#can't wait to see you again
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Commission of a ref sheet for @the-ramdom-sheep of their character Cheneo <3
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Who wants to see some pictures of how damn cute @esmevirgo and I look together?
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She did such an amazing job with my makeup and with making me feel comfortable being dressed up in public for the first time.
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Bonus: scary mask times.
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My son's west wall before I painted over it a couple years ago.
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costulata · 2 years
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brohringer · 2 years
I told my best friend about last night, about you... 🌙
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yearning-loverboy · 5 months
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egophiliac · 11 months
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(feat. Dilla)
(bugle accompaniment by Yuu)
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vizerothree · 2 years
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Oroboros ✦ 
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la-llorona18 · 2 years
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I miss you so much ❤️❤️❤️ hope your doing good ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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tenisperfection · 1 month
7x04 being from Buck's perspective broke my brain because of the way we saw Eddie through Buck's eyes. Then I realized that Suspicion, where Eddie was shot, was from Eddie's perspective, and all of Surviviors was from Buck's perspective and I want to jump into the ocean.
#the implications......#we saw eddie's turmoil when carla brought up the follow your heart line#his agony over charlie's abuse#then the shooting and watching his best friend splattered with his blood#that split second where he realized who buck was to him and has been all along#the way he wanted to reach out and touch buck one last time#(do not think about eddie thinking about chris under any circumstances but if you do imagine eddie feeling relieved that buck will be there#and sorrow that he won't be there with chris and won't get to see him grow up and won't get to see buck#and then we have survivors right#we immediately jump to buck's perspective with him getting eddie into the ambulance and eddie asking if buck was hurt *sobs*#and the whole episode is mostly buck's side#but so is the will scene!!!!#because we obviously went nuts over the implications of it#but consider the tone of the scene--there's devotion yes#but most of the tone is that of disbelief#because buck can't believe eddie did this and eddie didn't tell him and eddie is telling him now#and eddie wants buck to carry on for christopher if eddie is gone#and buck absolutely would#but in his mind he can't fathom a world where he has to exist without eddie#and eddie is the one asking him to#hahahahah fuck you don't find it son you make it all over again#buck made this and buck chose this and buck has to live with it#i can't wait for these men to realize/bring to light all the love between them#911 abc#this unraveling on a saturday afternoon is brought to you by insanity
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justmenoworries · 25 days
I swear to fucking god, if they make Magneto a villain again after this I'm gonna mcfreaking lose it.
I know "Magneto was right" is basically a meme at this point but... he literally was? He literally didn't do anything wrong???
The Prime Sentinels were going to kill an unfathomable number of mutants. No one else came to help. The humans were all in on it and no, Val finally getting a conscience after already helping Bastion does not count.
Magneto didn't even hurt anybody, he just shut down the killing machines.
"[Magneto] declared war" Oh shut the fuck up Logan, no he fucking didn't. If anyone declared war it's fucking Bastion when he attempted a genocide on Genosha.
And even if Erik did declare war at this point he's well fucking justifed to do so, the peaceful approach has only ever fucked him and every other mutant on Earth over so far.
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child-of-hurin · 1 year
Part of what charms and compels me in Jeyne Poole's arc is her reaction to her predicament. All the female POVs in this book are dealing with a lot of gendered violence, and they all deal in different but dignified forms... Jeyne is not a POV character and she is absolutely not dignified lol. She cries and begs, she is utterly helpless. But unlike most women in this book who are utterly helpless, she survives. It's frustrating how fans refuse to celebrate that, simply because there is no glory in it.
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fictionadventurer · 6 months
What was the point of Scrooge's trip with the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come? On a structural level, it makes sense--three is the fairy tale number, and you can't visit the past and present without also including the future--but on a character level, it doesn't quite seem necessary. Showing a man that he'll die alone, unloved, and unmourned seems like the strategy you take as the last-ditch effort to convince a guy that he needs to change his ways. But that situation doesn't apply to Scrooge. He started softening immediately after he first arrived in his past. By the time he finished with the Ghost of Christmas Present, he was fully onboard with the need to reform, so the Ghost's vision of his future seems like unnecessary cruelty. Why show him all this when he was already planning to change his ways?
A few things come to mind. One is that this vision of the future wouldn't have affected Scrooge unless he had already changed his ways. A cold, hard businessman could have seen his lonely death as just the way of the world, might have viewed the people who stole the clothes from his corpse as just people doing what's practical in this world. He needed to relearn the value of the intangibles--human connection, respect for others--to see the true horror of the lonely death and the vultures who defiled the dead man.
But why the horror? Can't he reform without being threatened with doom? It's possible--but it's also possible such a reform would be temporary. After all, Scrooge started as a friendly, loving young man, but retreated into himself and his business out of fear of poverty and fear of the way the world looks down upon poor people. Even if a reformed Scrooge started on a course of Christmas charity, there was always a chance that the enthusiasm would fade, and the worldly fears would start creeping back in. The only way to beat those fears is to give him something to fear that's even worse than poverty. He needs to see the horrible end that his selfish ways would lead to, so he won't be tempted to slide back into them.
There's also the fact that seeing his death makes him ecstatically happy to find that he's alive after the Ghost is gone. Had Scrooge been spared the vision of his future, he might have been happy to find himself on Christmas Day, but his joy would have been nowhere near the manic glee he experiences after coming back from the future. Now, he doesn't just get a new start--he gets a second chance. Coming back from his own grave makes him mindful of his death, but it also makes him hyperaware of the fact that he's still alive. He isn't in the ground yet. He still has time to do good and make connections with others so he doesn't die alone.
Seeing the past reminded him of the innocence he'd lost. Seeing the present reminded him of the people whose lives he was missing out on. Seeing the future reminded him that death is waiting, so it's important to live virtuously while we can. All three are important because all three brought him outside of himself and taught him to value the wider world, just in time to live through another Christmas Day.
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hoegender · 8 days
i tried to animate. it was agony!! why do people do this. animators i want to give you all a big kiss you are all so strong
ahh this was inspired by the 3k's murder case post-credits scene where he knocks conan's head with a football + the scene in crossroads at the ancient capital when he realises kazuha is his [redacted for spoilers]...the way he softens when he looks at his best friends just auurrggGRGWWHR
heiji is always so, so full of love and i love him and i think everyone should be in love with him. show me a heiji hater and i'll show you someone who hates love
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alopiassupersillyosus · 2 months
So I have ADHD to the point it's gotten hard to read physical novels. My friend and I have been listening to the audiobook versions of Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica, and there isn't one for Dragons of Winter. As a result, we're going to record a chapter each, alternating as we go, and send the audio to each other. I bought the hardcover online and:
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I'm excited. 10/10 good job Simon and Schuster
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saph-y · 13 days
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News from Augustine since you guys seem to like him :
Wiped the floor with everything and everyone in Limegrave with nothing but a sword that shines. Like, okay. Fine. (guess I can play now xD)
Constantly DISGUSTINGLY drenched in blood and gruesome things, I swear it's wayyy worst than my first Tarnished xD
Consequently I now see this lanky, nice looking man as absolutely ruthless 8')
can't wait to find him funky incantations and weapons to get really weird in a good way♥
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