#cat pee
brownbuttercookies · 7 months
hey cat people how do i stop my cat from peeing on anything and everything. literally i am losing my mind.
1) he is like seven months old
2) he is fixed
3) he is litter trained. he peed here and there when we first got him but it was not an issue initially he used the box regularly
4) it’s been getting worse since his neuter
5) i have an older cat (she is 3? she is a good girl, no issues)
6) we got the pisser from the shelter at like 2-3 months old
7) we have three litterboxes that i clean daily
8) he pisses on any clothes on any horizontal surface
9) he pisses in my kids’ toybins ESPECIALLY lego
10) he pisses whenever wherever he wants except the fucking litterbox
11) i clean everything with enzyme sprayl
12) we have a feline pheromone diffuser. if anything it’s gotten worse since we got that
13) god help us my house reeks of cat piss and i am at my wits end. what do.
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simonsezsewart · 9 months
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Thank you tumblr for inspiring chaos and cat memes. I dedicate this painting to you.
And also thank you medieval painters for painting cats as cursed little gremlin creatures.
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amorality-flagz · 3 months
catpissgender: a xenogender and catgender related it to catpiss
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rufieduke · 1 year
Check out Cat Spraying No more program!
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nimthirielrinon · 23 days
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Updated litter arrangement and cat furniture, because hopefully this will mean less cleaning up. I’ve also got a clear pvc curtain over the air conditioner outlet to protect the fan from being peed on by Smudge (why?? Does he like the gentle breeze against his fluffy bottom???) and I’ve hosed it all down as thoroughly as I can and cleaned the floor inside where the new climber is.
I don’t want to keep having to spend so much on car pee spray, let alone the energy required to clean every time one of them decides to pee in the wrong place.
oh, and I figured out our electric doorbell wasn’t working because SOMEONE shorted out the power board it was plugged into. How that cat hasn’t electrocuted himself yet is honestly beyond me.
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ardathksheyna · 6 months
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Febreeze will forever be associated with the smell of cat-piss in my mind.
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alouanii · 6 months
How to Clean Cat Pee from a Mattress?
Cat pee on a mattress can be a frustrating and challenging problem for pet owners. The smell can be overpowering and penetrate deep into the mattress materials. Thankfully, with the right products and techniques, you can fully remove cat urine and its odor from a mattress. This complete guide will teach you effective methods for cleaning cat pee from a mattress.
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krissym72 · 10 months
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(via What Smells Deter Cats From Peeing? - Cat Care Directory)
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petsandwildlife · 1 year
The Truth About Cat Pee and Its Intoxicating Effects on Humans
Is it possible to get high from cat pee? Although there are rumors that it can alter the mind and produce a high, the truth is that cat urine contains no psychoactive substances that can cause such an effect. However, exposure to the fumes of cat urine
We’ve all heard the rumors about cat pee having mind-altering effects and giving a person a high. But is it true? Can you get high from cat pee? Let’s take a look and find out. First of all, let’s get one thing straight: cat urine contains no psychoactive substances, so it won’t make you feel any different. But there’s no denying that some people swear they’ve experienced a strange feeling after…
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madfishmonger · 1 year
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carriejonesbooks · 2 years
Kitty Pee in the Pantry, The Chicken Man and Scale of Positive Experiences
Kitty Pee in the Pantry, The Chicken Man and Scale of Positive Experiences
Let’s say your cat gets trapped in the pantry overnight and manages to chew through two bags of cat nip, spread it throughout the pantry and then have a panicked pea on top of a bucket of cashews before knocking over a vase, which smashes to the ground alerting you to the fact that she’s been stuck in there all night. Or let’s say you’re a guy who decides to eat 40 whole chickens for 40…
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tallyhallmpreg · 2 years
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cat pee sample
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kierancampire · 2 years
Also can someone help me please? I've tried Googling but can't find a good answer
So i put this curtain up yesterday, however i think at some point when it was on the floor one of the girls (most likely Ember) peed on it and i didn't know, it has a really strong, awful, sorta musty smell to it, and when the sun hits it and it gets warm, it's even worse. My two issues are, 1, due to the smell and seeing no visible stain, i think it is a bit old and has set in, so spot cleaning won't work. 2, the curtains have inbuilt metal hoops, so i can't put it in the washing machine
I tried spraying it with fabric freshener and it did nothing, and cause they are light curtains i don't want to damage them, but that smell is incredibly strong and i dunno if i just try to hand wash it in my bath with a light detergent and then hang it up to dry?
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ecoorganic · 2 years
how to get rid of cat pee smell
how to get rid of cat pee smell
The best ways to get rid of cat pee smell If you have a cat, chances are you’ve dealt with the occasional issue of cat pee smell. It can be tough to get rid of, and if your cat keeps peeing in the same spot, the smell can become overwhelming. But don’t despair! There are a few things you can do to get rid of that pesky cat pee smell for good. First, make sure you’re cleaning the spot…
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angsty-aliens · 4 months
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Oh to be a tiny kitty with a bow tie and a catnip banana and a Sunday afternoon lap for a nap. 💙
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sawtual · 11 months
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glorbo gleebus
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