#crow Phil
foolbohalo · 6 months
Tubbos wings are white as snow with tips to represent the gold, the wings opposite as phil, Tubbos wings just growing in, phils old and damaged, tubbos wings grown to support his team, Phil's wings broken saving another team
Tubbo being mama bird to the golden geese
They are his little gooslings, his kids, Sunny's siblings, he will protect them as a good mum should
Phil is bolas's father, papa bird, he protected them and got them to FIGHT
Tubbo and Phil are yin and yang
You decide who is who
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plutopug · 9 months
I still have so many thoughts about q!Phil's imprisonment so I'll share them here. Most of this has probably been said already.
Phil is usually an overthinker. Like BBH, he's(rightfully) paranoid. He's usually very cautious and aware of his surroundings. He's so out of his mind with worry for his eggs he let himself be led to an obvious trap by the Federation. No second thoughts, just the thought of seeing his kids again lowered his guard enough to get him caught by who he's against the most on the island. He didn't even have any anger left when he realised what was happening. He just sounded so broken.
So what happens now that he's caught? I doubt he's coming back today. Back before people have even noticed he's missing? Not likely. I'm sure he'll stream Hardcore today and give people the chance to realize he's gone. My bets are on Fit, Tubbo, or Forever noticing first. Maybe Fit goes down to the bunker to check in on Phil to see how he's doing after finding only Chayanne's duckie in the maze. He could see the book and realise what had happened. Or Tubbo tries to find Phil to distract him with the avocado toast machine only to see he's nowhere to be found. Or Forever, going to thank Phil for helping save him, wondering why he hasn't seen the man who he could hear in his subconscious promising to scream at him every day until he wakes up.
It's likely it'll be a few streams before he's actually back. But maybe not.
But what if they do this to the other parents? Lead them away with promises to see their children again. Leaving only the childless people on the server. Leaving it up to them to save the parents and perhaps the eggs. Or maybe the eggs will come back before that. Leaving Chayanne and Tallulah to wonder where their father went. Knowing he would be there for their return if he was able. Seeing everyone else reunited with their parents, Phil nowhere in sight.
Let's also talk about Phil being a crow. He said before that they clipped his wings. Will he get his wings back? I know he said before that getting elytra would be useless on the server because of paragliders, but what if that's how they symbolise him getting his wings back? What if he molts while in the birdhouse and grows back his flight feathers? We all know he loves flying and being in high places (building his house on the wall, Uppies, using the paragliders whenever possible, the trident/pearl combo, the urge to get Bad's high up warps).
The Federation has obviously experimented with other birds, but he's the first crow. And not from the island originally. I don't think it's a coincidence that out of all the animal mods they have the crows disabled. I'm not sure how it's exactly related to the lore yet, but I'm sure it is. I'm also wondering if they'll enable them again because of this arc.
Anyway, I had more thoughts that I might add later but for now my brain is all scattered lol
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glowsticcc · 2 months
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it’s my sons birthday today tell him happy birthday or i’ll blow up this entire building
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sootsz · 8 months
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follow the amapolas. ignore the crow’s warning
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sketchy-noodles · 23 days
Spooky Scary Skeletons 💀
(Side note but thank you all so much for all the love on this series! I love rambling about these little guys I’m so happy to be able to share them with all of you! You guys rock!!!! ❤️)
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Transcript and Closeups below!
A guide by: Philza Minecraft
Physical Adaptations:
Undead crows brought to life!
Don’t need to eat, sleep or breathe
Weak to health potions (need harming/instant damage)
Allergic to sunlight
Behavioral Adaptations:
Often flock in large groups
Found everywhere!
“Nocturnal” (only come out at night)
Love collecting bones & other shinies
(Like to “accessorize”)
Friendly! Like to vibe and hang out!
Other Notes:
Tiny tails!
Skele Bois!
General Notes:
Same As Skeleton crows but more aggressive.
Neat in Nether Fortresses
Not allergic to sunlight
Withering (approach with EXTREME caution!!!)
Smell like coal and charred bones
Found only in the Nether
Other Notes:
NOT Friends!
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isaac031 · 7 months
I feel like philza would not apologise about his instincts.
Like he makes a nest instead of a bed? He does, thank you for noticing. No, it's not weird or childish, what the fuck are you talking about? I'm a crow.
He perches when there's a meeting or public gathering? Yeah, he's gotta make sure they're fine. It's not weird or creepy to watch over the people you care about, they actually feel safe when I look out for them.
Yes, I'm fluffing up my feathers and waging my tail, because my husband just gave me a kiss. I can't really control it, but can you control your face blushing? It's not weird or whatever. If you want me to feel bad it won't work. I'm a crow. I do stuff crows do. I'm not gonna apologise for something that's hurting noone.
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antimony-medusa · 4 months
*I emerge from scrolling tags to avoid writing an essay about learning styles, staring madly and with my hair torn out of my head*
okay so btw, Phil is the top requested QSMP character for the exchanges I run, usually followed by Chayanne (and then spiderbit/parrot duo, usually only like one or two votes behind).
Pissa is the 7th most popular QSMP ship, with 299 fics of this writing, and Phil & Chayanne is the 10th most popular ship, with 265 fics. Phil is the single most popular QSMP character on Ao3, tagged in 2,354 fics.
Speaking as someone who regularly goes into both the Phil and the Etoiles tags to queue art, Phil has tons of awesome art. People liveblog his lore streams. I personally saw the Cellbit discord doing a primer on his hardcore lore the other day because someone had the theory that it was going to be applicable to general QSMP lore. If I see a cool moment on stream, I can open up the tag six hours later and there's art of it.
Do you know how many fandoms would absolutely kill for that?
Phil is not sidelined by the fandom. He is doing FINE. That is the opposite of the problem we are having, we are having the problem where Phil is popular enough that people show up to other people's lore like "let me make this about my guy" and I scream and claw my face and apologize for them. We are having the problem where while MOST people in the tag are well behaved, just by laws of percentages, even a very small portion of the fandom acting badly makes fans of other characters clutch their blorbos to their chest and mutter darkly about "phil fans".
It might seem a little less if you're used to DSMP at its peak, but I assure you, DSMP at its peak was a megafandom. We are a healthy midsized-to-large fandoms and Phil is one of the big characters. I promise you.
Let me put this in DSMP terms. Phil crows? We are the inniters of QSMP. We are doing FINE. I assure you. Trust me.
Do I agree with the characterization everyone is bringing to the table for my blorbo? No. Popular characters get misrepresented. Is every fic in the tag a masterpiece? No. Baby writers get to have fun too. Do I sometimes go "aw I'd love to see more art of phil and [x] because I love their dynamic"? Yes. The nature of being human is to want more of your blorbo and for your takes about your blorbo to reign supreme.
But if you were kind of going "I want to see more of my blorbo :(" and thinking that represented that the fandom was not paying attention to the blorbo, I assure you, I've run the numbers, Phil is not being sidelined.
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Something about this just got to me
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It's just so freaking sweet how Empanada just... came to visit? Like, she saw Phil was online and Phil was able to see her come out of her house, take a boat and just let herself in to tell him something ;v;
Idk I just love the little community growing around Phil, they all trust him so much and feel comfortable letting themselves into his space cause they know he's safe.
Even Mouse apologizing for ruining his view and him being like "nah, I'll just terraform it for u" LIKE ;;;A;;;
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rayven81194 · 5 months
Do you guys think that Phil and Missa hold hands while sleeping like otters do in the hopes that when they awake, the other will still be holding their hand, regardless of if they are awake or not, and how disappointed they get when they find the other has drifted away, despite all they’ve done to stay together
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notsogoodangel · 6 months
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Well, people seemed to like my Martyn-QSMP Au, so I'm here to share more. Have some Martyn-absolutely-going-into-Morning-Crew-time-slot, Martyn and Phil tapping into their roots as *shivers* Northerners, a possible Forever-Martyn meeting, the Miku-on-Miku communication and a bonus I developed before this AU which is why he doesn't have his feathers.
Also, please suggest ideas on how to name this AU/tag.
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tomfrogisblue · 6 months
I personally love cc!Phil's approach to lore.
When it's for Chay or Lula, he's completely serious, looking after them and helping them through their trauma and insecurities.
For everyone else's lore, he'll be serious for them and gently make fun when it's appropriate.
BUT WHEN IT'S HIS LORE, he'll say some shit that he KNOWS will make the chat cry, then he'll mute the qsmp mic and laugh so hard that he dissappears from frame!!
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princess-lnfinity · 6 months
*Taps Mic*
When Phil goes into Lore Mode he cuts off his camera and fully jumps into character. He uses his voice to its full potential and I LOVE it.
You can hear the wonder in his voice when he first saw the shrine Rose made. The desperation when he was begging for his eggs back in the birdhouse is brutal. The sadness is clear as day in his tone when he came back and couldn't find his children. And don't get me started on the uneven laughs and sighs that happen when he tries to steal himself. Or tries to get himself happy again.
But when he's angry?
Unless he's already in lore mode, there's no need to turn off his camera. No no no my friends. The Angel of Death can slip into anger quite easily.
You hear that quiver in his voice. Be mindful that it's not from fright. It's purely from him holding back. His tone is sharper and cuts right to the point. You see him lean closer to the mic at times to make his point known. He takes big breaths to calm his nerves or release some of the anger.
Listen, I can go on and on, but I won't. Just know that I love his acting, planned or not. Even if the anger he usually feels when dealing with loved ones is NOT USUALLY ACTING AT ALL!
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eekonis · 1 year
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funkily · 6 months
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philza (dream smp) stimboard for @sundappledmoss ! with themes of crows , skies , and nature !
art by wolfythewitch !
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blockgamepirate · 9 months
I don't know about the Federation hating bird people, what if it's more like them liking bird people but in all the worst ways?
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cosmic-d1ce · 1 year
q!phil being completely unaware of how much he knows and how important and dangerous that knowledge could be
i know its fourth wall breaking but thats so fun for a character, he knows things the other characters dont because he isnt just a character, he knows that when eggs are acting weird, theyre someone else. He knows cucurucho and the binary thing and the eggs are all part of the same group
If he breaks the fourth wall in front of Cellbit he's going to have so many questions to answer
"wdym chayanne isnt here today bc of cucurucho what did cucurucho do??"
"oh no its just- yk- chayanne is cucurucho today"
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