#but you can’t help but love that lil stinker
gemini-care-barr · 5 months
Barry Allen or Hal Jordan comics for the rest of ur life who would u choose?
This is actually so hard, why would you do this to me hahaha 😭😭😭
It’s hard because, like, I LOVE Barry, he is my WORLD, everything I do REVOLVES around him. He’s truly my moon and stars. Just all the cliches you can think of and that’s only a minuscule representation of how I feel about him… BUT Hal’s stories and the entire Green Lantern mythos are so amazing and inspiring and have gotten me through SO MUCH. Plus his friendship with Barry and the ways that Barry plays into his stories are so important and huge and UGH 😭
And that’s not even getting into the super pragmatic response that delves into who has the better runs overall, the longer runs, the least amount of bad editorial decisions sullying their good name, and the better supporting cast…
Can I refuse to answer this?? Of course I can but that feels like such a cop out 😮‍💨
I’m having a mental breakdown AND THIS IS JUST THE FIRST QUESTION 😭
…Okay, so… full disclosure… I have no qualms saying that Hal’s Green Lantern comics (ESPECIALLY the entire Geoff Johns run) is far and away my FAVORITE superhero comic series of all time BUT that does NOT change the fact that Barry is ABSOLUTELY my favorite fictional character of ALL TIME.
So, with that being said… if the question is asking PURELY about past/current comics… I *may* have to say my answer is Hal Jordan comics 🥹 IF the question is including and/or focused on future comics (and let’s just say future comics at their absolute best, like maximum potential has been reached) then my answer is Barry Allen comics 😌
My cop out answer is a shared Barry Allen and Hal Jordan comic OR either of them with plenty of appearances from the other 😜
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uglierdaikon · 2 years
All right bitches I said I’d do it so let’s go - what children are actually doing at different ages (for the unfamiliar writer)
Source: I’m like a few months shy of a master’s degree in speech pathology, I’m my own source
This will not be fully comprehensive, because I cannot adequately give you all the information I’ve gathered over the course of earning my bachelor’s and master’s in a single textpost. But we do our best (and y’all don’t want the nitty gritty anyways). Buckle in though suckers, because this turned out really long anyways. 
General development of babies and toddlers:
Fresh out the oven: this baby doesn’t do anything except poop, pee, eat, cry, sleep. They’re living the dream. It should be noted that they can’t actually poop, pee, or eat that much though, because they have such wee little stomachs! That’s why they have to do all three of those things so often—their body can only take a little at a time! So they’re doing all of those things every few hours.
1-3 months: This baby still isn’t doing much. They have to do tummy time now and everyone hates that. This means their parents put them on their stomachs to help their bodies develop. NOTE this is only done when the babies are awake, never when their asleep (“Back to sleep” is a good way to remember this—babies sleep on their backs, until they’re able to roll over on their own. This helps avoid suffocation and SIDS).
“But Erin,” you ask. “What does the baby actually do and say at this age?” Great question! Not much! They’re beginning to coo, but no babbling is happening yet (so no “goo goo ga ga” nonsense when you’re writing these wee fellas). They start to smile and laugh at around this age for reasons other than gas though, which is nice
We want them to start learning to roll over though. This is the point of tummy time. They cannot crawl and won’t for some time
3-7 months: this baby is doing a little bit more! They’re laughing, they love their parents, they might find older siblings or pets vaguely fascinating. They also might start making sounds
a note on phonetic development in children: they learn the easy, visible sounds first. So, as you might already know, “m,” “b,” and “p” (which are all secretly the same sound in different fonts) are some of the first. Kids also say “g” and “k” pretty early because these sounds are easy to make accidentally when they’re laying on their backs!
This sweet lil bear wants to crawl so bad. They’re trying. They’re not quite there yet but god damn it they’re trying
They’re starting to sit up on their own though! Building that good core strength. But they’re wobbly, they need a lot of supervision
Babies this age also start to try “solid” food (which is just, like, applesauce at first, but it counts!) They might even eat some dissolvable solids like Gerber puffs (babies go nuts for Gerber puffs)
7-10 months: babies gone wild. They start doing stuff in earnest at this age and we are at their mercy
Around 8 months this stinker will start crawling (army crawl usually comes first, and a lot of babies stick to that because it’s faster lol, but they’ll crawl on all fours too like you’re probably imagining). Then they’ll start pulling up to stand on their own, walk using parent help/a walker/the couch. Once they start walking on their own it’s all over for their poor parents.
Who am I kidding, kids are menaces when they can crawl too
Babbling has progression. No one will tell you that but there’s stages. So at the beginning of this period, they’re doing what’s called reduplicative babbling (that’s your “mamamama” or “gagagaga” sounds, so they repeat the same syllable over and over), but over time they’ll move in the direction of what’s called “jargon” (this is when you can tell the baby knows what they’re saying and really believes that they’re communicating and that you understand them, bless their heart)
You might hear a first word in this period, but most kids won’t do that until a while later
These poor little angels are going to start getting teeth toward the end of this period, too. God help them, they’re going to be so sad about it. Lots of slobbering, crying, gumming on things in this time (whatever they can get in their mouth). My nephews got a lot of fevers when they started teething, too. HOWEVER the more teeth they have, the more solid foods they’re eating. Wee babies this age are having some soft solids (but they’re still drinking a lot of milk, that’s still very important nutritionally at this age). Note, these babies are not eating anything difficult to chew. If your grandpa can’t eat it with his dentures off the babies can’t eat it with their wee little teeth and bad chewing skills. They may start drinking water on its own though in place of milk once in a while
At this age they’re also more likely to sleep through the night. This is because they’re actually able to eat enough during the day that they don’t have to wake up to eat more. Remember, they have those wee little stomachs that only fit so much.
~1 year: oh lordy lordy, these poor parents. This baby has places to be, they’ve got things to do. A lot of kids are walking at this time. They may try to run but they are bad at it; however toddlers are slippery little bastards and are hard to catch in spite of this. This sucker has more teeth (still not a full set) and they know how to use those chompers. This baby can have pizza (with the crust removed). That is the most important milestone in my opinion
You’re gonna hear first words around this time. Some kids talk earlier and easier than others. My littler niece has never talked much, but what she does say she says perfectly. My older niece is still practically incomprehensible at two and a half. There’s a lot more variety in what kids can do as they get older. In general, we expect first words by a year and a half, and most kids do start earlier than that.
This being said, there’s still a lot of babbling! That doesn’t stop just because they know a few words!
Babe, look me in the eyes right now. If you have a one year old stringing sentences together in your stories I don’t know how to help you. They don’t do that. You might hear some two and three word phrases as they get closer to two, but there will be no sentences.
2 years: Can and will talk your ear off. They know some body parts, maybe some colors. They’ve got those two to three word phrases, and they’ll start to build on that. They can run, but jumping is hard. Forget about skipping, it’s not gonna happen. These lil bears still aren’t potty trained but they’re working on it! It’s hard work! The downside of this is that suddenly the person whose ass you’re wiping has opinions.
3 years: now we’ll get some sentences. Kids this age are still clumsy, but they’re doing more of the little kid stuff you expect.
 General principles about kids overall
So those are the only ages I’m going to get into detail about. Like I said, there’s a lot more variety in what kids can do as they get older, and it’d be a whole mess to try to summarize that all in depth beyond preschool age. However, I do still have more general guidelines to help you out with stuff beyond this.
Language development in kids
a.      Note: everything I know is about language development in English. I don’t know any more than you do about how kids talk in other languages
b.      So, the thing is, kids expect English to make sense. It doesn’t. This is a very important guiding principle in writing child language.
c.      This means that little kids won’t understand exceptions to grammatical rules as they start learning to speak more. This is where you’ll run into “I runned to the park” or “I see-d the mouses.”
d.      Very young kids will speak mainly in nouns. They’ll name the objects that they’re talking about and babble for the rest of it. You learn to put it together. For example, one of my nieces likes to draw my attention to her dog by saying “pup!” and when I say, “yeah, that’s your puppy!” she nods and says “woof woof.” She’s about a year and a half old, for context.
e.      As they get older, they’ll start to include verbs. Basically, they start with the essentials and add everything else later. Imagine how you would talk in a language you don’t know well. When I try to speak Spanish, it’s a heavy reliance on nouns and some very basic verbs. Kids do the same thing.
f.       Adjectives and prepositions come next, adverbs way down the road. Kids love an interjection though. Both of my nieces think it is very funny to point to my nose piercing and yell “Nose uh-oh!”
g.      Very little kids won’t say much more than four or five words in a sentence. It takes a lot of effort to string those words together! Cut them some slack!
h.      A lot of very common grammar mistakes you see in children’s speech in fiction is inaccurate. Again, kids expect English to make sense. You won’t hear a lot of “me do it.” You will hear more funny mistakes that come up when a kid doesn’t know how else to say what they want to say. Again, though, if you actually think about it, these mistakes make sense when you consider they’re trying to learn the rules of English, not every single possible usage of a word or phrase.
Speech in children
a.      I already told you that they learn the easy sounds first. Now let’s talk about where they might run into trouble.
b.      Gliding – this is a type of phonetic error when “l” and “r” are replaced with “w” or “y.” I’m sure you’re familiar from the uwu cutesy memes. It should be noted that they typically only do this to “l” and “r” though.
c.      Final consonant deletion – kids leave off the end sounds of words all the time! This has to do with the way we articulate sounds in English even in adult speech, but I won’t get into that
d.      Velar fronting – this means they’ll change “k” and “g” to “t” and “d”. For example, they might say “tootie” for “cookie.”
e.      Cluster reduction – it’s hard word to say a whole bunch of consonants together. So you might hear “I tong” instead of “I’m strong” (which also gives an example of that final consonant deletion I just talked about).
f.       Substitution – in general, substitution errors are everywhere, and this just means that kids replace a difficult-to-make sound with something easier. Gliding and velar fronting are both common examples of this, but some of them are individual to the kid. Some examples of “hard to make” sounds are “j,” “g,” “k,” “l,” “r,” “th,” “ch,”and sometimes “s.” R especially is a bastard. R is ten sounds stacked on top of each other wearing a trench coat, and that’s why it’s so common for people with different accents to say “r” differently.
                                                    i.     Anyways, the sound that they replace it with is often a sound that is produced in a similar place. “th” might become “t” since they are produced at the front of the mouth near the teeth. “ch” will also probably become “t,” “j” often turns into “d,” etc.
g.      In general, kids don’t mess up vowels. They’ve got vowels down pat.
h.      These sounds can get messed up everywhere in a word. However, as a kid gets older (or as they go through speech therapy, self-plug for my field), they’ll start to make it less often at the beginning of words. It’s harder to shake from the middle and end of words though, because of all the other stuff that they have to focus on in other parts of the word. Sounds at the beginning are easier!
This is a fluency disorder, not a cute little quirk to give to a shy kid. People who stutter really struggle with the stigma around it, and it’s much more complex than just repeating a sound now and again. If anyone’s curious I can talk more about this, but in general? Be respectful. A lot of people who stutter deal with it their whole lives, and they already deal with enough anxiety before we get into all the stereotyping and infantilizing of stutters. Soapbox over.
Social development
a.      Kids in general are hyperactive. As soon as they’re able to move around without your help, that’s all they want to do. If you have a very little kid in your story who sits very nicely and listens to stories without interrupting or moving around, I have questions for the little kids that you know—or better, for their parents, because I wanna know their secret. That sucker is on the move. I haven’t gotten any of my nieces or nephews to sit still for a whole book since they learned to crawl, and I don’t think I’ll get them to again for quite a while.
b.      Little kids don’t play together—they play next to each other. They’ll show each other what they’re playing with, they’ll take toys from each other, they’ll watch each other play. But their play isn’t interactive until they’re about four.
c.      Kids are smarter than we give them credit for, but also they lack the background knowledge and context to use that intelligence effectively. What this means is that they’ll come up with their own explanations for things that make sense given what they know about the world. But these explanations are often ridiculous. For example, as a small child I didn’t know that some people have different *ahem* body parts that they urinate with. So I thought that the way people could tell if a baby was a boy or a girl was by a blood test. Lord knows how I knew about blood tests but not genitals.
d.      Moral development in kids. I won’t get into this in depth, but in general
                                                  i.     Little kids (like, 7 and younger), are very self-centered. This is not a mark against them! But they are not taking other people into account very often. That’s something that’s taught, and that’s okay. Some kids learn this faster than others
                                                   ii.     As they get older, kids define morality by the rules, and nothing else. Some people never leave this stage of moral development, but that’s a topic for someone else to handle. I just deal with kids. So, by this token, if you ask a kid whether it’s okay for someone to steal food so that a starving child can eat, a lot of kids would say no. Because that’s against the rules. (Unless they have experiences telling them otherwise, but that depends on the child/character).
                                                  iii.     It’s not until around puberty that kids start to be able to understand nuance in those situations
e.      Kids of all ages want to be very independent. Their definition of independence will change as they get older, but that’s easier to figure out. Two year olds want to pour their own milk for dinner. Ten year olds want to walk/ride their bike to school with their friends without their parents there. All relative.
Aaaaand scene!
This concludes my brief lecture on child development for all you writers out there! I hope it was helpful, please let me know if you have any questions! Honestly, this is great review for the Praxis exam and I’m supposed to be studying for that anyways.
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tenshindon · 3 years
who's the most underrated character in your opinion of ALL of db
dawg you gon make me have to bust out the fuckin diagram or some shit bro ALL Of DB??
broseph said All Of DB makin me have to choose one out of the sea of forgotten characters to the void but i’m gonna do two because i’m a stinker and incredibly indecisive
when it comes to like- The Remaining Cast and who’s in the show/manga probably chiaotzu is one of the most underrated characters. like people acknowledge he exists but- this is due in part to how he’s handled in super- no one really appreciates just how funky or fun of a character he was or has the potential to be. he’s more or less kind of treated like tien’s accessory opposed to an actual character who can fight and do what he wants at this point. i’ll save my chiaotzu rant for another day tho cause i have a lot of thoughts Point Is chiaotzu’s great and i wish he was appreciated more not only for his fighting potential but just the fact he actually appears like a very sweet and funny guy when he’s allowed to show his personality (not to mention i’ll always piss myself laughing at how ominous he is during the 22nd)
but as in All of DB??? daaaaawg you know that one a tough one for meeee i love a lot of the old cast. though i guess if i was held at gun point i’d probably have to say bora and upa are probably one of the most underrated sets of characters Ever. i can’t even properly explain it all technical and shit i just think they’re really neat and interesting characters LMAO like i love them so much- it would’ve been great to see the mates more involved in the series or at least have the gang say hi once in a while (i get that they really can’t venture too far from korin’s tower but i mean why’s that at this point everyone just hops up there nowadays). upa was such a delight and a lil baby sweetheart in db and it was so nice to see him for a split second at the beginning of z. and bora like. dawg i cant explain it i just think he neat i just think he cool LMAO
you said Most Underrated Character and that implies one and i’m already breaking the rules by doing three but lemme do a fourth because i can’t let this slide cause on the highest of keys i loved namu- he was a very humble and sweet dude who was passionate to do what it took to help his village and once that issue was settled he just wanted to fight at the 22nd. i unno man i just always liked his vibes and i wish he was acknowledged more- he was real rad in my book
see dawg this is why it’s hard for me like there’s so many cool and underappreciated characters that i adore so much. i get why the likes of bora and upa and namu aren’t talked about as much they don’t really do much past their intended purposes but still i guess i just personally really enjoyed them. Now I’m Going To Force Myself To End The Post Here :)
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kakakakashi · 4 years
I just started BNHA today... I’m on episode 3 and little Izuku is my whole fucking world 🥺🥺🥺 why was he such a precious little child?!?! I just ugh... the no quirk thing and he was so... so sad like you don’t need a quirk little bb you are perfect and that little face could cause world peace 😭 my fucking heart. Makes me think of little Gaara and I am SO SOFT. I’m sorry 🥺 I just had to get it off my chest.
I KNOW, RIGHT??? You should see my snapchat. I scream about how he’s baby very 5 seconds. I just wanna smoosh his cheeks, give him big hugs, and kiss all of his freckles! He’s a lil baby bean cinnamon roll angel cake honey bun pumpkin pie! I can’t decide if I have a crush on him or if I just can’t process how cute he is. Lbr, it’s both.
I KNOW, RIGHT! I was like “Izuku, Deku, honey... you can be a hero. Why isn’t there a Batman or Iron Man in this universe??? Fuck it. Izuku, baby. You’re gonna be the first quirkless hero. I know exactly how. I’m an expert. K, let’s get to work.” *Whips out all of the Marvel material I own and know of, ready to help the lil baby bunny achieve his dream* 
I just... I love Izuku so much... He is just... my fuckin heart! When he does the heart squeeze face, I’m like “BITCH! THAT’S HOW I FEEL ABOUT YOU 25/8!” 
Also, just wait until he goes from skinny to buff. I’m like “Look, you little stinker. Just because you could bench press 200 times my weight doesn’t mean I’m not gonna treat you and protect you like the lil baby bunny you are because your face still looks like it’s 5, and YOU ARE TOO PRECIOUS!” He’s just too good for this world, too pure. Please, someone make him stop hurting himself! I just... I love Deku so much. 
Although... Todoroki is my fave... Although, that’s only because he is literally me in high school in almost every way & I just... yeah. Anyway. Izuku is baby, and I love him so much. *SCREECHES* 
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JUST LOOK AT THAT FACE!!! HE IS TOO SWEET!!! HE’S PRETTIER THAN I WILL EVER BE!!! MY HEART CAN’T TAKE IT!!! I FEEL LIKE INKO WATCHING THE SPORTS FESTIVAL & BAWLING!!! Speaking of which, can I just be friends with Inko & look through all of Izuku’s baby albums with her & just cry about how wonderful her son is??? 
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
From attack mode to big baby mode (YGO 5DS)
From attack mode to baby mode
The first thing Yusei noticed when he woke up was that he'd apparently been moved in his sleep. It was the only way to explain how his normal room had suddenly gotten a make over of having baby blue walls with a series of chibi duel monsters on the walls , Toss in the fact as he sat up he could see he was in a crib, not to mention there being a well stocked changing table against one wall with a diaper pail next to it and well, no shit he'd been moved. One worrying fact about the diaper pail though was that his name was on the thing. 'Last time I checked I don't wear huggies..that's more of a Luna and Leo thing.' He thought and went to stand up and forth as a loud crinkle was heard and there was a bulk between his legs. 'Then again..' A blush came to his face as he reached down and poked at the massive white diaper that had dragon type themed tapes and he realized he was in just his new found padding and a blue t-shirt with 'Lil stinker' on the front in white letters. He also realized as he poked his padding that he was one very soggy little guy. Oddly this didn't seem to bug him as much as it should, most of his discomfort came from the fact he wanted out of the wet diaper then he was in a nursery and dressed like a big baby. "Uh..Hello? anyone there?..I could er.. reallllly do with a diaper change." he called out looking around his apparently new room. there was a baby monitor on a dresser so he was sure someone would be in shortly, and he noticed a toy chest filled with stuffies that oddly were calling his attention. Taking in stock of his new bed, he noted the crib was about the size of a queen sized bed, with a very soft mattress and had more of the chibi duel monsters on the sheets and from the crinkle and crackle he guessed there was a rubber sheet on under the main one. there was a light pink fuzzy blanket that he'd been covered up with and a like wise pink pillow with more then a few wet spots from where he'd been drooling up a river in his sleep. there was also a stuffie of the ancient fairy dragon, looking a little worn but as he saw it a silly grin came over his face and with one hand on the sturdy wooden rail of his crib, he bent down to pick it up. As he did so he let out a HUGH fart though then had the curious feeling of a lot of hot mud filling up the back of his diaper as he tried to figure out what had just happened, looking puzzled and getting his stuffie and hugging it to his chest. 'Huh.. some kinda warm mud spell?' He thought at first then it ever so slowly dawned on him as the smell reached his nose what he'd done. 'I just..I just made ..In..My diaper..With..No control?' He thought, hugging the stuffie close and whimpering. Again oddly he wasn't as embarrassed as he should of been it was more he didn't like the warm squishy feeling or the smell and without any self control started to tear up then bawl. "I went poopie! Wahhh!" he sobbed like a big baby. The door to the nursery opened up and there was Luna, in a set of pink jammies and rushing over to the crib. "Shhh shhh it's ok Yusei, it's alright, big sister is here!" She coo'ed to the distract over sized baby and then she was lowering the bars. Her nose seemed to wrinkle at the smell but she didn't say anything about it, only muttering words of comfort as she helped him out of the crib. Leo followed her after about 20 seconds though he reacted as if he'd hit a wall as the stink hit him and held his nose. "whew! I told you that prune baby food was a bad idea!" He joked and grinned. "Leo! Not now! the baby is upset!" She scolded as she Helped Yusei up onto the changing table, his diaper squishing as he got on there and making him bawl louder. "Shhh it's ok Little Yusei. Big bro and sis are here, Just play with fairy dragon like a good little one and we'll get you alll cleaned up." Yusei had  a lot of questions, but none of them came out as he instead just sniffled and whimpered and then nodded. "Otay." He lisped.
One smelly diaper change later during which Yusei had at one point held the stuffie to his face and whined 'stinky') and he was feeling much better in a clean diaper. He'd had a red and pink paci popped into his mouth and forth himself nursing on it lots as Leo and Luna fought over how to dress him for the day. "you got to dress him yesterday, it's my turn to pick." Luna said, hands on her hips. "Yeah but I'm trying to protect my little bro! you're gonna dress him like a sissy again!" Leo huffed, arms crossed. "Don't be jealous just because he can pull off a dress and you can't." Luna teased and made Leo huff and blush. "Besides, Little Yusei loves his pretty dresses don't you?" she added, turning to him for a answer. Hugging his stuffie and in just one of the bulky dragon diapers, Yusei found himself nodding and grinning around his paci, though not sure why. "Fine! I give up! it's gonna be a house of girls!" Leo huffed and threw up his hands in mock frustration. "I guess it does help our little bro is SUCH a cute sissy though." he added and patting Yusei's head. the big baby coo'ed and giggled at the head pat while Luna went and picked out two outfits and held them up for Yusei to pick. The left outfit was a light pink top with a darker pink skirt, with a pair of light pink socks and a panty cover that was light pink with darker pink ruffles on the butt. The right outfit was a full on dress, Light blue with puffy shoulders and a longer skirt section, and came with a pair of white tights. "So Little one, which outfit do you wanna wear today? I know we're going to the park but it's ok if you get these dirty..It's Leo's turn to do the landry." Luna said with a impish grin. "Oh, REAL mature." Leo huffed and gave a playful light punch to his sisters shoulder. Yusei squirmed, looking back and forth at his choices and realizing that while never in a million years would of he normally of wore either of these, right now he was actually having a hard time picking which one he wanted! in the end the pink choice seemed like it's be easier for playing in (Somehow the idea of going  to the park like this less scared him and more had him happy and excited) and he pointed at it. "Oh good choice! you're going to be the cutest baby there!" Luna coo'ed. "pffft, like he would have any competition if he went in just his diapers. we've got the cutest baby bro!" Leo said. "heh, true!"
Getting the big baby all dressed up took some doing, Yusei honestly kept getting distracted by his stuffie and was making the twins do all the work. But soon he was looking at his reflection and grinning, letting the paci fall from his mouth (it had since been attached to a ribbon and a paci clip which was then clipped to his top) and he coo'ed at the baby gurl in the reflection. "Pwetty!" he giggled and wiggled his hips back and forth. He'd somehow gone from questioning all of this to more or less accepting his situation, though there was a small part of his mind (and getting smaller by the second) wondering just what the heck was going on. "yeah you are. very pretty." Leo said and came up and patted Yusei's ruffled butt. "I'm man enough to admit when I was wrong, this is a very cu- Eek!" Leo went from talking to yelping suddenly  as Luna tugged the back of his blue jammie bottoms open and looked down. "Good boy Leo! only some skid marks!" She praised and Yusei started to giggle. "Lunnnnnaaaaa! Not in front of little bro!" Leo huffed as she had him turn around and poked the front of his pants. "Hmm a little soggy, but much better then last week. somebodies almost ready for big boy undies!" She said. Leo went from beaming with pride to then scowling. "Hey! you said these WERE big boy undies cuz they're washable!" He huffed, hands on his hips. "Their still training pants Leo..but ok, I yield to your logic. go get a dry pair on, you know how you can get when your over excited." Luna said and then kissed his cheek and sent him on his way. '..Apparently she's the only fully potty trained on e in the house.. neat.' Yusei thought and giggled at just how silly the whole thing had been. "Come on Lil sis." Luna said and winked as Yusei giggled. "let's go get some num num's in you. don't want a attack from the grumpy monster just because your hungry." As she spoke she took Yusei's hand and lead him to the kitchen where a high chair was ready for him and got him seated and the tray in place with minimal fuss then got him a bowl of cheerios to munch on and a baby bottle of cold white milk. As he munched away Leo came in, having changed into his normal outfit but Yusei noticed the slight puff in the butt as he bent down to get a box of fruit loops out and pour himself a bowl. while the padded boys had their cereal Luna apparently preferred some Eggo's and the three apparently now siblings munched and mostly ate in silence, only broken when as Leo was drinking the last of his milk from his bowl some of it went down the front of his shirt. "I uh..guess I better go get changed huh?" he asked sheepishly. "Maybe you should start wearing one of Yusei's bibs." Luna teased but winked to let him know she was kidding. "nah, like you said, I'm doing landry today anyways. be back in a flash." Leo said and excused himself from the table. before he was totally out of the room Luna called after him. "Make sure you use the bathroom. I'm not packing extra training pants today!" "yeah yeah!" came his reply.
with herself and the big baby fed Luna had Yusei stay in his high chair while she went and got dressed, then coming back she let him out of the highchair and lead him back to the nursery as they started to pack a large pink diaper bag that read 'fairy princess Yusei' on the side. again this was something that SHOULD of had the young adult blushing but instead he just giggled and coo'ed. "Let's see, we're gonna be out for about 5 hours..so to be safe I'll bring five diapers. I know you don't potty THAT often Lil sis but better safe then sorry." Luna said and Yusei shrugged and popped his paci into his mouth and suckled. Luna grabbed the five diapers then paused and turned around. "Can you show big sis how many five is?" She asked, smiling. Yusei giggled and thought that was a silly question and went to hold up the right amount of fingers and beamed. "Oh so close! that's only three! but it's ok." Luna coo'ed and patted his head. the small tiny part of Yusei's mind was befuddled, how could of he made a mistake like that? the rest, just enjoyed the head pat and coo'ed.
to be continued
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let-it-show · 4 years
The Annoying Snow Queen
So I was having a conversation with @scuttlepantsworld  that went from bouncing coins off Anna’s butt to how Elsa most definitely can probably be an annoying lil shit sometimes. She gets called a stinker for a good reason. Here’s 3 short silly little scenes of her being a pest to Anna. Lovingly, of course, because she can never be too mean to her precious Anna. And there’s at least one time she deserved it!
The perfect oppurtunity didn't always present itself, but Elsa walked into her study and WHAM- there it was!
Anna was on her hands and knees next to the desk and chair, butt in the air as she squinted her eyes and appeared to be searching for something. There were papers all over the ground, scattered in a mess. Anna didn't appear interested in them. Elsa paused to watch her for a second, contemplating walking over and goosing her, but she decided maybe she ought to say something first.
"Anna, what are you doing?" she asked, slowly wandering right behind her. The sun was shining through the large window and a perfect ray of light was cast right on the green fabric covering her rear.
Anna jerked her head up and looked back at Elsa in surprise, apparently not having heard her enter. "Oh, I was trying do something with a candle and knocked a bunch of papers off the desk! I also dropped some important letters but one drifted under the desk and I can't..." She sighed. "I can't find it, I don't get it!" she said, returning to her search.
She resituated herself a little, drawing her knees in closer and making her butt sway.
Elsa's eyes were drawn right to it, practically burning a hole right through her underwear with her gaze. "Mmmhmm. What was this 'something with a candle'?"
Another sigh was the response and Anna hung her head. "...I pretended it was a sword," Anna muttered, and kept going.
"A sword." Elsa smiled and managed to draw her eyes away from Anna for a few moments as she scanned the floor. And there it was, under a bookcase just a couple of feet away from the chair, the envelope. At least, she was sure it was the envelope.
Elsa nearly went to pick it up, but then...she got an idea. "Let me look around," she told Anna, though she just stood there. She felt...mischievous. Once in a while she felt playful but a little too shy to let it out. Well, she had a nice shapely target...
"Thanks," Anna told her, sounding frustrated.
After waiting maybe thirty seconds, Elsa flicked her hand out and let a bunch of little ice pellets fly out, right against Anna's bottom.
"Hey! What was that!?" Anna asked and picked her head up.
Before she could even turn to look, Elsa flicked a bunch more at her at a higher speed, stinging Anna's cheeks even through the dress and making her yelp. She giggled and then conjured up a huge, powdery snowball and sent it zooming too.
The snowball smacked into Anna's butt and pushed the poor girl forward as it did so, nearly hitting her head on the desk. "ELSA! Why!?" she demanded and started backing out to scramble to her feet.
Uh oh. Anna was fast and scrappy when she wanted to be, so Elsa sent a few more ice balls at her butt before hurrying toward the door. She'd make it up to her later with some lotion and well placed kisses. "I couldn't help myself!" she said as she giggled, covering her face with one hand.
"My butt hurts now!" Anna said with a glare as she started to actually stand. Her face was very very red, cheeks puffed out and looking cuter than ever. Elsa couldn't be more pleased with the reaction she got from messing with her..
It was that look that spurned Elsa into shooting out a very cold gust of snow down across the floor, under Anna's dress, and right up her irritated backside.
The shriek that followed was totally worth it and Elsa nearly tripped over her white dress as she absolutely bolted down the hallway. "By the way, the envelope is under the bookcase!"
It hadn't totally been on purpose. She tried to control herself, she really did! Anna knew the chocolates were to share with her sister, they were a gift to both of the queens from a small nearby settlement, and she had planned to eat them with Elsa.
The thing was, they were just so good. They were so good that while Anna was reading, she kept reaching for the box. Pop one in her mouth, delicious creamy center, she needed another! Pop another in her mouth, was that caramel? Amazing! And so it went until-
Uh oh. The box was empty.
It was with a sheepish look that she had greeted Elsa later that evening and told her what happened. Elsa had looked sad for a few seconds, but then she took Anna's face in her hands. "It's okay, it's just chocolate," she told her before murmuring something else about how she'd like to taste it on her lips.
After the sweet kiss and a solid night of loving cuddles, Anna thought all was forgiven.
A couple of lovely weeks passed, and there was another delivery of chocolates! It wasn't unusual to get them often, and Anna was delighted when she heard from Olaf. The news pulled her out of her late sleep and she rushed downstairs in her nightgown to see Elsa and the chocolates.
There in the library was Elsa with the box, already opened. Anna came to a halt and took in the sight of two things she loved to melt in her mouth...and with that naughty thought she approached. "I heard we got chocolate! This time, I'm thinking you can make sure I only eat my share, off-" She was going to finish with 'your body', but Elsa held up her hand.
"I already separated yours out," Elsa said. "I put them on the dining room table for you, all set up."
"Oh..." That sounded nice, but Anna had hoped to eat them with Elsa. She pouted a little and Elsa chuckled.
She was wearing her gorgeous light purple dress she wore the day of the harvest festival, except with her hair down around her shoulders. She looked absolutely stunning. Plus, the way she slipped a piece of chocolate in her mouth only added to her allure, which made Anna more bummed. Elsa must have noticed because she stepped forward while she chewed and stroked Anna's face with one hand.
"Go on, go enjoy yourself. I set them up special for you," Elsa said sweetly. She leaned forward and brushed her nose against Anna's.
That was enough to help and Anna smiled. "Okay. Okay okay. I'll be back then!" she said and she spun around in place. Then she darted off to the dining room, eager to see the way the chocolates would be laid out along the long table. Elsa must have done something wonderful! It was special for her! She could hardly contain herself as she pushed open the door to the room and- “Wait, what?”
And there on the table were several large, thick blocks of ice, each containing one of the small chocolates. Anna blinked. Yes, they were clear and pretty blocks of ice but...but ice! How was she expected to get into them? Anna could totally try to chisel the chocolates out, but it would be a while. Melting them would melt the chocolate!
"Elsa! Whyyyyy!?" she whined loudly as she took in the site of additional blocks of ice with chocolate floating in slow circles around the room. They were high in the air and out of reach so she could only watch them gently coast around.
Irritation began to grow, overtaking her surprise. Really, Elsa!? She was growling and contemplating revenge when she noticed a little handwritten note on the table next to the largest ice block. Anna narrowed her eyes and approach it to read it.
When she did, she could only groan at the words.
'My dear Anna - how's it feel to not get YOUR half of the chocolate? Can't kiss your way out of this one.'
Lesson learned.
During her brief time with the Northuldra, Elsa had learned various skills that had to do with hunting and defense. She hadn't really needed to learned those things but it was good for her to know anyway. She could share the knowledge, it could be useful if there was a time of need, there were all kinds of reasons. There may be a time when she needed to use stealth to get around.
There was also the secret and best option of using her new ability to hide well to piss off Anna.
Not that she liked to make her angry, but she had several years worth of teasing and mild harassment to make up for.
She had very skillfully tucked herself behind a curtain in the Great Hall, body flattened into a small space between the curtain, wall, and window. It was times like that she was glad to be thin as hell and quiet as a mouse. She had given herself a very small area to peek out of so she could see most of the hall, but concealed herself additionally with the help of an icy gown made to match the exact shade of the curtains. She blended right in.
Right on time, Anna entered the hall and not so gracefully wandered through. She was eating-what was that? A sandwich, of course it was a sandwich! Her dress hung low on her shoulders, her breasts pushed up nicely against the black and gold top. The golden-lined bottom of her dress stopped at her ankles where she could see her black heels.
Elsa almost felt bad but she made a fist anyway and high above Anna's head, snow swirled into existence and hovered silently over her.
When the mass of snow was big enough, she opened her hand and plopped it all right on Anna, who yelped. She threw her hands up and nearly dropped her sandwich as she cleared it off.
Elsa held her breath for a moment to keep from snickering. Anna was looking around but of course, could not see her and was noticeably pissed. She turned away from Elsa.
So of course, Elsa pummeled her with small, light snowballs coming from several directions. She was rewarded with Anna yelling her name in frustration and knew the guards might be close behind. Anna wasn't yelling in happiness, which was something the staff was accustomed to.
Okay, time to switch strategies. So, she sent out something else, and Anna blinked as fish made out of snow just started swimming in the air around her head. She tried to smile and walk forward but instead of the fish moving with her, she just walked face-first into one.
Elsa nearly lost it when Anna grunted and stomped her foot in anger. And so, in response she made little snow ducks to run around her feet so she couldn't stomp or even step forward without stepping on them.
"ELSAAAAA!" Anna yelled, throwing her head back into a fish. "This is really annoying, stop it!"
Oh, if she could see Elsa, if she could retaliate, Anna would be loving the tricks. Instead she was getting everything directed at her with no clue where to turn and Elsa was trying so hard to not giggle. One more, just one more thing...
She snapped her fingers and one of the snow fish took a nice sudden dive right into Anna's beautiful cleavage. That resulted in a nice shriek and Elsa was unable to stop the force of the giggles that burst out of her, resulting in very undignified snorts.
Of course that only gave her position away, but Elsa didn't even care by then. Even the glare shot her way didn't unnerve her. She just leaned against the wall and held her stomach as her laughter took her over.
The best part of the fun was that Anna would forgive her. And if she didn't, Elsa would get her weak in the knees before she could even think about retaliating.  
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bravomckenzie · 3 years
hi mama i have a question about tattoos 😙 i would really like some but i want them to be meaningful to me but i?? can't think of anything i like enough to put on my body forever?? and i'm afraid if i do come up w something i'll IMMEDIATELY stop liking it lmao. jw if you had a similar thought process when u started getting tattoos or just went for it? idk i guess i'm just scared bc it's so permanent
hi mama! you prompted a ted talk. hopefully a helpful one!
first, yes, make your first one meaningful! the first few should prob be meaningful. my first five were!! i have like ??? twenty something. i would say majority have some kind of meaning to me, though less meaning than the others.
this was my first one, my dads handwriting. i got it two weeks after he died. which is my evidence of “you know when you know” sort of vibe to tattoos. which is how i personally feel about them.
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BUUUT i have a hot take about tattoo regret. i personally don’t believe in it. and trust me, i would know. i’ve got some STINKERS. some REAL UGLY TATS. but i love them all the same. my worst one is one of my oldest, but i still don’t regret it. here she is. a football, also for my dad, and god awful ugly.
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i’ve had my current main tattoo artist offer to cover it for me for free because “he was tired of looking at it” (joking obvi he makes fun of it but like i do too) and i still won’t. i don’t regret it n i never will.
i have tattoos that i chose minutes before getting put on me forever. i have one i didn’t even pick myself. it was chosen by my other artist i go to (my main artist’s daughter!! isn’t that cute) when i walked into the shop and said “find me some flash you think i would like. i wanna get stabbed.” and that’s how i ended up with my anatomical heart!! who is ugly to some people my mom hates it but i love it LMAO i don’t think it is.
i also have two tattoos given to me by a literal 14 year old who was learning to tattoo. also my artist’s daughter. i’m the only person she’s not related to who she’s tattooed! she jokingly asked me since i’m a family friend at this point and i told her sure since i already had some shitty tattoos n i was sure she couldn’t fuck me up any worse. so i have a couple lil stick men on my ankles she gave me. i got to watch her dad who has tattooed for 20+ years help her and guide her and it was just cool to witness. here dey are cos i love them. also her and her dad cos it was just real cool. u can’t really see their faces so it’s fine BDKDBDJ
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basically what i’m saying is like ??? in a lot of ways tattoos can be fun stories! they’re like a scrapbook! my little stickmen are stupid and one of them means absolutely nothing to me and the other just represents my favorite video game aka the sims, but they’re such a fun and special story that like not just me but two other ppl will never forget.
so i’m saying yeah, start meaningful. but you’ll lean into it and get more comfortable. i had like five tattoos for like two years. i got the majority of them in the last like two ish years.
get whatever stuff you want that you think is cool! bc hey, it might not be your gig anymore when you’re 40, but it was when you were 20. and that’s something you want to remember. issa scrapbook of who you used to be for you to hold on to forever. i’m sure i won’t like a skeleton going 👌🏻 as much as i do rn when i’m like 50, but hey! it’s rad! BDKSHDK
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excutient · 4 years
SHIP MEME!! fuyupeko, komahina, aaaaannnnd sakuraoi!!
Who said “I love you” first: they both say it a million times over without actually saying it, but Fuyuhiko is the first to really say it (after far too long, though) Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: fuyuhiko, thats his GIRL Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: peko, I feel like its easier for her than saying how she feels Who buys the other cheesy gifts: fuyuhiko, he’s the cheesiest Who initiated the first kiss: peko, it takes forever because they’re both far too scared by fuyuhiko is too dumb and respects her too much to make the first move there Who kisses the other awake in the morning: peko, she definitely is the first riser Who starts tickle fights: fuyuhiko Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: peko, for the same reason as the kiss Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: both of them, they’re both very into small simple gestures Who was nervous and shy on the first date: both of them. they’re precious Who kills/takes out the spiders: peko, duh  Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: fuyuhiko, he can’t hold his alc
Who said “I love you” first: nagito like a million times before hajime says it with his big boy words Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: nagito has hajime as his lockscreen, hajime has nagito as his home screen, it just makes sense okay Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: hajime, not good at his words but good with small gestures (classic protag) Who buys the other cheesy gifts: hajime, insert another protag joke here but again it communicates what he can’t say Who initiated the first kiss: surprisingly, hajime. nagito doesn’t initiate things because he doesn’t feel that he’s worthy Who kisses the other awake in the morning: hajime. they both sleep in crazy late but hajime still usually wakes up first, and nagito looks so pretty when they sleep Who starts tickle fights: nagito, the lil stinker Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: both of them. nagito feels blessed to clean and be cleaned by hajime, and hajime likes to work through nagito’s tense muscles and slowly rub shampoo into their hair. Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: both. i cannot stress gift giver hajime and adoring nagito enough Who was nervous and shy on the first date: nagito is nervous, hajime is both, please help them they’re disasters Who kills/takes out the spiders: nagito, he’s not afraid of anything  Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: hajime. nagito does it no matter what and being drunk makes hajime sappy, can you believe??
Who said “I love you” first: hina, she’s baby and the only one good at words Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: sakura!! Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: hina, she’s baby and expressive in many ways Who buys the other cheesy gifts: i feel like hina gives cheesy gifts and sakura comes home with random food to brighten hina’s day Who initiated the first kiss: hina tries bc she’s the forward one, but sakura does have to bend down Who kisses the other awake in the morning: sakura, hina is so pretty and her gay heart is soft Who starts tickle fights: hina, she’s the goof in the relationship Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: sakura, hina always wants to but she has a hard time being as forward as sakura is Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: sakura, food is a one way ticket to hina’s heart Who was nervous and shy on the first date: both of them, but hina was the only one who actually looked nervous. sakura was still freaking out on the inside though Who kills/takes out the spiders: sakura, to the surprise of no one Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: hina, she can’t hold her alc and shes a loud mouth anyway
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lettersfromleslie · 5 years
Agh! Raccoons! When people ask me what’s going on with my life these days it immediately sets me to frothing at the mouth. Raccoon warfare! That’s what’s been going on, goddamnit! It’s been a brutal and bloodthirsty spring, me hearties. Nothing is safe from the fuckers. Picture this: all winter long you’ve dreamed of turning your weird overgrown jungle of a backyard into, you know, a Garden, with flowers and clover and edible delights, balmy summer enclave, symbol of maturity and prosperity and all that... You clear out the giant weeds, bag em, trash em, you hammer together planters, you make complicated trips to Home Depot, you... adult, in short. If you can grow a tomato you must have your shit fairly together, is the idea…
Yeah, and next thing you know you’re out on your back porch on an angry drunk, brandishing a spray bottle of vinegar and cayenne in one hand and a slingshot in the other, screaming bloody murder at the latest fucking raccoon bastard who’s come to dig holes all over your paradise-in-progress - invariably, and with bewildering accuracy, right in all the spots you care about. Lil shit-weasels! And they’re breeding, at that! And it doesn’t help that they’re so goddamn adorable! I want to hug them and kiss them! But hands off, you little bastards!

They remind me too much of myself, is the problem. Or the way I used to be, at any rate. Cheeky lil freeloaders, that’s what they are. Christ, and what a lot of the same crap I used to get up to! Sneaking into people’s gardens, as it were, and stealing their worms. No regrets, of course, we cherish the old war stories, but this all stinks of karma. At least it’s a chance to improve my slingshot skills. Bound to come in handy once the apocalypse hits.
Takes up a lot of mental real estate, raccoon warfare. Keeps you up at night, their insane chattering. Well. But I’ve been busy on other scores, too. After the dust settled on the new record a lil I came to the regrettable decision to Get Weird with my music, and now I’m stuck with a load of weird shit I have no idea what to do with. Completely unmarketable in my current form. I deliberately don’t say “its” current form - nothing wrong with a bit of weirdness - but the messenger needs a makeover. That’s what you get for going all in on the folky balladeer thing. It’s not the only trick I got, people! It just kinda comes across that way if you’ve only ever seen me do that whole thing. Big changes may be hard to sell to all my loyal fans (dozens!) who’ve added me on their spotify expecting a nice woodsy escape from their hectic and frightening existences in the Age of the Spider, only to be dished up strange and electronically warped songs about bananamoons and the like. A new name might be in order. Then again, maybe I underestimate my potential for malleability. Might be insecurity talking. Hey, you - if you’re reading this, I know you must be a thoughtful type - come out of the woodwork, damnit, and shoot me a message! I’ll send you some tracks and you tell me what to do with em. I need a sounding board! I need input and advice! Lonely road for the pancake chef. The winter was a bit of a drag, but I guess it all slips by pretty quick if you’re hanging out with someone you love and you’ve got some semblance of good health & keepin the bad habits in check. Y’know, time, it goes. I’d like to think I kept busy but it somehow doesn’t bear thinking about right now. The weather has turned, we’re about to embark on another long hot New York stinker, and I couldn’t be happier - that means it’s park season again, and I get to feel like a real fancy boy till the cold comes back. Can’t wait! Winter has a way of bringing me low, if not in mood - I haven’t had to deal with any serious depression since I made my Great Escape in 2011, thank christ - then in spirit and self-esteem. I love what I do and I’d take serenading strangers in the subway over just about any other job there is, but it can blunt the ego a bit after a while what with all that cold and indifference you get down there during the grizzly months. Time to build it back up! And make a bit of cash, too.
Speaking of, I’m sure a lot of you (speaking generally about my busking customers) have some curiosity about the nitty gritty of this lifestyle, & how I sustain myself and how it all fits together. All things considered I’ve got a pretty sweet lil deal going, if you hold me up against the industry as a whole. I reckon I’ll have a think about it and write up a little story about it for my next post here - probably something I should’ve done years ago. It’s all become kinda routine for me but I’m still pretty proud of living outside of the machine. Makes for a lot of interesting twists and turns and enough financial insecurity to keep you from slipping too far out of the present. I’ve always thought a steady and reliable paycheck would probably make me even more lazy and complacent than I already am. But then I wouldn’t know, would I? If you’ve got some extra money lying about just send it my way and I’ll tell you how it goes. 
 Okay, I’ll choose some pics to stick on here and call it a day. I meant it about writing me. The line’s open. Would be nice if only to find out if anyone ever reads this damn thing.
Over & out!
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rt-reader-inserts · 7 years
Our Girl
Pairing: Cib x Reader x Sami Jo
Word Count: 1,413
Prompt: This is a lil poly fluff piece I wrote for @adamantium-ellis, Sami Jo and Cib comforting reader after a bad day. (Love you Mandy <3)
You walk into your apartment, at the end of what feels like the longest day you’ve ever had, and your eyes are immediately drawn to the sight of your two favorite people dancing together. They both keep occasionally glancing at their feet, trying to actually slow dance to whatever song it is that’s playing on Spotify; but there’s lots of giggling thrown into the mix as well, the two of them teasing each other’s mistakes.
Normally, you’d be beaming at the sight, but today… today, a sliver of a smile barely makes its way to your lips as you turn away, hoping to make it to the bedroom unnoticed. All you want is to hide under the sheets until it feels like you don’t exist. However, you can only turn away for a moment before you hear them calling after you, and you try your best to force a smile as you turn around.
“Hey guys, I… I’m not feeling all the great, so I, um, I think I’m just gonna go lie down for a bit,” you tell them, trying to convince yourself that it’s not lying if you really aren’t feeling well.
“What’s up, babe?” Sami Jo asks, her brows furrowing in concern as she starts to let go of Cib.
“No, no, don’t worry, it’s nothing bad or anything,” you quickly assure her, not wanting to ruin the fun they’d been having before you showed up, but you can feel your voice start to waver as you continue, “just a headache, that’s all.”
“You sure?” Cib asks, and nod your head, knowing that if you spoke, you’d just break down right there.
He and Sami Jo exchange a look before they both look back at you, which almost makes you feel worse. You can’t help but assume the worst, and the last thing you need is judgment or pity. Giving you a soft smile, she says, “Alright, well, let us know if you need anything, okay hon?”
You nod again, and hastily make your way to your room, barely closing the door behind you before the tears begin to spill over. The thoughts that were already spiraling in your mind somehow only increase tenfold as you burrow beneath the covers, curling in on yourself as you listen to the faint sound of music playing from the other room. You do your best to stifle the sobs that escape your lips, your hand clamped over your mouth as they rack your lungs, but it gets increasingly harder as the tears continue to fall.
You could only have been there for a few minutes when you hear the door open, music still playing as two sets of footsteps make their way into the room. Trying your best to hold back the sobs and whimpers that shook your frame, you can’t even bring yourself to pull back the covers and look at them. The thought of them seeing you like this, the complete and total wreck that the day has turned you into, it’s overwhelming.
So, you’re grateful when they don’t pull the covers back. Instead, you feel the covers move slightly as Sami Jo slides in behind you, her arms wrapping around your waist as she presses a soft kiss at the nape of your neck. Cib quickly finds his way under the covers as well, though not as gracefully as he fumbles slightly to lie down in front of you, murmuring a quiet “hey” as he comes face to face with you. There’s a smile on his lips, but it doesn’t reach his eyes, clearly only filled with worry as he takes in the sight of you.
“I’m sorry,” you’re quick to tell them, only crying harder now, and he hesitantly cups your cheek, his thumb wiping away at the tears streaking down your face.
“Hey, don’t apologize,” Sami Jo speaks softly, holding you even closer, “everyone has bad days, and you don’t have to hide from us.”
Pressing his lips against your forehead, Cib continues, “We love you too much to just let you cry alone.” He then proceeds to pepper your face with multiple kisses, drawing a small smile to your lips, but those thoughts are still racing in your mind.
“Why— why do you guys even care?” you ask quietly, and before they even have time to respond, you add, “I mean, look at you, you’re both beautiful and perfect and then I— I’m just here… I’m nothing.” Your sobs grow worse, racking your entire frame as you keep spiraling, and you can’t even look Cib in the eye as you tell them, “You deserve so much better than this.”
“Don't say that.”
They speak at the same time, Sami Jo’s response slightly more eloquent than Cib’s, and before you can argue, she continues, “You're our girl, and we want you here, with us.”
“Don't you dare think for second that you don't belong here,” Cib adds, his face only inches away from yours. “Not to be a sappy piece of shit, but, you’re everything we could ever want, probably more.”
“We don't know what happened today, and if you don't want to tell us, that's completely okay. We’re still gonna be here for you.”
“And we’re also gonna cuddle the fuck out of you,” Cib emphasizes by wrapping his arms around both you and Sami Jo, pulling the two of you closer. He nuzzles into the crook of your for good measure, and you can’t help but laugh slightly at that. “See? Works every time.”
“You’re a dork,” you mumble, the tears beginning to slow and the sobs turning to small hiccups and sniffles.
“You love me.”
“Probably for the worst,” Sami Jo teases the two of you, and then you’re all giggling, the thoughts beginning to fade as you focus on the warmth of the two people beside you. “For real though, are you doing okay? I know sometimes a bad day is just a bad day, but you can talk to us about anything, alright?”
You nod silently, not wanting to get into anything now, knowing there would be better times when you weren’t so emotionally volatile. “I kind of think takeout and disney movies would be the best cure right now.”
“I mean, that’s a given,” Cib replies, leaning away so he can kiss the tip of your nose. “But you’re not getting away from these cuddles that easily!” His arms wrap around you and he pulls you out of Sami Jo’s arms, holding you as tight as he can.
“Hey, that’s my girl you’re stealing!” she exclaims in mock offense, suddenly sitting up and throwing off the covers in the process. As she struggles to pull Cib off of you, he just pulls you closer, shaking his head in protest.
“Your girl? Nah dude, she’s mine now,” he fires back, sticking out his tongue, and she retaliates in kind. “You know what they say, finders keepers, losers stinkers.”
You really start laughing at that, specifically at his dumb bro voice, and push him off slightly so you can pull Sami Jo into this cuddle prison. “Well, she’s my girl, so what are you gonna do about that?” you ask him, raising an eyebrow as Sami Jo laughs.
“Touché, madame, touché.”
A few hours later, you find yourself lying on the couch, head in Sami Jo’s lap as she plays with your hair, Cib sitting on the floor in front of you, leaning his head back against your thighs, and Lilo and Stitch playing on the TV. Takeout boxes and plastic silverware are strewn across the living room table, the clock now reading 11:43pm, and though you know you’ll have to get up in the morning, you’re content in living in this one moment for as long as you can.
“Thank you for this,” you murmur softly, and they both turn their heads to look at you, dorky smiles pulling at their lips.
“Of course,” Cib replies, and he takes your hand in his, bringing your knuckles to his lips.
Sami Jo’s hair cascades around you for a moment as she presses a kiss to your forehead, her smile growing as she mumbles against your skin, “Love you.”
“Look at you two, bein’ a couple of dorks.”
You both laugh, Sami Jo sitting up as the two of you glance over to Cib, and you pull your hand away from his to ruffle his hair. “You love us.”
“Hell yeah, I do.”
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insidethemarble · 7 years
“Who’s Fault is it Anyway?” The Blame Game!!
Spoilers: It doesn’t matter!  Let’s be honest. Sometimes, (pardon my language) life just sucks. Naturally, when things go wrong we want to find out why. In small settings, such as finding out which co-worker ate your lunch or disciplining the correct child for leaving legos foot-wreckers on the floor, that tendency can be noble. We want to find out where and why the problem started so we can fix it; We play the Blame Game! But while the world certainly could use more children who clean up their own legos, nobody actually wins the Blame Game.
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When faced with real and challenging issues in life we often turn to the Blame Game as the easiest way to deal with deep, unresolved pain: She made me do it! It’s her fault for being controlling; My alarm clock didn’t go off; It’s my boss’s fault, he doesn’t pay me enough; It’s the devil’s fault for tempting me; It’s my dad’s fault for not being there. The list goes on.   It’s just easier to offset our pain by making it someone else’s problem, an attitude that’s run in the family since the beginning. [See Genesis 3] Sometimes we blame satan: If he just hadn’t tempted me, I wouldn’t have sinned; If he hadn’t caused that guy to be an alcoholic, the crash never would’ve happened; The devil sent that disease; He made me lose my job; He’s making me depressed; etc. When we do that, we either become helpless prey to the big bad wolf, or we embarrass ourselves by shadowboxing imaginary devils everywhere. While I’m certain that this wicked being initiates all sorts of trauma and heartache, making him the focus results in ascribing to him more power than he has. Then we end up with more faith in the devil than in God. Bad plan. Sometimes we blame ourselves: If I had just said what I needed to say, she wouldn’t have left; If I had just worked harder, my business wouldn’t have tanked; If I had just been stronger, he wouldn’t have hurt me like that; If I was more handsome, I wouldn’t be so lonely; if I was a smarter kid, my parents wouldn’t have separated; If I was born the other gender, my mom wouldn’t have said those things. This heart-wrenching category of shame is terminal. It kills. Thinking this way turns you into the source of the problem, the victim of the problem, and ultimately the solution to the problem. Spoiler alert, it’s a trap. There’s no jailbreak when it’s “all your fault”. I’ve struggled with versions of this and let me tell you, blaming yourself never results in anything good, or hopeful, or true. Finally, we sometimes end up blaming God for either causing bad things to happen (which makes him sadistic, manic, and untrustworthy) or allowing bad things to happen (wherein he’s guilty of negligence, or he’s aloof, or he’s simply not as powerful as he claims). I don’t have time here to unwrap the nasty layers of this ‘lil stinker, but for now let’s suffice to say that it isn’t God’s fault, and even if it was blaming him doesn’t help. To put it bluntly, only victims play the Blame Game. You can play all day if you want, but you'll never heal the hurt or solve the problem that way. In fact it will make things worse.
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So what then? How do we re-process painful experiences in life if we can’t default to blame? How do we get our legos cleaned up?  Let me tell you!
Jesus initiated his ministry by proclaiming his messianic mandate, his “royal agenda, with these beautiful words: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me,     because he has anointed me     to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners     and recovery of sight for the blind,  to set the oppressed free,     to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” [Luke 4] No matter the source of your hardships, Jesus wants to be the solution. He wants to replace the casualties of circumstance with comfort, healing, redemption, forgiveness, hope, joy, freedom, love, and favor. He offers his death on the cross and resurrection from the dead to you as a “get-out-of-jail-free card”, and with it comes the closure and healing you’re looking for. Stop playing the Blame Game. It doesn’t matter who’s fault it is. Jesus is the solution, and if you seek him, you will find him. This is a sort of messy introduction to a larger topic. More thoughts pending! Stick with me. :)
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Forgotten stories 1:Baby angel (Mortal instruments)
Jace stared at his birth father, mouth open in shock. the older blond was all grins however as he held up a pair of short-all's and a diaper shirt on a coat hanger with one hand, and was holding a pack of special adult diapers with the other. His father had been talking about how much he wanted to be back in jace's life and Jace himself was more then open for that (lord knew he could use the break from demon slaying) but then his dad had suggested starting from the beginning, at which point he had pulled out the embarrassing garments. Jace couldn't help but notice, even in his shock that the diapers in question were call lil stinkers, and the pack had a boy not much older then himself all scrunchie face and clearly dumping a load in the back of his nursery print diapers..with the pack boasting about it's heavy duty capacity and it's new and improved smell blockers "Sooo..what do you think?" Stephen asked, as it had been a full 20 seconds now since his son had said anything. "..Are you on crack!?" "..Not the answer i was hoping for, but we can work with it.. No sweetie, daddy isn't on any drug but the love you bring into his life!" "..No really, what are you on? should i be checking the trash for needles?" "Sweetie your starting to hurt daddies feelings." "You wanna put me back in diapers and dress me up like a baby!" "Well no, thats not true." "..YOU HAVE SHORTALLS AND DIAPERS! How is that NOT a baby!?" "because I'ma make you a toddler. totally different." ".. I'm checking the trash cans." "enough, come on, I really think that you letting me dress you up will help us bond. give me ONE day, just one!" stephen pleaded and set the items down, bringing his hands together to beg. "Ngggh..One day.. and I'm not craping myself." jace said, looking at the outfit and well, maybe a small tiny itty bitty little part of him was wondering just what the diapers would feel like. "Deal!"
20 minutes later and Jace, the more powerful of all of those with angel blood.. was staring at himself in the mirror with a red face. the thick diapers pushed his legs apart and the black shortall's simply bulged trying to contain the double thick diapering he'd gone under. (and when he had tried to whine that one was enough, Stephen had merely pointed out that since it was for one day only, he wanted maxamin diaper butt cuteness..unless jace was willing to make it three day. at which point Jace had huffed and hugged the chicken stuffie his daddy had handed him) Stephen had even quickly checked jace's core temp while diapering him, slipping a finger in and out of his sons butt hole a few times and jace could almost swear there was still a finger or SOMETHING up there! his white diaper shirt did go along nice with the shortalls, and his power ranger socks and sonic sneakers (velco of course) had his crinkling and really looking like a big baby. 'toddler.' he reminded himself and huffed, clutching chickenboo (so what if he had named the stuffie already?) closer to his chest. "You look so friggen cute!" Stephen gushed, coming up behind his son and kissing the big toddler's cheek, making him squirm. "Daddy.." jace whined, but a little smile broke out. "So ready to go to the park and play?" Stephen asked, and ducked from the swing of death (trademark pending) that came from jace using Chickenboo. "take it thats a no." Stephen chuckled. "No outside!" "But daddy wants to push you on the swing set!" "NO.OUT.SIDE!" huffed the pouty boy who was glaring now. "how about a deal? if you can keep your diapies clean for a hour, then no outside. you go tinkle or boom boom.." Stephen trailed off and smiled. "..fine! but first me and chicken boo are going and checking the trash cans." "..for the last time, i'm not on smack!"
after checking the trash can's anyways, Chickenboo and jace settled down in the living room, sitting on the floor with his sneakers still on (just in case he decided he wanted to play outside according to daddy, like THAT was gonna happen) and watching cartoon while Daddy made them lunch. Seeing that it was Grilled cheese and fries jace put on a polite face, as he would of preferred some Chinese take out but then again he likely would of ended up having to answer the door and then would of had to kill the delivery boy to keep rumors of this from spreading, so it was for the best. the sandwich was mostly good till he got to the middle, where he started to gag and choke and Stephen was there in a instant, patting his back and asking if he was ok before Jace was finally able to spit up what had started to gag him, a slice of cucumber! "are you trying to poison me!?" the huffy big toddler whined in the aftermath. "..are you allegoric to them?" "No! but their GROSS! and Yucky!" Jace huffed and whined, then used part of the blanket he had been sitting on to wipe his touge to clear off the icky cucumber taste. '...and he wonders why I think he's perfect for being a big toddler.'
it wasn't too long after that though that jace had gone from playing with chickenboo, sitting up on the couch with daddy to bolt up and dashing for the bathroom. 'I was wondering when those would kick in.' Stephen thought, casually strolling up behind Jace who was now in the bathroom, whining and struggling with the shortalls, and pooting up a storm. "oh my, sounds like somebody could use some help!" "G-Guhh..Daddy come on! I'm gonna crap myself!" Jace whined and pleaded. "well you ARE diapered so that would be ok.. butttt I guess i'll be nice and let you use A potty." Stephen said. "thank you thank you thank you!" Jace mewed and turned so daddy could get the stupid frigging buckles undo for him. "but we'll have to go back out to the living room." Stephen added. "...but the toilets right here!" JAce whined and let out a LOUD fart that had the boy hunching over, a look of panic on his face. "The adult potty is, you're potty is in a closet in the living room. do you wanna argue with daddy and poop your diapies, or listen like a good boy and go boom boom in a potty?" "Big boy! big boy!" "heh. then take daddies hand." Stephen said and held his hand out. moaning and whining, jace limped behind Stephen as they headed back for the living room, he was on the verge of losing it and it was only his angel blood that had kept him from disgracing himself this far. the potty was a stupid DUCK and Jace instantly hated it, but compared to his other option he knew he couldn't be picky.. Daddy got his shortalls off and then undid the snaps on the diaper shirt as jace whimpered and whined, almost on the verge of tears. "Dadddy hurry! I can't hold it much longer!" the big baby whined, wetting his diapers as he struggled to hold his poopies in and then the diapers were tugged down and off, along with everything else and in just his socks and sneakers Jace plopped down on the duck potty, grabbing the handles and crying out as wave after wave of hot sludge erupted from his bottom. "P-P-Pooooping daddddy!" "yup, you sure are. on the potty! such a big boy!" Stephen said and kissed jac'es forehead as the poor boy was unloading everything in his guts. the smell quite frankly was awful, but to Stephen it was victory and he decided to hold off mentioning that the wet diapers meant they could go to the park. a weak trickle of urine mixed with the poopies and with a final spurting fart, Jace just leaned against the potty, panting and sweating. "wow, i'm shocked you still have your bones after that!" Stephen teased and got a weak glare from Jace. "Just..Just hand me some tp, a ice pack and let me mourn for my butt hole." Jace mumbled. "Cute. but little guys don't wipe themselves. you strong enough to stand up and bend over for daddy?...for me to wipe your butt..just realized how that sounds." stephen said, then added the second part quickly. "..I'd kick your butt but I just down have the power right now." Jace mumbled weakly and slowly got himself standing and bent over, closing his eyes tight as stephen wiped his now slightly gaping asshole with the little guy all clean, stephen led him to the bedroom, still naked save for his feet and noted that Jace looked half out of it, rubing a eye and yawning lots. not a dsingle argument was given as daddy laid him on the bed and tugged his shoes and socks off, then got the big toddler in a fresh diaper (only one this time and then handed jace chickenboo. "I think somebody could use a little nap." Stephen said and kissed jace's cheek as the oversized toddler blushed and snuggled into the stuffie. "am..kinda sleepy.." "Have a good sleep buddy. daddy love you~" Stephen coo'ed. "..Love you too daddy." the strongest demon slayer in the world mewed, then as daddy tugged the curtains closed and tip toed out, Jace drifted off to dreamland, with one last thought echoing in his head. 'Maybe this isn't so bad after all..'
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