#character: davey richards
grizzledyoungimpact · 5 months
The Blood of The Wolf
Whumpuary 2024 January 23-24, 2024 "You're Awake"/Rescue/Unfair Fight Eddie Edwards/Davey Richards Fantasy AU
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The sun felt warm on Edward's skin as he exited the small cave he had been using as a refuge. He could still feel the power from last nights shift and the run that had followed after. It was a part of what he was, having this ache in his bones the morning after.
Edward Maher was part of a long forgotten sect of elves, a creature called an elven wolf. For the longest time, elven wolves had been protectors of the elf kingdom of Starkholz, a wooded kingdom and shining star of the people. Elven wolves were trained with weapons as normal warriors were, but the magic they possessed allowed them to shift into powerful dire wolves. They had always protected the realm, until the final days when the beautiful wooded haven had fallen to Ulfur, a kingdom known for its darkness and desolation. The elven wolves were growing fewer and fewer in number, and Edward was determined to preserve his way of life.
His head lifted as he sniffed the fresh morning air, the sunlight filtering through the trees. He caught the normal scents of the morning. The dew and how it wet the dirt. The creatures and how they scurried and flew throughout the woods without a care. His stomach rumbled and he cursed how he could smell nothing larger to eat. It wasn't a fact that he was proud of, but food had become scarce, so more often than now Edward ate what and who he could.
When the new smell wafted in, Edward could almost feel his mouth water. The smell was lupine, but it didn't matter these days. Meat was meat.
He trudged through the underbrush, following the smell until it got stronger and stronger. "Show yourself," he called out as his hand went to the silver dagger at his side. It was the one holdover from his days at court, a present from the red-headed queen he had once served.
The whimper of another alerted Edward to the presence, a small and lean young man who smelled vaguely familiar. The younger man knelt in a clearing and he rubbed at his ankle, whimpering. Edward couldn't help but hide the smirk that came to his lips. The young man was alone, scared, vulnerable.
He was breakfast.
"Oh look at you," Edward smirked, licking his lips as he knelt down next to the other, fingers gently touching the man's ankle, "You look tender."
The small man trembled at his touch, "I won't be a good m...meal for you! I'm...I'm too small, right? Too bony!"
"Meat is meat," the look in Edward's eyes was feral as he pulled the dagger from its leather sheath, "and you look like you have plenty of meat on your bones."
Before he could bring the knife down, another figure rushed him from the bushes and knocked Edward away from his prey. The dagger clattered to the forest floor and Edward landed in a crouched position, "I won't let you hurt him, Edward. I won't let you hurt my brother."
The feral elven wolf hissed, "How do you know me? How do you know my name?"
"We know David," the smaller of the men spoke up, "we know your mate..."
Edward's eyes filled with rage, "No! NO! My David is dead! 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒊𝒆!"
Edward remembered the horror of the day the castle fell. He remembered watching as one of the invaders had cut his David down, remembered the scream of pain. His David, the man who had trained him to use his powers. His David, the man who had become his partner. His David, the man he had stood before the old gods of the wood with and pledged his heart in wedded bliss. Davd had died to protect him and now these men were spreading lies. "No," the smaller of the two men shouted back, adamant, "We saw him! Tell him, Maddox, tell him we saw David!"
"He gave his life to protect me," Edward bared his teeth, ready for a fight, "he passed many moons ago."
"I 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 what I saw," the young man bared his own teeth, revealing pointed ones similar to Edward's own. Edward had been so wrapped up in his own thoughts, his own hunger, that he hadn't noticed the man's pointed ears or the fact that the smell he had caught earlier was both lupine and human.
𝗪𝗼𝗹𝗳. This man was a 𝘄𝗼𝗹𝗳.
Edward propelled himself at the young wolf, using his weight and strength to knock him off of his feet, "Liar!"
The larger of the two men, Maddox, leapt to his brothers defense with a snarl of his own. He had the elongated claw-like weapon that younger wolves used while in training, until they could get the hang of shifting in and out of their form on command. Edward barely had time to roll out of the way as the silver claws grazed him from behind. Edward bared his teeth, voice a growl, "Coward! Attacking from behind!"
Maddox knelt to help his brother up, before turning to faced Edward, "You will not attack my brother," Maddox's lip curled to show his teeth, claws at his side, "You will not hurt him, do you understand me? All we want is to bring you to David."
"I will fight when I need fight, especially when I know you lie to me," Edward growled.
"You 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙣𝙤𝙩 hurt 𝙢𝙮 Harlow!"
"I hunger, same as any animal," Edward hissed. He rushed the smaller, unarmed member of the duo, only for his elder brother to catch him. While Edward felt the claws digging into his forearms, he pressed forward through the pain. "You two lie. You 𝐋𝐈𝐄."
Harlow managed to sneak up behind Edward as Maddox held him in place. Blood dripped down Edward's arms, watering the forest floor, but he did not relent. Even as Harlow wrapped his arm around Edward's neck to cut off his airflow, Edward tried to fight. He dropped to one knee, eyes fluttering shut as he passed out. "We're not liars, Edward. And we're going to prove it."
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jadeoxfordrose · 3 days
OC Kiss Picrew Meme
Alrighty y'all, @littleladymab tagged me in this and who am I to resist a challenge that involves picrews or heroforge :)) Taking inspo from Mab, here are 5 ships involving characters of mine getting their smooches in xD
Adelaide Sylvestri nee Ontano & Thea Cuore (Il Covo Nostro:Court of Blades)
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(Thea is my character, Adelaide is her paramour who is an NPC played by Zach) So these two haven't actually kissed yet in canon but the yearning, oh the yearning! Still, I'm hoping that there will be a chance soon xD Their situation is complicated to put it mildly- some of it can be found explained in my 'Thea Cuore' tag.
Max Valera & Merrill Whitmer(Space Gorls)
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These two have it all - childhood friendship, faked deaths, pining, the slow rebuilding of trust, banter - and I miss playing them. Merrill is @citadelofswords's roller skating jewel thief of a dream girl and Max is my sarcastic to a fault mechanic.
Davey-Jane & Theo Delaney (Multiple FTL universes)
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Sometimes they are a less tragic version of Hamlet & Horatio in ✨Space✨, sometimes they are a version of Orpheus & Eurydice, sometimes they're youtubers (one hunts ghosts, the other does crafts) - regardless, they always give me feels. Davey-Jane is @littleladymab's character (I'm sorry the picrew does not show how truly beautiful he is Mab), Theo is mine and I cherish them deeply despite my continuing to put them in awful situations.
Arkady & Arctorus (formerly of Stormhold | Fall of Magic + Mages Against the Machine)
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These two began life as Fall of Magic characters played by me and Zach respectively, who came from the same place and from that came a goldmine of character fuel. Amusingly, I didn't even realise I'd started shipping them until after we wrapped the game - I blame the sheer number of delicious tropes that provided ship fuel we hit upon the way. They've only been played once since, and Arctorus (renamed Arthur in a new universe) was more of a cameo but the relationship was officially canonized xD Characters that I need to do more with to be sure.
Benny LaFontaine & Dante Voight & Kel Mahoney (Dumb Kids Playing Hero)
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Oh my wonderful, messy, complicated Team Chaos (played by Richard as Benny, Bryan as Dante, and myself as Kel). A slow-burn of an OT3 despite active shipping from multiple people, all I can say here is please go listen to @dumbkidsplayinghero - it's Animorphs inspired Boston college students in the early 00s and I'm supremely proud of the story we all told together.
Alrighty, I've said enough - tagging anyone who fancies having a play in picrew and talking about their OC OTPs xD
Edited to include link to the picrew used x
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usergreenpixel · 1 year
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1. The Introduction
Hello, Neighbors! Welcome back to Malmaison Media Salon! At last we’re here and today is a bit of a special review. Why special?
Let me explain:
1. Firstly, it’s one of those cases where I stumble upon a media piece via recommendation from another community member. This time it was @suburbanbeatnik , who interviewed the author of the book and there was a contest where the first 3 users to comment would get a free ebook copy via email.
I was the first to comment because I was given the link and because I was really excited about what sounded like a promising story, considering my soft spot for the adventure genre, time travel and alternative history. So yeah, I became one of the lucky three users.
Unfortunately, the book is only available in English and has to be purchased through websites like Amazon, so those who don’t speak English too well might be out of luck for now.
2. Secondly, it’s one of the few anglophone (British, to boot!) media pieces that DO NOT paint Napoleon as a villain! How cool is that?! For newcomers, stumbling upon a gem like that is about as likely as seeing a UFO, so you can bet your asses that I HAD to check out the book!
3. Thirdly, I already mentioned that I’m a sucker for adventure, time travel, historical fiction and alternative history so that really boosted my excitement… as well as my worries. I prayed that the book would turn out to be good. Luckily, it did! More on that later though.
Anyway, before we proceed, this review is dedicated to @suburbanbeatnik and @garethwilliamsauthor . Not only is the latter, well, the author, but he also graciously gave me permission to write said review and I’m thankful for this.
Okay, with formalities out of the way, let’s begin!
2. The Summary
The novel tells the story of one Richard Davey, an ordinary schoolteacher who admires Napoleon and lives a very boring, lonely life.
However, during a fateful holiday in Paris, he gets a chance to leave his old life behind, meet his hero and maybe even change the course of history.
To me, the idea sounds very interesting, so let’s move onto the deeper analysis and see if the execution matches the potential.
3. The Story
Although the beginning of the story did confuse me a bit because we jump straight into action, I. Fucking. Love. This. Book. I was extremely hooked when reading and felt like I was back in my childhood, reading my favorite swashbuckling stories. The excitement is REAL.
The pacing is excellent, most loose ends get tied up in the end, the ending is satisfying yet also realistic and we don’t have the protagonist getting everything he wanted, which is awesome!
I did have a problem with the flashbacks though, mainly because they kept popping up and breaking the storyline immersion, but that’s just me.
Also, there’s a good mix of gritty artlessness (in a good way because it doesn’t gloss over war), a swashbuckling adventure, romance and down time (we can’t have action ALL the time).
The romantic subplot is very well-written and realistic, even though my asexual self still didn’t care much because I don’t normally like romance. Spoiler, it’s one of the few times where the protagonist doesn’t get the love interest in the end, for a lot of reasons.
So yeah, only minor complaints here and there.
(Oh, and tiny bonus for the Frev community: Frev isn’t demonized either!!! Yay!!!)
(P. S. Also there were a lot of moments that cracked me up, like the pun with HMS Bellerophon being called Billy Ruffian.)
4. The Characters
Richard Davey is by far one of the most relatable characters ever, since I can relate to his loneliness (me during the worse days of depression) and love for History (I’m a Frev and Napoleonic nerd). He’s flawed, reacts realistically and in his own way to situations and has a great character arc, from a man just going with the motions of life to a hero who can and does make a difference in history, just not in the way he first planned.
Emile Béraud, a soldier Richard befriends in the past, is an absolute sweetheart. Loyal to a fault, friendly and just as lonely as Richard, he takes part in the adventures and is a very compelling character.
Aunt Patricia, Richard’s only living relative, might be a minor character who doesn’t personally appear, but her presence is felt throughout the story and Richard constantly imagines what she would have to say in his position and how she would judge him.
Madame Odillet, the owner of an antique shop who helps Richard get back in time, is a mysterious woman with a troubled past, who definitely knows more than she first lets on. I like the book parallels between her and witches, even though she’s just a regular human.
Napoleon starts out as an insufferable punchable prick, but later on his portrayal becomes nuanced. He loves and misses his son, has a soft spot for kids, has a temper and at times alternates between acceptance of his fate and resolve to fight back. He’s not in a good place mentally nor physically, but he’s portrayed as someone flawed yet far from being a bad person.
Jerome is an arrogant hedonistic ass. Full stop. But he’s a minor character so I can understand why he’s not as nuanced, even if I wish there was a bit more complexity.
Gourgaud is an impulsive and arrogant bastard who is loyal to his emperor yet entitled due to having saved said emperor twice.
Bertrand and Fanny are extremely sweet.
Las Cases… I found him unpleasant and arrogant.
Murat and Caroline are mentioned and, LUCKILY, not depicted as traitors.
Ney in his cameo is his usual post-Russia reckless self (he possibly had PTSD, I believe).
Overall, the cast is memorable and I did enjoy the portrayals for the most part.
5. The Setting
The descriptions really sell the setting here, in my opinion. I particularly enjoyed the scenes at Malmaison where Napoleon essentially is Richard’s tour guide.
Always nice to see that the author really did their research and has a way with language to make immersion that much easier to achieve.
6. The Writing
Once again, the descriptions. Short, sweet, to the point.
The language is mostly easily understandable, but there are French words sprinkled in that (fortunately) can be more or less understood in context. I wish there were footnotes with translations though. Oh, and some words were unfamiliar to me as a foreigner so please keep that in mind too.
7. The Conclusion
If you can, please give the book a go. Remarkable adventures, nuanced characters and believable settings that are reminiscent of swashbuckling novels are definitely worth your money, in my humble opinion.
Of course, no work is perfect but I throughly enjoyed this one despite some flaws and I look forward to reading the sequel. It’s not every day we get an anglophone pro-Naps media piece, after all.
On that note, let us conclude today’s soirée. Please stay tuned for updates on future reviews, my dearest Neighbors.
Citizen Green Pixel
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oh-no-another-idea · 3 months
9 Characters Tag
@awritingcaitlin tagged me a long time ago--thank you!! This is a new one for me. :)
Rules: Pick nine characters in media that you feel represent you/that you resonate with in some way.
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Kaz Brekker from Six of Crows my beloved. People are concerned when I tell them I resonate with him, but. If you ignore the murder and extreme trauma, he's just like me for real 😊
Prince Henry from Red White and Royal Blue! He's a writer. Need I go on.
Peeta Mellark from the Hunger Games. HRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH
Elias Veturius from An Ember in the Ashes, art by @/taratjah. I'm insane about him. Talk about leadership thrust upon you, badass weapons, and that tormented soul. Everyone go read these books!
Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson. I have wanted to be her since I was twelve.
Steve Rogers from (vomit) the MCU. I didn't want to resonate with Captain America, but sue me. I am unwell about him <3
Richard Gansey III from the Raven Cycle! Art by @/phantasymistart. I love him.
Hodel from Fiddler on the Roof! Yes, I have spent my entire life tying a scarf around my hair and dancing. She's my favorite :)
Davey Jacobs from Newsies. I don't even know where to start. Older sibling, unwilling leader, sings like a fucking angel. He's so special to me.
Whew! Congrats to anyone who read all of that, you rock. Gentle tags for @sleepy-night-child @reneesbooks @memento-morri-writes and anyone else who'd like to share <3
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starlitangels · 1 year
Pups AU. It’s been a bit. This one also draws heavily from my “Not-Yet Alpha, Not-Yet Mate” short story featuring David’s parents. Enjoy! 1.6k words
CW: discussion of previous canon character death
David had been silent for the last few minutes of the drive. The moment we’d crossed into the cemetery, he’d stopped talking completely. He claimed it was because Dahlia’s cemetery was big and complicated—which was undoubtedly true—but I knew it was because this place made complicated feelings rise up.
We got to the narrow road closest to our destination and David did his best to park on the edge of it. This time of day it was mostly empty anyway, but these roads weren’t made for cars.
“Daddy, where are we?” Natalie asked, craning her neck to try to see out the window, but her carseat wasn’t quite tall enough.
“We’re at the cemetery,” David replied, unbuckling his seatbelt and opening the door.
Yup. She was in that phase.
To be fair, she’d been in the why phase since she was about fifteen months old. Or so it felt. She wanted to learn. David and I didn’t fault her for that, but sometimes the endless stream of questions was mildly exhausting. I always told Davey he was better at being patient with her than I was, and he always said it was because he had plenty of practice with Asher and Milo growing up.
He opened the backseat door behind his and started to help her out of her carseat.
“Because there’s something I wanna show you here,” he answered.
“Okay,” Gabriel said as Natalie opened her mouth again. Probably to ask why again.
I got out and helped Gabriel out of his booster seat. He wrapped his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist once he was free. He was plenty big enough to walk on his own, but the kid never turned down even an extra opportunity for cuddles.
Natty clung to her dad’s neck too. David always said the kids got their “touchstarved need for cuddles” from me. Our children were very much not touchstarved in any way, shape, or form considering how much cuddling they already got—from me and the rest of the pack in general—but that was the joke he liked to make.
Davey and I carried our kids carefully through the maze of headstones. Gabriel narrowed his eyes at a few of the ones we passed, and I could hear him sounding out last names under his breath, trying to read each one. Natalie—who had inherited my tendency to be loud—half-shouted for all of Dahlia to hear her asking why there were “weird marks” on one of the headstones. After David’s patient explanation that it was written in what appeared to be Arabic and different languages had different writing systems, she seemed to understand.
Ducking under the somewhat-unkempt branches of a spruce tree, Davey set Natalie down. I put Gabriel on his feet just behind her.
Hidden under the drooping branches of the tree was a single headstone. “Shaw” was written in large capital letters at the top in the middle. Directly underneath, “Married April 3, 1991,” was carved into the dark grey stone. In a box of lighter-colored granite on the left was “Gabriel Richard—December 18, 1966-September 3, 2017.” The box on the right said, “Annalise Jean ‘AJ’ Hendrickson—November 14, 1967-July 1, 1997.”
Below both names was the simple phrase, “We’ll see.”
“Is this… Grandma and Grandpa Shaw?” Gabriel asked, looking up at David while wrapping his hand around as many of my fingers as he could. David crouched and nodded.
“Yeah. This is where my parents were buried,” he said. “That’s Grandpa Gabe, and Grandma AJ.” He pointed to each name. “Grandma AJ got sick when I was younger than Natty and she passed away when I was about three. Grandpa Gabe got in a car accident when I was in my mid-twenties.”
“Gramma has the same middle name as me!” Natalie announced.
“Mmhmm,” David agreed. “We gave you her middle name to honor her memory.”
Natalie blinked owlishly at him, but for once didn’t ask any questions about what he meant. “Why does it say, ‘We’ll see’?” she asked instead, kneeling in front of the headstone and tracing the letters with her tiny five-year-old fingertip.
Her kindergarten teacher had been very impressed at how well she’d already been reading back when school started. I’d been quick to give David the credit, given he’d read to her almost every night since she was born, and often taught her how to read, if just a little bit, himself. Because she wanted to learn. And she’d inherited his stubbornness and wouldn’t let him leave until he’d taught her a little bit.
David sat cross-legged in the mostly-dead, patchy grass that couldn’t get enough sunlight around the spruce tree’s needles. “Because that was what my parents always said to each other. One of them would make a guess about their future together, and the other would always say, ‘We’ll see.’ Grandpa Gabe told me they were the last words Grandma AJ said to him before she passed. He said he hoped she’d be waiting for him on the other side and she said she was ‘planning on it, but we’ll see.’ So, when she passed, Grandpa Gabe put that on the headstone.”
David blinked tears out of his eyes—and didn’t protest when Natalie stood up so she was eye-level with him and wiped them off his face. He gathered her to his chest and held her there, squeezing tight, but not too tight. She made a strained little groan, but didn’t squirm or yelp for release like she would have if he was hugging too hard.
“Grandpa picked this plot under the tree because he said he and Grandma loved sitting under the tree in the backyard of their house and watching me, Uncle Ash, and Uncle Milo chase each other around when we were toddlers.”
Gabriel stepped carefully closer to the headstone and brushed a few loose spruce needles off the top of it. “You miss them.” It wasn’t a question.
Davey gave our son a sad smile. “I never really knew Grandma AJ. It was hard to miss her. But I miss Grandpa Gabe very much. He taught me everything I know about being a dad. And all I’ve ever been able to hope for was that he taught me enough that I can keep being a good dad to you and your sister.” He kissed the top of Natalie’s head, right on the part between her pigtails.
“You’re the best, Daddy,” Natty said confidently, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding on as tight as she could. David sighed with a quiet relief and gave her another hug.
“Glad you think so, baby girl,” he whispered.
Gabriel let go of my hand and carefully approached the headstone, sitting down in front of it and looking it over. He carefully traced the carved letters with his own fingertip, head tilted slightly to the side. He twisted and looked back at me. “You never got to meet even Grampa, right?”
I shook my head. “No. He passed before I met your dad,” I replied.
Gabriel frowned and his eyebrows tilted in sadness. He had more empathy in his little finger than a lot of adults did in their whole bodies. “Sorry,” he said to David. And me.
David ruffled Gabriel’s hair. “It’s okay. If I hadn’t met my mate when I did, I don’t know that we would have ended up here—with you two.” He met my eyes. “They helped me heal from my grief and the walls I put up to protect my heart that were only hurting it more.”
Natalie leaned back from where she’d been hugging David to meet his eyes. “How did you carry the walls with you all the time?”
I couldn’t help it—I burst out laughing. David chuckled too. “Not real walls, Natty,” he said. “Figurative walls.”
“Figura… what?”
David thought for a moment. “Pretend walls. In my head. They made me grumpy all the time.”
Natalie stuck out her bottom lip. “Don’t be grumpy, Daddy. Being grumpy is no fun.”
David chuckled again and met my eyes over our daughter’s head. “Gee, I wonder who she sounds like,” he said.
I smiled. “I’m so proud,” I replied.
David tugged lightly on the end of one of her pigtails. “How about you and your brother sit here and be good, and I’ll go with my mate to grab our lunch out of the car?”
Natalie nodded. Gabriel did too when David met his eyes.
He stood and held a hand out to me. I took it and we headed back for the car to grab the cooler.
Natalie glanced over at the tree trunk, smiling as a familiar head of pink curls quickly ducked behind the trunk out of her view. “I know you’re there!” she whispered—loud. Gabriel was reading the headstone again, intently, and didn’t notice.
Caelum poked his head out from behind the trunk again and pressed a finger to his lips. He grinned and giggled. Natalie copied his gesture, nodded, and giggled herself.
“What are you doing here?” Her whisper was quieter this time.
Caelum snuck out from behind the tree. “Making sure you and your family are happy,” he whispered back.
He popped a kiss on the top of Natalie’s head, the way her dad had done, and disappeared as he took a step back.
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oplishin · 16 hours
Sethie for the character asks :D
favorite thing about them
the neverending shame fueled self sabotage! that's great. also the phoenix splash! it's so pretty
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these days it's very obvious that he'll never hit it, but i liked its usage in ROH! it's his super super special finisher that's generally ill advised because it takes so long. the phoenix splash specifically continuously fucks up his matches with DBD. In southern navigation, his unwillingness to pivot to a different move means bryan repeatedly gets back up and murders him. In their last 2008 match, he's literally unable to go for the phoenix splash at the end because (spoiler alert) the top rope is Gone. uhh for some reason in the first one he hits it but DBD immediately rolls him up anyway. we don't have to talk about it. the rest of the match is good! super significant match in terms of seth's singles career
least favorite thing about them
his knees probably because he's GONE and i MISS HIM, and also these kicks, i think they look like ass
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favorite line:
"i liked the person i was before i met you" or any of his gushing over dean being his wrestling soulmate
kevin!!! KEVIN!! like idk it's fun to imagine them having fucked many many times (2021-2022 rollowens i love you) but i like where they're at now. kevin and sami helping him leave wrestlemania. <3 scrub room forever, oh my god.
shield ot3 my BELOVED. not a pairing but. that's the one. they're so bad!! they're so bad for each other
he honestly has insane horny chemistry with almost everyone so it's hard to think of one people ship that i hate. i'll go with seth/kane again because fuck mayor glenn jacobs. don't though
random headcanon
as the forever designated driver, he hates hates being driven by other people. it's a control thing, it just feels less safe he's not The One with his hands on the steering wheel.
unpopular opinion
from what i've seen of his ROH stuff, i generally enjoy his tag matches a more than his singles stuff. his tag work with jimmy is pretty consistent, while his singles stuff is pretty hit or miss for me. as in, i basically only like the matches where nigel or bryan are there. i'd heard good things about his match with davey richards and i ended up really disliking it! also really didn't like match where he wins the roh title. i also haven't seen that much of his ROH work, to be fair.
song i associate with them
mitski's "everyone"
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(i'm making a gifset for this, probably after finals are over grah)
favorite picture of them
FUN QUESTION!! either of these two. i recommend clicking on the left one for the full picture, the lighting is truly so erotically dramatic. right one makes me go :((( :( :(
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captainknell · 10 months
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I had wanted to read this book eventually but it got immediately bumped up on the list when someone pointed out that it had basically the same plot as my WIP. I dropped everything and started reading to make sure it wasn't too similar. The book was just getting good and explaining things when the free pages on the internet ran out so I had to wait for the physical copy to come in the mail. I am pleased to say that besides the basic plot, it is not like my book. And now I'd like to read the next two in the series.
Anyways, the report!
The book is about a history teacher named Richard Davey that has a very boring life. He is a fan of Napoleon and finds out that time travel is real and possible through a mysterious shop keeper so he goes back to Waterloo to try and change history and give his life more meaning.
It was an interesting story and I never knew what was going to happen next. It starts right when he goes back in time but explains how he got there by use of flashbacks. I actually loved how this worked. Usually when there's a back and forth or either time or characters, I find myself having a clear favorite and wishing the other one would hurry up so I can get back to the good part. In this book, both were the good parts! I was just as happy to be back in time as I was to be getting the explanation of how he got there and vice versa.
Unfortunately, the tense of the story was driving me crazy. If I wasn't already interested in the topic, I probably would've ditched it by the end of the first page. Here's an example of what I'm talking about that doesn't contain any important information:
He returns to the carriage and rummages in his bag. He extracts his penknife and the dried sausage wrapped in his handkerchief. Standing at the open end of the cart, he spreads the square of linen as a tablecloth and carefully cuts several slices. He throws the small hunk of meat attached to the string to the back of the barn. At least he will know where the rodents are for a while. The sausage's pink flesh is mottled with white fat and shreds of garlic. The skin is covered in fine white mould with the texture of paper. He teases it free and adds it to his offering among the fallen timbers.
He chews each slice slowly, savouring the taste as the rich meat replenishes his energy. When finished, he takes a gulp from his round, wooden water canister. British army issue is pale blue but his is plain inside a hessian jacket. It would not help his cause to fall into French hands in possession of British army kit. He replaces the cork stopper and repacks his haversack.
My other big problem with the book, is that Richard is being described as being middle aged, balding, and kinda pudgy yet every young attractive girl in the book is flirting with him/throwing themselves at him. The other characters are good though!
Bonus (?) we get to see Napoleon in a dress
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tensleepshrike · 2 months
TAGGED: @magicxecustos thank you bb ~ TAGGING: @glacierfront, @alonggoodbye, @deatheless, @soothfog, honestly anyone/everyone i live for character soundtracks tag me in them i will listen
Ptolemaea by Ethel Cain: I followed you in and I was with you there / I invited you in twice, I did / You love blood too much / But not like I do
Down in the Willow Garden by The Everly Brothers: Down in the willow garden / Where me and my love did meet / As we sat a-courtin' / My love fell off to sleep / I had a bottle of burgundy wine / My love she did not know / So I poisoned that dear little girl / On the banks below
Taurobolium by Devendra Banhart: I can't keep myself from evil / So much desire there left in me / So much perversion you can't see / So much desire there left in me / So much malignance you can't see / So much desire / So much desire / So much desire / Keep me from the evil
Hares on the Mountain by Davey Graham & Shirley Collins: Oh Sally, my dear, it's you I'd be kissing / She smiled and replied 'You don't know what you're missing' / [ ... ] / If all you young men were hares on the mountain / How many young girls would take guns and go hunting / [ ... ] / If all you young men were rushes a-growing / How many young girls would take scythes and go mowing
The Falcon by Mimi & Richard Farina: And the falcon was a pretty bird / Her voice was always still / But men with drums and men with guns / They taught her how to kill / Her eye was on the sparrow / Her mind was on the dove / But no one cared and no one dared / To speak to her of love / Her eyes are always hooded / Her claws are sharp as steel / We teach her not to see too much / We teach her not to feel
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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"Kate Walters’ paintings are concerned with the interaction of the animal and human worlds; depicting in raw and graphic immediacy a relationship that is both intimate and nurturing. Deer, horses and female figures are shown co-existing in an almost primeval state of mutual, interconnected harmony. In their iconography of nurture and loving grace human and animal bodies merge and combine, as the female subjects of these works take on and adopt the character of their animal guides: the watchfulness and truth of the deer, the protection and nurture of the horse. In this new world, there is no separation between human and animal, only a porous tissue of skin that both delineates and dissolves individual boundaries.” - Revd Dr Richard Davey
Kate Walters studied Fine Art in London, Brighton and Falmouth; she has worked as an independent artist for 20 years in Cornwall, UK.
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valeriecastle · 1 year
Gilmore Girls Season 4 is the worst!!!
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This is my third time watching the series as a whole and I can honestly say that I hate Season 4 the most.
The storyline is ok, it's just the ending and the characters.
I never got Luke and Lorelai, never liked them together. I always thought that she should have ended up with Jason or Christopher. I get that Chirs was a jerk when they were married but I think the writers messed it up just because Luke and Lorelai were supposed to be endgame.
Anyways, back to season 4. I liked Jason. He was, in my opinion, Lorelai's best boyfriend; he was able to keep up with Lorelai, he got along with Richard and Emily, and he could relate to Lorelai in a way Luke never could. Maybe Christopher could relate but not as much as Jason.
Keeping this in mind, I hated how Richard screwed him over with the business deal at the end of the season. I mean, throughout the season, Jason was a great business partner and it was obvious that he was good at his work. Why did they have to write him out of the show in such a depressing way. Actually, why did they write him out in the first place? Why couldn't he just be on the show.
The biggest problem I had with season 4 was Rory. I hated how she kept complaining about everything that happened. And don't even get we started on the tree episode. Not to mention that she had an affair with Dean. I hated that storyline. It was so random and bad. Did the writers just run out of stuff so they thought "hey, let's bring the boyfriend from season 1 back and let's have him marry another girl but he's still not over Rory". I mean, come on, they dated when they were 16 and Rory cheated on him with Jess, there's no way he would still be pining after her.
I just hated Rory as a whole this season which was a huge problem for me since I'm always more engaged with her storylines compared to Lorelais'.
The only thing I liked about season 4 (in terms of Rory) was that it set up the stage for Logan to be introduced.
Jumping to StarsHollow: I was actually happy with the rest of the storylines, it just got a bit boring; Trouble with the construction of the inn, Luke and Nicole fight, Kirk or Taylor do something weird/crazy, repeat.
I think out of everyone, Lane got the best part, since she finally got her freedom and took the next steps towards her music; followed closely by Sookie and Jackson who finally had Davey.
As a whole, I feel like season 4 was just that random filler book in every series which is ok at best but is necessary to move the story along.
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david-watts · 1 year
OC ask, 1
well. I have literally so many ocs I'm not gonna list all of them here (if anyone wants me to ramble on for paragraphs about really obscure two-frame characters, you can ask) but here's a few you should know about;
roger frederick claire (roger), peter sutton (pete), david anthony harrison (davey, who has the stage surname 'peacock'), charles morris (charlie), richard louis smith (snowy), michael andrew lily (mick), rory tevita locking (rory), sylvia tamsin chase (sylvia), james cassidy-bell (james), holly dorothea keys (holly)
james rafferty jade (jimmy), theodore klaus van alst (teddy), luke/lucas littleproud (lucky, I also haven't decided if it should be luke or lucas yet), arthur douglas floyd (arthur), peter edward byron morrison (peter), stephen henry casey ayton/stephen casey maple (stevie, and yes. he changes his name), christopher velvel goldstein (christopher), katherine acar robinson (katherine)
this is a basic list of the characters that play somewhat of an important role. second group of names is I'd say 'less' important than the first, in terms of how I'm going to structure the overall story, but they're still important and have their own story that fits within the starstrucks'
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grizzledyoungimpact · 2 years
Pairing: Danhausen/Hallie Richards Quote: I clean done seen about everything when I see an elephant fly. Verse: Medieval
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Donovan Danhausen was a strange sight in the court of Queen Charlotte James, but to be fair, Donovan Danhausen was a strange man everywhere he went. The first thing people noticed about the court jester was the odd way he painted his face. His face paint was that of a traditional harlequin, a white base with a drawn-on black goatee. His eyes were painted black with thin peaks reaching near his temple and red near the bottom lid. His lips were painted black, teeth that were glimmering a little too white beneath. His ears were painted completely black, almost as if it were not paint. His manner of dress was also peculiar in the queen’s court. While most people in court dressed in bright colors, mostly purple, Danhausen wore black tunics with red details only. It contradicted the way he acted versus how the rest of the court acted. Those in court wore their bright colors, but while warm, were reserved. Donovan? His clothing may have been reserved, but he was a wild personality. He heard the whispers, even amongst such strong magic users. They claimed he was different, he was other. They called Danhausen fae. Even Queen Charlotte’s younger brother, Prince Jordan James, seemed to believe that Danhausen had powers beyond that of which he showed. Then again, he wasn’t wrong. The magic that Danhausen used to entertain the court was simply a fraction of what he could actually do. To be fair, however, Danhausen was sure that Jordan had power of his own. It wasn’t in the way that Danhausen had power, though he still used it to entertain. No, Jordan’s magic lay in his ability with music. It seemed as if Jordan could soothe even the most savage of beasts with his lyre. That was evident in the family that Jordan had chosen. Everyone knew of David Richards and Edward Maher. David Richards was the highborn lord of the House of Edwards, whose house motto Mutatin Velut Luna fueled the rumors that surrounded the two men. Clad in wolf skins and with a revered skill in both hunting and protecting, both David and Edward were fierce and loyal defenders of the James household. It was through their devotion that both men had fallen in love with and consequently married, Prince James. Not long after the trio had adopted a daughter from two disgraced members of the court, young Hallie. Hallie, much like Danhausen, was different. She did not speak, nor did she hear, instead she used her hands to communicate. “Oh, Danhausen,” Hallie flagged down the jester as he made his way through the great hall one day. Hallie sat by herself, models of wild animals in front of her. Normally, Danhausen only saw the girl when she was with her fathers, and considering David did not care for Danhausen it kept him away. “Come sit with me!” Danhausen sauntered over, his hands pulled up towards his chest, “Hm…yes…very nice Hallie wants to speak to very evil Danhausen, yes?” Hallie giggled soundlessly, clapping vigorously. She loved to see someone else who was as good at signing as she was. Quickly, she pushed one of the figures over, an animal Danhausen believed was called an elephant, before signing. “Spell.” Danhausen gave a wide and toothy grin, knowing both what she expected and what he was going to do. Hallie expected Danhausen to fingerspell the word elephant. Instead, Danhausen brought both hands up, one slightly behind the other, and outstretched his pointer fingers. The elephant figure was enveloped in a red glow, levitating slightly off the table. Hallie watched, enraptured before a cough alerted the duo to another presence. Danhausen’s concentration was broken and the figure dropped to the table. “Curses! Who-“ Danhausen turned to view the figure, surprised when it was three. Jordan, who the cough had come from, stood supported on either side by his husbands. “Well, I clean done seen about everything when I see an elephant fly,” Eddie chuckled as the three approached. He scooped Hallie into his arms, despite her squirming to get free. “No. Not flyhausen. No. Danhausen only-“ “He made it l-e-v-i-t,” there was a small huff from Hallie as she struggled to spell the word. Danhausen watched amused, eyes meeting Jordan’s for only a moment. Had there been a kind smile? A knowing smile of contentment across his lips? Danhausen chuckled, picking up the spelling for the girl before speaking, “No, no. Danhausen did not make it flyhausen. Hm. No. Danhausen made it levitate.” There was another soundless giggle as Hallie clapped her hands again, before quickly signing, “I like him, papa. I want to learn magic from Mr. Danhausen.” That caused the probable fae to grin. The rest of the castle could think him odd, but children? Children could always spot a very nice soul, even if others thought him to be very evil.
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jeanhm · 4 months
Strahan and Gordon River Cruise
Today its Australia Day and we went out for a day trip on the Gordon River, though it was actually a lot more than that. We set off early from our accommodation to walk to the wharf to get our tickets and boat which is a hybrid electric very new boat due to the fact the the Gordon River is part of the Wildlife Heritage Area on the west of Tasmania, recognised and protected for its unique characteristics by UNESCO. Thus the boat switches to electric mode once in the river to avoid damage - which we found out later.
First though we set off through Macquarie Harbour to the Heads which is the harbour entrance and which is very narrow guarded by both rocks and islands, Inside the harbour it was calm but we soon knew it when we went through the gap known as Hell's Gate into the Southern Ocean. There is nothing west of this area for 15,000 miles to Argentina so the wind and waves can be vicious with over 20m waves recorded in the past, though it wasn't bad for us. It was made worse as we had a sudden rainstorm which sent most people other than us hardy two Brits scuttling back inside the ship from the deck! Thankfully it lasted no more than 5 minutes and then the sun was back to dry us off.
On our return we saw both White belly sea Eagles and some Australian Fur seals who had made themselves comfy by the salmon rearing area - can't think why? and we gradually made our way back passing Sarah Island the former penal colony to the Gordon river. Here the boat switched to electric mode and we had a gloriously quite and smooth trip up the river for about 13 km seeing all the native trees and rainforest growth. WE got off at a stopping point for a short walk through the rainforest, luckily though it was raining the trees were so dense we didn't get wet and it was another short sharp shower anyway.
Back on the boat we had a fabulous salad lunch, couldn't have improved it at all, salmon, ham and about 10 different salads as a buffet and there were seconds if you could manage it. Then we arrived at Sarah Island. It was the place they sent the worse of the worse criminals - those that committed further crimes though most seemed to be for stealing and of course, most were British. The colony was only open for 12 years and closed in 1833 but due to the presence of Huon timber in the area, this penal colony became the centre of shipbuilding in Australia as the convicts were used as labour and become very skilled using this wood which is the best for ships. We heard of many attempts to escape - its a bit like and Alcatraz, can't swim away from it, but some did get away by canoe but the funniest was the escape by 10 men on a ship they were building to sail to Hobart. They commandeered the ship, sailed it to Chile where all but 4 managed to stay free men.
This whole story was told in the play we went to see during the evening called the Ship that Never Was. this was performed by locals and is the longest running play in Australia being performed for over 30 years. It centres on 2 of the convicts who commandeered the almost built ship from its drunken captain and allowed to sail away by the master ship builder and they made it to Chile but these two central characters were recaptured and returned to Sarah Island where they got away with a technicality that as they "mutineered" inside the harbour and not on open water, and as the ship wasn't finished, technically all they had done was steal a load of floating wood - hence the Ship That Never Was - it was a brilliantly funny play with a lot of audience participation with sound effects and various minor characters and we learned later that the play was written by one of the performers dad's Richard Davey. This really finished our day well so the boat trip plus the play really brought the place and Sarah Island alive and it was all in all a fab day.
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harry-leroy · 4 years
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Mark Wing-Davey as Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick in Henry VI Part III (1983) 
(for Histories Appreciation Week 2019 - Day 6: Other Characters’ Day)
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joannerenaud · 2 years
March 2022 Author of the Month-- an interview with Gareth Williams
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Happy spring equinox! March 20 was also the day that Napoleon, freshly escaped from Elba, marched into Paris, greeted by cheering crowds. And today, speaking of Napoleon, I’m pleased to introduce Gareth Williams (here on Tumblr at @garethwilliamsauthor​). He’s the talented author of Needing Napoleon, a new time travel/alternate history thriller where the twenty-first century, down-on-his-luck protagonist, Richard Davey, goes back in time to help Napoleon win the battle of Waterloo. Does Richard succeed in changing history? What adventures befall him on the way? And what is his relationship like with his hero, Napoleon? Find out in Needing Napoleon— the first three commenters will win a free PDF copy!
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Hello, Gareth. Thanks for coming here today. How did you become interested in Napoleon?
It is hard to remember a time when I wasn’t captivated. I suppose it started at school but before I knew it, I was teaching about Napoleon to my own students!
I think it is the scale of his achievements, both military and civil, achieved, let’s face it, against the odds. An obscure Corsican becomes Emperor of the French, fighting a series of European coalitions, codifying French law, building infrastructure and defying the dominance of the British Empire. Of course, without the French Revolution opening up the military to men of talent rather than title, he would have remained an obscure Corsican. So, the short answer, is that I was drawn to his against the odds story. Plus the glamour of the Hundred Days, when, like a boxer who can’t stay retired, he steps into the ring for one last fight, and what a fight - Waterloo!
When did you first become interested in writing a novel about him? Specifically, a time travel novel?
It had been a vague idea for a long time. I had written other stories, pretty unsuccessfully, partly because I was reluctant to tackle a subject so close to my heart.
But retiring a couple of years ago presented the opportunity to think and plan a book with Napoleon at its heart. Then the first UK lockdown was introduced in late March 2020 and I was out of excuses! In fact, I wrote the whole thing, once plot notes were complete, in just three months. As to the time travel component, there are two reasons I was drawn to this element of the plot. Firstly, I love time travel stories in general. Secondly, I am like my central character, Richard Davey, in that I too was a history teacher and I too believe Napoleon underperformed at The battle of Waterloo. If only I (or Richard) could whisper in his ear. Surely, then, we would see the Bonaparte of Austerlitz, not the pale shadow whose lacklustre command lost the battle.
Do you have any favorite books or movies about Napoleon?
As a man past his mid-fifties, I was dazzled by the sheer scale of Sergei Bondarchuk’s film Waterloo starring Rod Steiger and produced by Dino de Laurentiis. I recommend Max Gallo’s series of books recounting Bonaparte’s life in the first person. Even translated from French into English, all four books in the series seem to put you right inside Napoleon’s head!
Do you have any favorite books or movies about time travel?
Time and Time Again by Ben Elton is brilliant about the experience of being stranded in the past.
Making History by Stephen Fry tackles the unforeseen consequences of tinkering with the past. When this came out, I was gutted. It was like he had stolen ideas right out of my head and made them better! To add insult to injury he went to Queens’ College, Cambridge University just like me.
I really enjoyed the original Back to the Future movie starring Michael J. Fox from 1985. I was at university, I had just got engaged, my future was bright!
Terminator and Terminator 2 are classics too, you just can’t separate them. They sum up the basic time travel plot in non-stop action movies. And you can’t forget Bill Murray’s arrogant weatherman learning to be a better person in Groundhog Day.
Can you tell me more about your research process? How accurately did you try to depict Napoleon—- and what aspects of his character might you have altered and why?
I read quite a lot of autobiographical material dictated by Napoleon. I was influenced, as I said earlier, by Max Gallo. In truth, I don’t think there is one true Napoleon waiting to be revealed through research. The artillery officer at Toulon morphed into a commander in Italy who became one of three Consuls governing France before having the Pope watch him crown himself Emperor of the French!
Life changed him. He started out as an opportunistic republican and look where he ended up!
If I have altered anything, it is to allow Napoleon to retain a little more of his earlier self, buried, but waiting to be re-ignited. Richard Davey, the time travelling schoolteacher will try to light that fire! As a consequence, Bonaparte emerges a little more open to advice and becomes, perhaps, a little less arrogant than the average emperor.
I’ve seen a number of recent fictional depictions of Napoleon where he’s depicted as a Hitler-like villain trying to conquer the free world. In your book, the hero not only admires Napoleon, but he’s willing to buck his very British upbringing by trying to help his hero win Waterloo. What led you to this characterization?
To be honest, I never buy into cartoonish caricatures. Very few leaders are without redeeming features, especially if judged by the standards of the time. Hitler was a monster. Napoleon was not. How else can we explain the men who rallied to his cause in 1815 when he escaped Elba and returned to France?
The other issue here, is the notion that Napoleon wanted to be a new Alexander the Great, conquering the known world.  Firstly, he was constantly faced with military coalitions determined to oust him as a threat to the notion of hereditary monarchy. What choice did he have but to fight?
Secondly, how was his behaviour different from the British? They claimed to be reluctant to subsume territories into their empire and yet it girdled the globe! All major European powers were prone to acquiring territories to their own benefit. France under Napoleon was no different.
As to Richard Davey’s motivation, his life is empty, he admires the scale of Bonaparte’s achievements and believes his downfall was not inevitable. Dreams of Napoleon fill Richard’s emptiness. After all, I’m British but admire the Founding Fathers of the United States!
Your depiction of Waterloo was particularly memorable. It feels like you were there. Did you travel to Belgium to see the battlefield?
Thank you. That is very rewarding to hear but I have never visited the site of Waterloo.  Most battlefield visits are a disappointment. Usually, you end up looking at farmers’ fields trying to imagine what happened there centuries ago. I have visited many other battle sites without finding them especially informative.  So, I decided to rely on the wealth of published material on the battle from narrative accounts to meteorological reports, from detailed illustrations of uniforms to explanations of early nineteenth century tactics.
What inspired your depiction of your hero’s best friend Emile?
In truth, Emile developed as I wrote. I needed someone on the French side who would listen to Richard. Without that, he would have been shot as a spy in short order.
I know this is not really a good way to develop character, but I got to know him as he interacted with Richard. He had to be open-minded and fairly close to Bonaparte hence his regiment and posting.
I also wanted him to be a contrast to Richard Davey. In a way, he is everything Richard might wish to be. He is confident, charming, sociable, brave and relatively successful. He also gives Richard an anchor in the past that has become his present and in so doing, allows him to start thinking about his nineteenth century future.
Thanks Gareth! Your novel was fast-paced and a lot of fun. As this is the first in a trilogy, I am very excited to read the sequels!
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As an additional treat, I have uploaded Gareth’s interview with Carole Horton of Radio Skye here. And I also have uploaded a playlist, also curated by Gareth, to my Youtube channel. You can listen to it here— there’s also a description of how the tracks inspired him.
Don’t forget, the first three commenters on this post (not reblogs, just comments) will win a free PDF copy of Gareth’s book. Thanks everyone!
More about Gareth: 
If you enjoyed this interview, here’s another interview he did with the Historical Novel Society.
Gareth’s website can be found here— and this is his Goodreads page. If you enjoyed this content, please hit like and subscribe!
Purchase info:
Amazon.com Amazon.co.uk Waterstones Browns Books Book Depository
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retvenkos · 3 years
hey bestie, i missed u sm! mayhaps cym as dps characters?
cass!!!! i have missed your dazzling personality.
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neil perry: @ughgclden, @musicallisto, @vixxiann, @myriadimagines (sam!!!!! your back!!!!!! hi!!!!!), @davey-in-a-minivan (but also a little stephen)
✧ *:・゚
todd anderson: @blazogirlsoneshots, @renjunvrse, @thereagles, @missameliep, @johnskeating (but also chris)
✧ *:・゚
stephen meeks: @amourslover, @sunny-reys, @brokenandheadoverheels (but also a dash of neil), @swanimagines
✧ *:・゚
gerard pitts: @randomfandomimagine, @teaand-dreams, @bright-molina, @paperwalk
✧ *:・゚
charlie dalton: @lotsoffandomimagines, @probablykatieholt, @noesapphic, @locke-writes (but also pitts?? i think??)
✧ *:・゚
richard cameron (this is a compliment, fight me on that. cameron deserves your forgiveness.) : @scvrllet, @jammesbarnnes, @genyaakostyk (but also a little charlie)
✧ *:・゚
(fanon) knox overstreet: @beautifultypewriter, @the-radio-star, @biqherosix, @maybanksslut
✧ *:・゚
chris noel: @sheimagineddragons, @amortensie, @onceupon-a-decembr (but also knox, don't hurt me)
✧ *:・゚
mr. keating: @destourtereaux, @fortisfilia, @vostokovasmelina (who i keep forgetting in these cyms, kms, forgive me)
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