#de rolo siblings
De Rolo Children Headcanons
Vesper- Vesper gained the intellectual side of both of her parents. She has an incredible knack for languages and speaks 5 by the time she’s 20. She’s got her fathers quick wit and her mothers intuition. She, like Vex, is smart with money. She’s devastating in a debate. In her free time she prefers more low stake activities though, usually reading or painting. She’s very close with Gwen despite the age difference and loves doing her hair and later her makeup.
Leona- Leona is her fathers child. She’s the one that gets Percy’s tinkering gene and love of science. She loves chemistry and making things. She’s much more of a tomboy than her two sisters and sometimes gets jealous of Gwen and Vespers relationship. She’s also the most stubborn and headstrong of the kids and it shows. She’s a bit of a hellion in her teen years. Oldest of the twins by a couple minutes and won’t let Wolfe forget it. Leona and Wolfe are close but not like Vex & Vax. They constantly bicker and play pranks on each other, but it’s a “no one picks on my twin but ME” kinda thing.
Wolfe- Acts much more like a Proper NobleTM than Leona. He’s much better at remembering all the little rules than her and tend to tease her at social events. Despite this he like hunting with his mother a lot and excels at archery. He’s very athletic in general but he sometimes struggles with his studies and gets insecure about not being as smart as his family.
Vax’ildan- His family calls him “Danny” for short. He’s the quietest of his siblings. He’s very intuitive and can usually get straight to the route of anything bothering his siblings and even his parents sometimes. He loves going out into the woods but he doesn’t really like killing the animals and actually ends up deciding to be a vegetarian, which his parents are understanding and happy to oblige. He and Vesper like to read book series together.
Gwendolyn- The sweetheart of the family, but not without her tricky side. She loves playing hide and seek in her siblings rooms and surprising them. She also loves playing dress up with Vespers things and having Vesper give her makeovers. She loves reading and plants and gets very excited when Auntie Keyleth visits. She’s more sensitive than her older siblings especially when it comes to her appearance or being “different” than the rest of her family. Percy and Vex are always quick to remind her she’s just as much their child as any of her siblings and absolutely beautiful. Even her siblings have agreed her being a teifling is off limits for teasing. Everyone in the family is a little extra protective of Gwen, which isn’t hard given she’s the youngest sibling by a lot. The age difference between her and Vesper is 11 years and 5 years between her and Danny.
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katia-dreamer · 2 years
Trick! (Cassandra/Percy sibling bonding)
Percy's workshop is always uncomfortably hot, so Cassandra usually stays away from there.
But not today.
She lingers in the doorway for a few moments, watching her brother work. He is completely focused on what he's doing. His movements are calculated and careful, almost elegant. It would be more impressive if she weren't in such a foul mood.
Percy turns to look at her; his ridiculous mask obscures his face. For a moment, she sees a ghost of her past staring at her. Then, thankfully, he removes it, revealing his very flushed face. "Cassandra?"
"I came to talk to you about an interesting conversation I had with Keeper Yennen this afternoon."
"I see," he says calmly, but she can see his fingers twitching at his side. "What was that about?"
"A lot of things, but it concluded with me finding out you got married." Percy drops the Residuum glass in his hand, which shatters on the floor. He mutters several colorful curses, but she ignores them. "So, it's true."
"Why did that even come up? It was supposed to be a secret."
"Does it matter? Percy, how could you not tell me?"
"To be fair, no one else knows either."
Cassandra bends over and carefully picks up all the little pieces of glass on the floor and puts them on the desk, which is challenging considering that there are papers strewn everywhere. "Did you think I wouldn't figure it out?"
"I'm not going to lie. I am furious with you. You and I have hurt each other many times," she pauses, letting her words sink in, "but if we want a chance at healing, we need to trust each other. At least a little."
Percy removes the mask and sets it on the desk next to the shattered glass. "Of course, you're right. I'm sorry, Cass."
"You'd better be."
"How can I make it up to you?"
"I'll think of something."
"I'm sure you will."
There's a pause, but it's much less tense now. Cass says, "I am happy for you, Percy."
"Thank you."
Then she steps forward and hugs him. He's hot and sweaty and gross. But she forces herself not to step away. After all, it wasn't every day that your brother got married. "The de Rolo family is growing."
"Yes, it is."
She's half tempted to give a snappy response, but she catalogs it in her brain for later.
part of katie's trick or treat
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
Percy de Rolo and Keyleth of the Air Ashari my beloveds, my dearest companions, my comfort pair, nobody does it like them. They are the basis of what all friendships should be, they are the fucking blueprint, they show how meaningful profound affection in different forms other than romantic is, they are best friends, they are siblings, they are the platonic ideal of platonic ideals, they are soulmates, they have matching earrings, they are both massive nerds, they gift handmade jewellery to each other, they are the exact opposites, they are so similar, they are sunshine and shadow, they are nature and science, they are all the elements of the universe working together, they are creators, they are leaders afraid of their destinies, they care incredibly deeply about everybody around them, they are fuckups, they try to learn and grow, they argue, they fight, they hug and make up and never hold it against one another, they joke and drink and are always there for each other, they have died and been revived and brought each other back from the brink, they have met the gods themselves and still know that the connection between each other is worth more than divinity itself will ever be, they have fought monsters and titans and their greatest fears together and have come out the other side broken and battered but stronger for it, they are brother and sister, they are siblings-in-law, they are the epitome of chosen family on all possible levels, they will live through their lifetimes and legacies, they are love itself.
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your-turn-to-role · 1 year
i talked last week about how percy in c1 is often the grog translator, now lovm has given us grog as the percy translator!
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kill-a-man-for-kynan · 4 months
Percy: We all have our demons. Percy, grabbing Cassandra: This one’s mine.
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hayleysayshay · 7 months
de Rolo children fighting each other after one names their child after beloved daddy Percy/mumma Vex/Auntie Cassandra before they could
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blorbologist · 5 months
This little space between us
Cassandra de Rolo/Kynan Leore, T, 16K, Hurt/Comfort
Giftfic for @burr-ell! <33
"... So, if you don’t mind - I guess that makes me your guard, now?” Cassandra does mind. Very much so. So at her first opportunity, when the stumbling and sighing and shifting becomes too much, she slips away. -- Cassandra de Rolo survived by hiding and still finds comfort in small spaces. Regrettably, Kynan Leore is pretty damn good at finding her.
Cassandra is used to jumping at her own shadow. It slinks too close to her heels, looms too tall overhead by candlelight. She will spy it out the corner of her eye and think it part of the castle’s literal skeleton crew. Worse - Sylas or Delilah. Unfortunately, her wallbound twin resembles the latter more than anything. She takes to wearing her hair down, or braided, or pulled back, just anything but the tight bun - 
She hates her shadow. Wishes she could carve it from her heels with a stolen kitchen knife.
So to find she has two, after Percival revealed a dragon hiding in their castle, she - she would scream, she should, but that habit has been cut from her successfully. 
He’s not Assum. Though that hardly matters, with a shapeshifter (can she trust the next Percival she sees to be her brother at all)?
Older demons, at least, she can identify. His flesh is not sloughing. His bones are all well-hidden. He is not Sylas. He is not Delilah. (She is not Delilah.)
And so Cassandra swallows enough bile to squeak “Who?” at this stranger. 
Her new shadow startles, backing some paces. “I - oh, I’m sorry, my Lady! I just - sorry, did no one tell you?”
It feels like a trap. Smells like one, too, but that might be the familiar cold sweat she breaks into at mind games. She swallows and feels the snare against her throat. The dagger in her corset. “Tell me what? Why are you here - and speak clearly, or I will - I’ll -”
What? Cry for help? Gut him like a fish? Die prettily? She isn’t sure. So she pretends it’s a hanging threat.
To his credit, however he takes it, he takes her seriously. 
[Keep reading on AO3!]
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jerseyartblog · 1 year
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=7=); More quick Vox Machina doodles in between work art
I love the many different friendship pairs that branch off within the main group so just doodlin for fun
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The emotional weight of Cassandra and Percy’s reunion in the animated series is incredible and makes me feel things but at some point I will need exasperated Percy exclaiming, with head in hands “Oh god I do.” upon remembering he now has a sister again, bonus points if he yells that she’s obnoxious and irritating beforehand.
Older brother behaviour.
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al20-art · 1 year
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bmblboop · 1 year
Scanlan: *jumping onto a stool* Look out! The floor is lava!
Grog: *putting Pike on his shoulders* I’LL SAVE YOU BUDDY
Vax: *pulls Vex onto the counter*
Cass: *kicks Percy off the couch*
Keyleth: …There are two types of siblings
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After the chroma conclave had been defeated and everything had calmed, all Percy really wanted was to rest. But once again, it seems that will have to wait.
At first he’s glad to receive a letter from Whitestone, from Cass. She’s been sending him updates about rebuilding. In a way, this letter is no different. Keeper Yennen suggested a day of mourning now that the crisis was over. Whitestone had suffered for years under the briarwoods, and the revolt hadn’t been without casualties. Cassandra had agreed to a day of mourning and a candlelight ceremony for the fallen. As both a de Rolo and one of the liberators of Whitestone, Percy had been invited to attend. More like he had to attend. He knew two things immediately upon reading this information. 1. The city needed this, and he would need to be there. 2. He desperately didn’t want to go. He’d spent years lost in his grief and rage, and he had no desire to face it again. But he had a duty to Whitestone, and to Cass.
This was how he found himself standing on a platform behind Cass and beside Keeper Yennen, holding a small white candle flickering against the slight chill in the air. Cassandra spoke, Keeper Yennen spoke, even he spoke, but somehow it all felt like static. He could only hope his words came out the way he had written them, and that they were good enough for the people of his city. He tried to keep his voice even and strong, as his father would have. He never learned as much about leadership as Julius or even Vesper had, but even he understood keeping a brave face before the populous. Still, the whole thing passed in a blur. People holding candles milled around quietly down a long street. The path was lined with smooth stones, carved with the names of the fallen. Some during the rebellion or past attempts, some killed in cold blood by the Briarwoods, others simply passed from the harsh conditions. The stones were surrounded by flowers, personal items, or portraits of the deceased.
Percy milled quietly up the path, scanning the names as he went. Most were unfamiliar, but he couldn’t help but feel weighed down by each one. Archie has a stone among them, placed just before a clearing. Percy stands before it for so long his candle nearly melts almost down to his fingers before going out completely. He feels rigid, unsure of how to conduct himself in front of his best friends makeshift grave. It’s decorated more than most. There’s a small portrait of Archie as a boy, he looks too much like how Percy remembered him. Grinning with a wicked gap tooth smile. Percy can almost hear him explaining this latest scheme. One Percy would almost certainly agree to. He doesn’t realize how tense he’s getting until his candle snaps, pulling him out of his daze. There’s one area left, one he’s been avoiding all night but he knows he has to visit.
With slow and heavy footsteps, he enters the clearing past Archie’s stone. There the path gives way to a circular area of stone surrounded by bushes and greenery. There are 7 stones in this area, slightly larger than the ones on the path. These stones are similarly decorated with flowers and each has a portrait, though there aren’t as many personal items here. He doesn’t blame Cass for not putting them out. He wouldn’t have wanted to go through their things either. In the center are the two largest stones belonging to his mother and father, and between those, a family portrait. Percy stops dead at the entrance and stares his former self in the eye. Vespers hand is placed on one shoulder, his mothers hand rests on the other. He grins at his unknown future. Percy had almost forget the shade of brown his hair used to be.
He takes a deep, unsteady breath and ventures deeper into the clearing. The crowd had begun to clear in general, but some people were still around this area. Upon entry he feels all eyes lay briefly on him before darting away. He goes the the right, starting at the stone for his youngest brother, Ludwig. He doesn’t want to rush anyone out, but he’s still grateful as the remaining people in the clearing finish up their respects and hurry out. Grateful, until he realizes he’s alone with what remains of his family’s memories. He stops at each stone and feels each gouge into his chest. As he’s reaching the center he hears someone clear their throat behind him. “Hi Cass” he says quietly, his eyes unable to leave the center portrait.
Cass walks up next to him without speaking. They stand, side by side, looking back in time. Percy is 14 in this portrait. He remembers getting antsy for it to be over, he had wanted to get back to his latest project, a table clock he was working on for Vespers birthday. He was trying to figure out how to make it play music on the hour. Cass is grinning, but he remembers the hell she had put up about the dress she’s wearing. Too itchy. Too frilly. He focuses on each face. He misses them. He misses his mothers annoyed yet endeared sigh at her children’s antics. He misses his fathers hearty belly laugh, far too loud every time. He misses Julius attempting to teach him to sword fight day after day with wooden sticks, even though Percy was never very good. He misses Whitney and Oliver’s laughter, and their bickering too. He misses Ludwig bothering his mother for just one more sweet before bed. He misses Vesper listening with an amused smile as Percy went on about his latest obsession. He finally breaks his trance to glance at Cassandra. Her face is tight, he recognizes the set position in her jaw. She’s trying to keep it together. She must have felt his eyes on her. Their eyes meet and he can see that hers are shining with the tears she’s holding back.
He doesn’t know who reached for who. All he knows is Cass is in his arms. Her head is buried in his chest, his face is mostly hidden in her shoulder. He’s hunched slightly to encompass her, but not too much. She’s so much taller now. He doesn’t like to think about how much she grew in their old house, under the Briarwoods. She’s shaking, he can hear tiny sobs muffled through his jacket. He’s reminded of the little girl she used to be. He’s not sure how long they stood there, holding each other tight enough to hope they couldn’t be separated again. He’s not sure who saw them wrapped up like this. He can’t really bring himself to care. It’s only when they separate that he realized he’d been crying too. The fabric over her shoulder is wet with his tears, though some have caught in his glasses.
“Let’s go home” Cassandra mutters softly. Percy nods his head wordlessly and takes her hand. He squeezes it in attempt to offer what little comfort he can. She gives him a weak smile and squeezes his hand in return. They leave together, back to the home that was once theirs, and maybe will be again.
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katia-dreamer · 2 years
flufftober day 6- candles, lanterns, fairy lights
Cassandra finishes examining the parchment, rolls it up, and seals it. She looks at the clock and decides it might not be too late to catch Percival. She lights a candle and wraps her woolen shawl around her shoulders.
Traversing through the castle at night is unsettling. The halls are full of shadows, and the corners hold ghosts that wait to spring on her. As she walks, she focuses only on what is ahead, never allowing the fear inside her to take hold.
She’s relieved to find that Percival’s door is open, the light of a fire spiling into the hallway. As she steps inside, she sees Percy leaning over his desk, his hand buried in his hair. She can’t help but think how much he looks like their father, especially because wrinkles are forming around his eyes and mouth.
“Hello, Percival.”
Her brother looks up at her and gives her a tired smile. “Hello, Cassandra.”
“I finished the letter," she says as she sits in the chair across from him.
“I’m relieved to hear that." His eyes widen as he notices the clock on his desk. “Is that truly the time?”
“Vex is going to kill me.”
“I’m surprised she hasn’t come to collect you yet.”
“She probably fell asleep. She’s been exhausted lately; teething is always a bloody nightmare.”
“Yes, it seems quite unpleasant. At least, judging by all the screaming.”
“I apologize for that. I know it’s not peaceful with our children running around. And while we’re on the subject, I know Leona took something of yours the other day. I scolded her for it, but it will probably happen again. She inherited Vax’s sticky fingers.”
“It wasn’t anything worth fretting about, Percy. Besides, it’s rather nice to have them around.”
“You don’t mind? Even though they cause trouble?”
“Do you know what I was thinking when I came in?” Percy hums curiously, and Cassandra reaches across his desk and takes his hand in hers. “That you look like our father. It suits you, Percival. I won’t lie; it’s not always easy, but having laughter and joy around here again dispels some of the darkness that haunts this place. Now, I’m going to go to bed. You should too.”
“You’re right,” Percy squeezes her hand. "Thank you, Cass.”
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ka1purush · 1 year
Christmas Kids
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kill-a-man-for-kynan · 4 months
Percy: I’ve been here in jail so long I think I’ve lost my mind.  Percy: The days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months.  Percy: How long have I been in here now? Almost a year?  Cassandra: This is Monopoly.
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essayofthoughts · 7 months
and because i cannot be quelled: wolf siblings au?
You do have your faves, don't you?
Percy never goes anywhere without at least one of the wolves. Even once they have Greyskull, even once they're hailed as heroes in Emon, he never goes anywhere without at least one of them for company.
Which is why, when they go to the palace to report on the events of the Underdark and K'varn, he goes with Vesper at his side. The rest are content to stay at Greyskull, sunning themselves in the grounds and, when the wind turns cold, the warm and sunlit temple to Sarenrae, but Vesper stays at his side through the streets of Emon and settles by the side of his chair in the council chamber.
So it is that, when the names of Lord and Lady Briarwood are mentioned it is not just Percy who is stunned. At his side Vesper bristles, hackles up, on her feet and leaning, trembling, against his leg.
It grounds him, that pressure, and he buries his hands in her fur, gets a grip on the scruff of her neck just in case.
"Shh," he murmurs, quiet enough only Pike beside him hears. When Pike glances down at Vesper, then frowns up at him, he shakes his head. "Don't worry," he tells her before working to soothe his sister. "Shh," he murmurs again. "Settle. Settle. It's alright. I'll have a word after."
Vesper's head turns, eyes dark and piercing as she watches up at him and when she nips his hand she's none too gentle about it.
"I know it matters," he says as quietly as he can. "It matters to me too. But we can't do anything about it if you get us kicked out. Hush now. Settle."
With a huff Vesper does, not slumped at his feet as when they're safe and relaxed but sat beside him at attention, head up, ears pricked, eyes forward as she stares, unblinking, at the Sovereign.
It is a long meeting.
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