#cf cooks
cruelfeline · 1 month
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Korean rice bowls with sticky-sweet BBQ chicken skewers and kimchi.
There's also avocado and quick-pickled cucumbers! The only alteration I made to this was using some of the raw honey varieties I have in my cupboard: scorpionweed honey!
I'm not used to making sticky rice... initially, it looked like it was going to be all soggy and sad, but it came together very nicely in the end!
Would feed to Frey c:
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hellyeahsickaf · 4 months
Cooking While Disabled
One of the things I miss most about being less disabled is cooking. It was one of my favorite things to do and something I've always been good at.
On good days there are things I can do that make it easier. It's not the same as before, but I hope that sharing what makes it possible for me to cook helps others who struggle with it.
Tips for cooking while disabled:
You can incorporate precooked food in your meals. For example, stir fry with precooked rice with the ingredients of your choice, or taking frozen pasta (like the ones with maybe sauce and a couple other things) or plain microwave pasta (I prefer these, but heat it first) and putting it in a pan adding other ingredients like vegetables, cheese, garlic, etc
If it comes frozen or canned that can really help. Frozen rice you can just microwave, frozen cut veggies and garlic and onions are good as well
Buy a chopper with different shaped blades, spiralizer, electric slicer/grater, food processor, or any appliance that will save you energy. Ideally machine washable. Stand mixers are also better than manual ones. Especially helpful if you have joint/wrist issues
You can always prepare ingredients ahead of time. I find that sometimes it helps to prep (chopping or mixing ingredients, etc) earlier in the day or even a day before. Then you can put it in the fridge or freezer until you're ready to cook the full meal
Look up easy recipes or recipes for elderly/seniors. With the latter you may find more nutritionally balanced food but an unbalanced easy meal is better than none
You can sit while you prepare ingredients.
You're allowed to take breaks. You can turn the stove off, maybe put a lid on it to retain the heat, sit down, maybe take something for your symptoms. Some things you may not be able to stop in the middle of like making pancakes or deep frying something, but if you're making soup or curry or chili or something, often you can turn it off for a bit and take care of yourself.
If you need help and can get it, please ask for help. I know many of us need to work on asking for help including myself. Even if it's just washing the pots and pans or chopping something. You are not a burden you hear me?
Stretch before and after cooking just as one would before a workout. It will likely lessen any joint pain or stiffness as you are still exerting yourself
Listen to your body. Just as you're allowed to take a break, you are allowed to decide you won't be able to finish what you're doing. You may put away your food before it's done (if this won't ruin the meal). You are allowed to leave a dirty pot in the sink and come back to it later (just make sure you or someone else does before it gets gross). You can wash them in the dishwasher. I know this is bad for the seasoning on pots and pans but you can reseason them to be nonstick again and use nonstick spray
You can buy seasoning mixes rather than using individual seasoning. Instead of parsley, oregano, basil, etc you can buy Italian seasoning. Instead of paprika, pepper, cumin, oregano, salt, etc, you can just get taco seasoning. This may sound obvious but it can save a lot of time and energy
An issue I have is buying perishable ingredients thinking I can use them, having a bad week or two, and the ingredients have gone bad. Try to plan out your meals before shopping and ask yourself if there's an easier alternative for any ingredients. Maybe pre chopped fresh onion instead of a whole one, sliced mushrooms instead of whole, frozen vegetable blends instead of individual, powdered ginger instead of the root, bullion instead of stock that you may not be able to use all at once. I know this is like one of the other points but these are what I find most helpful
Use supercook.com! You input the ingredients you have on hand and you'll get a list of recipes you can make with what you have. Often there's a wide range of complexity and difficulty
Make enough food to freeze or refrigerate leftovers. It helps if you can portion it into single servings in Tupperware or freezer bags. You can prepare frozen burritos for your next few lunches or dinners, separate portion sizes of spaghetti, portion salads, etc
Feel free to add any additions!
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nasykuching · 8 months
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✨CF17 Pre-Order✨
📆 13-20 Oct
💛 ORV, Tondemo Skill/Campfire Cooking
🖼️ Circle Dada Bang Jeha (booth no TBA)
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purrfurnax · 6 months
no one talks about how when you have chronic pain and fatigue how you have to buy food pre-cut, pre-cooked, pre- whatever and its always more expensive, unless you want to only eat disgusting canned food and noodles that are loaded with sodium which wont help you feel any better
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hillbillyoracle · 27 days
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Flare Food
I've talked before about keeping snacks near me during a flare. I woke up a few days ago in a pain flare - went from 3 months of GI issues into a pain flare ugh. So when I was able to today, I got my snack box reestablished. I thought I'd snap a picture and share what kinds of foods I like to keep in there.
A few bags of trail mix
Some fresh fruit
RX Bars
Bobos PB&Js
Some chips
Fruit leather
Turkey jerky sticks
I added two Gatorades not pictured. I have a bunch of food allergies so my snacks will likely look different than yours. I also have fiber goals I need to hit for medical reasons so a lot of these are on the "healthy" side for that reason.
I have it tucked away on my bookshelf next to my hygiene kit. Keep in mind if you have rodents, you'll want to make sure it's in a study container, ideally with a lid (that you can open).
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hecatialapis-lazuli · 6 months
Touhou? In MY blazblue week? Very very expected honestly.
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shinto mythology ramble under the cut but tldr there's like 2-3 degrees of seperation mythologically between these assholes
So Susano'o vomited out his aramitama/embodiment of his anger and that became a kami named Amanozako (I think I saw someone on here mention that she could be possible inspiration for Terumi), and she's associated with amanojaku and tengu. Seija is an amanojaku, though I think she's said to be more connected to Ame-no-Sagume. I'm not 100% sure if Amanozako and Ame-no-Sagume are supposed to be the same kami, since I only found one story about Ame-no-Sagume, but they both seem pretty malicious. All of that is just an excuse for this bc I just think they're both neat.
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kimberlyannharts · 1 year
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pan3m · 5 months
i think snow should've done something Funny in mj. i think he should've made his own victor 'star squad'
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egglygreg · 1 year
6 days in with covid and I am still bedridden. Having fibro and cfs and therefore being sick all the rest of the time wasn't bad enough apparently, now I have to be sick x2. I am feeling deeply frustrated. And also bored and anxious. Christian friends please pray for me
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The thing about chronic pain is that I'll be experiencing the usual horrors (pain and discomfort that isn't possible to fully ignore) but I'm not even phased, like this is just a normal Wednesday night for me.
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cruelfeline · 2 months
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Mexican pulled chicken with zucchini, bell pepper, and pumpkin seeds.
Would I feed it to Frey? Yes.
Cuff's birds could have some of the pumpkin seeds.
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hellyeahsickaf · 4 months
Not to keep reminiscing about when I was more abled but man what I'd give to be thinly slicing garlic, onion, tomatoes, throw them in a pot with ghee on medium-high until the onions are translucent and yellowed but not caramelized, and chop some carrots, cauliflower, potatoes, mushrooms, throw them in with some peas and corn and let those cook, mince a green chili pepper, cilantro, and ginger and lime zest, add bit of tomato sauce, then about 4 cups of stock and simmer it on low adding lime juice, a couple of prunes (trust me on this), seasoning it with cumin, cardamom, salt, cinnamon, clove, turmeric, curry powder (most of these spices are in curry powder it's more of a ratio thing), and peppercorn, and then let that bitch simmer for an hour or two until I have curry and throw some naan in a pan with butter, maybe pan fry some okra and make a side of chana masala or dal. No pre packaged meal beats that yknow?
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nasykuching · 1 year
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(Reblogs very appreciated!💕💕)
Hi! I open PO for CF16! ⭐️: ORV, Tondemo Skill
There are some merch limited for PO only!✨
Form: here
Booth: F35-A Gerombolan SiBejat (Day 1 only!)
Mail order will be ready around May-June!
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daaedoodles · 8 months
ugh i’m so mad at my body right now. so many medical appointments one after the other to check out my new symptoms of dry eyes and mouth w a rheumatologist and an opthamologist, plus a dentist appointment because of the mouth ulcers, all while my gf is here visiting from overseas.
it’s taking away time from spending w her because i always have to rest before and after appointments and i already don’t feel well so it’s going to be even worse too like!! i don’t want to spend all my time with her lying in bed half conscious, i know she doesn’t mind and it makes it better i’m not alone but still i’d like to at least watch something or talk or be able to cuddle without her having to always be careful of my legs or moving bc of my vertigo.. it’s not that bad atm just like quarter circles but last time she was here she had to sit around away from me for two days because i could not move myself much less be touched without everything spinning and it made me so sad
right now i’m on my 5th day without POTS meds because my resting hr has been dropping to the 40’s and even 30’s, even though it still shoots up well over the 40bpm increase once i stand up AND my blood pressure is terribly low and pulse pressure is narrow and it’s all making me feel really ill and exhausted all the time 😭😭
all i wanna do is write?! i miss wildies so much and I’ve got so many ideas swirling around for the flufftober but i think i’ll have to put it off until next year or something at the rate i’m going :((
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survivingfmandcfs · 1 year
It is once again taco night, and I am once again begging my family to inform me ahead of time so that I can figure out how to feed myself when I have the spoons to do so, instead of coming up the stairs when my blood sugar is already low expecting there to be food I can eat and finding out that that's not the case.
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natandacat · 1 year
Long covid physio is starting tomorrow and I'm already so frustrated...... it's mostly going to be about how to manage PEMs and! I know!! How to!!! I just can't! Because I live alone and I need to eat, clean, and go places sometimes! I have already dropped every single hobby, I do most of my classes online, I physically can't reduce my exertion level further. It's just. I want to do things again. Today I had a 2 hours exam and I ended it with so much fatigue I was slurring my words and had to lay down. On Monday I had to use my extra hour of disabled time during another exam bc I got so weak halfway through I had to stop for 30~40min until I could turn the pages normally again and hold my head up. It's frustrating, and not all of it are the PEMs, so there's a chance that things will get better if my iron levels get higher or we identify what's actually been going on since this summer, but rn I'm frustrated. This sucks a lot!
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