kettle and turns it on, rubbing her upper arms as she leans against the countertop. The sight of snowflakes moving in the wind past her window makes it feel even chillier.
  Addie’s mind replays Holden’s words, over and over again, as she hears the papers rustling in the living room. She wonders if he’s right – if she’s just hopeful and naive, thinking that her best friend could come out of this victorious. Marianne is fighting for it. Tom is fighting for it. They’re trying, and Addie feels like that’s the bit that Holden is missing. They’re not just accepting the status quo – they’re trying to find the issues and fix them. 
  Or, really, Addie is starting to think that it’s the effort to be the right person for someone that is worth more in a relationship than just being the right match from the beginning. It’s about growth, and most importantly, growing with the person. 
  That is why she thinks Marianne and Tom will stick it out. Will see how far they’ve come when all the worries are stripped away, once in England, and why they’ll be able to bring it back all the way to Atlanta. 
  The kettle brews to a halt, steaming their kitchen window until she can no longer discern the snowflakes. She thinks of Drew, and how excited he was for the snow, and wishes she could go out and have fun in it – anything not to have to think about things. 
  She doesn’t think Holden would be too keen on it, though, so she abandons the idea. Really, maybe it’s a good thing. It’s the most productive she’s been in ages, only coming to the kitchen to brew tea or coffee, or eat, in between hours-long bursts of working on cases. She’s burned through more tea in the past few days Holden’s been here than she has in months, it feels like, but she’s also burned through as many cases. She can’t think of the last time she was so productive. 
  Or so tired.
  Addie calls out to Holden. She pours water into the mugs, one for his coffee, and one for her tea (she doesn’t think she’ll ever fully forgive Marianne for getting her so addicted to tea when coffee is right. there.) and get back to work in the living room. Everything ends with getting back to work.
  If she gets all the work for the internship done today, she could spend the next few days focusing solely on fixing up the loose threads from her thesis, and then hopefully things will remain at a constant level and she’ll manage to get everything done and over with before she goes home.
  Her plane ticket is booked for less than two weeks from today, yet she can hardly picture herself coming home. She’s not been since last Christmas, and even though her family came to visit back in May, it’s not the same. She was working on her Master’s, even then, and maybe Addie is just a little bit tired of working.
  ‘We’re having tea in the kitchen,’ she announces. ‘We need a break.’ 
  Holden argues they can keep working. Addie reiterates her statement, holding the mug to her chest, and he drags himself into the kitchen a few moments later, frowning at her lazily as he leans his side on the doorframe.
  ‘What’s the long face for?’ Addie asks.
  ‘We have a lot of work to do.’
  ‘Yeah, but we also deserve fifteen minutes of not doing it.’ She nods towards the dinner table, where his coffee sits, steaming. ‘Fifteen minutes for a cup of coffee won’t kill you.’
  He walks over to the table with a defeated sigh and Addie follows. He takes a sip and huffs at the temperature, and she can’t help but laugh as she holds her hands over the steam of her tea – and when he blushes, she presses her palms to his cheeks. 
  ‘Addie,’ he says, smiling. ‘Your palms are wet.’
  Addie just shrugs. ‘They’re also really warm.’
  ‘They always are.’
  ‘No,’ she says, ‘they’re always cold when I’m working because my blood circulation is terrible and stress makes it worse.’
  His hands are over hers for a couple of moments before he brings them all down, and she’s back to holding her tea. Her thoughts grow calmer and the tea warms her up on the inside as much as it warms her hands – Addie feels lighter. Watches the snow fall, and enjoys the moment of peace.
  ‘I’m really excited to get home,’ she says, feeling a smile coming on. ‘My sister, Liyah said she’s got a bunch of things planned for us and my dad apparently has a list of things he wants to teach me before I’m gone again.’
  ‘Things like?’
  ‘Cooking, I think. Even though I have Marianne for that – or, actually, probably because of that. Probably car stuff, too.’
  ‘What, like changing a tyre?’
  ‘Ha-ha. Very funny.’
  Holden shrugs, like he’s trying to say he had to do it. Even the self-satisfied grin is starting to break through, and she can’t help but smile back.
  ‘He wants me to get a car,’ she explains. ‘To be less dependent on other people and public transport.’
  ‘That’s not a bad idea.’
  ‘But I like public transport,’ Addie argues. She thought she knew that – that he’d be on her side in this. ‘It’s better for the environment.’
  ‘That’s a fair point.’ He glances around the kitchen. ‘You’ve still got leftover lasagne from Marianne left before she left, right?’
  Addie nods, accepting that the conversation is over. ‘You wanna heat some up?’
  Holden nods and she spends the next few minutes watching him struggle with navigating his way around the kitchen. It’s amusing, really, and she doesn’t feel bad about it – she laughs into her cup every single time he tries to find anything, and looks for it in the wrong place at least five times first.
  ‘I don’t know if I’m going to stay home for long,’ he says then, once the oven’s on and the lasagne is finally heating up. There’s an expression on his face that Addie doesn’t recognise – heavy. Conflicted. ‘My brother’s in his teenage destruction arc and it’s driving my dad crazy.’
  ‘Shouldn’t you help him out?’
  ‘He can handle it better than I could, even with his Parkinsons.’
  Addie finds herself staring at him, comprehending this information – information that she feels like should’ve come up at least once in their just-under-two months of being together. ‘Your dad has Parkinsons?’
  ‘Early stages,’ he says. ‘It’s not really a big deal. They caught it early and he’s on medication, so he’s doing alright.’
  ‘You never said.’
  ‘Didn’t think it was important.’
  ‘Holden, it’s your dad.’ She waits for him to say something, but he’s just staring at his cup. ‘I feel like that’s more of a reason for you to stay longer. To help him out.’
  Holden sighs. He leans back into the chair and she feels his legs brush hers before finding their own space under the table. ‘He’s been going fine. Jack’s only fourteen, so it’s not that bad. Besides, if I’m home and having to look after Jack, I can’t concentrate on work. I can’t risk the quality of my work dropping because of that. Don’t want to reduce my chances of Grubson giving me the job at the end.’
  Addie didn’t even know that was what he wanted – but she doesn’t have the energy to deal with another bombshell. ‘It’s nice that you’re so determined and hardworking, and it’s one of the things I like about you most. But at the end of the day, no one should put work over people they care about.’
  ‘Well,’ he says, slowly, as if choosing words carefully. ‘Work’s what puts bread on my table.’
  Addie’s jaw clenches. ‘Work won’t be by your side if things go sideways and you need someone to help you out.’
  Holden has a confused face, then frowns. ‘Am I meant to read between the lines?’
  ‘No, I’m not—I wasn’t talking about us,’ she clarifies, feeling her heart thumping in her chest. ‘I was talking about choosing work over family.’
  ‘Right,’ he says.
  He doesn’t say anything else. Addie wishes he would.
  The oven timer runs out and he tends to the lasagne, leaving her to ruminate in her own thoughts. She refuses to – she’s thinking about Holden’s relationship with his family and his work, the fact that he hasn’t felt like sharing the fact that his single father has Parkinsons and a teenage son to look after, or the fact that he wants to stay at Grubson, even though she thought he’d said it wasn’t where he could put his degree to best use. But money talks, and so does stability, and Addie feels like she neglects to think that’s one of the most important things for people who grew up in unstable households like he has. 
  They eat the lasagne and her thoughts don’t shut up. 
  ‘So,’ he says, ‘have you found any evidence of the scam in the Magellan v The State case yet?’
  ‘I don’t feel like talking about work,’ she says.
  He helps her clean up the kitchen once they’re finished and tells her to thank Marianne for making the lasagne. They’re back to work, but Addie’s motivation is long gone, and it’s taking a lot more effort than it should to get things done. To read. To make notes. To sit by Holden and bite her tongue before she asks questions that’ll probably reveal more things he hasn’t told her. 
  She glances out of the window and notices the sky’s gotten too dark to see the snowflakes anymore. Her heart clenches, and she realises she’s done. She’s tired. The kind of tired that tries to drag you down with gravity and not let you get up until a year has gone by.
  ‘I’m going to bed,’ she announces. ‘I can’t think anymore.’
  Holden looks up from the heap of papers he’s holding, taking out the pen from between his lips. ‘That’s fine, I was thinking about going home soon anyway.’
  ‘I thought you were staying another night?’
  ‘Yeah, sorry,’ he says. ‘I need to keep working, and I don’t want to bother you..’
  Addie lets out a surprised chuckle. ‘Don’t be ridiculous. You’re not bothering me. You can keep working in the living room as long as you want, I don’t mind.’
  ‘Yeah…’ he looks around, then leans forward and kisses her on the lips. ‘It’s better I go. If I stay, I’ll just want to join you, and I’ve got too much left to do.’
  ‘Okay,’ she says. He kisses her again, and she feels her cheeks heating up.
  In the end, she walks him out, and lies in bed alone, knowing she’s going to be alone in the entire flat, and she’s going to wake up alone, too. Thinking about everything Holden said. Think about the things he didn’t. Not only that, but Marianne is on the other side of the planet, and Addie is unable to do anything if things take a turn for the worse.
  It’s not a good feeling.
most people on the taglist have left/changed their urls, so lmk if you’d like to be tagged in future chapters!
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arvinsescape · 3 years
His rich girl, her pirate.
A/N: I’ve been watching way too much pirates of the Carribean and this popped into my head, a longer one again and I hope you all enjoy!! 💕
Warnings: Language, smut (minors do not engage), oral (f recieving), unprotected sex (wrap it up people), mentions of death. Maybe a few spelling mistakes.
Summary: He rescues her and she’s everything he ever wanted, even if he didn’t think so at first.
W/C: 6.8K
“Captain!” Tom heard his name shouted from outside his quarters on the ship, he was busy mapping out a new course, in search of some treasure or other. Tom dropped his pencil onto the table, huffing as it slid onto the floor with the sway of the tide.
“What?” He asked as he opened his door.
“We found someone.” His crewmate answered and Tom furrowed his brows, they were practically in the middle of nowhere.
“Someone?” Tom asked, brows furrowed as he followed his friend to the side of the ship, looking over and onto a few of the rocks below.
“There.” Another man shouted.
Tom followed the man’s finger and his eyebrows shot up at the sight. A woman was laid out on a rock, she looked almost dead, god knows how long she’d been there.
“Release the ladder.” Tom said, watching as one of his men threw the ladder over the side of the ship. “Stay here.” Tom ordered as he climbed over the side and onto the ladder.
“But captain,” one of his men stopped him. “It’s bad luck to bring a woman on board.” He continued and Tom rolled his eyes, this particular member of his crew had always been superstitious to a fault. “She might be a siren.” He panicked.
“I don’t hear her singing.” Tom grumbled as he continued down the ladder.
“Captain, you’ll bring bad luck to us all.” Chris shouted again and Tom ignored him as he jumped off the ladder. Tom moved carefully towards the figure, she was laid out on her front, back facing up, it looked bruised, and Tom wondered if she was in fact alive.
“How’d you get out here?” Tom asked himself as he carefully turned her figure over, he was in awe of her. She was possibly the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, her dress was in tatters, probably because she’d ended up overboard, the water and rocks won’t have helped much. He knelt down next to her, pressing his head to her chest, she was alive, just barely but alive none the less.
The rain had started, covering everything in its path, including her. Tom huffed as he became soaked in rain water, it was heavy, the droplets big, probably a storm. He lifted her carefully and placed her over his shoulder, making his way back to the ladder, it was an awkward affair getting up the ladder with her on his shoulder.
“Captain, you should throw her back overboard, see the rain has come.” Chris said, drunk as usual.
“Christopher, we have sailed through storms and all sorts. If you are frightened of a little rain, perhaps it is you I should be throwing overboard.” Tom snapped as he made his way into his quarters, placing her figure down on his bed. “Where did you come from?” Tom asked to himself, taking in her figure properly now, with some light to help him see, it was late in the evening by now.
She was dressed in fine clothes, Tom could see that much, a noble woman? It wasn’t attire a pirate like himself was used to seeing that’s for sure. He watched as she struggled to breath, struggled to take large breaths, hers being short and shallow. Tom took in her dress and cursed before grasping his knife. He grasped the front of her dress being careful as he ran the knife through the material, freeing her from her corset.
It was almost immediate, a long breath was taken in her unconscious state. Tom was careful as he removed her torn dress, keeping his eyes trained on the task at hand, not on the skin he was revealing to himself. It had been a long time since he’d had a woman’s company, but this was nothing like those times, he needed to rid her of her wet clothing, get her into something dry so she could warm up.
He gasped as he took in the bruising around her stomach and chest, what had happened? Tom left to find one of his shirts, it was the best he could do. He carefully lifted her as put it on, taking note of the bruising to her back. Once successful, he pulled his sheets over her body, watching as she seemed to snuggle further into the warmth, letting out a sigh of content. Tom found himself smiling.
He left her alone in his bed, leaving his room as he went back onto the deck, locking his door behind him. Some of the men on this ship he wouldn’t trust as far as he could throw, his men now eyeing him.
“She’s alive and I demand that every one of you leave her be. She’s not to be harmed.” Tom snapped out and half the men looked deflated, it had been a while since any of them had had a woman’s company. Although Tom had never had a girlfriend and slept with quite a few women he still had respect for them, some of the men here didn’t.
“Captain, please listen to me.” He heard Chris. “She will bring death to us all, women shouldn’t come aboard a pirate ship.”
“We will drop her at the next port, what do you propose I do? Leave her to die?” Tom snapped, clearly growing annoyed with the man.
“If we live to see the next port.” Chris huffed back as he disappeared, probably to find more rum. Tom rolled his eyes as he made his way up to the wheel of the ship.
“How long until the next port?” He asked and watched as Harrison turned his head to him.
“Maybe three days, if the wind is kind.” He answered and Tom nodded. “We need more supplies?”
“No, I mean we could pick more up but no. We’ll be dropping the woman off, maybe she’ll find her way back home.” Tom answered and Harrison laughed.
“Don’t wanna keep her around?” Harrison joked as he nudged Tom with his shoulder.
“Harrison.” Tom warned.
“What? About time you found a woman.” Haz laughed.
“Yeah? Where’s yours?” Tom joked back and Harrison shrugged.
“I prefer the pirate life, if I ever met a woman who’d want to do this with me then I’d have a girlfriend, but they aren’t interested in the life of a pirate.” He laughed and Tom joined.
“Sure it’s not just because they find you as infuriating as I do?” Tom teased.
“Maybe I should be more like you, grumpy, snappy, bad tempered overall. You are more of a hit with the women than I am.”
Tom laughed as he clapped his best friend on the shoulder, making his way back to his room, unlocking the door. He stepped inside, shutting the door behind him, he glanced into his bedroom and furrowed his brows when he saw her figure had disappeared. He made his way into his room and found her in the corner, butter knife pointed at him. Tom held his hands up as she eyed him, distrust clear in her eyes.
“What is the meaning of this?” She asked and Tom found himself amused. Pushing down how beautiful your voice sounded to him.
“Meaning of what? I saved you.” Tom said back and she scoffed.
“You’ve kidnapped me.” She replied.
“Kidnapped? I don’t think that’s what this is.”
“You locked the door, like a hostage.” She snapped and Tom laughed, lowering his hands.
“To make sure you’re safe. I assume you haven’t grasped what kind of a ship you’re on.”
“Pirate, I gathered that much with your charts over there.” She said, Tom found something endearing about her, the way she challenged him, she was brave, he’d give her that.
“Okay sweetheart,” Tom started as he made his way towards her, she held the knife higher, and Tom easily took it from her grasp. “You won’t be doing much damage with that.” Tom laughed and she huffed.
“You undressed me.” She snapped and Tom made his way to one of the many chairs scattered around his quarters as he sat, and she followed. He took his boots off.
“The cold would have taken you if I hadn’t.” He pointed out. “Besides, I dressed you again didn’t I?” He mused.
“Such a gentleman,” she rolled her eyes. “I demand you take me back to my ship.” She said, voice firm but it amused the hell out of Tom.
“Your ship? I think we passed the wreckage just before we found you.” Tom laughed and watched as her face flared with anger.
“I do not appreciate your tone. Do you know who you’re talking to?” She said and Tom looked at her, she was clearly from money, that much he could tell, the way she carried herself and spoke was enough of an indication. He almost shook his head, she looked good in his shirt, thoughts of her wearing them more often drifting into his thoughts.
“Well, I’m sorry if I’m not the sort of man you are used to dealing with, but I am all you have at the moment sweetheart.”
“Y/N.” She snapped.
“Tom. Look, it’s been a long night, how about I have a bath drawn for you and you can warm up. I’ll have some food arranged to be brought here.” Tom spoke as he stood, pulling his shirt from his pants as he relaxed for the night, grabbing himself a drink. “Want one?” He asked as he handed her a glass with the liquor in it.
He watched as she took it, taking a sip before coughing. He laughed as he took the glass from her grip, handing her a glass of water instead, he watched as she drank it. It hadn’t dawned on him that she might be slightly dehydrated as he handed her the rest of the bottle filled with water. She didn’t waste much time in drinking it, she was so elegant in everything she did, such a lady, it had Tom slightly struck with her.
He called for his men to draw a hot bath, and then instructed them to bring some food to them. Tom placed his hand in the bath water, deeming it hot but not so hot that it would scold someone.
“Here.” Tom said as he held a hand out to her, she hesitantly took it, eyeing Tom and then eyeing the hot water. “Don’t worry,” he threw his hands up in defense as to put her at ease. “I’ll leave you to it.”
“Do you have any clothes?” She asked, head held slightly higher than most women he was used to dealing with. She intrigued him, he wanted to know where she’d come from, how she’d ended up stranded. He shrugged.
“Not for women I don’t. I would have the clothes I found you in washed but they are somewhat in bits.” Tom smiled as he watched her furrow her brows. “I’m happy to try and find you something to wear for now.” He said and watched as she nodded. He smiled once more before making his way out of the room and shutting the door.
He heard a knock at his door, opening it to find Harrison with food in hand. He took a shot with his next question, shocked with the answer.
“You don’t happen to have a dress do you?”
“I do actually.” He said and Tom furrowed his brows. “One of the women I slept with last time we docked left it. It’s clean, might fit her.” Harrison shrugged and Tom smiled as he asked his friend to bring it, a few minutes later Haz reappeared, dress in hand as he handed it to him and bid him a goodnight.
Tom knocked on the door of the room she was in, watching as she answered, towel clad body eyeing him.
“One of the crew had this, here.” He said as he handed her the dress. A few minutes later and she was sat across from him as they ate, even the way you ate was graceful. The dress she had on made her look even more beautiful. “So, what is a woman like you doing so far out at sea?” He asked.
“I was accompanying my uncle to an isle nearby, we hit a storm.” She said, a sadness to her voice. “I suppose I should assume they are all dead?” She asked carefully and Tom couldn’t help but want to ease her nerves.
“You didn’t.”
“I suppose.” She smiled slightly. Tom finished his meal and placed both his feet up on the table, much to her horror. “Have you no manners?” She asked and Tom let out a laugh.
“Some. Probably not as many as you though princess.” She huffed at that.
“How is it I get stuck on a pirate ship?”
“Trust me, I’m not the worst one you could have gotten stuck with. You’re welcome by the way.” He said and she looked at him in confusion. “You know, for saving you.” He pointed out and she looked slightly embarrassed for a second before recovering.
“Yes, I suppose I never said thank you.” She said, stubborn tone. Tom liked her, one of the first women he’d met that didn’t want to be in his room.
“And you go on about my manners.” Tom teased and she laughed lightly, a beautiful sound to his ears.
“I’m sorry, I’m being judgmental. That isn’t kind of me.”
“I think I can forgive you.” He smiled and she joined before yawning into the back of her hand. “You should get some rest.” Tom said as he gestured back to his bed, and she looked at him like he had two heads.
“Just what are you insinuating?”
“Absolutely nothing. I can sleep anywhere however, I imagine the princess is only used to a bed.” He really fucking liked her, found her adorable, a challenge but he liked it.
The next day and she’d opened up slightly, less tense. The crew had taken an instant liking to her, Tom knew most of them were being nice in hopes she’d join them in their chambers and Tom laughed as he watched her face contort almost with disgust, they weren’t fooling her.
“It’s going to be tomorrow when we hit the port, the wind has been almost unbelievably kind.” Harrison informed Tom and Tom found himself almost sad, she was going to be leaving their company sooner than he’d hoped.  
“Great.” Tom mumbled as he made his way back to his chambers where he found her tidying up. He raised his brows in question.
“Sorry, I just thought I’d tidy this place up a bit, it’s very messy.” She laughed and Tom smiled.
“I don’t care much for cleaning.” He said as he made his way to the music box he kept in his room, choosing a classical piece he’d stolen in one of the ports they’d sailed to.
“I didn’t take you for a man who listened to this sort of music.” She said and he looked at her before shrugging.
“It’s calming.” He said simply and she smiled.
“I had to dance to this once, I ridiculous man who wanted to be my husband.” She laughed and Tom smirked.
“The lady is not married?”
“No, much to my father’s annoyance. I refused to marry a man who drank too much and the last man he wanted me to marry was old enough to be my father.”
“Sounds like a shitty life, not being able to do what you want.” Tom said.
“It has some advantages. Life on the sea can’t be all that good.” She said but it wasn’t in judgment, more curiosity.
“I have seen more of the world than I imagine you have. I have the freedom to do as I wish.” Tom said honestly and she smiled.
“I always wanted to live in the sea. Used to wish I could be a mermaid when I was a small child.” She admitted childishly.
“Mermaids aren’t so nice.” Tom shrugged and he watched as her eyes widened.
“You’ve met one?” She asked and he snorted.
“Don’t be daft, there’s no such thing. The kraken? That doesn’t exist either.” He laughed and she smacked his shoulder playfully.
“It’s not kind to tease.” She said, small smile on her lips.
“I suppose it’s not, the look on your face made it worth it though.”
“You are not kind to me Tom.” She laughed.
“I think I’m very kind, gave you a place to stay.” He raised a brow.
“I’m sure my family will pay handsomely for that.” She said and he laughed.
“I doubt it. People like you think people like me should be grateful just to be in your presence, to speak to you.”
“That’s not true!” She said, growing annoyed with him. “My family may be noble, but we are not snobs.” She defended.
“No?” He teased. “How much time do you spend with people who are not like you? Tell me, where you allowed friends of a poorer status?” He asked and she huffed.
“I’m going to bed.” She said as she stood up, Tom reaching out for her hand.
“I didn’t mean to offend you. But I suppose you’ve never known what it’s like for people like us.” He said, the softness of her hand a stark contrast to his own calloused ones. She sighed before sitting down again.
“I know. Look, my family can be snobs, awful really. I never wanted to be like them. I did have a friend once, she was the baker’s daughter, a lovely girl. My parents found out and I never saw her again.” She admitted, a tear in her eye. “I always wanted to run away, it was my plan. It was why I was on the boat in the first place, I was going to run away. Instead, I almost died, and I only have you to thank for the fact that I didn’t.”
“Y/N, I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” Tom said as he placed his hand on her cheek and wiped at the stray tear, he watched as she sniffled before standing.
“I’m sorry, that was wrong of me. Crying in front of someone else.” She said and she tried to leave put Tom grasped her hand tighter, making her stop and look at him.
“You are allowed to cry. Keeping those emotions bottled up is no good for you.”
They’d arrived in the port, the men having disappeared to find what they wanted. Tom took you to a noble looking man who was taking names from one of the ships that was not a pirate ship.
“Name?” The man asked without looking at the two of you.
“I was hoping you could find this woman’s home.” Tom said as he looked at her, she’d become very quiet, much quieter than usual. The man peered over his sheet and looked at her, Tom decided to leave the two of you alone as he smiled at her, the gesture had become returned.
Tom made his way back to his ship, waiting for his men’s return, a sadness set in his chest, he was going to miss her. The only god send being he’d get his bed back, an ache had set in his back from sleeping in the chair.
“Tom!” He heard his name, the last voice he expected to hear. He looked up from his spot on the step he’d sat on. Her beautiful figure making its way over before stopping in front of him. “I want to come.” She said simply and Tom furrowed his brows.
“You want to come? Live aboard this ship?” He asked, completely in disbelief.
“Yes. My family will assume I’m dead. You can take me to see the world, can you not?” She asked and Tom’s eye brows shot up.
“Princess, I’m not sure a pirate life would be for you. Besides, you’d have to share a room with me.” Tom said, thinking this was a fleeting thought for the woman, something she’d not thought through.
“You’re not so bad.” She admitted with a shrug of her shoulders.
“Charming.” He laughed and she joined.
That was that, a week later and you were sailing towards a treasure Tom had set his eyes on. The crew had decided they liked her, taking her as one of their own, all but Chris. Tom had lost eyes on Chris as he looked around the deck from his perch above.
“Where’s Chris?” Tom asked Harrison.
“Should he not be scrubbing the deck today?” Haz replied. It was a glorious day, she’d disappeared to do something.
“I can’t see him.” Tom said and watched as one of his men ran up towards him.
“Captain, you should know Chris was talking some shite this morning. Now I’m worried for miss Y/N’s safety.” He said and Tom shot to his feet.
“What do you mean?” He asked as he made his way down the steps.
“He was talking about her being a bad omen, how she needed to be dealt with, killed captain.” The man panicked, but nowhere near as much as Tom was. He rushed into your now shared quarters and saw red at the sight in front of him. Chris had her pinned down, hands wrapped firmly around her throat as he tried to squeeze the life out of her.
“Never should have come aboard. Must save the crew and the captain.” Maybe Tom had overlooked this man’s drinking problem. He was fast to act, knocking the man from atop of her. He restrained him as he watched her cough, gasping for air. Tom handed Chris to Harrison who’d made an appearance.
“Take him out of my sight.” Tom snapped as he helped her up, pulling her to his chest as she fisted his shirt. “Lock him up, we’ll drop him at the next port.” He said as he held her closer to him.
“Captain?” Chris asked, wide eyed.
“Just be thankful I’m not making you walk the fucking plank.” Tom almost shouted and Chris silenced himself as Harrison took him away. “Hey,” Tom said when they’d gone. “You’re okay.” He reassured as he ran a hand through her hair as he kissed her forehead.
“Thank you Tom.” She spoke. “I suppose I owe you my life at this point.” She laughed lightly as she pulled away from him, he instantly wanted her back in his hold.
“Don’t sweat it.” He shrugged in reply.
It was later on that evening, everyone was enjoying a drink on the deck, an evening of partying had ensued. She was enjoying herself, lightly tipsy as she held a bottle of run in her hand, Tom was surprised when she drank from the bottle.
“Not very lady like.” Tom teased and she laughed as she rested her head on his shoulder.
“I suppose I can’t call myself that now. Pirate I am.” She laughed as she raised the bottle, much to Tom’s amusement. “Or should I say a fucking pirate?” She laughed again as he wrapped an arm around her waist.
“Miss L/N, what a dirty mouth you have on you.”
“I’m almost as bad as you.” She laughed and Tom felt his heart pound in his chest, she was so beautiful to him, more free than when he’d first met her.
“I don’t swear in front of ladies.” He said.
“No, but I’ve heard you swear in front of the crew. You swear at them a lot. A true sailors mouth.”
“I thought we were pirates.” He teased and he watched as she took another swig and shrugged, pulling a laugh from him.
“You’ve grown on me.” She suddenly said.
“Good to know.” He said as he pulled her even closer to him, he was intoxicated by her scent.
“I really like you Tom.” She said as she looked at him, his heart soared when she reached out and moved a stray piece of hair back from his face. Her fingers running down his cheek as she studied him, almost as if she was admiring a painting. She ran her fingers over his lips, he kissed the tips of them, making her giggle.
“You’re okay.” Tom simply said with a smirk as she slapped at his shoulder.
“Arsehole.” She huffed. “I thought we were having a moment.” She said with a laugh.
“Oh, you wanted a moment?” He asked as he stood, pulling her with him as he took the bottle from her hand and passed it to Harrison.
“Tom?” She asked, eyebrows furrowed. He bowed, the music being played by the crew, she knew what he wanted. He held his hand out to her and the crew watched in awe as their captain, their grumpy captain, took the woman’s hand in his and pulled her into him. Chest to chest as he placed a hand on her waist and held her hand, her free hand making its way onto his shoulder.
“I didn’t know you knew how to dance.” She said in amazement. Tom laughed as he tugged her impossibly closer.
“There’s quite a lot you don’t know about me, I’m sure.” He said back as he twirled her under his arm, pulling her back into him. The crew watched as their captain danced with the woman, so happy, soft, careful. She was smiling like a woman who’d had all her dreams answered in the last five minutes.
“Tom?” She asked after a while, she had her arms around his neck, head on his shoulder as his arms stayed firmly on her waist. He hummed in response, it was a beautiful night, he’d forgotten that the crew were still around, although they’d all started chatting to one another, the music slowing to a gentle pace as they swayed with one another. “I meant it.” She said.
“I really like you.” She looked up at him. He looked down at her, she looked as beautiful as ever, her eyes had a shine to them he’d not seen before, she looked so happy, genuinely content with life and it made his heart beat for her all that much harder. Their faces became closer, almost impossibly so.
“Are you going to kiss me Tom?” She asked him, her breath hitting his face in the most breathtaking way.
“Do you want me to kiss you?” He asked, lips brushing one another’s.
“I didn’t think pirates asked for permission.” She whispered, standing on her tip toes, drawing herself closer to him. He let out a breathy laugh before capturing her lips with his own and god, he wished he’d done it sooner. Her lips were sweet, soft pressed against his own, her hands winding into his hair as she pulled him closer, he hummed into the kiss, a hand trailing up her spine and into her hair. She pulled away for air and looked at him in such a way that had him, there and then, he was hers.
“Wow.” She breathed out, a hand playing with the curls at the back of his head.
“I really like you too by the way.” He whispered as he placed his lips back against hers.
Two weeks later and they’d kissed a few times, they made port for the night in a pirate port. Dropping Chris off to do what ever he wanted, he was still muttering shit as they dropped him off. They were in a bar, having a few drinks and he watched as she conversed with the crew, Harrison had found a woman for the evening. No one was yet wasted, they’d only been in there an hour.
“I hear you’re captain of a ship.” A woman said, voice seductive as she stood in front of him.
“That I am.” He replied simply.
“Do you want to show me your room?” She asked and Tom looked down at her, she wasn’t leaving much to his imagination, breasts almost on full display.
“Not really, I have a room-mate.” He dismissed. He hadn’t noticed that Y/N was watching them.
“Just tell him you’re busy.” She said as she gripped his collar, pressing her lips to his. He was too shocked to do anything for a moment. That moment took too long as Y/N walked out of the bar, tears streaming down her face.
Tom pushed the woman off him gently. She huffed, trying to reattach their lips.
“Listen, I’m sure you’re lovely but no.” Tom said as he walked out in search of her. He didn’t find her, making his way back to the ship, only hoping that was where she’d gone. “Y/N/N?” He called when he got back to the ship, he heard her sniffles and found her sat on the steps that connected the upper deck and lower deck. “Y/N/N.” He sighed as he sat next to her.
“You really are just a pirate aren’t you?” She sniffled out.
“That’s not what that was, it wasn’t what it looked like.” He said.
“Bullshit.” She snapped as she stood, making her way into their shared room. “You are the same as the rest of them.” She said, ego clearly hurt, and Tom huffed.
“I just told you, it wasn’t what it looked like. Can you not just trust me? Have not proven enough that I care about you?” He said and she scoffed. “I get it, your feelings are hurt.” He snapped. “But I would have thought you’d trust me by now.”
“Trust you? Tom, you steal shit, you take what you want. Including my feelings and you toss them aside like they mean nothing.” She shouted and Tom felt his own heart ache, she didn’t trust him?
“You’re behaving like a brat. A complete child.” He shouted back at her. “I didn’t want her to kiss me, she just did. I don’t know what else to tell you.” He shouted, they were close, very close, he’d gotten her almost backed up into the wall.
“Me a brat?” She shouted in disbelief. “I’m nothing of the sort.” Something about her anger, the way she was screaming at him with such passion, such a fire in her eyes, turned him on to no end.
“You are so difficult.” He snapped as he caged her in with his forearms around her head.
“You’re an arsehole.” She snapped back, tension thick.
“You really can be a little brat at times.” He said back and she jumped on him, taking him by surprise as her lips fell to his. He pulled her closer to him, this kiss far more needy and desperate, one goal in mind for the pair.
“I never should have come back.” She said as she removed his shirt and he pinned her to the wall as he kissed her neck, placing a hand to other side.
“Never should have let you come back.” He retorted as he hiked her thigh up his leg. She pulled him closer to her with the leg wrapped around him. There crotches were close now, Tom groaning as he felt himself harden against her.
“Such an arrogant prick.” She said through a moan as he found her sweet spot. He laughed as he looked as her, running his hand up her thigh that was around his waist.
“Stuck up, childish brat.” He fired back. It was almost like they were revisiting that almost hatred of first meeting each other, the very personality traits that drew them to each other. Yes, they’d had their moments, much softer but they’d still had their moments, she challenged him in a way he didn’t know he wanted to be challenged.
“Fuck, Tom.” She breathed out in a moan as he squeezed her thigh, almost teasing where he knew she wanted him. He pulled back as he turned her around, her back facing him as the complicated lace of her dress stared back at him. Fuck this, Tom thought as he grasped at the material, ripping it as he heard her gasp. He turned her round gain as the material fell down her shoulders.
“You look so fucking beautiful.” He murmured as he pulled the dress from her frame, watching it pool around her feet.
“Thought I was a brat?” She fired back, eyes dark with lust and fuck, Tom was in love with her. Tom laughed at her words, pinning her back to the wall, kissing along her collarbones.
“Oh, sweetheart, you really fucking are. An absolute brat.” He said as he cupped her chin, she looked at him and he knew this was the first time in her life a man had been rough with her, and she fucking liked it. “You like it when I put you in your place? Remind you that you can just be an argumentative brat?” He asked and she moaned as he sucked her collarbone, pulling him closer, hand fisting his hair.
“You fucking kissed her Tom.” She fired back as she pulled his head up and connected their lips, god this woman. “Was she as good as I was?” She asked and Tom couldn’t help but shake his head.
“No baby, she wasn’t. I bet she had far less of an attitude though.” He said as she released the drawstring of his pants, them pooling around his feet as they both took their respective shoes off.
“You like being challenged don’t you Tom? Like someone who argues with you, challenges your status as a captain?” She said as she pushed him back onto the bed, Tom wanted this woman and he never wanted to let her go.
“Just as much as you like being put in your place. Being reminded that you’re just another rich girl who never had no said to her. A brat.” He said as he watched her remove her underwear before climbing on top of him, fuck, he’d never had an encounter like this before and fuck, he was turned on to fuck.
“Bet she wouldn’t make you feel like I do Tom.” She said as she kissed his neck and he moaned slightly, it had become a complete fight for dominance, neither of them knew which one would win and ultimately neither one cared.
“That’s why you’re here right? Because no man can make you feel like I do. I excite you don’t I? I know when to treat you like a lady and when not to and you fucking know it don’t you?” He said as he flipped the two of them, taking his own underwear off. “You get off on the idea of me being rough with you, putting you in your place.” He said as he kissed her neck and she moaned as he traced his tip down her slit. “You’re so fucking wet princess.”
“Fuck me.” She breathed out.
“Oh gladly, but first I want to taste you Y/N.” He said as he made his way down her body, kissing every inch that he could, her hips raising off the bed in anticipation. He pinned them back onto the mattress as he came face to face with her glorious heat, visibly wet for him. He licked a stripe through her folds and moaned at the sounds she made. He’d never met a woman like her, and he didn’t think he ever would again.
He practically buried his face in her cunt, licked and sucked at her clit as she moaned his name, moaned for him not to stop. He traced a hand down her thigh, running his fingers up it as she her moans reached a higher pitch. He was reveling in her sounds, moaning against her every so often and it pulled a louder moan from her.
He traced his fingers around her entrance before placing two in with ease, she was so wet and tight, Tom couldn’t wait to bury his cock inside her.
“Oh, fuck, Tom.” She moaned out and he removed his lips from her clit for a second as he spoke.
“Such a filthy mouth on such a lady.” He teased and she moaned, raising her hips off the mattress, getting herself off on his fingers. “Fuck, you like that. Like my fingers buried deep inside you?” He asked as he pumped his fingers in and out of her, her wetness making it easier to slide them in and out.
He placed his mouth back on her clit and she tightened around his fingers, she was close. He licked and sucked on her clit until she screamed his name, her orgasm washing over her as he fucked her through it, carefully removing his fingers when she was done. He moved himself back up to her face, she looked so blissfully happy, pleasure painted all over her face. Tom placed his fingers in his mouth, licking her orgasm off his fingers. She looked at him as if it was the filthiest and biggest turn on she’d ever seen.
“Open up.” He said as he placed his fingers in her mouth, she sucked on them, eyes never leaving his and Tom felt himself grow harder than he ever had before.
“Fuck.” He muttered before entering her, giving her a minute to adjust as her walls clenched and unclenched around him, both of them moaning. She nodded at him, lifting her hips, a signal for him to move. He did, drawing his hips back before slamming back into her, she moaned as her head rolled back.
“Let’s see if we can fuck that brattiness out of you.” Tom moaned and she joined, moaning louder than she had so far. He continued his pace, slamming in and out of her, his own orgasm climbing up him. She clenched particularly tightly around him, and he moaned, she was close again. He moved a hand to rub her clit, resting all his weight on one arm.
It wasn’t long before she was screaming his name and digging her nails into his back, he knew she’d have left scratches, but he didn’t care, it added to his pleasure, pulling him further towards his own orgasm. He was so close, so unbelievably close and she pulled him down, her lips against his ear as she spoke.
“I love you, Tom.” She said and he moaned as he pulled out of her, hot spurts of his cum making ribbons on her stomach. He collapsed on top of her, as they both panted, both sweaty messes. He kissed at her shoulder, they both shook as the aftershocks of their orgasms went through them, both cuddled close.
“I love you.” She said as she lifted his head and peppered kisses along his face.
“I love you too. So much.” He said as he placed his own kisses to her face.
He cleaned the two of them up and for the first time since he’s rescued her, she was laid against his chest as they shared a bed, his hand running up and down her arm. Placing the occasional kiss to her head.
“Long overdue.” She giggled as she traced patterns along his chest with her finger.
“Yeah, long overdue.” He said, pulling her closer. She still looked blissfully fucked out, content and happy. It wasn’t long before they both drifted off to sleep.
Five years later and Tom was running the best pirate ship in the sea. Women had joined now, Harrison had a girlfriend, some of the other crew did. Y/N and Tom where still perfectly and happily in love, she still challenged him in ways he wanted to be challenged and he still treated her like a princess, but not between the sheets. He made sure she had everything she wanted, she made sure the same.
They were prefect for each other, Tom found her as he wrapped his arms around her waist, laying his hands on her stomach. She was watching over the side of the boat, finding content when she watched the sea, he took her left hand in his.
“Mrs, Holland, I do believe it’s about time for your foot rub.” He said.
“Mr Holland, you are never late.” She said as his finger traced the ring on her hand.
“I love you.” He said as he placed his hand over her growing bulge, hands rubbing at it, the growing baby inside her. She reciprocated the feelings as he turned her and led them back to those same quarters they fell in love in, the same quarters where he had spent hours showing her how much he loved her, cared for her. There was no one else for him and there was no one else for her.
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slythraco · 4 years
Hello there can you please do a Tom Felton x reader imagine where they’ve been dating since they worked together on the Harry Potter movies and all of their old co stars are there and he proposes? Thank you so much
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Author’s Note: aaaaaah my first request ! i’m so excited !!! ok calm down bro :’D I put my heart into it ! i hope you’ll like it ! Let me knooow (I excuse myself if there are some mistakes, English is not my mother tongue...don't hesitate to point it out to me so that I can improve !)
Warnings: Maybe one or two swears ? Otherwise it’s just major fluff
Details: The text parts in this resolution are flashbacks ! And Lucy is the name of your character in the Harry Potter movies
Word count: 3.6K 
"Babe ! I'm ready !" You shout from your bathroom, looking at yourself in the mirror for the last time. Tonight was a big night, you and the entire cast of the Harry Potter saga reunite to celebrate the 19 years of the franchise.
Your head is spinning when you think back, 19 years old ! You were only 11 when you first appeared, you made amazing friends and you met you awesome boyfriend, Tom Felton, there too. You guys have been together for a while now but you’re still in love like the first seconds after admitting your feelings to each other.
˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷
"Go !" Shout David to indicate you to start acting, what you had to do was easy, look around you, looking scared then see Draco in the other side of the hallway and then run to jump in his arms.
This is what you did, as soon as you catch Tom's gaze, you felt weak, you knew he was acting his role but you couldn’t help but find him way too much attractive with his messy grey hair and the fake dust on his face who could resist him ?
"Draco !" You screamed before running towards him as fast as you can, him meeting you halfway. You quickly warp your arms around his neck as he slips is owns around your waist. "I thought you were..." You said in a whisper like your script told you to do it. "I'm right here Lucy...don't worry" he gently rubs your back as if to reassure you, or at least reassure your character.
You slowly raise you head to look in his intense gaze, his gaze that suddenly disarms you. A strong urge to kiss him takes you by surprise, your eyes capsizing between his eyes and his lips. But you weren't supposed to do it, all you had to do was saying one last line before the scene ends.
You tried to fight back that urge, but you lost when your lips finally crashed on his. Surprisingly, he leans into it. You put all the love you had for Tom into it, for all these years you thought of the exact moment you'll have the power to kiss him.
Your embrace was passionate but not rough, it was delicate, as he put his hand on your cheek like he wanted to never let go of your lips, you realise that this kis isn't between Draco and Lucy but between Tom and Y/N.
After a few seconds, Your lips are finally unhooked, to your great misfortune. Tom places his forehead against yours while you are both out of breath.
"Cut !" Your director screamed, but you were still looking into each other eyes like nothing around matters. The hands of David in you arm brings you back to reality as Tom steps back. "You guys, what a surprise !" The director said, suddenly you realise what just happened, 'I'm dead' you thought to yourself. "David...I'm so sorry !"
David looks at you, confused. "Y/N what are you talking about ! It was amazing ! That kiss was...WOW ! It's perfect, we don't even need to do another take ! Good job Y/N !" And he leaves, like nothing happened. You then look at Tom, he looks as confused as you. You don't really know if he kissed you back for the scene or if he actually wanted to kiss you.
"Tom...I-" He cuts you before you can say anything else. "If you knew since when I waited for you to do this" You eyes widen when you hear his words. "W-what ?" You mumbled.
"You finqlly kissed him !" You heard a voice behind you, Emma was standing right behind the camera pulling her thumbs up at you, which made you both laugh. It was the beginning of a long adventure.
˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷
Tom enters the bathroom, he can't help but smile when he sees you in your little red dress. It was a pretty basic one, but it suit your forms beautifully. You were putting your last coat of mascara while he stands behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. "You look amazing my love" He whisper against the skin of your neck, making you shiver. He plant a kiss right behind your ear, making you heart skip a beat, he knows damn well all the weak spots on your body. "Tom..." you moan very slightly, bitting your lips as you look at the reflection in the mirror. God he looks so sexy in his 3 pieces suit. "Mmmh..?" He just said as a response. "We're gonna be late..." You complain.
"I'm sure they'll understand..." You giggle when you hear him, but you stop his kisses by turning to face him. "No ! There's no way I'll let you ruin my hair and makeup after I spent 3 hours making it !" You say authoritatively while looking him straight in the eye. He places his warm hands on your hips before sliding them slowly on your ass. "You'll look beautiful anyway Darling." He whispers before bending over to place his lips on yours, kissing them with delicacy but hunger at the same time.
You hands find their way to his neck, putting your body closer to his. Before you have the time to do anything, he grabs your thighs and lift you up to put you on the sink, letting a little cry of surprise coming out your mouth. He massages you thighs and hips, pushing his body between your legs. But he suddenly breaks the kiss. "Okay...let's go now before I can't stop myself." You giggle a little bit before jumping of the sink, you pull on your dress to put it back in place. You chuckle when you see that Tom has lipstick on his lips.
"Tom, come here" He turns to you and you wipe the lipstick on his lips with you tongue. "Remind me to not kiss you tonight." He said, a teasing smile on if face. "You're not gonna last 10 minutes without kissing me !" He looks at you, with a defiant look in his eyes. "Wanna bet ?"
"Okay, i bet a restaurant that you will kiss me before the end of the night !" At this point, Tom already knew he would lose but little did you know. "Deal !" You both laugh as you finally leave the bathroom and head to the front door of your house.
˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷
"Okay love...you can open your eyes now !" Tom said, impatient for you to see your gift.
It was the anniversary of your second year as a couple, Tom wanted to mark the date. You slowly open your eyes and you face a little case wrapped in a gift wrap paper, you eyes widen for a second. "What is it ?" You asked, curiously. "Open it !" He said, excited. You gently rip the wrap paper and discover a little box made out of wood. Your eyes quickly met his before you open it. "Come on !" You giggle, his excitement is probably bigger then yours and it's really adorable to see. You finally open it, in it, a small key attached to a tag. "A key..? Mmmmh...It's the key to your heart because i stole it a while ago !" He laugh as he come close to you. "Read the tag darling..."
You as he says and pick the tag to read what it says. '21736 Dumetz Rd, Woodland Hills, CA 91364'. You place your hand on your mouth when you realise what it is. "Tom..." He looks at you with a proud smile, you can't help but jump into his arms and let a few tears drop on your cheeks. "How...how did you remembered ?"
Indeed, you talked to him about this house a few month ago, you only said that you liked it, in total innocence without imagining buying it for you. "I called the owner as soon as you talked to me about it, i was looking for a way to upgrade our relationship to another level. I-" He stops for a second, cupping your face in between his hands as you place your hands at his both sides. "I mean, you already spend most of your nights at my house so it won't change a lot but just the fact that..." he takes the key in his hand and slightly shake it in front of you. "This, I put your name on the contract, it's OUR house. And I can't wait to live the rest of my life with you in it."
Let's face it, you were crying like a baby, this man, 'he's going to be the death of me' you thought. You pull him to hug him, you hug him so tightly you wonder if you're asphyxiating him. "I love you so much Tom...you can't even imagine" He lays a gentle kiss on your forehead. "I love you too Y/N, more than anything." He said in a whisper. "I bought you a fucking t-shirt !" You said before slightly laughing. "And I'm sure I will love it !"
˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷
"Be a good girl, Willow !" You said as you rubs the head of the black labrador. Tom smile as he opens the door. "Let's go !"
You turn around and finally leave the house, Tom takes your hand and you walk towards your car. "I can't wait to see everyone ! I've missed them to much !" You cheers, jumping around, all excited.
After what felt like ages to you to get there, Tom finally knock on the door of the giant house of Emma. She was hosting the party for tonight. The door opens on Jason Isaacs, your fictional step-father. "Ah father !" Cheers Tom before lean into his arms, you follow the gest right after him. "Enter kids !" He said, you follow behind Tom who still had his hand in yours.
Suddenly you heard cheering at your right. "Heeeyyy ! The lovebirds are here !" Matthew screamed, making you laugh a little. You turn and see everyone, Emma, Rupert, Daniel, Bonnie, Matthew of course, Jason, Natalia, EVE-RY-ONE. A big family reunion.
Matthew quickly runs into us, each of us hugging each other quickly. "Hey Matthew, can I talk to you for a sec ?" Tom asked, you grinned a little, why does he wants to talk to him, in private ? Weird. Tom sees your interrogative gaze, He turns to put a kiss on your cheek and whisper something in your ear. "I won't be long I promise, go join the other I'll be right back" You nod your head, still a little suspicious. "I love you" he said before disappearing with Matthew in the garden.
You turn to the group, sitting in the living room, eating a bunch of amuse-bouche. You hug everyone, until you find Emma. "Here, this is for you" You hand her the bottle of wine you were holding since you arrived. "Oh thank you Y/N !" She kiss your cheek and invite you to open it in the kitchen. So you follow her.
"Soooo...how is it going with Tom ?" She asks curiously, of course she would ask you. She's always been supportive of your relationship with Tom, your number one fan. "Still amazing !" You blush a little. Emma pour the liquid in two fancy glasses while your looking at her. "Aaawww...you guys are just too cute." You roll your eyes at her remark.
Helen (McCrory) enter the kitchen and you smile at her. "Helen ! Want a glass ?" Emma asked. "With pleasure ! You were talking about Tom aren't you ?" You nod a 'yes' in response. "Tell me all about it !" Helen, queen of gossip, you giggle on the inside. "Well, I was telling Emma, that he makes me really happy and that I'm very lucky to have him in my life !" You bit your lips, looking around you, hoping to see Tom coming back. "Good...is he good in the sheets though ?" Helen asks like it was nothing. Leaving an Emma dead of laughing. "Helen !" You shout, in shook but you can't help but start laughing too.
"I'm joking darling don't worry ! For how long have you been dating ?" You take a deep breath, thinking about it. "Almost 10 years !" Helen's eyes widen when she heard you. "Wow ! It doesn't make me feel any younger ! I still remember your early days !" You giggle, It's true, a long time had passes but it's still like your first days.
Emma hands you the glass filled with wine, you take it before raising it to the air. "Cheers ?" "Cheers !" "Cheers !" We all said as our glasses collided.
So far, the party is going good, you were now all sat in the dining-room, waiting to eat. It's been like an hour, and Tom hasn't came back yet. Which makes you kinda nervous 'where the hell is he ?' You tough to yourself. And just when you were about to go look for him, you feel a hand on your shoulder. "Hi love !" He said cheerfully. "Sorry for being that long, Matthew just broke up with his girlfriend I had to pick up the pieces." He sigh as he sat beside you. All of you worries disappeared, but quickly replace by worries for your friend. "Oh...this is sad...is he okay now ?"
Tom nods as he puts one of his hands on your thigh, caressing your skin with his thumb to reassure you. "Yes ! Don't worry !" You smiled and you finally get to enjoy the moment, your lover is finally here with you. Your boyfriend bite his lip while pushing a lock of hair behind you ear. "Hey...can we forgot that bet ? I really wanna kiss you right now" He whispered, you giggle a little bit, you knew he wouldn't win this one. "Do you really think I'll give up so easily ?" Tom sighs at you response. His back it the chair behind without stopping to look at you.
"Oh fuck it..." He quickly said before grabbing your head in his hands and crushing his lips on yours. You smile against them, you've been apart for an hour and you already missed him so much. "Hey, get a room you two !" A well known voice stops you. You turn your head and see Daniel giggling. "Jealous Potter ?" You shout at him, making Tom giggle. "Totally !" He said mockingly, you roll your eyes before putting your attention on your man again.
You've just finished your meal, it was really good ! You really enjoyed it but something was off. Tom was off, he was less joyful, less goofy, in normal times he'll always be the one to make jokes, especially with his friends from the cast. So you couldn't help but being worried for your boyfriend.
You gently put your hand on his knee to have his intentions. "Yes, Darling ?" He asks innocently. You look in his beautiful eyes that still have this incredible effect on you. "Love are you okay ?" He tilts your head at your question and put his arms behind you on top of your chair. "Yes sweetheart, why that question ?" You loin at him sadly, what is he trying to hide from you ? You know more than you know yourself. "Tom..."
Your gaze make him understand he has to stop lying to you but he couldn't tell you the truth. "Alright, I'm just a little tired, but that's all, I promise." He leans to kiss your cheek has you sigh on relief. "Okay, we won't stay for too long then" You smiled at him. "But Y/N..." You cut him. "Shht ! Don't complain ! You need to rest." A tiny smile appear on Tom's face while he's looking at you, thinking on how on earth did he got so lucky to have you in his life.
And suddenly he tought to himself: 'What the hell am I waiting for ?' He quickly kisses your lips and thanked you. "I'm gonna get us some drinks, you want something ?" He asks as he gets up. "No thanks love !" You smiled and watched him leaving.
A few minutes later, Jason enter the dining room. "Well, well, well, my dears ! Emma and I prepared a little surprise in the living-room, so if you could get you ass up and go there it would be really nice of you !" You laugh at the finesse in his words while you get up, followed by the other, again, Tom disappeared.
You sat on the gigantic couch, next to Bonnie and Evanna, you three discuss for a while before the big tv turns on. You frown slightly, the surprise begins but Tom is not there yet !
A bunch of photos and videos from the cast back on the set pops up on the screens, you laugh at some of them. It become quite emotional at some point, a video a baby you and baby Tom responding to question for an interview, reminding you off how far you've known each other.
Then the video comes to an end, Emma appears in front off the tv while everyone is cheering, including you.
"Sooo...before we end that little reunion, someone wants to say a few words." Emma looks straight into your eyes, your feel nervous all of sudden, 'was i supposed to say something' you tought. But Emma explains herself quickly. "Look at you right Y/N !"
You hesitate a little bit before turning your head, you see him standing there. He smiles before walking towards you and take your hand to make you get up. You frown slightly, 'what is going on ?' You thought.
"Y/N...My love...My darling, I-I don't even know where to start. When I met you, we were only kids but, we got along right away. I found in you a best-friend and 6 years later, I finally got the guts to tell you what I was really feeling for you."
You listen to him, drink his words, trying to keep your tears to yourself as he still holds your hand tightly.
"Since then, my life took another turn, I knew that whatever would happen to us I'd do everything I can to stay the reason why you're smiling ! I understood what love was thanks to you, it didn't took me long to realise I wouldn't survive a life without you. That's why..."
He lets go of your hand to dive his hand in the pocket of his suit, he gets out a little black box and you understand what's about to happen. You smile broadly, letting tears flow down your cheeks. Everyone was looking at you two but at this exact moment all you could see was him.
He bends down and puts one knee on the floor and opens the little box, revealing the magnificent ring in it.
"Y/N Y/L/N would you do me the honour of becoming my wife ?" He asks, looking directly at your eyes. You don't even need to think about it. "Yes ! Of course I want to be your wife !" You shout, a incredible smile appeared on his face while the others behind you starts to scream and applauding. Tom gets up, take the little ring and manage to slip in through your finger despite your both trembling hands. As soon as the ring is on your finger, you take Tom head in your hands and kiss him with all your love, his arms slips around your waist and he holds you as strong as possible before lifting you up.
All the others join you into a big hug, your feet rest ont the floor and you quit Tom's arms just the time to hold everyone in your arms. The other girls literally scream looking at your ring. "I'm so happy for you two !" Emma shout, holding you tightly against her.
The end of the evening was coming, a lot of the guests were already gone now. You spent the rest of it, either cuddling with you fiancé, already fantisising on your wedding or showing your ring to the womens here who couldn't stop greeting you two.
But for now, you were about to leave, you took Emma into a hug one last time and finally followed Tom outside the house. "What an evening !" You said grabbing his hand.
Once you finally reach your house, you're greeted by Willow who was jumping everywhere. "Heeeyy ! Willow look at this !" You crouch down to show her your engagement ring as if she could understand what it is. Tom giggle behind you, he couldn't stop smiling, seeing you that excited and happy to be his fiancé made him the most happiest man alive.
You get up, and turn to him, a disappointed look on your face. "She doesn't care !" You have a sulky face as your arms go around Tom's neck, his naturally go around your waist to keep you close to him. "Too bad, we'll have to choose another bridesmaid !" He said jokingly before kissing your soft lips, you giggle a little against them as the kiss become heated.
He leaves you lips only to places other on you cheek, sliding to your jaw to finish on your neck. "What if we celebrate our first night as an engaged couple ?" He whisper against your skin. "I've been wanting to tear that dress off you since the first second I saw you in it." He says in the hollow of your ear, giving you shivers down your spine.
Your soft moan gives him the answer he needs, he pulls the zip of your dress and lifts you up in less then a second. He takes you to your dorm and with that, you spent your very first night as engaged.
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capaldifiction · 4 years
Graham Norton Show - Lewis Capaldi x Reader
I apologize for how long these have been taking me to get to, but I hope you like your request 💙
Paring: Lewis Capaldi x Actress Reader
Word Count: 2,014
Description:  Based on this request: “Where the reader and him are doing the interview on Graham Norton show and being funny as hell and everyone knows they are dating even if they didn't say it. Can you also add then having long cute stares at each other.”
Warnings: Some swearing
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“And welcome our next two guests, Y/N and Chris Pratt!” Graham Norton calls out as the two enter the set to applause. Waving to audience quickly, Y/N smiles before turning to shake the hands of Graham, Jared Leto, and Tom Ellis before taking her place next to Tom, with Chris sitting to her left.
“How are the two of you doing? Enjoy your trip back home to the U.K. Y/N?” Graham asks.
“Real good,” she respond with a small smile, relaxing back into the couch. “Long flights suck, but being back home is always great. Haven’t gotten to get back to my actual house yet, but what can ya do?”
“I’m doing great,” Chris nods in response. “Got to film and now promote this film with this fantastic woman right here. She’s hilarious, and gives me a run for my money as set prankster.”
“Oh?” Graham asks noticeably intrigued. “And what kind of pranks is Y/N pulling?”
“Oh nothing that great,” Y/N insists, her cheeks reddening as she tries to talk it down.
“How long do we have?” Chris asks with a grin toward the audience that cheers in response.
“Give us one good one,” Graham insists.
“Hmmm,” he says as his gaze drifts to the ceiling of the set. “Probably the prosthetic zombie finger she stuck to the bottom of my coffee cup, then filled it with my coffee and brought it to me. Took me an hour to finally see that sucker. We’re standing there discussing the next scene, I take a sip and seeing a freakin’ finger coming up out of my coffee and chucked it.”
“He screamed like a little girl,” Y/N grins cheerfully to the audience’s laughter. “It was fantastic.”
“Well we can’t expect anything less… from the one rumored to be dating our hilarious musical guest of the day,” Graham teases.
“No clue what you’re talking about,” she insists, her eyes immediately leaving Graham’s.
“Oh? So you’re denying the rumors of you and Lewis Capaldi?”
“I mean,” Chris butts in with a shrug. “He was on set an awful lot for someone who lives in Scotland when we were filming in Canada.”
“Well yeah, we are friends, I never said we weren’t friends and he never visited me, we live near each other and see each other all the time and he had some concerts in North America so he dropped by a few times to hang out and see the set,” she rambles quickly as she tugs at the bottom of her shirt in embarrassment.
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks,” Tom Ellis throws in, raising his eyebrows.
Jared and Graham laugh as Y/N sinks further in the couch and reaches for her drink on the table.
“Bit thirsty there Y/N?” Jared teases.
“Parched,” she quips back with narrowed brows to her former costar.
“So the film you two are starring in is ‘End Of The Living,’ care to give us a taste of what it’ll be about?” Graham asks looking at Y/N and Chris.
“Well my and Chris’ characters are neighbors in an apartment building that don’t really get along. They deal with seeing each other on an occasional basis, but generally avoid each other. Then all hell breaks loose as the zombie apocalypse basically breaks out, and they have to work together to survive.”
“Annnnd then they fall in love,” Chris adds with a chuckle.
“Naturally, nothing says love like zombie guts and certain death,” Y/N nods with a carefree smile.
“And here on the couch we have a vampire, two zombie hunters, and Satan himself,” Graham summarizes as he looks at his guests who laugh in response. “It’s a nice light promotional day isn’t it?”
“Zombie hunters are no match for Morbius though,” Jared jokes looking over to Chris and Y/N.
“Says you,” Chris throws back. “But if we can’t Star Lord will wipe the floor with him since he’s in his world.”
“In all due respect,” Tom jumps in, “None of them can take on Lucifer.”
“And with that, we should go to a break, when we get back we’ll see our musical performance from Lewis Capaldi!” Graham shouts as the cameras shut off.
Giving pointed looks to the men around her, and sticking her tongue out at Jared, Y/N’s attention is finally caught by the instruments being brought in for Lewis’ performance.
She nods at his piano player Aiden as he gets settled, then smiles as Lewis himself comes out onto the set. The typical nervous expression always etched on his face before a performance there. He looks up to see her gaze on him, and smiles wide before sending a wave her way.
Smiling in turn she waves back at him as she watches them finish setting up, ignoring the scoffed laughed from Chris beside her.
As the lights brighten again, the cameras come back to life as Graham steps in front of the camera, “And here to perform his newest hit, two-time Brit winner and Grammy nominated singer Lewis Capaldi!”
The cameras turn toward Lewis as he begins the song, and Y/N leans forward with her chin in her hands as she watches the performance intently, standing up and applauding loudly as Lewis hits the last note.
Finishing up the song, Lewis sets his guitar down and gives a wave to the audience before heading over to the couches. Shaking each person’s hand down the line, he stops to pull Y/N into a side hug, whispering something in her ear causing a smile to spread across her face.
After all shaking hands, all the guests take their seats once again. As Chris sits back down, he places his arm on the couch behind Y/N, while Lewis takes his seat on the other side of him. Lewis’ gaze lingers on Chris’ arm for a moment with a frown before forcing it away and looking to Graham.
“Fantastic performance Lewis!” Graham says looking over at him. “Now where do we start? The new album you have coming out or the triple platinum on your last one and the two Brits you’ve gotten since you were last here?”
“The new album Graham,” Y/N says before Lewis can respond, throwing him a look. “You’ll give him a bigger head if you go on about the other things.”
“And that’d be a bad thing Y/N?” he asks with a teasing tone.
“There’d be no living with you if it got any bigger,” she sighs dramatically.
“Living with him?” Jared asks as he looks between the two, noticing Lewis’ gaze lingering on her a moment too long.
“W-well yeah,” she answers hastily. “We live pretty close, I see him pretty often.”
“Speaking of you two living close, do you also go on some of his tours Y/N?” Graham asks. “You appear on quite a few of his social media posts from Instagram to Tik Tok, and everyone’s loving seeing that side of you when you usually play such serious roles.”
“Well we just always have a good time. I have gone on some of his tours when I’m not working, get to see some cool places with a good friend of mine. And we’re both a little weird, so it makes for some interesting videos I guess,” she shrugs.
“Let’s take a look at one of them now,” Graham says, gesturing to the screen beside him.
The screen changes to a clip of Y/N wearing a Lewis Capaldi merch t-shirt and a pair of black sunglasses as she stands atop a large table singing the lyrics to ‘Grace.’ Throwing her head back, she starts dancing to the music, when the camera pans over to Lewis also doing the dance from his music video and singing the song at the top of his lungs.
“I’m not ready to be just another of your mistakes!” she yells out as the camera follows Lewis moving in front of the table she’s dancing on. As she finishes the line, she launches herself onto his back, a look of panic on his face as they both crash to the ground in front of the camera, followed by a chorus of obscenities.
As the clip fades out, Lewis and Y/N have equally red cheeks as they make eye contact and look down at their drinks while the audience and other guests laugh.
“And what were you two doing there?” Graham asks with a grin.
Lewis runs his hand through his hair breaking his gaze from Y/N back over to Graham, “That, that was a less than sober rendition of my song and Y/N trying to kill the both of us as my piano player filmed us.”
“Ok but we were on his tour and had too much to drink and it seemed like a good idea at the time,” she defends.
“Alcohol would do that,” Tom teases.
She smiles at him sheepishly before taking a drink, “Alright we don’t always make the best choices, but we do make the fun choices.”
“Fuck yeah,” Lewis agrees with a grin, his eyes quickly widening before muttering a quiet apology.
“So about this new album, what should we be expecting from it and when?” Graham asks.
“Well there are the artists that really want to reinvent themselves for their next album, really try something new and push the boundaries of music,” he replies. “And that’s not me. It’s gonna be more sad shit, and hopefully if you liked the first album you’ll like the second. We’re looking at it coming out in May of this year.”
“No inspirations for happy love songs in your life huh?” Chris asks with a knowing smile, glancing at Y/N next to him who quickly looks away from Lewis.
“Nope, I’m sad and alone,” Lewis confirms, his gaze once again drifting to Chris’ arm behind Y/N on the couch, then to her eyes as a content smile spreads across both their faces.
“Right then,” Graham chuckles as he stands up from his seat. “That’s all we have time for tonight. Give a big round of applause for my guests tonight, Lewis Capaldi, Chris Pratt, Y/N, Tom Ellis, and Jared Leto! I’ll see you next week everyone!”
Once the cameras have shut off, the guests all stand up to bid their goodbyes to one another.
“It was great seeing you again,” Jared says, pulling Y/N into a quick hug over the table. “We really need to work together again some time.”
“I get pranked enough in my personal life to go up against you again,” she chuckles setting her empty glass down on the table. “You take it to a whole new level Leto.”
“Oh you know you loved it,” he teases patting her shoulder.
“Of course, snake in my dressing room was the best,” she says while rolling her eyes but smiling. “It was good talking again. Hit me up sometime again sometimes. And it was great meeting you,” she says turning to Tom.
“You as well,” he responds with his own smile. “That goes for all of you, I had a great time.”
“Same here bud,” Chris says throwing an arm over Y/N’s shoulder and extending it for a fist bump at Tom who bumps it with a smirk, his gaze going to a very obviously uncomfortable Lewis behind Chris.
“It was fucking fantastic meeting you all,” Lewis interrupts after a moment. “All of you are amazing. But if you don’t mind…” he reaches around Chris to snag Y/N’s hand, who he quickly pulls out of his grasp and to his own side.
Placing a quick kiss on her cheek, he mumbles, “Let’s get out of here.”
Y/N nodding in agreement, follows Lewis off the set hand in hand with shy smiles on their faces as the last few remaining people in the audience cheer.
Turning to look at the other two men, Chris smirks and crosses his arms in victory, “Fuckin knew it.”
Extra Notes: As to why I chose Jared Leto, Tom Ellis and Chris Pratt. Chris Pratt I thought would be a good funny guy that would mess with Lewis and Y/N a bit (and I’m a big Marvel fan so I’ve seen some of his interviews lol). Jared Leto just because I’ve been a fan of him and his band for a really long time and just thought he was someone I could write alright. And Tom Ellis because I felt like the Lucifer show fit the vibe of this, and I had the chance to see a live panel of him at a Comic Con I went to where he was just a really cool guy.
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breathinginthevapor · 5 years
“At least think of me while you’re gone”
Summary: your relationship with Tom is a secret, and you hate it. At a party, your feelings are finally confronted.
A/N: This is a very, very, very late (im so sorry taylor!) entry for @plushparkers 2k writing challenge, so a big congrats to her on reaching on that amazing milestone! I hope you guys will give it a read and tell me what you think afterwards!
Word count: 5600+
T/W: alcohol and swearing
My masterlist
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To: The Worst Spiderman Ever🤮🕷❤️ (barf, spider and heart emoji)
When does your plane arrive?❤️ (heart emoji)
You hit send, putting your phone down on the sink. You pick up the mascara instead, painting your eyelashes black before the “Ping!”-sound from your phone startles you and causes you to draw a dark line just below your eyebrow.
“Fucking shit,” you curse, searching through your cabinet with frantic movements for a cotton pad and makeup remover.
While you try to remove your mistake, you look at your phone.
From: The Worst Spiderman Ever 🤮🕷❤️ (barf, spider and heart emoji)
Around 5. Don’t have to pick me up, though.
Throwing the cotton pad in the bin, you quickly type an answer.
To: The Worst Spiderman Ever 🤮🕷❤️ (barf, spider and heart emoji)
You know I want to. Missed you😘 (kissing emoji)
You smile at the thought that you’ll see him today, and that these last months spent longing will finally be over. In just a couple of hours, you will be able to smell him, talk to him, touch him. And yeah, maybe he won’t kiss you at the airport, but he definitely will later, when it’s just the two of you.
Another “Ping” lets you know you’ve gotten a new message, and you try to keep your cool by applying some lipstick, but your whole body is buzzing, eager to see his answer.
Soon, your lips are coated in a beautiful red shade, perfectly kissable in your own, humble opinion. Tom loves having your lips mark him, his jaw often covered in lipstick marks after you’ve been hanging out, and the fact that the popping colour draws attention to your lips doesn’t hurt, either.
You want him to hug you in the airport while he’s yearning to kiss you, yearning to see if you taste like that cherry lip balm he likes, and maybe you won’t when he finally gets you alone, but by then it won’t matter.
From: The Worst Spiderman Ever 🤮🕷❤️ (barf, spider and heart emoji)
There’ll be a crowd, and I’ll be too tired to do anything but sleep anyway.
You don’t understand. Does that mean he doesn’t want you to come? Or that he thinks you’ll get uncomfortable surrounded by his screaming fans?
Because you can deal with the fans, you’ve done so before, but if it’s because he doesn’t want you there, you won’t know what to do.
Before you can answer, though, another text shows on the screen.
From: The Worst Spiderman Ever 🤮🕷❤️ (barf, spider and heart emoji)
I’ll just see you at the party🕺🎆 (dancing man and fireworks emoji)
The welcome home party might already be tomorrow, but you still feel stupid. Here you’ve been, ecstatic for his return for weeks while he doesn’t even want you to be there in the airport. Besides, who knows how much you’ll even see of him tomorrow, everyone’s there to see him, after all.  
To: The Worst Spiderman Ever 🤮🕷❤️ (barf, spider and heart emoji)
👍 (thumbs up emoji)
And yeah, maybe your answer is passive aggressive, but right now, you really don’t care. Not when you’ve spent days debating what to wear for picking him up and figured out exactly what amount of make-up you should go for to ensure you looking great but not over the top.
And now, he doesn’t even want to see you.
You find the makeup remover once more, this time removing all traces of the makeup you’ve just applied. You slide the cotton pad all over your face with harsh movements, and while it might not be the best way to clean your skin, it helps relieve some of the anger.
Both your skin and your eyes are red when you’re finished, but you don’t look at yourself in the mirror long enough to see the tears sliding down.
Instead, you go back to bed, crawl under the covers and cry to a sad teen movie you loved when you were younger.
The worst part is, you find that you still love the movie just as much as back then, all too similar to the way your love for Tom has done nothing but increase since you first discovered it in your teen years.
   Tom’s parents’ house is filled up with people, but as Tom’s best friend through most of your life, you know the bigger part of them.
You spend a couple minutes talking to his aunt about her hip problems, but then you figure you want something to drink and excuse yourself.
There’s a lot to choose from, delicious sodas and expensive-looking bottles of champagne and wine, but you pick up a canned beer instead. You figure you need some alcohol as soon as possible. That way, you hope you’ll have the courage to face him when you have to.
You definitely can’t keep avoiding him, because even though the house isn’t small, it isn’t exactly a mansion, either.
You sip the beer, taking a few steps towards the wall to let Tom’s young cousins access the drink’s table.
Then, your eyes meet his, and you feel slightly dizzy as it seems almost unreal to finally see him in real life and not through a screen.
Still, you’re angry and hurt, and there’s a knot in your stomach. You can’t remember the last time you felt like this, the last you were angry at him. And maybe it’s petty, but you just hate the fact that you always plan everything around him, while he, when it comes down to it, doesn’t even want to see you after spending four months apart.
“Hey,” he greets you with a smile while still making his way to you, squeezing in between people and excusing himself.
“Hey,” you repeat, but your voice is cold as you take another sip of your beer. There’s a flicker of worry breaking through his confident, happy exterior, but it disappears quickly.
When he’s finally standing close enough to you, he engulfs you in a tight hug, and although you’ve dreamt about this reunion, this first hug in months, it doesn’t even feel that nice. Your body is tense, and your attempt to reciprocate his hug is half-hearted, so he finally lets you go and looks inquiring at you, still with a grip on your elbows.
“We cool?”
You swallow a lump, trying to put on a fake smile. You hope he doesn’t see through it, because although he used to be able to read your face as if it was a stop sign or a stupid brochure for a new pizzeria, it’s been a long time since you last saw each other.
“Why are you acting weird then?” he asks, and you know he’s split between knowing you’re lying and the fact that it probably won’t help his situation to call you out on it.
You shake his hands off you to gulp down some beer.
“I’m not.”
He crooks his head, scrunching his eyes and looking down at his hands that hang loosely down his sides after returning from you. They start fiddling with the red polo he’s wearing, and you let your gaze wander slowly up his body, not missing how strong his biceps look or the broadness of his shoulder, before you get to his face to find him already watching you.
“You are.”
This time, you don’t argue. Why even bother?
A silence settles between you, so different to the happy chatter filling up the room, and you don’t know how to act. You don’t think you’ve ever experienced anything so awkward with Tom, he’s always been the one you could talk to for an endless number of hours, the one you could be quiet with, the one person in the world you were most comfortable around.
“Nice party,” you say when the silence becomes too much for you, but you hate yourself for being the first one to bow down. It seems that you always are.  
He shrugs, “You know my mum. Always inviting people we don’t even talk with often.”
Perhaps it just runs in the family, you wonder; making people feel like they’re more important than they are.
“They’ve missed you,” you just tell him, knowing that it’s true. He tends to have that impact on people, squeezing himself into their hearts in a matter of five minutes. And once you’ve met him, it’s impossible to forget him.
“They?” he softly asks, and you know he wants you to elaborate.
When you don’t, he asks again, this time phrased so you have no chance to get out of answering, “What about you? Haven’t you missed me?”
You look away, your gaze landing on Harrison who’s laughing with Tom’s grandma.
“Don’t know why you would ask something so stupid,“ you mutter.
He steps closer, and you can feel his presence all over your body. His breath hits your face, and you can smell both beer and the homemade chips his dad is famous for.
“Wanna hear you say it.”
You look at him again, and like countless of times before, you are hit by his beauty. You don’t think there’s a single person in this world as handsome as him, but you might be biased.
Being in love with the same guy for years tends to do that to someone.
“Missed you so much it hurt,” you admit, and you watch his face soften. He’s so close that you could just lean forward and kiss him.
Needless to say, it takes everything in you not to.
Luckily, he steps back, and the enchantment is broken.
“I should probably talk to the other guests. Don’t want them to feel left out, do we?”
You force yourself to laugh, “Of course not.”
But everything in you is begging and hoping that he just takes your hand and leads you away from everyone.
You want him to say that he’s missed you too, that he’s been thinking of you constantly, but you know he hasn’t. Or, maybe he’s felt a pinch of pain occasionally, but then he’s moved on and forgotten about it. Unlike you, who has spent so many nights crying, wishing that he was laying right beside you. And you know that it’s not his fault, that your circumstances are different because he’s out there, doing what he loves most while you are drowning in boring schoolwork and waiting impatiently for his return.
He steps closer, and you think he’s going to kiss you, in front of all those people, and your heart starts beating terribly fast, but then he turns his head and whispers in your ear, “Will I see you later?”
You know what he means: Another quickie in the dark, no one finding out there’s any more than friendship between you. Because that’s how he wants your relationship to be, a secret, even from his own family.
It feels like a stake to the heart, and honestly, you don’t feel like he deserves an answer. Instead, you opt for a small smile that could mean anything and then you down your beer, leaving him there and walking over to your other curly haired friend, but not before handing him the empty can.
If he’s so determined to be the perfect host, he might as well clean up a bit.  
“Hey Haz,” you mumble, throwing your arms around Harrison’s torso from behind.
He looks back at you and smiles widely, and contrary to what one might think, you aren’t completely oblivious to how good looking he is.
You wonder if you should have thought of getting some less pretty friends to make yourself shine a bit more in comparison, but you don’t think you’d be able to find someone who could make you laugh as much as Tom and Harrison can, not even if you searched the whole planet.
You just have to live with the unfairness of their unarguable attractiveness.
“Hey Y/N. Tired?” he asks softly.
You yawn, realizing that you actually are and confirming his question. He chuckles, and you press your cheek against his shoulder, closing your eyes for a second.
“I like this sweater. Really soft.”
“Hi nan,” you then greet Tom’s grandmother who has always insisted that you treat her the same way her grandkids would.
Measured in how much time you’ve spent with her and the rest of the family, you might as well be.
“Hello, darling,” she says, sending you a sweet smile. “I have to serve the cake now, but come catch up with me later, won’t you?”
“Of course, nan,” you promise her, watching her leave and then letting go of Harrison.
“Everything alright?” he asks after turning around to face you.
You shrug, “I guess.”
He rolls his eyes, pointing his finger at you in a reprimanding manner, “Tell me what’s wrong or you know what will happen.”
You can’t help but smile, but then you play along and squeeze your eyes shut and crossing your arms, “I’m not scared of you.”
“You’re not? Then you won’t mind if I TICKLE YOU?”
Harrisons hands reach for you, but you run away, squealing, before he can catch you.
“You’ll never catch me,” you mock him, running up the stairs and into Tom’s bedroom before realizing the inevitable: that you’re trapped.
“NOOOOO,” you scream as he pushes you onto the bed and starts tickling you, hands gripping your sides.
“Let me go, please, Haz,” you beg in-between laughs.
“You know what you need to say, Y/N,” he grins, and you shake your head.
However, it doesn’t take long before you surrender, throwing your hands up and rolling your eyes.
“Alright, alright, you are the hottest, coolest, cleverest, funniest person in the world, Harrison Osterfield.”
He immediately lets you go, plopping down on the bed beside you.
“Finally. My arms were getting tired,” he sighs contently.
You grunt, “Should spend a bit more time in the gym, then.”
“Oh, shut up, Y/N.”
He hits you playfully, and you both laugh, looking up to the ceiling and catching your breaths.
When you’ve stopped panting, you speak up, “Would you be ashamed of me if we were dating?”
“How can you even ask me that? You’re the dopest person ever,” he reassures you, turning his head to the side to look at you.
You laugh, “I can believe you still say dope.”
“What can I say, I’m just a dope person, too, Y/N.”
You roll your eyes at his stupidity, before a pang of sadness rushes through you. For a second, you wonder why, but then you remember why you’re feeling down and repeat your question for Harrison.
“No, but honestly, would you be ashamed of me?”
His blue eyes watch you intensely like it’s very important to him that you understand what he says, “Never.”
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
He laces your little fingers together, the ‘pinky promise’ an old ritual of yours.
“But why are you asking?” he inquires softly.
“I just- I’m just so damn tired of being his secret, you know?”
He gives you an empathic smile, letting you continue instead of answering your rhetoric question.
“I’m not even sure he likes me like as more than a friend anymore.”
You don’t mention a name, but you both know who you’re talking about. Although neither of your families know, it was clear to both of you from the start that Harrison would figure it out no matter what, and that you might as well tell him yourself.
“That bad, huh?”
You sigh, “Yeah. Not even exaggerating, I’m really not sure.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N, that sucks.”
“Sure does,” you agree, laughing involuntarily at the tragic situation, and Harrison soon joins you.
Then, he says softly, “If you aren’t happy, Y/N, you should let him go. You deserve better.”
“I know,” you whisper, “But I don’t think I can.”
He takes your hand, squeezing it and interlacing your hands, and no words are needed. You know he feels bad for you, and you both know there’s nothing he can do to ease your trouble.
“I wish it was you instead. We’d make such a great couple,” you tell him, trying to lift the mood.
He nods, grinning, “Legendary.”
“Shame we don’t like each other like that, really. Our kids would be so beautiful.”
“Maybe that’s why. Would be unfair to their peers when they’d be so much uglier.”
You shake your head, smiling at the thought.
Then, on a more serious note, “Thanks for being here, Haz.”
“Anytime, Y/N.”
He squeezes your hand once more and then helps you get up.
“If it makes you feel any better, he looked terribly jealous when you hugged me,” Harrison tells you, and though it shouldn’t, you catch yourself being happy with it. At least he’s not totally indifferent.
You return to the party, Harrisons hand laying comfortingly on the swell of your back the whole time, until it’s to go home. He presses a kiss to your cheek and tells you to hit him up soon, and you thank him for being such a good friend. He truly deserves the world.
You wish you could go with him, but still, you stay, having been tricked into helping with the cleaning by Tom’s mother, and really, you’d be happy to if it didn’t involve seeing Tom.
It’s hard to even remember what made you mad when you’re near him, and if that wasn’t enough, you’re afraid that you’ll say something you’ll regret later.
Because while this might be tearing you to pieces, you know it’d be much, much worse if you lost him completely.
Although you are deep in thought, you probably shouldn’t be as startled as you are when he speaks, considering you are cleaning the same room as him.
“I got a bit cold out by the grill, so I went to see if I had a sweater in my room, and I didn’t mean to, but I heard you and Harrison,” he softly tells you, eyes scanning your face for a reaction. You try not to give him one, pursing your lips tightly together and remaining silent.
He sighs, running a hand through the curly locks of his hair.
“Y/N, why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you what?” you mutter, looking away.
You wish this conversation wasn’t happening. You don’t even dare to imagine the outcome.
“That you feel like I’m keeping you a secret.”
You scrunch your eyes, looking at him again, “What did you think I felt, Tom? Honestly? You haven’t even told your mom, and we both know you tell your mom everything. I feel like I’m nothing to you.”
Your words are harsh at the beginning, anger in your body, but it quickly deflates and leaves you sad instead, making your last words soft and fragile.
And Tom looks taken back by your statement, stuttering when he replies, “I- I- I guess I just thought we were on the same page. That you didn’t care whether people knew about us or not.”
You roll your eyes, “If you truly believed that, you don’t know me like I thought you did.”
You let go of your hold on the black rubbish bag you’re throwing empty cups into as you wait for his answer.
“I guess you’re right,” he admits with a whisper, “I guess I did know.”
You nod, throat tight.
“Yeah,” you just say.
You stand there, looking at each other in silence, and you don’t even try to hide your tears. If there was anyone but him watching, you probably would have tried, but this is Tom, your best friend, the person that has broken your heart but also someone with hands you wouldn’t hesitate to put your life into.
He takes a small step closer to you, looking at you with desperation.
“I wish we could tell everyone, Y/N, I really do. But you know how my agency feels about my image and my availability,” he pauses, swallowing down a lump in his throat before he continues, “But if my next movie just gets big enough, it will be different, Y/N, I promise. Then they can’t refuse.”
You shake your head, your vision to blurred to see anything, but your mind is surprisingly clear. You don’t believe his words, and really, you just wish he would tell the truth, because to you, it seems that this mess has gotten so bad because of lack of honesty, and you’re done with it.
You’re done with being anxious all the time, not knowing if he’s uncertain about his feelings for you, even doubting whether you’re the only one he goes home to. You’re done with feeling inadequate and unlovable and stupid, waiting around for someone who doesn’t want to come home.
“Far from home was one of the best-selling movies ever, but apparently, that still wasn’t big enough. So, what’ll it be, Tom?”
“Are you asking me to choose between you and my career?”
You shake your head violently, not understanding how he could accuse you for doing such a thing, but then you nod, realising that maybe you are. And surprisingly, you don’t feel selfish doing so.
“Not between me and your career, Tom, but yes, I am asking you to choose between me and the stupid rules of your agency.”
Now, he looks angry, brow scrunched and tight jawline, “My agency and their stupid rules,” he starts, emphasizing the last three words mockingly, “is what gets me jobs, Y/N! They are the reason I can live my dream, don’t you understand?”
You step closer to him, not believing he would dare to treat you like a stubborn child. “Of course, I understand, Tom! I’ve done nothing but understand ever since we started this damn relationship, but I’m fucking sick and tired of it!”
Your loudness seems to surprise Tom, who takes a few steps back from your anger, almost tripping over your discarded rubbish bag.
“Please don’t do this, Y/N. Don’t make me choose,” he begs, and there’s a part of you that wants to give in, but the bigger part of you knows that nothing will change if you do, and that you’ll just stay miserable.
“I’ve known you for most of my life, Tom, and I’ve been in love with you for years, but I can’t do this, not if you’re not in it like I am. I can’t keep giving you my everything when I only receive 30% in return.”
Then, he says those words that you know will haunt you forever, “I’m- I’m- I’m so sorry, Y/N, but I just can’t. Please understand, I just can’t.”
You nod, but you don’t, you don’t understand. He won’t even meet you halfway.
You look at each other, and you watch how he clearly fights to keep himself together, and you can’t stay mad at him when he looks so broken. You’re always putting him first.
“Will you- will you promise me one thing, though?” you ask, voice hoarse and broken.
He nods, eyes wet and lips pressed tight together.
When you speak, there’s a salty taste on your tongue, and it feels like goodbye, “I know there’s so many incredible things out there, and I promise I don’t expect anything else from you anymore, but at least- at least think of me while you’re gone, won’t you?”
A sob escapes his lips when he nods, but he still doesn’t say anything, so you gather your belongings in silence, walking into the hallway, Tom only a few steps behind you.
Your hand has just reached the doorknob when you realize that no matter how hurt you are, you can’t just leave him like this. So, you turn around, throw your things to the floor and hug him, relishing in the smell of his cologne and the soft material of his shirt against your cheek.
His chest is shaking with sobs, and his lips feel chapped when he kisses your forehead like he’s done so many times when you were nervous or sad, even before your friendship turned into something more.
There’s a wet spot on his shirt when you pull away, and you smile through your tears, watching him through your blurred vision.
“I’ll see you around,” you tell him, but you don’t know if you’re lying.
You pick up your things, and he looks like he wants to stop you from leaving, but he just nods and says goodbye with a broken whisper, “Yeah, I’ll see you.”
Then, you close the door behind you, your body a mess while nostalgia, sadness, despair and love fights for dominance in your body.
If you weren’t so busy being heartbroken, you might have wondered if it was worth losing your best friend in return for some months in paradise, spent kissing and making love under the covers. And you would quickly have come to the solution that it wasn’t, that if you could, you would go back and undo all this mess and settle for being his best friend.
Luckily, you don’t think any of these thoughts, not yet. That sorrow is for another day.
The screen of your phone lights up along with the sound, telling you you’ve got a message. You figure it’s Jake, asking which chocolate you want or if you need more tampons. You smile at the thought, finding it funny how Jake’s biggest fear seems to be that you don’t run out of sweets and sanitary items when you’re on that time of the month. You wonder if he’s scared you’ll turn into some weird monster, but it’s probably just him being sweet.
However, the text isn’t from Jake.
From: The Worst Spiderman Ever 🤮🕷❤️ (barf, spider and heart emoji)
Hey. I’m home for a couple weeks and I really want to see you
You can’t believe he still has that stupid name on your phone.
You delete all the emojis and text and write his full name without any emojis to follow, but your index finger lingers over the save button. Then, you go back without changing anything.
It feels wrong to do so, like deleting a period of your life that should, at worst, be packed away in a box in your closet and not completely thrown out.
On the other hand, though, the box seems to have jumped out of the closet and into your living room instead, making its presence known where it isn’t appreciated.
Still, there’s a small part of you, the part that was Tom’s friend and nothing else, wants to meet him and see how he’s doing. 
To: The Worst Spiderman Ever 🤮🕷❤️ (barf, spider and heart emoji)
Hi Tom
You don’t want else to say, or write, so you just hit send and put the phone down again, your breath quicker and a spark of panic rising in your body. Even after all this time, he still gives you all the motions.
From: The Worst Spiderman Ever 🤮🕷❤️ (barf, spider and heart emoji)
Please don’t be like this
Be like what, Tom, you wonder, but you just text him the name of a coffee shop and ask him to meet you there in a few hours. If anything needs to be said between you, it should be in person and not through text.
From: The Worst Spiderman Ever 🤮🕷❤️ (barf, spider and heart emoji)
Thank you, Y/N. Really❤️ (heart emoji)
You really hope you’ve made the right decision.
   “Y/N, I’ve been a fool, no, worse than that, I’ve been a big, stupid idiot, but I need you.”
His grip on your hands are tight, and you gently try to get him to let you go, but he doesn’t seem to notice.
“We’ll do it properly this time, tell everyone, and we’ll go on the red carpet together and-“
“Tom,” you interrupt him softly, and you just want him to stop talking. This will get embarrassing for both of you if he keeps going, and you don’t want that.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t let you save him.
“And I’ll be home a lot more, Y/N, I promise. We can travel together, to Paris or Seoul or Rio, and I won’t care who’s watching-“
This time, your voice is a bit louder, hoping it’ll get through to him. “Tom, please, stop,” you plead. Still, it seems like he doesn’t hear you.  
He leans closer to you and looks you right in the eye, “I love you, Y/N. More than anything, and I don’t know why it’s taking me so long to realize, but I do, and I’m terribly sor- Why are you crying?“
You haven’t even noticed your tears before he comments them, but then you carefully, as if he’s made of glass, untangle your hands from each other.
“I’m with someone, Tom,” you tell him, and it feels like a knife to your heart when his face slowly falters as he realizes what you mean.
“I- what- who? When?”
“You don’t know him, Tom. He’s from school.” There’s a flash of relief on his face when he finds out it isn’t someone he knows, maybe even one of his friends, but then the hurt returns.
“When, YN?”
You swallow a lump, looking down at your coffee.
“Almost a year ago,” you tell him, knowing that he won’t understand. That he’ll think that you got over in the span of a minute and moved on, but it isn’t true.
So, before he can say anything, you explain, “He was in one of my classes and had asked me out before, and when you left, I just needed to spend time with someone who didn’t know you, someone who wouldn’t ask or talk about you.”
Most of your friends were friends with Tom, too, or at least they knew him, but you needed to be someone who didn’t.
“I told him from the start that my heart was broken, but he was so patient and waited until I was sure I was ready. He really helped me a lot, Tom.”
Tom nods, and you know he understands. Everyone has different ways of coping, and for all you know, he could have slept with half of the world in this past year. You know he probably did with a couple, and the thought doesn’t make you sick like it used to do.
You’re just sad that he probably didn’t have anyone taking care of him like Jake had taken care of you.
“Does he make you happy, Y/N?”
“I-“ you start, but it’s hard to get the words past your lips when you know that they’ll hurt him.
For a long time, you wanted him to hurt, to know your pain and know that he had lost one of the best things in his life, but now, after doing a lot of growing up, you wish you could find a way not to hurt him. Maybe if you lied, but he’ll probably always be able to see through you.
Knowing you have no other choice, you answer him honestly, “Yeah. He does. He really does.”
He gulps, looking away for a moment. You follow his gaze, watch the busy streets of London packed with stylish locals and less stylish tourists, and you wonder if it still feels like home to him. If home becomes a fleeting place when the whole world is at your disposal. You wonder if you’ll ever know, but you don’t think you will.
And as for yourself, you might never get to travel the world like you used to dream of doing, but you’ve realized it doesn’t matter. You have so much else, so many wonderful people in your life, so much love around you. 
“Do you love him?”
You look at his face and know that he wants you to say no, that he wants this to be like a movie where everything works out in the end, and the guy gets the girl, and everyone lives happily ever after.
But this isn’t one of his beloved movies. This is real life.
A tear slips out of his eyes, and you notice they are beginning to turn red. You don’t know if your next words will make him feel better or worse, probably the latter, but you still say them.
“Not the same way I loved you, though. Don’t think anything can really compare to that. But I really do love him.”
It’s clear he tries to contain it, but still, a broken sob leaves him, and every fibre of your body yearns to soothe him, to protect him, but you can’t, just like he couldn’t protect you.
“Do you remember that last day? You told me to think of you when I was gone. How could you think I’d do anything but?”
“Tom, please.”
“I think about you every single day, Y/N, knowing that I made the wrong decision.”
He grips your hands again, this time so tight it turns his knuckles white with desperation.
However, you both know it’s not only your hands you’re talking about when you beg, “Let me go, Tom, you’re hurting me.”
His grip on your hand disappears immediately, his face painted with both sadness and guilt, and you don’t know who’s to blame for the fact that both of you have lost your best friend.
And you wonder if the two of you can work it out, if you can get at least an inkling of your old friendship back, but to be honest, you don’t have the courage to try.
Instead, you leave him there, in a coffee shop in London you used to love. And you know you will never have the strength to go back, not to the coffee shop and not to Tom, both places too haunted by bad memories now.
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