#bsd ln spoilers
dazaistabletop · 1 year
BSD Season 4 Character Sheets
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frenchonionsoop · 1 year
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BEAST tore out my insides and put them in a blender only to shove them back in again. Love the story!!!!!!
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Okay, so like, how far can Dazai’s nullification ability extend? I know it’s through touch, and that for the most part if he touches the ability user/object affected by an ability that can nullify it. Though that’s not always the case (like how he can be affected by Gogol’s warps because there’s technically nothing to touch though I suspect Gogol wouldn’t be able to touch him - or how he has to touch what Kunikida makes not Kunikida himself to nullify his ability and can’t nullify the victims of Q’s curse).
But I’ve seen debate on how his ability affects things through other things. Because I’ve seen people say touching his clothes (which touch him) also nullifies abilities but that he needs to touch people skin to skin (not through their clothes) to nullify those types of abilities. And it mostly doesn’t necessarily seem to work through cloth or whatever else he may be touching (that an ability user may or may not be touching) but then I recall that part of the way they beat Rimbaud in the LN — if I recall correctly — was by having Chuuya wrapped in cloth that Dazai touched in order to nullify the effects of Rimbaud’s ability through it.
So I’m kinda confused.
(Mostly this was brought up by the debates over whether Chuuya’s gravity could affect the elevator Dazai’s in since he can’t really avoid touching it which would nullify if. Though if it doesn’t necessarily transfer through what he touches, I don’t see why Chuuya couldn’t just grab the elevator and control the gravity of his own body to slow it down or stop it.)
To be transparent I had to scrap the first version of this answer because while looking up arguments to say how Dazai's ability does affect objects he directly touches, I found some new things and now the answer to that is a big I don't know, maybe not???
In Fifteen, Dazai touches a long cloth wrapped around Chuuya to nullify Rimbaud's attacks. I thought it was because he was making the cloth immune to abilities like himself, but after discussing it with @videogamelover99, I changed my mind. Remember that part about how being in and out of Rimbaud's subspace is akin to two characters from different novels trying to interact, which is impossible? The new interpretation is that Dazai, being immune to abilities, was outside of Rimbaud's subspace, while everything else was inside that subspace. By grabbing the cloth, he forced it to exit the subspace to join his reality outside the subspace, which made it so Rimbaud's attacks couldn't touch the cloth anymore and couldn't reach Chuuya.
Also in Fifteen, Dazai went out of his way to grab Chuuya's neck when Hirotsu and him first fought Chuuya to nullify his ability (direct contact). Meanwhile, Hirotsu's hand was on his shoulder/chest, and he fully intended to use his ability on Chuuya while Dazai was holding him. It doesn't seem like Dazai touching Chuuya would have protected him from Hirotsu's ability (no transfer).
The new stuff I hadn't noticed! Taking you all the way back to chapters 9-10-11, when Dazai is in the mafia dungeon. So far, Dazai's bandages were consistently drawn going high up on his neck, well above his Adam's apple.
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In the dungeon, Akutagawa uses Rashoumon to attack him and "attempts" to cut his throat
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and afterwards, his bandages come loose, exposing his Adam's apple
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His neck is unharmed, because no ability can touch him, however his BANDAGES, which touch his skin directly, were cut and damaged by Rashoumon. Which would mean that 1. his ability does NOT transfer to his own clothes and 2. touching his clothes does NOT nullify an ability.
I cannot find an instance of Dazai nullifying someone's ability and not either touching them directly (Atsushi's face/neck, Chuuya's neck/arm/face, Ranpo's hair, unnamed blond guy's face...) or touching their ability manifestation (Q's doll, Kunikida's things, Rashoumon...). Steinbeck's situation, I would like to mention, is rather ambiguous in the manga and could easily be skin on skin contact. If you have a counter example (NOT from the anime), please share it!
It seems like Dazai's ability works in very simple terms: no ability can touch him. That means if he touches the source of an ability (a person or a manifestation), that ability gets nullified, and no ability can affect him. It only works through direct contact with him (hair/skin) and does not transfer through material/surfaces/people.
So the elevator? Probably fine actually. If he's not affecting the bandages and the new Rimbaud interpretation is right, his ability can't affect random objects, so in theory it wouldn't prevent Chuuya from manipulating its gravity, so long as Dazai isn't touching him directly.
(there's also the very real chance Asagiri changed the lore along the years, but until further notice I'll assume everything still works the same way)
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 1 year
I miss the person I was 2 days ago when I was all “haha 55 minutes from Akus perspective is kinda funny” cause now I’m like- did akutagawa remember what it felt like to die? Did he think about it often? Atsushi never saw him so did he even tell anyone that it happened? That he carries the memories of literally burning alive?
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alamochaaa-a · 8 months
gaiden week 2023 day 1: curse
this is what ayatsuji is subjected to every morning post-ln
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morievna · 1 year
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I just read Cannibalism stage play spoilers and i am loving it xDD
On serious note, these changes make more sense - i always hated how Chuuya was sidelined in that arc in manga, i am happy that stage play fixed that and gave him a proper arc 💖 and references to Stormbringer💖
idk if there will be livestream like with Stormbringer but i hope it will available to watch somehow🙏🙏
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linklethehistorian · 10 months
BSD 109 spoilers
*casually sips my drink while I watch the sweet sweet irony of the SKK sub-fandom desperately clinging onto the hope of LN Fifteen’s “Dazai’s ability can work through objects” revelation to explain why Chuuya didn’t kill Dazai, while recalling how up until this point many of them were actively harassing me on a few other sites and taunting me and telling me to cope because one visual Easter egg apparently made the anime’s events canon to the manga instead of the LN’s*
Mmmm, I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning.
Oh, my poor dears, don’t forget…the LN isn’t real now, that was never really established, according to you, and not canon to the manga, so tell me…how about you cope this time, hm? 💖☺️
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allbuthuman · 1 year
does anyone remember if the lines in the stage play were changed from the light novel? i read it recently, but i have the impression they altered them to make them more relevant to the current arc, although i might be misremembering
on another note, that would be a banger play and asagiri should write it
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fyodior · 4 months
just a side tho, sb and beast are heartwrenching... but no one warned me about 55 minutes 🤧 im soft AAAAAAHHHHH i don't know where to start spoiling but it made me cry, and i also had start having hallucinations of dazai on my back like im atsushi after reading that trap 🥹
RIGHT!!! literally no one ever talks about 55 minutes there’s almost no fanart of wells and absolutely none of gab😭 but yea it’s a pretty painful read and no one tells you it’s literally just a story about everyone dying
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dog-violet · 2 years
ok but seriously bsd has sooo many death fake outs and i’m still expected to believe every vampire and guy stuck in an indoor swimming pool is dead for good?
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kitsquared · 2 years
*sits up*
Ranpo in a bear suit
It will be animated
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dazaistabletop · 1 year
Wait hold up so next week we're getting
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We're getting-
We're getting this scene
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lyacinthus · 1 year
bsd s4 spoilers !!!
(my incoherent ramblings about the flashy RGB pixels on screen)
- untold origins first ep SO. TRUE.
- oda is so squishy like so so so squishy like tiny fella a little guy :)
- ranpo's cat energy in this whole ep is immaculate.
- something along the lines of "what am i doing, i swore to never work with another again" cause you have a shit taste in men
but now it's a child and sooner you'll realize adopting children > batshit insane partners
with that being said, 13 eps (from what i saw) to fit both untold origins and whatever the fuck this current arc is... im scared 🥰
why do i have a feeling they'll rush the perfect crime trio's chapter so badly
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note-boom · 2 years
Me: Wait a minute. Bram Stoker somehow resurrected Akutagawa despite Aku having died. Could he maybe do that to Odasaku?
Me: *remembers that Bram and the vampires probably need blood to drain and turn the corpse into a vampire*
Me: Oh.... :,(
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fucoochie · 1 month
Prediction for what will happen in BSD after Chapter 114.5 (SPOILERS BELOW)
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HEAR ME OUT... because I'm pretty sure Verlaine is gonna debut, and I know what happens to Fukuchi. These things are related.
As someone who overanalyzed Asagiri's past LN Storm Bringer, I want to bring some things to attention in light of BSD chapter 114.5 which introduces a tripolar singularity
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Singularities played a huge role in Storm Bringer.
They are what gave both Chuuya and Verlaine the near-indestructible abilities to channel and even be taken over by Arahabaki and Guivre. In essence, the two of them became singularities.
IMPORTANT excerpts from SB explaining singularities, and how they relate to Chuuya and Verlaine:
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There's some more in there that I left out for brevity, including a reference to an ability to amplify one's own ability, but perhaps you see where I'm going with this...
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In the official reference, Fukuchi's mysterious new form is given the title 神人 (shinjin), meaning "a divine or godly person," consisting of the kanji for "god" and "man."
Both Arahabaki and the demonic beast Guivre are referred to as gods. They take control of Chuuya and Verlaine and mass destruction ensues. I believe this is what will happen with Fukuchi as "shinjin."
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Where will the "god" in question come from? His sword, Ame-no-gozen.
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Whatever god is dwelling in there may be Fukuchi's Arahabaki/Guivre equivalent, or perhaps it's all three of the components because:
Fukuchi, Ame no gozen, and the Holy Sword Soluz Levni each contain a consciousness that is absorbed into the tripolar singularity, represented by the 3-part symbol on Fukuchi's new form
The "holy cross sword" was made from someone unknown, which I suspect will be relevant later, as they will also be absorbed into the singularity... Note similar design elements on Fukuchi's new form (blade-like legs, torn cloth, circular symbol with spikes in it)
Regardless, I'm certain the SB parallels are no coincidence.
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This happens once every blue moon!
I think this also means we'll get to see Verlaine finally appear. By god this has been a "storm" if there ever was one, and the contents of SB will only get more and more relevant. Don't forget that Agatha Christie was teased and we know Verlaine assassinated members of her Order of the Clock Tower.
TL;DR, Fukuchi's singularity makes him like Chuuya and Verlaine, that's why he's not himself and is going to wreak havoc, and also why I think Verlaine will finally show up in the main plot
As for what can stop him, we'll have to look back to SB, but I'm taking a break before I take up that task
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So, you don’t have any rules that I can request by. So, um, what if the Reader is a hardcore fan of Dazai and Chuuya?
To the point of having all of their Mayoi cards and a Soukoku-themed room?
When you are a big Soukoku fan
Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Chuuya Nakahara
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Description: There are things BSD Cast need to acsept with the fact, that they are fictional. Having fans is one of them.
Warning: OOC. English is my second language. Tiny spoilers for Fifteen arc, DEAD APPLE and The Guild Arc.
A/N: Quick clarification about me 'not having rules for requests'. I got this ask right before I post them.
🪢🦀🍷 There are some things that fictional characters should learn to live with after gaining self-awareness.
🪢🦀🍷 They should accept the fact that they aren't real.
🪢🦀🍷 They should accept the fact that thousands of strangers knew about their lives.
🪢🦀🍷And they should accept the fact, that they have fans.
🪢🦀🍷 BSD Cast quickly learned about BSD Fandom.
🪢🦀🍷 Their opinion about Fandom... varied.
🪢🦀🍷 Something was nice, something was bad. And Cast quickly learned about checking tags before looking at art or reading fanfic.
🪢🦀🍷But, in general, while seeing all this people liking them do feel a little bit strange, BSD cast do feel flattered.
🪢🦀🍷 Their Guiding Light also was their fan.
🪢🦀🍷 Specifically, Guiding Light were a fan of Dazai Osamu and Chuuya Nakahara. And Soukoku in general.
🪢🦀🍷 Characters heard, how you cheered for Dazai and Chuuya during their battles with Rimbaud, Shibusawa, Steinbeck and Lovecraft.
"Dazai and Chuuya managed to win a fight against a professional spy when they were fifteen! They were cool even in teen years!"
"Wow! Now I understand, why Soukoku was feared in criminal world!"
"They weren't fighting together, at least for four years, but manage to win against Lovecraft! Good fighting partners will always be winners."
🪢🦀🍷 They also saw, how you always tried to get all Chuuya and Dazai cards in BSD Mayoi.
"Great, cards with both Dazai and Chuuya on it! I will max 'An Unwanted Coalition' and 'Duo of Darkness' skills and level."
"Pity, that I didn't play in Japanese version of Mayoi. I missed Stage Play Scout and Fifteen Soukoku Card!"
"Boss Battle against Steinbeck and Lovecraft should be cleaned only with Dazai and Chuuya cards, and you can't change my mind!"
🪢🦀🍷 Dazai and Chuuya feel so much love and adoration from you. The rest of the BSD cast were a little bit jealous.
🪢🦀🍷 Especially Fukuzawa and Mori. They can be considered the original duo, they still can fight together and be victorious. Why won't you adore them as well?
🪢🦀🍷 When Ango manage to hack your gallery, they saw pictures of you and your room.
🪢🦀🍷 You had not only BSD manga/LN collection. You also had few figurines and posters of Dazai Osamu and Chuuya Nakahara. There also were paper figurines of Soukoku you made yourself. You also have shirts.
🪢🦀🍷Dazai and Chuuya feel flattered. Your love and admiration felt nice, and having Little Light constantly purring and floating above them make them happy.
🪢🦀🍷 Dazai and Chuuya are competing with each other. Who will become The Most Favorite Character. They mess with each other's scouts, send you in-game presents.
🪢🦀🍷 They can't wait to meet you in person. Chuuya want to show you his powers in real life. Dazai, among other things, plan to tease you a little. Both want to protect you.
You were happy. You finally get your package. You have bought plush Dazai and plush Chuuya. Today, your package finally arrived.
You open the door at your apartment. Time to unpack your package and get your plushies. You go to the kitchen to grab scissors.
You open the package and take both plushies in your hand.
Your phone shined white. The whole room were filled with light.
Then light faded.
BSD Cast were standing before you.
You looked at them. They looked at you. And your plushes. You don't want to think, what would happen, if they saw your room.
You wonder, if putting plushies back in the box wile shouting 'It's not mine and this is not my apartment at all, I'm a burglar' will work and safe you from embarrassment, but decide against it.
Be that as it may!
Dazai take a step forward and grin.
"Hello, [Y/N]! Good to finally meet my biggest fan!"
Chuuya grumbles and move forward.
"You whimp! [Y/N] clearly love me more!"
Dazai and Chuuya start bickering, while Kunikida start explaining the situation to you.
It was something. You don't know how, but BSD cast got into your world. And, it seems, Dazai and Chuuya heard you gushing about them. You don't know, how to react. You just stand there. You manage to whisper.
"Um... Can we talk in the living room? The whole situation is quite bizarre."
Dazai and Chuuya stopped bickering. Dazai nodded.
"Good idea. But I will take mini-me."
Then, Dazai grabbed his plush counterpart from your grasp. You almost dropped plush Chuuya, but real Chuuya got him, before the toy hit the floor. Instead of giving it back to you, Chuuya keeps it. Chuuya smirks.
"Sorry, [Y/N], but plush will stay with me. But, I must add, you looked adorable with them in your hands."
Dazai also chipped in.
"Don't worry, soon you can place them near the rest of your figurines."
You feel embarrassed. You had a feeling, that your life will change. And you were sure, that there will be a lot of teasing in your life.
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