#clear & present danger
foone · 4 months
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A little bird told me (Actually I think it was @aliceavizandum on Kill James Bond) that there were floppies in Clear and Present Danger (1994). I'm not done scrolling the movie but I think this is all we see of them.
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geritsel · 3 months
Robert De Niro Talks trump
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Robert de Niro turns 81 this year. He still is everything Donald Trump is not; talented, intelligent, compassionate and – as far as I know – a man of a man of impeccable integrity.
Here’s Robert De Niro’s full statement about how Donald Trump should NEVER be president again:
“I’ve spent a lot of time studying bad men. I’ve examined their characteristics, their mannerisms, the utter banality of their cruelty.
Yet there’s something different about Donald Trump. When I look at him, I don’t see a bad man. Truly.
I see an evil one.
Over the years, I’ve met gangsters here and there. This guy tries to be one, but he can’t quite pull it off. There’s such a thing as “honor among thieves.” Yes, even criminals usually have a sense of right and wrong.
Whether they do the right thing or not is a different story — but — they have a moral code, however warped.
Donald Trump does not. He’s a wannabe tough guy with no morals or ethics. No sense of right or wrong. No regard for anyone but himself — not the people he was supposed to lead and protect, not the people he does business with, not the people who follow him, blindly and loyally, not even the people who consider themselves his “friends.” He has contempt for all of them.
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We New Yorkers got to know him over the years that he poisoned the atmosphere and littered our city with monuments to his ego. We knew first hand that this was someone who should never be considered for leadership. We tried to warn the world in 2016.
The repercussions of his turbulent presidency divided America and rattled New York City beyond imagination. Remember how we were jolted by crisis in early 2020, as a virus swept the world.
We lived with Donald Trump’s bombastic behavior every day on the national stage, and we suffered as we saw our neighbors piling up in body bags.
The man who was supposed to protect this country put it in peril, because of his recklessness and impulsiveness. It was like an abusive father ruling the family by fear and violent behavior. That was the consequence of New York’s warning getting ignored. Next time, we know it will be worse.
Make no mistake: the twice-impeached, 4-time indicted Donald Trump is still a fool. But we can’t let our fellow Americans write him off like one. Evil thrives in the shadow of dismissive mockery, which is why we must take the danger of Donald Trump very seriously.
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So today we issue another warning. From this place where Abraham Lincoln spoke — right here in the beating heart of New York — to the rest of America: This is our last chance.
Democracy won’t survive the return of a wannabe dictator. And it won’t overcome evil if we are divided.
So what do we do about it? I know I’m preaching to the choir here. What we’re doing today is valuable, but we have to take today into tomorrow – take it outside these walls. We have to reach out to the half of our country who have ignored the hazards of Trump and, for whatever reason, support elevating him back into the White House.
They’re not stupid, and we must not condemn them for making a stupid choice. Our future doesn’t just depend on us. It depends on them.
Let’s reach out to Trump’s followers with respect. Let’s not talk about “democracy.” “Democracy” may be our holy grail, but to others it is just a word, a concept, and in their embrace of Trump, they’ve already turned their backs on it.
Let’s talk about right and wrong. Let’s talk about humanity.
Let’s talk about kindness. Security for our world.
Safety for our families.
Let’s welcome them back.
We won’t get them all, but we can get enough to end the nightmare of Trump, and fulfill the mission of this “Stop Trump Summit.”
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For many Robert de Niro may be far too rich and far too Hollywood, but i consider this as straight from the heart. I love this man.
BTW... I have high regards for followers on Tumblr, some I consider as friends without ever having met them, but I completely understand those who get fed up with my political in betweens. I wish you all the best!
Geritsel (Let Donald Trump never ever become president again.)
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whumpneto · 8 months
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Whumptober 2023 - No. 4: “I see the danger, It’s written there in your eyes.” Cattle Prod | Shock | “You in there?”
Milo Ventimiglia as Peter Petrelli in Heroes (S03E14)
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tedrailmi · 4 months
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TED RAIMI in Clear and Present Danger (1994)
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renegadesstuff · 9 months
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Interrupted Caskett 🤭
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illiana-mystery · 9 months
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Got a fresh batch of pictures for you on this fine Wednesday.
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oxventurequotes · 5 months
johnny: i can't believe you're all forgetting that at night time space comes down to the ground in geth so you've all got personal oxygen supplies!
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fortunaegloria · 7 hours
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Harrison Ford as Jack Ryan in Patriot Games (1992) dir. Phillip Noyce (1/2)
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thefiresofpompeii · 2 years
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searched ‘page 48 stream of consciousness meaning’ ..obsessed with the way the final sentence of this explanation is phrased. like yeah man it sure is
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strawberry-seal77 · 2 months
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douglasbradburyverne · 3 months
How it feels when Republicans think they can just keep murdering LGBT kids and get away without any repercussions
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wisdomfish · 10 months
Jesus clearly points out that hell was prepared for the devil and his angels. Men only go there because they have willingly cast their lot with the devil and his angels.
David Guzik
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90smovies · 10 months
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chirpsythismorning · 7 months
☎️🎲 🤼‍♂️ ✈️🚪 ➡️ 🫀🎮⌛️
The Promise by When In Rome
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#byler#stranger things#bizarre love triangle playlist#mike wheeler#mike's pov#this song has so much going on i don't even know where to start#'when you need a friend don't look to a stranger. you know in the end i'll always be there'#feels very reminiscent of mike's insecurity at the end of s3 about will finding another party aka new friends aka a new best friend#angela might not have been who mike thought she was but that insecurity that will moved on from the party (mike) is still present#mostly because mike still doesn't know about will's true life in lenora (probably too scared to find out will is happier outside of hawkins#and so he wants to make clear to will that he's always going to be there#'and when you're in doubt. and when you're in danger. take a look all around. and i'll be there'#pretty self explanatory.#'when your day is through. and so is your temper. you know what to do. i'm gonna always be there'#even if will breaks down (s3/s4) and tells mike everything that he's feeling and it backfires#mike is always going to try to make it right (minus s3 blatantly... for angsty endgame reasons...)#'i'm sorry but i'm just thinking of the right words to say. i know they don't sound the way i planned them to be'#mike may not be the best with words in the moment#but that doesn't mean what he's feeling and thinking is foreign to him#he's constantly battling his feelings and how to communicate them. like that's the whole problem in and of itself#sometimes (usually) when mike's put on the spot he lashes out and then he has to overcorrect it#but will is really the one that mike makes the effort right after wronging him to promise they will get through it together#he might not be able to fully realize (accept) the implications of that right now...#but what the promise is telling us is is that no matter what they go through#mike will always see will in his future at the end of all of this#the ending of s3 was the promise hidden in the subtext of their friendship and s4 continues that#'i promise you. i promise you i will'#'we will. we will.'#4x04#gif
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a-a-a-anon · 1 month
kinsey scale but for rik and ade fans - between the two characters in their duo acts (richard dangerous/sir adrian dangerous, rick/vyvyan, kevin/keith, dreamytime escorts, richie rich/eddie catflap, colin/vim, richard richard/eddie hitler, richard twat/eddie ndingombaba, any i'm forgetting) who usually played your favorite (and yes pls reply with all your Thoughts if you want!!)
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ave09 · 11 months
Ooooh Jack Ryan needs some lovin’!!! Maybe a cute fic in which Jack Ryan and fem!Reader (who is a baker) are married and he comes home from a long overseas assignment to his wife missing him since it’s their wedding anniversary and she wasn’t sure if he’d be home in time to celebrate?
i’m trying to get as many requests written and uploaded as possible, if you submitted one i’m sorry for the wait but i PROMISE i will get it written and posted!
harrison ford!jack ryan x wife!reader
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you glanced at your watch again. 11:02 p.m.
the day was almost over, and yet, jack was not home.
you couldn’t be mad, of course, it was only a possibility he could return today, nothing was for sure. but you couldn’t help getting your hopes up. 
maybe, just maybe, he’d have been home in time to celebrate your wedding anniversary. you had kept yourself occupied all day, baking far too many pastries for you or even you and jack to ever eat. baking was your escape. when you were frustrated, you baked.
when you were happy, you baked.
when you were anxious, you baked.
when you were missing your husband who was away overseas, you baked.
it was your outlet, a good one at that.
and you’d spent the entire day baking, trying to distract yourself from the day, and trying to distract yourself from the fact that jack most likely wasn’t returning home today.
you let out a sigh, nestling into the armchair you found yourself curled up in. 
this was jack’s chair. the very chair he occupied almost all day whenever he had days off. he would read files, nap, cuddle with you. 
it was his spot, and it felt so strange to see it constantly empty in his absence.
oh, how you missed him.
you watched the minutes tick by, hoping he would walk through that door. 
but he never did.
as time crawled by, you found yourself overcome with exhaustion. slowly but surely, you slipped into unconsciousness, dreaming of your husband returning home to you…
— — —
that voice was familiar. very familiar. you stirred slightly, but remained most unconscious.
you felt a hand on you cheek, a thumb caressing the skin lightly, “oh darling, you weren’t crying, were you?”
now you knew you weren’t dreaming. you opened your eyes slightly, a blurry figure hovering over you. 
you blinked rapidly, your vision clearing as you caught sight of your husband’s handsome
face. “it’s me, darling.” you practically jumped awake, eyes widening as you threw your arms around his shoulders.
a deep chuckle came from him as he pulled you close, “i missed you too.” he whispered, burying his head in the crook of your neck. it had been months since you last saw him. 
“god jack, i don’t know if i can keep doing this.” you mumbled, tears obscuring your vision. 
“i know, darling, i know.”
he hated leaving you. but when he was called to serve his country, he had no choice.
“but i won’t have to leave for a long time.” you pulled away, confused. “what do you mean?”
“i mean, it’s our tenth anniversary. i talked to james, and i’m getting some time off.” 
“you heard me. time off. i’ve booked us a nice vacation at that cottage up in the mountains you love so much, a tenth anniversary is a big step, and i wanted to spend it with you. obviously my timing is a little off though but we make it work.” 
you glanced at the watch, a smile gracing your lips as you read the time. 11:59. you looked back at your husband, “you’re right on time.” 
you then kissed him, and it was just as magical as it had been at the alter all those years ago.
being married to a cia agent was tough, you’d worry constantly, wondering if he was going to make it home on time or even at all… 
but you had jack, and that’s all that mattered.
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