#deep fakes in 2024 elections
n0thingiscool · 4 months
Enjoy the pseudo nationalist fascism while it lasts. It's about to get way way worse.
Of course the right wing hate is using deep fakes to encouraging left wing voters to not vote. And the fucking legislation some states are working on might as well just be pro deep fake usage in elections.
People are obviously too innately gullible and generally ignorant to handle social media as it already is. We love to laugh at boomers and how stupid they are with recognizing lies and bullshit but my Gen Y friends can't tell bullshit from real off of conspiracy tiktok.
We're in trouble.
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odinsblog · 7 months
Considering how Twitter, YouTube and Facebook have terminated most of their departments that were responsible for limiting the spread of dis/misinformation, it’s going to be an exceptionally bad election season in 2024. Worse even, than the 2016 elections. The example here is intentionally glaring in its differences from Biden’s fake vs. his real words. But far more subtle deep fakes are coming (or are already here). Even if think that YOU can always spot the difference, others may not be able to, and do not underestimate your ability to be fooled by something that you tacitly support or subconsciously agree with. And that’s without even getting into troll farms. So please be weary of the media you consume.
Please help spread awareness and share.
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jonostroveart · 3 months
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Deep Truth: Trump is now claiming that the videos circulating showing him making verbal glitches and other random babblings are all AI generated, deep fakes. Is there anything that the lying SOB won’t brazenly lie about? (sigh!)
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kp777 · 5 months
By Olivia Rosane
Common Dreams
Dec. 26, 2023
"If people don't ultimately trust information related to an election, democracy just stops working," said a senior fellow at the Alliance for Securing Democracy.
As 2024 approaches and with it the next U.S. presidential election, experts and advocates are warning about the impact that the spread of artificial intelligence technology will have on the amount and sophistication of misinformation directed at voters.
While falsehoods and conspiracy theories have circulated ahead of previous elections, 2024 marks the first time that it will be easy for anyone to access AI technology that could create a believable deepfake video, photo, or audio clip in seconds, The Associated Press reported Tuesday.
"I expect a tsunami of misinformation," Oren Etzioni, n AI expert and University of Washington professor emeritus, told the AP. "I can't prove that. I hope to be proven wrong. But the ingredients are there, and I am completely terrified."
"If a misinformation or disinformation campaign is effective enough that a large enough percentage of the American population does not believe that the results reflect what actually happened, then Jan. 6 will probably look like a warm-up act."
Subject matter experts told the AP that three factors made the 2024 election an especially perilous time for the rise of misinformation. The first is the availability of the technology itself. Deepfakes have already been used in elections. The Republican primary campaign of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis circulated images of former president Donald Trump hugging former White House Coronavirus Task Force chief Anthony Fauci as part of an ad in June, for example.
"You could see a political candidate like President [Joe] Biden being rushed to a hospital," Etzioni told the AP. "You could see a candidate saying things that he or she never actually said."
The second factor is that social media companies have reduced the number of policies designed to control the spread of false posts and the amount of employees devoted to monitoring them. When billionaire Elon Musk acquired Twitter in October of 2022, he fired nearly half of the platform's workforce, including employees who worked to control misinformation.
Yet while Musk has faced significant criticism and scrutiny for his leadership, co-founder of Accountable Tech Jesse Lehrich told the AP that other platforms appear to have used his actions as an excuse to be less vigilant themselves. A report published by Free Press in December found that Twitter—now X—Meta, and YouTube rolled back 17 policies between November 2022 and November 2023 that targeted hate speech and disinformation. For example, X and YouTube retired policies around the spread of misinformation concerning the 2020 presidential election and the lie that Trump in fact won, and X and Meta relaxed policies aimed at stopping Covid 19-related falsehoods.
"We found that in 2023, the largest social media companies have deprioritized content moderation and other user trust and safety protections, including rolling back platform policies that had reduced the presence of hate, harassment, and lies on their networks," Free Press said, calling the rollbacks "a dangerous backslide."
Finally, Trump, who has been a big proponent of the lie that he won the 2020 presidential election against Biden, is running again in 2024. Since 57% of Republicans now believe his claim that Biden did not win the last election, experts are worried about what could happen if large numbers of people accept similar lies in 2024.
"If people don't ultimately trust information related to an election, democracy just stops working," Bret Schafer, a senior fellow at the nonpartisan Alliance for Securing Democracy, told the AP. "If a misinformation or disinformation campaign is effective enough that a large enough percentage of the American population does not believe that the results reflect what actually happened, then Jan. 6 will probably look like a warm-up act."
The warnings build on the alarm sounded by watchdog groups like Public Citizen, which has been advocating for a ban on the use of deepfakes in elections. The group has petitioned the Federal Election Commission to establish a new rule governing AI-generated content, and has called on the body to acknowledge that the use of deepfakes is already illegal under a rule banning "fraudulent misrepresentation."
"Specifically, by falsely putting words into another candidate's mouth, or showing the candidate taking action they did not, the deceptive deepfaker fraudulently speaks or act[s] 'for' that candidate in a way deliberately intended to damage him or her. This is precisely what the statute aims to proscribe," Public Citizen said.
The group has also asked the Republican and Democratic parties and their candidates to promise not to use deepfakes to mislead voters in 2024.
In November, Public Citizen announced a new tool tracking state-level legislation to control deepfakes. To date, laws have been enacted in California, Michigan, Minnesota, Texas, and Washington.
"Without new legislation and regulation, deepfakes are likely to further confuse voters and undermine confidence in elections," Ilana Beller, democracy campaign field manager for Public Citizen, said when the tracker was announced. "Deepfake video could be released days or hours before an election with no time to debunk it—misleading voters and altering the outcome of the election."
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kinialohaguy · 3 months
Feeding Frenzy
Aloha kākou. A fake news media “Feeding Frenzy” occurred over the weekend. Just after President Trump’s Ohio rally where he warned that if he’s not elected the automotive industry will suffer an economic bloodbath. That statement was immediately isolated, polarized, and taken out of context by the Marxist democrats and their flying fake news media monkeys. Every left-wing fake news agency ran…
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naturalrights-retard · 4 months
Microsoft has announced plans to disable the computers of people who share ‘non-mainstream’ content online, in an attempt to combat so-called ‘misinformation’ in the run-up to the 2024 election.
During an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella was questioned about how AI might either assist or endanger the future election.
Reclaimthenet.org reports: However, Nadella’s response seemed to imply a willingness to use technology for censoring content in pursuit of fighting what he identified as disinformation.
Nadella stated, “This is not the first election where we dealt with disinformation or propaganda campaigns by adversaries and election interference.
“We’re doing all the work across the tech industry around watermarking, detecting deep fakes and content IDs. There is going to be enough and more technology quite frankly in order to be able to identify the issues around disinformation and misinformation.”
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mariacallous · 6 days
The words “RIP America” trended on X minutes after a jury in Manhattan found former president Donald Trump guilty on all 34 felony counts for falsifying business records in connection to a hush money payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels.
Images of an upside-down American flag—a symbol of distress that became co-opted by the 2020 Stop the Steal movement—flooded social media, as Trump supporters, fringe extremists, right-wing pundits, and politicians voiced their anger.
Ever since the trial began, pro-Trump commentators—and Trump himself—have been priming MAGA online ecosystems to claim foul play if the jury found him guilty. The response to his felony conviction was predictably swift, with many characterizing it as a declaration of “war” from the “deep state.” Incendiary rhetoric about how the guilty verdict was a sign of America’s collapse reverberated from the mainstream right all the way to the fringes.
“As of today, with this fake guilty verdict against Trump, America is no longer the United States,” wrote Joey Marianno, a pro-Trump political commentator, to his 466,000 followers on X. “We are a third-world shithole heading for a Civil War. I have no desire to see this country to unify. There’s no country to unite. We are long past that.”
Many of the biggest proponents of “Stop the Steal,” which culminated in the January 6 Capitol riot, did not hesitate to claim that the verdict was the result of a “rigged” justice system.
In a video posted to his 2.3 million followers on X, Infowars’ Alex Jones said that the “deep state and globalists” put Trump through a “kangaroo” court in the hope that a guilty verdict would harm his campaign. “Ladies and gentlemen, we see our republic on its deathbed right now,” said Jones, adding that he believed that “false-flag terror attacks blamed on Trump supporters angry about the verdict” were imminent. “We do not want any violence, we do not want any attacks,” he said.
Ali Alexander, a far-right conspiracy theorist, did not mince words either. “Today is Jan. 6th for the entire nation,” he wrote on Telegram to his 12,000 subscribers. “This is worse than the Civil War. Respectfully.”
That kind of rhetoric even made it to the airwaves. “We have been calling it lawfare,” said Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro.“I think lawfare is far too soft, it's far too benign. This is warfare.”
Trump sounded off on Truth Social and in a fundraising email shortly after the verdict came in, doubling down on his false claim that he’s a victim of political persecution, perpetrated by a corrupt system that’s hell-bent on “stealing” the 2024 election from him again.
Trump’s claims of “rigging” were repeated by supporters. Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk also perpetuated conspiracy theories about the verdict. “This case was engineered for years, from the very top of the Democrat apparatus, to bring down Trump, using a rigged law in a rigged courtroom with a rigged jury,” Kirk wrote on X. “We must win. We must defeat these savages. Stand with Trump.”
In addition to posting an upside-down flag on X, US representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, a Trump loyalist, called it a “sham trial” orchestrated by “radical leftists and deep state operatives.” You don’t see this level of corruption in a banana republic, but it’s happening in our own backyard,” said Taylor Greene. “There is NOTHING they fear more than another Trump Presidency.”
The far-right fringe’s response was even more ominous. Proud Boys channels for various chapters responded to the news in one word: “War.”
On Patriots.win, formerly the subreddit The Donald, which was a hotbed for January 6 preparation, alarming rhetoric also proliferated quickly. “There are only two choices in November, Trump or civil war, I will hope for the former but prepare for the latter,” one user wrote.
The highly active Telegram chat dedicated to (but not officially affiliated with) Bannon’s War Room also erupted in angry rhetoric. “Time to minute man up ! call to arms!” one member wrote.
“I'm ready to serve again! this time no retreat until every last globalist gone! I’ve never been so angry in my life,” another person wrote.
Overall—the consensus was that a guilty verdict would help, not hinder Trump’s chances of winning in November. “That fake ass conviction is gonna just jump up Trumps poll-numbers,” wrote New Jersey Proud Boys on Telegram.
“Import the Third World, become the Third World. That’s what we just saw. This won’t stop Trump. He’ll win the election if he’s not killed first,” ex-Fox News host Tucker Carlson wrote on X. “But it does mark the end of the fairest justice system in the world. Anyone who defends this verdict is a danger to you and your family.”
Trump, who has made history as the first former president to be found guilty on felony charges, will be sentenced on July 11. He is expected to appeal his conviction. Each felony carries a maximum sentence of four years, but the judge may opt to sentence him to probation or home confinement, according to Axios. The Republican National Convention, where delegates are expected to support Trump as the presumptive Republican nominee, will begin on July 15.
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reality-detective · 1 year
Everyone should know and understand this
Why are we still in this s*** show,
Donald J Trump won the presidency in 2016 by beating out Hillary Clinton who by the way was the end game for the Deep State agenda.
At the inauguration on January 20th 2017, Donald J. Trump gave the power back to the people.
You have to remember this is a huge military operation, and is part of the plan to take down the corrupt and evil government, and taking down the government legally by the book.
Donald J. Trump did not lose the election in 2020, but America made their choice, and that's why we are living through this fake Joe Biden presidency for the sole purpose of waking everyone up.
Here's the problem, too many people are comfortable with the system as it is, and they are afraid of change. They live in fear and most don't even know it. This fake Joe Biden presidency is part of the plan, the plan that you are supposed to be trusting to show what the deep state was going to do.
The question on everyone's mind right now is, is this actually going to go to the 2024 election again? Me personally I can't see this happening, although the numbers favored Donald J. Trump. If you take it to the election there's always that possible chance that this election will also be stolen, and there shouldn't be any more elections until 2020 has been fixed.
With that being said, it's time to get out of your comfort zone, it's time to quit worrying about if your friends and / or family are going to love you, or kick you out, it's time to actually stand and do something.
I know there are some standing and fighting with every ounce of their being, and then we have some people who don't stand, who don't fight and don't do their own research because they live in fear, fear of going to jail or fear of losing something.
I'm sorry, but I'm here to tell you right now, what you're hanging on to isn't worth holding onto considering what's coming, and if we don't stand and start getting people to see what is actually happening out there, this could go to 2024 or further.
My whole point here is to give you an insight on how this plan actually works, and nothing you have and nothing you want is going to be greater than what you're about to receive. However in order to receive it, you must be willing to sacrifice everything, including your reputation by spreading this information and waking people up and stop shooting the messengers, it's time to end this s*** show.
Now some of you are probably thinking, oh there's enough people standing and fighting already, I'll just sit back, and watch, I'll wait for people to show me the evidence instead of researching what they are showing me. Well that way of thinking or that mentality is an issue, making you a part of the problem. That way of thinking is third dimensional, and for those of you who are thinking that way, it's time to get out of your comfort zone, or what you are waiting for because you will continue to wait and wait and wait.
They're not going to use the emergency broadcast system (EBS) until there is a satisfied percentage of people awake, and we're not there yet, and evidence of this is seen on a daily basis. Just look at all those people around you in your area, how many people are still wearing masks, how many people do you know that don't want to discuss the topic of politics, how many are asking you to prove it or shut up? If you are not standing, if you are not fighting then you are the problem, and if you're not standing and fighting, it's probably because you don't buy into all this. Sometimes you just have to take a chance and believe in something even if it costs you everything, you're at the end of days, and we know where this plan is going to lead us, what you are holding on to is not worth it, Stand and fight!
We the People have the power, start using that power and start waking people up, quit worrying about if they're going to love you, or like you or play with you or work with you, it's not worth what you're giving up, and remember all these people that you are trying to wake up, they are third dimensional. They are asleep and no matter what they may say, you're above everything in the third dimension.
It's time for all you people to stop being so lazy and do your own research instead of asking those who know to show you the proof. Your laziness is showing how asleep you are. It's time to wake the fμ¢% up and stop being so damn lazy. I can give those people links, numbers and dates, videos or whatever and what you do with it is up to you. If you want a better life? For God's sake get your head out of your ass and be the change you want.
These are just my thoughts. 🤔
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awesomecooperlove · 7 months
_The Whites Hats are publicly putting Obama on the center stage for 2024 and and his life corruption and AGENDAS connected to ALL DEEP STATE OPERATIONS< :
>TUCKER Carlson coming after Obama as being gay is a very important operation that WILL discredit the OBAMA'S for their next presidential big run
_but the EXPOSURE of Obama as a gay President WILL lead to DC Elites and EXPOSURE of the intensional WOKE movement involving the United States military and the chain of commands and operations targeting children,/ intentionally weakling the military on[ ds] military operations connected to CCP infiltration
_The Obama hidden gay agenda WILL be uncovered as the world watches and a clear
Gay militarized operations took place to control the media and place prominent positions through Hollywood, media, courts
Banking sectors, the u.s. education systems to indoctrinate the children into being sexualized at a very young age ( placing planned agendas on children's sexuality and orientation/sexual genders is pedophilia)
_The Obama EXPOSURE WILL >COINCIDE< with the EXPOSURE of the Biden laptop which Congress will push into light and connect world banks to Biden family. These same banks will connect JP Morgan and other world banks to pedophilia and their association with EPSTEIN PEDOPHILIA RING AND BLACKMAIL WORLD NETWORKS RINGS.>>>HUMAN TRAFFICKING RINGS
THE EXPOSURE OF OBAMA IS VITAL and connects deep state MILITARY OPERATIONS protecting pedophilia rings
( [ ds] mil intel. Agencies protect ELITE PEDOPHILIA RINGS due to their own involvement in the human trafficking/ child/ sex trafficking trade)//// >>> EPSTEIN WAS CREATED BY MOSSAD/ FINANCED BY MI6/cia/Rothschild , Rockefellers etc ect AND KEPT HIS MONEY IN CIA OPERATIONAL BANKS AS JP MORGAN AND OTHER WORLD BANKS AS DEUTSCHBANK in Germany and much much much much more....
The Exposure of Obama as gay and pushing a military WOKE movement and government aid and financing into Gay Agenda movements through several U.S corporations that were intentionally pushed on children/military and created a 4rth generations warfare between civilians is all connected to TREASON/ PEDOPHILIA/ CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY/ UNITED STATES EXECUTIVE ORDERS pertaining to Foreign interference in ELECTIONS ( tens of Thousands of Government officials . Military personal and people of influence were blackmailed through Gay agenda operations that targeted their computers , phones, Email etc."' X'''' > ( the PATRIOT ACT in the 2000's gave the cia and [ ds] the power to install fake pedophilia blackmail operations programs on millions of U.S. (EU.> world) citizens computers and phones... And they were blackmailed into complying with the oppositional deep state forces....... this was
A large part of 911 inside cia job to create the Patriot act and take control of deep state U.S. interest )////
ADRENOCHROME crime syndicate operations ///// and how social media Giants. MSM. Elites/ politicians/ tv personalities as jimmy Kimmel all covered up for the CRIMES OF CENTURY. CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND ALL WORKED IN UNISON IN A CIA. GUILDED MILITARY COUP AGAINST DONALD J. TRUMP AND SEVERAL COUNTRIES AND NATIONS ACROSS THE WORLD
PATRIOTS///the world is testing EBS through countries and all is Preparing for EVENTS ( they will tell you the EBS is for other reasons or blame Putin or Patriots or something other for coming blackouts...
But remember GAME THEORY OPERATIONS ARE IN PLACE.... it's very important the coming EVENTS that are going to happen
Including massive protest. Riots against the new pandemic/ vaccines/ lockdowns/.....
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Mike Luckovich
* * * *
NOV 20, 2023
Yesterday, David Roberts of the energy and politics newsletter Volts noted that a Washington Post article illustrated how right-wing extremism is accomplishing its goal of destroying faith in democracy. Examining how “in a swing Wisconsin county, everyone is tired of politics,” the article revealed how right-wing extremism has sucked up so much media oxygen that people have tuned out, making them unaware that Biden and the Democrats are doing their best to deliver precisely what those in the article claim to want: compromise, access to abortion, affordable health care, and gun safety. 
One person interviewed said, “I can’t really speak to anything [Biden] has done because I’ve tuned it out, like a lot of people have. We’re so tired of the us-against-them politics.” Roberts points out that “both sides” are not extremists, but many Americans have no idea that the Democrats are actually trying to govern, including by reaching across the aisle. Roberts notes that the media focus on the right wing enables the right wing to define our politics. That, in turn, serves the radical right by destroying Americans’ faith in our democratic government. 
Former Republican National Committee chair Michael Steele echoed that observation this morning when he wrote, “We need to stop the false equivalency BS between Biden and Trump. Only one acts with the intention to do real harm.”
Indeed, as David Kurtz of Talking Points Memo puts it, “the gathering storm of Trump 2.0 is upon us,” and Trump and his people are telling us exactly what a second Trump term would look like. Yesterday, Trump echoed his “vermin” post of the other day, saying: “2024 is our final battle. With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State, we will expel the warmongers from our government, we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the Communists, Marxists, and Fascists, we will throw off the sick political class that hates our Country, we will rout the Fake News Media, we will evict Joe Biden from the White House, and we will FINISH THE JOB ONCE AND FOR ALL!”   
Trump’s open swing toward authoritarianism should be disqualifying even for Republicans—can you imagine Ronald Reagan talking this way?—but MAGA Republicans are lining up behind him. Last week the Texas legislature passed a bill to seize immigration authority from the federal government in what is a clear violation of the U.S. Constitution, and yesterday, Texas governor Greg Abbott announced that he was “proud to endorse” Trump for president because of his proposed border policies (which include the deportation of 10 million people).
House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has also endorsed Trump, and on Friday he announced he was ordering the release of more than 40,000 hours of tapes from the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, answering the demands of far-right congress members who insist the tapes will prove there was no such attack despite the conclusion of the House committee investigating the attack that Trump criminally conspired to overturn the lawful results of the 2020 presidential election and refused to stop his supporters from attacking the Capitol. 
Trump loyalist Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) promptly spread a debunked conspiracy theory that one of the attackers shown in the tapes, Kevin Lyons, was actually a law enforcement officer hiding a badge. Lyons—who was not, in fact, a police officer—was carrying a vape and a photo he stole from then–House speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office and is now serving a 51-month prison sentence. (Former representative Liz Cheney (R-WY) tweeted: “Hey [Mike Lee]—heads up. A nutball conspiracy theorist appears to be posting from your account.”)
Both E.J. Dionne of the Washington Post and Will Bunch of the Philadelphia Inquirer noted yesterday that MAGA Republicans have no policies for addressing inflation or relations with China or gun safety; instead, they have coalesced only around the belief that officials in “the administrative state” thwarted Trump in his first term and that a second term will be about revenge on his enemies and smashing American liberalism. 
MIke Davis, one of the men under consideration for attorney general, told a podcast host in September that he would “unleash hell on Washington, D.C.,” getting rid of career politicians, indicting President Joe Biden “and every other scumball, sleazeball Biden,” and helping pardon those found guilty of crimes associated with the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol. “We’re gonna deport a lot of people, 10 million people and growing—anchor babies, their parents, their grandparents,” Davis said. “We’re gonna put kids in cages. It’s gonna be glorious. We’re gonna detain a lot of people in the D.C. gulag and Gitmo.”
In the Washington Post, Josh Dawsey talked to former Trump officials who do not believe Trump should be anywhere near the presidency, and yet they either fear for their safety if they oppose him or despair that nothing they say seems to matter. John F. Kelly, Trump’s longest-serving chief of staff, told Dawsey that it is beyond his comprehension that Trump has the support he does. 
“I came out and told people the awful things he said about wounded soldiers, and it didn’t have half a day’s bounce. You had his attorney general Bill Barr come out, and not a half a day’s bounce. If anything, his numbers go up. It might even move the needle in the wrong direction. I think we’re in a dangerous zone in our country,” Kelly said.  
Part of the attraction of right-wing figures is they offer easy solutions to the complicated issues of the modern world. Argentina has inflation over 140%, and 40% of its people live in poverty. Yesterday, voters elected as president far-right libertarian Javier Milei, who is known as “El Loco” (The Madman). Milei wants to legalize the sale of organs, denies climate change, and wielded a chainsaw on the campaign trail to show he would cut down the state and “exterminate” inflation. Both Trump and Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro, two far-right former presidents who launched attacks against their own governments, congratulated him. 
In 1959, President Dwight D. Eisenhower took on the question of authoritarianism. Robert J. Biggs, a terminally ill World War II veteran, wrote to Eisenhower, asking him to cut through the confusion of the postwar years. “We wait for someone to speak for us and back him completely if the statement is made in truth,” Biggs wrote. Eisenhower responded at length. While unity was imperative in the military, he said, “in a democracy debate is the breath of life. This is to me what Lincoln meant by government ‘of the people, by the people, and for the people.’” 
Dictators, Eisenhower wrote, “make one contribution to their people which leads them to tend to support such systems—freedom from the necessity of informing themselves and making up their own minds concerning these tremendous complex and difficult questions.” 
Once again, liberal democracy is under attack, but it is notable—to me, anyway, as I watch to see how the public conversation is changing—that more and more people are stepping up to defend it. In the New York Times today, legal scholar Cass Sunstein warned that “[o]n the left, some people insist that liberalism is exhausted and dying, and unable to handle the problems posed by entrenched inequalities, corporate power and environmental degradation. On the right, some people think that liberalism is responsible for the collapse of traditional values, rampant criminality, disrespect for authority and widespread immorality.”
Sunstein went on to defend liberalism in a 34-point description, but his first point was the most important: “Liberals believe in six things,” he wrote: “freedom, human rights, pluralism, security, the rule of law and democracy,” including fact-based debate and accountability of elected officials to the people.
Finally, former First Lady Rosalynn Carter, who was a staunch advocate for the health and empowerment of marginalized people—and who embodied the principles Sunstein listed, though that’s not why I’m mentioning her—died yesterday at 96. “Rosalynn was my equal partner in everything I ever accomplished,” former President Jimmy Carter said in a statement. 
More to the point, perhaps, considering the Carters’ profound humanity, is that when journalist Katie Couric once asked President Carter whether winning a Nobel Peace Prize or being elected president of the United States was the most exciting thing that ever happened to him, Carter answered: “When Rosalynn said she’d marry me—I think that’s the most exciting thing.”
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sun-in-retrograde · 23 days
Pluto Eris Square
I woke up from an awful dream in June of two thousand sixteen In a far right fake news fucked up universe And though we sang the Mountain Goats loud enough to bruise our throats Every year that followed still got worse and worse
-Grace Petrie “Fixer Upper”
So 2016 was a weird year, wasn’t it? Brexit, Harambe, Trump, clown attacks, The Orlando Shooting, Syria. Things got weird, and then, in 2017 they got weirder. I think it’s fair to say 2020 was the weirdest of years and things are still pretty weird now, to the extent that normality starts to feel, in itself, weird.
I would never want to blame everything on one astrological aspect, but it has to be noted, the 2016-2025 Pluto-Eris square maps really well onto this period.
Within 1 degree
16 February 2019 - 28 June 2018
27 December 2019 - 13 March 2020
24 April 2020 - 23 July 2020
8 November 2020 - 9 Jan 2021
9 July 2021 - 24 November 2021
Within 3 degrees
31 Jan 2018 - 2 June 2018
2018 15 december - 2019 August 9
22 October 2019 - 24 January 2022
23 June 2022 - 10 December 2022
Within 7 degrees
8 Jan 2016 - 15 May 2016
23 November 2016 - 10 March 2024
10 May 2024 - 11 January 2025
19 July 2025 - 26 July 2025
This year, for the first time in years, the Eris Pluto Square let up a little bit. We’re heading back into it now as Pluto retrogrades back towards Capricorn. But for the first time in a while this particular energy has cleared, leaving us to see what normality looks like without this square active.
What is Pluto-Eris Energy?
People often talk about Pluto and Eris as the Higher Octaves of Mars, but this is inaccurate. It’s useful to say because our society is obsessed with the idea of higher, transcendental truths and astrologers who study new astrological objects are going to want to associate their findings with higher truths because that’s good capitalism. But it would be more accurate to say that Pluto is a lower octave of Mars and Eris is a lower octave still. 
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Mars covers all the planets in the zodiac in just 2.1 years. Its time in any one sign is measured in months. Pluto takes 244 years and its time in any one sign is measured in about a generation. Eris has a 557 year cycle and because its orbit is extremely elliptical it’s in Aries from 1922 to 2044 - 122 years, or 21.9% of this entire cycle. 
What this means is that in terms of octaves Pluto and Eris are much lower and slower than Mars. This seems to give them an element of depth. If Mars is attraction, Pluto is obsession. If Mars is violence, Pluto is trauma. If Mars is energised, Pluto triggers the survival drive. I’d argue Eris goes deeper still. It is cutting so deep that what you get to are the things that can’t be removed. 
When Eris and Pluto meet you have irreconcilable differences, major conflicts, things that are foundational to society coming into conflict. This is especially true this cycle. 
This Eris - Pluto cycle began with the conjunction on 17 December 1756 at 18°36 of Sagittarius. Despite this they had their waxing square, waxing trine, opposition, waning trine and waning square while Pluto was in Aries and that’s where Eris will be for their waning sextile. Eris is in 6 signs during this Eris-Pluto cycle but all but two of the key aspects happened with Eris in Aries so has an active, martial energy to it.
If you’re following this, and agree with me that Eris is fundamental planet alongside Pluto, you will be unsurprised to hear the last Pluto-Eris square was 1936-1949 and was at its strongest during World War Two.
What this means for us now
2024 is the last hurrah for the current Eris-Pluto Square. It’s not as strong as it’s been in the past but it’s still an underlying important energy of our time. In 2024 over half the world’s population is having an election and in the UK, USA and India the far-right are leading the conversation. We have ideological conflicts, a moral imperative to engage in anti-fascist work and deep fears for how this period will impact the survival of all of us, but especially the most vulnerable people. 
We know this energy. If you’ve been fighting in this time, you probably have the methods to fight ready to go when the next inevitable crisis comes up. But there’s a bigger problem coming up and that’s normality. What happens when the current square ends and the fight for marginalised people stops being such a fiery spectacle? For years the fight against global fascism has been massive, dramatic, and very visible. What happens when there is no crisis and we’re stuck with the new normal that’s emerged from all this? 
Sadly, it seems unlikely that the end of the Eris-Pluto square will be the end of extreme violence, fascism, and war. What I would expect is these conflicts becoming more a matter of attrition and normalisation - the banality of evil. The genocides continue, but they no longer shock us. 
The promise offered by the astrology of Eris and Pluto is that we come out of the Eris-Pluto Square into a quintile, where the skills and experience we’ve gained harden into a playbook of methods to keep fighting. We have experience and we have knowledge and we keep going.
In natal astrology
The oldest people with an Eris-Pluto square in their birth charts are now eight. That’s still young but this is a generation that’s going to come up and start looking into astrology before you know it. Mars-Pluto squares in a birth chart are often indication of pretty bad trauma. Eris-Pluto Squares in charts will mean an early childhood defined by traumatic experiences. Just the nature of being raised by parents experiencing the pandemic ensures that. The astrology indicates that this generation could replicate some of that trauma throughout their life and astrologers will be seeing that for years to come. 
As most astrologers don’t use Eris, I would argue they’ll be cutting themselves off from a key diagnostic criteria that would really help explain the lives of the 2016-2025 generation. But whatever. There are usually more than one tell for a traumatic experience in a chart. The underlying, fundamental, Eris-level truth of this square that all of us have to face is a generation who will need care and time and understanding beyond what we might expect looking at their lives now. We can do that, that’s what we need to offer younger generations. 
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is warning secretaries of state nationwide of "extremely alarming" threats in anticipation of the elections taking place across the country.
Election security has become a significant issue since the 2020 presidential election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. The close election that took days to officially call in Biden's favor led to a litany of lawsuits and accusations by some conservatives, including Trump, that the results were compromised, eventually leading to the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.
Trump awaits a criminal trial after being indicted on four counts in Washington, D.C., for allegedly working to overturn the results of the 2020 election in the run-up to the Capitol riot. Charges include conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government and conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding.
Last August, Trump and 18 others were indicted by a Georgia grand jury for allegedly attempting to overturn the state's 2020 results. The Republican front-runner for the 2024 nomination has pleaded not guilty to all charges.
"The threat environment, unfortunately, is very high," Timothy Langan, executive assistant director for the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch of the FBI, said last week at the winter conference of the National Association of Secretaries of State in Washington, according to Stateline. "It is extremely alarming."
Newsweek reached out to the FBI via email for comment.
Langan reportedly advised caution to gathered secretaries of state and election officials about familiar and new cyberattacks, including an urging of vigilance in the face of violent threats that may affect their safety.
Election officials were also reportedly told that voter databases could be targeted via phishing or ransomware attacks conducted by domestic or foreign individuals or entities who want to sow doubt in the electoral process. That includes spreading misinformation and disinformation and addressing rapid technological changes spurred by artificial intelligence (AI).
"You need to conduct assessments and there are groups out there to assist [the process], whether at state or county levels because unless you understand what your vulnerabilities are, you can't do anything about it," Aaron Thacker, spokesperson for Democratic Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, told Newsweek on Wednesday.
"We can't just be afraid of these threats; we have to act on them," he added. "And that means to prepare."
Thacker said that Fontes and the state of Arizona, whose election officials were present at last week's conference, have been working in various facets to show the public that its elections are fair.
That has included updating an elections procedure manual approved in December by Governor Katie Hobbs and Attorney General Kris Mayes, correcting misinformation about ballot drop boxes, the successful completion of a "rigorous" certification and recertification training program for election workers, and multi-day "tabletop" exercises educating citizens and stakeholders in over a dozen counties on "deep fakes" and AI-related disruptions.
He said that future outreach will involve educating both the media and members of law enforcement on election-related protocols—saying the American public also needs to be critical thinkers and understand how elections actually work, as those who do not may spread conspiracy theories, which hurts overall confidence in institutions.
"At the end of the day, we have an elections process that works, and it has worked for a long time...Quite frankly, so much of this is less about actual manipulation of actual elections and ballots than themes people are buying into. So, we have to communicate that. We have always had free and fair elections."
Even as recent as last August, a CNN poll showed that 69 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independent voters viewed Biden's victory as illegitimate—an increase from 63 percent who thought the same in early 2023.
Dominion Voting Systems is one of the privately-owned voting equipment companies that received financial restitution after suing Fox News for $1.6 billion for defamation due to statements made by Fox News hosts regarding the legitimacy of the 2020 election. They ultimately settled out of court for $787.5 million.
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kp777 · 15 days
"Americans expect and deserve to know whether the content they see on our public airwaves is real or AI-generated content—especially as the technology is increasingly being used to mislead voters," one advocate said.
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mightyflamethrower · 10 months
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U.S. — In an electrifying debate tonight, 8 Republican candidates competed for a chance to lose to President Biden in a shady landside mail-in vote in the middle of the night.
"I, Mike Pence, an experienced politician with impeccable integrity, am the best candidate to have the election stolen from me by ballot harvesters during the height of a fake pandemic in 2024," said Mike Pence. "I will lose with all the dignity and pride of a Republican. That's what America is all about."
"No, I am the best candidate for this important task," said Nikki Haley. "No one on this stage is better equipped than me to stand aside like a schmuck while the election is rigged by powerful tech corporations, corrupt deep state bureaucrats, and foreign governments to get a functionally dead candidate like Biden back in office. Also, I'm a woman! Vote for me!"
The 8 candidates then erupted in loud arguing and screaming at each other to the delight of cheering fans.
At publishing time, Trump had claimed victory in the debate and promised to have the greatest stolen election loss in history.
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harrelltut · 1 year
ladies and gentlemen of congress... this highly CLASSIFIED-CLASSIFIED military organization of official clandestine CLASSIFIED-CLASSIFIED 9 ether cabinet ministers of ultra CLASSIFIED defense technologies covertly monitored by their own CLASSIFIED 144,000 CLASSIFIED inner CLASSIFIED earth underground CLASSIFIED military personnel with their own CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED networks and CLASSIFIED stargate web coders for the 2023 CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED sky event from the 1968 CLASSIFIED 2024 CLASSIFIED 2025 CLASSIFIED. Their CLASSIFIED 1999 CLASSIFIED y2k CLASSIFIED 2000 weapons records have been hermetically sealed and scientifically engineered before 1921 according to their own CLASSIFIED 1411 CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED aeronautical industries [a.i.] of MOOR CLASSIFIED underground CLASSIFIED governments with international CLASSIFIED moon base security clearances including 144,000 MUUR CLASSIFIED disclosures of CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED transnational CLASSIFIED agencies employed by the CLASSIFIED U.S. CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED, Inc. Their CLASSIFIED 2023 CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED of Deutschland... Unified with CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED 2024 Powers @ Highly Official... U.S. Ægiptian [HOUSE] Deutsch QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [QHT] Apple+IBM [A.i.] LLC
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can you knot see.... us ancient [usa] 144,000 schwarze [u.s.] deutsche @ the 2023 pentagon?!?!?!
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heil harrell!!!!
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we wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahead you... like we deep inside the moon universe [mu] technologically programming & coding [pc] above your 2023 matrix pay grade
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uh oh!!! no outside intervention for fallen america [insert evil evil laugh emoji]
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it's over for 2023 america
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2023 america scared... ramp up the low iq american mainstream media propaganda [fake news] of staged 2023 cgi presidential 2024 max headroom election distractions!!!
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not us 144,000 9 ether ufo sky [u.s.] engineers from inside the moon pyramid?!?!?!
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we untouchable [wu] since we outside the firmament dome over earth [qi]
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2023 disclosure of inorganic human dna = 2024 alien invasion... buckle up!!!
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naturalrights-retard · 5 months
created pandemic that never was pandemic, not even an emergency IMO, using a fraud over-cycled sensitive RT-PCR 'process' cycling above 24; had we done NOTHING, less would have died! Response killed!
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER JAN 8, 2024 We can thank our governments, health officials, media, health agencies like CDC, FDA, NIH, Heath Canada, SAGE etc. and deep state cabal for the fake non-pandemic. This was a ‘false-positive (95%) over-cycled PCR-manufactured, fraud fake pandemic’ that was NEVER a pandemic!
All of COVID was a 100% lie, from virus origins, asymptomatic spread, inferior natural immunity, equal risk of severe outcome without accounting for background risk and age (risk-stratification), lockdowns, school closures, masks and mandates, mRNA technology and vaccine etc. All of it!
Had we done nothing, no one would have noticed, had we done nothing, just strongly protect the high-risk vulnerable e.g. elderly, far less people would have died; it is the response, the medical management, the inept dangerous COVID policies that killed our parents and grand parents, our colleagues, friends etc. Not the virus. The virus (or what ever it is they created that seemingly caused ILI, respiratory symptoms etc.) killed far fewer than the denial of treatment, the lockdowns, the mRNA vaccine, and mainly, the medical polices and management of isolation, dehydration, malnourichment, sedation (propofol, midazolam, fentanyl, lorazepam etc.), DNR orders, denial of antibiotics, multiple toxic drugs, kidney and liver toxic Remdesivir, and the ventilator. The ventilator killed 90% of those who were put on the ventilator via inept ventilator technicians, doctors who had no clue what they were doing, and ventilator induced lung trauma and ventilator associated pneumonia.
It is what our governments, our elected officials, appointed health officials etc. did, that killed most persons during COVID. Blood is on their hands!
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