#but whatever XP i'm having a lot of fun and that's all that matters
le-velo-pour-dru · 11 months
Men in their forties that make you fantasize about romance and think phrases like "I'm utterly spellbound by him"
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rsmrymnt-tea · 2 years
Sooo i may have downloaded gw2 because of you. This game is SO PRETTY.
Do you have any tips? I have exp with mmorpg but never played gw2. Take responsibility and share some wisdom!
:o!! omg??? Didn't think my recent constant gw2 posting would actually get someone playing sdhgjkdg I really hope you're having fun!! It's a gorg game with some flaws that are honestly frustrating at times but I heard most MMOs are like that? <-has literally only played Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 so those are my only as frames of reference
But tips!! Bit hard to think of some since tbh, I'm a filthy casual (and tbh not that skilled of a player, but recently I found out it's partially because of my ADHD?? It's weird lol) but I have some thoughts and tips and little QoL things I've picked up over the years.
Disclaimer though: I got the back when it wasn't free to play to try it out and idk if you're on the f2p right now since I'm guessing you're just trying it out (unless you went ahead and got End of Dragons which I think gives you both Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire now for free too?) so uh not sure if all these apply (also I mainly play PvE so)—
I won't talk too much about the Personal Story to not spoil anything, and I don't know if you've gone with the sylvari for your character/one of your characters. But trust me, if you haven't please give them a go for at least the first thirty levels because it gives a lot more—like way more to the point that I was surprised that people didn't get why He was so important to the story because I went with sylvari first—context as to why A Certain Character becomes heavily involved in the story when you reach level 60.
If you don't like your starting area, take the asura gate to Lion's Arch then head to Eastern Ward, from there you can take asura gates to all the major racial cities. Best layout for everything you need in one place is Rata Sum tbh but personally I live at the Grove
Get a nice guild!! Enhances the experience so much imo! And also LFG can seem hopeless sometimes because it tends to be empty but I find that parties for even Dungeons fill up eventually
Gameplay-wise, you can go with literally any profession and any playstyle you want, especially for open world and story. Try everything out! Iirc you can open your PvP tab and enter the Heart of the Mists to be temporarily max level and do whatever you want with your build to try it out.
Alternatively, metabattle.com is your friend for builds too. Though it doesn't really matter while you're levelling up.
And tbh a lot of core Tyria stuff (non-expansion areas) + Personal Story can be done while underlevelled and underarmored. Your best defense is actually your dodgeroll, so generally people go for gear that gives Power, Precision, and Ferocity (Berserker's). But for other modes you can take more supportive roles (boons, healing power, etc).
There's a wardrobe tab in your Bank that lets you try on literally any skin in the game, both armor and weapons. It'll use whatever dyes you currently have on and is great for Fashion Wars
Killing yellow mobs that haven't been killed in a while (usually found in map areas where there aren't a lot of people) grants a lot of bonus XP
This is such a grindy thing and I'm sure there's more efficient ways, but in your Dailies there's usually a map where you need to clear like, 4 events to fulfill. Those maps usually have a lot of people doing events and calling them out and I'd usually stay there and grind until I hit 80 lmao
I think you can also do this by doing a lot of WvW but I'm never in that area because my laptop can't take it. It's lots of fun when you manage to find a zerg though!
Iirc PvP also gives nice rewards and is really fun! I just handle the stress and my ping is too bad to be reliable hjkgdfg
Log in everyday for those Login rewards. They come in pretty useful and if you need quick cash, those Mystic Coins go for like 80+ silver each lmao And I think this is the only way to get Laurels for Ascended trinkets
Regarding the Unidentified Gears you get, I personally open them then salvage everything with a good salvage kit. The materials sell for more than the gears themselves, tho for Rare Unidentified gear you can take your chances with just selling them straight if you don't want the gamble of hoping for Globs of Ectoplasm (which sell for like, 1 more silver than each Rare Unid Gear but you can get multiple if you salvage Rare armor and weapons. But also none so yeah, discretion >.>)
The Personal Story absolutely does not take you through the entire map—I think when I did some Personal Story only runs on some characters I got only like, 11-13% world completion? So explore!
Speaking of, there's a lot of interesting little hidden spots around the world. Find some Jumping Puzzles, they are incredible and lots of fun and frustration >w< There should be a couple just in Lion's Arch, actually.
You can buy food and utility consumables on the Trading Post, and right now at the time of writing, you can go get a shit ton of useful food items for a little Zhaitaffy.
Breaking the text block because apparently there's a word limit for it now >.<
You can get full level 80 Exotic gear for Karma in Orr at the Temples of each god once you've beaten the meta event for them. Each Temple gives different gear. You can get Berserker's stuff at Grenth's.
That said, I think there's plenty of worth to doing Dynamic Hearts (those gold heart things around maps) and buying some of the stuff the heart vendors sell once you've done them? Some are even part of Item Collections
Your chosen server doesn't really matter except for who you can play with (NA can't play with EU and vice versa) and who you're fighting for in WvW
If you join a party or a squad and they're not in the same map instance as you, you can right click on their icon on the side or on their name in chat and choose to join their instance
Login whenever they release new Living Story!! It's kind of expensive to go buy them all if you missed them (you can convert gold to gems but it's still a hassle esp if you don't get to farm much and don't like grinding) and if you login you get it for free
the common and uncommon dyes are so cheap, feel free to just go nab each one of them for your Fashion Wars desires from the Trading Post
Personally, I don't really craft but there's some endgame stuff where you need max level in some of the crafting disciplines. Feel free to look into it since I honestly don't really craft >.>;; Bit expensive
Buy better inventory bags from the TP, like. Idk why it's never explained outright that there's a shit ton of things you can buy from the TP that are just never mentioned? Had no idea about sharpening stones and all that until I got bored one day and decided to look through literally every tab
Iirc you can lookup things in game really quick with the /wiki command then typing the thing you're curious about after it. Like '/wiki Dragon Bash'
You can do custom emotions by typing in /e though it doesn't make your character do anything. I think this was for roleplayers? You can target an NPC or player with the non-custom emotions by adding @
Hang onto your aquabreather whenever you get one and don't forget to use the same runes on it as the rest of your armor. it switches out your headpiece completely and ngl, it's so oddly hard to find an aquabreather for higher levels. Eventually you can get one in Orr, in Cursed Shore at Gavbeorn's Landing from Gavbeorn himself but that's like, late core game :/ not even Exotic too. I think you can land yourself a good Rare one from doing Tequatl the Sunless, but it's by chance and I don't think they're for sale in the TP.
Speaking of Teq, there are World Bosses you can fight everyday!! This is also something I don't think the game ever elaborates on, but they're usually the final stage of a map metal event and are huge whole events that give good rewards + stuff you need for high level/Legendary crafting. gw2timer.com has the timers for literally every boss worth fighting repeatedly and their locations too, I think.
I really really feel like not enough is said about taking time with the game to smell the flowers and do dynamic events that no one does. There's a lot of little stories and ambient dialogue from various NPCs in the world, and a lot of interesting little interactables in some places. Something I really like is that nearly every graveyard has epitaphs on each gravestone, and it's so interesting going through all of them. One of the maps, Drizzlewood Coast, gets a lot more... idk real? Shocking? And kind of depressing if you've played the charr personal story and pay attention to the names of the cache keepers at the end of the first half of the map's meta event.
Like. It's a really pretty game even if you don't go all out on your graphics, and there's a lot of details in the environment even in core Tyria that only get crazier through the expacs. HoT genuinely feels like a massive, massive jungle that you're lost in (also the enemies become several times more dangerous than in Orr), and PoF the desert really does feel massive, and the detailing where there's civilization is nuts. Can't speak for EoD since I don't have it yet, but Cantha was gorgeous even back in GW1.
Seriously like I feel like my biggest tip is to stop and appreciate all the details the devs have put into their literal world building. This isn't the kind of game where you should rush to 80, especially not on your first playthrough/character.
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ganymedesclock · 3 years
your posts kind of give me the vibe of someone who would, if Lord of the Rings is something in your wheelhouse, have a lot to say about that one scene where the prose mourns the death of a soldier and muses how he was no less devoted to his cause, and what lies might have sent him to die far from home, and the horrors of war and the evils of the need to control?? (I say this because that's a BIG vibe for me and it struck me as something of interest for you?)
You know I have never properly read LOTR, although I think I perhaps ought to at some point because it seems like as a classic/codifying story in a genre I'm very fond of it would be if nothing else good for me, like health food.
That particular scene, I have heard about secondhand, and I think that is a big thing I try to do with a lot of my writing- I always try to think about how a character got where they are. And the truth is, while not every person who chooses destructive behavior has a convenient, sad story that you can unspool softly in your hands (and far more often we will never be given the satisfaction of knowing definitively why someone hurt us), in many situations- war among them- there are few good answers for why an individual person stands as The Enemy.
I think that if there's one thing a lot of fantasy, especially fantasy partially inspired by or codified through video games and tabletop- which are both, to be clear, things I care deeply about- is the usage of The Enemy as a form of power fantasy. I call this often the Goblin Problem, because it's one thing that Goblins get conceptually used for a lot.
Basically, you want your heroes to fight enemies. Enemies that are armed, and can set traps. Basically, enemies that are unambiguously sapient- but the catch is you don't want your heroes to be seen as killing another person, even in self-defense. Cue the goblin- somehow able to do things that require sapience, but conveniently never person enough to require dignity or grieving. And many people besides me have raged against that for a long time, and many other people defend it.
The matter, as I understand it, is that adversaries, monsters, encounters, whatever you want to call them- feel good. We like to feel accomplished. We like to fight things. I'll admit it, I can turn on Dead Cells and turn my brain off a little and smash through a whole buncha zombies and it makes the brain chemicals go brrrr just as much as it does for anyone else. Replacing every single one of those instances as it lies with a ruminative experience about the futility of war and the dignity of others doesn't always work. It doesn't! I'll admit that.
But I think it's absolutely, genuinely important to think about the critical relationships you have with others. In Dead Cells, it feels very fun to play as Prisoner. But the game is littered with strategic buzzkills where you're reminded that the reason why you're guiltlessly mulching through all of these guys is they're former people infected beyond salvation and the nature of the situation, aside from giving you a free license to be extremely violent, is sisyphean- you really cannot affect these people in any way that matters, you cannot make the situation better, you can't even really escape the time loop your character is living in. Prisoner isn't triumphantly conquering zombies because he's a Cool Dude- he's, well, a desperate prisoner lashing out.
I think that it's not inherently evil to put enemy characters to block your heroes way- but, as a neurodivergent person who has always been told it's my job to seem approachable or understandable to others, I guess I've always felt a little uneasy that in fiction, most of the times, if there's a good guy goblin the burden is on them to prove their humanity to the Real Folks- and if they don't, well, they deserve being used for XP grinding right.
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hooterhorror · 3 years
Hi lovely, could I get a slasher matchup? <3
I’m a 20 year old female, and my pronouns are she/her/they/them. I’m 5’6, decently fit, I have blue eyes, and shoulder length green hair with an undercut (although the color is always changing!) I have a couple tattoos and plan to get more soon. I tend to gravitate toward more 70’s-ish styles, but love to bum it in oversized sweatshirts too.
I’m the definition of crazy cat lady and could talk for hours about my beloved kitties. I also love to talk about ghosts/paranormal stuff and Cryptids (especially Mothman). My hobbies include baking, Irish dance, and drawing.
I’m very shy when I first meet people, but when I grow comfortable with them i can be very loud and a bit weird, but I’m always a loyal friend. My humor is absolutely broken. You could show me a video of a cheeseburger with a bass boosted fart in the background and I would be in tears. I basically have the humor of a 12 year old. I also tend to randomly quote TikToks a lot, like “oh no… our table… it’s broken!”
Although I’m a very fun person and try to be cheerful, I do have a few medical issues that really take a toll on me; such as my psoriasis, tachycardia, anemia, and IBS. I’m cold 24/7 no matter how warm it is and will steal all the blankets. When I’m having really bad flare ups I’m a mess and can’t get out of bed by myself due to the pain and discomfort. I try not to let it get the best of me but, when flare ups happen the best way to make myself feel better is to curl up under the blankets and watch movies all day with my cats.
hi there! ty for sending this in :33 I have POTS myself so I understand the struggle with a shitty heart :") chronically ill gang ✊
Billy Loomis.
In a way, your bad humor reminds him of Stu and at first he's rolling his eyes as the two of you laugh your asses off... so annoying.
but oh how you grow on him.
he loves your hair, first of all. He's always doing a double take at the new colours and furrowing his brows like: "didn't you just change it?? why's it green now??" but he's always supportive and insists any colour looks good on you!
if you go bright red he's gonna lose his MIND. it's his favorite era for your hair xp
and he'll help you reshave the underside for you, especially when it's growing out but you're in pain for whatever reason or just unable to do it yourself. Billy is very understanding of your conditions and probably researches on his own time so you don't have to tell him everything- he figures that's annoying.
He'll be grinning ear to ear at the sight of your tats if he ever gets a good view of them. He'll probably take a stroll through Pinterest looking at some he thinks would look good on you
"Billy, I'm not looking to get another tattoo right now."
"I know but look at this one- it references an old horror film-"
he'd say he'd never get one himself but you catch him downloading some pictures of sleeves he thinks are hella badass. pls push him to get at least one, he'll listen to you and LOVE IT
he might be squeezing your hand real tight through it though. like he's been stabbed but he didn't really have to sit still and get stabbed over and over though....
he sends you funny tiktoks now. I said it. he gets the same shitty humor as you but hides it real well.
if you reference one you both crack up over around anyone else like "Oh no... our table! it's broken!" he'll glare at you so hard
are you trying to ruin his bad boy cover???
no need to steal any blankets, as soon as you mention that yours having some kind of flareup Billy is pulling out as many as he can find and blasting the room heater so you don't freeze. he worries about you a lot, though silently.
"you feeling alright today, babe? yesterday was pretty bad for you."
he doesn't mind helping you, but he also doesn't want you to feel babied. he'll help when you need him too and ask if you're clearly suffering but not asking for his assistance. just to be sure.
need a certain kind of pain killer while he's out shopping? he's searching high and low for you, pumpkin.
he'll watch movies with you, specifically putting on spooky but funny ones for you both.
he loves horror but rolls his eyes at common ghost stories
I fully believe he's scared shitless of any paranormal happenings, even if it ends up just being Stu pulling some kinda prank.
you swear the last time that happened Stu almost lost his head
but also Billy screamed like a tiny child and held onto you so tightly when the lights went out after they flickered.
Stu and you thought it was hilarious though
Stu proposes the idea that you all go cryptid hunting
sometimes you wonder if you're dating both Stu and Billy
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airakorainies · 5 years
So I saw this neat thing flying around Tumblr of Lightwarden aus so with the help of my friend (he’s a wonderful photographer in game. If you want some good pictures too, just send me ask and I can let him know :3)
So! Here’s mine lol
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“Mother, I'm so sorry. Please, I beg of you. Forgive me."
She didn't mean for it to happen. How could she stop it? She was a child frozen in fear. Placed into hiding by her dear mother for protection. The young girl peered through the bushes only to see her mother get cut down in front her. Her hand flew towards the bush and landed just outside of it. She was frozen with fear. She couldn't move. Her breathing grew sharp as she watched the enemies run off. Slowly, she reached out a hand and touched her mother's. Snow Tine.
Guilt plays a tune of melancholy in heart. Each death weighed a heavy toll on her heart. Her eyes would droop with tears of pity as she watched one ally after another get cut down in front of her. A hero? She's no hero. She cannot save the ones she loves.
And then it happened. Those thoughts continued to tear apart her mind and heart until she knew she was unstable. Slowly, she crawled her way out into The Empty. If she were to turn, it'd be best to stay out here. Surely, she would not have to cut down her friends if she was alone. So with the little strength she had left, she called upon Feo Ul. She begged the fairy to trap her in a large bubble, cocoon, a large shard, *anything* so that she may not escape. With the wall raised, she turned.
--> The fight. The Frozen Lament Extreme
~~> Snow Tine the Forgiven Guilt <~~
Class: Demented Summoner
Weapon: Book/Ice that forms around specific limbs for specific purposes
Her appearance matches that of the pictures (will post after), except her horns were moved from the side of her eyes to the bridge of her nose. The horns stretched out and covered her eyes. As a way to hide the tears she has constantly shed. The tux also has a much longer coattail that flows outward during the fight cause aESTHETIC.
The field is a lot like Shiva's but it's got more of an open, cave feel to it. There's no walls and it has a dark canyon that seems to surround the field.
+ When pulled, she immediately throws out a cone knock-back called "Icy Front". It's small but if people aren't paying attention at when the fight began, they can be pushed off just over the edge. There'll be enough time in the casting that the group can run far enough to her to avoid the knock-back. *or immune it* She'll announce the beginning of this move with the dialogue "Move! Get out or I'll kill you too!"
--> Players who get knocked off will not be immediately killed. Instead, they spawn with little health into this room. It looks like a thin icy pillar that extends upward, which is assumed to be the stage as it grows larger and larger as it ascends. In the middle is an orb. It will immediately target the players and begin to cast self destruct. Players must 'kill' the orb to keep a wipe from happening. (Killing it doesn't actually do so. It's just like... disabling it for a while so players can travel through the aether back to the top.) But for each player who fell, it gains a defense buff after it is killed. (For later or any other players that fall later as well)
+ The fight continues out per usual. After a few moments from the knockback, she casts an aoe called "Crying Blizzard".
+ The tank buster follows after is called "Cursed Judgement." Places a hefty vuln onto the tank (that doesn't last long at all but will kill if hit by even an auto attack). This forces a tank swap.
And that's where the fun begins >:)
+ "I've lost so many lights. So what's a few more to lose? I couldn't save them anyway." After she speaks this, she begins to cast a three ring aoe called "Lost Lights". It's got a warning maker *idk what they're called lol* that covers the whole field, leaving only two spots open. Two small rings in between the three. However, there is little reaction time before the players' screens go completely black. They have to memorize where the safe spots are at a glance and quickly remember where to move. The cast is quick too so you can't sit there for a moment to rattle your brain. If hit, it drops a 2 minute frostbite on each player and freezes them for 10 seconds.
+ There's another aoe before she turns to the off tank and casts the knockback towards wherever they're standing. Meaning the off tank should be either with the main tank or to the side where people aren't right after the aoe.
+ She then casts another "Lost Lights" but this time, it's different. Two Shards spawn out of any four patterns. (A cross, an x, a zigzag, or a big bulky line.) They do a complete line aoe across the field they've spawned at. There'll be only a couple of permanent safe spots for any of these patterns but that's up to you to find :)
+ She does another tankbuster, another aoe, before she cries. "Forget it! Forget it all! Please! Forgive me!" She raises her hand up and slaps the ground with a large icy wind knocking all players off the stage.
+ It's your pal orbie!
+ But with friends 😄 There are two ice golems that hit like trucks. So tanks have to take them and then take them to opposite sides of the field. *they get a tether when too close that makes them invincible*.
The orb has a sort of protect shield around it making it untargetable. The golems must be defeated and then the orb. It's a relatively quick add phase that should be pretty easy, but if there were at least 4 knocked of players beforehand, butts will be clenched killing the orb as it's casting self destruct.
+ Once the players return she screams once more. Her voice is shaking and it's obvious she's crying. "Forgive me. Forgive me. Forgive me! FORGIVE ME PLEASE!"
She flies up and summons her book in front of her. A shadow bahambo appears behind her and she begins to cast Teraflare. This is her ultimate 😄 AND the *real* add phase. Shadows of the scions appear on the stage. and each player will be given on of three 'buffs'
- Titan's Terror
Those marked with Titan's Terror must locate the scions with the buff Titan's Triumph and kill them. *players killing the wrong scion places an aoe vuln on everyone. 2 means the ultimate will wipe the party no matter what.*
- Garuda's Gout
Those marked with Garuda's Gout must locate the scions with the buff Garuda's Gift and kill them. However, only two scions are marked with this and it's always the twins. *For the full party only has 8 players.* The twins are easy to kill, but Alphinaud must die first or he'll keep healing the scions. *same with Urianger whether he's marked with titan or ifrit.
- Ifrit's Inability
Those marked with Ifrit's Inability must locate the scions with the buff Ifrit's Interest and kill them.
**The healers will always have the same buff Ifrit's Inability + 1 random dps. For the scions with the buff are not as strong.
Players can either split off and kill each scion individually or those with the same buffs gang up on them one by one.
Whatever way works best for the raid.
There is a time limit. If she hits 100 *she's been drawing in aether from the shadow scions*, she'll cast Teraflare and wipe the party.
If not, the party will receive the buff after all the scions are killed called "Phoniex's Phorgiveness" (xP)
Once she casts the flare, the arena changes. It's all musty yet bright. Large mirrors of the three primal egis are around the arena (just there for show).
The same moves appear. But Lost Light's is different. It has either two new patterns.
One combines the original two and another one has her hitbox as the only safe area. She also will combine other aoes with Lost Lights. Players can get marked with puddles. She could have a lookaway move that if hit, zombifies the player and can cause them to get hit by the lost lights *or damage the other player*
The Lost Light's at this point are instakills.
+ there's one new move now called "Mother's Remorse" One random player besides mt will be targeted with a HUGE aoe marker. They must take it as far away as possible. leaving only a small crescent open. You can eat the damage, but it places a heavy vuln and the aoe after will probably wipe the party. *Which means healers must shield and heal the targeted player for the aoe since they get an automatic vuln*
After a certain allotted time, she has a dialouge box appear. But it only says "*Cries*" Her loud sobs override the music as she begins to slow cast, "Hero's Execution". A big aoe with resemblance to tri-bind, each 'orb' placed in front of the three mirror primals.
At 10%, her dialogue changes. "Is this forgiveness? Please set me free!"
= Her death line, "We meet once again... mother..."
== She drops glamour weapons and a rare mount. Like a nightmare but for the dragons.
{{Thank you all for reading! ^^ hope you enjoyed Snow’s Lightwarden fight}}
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
I'm actually interested in the difference between Japanese Sonic/Amy and American Sonic/Amy. I know that Japanese is more pro in the games themselves and in marketing, but do you have specific examples? Also slightly off-topic, but do you think there is a reason why Sonic universes outside the games (Sonic Boom, Sonic X, the comics from time to time) are more liberal when it comes to Sonic/Amy moments? I have one or two ideas but I've never quite put my finger on it.
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(Official SEGA Sonamy artwork: Sonic Advance 3 -that is meant to be funny lol-)
I’d be more than happy to oblige!
Much like the Anime Trope, these two fall into a rather old but still used one. Girl chases the main hero, main hero either is oblivious or doesn’t show any response to the affections.
SEGA has stated Sonic is ‘Shy’, since he can’t just ‘be oblivious’ to Amy’s open affections… nor can they state he’s ‘neutral’ when that could mean he’s ‘ignoring her’ which would go against Sonic’s natural good heart.
So it’s ‘ambiguous’. Verses- Neutral.
This does in fact differ when it comes to translations.
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle:
American: Amy, take care of yourself.
Japanese: Amy…. -long, dramatic pause- Take care of yourself..!
This scene suggests that Japanese Sonic actually paused to think about what to say to her, and also suggests that he felt it was ‘him who should take care of her’ which in Japanese, is very touching and borderlines romantic intent.
American Sonic sped this long pause up to where it was quick and more of a - Winky charm. Whereas, with Japanese, it was more tender and addressed specifically so that more emotion was conveyed. (Some would say at a deeper, more personal level that Sonic wouldn’t natural show anyway.)
Sonic Riders Zero Gravity:
American: Girls hate it when you rush them, Jet!
Japanese: Girls hate stubborn men!
This scene discreetly shows Sonic stepping up to defend Amy, but what’s interesting is that American Sonic is simply telling Jet to back off, whereas… Japanese Sonic is suggesting that Jet stop ‘flirting’ with her. ‘Stubborn men’ suggests that he won’t ease up his targeting her, and is mostly stated for when men are trying to win a girl over -negative connotation at times-. Japanese Sonic is being sarcastic for humor’s sake, but also warning and calling out Jet. Whereas, American Sonic is simply teasing and poking at Jet to turn his anger to himself instead of Amy. (Some, again, would argue the response technically means the same thing, but when you look at the two cultures, you’ll notice that ‘stubborn men’ is more addressed to men who won’t leave a woman alone. -cat callers end up getting beaten up by the main heroes?- In other-words, Japanese Sonic was acting more personally defensive with interceding Jet and Amy; whereas American Sonic was offensive in protecting her and directing Jet to himself for the fun of another race/rivalry.)
Sonic Generations: SEGA of Japan actually stated that Sonic putting his hand up to Amy’s face and pushing her away was out of character. (Something about Sonic not treating his friends like that? I’m sure in Japan, that kind of behavior is considered extremely rude…)
Sonic Adventure:
American: She’s so weird!
Japanese: Amy! Wa-wa-wait just a minute! Sheesh, guess I have no choice…
American Sonic is a bit ‘too cruel’ to most viewers in this scene, though it’s meant to come off as comical. However, in Japanese Sonic is more naturally surrendering to going after Amy’s lead, startled by her suddenly taking off into the park. (Far less harsh, if you ask me.)
Sonic Lost World:
American: Hey, Amy! Looks like springtime’s come early!
Japanese: Yo, Amy! Glad to see you’re okay.
Clearly, the difference is substantial. Japanese Sonic has a tender-care to his words as he addresses Amy, showing he remembers her last ‘farewell’ message and is relieved she’s alright. Whereas, American Sonic is going for the joke, being more peppy instead of relieved and commenting on the environment instead of her directly to her. (Some could say she reminded of him of spring… lol okay, I say that. But spring hints at things, okay!? lol)
There are plenty others, lol. But I don’t want to make this too long.
Overall, American Sonic in the Modern Games is much more ‘for the pun’ and ‘about images’ than Japanese Sonic, who still keeps up ‘face’ but also warmly encourages his friends and treats them respectfully. Most of the American Written games have been stated to be ‘out of character’ by SEGA officials.
America treats Sonamy much like they do their franchise, a meme or joke to be poked fun of. Whereas, with a much more refined atmosphere, Japan treats Sonamy as an endearing and lovely couple. Though both resign to say they can’t really see Sonic ever ‘settling down’ or really being focused on romance. And,… that makes since to me. Knowing who Sonic is. But even that doesn’t mean he can’t have a crush XD (The heart wants what the heart wants, lol!)
My honest opinion?
American Sonic get awkward and werided out by Amy, but still cares about her well being.
Japanese Sonic is shy and uneasy with Amy’s antics, but he appreciates her.
And that’s all folks! ;Db If you’d like more discussions on Sonic or pairings, I’ll try and let you know what the facts verses opinions are!
—WOAH! there was way more to answer in this than what I thought! Let me try and.. here we go!
American Amy comes off as a bit much and mood-swingish. Japanese Amy is more caring and understanding of Sonic.
In Sonic X, Japan has a scene where Amy admits that Sonic may never really want her idea of love, he may never even want a family! But she’s not going to give up trying, cause she does love him.
In America, Amy just complains about Sonic not coming on the date and possibly stating he doesn’t care about her.
Japanese Amy is also shown as ‘playful’ in her culture, and her actions are more reflections of ‘positive attributes’ for the culture. America tries to twist and make this ‘funny’ instead of ‘loveable’ and that throws audiences off.
Most Japanese Companies are very ‘tight’ with their characters, protecting them from being ‘out of character’. Nintendo for one is famous for this ‘tight-grasping-hold’ over their characters being portrayed well.
Sega of Japan knows they have too many people using their characters, and so they created ‘Mandates’ to make sure they stay in line. The reason other medias of Sonic are so ‘liberal’ is because Sega of Japan doesn’t ‘closely watch/inspect/is right in their faces’ to be able to regulate it. And honestly? The officials were more concerned about if it’s making money and getting exposure than anything else. They’ve tried to change that policy, visiting America more to secure some credibility in the characters. They first tried this with Sonic Boom but ended up seeming to abandon it. (I don’t blame them) but they have been here more recently with Sonic Mania; Giving me hope that Sonic Forces will be regulated to more ‘in-character’ themes. (Also, the original writer is Japanese, meaning America JUST has to translate correctly)
Most companies generally want to make sure they still have some control over their franchises, mandates and other rules are not uncommon. SEGA is rather ‘looser’ in their holds then Nintendo, for example though. Nintendo will shut down a fan-project that doesn’t treat their character in good light, or even caution Hollywood like with Wreck-It Ralph and Bowser. They gave some particular suggestions for animation and the like on him. SEGA just had fun with it, cause I didn’t hear much of anything from the interview with the director about them other than they ‘were fully on-board!’.
Sonic Boom got away with Sonamy through loopholes and ‘less supervision’ at times. But they have their limitations too. (Other characters comment on Sonic and Amy, but never Sonic reacting/stating blunt comments. Amy could, but they’re going with a more ‘discreet/quiet’ love when it comes to Amy’s crush.)
Sonic X was by SEGA of Japan, they’re allowed to / can do whatever the heck they want. -z formation, hip rotation, snap, snap, hair flip.- It’s 4Kids (illegal?) editing of original content that sometimes messed up translation. But there are things that were only exclusive to Japan’s release. (such as Natsu no hi which was confirmed to be from Sonic’s POV, along with the anime bubbles at seeing Amy in her ‘dress’)
Archie had their hands tied with some strict contracts, such as ‘Sonic can’t have a permanent girlfriend’ and ‘Sonic can’t show any interest in Amy’, but even Ian admits some hints and others in Archie have stated their ‘case’ on the matter too. (One even admitted he thought Silver was Shadow and Amy’s kid xP
Now, I’m not trying to dis America. They’ve survived a lot. But I know where most confusion comes from is that the company can’t decide ‘what Sonic is’. This can be problematic, along with bad marketing ploys. So it’s not entirely their fault. Other forces are to blame here too. Such as the fandom sometimes placing their opinions on things as facts, without checking sources sometimes.. (It happens -shrug-)
I hope this helps! ^^ (If there was something I missed or misunderstood regarding your question, feel free to ask me again! I wrote this at 6 in the morning so if somethign doesn’t amke sense, you call me lol)
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 7 years
i've been following your blog for a while now and i was just wondering what is your opinion on Atlus pushing the Makoto/Akira ship? Just like what they did with Minato/Yukari and Yu/Rise? (I think it can also be Yu/Yukiko but Yu/Rise is more hinted) I love Makoto and everything about her but it's kind of unfair she has more moments with Akira than the other girls (e.g. the futaba palace scene, the sakura house incident) i'm a big fan of the Akira/Anne ship so is it just because i'm biased? ahaha
Ahh first off thanks for following! :D
As for the question… Haha really? And here I am thinking they’re really heavily pushing Anne/Akira (so much so I’m actually starting to feel bad ;w;). O-o I thought Anne got a lot more scenes imo, and one specficly important scene (imo) that I didn’t think they’d give to her (I thought Futaba/Sojiro cause family dynamic or Ryuji cause first friend but nope! Anne gets it!…tho I did sneak a peak at the english part of that scene and I think it got played down….. damnit AtlusUSA that is not what she says in the japanese ver! >:/), on top of all the merch and promotion she’s getting….I think Atlus(JPN) has a little crush on Anne. o-o
(continue under the cut cause my reasoning/evidence/”evidence”/whatever you wanna call it, gets long 8U)
Like no really, the anthology manga (while made by fans was still published and advertised by Atlus) had 2 chapters where it was very Anne/Akira (one was more subtle but the other was SOOOOO in your face lsadknflan;fansf;da). And by merch, like from the line up I saw she has more figures coming out than Makoto, but I think also more than AKIRA! O_O And in promotions (like with crossover games like that dungeon game) Anne is not too far from Akira in EVERY SINGLE ONE THEY’VE ANNOUNCED! Like if it doesn’t matter if Akira has the whole team there or is with someone else, Anne is right freaking there too (be it as a group or just by themselves). Like I’m kinda feeling bad for non-Anne fans considering how much stuff she’s getting (but this might be Atlus making it up to me for not having a lotta Naoto stuff back in P4′s days ;w;)
As for “pushing,” I didn’t think Rise was AS pushed as Yukari (who was confusingly grouped with Mitsuru as a package at times in the beginning) and kinda sort of Aigis (I say kinda sorta because unlike Yukari, the game doesn’t have NPCs shoving it down your throat months into the game that you went to school together ONE TIME cause you live in the same dorm as the school idol and the school prez jesus christ game I’m dating Yuko leave me be *ahem* So yeah, Aigis is pushed as a main option along with Yukari but….it feels more subtle/natural but it can still feel like their pushing it to some). For P4….Rise was….they gave Rise an obvious crush on you, which is fine except when you’re dating someone and she still hits on you (if they gave you the option to say at least “I already have someone I like” if not just “I’m already dating someone” I think Rise would’ve backed off instead of constantly flirting with you….but I don’t think Atlus thought of that/had the budget back then so sigh….). But I wouldn’t say Yukiko is pushed (or pushed at all), it’s more Marie…..it really ticks me off that you still have a valentines day event with her even if you’re dating someone else AND didn’t do Marie’s romance…..like wth Atlus? THAT BEING SAID, the P4 spinoffs give us an insight on Yu’s mind and whatever they kinda sorta built up for Rise/Marie is kind of handwaved by a socially awkward Yu….so there’s that for people who didn’t like what Atlus did with Rise/Marie…..THAT BEING SAID again, it seems they shifted their focus more towards Naoto having (or should I say maintaining) her crush that was shown at the end of P4. Unlike Rise and Marie tho, she’s more subtle about it and isn’t just outright flirting (like with Rise) so the dialogue is more laid back/comfortable cause Yu doesn’t have to hand wave her emotions like (”oh Rise, always messing with me” jesus side note what’s with all the “Yu’s” being so unaware of romantic/sexual love? Yu and Yusuke should start a club XP) So side game wise, the keep Rise’s crush on the MC but she also has Naoto as a contender with her (with Marie every so often, but not too often, poking out). 
But forcing in P5? While they did show a lot of Anne/Akira, I don’t think they’re forcing us. I think it’s cause Anne is very versatile in being either your bro or wife (or both 8U), so you can interpret her moments as just a bro (unless of course you romance her, then OBVIOUSLY you can’t view it as a bro moment unless you’re making fun of the “I love you bro” culture…OH MY GOD PLEASE! LET THAT BE A MEME! LET ANNE BE THE ONE WHO DOES THE BRO JOKES! LSDFAKNF;A *ahem*). As well as having chemistry with the rest of the cast (dslfka; Ryu gotta love Ryu, actually I think Atlus just wants us to ship Anne with everyone, not the MC 8U XD), and giving the rest of the cast A LOT of moments with the MC themselves….So while she gets a lot, she doesn’t feel forced/pushed (I also don’t think Makoto or anyone else is pushed biasly, MC’s smile at Futaba on the beach could also be viewed as almost brotherly, and saving Makoto could…you know….be viewed as saving your teammate…..cause you don’t want them to die…. so like an alternate interpretation is there for everyone….I think P5 is very equal to all it’s girls imo). So yeah I do think Anne is suppose to be a main ship in the game, as for her rival/other main ship (like P3 had Yukari and Aigis, and P4 had Rise and Marie with Spinoffs being Rise and Naoto), I think Makoto is the other main girl….but some might view Futaba as one (you can have 3 tho doesn’t matter imo). 
But anyways anon, just ship what you wanna ship, don’t worry about the game feeling “push-y”
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