#cw medical diet
oliveasaltylife · 7 months
[malnutrition, food, medical diet, weight discussion]
My entire body hurts so bad today and I am so exhausted despite having like 10 hours of sleep. My body and nervous system are so overwhelmed from malnutrition on top of my usual complex chronic illness stuff and it is seriously difficult to come out of it. The intense fight or flight response that I’ve been in for months feels never ending and nothing has really been able to calm me down. I was always aware of physical effects of malnutrition, but my level or anxiety is higher than I’ve ever experienced and my dissociation threshold feels nonexistent. And the worst part is knowing that food will help, but if I overdo it I’ll end up in the hospital again with significantly worse symptoms.
I’ve unintentionally lost so much weight over the past few months because I haven’t been able to eat normally and I don’t tolerate my Soylent meal replacement shakes anymore. It’s quite scary watching my body change like it is and that definitely confounds my anxiety. I’m really glad my pcp was able to get me a prescription for a meal replacement shake because I really don’t want a feeding tube and am doing everything that I can to avoid one. I just really miss food and making meals, which is making my medical diet more difficult. (It helps knowing I absolutely can not tolerate the pizza I really want, but it’s just hard restricting myself so much).
And it’s so fucking difficult to actually hydrate myself and stay hydrated even *with* IV hydration. I am really so miserable and in so much pain and so nauseous.
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aurorashard · 5 months
So I have a new egg allergy, and it's all a bit overwhelming! I'm sure there is a Tumblr community for food allergy sufferers; anyone have any good resources? Thank you!
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squidong · 8 months
I saw someone insisting ADHD never impacts anyone’s dietary habits, and now I’m curious what people actually experience.
This is about things like skipping meals because you don’t realize you’re hungry, or snacking even though you’re stuffed because you hope the food will give you the boost you need to get this one task finished.
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creepyscritches · 8 months
Listening to some old Sawbones and hello I had no idea a few years ago tiktok was eating mountains of papaya seeds to get rid of invisible parasites
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lastoneout · 9 months
Major tw for weight loss, diet culture, and medical fatphobia below.
So apparently I've lost 14lbs since February and I'm really struggling with how to feel about it...bcs like the part of my brain that has been poisoned by systemic fatphobia and diet culture is happy which sucks, and another part of me is kinda satisfied bcs my shitty neurologist is convinced losing weight will fix my migraines and intracranial hypertension and so far that does not seem to be the case, so like idk maybe when I go back she'll actually take me seriously and start looking at alternative treatment options, which would be a nice change of pace.
But I'm also like a little worried about how fast I'm losing weight?? I mean I have started to get more sleep for the first time in years, and I've changed what I eat significantly cuz of my gluten issues and such, but I'm not starving myself and I still eat plenty of "unhealthy" food(and I haven't been exercising at all cuz of the heat), and I don't think getting sleep would lead to this dramatic of a change either...and like a lot of that weight has been lost in the last month and a half which seems really fast???
Like I've been told a pound a week is normal, but I doubt that bcs I know how bs weight science is bs, and like, I've lost 4lbs in the last 3 weeks and that just seems like it's too fast?? And I know rapid weight loss is usually a sign something is Wrong, but I doubt my doctors are going to take any concerns seriously since they want me to lose weight and I haven't even hit the weight they want me to be at yet(130lbs which also seems a bit low for an adult woman to me!!) and idk I'm worried if I do get that low and keep going they're just gonna ignore it and act like it's a good thing and ahhhh I don't like that.
Anyway I don't have another doctor's appointment for a bit and I refuse to have a scale in my house at all so for now I guess I just gotta see what happens, but if I do go in to any of my later appointments and find out I've lost another 4-5lbs I'm going to actually start to worry. Like maybe my actual natural weight is lower than what it's been and I'm returning to it now that I'm eating food that isn't fucking up my stomach and I'm actually getting enough sleep every night, but idk I just don't think that kind of loss is normal.
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venndaai · 1 year
digestion problems are continuing. haven't really dealt with chronic physical crappiness like this before (like, this level of constancy, as opposed to intermittant attacks), and tbh it's just reminding me of the ol' chronic mental illness experience. the "I am going to go to sleep feeling bad and wake up feeling bad and it's just going to continue" vibe. it's got me feeling... well, depressed.
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valdiis · 2 months
Eating is beneficial. I should do it.
So I was put on a new and wildly popular medication recently because I'm showing all the signs of teetering on the edge of full-blown diabetes and I'm tremendously overweight. I've managed to lose about ten percent of my body weight through diet alone - though it took me a year - but the doc thinks that this med to control my A1C/blood sugar and weight is a good plan.
I took my first shot yesterday. Everyone who's on it talks about how it "quiets the food noise" and I scoffed at that because I don't think I have "food noise." I don't think about food all the time; hell, I forget to eat sometimes.
But this stuff? Holy shit. I haven't eaten enough calories for the day yet and I'm not ravenous. I'm not going "dang, I should eat more for dinner." Like, the hunger signal just ain't there. I am staring at a cup of chocolate milk with protein powder mixed in that I can't finish because I'm just not hungry. It's a bit scary - because I truly do need to eat at least 1,200 calories a day for health reasons. I'm a little wigged out, and I have nowhere to talk about it, so I guess this is a little shout into the void.
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mercuryholixx · 1 year
Again it's about that time where I see absolutely horrendous takes about diet culture! By far the worst one I've heard so far is "The medical industry makes money off of fat people because fat people are so much more likely to need medication which pharmaceutical companies profit off! So not being fat is helping fight a corrupt medical and pharmaceutical industry!!!"
Lmao??? Okay then genius
Tell me why literally every fat person I've ever talked to has had the experience of going to the doctor and no matter what concern they have the response is always to "lose weight?" Even if the concern isn't weight related??? If being fat were so profitable why would they push weight loss?
Tell me why the medical establishment aggressively pushes "weight loss procedures" with an astronomically high rate of both failures and life-threatening consequences even if the person being shilled to has no other conditions?
Tell me why this is the case when the medical literature over the past decade shows overwhelmingly that not only is being fat not detrimental to your health in any way, but that being a so-called "healthy weight" is more dangerous to you than being "overweight" and that any attempts to reduce one's weight have the exact same negative health outcomes as people so desperately try to attribute to being fat?
The pharmaceutical industry doesn't want you to be fat. The pharmaceutical industry wants you to be thin and sickly and suffering and miserable. Attributing all the negative health outcomes to "being fat" instead of the real reasons is how they convince you to do it, and then they peddle you medications, which you buy, you use, you get sicker, and guess what? You line their pockets twofold
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gattmammon · 6 months
Interactions with my mom are hilarious.
Her: "Ask your doctor if he can put you on a ketogenic diet for 20 days I'll send you the link."
Me: "No."
Me: "Mom I just said no".
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aurorashard · 5 months
So my allergy results came back and I'm not allergic to peanuts/walnuts/pecans. That's good.
However! I won the fucking genetic lottery again and have a rare allergy to egg yolks! The poor nurse who called to tell me hah. I was just sitting there on the phone trying to process this and bless her, I just said "well fuck me running... Shoot sorry. This is a lot." She was nice about it but god. I don't. Don't even know where to start. I'll have a good cry, call the dietitian they recommended and then I guess get a box and start going through the cupboards.
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christinaroseandrews · 9 months
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Relevant to my life right now...
What I wouldn't give for a carrot or an apple.
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squishmelo · 4 months
Not sure how much/if any cheese I'm allowed to eat on this medical diet and I just want to cry about it a lot
Like a lot
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venndaai · 11 months
"must be a nice problem to have" is an appropriate comment in very limited situations, and "I'm trying to get more calories into my restricted-by-health-problems diet" is very much not one of them
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lastoneout · 9 months
CW: weight loss, medical fatphobia, medical stuff in general, diet culture, disordered eating, brief mention of suicidal thoughts
Honestly, as much as I hate finding any joy in losing weight bcs it gives me like, really bad disordered eating thoughts, I'm actually feeling kinda validated that I've lost weight despite not changing much about the way I live outside of getting enough sleep and not eating stuff that I'm probably allergic to bcs it proves to me that my doctors were fucking idiots and it has NEVER been about how much "junk" food I've been eating or how often I've been exercising.
Like I was looking back on it to try to figure out if anything has changed that would make me lose weight like this and I'm pretty sure it's legit JUST bcs I finally found something that helps me get enough sleep at night. That's basically the only thing that's fundamentally changed in the last two months. And none of my doctors even THOUGHT to bring that up when they were giving me horrid weight loss advice like "don't eat fruit bcs it's sweet" and "you don't really need three meals a day" and "have your food on smaller plates to trick your brain into thinking you're full" and "intermittent fasting is totally fine and good actually" like NONE of that would have, or did, do fucking anything for me. All I really needed was to finally get enough sleep and stop eating gluten. That was it.
It's just like, I have been screaming at every single one of my doctors all fucking year that I have debilitating insomnia that I am 100% sure is making ALL of my health problems WAY fucking worse, and if they want me to actually put in the effort to exercise and "eat better" and all that shit then I need something to help me sleep, but it was like talking to a brick fucking wall!! No matter how much I insisted not sleeping was destroying my life and body they were like "well sleeping meds are bad for you actually :/" and "you just gotta go to therapy" and "exercise will help" and "don't take naps" while I was borderline suicidal bcs of how little sleep I was getting and the migraines it caused and ending up in the ER constantly and shit, like FUCK. And wow, now that I've taken matters into my own hands and found something to help me sleep I'm actually seeing a drastic improvement in my overall health and wellbeing!! WHO COULD HAVE THOUGHT???
Legit it makes me so angry I could scream.
I also don't think that weight loss has completely fixed my actual health issues like they said it would, it's sleeping that's helping and all that's doing is making life more bearable, I know it can't fix me, so like, feeling REALLY fucking vindicated rn. And pissed. Mostly pissed.
Anyway I'm gonna go play a violent video game and hope that makes me feel better.
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coffee-bat · 11 months
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mercuryholixx · 1 year
If this new "ozempic" drug gets widespread enough and gets enough people claiming that it works, then we could be in the end stages of fat erasure
Everyone should be bracing themselves because if the doctors can push that it works well enough then fatphobia and hatred against fat people will skyrocket
This isn't gonna end well
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