#dabbling in the arts of 3D stuff
sludgeguzzler · 4 months
baby steps, baby steps... <- going back into drawing
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dogtoling · 11 months
What is art fight? Do all you artists just. Punch in face
ok it's slightly better than that. As a quick introduction, Art Fight is a website with a yearly event that takes place every year in July. Very simply put, you make an account there, upload whatever OCs you have and want to display on there, and then just sit and wait around until July pops up. A week or so before the event starts, there is a theme reveal (this year the teams are Vampire and Werewolf), and people may choose a team to join, or be randomly assigned to a team after the event starts.
For the event itself, the objective is to "attack" artists that are on the opposing team by drawing their OCs. Attacking people on the other team nets your team points, which are tallied at the end of the event. But to be honest I feel like no one cares about which team actually wins. That might be "the objective", but really the objective is doing gift art and trades largely with strangers on the internet and making their day, and maybe getting surprise art in return!
When you attack someone, people might attack you back by drawing your OC, which begins something called a revenge chain! So that's when you're doing art trades (for people who have never heard the term art trade before because i've realized deviantart isn't hip or mainstream anymore, an art trade is an occasion where two artists draw a thing for each other). Not everyone does revenges though and ESPECIALLY not chains, so the main draw of the event is gift art. In general expecting stuff back tends to set people up for disappointment, especially if attacking the same team. Drawing OCs from your own team counts as "friendly fire", and while your team still gets points for it, you get DRAMATICALLY less points than you would for drawing for the opposing team. Either way it is a thing that you CAN still do.
The amount of points you get from an attack depends on the medium (which include stuff that isn't just drawing!), level of finish and polish, the general complexity of the art, the amount of characters in the piece et cetera. You determine these categories yourself while posting your attack, so it can be a bit daunting if you're not sure on things.
Art Fight recently introduced tag search, which lets you tag your OCs with specific tags (for example, "splatoon", "furry", "pokemon" or whatever) and search for characters with those same tags if you have preferences on what you want to draw. It also has some nifty other things, like the ability to customize your profile sometimes to insane degrees if you want, the ability to set permissions for characters (what people are and are not allowed to do with them), a storage for hiding characters if you want to retire them for a specific year but don't want to delete and re-add them later, the ability to link stuff to character profiles such as their toyhouse or full reference sheets, fields for crediting artists for the design or art if you got it from somebody else... et cetera. It also has some achievements, if you're into that kind of stuff.
The barrier of entry is really kind of low and the event is very versatile - you can go the whole fight making pixel sprite attacks, you can do 3D models, you can do halfbodies, you could even just do sketches and call it a day and that's all very valid and usually always fun. Personally I find Art Fight really fun because not only do you get to pick characters to draw that you might never have seen otherwise, but also have a completely good excuse to draw other people's characters and make their day. I usually spend a lot of Art Fight trying out different art styles and dabbling in stuff I normally do less, and don't have much motivation to do with my own characters - for example, last year I did digital art, painting, pixel sprites, pixel animation, 3D modeling and 3D animation and yeah I wouldn't have done any of those without the Art Fight excuse of "yeah why not draw this guy's OC". So it's also a really good way to step out of what you usually do with your art, and try different styles or mediums just to see what it's about.
And of course, the most important tidbit: the site is always, and I mean always, EVERY year, down at the start of the event. Every year the first week of Art Fight the site is completely unusable. The good news is, you can join Art Fight even in the middle of the event, and joining the site doesn't require you to partake in every upcoming Art Fight or even to pick a team. You can simply spectate and not partake one year, then come back the next and pick a team. TL;DR it's fun.
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spicymedicmain · 9 months
Yo, I'm a 24 year old, Swedish artist/gamer who's brainrotting about TF2. I also dabble in 3D sculpting but it's nothing I post about lmao.
My ask is (probably) open rn as I love discussing stuff and seeing what asinine stuff ends up in there.
I don't do commissions... However:
Asks/comments on my posts that inspire me might provoke art. Requests are also fine, but then specify whether you're asking for sfw/nsfw art. I promise nothing though. They have to tickle my brain enough to get drawn.
You will be seeing suggestive jokes and watered down adult humor on my blog. Exposed body parts (not the reproductive ones) roam freely and may be encountered in the wild. If you cannot handle suddenly seeing ⅔ of an exposed thigh or the digital rendition of someone's behind then do not proceed.
You have the personal responsibility to moderate your own internet experience. Begone if you cannot do that.
Minors may, at their own volition, follow/interact with my posts here. All pictures are censored.
🖌Art tag: #i drew this wow
⛔ Minors don't enter, please and thank you. ⛔
Favorite ships:
Boots n' Bombs (Demosoldier)
Red Octoberfest (Heavymedic)
Speeding Bullet (Sniperscout)
Bloody Suit (Sniperspy)
Practical Espionage (Engiespy)
Spy x Scout's mom
I enjoy others too, but these are the big ones.
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shock-micro · 4 months
Hi, I'm Mira! I'm a silly gay robot on the internet. "How," you might be wondering- don't worry! I have a two greek letter answer for you: θΔ. I'm also transfem, if you couldn't already tell by the trans flag in my profile picture.
I used to do Minecraft stuff, trying to make the game live up to its visual potential while staying within the confines of the vanilla game's engine, but now I'm kinda just burnt out of the game as a whole. Oh well! Now I just generally like looking into the visual and game design of various games.
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My interests are mostly gaming-related, but I've tried to dabble in art occasionally. I like all sorts of games, like Pokémon, Minecraft, Celeste, Hollow Knight, Rain World, Risk of Rain, Ultrakill and probably even more that I'm missing, and definitely more after this post is made.
Feel free to send me asks whether we're mutuals or not!
I do have a sona, designed by a good friend of mine, @quantumpickle! I don't quite have a reference sheet, but I don't really care if you get it inaccurate- I love seeing how different people interpret the design. Whatever you do, though, don't forget the body fat- it's a reflection of who I am, at the end of the day. If you want a good picture of what I look like, look at Pickle's amazing work:
My posts are mostly reblogs, but I always end each session of scrolling with a post of my own, to know where to end next time I log on. I try as best I can to keep this account safe for work in both reblogs and original posts, though I am an adult. I will say something if this ever changes.
I am plural, sharing a body with a rabbit girl named Moon. She doesn't have her own sona yet, having recently (as of this post) decided to no longer associate herself with the character that first helped her manifest. You'll know it's her- she uses blue-colored text, and I typically don't type in proper grammar on Tumblr.
Hello, all! It's Moon- I'm not typically around as much as Mira, but it's always a pleasure when I can be~
I do have a partner, and I will always talk about them given the opportunity, but I carry a certain form of love for all of my close friends. The people I know mean a lot to me.
I love the simple things in life, from food, to nature, to the contrast of light and dark in both a literal and literary sense. I often find myself overwhelmed by everything that goes on in the world, but I find comfort in knowing the bad stuff is only a few bad people out of a beautifully diverse species.
If you couldn't tell, I generally prefer looking on the bright side and finding something to love about things rather than staying miserable all of the time. I don't get out much, and so I'd much rather give people that light to hold onto than spread the same old bleak story that you've heard from countless other people, regardless of how important it is to share. Change is built on hope, after all.
Normally people put a DNI in their bio or their pinned post, but I don't really care to do that. If you're a bitch, I'll block and move on. I don't care how you use a label, or where the other folks in your head came from, or whatever other queer-adjacent drama is the hot topic, I accept you regardless. I'm ace, I still love my partner, I can love anyone, I use it/its pronouns, I'm robokin, I've got another goober in my head whose origins are unknown, do you really think I'd hate you for being you?
That's actually an important point- even if I do think something someone's done is unforgivable, I believe that bad people are still people. In some ways, that makes things better, they have lives outside of what they commit, but it also makes things worse when you realize someone woke up and actively chose to perpetuate genocide. Some people are genuinely that bad, others are just misguided and can be helped. Ultimately, it's not my job to "save" anyone. I just try to provide a light of kindness when I can.
Wow, that was long-winded for a post that's just supposed to describe me. I suppose that's in-character for me, though. Agree with me or not, I don't really care, as long as you're respectful. I hope you've found this post helpful in understanding who I am as a person, long-winded as it is. Have a good one, whoever and wherever you are.
...now how do I pin this?
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velnna · 7 months
How long have you been drawing for? What has your art journey been like? You’re very talented and i am so curious O.o
I've been drawing all my life pretty much (so.. 20+ years haha). My journey has been mostly in STEM (dabbled in software engineering and physics, a little in the 3D animation pipeline as well). Started working part time as an artist in 2019 and went full time in 2023, still trying to figure out if it was a good decision haha
For the vast majority of my life I've just drawn stuff I liked in my free time, then started trying out comics (because my main passion was writing for a long time), one thing led to the other and I'm still very much learning
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pshattuck · 7 months
Hello everyone so this is going to be a pretty big blog about the upcoming future of my life as a artist. So to try to shave off some time I will be copying and pasting the Twitter thread I made to here.
Startiiiing now:
“Hey everyone I got another update for you and it’s probably gonna sound like “she’s changing shit again” but I feel like a lot has been going on in my life and a lot of it is changing too and I think I discovered something about me and my artwork that I feel like is important.
The reason I started pumping out content before this new job I got was well after I lost my old caregiving job YouTube and commissions were my only source of income for the last 6 month and I honestly was making enough for bills at that point it was my family keeping me afloat.
So yeah, life was not kind to me and I got.. well extremely depressed. I kept applying and no one was accepted them the one job I wanted I did not get and I was lucky to just get by. My brain all the time for the past few months kept saying I was a failure Until I got lucky.
I just got done with shadowing and orientation and I’m now officially working at a job that yeah can be stressful but I fully enjoy. I’m feeling happy and I’m finally healing from this dark cloud that’s following me. And with this month coming to an end I realized something.
Growing up my art was the one thing that kept me happy it was my happiness from real life issues and it got me to meet the love of my life along with great people in online community’s. However, the more it became a stressor to live off my art… the less it made me happy.
Not to mention the reason I shared my art to begin with because even if it was cringe or my art was not the best in the past … I always loved to see people enjoy it. It killed me to ask people to give me money to draw for them. It’s just not me.
I allowed a online algorithm, and a few words from a small handful of people to make me second guess what I loved to do, I allowed money to make me decide what I should work on…I realized I secretly hated myself for it.
This new opportunity in my life is why I’m writing what I am today and it’s my own choices and it’s one I’m actually happy with.
Everything I draw will be free to view I’m going to build it up on Tapas and Tumblr just for the multiple image support plus they have better age restriction on there platforms because I’m a adult and do want to dabble in NSFW stuff.
The one animation I have on sale in my store I will be making it free to view. For the amazing person who did buy the pack I will be dming them so once my paycheck comes, they will be refunded.
And now for the big thing.
The next few months I will be saving my own money and working on Concept Art for the next few months along with working on comics because by next year I want to work and pay people to help me bring my comics to life as animated projects.
The first project will more then likely be Jackie’s Everyday Adventure because it has the least amount of characters and backgrounds and will dabble in the form of 3D animation. This will be a strictly animated series with some rewrites from the original comic version.
Homebrew… is honestly the biggest project since there is over 30 chapters and I’m not even halfway done writing scripts. I won’t Even considering working on animating that until at least chapter 10 is out.
Everything else will be explained over on Tumblr that will be where I blog about my projects since there’s not as tiny of a character limit on there. Thank you all for reading this and I will link the full update on Tumblr and I will share a link to it on here.”
And now here we are on Tumblr!
The only thing I will be keeping for any financial support will be Ko-fi but that’s only if people want to, I’m not going to have anything locked behind a pay wall.
Commissions will no longer be open because I will just be doing art trades or request. Since my new job is full time I don’t need to worry about the stress of not finishing something quickly.
Physical print books are still gonna be a thing however not for a long while. Since my old client liked my original books ill be printing a small handful of copies of them so I can give them to her to read at the nursing home. And leftover copies will be for contest prizes.
YouTube on the other hand… I’m going to be honest I’m not sure if I truly will bring back Pshattuckproductions. The most fun I have had with YouTube was building up lunar comics. I will honestly be focusing on that channel in terms of any uploads.
So far this is all for now. So see you soon everyone.
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citrucee · 5 months
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pinned :)
hi, call me peach!
i’m an OC artist working on my own setting. i mainly do digital art, but have dabbled in 3D modeling, game dev, web dev, writing, conlanging, and pixel art.
though expect mostly my digital art here, i get shy about posting a lot of the other stuff
also i make a LOT of text posts and reblogs. my art tag is #citruart in case you wanna filter through all of that!
for CWs: i draw a lot of characters smoking and drinking. a lot of my personal art deals with BPD, general mental health stuff, and self harm. i’ll tag all that stuff though!
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maemele · 5 months
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...I'm Mae! I'm a queer artist who experiments with numerous different art mediums. These mediums include (but aren't limited to) 3d modelling, digital painting, and, most commonly, line art akin to what is being shown here. I admittedly don't create stuff as frequently as I probably should, but I hope to find new people to share my artistic journey with!
I have a very strong interest in a lot of aspects of computing. Particularly, I've dabbled quite a bit in software development. I have a lot of ideas going through my head, maybe one of these days I'll have something related to that to share here!
As you'd expect from this, I'm really big on pretty much all things gaming, I'm a major Nintendo nerd, especially. Expect me to be reblogging a lot of things in relation to that particular interest.
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practically-an-x-man · 3 months
Pippa has given your OCs coupons for a free art class at the community art school she works at! What kind of art do your OCs make, and how well do they do?
Ooooh good question!! Thank you!
Rae: I'm not sure, honestly. It's not that she isn't creative, but she's more into the language side of things than the art side. Though she might actually enjoy a dance class of some kind, especially since body control and coordination will help her out on missions.
Robin: Maybe sewing or making clothing? I could see her making her own sundress or something, even embroidering music notes or something on it, and it would come in handy when there's a costume emergency at the theater
Madison: already practices whittling/woodcarving, but maybe she'd like to pick up a few more technical skills while she has the chance. She does well, though she annoys the instructor because some of her techniques are very much NOT the way she's supposed to have been taught.
Ophelia: Computer modeling or 3D design. She's not really a pure-artsy person, but she's good at visualization and proportions from engineering, and learning how to model things will be useful for 3D printing or other projects of hers
Jasper: Clothing art, like learning how to tailor and upcycle their own clothing. It's something they've wanted to experiment more with.
Katherine: I mean, she's dabbled in all sorts of stuff as an artist herself, so she'll probably just pick whatever medium she hasn't tried out before and see how she likes it.
Kestrel: Takes a classic drawing class, just pencil and paper. They like sketching, and it'll be better for rendering out new magical creatures for their field notes
Quinn: Graffiti - she's already worked with it before, but it'll be nice to have a blank stretch of wall and a variety of colors to work with
Eris: Look, nobody wants to be in a class with Eris, nobody wants to teach a class with Eris, and Eris doesn't want to be in a class with anybody else. If Pippa gives the coupon to Rick then maybe he can persuade them into a swing dancing class with him, but Eris alone would probably end up cashing it in for a metalworking class, realizing they're making sculptures instead of weapons, making a weapon anyway, and getting kicked out with an armed escort.
Nikoletta: Tattoo design - she's been wanting to channel her shadow-touch into something more positive, but she's got to develop the art style before she can start applying it.
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chipped-chimera · 6 months
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Hey I'm Kery! Welcome to my main personal blog where I ramble about modding, corral my reblogs and post WIPs. I'm the most active on here, but if you want to check out my art-only blog, you can find it @kerynean .
I'm a 30 y/o Australian cisgender gal, though I originally came from New Zealand. I'm neurodiverse (the Autism/ADHD combo) and I consider myself to be disabled, Lesbian and femme-aligned NB (though I'd say autigender if I'm gonna split hairs, non-binary is just easier). I'm still figuring out where I am in terms of Lesbian identity (late bloomer over here) but if I were to hazard a guess it'd be soft butch/chapstick-lesbian/stem? I'll get back to you on that one, lol.
I'm pretty creative, I dabble in digital art and sometimes photography, both real and virtual and I've been writing fiction stories since I was a kid who was obsessed with books (though I tend to read more fanfic these days, oops). I like to write original fiction but I tend to get way too into the world building side of things, I like figuring out the setting and lore, environment etc. (I'd probably make a good DM, ngl) Outside that I do think I have a missed calling as a tattoo artist that I probably won't get to fulfil in this lifetime, so instead I design them for characters and make OC tattoo mods for videogames. I'd love to get more tattoos irl!
I am a big Gamer Girl(TM), I orignally was studying in game design before life shit got in the way of that. I find game systems really interesting, and do get a kick out of figuring out how they work - so modding has kind of been a natural evolution of this - you can check out what I've been messing around with under #my modding. My preferred platform is PC, I know how to build them (though I rarely get to) but recently upgraded my PC to be a souped up bonus room heater with funky lights so I can do more shit with 3D art (and gaming stuff ofc is a bonus lol).
Favourite Games/Series: Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed (Odyssey + Valhalla specifically, but I do actually follow the meta narrative), Dragon Age, Cyberpunk 2077, The Witcher (yes I have played all of them), Crusader Kings III, Planet Zoo, Animal Crossing, FFXIV, Ark: Survival Evolved, Guild Wars 2 ... and more! You can find my steam profile here.
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kimquatz · 7 months
it's been a while since i got to send an ask! Perhaps 7, 10 and 26? ❤
(#10 was answered here, and #26 was answered here)
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate?
oh man, all sorts of stuff. I am SUPER fascinated by 3d modeling (whether it be digital or real life sculpting), oil painting, and also sewing. I've dabbled in a couple of these already before, but I hope to have more time in the future to explore these other mediums more! >:^j
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vixen-music · 8 months
Welcome to Chaos.
Well, hello there! Didn't expect to see you around!
My name is Eryn, or VixenMusic, a transfem furry who likes writing stories, composing music, playing video games or nerding out over video games/military stuff hailing from Ontario, Canada! I also tend to dabble in 3D modelling (I’ve made a few Sonic Screwdriver designs :P) and I’m beginning to try to get into digital art.
Bold italics means main Tumblr fixations!
Cult of the Lamb
Fallen London
Doctor Who
Military, mainly Canadian
Hollow Knight
You are not welcome on my pages if you fall under one or more of the following (you will be blocked and/or reported):
Suspicious profiles (default theme, unchanged/suggestive/outright NSFW icon, default banner)
Negative relations with friends
Part of a community I am trying to distance myself from
Supporter of anyone who falls in any of the above categories
Give 'em a follow for more Vixen shit!
@tales-from-the-neath (My FL character blog) (CURRENTLY ON HIATUS!)
@chrysor-and-holy-fire (My COTL Lamb/Cookie Run OC blog)
@the-26th-doctor (My Doctor Who character blog)
@the-broken-knight (Hollow Knight shit)
Asks are welcome, but to keep things easy for me I've laid out some rules:
Don't ask for art. I'm not an artist. I will not answer. And even if I was an artist, that wouldn't fly unless I specifically posted.
Be respectful. The VixVerse is meant to be kind and welcoming.
Don't be weird. If myself and/or others feel uncomfortable, I won't answer the Ask and you might find yourself blocked.
If you want to send in an Ask, go ahead! You can address it to myself or my Cast of characters! (For Asks towards my FL characters, go to @tales-from-the-neath. For Asks towards Chrysor or Holy Fire Cookie, go to @chrysor-and-holy-fire. Asks intended for Twenty-Six should be directed to @the-26th-doctor. Anything towards the Broken Knight should be directed towards @the-broken-knight)
I tag things - usually!
#fallen london - for things related to, well, Fallen London!
#cult of the lamb - COTL shit
#vixen rambles - Shitposts or other non-fandom posts
#vixen update - Important stuff regarding me!
#vixen rants - Usually paired with #serious shit, for when I’m sharing my views on something serious or venting about something
#serious shit - Stuff that’s actually really serious that should be spread
#reblog - Self-explanatory
#doctor who - Whenever I’m going places in a TARDIS
#cookie run - Things pertaining to CR
#hollow knight - For those times when I decide to delve into Hallownest
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pallisia · 1 year
have you ever dabbled in any sort of 3d art? like 3d modeling, or irl sculpting? ive never been good at actually finishing models but it is so fun to make things like rough reference busts of ocs and stuff to me
i haven’t…i feel like i might enjoy it. it appeals to me in theory, but learning how to use blender (or any software im unfamiliar with) is daunting because i’m 800 years old
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ropasart · 1 year
🧡= oh! It was kind of the same for me, I liked to make my own toys because I wanted something specific along with the Sonic toys I had. Alongside that, I suffer from Dyslexia, so it's really hard to communicate with people. Therefore, I usually communicate through my drawings in a way.
You mentioning the animation stuff about wanting to see characters do specific things also connects to the fact that I want to make an animated series of my characters! Not got much with it at all, to be honest. But I get what you mean. I also dabbled in 3D stuff as well, which I love, but it's getting my head in the game.
Sorry, I babbled on a bit. But honestly, I'm glad to see what you make here! Hope to see a lot more in the future, too ⭐️
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Communicating through drawings… I can relate to that. Dealing with social problems sucks but I like to think that having another way to express ourselves is great and somehow special ^^
Thank you for sharing your story ^^ it’s good to know some pieces of you. And good luck with the animation project! Let's make more art together.
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birdycage · 2 months
what program(s) do you use for your art?
I normally use Clip Studio Paint Pro (version 1), but I have dabbled in stuff like Blender for 3D art.
I do definitely recommend Clip Studio, though. It's not a super expensive program and it used to go on sale frequently on amazon (though version 1 is pretty cheap at full price now that version 2 is out). It's very versatile and there are a ton of user-made materials you can download.
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felidaefatigue · 4 months
my partner is dabbling in making a video game and learning like, basically stardew valley, so i was curious on if i could help make sprites and stuff. and trying to figure out how video game art logic works at all is a minefield of information i habe no idea about.
like he doesnt really like stardew valleys pixel limitations; hes more into harvest moon btn which is skinned 3d objects not like exclusively flat sprites but thatd be a whole different game engine; and we were lookin at like dead cells which is similar.
But anyway point being; not knowing basic standards like what px size their sprites even are or how to standardize perspective and lighting n what not in individual panels of a sprite is WEIRD as someone whose only ever done like... illustrative pixel anim. back in the day very briefly
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