#you can’t have it both ways my dears 💖
linklethehistorian · 10 months
BSD 109 spoilers
*casually sips my drink while I watch the sweet sweet irony of the SKK sub-fandom desperately clinging onto the hope of LN Fifteen’s “Dazai’s ability can work through objects” revelation to explain why Chuuya didn’t kill Dazai, while recalling how up until this point many of them were actively harassing me on a few other sites and taunting me and telling me to cope because one visual Easter egg apparently made the anime’s events canon to the manga instead of the LN’s*
Mmmm, I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning.
Oh, my poor dears, don’t forget…the LN isn’t real now, that was never really established, according to you, and not canon to the manga, so tell me…how about you cope this time, hm? 💖☺️
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rolling-storm-writing · 9 months
Can you please write Týr x Kratos??? It can be headcanons of fluff, smut, or both!!! Just write whatever comes to mind!!! I'll be thankful with anything you write for me!!! 😊💖💖💖
Tyr/Kratos- Headcanons
warnings; NSFW
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Two words… SLOW BURN, first and foremost both are still deeply hurt and grieving.  Tyr is fresh from being imprisoned and Kratos still reeling after Ragnarok.
Kratos is quite weary of the former god as he brings Mimir to speak with him.  If anything the two don’t truly interact without outside help. 
Awkward to the outside eye as they sit in an ominous silence around a camp fire.
The two find common ground when it comes to god hood and what it means.  Learning from one another and finding solace in their differences and similarities.
Their relationship is a very slow but meaningful one in my opinion.
Occasional trips to other realms or taking time to hunt together.  Quiet storytelling or quick “hello’s” when in passing.
There is no big gesture or ask the two simply just fall into place at each other’s side.
Tyr is the more openly romantic one of the two with physical touch and words of affirmation being big things for him.  
After being locked away for so long tho he’s very hesitant about opening up to another.
Kratos doesn’t mind and often finds the gentle touches and closeness to be perfect.  More meaningful than some swooning kiss could ever be.
“May I?” Would come his lover’s quiet voice as they walked together.  And without fail Kratos would offer his hand to him.
Tyr’s larger one wrapped ever so delicately around his own as they continued on their walk.
One thing about this pair is communication and proper boundaries are a must.  Very tentative and careful with one another no matter the occasion.
“Is this alright?” Kratos would mutter running his fingers through the giant’s soft hair.  A soft hum of approval and he’d continue on twirling the soft locs through his fingers.
And in the morning when those larger hands massaged at Kratos’ waist, and soft lips pressed against his shoulder all it took was quiet “continue” and they’d be all over each other.
On his back Kratos looked through hooded lids as Tyr loomed over him.  Legs spread wide and held up at his lover sunk deeper into him.
“So beautiful…” watching as his cock nestled deeper inside, kratos’ hole speared and puffy with glistening silk with every filling inch.
Tyr is so much bigger and it drives the both of them mad with lust.  Kratos is a pillow princess and Tyr’s only cowgirl and the god can’t get enough.
Losing himself as he plows into the smaller man with each bed rattling thrusts. hands on his hips, pulling Kratos back and pushing into him over and over. 
Kratos isn’t a loud man but with Tyr he’s a growling mess.  Low moans filling the room to mingle with slapping skin and creaking bed frame.
These two have so much stamina it’s almost unreal how long they can go.  “So good for me…” Tyr would whisper finally as he buried his cock fully, Kratos holding onto with dear life as he was folded like a pretzel.
cum dripping from his hole as and down his thighs. Eyes rolled to the back of his skull choking on a breathless moan as he too reached a mind numbing climax.
Tyr is very much a service top and lives to make sure his love is satisfied.  Slowly pulling out and peppering Kratos with soft kisses.  Lips pressed together in a soft kiss as hands grasp and caress the other.
Aftercare and just taking care of one another is simply a must as well.  Relaxing in the bath some time later or cuddling up after a previously prepared meal.
These two are honesty just goals in my eyes.  Very sweet and slow in a way that’s just perfect…
A/N; WELL I finally wrote something!! Honestly I really do like this ship and maybe I’ll write more for em.
If y’all have any other suggestions feel free to let me know ! And don’t forget your umbrella<3
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alexa-fika · 4 months
Killer Timeouts ( Kidd x sibling!Reader x Killer)
A/N Im determined to do at least one from all of this list of prompts, once again send love to @me-writes-prompts for delivering this,also let me point out idk how many of these we have done but none of them have been in an pffice so far 😂. Honestly I think it’s A COOK, is it a cook, a simmer or a lukewarm?
Also 💖 Anon, I see you and your request 🫦, exited for some Vinsmoke action
Prompt: "Can you stop and pay attention to what I'm saying for once?" "Oh, I didn't see you were here."
Divider’s by @/saradika
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“-And I really think we should not get down on the next island; there are a lot of marines there, so we should lay low until our….Kid!” They growled, frustrated that their brother had sat tinkering with his arm all the time they had been talking, most likely ignoring every word they had said
“Can you stop and pay attention to what im saying for once?!”
“Oh, I didn’t see you were here.”
“What the hell, Kid! I have been trying to tell you our plan for our next stop for the last fifteen minutes!”
“You talk a lot, you know that?”
“And you ignore a lot, you know that?”
“You’re boring.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, dear brother have my plans to keep us from being captured far too boring for you?”
“Your plans are always boring.”
“That’s because your ‘plans’ simply involve killing everyone on sight!”
“That’s why they are good plans.”
“You infuriating piece of crap! I should throw you overboard!” They growl, stomping their way only to be stopped by someone slipping their arms under their arms, wrapping them around their chest, holding them back from approaching their brother any further
“Killer, let me go; he needs a good beating!”
“I think you guys need some space.”
Killer’s voice rumbles calmly, holding Reader back from causing another fight between the siblings
“Is this what y’all do when I’m not around, fight?”
“I wouldn’t have to if that Emo-wannabe would just listen to me!”
“The hell did you say?!”
“You heard me!”
“You’re both so stubborn; both the same.” Killer sighs
“No, we’re not!” They both scream angrily, glaring at the masked man
Killer rolls his eyes
“Off we go, Reader; lets go somewhere else and take some time to calm down.”
Killer walks out of the room, dragging the reader by the back of their shirt, ignoring them as they suddenly start fighting against his grasp as Kid cackles, flipping them the bird
“C’mon,” he said, dragging them away
“Just one punch, Killer!”
"No," Killer replies calmly
"You two can't act responsibly, so I'm keeping you separated.Sit," he says, pointing to the stairs leading to the ship's wheel.
"Sit." Killer repeats, cutting off their protests
“You’re in time out for the next hour.”
“An hour?! An I just sitting here for an ho- wait, the hell you mean timeout?!”
"Yes, you two are acting like children, so I'm treating you like children." Killer replies
“Come on!”
"Sit, or im making you stay in the ship for the next island," Killer repeats, pointing towards the stairs
“But im the strategist!”
“Okay, then you’re on guard duty on our next stop then, you’ll be in cleaning duty while you stay on the ship.”
“You can’t assign me those roles!”
“Want to try me?”
“No..” they mutter, pouting, knowing the masked man would find a way to get their stubborn ass to do those tasks; he had been dealing with the siblings' antics for years, so he had become an expert in handling them, and their little bouts
“Then sit down,” Killer replies, knowing he holds the upper.
Their pout deepens as they plant themselves on the ground
“Can I at least get my notebook and planning sheets?” they whine, only to turn into a groan as the blond man quickly chucks the items, chuckling as Reader simply glares at him
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Yall I think Grammarly change one pf the readers to The reader so if you see it let me know, I couldn’t see it when I was editing so maybe it’s not there but hey if you see it
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everlasting-rainfall · 7 months
Hi💖, I have an idea for pages au What if the reader was born much earlier and the story was written at a time when Figarland Garling was still young and like Crocodile was not attached to any character, but he admired MC and decided that he was the only one who deserved her, so he kidnapped her and locked her in a room away from any kind of interaction. With anyone but him and can I get Stockholm Syndrome and maybe a little smut (there's no way I can resist falling in love with him🫠🫠)
Excuse me… Excuse me, dear… I think you dropped something… Here it is! 🥇, it’s your best request that I think I’ve ever received medal! Like this one is one of the best!
Thank you so very much for sending it in as I didn’t ever think that I would ever in a million years get a request for this crescent moon man and would simply have to write my own shit for him, ya know?
But I am so happy that you sent this in, I love this guy! Like I hate his actions but everything else is just 🥵… You get me?
Anyways before I start absolutely just losing myself, let’s get into it! Shall we?
Keep in mind though! MANGA SPOILERS!!
Celestial Dragon Bullshit, Slavery, Delusions, Kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, Severe Isolation, Impregnation, Pregnancy, MANGA SPOILERS
Okay so I’m not entirely sure how Garling would go about getting his hands on one of your books because you know… Technical Celestial Dragon Man with a book from a lowly peasant person? How scandalous!!
But at the end of the day, he seems like someone who doesn’t really give too much of a shit as he doesn’t wear those stupid ass spacesuits or have that dumbass hairstyle so he probably does pick up one of the books at some point
Maybe it’s one day while he’s bored with absolutely nothing to do that he decides to pick up the book, he flips through the pages and although it does help pass the time. It probably bores him even more to be honest
He thinks the love interests are both annoying and the story is okay at most but there is one thing that is keeping him reading and it’s the MC, he didn’t like the MC either at first but he started to like them after a chapter where he saw that they did something that he honestly considered impressive
He kept reading simply for the MC and he steadily began to like them more and more eventually deciding that neither love interest was good enough for the MC and honestly you know how like when you watch a show or play a game, you can’t help but imagine yourself or a character of yours in the story too?
I feel like that’s what he would do like he would start imagining himself in the story when he would read, he would imagine scenes between himself and the MC where they would spend time together until he was considered the only one good enough for them
Eventually though, all good scenarios have to come to an end and he reads the last book finding out that the MC got with the more annoying of the two love interests in the end but not only that, the MC was pregnant too?
This was absolutely unacceptable, they didn’t deserve the MC at all! No one did! No one was good enough for them except for him and a relationship with him was the only thing that he would accept…
Alas though, the MC was simply a fictional character and even he knew that so there was nothing he could do…
Everyone probably was scared shitless of Garling for a few days like bitchass Celestial Dragons were probably scrambling to get out of his way as he’s someone with the power to judge even the Celestial Dragons so him being angry is something that no one wants to be on the receiving end of
However soon enough, his anger comes to an end when he finds a picture while looking at the book covers and this picture just so happens to be of you but you’re dressed up as the MC of your book while giving a happy smile to the camera as the text underneath thanks the buyer of the book for reading the story
Garling could only stare at your face, he was frozen there just standing in front of his bookcase while staring. He couldn’t believe that he hadn’t seen it before, you were the MC and the MC did exist in real life because you were them!
He needed to have you… He would have you…
Imagine your shock when about a week later, you got a knock on your door from some men who looked incredibly prestigious and honestly very intimidating like to the point where you just wanted to shut the door and lock it tight
You could probably try but it wouldn’t work and these people would tell you that someone in the holy land is requesting your presence immediately and you should feel honored which was the very last thing that you were feeling
Maybe you tried to request to pack your bags only to attempt an escape out of like a window but you aren’t going anywhere, you’ll get captured and dragged off without any of your things so it’s best to just pack if you ask for that
The entire way there, you’re terrified as you’re likely going to wind up as the slave to some horrible and disgusting celestial dragon that makes you want to puke just by looking at him and these fears probably only get worse the closer you get to your destination
Once you’re finally there, you’re greeted by Figarland Garling who you assume that you’ll become the slave of but instead he tells you that you’re his spouse now and that you should devote yourself to him now that you’re with someone whose truly good enough for you
It’s confusing as all hell because he’s talking like he knows you when you have never met before today but despite that, he takes you back to what is now your home and lets you get settled into your shared bedroom before he tells you that you are never leaving the house ever again and that you are never to interact with a person who isn’t him
I’d say that you try to argue but do you really think that’s a good idea trying to argue with a man like this? I’d suggest simply listening and hoping that he’ll let you go after a while even though he probably won’t
Things aren’t the worst that they could possibly be when living with Garling as he is a bit distant and doesn’t allow anyone to interact with you but at least there’s a lot of things to keep you busy and he does allow you to continue writing
Even when Garling has company over, you aren’t allowed to meet them even if they’re another holy knight or a slave as Garling keeps you locked in a room so no one unworthy (aka anyone that isn’t him) can lay eyes on you
Really truly, Garling would only make an exception to who could see you if you had a medical emergency or required medical attention of any kind but even then they’re on thin ice and better not touch you more than he deems necessary
Seeing as you are still a writer as well, you are allowed to have your books published but there is to be no letters from fans coming in and you aren’t allowed to head out to do things like book signings or meet ups because that would require leaving the house and interacting with other people
You definitely grew to hate this arrangement and tried to plead with Garling to let you leave your home at least once in a while as you want to go outside and just breathe some fresh air away from the home for once
He would of course refuse anything that isn’t going out into the backyard for a bit though and even then, it feels suffocating because of how closely he monitors you during this time
The situation is becoming unbearable for you even when he tells you that this is all for your own good and that he does this because he loves you and wants you to be safe, you can only just cry as the feelings of being trapped weigh on you
This man can likely see the way that it weighs on you and that’s probably when he starts to become more affectionate with you like he starts bringing you things when he leaves for long periods of time and lovingly embraces you in longer kisses whenever he kisses you
He even starts to talk with you more than he used to and often reminds you of just how much he loves and adores you, no one else is good enough for you except him and now that you’re starting to become vulnerable. He’s sure that he can make you see it
As time passes with his new more affectionate behavior, you start to have thoughts. You start to think in the back of your head that this is truly good for you, this life with Garling is the best one that you could live like you still know that this life isn’t the best especially with all the horrible shit that comes with being in the holy land
But some part of you starts to love Garling back even though he’s a dangerous man who kidnapped you and forced you into being his spouse, you start to think that he really is just doing what’s best for you as what’s best for you is being kept only with him
He’s your loving husband and he would never let a single bad thing happen to you after all, how could you ever think about wanting to leave him when he loves you oh so very much? That’s what you think to yourself
Your life is here with Garling now as his loving spouse where you’ll never leave him and you’ll be sure to show him just how much you love him in exchange
When you truly and genuinely kiss him back for the first time with your arms wrapped around his neck, he knows that you’re his and that you’re never leaving him
You don’t even bat an eye when he starts to refer to you by the name of the MC now instead of by your name, your brain rationalizes it to you that your husband loves you so much that he perceives you and the MC of your story that he adores as the same person
Stockholm Syndrome and Delusions have started to set into place for you causing you to start to believe that you are the MC of the story and Garling is the only one who deserves you, the love interests are simply too annoying
And when Garling finally has you, he’ll pin you down on the bed underneath him and listen as you cry out his name in pure pleasure and leave scratches down his back while he thrusts into you
It’s the most beautiful sight that he could ever see, his love writhing underneath him from the pleasure that he’s providing them but not only that. They’re giving themselves completely to him and devoting themselves to him just like he has done for them
There’s simply one last thing that he needs to do to you and he knows exactly what it is as when he finally finishes, he makes sure to do it inside of you
And a few months later when you’re sitting a belly large and full with his baby, he comes up and kisses you deeply before moving you to sit on his lap while he sits on the chair
Not a day goes by where he ever regrets reading those books and when he looks at your face only to see just how absolutely in love with him you are…
He knows for a fact that you don’t regret making them…
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ninadove · 12 days
Nina reads Dracula 🦇
May 24th
And we’re back, thank goodness!!! I’ve been so worried about my good friend Jonathan! I can’t wait to hear how he outsmarted the Count and made it out safely and —
Letter, Lucy Westenra to Mina Murray.
But hey, it’s the girls! I love the girls! Let’s see if they’ve been building any castles in the air recently.
My dear, it never rains but it pours. How true the old proverbs are. Here am I, who shall be twenty in September, and yet I never had a proposal till to-day, not a real proposal, and to-day I have had three. Just fancy! THREE proposals in one day! Isn't it awful!
This is my idea of a nightmare actually. But!!! More points for the poly theory!!!
I feel sorry, really and truly sorry, for two of the poor fellows.
Nevermind, they didn’t pass the vibe check. (Or did they?)
You and I, Mina dear, who are engaged and are going to settle down soon soberly into old married women, can despise vanity.
Cottagecore sapphics anyone? 💖
I told you of him, Dr. John Seward, the lunatic-asylum man, with the strong jaw and the good forehead. He was very cool outwardly, but was nervous all the same. He had evidently been schooling himself as to all sorts of little things, and remembered them; but he almost managed to sit down on his silk hat, which men don't generally do when they are cool, and then when he wanted to appear at ease he kept playing with a lancet in a way that made me nearly scream.
Wasn’t he supposed to be the cool unaffected one? Maybe Lucy just has this effect on people.
He was going to tell me how unhappy he would be if I did not care for him, but when he saw me cry he said that he was a brute and would not add to my present trouble. […] And then, Mina, I felt a sort of duty to tell him that there was some one. I only told him that much, and then he stood up, and he looked very strong and very grave as he took both my hands in his and said he hoped I would be happy, and that if I ever wanted a friend I must count him one of my best.
GOOD!!!!! I LIKE HIM!!!!!
Well, my dear, number Two came after lunch. He is such a nice fellow, an American from Texas —
[Miraculous flashabacks] DON’T —
I know now what I would do if I were a man and wanted to make a girl love me.
Normal Things To Tell Your Bestie, 99th edition
Mr. Quincey P. Morris found me alone. It seems that a man always does find a girl alone. No, he doesn't, for Arthur tried twice to make a chance, and I helping him all I could; I am not ashamed to say it now.
I must tell you beforehand that Mr. Morris doesn't always speak slang—that is to say, he never does so to strangers or before them, for he is really well educated and has exquisite manners—but he found out that it amused me to hear him talk American slang, and whenever I was present, and there was no one to be shocked, he said such funny things. […]
'Miss Lucy, I know I ain't good enough to regulate the fixin's of your little shoes, but I guess if you wait till you find a man that is you will go join them seven young women with the lamps when you quit. Won't you just hitch up alongside of me and let us go down the long road together, driving in double harness?'
OK BUT THIS IS LITERALLY SO SWEET he personalised it and even made fun of himself to diffuse the tension 🥺
And then, my dear, before I could say a word he began pouring out a perfect torrent of love-making, laying his very heart and soul at my feet. He looked so earnest over it that I shall never again think that a man must be playful always, and never earnest, because he is merry at times.
I burst into tears—I am afraid, my dear, you will think this a very sloppy letter in more ways than one—
Why can't they let a girl marry three men, or as many as want her, and save all this trouble?
'If that other fellow doesn't know his happiness, well, he'd better look for it soon, or he'll have to deal with me. Little girl, your honesty and pluck have made me a friend, and that's rarer than a lover; it's more unselfish anyhow. My dear, I'm going to have a pretty lonely walk between this and Kingdom Come. Won't you give me one kiss? It'll be something to keep off the darkness now and then. You can, you know, if you like, for that other good fellow—he must be a good fellow, my dear, and a fine fellow, or you could not love him—hasn't spoken yet.' That quite won me, Mina, for it was brave and sweet of him, and noble, too, to a rival—wasn't it?—and he so sad; so I leant over and kissed him.
Honestly? Mood. I am utterly charmed by this cowboy.
Now number 3 has to be something.
P.S.—Oh, about number Three—I needn't tell you of number Three, need I? Besides, it was all so confused; it seemed only a moment from his coming into the room till both his arms were round me, and he was kissing me. I am very, very happy, and I don't know what I have done to deserve it. I must only try in the future to show that I am not ungrateful to God for all His goodness to me in sending to me such a lover, such a husband, and such a friend.
OK OK I am willing to accept that the strength of your feelings can’t be transcribed into words. But still.
In conclusion: these are Lucy’s three boyfriends, and yes, they eat garlic bread. 🧄🥖
(Also the contrast with Dracula’s roommates did not go unnoticed)
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fatuismooches · 10 months
SMOOCHES!!! Hii my dove!! ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
OKay so! Since fragile!reader was in a coma for like a really reallyyyy long time, it means Dottore didn’t really have anybody to cook for him. 😭I’m glad we all agree this man probably can’t/couldn’t cook well, so you were the one always cooking his meals before you got sick. And sure ! Maybe you did teach him a few recipes but they won’t taste the same! Or how he wasn’t able to enjoy the sweets you would bake for him before whenever he would stay up working on his experiments in your dorm. I Can just imagine that while you’re in your coma, he probably tries baking/cooking so that when you do wake up from your coma, he can treat you to perhaps some food he made. Would it be burnt? Obviously…but I feel like whenever he does have free time and you’re baking/cooking, he would try to help you instead of Zandy helping you. He probably shoo’s the child away LMAO. I really enjoy that one HC that someone made about him taking an hour out of his day. Since just the both of you baking and talking over simple things </3 I’m very delulu as you can see. I just wanna bake chocolate chip cookies with my love and talk about the most generic things while we wait for the cookies to bake. 😭
Anyways I hope you’ve been enjoying Fontaine! I was able to finish the archon quests and plan on starting exploration the day I’m writing this. I really think Fontaine is my fav region bc of how gorgeous and fun it is. But have a wonderful day my love! Lots of cuddles and chu chus
-from your dear boo boo bear 🎐 anon ೀ
Yup yup, do NOT let Dottore cook 😭 It will not go well. The first time you let him cook dinner in the dorm was also the last time. From then you tried to teach him some basics so everything he knows is from you, but even still it's not the best... only the bare minimum. So Zandik had always left the kitchen stuff to you which he had no problem with. He never admitted defeat... but in this particular skill he had to.
But he only realizes the extent of his ineptitude when you're not here anymore. I feel like his lab wouldn't even have a kitchen a first lol he only got it put in since he knows you'll want to cook when you wake up from your coma. And even though he gets it for you he avoids the room like a plague because it somehow reminds him of you cooking in that cramped dorm kitchen from long ago.
Until finally after a long period of time and no signs of you waking up Dottore bites the bullet and tries his hand at your forte. Truthfully he never understand why he wasn't good, he thought of cooking as a sort of experimental procedure, just follow the directions in the cookbook and surely the food would turn out fine, right? Wrong! No matter how much he follows the directions down to the wire it turns out horribly. Even if he wings it, it's much worse. He swore he could hear you laughing and making fun of him... even though you had been asleep for centuries.
UGH YES ZANDIK HELPING YOU 😭 Hey, he may not be able to do all of the actual cooking but he can still slice and cut things up pretty good (he has experience if yk what i mean) which is quite helpful to you since your hands are shaky. You have to comfort bb Zandy that you'll hang with him later before hugging him (he throws the meanest look and sticks his tongue out at Dottore)
Oh yes that was 💌 anon's hc !! <33 Sometimes you feel guilty for "wasting" his time so you try to not make it a habit but he always lectures you for thinking that way. I mean surely he has more important things to do than doing some silly little baking with you but he always reassures you in his gruff to the point way of speaking that he likes it.
Yup, I've been loving Fontaine very very much! The story has been my fav part and I also love the underwater scenery 💖 Good luck on your exploration! I think it is a lot of fun doing stuff in the sea, it feels so new and unique ❤️ (Sumeru desert flashbacks)
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k-slla · 7 months
To the Sky
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A/n: This is my first square filled on @jacklesversebingo 🎉 aand I got bit carried away with that😅
Word count: ~3.4k
Square used: Tonight by R3YAN & BLVKES (prompt will be in bold)
This was requested by @alternativeprincess94 ( I hope you'll like it💖)
Could you do a smut where the reader has had enough of hearing Jensen brag on making all the lady’s have orgasms and she said that he can’t do it over FaceTime and when he comes home he proves her wrong but she completely forgot about the conversation they had please
originally sent to @cevansbaby-dove
Warnings: 18+ONLY, language, fingering, oral(m receiving), breeding kink (i think, but including this just in case), face fucking, DOM! Jensen, unprotected p in v (wrap it before you tap it!), overstimulation(kind of), bit of angst and fluff
My Masterlist
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I was sitting in a diner on my lunch break and I was extremely bored waiting for my food to arrive so I decided to FaceTime Jensen. I know it's like 10am in Vancouver where he was currently filming Supernatural, and it's Saturday morning, but that didn't stop me. If I had to wake up early to go to work, I'm waking him up too. He always does the same to me, so tit for tat.
I started call and he didn't pick up the first time. I sent a text to him.
Y/N: Pick up! Pick up! Pick up!
He was probably still asleep, but not for long. Sometimes I wonder if I'm too mean to him, but then I think nah, no such thing. So I called him again.
"Have you got any idea what time it is ?" He looked hungover and very grumpy at the moment. "Yeah, it's lunch time and I'm bored."
"It's Fucking 10am on a Saturday. Go read a book if you're bored, why you have to terrorize me?" He asked and sat up in bed.
"Well, cause it's so much fun! And I had some time to kill, going back to work in 45. You look awful by he way. Had a long night?"
He laughed dryly as he leaned against his headboard. "You could defintely say that again. We had a wrap party for the season. It got little bit out of hands." I laughed heartily. "Oh, I do not envy you then, good luck with the hangover." My food arrived and I put my phone up against the sugar bowl on the table so I could still chat with Jensen and eat at the same time. "Hey, guess where I am?" I asked and pointed my camera to my food which was both of ours go-to order from our favorite restaurant. "Noo, not Torchy's! God, now I have to find me some tacos. Damn you, woman!" I did a little happy dance and he groaned loudly.
"Who's calling you this early?" I heard a woman's whiny voice next to him. I was little taken aback, but decided to try to play it cool. "She's a friend. I told you girls about her last night." Girls? GIRLS?? He had multiple women in bed with him and he didn't hang up on me. Damn, I feel special, I thought to myself.
"Wait, what? What did you talk about me?" I asked with a mouthful of hot food, that I swallowed quickly. "Sorry." I apologized to him. "Oh, nothing much, just that you're my BFF." He said, mockingly throwing back his hair before continuing. "I'm getting back Thursday, want to grab some dinner and drinks then? I'll see if Jared maybe wants to join us." I nodded. "Sure! That sounds fun!"
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After some chatting I saw a manicured hand slowly moving up on his chest. "Can you maybe hang up now? We are bored too." One of the women said suggestively. "What? Didn't you have enough last night?" He laughed cheekily.
I had trouble keeping my food down. "Jensen, please! I'm trying to eat here. Can you keep from bedroom talk until you've hang up on me?" I grumbled. "And, FYI, they're probably just trying to boost your ego. I wouldn't take their word for it." I gave a quick teasing jab after. But deep down the all familiar feeling jealousy started to creep up. I couldn't help but envy those girls.
"Oh, Y/N, dear, believe me. They're not." he chuckled and moved his hand out of frame, doing God knows what there. "Guess I'll have to show you myself someday." he said with a flirty wink directed at me.
"Oh, God, no, Bye!" I said quickly and ended the call.
I was walking back to my office, trying to forget the last part of the call. I had to get these stupid thoughts about my oldest friend out my head.
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Come Thursday morning I texted Jensen to see if our dinner plans are still in the works and almost immediately he answered : Of course! See you tonight:)
After work I hurried home to quickly shower and put some makeup on. For the clothes I chose some faux leather black leggings and topped it off with a black top and checkered blazer. Casual but not too casual which was perfect. Then I got a call from him.
J: Hey, Y/N. I was thinking Torchy's for tonight, you really made me jealous the other day. That good?
Y/N: Perfect! I'm on my way, so I'll see you there.
J: Sweet, see you soon!
I got to the restaurant and saw Jensen already at a table in the back corner. He got up when he saw me approaching. He looked absolutely stunning in his leather jacket. "Damn, I've missed you. It's been way to long!" He said warmly and hugged me tight."Hey, it's good to see you too. Jared had plans I presume?" I looked around us.
Restaurant itself was quiet today, which I didn't mind actually. On weekends there were always too many people there and it was too loud. Right now it had more of a relaxed vibe. "Yeah, he had a date tonight." He said as we sat down." Which brings me to a question I have to ask. Can I please- please, please , please - crash with you tonight? I do not want to be home when he gets back and I'm positive he won't be alone." He looked at me pleadingly.
"But what if I want to take someone home tonight? It has been long you know since..." I teased him and he didn't catch it immediately. "Oh, okay then, of course. I didn't think of that." He sighed and leaned back.
Waitress brought us the menus and we ordered our food and couple of drinks. "By the way, I was joking before. Of course you can stay the night. Did you really think I was going to say no or better, have a date?" His face lit up with a wide smile. "I actually did, yeah. I was seriously considering whether to risk going home or not. So thanks." He laughed.
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The whole dinner went amazingly. We hadn't seen each other face to face since Christmas so we had four months worth of news to fill each other in.
Our food was long gone but we kept the cocktails coming. We were laughing so hard that more than once someone came to tell us to keep it down. Drinks were doing their job and I was definitely getting tipsy.
"So yeah, after New Years I quit my job at accounting and did training course in HR management. And it has been amazing so far. Really. I don't understand how I was able to work as an accountant for nearly 10 years. I feels like a breath of fresh air. The challenges and problem solving are more up my alley so I'm very happy at the moment with were I am." I babbled with a contented smile and he let me do it without interruptions, just listening me intently.
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We both took a moment to quietly relax, taking in the cozy atmosphere of the place. Only us and one other couple were left in the restaurant, it was probably closing up soon.
"So it's getting late. Want to head home?"
Jensen finally spoke, looking for his wallet.
"Hey, I can pay for myself. You really don't have to." I cut in. "No, Y/N. It was my my idea, so I'm taking care of the bill today." I knew there was no point of arguing with him so I raised my hands in defeat but still added. "Next time's on me then."
When we left the restaurant and I felt a bit light-headed. "Hey, can we take a little walk? I want to clear my head little bit." I looked up at him. He put his hand around me and pulled me closer. "Yeah, of course. You sure you're fine?" He asked worriedly.
"Yeah, just a bit dizzy." I smiled.
We started to slowly stroll in direction of my apartment. We walked in silence for ten minutes or so, when Jensen stopped abruptly. "What's wrong?"
He took a deep breath and began to speak. "I'm sorry if I'm overstepping right now but I can't keep quiet. It's probably couraged by alcohol as well, but you have to know it's one hundred percent me." My brows furrowed and I nodded understandingly.
He stepped closer to me before continuing. "I don't know what happened to me but after our video call last week? I haven't been able to stop thinking about you, Y/N."
My brain totally failed to take in what he said. "What?"
"I know, I know. We're friends and it's wrong but right now, and for the whole evening today, kissing your soft, velvety red lips is all I'm capable to think of." He started to slowly lean in on me. "I am going to kiss you. Say no and we won't ever have to talk about this again." He stopped for a little moment to see if there's any protest coming from me.
My heart skipped a beat when he finally brushed his lips against mine. First the kiss was gentle, wary even, as if he still believed I was going to push him away. My fingers immediately snaked through his hair to his neck to pull him closer. I kissed him back hungrily and found myself back against the wall. This was now a full on make out session in the middle of the street, but we didn't care.
His hand stroked inside of my thigh and I was getting soaking wet already. My heart was racing and breathing got shallower. "Fuck, Jensen, I need more. I need you." I managed to whisper when we broke the kiss. He rested his forehead againt mine and tried to catch a breath. " I- Shit, Y/N, are you really sure? I don't want to- " I didn't let him even finish his sentence, the need for his touch was getting unbearable. "Shhh. Yes, I'm sure." I kissed him again. "Take me home then." he finally said and flagged down a taxi for us.
The taxi drive to my apartment couldn't be more slower. As we were trying to keep our hands to ourselves in the car, I finally had a moment to think. Is this really a good idea? What happens after? We can walk away from this as friends, right? I'm sure he can, but it's the other half I'm worrying about. I was getting nervous and tried to calm down. I looked at Jensen and he was staring at me like I was prey he was waiting to devour. No man has ever looked at me this way. I felt truly desired. I decided to deal with the outcome tomorrow. We're fucking grown ups. I want him. He clearly wants me. So I was going to focus on him.
I put my hand on his thigh close to his crotch and squeezed. "Can't wait already to get you out of these restrictive pants" I whispered into his ear. "Oh, fuck me!" He muttered under his breath. "That's the plan, you know?" I purred and peppered his neck with soft kisses.
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I fumbled with my keys outside apartment building door, as he was behind me, now grabbing me everywhere possible. He put his hand on my thigh and moved it slowly upwards between my legs, the other one squeezing my breast. His motions made me throw my head onto his shoulder and stifle a moan. "Oh, that feels good." I sighed.
He let me go and to my hand to walk towards the elevator when an idea struck. I let go of him and quickly started to run up the stairs. "Catch me if you can!" I yelled after. Taking two steps at a time I had a little head start on Jensen, I heard him grunt behind me. "Damn you, Y/N! You just wait and see!" he laughed. I was ahead of him by a floor and he still managed to catch me at my door. He turned me to face him and roughly pushed me up against the door. My legs immediately snaked around his waist like a reflex. Our lips met again forcefully. "Oh, baby, I made you some promises last week so I'm not gonna pretend I'll try to be gentle with you tonight." He growled.
He carried me inside and closed the door behind him with a kick. He walked straight to my kitchen and sat me down on a bar stool. While one of his hands was pulling my hair, the other started to explore my body more. Still rubbing me through my leggings, he pulled me up from the chair. "Strip." I wasn't going to let him say that twice. "Yes, sir!" I shot him a sassy smile. I quickly removed all my clothing, while he stood there and watched.
He lifted me up to the counter and kissed me hungrily, groaning as he pressed his body between my legs. He lowered himself to kiss and lick my breasts, I couldn't hold back the moans as his tongue circled on my nipple. "Fuck, Jensen, please." I whimpered under him. His fingers were teasing my folds and started pumping inside me and I pulled him up again to kiss me. "You're so fucking tight and warm. Soaked already. All for me, huh?" he asked between kisses. "Can't wait to bury myself into you. You want me to fuck you, like I fucked these girls after you called? Hmm?" He whispered, his lips leaving trail of goosebumps moving up my neck and I ran my fingers through his hair, pulling, when he reached to my weak spot under my ear.
"Oh, ghh - god!" Desperate whine was all that came out of me, when I felt him pull his fingers out. "Answer me. You want to be fucked like they were?"
"Yes, please." I managed to whisper quietly. "Yes, please, what?" he asked me, teasing my aching pussy with slow strokes. "Yes, please, Sir!" I repeated and my hips jerked up when he suddenly filled me again with his fingers. "Learning fast, aren't we? But you're gonna have to wait for that. Cum for me, babe." He ordered, moving his hand faster until I came, clenching around him, silently screaming as I threw my head back in pleasure. "Oh, look at you, taking orders like a good girl." He kissed me softly as I squirmed and calmed down from my climax.
He picked me up and moved us to the bedroom, where he sat me down on the corner of the bed before starting to undress himself. I'd seen him shirtless on countless occasions, but still it was a glorious sight. But what really left me speechless was the way my cunt clenched around nothing when his cock sprung out of his boxers. I couldn't help but audibly gasp at the sight, which made him chuckle.
"Come here. On your knees." He said softly, stroking his hard cock. I lowered myself onto the floor in front of him. Jensen grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled gently, guiding me closer to him. I put my hands behind my back, and looking up through my thick lashes, I opened my mouth wide. "Aren't you a pretty sight?" He said approvingly, slowly pushing himself in.
He started to thrust gently at first, picking up speed with each move going deeper. I was gagging and my eyes had started to water, when he got worried. "Tap my thigh if it's too much, okay?" I moaned loudly and nodded, but refused to give up yet. He smiled at the sight. "Such a perfect little slut. Taking it deep." He continued, keeping the same pace as before. His groans started to grow louder. "Fuck!" He finally cursed, breathing shallowly as he pushed deep into my throat once more before he pulled out. "Almost came down your throat. Can't have that when I have that beautiful needy cunt waiting to be filled, isn't that right?" My whole body shivered when I heard him speak like that, praising and degrading left and right, I was almost ready to cum again.
"Please, Jensen." I begged him as I stood up again. "Oh, yeah, sweetie, you're getting it." He purred into my ear, turned me around to face the bed and pushed me onto the bed. "Jensen!" I squealed and laughed when I landed with a soft thud. I turned onto my back and leaned up on my elbows.
What a fucking view I had. Jensen's hair was messy, few beads of sweat were glistening on his forehead. His gaze over my body turned dark and needy, predatory even, ready to attack at any given moment.
I looked straight into his eyes as I opened up my legs and ran one hand through my folds. "Hmm, I think I was promised something." He suddenly reached to my legs and yanked me down to the end of bed. He spat into his hand and rubbed it all over his cock to lube it, although, it really wasn't needed, seeing the state I already was in. "I bet you feel so tight and perfect around my cock, baby." He said as he lined himself up between my legs. Slowly starting to push in, he hovered above me to kiss my lips. I couldn't help but squirm when I finally felt him deep inside me.
He held my hips in place with one hand on my stomach and stilled for a moment to get me used to his size. "So perfect. I love you, baby." He whispered and thrusted into me with such force, that my eyes rolled into my skull and back arched up from bed. "Oh, Jay!" I mewled under him when he continued to pound into me harshly.
I digged my nails hard into his shoulders when he didn't show a sign of slowing down. "I'm gonna fill you up good. You want that, huh? Talk to me, Y/N." I tried to catch my breath. Never before have I felt so unable to form a sentence. "Oh, yes...please..I will take ..it all." I squeezed my eyes shut. "I'm going to- fuuck.. " I whined out. "You're so beautiful when you cum, you know that? Cum all over me, baby." Jensen said and rubbed my clit , driving me over the edge completely. He kept fucking me relentlessly and I felt like I was on the verge of passing out.
His own release followed soon after and with a loud grunt, he finally came inside me, coating my walls with his seed. "Oh, fuckk!" He groaned out and let his body drop down. Trying not to crush me with his weight, he held himself up on elbows. "You're beautiful, Y/N. So fucking gorgeous." He leaned down to kiss me. It was gentle and passionate and sweet, so different from the man who just fucked me into oblivion. He still remained unmoving in me so I was completely pinned under him.
I looked into his eyes and there was something unreadable in them. I felt unreasonably hurt inside. "We have to get up, I need to change the sheets." I said quietly and tried to gently push him up. He took the hint and got off me. Suddenly the room felt colder.
He sat on the edge of the bed. "Do you - ahem- do you regret this Y/N? " He asked quietly.
"No. I could never. But I know you will probably in the morning." I said as walked towards the closet in the hall. "Don't do this, Y/N." He called after. I turned my back to him and started looking for a sheet and two towels, to clean ourselves up. I didn't hear him following but I felt his presence behind my back. He moved my hair over one shoulder, softly brushing his lips over my neck. "I meant what I said before." He turned me around to face him.
I forced myself to look into his evergreen eyes. "What?" I whispered. "I love you, Y/N. I always have." My insecurities made it hard to believe his words. "Why haven't you said anything before then?' I asked quietly. "I was scared and because I knew you could do so much better than me. I'm messed up. I've slept around probably with half of Austin. That's how I know you could get someone better."
My heart broke at hearing his words. Like I would let someone's body count speak for their personality, especially his. "Oh, Jensen." I took his face into my arms. "You're definitely not messed up. You're the most kind-hearted, bestest person ever. How could you not see that yourself? You deserve the world." I said with a warm smile. He rested his head against mine.
"But I want you to be my world."
Taglist: @cevansbaby-dove , @jackles010378 @deanwinchestersgirl87
46 notes · View notes
galactic-academia · 1 year
Through The Door
Rating: T (for language)
Category: F/M
Fandom: Justified
Relationship: Raylan Givens x F!Reader
Tags: Language, angst, fluff, pining, age gap (10 years), making out, mention of violence, mention of alcohol consumption, mention of suicide (but in a cynical way, no one seriously thinks about taking their own life here)
Words : 4K
Summary: Once upon a time, Raylan Givens was the very center of your universe and you would like to think you were – at least – his favorite Moon. Then he left you behind. Now that you're face to face again, what's going to happen ?
Notes : Not canon compliant: no Winona here and Raylan left Kentucky later than in the show. This is dramatic, 4K of desperate pining 😅 I would like to say I don’t know what possessed me, but that would be a lie... 😶 Anyway, I’m not a native, please, forget my mistakes and I hope you’ll enjoy 🤗💖 Dividers are from  animatedglittergraphics-n-more 
Masterpost | Ask | Guidelines | Timothy Olyphant Masterlist
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You look down the garden alley leading to the road as the movers puts furnitures up and piles card boxes in every room. Lexington, Kentucky; out of all the lost, forgotten-to-God, shitty places the U.S. Marshals Service could have hidden you, they chose here. All of this because you chose to not keep your damn big mouth shut - no, Hell - because you couldn’t keep it shut, never could, never would. There wouldn’t ever be any point to, now, and what could be worse than this? Whatever the answer could be, a bullet in your own temple still could solve all your problems if the time ever came, anyway.
A deep voice, far from unfamiliar, calling for your Marshal-turned-babysitter for the day wrenches you from the contemplation of the dead wildflowers. Dear God, the bullet in the head might come sooner than expected, in the end.
«If ain’t Raylan Givens in the flesh, I’ll be damned!»
You know it’s him, you would recognise his stupid, handsome face anytime, anywhere. The incomprehension written all over his face, though? It almost makes you doubt. Sure, he’s far older than the last time you saw him, and he looks like a cowboy in a shitty tv show, but the all-seeing, deep, big brown eyes? The cocky smirk? That aloof, arrogant stance? Uhuh, you’re positive, that can’t be anyone else but him.
The surprise turned into suspiciousness doesn’t make him less attractive, but the words coming out of his mouth do make you want to slap him.
«Do I know you, Ma’am?»
Ah! He doesn’t recognise you! Alright, then.
You don’t plan on explaining yourself furthermore and, after a few moments of awkward silence - when he finally understands he will have to pry if he wants anymore informations, he asks, «But ya know me?»
«Yes». Then, you turn on your heels to go back in your rented-house. It’s been a long time but knowing you were right all along, all these years ago? That you were truly insignificant to him, to the point he can’t make you out a few years later? It stings.
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When you were a kid, Raylan was your god. Without any big brother to protect you, it had seemed easy to the little sandbox scums to pick on you, until a fifteen - almost sixteen! - years old Raylan, passing by the elementary school on his bike on his way back from high school, had witnessed two little boys holding you while a third lift your skirt. Two of them went back home with soiled shorts and the third - who’s been stupid enough to try and push you to the ground after Raylan had promised them a hard time if they came near you ever again - with a black eye. That day, six-years-old-you had won a friend, a big brother and a protector all at once.
Not a day passed without Raylan stopping by the playground to check on you since then, until the day your turn came to go to high school, hand in hand with Raylan - or dangling off his arm - with him carrying both your bag and his more often than not. Boys of all ages - including the densest of them - came to understand that messing with you meant messing with Raylan Givens and therefore black eyes, broken arms, lost teeth and aching groins. Even tough he went to college while you stayed in high school, no bullying of any kind would stay unpunished. You did your best to return the favour: breaking windows, puncturing bike tires, stealing and then hiding school bags (for the homework to never be found again) and even, in one memorable occasion, pushing in Harlan’s lake all the little thugs you knew were bothering Raylan. And when his father beat the shit out of him, you would always manage to pass some treats off to him, sometimes with the help of Miss Helen.
There was no Raylan without you, and no you without Raylan. All the girls threw themselves at him, and they hadn’t anything to fear of you - unless your «adopted» big brother had something to complain about them, of course - until you reached something like fifteen. Until your first seventeen years old boyfriend freaking cheated on you and you ran crying into Raylan’s always-welcoming arms. Maybe nothing would have changed - he would have comforted you, let you bundled into one of his sweat by his bed while he beat the inanity of the culprit, then take you out for some ice cream or something like that - if, as the freshly twenty-five young man he was, he hadn’t been hangover as all hell, and maybe even a little drunk still, and did the only sensible thing he could think of at that very moment to make you shut up: grab the back of your head and plant a kiss square on your lips.
It was nothing, just a little peck. The kind you gave the great-aunt who had come from the other side of the country to see you on the day of your First Communion. A desperate, non-violent measure to quiet the noise you made and that kept him from thinking. But, on your side of the story, it has been a revelation.
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«Are you fuckin’ serious?»
Raylan was dumbstruck already and Gutterson’s reaction just made it worse. He has been sent to Hell for no apparent reason, right? So why was he the bad guy here?
Turning to his fellow deputy, he chose to answer the question by another question: «What the fuck just happened?»
«You tell me!» Tim was truly offended, crossed arms, exasperated tone and all, «It took me two fucking hours to get her out of her office! Two true hours, not just saying! You point your nose here and bam! She locked herself in this godforsaken office once again! What did you do this time?!»
«Me?! I just... Hell! I just ‘pointed my nose here’ as you put it and I got yelled at on every side!» The Marshal was beginning to lose his temper; he could be blamed for a lot of things, but being dishonest wasn’t one of them. He truly had no idea about why the new U.S. Marshall Services’ protegee was mad at him, he was burning to learn the answer, though. «Who’s this gal, anyway?»
«For fuck sake, Givens!», Marshall Gutterson rolled his eyes before putting his hand to his forehead, even more tired than angry, «Did you even read the fucking record? Or just the memo requiring you here?»
Raylan did his best to look indignant but Tim spoke again before he had any chance to find a good defence, «Don’t bother, I know you didn’t or you would at least know the fucking name of our witness».
«Alright, I didn’t , ok? Art told me to get my goddamn ass here, I did as I was told», the ‘for once’ was only implied, but the force of this implication only helped Gutterson to resigned himself to his usual sassy-self and just sigh your name to his colleague.
The following absolute lack of any smartass remark on Raylan’s side immediately told the deputy something was wrong, and if it hadn’t, the fact that he looked like he had seen a ghost would have.
«You do know her, then?»
«Shit, yeah...»
«And you did something to her?»
«Mate...», Raylan still looked aghast and, somehow, a little amazed, «If she took a fucking gun and shot me right this instant, I would go to the trial and advocate that I fully deserved it.»
Eyes round and mouth a little open, Marshal Gutterson watched his colleague shook himself out of his trance - going from stunned to determined - and ran to the door you were hiding behind, regretting to not have bring any popcorn.
Once again, Raylan Givens could - and should - be blamed for a lot of things, but one never gets bored with him!
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The truth - sad as it may be - is that you never loved anyone but Raylan. You tried before, with your shitty first boyfriend, and you tried... After. When you were sure you would never see him again. But it never worked. They weren’t him.
The abrupt understanding of the nature of your feelings towards the one you qualified as a big brother didn’t really change your relationship. Raylan did beat the shit out of the fucker who has attended to your honor and came back to shower you in attention as he always did, and if you had been clingier, or needier he didn’t say anything about it. But less than a month later, he had disappeared. Without an explanation, without a word, without saying goodbye. Miss Helen said he was alright, that he had to leave for his own good. You couldn’t disagree with that. But surely he would come back to take you with him, right? Or at least write, so you would know when he would come back. Or phone.
He couldn’t just have left and let you there like that.
Your turn came to leave Lexington three years later. Three years too late. You came back only when you couldn’t avoid it and hoping - each and every time - that you would run into him and... Throttle him? Throw yourself in his arms? But Raylan never came back and, one day, you stopped coming back altogether too.
You had boyfriends out of Lexington, sure. They weren’t all that bad, but still, never as brave, or as kind and certainly not as piggy headed as the asshole that left you behind. They didn’t know how to make you laugh like him, how to comfort you like only him could. How to make you feel safe. They couldn’t even break your heart as perfectly as Raylan did.
You heard quiet scratches on the door against which you had slumped followed by his voice, low and muted by the wood, but so soft it made your heart ache, «Lil?»
Ah. He remembers, now.
«Lil... I’m so sorry...»
Lil. No one has called you that fore more than fifteen years. He has ever been the only one to call you that, ‘little one’ or ‘lil’. It became a habit, a nickname. Something just between the two of you.
«I figured you would want to... talk? I have some explanations to give, yeah?»
You’re sure he looks even more awkward than he sounds; apologizing has never been Raylan’s forte. You weren’t often mad at him, but when you were, a few words, playful kisses all over your face or a battle of tickles would settle everything. Nothing was important enough to endanger what you had.
«Are we gonna have this conversation through the fuckin’ door? Out of the two of us, I’m supposed to be the grumpy one, remember? Lil’?»
You can resist. He can’t kiss or tickle you right now, only talk. You have survived without him for the last fifteen years, ignoring him won’t be a big deal.
«You gonna make me beg, don’t ya? Hell, you wouldn’t believe how many assholes would pay a pretty penny to hear me beg you to open this fucking door, you know? I don’t beg. I don’t. But for you, I will.»
Hell, you forgot how the fucker can sweet-talk anyone into anything. You don’t say «no», to Raylan Givens, it’s physically impossible - to you, at least. You want to smash your own head on the wall, but you’re smiling.
«Baby», oh no, not that, «Baby, please, open the door». His voice is nearer now, like he dropped to his knees on the other side of the door. And his voice’s gone a little rough, you would think him on the verge of tears, if you didn’t know better. «If you want to hurt me, I’ll let you, I deserve it. I will let you yell at me. You can insult me. Or even just ignore me, but I need you to open this door, please. Let me see you. Let me know you’re ok. Baby, please.»
You always loved when Raylan called you «baby». It was a rare treat meant to either placate you or emphasize a praise. You’re drowning in it, now. A loud, choked sob startles you into the present moment, you didn’t even notice you had started crying.
«Ok», his voice is so soft now, you’re surprised you still can hear it trough the wooden panel, «I’ve said everything I could while on this side of the door. Now I’m gonna wait for you to go outta there and then we can speak some more. I’m not goin’ anywhere, take your time.»
Hugging your chest, you lean your head against the door. You should be proud of yourself: for the first time in your life, you were able to resist to Raylan Givens. Thanks to a door that blocked out everything except his voice, but still a victory. Maybe you could taste a parcel of it if the gaping hole that took place in your chest fifteen years ago wasn’t aching like day one once again.
The truth - the real one, this time - is that you never loved anyone but Raylan, because you never stopped to love him. Ever.
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You stayed a few hours holed up in your hiding place before nature started calling. By two in the morning, it wasn’t a call anymore but a summoning. That was what got you out of your office; had you locked yourself up in your en-suite bedroom, the problem would never have occurred.
You cracked the door open as silently as you could; you were sure Raylan was still somewhere in the house, as he told you he would, but maybe you could run to the bathroom without him noticing. And you will have to face him one way or another, you couldn’t stay hidden forever anyway. But a few extra hours to put yourself together before it wouldn’t be unwelcome. With this beginning of a plan, you were ready to give it a try, but certainly not prepared for what you saw once the door truly open.
Raylan hadn’t left, neither the house, nor the hallway for he was fast asleep on the floor, back and head resting against the wall right next to the door. In a way, you shouldn’t even be surprised, it’s not unlike Raylan to be dramatic like that. But the Hell if your heart doesn’t miss a beat and then try to escape through your throat. And now that you’re looking at him, you can’t stop. The bastard has always been handsome, with this carved jaw and those hair - God, those hair - and those deep, sparkling eyes thankfully shut for now, but jeez... With the beard? The salt and pepper? He’s not a boy anymore, he’s a man now, a true one. He’s never been more attractive. And asleep? Soft and vulnerable like this, with his stupid hat resting next to him? God help you, it’s a fucking miracle that you’re still set on bypassing him altogether.
You take a few tentative steps in the hallway, careful to not bump into him, to be as quiet as possible. But it’s a lost cause.
«Little one?» His voice is rough with sleep, hushed, like you will vanished if he speaks louder. The grip he has on your calf is slack, you could easily shake him off and run away. You don’t. «I should quit calling you that, you’re all grown up now. Look at you.»
If you turn around, it’s over. If you look him in the eyes, there won’t be any going back.
«Are you going to kick me while I’m down here? You can, you know; as I said, I won’t try and stop you. But before you beat me to pulp, you should let me apologize. Not sure I still will be able to when you’ll be done with me.» He’s so calm, yet so sure you’re going to trounce him. He knows he deserves it. He’s resigned. He’s wrong.
«’M not gonna hit you.»
«Would you look at that? She does have a tongue, after all!»
Maybe you will - hit him - maybe it’s the only way to make him understand, this fucker. Before you can realise, you’re on the floor, straddling his never-ending legs, a hand up ready to strike him square in the face and the other holding him by the collar of his shirt. He’s wincing, waiting for the blow to fall, not even trying to avoid it, like he promised. But you can’t.
Stomach plummeting, sick by your own weakness, you start crying, hiding your face in your palms. He abandoned you without a glance back, didn’t even recognize you, he’s making fun out of you after charming you out of your safe place, and you can’t even slap him. Maybe you deserved all of this, maybe you did this all to yourself.
As you’re spiralling down, you feel two strong arms enveloping you, shielding you from the world as they’ve done countless times before, and you can also feel your body - this traitor - immediately relax in their hold, like it never forgot you’ve never been safer than between them.
«Shit, baby... I’m sorry, I didn’t mean... It wasn’t meant to be nasty, I wanted... It was stupid, I’m a damn fool, but I think I’m not telling you anything new here.»
The more he talks and the more you’re sobbing, hunched on his lap.
«Shh, don’t cry little one, I’m here, you’re safe, everything is alright, ok? I wanted to make you laugh and I brilliantly  failed, that’s all. I’m so glad you finally went out of there! C’mon...»
You almost can’t breath, mainly because Raylan is hugging you to his chest - tight - but also because you can’t stop relief to flood you. He’s there, and it’s enough to make you feel better, even if it doesn’t make any sense.
«Will you look at me? So I can see those beautiful eyes of yours? Mmh? Can you even breath in there? It doesn’t look like. Hey, sweetie, I need you to take your hands out of your face, don’t want you to stifle.»
You can feel his hands lightly resting on both your wrists, at first, before they become heavier and heavier and manage to gently free your face. You open your eyes and, through your tears, everything you can see is him.
«Here she is, my pretty baby! Hello there.»
His smile is blinding, lighting his features up like the sun would the world. This is why Raylan Givens ever had and ever will have you wrapped around his finger, because you would do anything to be on the receiving side of his smile. It’s his best asset, more persuasive than any weapon. It makes him look soft. It kills you. He’s back, he’s holding you, he’s cooing sweet nonsense in your ear interspersed by kisses all over your face. This is everything you had ever wanted, everything. You could die now and claim to have lived your dreams. Later, you will hate yourself for this, gone is the tough, independent woman you ever claimed to be. You’re trembling in his arms and, without thinking at all, you kiss him. It’s barely a press of lips, at first, a brush; a ghost of a kiss. You feel more than you hear Raylan’s surprised gasp before he initiates another kiss, a little firmer this time - a caress on your mouth, delicate like the wings of a butterfly, but it sets you on fire. You part your lips, letting out a silent whimper, and he comes back for more with a little, electrifying lick that finds your tongue and sends shocks trough your entire body. He groans, and everything speeds up from there. You tangle your fingers in his hair as he hold your waist and pushes you against him with one hand and hold the back of your head with another. There’s nowhere to go, nowhere to escape the all consuming, nasty kisses Raylan feeds you. Even when you’re forced to come up from air, he doesn’t let you go, his forehead pressed against yours.
«I am sorry,» he whispers, «I am sorry for letting you behind. I am sorry for making you sad. But I need you to know that, if I had a second chance, I would do it again.»
Your heart has stopped. You’re sure it has. You try to jerk away from Raylan, what you will do, you have no idea, but you can’t stay there, tangled with him on the floor, not when he’s ready to abandon you again. But his hold is strong and he’s not done with you.
«You need to understand...», his eyes are so gloomy and he sounds so distressed, you would think he’s the one who’s been left behind without a second glance, «I should have said something, I should have phoned, but, in the end, it was better for you, you... You deserve so much better than me.»
It snaps. Your sorrow, the endless despair you let yourself drown for so long, your fear, your distress, your regrets, the disappointed hopes, the anger directed at him - and at yourself - all these things you felt for the last fifteen years, they gather in ball in your sternum, just above your stomach, and turn into rage. You don’t slap him, no, but he’s still holding tight onto you, so instead of jerking away, you violently jerk towards him, the back of his head hits the wall.
To his credit, he doesn’t try to push you away; but you’re too mad to pay attention to it.
«You cut the bullshit right there, Givens! You left this hell hole because your fucking father would have ended up killing you, you had to leave, you had no choice. But don’t tell me you left me behind for my own sake. Who are you to decide what I deserve or not? Who do you think you are to take that decision for me? If you didn’t want anything to do with my anymore, just say so. If you don’t want me right now, just say so. You’re many things, Raylan Givens, but you’ve never been a coward, so don’t start now!»
For a few heartbeats, the only thing to disturb the heavy, thick silence is your laborious breathing. Raylan is stunned, looking at you like a fish out of water. Then he’s on you, kissing the living daylights out of you.
«’M sorry, I’m sorry», he mumbles in-between kisses, «’M fucking moron, gonna make it up to you, do want you, fuck, I do, I’m so sorry...»
You’re still mad at him, you’re exhausted, your stomach is empty, you need to go to the loo now, your head is spinning and your knees are starting to ache by dint of supporting your weight off the floor, but you’re kissing Raylan back fervently. There will be time for more explanations - and probably more arguing - tomorrow. Right now, you don’t need anything more, not even to breath. Just Raylan.
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The next morning, when the Marshal Gutterson comes to your house to take his shift over, he can’t hide his surprise at finding you on the couch, tucked under Raylan’s arm, asleep and smiling. When he left the evening before, his fellow deputy was begging through a door, after all...
«Ok,» he breaths, trying to be heard without waking you up, «how did you do that?»
«’M not gonna lie», Raylan answers with a grin, looking tired as all hell, but more at peace than ever, «I’m a lucky bastard and I don’t think I d-»
«If you say you don’t deserve it,» you mutter from your resting place in the crook of his neck, «I’ll change my mind and truly hit you, this time, Givens!»
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Thanks for reading ❤️
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scribblecake · 9 months
Heyy! Hope you’re day is going well!☺️
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
Hi! Thank you dear! It's going good so far! 💖
oooooooooh boooooyyyy, This was hard to answer! I had to do some digging, fr fr. 😅
But I found one! It's a bit long but I'm super proud of this dialogue. I pretty much just reenacted a scene from 'Monty Python and The Holy Grail' with Lady Dimitrescu and one of my demon OCs. It was 3 AM (as per usual) and I'd hit a wall on the series I was working on at the time. I had the movie playing in the background and the rest is history! It was a blast to write!
So here's an unprompted (mini)fic I guess?
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Lady Dimitrescu opened her mouth to call the entity but stopped, narrowing her eyes as she studied its features. Even with its cute features, she wasn’t sure how to address it. Its face seemed both male and female. With a quick exhale she gathered her courage, calling out to the dark entity.
“Young man!” Alcina snipped as she gestured for the Hell-spawn to follow her.
“Woman.” The Hell creature responded curtly as they hurried to keep up with the lady.
Lady Dimitrescu blinked, taken aback. “What?”
“I’m a woman. Not a young man.” The demon corrected.
"Well, I can’t just call you ‘woman’.” 
“You could just say ‘Xentia’.” The creature deadpanned.
“I didn’t know you were called Xentia. And while I am sorry I assumed you were a man, I couldn't give a damn what your name is.” Alcina shot back, quickening her pace. In spite of her escalating annoyance, she couldn’t help but laugh at the small demon struggling to keep up with her long strides.
This seemed to strike a nerve in the Hell-creature, their face scrunching up in annoyance.
“Well you didn’t exactly bother to find out, did you? And what’s more, I object to you automatically treating me like an inferior!” The infernal woman exclaimed defensively.
At this she scoffed, her rouge lips quirking into a dangerous half smile. “Well, I am the Countess of this village.”
“Oh, Countess, eh? - very nice. And how'd you get that, then? By exploiting the villagers! By hanging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in your society. If you flesh bags ever want to see any progress…” The demon’s words droned as they prattled on about god knows what. They went on for what seemed like an eternity as they made their way to Castle Dimitrescu and by the time the gates were visible a dull ache had begun to throb at Alcina’s temples. 
“Be quiet! I order you to be quiet!" She snarled.
“Order, eh? Who does she think she is?” 
Lady Dimitrescu hissed as anger continued to build within her. “I am the Countess!”
“Well, I didn’t vote for you.” The infernal woman said matter of factly.
“Y-You don’t vote for a Countess!” Alcina seethed. This creature really knew how to try her patience. It took the Countess every ounce of self control she had not to rip the woman’s throat out.
“Well how’d you become Countess then?” The demon questioned with an incredulous look. 
Despite herself, the lady found the question amusing and her anger died down for the moment. 
“If you must know, beast, my family ruled over this village for centuries, only having lost ownership at some point after I had left our family home. I returned years later to find our lands empty. It was then that Mother Miranda found me and bestowed upon me her gift. She implanted me with a Cadou, an entity of her own creation that holds unimaginable power. It infused with my flesh and made me into something beyond humanity, and with its power I was able to reclaim my family’s land. That is why I am Countess.” Lady Dimitrescu explained. She made sure to position her body in such a way so that she towered proudly over the demon woman.
“Listen, strange bird women distributing parasites is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses! Not from some farcical implantation ceremony!” The demon argued back.
“Be quiet!” Lady Dimitrescu shot back as her anger began to reignite.
“But you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some feathery tart threw a leech at you!” Xentia exclaimed with a dramatic arc of her arms.
“Shut up!” 
“I mean, if I went 'round saying I was an emperor just because some avian bint had lobbed a tapeworm at me, they'd put me away!” The infernal creature laughed.
“Shut up, will you? Shut up!” Alcina roared. It seemed her patience and self control had run out, and before she could stop it, her hand shot out, lifting the vile creature by the arm and giving it an angry shake.
“Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system!” The demon exclaimed as a cheeky grin spread across her face between shakes. 
“Shut up !” 
Xentia hollered as she was violently dragged away to the castle. “Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! I'm being r e p r e s s e d !” 
“Bloody peasant!” Lady Dimitrescu snarled as she wrapped her hands around the half-witted demon’s throat.
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xopinkroses · 2 years
Could I please request the dmc boys helping reader when they feel anxious/have a panic attack?
You don’t have to do this if your inbox is already pretty full but either way have a good day! :3
(It's a little short but I hope it's to your liking-- I've also thrown in V and Kyrie🌸 Thanks for the request! Be safe, babes💖💖)
DMC boys + V and Kyrie x Reader Having a Panic Attack♥
Summary; How Dante, Vergil, Nero, V and Kyrie help you through a panic attack. Warnings; Mental illness, panic attacks
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You often get anxious when Dante leaves for a job. No matter how much he reassures you before leaving, you can never shake the feeling of worry. You barely function when you’re in this state, thankfully he doesn’t tend to stay away for too long. Just as you worry for him, he is constantly thinking of you. He fights to get back home to you as soon as possible, not wanting you to be left alone for too long. 
He returns home earlier than expected and walks through the doors of Devil May Cry to find you huddled on the floor with your knees pulled into your chest. Dante curses and rushes to your side, dropping his weapons at the door. The smell of leather and gunpowder surrounds you as he holds you in his arms, rocking you back and forth while whispering soothing words in your ear. 
“Everything’s okay, babe. I’m back, I’m safe– there’s nothing to be worried about, I promise.”
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Vergil has had a few panic attacks in his life, even before being enslaved by Mundus loaded him with another spoonful of trauma. Back then, he never had anyone to comfort him when he would break down– but things are different now. You’ve helped him and taught him so much. And he wants to return to you the same kindness you showed him.
Vergil always asks before touching you when you’re in this state, keeping his movements careful and voice low. He laces his fingers with yours, and urges you to count with him. His voice is gentle as he counts with you. 
“One, two– that’s good, love. Three, four–” 
When your breathing has evened out and you’re in a calmer, more lucid state, he’ll brush your hair back and kiss your temple. Vergil makes sure that you’re comfortable before leaving momentarily to make you some tea. He won’t leave your side for the rest of the night, giving you plenty of time to tell him what’s been on your mind to have brought such an attack on. 
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Nero feels his blood run cold the first time he walks in on you having a panic attack. His first instinct is to hold you close to him, like he’s trying to shield you from harm. Every strangled cry that leaves your lips ties his stomach in painful knots, he just holds you tighter. He feels so helpless and doesn’t know how to help. He’s panicking too, but trying his hardest to hide it from you. 
He’s comforting the both of you when he starts rambling about anything that comes to mind– his day, plans for tomorrow, something stupid Dante said the other day. His mouth is moving and words are spilling out but he’s not really hearing them, he’s just trying to distract you. Our boy’s clueless but he’s trying his best. 
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V knew you were an anxious little thing from the first day he met you. He took it all in stride, honestly– He has a way with words and is usually able to comfort you with ease. But sometimes even he can’t talk you through your fears, because sometimes you aren’t thinking about anything in particular. A panic attack will just sneak up on you, and he’ll try his best to help you ride it out. 
He wakes up to quiet sobbing beside him. You’re curled into a ball beside him, body shaking as you hyperventilate. “Oh, my dear–” he doesn’t hesitate before placing his arms around you, his touch feather light. His calm voice lulls you back to sleep as he recites poetry to you. He watches over you as you sleep, watching out for any signs of nightmares. 
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Kyrie takes care of you with a practised ease, knowing how to calm you down before you get too distressed. If you’re out in public she’ll lead you away from everyone and sit you down somewhere quiet. She gives you some personal space but keeps your numb hands in hers; massaging them and slowly bringing the feeling back to them. 
She sings sweetly to you, the same lullaby she sings to the children at the orphanage. Her beautiful voice works to loosen the tight coil in your chest, your breathing evens out and you squeeze her hands in silent thanks. 
“It’s okay, lovely,” she leans forward and lands a peck on your cheek. “I’m here for you– forever and always.”
~ 🖤
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eupheme · 2 months
Hi J! Oh my goodness I’m still thinking about your wonderful words on my stardew fic and I really wanted to just tell you again how much I appreciate you!! 🦋🥺
But I also wanted to ask you about the game itself!!
Who is your favorite spouse to marry?! Do you pick a dog or a cat?! Tell me all your stardew thoughts!
And do you know there’s a Din mod where you can marry him 👀
Also pretend this is me showering you in stardew things like fruit from the bat caves and veggies from the Miller Farm 🍅🥬🍇🍊💐🪴🍎🫐💕
I’m so sorry for just scrambling into your inbox rambling like this omg but i hope you have a magical and sweet rest of your day dear J take care!!! 💖💕
erika this made me smile so much!! 💕 Your AU is so much fun and immersive and it so had me yearning for Pelican Town and wishing I could add your Joel to my game!
and I am such a Harvey girl!! I love him and pick him almost every time. I love Shane too (and am definitely thinking about a mini smutty series with both of them & reader!) and of course Leah is gorgeous. And I also always get the cat!! The new update has a lil guy that looks just like my buddy and I was so excited. (And omg I did not know that about Din!! I gotta look that up! I have been making lists of mods to add and that sounds like a must!)
Are you playing the new 1.6 update?? Which farm layout and festival is your fave?? I am collecting those Miller Farm veggies and sending a bunch of flowers back your way! 🪻🌷🌻
((And I absolutely want to know your answers for your questions too!!))
I also saw you posted your Frankie/Winter chapter, omg I can’t wait to dive in!! 👀💖 I am so glad you reached out & hope your weekend has been good to you!!
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stormkobra-5 · 2 years
my dear sweet em ✨
may i ask for our space hubby poe and #7 “our muses shower together after something traumatic for comfort and emotional intimacy, bonus points if they aren’t even together romantically yet.”
please and thank youuu :) 💖
Hello hello Callie— I may have gotten a bit carried away with this one but it was so fun to write!
Prompt: 7) our muses shower together after something traumatic for comfort and emotional intimacy, bonus points if they aren’t even together romantically yet + Poe Dameron
Rating/Warnings: 18+ mention of traumatic event, dealing with trauma, love confession, best friends-to-lovers, fear of loss, Poe crying and scared is a warning, bombs/bombing, being trapped under rubble, non-sexual nudity, co-showering, hurt/comfort
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They were everywhere.
The explosions. They’d rattled whole buildings and shook them to the earth just feet away from where you and Poe ran for your lives, trying to escape unscathed. It was supposed to have just been a recon mission. That was it. But when the warning sirens went off, the whole city had momentarily gone silent to turn and see the First Order bombers swooping low on the horizon for a strafing run.
It was a chilling moment that would live fresh in your mind for the rest of your life.
Your ship was all the way on the other side of the city. There was no way you’d ever make it in time. But still, Poe took one of your wrists tightly in his hand, tight enough to bruise, and ran.
You hadn’t gotten three blocks when they started dropping ordinance. Plaster and brick and bits of sandstone flew everywhere, coating you both in a fine dust pockmarked with dark bruises from flying debris. The whole world shook around you. Poe managed to find an underground club, pulling you after him in the hopes that it might be safer than the city the First Order was leveling above you.
Inside, a few other people had taken shelter, fear in their eyes. But what frightened you most was Poe, as he shoved you underneath a table and crawled in after you, wrapping his arms around you so tightly that you could hardly breathe.
You’d never, never in your life, not even when he’s facing an entire fleet of TIEs, see Poe Dameron look so scared.
As the building trembled, he tightened his hold on you, like he was afraid you’d be ripped away from him. In truth, your arms were wrapped around his middle and neck just as tightly. You were both shaking, fisting each other’s clothes and burying your faces in each other as you prayed to survive.
“It’s okay. I’ve got you. I’ve got you.” Poe was talking, you were crying. But so was he. His tears soaked your jacket as he clung to you and tried to keep his breathing even. “I’ve got you, babygirl—“
A particularly close drop had the club lights going out. The ceiling cracked. Debris and dust rained down and you both yelped as those seeking shelter alongside you screamed in terror in the pitch black darkness. “Shit— nononononono, please—“
Poe was scared.
And that was what scared you.
“Poe—“ You whimpered against him, both of you flinching as you heard the strafing continue in the eerie silence of the pitch dark club-turned-bomb shelter. “I love you, I love you—“ If you didn’t say it now, you might never say it. All these years of fighting alongside your best friend in the galaxy, and you’d fallen so helplessly in love with him that you can hardly breathe when he’s away. And if here is where you’re going to die… you want him to know. Even if he doesn’t love you back.
But you feel him smile against you through his terrified sobs. “I love you too, stardust. T-tell me again why we’re confessing here of all places?”
There he is. Your smart-ass Poe Dameron.
You can’t see. But you can feel. He twists a bit so that he can kiss your temple before pressing his forehead to yours. “At least we’re together,” You hiccup through your tears.
“Yeah. There’s that.”
It was a blur when the ceiling collapsed, trapping you for Maker-knows-how-long in thick blackness. The heat was suffocating. The air was clogged with dust and it was hard to breathe. You were both sweating buckets, thirsty, tired, and hungry. Waiting. You weren’t sure for what.
Neither of you expected rescue.
Shellshocked, you think the medics said aboard the transport. Maybe you were. You wouldn’t let go of each other, staring silently ahead into nothing as your minds tortured you with a replay of darkness and bombs and screams and fear, where you’d experienced helplessness at its most terrifying form.
Once you were back on base, you were led to the medbay. Tears came without any regard for who was around you, and Poe actually punched a medic that tried to separate him from you. They checked you for serious injuries; told you about the survivors. About how the Resistance had fought off the attackers and the city wasn’t completely leveled.
After the medbay, it was time for you to mindlessly devour trays of stale food in the middle of the empty mess hall at midnight, neither of you caring much that it was just daily portions that tasted awful on a regular day— but now they tasted like sweet ambrosia. Neither of you had to say it: we’re lucky that we’re alive to eat at all.
Back in your shared quarters, Poe sat on the lower bunk, dark eyes distant as he relived the moment over. And over. And over. You knew, because it was happening to you, too. “Why don’t you go first?” Poe forced out, dragging his eyes from the floor to your face. He was implying the fresher, because you were covered in the remains of a ruined city. So was he. His tawny skin and deep brown hair were both stained gray like his clothes, a statue come to life. It wrinkled and cracked where his forehead and brows moved, dried tear tracks trailing down his cheeks. You’re sure that you looked much the same.
You shifted awkwardly on your feet. “I-I don’t wanna go in there alone.” Maybe it was stupid. It was just a fresher, after all.
Poe nodded, in understanding. “I don’t wanna be out here alone, either.”
There were a few moments of hesitation before he was standing and guiding you into the little room, keeping the door open. He pulled the shower curtain off that offered coverage so that you could see the whole room, handing it to Beebs, who hadn’t left his side since you’d gotten back. He beeped softly, as if scared that if he did it too loud he might scare you. The action made Poe smile softly. “You’re gonna tell us if somebody comes in? Thanks, buddy.” He knelt down to hug his droid, even kiss the top of his orange-and-white dome head, before letting him roll quietly away.
When Poe stood, he took you into his arms gently, like you might break right in half if he wasn’t careful. “This okay?” You could only nod; you were crying again, without even meaning to. So was he. He started the fresher, turning it on a setting that would be comfortable for both of you, and then turned to help you peel off your ruined clothes. You did the same for him, pushing off his jacket and lifting his shirt carefully over his head.
Ash and stone dust fell on the tiled surface of the bathroom, staining it with the aftermath of your harrowing experience. You didn’t even blush as he unclipped your bra and tossed it aside; his eyes didn’t linger on your breasts. They were glistening with tears and locked on yours as he undid your belt.
When you were both undressed completely, you stepped into the fresher. Poe surprised you when he grabbed the showerhead and sprayed the bathroom down, washing away the soot that had fallen from your clothes and bodies. When he replaced it, you scrubbed each other down. You scrubbed any trace of dust away, careful of bruises, until skin was red and freshly-washed hair had nearly been rugged out of your scalps.
Neither of you made a move to leave the shower after you were finally clean.
“Y/N…” Poe’s voice was hardly a whisper. “I know we’re both… uh… but… can I…” He gestured helplessly, unsure of how to word his question. “Can I hold you? Please? I just want to be close to you…”
“Poe…” You choked back a sob and threw your arms around his neck. He immediately relaxed, sighing with relief as his hand tangled in your hair to pull you against him, pressing you flush against his chest so that you could feel his heartbeat, and so that he could feel yours.
“We’re alive,” He whimpered softly, squeezing you for emphasis. “We’re alive. We made it. It’s okay now.”
You held on to him, shaking like a leaf as you cried softly. “You… you were so scared. And you’re not afraid of anything. I thought… I thought if you were scared…”
“I wasn’t afraid of dying,” He breathed, trying to speak through his tears, “I was scared of you dying. I didn’t… I don’t know what I’d…” He couldn’t talk anymore. His voice, having slowly been crushed by his tears, descended into gasping sobs into your neck as he held you, and you held him, trying to give him what little comfort you could offer when you were just as shaken as he was.
It felt like hours before either of you could stop. The water had long since turned cold, but neither of you cared much. He traced meaningless patterns on your back, resting his chin on your shoulder. You’d buried your face in the crook of his shoulder and neck, holding onto him like a lifeline.
Poe lifted his head, turning it to press a kiss to your cheek once, twice, then closer to your mouth; realizing what he was asking for, you turned to reciprocate, and he captured your mouth in a deep, passionate kiss that left you both breathless. When he finally pulled back, he kept his forehead pressed to yours, eyes locked with your teary gaze and letting out a relieved sigh. “...We’re alive.”
You’re alive, ready to fight another day.
Except now, you have Poe Dameron at your side and his mother’s ring on your neck.
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Give me a prompt and a character!
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sebsxphia · 2 years
nah bc if bob called me ma'am in front of everyone, i wouldn't be able to keep my composure ‼️
plus bob standing up for you against hangman? literally screaming but without the s
literally!! it’s all fun and games until you can’t control it anymore and he makes you blush, hard, calling you “ma’am” while up in the air flying a damn plane. All I’d be thinking about is getting him home asap and have him say “yes ma’am.” while looking at me through my thighs.
gasp. omg, YES PLEASE!!! that would be so hot to witness!! i also absolutely love the phrase screaming without the s, it makes me laugh so hard every time hahaha
Hangman most likely would’ve made a joke that went a bit too far at your expense and Bob’s fucking pissed. Jaw clenched, hand leaving your thigh as he stands up to stride over to Jake at the pool table. “Fucking apologise.”
“Jesus, Bob, it was a joke-”
“No, let me be fucking clear. I don’t care. You don’t get to make these jokes at her expense. Apologise.” Bob would be seething. And it would be so hot to watch. The tension would hang in the air, heavy, and Hangman would flick his eyes between you and Bob before apologising.
Bob wouldn’t say anything back to Hangman, he would just walk back over to you and you’d both get up to leave, his hand firmly cupped and squeezing your ass on the way out, for everyone to see.
thank you dear anon!! 💌 that was fuckin HOT! 💖 i will be thinking about this heavily before i sleep tonight, and mostly likely how it ties into having a three way 🤠
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Hi how ya been I got a fanfic idea where reader is female and pure blood ravenclaw and Snape x Sherlock r both in love with reader and reader is related to mrs.hudson
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Hello dear💖, thanks for your request.
Sherlock holmes x ravenclaw reader x Severus Snape
Tangled wits 🔍🎇
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The sound of a female’s voice whispered from the middle of the night. The streets of London were silent and empty; not a pin drop of any sounds could be heard through the quiet street. A woman with a black cloak with highlights of blue walked down the gravel path; she checked her pocket watch as the hands struck midnight. “Perfect”, she muttered. The mysterious woman’s lips curled in a catlike smile as she began to pick up the pace; her heels clicked against the gravel in a rhythmic tune. She recognised this street; her cousin lived around here, and believe it or not, she worked for Sherlock Holmes. Yes, Sherlock Holmes, the infamous detective who solved crimes with his sidekick Watson. The woman stopped as she came across a sign that pointed toward the right, reading “Baker’s Street”. The woman followed the direction in which the street sign was pointing. As she walked, the woman thought of her happiest memories at Hogwarts, the school for witchcraft and wizardry. Y/n L/n was a pureblood, a witch sorted into Ravenclaw, a house for the wise and curious. There were other houses in Hogwarts; Gryffindor, a house for the brave and bold; Hufflepuff, a home for the loyal and kind and Slytherin, a house for the ambitious and cunning. Indeed, it was the same school Harry Potter attended. Ever since Harry Potter showed up at Hogwarts, Mysterious and dangerous things started to happen. Things that revolved around the Dark lord. It was said the dark lord was dead. However, there were rumours that he had risen once again. The question that struck y/n the most was, ‘Were those rumours true?’ According to Harry, there was evidence. Whether the evidence was false or true, y/n had always been keen to investigate the case. However, it was more challenging since y/n was only a student then.
Y/n came to a stop when she came upon a familiar door that read “221B” on the front. She lifted her hand and gave the door an excellent, big knock! Kock! Knock!
A brittle yet forbearing woman much older than y/n answered the door. “Good morrow, my dear cousin; my word, this place still hasn’t changed, not one bit”, y/n energetically greeted the older woman. “Y/n, deary me, I can’t believe you’re here. After all, I thought you were still working with those Aurors” The older lady smiled politely at her relative. “Mrs Hudson, who’s at the door at this hour” a man’s voice emerged from within the house. “Watson, is that you?” y/n excitedly spoke.
“Great, Scott, it’s you, y/n” Watson immediately walked to the door. “How have you been, dear woman? I can’t believe you’re here so soon; it feels like years since I’ve seen you last”.
“Is Sherlock here? Perhaps he’s asleep” Y/n smiled.
Sherlock and y/n were partners; they had been solving investigations when Moriarty was still around. Y/n, Sherlock and Watson were a trio that couldn’t be broken apart. Watson shouted down the hall. “Sherlock, y/n’s here”, he said excitedly. Y/n came inside the home as Mrs Hudson began to make tea. “Where in the devil could Sherlock be?” Watson asked.
Y/n wandered off toward the office; all her memories of the old home were reminiscent. Y/n came across the door that led into the office; it was opened, and Sherlock stood in front of the desk. “Y/n, how have you been” Sherlock awkwardly spoke. “Quite dandy, Mr Holmes” The two stood in the room in silence; the situation was somewhat awkward to talk of. But to give some premise, Y/n had always admired Sherlock ever since she started joining them. Sherlock had spent many nights thinking of their reunion; he rehearsed speeches of witty words to speak of ways to impress the woman and talk of his feelings. Sherlock wasn’t one for emotions nor the need to acknowledge them with anyone else aside from Watson. Sherlock had deeply been infatuated with the talented witch since they defeated Moriarty, their wit and cared for each other turned to affection. Although, Sherlock never reciprocated them because he was more invested in his investigations. Y/n broke the silence by saying, “Tea, Mrs Hudson has made tea; shall we join her and Watson”. Sherlock stopped y/n. “Wait, y/n; there’s something I need to tell you—” Sherlock spotted someone under the street light outside. “Hm, I didn’t know you brought company”, Sherlock mysteriously said. Y/n looked outside the window to where Sherlock was staring; a man with a black cloak and greasy raven black hair was looking directly at the door. “Severus”, Y/n muttered. Sherlock was quite cautious of this newcomer who’s intruded the empty streets unannounced. Y/n questioned, “I know that man, but I didn’t invite him either, wait here, Sherlock”.
Y/n left the office as she headed out the door; Sherlock watched from the window toward the odd man. “Something was off about him,” he thought; the way he appeared wasn’t welcoming, nor did he seem inviting. Y/n approached him with a puzzled look “Severus, what the devil are you doing here?”.
Severus glared at the woman with a cold expression. “You left with no word; what if the death eaters caught you, I nearly had Dumbledore sent after you”. Y/n was shocked at the worrisome tone in Severus’s voice. “Snape, there’s nothing to worry about; I swear I’m fine and dandy—”
“That’s not the case, you stupid nitwit” Snape grabbed y/n by her wrist. “You could’ve died, and what would I—They do without you”.
“The order has got the areas covered, is. Is this what this is about, my safety” Y/n questioned.
Severus had always worried about y/n since she started working with the order of the phoenix. Severus’s cold eyes look directly into y/n’s. “Your lucky to at least be alive” Snape let go of y/n’s wrists. Y/n frustratingly argued back, “I’m alive because you taught me how to be; you taught me those spells and charms to keep me from being in danger; I’m not a child, Severus; you can’t treat me like one”.  
“I’ll treat you like one when you stop being brainless”, Snape sighed.
Sherlock couldn’t help but overhear the odd conversation and wonder who the order of the phoenix was. Who was this Severus, and what was he doing here? Who were the death eaters? He decided to introduce himself to break the tension arising from their conversation, hopefully. “Miss L/n, I had no idea you had a friend”, Sherlock politely interjected. Severus looked at the odd man wearing a suit with a pipe. “This is none of your concern, you muggle”, Severus coldly insulted. Sherlock had put something together; at least, this man was from y/n’s past, but—he was instead too overprotective—he might have had strong deep feelings for the witch.
In truth, the two men both had strong feelings for the young woman; she was the light of their lives. In different circumstances, y/n was befriended by both and besotted the two of them. Severus wasn’t a fan of this man; perhaps they were similar in intelligence and wit. Sherlock asked, “How curious, you know of y/n’s secret and by that, I assume your one with magic too”.
Severus answered with an insult, “And by that, you’re her insufferable friend”.
Watson had been alarmed by the sighting of the uninvited stranger; quickly, he dashed to see who he was. Severus sneered but muttered, “Y/n, come with me”. Y/n declined the offer “Apologies, Severus, but I need to stay with Sherlock for now; I’m safe now, trust me” Y/n placed her hand on his.
His eyes softened from her touch, but he didn’t react; he placed a hand on Y/n’s cheek. “If you die, I won’t be able to forgive myself; understand you, brainless girl.” Sherlock reassured him, “Whatever threat is pursuing, y/n won’t be able to reach her; I’ll make sure she’s safe”. Severus didn’t continue back but instead apparated out of sight. Watson stumbled outside, saying, “Great Scotland’s yard Holmes, is y/n all right”.
“Certainly, just an unwelcomed friend from y/n’s past,” Sherlock politely put it, instead of saying a scary stranger who just showed up out of nowhere.
Watson replied, “Very well then, as long as no one’s hurt; come, Mrs Hudson has just finished brewing the tea”.
Sherlock and y/n were about to head inside when y/n looked back; just a cold breeze and nothing there. She turned and joined Sherlock and Watson inside for a spot of tea.
Y/n thought of returning to Hogwarts to see the school she graduated from; however, it’s dangerous to be seen when death eaters lurk about. She had to lay low and keep Sherlock out of her business; after all, she couldn’t endanger the man she loved. Severus would return to check in on her in a few days but for now. She was safe.
anyways that's all for now:
Ta Ta ✨
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neytirisblog · 2 years
hi i have an angst anakin skywalker/darth vader request! so like ani has been having weird and concerning visions about reader and that's his reason for falling to the dark side but just before order 66 reader and ani have a huge arguement which makes reader leave the order and loose contact with ani. few years later vader has an intense and prolonged vision of reader but after trying to find reader he realises its way too late and looses reader forever. its kinda long lol im sorry i just got inspo anyways hope u have a great day/night! 💖
Give you up
| Pairings: Anakin Skywalker x Fem!Padawan!Reader
| Warnings: Slight fluff? Angst, no happy ending :)
| Summary: Anakin was having nightmares again, just as he was with his mother but in the end he had to let you go
A/N: I literally had so much motivation for this it’s insane . This is probably the longest fic I’ve ever wrote. Anakin requests are open!!
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“ Anakin, please. We can run away together, make things the way we want them to be. " You cried out to him, tears rolling down your cheeks.
His hand went to your face, cupping your cheek, “ Can’t you see, my dear? Take my hand and you and I can rule the galaxy together. "
You sobbed and shook your head, “ I can’t, Ani. Don’t do this, your a good person! Don’t throw your life away."
His eyes darkened at your words, anger filling his body. How could you say that? After everything he’s done for you. How could you be so selfish and decline his offer?
“ I see. " Anakin hummed, towering over you, he lifted your chin up towards him and lent in slowly- his mouth reaching yours and he kissed you as if it were the last time.
You kissed each other with such passion but then you heard the sound, a sound you dreaded. The sound of a lightsaber igniting.
Pain. That’s all he knew you felt. He pulled away and you fell to the floor, your eyebrows were furrowed and you looked at him which such pain.
A flash of regret suddenly went through Anakin. What has he done? He wanted to stop himself but anger and hate consumed his body.
“ No! " Anakin yelled, falling to his knees, “ What have I done? " He cried, putting your head on his lap as your eyes slowly began to close.
“ No, no, no! " He sobbed, “ Stay with me, please, what have I become? " He ran his hand through your hair as your breathing became low.
“ I love y-you. " you spoke, your voice so low Anakin could barley hear you. One single tear rolled down your cheek as you closed your eyes and your breathing came to a halt.
Anakin shot up in bed, sweat dripping down his forehead- his breathing intense, tears streamed down his face as he looked around the room.
He looked next to him and there you were, fast asleep. He wiped his tear and let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding in.
He’s been having nightmares, awful nightmares. He hasn’t had any bad nightmares since his mothers death, well since he dreamt of her dying.
Such as this dream was of you, Jedi weren’t allowed to have any attachments- especially since you were his Padawan.
You were only a few years younger than Anakin, him being twenty-four, you had just turned nineteen.
You both knew that it was extremely wrong but still fell deeply in love with each other. You and Anakin kept it a secret for a very long time.
But maybe doing that was already both of yours and anakins downfall?
Anakin sighed and pulled the covers of his sweating body, what was that nightmare? He only thought of the worse.
He walked outside to the balcony and thoughts consumed his mind- he saw his mothers death and it came true, were you going to die soon? how could he prevent it from happening.
A hand touched his shoulder and he flinched, turning around to see you standing behind him- he was so deep in thought he didn’t even feel you behind him.
“ What’s troubling you, Ani? " You questioned, your eyes filled with such worry, how could he tell you?
“ I- nothing. " He spoke, looking down at the floor, he was going to tell you, to tell you the truth but he couldn’t bring himself to do it.
“ When are we going to be honest with each other? I love you and something is obviously wrong with you. " You spoke, worry evident in your voice as you tried to make him look at you.
“ Anakin, please. " You spoke, his eyes widened back to the dream and his breath hitched, it felt like his throat was tightening and no words were coming out.
He began panicking- tears forming in his eyes, your eyes widened and he fell to his knees. He wrapped his arms around your waist and began sobbing.
“ Hey- hey, follow my breathing, okay? Breath in, breathe out, you are okay, I’m right here with you. "
You fell to your knees with him, his sobs subsiding, you held his face and wiped away stray tears.
“ Do you wanna talk about it, hm? " You questioned, pressing soft kisses to his forehead.
Anakin slowly nodded his head and you both stood up going back inside. You sat on the bed and Anakin followed.
“ I had a nightmare- like the one with my mother.. except it was with you and I- " He spoke but was cut off by a sob.
“ Hey, hey, hey, it’s fine- you don’t have to tell me right away. " You spoke softly, wiping his tear away with your thumb.
“ I killed you. " Anakin spoke, making you freeze, “ I tried- I tried to stop myself but I was so angry. "
“ It’s okay, it’s okay, it won’t happen, Ani, I promise you. " You spoke, Anakin shook his head and mumbled something under his breath.
“ What? " You questioned, he looked at you, " I will never ever hurt you, I love you so much. I can’t even live without you. " He spoke, putting a strand of hair behind your ear.
You smiled and he leaned in, kissing you softly. You pulled away and spoke, " I know and I love you, so so so much "
Slowly as everyday past Anakin became more strange, he had the same dream every single night and would wake up in a sweat every night.
You didn’t want to admit to Anakin but you were scared, really scared. I mean hearing your boyfriend whom you love was going to kill you?
You wanted to believe it wasn’t true but deep down you knew, you knew the truth.
You had a day off, no missions and no training, you and Anakin had fought a few minutes before- a bad fight.
“ He is putting lies in your head, Anakin! Why am I the only one who sees that? " You yelled, Anakins eyes darkened and he shook his head.
“ No! Why are you being like this? He’s opening my eyes- the truth of the Jedi, they are evil. " Anakin spoke, he didn’t sound like your Anakin. Your eyes widened in disbelief and you scoffed.
“ This is exactly what Im saying! Anakij, he’s lying to you!! " You yelled, Anakin scoffed as well.
“ Liar! He’s showing me, showing me how to save you! I’m doing this for you." He yelled, you rolled your eyes and went to the exit but before you could do that- you couldn’t move, you couldn’t breathe.
“ A-ani, please." You rasped, he stood in front of you his hand out, he was killing you. His eyes searched yours and then he gasped, dropping you, he stood there frozen.
You fell to the floor and crawled away from him as fast as possible, sobs and tears coming from you. You ran out Anakin’s room as fast you could and ran to your quarters. And that’s where you were now- 
you grabbed your bag and you threw as much clothes as you could, so lost in thought and trying to get out you didn’t hear the door open.
“ What are you doing? " They questioned, you turned your head to see your boyfriend standing there, his eyebrows furrowed.
“ Leaving. " You spoke, you voice hallow because of the events that just happened.
“ Leaving where? " Anakin spoke, his tone sharp and he stalked towards you.
“ Leaving you. Leaving the order. I-I can’t do this. " You spoke, zipping up your bag and discarding your lightsaber on the bed.
The bed you and Anakin spent countless nights on.
“ No, please don’t go- I’m sorry- please don’t leave me. " Anakin spoke, his voice shaking, you looked at him tears filling your eyes.
“ Come with me? " You spoke, your voice sounding unsure, should you be doing this?
Anakin shook his head, “ I can’t, it’s all going to be set right soon, you’ll see, we’re going to be together. "
You sighed and walked towards the door, you looked back and saw Anakin grab your lightsaber, he looked at you tears rolling down his cheeks as he spoke,
“ I love you. " You nodded your head and walked out the door, tears rolling down your cheeks. 
Little did you know of all the chaos that would happen as soon as you left.
two years later:
Vader held your lightsaber in his hand, a flash memory came into his brain- it was like the nightmares he was having years ago.
You stood there tears in your eyes as you cried, “ All I want is your love. "
He came back to reality and his grip on your lightsaber tightened. You had disappeared, he tried looking for you but could never feel your force presence.
Then another flash,
“ I love you! I tried to look for you but they said- they said you died during Order 66. " You spoke.
Then another flash,
You laid there in his arms, your eyes shutting, forever.
“ No! " He yelled, the lights flickered and burst, the desk flew to the wall, breaking.
He knew he had to let you go, he didn’t want to but he had to. He knew that if he saw you again his nightmare would come true.
Maybe you met someone else and maybe you were happy, Vader Anakin definitely wasn’t happy but as long as you were happy that’s all that mattered.
That night he cried, he cried because you and him never got your happy ending, you never got your dream wedding.
He knew he had to give you up.
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jlushie · 2 years
Heyhey!! Your writing is asdfghjklzxvnxm SO GOOD!! 💖 The way you wrote Sam and Harvey in the general all-bachelor hcs I especially love… if you get a chance would you mind doing some general headcanons/fluff for just Harvey? I really like the way you write him and it would be great to see more!! Thank you 💖💖💖
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You’re all so sweet- 🥺 I usually go through my fics and hardcore judge how I worded sentences, or how I misspell things aaaaa
Thank you both for the sweetness!! I’m glad you both like my writing! <333
So, with that being said… enjoy some Harvey headcanons! Remember, these are in no particular order!! Enjoy!~ <3
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Some Harvey Headcanons! <333
Harvey is such a sweet guy with so much love to give! He’s also adorably shy at times, and its just so cute!
He is very kind and gentle with you. He truly appreciates you spending time with him when you both can be busy with your careers and passions, and wants to make sure you feel loved, and the time you gave him was worth it.
He’s a bit self conscious… He just sometimes feels like he isn’t good enough, and tends to compare himself to others. He also has the fear he’s holding you back, whether that be because of his fears or some other reason. Please assure him just how much you love him! He really needs it. But once he hears it come from you he feels a comforted. After all, he holds your opinion higher than his or anyone else’s.
He is a very doting husband and lover. He does practically anything you need or would like him to do. Some of the things he does for you consist of making you dinner every night, fixing you up whenever you get wounded, and maybe a controversial opinion… He dances with you.
I don’t know why, but he just gives the vibe he would slow dance with you to a record or something. Sure, he’s not great at it, and sometimes stumbles on his feet and such, but that only makes you two laugh before you keep dancing.
Like Sebastian, I don’t think he’s really big on PDA. Not because he really hates it per say, more of he gets super flustered.
“D-Dear! Y-You scared me! …What? I’m turning red? O-Of course I am…. I always do when I talk with you…”
He continues to be flustered even after you two got married. He can’t help it! You’re just too sweet of a person for him to comprehend.
If you tease him, he’ll only get even more flustered. But there is the incredibly cute moments (not that all Harvey moments aren’t cute) where, while flustered, he lets out these embarrassed chuckles and the thought just makes me ascend.
He tries to have fun and sweet dates! He makes them as romantic as he can, while also making sure you enjoy the time you spend together. As discussed, he loves to make you dinner every night, so he’ll have a ton of romantic dinners with you!
He’d also try new activities, or some really fun ones like the hot air balloon ride! Even if it downright terrified him, and still does, the thought of being with you is more then enough to motivate him into doing it.
“Don’t worry about me being scared, darling… For you, it’s worth it!”
He gets terrified whenever someone brings you home from the mines, or when you manage to get home, but with a dangerously low health bar. He literally shrieks when he sees you in such a state.
He almost starts crying as he patches you up. He already couldn’t bear to think of you hurt in any way, and seeing it was way worse then anything he could imagine. Losing you is the worst thing that ever crossed his mind, and he just wants you to be safe and happy.
When you wake up, you are met with Harvey sitting beside you, holding your hand tightly. The moment you say anything he’s on you, holding you gently as he rambles about how worried he was.
“Please… Please be careful next time dear… I don’t know what I’d do without you…”
This is unrelated to whats above, but he enjoys getting you little gifts you like and seeing your face light up. It just makes him feel giddy.
This also might be random, but he likes to hear you ramble about your passions. Even if he has literally no idea what you’re talking about, he likes to hear you out, and then educate himself on what you were talking about so he can be more engaging next time.
He tends to ramble about things he loves and enjoys, so he’d like if you could hear him out too! It makes him feel so loved, just because you’re listening to him.
He, like Sebastian, is a lot more affectionate in private. And he enjoys giving you massages! It helps with stress, and he just wants to make sure you’re comfortable and happy!
He is the best bachelor for when you’re injured or sick. He knows exactly what to do and how to comfort you.
If you guys have kids, he’ll be pretty nervous about anything and everything that could potentially hurt the baby. Expect the house to be baby proof x5. He might even baby proof the farm itself.
He’d also probably be one of the most knowledgeable bachelors when it comes to kids (besides Shane and Sam), since he read books on parenting and all sorts of other different books on the subject.
Overall, he’s a wonderful husband and lover to you. He just wants to ensure your health and happiness, while also making sure your relationship is nothing but loving! <333
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